#different dl 6 victim au
imsosocold · 1 year
DL-6 anon! Regarding the von Karma essay: not much of an essay in that I'm writing a fic instead, but basically this is the best thing I could come up with:
DL-6, kills Gregory in a haze
Realizes Gregory left behind a son. The son was in the elevator. Of course it's not guilt for depriving the kid of a father! I am above such pitiful feelings. No he's a potential witness. I need to meet him and see what he knows
Big relief! He doesn't know anything
shit he's smart. And polite. And he asked me if I was prosecuting the trial for his father's death cause he wants the defendant found guilty. I can't leave such a promising kid in the system!
Takes Miles in. It's only temporary! I need to make sure he's in a place that'll be good to him. It's the least I can do, he's such a bright kid. He shouldn't be an orphan, he deserves better. ... oh wait. it's kinda my fault, isn't it.
Nightmare...? Oh shit. He actually witnessed the murder even if he doesn't realize it's me screaming
wait he was the one who fucking shot me???
wait oh he thinks he's the one - well he did throw the gun - this is way too convenient. Yes little boy I am going to encourage the idea you got into your own head that you did kill your father. I know it hurts you but I don't want to go to prison
He's a witness I can't let him go back to the system where, left to his own devices, he might one day realize the truth. I need to keep him under my control. Also he's kind of a delight but that has nothing to do with it
shit Franziska loves him now I really can't let him go
shit he wants to be a prosecutor and he's still so smart and cold. He fits in perfectly with my perfect family and its traditional and elitist values. Mine now. (Path of pain and all that. Nothing so plebeian as feelings, of course.)
Fast-forward a few years. Yes little Miles 13 years old is a perfect age to start studying law to become a perfect prosecutor. I am going to start tutoring you and you will be a perfect student. I will accept nothing less. (You can do it.)
Franziska. You cannot start learning law at 6, that's too young. What do you mean I spend too much time tutoring Miles and not enough time with you any more and it's unfair so you want to follow the lessons, too. .... I just can't refuse you anything, can I. Well you better keep up perfectly. I don't want you impeding your brother's progress.
Fast-forward another few years. 19 year-old Miles is a genius, I taught him well, I am proud of him. I am taking him on my cases now. ... Why is he questioning my lessons?? Of course I only need to show the relevant evidence and the witnesses must be perfectly coached? Next he's going to accuse me of forging evidence? Or of murder?? ...... maybe I overreacted. Certainly my outburst has nothing to do with long-denied guilt and fear. I'll take him and his sister to karaoke to make up for it.
..... What do you mean, you're taking the bar too, Franziska? You're only 13. Wait. What do you mean you took a mock exam? And you did it perfectly? ... you're right. I can see it. You truly are worthy of the von Karma name. Of course you have my blessing. Make me proud.
20 year-old Miles starts his career. He's good. I did a good job with him.
but my shoulder still hurts. It's hard not to hate him in those moments. I must never show him though.
Fast-forward a few years. What do you mean, Miles, you LOST?? How could that have happened. I thought I had perfect control on - I mean, run the case by me once more? Oh. Those can all be attributed to external circumstances. Now that I have a better understanding of the fact you didn't betray our ways, I'm not mad at you. This was merely unfortunate, you did everything you could. I'm sure it won't happen again. Let's do something fun and fancy to lift your spirits. Did you hear about Franziska's career? She's really making a name for herself back in Germany.
What do you mean Miles a second loss. How did that happen. .... You doubted. What do you mean the defendant was innocent - didn't I teach you better than that - where did I go wrong with you -
(this is his father talking. he is slipping from my grasp. he cannot be allowed to accuse me. this is everything I ever feared. I cannot fall like that.)
This has been going on for too long. I want this fear gone, I want him gone. .... And I know how to do it. The perfect plan.
No. That's going too far. I spent so much energy on him. He is my ward and my pupil. I can't do this to him.
What do you mean it's nearly December and you're having the nightmares more intensely again. You're having the nightmares again. You're having the -
... Yanni Yogi's address found. Letter sent. I sure hope I don't regret this.
I am already regretting this.
Oh no. This is happening exactly how I had planned. I cannot back down any more. Miles will be sentenced and I will never see him again. Well he deserves it, for shooting me in the shoulder, for doubting me, for failing, for... he deserves it. He does. No defendant is innocent.
Edgeworth. I will profess my hatred and disdain for you and your lineage at every opportunity I have. Surely that will prevent me from succumbing to the guilt and the regret and from realizing I made a mistake. We've got to follow! The path of pain! To the end!
Why is my perfect case f a l l i n g a p a r t this has never happened to me. I have never felt so stressed in my life. Not even when Gregory Edgeworth got me that damn penalty. Not even when you shot me in the shoulder. Not even when I was overcome with hatred and committed a crime that still haunts me, still pursues me, I can never escape -
You and your father are my curse!
