#different people from the ones she knew despite the similarities. what's fucked up on top of all of that is that the dagger kanon gave her
sylhea-raemi · 2 years
kanon is fucking messed up for choosing airi of all people as the savior
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princessbrunette · 24 days
⊹ ᜊ(ᜊ ´ ˘)੭ ♡ … COINCIDENCE ♡
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track six of the short n’sweet series. pairing: toxic!jj x reader. based loosely on the song coincidence by sabrina carpenter. enjoy! ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა
you and kiara carerra were not similar in the slightest.
both beautiful in your own right, sure — but just… different. she was tomboyish, a natural beauty with the ‘cool girl’ charm. she knew makes of cars, how to play pool and actually be good at it. she got competitive and passionate at sports events. she could make a plain tank top and denim shorts look effortlessly gorgeous. she was kiara — and you were well, you. a real girly girl, nails were always done, not the biggest sports fan and you’d always make sure your bikini matched your flip flops even if you were going to be taking them off the second you reached the beach. you were two people that probably wouldn’t cross paths otherwise, but you can see why she had her eye on you and likewise.
infact, you remember the first time you saw jj maybank — and he’d done a double take to watch you go by while she was still at his side.
granted, it was the very end of their relationship. you’re talking — break up the next day end. but still, it was grounds for you to raise an eyebrow. doubt strikes your chest each time you remember it. what should have been flattering was actually waving red flags in your face.
it wasn’t just a glance either, if you were being totally honest. it was a greedy stare — one that travelled from your face to your feet, every ex girlfriends nightmare when he ended up at your side just a few weeks later.
just like that, kiara started to show up everywhere the two of you were. haunting you like a ghost. she didn’t seem like she loved parties before, much preferring to surf and grab food on a saturday evening — but since you coupled up with the maybank boy you’d think she was hunting for the next Project X — around each turn all dressed up with a drink in her hand, chatting happily away to all of jj’s friends that you didn’t know how to talk to. it set you on edge.
a revenge plot, sure — and you couldn’t blame the girl. you’d be scalded too. you knew to stay out of her way, despite the situation bothering you. you knew jj noticed her scheming, infact she’d occasionally find reasons to talk to him and you’d swallow it down. she was confrontational, you were not — and perhaps guilt was involved, because you’d pathetically glue your eyes to your shoes whenever she’d smugly approach. you daren’t start anything.
you felt paralysed when she approached the blonde at your side at the next party you were at. “dude, can we talk in private?” she stresses solemnly, even glancing your way in reference as if to say ‘without her.’ you look helpless, bless your heart— looking over to jj and just praying her tells her to fuck off finally. but he didn’t, and wouldn’t. he might have been a little toxic in his decision making, but you’d like to think on the inside he was too good of a guy to let her down like that. which is why he presses his lips together awkwardly and nods, giving you a reassuring little pat on your lower back before strolling off with her towards an empty room, running a hand through his hair. you watched him go, you watched her take him away.
you walk to the drinks table and pour way too much liquor into your cup. pope watches, standing nearby having definitely scoped out the situation and sends you this… look. he meant well, but the gaze of sympathy did nothing to reassure you. what did he know? why would he be sorry?
you down the drink, and next thing you know it’s been fifteen minutes and they’re still behind a closed door. you shove your cup into john b’s hand, who looks taken aback but guards it nonetheless, and you storm right up there without thinking. you’re done being the sweet, lenient girlfriend. he wants crazy? you can match that too.
“times up, you can get the fuck ou—” your voice trails off after you swing the door open with such a force. it’s not exactly the sight you were expecting to see, shocked that you weren’t witnessing a head of blonde hair between her spread legs. instead, she paces infront of him in tears, all while he sits on the edge of the bed awkwardly, brow creased. whatever was happening, it didn’t look like cheating.
“of fucking course.” kiara gestures to you before pushing past, wiping her eyes and leaving the room. you clear your throat awkwardly.
“wanna leave?” your voice comes softer this time and he blinks at you.
the drive home is weird and suspenseful. he’s gripping the steering wheel and you’re fidgeting and itching, dying to ask what happened. what you saw.
“i just don’t understand why she won’t leave you alone.” your voice decides on a solemn tone as you stare ahead at the dark road ahead of you. jj’s jaw ticks in irritation and his eyes flutter as if resisting an eye roll. you just about catch the expression when you turn your head, and no — it’s not what you were expecting.
“its not really like, up for discussion right now? so can we just—” his hand lurches forward to press the on button to the radio, music ringing out for not even a second before you shut it off just as fast, frowning now.
“no, that’s — don’t be unfair. i’ve been so fucking tolerant jj. you know i have. i have never asked— but— but can you not see how this might concern me?” you feel your face getting hot and your voice raising.
“alright we’re goin’ there— okay! look, babe — she’s my friend. i’ve known that chick since i was like fourteen so this whole issue is kinda bigger than you, i’ll be honest—”
“you’re in a relationship. you left her! why do i feel like i have to hold you so tight or you’re gonna run off to her!”
“i’on know maybe you should be lookin’ at your own trust issues ‘stead of pointing the finger at me.” he pulls into your drive, haphazardly parking the car but neither of you make a move to get out, turning your bodies to face one another.
“trust issues? jj do you really think it’s a coincidence that she shows up everywhere that we’re at? she’s trying to get you back and i don’t know what hold she has over you but you need to stop letting her run you if you wanna stay with me.” you assert, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. he rolls his eyes practically into space, leaning back in his seat as he runs a hand over his face.
“look. she got the wrong idea. last time me n’you had that big fight i… i went over to see her. nothin’ happened i just talked about…us, and i guess she just — she got her hopes up— that’s it, okay—”
“are you serious? jj are you fucking serious?” your voice shakes, and your feet move. you open the car door, being sure to slam it shut before marching to your door, trembling hands fumbling for the keys in your purse. he’s quick to follow, sighing at his own choice of words as he tries to block you from getting inside, continuing to ramble.
“dont be like that, mama. c’mon, you know i wouldn’t go there. you really don’t trust me— like at all?”
“the first time i saw you, you checked me out while you were still with her. you’re not above it.” you sniff angrily as you finally find your keys, shoving past to slot them in the keyhole. he grabs your arm as you pass him, stopping you in your tracks. you always forget how strong he is.
“it ain’t right. i know.” he defends, eyes wide and urgent as he stares down at you. he softens, trying to pull you toward him. “i know.”
“no you don’t. so what, when you lose feelings for me you’ll just toss me to the side when a hotter girl comes along? no thank you.” you shove him off you, storming into the living room and he curses, shutting your front door and chasing you in.
“i’on know what you want from me but i’mma guess it’s some kinda sick reassurance. i told you time and time again that me n’her just weren’t right. we outgrew eachother. end of freakin’ story. you know what? you know what babe? i’mma show you what you do to me.” you feel him on you, manhandling you like some kind of brute, a kidnapper of sorts and roughly lowering you to the ground so he can hold you down on your front no matter how hard you squirm.
nothing in your body is saying no despite your violent wriggling from his grip. infact, on instinct your back arches and you groan, petulantly.
“yeah, tha’s what i thought. all this ‘cos you wanted papa to show you how much he cares? that it? god damn you piss me off.” he grits his teeth, fighting your skirt off your body as he holds your body down with his knees, practically straddling you.
it doesn’t take long for you to get wet, not with the way he’s handling you, with the way he’s talking to you, a hand on your throat pulling your face off the carpet to listen good.
“i was in the room tellin’ her to stop playin’ in my girls face and she was cryin’. that what you wanted to hear? huh? that it’s you over anyone? ‘cus if that’s what you want i can drill it right into that brain all night. pull your panties to the side n’don’t lemme tell you twice.”
your glossy folds part for him when you arch harder, tears on your cheeks that you don’t remember falling as you reach back and peel the panties away from your cunt. you hear him belt buckle and you mewl from habit. it felt so good. it felt so good to be chosen.
“mhm. if i’m so bad, and such a pig, why am i holdin’ you down gettin’ ready to pound your shit right now and not with her? huh?”
you couldn’t answer. maybe this was bigger than you, maybe it wasn’t — but for now you’ll believe his every word. hard not to listen when he’s pushing his tip in.
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Now with Part 2!
Steve didn’t have the best track-record when it came to relationships. It’s not that he had a problem getting into them, he just had an issue staying in them. Or more accurately, getting someone to want to stay with him.
Nancy was the worst example of that by far, but even before her, there was a trend in Steve’s life. People broke up with him, not the other way around. And he knew why. Steve wasn’t stupid, or at least, not as stupid as people thought he was. He knew he was clingy, he knew he fell in love too fast, got intense too fast, he was painfully aware of the fact.
And he wasn’t going to go through it again. Robin had been the last straw, in both a good and a bad way. The romance aspect was obviously shot to shit immediately, but at the same time, she was the one person in his life, who wasn’t a literal child, that didn’t think he was too much. She was the one person who loved him back unconditionally, all of his clinginess and care one hundred percent accepted.
And Steve would take it. He got lucky enough to get someone to want to be in his life while knowing the real him, why push? A platonic soulmate was probably more than he deserved anyway. So Steve accepted the fact that this was it. Maybe down the line, he’d do what his parents did, get married for convenience instead of love. Have kids, the whole normal life shebang. But for now, he was happy to keep all that crap away from him.
But then came Eddie Munson.
Stupid, reckless, annoying, adorable Eddie Munson. Eddie Munson who almost died protecting Steve’s favorite child, Eddie Munson who had the prettiest eyes in the state of Indiana, Eddie Munson who ended up being the sweetest, funniest person Steve had ever met. Eddie Munson, who latched onto Steve with lightning fast speed, and made him feel like his life had fucking color again.
They became fast friends, half because experiencing hell together was a really great bonding experience, and half because Dustin refused to hang out with them separately now that their weird jealous feud was over. The little shit was obviously trying to play as a friend matchmaker, and it worked to Dustin’s delight.
Despite all their differences, Steve and Eddie just clicked. On the surface, they couldn’t be more different, but underneath it all, they were eerily similar. Both had shitty parents who hated them, both were fucking terrible at academics and would side-eye each other when one of their genius friends went on a smart person rant. They were both snarky shitheads who could make the other laugh like no tomorrow. They both wanted out of this shitty town, but were too afraid to leave their friends behind. And they just…liked each other. A lot.
Steve could, and had, spent hours talking to him on the phone, about anything and nothing. And as embarrassing as it was, falling asleep on there together was not a rare thing for either of them. Soon enough, they were almost attached at the hip. Even at work they couldn’t stay away from each other, either Eddie was loitering on the Family Video floor chatting up Steve, or Steve was impatiently waiting in Eddie’s passenger seat as he did a drug deal. And it was all so fun, just being with him. Steve kind of felt like he was on top of the world. 
But then it happened. He didn’t know how it happened, but it happened.
One second, they were on their way to the movie theater, arguing about what they were going to see, and the next Steve realized it. He stared at Eddie, still in the middle of his rant on how The Fly was going to be so much more memorable than Stand by Me.
An uncomfortably familiar feeling was building up inside him. Familiar but different, more intense than anything he could remember. But he still knew what it was. It was that horrible, fluttery feeling he had with Nancy, but worse. Because with Nancy, Steve had been trying, he had worked to impress her, had opened himself up on purpose to get his heart broken.
But with Eddie? It felt like he was taking a piece of Steve without permission. He hadn’t even thought about it when he opened up to him, he just did it. He never pretended with him, he was just his bitchy, overly attached self, and Eddie had never had a problem, if anything he encouraged it.
In hindsight, Steve had never had a chance.
He was in love with him. He was in love with him and he wanted to puke. He had Eddie take him straight home after that, with a half truth about feeling like shit. And then he had to wave him off from trying to take care of him, the ass. Like making Steve fall in love with him wasn’t enough, he had to genuinely care about him too? It just made him feel worse.
He had called Robin immediately, because what else could he do? He told her the whole shitty story, and like the angel she was, she talked him through it, sexuality crisis included. She made the argument that if he could fight demons with his bare hands, than he could more than handle being gay for one dude. Which...maybe wasn’t the most sound reasoning, but it worked.
They developed a system, Steve could whine and cry to Robin about his hopeless infatuation, and hang out with Eddie like nothing was wrong. And when Eddie eventually moved on with a girlfriend, Steve would just lock himself in his room for two weeks and cry like a loser until he got over it. It was a good plan, and he felt like he had everything under control.
Until he didn’t.
It was another Friday night, and Steve was always over at Eddie’s on Fridays. And Saturdays. And Sundays. And occasionally on Wednesday and Thursday. Almost always on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Okay, so he borderline just lived there when he wasn’t working, but so what? Eddie always seemed happy to see him, and Wayne didn’t mind. He was reading a comic on Eddie’s bed, while Eddie was fiddling with his guitar, staring into space.
“Hey Steve?”
Eddie was quiet for a second, pausing before asking, “Why don’t you date girls anymore?”
Steve was only half-listening, still engrossed in what he was reading, “Don’t really have the time.”
“But you do have the time. Like…now is the time. You can tell me if I’m the one getting in the way of that.”
Steve shrugged, flipping the page, “You’re never in the way. I just like spending time with you more than random girls, y’know?”
He could hear Eddie put down his guitar to join Steve on the bed, his voice a little shaky, “Steve, if I ask you something that’s, uh, kinda out there, will you promise you won’t be mad?”
Steve rolled his eyes, impatient as he re-read the same part over again, "If it’s quick, I’m getting to the good part here dude.”
Eddie took a deep breath, voice soft as he asked, "Are you in love with me?”
Steve could feel his heart stop in his chest, and for a brief second, he couldn’t help but wonder if this is what a heart attack felt like. His head shot up, comic forgotten, eyes wide as he stared at Eddie’s questioning face. His mind was racing too fast to form a coherent thought. How did he figure it out? Was Steve that obvious? Was…was he mad? Would he be mad? Would he hate him? Call him a queer and kick him out of the trailer? By the time he thought of the simple answer to just deny it, he had already been staring at Eddie with his mouth hanging open for a full minute.
The window for believability was definitely closed on that front.
The whole thing felt unfair. He…he had tried this time. Really, really tried to not let his stupid feelings come into play, but here he was again, caught and about to get his heart smashed to a thousand pieces.
Eddie was still waiting for an answer, tense as he searched Steve’s face. Steve licked his lips, opening and closing his mouth like an idiot before managing to squeak out, “I’m sorry.”
Eddie was still staring at him, expression unreadable as he asked again, “So…you are?”
Steve looked away, staring back at his stupid comic book as he nodded, vision blurring. Christ, he was going to cry. Eddie was going to scream at him, or never talk to him again, or god forbid try to be understanding while shutting it down. He’d have to watch their relationship slowly dissolve while Eddie kept a healthy distance away, probably take the time to fall for some pretty girl who wasn’t a clingy and annoying fuck like Steve was.
He froze when he felt Eddie’s hand on his chin, forcing his head up to meet his eyes. This was it, the end of everything. He could barely fucking see with all the tears in his eyes, but then Eddie was wiping them away and he was…smiling at him?
“Thank God,” Eddie breathed, leaning in until their lips touched. They were kissing. Eddie Munson was kissing him. And even through his shock, Steve was damn sure kissing him back.
Eddie was trying to talk to him, pulling away to get a few words out before going right back in to press their mouths together, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
Steve was the one who had to pull away, as reluctant as he was he had to make sure he wasn’t dreaming here, “Y-you’re not mad?”
Eddie seemed to vaguely understand that they still needed to talk, but that wasn’t stopping him from kissing every other part of Steve’s face, “Why would I be mad?”
“Because…” Because I’m a guy? Because you could do better? Because I’m a suffocating freak who already takes up most of your time? “Because I’m me?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “Oh no, the man I’m in love with is himself. Whatever will I do?”
Steve froze for the second time at that, a smile slowly spreading over his face, “You love me?”
“I love you, you love me, and I would really appreciate it if we could just make-out on my bed now that-”
Eddie didn’t even get the full sentence out before Steve was on him, tackling him on the bed to smash their lips back together.
And sure, Steve was still scared shitless about the possibility that Eddie would wake up one day and realize he could do better, but for now? He’d take it.
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Different kinds of strength Pt1
Similar to For The Sake Of A Smile by @snippychicke, Iruma has an adoptive human Aunt that followed him into the netherworld. Shes the librarian at Babyls and Jazz goes to her of all people for help addressing his familiar Spoo
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Iruma is a kind hearted individual. One bad thing about this however, is his lack of associating weakness with softness. Not to say that Iruma - being a softie - is weak, but rather he would be openly vocal about others' softness (and thus weakness) than demons would normally be comfortable with.
It's like he knows a secret, but doesn’t understand why it's important to be discretionary about it. He could easily spill the secret accidentally, without intending to cause the harm that would inevitably follow...
This is what caused Jazz to further communicate with Iruma about the instance in which he found out about his familiar: Spoo.
Iruma was hiding in the room Jazz and Spoo were practicing in, so he could easily eat where the ‘Snack Police’ could not find and apprehend him. Iruma was kind; and Jazz doubted he would intentionally hurt another in such a way, but he had to be sure that his loose lips would always remember that Jazz knew his snacking secret whenever he thought of Spoo. Just to be sure.
"If you're really still worried about his appearance, Jazz, you might wanna talk with my Aunt, Flora."
This was not at all the reaction Jazz expected. Which - Iruma did cower in fear at first, when the mention of keeping Spoo’s appearance discretionary immediately changed Jazz’s demeanor - but now he had realized the purpose, and was unfazed by Jazz's threats.
"Seriously," He continued as Jazz went blank-faced. "She has a lot of experience with personal appearance struggles. I think it might help."
Despite his bafflement at the suggestion, this bit of information must not dissuade Jazz from his original mission.... ensuring Iruma’s ultimate silence about Spoo.
"I'll still tell Clara and the whole Snack Police if you tell." He said firmly, at which Iruma stiffened again - for Clara and Azz had just appeared behind Jazz. The two students met eyes once more.
"My lips are sealed!" Iruma said before scampering off towards his main 2 friends. Thank Devi he didn't have any snacks to hide at that moment, or he would've been a goner.
Flora had taken over Babyls’ Library not long after most of the misfit class had gone to Walter Park together in the summer. She was supposedly as secluded as Iruma had been from the rest of the Netherworld before entering Babyls (though how Sullivan managed to keep his mouth shut about his precious daughter and grandson for such a time, Jazz would never be certain enough to bet on). She was unranked, and seemed to have a wide array of general knowledge rather than one particular specialty.
She was physically and magically weak like Spoo, but there wasn't much else Jazz could see in comparison. The bit Iruma said about personal appearance experience got Jazz quite more curious about her, however. Was she insecure about her rankless status, was there some sort of trauma she suffered that affected her sense of self? It was too perplexing a concept for him to ignore.
He had to know what the fuck Iruma was talking about. Was he calling him insecure?
Flora definitely seemed to be as shy as Iruma was kind - on top of being equally as kind - but the more Jazz tried to think about it, the more his brain tried to shut the thoughts down; such levels of kindness were unnatural in the netherworld. Better to just straight up confront her.
But how?
Flora was known through out Babyls  for not only being the Librarian, but also being rankless, kind, shy… and also riding astride a fucking nightmare’s back to and fro various long distances.
Right on top of their wing base.
The subject in question then became how the fuck Flora had managed to have such steep control over a netherworld creature that it would allow her to sit there as it moved, while still being as weak as she was.
Everyone saw the way she treated the nightmares though, and the sight was less than steeped in control; which is what was even more perplexing.
"What does your familiar look like?" Jazz blurted, suddenly popping up from her desk one day. Startled, Flora dropped her book down and braced one hand on her chest and another against the desk for support as she tried to calm herself down from the fright. "You have one, right? One of the nightmares?" Jazz continued, unbothered.
Flora took another moment to steady herself, which was considered normal for her. She needed a moment longer to tell her mind and body that it was not, in fact, in danger. Probably something picked up from her theoretically traumatic past, everyone figured. She was weak and rankless, and thus used much more adrenaline running through her to survive whatever danger she encountered.
"Well," Flora started, settling into a normal more relaxed position to converse with the student. "Chestnut is my familiar, but why do you ask?" Discussing and showing off her familiar’s appearance - while self-satisfying - would draw too much attention to her. She was a human, after all; just like Iruma. Although the act of obtaining her own familiar had been precise and intentional, now that more knowledge was known about humans having familiars after Iruma undoubtedly re-summoned Kalego after supposedly forever breaking their familiar contract bond.
"....just curious." Jazz says, intending to be careful. Flora took more care in sealing her lips on sensitive topics that she didn’t understand the sensitivity about, but she still let a few things slip willy-nilly once and a while. The lack of context gave Flora a pause in her response.
"....are you doing some sort of research?" She finally asked.
Research? Plenty of students came into the library for their scholarly and personal research purposes. Yes, that is what this would be classified as for Jazz. Personal research.
"Yes. I'm curious about familiars' varying appearances, their functions and perceptions based on them. And how often familiars appearances change."
"Oh, my. Let's see..." This was quite a specific inquiry, one more suited for a teacher who knew more about familiars; like Robin, seeing as he was the instruction for familiar classes - even Kalego would be a better choice, as he oversaw each students familiar summoning every year. "Honestly, you might be better off asking Robin or Kalego. They have more experience with various familiars than I do."
Jazz grimaced at the suggestion. Robin was too..... all over the place. And he would gain hardly anything more than he was already getting from regular familiar lectures (although lecture is not the word one would use to describe Robin’s lessons). Kalego would certainly know about various familiar forms, but... the demon was too brash and strict a teacher as it was for Jazz. That one bonus lesson in Walter park had been hell enough - he wanted to avoid more if he could.
“I've heard enough about their private lessons from Iruma, Soi, and Lied for my own taste. Surely you know something about peculiar cases yourself?” Jazz pressed. He wanted Flora of all demons to be the one to open up about this. Not because of anything Iruma has implied or said, but because she was kind and patient and quiet - not noisy and boisterous like the rest of the staff he would otherwise have to turn to.
“Hmmm....” This was clearly a sensitive matter to Jazz, from what Flora could tell. He was unwilling to offer much information or seek a more reliable and trustworthy source. And while demons did act differently from humans, Flora was at least certain about this. “Come inside my office for a minute”
‘Office’ is the word Flora used. ‘Prep room’ is the word anyone else in the Netherworld would’ve used. Nevertheless, Flora had made it into quite the little personal reading nook. A spot for snuggled reading, a spot for note taking, and a spot for organization and planning.... Its personal touch was a bit odd compared to the other teachers' prep rooms - though Flora is a rather odd demon, Jazz supposed. 
Jazz took a seat on a couch before a smallish coffee table, while Flora took to a small single chair. As she settled in, she pulled her feet and legs up into the seat with her, curling her arms and body around to keep them in place as she sat.
“So what's this specifically you're looking for?” Flora started. Jazz was still a bit hesitant to be so outright with the information at hand, but he figured that alone in the prep room no one would overhear or see about his little Spoo’s condition. He let out an aggravated sigh.
“My familiar’s appearance.” He began. The crux of the issue was that despite Spoo's growing skills, uses, and talents, his appearance was still cause for concern in the young demon. Spoo had some scales at the base of his tail, and he managed to steal Irumas secret snacks that one time they were discovered, but Jazz had still ultimately decided to use the face mask thing that was intended for Soi during the music festival for the heartbreaker exam. Jazz loved Spoo, and accepted him. But it felt like with this insecurity, he hadn't truly accepted Spoo for everything that he is. And that did not sit well with him.
“... you want to change it's appearance?” Flora questioned after allowing Jazz a paused moment to think.
“Yes.” Surely that was safe enough to admit.
“Well,” She started. “From what I understand, a familiars appearance is based on the summoners personality. It's a reflection of who they are on the inside.”
“Yes” Jazz confirmed.
“So are you afraid or upset by what your familiar’s appearance has to say about your personality?” Flora asked.
“Well...” Jazz paused again. How could he say this correctly? “It's not that I don't care for my familiar; I've accepted him, and his appearance is not his own fault in the slightest. But what his appearance says about my personality doesn't match up with...” He drifted off, rotating his hands in a circle to try and grasp the end to his sentence. 
