#die weisse lilie
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Warum ist das einzige Hörspiel (auĂer DDF), das meine Aufmerksamkeit halten kann, eigentlich ein zutiefst nischiges deutsches Hörspiel??? Ich brauche gerade dringend Daniel/Jerry fix it fic, aber es gibt keine Fic dazu, wenn ich nicht selbst welche schreiben will.
Warum kann ich nicht stattdessen emotional invested in sowas wie Magnus Archives sein???
#die weisse lilie#ich brauche daniel/jerry fix it fic und miles/sam smut und miles/frank backstory und vielleicht sogar idk sam/lamar hate sex#und ich werde nichts davon kriegen weil ich grad nicht die mind space habe ums selbst zu schreiben#kaj rambles#habe endlich das letzte kapitel gehört und#much aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah over here#to delete later#probably
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Oscars 2024 - Lily Gladstone könnte als erste indigene KĂŒnstlerin einen Oscar gewinnen
Die 38-jĂ€hrige Lily Gladstone ist ein Ausnahmetalent, neben dem Hollywood-Grössen wie Robert De Niro und Leonardo DiCaprio wie Komparsen wirken. Aber den Oscar will sie nicht fĂŒr sich allein. Irgendwann will man nur noch Mollie anschauen. Man will wissen, wie die quĂ€lend langsam erzĂ€hlte Geschichte weitergeht, aber man will sie nur noch in ihrem Gesicht gespiegelt sehen. Zum Beispiel, wĂ€hrend die trĂŒbe Tasse Ernest, gespielt von Leonardo DiCaprio, ihren Stumpfsinn von sich gibt. Dann verschieben sich Mollies GesichtszĂŒge fast unmerklich, wie wenn sich Abendrot im schwindenden Licht Ă€ndert. Sie weiss, dass sie diesem Weissen nicht trauen darf, aber sie wird sich trotzdem in ihn verlieben. «Du bist der Kojote», sagt sie zu ihm. DiCaprios alterndes Jungengesicht strahlt sie an. Er hat keine Ahnung, was das heisst. Lily Gladstone spielt Mollie Burkhart in Martin Scorseses «Killers of the Flower Moon», der die Geschichte einer ganzen Reihe von Morden an amerikanischen Ureinwohnern des Osage-Stamms zwischen 1910 und 1930 erzĂ€hlt. Gladstone könnte die erste Native American in der Geschichte Hollywoods sein, die einen Oscar fĂŒr die beste Hauptrolle bekommt. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel auf der NZZ. Das könnte Sie auch interessieren Read the full article
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Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven
Der Zoo am Meer ist nach eigenen Angaben der kleinste wissenschaftlich geleitete Zoo in Deutschland. Themenschwerpunkt des Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven sind "wasserbezogene und nordische Tiere". Die Haltungen von Schimpansen, Puma und anderen Tieren aus sĂŒdlicheren Gefilden kann man u.U. noch aus der Historie ableiten. Zum Zoo am Meer gehört das 2013 eröffnete Nordsee-Aquarium.
Neuigkeiten aus dem Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven EisbĂ€r Lloyd wechselt in den Zoologischen Garten Karlsruhe Der heute stattliche EisbĂ€r Lloyd kam im FrĂŒhjahr 2002 aus dem Schönbrunner Tiergarten Wien in den Zoo am Meer. Zusammen mit der EisbĂ€rin Valeska zeugte er in Bremerhaven vier Jungtiere: 2013 Lale, 2015 Lili und 2019 Anna und Elsa. Im Rahmen des EuropĂ€ischen Erhaltungszuchtprogramms fĂŒr EisbĂ€ren wird die Zucht dieser Tiere koordiniert. Um eine möglichst genetisch vielfĂ€ltige Zoopopulation zu erhalten, soll es von Valeska und Lloyd keine weiteren Jungtiere geben. Da in europĂ€ischen Zoos mittlerweile EisbĂ€ren sehr gut gezĂŒchtet werden, hat das EEP bis auf wenige Paar einen Zuchtstopp erlassen. Denn fĂŒr die Jungtiere muss nach der Trennung auch geeignete Haltungen zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. Nach Angaben des Zoo am Meer wird Lloyd in eine sehr gute Haltung mit viel Platz abgegeben. Im Zoo Karlsruhe lebt die EisbĂ€rin Charlotte allein auf einer grossen Anlage. Die Zucht mit den beiden Tieren ist jedoch nicht vorgesehen.
 Anna und Elsa - zwei EisbĂ€renmĂ€dchen von der Waterkant Bereits am 08.12.2019 erblickten die beiden Zwillinge das Licht der Welt im Zoo. Beziehungsweise in ihrer Wurfhöhle. Die Entwicklung der beiden EisbĂ€ren verlief bis jetzt sehr erfolgreich. WĂ€hrend der Zoo am Meer geschlossen war, durften die beiden das erste Mal die Aussenanlage erkunden. Nach der Wiedereröffnung können nun auch die Zoobesucher die Beiden beim Spielen und Herumtollen beobachten. Ich weiss nicht, wer von den beiden Wuscheln Anna oder Elsa ist. Die stĂ€ndigen Zoobesucher werden das aber wohl mit Leichtigkeit herausfinden. In der Bildergalerie könnt ihr ausserdem noch die Mutter Valeska und den Vater Lloyd sehen. Lloyd befindet sich in einem separaten Gehege. Â
Der Zoo am Meer in Coronazeiten Auch der Zoo am Meer in Bremerhaven musste aufgrund der Coronapandemie ab dem 18. MĂ€rz 2020 schliessen. Seit dem 08. Mai 2020 darf er unter Auflagen wieder öffnen. Auch ich musste natĂŒrlich die Chance nutzen, um die beiden "neuen" EisbĂ€renmĂ€dchen Anna und Elsa zu sehen. Seit dem 08. Mai ist der Besuch des Zoo am Meer wieder möglich. Von einem normalen Zoobesuch kann aber unter den Auflagen keine Rede sein. Jedoch werden dem Besucher keine unĂŒberwindbaren Hindernisse in den Weg gestellt. Alles wichtige fĂŒr den Besuch des Zoo am Meer in Coronazeiten: - Eintritt nur nach vorheriger Online-Anmeldung - Aufenthaltsdauer im Zoo ab Einlösung des Tickets 1 Stunde - Tickets können an der Kasse nur in dem auf dem Ticket angegebenen Zeitfenster eingelöst werden. - Die Anzahl der Tickets ist begrenzt, damit es zu keinen Menschenansammlungen im Zoo kommt. - Rabatt-Aktionen (z.B. Bodo Bonus etc.) können in dieser Zeit nicht berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Ich besuchte mit meinem Fotofreund Ullrich Altmann ein paar Tage nach offizieller Eröffnung den Zoo. Die Onlinebuchung der Tickets funktionierte ohne Probleme. Wir entschieden uns gleich fĂŒr den frĂŒhesten Termin um neun Uhr. Zu der Zeit sind erfahrungsgemĂ€ss die Tiere noch voller Elan. Vor der Kasse heisst es wie im Zoo Abstand halten. Im Zoo selbst verteilen sich die Besucher durch die begrenzte Anzahl an Tickets. An keinem Gehege kam es zu gröĂeren Ansammlungen der Besucher. Selbst bei den EisbĂ€ren nicht. So kann man auch selbst etwas lĂ€nger vor den Tieren verweilen. Bei den EisbĂ€renmĂ€dchen steht allerdings Zoo-Personal, welches die Besucher auch mal zum AufrĂŒcken anspricht. Aber vieles lĂ€sst sich durch Ruhe, RĂŒcksichtsnahme und Freundlichkeit arrangieren.