... and well. You know the rest ^^ (Note: I realise the tone is too memey to be von Karmic, idk why that's how it came to me x))
Also I agree on the "what's done is done" attitude! And I agree Miles would probably go and visit him. Imagine being raised by someone for fifteen years like a son and then finding out they framed you for murder and killed your father while you believed you were the one that killed him. I think he'd be so confused, he'd have no idea what of those fifteen years were genuine and what of it was schemes of hatred. I think he'd need that closure. Alas, I think Manfred would deny it to him - not out of malice, but because he genuinely thinks it to be pointless. (And he's also too proud to talk about feelings, I kinda stand by that. If Manfred has one cardinal sin, it's pride. It's the von Karma generational curse!)
phew that was a long one I apologise ^^ All the best!!
I don’t think this message was memey at all, I think you’ve got Manfred peeled open, organs visible. You’ve perfectly dissected him and his character and now we get to play with his parts. Never apologize for a post being too long, I’ve adored every single one. It’s been a wonderful journey. SEND ME THE FIC WHEN YOU’RE DONE!!!
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xjulixred45x · 2 years
Yui x Itadori AU!Crossover JJK/DL/¿Gojou or Sukuna?
This is the translation of a question from my inbox, which just talks about the AU Crossover of JUJUTSU KAISEN and Diabolik Lovers, with Yui being saved and having a cute romance with the JJK main character, Itadori :3, right?
I definitely like to think of this Au where Yui's partner is defined by the reader (although my personal favorite is Itadori) so the potential to write about Gojo with an older Yui is a tantalizing prospect (and realistic considering how the clan Gojo acts).
Gojo may or may not have been the one who saved Yui from the vampires in the first place, so from the beginning Yui would hold him in high esteem, not only for saving her but because she would quickly realize how strong he is and be inspired in a certain way. especially after realizing that even though Gojo comes from a strong clan, he's only human, he can die like her and still can with the monsters that terrorized her for years. That helps not to put him on a pedestal but in turn want to learn from him.
We all know that Gojo is not very fond of weak people, but I imagine that he interacts a lot with Yui in order to ensure that no one tries to kidnap her again, which leads to them getting to know each other better and understanding the context of what happened with the diaboys. , which leads to him respecting Yui more and not seeing her as someone "weak" but rather as a victim who did what was necessary to survive.
I imagine Gojo is very supportive of Yui getting over her trauma with the Diaboys, either by trying to warm her up by using her Normally loud and fun personality, but if that doesn't work, I think she could open up to her a bit to Let him see that he understands what it's like to go through something traumatic (this would be the most likely).
Yui has had birthdays in several Games, so I think she's definitely over 18 at the end of Lost Eden, so in Gojo's case, there wouldn't be much of a problem with the age difference. But even so, there is a different maturity difference and in personality, don't even talk about it, but it is partly a strong point.
Does anyone remember that SHIN dialogue in Dark fate?
"you told me this one day
"I am aware of how weak I am"
You're wrong.
You are not weak.
Aren't you stronger than anyone?
That's why I let your presence surround me, and I open myself to you"
It gives me a vibe that it would be something that Satoru would say to Yui, CHANGE MY MIND.
Besides, the dynamic with the boys would be hilarious, they wouldn't even believe that someone as adorable and good as Yui would be with someone like their sensei. I already mentioned it in the original post, but Yui is a mommy friend, so I wouldn't be surprised if Nobara, Meugmi, and Itadori see her as such, and totally ignore Satoru when he wants to be seen as a dad.
Taking a bit from gaming canon, Yui knows how to cook, I'm talking about soups, big plates for the Sakamakis (6 people) and most importantly BAKED GOODS DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DIFFICULT IT IS TO MAKE BAKED GOODS?? Apart from that they are delicious! Satoru becomes Yui's number one taster and brings her whatever she needs to cook to her liking, he helps from time to time so that it isn't so heavy, but you have to be careful that it doesn't end up in a flour fight.
GojoxYui is definitely something fun to imagine with the perfect amount of fluff and angst, the complete package.
NOW, with Sukuna I have mixed feelings, I really like the "bad REALLY BAD x pure person" trope, other than (in my perspective) Sukuna wouldn't want to kill Yui because of how useful she would be, which is already a good start, BUUUUUUT, I honestly can't imagine this relationship being healthy, don't get me wrong, I like it, but it would be hard to get anything out of Fluff without a Yandere background or something.
As I said in the original post, Sukuna at first would see Yui more as a trophy than as a person, but he wouldn't kill her for how valuable she is, both Sorcerers and Curses would want her, but only HE could have her because he is THE KING of curses. Now, I don't think Sukuna wanted to use Yui to get stronger because of Ego, he thinks he's invincible and for the most part he is. Does anyone assume that he needs a human to be powerful? Instant death.