Flora almost felt as though she were a therapist of sorts at this moment. Jazz was clearly having trouble voicing the crux of the issue - something she could relate to - so she did her best to ease it out of him in a way he wouldn't freeze up or pause much over.
“What do you think about your own personality? Who do you think you are as a demon?” She prompted. Jazz had to think long and hard about that.
“Who am I....” He mumbled, looking at the floor as he thought. “My brother is just about the worst. And I'm convinced if I were in his shoes as an older brother I would be much better behaved.” Flora nodded at this, indicating she was listening and had heard the meaning behind his words. “But my family bloodline ability contradicts that idea. A thief can't be soft. Snakes have scales, not fur.”
“Are you a snake?” Flora - as a human - was quite partial to metaphors and similes, but she knew such things could be harder to grasp for demons - and hell, even some humans had a particularly hard time with the constant way she formed and wove them into her life.
“My fingers are snake-like when I steal, and my familiar's original appearance has two snake tails.” Jazz supplied, thinking he knew where she was going.
“Hmmm.... so you are expected to be tough like a snake... but deep inside you feel soft?” Jazz grimaced at the word. Soft often equated to weak in the Netherworld, and to be perceived as such made a dangerous target of demons. Jazz thought it was a miracle already that Flora had survived this long in the Netherworld - much less taken care of Iruma in it. “Why is it a bad thing?” She asked in response to Jazz’s own response to the word soft.
“Soft means weak,” He stated more firmly as he sat, hunched over with hands balled on top of his legs, pink tipped ears of embarrassment. He opened his mouth to speak again - something similar along the lines of what he had just said - but Flora interrupted him. 
“I hate that notion.” Voice and posture stern, her legs were now curled flat against the chair she sat upon instead of hugged around her arms. Jazz looked up at her in surprise, forgetting his own embarrassment. “It speaks nothing to the power softness holds.” He sat there with his mouth open for a hot second before Flora finally decided what to do next.
“Come see my Familiar,” She said.
Sullivan had a stable area made at Babyls ever since he first got the nightmares and carriage for Iruma; but the area has since been turned over to Flora as she tamed the horse-like creatures. 
“I assume you've got a familiar summoning seal on you?” Flora had asked on their walk over, prompting Jazz to quickly steal one off of a nearby demon they passed.
When they arrived, Jazz had never seen anything like it. The carriage itself was stored off to the side and well out of the way - or at least it would have been, had it been rode to school that day. The rest of the place was strewn with straw and hay, and built mostly out of wood. There was a small section for the saddles, bridles, blankets, grooming tools, etcetera that Flora had called ‘tack’ and then there were the stable sections for the individual nightmares.
“Let's see that seal now,” Flora said, holding out her hand for the sticker. Jazz gave it to her while looking around some more, still quite unused to the stables. Quickly putting the sticker on and raising her hand, Flora summoned her familiar. With a small flash, a white nightmare appeared beside the librarian. 
Jazz was startled by the scene, causing the creatures to flatten their ears back and snort in agitation before Flora calmed them down.
“Do your best to keep your emotions minimal and under control, they might get startled.” Flora stated, running her hands through the white nightmares mane of hair - silver sparkling hair, that was originally plain white like a cloud. The creature's coat was glossy white as it shimmered, and its horn seemed to glow with magic... Jazz had never seen anything like it.
“Whoah...” Was all he managed to get out while Flora continued to soothe the nightmare at her fingers.
“What do you notice?” Flora asked, prompting for an answer.
“Uh... The horn looks like it's brimming with magic and the hooves look like they could kill with one kick - but at a distance, this thing looks more like some sort of fluffy decoration?” Jazz frowned at the realization once the words came to him. How could something be so soft and so deadly? 
“That's right. Chestnut here is a very pretty nightmare who could kill you in one fell swoop - she is soft AND strong. At the same time, and neither takes away from the other.” Flora paused for a moment to allow Jazz to soak all the information up. “Now, let's see yours”
Jazz was startled just enough to manage to summon Spoo before he thought too clearly on the subject. With a poof, the fluffy little doggo was before their feet and the white nightmare was snuffing for context on what was happening. Flora sat on the ground and crossed her legs, opening up to the new creature with a smile.
“Well hi there little fella, what's your name?” As Spoo determined the librarian was not a threat, he pawed his way over a little to greet her. Flora offered her hand for sniffing and some head scratches. Jazz sank to the floor from his own embarrassment. After a while of getting acquainted with the new familiar, Flora finally spoke again. “So what's wrong with him?” She asked.
Probably the wrong wording, given Jazz’s response.
“That's the thing, nothing’s wrong with him!” He burst out, causing the nightmares in the stable to stir a little. Flora hushed them and got Chestnut to plop down on the floor with them, then waited for Jazz to elaborate. “He’s....He’s very loyal and hard working and we have a good bond, and he’s been becoming more physically useful with his physical form - he could hardly do anything at first - but his appearance is still..... Just some soft little guy.” Jazz paused to scritch Spoo himself, nearing the end of his explanation. “He’s a symbol of my soft weak spot”
“He’s a symbol of your love and your heart” Flora corrected softly. She was going to have NONE of that soft equaled weak/bad ideology. Jazz looked up at Flora, confused and awaiting an explanation of what she meant. “Do any of your fellow students feel like younger siblings to you?” Flora asked, remembering what he said earlier about his own older brother.
“Well..... at Walter Park, my group of guys asked me to lead and help them with such pleading little faces... it filled me with a sense of pride in my strength that they would come and look up to me like that - even though I was panicking - and during the heartbreaker exam when I first saw my kohai, I just felt... this deep sudden urge to prove that strength and pride all over again...”
“Hmmm,” Flora hummed in understanding. “That's a beautiful thing to see reflected in your familiar.”
“Yeah, but it also shows a weak spot. It shows that if people attack those I care about then they can get to me,” Jazz countered.
“It could also show how fiercely you’d protect them, if you wanted.” Flora said, making Jazz pause to think for a second. He looked back over at the white nightmare, laying belly flat on the stable floor with legs tucked in, all pure beauty and killing power rolled into one - and it dawned on him.
“Your familiar.... The beauty hides its strength, like a fly trap lures in prey only to chomp down on them when they get too close.” There were several such similar plants in the harvest festival that lured in prey with such deceiving tactics. “But, what are you trying to lure?” 
“Nothing, really. I’m just a big old softie willing to kill for those I care about. Not my fault if someone tries to take a bite out of something I'm protecting. The softness is for the ones I care about - and also for me, because it feels really nice - but I also have measures in place to protect what I find soft and beautiful, so that I can continue enjoying it.” Flora leaned back while clutching her toes, admiring the stable around them. Jazz looked too, trying to see it - and her - through new eyes.
Flora was rankless, kind, and shy - but she also had stomped around for days when Soi went missing after dropping out of school during the music festival. She defended her library with great strength, not afraid to kick anybody out who mistreated the space or materials. She defended everything she loved with great fierceness - including her differences. She loved deeply and strongly, and was a force to be reckoned with on the rare occasions she ever got mad.
“...why don't you have a rank?” Jazz asked upon reflection, thinking of everything Flora accumulated to. Soft, yes - but also fierce and strong. Why was she rankless?
“Well, that's because my forms of strength aren't measured by the ranking system, is all. My strength comes from love, and from the power of my mind - not my magic or my muscles. The ranking system doesn't really account for that, so it wouldn't reflect upon me properly.”
Stay tuned for part 2 in which Flora chases Jazz and Spoo around with a fucking bat like a madman!
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carnivoraformes · 6 months
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//So this is one part theory and speculation, one part headcanon but seeing as most of this will be based off my (probably incorrect) observations and assumptions written as casual ramblings that I choose to label as headcanons. Also so I don't have to go through the effort of making a theory specific banner thing and because I intend to treat this post as more about exploring his possible mindset. PERSONALS DNI!
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So firstly, before I start rambling like the idiot I optimistically label myself as because I actively choose to laugh at my own shortcomings let me establish one thing: I absolutely refuse to believe that Robin is dead (and no I will not differentiate between spiritual death and physical death because death is death as far as I'm concerned).
From a narrative perspective I would have loved Robin dying for real (don't @ me because she is one of my muses, I'm a masochist and have other reasons that are irrelevant to this post).
ANYWAY with that established I have two different trains of thought that are both likely on a collision course with one another in the form of canon proving both are wrong somehow.
1st. He knows Robin isn't dead and it is a ploy, possibly to lure out whoever her attempted attacker was or something similar to basically get to the bottom of this or because they know she was being targeted. I won't bother thinking to hard on the fine details of what they might be hoping to gain because this theory might be wrong anyway.
2nd. He doesn't know and she faked it on her own, so he believes she is dead despite the fact she is alive and doing something else or was taken for blackmail purposes. Why? Your guess is as good as mine and speculating 'whys' to that question isn't what this post is about. So moving on...
I will start by saying if I were to put money on which one I think is more likely to be correct I would say the first. Sunday was to casual about Sparkle imitating his 'dead' sister for me to buy it. What I like more though, is the 2nd, because again, I am masochist and that could be a fun idea to explore. Don't @ me, or do, I don't care.
So, that brings me to what the post is about: where is Sunday's mind set during all of this?
If the first guess is correct, then in theory, his mindset is fixated solely on keeping up an act in an act. The top layers being him trying to pretend everything is going perfectly, while still be very much under alot of pressure not only to get to the bottom of EVERYTHING with probably very few clues in Penacony's version of fucking Clue where ANYONE could be the snake in the grass with the only people presumably innocent being the Astral Express and Misha but also make sure everything literally goes perfectly. And beneath that putting up an act of a grieving brother to the few that might be aware his sister is dead along with Firefly.
That is a hell of alot of pressure to put on someone, but would also explain his calm reaction to Sparkle's act, that even for someone in his position seems cold considering he at the very least seems to holds some love for his sister. Especially with all the context. UNLESS, he knew she wasn't dead in the first place and at the time was too tired, mentally exhausted and angry to care and he was only playing her game for a little while before abruptly making it clear he was done with her shit.
The second option, being that he isn't aware (which I think is more fun, especially if she faked her death of her own free will, which while unlikely, sounds fun ok) but unless she was kidnapped and someone else faked her death as a bargaining chip or something for some other reason seems less likely (to me) especially since it seems like this is an IPC plot.
But instead of a brother that knows his sister is safe is having to push his grief for his dead sister and an another innocent woman off to the sidelines because he had a role to play. He couldn't be upset, he wasn't allowed to grieve because he was just a tool for the Family and he exists solely to pursue the best interest of the Family and grieving her would tip astute or nefarious parties off that something wasn't right.
In this light he has even more pressure on his shoulders because of the death of a woman he loves and a woman he didn't weighs heavily on him, but also knows there is a legitimate threat, while scrambling to figure out just how they are going to cover up his baby sister's death during the Charmony Festival when she is the star act and literally everything else he likely has going on behind the seems.
It does make Sparkle's interaction with him more interesting, though, because in this light it really is a slap in the face. She not only reveals she knows his sister died but believes he either is incapable of differentiating his sister from a fake (which may or may not be more insulting depending on how you want to look at it) or is just rubbing it in that she is not only dead but he is utterly desperate because of the position he is now in.
At that point it stops being like pouring salt in a wound, but digging up someone's grave just to spit in their face then set that body on fire and putting the footage on only fans.
And he is expected to act calm and collected despite a normal person would absolutely lose it, when at the end of the day HE IS STILL HUMAN-ISH. He is being pushed hard by the Family and possibly his own perfectionism and every waking and nonwaking moment just throws one more massive 'fuck you' in his face and he is just expected to be polite and fucking calm when he has every right to absolutely fucking lose it.
Either way you look at it, Sunday proved just how dangerous he is by the end of his cutscene with Sparkle because either way how he seemingly goes from being genuinely very polite and friendly like we saw earlier to saying he has every intention of fighting for the Watchmaker speaks volumes.
Whatever the watchmaker is pursuing is up in the air for my little pea-brain but that change in Sunday's tone gives the feel of 'the calm that hides a storm' or a keg of explosives in a firework factory situated a little to close to a furnace. He isn't a man that has nothing to lose, he is a man with EVERYTHING ON THE LINE. That is dangerous, that is someone easily pushed to being calculating and full of rage and likely to be easily pushed towards violence at the right time.
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mdhwrites · 2 years
Hot take:
Hunter is a worthless character that never should have been in the show and you can tell by how he's written just how much of a writers pet he is and you can see Dana's blatant favoritism with him.
Labyrinth runners had MANY plot holes that highlight this issue perfectly.
(for example, did you know that Hunter somehow knew Adrien was in the gym despite this never being said and him being knocked out?
Equally why WAS Hunter being aimlessly dragged around instead of with Gus, despite being identified as a high value target who needed to be brought back to Belos?
Why did Willow trust him to help Gus when he admitted he had zero clue what was wrong and would have been better suited to fighting the abomaton as a supposed trained fighter? Although to be fair, the writers routinely make Hunter incompetent when the plot suits, such as when he stood still for an abomaton to whack him out the sky.
And why did hunter have the line 'have you seen her play flyer derby?' did the writers just forget Gus was in ASIAS?)
So... I won't say Hunter is a worthless character. He is likable which is better than I can really say about say... Alador at this point, who went from quirky and a bit funny to just... THERE. Hunter at least has a theoretical narrative point and a likable enough personality. Of course, when you're given the narrative position of Lilith and are a corrupted copy and paste of Amity, you're not going to be entirely useless or unlikable. -_- So while not worthless, he is incredibly unnecessary and repetitive. I would have to rewatch Labyrinth runners to comment on a lot of the plot holes you bring up and for how important they are. Something like him knowing Adrien is in the gym when he shouldn't is one of those nitpicks that isn't good but not something I'd inherently hold against the show. It's a writer fucking up but it's no big deal and i want to make sure people understand the difference between a nitpick, which I do at times myself and also fuck you Cinema Sins for making writing discussions so much worse, and an actual problem in a story's writing.
BUT. Let's actually start getting mean because you're not wrong but the problem is only half Hunter. The other half is that you're asking the writers to actually care about Gus and Willow because you know? I bet you they didn't fucking care that Gus was in ASIAS, especially when they gave him no reason to be trying to ride his broom normally before showing how he actually rides it. Or in Labyrinth Runners, you have the MUCH bigger problem of the fact that Hunter, a guy who has spent like two hours tops with Willow, knows her better than her best friend? "That's not the captain." Yes, Gus is experiencing some level of a panic attack at that point but it's BEYOND dumb nonetheless that this total stranger knows Willow better. And unfortunately, Hunter takes the lead with Willow a lot post being added to the cast for the sake of Huntlow because the writers are fanfic shippers instead of remembering the entire cast. So shove Gus to the side because he is the third wheel to the ship they want to have interacting and getting closer.
Side note on favoritism with Hunter: THREE different girls all do the same routine of "You can be better. Oh, you disappoint me. That's okay, we'll work it out someday." Luz, Amity and Willow all are very potentially shipped with him in one way or another, have similarities drawn between them and Willow gets to keep him because she's not already in a ship or a lesbian already. It is... awkward that they use the same trick three times in general but I'm not sure how many tricks TOH really has in its writing playbook when it comes to ANYTHING. But moving away from Hunter, because I've honestly talked before about how shit he is... I do want to talk about how shitty Gus is treated in the entire show. Despite the fact that he gets more true episodes than Willow (Holy shit is Willow not a character btw and talking about her status as a plot device to the writers is its own blog), how much actually expands his character. His first one is about wanting to keep his club and his human fascination but is also the first, and only time in S1, where illusion magic is taken... seriously? At all? Otherwise he's a complete joke? Then Looking Glass fucks up his magic sideways just to make glyphs look REALLY COOL AND REALLY EASY AND REALLY BORING with a finale that... Feels entirely out of line. We have never even been led to believe, especially by THAT episode, that illusion magic could be that strong. Besides Gus skipping a couple grades, he isn't ever portrayed as strong either with his illusions honestly being on par with the twins AT BEST. And then suddenly he pulls out an illusion that has to be so many different spells at the same time to function as it does that you would expect a TEAM of witches to have to be needed to do it, not a TWELVE YEAR OLD. And then we finally get Labyrinth Runners which is the only one that actually tries to do something with his character beyond "Take me seriously, jk maybe not?" (because seriously, the fact that his episodes are about taking him seriously when he is a joke literally any other time in the series is a PROBLEM). It does this in a compelling way... And that episode is still dominated far more by Amity, Willow and Hunter. He gets honestly only three real scenes for him in that episode and one is teaching Hunter the breathing technique. So when the end comes around and Gus takes out a coven head with a version of illusion magic that's never even been hinted at before, during a panic attack nonetheless... It creates a response from the audience not of "HELL YEAH! THAT'S OUR LITTLE GUY!" but instead "Wait? What just happened? And by him? How?"
And all of this fucking blows. Honestly the writing with Willow and Gus just sucks in general. And I could say "Man, it'd be nice if Hunter didn't exist so they'd have gotten more time," but that's implying they would have. I don't think the writers literally ever cared about these two. They were only useful in S1 in order to help cohesion with Amity (a term in romance writing for the moment when a couple starts sticking to each other rather than having glancing meetings) and that's really it. That and introducing Hexide I suppose. But besides that? How little of TOH changes if you just remove both of them? And that question is honestly SO much worse for Gus, who effectively replaced by Hunter over time it feels like, than it is for Willow. And that sucks really badly. But hey, what do you expect from a show where pretty much every male character sucks? More on that later this week because someone has taken the bait to get me to talk about it.
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honysuckl · 1 year
Homeward Hound | Andy & Honey
PARTNER : @declinlalune TIMING : Recent. LOCATION : Them there woods. SUMMARY : Honey and Andy run across a hillhound out of its element. They work together to get it to a place more suitable. WARNINGS : Memory loss.
Honey was used to the sounds of screams, especially in this sort of town. Yet, she still was compelled to rush over to the curiosity. It was easy to see why it caused such screams! The size of the creature could have it mistaken for a bear, one who still clung stubbornly to its winter coat. But its elongated nose and pointed toes told a different story. Those mix-matched parts had Honey considering Chimera—until it exhaled. A breath that was solid and shimmered under the light. Suddenly, it was centuries ago, in lands just as far away. The beast’s twin was there, almost lost to the eternal white behind it, and a man. A man, yes, who spoke of…. The pups of Fenrir, yes, that’s what he had called it. But what was his name? She wanted to stay in the memory, stay with the man she knew had been important once. But then he was gone. It was all gone. It left her as cold as those mountain tops so long ago.
This pup was far from home. Not an uncommon fate in this town, with Honey too as an example. In the fading memory, its twin had stood tall. This poor one before her looked so heavy, in desperate need of rest. The world refused it such, and the pup hated the world for it. It made sure everyone else would share in its misery, as its exhale turned to roar. Turned the ground into a tundra under the blast, a poor mimic of home. It was not enough. The ice barely had a chance to shiver across her toes before its assault was done. But the beast was surely not. It took a step forward, and another, and more. The humans’ shouts surrendered to its might as they all retreated in silence. 
Honey remained. She couldn’t leave the poor thing. Did it even know how to get back home? Or, well, some place resembling. The mountains near would do quite nicely… she hoped. She spoke in a language far older than she could ever hope to be, “Pup of Fenrir! Follow!” The words were clumsy, for she had forgotten she even knew the tongue of the Vikings, but it felt right. Just as right as it did to beckon the beast. 
Trauma had its way of catching up to you. Andy heard the screams– petrified, uncertain, and she ran. It was not her job to do so, the town had emergency response units for a reason, but as Leah had explained, could they be trusted? Could Andy be trusted to deal the final blow to something that was terrorizing the citizens of Wicked’s Rest? Could she be trusted to put her feelings aside and fall into line with who she had been raised to be? Certainly not. Not after she saw what had been causing the commotion. 
It looked similar enough to a hellhound that Andy was almost certain that’s what it was, but instead of fire pooling from its unhinged jaws, it was a dusting of ice. The kind that melted as soon as it had been blown. She watched in mock horror as the creature bellowed once more, so obviously out of place. People stood around, their own expressions mirroring that of disbelief, horror, and fascination. Despite not being its fiery counterpart, Andy figured this was nothing to stall about, and so Andy immediately set into action, explaining to those standing entirely too close, to back the fuck up. 
Some followed her advice, and others did not. A woman parallel to where she stood had taken it upon herself to speak in a language that Andy couldn’t identify, and instead of turning on its hind legs, another sheen of ice spattering from the back of its throat, it turned and followed. Andy stood mesmerized for a moment, knowing that it had seemingly been taken care of, but curiosity got the better of her and she followed. “Do you need help?” Andy asked, head pounding with the what if’s. She had been told by her mother that some kept hellhounds as pets, but this was no hellhound– or perhaps it was, only having been descended from an entirely different layer than what she had been told about. 
There was a thought of parading the creature through an extra block of town. Come one, come all, feast your eyes upon the beastie! Fetch herself a nice bit of whispers in the process. But the exhaustion weighing down every bone made Honey as equally tired of the thought. No, the beast had its fill of the town. No, she shall parade the thing through the trees and have it running amongst the lands like it ought. Her own legs prepared to run—to become a prey to be chased. Soon, before its eyes drifted away to another. There was a release of pressure, a dash of a dash, before her feet stumbled at the question. She whipped around. Presence during such a situation wasn’t surprising—either frozen in fear or curiosity. But in generosity? That was not so common. The woman must be one of the mist, beyond the comprehension of modern society. Yes, Honey was certain of it. 
“Aye. Make lotsa noise.” Honey said without a thought. As if a ghost had possessed her only to offer that nice piece of advice. One it felt no need to elaborate. Make noise. Why? The beast… hated noise. Liked noise? Perhaps something else entirely. Well, she was about to find out. Her whistle was sharper than a nail taking its time down a board. Not that it needed to, the beast’s eyes were on her the moment it left her lips. Ah, so noise was liked. “C’mon, c’mon, nippy skippy!” Her dash was finally realized as she launched herself past the trees. “To the Peaks! He’ll much like the Peaks.” 
Make lotsa noise. 
Andy blinked at the request, not quite sure that the woman had meant what she said, or if she were being fantastical. And then, like a caged animal finally let free, she was dashing towards the copse of trees. She disappeared, and the hellhound did, too. The peaks? Andy wasn’t sure why she followed. Maybe she could have considered the woman running away from her as a means to turn around, but Andy’s curiosity got the better of her. 
The woman was fast, and the hellhound even faster. Andy was glad the trail was flat (at least for now), for the sake of the non-hiking boots she wore. She followed closely after the woman, not quite sure what their end goal was. Had the woman planned to take the hellhound all the way up to the icy peaks from where it came? It was possible, but Andy knew there were other things there, too, and she had no coat. Wasn’t this lady afraid of freezing to death? “Are we taking it all the way up?” Andy’s voice laid even, despite the speed she maintained. 
Ignoring the fact the beast sought after her in the pursuit of food, Honey felt her feet and its hooves beat to the same drum. A beat so welcoming that it added another to their band of misfits. She was delighted to see the woman’s helpful hands were not just some show of politefulness. “Aye! Tooooooo the top!” That cry was punctuated with a cackle just as striking—beating upon the hound’s ears to keep up. If it were not for the summer’s heat, the thing would have surely already caught up to her. But the sun rays turned to shackles on the beast’s feet. Luckily, her voice and the supple flesh it promised was a stronger coil around the creature, pulling it ever forward.
Honey’s legs beat the same as her voice as the three made their way through the summer’s growth. As the town drifted behind the growing wall of trees, and with it any others who could hope to distract the beast, she was confident its attention was fully secured. She felt familiar with the beast, after all. But the woman? Not a thing. In the moments between, from the then and the peaks, she wanted to know more. “Name’s Honey!” She nearly offered a hand, but the distance wasn’t right. Nor the situation, really, not that she cared. “What has a lass like yerself out helpin’ the Fenrir’s pup on such a bonnie day? For me, the poor thing just looked right-” While summer’s heat was a fierce fighter, there were other ways for the hound to catch up. As if the Earth had flipped backwards, the world suddenly turned to winter. Well, on Honey’s right, at least. In a blink, the beast’s icy breath had a few saplings snap under their own weight… and Honey’s arm turned to a meat popsicle. It was all so cold it even had her trembling—how fun! 