Ab dem 2. April 2022 entfĂ€llt die 3G-Regelung. Der Eintritt in den Zoo ist dann ohne Impfnachweis, Genesenen-Nachweis oder negatives Testergebnis möglich. Die Maskenpflicht (FFP2-Maske) besteht nur noch in geschlossenen RĂ€umen (Zooschule, Aquarium und Zooshop). Von den Tiergrotten zum Zoo am Meer 1913 eröffnete in Bremerhaven das Nordsee-Aquarium. Das Aquarium kann man die Keimzelle des heutigen Zoo am Meer nennen. Denn schon im Jahr 1928 eröffneten im Zuge von Erweiterungsarbeiten die Tiergrotten ihre Pforte. Bereits damals gehörten EisbĂ€ren, Seehunde und Seelöwen zu den Attraktionen. Anfang der 1980er Jahre wurden die Tiergrotten in den Zoo am Meer umbenannt. Im Jahr 2000 begann fĂŒr den mittlerweile in die Jahre gekommen Zoo umfangreiche Planungs- und Bauarbeiten. Als deren Ergebnis konnte im Jahr 2004 der "neue" Zoo am Meer wiedereröffnet werden. An die alten Gehege aus Schalbeton erinnert heute kaum etwas. Vielmehr schaut der Besucher auf grosszĂŒgige und naturnahe Biotopanlagen. Hier können sich die Tiere auch einmal zurĂŒckziehen, wenn sie Ruhe vor den Besuchern benötigen. Die Kosten fĂŒr den kompletten Umbau vom Zoo am Meer betrugen laut der Stadt Bremerhaven 25 Millionen Euro. Eine erste Erweiterung erfolgte 2013 mit dem neuen und mit modernster Technik ausgestattete Nordsee-Aquarium fĂŒr 1,8 Millionen Euro. In einem der nĂ€chsten Schritte soll der Biodom Bremerhaven mit geschĂ€tzten Kosten von rund 48 Millionen Euro folgen. Ich selbst kenne den Zoo am Meer noch in seinen alten Zustand im Jahr 1997. Damals machte er auf mich einen etwas trostlosen Eindruck. Aus meiner alten Heimat bin ich aber auch mit Zoos und TiergĂ€rten verwöhnt. Umso mehr gefĂ€llt mir der Bremerhavener Zoo aber mit den aktuellen Gehegen. Der Zoo kann nur auf eine geringe FlĂ€che zurĂŒckgreifen. Deshalb finde ich es auch richtig, dass sich wieder mehr und mehr auf den Schwerpunkt der im Wasser lebenden nordischen Tierwelt besonnen wird.
Das passt sehr gut zur Seestadt Bremerhaven und der Lage am Meer. Das Konzept des Meeres wurde meiner Meinung nach bereits schon in der Planung sehr gut umgesetzt. So passen sich die Gehege untereinander an. An vielen Stellen kann der Besucher zudem in Richtung der Nordsee auf das freie Meer und einen unendlichen Horizont schauen.
Information zum Zoo am Meer Aktuelle Informationen: Webseite vom Zoo Im Zoo am Meer besteht die Möglichkeit in einem kleinen Restaurant einfache Speisen zu sich zu nehmen. Auf der zugehörigen Terrasse hat man einen Ausblick auf den Zoo. FĂŒr Kinder gibt es einen Spielplatz mit Kletter- und Entdeckermöglichkeiten. Positiv ist mir aufgefallen, dass ĂŒberall durch Schautafeln, Schauvitrinen und Objekten ĂŒber Belange der Zootierhaltung, des Umwelt- und des Artenschutzes eingegangen wird. Zooschule und ein Zoo-Shop runden das Angebot ab. Foto-Tipps Auch wenn der Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven wirklich klein ist, bietet er trotzdem auch einige schöne Fotomotive. Und weil der Zoo so klein ist, kann ein interessierter Fotograf gut mindestens zweimal den Rundweg nehmen. Man entdeckt immer wieder neue Motive und natĂŒrlich auch Zootiere, die man beim ersten Rundgang nicht gesehen hat. Ein schöner Fotopoint ist die kleine Plattform am EisbĂ€renfreigehege. Hier hat man einen Weitblick auf die Felslandschaft. Wenn man sich geschickt positioniert und GlĂŒck hat, integriert man bei der Aufnahme die Freianlage der PolarfĂŒchse mit in das Bild.
Spannend wird es auch in den Bereichen, bei denen man die Zootiere unter Wasser beobachten kann. Hier lohnt es sich, an der Kamera auf Serienbildaufnahme umzuschalten. Ausserdem sollte man darauf achten, dass der ISO-Wert nicht zu hoch eingestellt wird. Gerade in den Grotten passiert dies öfters bei automatischer ISO-Wert-Einstellung. HINWEIS: Um den nahezu unvermeindlichen Diskussionen ĂŒber Sinn oder Unsinn von Zoologischen Einrichtungen schon im Vorfeld aus dem Weg zu gehen, habe ich den Beitrag Warum ich Zoo und TiergĂ€rten dennoch mag geschrieben. Ich werde hier auf meiner Webseite deswegen keine unangemessenen Kommentare freischalten. Read the full article
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Politics: How Congress Made Sure the Rich Retire in Luxuryâat Taxpayer Expense
Savings plans pitched as helping the middle class have turned out to be a gold mine for the wealthy.
â By Michael Mechanic | March and April 2022 Issue
Lily Lambie-Kiernan
Diane Weiss and Kristen Svihlik live 1,700 miles and a generation apart. Weiss, 60, is twice divorced with a grown daughter, and resides by herself in a one-bedroom apartment in Mesa, Arizona. Svihlik is 38 and lives in a fixer-upper in Akron, Ohio, with her husband, their 6-year-old son, and a newborn daughter. The two women have never met, but they uttered precisely the same words to me on the exact same day: âIâm going to have to work until I die.â
That is not an uncommon sentiment in America today, where a relative few have enough money socked away to see them comfortably through the so-called golden years. The Federal Reserveâs latest survey of consumer finances (SCF) shows that among the poorest 50 percent of families, less than a third participated in a tax-subsidized retirement plan in 2019, while 91 percent of families in the wealthiest 10 percent did.