I think I would only develop a greater interest in Yui if she makes the first move, I mean, Yui has already been around disturbed people (and even interacting with KarlHeinz before) so she wouldn't be as scared as the average person would be, since seen death before, unless Sukuna did something really barbaric in front of her or I tried to kill her(VERY unlikely). That probably catches Sukuna's attention and he wants to know more about her (like the interest she has for Megumi with a plus of constant interaction).
I talked about this a bit with my sister and maybe Yui will be able to get (probably not on purpose) into Sukuna's innate domain when she sleeps (like when she dreamed of Eden in More Blood) and thus interact more with him. I imagine Yui very curious about what Sukuna was doing before being sealed, which would 1. Raise the ego of this mf and 2. The esteem towards Yui increases.
When I say this would be a bit difficult without putting on the Yandere vibes, I really mean it, for a deeper friendship/crush point, Sukuna most likely won't hesitate to kill what he sees as a potential problem for Yui, the bishops who sent her with the sakamakis? Dead Karlheinz? Dead, the Sakamaki? Oh how he would enjoy this, after knowing everything they did to Yui he would be merciful with their deaths and be proud of his work. He may or may not resort to some manipulation to get Yui to turn to the dark side to his side and never be the victim again, he makes sure of that.
If we talk about an AU where Sukuna has his own body or his true form, let's be honest, Yui wouldn't do anything against him as long as she survived, it worked for her before and it will work for him now. After all, she knows that pleasing someone with a sky-high ego is a good way to survive (ask the Diaboys) and Sukuna would be HAPPY about this, not only because it strokes his ego, but because Yui willingly stays by his side as as long as he fulfills certain conditions (leaving Seiji alive, for example, and yes, one day I will talk about him).
Already established, I would say that it would be a dynamic where although Yui does not participate in Sukuna's bad deeds, she does nothing to avoid it either, she accepts his nature and instead lives better compared to other humans. It's his little lamb, adorable and naive, but untouchable. Something too precious to harm, but not just for her blood.
It's like a new version of the White Rose for curses, the White Rose of the King of Curses. Surprisingly protective of Yui, having the context of what happened to her, he is wary of everyone except maybe Uraume, at least Yui has someone else to interact with.
The YuixSukuna is definitely something, he has the old DL undertones, a bit of a dark relationship, with Yandere undertones, but he is surprisingly comforting and ironically much more loving than all the diaboys.
If there was a love triangle between the three of them, I don't think, I'm not good at doing something like that per se, but I would definitely like to see it with someone who knows how to do that kind of thing. stage, but I'll see what the future holds.
Some other day I'll talk more about this AU and its bases, but for now I hope you enjoy it :3
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
Been thinking about a Shigeken Ace Attorney AU in which Tracey is Phoenix and Gary is Miles. I'm calling it Trace Attorney.
I’m contemplating a fic, but I don’t know if I’d have trouble making it interesting and distinct when the idea is to probably hit roughly the same story beats as Ace Attorney canon (with minor differences due to some of the differences in the personalities of the characters involved). And I’d have to figure out which Pokemon characters to make into murderers (and murder victims), which would be. Something. (Aside from the DL-6 situation, because naturally Giovanni is Manfred and Sam is Gregory.) And also I have so many fic ideas all the time and project management is hard.
I guess we’ll find out together!
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imperfectfools · 7 years
But would someone else have to take the blame for Blaise's murder in the Different Target AU? Also my brain is desperately trying to find ways for only child Franziska to be less alone (like if then-Chief Prosecutor Blaise is killed, who takes his place? Does that affect Gant's schemes with Lana Skye? Can Ema be Franziska's friend?)
(( Well I imagine we could still have a very similar scenario for this DL-6 as the canon one. Could probably still have Yanni being the one everything’s pinned on too. Yanni still eventually panics though I think Blaise’s personality would lead to an actual physical scrap between the two.
( Possibly with one of them grabbing the gun and firing, only to miss & hit Manfred through the glass instead, resulting in the same wound he gets in canon. )
With the clear altercation, Hammond’s defense might lean more into a plea self-defense rather than temporary insanity. But that probably wouldn’t change much about the aftermath in Yanni’s life.
I don’t know how Gant and Lana’s shit would change tbh. 
Lana may have remained in the police force.Or maybe SL-9 played out the same way and whoever replaced Blaise decided to retire or w/e just in time for Gant to shove Lana into the position.
Also I’m Down for Ema and Franziska being pals but idk how that would work what with Ema being in the States with Lana and Franziska studying whole cloth in Germany. ))
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wrightfamily · 6 years
i dont talk abt my writing very much on tumblr but right now im writing a one shot for an au where gregory didnt die in dl-6 but it was a different victim and im
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My biggest issue with my defense AU is that - look, I said that it was gonna be a “nobody dies, nobody has horrible anxiety from being raised terribly, everyone’s fine” AU because this series super needs that, but I fundamentally love the drama and the angst and there is barely room to fit any into this AU like...