“Ohhh, he’s awakin’!” Enough for another try at changing the seasons, it seemed. The air around its maw swarmed with a growing fog. Honey’s delight relented to worry as she remembered the other beside her. “Trees,” she barked. She rushed behind a rather large one for cover.
Andy shouldn’t have followed, and she knew that. But she wanted to ensure the safety of a creature too dumb to notice it wasn’t where it belonged. Then again, it could have been brought down from the peak for another purpose; something more heinous. She didn’t know the woman she followed, or the intentions she had, but Andy had to believe that there was something kind in her heart to allow the hellhound to follow after her as if she were a chicken on the run. Using herself as bait wasn’t entirely a foreign concept to Andy, she’d done it before, but she was a little glad she was the one running behind; the burn in her chest a reminder to keep up. 
Name’s Honey! 
Andy struggled to do anything other than breathe hers out, chest laboring to keep from swallowing them whole as she shot back, “Andy!” She could feel the chill in the air now, the way it buried itself beneath her skin. With every exhale, her breath drifted in a quick cloud above her head– again and again. “Didn’t feel right leaving it alone, but you–” Had it covered, she would have finished. 
Instead, Honey ducked for cover, a warning call splitting between them like the needles of winter biting at exposed skin. Andy didn’t need to be told twice. She immediately took to a tree adjacent to Honey, glad to at least have been able to stop. Her chest heaved with the sudden stillness, but she fought the urge to find comfort with her hands on her knees and a curved back. Instead, she pressed herself against the trunk of a tree and grit her teeth. 
Surprised wouldn’t be the correct word. While Honey did look to the frozen air with a sense of awe, and its suddenance had her tensed, this was all expected. If a mouse were to release a cat from a cage, there would be no gratefulness but a hungry stomach with a way to ease. The hound looked to its saviors the same, remembering it had within it the might of a predator. But the same could be said for Honey. Though it was not yet the time to show those true colors. Her fangs remained strapped to her thigh, those dirks laying in wait, for she still wished to help. A help the beast still needed. The ice that rushed out its lips was magnificent… before it studdered with prematurity. Even its ending came too soon—interrupted by an equally impressive display of coughs that had its legs trembling in tempo. All kin to her companion beside her, whose knees buckled under a different weight. The smile on Honey’s face faltered at the sight. It seemed there were two in need of help.
The hound wanted some food, huh? Well, Honey could spare some. Her dirk finally rose to the occasion. But instead of the beast, its target was herself. While the mind was willing, the flesh was not. The ice had her muscles closer to bone. In perseverance and sawing, she managed a sizable gap. She smashed her hand against the tree’s trunk until there was a crack. That gap turned to severance—snap! Her hand popped off. With the hand that remained, she threw it flying through the air. That returned the hound’s previous vigor as it chased after the easy meal. In the same moment, she turned to Andy. “Gie ye a chance to go run off to home. Go!”  
Andy heaved another breath, the icy air only making it harder to breathe than easier. It felt like she was swallowing pins. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on a way to steady herself, but the sounds that Honey was making from behind her own tree made Andy open her eyes. She stared in awe as the woman began to– cut off her hand? Andy stared at the woman, not quite sure that she should believe what she was seeing. But then she remembered who she was, and what she had been taught. She remembered Wicked’s Rest, and the rest of the world and how there were things beyond her own comprehension. Before she could even think to speak, Honey’s hand was flying through the air. The hellhound chased after it, its hind legs kicking up a spray of snow and ice as it ran after its meal. 
Her own stomach twisted as she realized what she had just witnessed. So maybe that was why Honey had no problem running for so long, and in the cold temperature. Andy looked at where Honey’s hand had been. There was no blood. Instead, where there was sinew and bone, flesh began to slowly form around it. The only information Andy had on the undead was when it collided with that in her own wheelhouse. She had learned from slayers at the hunting camps about what their own victims (because that’s what they were) were capable of. But Andy hadn’t ever met a zombie, or at least, she hadn’t been aware if she had. She looked up to meet Honey’s eyes as she began to speak. “What about you?” What if the hellhound came back? Would Honey be able to fight it off without her other hand? Even if it was growing back at an alarming rate, Andy wasn’t sure she liked the idea of leaving her behind, even if her own discomfort was readily apparent by the sting in the soles of her feet and the burn in her chest. “I don’t–” Understand, Andy wanted to say. She wanted to be respectful, and even though she was a little weirded out by her first zombie sighting, Andy knew Honey meant her no harm, if it hadn’t already been obvious. Andy was grateful that she’d been the one to accompany her on this misadventure. “Do you– your hand, do you need he– anything?” She still wasn’t bleeding. Zombie’s didn’t bleed. Andy wracked her brain for the information she had on the undead, and on zombies specifically, but her mind was racing and she couldn’t recall those conversations from when she’d been a kid. 
Honey quickly realized her insistence was lost to the supposed novelty of her hand. Ah, still a bit new to all this, eh? The look on Andy’s face, when found on others, usually had Honey chuckling. Oh, how it amused her to see the humans shit themselves over something so trivial. But when such a wide-eye stare was paired with the youth on Andy’s face… Honey wasn’t sure what to feel. Well, she did—oh how she did—but she didn’t want to bother with that again. So, she returned that stare, one as blank as she felt. That is, until she noted the concern in Andy’s voice. Concern? Huh, how sweet. With that change in origin, she found Andy’s high nerves to be endearing. She let go of the tension she did know had claimed her, and with its absence her smile returned. “Oh, no a worry, lass. Got more a’ me arm to offer the nippy skippy. Not much a’ damn use as is, anyhow.” It probably would be better to cut the whole thing off. Her flesh would surely return before the ice even thought to thaw. Return… Andy was probably too fresh to share in the knowledge. “Oh, it all returns. Be fine in a-” she winked “-wink.”
While Honey’s hand return was not as swift as her hyperbole, its eradication was. A few eager snaps and cracks from the hound’s jaw had the whole thing gone. A disappointing impermanence that left the beast yearning for more. As if it already gnawed upon her, Honey could feel its hungry eyes. A look she echoed but not yet fully mirrored. The whisper of her cravings curled up her spine, but not yet to her mouth. Instead, it barked out, “Come get more tasties!” Once more, that promise was flung into the air: follow me for food! And the beast followed her once more, unaware that the true promise was to take it home. 
Honey looked amused by her confusion and Andy’s already flushed cheeks burned with embarrassment. She didn’t want to recoil, and the only reason she would is because of the memories brought on by a flying limb. But this was different. Had to be, for their current circumstances. She blinked at Honey as the woman began to reassure her, explaining that the arm would surely return, and in real time, Andy watched as it did. Her stomach twisted again and she fought off the urge to look away. Would that be rude? Probably. 
The hellhound devoured Honey’s arm with a ferocity that Andy had seen before– this was not something new to her; the hunger. She winced slightly, forcing her mind to wander from those moments in the woods, or of Alex’s own cracking limbs during her first full moon. Before Andy could ask for clarification on how long it would take for her to fully repair, Honey was taking off, a dusting of snow kicking up behind her. Andy urged herself forward, not quite fast enough, but trying to keep up with Honey all the same. To leave now might be a disservice, even if it might be stupid to follow a woman she didn’t know into a snowstorm. 
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rwprincess · 3 years
Two Worlds Collided
A/N: Oh, an anachronistic songfic from RWPrincess? But this time it’s about John Bender! :D Inspired by Never Tear Us Apart (originally by INXS in 1987, but I particularly like this Paloma Faith version)
Word Count: 2K
Synopsis: Bender met reader at the Breakfast Club and the two seemed like opposites, but they shared a common hidden sadness. Over the years, feelings and relationships change.
CW: Swearing, sexuality, Bender being a general asshole
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Bender had met her the same way everyone in the Breakfast Club had, on the Saturday detention on March 24th. He had seen her in the hallways prior to that as he was always observant. He had seen everyone in the Breakfast Club before that day; but he hadn’t given her much thought. Now, he was paying attention to little else. He had no idea why he was drawn to her; they were both so different and he could never picture himself with a goody-two-shoes like that. But the way she had reacted to his more vulnerable, real moments, how she tried to make a connection with him...that stuck with him. He knew he should have learned from his disastrous blow-up with Claire that two people who were so different just wouldn’t work out. He repeated this to himself over and over, like a mantra, but it never changed how he actually felt.
After the breakup, the Breakfast Club had a split between those who chose Bender and those who chose Claire. Of course, Andrew sided with Claire unconditionally, but John considered that as no big loss. Allison tried to play the middle ground and Johnson had sided more with him, but he was surprised at the wholehearted backing he received from Y/N. He had assumed that she would either try to be neutral like Allison, or pick Claire. She had no reason to side with him, he had always come off as an aloof ass. But she had, and he was eternally grateful for that. He had originally decided to get together with Claire because the notion had a hot, forbidden quality to it. They spent time insulting each other and making out to make up for it. It was as passionate as it was destructive, so of course it couldn’t last. However, when he was alone and reflected to himself, he had been attracted to Y/N all along. She was hot, yes, but he had plenty of good-looking girls to choose from. He was more drawn to that kind, quiet inside she had displayed that day. How she had gone out of her way numerous times to reach out to him and had been genuinely nice to him. Most of the time, someone only did that to gain something for themselves. Whether it was to use him or to make themselves feel better, it depended on the person, but with Y/N that never felt like it was the case.
Don't ask me
What you know is true
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart
He thought back to the first time he saw her on that Saturday, walking into the library and looking so out of place. He was already adjusting into his spot when she entered and she froze in front of all the tables like a deer-in-the-headlights, as if she had just materialized there and had no clue what she was doing. He remembered feeling both attracted to that doe-eyed look and scoffing internally at it. While she wasn’t part of the cliques that Andrew and Claire were, she had a very sheltered look to her and he was envious of that type of innocence. Her ignorance must have been bliss compared to the hell he lived each day at school and at home. She was just as out of place as the preppies or ultra-dweeb Johnson, but instead of being offended by that notion, she looked terrified. She meekly put her items on the front-row desk opposite to him and he thought about all the fun he could poke at everyone here, including her. However, the first blow did not land well. Bender loved making people uncomfortable, but he didn’t necessarily want to make them cry. He’d made some off-handed remark towards her. He had been circling her and eyeing her, employing the discomfort he liked inflicting, trying to ‘guess’ why she was in detention. “I bet you were caught fooling around with a teacher, right? Always the quiet ones that you’d least suspect…”
John Bender rarely regretted his words or actions. He knew he was an asshole and let unfiltered thoughts through so that he could be the center of attention. In doing so, he had to stand by all the shit he said, even when he crossed a line. This was one of the scattered occasions in which he felt remorse, though. She didn’t reply, not verbally, anyway, but she looked scared shitless and was rooted to the spot. Tears instantly sprang up in her eyes and she looked as if she were about to hurl right on his combat boots. He backed off after that. He didn’t apologize, because that’s not something John Bender could have on his reputation, but he didn’t target her. There was something so sincere about her reaction and he saw himself reflected in that expression. Not the tough-as-nails persona he projected, but his secret self who had seen too much too early in life and could barely stand another blow. He didn’t know what her deal was, but there was a heavy sadness behind those eyes that was far too real for him to tamper with.
When he had shown the group his souvenir for spilling paint in his garage, courtesy of his father, she must have seen that reflection back. No one in that group actually knew him. They all thought he was a lying sack of shit; what could he say? His reputation preceded him. But he caught her gaze as he backed away from the group, and the sadness in her recognized the sadness in him. He felt an odd sort of click, a mutual understanding, but he turned away from them all and trashed the library.
I, I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart
That was months ago, and out of everyone he met that day, she was the one who truly stuck by him. He’d surprisingly connected with Johnson, sure. Everybody likes to get high and Bender was the supplier. And he and Allison had similar interests, but she wouldn’t give up Andrew and with that territory came Claire...there was just no going back to that. But Bender still had Y/N, and he could never understand it. The first time he had brought her into his friend circle, he tried to justify it as sticking to his word and ‘having the balls to stand up to his friends’ like he had told Claire to do. He also reasoned that it was some sort of social experiment. As much as he liked to portray himself as someone who couldn’t care less, Bender was entirely social. He craved attention and admiration for others and could read just about anyone like a book. Maybe that’s why he didn’t mess with Y/N after that first comment landed so wrongly. He felt like he knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling and decided to back off. However, it wasn’t just some ‘watch and see how she interacts’ set up; Bender genuinely wanted her there. He wanted to integrate her into his life.
She was still extremely quiet, mostly a speak-when-you’re-spoken-to type, but he started to peel back layers in her personality. He found that, despite that lurking sadness, there was an unending pool of optimism. She tried to see the best in situations and in people. She meshed incredibly well with his friends because she listened instead of judged. She would nod along like she knew exactly what they were talking about and how they felt. He started to develop an attachment to her. While he was still dating Claire, he told himself it was akin to having a pet. Y/N was like a goldfish that he could tell his problems to and know the secret would be kept. But after Claire, he realized that wasn’t the case...particularly when he sought Y/N’s comfort above all else. He divulged the entire last big fight he and Claire had to her, and she was just so...reassuring. After that day, he began to see her in a different light. He argued with himself over what his feelings and intentions actually were, but he couldn’t keep them at bay for long. She was good for Bender. He had never felt lighter.
Of course, Bender had not known stability in his life ever, and the risk of falling for Y/N and having it mean something and being accountable to one person overwhelmed him. He did what he knew best: he fought it and ran away from it. At first, he tried to avoid her, just distance himself. But he’d gravitate back; being without her was too heavy to bear. He wanted to try to actively push her away, to fuck up this relationship with his words, just like he did with everything else. But when he opened his mouth to try to lie, to say he didn’t need her or want her around or whatever, he would look into her eyes and it became impossible. He remembered the way he had shaken her to her core the first day they met, and he couldn’t allow himself to bring that sadness up again in her.
We could live for a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears
Eventually, he gave in. While he was able to control his words to not say anything harmful, he wasn’t able to contain them from slipping up and telling her, “Dammit, I love you!” It wasn’t in a context that could be taken as joking or being said flippantly; she knew immediately what he meant and that he meant those words, wholly.
She took his face in her hands and told him, “I love you, too.” There was no turning back, and as the years passed, they fell deeply in love. He'd dug up her secrets and fears, but she seemed to trust him enough to not use them against her in any way. They both dreaded the prospect of never getting out of Shermer and falling into the same circular trap their parents had. However, he reassured her that the moment they had the opportunity, they would bust out of there. He lucked out that Claire had never asked for her diamond earring back. It was probably one of many and she had forgotten she had even given it to him as a token. He decided to pawn it to top-off the savings he and Y/N had accrued. "You're too good for me, you're sure as hell too good for this place,'' he told her. The trade-in was enough to get them out of town and start anew, but only one of them could really ‘move up’ for now. While they argued back and forth about who should get to pursue which dream, Bender rationalized to her, “I was barely cut out for high school. I can’t really do college. And that’s okay. You’re the brains in this relationship, I’m the beauty.” He winked at her and with her laughter as response, that sealed the deal of who was going to school.
I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why
She searched the crowd, holding her diploma. Bender had supported her both financially and emotionally these last four years and now they had the degree to prove it. She felt pride in being able to take over from him and let him follow a new path. He had always been good with his hands, but despite his protests, he was good with his mind too. He was a sharp-thinker and she knew that he could make a career that he loved out of that. She’d be there to push and brace him as he had done for her. Finally, she spotted him. When their eyes connected, she felt that same crackle that she had the first day they had met, all those years ago. Before the friendship and the love, she knew there was a spark there, that they were two of a kind, even though they were so different.
I, I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart
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comparisons ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2195
request?: yes!
“Can I get a Colson Baker one where you’re dating after him and Megan where you get a bunch of hate and they both defend you against the hate please”
description: when her boyfriend’s ex is one of the most beautiful actresses of this generation, she finds herself being constantly compared to her and receiving hateful messages
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, hate messages, insecurities
masterlist (one, two)
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There was some sort of assumption that when you start dating someone, you immediately hate their ex. That could not be further from the truth for me and Colson. In fact, Colson’s ex-girlfriend introduced us shortly after their break up, and had constantly pushed for the two of us to get together.
Megan was basically the backbone in our friendship. She pushed me to pursue my dreams in acting (as well as helped you with that since she was so much more famous than you were when you started), then she pushed me to start auditioning for bigger roles. The moment she introduced me to Colson, I knew exactly what was coming next.
“That’s weird, Meg,” I had told her. “Isn’t there, like, a girl code about dating your best friend’s ex?”
“I’m literally shoving you onto him,” she had responded. “I think you’re fine with the girl code.”
A few months after meeting, I finally caved and asked Colson out on a date. Six months later, I was still thanking Megan for giving me that push.
Shortly after making our relationship public, however, the happiness slowly came to a stop. For me, anyways. Colson, bless his heart, was blissfully ignorant to the comments his fanbase started to send me.
“yikes, he really downgraded huh?”
“how do you go from megan fox to...that?”
“guess mgk couldn’t keep up his streak of hot girlfriends”
Hate comes with fame, I knew that. I had my fair share of hate comments ever since the start. It was easy to ignore them when they were just a handful of hate comments here and there, but this was different. This was a bombardment of hate that was so heavy I could barley go online.
Colson was oblivious for a while, until he found out I had deleted all my social media accounts.
“Did you delete your Instagram babe?” he asked the minute he got home the day I had done it.
“Yeah,” I responded, nonchalantly. “I deleted all my social media.”
I shrugged. “I just thought it’d be better for me mentally. They say being so attached to social media is bad for you or whatever.”
“But you weren’t even addicted to social media. You just liked sharing your memories - our memories.”
I shrugged again and turned back to my cooking. I wasn’t about to tell him his fans drove me off the internet. He loved his fans, I couldn’t fuck that up for him, even if what they were saying hurt me so much.
My back was to him as I cooked, so he couldn’t see my reaction when he asked, “Is it because people were comparing you to Megan?”
I froze completely. I could feel his eyes staring into the back of my head, but I just couldn’t convince myself to turn around to face him. I knew that if I did, I’d crack. I had gone too long pretending everything was okay, keeping this secret from Colson, to finally let it slip now. I just had to throw him off of his thought process.
“Where did you get that idea?” I asked, trying to keep my voice light.
He was next to me suddenly, holding his phone up so I could see it. On the screen was a picture of me at a red carpet just below a headline that read “(Y/F/N) deletes social media accounts amid hateful comments from boyfriend Machine Gun Kelly’s fans”.
I sighed in frustration. Of course the tabloid vultures had already written articles about it. I had only done it a few hours earlier, but they always had to be the first ones to write another story about me.
“I didn’t even know I was getting hate,” I said, trying to keep up the lie even though it was pretty obvious I had been found out. “I just decided to delete my accounts, it must be a coincidence.”
“Really? Because this article says you were receiving so much hate that you couldn’t even go into the comments on your pictures or replies on your tweets without seeing a mass amount of hate from my fans.”
I turned off the stove and turned around suddenly, abandoning my cooking completely as I quickly walked out of the kitchen and towards mine and Colson’s room. I felt a lump forming in my throat, and the last thing I wanted was for Colson to see me cry.
I wasn’t shocked to hear his footsteps coming after me. I forgot how much longer his legs were than mine, so it didn’t take long for him to catch up with me and stop me before I could get too far away. He took hold of my arm and turned me around to look at him. The moment my eyes landed on his face, it felt like someone had finally broke the dam holding back my tears.
Colson pulled me in for a hug and held me tightly as I sobbed into his chest. Every ounce of overwhelming feelings I had been bottling up for months was finally starting to come out, and I realized it was long overdue when I eventually began to grow tired from my crying.
I felt Colson pick me up and bring me to his bed. My eyes were starting to grow heavy despite how much I was fighting against them to stay awake. The minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep, but it was obvious I had needed that rest, because when I woke up again I felt more well rested than I had in a long time.
I opened my eyes to find myself facing the window, which helped me to pinpoint that it was now nighttime as the sky was pitch black. I rolled over, expecting to find Colson asleep next to me only to find that I was alone in his bed. I was confused at first, forgetting the events that happened mere hours earlier.
I could hear a distant voice talking and was able to identify it as Colson’s. I got up from his bed and made my way towards the stairs, hearing it get louder as I stood at the top.
“I wish she would’ve told me,” he was saying. “I don’t know why she would’ve kept this a secret from me.”
“She didn’t want you upset with your fans,” came another voice. This one was distorted like it was coming from a phone. When she spoke again, I realized it was Megan’s voice. “And she’s stubborn. She was probably determined to deal with this by herself.”
“I just hate that she felt that way,” Colson sighed. “I don’t want her believing anything any of those people said to her, but I saw screenshots and fuck...they really did just bombard her with hate.”
“I know, but none of us could’ve predicted this. Your fans were so cool with us dating, I thought they’d love (Y/N) since we’re so similar.”
I sat down on the top of the stairs and peeked down enough that I could see Colson without him seeing me. He was laid out on the couch in just his sweat pants. In his hand he was holding his phone up, the other was slung over the back of his couch. I could see the guilt on his face, which broke my heart to see. I didn’t want Colson feeling guilty for something that was out of his control.
“You think what I posted will do anything?” he asked Megan.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to tell. When people want to hate, they just want to hate.”
Hearing that Colson had posted something made me curious. I felt around my pants for my phone, but realized I had probably left it in the room or downstairs somewhere. I was in too deep now to give myself away, but I really wanted to know what he had posted about the situation.
“Thanks for talking to me about this, Megan,” he said.
“Of course, Colson. Anytime.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up. Colson tossed his phone onto the coffee table and put his arm under his head. “Are you gonna come down babe?”
I wanted to ask how he knew I was there, but instead I stood from my spot and made my way down the stairs. When I entered the living room, Colson just looked up at me for a moment, almost expectantly. I smiled down at him and laid on top of him with my head on his chest. The arm that was over the back of the couch wrapped around me and he gently kissed the top of my head.
“How much did you hear?” he asked.
“Just the last bit,” I admitted. “Something about a post you made.”
Colson hummed, his chest vibrating underneath my ear as he did. “I wanted to address the issue, and I knew you wouldn’t let me do it if you were awake.”
“I still don’t like that you did it now,” I said, half joking. “Can I see the post?”
He moved his head to look down at me. “How do I know you’re not going to delete the post?”
“You don’t,” I responded. “You’ll just have to trust me.”
He smiled and reached over to grab his phone from the coffee table. He opened it and pulled up a post he had made on Instagram: it was your usual white background with text post you saw celebrities make from time to time.
It read:
“I love my fans so much. You guys are my EST family, and I’m so proud of this family that we have built over the last few years. However, it came to my attention today that some of you have been less than nice to my girlfriend to a point where she felt the need to delete her social media accounts. I will admit, I was oblivious to this at first as I am not one to go onto other people’s social media to read comments and replies, and (Y/N) kept this to herself instead of telling me about it. But now that I do know, I have to say I am beyond pissed. (Y/N) is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. She is not Megan, and honestly - with all respect to Megan - I’m glad that she’s not. I love Megan as a friend, but truly that’s all she is to me. (Y/N) is my soulmate, the love of my life. These comparisons and jabs at her because she isn’t my ex are absolutely disgusting, especially coming from people who claim they love me as much as you guys do. Please learn how to treat the people in my life with love and respect, or else take my face out of your profile pictures and my name out of your usernames/bios as you are not a true fan of mine. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you to anyone that made my girlfriend feel like shit.”
I scrolled down to see the comments and saw that the top one was from Megan, and was already liked by Colson.
“(Y/N) is not my competition, nor is she my enemy. She is my friend and she has been since before Colson and I were ever together. The fact that people feel the need to pit two women against one another just because they both dated the same person is absolutely appalling to me. I’d like to emphasis Colson’s statement - fuck you to whoever hurt my friend.”