The federal data (for technical reasons) excludes traditional company pensions, which have been increasingly replaced by âdefined contributionâ plans like 401(k)s and 403(b)s that shift the savings burden from employer to employee. And while that shift may account for some portion of the chasm in savings, the vastness of todayâs retirement wealth gap is largely the result of a string of Wall Streetâbacked tax incentives that have been a mother lode for the rich but of little use to the poor. Based on the SCF results, Steven Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, calculated that the average family in the bottom half of the wealth spectrum held just $6,900 in retirement savings, including individual retirement accounts (IRAs), while the wealthiest 10 percent of families averaged $861,300.
Embedded In Each Of These âExceptionally Confusingâ Retirement Bills Are âEaster Eggs: Big Giveaways To The Retirement Industry And To High-Net-Worth Individuals.â
This 125-to-1 disparity is astonishing, considering the vast amount of revenue tax collectors give up in the name of helping families build their nest eggs. Retirement-Ârelated incentives will cost a total of $1.9 trillion from 2020 to 2024, according to the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), making them the US governmentâs single biggest tax-related expenseâmore than twice the $1.85 trillion price tag of the 10-year Build Back Better plan that Sen. Joe Manchin rejected in December, and more than the cost of federal tax breaks for dependents, charitable donations, and capital gains combined. âItâs unbelievable the amounts of dollars at stake, and how tilted they are to the high end,â Rosenthal says. âItâs just staggering.â
Politicians on both sides of the aisle tout these annual subsidiesâwhich have ballooned from an inflation-Âadjusted $145 million in 1996 to roughly $380 billion todayâas tools to help ordinary families save. In reality, a series of bipartisan bills enacted over the past quarter century has exploded the savings gap and made the rich richer. âThese retirement reform packages are exceptionally confusing and technical and long and really hard for anyone to sort out,â says Rosenthal, a former JCT attorney. âBut embedded in every one are Easter eggs: big giveaways to the retirement industry and to high-net-worth individuals.â
Crafted under the watchful eye of finance lobbyists, some bills have included provisions aimed at giving more low-income workers access to retirement plans. But access is meaningless for people who have no money to spare. Take Weiss, an elementary school registrar who has held low-salary jobs in education for more than 25 years. She worked 15 years for a public school district with a mandatory state-sponsored retirement plan, eventually accumulating more than $65,000. But in 2010, Weiss was laid offâlongtime staff went first, she recalls. When she later landed a job with a charter school, she was knocked back down to entry-level pay and had to burn through her savings.
Only this past fall, after her annual pay increased from $35,000 to $44,000, did Weiss finally have enough to cover her bills while making contributions to her new employerâs 401(k). âRent here is crazy,â she explains. âAnd then you have a car payment and utilities and, you know, everything! If Iâm putting 20 or 30 bucks every paycheck into a retirement accountâthatâs gas money, thatâs some groceries. Youâre literally living paycheck to paycheck.â Now, as retirement age approaches, she says, âIâm terrified.â
âIf Iâm Putting 20 or 30 Bucks Every Paycheck Into A Retirement AccountâThatâs Gas Money, Thatâs Some Groceries. Youâre Literally Living Paycheck To Paycheck.â
Svihlik used the word âbleakâ to describe her familyâs finances. She and her husband, Thomas, work for the same national pharmacy chain. Their taxable income is about $79,000, but with medical and school costs, loan payments, and daily needs, theyâve struggled to make meaningful contributions to their companyâs 401(k) plan. Over a combined eight years working for the pharmacy, theyâve only accumulated about $22,000âand have had to take out loans against that balance to make ends meet. âI canât really think about the future because I donât see an end,â Svihlik tells me. âI see: âIâm 65. Okay, better go clock in.ââ
It isnât too hard, on the other hand, for high-income Americans to afford the maximum retirement contributions the law allows. Some have even found creative ways to game the system. Take Silicon Valley mogul Peter Thiel, who reportedly used pre-IPO stock options valued at a fraction of a penny per share to amass more than $5 billion in a Roth IRA, a type of tax-free retirement account theoretically closed to people who make more than $144,000 a year. As the JCT discovered last year, more than 28,000 Americans had tax-Âsubsidized IRA balances of more than $5 millionânearly 500 of them, Thiel included, had holdings exceeding $25 million. âIRAs were designed to provide retirement security to middle-class families, not allow the superwealthy to avoid paying taxes,â lamented Oregonâs Ron Wyden, the Democratic chair of the Senateâs finance committee.
The savings bonanza kicked off in 1996 when two members of Congress, Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Ben Cardin (D-Md.), ushered through the first of several big reform packages. Neither âhad any particular expertise in retirement policy,â University of Virginia law professor Michael Doran wrote in a January working paper, titled, âThe Great American Retirement Fraud.â But the pair âfollowed the lead of lobbyists representing employers and the financial-Âservices industryâ in pushing through two other related bills over the next decade. The 1996 bill, Doran noted, was âthe first major relaxation of federal retirement policy in decades.â
Now both senators, Portman and Cardin introduced their latest bill, the Retirement Security and Savings Act of 2021, last May. It was presented, like the others, as a collection of reforms to benefit families and small businesses. âAmericans need to save more so they can retire with the dignity and stability they deserve,â Cardin said in a press release. âItâs an ongoing struggle, especially during the pandemic when millions of Americans were without work for months or longer and small businesses struggled.â
But Doran argues that Portman and Cardinâs efforts, alongside similar initiatives, were never crafted with the little guy in mind. Such bills âpromised to improve retirement income security for everyone, but instead they delivered expensive and unnecessary tax subsidies to higher-income families and a windfall to the financial services industry.â
Indeed, when celebrating their legislative record, the senators choose their words carefully. They boast of booming total retirement savingsânow an estimated $35 trillionâwhile neglecting to mention how those numbers are skewed toward well-off Americans. âThe lawyers, accountants, and wealth managers to the super-rich have fracked every corner of the tax code, especially tax-advantaged retirement programs, to extract benefits for their wealthy clients,â says Chuck Collins, director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies and author of 2021âs The Wealth Hoarders.
This âwealth defense industry,â for example, helps small businesses set up cash-balance plans, a newer type of tax-advantaged pension that can help company owners enrich themselves. One finance firmâs promotional materials lay out a scenario wherein four highly compensated owner-partners collect 89 percent of their companyâs annual contributionsâ$212,000 each on averageâwhile 20 lower-tier employees share the scraps. There are IRS rules meant to discourage such discriminatory pensions, but Doran says years of lobbying have rendered the rules âanemic.â As Rosenthal puts it, âBusinesses have gotten very sophisticated around end-running that policy.â
âThe Lawyers, Accountants, And Wealth Managers To The Super-Rich Have Fracked Every Corner Of The Tax Code, Especially Tax-Advantaged Retirement Programs.â
I reached out to Portman and Cardin to ask why their bills have helped the affluent so much more than ordinary families. A spokesperson responded with a joint statement noting that the senatorsâ latest billâwhich they intend to revive this yearâwill âhelp expand access to retirement savings for low-Âincome Americans.â It would increase the age at which retirees must begin cashing out their accounts to 75, and raise the cap on IRA âcatch-upâ contributions for older workers by $3,000 annuallyâa move the senators said was âdesigned to help families who couldnât save enough when raising children.â But expanded age limits only help those who can afford to wait for the money, as their tax-shielded assets grow even more. And workers like Diane Weiss donât have much extra cash lying around for catch-up contributions as they head into their 60s.