Like if I start with Turnabout Sisters, I could probably rewrite that plot to have it fit. Mia doesn’t die, she’s just very badly wounded, Maya and Phoenix find her in time that she’s still alive, she’s saved, but Maya is accused of attempted murder. But instead of Phoenix, alone and grieving the loss of his mentor and trying to investigate and defend his first case himself, being the only one there for Maya, Phoenix has Miles and Diego on his side. Though I imagine Diego being wholly useless at least for the first half of the case, he gets into a fight with Gumshoe for trying to take Maya away and gets arrested for obstruction of justice and trying to punch a police officer and Phoenix and Miles are just yelling at him “For the love of FUCK, Armando!!”
Still, then Phoenix has other people to lean on, and so does Maya, and then because Miles is here, he brings in Gregory and Raymond who are ready to drop everything to assist them, and Franziska who’s like “Do you want me to cut Detective Scruffy’s salary in half for this?” (”No, Fran, he’s doing his best. He needs to be able to eat.”) And Mia’s okay in the end, because this is the “everyone’s fine” AU.
But as you get further through the games, everything kind of compounds on itself, the losses and tragedies that the characters have suffered build, and so then because Maya is the only one of her immediate family left, you have Morgan trying to kill her to get the title of Master, but if Mia is also alive at that point, then does Morgan have to somehow figure out how to get rid of them both? Or does she just decide that’s a lost cause to take them both out? But I want to bring Pearl into the family. And then the whole second game arc of Franziska and Phoenix dealing with the disappearance of Edgeworth, none of that happens here. And then the third game, we obviously don’t have Godot because Diego woke up from his coma early and Mia is still alive. And if Morgan doesn’t do her revenge scheme in the first place, she isn’t plotting again. Or if she did, who finds out about it? Not Prosecutor Godot. If Misty finds out her daughters are being targeted, and she reaches out to Diego - because she doesn’t want to face her daughters after so long - and tells him to keep where he got this information a secret, he’ll do so but he’s got no reason that he resents and hates Phoenix, so he could easily enlist Phoenix’s help for watching out for Mia and Maya - and then with Phoenix you get Miles, and Gregory and Raymond and Franziska, and with Franziska there’s also Gumshoe, so they’ve got this network of people willing to close ranks and investigate and look out for each other.
Having said that, again, I love angst, and the image of Phoenix sprinting out across the burning bridge and plummeting into the raging watery abyss below while Miles is standing right there, watching and unable to do anything, is absolutely delicious and I want it to happen. But I would have to rewrite and rework so much.
(Also if you’re like "why is Misty missing, if DL-6 didn’t go down the same way?” - yes, that’s true, but there’s a few constants I want to keep for the sake of things, and her leaving is one of them. So she got called in on another case - maybe IS-7, because that one went unsolved, and the victim’s body was never found. So the police call in a spirit medium after DL-6 happens and von Karma is found guilty of attempted murder, because they’re all like “shit he did that maybe he’s actually super shady” and it’s revealed about the other shady things von Karma did on his last case, forging an autopsy report and hiding the fact that the body was never found and all. So they call in Misty but it goes wrong however it does, she and Kurain at large are disgraced, she vanishes. But she’s not gonna die in the revised Bridge to the Turnabout. I’m not doing that to Maya and Mia. Maybe the right label for this AU is “everyone’s fine in the end”)
(And then how this AU would progress after there, like Investigations is obviously....nothing happening the same way in the slightest but I like Kay and Lang. And then based on the little I know of where things go for Phoenix after T&T through AJ, I’m turning over some thoughts but there’s just... so much fundamentally different. I’ll update you on this once I’ve played that game and decide where I want to take the AU but who knew everything could be changed so much by everyone having functional support networks?)
(The only thing I’ve decided concretely post-trilogy is that Franziska eventually ends up Chief Prosecutor. She deserves it.)
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prosecutorsoffice · 7 years
Defense Attorney AU
AU Verse in which the DL-6 Accident ends differently, resulting in Miles becoming a defense attorney and working at his father’s law firm. 
Settings / Background Info
In this Verse, Gregory Edgeworth regained consciouness right before being killed, and was thus able to expose Manfred Von Karma as his killer when Misty Fey channeled him in court, resulting in Von Karma being given a guilty verdict and imprisoned for Gregory’s murder.
After the trial is over, Miles begged Misty to channel his father’s spirit one last time to let him say goodbye, which Misty obliges.
Miles is raised by Gregory’s assistant Raymond Shields, who also inherits Gregory’s law firm; Misty secretly supports him financially. 
He remains close friends with Phoenix and Larry, and strikes a close friendship with Mia, Maya and Iris over the years (all the time unaware that they’re actually his sisters and cousin); Maya and Pearl have him totally wrapped around their little fingers. On the other hand, he's is utterly terrified of Morgan.
He became a defence attorney at age 20, starting to work for Edgeworth Law Offices right after he got his badge.