I handed Colson his phone back, not wanting to read any more. I could feel a lump in my throat again, but this one was from happiness. I felt so lucky to have two amazing people in my corner during a time that was otherwise very trying for me.
“I’m sorry I never told you,” I said as I rested against his chest again.
“You shouldn’t be sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“You don’t have any reason to be sorry either. You can’t control your fans.”
“Then neither of us will be sorry.”
I chuckled at this. For a moment we were both silent, the only sound being Colson’s heart beating under my ear. It was a soothing sound, and combined with his fingers tracing over my back, I was almost lulled back to sleep.
“I love you,” he mumbled against my hair.
I lifted my head to look at him. “What?”
“I said I love you.”
I was speechless. It was the first time he had seriously said those words and he had managed to shock me into silence with them.
He looked at me, his face slowly becoming concerned with my silence.
“I love you, too,” I finally managed.
A smile broke out across Colson’s face as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to him. For the rest of the night, he would whisper those three words to me randomly, and I would whisper back my response every time.
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meetmymouth · 4 years
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warnings: smut, smoking, alcohol consumption.
thank you @harryandhockey​ and @burberryharold​ for beta-ing this baby, you guys are the sweetest angels! 
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When the doorbell goes off for the third time that night, she groans and tosses the lipstick on her bed, then makes her way towards the door. Through the stained glass, she sees a tall figure and rolls her eyes.
“Look, this is the third time- oh. It’s you.”
The blonde raises her eyebrows, “Who were you expecting? Also wow, I feel so welcome, thank you.”
“Sorry,” the door closes behind Charlotte, and they walk inside.
Once in the tiny kitchen, kettle already on, she takes time to coat her eyelashes with mascara.
“Who did you think I was, that was quite the welcome.”
“Couple of girls kept knocking on the door. Something about a survey. I’ve no idea. Hey, can you help me put this on?” She takes a necklace out of her jean pocket and hands it over.
It’s Thursday, which means happy hour at their local pub and after that, they’d take N31 towards Camden to listen to a friend of Charlotte’s, an upcoming indie artist. She usually didn’t like going out on weekdays since she worked 8 to 4 and she would need to wake up at 6AM sharp to get ready and leave her flat for her Friday shift. But ever since Charlotte started working for the touring musician Harry Styles, they saw each other twice- once when they toured England and the second one being right before Charlotte left for tour. Being close friends since school, it was safe to say that she felt her absence and missed her friend dearly but were also so proud of her for everything she’d achieved.
So when Charlotte came home during their break, she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her friend and if it meant spending her Friday shift hungover while cleaning up animal urine and puke from all kinds of animals, then so be it.
“There,” Charlotte pats her on the neck after she clasps the necklace and she turns around, hand reaching to turn the kettle off.
“Ta. When are we leaving? And do you think I should go for my Adidas or the boots?” She points at the heeled boots, half white half black by the kitchen entrance and Charlotte follows her gaze as she sips the hot beverage.
She looks at the boots, then her, then the boots again, “The boots for fuckin’ sure. They’re sick- where’d you get them?”
“Depop,” She lets out a chuckle, “Think they’re Topshop, ‘m not sure. Should we leave? Y’know I walk dead slow and now that I’m wearin’ the boots…”
“You really do...go get your shit, I’ll wash this.”
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They’re gathered around a round table, the green paint of the wooden table beginning to chip, and everyone’s got drinks of their own, G&T being the most popular choice. There are only five of them, Charlotte, her, Phoebe and her girlfriend Jamie, and they’re chatting about anything and everything until Charlotte turns to her, straw between her red lips.
“Oh dear, what have you done,” she cuts her off and earns a glare from her, and from the corner of her eye, she sees Phoebe and Jamie cross their arms as if they’re getting ready for their usual bickering.
“Fuck you,” Charlotte sighs, “I didn’t do anything. I just invited some more people to Julien’s show and wanted to...kinda ask if that’s alright with you”
“Oh,” she looks around the table, finding the other girls looking at their phones and she turns to Charlotte, “It’s fine. Who are they?”
Phoebe snorts at that and her eyebrows raise in question. She gives Phoebe a look, but Charlotte’s quicker as she throws a damp tissue at the blonde and Jamie laughs when it lands back on Charlotte’s lap. “You know Sarah from the band?”
“Oh, yeah!”
She remembers meeting Sarah at Charlotte’s new flat after she moved to London, the brunette bringing a cute snake plant and a weird- but cute tea set as a housewarming gift and they got on well. They talked about plants, Sarah giving her tips on how to keep certain plants alive, and she asked her lots of questions about her experience being a woman, especially a drummer in the music industry. Sarah was very soft spoken; she spoke as if she was talking to a baby, but she always made sure to maintain eye contact when she was having a conversation with you, listening and nodding when appropriate so that you felt special and...understood. She was lovely, which was why she found it weird how Charlotte was acting awkward about her joining them tonight.
“And her boyfriend, Mitch, of course,” Charlotte adds and she nods, motioning for her to keep going. “And Harry.”
“Harry Styles?”
“Oh boy,” Jamie whistles.
“Obviously,” Charlotte sucks on her straw, slurping her drink, “Yeah, him,” she repeats, this time softer.
“I...why?” She chooses to ask, surprised as she’d like to think Harry Styles as this unreachable, ever-so-busy person who wouldn’t be interested in a night out like this. She turns to Phoebe, and then Jamie, and they respond with a shrug as Phoebe goes back to cuddling into Jamie’s side.
“What do you mean why?” Charlotte places her drink on the table, “It would be rude not to since I asked Sarah and Mitch.”
“Well, I just mean, isn’t he busy?”
Jamie whistles again and sings her name, “You got a crush, babes?”
“Nonsense, never even met the guy- which,” she looks around the table, “-is one of the reasons why I was confused. Anyway, it doesn't matter,” she shrugs and turns to Charlotte, “I’m not bothered, Lotts, it’s totally fine.”
She gives her a nod, “I just find him intimidating and don’t think he’d be into indie, that’s all.”
It was true. Despite having not met Mr. Harry Styles, deep down she knew he’d be intimidating because he was so good looking and well, just like most people, she loved One Direction. She was a big fan, she even got told off by her stepmother once when she was younger because apparently the tape she used to hang her One Direction posters was ruining the walls. She often referred to them as twinks, and she didn’t even know what it meant until she was older. She remembers how she got made fun of at sixth form because one of the girls found her old Tumblr and told everyone about it. Harry’s never been her favourite though. Not because she didn’t find him attractive, not at all. It was because he was too attractive and was everyone’s favourite so whenever asked, she’d shrug and tell people how she found Louis funny, and then Zayn because ’he’s the hottest’.
Long story short, despite her friendship with Charlotte, she’d never met Harry, never had the opportunity to attend one of his shows because she was either too busy or they were playing in a different country and she simply couldn’t afford it. So tonight would be the first time they’d get to be in the same place and to say that she was nervous would be an understatement. And her, she always thought she was awkward. Way too awkward for social gatherings but she liked going out regardless, drinking cheap alcohol and dancing to shitty songs in an equally shitty pub. She loved being a student. Loved the freedom the title had given her. What’s your occupation, she’d get asked from time to time. Student, she’d say without hesitating. She was a student. She didn’t have to be anything else for three years. Sure, she was also working part time at an animal shelter but for the most part, she loved being a student. That’s how she met Phoebe, and then Jamie. In a way, she was their matchmaker.
She remembers meeting Phoebe last year when they had a class together. She was the first person to smile at her in the overcrowded lecture theatre and she remembers thinking how nice Phoebe’s green fringe looked. Meeting Jamie though, was funny. Phoebe usually got weird when they joked about it since she met Jamie before Phoebe did on Tinder, even went on a date with her, and then right before she was about to ghost her, she thought of how similar Phoebe and Jamie were. It was then that she made Phoebe go on a date with Jamie, and after a month of pining, they got together. Even though they were similar, she always thought that they actually completed each other, Jamie being the logical one and Phoebe encouraging Jamie to let loose from time to time and live in the moment.
Charlotte reaches and boops her nose, “He’s a musician, he loves all kinds of music. He won’t eat you, babe. He’s nice, I promise.”
Phoebe knocks on the wood, getting everyone’s attention, “Can we get a picture with him? An autograph?”
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She feels a throbbing pain in her feet, toes in particular once they’re in and they wait for Phoebe and Jamie to buy their drinks, knowing she’d wake up with blisters in the morning. Charlotte takes out her phone and presumably texts the others, letting them know they were already here. She felt nervous. Nervous because she always thought she was rubbish when it came to meeting new people; they either thought she was too intimidating or rude but in reality, it was only because she always felt anxious meeting new people and would rather stay quiet than talking nonsense.
She takes time to analyse her outfit, a pair of black mom jeans and her boots, oh the boots who were currently grilling her feet. Then she tries to adjust her lace bodysuit, all of a sudden feeling super self conscious about the ”revealing” outfit. She adjusts the top, hoping her tits weren’t out before, and sighs when she touches the oversized blazer, rolling up the sleeves a bit more since it was beginning to get warm, too warm for her liking inside. Considering how she often felt self conscious about her arms, she felt more comfortable with the blazer over the sexy bodysuit.
“So,” she starts, eyes studying the crowded bar before her gaze stops at Charlotte, “Are they here?”
Charlotte looks up from her phone and nods, leaning her head on her shoulder. She feels her arm going around her waist and smiles, nudging her head with hers and she looks up, giving her a smile of her own. “What’s up, blondie?” she asks, hand coming up to ruffle Charlotte’s fringe.
She sighs, “Just tired, to be honest. I’m glad I wore trainers.”
“At least one of us is happy about their shoe choice.”
They watch as Phoebe and Jamie walk towards them, the brunette handing her a tall glass as Phoebe hands Charlotte her own drink. “When’s she on?”
Everyone turns to Charlotte, “Half an hour, maybe?”
“When are your friends coming? It’s getting quite...stuffy in here,” Jamie looks around and Phoebe nods, hands going around Jamie’s waist to pull the brunette into her.
“I texted Sarah and she said Harry was parking the car- oh, I see Mitch.”
They all look around, and she spots the tall guy with long hair, walking towards them with Sarah and Harry behind. She gulps and tries to look away, praying that no one takes notice of her sweaty forehead and shaky hands.
As the trio walk towards them, she takes a moment to examine Harry, and his outfit. Even in the dimly lit bar, she’s almost sure the high waisted trousers he has on are navy, and he’s got a tan...or a beige shirt tucked in them, chest on full display and she notices a cross necklace, looking as if it was made for his pretty neck. She clears her throat as quietly as she can and looks down but not before she takes a peek at his shoes, and she almost snorts at the choice of red boots he’s got on, noticing how everyone had trainers on while the two of them had what looked like very uncomfortable boots on.
To be honest, she thinks, he looks pretty good. She looks around them, noticing how most guys had jeans and ugly trainers on whereas Harry looked like he made quite the effort with his outfit but she also knows that even if he turned up in jeans and ugly trainers, he would still look amazing. Damn Harry Styles. Was she blushing?
The three of them are in their space now, close enough so she can make out Sarah’s overpowering perfume, and she clears her throat once again when Charlotte embraces Sarah first, then Mitch. Before she can watch her hug Harry, Sarah’s in front of her.
“Hi,” she smiles, going in for a hug, “It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been a while,” she says and her voice comes out muffled since they’re still hugging and she hopes her hair smells decent because Sarah’s face is pressed against her neck and hair.
“It’s nice to see you too! How have you been?”
“‘Been alright, I suppose!” She beams at her and turns to the man with long hair, “This is Mitch.”
As Sarah introduces everyone with Mitch, she feels Harry’s eyes on her, though she can’t turn her head and meet his gaze because that’d be rude seeing how Mitch is about to reach and give her a one armed hug. Alright then, she thinks, they’re a hugger. Then, it’s Harry’s turn. She looks at him, seeing how his eyes are focused on Phoebe and Jamie as he gives them both a warm smile before Charlotte starts talking again, introducing everyone to Phoebe and Jamie, then everyone turns to her, and she feels her face heat up seeing how everyone’s attention is on her now. She knows it’s her turn.
Harry takes a step forward and her earlier thoughts are confirmed when she can finally make out the colour of his trousers. “Hey, ‘m Harry,” he gives her a smile without waiting for Charlotte to speak, “Nice meeting you,” he comes closer and wraps an arm around her, engulfing her in a hug but it’s definitely different from Mitch or Sarah’s hug. It’s tight, much warmer and he’s got both arms around her, palms flat against her back as he rubs her back.
And of course she responds with the same warmness and hugs him back, “Hiya,” she introduces herself, and once they pull apart, he repeats her name and it sounds like poetry, something so personal and...erotic. But maybe, she thinks, maybe it’s just his deep voice making her feel that way.
Despite the moment they shared, if she could call it that, felt like hours, it was merely a minute. And it wasn’t like in the films where they hug, everything around them slowing down as the people watch in awe. No, not at all. When she looks around, she sees that everyone’s been already mingling, Phoebe and Jamie smiling at each other while they sipped their drinks, and Mitch is nowhere to be seen, possibly at the bar getting drinks.
Harry turns to Charlotte with a grin, “So is she any good, should we replace you with her?” He says, nudging her with his hip.
That sort of makes her smile, seeing Harry so carefree and friendly with the people who are essentially working for him. Even though she doesn’t know Harry Styles like they do, like Charlotte does, she knows he considers these people to be his friends and colleagues rather than his employees. It’s also fun seeing him this friendly with her best friend, and she feels proud, as she always does, knowing Charlotte has made herself great friends and that she clearly enjoys working with these people.
Charlotte nudges him back, “She’s great, I wouldn’t mind being replaced by her. Oh, there she is,” she points at the stage, and everyone turns to look at the pink-haired girl on the tiny stage with a sleek looking acoustic guitar on her side. As the others start talking about Julien, she finally takes the opportunity to look at Harry. Once their eyes meet, he gives her a smile, dimples on full display, and she swears she could see him blush when he looks down after she beamed at him. Even if he did blush though, he recovers quickly when he’s offered a drink and he mutters a thank you to Mitch, then lifts the slice of lime off the rim of his glass and sucks it into his mouth and she deems it as a good time to look away.
And she does, when she feels Sarah close, and she turns to her, Sarah welcoming her with a smile, “How’s uni? It’s your last year, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” she clears her throat, “It’s alright. Exhausting, but alright.”
“You’re working too, right?”
“Yeah, I work at an animal shelter.”
“It must be exhausting.”
“It is,” she gives her a nod, “I work three days a week and I also have classes so I only have Sundays off. I’ll probably leave and focus on uni after Christmas break though, I have my dissertation next semester.”
“Oh, cool! I miss being a student,” she purses her lips and turns to Harry, who had been listening to their conversation, his pretty fingers, most of them adorned with equally pretty rings, wrapped around the tall glass, “You probably can’t relate, H, can ya?”
He rolls her eyes but laughs regardless, “Piss off.”
Despite the chatter around them, it’s not ridiculously loud so they can carry a conversation without having to shout. They fall into an easy conversation, everyone joining in, and all of a sudden a pink neon light falls over them and they all turn to the stage. Julien starts singing, and all the chatter around them dies down, some people already starting to sing the words back at her.
She looks away from the stage for a minute and catches Harry’s gaze from across the room. They’re close enough for her to make out a few droplets of sweat on Harry’s forehead, and their eyes meet as he gives her a smile, eyes sparkling with mischief, then brings the glass up to his mouth. She watches as his top lip rests on the rim before he lifts it to his mouth and when she looks up, she sees him still looking at, gaze unwavering and mouth curled upwards in a sly smirk. She was caught. She was caught and he looked like he was loving and devouring every second of it.
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Julien takes a break, promising to come back with a brand new song from her upcoming EP, and there’s a group of people making their way towards the exit, presumably to have a smoke and get some fresh air.
“Where’s she gone?” Charlotte huffs, eyes searching the room for the pink haired girl.
“She’s over there,” Phoebe points at Julien and they all turn to where she’s pointing at, spotting Julien near the bar with a drink in hand.
“Is she flirting?”
“She’s got groupies already?” she says after she takes her eyes off of Harry and everyone laughs.
Charlotte comes closer and nudges her shoulder against her, “You’d know, wouldn’t you?” “Be quiet,” she nudges back, and their group falls back into their conversation except Harry, who keeps staring at her and she gulps, hands reaching to feel her blazer pockets.
“Right,” she mutters, “It’s time to poison myself. I’m going out for a fag,” once she feels the bulge in her pocket, she turns to Charlotte, “Send me a text when she’s back on, yeah?”
“I’ll come with.”
She looks up at Harry, surprised, but nods, waiting for him to follow her outside. Even though she tries her best not to make eye contact with anyone as they leave, she’s aware of them watching them, everyone in their group equally surprised, but they keep walking, Harry following quietly behind. Once they pass the smelly bodies, they’re finally outside, the wind licking her face once she steps out and she tries to hug herself closer, seeing how the thin blazer’s not doing a good job at keeping her warm.
Harry wishes he’d brought a coat.
They’re quiet as he follows her to a quiet corner, only a few people turning their heads their way, presumably recognising him, and they stop near a brick wall and she takes her tobacco out of her left pocket. She looks up, catching him staring at her ring-clad fingers wrapped around the dark green packet, and she clears her throat, making him look up at her. They share a smile, both feeling at ease with the comfortable silence between them. She spots a wooden bench near and sits down, hands already working the packet open. When she starts tearing the tobacco apart, Harry can’t help but note how quickly she’s working it between her fingers, and he’s almost certain she’s been doing this for years.
“Want one?” She asks and he saunters forward, coming to stand in front of her with hands in his pockets.
He shrugs and she takes that as a yes, fingers pausing their work on the tobacco to take out something that resembles a cigarette and it’s only when she pushes it from the bottom that Harry realises they’re filters. Placing one between her lips, her fingers dip into her pocket once again to retrieve some papers and Harry finds himself unable to look away from her lips and how pretty they look with something between them.
He looks down at her lap, where the packet of tobacco is, seeing her fingers work swiftly as she fills the thin paper, and despite knowing better not to glamorise something as horrible and disgusting as smoking, he takes his time to admire the way she pushes down the tobacco with her index finger, presumably trying to fit and secure everything inside the paper. Taking the filter from between her lips, she places it inside the paper, at the very end, and her fingers start rolling.
Oh fuck, he thinks, knowing what’s about to come. Unable to look away, he watches as she brings it up to her mouth and licks a long stripe along the paper, and despite the lack of lighting around them, his eyes make out her pink tongue moving along the paper and it doesn’t come as a surprise when he feels a sudden twitch in his trousers at the unholy image before his eyes.
“There,” she hands him the rolled up cigarette, “Hope you don’t mind that I licked?”
He wants to laugh because of course he doesn’t mind. In fact, he quite enjoyed it, according to the knot in his stomach and his twitching cock in his underwear. He enjoyed it so much that he now couldn’t stop imagining her mouth doing other things, preferably dirty things with, or to him.
“Nah, it’s all good, thanks.”
“No probs. Didn’t take you as the smoking type,” she lets it slip out.
“I...don’t smoke, really. Only sometimes. When I’m drinking. Which…” He looks at the cigarette between her fingers, “...isn’t that often.”
She notices the nervousness that tinges his words, and it makes her feel better knowing he’s also as awkward as her. “Fair,” she sends him a smile and repeats all the steps on her own rollie, putting it between her lips just like Harry, and she takes her lighter out of the same pocket. She lights her own first and reaches to light his, and he sort of bends over until his cigarette reaches the lighter. They both take a hefty drag of their cigarettes and she blows the smoke out first, Harry watching her pursed lips as he lets out his own next, both of their cigarette smoke swirling in the air and joining in together.
He takes it out of his mouth and lets his arm dangle on his side, cigarette between his fingers, and watches as she takes another drag before fumbling with the packet on her lap, putting everything back in her pocket haphazardly.
“Do you go to uni in London, or?”
“Westminster, yeah,” she takes another drag and notices how Harry hasn’t taken another one of his since.
“Nice,” he says and a grin stretches over his face, “Charlotte talks about you a lot.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, all the time. If I didn’t know about her boyfriend I’d say she was in love with you,” he laughs and gestured to the lighter in her hand and she lets him take the lighter from her hand, watching as the flame lick at the cigarette between Harry’s lip and he takes a long drag. “I mean, we...the band feel like we already know you. It’s sweet, how much she cares about you.”
“Well, I’m pretty hard not to love, you know.”
He blows out the smoke, a chuckle escaping his mouth, “That right?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking great.”
“Well, I-”
He gets interrupted by her phone going off and a pout forms on his face. She huffs, looking around, then throws the cigarette on the ground despite the sign and he does the same, not feeling bad in the slightest. “We going in?” He asks, like a lost puppy waiting for his owner’s command.
“I guess. Is it bad that I don’t want to? Like...does that make me a bad friend?”
“Nah. I...I kinda wanted to stay here too. I was enjoying our conversation.”
She sends him a grin, eyes mischievous, and stops walking, “You telling me you weren’t bored to death by my dry ass conversation?”
“Dry? You opened up and talked about your narcissistic behaviours, that’s not boring, darling,” he smirks and she rolls her eyes, hand reaching to slap his chest and it feels easy, like they’ve known each other for years. “Alright, alright, ’m just messing with you.”
She starts walking again, a few steps ahead of him, and he follows, passing three girls with phones up to their faces.
It’s easy, he thinks, it’s easy with her.
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People in the bar begin to leave one by one, and it’s only their small group and a few others left, some of them still sipping their drinks and the others talking and laughing. Some even come up to Julien, who’s sipping her water from a reusable water bottle as Charlotte keeps snapping pictures of her, and they all congratulate her, telling her how excited they are about the EP. She’s all smiles, fringe sticking to her forehead due to sweat, and her long arms are equally sweaty, dressed in a tight black dress with striped knee high socks adorning her long legs, and a pair of platform Mary Janes.
“So,” Harry says, folding his arms across his chest, “Do you have any plans for October?”
Mitch snorts across him and Julien tilts her head, puzzled, “Erm...I’ve no idea, to be honest. It’s months away and God knows I’m shite at thinking ahead. That’s why I’m friends with this lot,” she gestures to their tiny group, causing Charlotte to snort and Julien continues, turning her attention to her who’s playing with the hem of her blazer,  “This one though...”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Oi, what’s crawled up your bum, eh?” Julien turns to Harry again, catching how his gaze flickered over her body, then her face instead of looking at Julien and she finds herself smirking at the tension between the two.
“We’re thinking of putting a show together for Halloween. I have a bunch of new and upcoming artists in my mind that I’d love to see perform that night. Would you be interested?” Harry’s attention is back on Julien and he watches as the girl gasps, eyes widening in excitement.
“Shut the fuck up!” She yells, almost dropping her water bottle and they all laugh, Charlotte reaching to flip her on the forehead and she slaps her freshly-manicured hand away, “You’re not taking the piss, are you?”
Harry laughs, “Am definitely not. I love your vibe. That’s actually one of the reasons why I asked Charlotte if I could come tonight,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair, the strands gliding easily between his long fingers.
“Yeah,” Charlotte smiles at Julien, “He’s on a hunt. He thinks he’s one of those talent agents. Just say yes, Jules, it’ll be fun.”
“Holy fuck. Yes. Fuck, yes. Of fucking course, yes!”
They all laugh when she lunges herself at Harry, arms wrapping around his neck, “Thank you, thank you, thank you, fuck I could literally kiss you right now but I won’t, I’ve been watching you both undress each other with your eyes all night,” arms still around Harry’s neck, Julien turns her head towards her, whom Harry’s been looking at all night, and gives her a wink before breaking their hug. “So, do I have to do anything? What do I have to do? Fuck, I’m so bad at this-”
“Hey,” Harry interrupts, “It’s fine. Relax. Are you signed with anyone? Have a manager?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m with Gleam, my manager, Alana, she’s sick that’s why she wasn't here tonight.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Just give me your phone number and your manager’s contact details and we’ll sort everything out. Hey- relax, it’s gonna be fun!” He reaches and gives her shoulder a squeeze.