Is there a way out? âCongress will struggle to solve the problem they created,â Rosenthal warns. âBut the longer they wait, the harder it will be.â He suggests lawmakers adopt an Obama administration proposal that would ban further contributions once a personâs combined retirement accounts hit an upper limit (about $4 million), and that Congress strengthen the rules against businesses with retirement schemes that excessively favor the owners over their workers.
Instead of further subsidizing well-off Americans, who respond to each new incentive by shifting more taxable income and assets into tax-Âdeferred or tax-exempt retirement funds, Doran writes, the money could go to any number of things to help people who need itâincluding beefing up Social Security, a poverty-fighting program that supports 65 million retired, widowed, and disabled Americans and their dependents.
Rosenthal isnât holding his breath. Last summer, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the retirement system, where Wyden complained that it âdoesnât do nearly enough to help working people of modest means get ahead.â While Rosenthal and a colleague submitted a written statement for the record, the professionals who actually spoke to the committee, he says, were part of what he calls the retirement-industrial complex: âThe benefits community, the practitioners, the retirement service industryâthey testified,â he tells me. âNobody was invited to testify who says the emperor has no clothes.â
â MotherJones.Com
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AsuLili is just WhiteRose with their personalities interchanged
I love my powerful gals đ
#white rose#asulili#rwby#tekken#otps#loves of my life#i would die for them#my women#weiss schnee#ruby rose#asuka kazama#lili rochefort#opposites attract#fucking science#asuka x lili#ruby x weiss
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almost every song Sara Quin has recommended
A Playlist
A Flock Of Seagulls- I Ran
Again Me!- Boyfriend
AHOHNI- Drone Bomb Me
Alex Lahey- You Donât Think You Like People Like Me
Allison Crutchfield- Deanâs Room
Allison Weiss- Runaway
All Of This- Perera Elsewhere
ALMA- Chasing Heights
Alycia Keys- Try Sleeping with A Broken Heart
Ani DiFranco
Annie Lennox
An Horse
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion Â
ASTR- Operate
Atari Teenage Riot
A Tribe Called Red- R.E.D
Austra- I Love You More Than You Love Yourself Babes in Toyland
Bancks- Gemini Feed
Baybee- Jay Som
Beach House- Sparks, Lemon Glow
Bebe Rexha- Meant to Be
Bec Sandridge- In the Fog, in the Flame
Ben Folds
Betty Who- You Can Cry Tomorrow
Beyonce- Lemonade
Bikini Kill
Billy Idol- Mony MonyÂ
Bleached- Wednesday Night Melody, Can You Deal?, Flipside
Bleachers- Donât Take The Money
BLK- My Hood - Stormzy
Blood Orange- You're Not Good Enough, It Is What It IsÂ
Bob Marley
Body- Julia JacklinÂ
Bone thugs and Harmony
Bon Jovi- wanted dead or alive, you give love a bad nameÂ
Britta Phillips- Mistress America
Broken Social Scene- Hug of Thunder, Almost Crimes Bruce Springsteen- Im on Fire, Dancing in the Dark, The River, Live 1975-85 (this particular version https://youtu.be/gg3DleXrT-o) Bryan Adams
Bjork- I've seen it allÂ
Buck 65- Square Two
Carrie Brownstein
Caribou- Canât Do Without You
Cassie- Me & U
Chairlift- Romeo
Charli XCX- Track 10
Charlotte Day Wilson- Work
Chloe x Halle0 Drop
Christine and The Queens- iT, Saint ClaudeÂ
Chris Walla
Classixx- Borderline
City and Colour
Cold Specks
Collide- Krasnoyarsk
Corey Hart- Sunglasses At Night
Couer de Pirate
Cyndi Lauper- The Goonies Are Good Enough, Time After Time
Cypress Hill
Dallas Green
Death Cab for CutieÂ
Debbie Wiseman- Wolf Hall
DEDE- Faultline (Single Edit)
Deradoorian- A Beautiful Woman
DIANA- Confession, Perpetual Surrender
Dinosaur Jr
DJDS- Trees On Fire
Dolly Parton
Drake- No Tellin Dream- Love/Hate
Diana- Perpetual Surrender
Electrelane - Rock It to the Moon, no shouts no calls
Empress Of- How Do You DO It
Emylia Argan
Eugene Francis Jnr
Everything but the Girl
Fatima Al Qadiri- Hip Hop Spa, Szechuan
Feist- Pleasure album
Fever Ray- Mustnât Hurry
First Aid Kit
FKA Twigs- Good To Love
Four Tet
Francis and the Lights- May I Have This Dance
Frankie Cosmos- Sinister, AccommodationÂ
Frank Ocean Thinking About You
Friends- I'm His GirlÂ
FUN Fugazi
Future Islands- Ran
George Hill
Gilligan Moss- It Felt Right
Girlpool- Chinatown
Glass Animals
Gogol BordelloÂ
Green Day
Grimes- Flesh Without Blood
Grizzly Bear
HAIM- Want You Back
Halsey- Now Or Never
Hank Williams
Hannah Georgas- Donât Go, Needed Me
Hayley Kiyoko- Girls Like Girls
Holly Miranda
Hot Hot Heat
IDER- Face On
Jack Johnson
James Ilha
Jamie xx- Girl
Japanese Breakfast- Machinist
Jeremih- Pass Dat
Joanna Newsom - Have One On MeÂ
John Hopkins- I remember
Johnny Cash
Joni Mitchell
John Hopkins- Abandon Window, I remember
Jonathan Coulton
Justin Bieber- Purpose, Runaway Love Justin Timberlake- Â FutureSex/LoveSounds Kaki King
Kate Bush
Katy Perry- Chained To The Rhythm
Kathryn Bostic- Love Theme
Kelela- Rewind- Sporting Life Remix
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - The Exchange Session, Vol. 2
Kelly Lee Owens- Birds
K.Flay- Black Wave
Kid Cudi- The Commander
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - The Exchange Session, Vol. 2
Kimya Dawson- So Nice So Smart
Kinnie Starr
KT Tunstall- Hard Girls
Kygo- It Ainât Me (with Selena Gomez)
Kylie Minogue
Lapsley- Hurt Me
LCD Soundsystem- Tonite
Leonard Cohen- Came So Far For Beauty
Leo Kalyan- Fucked Up
Led Zeppelin
Light Asylum- Shallow Tears
Lily AllenÂ