Miles becomes Apollo Justice's guardian and mentor when Apollo is sent back to America at age 9 (Dhurke knew Gregory and wanted his adoptive son to be looked after).
Phoenix is Miles’s first client.
Personality-wise, Miles is pretty much like his canon self during Bridge of the Turnabout, the final case of Trials and Tribulations. He’s normally rather serious and aloof, but shows a softer, gentler side around people he trusts and cares about.
Instead of the burgundy suit and white cravat he wears in canon, Attorney!Miles wears his father’s trenchcoat over a white shirt, charcoal grey vest, black dress pants and burgundy tie.
Just like canon, he suffers from severe seismophobia (fear of earthquakes) and mild claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces). He also avoids elevators like the plague.
‘Logic Chess’ is a natural ability courtesy of his Fey blood, which allows him to see when people are hiding something or keeping secrets. It works just like the Magatama in canon, only instead of Psyche-Locks, Miles sees people’s will of keeping secrets as black chess pieces, with his own statements working as white chess pieces to attack and destroy them.
When he passed the bar exam, he was gifted a purple Magatama by Misty, Mia and Maya ‘for good luck’. In truth, the Magatama works as an amplifier to his Logic Chess ability, even allowing him to read between the lines to spot clues he wouldn’t be able to see normally. He usually carries it around as a keychain.
Due to his different experience with the Khura’in Channeling Technique, he’s less skeptical and more open-minded when supernatural or paranormal elements pop up during trials. He even requests the Feys’ help if he hits a roadblock during a murder trial, asking one of them to channel the victim’s spirit to get clues to find the real killer, although he considers having them testify in court while channeling the victim a last resort he’d rather not use if he can.
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imsosocold · 1 year
Different DL-6 victim anon here yet again - obsessed with the Yogi AU making Manfred question his morals as he repeatedly tries to prevent Miles from confessing. Like, objectively he knows Miles is innocent, that he has no business being punished for a crime he didn't commit, but he can't very well say that to him, can he. So he tells him "it was an accident, you're not to blame" instead, but it's implied in Turnabout Goodbyes that the law in Japanifornia would rule him as guilty anyway? So is Manfred truly saying "the law is unjust"? (I mean I know he's really saying "I know who the criminal is and it's not you" but again he can't SAY that so he has to pretend he's saying something else and stand by it.) Besides, if Miles is innocent and he confesses either way, does he deserve to be found guilty, as per Manfred's "every defendant is guilty, ever" philosophy? Is part of his desperation to keep Miles from confessing to avoid that cognitive dissonance? There's just so much to unpack there and it is SO fascinating
And the Miles AU breaks my heart. The betrayal once the truth would be revealed omg. Probably as severe as the one Miles must have felt in Turnabout Goodbyes, although in a totally different way. On one hand, Manfred didn't frame Gregory for murder, and although he's here to pick up the pieces as Gregory is grieving, he's not Gregory's caretaker, he wasn't as formative a part of Gregory's life as he was for Miles. On the other hand, this is a fellow father that took Gregory's son from him. There are no amends that can make that right, and I think Manfred is too proud to try anyway, even through his guilt. I wonder if Gregory thinks Manfred did it on purpose? And whether Manfred would correct him. I'm not sure what would hurt less, "no I won't deny I took your son's life purposely just to make you miserable, no I will not explain either" or "I actually meant to kill you and not him, it was your son who was supposed to survive." I'm sure Gregory wishes the latter had happened anyway, but hearing that that was what Manfred meant to happen... it would hit different.
It actually makes me wonder about the canon events again. I wonder if Miles went to talk to Manfred after the trial? I wonder if he got an explanation for Manfred's behavior, of if Manfred just refused to talk to him. (I actually also wonder how Manfred went from "I'm gonna take this kid in and teach him everything I know" to "I'll bury you with my bare hands" but tbh I could write an entire essay rambling about that. It's such a mystery to me!) Is Miles under the impression Manfred planned the whole thing fifteen years earlier? Does Manfred correct him? Does he not bother? Hhhhhh *shakes them*
Ooohhh, best of luck on your journey! I hope it brings you the healing you're seeking. I'm glad you're having fun but please take care of yourself and don't pass out while hiking! All the best!