“I called an Uber,” Sarah says after her phone goes off, “And it looks like…” she taps on the screen a few times, “Hassan is here.”
“We could’ve gotten maccies,” she says, pouting, as her head rests on Charlotte’s shoulder.
Sarah sighs, cuddling closer into Mitch’s side, “We’re leaving for Brighton tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, Sarah’s making us wake up at, like, five,” Mitch grumbles.
They all start walking towards the exit, Julien and Harry in the back talking about the show as Charlotte links her arm with her as they follow behind the others. As they walk, she remembers how Harry arrived with Sarah and Mitch, meaning they shared a ride, and she turns to look at Harry who seems to be in deep conversation as he waves his hands around.
She feels hot all of a sudden, remembering how neither of them wanted to go inside earlier, how good he looked and how his voice sounded, deep, so deep, when his attention was only on her and not the girl on the stage or his drink or the people around them. As selfish as it sounds, she wanted all his attention on her, she wanted him to only look at her, see her, think of her, and she feels foolish because they only met tonight, and their conversation earlier didn’t last that long.
Once they’re outside, everyone sighs, almost in relief as the fresh air fills their lungs, and everyone bids their goodbyes to Sarah and Mitch, then Phoebe starts complaining about how uncomfortable and tired she was.
“That’s it from us, folks, my wife needs a shower,” Jamie pinches Phoebe’s cheek as Phoebe blushes, swatting her hand away.
She turns to Harry for a second and he’s just standing there, arms folded with an expression she’s unable to read, and Julien laughs, muttering something about catching a black cab since she now has money to waste.
Everyone leaves and it’s only them, and Charlotte comes closer to her as she nudges her hip with hers, “Hey. Is it cool if Harry gives you a ride? Tom’s picking me up.”
She panics and gives her a puzzled look. A car ride with Harry. Alone. Just the two of them.
She swallows, “How come you never mention it?”
“He just texted me, we’re driving up to Manc. Will you be okay?” She reaches and strokes her cheek, then turns to Harry, as if the question was directed at both of them.
“Well, yeah...I mean- I’ll call a Bolt or something-”
“It’s fine, I can give you a ride,” Harry says, hands now in his pockets. He looks like he’s cold too, considering how he’s only wearing a thin shirt and his chest is on full display, letting the breeze softly lick at the flesh.
“I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I can take a Bolt. Really, it’s fine.”
“I insist...whereabouts is your place?”
“Ehm,” she sniffs and her eyes look for Charlotte for a moment, and when she spots her, she’s watching them despite the phone pressed against her ear. “Marylebone.”
“Great! That alright with you?”
She looks at Charlotte again, the short haired girl failing to meet her gaze, and she turns to Harry again, lips pursed, “I guess- I mean...sure. Okay.”
Harry beams at that, the dimple on his left cheek widening with the smile, and she wants to reach out and touch it, place her finger there. She doesn’t though. Instead, she gives him a smile and looks down at her boots, feeling all giddy inside with the realisation that she’d be alone with Harry for a while and it would also be away from any prying eyes, in the warmth of his car.
Charlotte comes back and reaches for her, giving her a big hug as she buries her head in her neck, and she involuntarily breathes in the smell of cigarettes and Charlotte’s personal favourite, Chanel no. 5.
“Text me when you’re home, yeah? And text me if you need anything...he’s nice, I promise,” she whispers the last part, as if she’s letting her in on a secret, then reaches for Harry to give him a hug.
“Drive safe,” she says, walking backwards, “I mean it.”
“I will. Precious cargo, am I right?”
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Harry opens the door for her and waits for her to get in, her lips form the words ‘thank you’, and once they’re both inside, seatbelts on, Harry sighs and tries to fix his creased shirt. She watches his hands, the rings catching the light coming from a lamppost outside, creating beams, and she notices the single, nearly-chipped gold nail polish on his left pinky.
“So…” they both say at the same time and he laughs, shaking his head, and a few strands fall to his eyes.
She chuckles too, eyes falling to her hands on her lap as she fiddles with them. “I think we’ve been set up,” she mumbles and looks up at him, finding him watching her carefully with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on his thigh.
“Yeah? You think so?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m usually not this dumb.”
“Maybe you wanted play dumb, hm?” He gives her a smile, causing her to scoff, and he surprises them both when his left hand reaches to stroke her cheek, making goosebumps appear on her skin and she swears she could hear her breath hitch at the warm touch, feeling hot all over.
They stare at each other, his hand still on her cheek, and she swallows, “Sure, whatever you say.”
“Is this okay?” He asks, gesturing at the touch, voice as soft and smooth as honey.
She nods, because it is. It is more than okay and if it were up to her, they’d already be kissing, tasting each other’s dirty, sweaty skin and touching each other all over, feeling each other’s bodies...she wanted all of that.
She swallows again, his gaze shifting from her face to her neck, then lower and lower until it reaches her boobs. They look divine, he thinks, despite the lack of lighting in his car, they look absolutely gorgeous, sort of spilling out from the lace material and he gulps, hand beginning to make its way down to her neck. He rests it there as long fingers caress the side of her neck, discovering a few moles there, and he looks up at her, only to find her eyes fixed on his lap. He looks down to, the slight tent not coming as a surprise, and he gives her a grin, the other hand coming to rest atop his bulge.
“Hm?” He hums as he waits for her answer despite knowing what she would say.
She clears her throat and looks around, seeing the almost empty parking lot all dark except the stop sign near the exit, and turns her attention back to Harry.
“Yes. It’s okay.”
“Mmm,” his fingers curl around her throat, thumb stroking the flesh there, “Thank you, love. Can I kiss you?”
“You can...Please,” she practically moans when his thumb presses a sweet spot on her neck and he gives her a smile, hand reaching to unbuckle both of their seatbelts with a click.
It doesn’t happen that fast. First, he gives her a look, almost as if he’s trying to remember where her lips are and the nose, then her eyes...he keeps looking, and looking, and he brings his hand up to her mouth, resting his thumb on her bottom lip as her eyes shift downwards with the movement. While he watches her, she takes her time to watch him, his face, and she feels something bubbling inside her, much like the bubbles that rise to the top when you open a coke bottle.
Pressure, she thinks, pressure and the need to devour him. Thus, without thinking too much, she reaches and grabs him by the nape of his neck, his hand falling atop the car seat as their lips meet, both of them hungry for each other’s touch as their teeth clash and Harry lets out a hiss when she bites his bottom lip, suckining it into her mouth.
His hands go up to her cheeks, pushing her far enough to look into her face and eyes in particular and he smiles, the inside of his palms feeling the soft peach fuzz on her face. When she lunges forward to continue their kiss, he stops her, thumb stroking her cheekbones as she lets out a huff, and he chuckles, “Slow, baby, slow. We’ve got time. I want to feel you, taste you as much as I can, yeah?”
She nods, letting him stroke the side of her face some more and feel her skin against his soft hands before he starts leaning in, this time slow, so slow that it feels like hours to her. Before she closes her eyes, she catches a glimpse of his pink tongue dart out to lick his lips, and he finally captures her top lip, sucking it into his mouth softly and she melts under his touch, her mouth pursed as she starts responding with her own kisses. Their lips, she feels, fit together like a puzzle piece.
Harry’s tongue swipes across her bottom lip and she opens wider, letting him lick into her mouth further. It’s hot, wet, and she feels herself getting wetter and wetter as the smooch noises grow louder with each kiss. His hands are now cupping both of her cheeks, and as he presses wet pecks on her parted mouth, one of his thumbs travel down to her mouth and he stops their kiss, and she opens her eyes, giving him a puzzled look.
He shushes her, lips pursed as he does so, and her eyes watches the movement, wanting to feel them all over her body now that she knows how he feels and tastes like. He presses his thumb against her bottom lip, then into her mouth and pulls her closer to him. He shuts his eyes and tilts his head when she closes her mouth around his thumb, sucking it like a lolly, and his cock twitches in his trousers again as he watches the way she sucks on his flesh, humming around it as if she’s having the most delicious meal of her life.
“Fuck, baby,” he rasps, “Y’like playing with me, don’t you?”
She doesn’t respond. Instead, she takes his thumb out of her mouth with a pop and she holds him by the wrist, placing his hand on one of her boobs and Harry lets her warm hands and the feeling of lace overpower him as he gives her boob a squeeze, then travels his hand down to where he supposes her nipple is and brushes a thumb over it, a beaming grin stretching across his face when he feels her pebbled nipple under his thumb.
When he looks at her face, she’s biting her lips, eyes shut, and he bites his own lips as he traps her covered nipple between his thumb and index finger, tweaking it gently which causes her to breathe out a moan, toes curling involuntarily inside her boots. He tugs at it, then his hand travels up and he looks at her, as if to ask her permission for what he’s about to do. And she nods, of course she does, and she feels her upper torso getting sore from the position they’ve been in but she lets it go, reaching for his hand near her boob and places it on top of his, encouraging him to keep going.
With her hand on top of his, he slides the bodysuit down from the top, and he feels his cock twitch in interest so he has to bring his other hand down to press against his bulge over his trousers in hopes of relieving some of the tension. He plays with her nipple, tweaking and squeezing it between his fingers before finally leaning to capture the pebbled nipple into his mouth. “God damn, your tits...so fuckin’ hot, baby,” he bites her nipple and she shudders, back arching in pleasure. “Wanna do everything with you...wanna fuck you- wanna fuck these tits,” he whispers against her nipple, now wet with his spit, and his hot breath sends chills down her spine.
It’s warm, his mouth, so warm and wet around her hard nipples and she lets out another moan, arms wrapping around his neck and she tries to press against him closer. “Fuck,” a moan leaver her mouth, “Please, Harry, fuck me. Do something, just- ‘m so wet.”
“Yeah? Want me to fuck you? Jesus,” he presses a kiss to her nipple before he frees her other boob from the fabric, “You’re so fuckin’ hot. Got me so fuckin’ hard, just look at these gorgeous tits, baby. Bet your cunt’s even more gorgeous, hm?” He whispers, hands already on the other boob, squeezing the nipple and he watches as it hardens, looking so pretty and puckered for him and he gets his mouth on that one too, licking across the nipple before he bites it into his mouth.
“Can I take this off, sweetheart?” He touches her shoulder, squeezing her there over the blazer, and when he sees the hesitation in her eyes, he travels his hand up to her neck and strokes it there, “Y’don’t have to, darling. However you’re comfortable.”
“No,” she says ever so softly, “It’s okay.”
He smiles at her as she takes the jacket off and throws it somewhere at her feet. Harry grabs her by the neck and brings her in for another kiss but this time, it’s slow. And sweet. Slow, sweet, and warm, so warm that she feels it in her chest, in her stomach, and it reaches everywhere, the kiss warming anything and everything inside her. He swipes a tongue across her bottom lip before pulling away, and places both hands on her boobs, squeezing them, mouth popping open as he watches them in awe.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he brings one of his hands to the front of his trousers and the heels of his palms press against the bulge, but instead of giving him some relief, the touch makes him hiss, wishing for something softer, warmer.
“Can I fuck you? I need to fuck you, please, sweetheart,” he whispers and she nods, tongue darting out to lick her dry lips and he nods as well, looking around inside the car, swiftly examining the tinted black windows before he turns to her, “I hate that I’m about to fuck that pretty pussy in the backseat of my car instead of a comfortable bed but I need it so bad, sweetheart, I need you,” he licks his lips, “That okay?”
“Yes...more than.”
He helps her move to the backseat, boobs still hanging from the top, and he joins her in the backseat quickly. They’re closer now, nothing serving as a barrier between them, and with the way they’re facing each other, she can make out a tiny pimple on the side of his nose as well as a little mole on his forehead. Her gaze falls to his bulge again, and he’s already fumbling to get them off. With a swallow, she shuts her eyes so she doesn’t see Harry watching her intently, dilated pupils fixated on her sweaty skin, her lips in particular.
He leans in and presses an open mouth kiss to her damp skin, the touch making her open her eyes.
Take it off” she whispers, voice as sweet as honey, “Come on, I want you to fuck me,” she breathes against his hair, his head now in the crook of her neck, and she feels him nod, his hands coming to rest atop hers.
He fumbles with the button with shaky hands, her hands coming to rest on Harry’s waist and he sighs in relief when he hears the zipper. He lowers his trousers along with his underwear clumsily, the pile of material pooling around his ankles. He’s hard and leaking already, the tip an angry shade of red, and she takes a few seconds to admire the thickness of his cock and how pretty it looks, his dark, coarse pubic hair making her mouth water as she imagines deepthroating him, nuzzling the hair at the base of his cock.
Harry looks up and she’s got one hand on her boob while the other rubs herself through her jeans, presumably feeling aroused with the way the fabric is feeling against her pussy. A low, choked ‘fuck’ leaves his mouth following a growl as his long fingers begin unbuttoning the beige shirt and she watches, bottom lip trapped between her teeth with fingers rubbing herself.
Once it’s unbuttoned, he’s quick to get his hands on her jeans, eyes briefly searching for something in hers before he starts unbuttoning them. She stops him and bends over to take her boots off and he watches her back, hand reaching involuntarily to travel his fingers down her spine, stroking her waist before he bends forward to place a kiss on there as she keeps fumbling with her boots. Once they’re off, he’s quick to help her get the jeans off too, and he throws them in the front seat, smiling when she hears her giggle.
“Alright, Miss Giggles?” he says softly, palm resting on top of her thigh as one of his hands reaches and strokes the side of her face, fingers playing in her wild strands of hair.
She bites her lip again, giving him a nod, and he brings her face into his, lips pressing a tender kiss to her chin before he opens his mouth slightly and grazes his teeth across the flesh, and he presses a final, loud kiss there before he pulls away with a pop, leaving her chin all shiny and wet with his saliva. He lowers his eyes and spots her thong, fabric too tiny and flimsy to cover all the areas of her pussy, and he lets out a groan at the sight, hand immediately reaching to touch what’s under her little thong.
“So pretty, darling...so, so pretty,” he murmurs and she watches with parted legs as he positions his middle finger against her pussy over the black lace, thin, so he feels just how warm and wet she is between her folds. This makes him pause to look down at his cock, just to make sure he’s not about to spill all over the carseat since he feels the pleasure at the tip of his cock, ready to explode right then and there. “How can anyone ever resist you, hm? This pretty girl…” with one hand still between her legs, he reaches with his other hand and ghosts his thumb over her nipple, his other hand working her thong as he pulls it to the side, “...this pretty pussy,” he murmurs, making her eyes lull shut at the compliments.
She parts her legs wider to give him more room to work with, and he grins as he looks up at her hungry eyes, knowing what she’s asking for. And god, is he about to give her what she wants. The way she looks, not just half naked but from the moment he’d caught a glimpse of the grumpy girl across the room, it’s been driving him insane. Not that she was rude or looked bored, but she looked cute, kinda nervous, as if she too was as uncomfortable as Harry by the prying eyes and tipsy chatter around them.
From the moment they were introduced, Harry knew she didn’t particularly like to be looked at. Maybe he was being judgmental, or reading too much into things, but he got the impression that she was sort of nervous to be around people, especially new people. He tried his hardest not to be some weirdo, an utter creep who kept looking at the beautiful girl across him but truth be told, it wasn’t the first time Harry had seen the girl’s face.
He knew of her, stories about her, from Charlotte, and saw numerous photos and throwback videos of them on Charlotte’s Instagram, but he would never actually admit to the fact that he’d clicked on her tag on one of Charlotte’s posts, and scrolled through her feed for hours, giggling from time to time at her silly captions and numerous pictures of a Golden Retriever and a black cat cuddling.
Yes, he might have found her interesting, took a few screenshots of her posts where she proudly displayed her favourite reads, immediately ordering everything on there, and a few funny memes, but now with his middle finger circling her clit, he would never, ever admit any of that to anyone, ever.
“Harry,” she breathes, and it sounds sort of harsh, rough even, the reason presumably being a mix of the cigarettes she’d been smoking and the way his finger teasingly, slowly moves over her pussy. “Harry…” she says again, melodiously, fingers curling around his wrist and he looks up with a grin, eyes almost evil, dark and pupils dilated from hunger bubbling up inside him.
He retracts his finger and brings it up to his mouth slowly, her eyes watching him like a hawk, and his pink tongue darts out, licking a long stripe up his middle finger and he truly devours the savoury taste, eyes finding hers as he sucks the finger into his mouth. “Taste so good, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “Want me to play with that beautiful cunt, hm? Give it my full attention?”
“Yes, please, I need it so bad, I’ve been waiting for so long.”
“Yeah?” He asks, ever so softly, “How long?” He presses, his middle finger once again placed between her wet folds, and she wraps her fingers around his wrist.
There’s a bloom of pleasure in her voice when she lets out a shaky breath, a stuttered ’yeah’ because she doesn’t want to give in to Harry’s teasing game, and he leans forward, capturing her chin with his mouth as he bites the flesh while the pads of his finger massages slow and deep over her swollen clit.
He feels the spongy bit under his touch, “Tell me you’ve been thinking of this too,” he breathes against her wet chin, then brings his middle finger down to her hole. It’s wet, so fucking wet when he drags his finger back up and circles her clit faster than before which makes her legs kick out in pleasure, one hand grabbing harshly at her boob as the other go up to Harry’s soft hair and she pulls, fingernails scratching his scalp while doing so. He groans against her skin and drags his finger down to her slick little hole again, circling around the wet, soft muscle and he pushes his finger in, her cunt making a wet, lovely sound as he does so as his eyes fall to his throbbing cock.
It’s so hard, an unpleasant feeling blooming inside, so he takes his finger out of her hole, making her let out a tiny whimper as she clenches around nothing with the sudden loss of his touch. Harry brings his finger up to his mouth, and his pink tongue darts out to lick, mouth closing around to devour the slightly salty slickness.
“Can I fuck you now?” He asks as his hand goes to stroke the side of her neck, goosebumps appearing immediately at the touch. She shudders, unable to respond and Harry’s voice is softer this time, “Can I, baby? Will you let me fuck your pretty pussy now? I need it so bad, sweetheart, so fucking bad. See how hard I am for you? So fucking hard for you, baby.”
“God,” another shaky breath, “Please, I’m so wet and horny- I need it, Harry, please.”
“Need my cock, yeah? Need me to fill that little hole? Stretch your tiny little hole, darling?”
“Fuck- please, I- please stop teasing me, I need it...please, fuck me.”
Harry feels something, a prickly sensation inside him, his groin tightening, and he knows it’s her dirty mouth and sweet face to blame. He looks down at his cock, hard as rock between his legs, and grabs her by the waist, pulling her on top of him with ease. “There, sweet girl.”
He lets out a hiss when her warm pussy makes contact with his cock and she bites her lip, leaning forward until their sweaty foreheads meet. “Your pussy’s so fuckin’ warm. Shit, we need condoms,” a strong arm wraps around her waist and she gasps when he leans forward so suddenly. His face is buried into her boobs as he tries to retrieve his wallet from one of the compartments in between and she watches him struggle, unable to control a tiny laugh escaping her mouth.
“Well,” Harry mumbles, warm lips making her skin feel all tingly, “This is lovely...mmm,” a few kisses are pressed between her boobs, then another open mouth one on her left nipple, and they’re finally back to their previous position, condom package between Harry’s lips as he rips the top, never once taking his eyes off of her while doing so.
“Ready for me?” He gives himself a few lazy pulls, thumbing at the tip while she watches, one hand kneading her boob. “Hm? Ready to take my cock?” He moves his hand slowly, up and down, causing her to swallow.
“Yeah...fuck yeah. Please, fuck me.”
He looks up at her as the rubber works its way down his cock, and she joins her arms around his neck, fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck, and he brings his cock to her cunt, earning a moan from her, her warm breath licking at his face ever so softly. He grunts, voice strained with pleasure when he feels how warm and wet she is at the touch of his cock and slides it against her warmth before he brings it down to her tight little hole and pauses there.
“Y’ready, sweet girl?” He nudges their foreheads together and it’s sweet, so sweet despite the position they’re in, and she nods, feeling their damp foreheads stick together, and Harry gives her a bright smile, dimple appearing on his left cheek.
And he pushes it in. With his thumb pressed against the tip, he pushes his cock inside her, the tightness squeezing his already sensitive cock as if she doesn’t want to let him go, as if she wants to keep him inside of her forever and ever.
“God, such a tight cunt, baby. Squeezing me already, hm?” He murmurs into her mouth, “Easy, darling...slow. Slow, yeah? Want to feel you properly,” his hands go up to her hips, holding her there to still the movement of her hips, and her arms loop around his sweaty neck, fingernails scratching the back of his neck and he hisses, face moving forward to press a bruising kiss on her parted mouth.
Once she calms down, hips stilled, his strong arms begin moving her up and down and they both moan, quick breaths leaving their mouths and mixing together just like how their bodies are almost joined together, two becoming one, and Harry starts moving his own hips so he can fuck into her as she helps her by moving her own hips up and down, slowly, just like he’d asked her to, feeling his cock stretching her tight hole with his every move. There’s a honking outside and both their movements still for a second, and a muffled chuckle leaves her mouth, arms tightening around Harry’s neck.
Their eyes meet, Harry’s mouth turning upwards, “What’s so funny, Miss Giggles, hm?” He murmurs as his hips speed up again, their skins slapping against each other as his cock strokes the insides of her walls ever so softly, sliding in and out of her.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking big, I- I knew you’d be big but...fuck, you’re so good, so fucking good, Harry,” she moans, earning a grunt from him as she meets his thrusts, her hands sliding down to Harry’s shoulders and squeezing his smooth skin briefly before she brings her palms down to her chest.
She strokes the hair on his chest, admiring the way his cross necklace sits proudly there, amongst his now damp chest hair, and she brings her palm to one of his nipples, thumb stroking the slightly darker nub and he lets out a groan as goosebumps appear on his chest and nipples.
“God,” she breathes and Harry can smell the fruity-sour alcohol on her breath, and his mouth pops open when she tweaks his sensitive nipples. “I love your nipples,” she moans again when his cock brushes that sweet spot inside her and he does too, arms tightening around her waist, and she tweaks his nipples again, this time harder as her hips speed up, ass slapping against his meaty thighs and she keeps jumps up on down on his cock.
As she does so, her boobs too move, bouncing up and down with her every movement and Harry reaches with one hand, capturing one of her nipples between his fingers as he tweaks left and right before letting it go, watching her skin prickle at the touch.
“Shit, y’feel amazing, just wanna keep you forever,” he groans, low and delirious, fingernails digging into her waist as he thrusts into her, “So fuckin’ tight around me...so tight and snug. I want you- want this everyday. Wanna be able to touch you, kiss that little face everyday, fuck this beautiful pussy...so good, darling, you’re so fuckin’ good, letting me fuck that sweet cunt in the backseat, hm? Are you good,” he breathes her name into her mouth, then bites her bottom lip, earning a gasp from her when his thrusts become particularly rough. “Are you a good girl?”
“Yes, yes, yes, I’m good, I’m so good, please- I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna fucking cum please keep fucking me, keep fucking me hard, Harry- keep going,” she speeds up her movements, Harry’s cock sliding in and out of her as wet, dirty sounds fill the car and he curses under his breath, hips lifting off the seat to meet her strokes.
“Are you close?” He manages to ask, a low grunt in his voice.
She doesn’t respond. Instead, she brings one hand down to her pussy and begins rubbing her clit, moaning when she touches the little nub and then, with her other hand, she reaches for Harry’s face, thumb stroking the side of the smooth skin before she places it on his bottom lip and presses hard, making him part his mouth. She pushes it in, eyes lulling shut at the feeling of his warm tongue as he sucks on her thumb, hips continuing their movements as he fucks her cunt with quick, rough thrusts.