Lorde- Green Light
Lou Reed- Satellite of Love
Lower Dens- To Die in LA, Real Thing
Lucius- My Heart Got Caught On Your SleeveÂ
Lupa J- Numb
Neil Young
New Found Glory
New Kids on the Block
New Order
New Skin- Torres
No Shouts No Calls
Nick Jonas- Jealous
Nicolas Jaar- No
Night Terrors
Nothing to be Frightened of by Julian Barnes
Now Now
Madonna- Holiday
Majid Jordan (ft Drake)- My Love
Mapei- Donât Wait
Mariah Carey
Matthew Dear
Melissa Etheridge
Mica Levi- Death
Michelle Branch- Hopeless Romantic
Mike Elizondo
Milli Vanilli - Blame It On the Rain
Miriam Culter- Ethel Main Title
Montaigne- Because I Love You
Moonriser- Iâm Not Something Special
Moses Sumney- Doomed
Mother Mother
MUNA- Winterbreak, I Know A Place, About You album
Mykki Blanco- Loner
My Bloody Valentine
My Midnight Heart
My So Called Life
Paramore- After Laughter, Told You So
Passion Pit
Paul Williams
Porches- Anymore, Be Apart
Partner Band- In Search of Lost Time
Patsy Cline
Pattern Against UserÂ
Perera Elsewhere- All of This
Perfume Genius- Slip Away
Phantogram- AnswerÂ
Pheonix- J-Boy
Phil Collins- Groovy Kind of Love
Post Pavillon
Prince- I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man, Little Red Corvette
PWR BTTM- I Wanna Boi
Q Tip
Rachel Cantu
Rachel Portman- Vianne Sets Up Shop
Ra Ra Riot
RAY BLK- My Hood
REM- Sweetness
Ria Mae- Ooh Love
Richard Marx- Right here waiting
Rihanna- Russian Roulette, Umbrella, Higher, Love On The Brain
Robyn- Do it Again, Love is free (moon boots remix)Â
Rolling Stones
Röysksopp- Something in my Heart
Rufus Wainwright
Ruth B- If This is Love Ryan Adams
Samphaaa- Process AlbumÂ
Sample- Blood on Me
Shamir- If It Wasnât TrueÂ
Sharon Van Etten- Everytime The Sun Comes Up
Serena Ryder- Electric Love
Shura- Whatâs It Gonna Be?
Simple Minds- All The Things She Said
Sinead OâConnor
Siya- Automatic
Smashing Pumpkins- Siamese Dream
Snailmail- Thinning
SNAP!- Rhythm Is A Dancer - 7â Edit
SOHN- Hard Liquor
Solange- Mad
Spoon- They Way We Get By
Steel Train
Stevie Nicks
St. Vincent, Actor
Taylor Swift- 1989
Teenage Fanclub
The Bangles
The Beaches
The Black Keys
The Courtneys
The Cranberries- Dreams on My So Called Life
The Dream- Love Hate, Love vs Money
The Enemy- Bigger Cages, Longer ChainsÂ
The Jezabels- Hurt Me
The Killers
The Lemon Twigs
The New Pornographers
Theophilus London
The Pretenders- 500 Miles The Police- Roxanne- I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man, Little Red Corvette The Ramones
The Reason
The Regrettes- Hey Now
The Rentals- The Man With Two Brains
The Replacements
The Smiths
The White Stripes
The xx- xx (2009), Say Something Loving
Thingamajig- Miya FolickÂ
Tracy Chapman- Fast Car
Tom Petty
Tom Cochrane
Tony Bennet
Too AttachedÂ
Tove Styrke- Say My Name
Tragically Hip
Tribe Called Quest
U2 - Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horse
Us- Empress of
Vagabon- Fear & Force
Vector Xing- Bubble King
Vanbot- Collide, Krasnoyarsk, Not That Kind, Moscow Veckatimest Vivek Shraya- Part Time Woman
VHS or Beta
Violent FemmesÂ
Warpaint- Whiteout
Waxahatchee- Silver
When Iâm with Him- Empress of
White Lung- Hungry. Kiss Me When I Bleed
Whitney houston- I look to you, million dollar bill, I will always love you
Wrabel- Bloodstain
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
#Sara Quin#Tegan and Sara#not even close to being everything she's ever said or uploaded to insta but it's a lot so
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fake knight
| when jaune told pyrrha the false transcript. pyrrha didnât believe in him too, to become huntsman, a hero to protect the innocent. so make sure everyone including jaune to be save. she told to headmaster ozpin about the false transcript. next day jaune get call by ozpin to discuss about his transcript. he told his past and reason why he get a false transcript. jaune make a choice, he will expelled himself and disowned himself from the arc. even though he canât become a huntsman, a hero. he wonât give up to try save everyone. this is the journey the fake knight. |
jaune (new last name)
semblance= aura amp
weapon=great sword (from ozpin)
jaune will unlock his semblance at the first week try save a village from grimm and adopt a faunus girl (fox ear and tail) age 6. because she the only survivor. so jaune will have the last name from her.
the breach still happens so the fall too will hapen. in 5 months he grow become strong, stronger than all of his friends including pyrrha. thank to his semblance. he can train longer and harder( and a lot of free time). and he live in the wild. so he will get a lot experience from the fight. also he have a lot potential.
Name: Lily (last name)
Race: Faunus (fox ear and tail)
Parents: (insert name)
Age: 6
Sex: Female
Eye color: blue
Hair color: oranges (she will dye yellow)
Semblance: Locked
Personality: Smart, Brave, Caring, Kind, and Mischievous.
Another Info: she will mess around with jaune, she is smart and talented for her age. she will train with jaune and become strong. (she probably can become stronger a lot faster thank to jaune semblance to heal her and train the wild)
her parents get eaten by grimm and get traumatized, but thank to jaune. she will recover in months.
they will visit vytal festival. after something seem fishy ( he still care with yang and doesnât believe she will do that on purpose) he will look out for something. he will save neo make her believe that cinder is the reason roman die and save her from dark paths. he also save pyrrha by take the hit. but she will go back to argus. so ruby, jaune, neo, lily, ren, and nora go to haven.