One of the things I love about Manfred is that he’s filled with contradiction and cognitive dissonance.   I’d love to read an essay about his potential reasons from going from “ loving yet stern father inwardly struggling with guilt and generally how to express himself ”  to “ I will give my all and risk everything to frame this kid I raised”.   In the Yogi AU, Manfred probably wouldn’t be thinking that deeply about morality ( I don’t think he’s that self aware) but if he did, he’d definitely try to twist it. ‘ I’m not wrong about anything, this is just a special circumstance.”  There’s definitely a part of Manfred whose desperation to stop Miles comes from him not wanting to have to examine himself further. Of course, if Manfred attempts anything like Turnabout Goodbyes he could use all this .  I’m imagining Phoenix trying to defend Miles when Miles himself is insisting he did it, certainly with his own father figure finally going against his own words, Manfred finally  “relenting” to the truth.  Very tasty. In the Miles AU, I think Manfred would probably admit his initial plan in the retrial, similar to his outburst in canon as well as the reason for wanting to murder Gregory. Whether he’d admit the extent of the guilt he feels for killing Miles is another story. Something I’ve always found interesting after Manfred’s outburst in the trial, he’s surprisingly calm. He doesn’t run or scream or cry or verbally assault people. He has an almost resigned air to him, like a prisoner being taken to their execution.  I imagine things would be left pretty ambiguous, similar to canon.  Gregory would probably never learn Manfred’s motivation for becoming practically a caretaker to him . There’d definitely be a lot of self blame from Gregory, if only I hadn’t been so picky about Manfred’s evidence, if only I hadn’t believed so blindly.  Just expecting himself to have known better.  Oh, and Phoenix as well! He got the truth, but at what cost?                                          I really wish we had gotten more detail on the whole custody and imprisonment process , along with more information about the prison system in general. Things in Japanfornia are really complicated and its not made very clear what law wise goes, not what general character opinion is beyond laws ( like how its generally agreed killing abusers is self defense though the law may disagree). But honestly I don’t think the series could bear to cover such complex topics. A scene with Manfred and Miles talking about their past  would probably be considered too dour for most players ( not for me I want to squish them like bugs).  I do imagine, at least at the start,  Miles goes to visit Manfred in prison. How could he not, despite everything Manfred was like another father to him.  While Manfred is a tricky character, personally I think he’d have a “ what’s done is done” attitude,  that even with pride aside he’d believe there’s no point in revealing his real feelings as it wouldn’t change anything. All Manfred has left is the secrets he holds onto like armor.                                        Thanks for the well wishes, it’s been a long journey but I did my best and made it. Lots of love sob. 
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imsosocold · 1 year
Thank you so much for your answers :D :D :D In both cases Manfred being a father would really really make the guilt worse, wouldn't it.
In the Yogi AU I just had this very vivid image of Miles visiting his father and them each putting a hand together against the glass, and of that one scene in Dumbo you know with him visiting his mom, and Manfred seeing this and being like "damn. This is going farther than I thought it would. Why am I having Emotions." I wonder if Miles goes to the police at some point to try and confess to the crime? Would Manfred try to prevent him from doing so, potentially leading to harsh arguments, or does he try to tell himself he doesn't care and if Miles wants to go to prison then Manfred certainly will indulge him? Franziska would certainly be very mad at Miles for doing something like that...
And in the Miles AU, do you think Manfred would try to stop Gregory from going to the Feys? Because Gregory doesn't really need him to do so, and I'm not sure how Manfred would prevent him. I think it's more likely he'd just try to convince Gregory the Feys are frauds and such pitiful supernatural nonsense won't bring him closure. Does the truth come out at any point? Or does Miles's death remain forever unsolved? If Phoenix still goes on to become a defense attorney (which I think most likely than not, and not just because of the "honoring Miles's memory" thing; I love a good "Phoenix is Elle Woods" meme as much as anybody else and will make the joke ad nauseam but being a lawyer just suits him so well, he's got a HUGE hero syndrome and that is the ideal outlet for him), does Gregory take him under his wing? Does Phoenix intern at Edgeworth Law Offices rather than Fey & Co.?
I think that in the Miles AU Gregory's perceptive, beyond his devastating grief that is, would be interesting... because Yogi would insist he is innocent, wouldn't he. I wonder if Gregory goes to hear him out. I cannot imagine him defending him, but just... trying to get closure maybe? And Yogi insisting that he's innocent, he didn't do it, and insisting to Gregory's face that "you're a defense attorney, you've got to believe me, I didn't kill your kid" and Gregory being torn between "he's behaving exactly like all my clients" and "he was the only one who could do it, the gall he has to lie to my face"... I can see him investigating obsessively, looking for the third option... and Manfred catching wind of what he's doing and on one hand he feels for him but on the other hand this cannot go on. Gregory cannot be allowed to find the truth... quite the pickle, as another prosecutor would say x)
Anyway hhhhh sorry about the ramble your ideas ignited something in me. Thank you so much for answering and have a nice trip!!