When she opens her eyes, Harry’s watching her, sweat glistening on his forehead and she brings her finger down to where Harry’s cock meets her warmth and rubs the top of his cock, moaning when she feels the vein there. She brings it up to her clit again, all wet and warm, and she rubs harder with rough strokes as Harry juts his hips forward a few more times. “I’m gonna cum, fuck- I’m gonna fuckin’ cum, baby,” his grip tightens on her waist and she places her hands on his shoulder, squeezing there.
“Come on me, I want it on my tits,” she mutters, fingernails digging into the smooth skin of his shoulders and he lets out a grunt, pulling out quickly as she gets down, Harry’s legs parting immediately so she can get between them.
And she does, gets on her knees between Harry’s parted legs as he takes the condom off, hissing at the feeling as he tosses it somewhere on the floor, and he begins stroking his now-wet cock as she thumbs at her nipples, kneading her boobs before pushing them together. His wrist works harder and quicker at the sight and he finally comes undone, his warm cum spilling onto her boobs, decorating her soft flesh with white stripes and she looks down, watching with sparkling eyes.
“God, fuck,” he breathes, letting his head tilt back, “You’re something else, y’know that?”
She hums, sending him a grin as he gives himself three more lazy strokes before he lets go of his cock and watches the spattered cum against her skin separate with the movement when she lets them go.
“Got some on your top, sorry, love.”
She looks down, then swipes a thumb across her skin and brings it up to her mouth. Pushing it in, she sucks around her digit as she tastes the salty-sour taste and Harry watches, all wrecked and fucked out.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“You’re so naughty...come up here,” his ring-clad fingers reach for her wrist and he helps her sit next to him.
He reaches the little pocket behind one of the seats, taking out some tissues as she watches him take out a few and clean her up as much as he can. Then their eyes meet, both sleepy and wrecked, and he lifts his hand up to her cheek, stroking it, and she leans into the touch, making him smile. “You’re lovely,” he mumbles, hand still on her cheek.
“You’re lovelier.”
He chuckles as she fixes her top, “You really are. Really lovely.”
“Stop it, I’m not good with compliments.”
“Well,” he shrugs, reaching for his trousers on the front seat, “I said what I said. You hungry? Thirsty?”
“I’m kinda thirsty. Aren’t you?”
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As they lean against the bonnet of Harry’s car, now parked outside a McDonald’s, there’s a comfortable silence between them as they sip their waters, bodies close to each other, close enough for Harry to smell his faint cologne on her skin.
“You cold still?”  He turns to her as she takes a bite of her chocolate muffin, and he follows as a few crumbs land on her chest.
“I’m good. Feel very warm...ed up,” she chuckles, thumbing at the corners of her mouth.
Harry groans, nudging her with his shoulders and she nudges back, harder, and he gasps, “Oi, be nice. I’m feeding you.”
“Soz. Guess I owe you like...what is it, a fiver?”
“You’re a very mean girl.”
“I’m the nicest. I’m good,” she gives him a grin, earning another eye roll from him as she takes another sip of her water before placing it on the floor, “Seriously though, thanks for the muffin.”
“Don’t mention it. I’m kinda bummed you turned down the nuggets but…maybe next time?”
“Next time?” She asks, crossing her arms, trying to warm herself up despite her promise from earlier.
“Well,” he clears his throat, hand going up to his necklace, “I’d love to see you sometime. Again. Preferably for longer than an hour and...you know, just us two? Hanging out?”
She smiles and leans forward, taking him by surprise when she presses their lips together. It’s a sweet, slow kiss, and his hands grab the back of her neck, pressing their faces closer as they kiss. Her hands find his waist and she gets on her feet, coming to stand between his legs without breaking their kiss, and she loops her arms around his neck, smiling when he moans at the feeling of her fingers playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck.
He tastes the muffin, the chocolate, and himself, and as foolish as it sounds, he wishes there was a way to be closer to her somehow, closer than they already are at this moment. She pulls away, their foreheads pressing together as they smile at each other.
Harry scrunches his nose and smiles, bringing it forward so their noses touch, “What was that for?” He whispers, hands tight around her waist as he hugs her closer.
“Just felt like it...just felt like kissing you.”
“Yeah. I like kissing you. I liked kissing you a lot tonight.”
He smiles, nose booping against hers once again, “I liked kissing you a lot too. I’d like to kiss you a lot tomorrow. And maybe the day after that.”
“That’s fine by me. You can kiss me tomorrow...and the day after that,” she whispers, pressing their bodies together.
Harry closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as she watches with curious gaze, eyes crinkling with a smile.
“What are you doing,” she whispers, and he shushes her, smiling when he opens his eyes to find her staring with her eyebrows raised, “What are you doing?” She asks again and he squeezes her waist, forehead pressing against her once again and he leans in closer to press a tiny kiss on the corner of her mouth.
“I’m listening,” he whispers, lips almost touching hers as he speaks.
“Listening? What are you listening to?”
He strokes her cheek, “A song.”
She raises her eyebrow again, “What song? I can’t hear it. Are you- you’re not actually serious, are you?”
“Ssh, it’s a song. Listen,”
“Har-ry,” she groans, pressing her forehead on the crook of his neck, “What is it?”
Harry smiles, arms hugging her closer as she presses a tiny kiss to the side of his neck, “Aubade.”
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thetargaryenbride · 3 years
A break [Levi x Fem!Reader]
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Requested by: @emmaandemmal  Hi, I love your works! Can I request one where Levi and his fem s/o have been a couple since before they were captured by the scouts in the underground? After the deaths of Isabel and Farlan, the reader tries to convince Levi to leave the scouts with her to go and live together in a safer place, but he refuses saying that he believes in Erwin's vision of the scouts and the two begin to fight badly. The reader eventually stays in the scouts because she doesn't want to leave without him, but the relationship between Levi and the reader is getting colder and more detached. The reader begins to think that Levi is no longer interested in her after noticing his growing friendship with Petra and she decides to leave the scouts thinking it's the best decision for her and for Levi. When Levi finds out, he tries to find her, but without success. Only a few years later, he catches a glimpse of her in the crowd after the scouts have returned from an expedition and he follows her. Once they arrive at the reader's house, she and Levi make up and the reader claims that she has been selfish in the past and that she would like to return to the scouts to fight against the titans and to claim the deaths of Isabel and Farlan. Eventually the reader and Levi resume their relationship and Levi promises her that nothing would separate them again. I'm really sorry that it's so long, if you consider this idea feel free to modify it as you wish. Sorry for my English too... it’s not very good. Thank you so much, you're one of the best Levi writers I know! ❤️
I’m sorry for the delay, dear. I was struggling with a mini writer’s block and was focusing more on art but I’m slowly getting back on track! Thank you so much for the request and thank you for your kind words. This really means a lot to me! As far as modifying goes, the only thing I modified is the timeskip. Instead of a few years, I made it one year. I hope you don’t mind ^^
Words: 4.5K
Warnings: Very Brief mention of suicide, prostitution and self-harm
Hope you like it  ❤️ Feedback is deeply appreciated! ^^
Also, if Levi seems OOC, please feel free to correct me~ I accept constructive criticism ^^  
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You were arguing.
You never argued.
But the situation that had befallen you made you feel all sort of ways and neither of you knew how to express those emotions, that stress, which is why it had slowly turned into a fight.
“You shouldn’t have agreed! We have no idea how the world above works! We’re going to fuck up, Levi,” you raised your voice, hands clenching into fists by your sides, levels of anger rising at Levi’s indifference at the situation. You knew that it was only a façade and that deep down Levi wasn’t indifferent. You knew he was probably worried just as much as you were. But right now you were so scared and you wanted him to just show some more emotion, fight back, shower you with words of reassurance, hug you…anything…not just stand with crossed arms, staring at you.
“So what, I should’ve let the bushy eyebrowed bastard send us in prison?” he raised an eyebrow as if challenging you to give him a good reason for your big distaste of joining the Survey Corpse. He couldn’t understand why you had exploded like that when he had agreed. It was the perfect opportunity for the fulfillment of your mission…Not that you had been very accepting of the mission either. Your paranoia and distrust always clawed at you, many a time ripping any semblance of reason and logic. But he couldn’t’ exactly blame you. He was similar in a way. He supposed that this is what living in the Underground did to you.
No. More like struggling, digging in the mud, to survive.
And the two of you had been doing this since you were kids.  
“I’d rather rot in a prison cell than a titan’s stomach. And since when do you trust nobles anyways? It’s mostly because of them that we all fester here in this dump,” you spat out and he pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sigh.
“If you are so against this mission, why are you even joining?” he shot back and you choked on whatever words you had the intention of spilling.
You took a deep breath as you slumped next to him on the couch, body completely slacking in defeat as your anger simmered down a bit.
“Do you even have to ask me that?” you muttered as you stared at the ceiling, the hands in your lap fiddling with your fingers. “It’s because I would never turn my back on my family…on you,” you murmured as you straightened up and turned to face him. “Even if it’s the stupidest decision which would probably result in something shitty, I’ll still stick with you. You are all I have…I love you,” you timidly uttered the last words, casting your eyes downwards as a slight blush spread over your cheeks. The man sighed before his hands went to grab yours, successfully stopping your fiddling and wringing, squeezing them reassuringly.
“Look at me,” he ushered you gently yet firmly and you lifted your head, locking eyes with his. “We’ll be fine.”
You let out another sigh before you leaned, letting his arms encircle your form as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
“I pray that you’re right,” you whispered and just when you thought you could have a moment of peace, Farlan entered the room with a constipated expression. You couldn’t blame him. You were all beaten and battered by the soldiers and your ego was bruised, even though you let them capture you. And now they were all standing in your home or surrounding it while you packed the little of your belongings, breathing down your neck.
It was suffocating.  
“We’ve packed everything. It’s time to go.”
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You wanted to blame him.
You wanted to tell him – “I told you so.”
But that wouldn’t bring back Farlan and Isabel.
It wouldn’t stitch back their ripped bodies.
They were gone and the only thing you could blame was this world.
Because it was so cruel.
And the only beauty you found in it was your love for Levi and his love for you.
He had no fault. Nobody knew that things would turn out like this. That fate would decide to cackle in your faces.
The two of you stuck together like glue more than ever after that day. You even went as far as to disregard rules as you would sneak into the men’s barracks just to sleep with him because he was the only one who managed to chase away the nightmares and wipe your tears. And you knew, even without him saying it directly, that you were the only one who could comfort him when he was feeling the burden of the world crushing his shoulders. And Farlan and Isabel’s deaths really did feel like the whole world just crumbled on top of you two. The only difference was that you were more prone to emotions and didn’t find such a difficulty at expressing them unlike Levi who preferred to bottle everything inside, feign indifference and coldness and find toxic coping mechanisms like not sleeping which as time passed shaped into the ugly form of his insomnia, despite all the scolding you’ve done.
Time passed. The first weeks after Isabel and Farlan’s deaths, you had been inseparable. But that slowly began to change after the date of the next expedition was announced. Your paranoia spiked up one night after you had tried suppressing it for days and that resulted in a breakdown.
You wanted out.
You wanted to leave the Scouts.
You had even gone as far as to talk to Erwin and the Commander, literally begging them to help you with the citizenship matters and let you and Levi leave. But of course, they refused and Erwin even went to speak to Levi about this, not knowing that the man had no idea about your plans and wishes.
Levi was angry that you did something like that behind his back. He understood your fear. He understood very well because he was afraid too. He was afraid that he was going to lose you too – the only person he had left. But he didn’t appreciate that you hadn’t been straightforward with him regarding such a serious matter, only revealing everything you have done and felt at the heat of the moment.
“I’ve been dreaming about this since I was a little girl, hiding in the wardrobe, listening how man after man would use my mother every night. Dreaming about a life, safely tucked in the corner of the world, surrounded by beautiful nature, peace and quiet, alongside my beloved person... Is it so bad that I want this for us?” you had asked with trembling voice and Levi’s expression had softened, a sign that he had forgiven you for everything and that he didn’t want to argue anymore.
“As much as I want that too, we can’t have it when the titans are roaming everywhere, threatening to wipe out Humanity. If we don’t destroy them now, we are only delaying our doom,” he muttered as his hand went to softly caress your cheek, making you sigh as you leaned into his touch. “But that man, Erwin Smith, sees something that I don’t. He has a plan to save humanity and… he sees victory… That’s why I want to stay in the Survey Corps and fight,” he admitted and at that moment, you found yourself captured by that determination burning in his eyes.
His desire to fight for a better future.
Not only for the sake of you two, but for the sake of thousands of people.
And while you weren’t completely sure yet that you were ready to sacrifice your happiness and life for a bunch of people you didn’t know or care about, you knew that you were ready to sacrifice anything and everything for him.
And that’s why you stayed.
And he knew that. He knew you better than you knew yourself. But he chose not to call you out for this. Because he understood how you felt. He didn’t belittle you. He didn’t call you selfish or insensitive or a bad person just because you didn’t want to care about anyone else but him. What does selfish, insensitive or bad even mean? They are just vague concepts that are different from every person’s point of view.
And as more time passed, after every expedition, he could see why you wanted to leave. He could see why you didn’t want to fight. Every expedition, every death, left an impact on you, stealing bit by bit from your sunny personality and shaping you into a depressed, miserable person.
Even if you claimed that you didn’t care about strangers dying, deep, deep down, he knew you did. It was just the person you were, trying to convince yourself that you didn’t care about anyone but him in order to protect yourself. But on a deeper level you still cared and you were still affected and he knew that you hated feeling like this – it brought only chaos, confusion and misery to your mind and soul as you desperately tried to live up to your own expectations and build walls around yourself only for every brick to be broken as a comrade would send you a smile or compliment you or help you out with something. And after every expedition, he would gain a better understanding as to why you wanted to be selfish and leave. Why you wanted – why you tried forcing yourself – to stop caring about anything and everyone and run away with him – the one and only person who – you tried to convince yourself – mattered.
And he didn’t know why he couldn’t follow you. On many occasions, he felt the same. But somehow, for some reason, he would always find a way back to Erwin – back to the goal they shared for humanity. He didn’t know where that sudden loyalty for the blonde had come from – the same blonde who more or less had been the reason as to why Farlan and Isabel had died. But it was exactly this loyal bond that had formed between them that prevented Levi from following you and he hated himself for it because he could see how this life of soldiers was destroying you from the inside out and there were moments when he would lay at night and dark thoughts would cross his mind – of your body hanging from somewhere or him finding you drowned or with sliced wrists or a bullet stuck in the head.
It wasn’t uncommon for soldiers to turn to self-harm as a coping mechanism and some even committed suicide.
The fight against the titans wasn’t something to be underestimated and it left an irreparable damage on everyone.
And he could see you were heading that way and he hated himself for not being able to put a stop to this and just grab your hand and run away from everything – as you wanted.
That’s why he decided to distance himself from you. He thought that maybe if he started ignoring you, if he was being cold and distant, it would put a rift in your relationship. It would make you think that he didn’t love you anymore. That you were a painful reminder of the past. And once your bond was severed, nothing would be holding you back. Nothing would stop you from leaving. Because he was the only thing, the only reason, as to why you were still sticking around. And then maybe you would finally be able to find the peace and quiet you had been seeking for ages.
His conversations with you became shorter. His answers – curt. His affection and acts of service decreased. It had brought you to tears, thinking that you had done something wrong and it tore him apart when he caught you crying one night. But it was for your own good so he had to grit his teeth and bear with it never mind how much it hurt that he was causing you this suffering.
Him being promoted to a Captain helped a lot. Now he didn’t need to find reasons or excuses to not spend time with you because he was genuinely so busy all the time. The stress was making him snappy too so he tried avoiding conversations altogether, not wanting to actually say something hurtful because then he would feel even more pain and regret and that would have his resolve crumble and he would go back to being loving and affectionate which was far, far from the goal he had.
Then Oluo and Petra had entered the picture – two members fresh into the Survey Corps, graduated from the same trainee squad with incredible talent and promising skills. He had taken them into his squad but he didn’t know that this would be the final straw to put such a rift in your relationship.  
It was true that Petra was a bit clingy. Her infatuation, devotion and loyalty to him were obvious. But he thought it was a childish, fleeting crush which is why he didn’t find it necessary to confront her about it. He thought it would disappear over time, especially with how both she and Oluo seemed like an old married couple more and more with each passing day. He didn’t want to push away the members of his own squad. He wanted to embrace them. To embrace their friendship. On a subconscious level, he was trying to fill the gaps left behind from the people he lost. The gaps oozing loneliness and pain. The gaps you couldn’t fill because he wasn’t allowing you to in his haste to push you away.
And when one day he went to have lunch with Erwin, as the two needed to discuss important matters in his office, he wasn’t expecting the blonde to deliver such mortifying news to him.
“Look, Levi…I’m sorry to say this but… Y/N left the Survey Corps,” told him the Commander with a sombre tone and Levi felt his entire world shift.
Suddenly, regret flooded him, chilling him to the very last atom.
Erwin saw each and every emotion flashing in his eyes. And even if he wanted to remind his friend of the words he had told him years ago, he couldn’t.
Because there were things in this life that were impossible not to regret.
Like losing a loved one because of your or their own demons.
It was one thing to lose a loved one to death. And completely another to lose them because of your decision.
Levi didn’t utter a word, pressing his lips in a thin line as he swiftly stood up and turned on his heel, leaving the office with ebony bangs covering his eyes, shielding him from his friend’s look of pity and compassion.
He needed to think.
He needed time.
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You don’t realize how much someone or something means to you until you lose them.
No, that’s not exactly it.
Levi cherished you a lot. Levi loved you a lot. You meant the world to him. That’s why he wanted you to leave. He wanted you to find peace. He wanted you to live a good life away from that misery and bloodshed.
Even if it killed him on the inside.
Because if you truly love someone, you would let them go if it was for the sake of their happiness.
But now that he’s finally gone and done it. Now that he not only pushed you away as a lover but pushed you away from his life altogether, he felt lost.
He felt lost and miserable.
As if life was drained from any sound and colour, leaving him to float in some abyss, soaking in his own negative feelings.
The sorrow, the pain, the dread, the loneliness.
If he had to list them all, he would waste all of Erwin’s expensive parchment.
And as he laid there in his bed, after thinking and reflecting on everything for hours on end, staring at the ceiling with an empty bottle of alcohol shattered into pieces against the opposite wall – alcohol that barely got him tipsy – he realized that maybe he wanted to be selfish too. That, combined with the regrets of pushing you away, burned at his soul, melting any doubts he had, like a blacksmith melting steel, and solidified his resolve to find you and bring you back, like a new sword being forged.
So next day after he had gotten all his emotions, thoughts and feelings in check and after he had taken a decision, he approached Erwin and asked for your location.
He was unpleased when his friend told him that he had no idea where you went off to. Part of Levi wanted to be angry and yell at him. Accuse him of lying. But he was so tired after the emotional and mental battle he had wielded that he just gave up on his anger and frustration and decided that instead of letting such negative emotions rule over him, he would brush them aside instead and pave way for that same scorching determination he had for the Survey Corpse’s cause, now combining it with the determination of finding you.
And he didn’t stop.
Once he started, he didn’t stop.
He would visit every town, every village, whenever he was free from his duty.
He never stopped looking for you.
It took him roughly a year to scout most of Wall Rose’s lands.
But it was during one fateful evening, after the Scouts were returning from an expedition, when he spotted you.
The sun had just set, allowing the sky to be painted in purples and blues with shimmering stars being sprinkled onto the canvas. The street lanterns shone brightly and the comforting light spewing from them had illuminated a very familiar form.
A form that Levi knew like the lines of his own palm.
He hadn’t wasted time to jump from his black mare and chase after you. He didn’t want to approach and confront you right away so he just settled for walking at a slow pace behind you, trying his best to not be noticed or come off as some creep.
He seriously couldn’t believe his luck.
Knowing your thought pattern, he believed that you had run away somewhere far. Back in the days when you lived in the Underground, whenever you had arguments – which was very rare – you would always run away from home and hide somewhere far, knowing that it would be hard for him to find you and nearly giving him heart attacks because of it. But this time you had decided to hide right under his nose – near Trost district which was not far away from the SC HQ.
He counted himself outsmarted and he didn’t know whether to be annoyed by this or proud of you.    
You looked radiant even in the dusk. The cream dress you were wearing made you look like a vision, glowing in the dark. It reached a bit past your knees, revealing some of your calves while the upper part left your collarbones in the open. He longed to run his fingers over your skin. Through your hair. To touch you. To feel you. To hold you. To tell you what an idiot he was. How he wanted you back in his life because he couldn’t exist without you by his side.
To apologize.
“Are you going to keep following me or are you going to help me carry the basket?” your voice interrupted his train of thought and he cursed lightly under his breath. You chuckled and stopped in your tracks, turning around ever so slightly, eyes finally landing on the person you were so anxious to see again but didn’t have the courage to approach.
He wordlessly took the basket from your hands and began walking next to you.
All the way to your house you stayed silent.
He didn’t even comment when you exited the District and neared the woods, only lifting an eyebrow.
Your shoes and his boots clinked against the cobblestone pathway, the little door of the wooded fence creaking under your touch as you pushed it. His eyes scanned the yard, taking notice of the freely roaming chicken, a few lambs, one cow and one horse – your horse from the Survey Corps. He could vaguely make out a garden peeking from behind the house so he supposed you also had a backyard where you were growing your food. He almost flinched when a huge dog – almost as big as you and him – came running in your direction, demanding head pats which you gladly gave.
Levi was impatient. He wanted to enter the damn house already and talk. But at the same time, a part of him was happy about the delay. He almost gulped nervously at the thought of the following confrontation.
At last, you unlocked the front door and the two took off your shoes, putting on slippers, and moved into the house. You took the basket from his hands and placed it on the kitchen counter before you grabbed a rag to wipe the table and beckoned the man to sit down. He stood there awkwardly for a moment, taking a step towards the chair before halting, looking at you rigidly, and resuming his journey until he was finally sat. You clenched and unclenched the rag before you threw it away and sat across him, fingers now playing with the soft fabric of your dress. You looked at the ground and he looked at your feet, noticing your toes curling and uncurling from nerves even through the slippers.  
You both said at the same time and you chuckled lightly at the cliché situation.
“You first,” uttered the man and you gulped, sending him a wobbly smile.
“I want to apologize-“ you took a short pause and an intake of air when you saw his eyes widening as his features twisted in a dumbstruck expression as if he was unable to process why you were apologizing. “-for leaving so suddenly without uttering a word. It was…childish,” you quieted down and he closed his eyes, sighing deeply. “You were walking further and further away from me, getting extra busy with being a Captain and…and then Petra came into the picture,” you muttered but were fast to wave your hands in defence, “Not that I ever doubted your loyalty! My trust in you would never waver but…I just thought that maybe we both needed a break. We needed to breathe and clear our heads and start thinking properly. That’s why I decided to leave and give us some space. I never truly intended on leaving the Survey Corps or abandoning you…You mean so much to me…but I’m still sorry that I-“
“Stop,” he rose to his feet and you quickly followed, anticipation and fear at his next possible words, building up inside of you, making you feel like burning. “You don’t have to apologize. You did nothing wrong.”
That calmed you down a bit, the fear leaving your mind, but instead, worry settled as you looked at the way he lowered his head and bit his lip.
“I acted wrongly…I was foolish by thinking that pushing you away would bring you the freedom and happiness you sought,” he muttered and your face softened. “I just,” he sighed as his trembling hand went through his hair in an attempt to ground himself. “I just saw how impacted you would get after every expedition…how you started losing that glow of yours, your bubbly and sunny persona…I saw how hard you were trying to force yourself to stop caring, to be selfish and leave, but you still couldn’t because…because you’re not like that… damnit,” he grit out as he tugged on a few strands before letting his hand fall and rest against his hip limply.
He kicked himself inwardly. He was never good at expressing himself. The moment he had seen you in the crowd, the moment he had set a goal to talk to you and sort everything out, he had been reciting in his head and thinking what exactly he was going to tell you and how he was going to explain himself and the reasoning behind his actions.