(at first it just jaune, neo, and lily. they will meet RNR later. maybe at kuroyuri )
pairing = ruby x jaune x neo (lancaster and silent knight) and ren x nora (ReNora)
this story wonât have jaune hate his old friend. he have low self-esteem and think everyone is right to hate him because he lied to them.
he chosen expelled because of the media (cardin already spread the news). if he chose stay, the beacon will get ask by everyone and reputation of beacon get ruin
his parents wonât disowned him because they love him. even though his choice can embarrassed his clan. they donât care. they will be mad but because he put himself in danger, after that they will hug him. but jaune think his choice will make his family suffer from the media. so he chose to disowned himself.
for his friends. obvious weiss will hate him more. yang wonât care with his transcript, but maybe she will not trust him with her little sister. blake doesnât care because she had done worse, but she will not trust him too. and finally ruby will get the hearts broken because he lied to them. but she will search him for the truth and reason.
for his team. ren will first become distrust with him because he can endanger nora. but he get head check from nora. nora doesnât care about that, because he the first friend that care about her and can put with her craziness besides ren, that make him like a brother to her, so she will get angry with pyrrha at first, but she try forgive her. finally pyrrha. she tell ozpin not because the feelings of betrayed. but to make sure he save. after that she feel alone and regret.
so all of them go to ozpin to know if this is true. and ozpin tell everything. from his reasons and past (he will have the video because he recorded the meeting in secret to show to his friend). pyrrha will feel regret. and everyone forgive him (for weiss case, she half forgive, she still frown little bit) and ask where jaune. they hearts broken when they hear jaune is expelled/quit from beacon and disowned himself, and pyrrha will feel more regret.
well this is my story idea for what if jaune get expelled from beacon. i wonât make revenge story where jaune hate his old friend or all of his friends hate him and bully him. i already read that type of story and i donât like it.
this inspired by âThe Choices We Makeâ
By: Darkbetrayer
and âTales of the Wandererâ
By: Masseffect-TxS
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Bin als Kind ne Weile von DDF zu TKKG desertiert (nach AlptrĂ€umen von Teufelsberg und Geisterschiff đ), ansonsten viel Bibi Blocksberg, Bibi&Tina, ein bisschen Elea Eluanda (Benjamin BlĂŒmchen weniger), ein bisschen Ritter Rost, aber vor allem, das allerwichtigste Hörspiel meiner Kindheit: Kleiner König Kalle Wirsch.
Inzwischen fast nur noch DDF, neuerdings Die weisse Lilie (...wegen Holger Mahlich, ich gebs ja zu) und ab und zu mal die eine oder andere Folge FĂŒnf Freunde, wenn @crazy-walls mich auf eine aufmerksam macht (...meistens wegen Holger Mahlich...), aber mit denen kann ich nicht sooo viel anfangen. Point Whitmark will ich schon seit Ewigkeiten mal anfangen, aber noch bin ich nicht dazu gekommen đ€·ââïž
Was hört ihr eigentlich noch so fĂŒr hörspiele? Bzw was habt ihr als Kinder gehört? Ich hab DDF erst mit so 19 an der Uni angefangen, aber meine Schwester und ich hatten einige Wendy-Kassetten (long live holger mahlich) und Asterix. Auf einem Flohmarkt hat mein Dad auch das WDR-Herr-der-Ringe Hörspiel aufgegabelt, das einfach das Beste vom Besten ist. Und eine Tom Turbo Kassette hatten wir auch, vor der hatte ich aber mega angst (das bellende Pony).
Jetzt habe ich auch ein bisschen FĂŒnf Freunde, Point Whitmark und John Sinclair angefangen. Wie ist/war das bei euch so đ
#kaj rambles#kleiner könig kalle wirsch is everything okay#trolle nach sĂŒden war auch sehr... formativ aber das kennt kaum jemand
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I would love everyone to be able to experience the unbelievable performance of the first preview back in July it was truly one of the most special experiences of my life and the cast are to die for đ€©
*If listing please add that it is Phantomtrader19âs master* Thank you! â„ïž
Cast: Killian Donnelly, Lucy St Louis, Rhys Whitfield, Saori Oda, Matt Harrop, Adam Linstead, Francesca Ellis, Greg Castiglioni, Ellie Young James Hume, James Gant, Edward Court, Tim Morgan, Michael Robert Lowe, Leeroy Boone, Jonathan Milton, Simon Whitaker, Ashley Stillburn, Jamal Felix, Janet Mooney, Lily De La Haye, Emma Harris, Beatrice Penny TourĂ©, Manon Taris, Anouk Van Laake, Erin Flaherty, Eilish-Harmon Beglan, Yukonâs Hasebe, Grace Hume, Nikki Skinner, Skye Weiss
#phantomoftheopera#poto london#poto#phantom of the opera#poto west end revival#killian donnelly#lucy st louis#rhys whitfield#audio#poto audio#audiobootleg#phantom audio#audio trading#audio gift
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books I've read in 2021
see also my bookstagram & my storygraph is ellalucys :)
no one is too small to make a difference - greta thunberg (âââ)
the investigation - peter weiss (ââââ)
the third man - graham greene (âââ)
far away - caryl churchill (âââ) (reread)
death and the maiden - ariel dorfman (ââââ)
the thursday murder club - richard osman (âââââ)
the lost honour of katharina blum - heinrich böll (ââââ)
becoming - michelle obama (âââââ)
conversations with friends - sally rooney (âââââ)
how do we know we're doing it right? - pandora sykes (âââ)
the blindfold - siri hustvedt (âââ)
live or die - anne sexton (âââ)
daisy jones & the six - taylor jenkins reid (âââââ)
someday, someday, maybe - lauren graham (ââââ)
the living sea of waking dreams - richard flanagan (âââââ)
blackout - various authors (âââ)
you and me on vacation - emily henry (âââââ)
the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society - mary ann schaffer (ââââ)
please read this leaflet carefully - karen havelin (ââââ)
I know why the caged bird sings - maya angelou (ââââ)
his & hers - alice feeney (âââââ)
the kiss quotient - helen hoang (âââ)
pride & prejudice - jane austen (âââââ) (reread)
writers & lovers - lily king (âââââ)
the alchemist - paulo coelho (ââ)
the female persuasion - meg wolitzer (âââââ)
letters to a young poet - rainer maria rilke (ââââ)
you deserve each other - sarah hogle (ââââ)
the end we start from - megan hunter (ââââ)
I would leave me if I could - halsey (ââââ)
what we buried - caitlyn siehl (ââââ)
mr salary - sally rooney (ââââ)
heartburn - nora ephron (ââââ)
#I've already made one of these posts this year but tumblr refuses to let me find it at all on my blog so I'm just starting again#books read in 2021
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Ich bin vor ein paar Tagen auf Spotify ĂŒber die Hörspiele âDie weisse Lilieâ gestolpert, und kann sie jedem, der Actionthriller/Politkrimis mag, wirklich nur ans Herz legen!
Im Zentrum der Geschichte stehen ein Auftragskiller und ein Polizist, die unabhĂ€ngig voneinander in den Umkreis einer groĂen Organisation gezogen werden, an der unter anderem amerikanische Politiker, WirtschaftsgröĂen und Regierungsbeamte beteiligt sind und die einen Anschlag auf amerikanischem Boden zu planen scheint. AuĂerdem geraten auch eine Kryptografin, eine Journalistin, sowie der neue Kollege des Polizisten mehr oder weniger absichtlich in die hochbrisante Sache hinein, die ihre Kreise in nur in den USA, sondern bis nach Europa, Westasien und Afrika zieht.
Laut der Website fehlt nach den aktuell vier Teilen mit je drei Kapiteln noch ein fĂŒnfter Teil um die Geschichte abzuschlieĂen.