Don’t ever apologize for rambling, I love that my idea made you happy and even inspired you!  Yes, Manfred’s greatest weakness is that he’s a family man at heart ( forever thinking about the anime only episode where Manfred, at Franziska’s demand, takes her and Miles to fucking build-a-bear and IHOP, the  highlight of the Ace Attorney series.)  For the Yogi au, the scene with with Gregory and Miles is… so…good…the best thing I’ve eaten today! Manfred would tell himself he doesn’t  care if Miles incriminates himself, less trouble for him, but Manfred would stop Miles every single time, assuring him it’s not his fault ( which is one of the few truths Manfred has given Miles) and that Miles shouldn’t waste this opportunity of life Gregory gave him. Which is meant to be encouraging and to inspire Miles but just makes him feel even more guilty and undeserving of everything he has :(.  Franziska definitely would be confused and concerned and upset, even more so when she learns Miles’s behavior isn’t just something she can fix with her whip or her father. It’d probably drive her deeper into her career as a prosecutor. For the Miles au, I imagine at the start, when emotions are fresh, Gregory would absolutely hold no sympathy for Yogi, especially considering the attack in the elevator. Manfred would definitely be influencing Gregory negatively as well, perhaps even being the one to prosecute Yogi in court. But as more time goes on and the feelings of pain and guilt and wrongness don’t go away, Gregory probably start to question the events that occurred and inevitably Yogi’s potential innocence. For the Fey stuff, I think Manfred and Gregory would be practically codependent at this point, and Gregory thinking Manfred, who’s been there for him ever since the loss of his son, would give him the best advice regarding his actions, including attempting to contact a spirit medium to get closure.  Manfred naturally would be like “ no no no no they’re all shams trust me bro the man who’s entire lineage is chained down by the living concept of karma don’t do this please” in all his cool, calculated charisma.  ( Though Manfred does individual investigation with the supernatural himself… Frankenstein au, anyone ?) I love the idea of Phoenix working with Gregory instead of Mia, and I think that, due to both of their determination and skills, the truth WOULD come out eventually. Of course, that’d open a whole new can of worms, especially with how close Gregory and Manfred are. I hope you enjoyed anon, thanks for the interest and asks. My main journey is going back to the place I was born in an attempt of healing. It’s been fun so far though I nearly passed out multiple times from all the walking I’ve been doing lmao.
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imsosocold · 1 year
Tumblr ate your post before I could I’m sorry anon
Anon I’m really glad you liked my different DL-6 victim aus! I am the worst since I tend to come up with all sorts of creative ideas, spit them up and then do nothing with them. But I tried to come up with more stuff, just for you. I had to split this into two separate posts though, since there’s a character limit. And for context I’m traveling and don’t have access to a computer so I’m typing this on my phone so it’s probably going to be sloppy looking. For Miles dying, Yanni Yogi probably will be blamed. I doubt anyone would think Miles throwing the gun was what caused his death, through backfiring or something. The public perception on this case would be much more harsh due to the victim being a child, so I’m unsure the insanity plead could work here. We don’t know anything about Gregory’s relatives or wife so it’s fair to assume that Miles is all he has. He’d be absolutely heartbroken and blame himself. If only he had managed to stay awake a little while longer, if only he’d been able to fight back against Yogi… There’s no way Gregory could continue his work, it’d be too painful. Phoenix and Larry would be crushed. Phoenix would probably still pursue law, to protect people how he couldn’t protect Miles, in a form of paying Miles back. Larry would throw himself deeper into relationships and romance in the hope to try to fill the void in his heart. His art probably becomes darker as well. While Manfred is petty and selfish and even cruel at points he’s not generally malicious, so he’s definitely absolutely shattered over what happened too . Miles didn’t do nothing wrong, he didn’t deserve to die. Out of guilt Manfred would probably try to help Gregory out, paying him visits and such. Franziska sees this strange man with her father crying all the time and is determined to make him smile. He’s her child now, after all! Gregory would probably seek out the Feys himself and any other supernatural group he could, trying desperately to bring back his son in some way, leaving Manfred very conflicted because he doesn’t know if Miles knows he was the one who shot him or not. While Manfred wants to fix his mistake and alleviate his guilt, he doesn’t want to get taken to jail and killed. He’s put in a very desperate position, one he can’t easily escape from. Even I’m not sure what he’d do.
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imsosocold · 1 year
Continuation of the different DL-6 victim detail posts ( I do not know how to link things)
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For Yogi being shot, at worse it’d be seen as an impulse murder, perhaps driven by insanity, and at best self defense from Gregory after Yogi snapped and attacked him. Manfred would probably push against any sort of insanity plea though, there’s no way he’s having Gregory out there. I don’t think Gregory would plead insanity though anyway, he’s a honest man. I think what happened to the Feys and Yogi’s wife would continue as canon. Miles probably thinks throwing the gun was what killed Yanni Yogi and his father took his place to protect him, that Miles is why he’s suffering. While Gregory being alive isn’t what Manfred wanted, he’s fine with this outcome. Gregory’s out of the way regardless and he’s gotten revenge for his record. But having to see Miles’s misery every single day ( he probably adopts him same as at least anime canon) and knowing Gregory is probably in a similar state, the guilt probably starts to build up very fast. Sure, Manfred could’ve pushed for death penalty but… Miles avoids his father, despite Manfred offering ( almost pushing) for prison visits. He doesn’t read the letters his father made for him, though he still keeps them along with all the little gifts Gregory got for him and all the crafts he made for him. Miles’ views on criminals and their treatment would probably be more conflicted than canon, he’d probably still become a prosector though, considering how bad it’d look if he became a defendant like his father. Franziska would initially be insensitive, unable to understand why Miles is concerned with the “ criminal scum” her father deals with all the time. But seeing Miles’s pain and learning stories about his father, she’s probably question herself and her views a bit. Larry and Phoenix couldn’t believe it, the father Miles looked up to so much committing murder. Phoenix especially can’t accept it, and he swears to Miles he’ll prove him wrong. There’s no way Turnabout Goodbyes could occur in this canon, so Phoenix would probably have to call for a retrial himself. It’d definitely make finding and revealing the truth harder, but once he did, I imagine the confusion and chaos would be even greater, especially considering Gregory’s still alive. Gregory naturally would be very angry and confused and conflict. The fact he and his son went through all that due to Manfred’s selfishness and paranoia and inability to let go of mistakes. But Manfred still visited and took such good care of his son when there was no incentive to… at the end of the day I don’t think Gregory would want Manfred to go through the same pain he did, and certainly wouldn’t want him to be executed. Prison abolition Gregory time.