“I just-“
“-wanted me to be happy…So you thought that by being a dick and pushing me away, you would make me leave so I can find my peace and quiet somewhere far, far away,” you finished for him, deciding to help him out which caused him to halt in his speech and just stare at you, waiting for your next words, the terror of you rejecting him or telling him that you didn’t feel the same anymore felt like a nettle rope around his neck, getting tighter and tighter with each second, suffocating and scathing him. “Listen, while you might have been partially right, you were also wrong. Because even if I do find happiness away from all the bloodshed, it just wouldn’t be the same without you, silly,” you shook your head as you sent him a sad smile. “I’d rather endure all the pain and suffering in the world than be separated from you,” you finally took the courage to close the space between you as you laid your head on his chest, arms slowly sliding around his torso. He didn’t hesitate to return the hug, sharply bringing you closer, if that was possible, and squeezing you so hard you didn’t know whether to groan from pain or chuckle at seeing him express himself so openly and in such a sweet, boyish manner. It kind of brought back memories from the days you lived in the Underground and how he would hug you exactly like that when you would do something stupid that would put you at risk, albeit a bit more awkwardly since back when you were teenagers you both had no idea how to express your love for each other.
“Deep down I knew you were onto something. Because why would you start acting like that so suddenly? It just wasn’t in your style. But at the same time I felt…” he tightened his embrace even more and buried his face in your hair, inhaling your scent and letting it comfort his tortured mind. He had missed you so unbearably much.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry,” he whispered and you sighed as you ran your hands over his back in a soothing manner.
“I forgive you, Levi…I understand that you did it for my own good. But believe me when I say that I can’t find true freedom or happiness without you by my side,” you placed a kiss on his shoulder before pulling away to look him in the eyes. “Don’t ever leave. Don’t ever try to make me leave. Let’s just stick together through thick and thin as we’ve done since we were kids, ok?” you asked and he nodded, leaning hesitantly. You met his lips halfway and you kissed gently which slowly turned into a passionate, hungry, heated and desperate make out as you tried to feel one another after a whole year of being apart. When you finally broke it off, needing air, you rested your forehead against his and let yourself soak in his presence. He did the same. You just stayed like that, foreheads touching, arms around one another as you swayed ever so slightly.
“Want to help me pack?”
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Play Pretend
Summary: When the chance comes to escape you're are going to play it smart to make sure you get away.
Trigger Warnings: Murder, gun usage, abuse, violence, kidnapping, imprisonment.
It's been about a week since Jungkook locked you in. Only now were the bruises on your ribs going down. And no matter how quickly he shifted back to normal and calmed down the damage was done, he’d shown you a truly terrifying side of himself and you knew he couldn’t be trusted anymore. The worst of it was that he never even feigned an apology. He didn’t think he was in the wrong to react like he did. He just went from one day to the next like nothing was different.
You felt so stupid. You had thought there was something not right with him the first time you met him. But instead of trusting your gut, you got swept up in his good looks and charm. And that lack of discernment is the reason why you've been trapped in his house for a week now. You tried to tell him that people would be looking for your eventually. But with full certainty, he assured you that wouldn’t be the case. You weren’t sure why or how, but you knew that he 100% believed it. And that made your situation even more despondent.
This evening, for the first time in 8 days, Jungkook finally left the house.  You had thought it might be a chance for you to look for an escape, but to your disappointment, he left one of his ‘employees’ with you.  You still can't pinpoint what he does exactly, but all of the people you have seen with Junkook have a similar dangerous vibe. This one is no exception. Tall, strong, large and mean-looking. It completely dashed your hopes of getting away.  That was until you heard the clear and threatening order Jungkook gave him.  For the second time, you were seeing this sweet kind young man have men double his age, who were larger and tougher looking than him, look weak and fearful. The exact wording slipped your mind, but the gist of it was if anything happens to you while he is gone, Jungkook will violently kill your guard.
After a few hours of stirring, half hesitant to try and half trying to perfect the idea, you finally decide you need to at least attempt a prison break.
Calling the guard, you drop to the bedroom floor, curling yourself tight, clutching your ribs. You knew your bruises were still purple and black there, so it would be the most convincing place to say you had pain.  After a few screams, the man dashes in his face draining at seeing you writhing on the floor in agony.
“What happened?” He barks.
“I fell. It hurts.” You wheeze, knowing it's best to keep your details simple to maintain the act.
He bends to help you up and you wail a faked cry of pain, applying your years of watching dramas into practice. You’re not sure how believable your act is, but the man is so swept up in the panic of the moment, it doesn’t really matter.  As he gets you onto the bed, you pull up your shirt slightly exposing your marks and bruises and it's the tipping point.  He goes from worried to frantic.
"Sh-" he whispers the exclamation under his breath. He looks to ponder his options, and you hope your theory is right and that he is too afraid to call Jungkook first. "Alright, you need to go to the hospital." He declares. You have to lean more into the pained acting to stop a smile from coming onto your face, thankful that your plan is so far working.
The guard picks you up bridal style and carries you downstairs with an urgent patter to his steps. Getting you into the back seat of the car, he rushes into the front and begins driving. Despite his craze, you're surprised to see him driving so steadily and rationally. Abiding the road rules and sticking to the speed limits.
You think your best, or only option would be to get some privacy with Doctor at the hospital and tell him everything. Beg him to call the police. The one risk for going to the hospital is the possibility of the guard not leaving you to talk to the Doctor.
"Fuck." The man hisses under his breath as his phone begins to ring.
The call connects to the cars Bluetooth as he answers, blasting Jungkooks voice in surround sound.
"I'm at home, but you're not. Where are you?" He questions with an ominous tone. The drivers head flicks back to you, his uncertainty flashing through his eyes as he decides what or how much of the truth to tell.
"She hurt herself. Her chest. So I am taking her to the hospital." He reveals everything with a shake in his voice.
Jungkook bursts into a sharp laugh, the sudden piercing of it through the speakers making both of you jump. "She's fine. Bring her back now."
You spring upright, eyes wide. The car rolls to a stop at the traffic light, the man's gaze meeting yours in the rear-view mirror. Jungkook knows! He knows you're faking it. He's going to hurt you again when you get back. You can't let him take you back.
The second the car stops, you don't pause to think, yanking on the door handle and throwing yourself out of the car. Because it is nearly midnight, the suburban area is desolate, but there are a few houses that still have lights on. You know your best option is one of those.
Breaking into a sprint you run across the main road over the island and towards the first house you can see any sign of life in. In a mad frenzy, you begin to pound on the door, calling and screaming for help, begging for them to open. Behind you, you can feel the guard quickly catching up and your pleading gets more desperate.
Giving you pure relief, the front door opens on a middle-aged man looking nearly as petrified as you. You don't wait to explain or discuss anything instead barge past him, hurling yourself through the open door. You spin on your heels, slamming the entrance closed. It doesn't shut though. The full body of the guard powers through the door colliding into you and the homeowner, knocking you both onto the ground in a painful blow.
With a heavy breath and a wild look in his eyes, he stalks over top of you, sealing you all in. The guard pulls a gun and his phone from his pocket, the call to Jungkook seeing to still be active. "Alright, I have h-" he speaks into the receiver, pointing the weapon at the man, rendering him frozen.
"Where are you?!" Jungkook yells, making the guard pull the phone from his ear. Even from a few meters away you can hear his hostile voice loudly and clearly.
For 10 minutes you are sat in the living room numb with fear. You could hear how furious Jungkook was. You can see how mad and nervous your guard is, and you can feel how confused and terrorised the older man is. Without movement, the three of you are stuck in a tense stare off, none able to speak.
On the 11th minute, there is a knock on the front door. The guard peers through the side window and his breath catches in his throat.
You start to physically shake as Jungkook comes in with two more men at his back, looking like an uneven, unsettling mix of calm and intense. Walking in with his hands in his pockets, he takes the size of all three people in the room.
"You left the car in the middle of the road?" He asks the guard, his gaze staying fixed on you.
"Yes. I had to chase her down." He tries to explain shortly.
"Ah," Junkook muses with a click of his tongue. "Get rid of it." He orders one of the other men who came in with him.
The guy nods, rushing to follow the instruction. As the door slams shut, Jungkook walks towards you squatting to your level. "Your ribs hurt Kitten?" he asks with a faked sweetness. He leans down digging his forefinger and thumb into your ribcage. It brings back the true pain of your injuries, making you squeal and writhe while trying to get away from him. His hand wraps around your side, keeping you in place and pushing you to the floor, crushing and gripping your wounds, bringing shortness to your breath and tears to your eyes.
After tormenting you for a few miserable minutes, Jungkook scoffs out a short laugh, standing back up nearly stepping on top of you. "Pick him up" He orders your guard, gesturing toward the homeowner on the floor behind you. He does so, having to hold a lot of the man's weight to get him to his feet. "Anyone else in the house?"
"No, I don't think so." The guard replies with uncertainty.
"Well you're not exactly reliable, are you?" Jungkook sneers.
You jump as two incredibly loud bangs echo out. One after the other, both the guard and the older man drop to the floor. Looking up at Jungkook horrified, he is standing over you holding a gun having just shot the two men. Your stomach is churning at the realization of what he just did. There is only a weak grunt and then silence from the older man, his body slumping still and lifeless. But from the other, there are continued struggled and gasped moans. Jungkook coolly walks to him, another shot firing and the pained sounds stop. Only silence and the pulsing ringing in your ears from the sudden blasts remain.
You're motionless. Panting broken breaths. Too in shock to move. Too scared to do anything. You can't believe this is happening. You're sure you're about to die.
"Go check the house." Jungkook kneels down beside you again, throwing the order to the second man that came with him.
With just the two of you left in the room, he comes closer, speaking lowly and gruffly in your ear. "See what you did Y/n." He motions to the side of you, to the murderous and violent display. You can't bring yourself to look. You know the sounds of those two men will haunt you for the rest of your life. You don't want to add the gruesome image of it as well. "Do want to play? You want to pretend to be in pain?" His hand roughly brushes the hair from off your face. He switches the gun from one hand to the other, his now free left hand digging tightly into your jaw, turning you to him. "Well, we're going home Kitten. And you won't need to pretend when I'm done with you."
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Mai Zenin x Fem!Civilian Reader:
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A snapshot before it’s too late
Warning: spoilers for 149!
TW: light reference to suicide
::readmore:: Flash!
Mai crinkled her nose, placing a hand on her hip as your Polaroid barfed up the film. “What was that for?” She asked, a light blush scattered across her face as she watched you take the film out and place it on the table in front of you. You and Mai had gone out for Boba on the shoreline, and the sunset was just... perfect right behind Mai. You couldn’t help yourself.
“Sh! You have to wait for it to form-“
“If you shake it I’ll be faster-“
You slapped Mai’s hand away. “No! That makes it worse-“
“No it doesn’t-“
“Mai-chan, just look and wait-“
“Y/N! I don’t have the patience-“
“Look!” You said, proudly and carefully picking up the Polaroid picture to show Mai. You weren’t oblivious to her obvious embarrassment, but... with the sunset behind her and the natural beauty that was her, you really couldn’t help yourself. Mai didn’t seem entirely impressed, and it was just a Polaroid, it wasn’t something to be absolutely amazed by.
“Humph, I don’t even know why you made that.”
“Because some moments are so beautiful, you just can’t stop yourself from capturing them.” You said, without missing a beat and without really thinking. After realizing what you said (and how totally cheesy it was), you blushed, mumbling some apology and ramble about how the sun looked pretty with her silhouette. You nervously took a sip of your Boba-
Your eyes were wide as your vision focused again. “Huh-“ You asked, blinking rapidly a few times. Mai just smirked, your Polaroid in hand. She lightly began to wave the film that was just vomited out of the top of the camera.
“What?” Mai said, feigning innocence. “Some moments are just too beautiful that you just want to capture them.”
You didn’t expect not seeing Mai after October.
You didn’t expect her sister, burn marks scattered around her body, to come to your house. You never even met her sister before, but now you did, and you were scared. You knew what Mai did was dangerous and you woke up one morning in a cold sweat, unaware why. Before you shot up in your bed, you swore you heard seagulls or the lulling sound of the waves....
“I don’t really know how you knew my sister.” Maki said after a while. She sounded as alive as she looked. Her voice was dry, almost monotone. She was a lot bigger than Mai physically. You thought focusing on the differences between the twins would be easier than focusing on the similarities. You knew why she was here. You knew what happened. It was one of those things you would know. The way you felt off the past few days, like something was missing from your world. “Anyway,” Maki shifted the sword in her grip. She placed it on the table that sat between the two of you. “This is the last thing Mai gave me.” You felt a lump grow in your throat. “The last thing she ever gave anyone.”
She couldn’t even say the words that would finalize it. Mai was dead. You felt your finger nails dig into your palms as you avoided eye contact. It might have been a terrible thing to say, but it was a blessing that was Maki was so damaged that she barley looked like Mai anymore. Well accept for the hair... and if you looked closely enough you could see... You swallowed the lump in your throat, and tried to settle your breathing. You wouldn’t cry in front of Maki, Mai wouldn’t have wanted that. Mai always described Maki as stronger and as braver and as brasher and-
“So.... yea.” Maki awkwardly added, fiddling with the sword in hand. The last thing Mai created was a weapon of destruction... that was so dramatic... just like her...
Maki kept on rambling, and despite yourself, your mind wandered. Mai sacrificed herself, she did something heroic. You knew Mai, she wasn’t heroic. She was selfish and prideful and obnoxious and a total bitch almost all the time. But at the same time she was funny, caring, and someone so full of love that was never taught how to give. Sometimes you would catch Mai staring at the ocean when you guys would go to the beach, and there would be something so dead in her face. Sometimes you would notice the way Mai cut things off when she spoke about the jujutsu world. The anger, sadness, and despair in her words...
A dark thought crossed your mind that you quickly shuddered away. It could be true but right now, you didn’t have the stability to worry about it. “She left.” You said, cutting of whatever Maki was saying. “She left us both.” Maki stared at you for a little. Her expressions were even harder to read than Mai’s. “But I’m okay with that... if that makes sense. I just wish that-“ The breath got caught in your throat. You closed your eyes and took a quick, shaking, breath. You wouldn’t cry, not yet at least. Or maybe even at all. Mai hated seeing you cry and you could almost hear her mocking voice.
“Aww don’t flatter me too much by crying over my death! What happened to trying to keep my ego down?”
Despite yourself, you smiled, letting out a wet chuckle. Maki raised a brow but said nothing. “I just wish that she got to say goodbye.” You added. Maki didn’t respond.
After a few moments of silence, Maki asked, “was she happy?”. You looked up from your own pity party and saw the tears that were gathering in the corner of Maki’s eye. Maki was half of a person now, and no matter how much shit Mai might have told you about her, you knew they loved each other more than anything in this world.
But her question got you thinking. Was Mai happy? She hated being a shaman, she didn’t want to be one at all. That’s why she was always with you because with you, she could pretend to be normal. Pretend like she was just a delinquent friend coming over, and not a shaman who wanted to play a different role. But Mai’s eyes always lit up or softened when she talked about her friends. The way she teared up when she explained the time Utahime-Sensei let her stay with her over the Winter Break because Mai didn’t want to go back to the Zenin complex without Maki. The way she complained about Todo but the light tone in her annoyed voice told you that she enjoyed his company. The way she held Nishimiya in such high regard that you always felt a little bit of jealously burn in your stomach. The way she admired Miwa for being apart of the world but still was able to smile and have fun, how nothing could break her stride. The way she would tease Kamo in her descriptions of him but admitted that he was one of the people who she related to the most. “I just wish he didn’t have such a large stick stuck up his ass”, she had said. The way she explained Mechamaru’s crush on Miwa and how the two should just suck it up and go on a date because she couldn’t stand watching them run circles around one another anymore.
The way she smiled when she was with you. The way she looked... free whenever you guys went on your mini adventures. The way she softly would kiss your lips or the way she snuggled into your shoulder. It was so tender and so normal and so sweet it seemed so out of character for Mai. But what she had with you was one of the things she wanted but never had before.
“Y-yes.” You said, annoyed that another lump had grown in your throat. “I-I think she was.” Maki let out what seemed like a sigh of relief. She hastily wiped away the tears that had gathered in her eye before standing up, confident, powerful, and intimidating as ever. You hated how much she looked like Mai then. Because now she was playing a part she didn’t want to play and she was feeling a pain she couldn’t understand.
“Well, that’s good then.” She said, pulling something out of her pocket and handing it to you. You lightly gasped as you realized it was the Polaroid Mai had teasingly took of you, and that it was stained with some blood. “This was on Mai’s b- when she di- when she left.” Maki looked at the clock on the far side of the room. “Well... I should be going now.”
“Thank you, Maki-San.” You said, holding the Polaroid a little bit closer. Maki grunted in acknowledgment before leaving. And that’s when you let the dam break.
What? Did you think you wouldn’t be in my final thoughts or something?
You sobbed, your throat burned as you held the Polaroid close to your chest. Your parents weren’t home so you could have screamed if you wanted to, but with what was happening all over Japan, you knew it was better not to. You held a bloody memory of Mai, a bloody memory of the two of you together. You couldn’t even remember the last thing you said to Mai and Vice versa and that was even worse. You stumbled up your stairs and threw the door open to your bedroom, your body feeling weak. You ripped down the Polaroid photo of Mai from that dumb beautiful day on the shoreline and sobbed. Something was missing for the past few days and now you knew what it was. No more teasing smiles, no more taunts, no more kisses, no more late night adventures, no more unexpected sleepovers, no more nothing. Because Mai was nothing but a fucking sword now.
Well, I think I’m a pretty hot sword but-
“I hope we meet again. I don’t know what happens or where we go after we die, but I hope we meet again. If we meet in some afterlife, I hope it’s a good one. I hope it’s happy. And if it’s rebirth, I hope you aren’t a shaman. I hope your family loves you. I hope you and your sister get to be real sisters and not be torn apart by the world of a Shaman. I hope we meet at school or some Starbucks or something, and we do this all over again, but it ends better. It won’t end like this.
And if we just become nothing after we die, I hope i become nothing with you, right by your side. And if we return to the stars whose dust we were made from, I hope our stars are right next to one another, and I hope yours shines brighter than you did in this life.
I wish you the best, Zenin Mai.”
Yea I’ve been dead for a bit, still not over her death so uhm... here. Enjoy. Or cry. Or both’
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gimme-mor · 3 years
This is a really long post and based on my interpretation of the text.
This is strictly an analysis of Elain as a character because, in my opinion, there isn’t a lot of talk about Elain outside of ships and conversations about her character arc typically revolve around to whom she is paired, especially if that person is Azriel. She is her own character and gets the short end of the stick in the fandom because everyone is more concerned about who she’s shipped with rather than her as a character.
Also, anyone who is rude/condescending will automatically be blocked.
In ACOSF, SJM went out of her way on two occasions to highlight Elain not looking good in black. While it may be minor or insignificant to some, I think those instances were meant to show something about Elain specifically and what she may be going through in the Night Court. Elain has been a passive character for the most part, contributing to things in her own way earlier in the series. But after she was taken by the Cauldron, her safety has become everyone’s main concern and the other characters have slowly excluded her from courtly matters. In ACOWAR, this was understandable because she was traumatized and not fully present. However, as of ACOSF, Elain was still excluded from courtly matters with the other characters heavily relying upon Nesta, who made her reservations known, because they were on a time constraint and couldn’t afford to wait for Elain to reacquaint herself with her powers.
The fact that the other characters use the kidnapping situation to excuse their current actions toward Elain is eerily similar to the way Tamlin and Lucien used the Under the Mountain events to excuse Tamlin’s actions toward Feyre in ACOMAF. And the characters use Elain and Feyre’s safety to justify why neither of them should be involved. In my opinion, Elain in the Night Court resembles Feyre in the Spring Court because not only do they experience similar things, but both of them are (or were in Feyre’s case) in places that stunt their growth. Even though Night Court Elain isn’t exposed to all of the things that Spring Court Feyre was exposed to, the similarities in their experiences (and how those similarities might potentially impact Elain similarly to the way they impacted Feyre) shouldn’t be overlooked.