Ich habe in den letzten drei Tagen so ziemlich jede freie Minute damit verbracht, die bisherigen Teile durchzuhören (und ich tue mich mit Hörspielen und insbesondere langen Hörspielen normalerweise ziemlich schwer), weil ich einfach zu jedem Zeitpunkt unbedingt wissen musste, wie es weiter geht. (Und als zusĂ€tzlicher Anreiz: Auch wenn sie nur relativ kleine Rollen haben, es gibt Auftritte von Holger Mahlich und Sascha Rotermund in bisher drei der vier Teile! (Ausnahme ist âZeitenwendeâ, was gewissermaĂen ein Flashback ist.))
#die weisse lilie#kaj rambles#german#hörspiel#bin ich darĂŒber gestolpert weil ich auf spotify nach sachen mit holger mahlichs beteiligung gesucht habe? maybe so.#aber es ist echt *verdammt* gut und ich liebe solche stories#und sascha rotermund war dann noch ein willkommener bonus xD#die anderen sprecher sagen mir nichts aber das liegt vermutlich auch daran dass ich mir solche namen normalerweise nicht merke#anyways#it's really good if you're looking for a fast paced adult audio play absolutely give it a try!
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Okay, letâs talk about what I think is the biggest problem with Summer Rose. I donât think itâs unrealistic for Ruby to react the way she has to Summer Rose and information about her from a character standpoint, but there wasnât enough emphasis on her throughout the show to make me interested in her and specifically in how Ruby feels about her.
A lot of protagonists have at least one dead parent, and it doesnât always feature prominently in the story theyâre in - instead used as an excuse why the kids can do whatever they want without having to worry about parental figures, or backstory for why theyâre the way that they are. But when the parents are treated as more significant, itâs better to make them consistently featured. It makes total sense for Ruby to not talk much or even think much about the mother that she lost when she was between the ages of two to four, but starts to talk about her more and be emotional about it once she gets some down time and during a time of personal crisis, especially as sheâs learning new knowledge about what happened to Summer. That makes total sense from a character point of view. But as a viewer, I honestly didnât care at all about Summer Rose past âwhy is Yang acting like Raven is her mom.â Her grave was seen during the Red trailer, Yang talked about her in V2, and Ruby talked to her grave to start off V3 (which to me read as an âeasy way to get exposition and remind everyone of some of the RWBY detailsâ scene.) And thatâs it. Thatâs very little significance, I was given no reason to think she was going to matter to the storyline at all, I was given no reason to think she was going to matter to Ruby at all. If anything, I thought she might maybe matter to Yang, who clearly remembered her and who the story went out of their way to have talk about her, but then Yang didnât talk about her mom until six seasons after the scene in volume 2. Which again, makes some semblance of sense from a character point of view, but made me think that Summer was unimportant and made me ambivalent to what was a non-character. We didnât know anything about Summer past âgood momâ and âdead,â for six seasons. We didnât know anything about how Ruby felt about her mom past âtalking to her grave one timeâ and the knowledge that due to her age when Summer died, Ruby likely only has vague memories of her (if she has memories of her at all.)
Compare that to something like Harry Potter. (Quick disclaimer, as always, Iâm not endorsing JKR, just comparing stories.) Time was taken out of the first book to establish not only Harry being an orphan, but Harryâs feelings towards it. Him looking in the Mirror of Erised and seeing not only his parents, but his family told us a lot about Harryâs longing for a family and to belong, and his attachment to the idea of his parents and family clearly connected to him (including through physical features that heâs been put down for having by the Dursleyâs.) The first book also establishes connections to his parents through others. Hagrid knew his parents and got him a scrapbook of pictures of them, Snape hated his father, Dumbledore gave Harry his fatherâs invisibility cloak, and discussed the love spell his mother had made when she died, and told him about Snape and Jamesâ ârivalry.â I donât remember if there was much connection to Harryâs parents in Chamber of Secrets, but in Prisoner of Azkaban, we start the story with Harry reacting defensively and using accidental magic (tied to emotional outbursts) when a relative starts insulting his parents, and then the whole book centers around the man who was framed for helping Voldemort murder Harryâs parents catching the real traitor, Harry meeting his fatherâs former best friends, getting yet another relic of his fatherâs, hearing more of the vague memory of his parentsâ death when heâs encountered by the Dementors, thinking he had seen his father save him, etc. And the book tells us that Harryâs light based magical guardian Patronus takes the same form his fatherâs did. Then, in the fourth book, Harry resolves to face Voldemort head on whether heâll die or not âlike his fatherâ and literally sees the spirits of his parents and is able to talk to them briefly even though theyâre dead through the use of a spell. In the Order of the Phoenix, Harry sees memories of his parents through Snapeâs pensieve memories and his idealized versions of them (but specifically James) is challenged. Heâs greatly bothered by this and seeks out advice and reassurance from his fatherâs friends. In the sixth book, the Half-Blood Prince, Harry gets a potions book with all kinds of recipes and useful spells written in the margins and starts thinking it might be his fatherâs, still desperate for a stronger connection to his parents, and at the same time, heâs interacting with a teacher who was fond of and talks about his mother. Consistently throughout the whole of the book series, people talk about James and Lily, we see the impact James and Lily had with other characters, we know how Harry feels about them, we know why Harry feels that way, we see his feelings about his parents start to adjust whenever he learns new information, we see the way their actions affect Harryâs actions.
So when Deathly Hallows rolled around and there were all these big significant moments involving Harryâs parents - visiting their graves, seeing their statue, seeing Snapeâs memories, summoning their ghost forms to walk him to what he thinks will be his death - viewers might not be particularly attached to their characters, but weâre still invested, we still care about Harryâs arc with his parents, itâs pay off to a storyline thatâs been a central part of the whole book series. Imagine if the only things we had heard about Harryâs parents before reading Deathly Hallows was a scene in book two about how his parents death connected to this wider issue (like the scene in Volume 2 with Yang using Summerâs death as establishing details before talking about Raven,) and a scene at the start of Prisoner of Azkaban where Harry like, talks to the pictures in his scrapbook about how heâs excited to go back to Hogwarts and how things are going with Ron and Hermione (like Rubyâs gravestone talk at the start of volume 3,) and then we still had all the significant moments centered around James and Lily in the seventh book.
It just feels like the emotional depth theyâre going for with Summer was a wide swing and a miss because she never mattered to the story before. Summer was a passing plot point, and now that theyâre trying to involve her more heavily, it feels boring. It feels like wasting time on something that doesnât matter all that much when things that have been established as significant were put on the back burner (like Rubyâs relationship with Qrow, a mentor figure and parental figure, or even her relationship with Maria, who took over as a mentor figure when MKEK started to seem to want to diminish and put down Qrowâs character.) For six seasons, the audience had barely knew what Summer could possibly look like, Tai doesnât talk about Summer, Qrow only mentions her in passing to talk about Rubyâs eyes if I remember correctly, Oz doesnât talk about her, Yang only talks about her for one scene and thatâs only to set up Raven, Ruby only talks about her for one scene and thatâs to exposition at the start of a season. The only real reason to think Summer Rose would be significant to the plot at all is the Red Like Roses II song, but lots of the Ruby character songs seem a little disjointed like that. Before volume seven, I was wondering why that song even existed since Summer had so little to do with the plot of the show and specifically Rubyâs character (affected much more by Yang, her dad, her uncle, her team, Ozpin, Penny...)