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imperfectfools · 7 years
Manny von Donkey Kong wouldn't even adopt Seb to give Franziska a brother at all, because the whole Miles thing was to have the joy of corrupting him from what he was and Sebastian's just a baby bump at this point
(( I mean, Sebastian’s Mom wouldn’t even have given him up. At least I don’t think so. If she stood up to Blaise such that he had to make her “disappear” then like??? I think she would take being a single mother just fine. May even eventually decide to remarry idk. I just don’t think Sebastian would ever be up for adoption in this scenario. ))
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imperfectfools · 7 years
if manfred killed blaise would sebastian not be conceived / raised by his mother?
(( Well DL-6 happens at the end of 2001. The wiki puts Sebastian’s reckoned birth year at 2002. Therefore it’s entirely possible for Sebastian to have been conceived prior to Blaise getting murdered and still be born in 2002.
I imagine he’d be raised by his mother in such a scenario. ))
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imperfectfools · 7 years
So... what do you have figured out about the kids in their respective ghost AUs? How they died? Whether they're able to meet with those in the afterlife who are concerned about them? How well the surviving one is handling it?
(( *cracks knuckles* IM GLAD YOU ASKED!! :DDDDDD ))
Died in an accident at 17. Maybe car?? I haven’t decided the actual accident yet, but it was an accident. No foul play despite this being Ace Attorney
Gregory and Livia did greet her upon her arrival in the afterlife, but she found it hard to accept them and kept her distance. They’re happy to wait if she ever comes around again.
She bounced between watching her father and watching Miles. It was during one period of watching her father she caught him writing the letter to Yanni Yogi.
In the thread with Maya Anon, this means she essentially did her damndest to find a spirit medium, found Maya, and outed her father in order to protect her brother. I imagine this means Manfred may only be caught with conspiracy to murder ( which is a life sentence ), but perhaps the truth regarding DL-6 does come to light in the course of finding out what the hell Manfred’s motive would be to set up such an elaborate plot.
Otherwise, Franziska can pretty much only watch helplessly as the canon events unfold.
She further avoids the Edgeworth’s just on merit of her name and all that’s been learned.
Miles… isn’t taking it as well as can be expected. He managed to get through December and then to that February. Pretty much canon keeps up, but he cuts the Engarde stuff closer to the wick. He’s trying to move on, but it’s hard. He feels guilty for all the times he didn’t call and all the fights they had.
Committed suicide not long after Terry Fawles’ trial, feeling as though he was failing as a prosecutor and unwilling to keep facing the horrors that plagued both of his “first” cases. Manfred’s verbal abuse after Fawles’ trial only strengthened his resolve to that end.
He does reunite with Gregory and meets Livia, but finds it hard to be around them. He feels guilty, believing he murdered his father, and has to face that, well, he went a very different path.
He’s a melancholic ghost. He never believed in an afterlife and finding out there is one and he’s stuck there for eternity is… depressing.
Franziska isn’t taking it well. She thought her brother would go to her for help, but apparently not. She feels like she failed as a big sister. 
Manfred doesn’t give her any time to mourn and it shows. She bottles everything up at the behest of her father, but it’s a constant sore spot. She falls victim to insomnia rather regularly and everything reminds her of Miles. Even years down the line, it remains as tender a subject as it had been day one. She’s even more reckless and self-destructive and Manfred despises that and regularly tells her so.
Miles can only hopelessly watch as Franziska constantly burns her candle from both ends and is honestly scared she won’t live long enough to see her 20s.
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imperfectfools · 7 years
(( tbh the worst part of the Blaise being the victim of DL-6 AU is how utterly fucked Franziska gets.
Just having no one to lean on, at all, while she’s raised and abused by this utterly horrid man.
And it would be so much harder for her to figure out her identity because Miles helped her so much with that. And I just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ))
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