Being monitored
I was too watched-too monitored and judged. Why should the bride of the High Lord learn to fight if peace had returned? That had been Ianthe’s reasoning when I’d made the mistake of mentioning it at dinner. Tamlin, to his credit, had seen both sides: I’d learn to protect myself...but the rumors would spread. (ACOMAF)
“Tamlin-Tamlin, I can’t...I can’t live my life with guards around me day and night. I can’t live with that...suffocation. Just let me help you-let me work with you.” (. . .) “I’m drowning,” I managed to say. “I am drowning. And the more you do this, the more guards...You might as well be shoving my head under the water.” (ACOMAF)
Nesta said, “The Trove. And what happened the last time I scried.” Feyre said, “We won’t allow any harm to come to Elain. Rhys warded her this morning, and we have eyes on her at all times.” “Eyes can be blinded,” Nesta said. “Not the ones under my command,” Azriel said with soft menace. Nesta met his stare, knowing he was the only one aside from Feyre who could truly understand her hesitation. He’d gone with Feyre into the heart of Hybern’s camp to save Elain-he knew the risk. “We won’t make the same mistake twice.” She believed him. “All right.” (ACOSF)
Trying to fit in
I hated the bright dresses that had become my daily uniform, but didn’t have the heart to tell Tamlin-not when he’d bought so many, not when he looked so happy to see me wear them. Not when his words weren’t far from the truth. The day I put on my pants and tunics, the day I strapped weapons to myself like fine jewelry, it would send a message far and clear across the lands. So I wore the gowns, and let Alis arrange my hair-if only so it would buy these people a measure of peace and comfort. (ACOMAF)
I sometimes debated asking her to pray for me as well. To pray that I’d one day learn to love the dresses, and the parties, and my role as a blushing, pretty bride. (ACOMAF)
And he knew the cruelty of the Hewn City troubled her. But she hadn’t hesitated to come. When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court-and would do whatever she needed. (ACOSF)
So Elain had let her golden-brown hair down tonight, and pinned it back with twin combs of pearl. He’d never once in the two years he’d known her found Elain to be plain, but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court...It sucked the life from her. (ACOSF)
Pretending everything’s all right
“Fine,” I breathed. I made myself look him in the eye, made myself smile. (ACOMAF)
“And you?” I made myself say. “Are you-all right?” Elain looked over a shoulder at me as we entered the foyer, then turned left-to the dining room. In the sitting room across the way, all conversation halted at the smell of food. “Why wouldn’t I be all right?” she asked, a smile lighting up her face. I’d seen those smiles before. On my own damn face. (ACOFAS)
Clothes not looking right on them
I really, truly hated my wedding gown. It was a monstrosity of tulle and chiffon and gossamer, so unlike the loose gowns I usually wore: the bodice fitted, the neckline curved to plump my breasts, and the skirts...The skirts were a sparkling tent, practically floating in the balmy spring air (. . .) I might have dealt with it all if it weren’t for the puffy capped sleeves, so big I could almost see them glinting from the periphery of my vision. My hair had been curled, half up, half down, entwined with pearls and jewels and the Cauldron knew what, and it had taken all my self-control to keep from cringing at the mirror before descending the sweeping stairs into the main hall. (ACOMAF)
I again surveyed the room, my wedding gown hissing on the warm marble floors. I peered down at myself. You look ridiculous. (ACOMAF)
Elain in black was ridiculous. Yes, she was beautiful, but the color of her long-sleeved, modest gown leeched the brightness from her face. It wore her, rather than the other way around. (ACOSF)
Looking good in clothes that suit them and that fact being pointed out
My high-waisted peach pants were loose and billowing, gathered at the ankles with velvet cuffs of bright gold. The long sleeves of the matching top were made of gossamer, also gathered at the wrists, and the top itself hung just to my navel, revealing a sliver of skin as I walked. Comfortable, easy to move in-to run. Feminine. Exotic. (ACOMAF)
But those claws now dug in-and my entire body, my heart, my lungs, my blood yielded to his grip, utterly at his command as he said, The fashion of the Night Court suits you. (ACOMAF)
Gone was the ill-suited black dress from the ball, replaced by a gown of amethyst velvet, her hair half-up and curling down to her waist. She glowed with good health. (ACOSF)
People not wanting them to be involved in things
“I want to go.” “No.” I crossed my arms, tucking my tattooed hand under my right bicep, and spread my feet slightly further apart on the dirt floor of the stables. “It’s been three months. Nothing’s happened, and the village isn’t even five miles-” “No.” (ACOMAF)
“I could use my powers against Hybern.” “That’s out of the question,” Tamlin said, “especially as there will be no war against Hybern.” “Rhys says war is inevitable, and we’ll be hit hard.” Lucien said drily, “And Rhys knows everything?” “No-but...He was concerned. He thinks I can make a difference in any upcoming conflict.” Tamlin flexed his fingers-keeping those claws contained. “You have no training in battle or weaponry. And even if I started training you today, it’d be years before you could hold your own on an immortal battlefield.” He took a tight breath. “So despite what he thinks you might be able to do, Feyre, I’m not going to have you anywhere near a battlefield. Especially if it means revealing whatever powers you have to our enemies. You’d be fighting Hybern at your front, and have foes with friendly faces at your back.” “I don’t care-” “I care,” Tamlin snarled. Lucien whooshed out a breath. “I care if you die, if you’re hurt, if you will be in danger every moment for the rest of our lives. So there will be no training, and we’re going to keep this between us.” (ACOMAF)
“Nesta’s spine straightened. No one spoke, but their attention lingered on her like a film on her skin. ‘You will not go looking for it.’” (ACOSF)
“Then go off on adventures,” Nesta said. “Go drink and fuck strangers. But stay away from the Cauldron.” (. . .) “Keep out of this,” she hissed at her youngest sister. “I have no doubt you put these thoughts in her head, probably encouraging her to throw herself into harm’s way-” (ACOSF)
Amren said, “We do not have the time to wait for Nesta to decide. I say we approach Elain tomorrow. Better to have both of them working on it.” Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.” “But Nesta should?” Cassian growled. Everyone stared at him. He swallowed, offering an apologetic glance to Az, who shrugged it off. Amren drained her wine and said to Cassian, “Nesta has a week. One more week to find the Trove with her own methods. Then we seek out other routes.” She threw a nod toward Azriel. “Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.” (ACOSF)
“I think Eris is our ally, and will expect to dance with a lady of this court at the ball no matter what. I won’t let Feyre within five feet of him, Mor might kill him, and Amren is more likely to scare him off than win him over, so you and Elain are the only options.” “Elain doesn’t go near him,” Feyre said. (ACOSF)
Their safety being brought up when they want to be involved
“Please. The recovery efforts are so slow. I could hunt for the villagers, get them food-” “It’s not safe,” Tamlin said, again nudging his stallion into a walk. The horse’s coat shone like a dark mirror, even in the shade of the stables. “Especially not for you.” He’d said that every time we had this argument; every time I begged him to let me go to the nearby village of High Fae to help rebuild what Amarantha had burned years ago (. . .) “People want to come back, they want a place to live-” “Those same people see you as a blessing-a marker of stability. If something happened to you…” (. . .)Tamlin said softly, “I can’t do what I need to if I’m worrying about whether you’re safe.” (ACOMAF)
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he murmured. “It’s fine,” I breathed. “I understand.” Not a lie, but not quite the truth. His fingers grazed lower, circling my belly button. “You are-you’re everything to me,” he said thickly. “I need...I need you to be all right. To know they can’t get to you-can’t hurt you anymore.” (ACOMAF)
“Tamlin got what I didn’t,” Lucien said softly, his breathing ragged. “We all heard your neck break. But you got to come back. And I doubt that he will ever forget that sound, either. And he will do everything in his power to protect you from that danger again, even if it means keeping secrets, even if it means sticking to rules you don’t like. In this, he will not bend. So don’t ask him to-not yet.” (ACOMAF)
“Did he let you take me today,” I said hoarsely, “so that I’d stop asking to help rebuild?” “No. I decided to take you myself. For that exact reason. They don’t want or need your help. Your presence is a distraction and a reminder of what they went through.” (. . .) “I know you wanted to help,” Lucien offered. “I’m sorry.” So was I. (ACOMAF)
“The last time we involved ourselves with the Cauldron, it abducted you,” Nesta countered, fighting her shaking. (ACOSF)
“Like calls to like,” Amren countered. “You were Made by the Cauldron. You may track other objects Made by it as well, as Briallyn can. And because you are Made by it, you are immune to the influence and power of the Trove. You might use them, yes, but they cannot be used upon you.” A glance to Elain. “Either of you.” Nesta swallowed. “I can’t.” But to let Elain involve herself, jeopardize her safety- (ACOSF)
Nesta’s pulse pounded throughout her body. “Do you not remember the war? What we encountered? Do you not remember the Cauldron kidnapping you, bringing you into the heart of Hybern’s camp?” “I do,” Elain said coldly. (ACOSF)
If it was between her and Elain, there was no choice at all. She would always go first if it meant keeping Elain from harm. Even if she’d just hurt her sister more than she could stomach. (ACOSF)
Pushing back against what others want
He hissed, “You have no idea how hard it is for him to even let you off the estate grounds. He’s under more pressure than you realize.” “I know exactly how much pressure he endures. And I didn’t realize I’d become a prisoner.” “You’re not-” He clenched his jaw. “That’s not how it is and you know it.” “He didn’t have any trouble letting me hunt and wander on my own when I was a mere human. When the borders were far less safe.” “He didn’t care for you the way he does now. And after what happened Under the Mountain…” The words clanged in my head, along my too-tense muscles. “He’s terrified. Terrified of seeing you in his enemies’ hands. And they know it, too-they know all they have to do to own him would be to get ahold of you.” “You think I don’t know that? But does he honestly expect me to spend the rest of my life in that manor, overseeing servants and wearing pretty clothes?” (ACOMAF)
Cassian shifted in his seat. “So we track down the Dread Trove-how?” Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, “Using me.” Nesta’s head went silent as Elain’s words finished sounding in the room. Feyre had twisted in her seat, face white with alarm. Nesta shot to her feet. “No.” Elain remained in the doorway, her face pale but her expression harder than Nesta had ever seen it. “You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta.” (ACOSF)
“It nearly killed me. It trapped me like a bird in a cage.” Elain said, “Then I will find it. I might require some time to...reacquaint myself with my powers, but I could start today.” “Absolutely not,” Nesta spat, fingers curling at her sides. “Absolutely not.” “Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.” (ACOSF)
Being used as pawns against others
“We need you to tell us everything,” Tamlin said. “The layout of the Night Court, who you saw, what weapons and powers they bore, what Rhys did, who he spoke to, any and every detail you can recall.” “I didn’t realize I was a spy.” Lucien shifted in his seat, but Tamlin said, “As much as I hate your bargain, you’ve been granted access into the Night Court. Outsiders rarely get to go in-and if they do, they rarely come out in one piece. And if they can function, their memories are usually...scrambled. Whatever Rhysand is hiding in there, he doesn’t want us knowing about it.” (ACOMAF)
Rhys angled his head at the not-quite question. “I trust in the fact that we currently have possession of the one thing he wants above all else. And as long as that remains, he’ll try to stay on our good side. But if that changes...His talent was wasted in the Spring Court. There was a reason he had that fox mask, you know.” His mouth tugged to the side. “If he got Elain away, back to Spring or wherever...do you believe, deep down, that he wouldn’t sell what he knows? Either for gain, or to ensure she stays safe?” “You let him hear everything tonight, though.” (. . .) I considered his question: Did I trust Lucien? “I don’t know, either,” I admitted, and sighed. “I don’t like that Elain is a pawn in this.” “I know. It’s never easy.” (ACOWAR)
Cassian glowered at Amren. “It’s not right to wield Elain as a threat to manipulate Nesta into scrying.” “There are harsher ways to convince Nesta, boy.” (ACOSF)
Although Elain and Feyre are surrounded by two different groups of people with varying levels of care for their wellbeing, they’re treated similarly which is hard to overlook. In Elain’s situation, Nesta, Azriel, and Feyre take on the “Tamlin role” (either undermining Elain’s attempts to contribute to things or preventing Elain from helping altogether) while everyone else takes on the “Lucien role” (validating the concerns of others while also enabling their behaviors, which doesn’t support Elain’s desire to be involved).
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chewiedon · 4 years
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request: Reader is known to be the most beautiful woman in the village. Douma got intrigued by the word 'beautiful' from rumors that he tried to find the reader to see how beautiful she is and probably eat her soon. But when he saw how beautiful she really is. He hold off his hunger and kidnapped her. After that, Douma locked her in one of a special room for Queens (idk). The reader was upset and wanted to escape. As soon as she got the chance to, she run endlessly through the deep forest. A demon jumped out and attacked her, but before it could. Douma was there to kill it himself. The reader was threatened to be punished after that. But she doesn't care anymore. She knows she is safe with him from now on.
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You woke up on the rough surface of the tatami mat with a thin comforter over your figure. Waking up with confusion plaguing your mind, you quickly raised your body and turned your head left and right trying to find something familiar in your strange surroundings. Immediately you tried to remember what you did the night previous, did you get drunk and accidentally sleep with someone? Did you end up being kidnapped?
The last thing you remember was laying down comfortably in your futon and going to sleep, not being able to recall the ingestion of any intoxication. The thought crossed your mind that someone might have drugged you asleep, that way you wouldn't have woken up. You weren't that heavy of a sleeper.
Morning rays of sun seeped through the cracks of the shoji doors, a body sized mirror in the corner or the small room reflected the little light it could catch. Standing up on your feet you got a better look at the room you were in, your gaze stopped at the sliding door which you immediately grabbed.
Sliding it open you were welcomed with long halls containing wooden floors, a man in a light colored kimono flinched when he saw you as he rushed to you.
"Madam, please wait in that room! The Lord is currently speaking to worshippers, I-" You cut the distressed man before he could continue.
"Where am I? I've never been here before," You were confused at the formality, sure men were usually formal to you but never like this.
"You're within the Lords' Chambers, if you're refusing to stay in there I'll have to lock you in there, madam!" You disliked his tone of voice with you, you were looking why and where you were and he was trying to lock you inside a room?
The rules of being a good guest flew out the window, you were in this strange house against your will and you don't want anything to do with it. You raised your voice, anger and frustration beginning to surface.
"I don't give a rat's ass about your "Lord" or whatever! Why am I here, I wish to leave!" You could feel the heat surface to your face as aggression rushed through your body, your foot stomping on the floor in frustration as if you were some child.
"Ma'am please!" The man pleaded.
"I had a feeling I heard a commotion~!" A masculine voice sang, a man dressed in colorful layers of kimonos with shining blonde hair.
He looked like he didn't long for this world, he was so colorful. A top his head he wore a crown as if he were some kind of God, in this case you could even say he was that. It explains his majestic appearance.
"Pardon the trouble, but please get back into the room, I'll be with you soon~!" You could hear the facade behind his tone, it was disgustingly obvious and he was disgustingly good at it.
The colorful man reached out to touch you, likely for some kind of comfort. You swatted his hand away, and took a step away. Your emotions were going haywire, who do these people think they are? Kidnapping you? Before you could even blink, a large hand had grabbed your jawline and pulled it forward.
"Keep this shit up and I'll punish you. I'll be with you soon," His tone turned cold, his smile wiped off his face- he looked like a different thing entirely.
Your stomach sank as fear had set in, this man standing in front of you was much bigger than you and clearly had power over people. There wasn't much hope for you, was there? You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded with a small whimper, you could feel your forehead dampen with sweat.
He removed his hand slowly and put a friendly pat on top of your head, his cheery disposition had returned. He walked down the hallway, the same way he came from originally.
"I'm so happy my wife is so understanding~!" He sang, "Takeshi-san please take good care of her in my place!" He sang before disappearing around the corner, leaving you in shock.
The servant, now dubbed as Takeshi shouted back, "Y-yes Douma-sama right away!" Before nudging you back into the room.
Douma was a name that rang in your ear, your mother often talked about him with the other housewives in the village about his cult. Despite the warm demeanor that followed the Eternal Paradise religion, you'd stayed far away from it. Something felt always off.
And now that you were stuck inside this small room with no reason why you were in the first place. A rock had settled in your stomach, a very large and immovable rock. You sat on the rough tatami mats on the verge of tears, choking back sobs.
Minutes turned into hours, hours of a sore throat and quiet crying. You were stuck, and nobody would think to look for you in here.
"Crying? What's wrong?"
The voice you had dreaded resonated throughout the room, your gaze was fixated on your crossed knees. His hakama pants made way into your view as he stood right above you.
"My... You didn't even use any of the gifts I got for you. I was sure you would like them."
"Why am I here?" Your voice was cold, trying your best to keep yourself from shaking.
Something was wrong, so very wrong. A sinister edge came off of Douma, he almost reeked of impurity. Simply from the way he presented himself to you, his facade made the rock in your stomach only grow. Your evident helplessness only made your anxiety spike.
His hand was cold, he cupped your cheek. Douma's multicolored eyes seemed to leave you in a trance, they were beautiful. Before you could even process what was happening his lips were on yours.
You've never felt more disgusted by something than right now.
Douma didn't have any body heat, his skin held a chill to it.
Shivers danced up and down your spine, you didn't dare to break the connection. He broke off and kissed your forehead while you stood frozen.
His breath smelled like blood.
"Was that your first kiss? Well don't worry, when we get married I'll make sure to kiss you plenty~!" He sang out, a bright smile on his face and his cheeks red.
"Married?" you had started, "I can't get married, my mother says I must wait until I'm 18 until I choose a suitor!"
"Your mother, oh the nice older lady with (h/c), right? No worries, I ate her just last night when I took her!"
Ate? What the fuck?
Was he the leader of some sick cannibalistic cult? Worshippers of the devil? Your voice was caught in your throat, unable to properly process the words that had spilled from Douma's lips. Was it a metaphor for something?
Douma sat down, your gazes at a similar height as you sat up straight. His back was slouched to look you straight in the eye.
"I'm unable to stay long, I'll make sure to keep you lots of company tomorrow though! It's simply just bad timing, my master has requested a very impromptu meeting. I'll be back, darling~!" he skipped around the room and flung the shoji door open, revealing the engawa.
Taking a deep breath, allowing the night air to fill his lungs.
"The night is beautiful," Douma commented, "But you're even more beautiful."
In less than a blink of an eye he disappeared. As if he was never there in the first place.
Douma didn't lie to you, he did have to leave to see his higher ups. But it was a trap, a test. He had known you were jittery, and he could feel the rushing adrenaline from the moment the two of yours' lips had met. He knew you would try to run away, and as such he could provide protection. Humans' minds were simple and delicate, and he knew how exactly to get you on his side. You were such a delicacy, he's never felt drawn towards someone like he had with you.
It may have been the way other men had talked about you. Or the way you had presented yourself to others. Those meager humans didn't deserve you in his opinion. You presented yourself as some kind of goddess, an inhuman being and giving your attention to mere maggots.
Back inside the estate, you didn't even look to see if Douma had actually left. Some fucked up shit was happening here and you didn't want any part of it. Not even looking for your shoes you had dashed out of the house. Ignoring the stinging of pine needles and small rocks against the bottom of your feet, you forced your legs to carry you through the forest.
Even though you didn't get a good look at your surroundings, nothing looked familiar in the slightest. You didn't care if you were running to the middle of the forest, you just needed to get away from him. The loose kimono restricted your movement, you twisted the obi off and lazily knotted the string around your waist.
Eventually, your adrenaline and stamina had given out. Your burning muscles only got weaker until they eventually gave out and knocked you on your knees, your lungs on fire from running. You had no idea how far away you were from the house, you could still see the dim light over the array of bushes and trees.
The song of the crickets was loud in your ears, as well as the snapping twigs and the rustling of the life around you. You had tried your best to muffle your heavy breathing, not wanting to cause any abnormal disturbances that might hint to your disappearance. Putting one hand over your wheezing mouth and another over your chest in hope to help calm yourself down. You could feel the blood pulsating all over your body.
"Ohoh? A human?"
Your heart sank, everything in your body completely refused to move. Ruled by the exhaustion and terror. It wasn't Douma's voice, but the choking stench of death made your throat close up.
"A woman too, luck really is on my side tonight!"
The demon stood above you from the withered log you had been hiding against, he twisted his body downward inhumanly. Grabbing your shoulder and digging his claws into your flesh, the stinging pain invading all your senses as you tried to wiggle yourself out. You tugged desperately at the hand, screeching and crying until your vocals were sore.
"How troublesome."
Before you could even begin to process the bloody image in front of you, your body had slammed into the rough ground below you, almost knocking the wind out of you. Scurrying backwards, seeing the attacker now in bite sized pieces. Decorating the grass below him with his insides.
"You disobeyed me."
Douma stood on the log above you, moonlight highlighting his figure. Godlike. Just what was he?
"I'll have to punish you."
The shaking in your body ceased, as soon as he had stepped on the ground before you your arms were latched around him.
You didn't care how he'd punish or hold you captive, you knew you were safe.
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gaiuswrites · 3 years
yoga!din thoughts:
they've been fucking around for awhile, but only in the studio. never beyond the studio doors, not even in the cramped, single-person bathroom across the hall. their relationship is purely physical—probably couldn't even consider it fwb. he likes her, is irritated by her, likes the smoothness of her pussy. she likes him, is fascinated by him, likes the rigidness of his cock. it doesn't go much further than that.
that all changes when they run into each other at the grocery store.
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christ on a cracker here we go. I’m ready to die now. Cause of death, yoga!Din oh NO-
This... I have no idea what any of this is, but Jess and I have been having a good ol’ time with it. I also want to give a shout out to Rachel for always being a rock in these unprecedented times and taking interest in this main man and I’ll probably be sending you similar messages for your masseuse au to torture you and im not even a little sorry about it
(warnings: SMUT, spanking, language, so pls minors, politely, go home thanks)
She always does this—why does she always do this? 
She drifts down the aisles with the practiced effort of a trapeze artist, juggling the load of groceries bundled to her chest.
Get a cart. Just get a damn cart—a basket, something.
But no. She doesn’t. It happens every time: she goes in for one item—maybe two—and two turns to three and three turns to four, and suddenly they’ve multiplied like rabbits and she’s got half the store in her arms.
Trail mix from the bulk bins, almond milk, coffee grounds, bananas, spirulina powder, those delicious chickpea chips that were buy-one-get-one—how was she supposed to just walk past that—spinach, tofu, zucchini noodles, salmon fillets—
And she nearly drops it all when she spots him. Dark hair, dark eyes.
She stalls out, puttering to a halt. He’s reaching into the frozen meats section, rifling through the various cold cuts. She’d recognize the yawn of his back anywhere, the slope of that broad plane— his arms too, how his tricep cuts across the tawny gold. The shapes they can make. 
The positions they can bend her into.
Maybe it’s best if she just turns around now, sneaks away, pretends like none of this ever happened—she could do that. That would be easy—the easier of the two options, to be sure, because the alternative sounds terrifying and messy, and maybe if she just backs up nice and slow—
Din wheels his cart forwards and glances up. Shit.
He’s not sure what he’s even looking at at first. His feet slow, and there’s a groove creased into his forehead, brow ticking down. She’s here— right here in front of him. How can she be here? How can she be anywhere but where he knows her best—knows her at all? Inside that room, woven limbs and sweaty skin on glossed wood floors. How can she be here—outside that sacred space—in his fucking grocery store?
They stare at each other. She breaks first.
“Hi,” she mumbles out, beguiling.
“Hey,” Din responds, gruffer than he means.
“Hi,” she says again, pressing her lips together to hide a smile.
A grin tugs at him too, but he tampers it; they let a silent, pregnant beat pass between them and then—
“What are you doing he-“ “Have you been here befo-“
They’re speaking over each other—nervous and out of step—and they share a huffed chuckle. They’ve never been this before. They’ve always been physical and brash and bold and they’ve never needed words—they’ve shown each other exactly what they meant and what they wanted through touch—and now, when they need them most, they’re at a loss.
“Just getting some supplies,” she answers him with a shrug, causing one of her many parcels to slip from the precarious tower she’s constructed, and Din, ever agile, catches it before it strays too far. 
“My hero,” she quips dryly, gratefully, as he carefully places the package of tofu on top of the heap. He makes a face, wrinkling his nose. “Is that stuff any good?”
“It’s an acquired taste,” she smirks.
He’s closer to her now, less than an arm’s length away, and Din’s eyes flit to the fading mark at the swallow of her neck, peeking up from the collar of her shirt— the mark he left there just days prior, when she ground down on him, supple frame speared by his cock, rocking frantic and needy up and down on him, whimpering hushed noises into the empty studio. His hand splayed the width of her back, cradling her to him as she rode Din, stretching around him fucking perfectly. 
“Fuck, this pussy takes me so well,” he seethed through a clenched jaw, her breasts rutting against his chest with each bounce of her hips. He growled. “You’re so - shit - you’re tight-” 
Din gave her ass a sharp smack before pawing at it, grabbing a fistful of the flesh there and she moaned— she fucking moaned, depraved and oaky, and knocked her head back, lips falling open and eyes rolling shut. Din groaned at the sight—this woman, this fucking thorn in his goddamn side—sheathed around him, writhing as he fucked up into her—and she had the audacity to moan like that. 
“You like that?” He slapped her ass again and she whimpered, clawing at him, tangling her fingers into his hair, nails scraping over his scalp. He had to resist the urge to shudder—snapping his mouth tight around a whine.
Normally, she’d meet him with some sort of resistance. She was cheeky and smarmy and they both knew it—it’s a game they played—perfectly balanced, perfectly opposed. But she couldn’t help it—she was too far gone, too fucked out, and the words unspooled from her lips like yarn. 
“Yes-yes—fuck, Din- please.”
That earned her another swift crack, the pillowed flesh prickling red from the sting of his palm, and it tore a guttural sound out of her, wrecking through her pretty throat. “God, you’re a filthy little thing. So f-fucking filthy for me-“ 
He ripped her orgasm out of her, his fingers snaked between their bodies, furiously working at her clit in tight, wet circles. It felt like a punch to his gut, as her pussy clamped down around him and gushed. 
When he finally came, spilling into her slicked cunt, he had to bite down on her neck just to keep from fucking shouting. 
He tears his gaze off the bruise, returning to her face—and it’s hardly any better. The corner of her mouth has turned up, just barely, the whisper of it wry and aching. That look—that infuriating, debilitating glint in her eyes—has settled and it makes his cock twitch against his jeans.
“Having a barbecue?” she asks, nodding to his cart, the beer and buns and patties there.
He clears his throat, “Something like that.”
Fenn insisted on it—’I’m not wasting the perfect weather. We’re all doing something, whether you like it or not’— He could only fight her on it for so long. Lesser men have tried and failed, and he knew it best to quit while he was ahead.
“Sounds fun. It’s supposed to be a beautiful weekend.”
“Yeah, so I hear.” Din has to fight the roll of his eyes.
The spell had been broken. They’d spirited themselves away—lying to each other and themselves—as if their tryst existed above consequence, above ramification—like they weren’t even real people. Just ideas, ideas they’d fuck and then suddenly and conveniently vanish—out of sight, out of mind; would disappear as the sun that set on them, blurring lines into the dark.
But he sees her here, clumsy willow arms and cotton tee and cut-off shorts and those beautiful fucking legs he loves wrapped around him so much, and she’s glowing despite the ugly fluorescent sheen cast up from the linoleum tile and—
It’s different. She’s different. Fuller. He knows her now—like this. And he can’t unknow her.
His throat bobs. Maybe he should ask her if she’s free. If she’s got plans. Maybe—
“I’ll see you on Wednesday then,” she says, something unreadable in her voice.
Din swallows. He nods. “Wednesday.”
Oh fuck, he likes her.
She tips her head to him, grinning something small, and shuffles off towards the register.
He watches her go, eyes following as she rounds a corner and slips away. She can feel them on her, his eyes, boring into her backside—all the way to her car, through the town, up to her driveway, into her kitchen where she cupboards her groceries—she feels him, the heavy heat of him, melting against her spine.
@djarinsbeskar @frannyzooey @pedros-mustache
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