Itâs not a bad thing if they wanted Summer Rose to be important, I actually think it couldâve been good. Ruby feels a little stale at times compared to the friends that have bigger backstories that are gone into more, and her character could use some more interest and some more ties to Salem, so having her struggle with having a dead parent she can barely remember who was probably turned into a monster due to having the exact same power Ruby does is a good concept. But like a lot of things in RWBY, it came too little, too late, and with too little groundwork. Now it feels like theyâre trying to cram extra unneeded plot into the story instead of working on what they have, now it feels out of left field, now Iâm wondering why Iâm suddenly being expected to care about Summer, now Iâm wondering why there was so little set up for her importance. I would feel much more emotionally connected to this story plot if it had been featured more prominently. If Ruby had been set up from the start to want to be a Huntress like her mom. If Ruby had talked about Summer to Weiss or Jaune or her team, if sheâd had a picture of her mom she put on her wall or something, if sheâd talked about how the death affected her early on, if Tai had talked about Summer to Yang more, if maybe Ruby had asked Qrow about Summer when he told them about Oz, âDid Mom know any of this?â if maybe Maria had known Summer or something. I donât know, Iâm not a professional, I just know that they failed to write a story where Summer mattered at all until they suddenly wanted us to feel emotionally distraught over her being turned into a Grimm. Instead, I heard about the Silver Eyed Warriors getting turned into a Grimm and thought âmaybe Mercury does have Silver Eyes and thatâs whatâll happen to his character.â
The emotional depth just isnât there with Summer in my opinion, and itâs made even worse by the fact that thereâs very little we can extrapolate from her character based on her appearance. âRuby, but more subdued,â and âboring,â are the only two things I can even think about her character design, which is a confusing thing for such a design heavy show that places so much emphasis on individual creativity.
#rwde#anti rwby#rwby bashing#rwby criticism#anti-rwby#anti mkek#contains RWDE content#anti summer rose#not really but better safe than sorry#I am anti JK Rowling btw#I don't support her in any way#just trying to talk about comparisons
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love/hate songs
Since 8tracks is messed up and playmoss is gonna disappear and Spotify doesn't have many songs, Iâm posting some of my playlists here. This is a list of songs about love/hate relationships for pairings. Enemies to lovers, tsundere personalities, hero/villain couplings, opposites attract, loving someone you know you shouldn't. This list is several years old so the songs are older and kinda âscene.â
Major trigger warnings for the lyrics of these songs. Some songs have violent lyrics. This playlist romanticizes conflict.
Song list under read more:
Love to Hate You - Erasure Nicotine - Panic! at the Disco Don't Let It Go To Your Head - Fefe Dobson Your Love Will Kill Me - Daniel Lavoie Bruises and Bitemarks (Remix) - Good With Grenades October & April - The Rasmus feat. Anette Olzon Violator - Son of Rust Sick Amore - El Creepo Disgusting - Ke$ha Dangerous - Depeche Mode Oleander - Mother Mother Fear & Delight - The Correspondents Love is a Suicide - Natalia Kills Sex as a Weapon - Pat Benatar I'd Love To Kill You - Katie Melua Before I Ever Met You - Banks Rent - Pet Shop Boys Helpless When She Smiles - Backstreet Boys Holy - Zolita Strangelove - Depeche Mode I Won't Say (I'm In Love) - Susan Egan Can't Feel My Face - The Weeknd Only You - Ellie Goulding Devil Devil - Milck Livin' In A World Without You - The Rasmus Â
Hate Love - Adelitas Way Suddenly - Peter Heppner Sick and Twisted Affair - My Darkest Days Radioactive Mirrors - Amazinglyjon Dangerous - Cascada Violence (Club Mix) - Grimes & i_o This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller Make Hate To Me - Citizen Soldier Gently Break It - Beck Pete Portrait of a Female - Cruel Youth This Could Be Love - Alkaline Trio Lie, Lie, Lie - Myra You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi I Only Wanna Be With You - Volbeat Maybe You're Not the Worst Thing Ever - Cast of Galavant I've Got You Under My Skin - Seether Human - Oh Land Le Bien Qui Fait Mal - Mozart, L'Opera Rock Can't Help Falling In Love [Light x Dark Remix] - feat. Brooke Tommee Profitt Fell For You - Green Day Stupid Grin - Dragonette Broken - Lauren Hoffman Take Me to Church - Hozier Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis Whip - Mr.Kitty  Get You Off - Fefe Dobson Crazy Girl - Ke$ha Vice - POP ETC Cannibal - Silversun Pickups Rest in Peace - Original Cast of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hem of Your Garment - Cake Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge Truth Or Dare - Marianas Trench We Sink - CHVRCHES Gingerbread Man - Melanie Martinez You Stupid Girl - Framing Hanley  Die For You - Red F*cking Boyfriend - The Bird & The Bee Mean - Nicole Dollanganger Must Be Crazy for Me - Melissa Etheridge That Girl - Alexz Johnson FMLYHM - Seether Bad Romance - Halestorm Aquarius - Within Temptation Flirt (With Me) - Zeromancer I'm With Stupid - Pet Shop Boys Stop This Song (Love Sick Melody) - Paramore Trying Not To Love You - Nickelback Kill for You - Zolita A Love Like War - All Time Low You Need Me - SWANS Hatef--k - The Bravery Bottled Affection - Cold War Kids True Love - ThouShaltNot Terrible Thing - Ag I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters Exit Wounds - The Romanovs Gun - Chvrches Every Breath You Take - Chase Holfelder Whole Lotta Love - Smash Mouth Bloodsport - Sneaker Pimps XXX - Imran-C Bitter Rivals - Sleigh Bells Destruction Of Us - Mr.Kitty Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer Love Me Dead - Ludo Paralyzed - The Used River - Bishop Briggs Neon - VERSA Sucker For Pain - Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons I'm Your Villain - Franz Ferdinand Beautiful Monster - Ne-Yo I Own You - Birgit Let Me Be Your Armor - ASSEMBLAGE 23 Perfect Enemy - t.A.T.u. Straight for the Knife - Sia One More Night - Maroon 5 I Hate You (Don't Leave Me) - Ke$ha The Moth - Aimee Mann Mad Love - The Veronicas Toxic (Acoustic Britney Spears Cover) - Johnny Goth Bad Intentions - Digital Daggers Shut Up - Nick Lachey Soldier - Bitter Ruin First Bad Habit - Vanessa Hudgens In The Darkness - Dead By Sunrise Tearin' Up My Heart - *NSYNC You'll Be Back - Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton & Jonathan Groff Crazy In A Good Way - VERIDIA Combat Baby - Metric In Bluebeard's Castle - Unwoman When Doves Cry - Prince State of Seduction - Digital Daggers Whataya Want From Me - Adam Lambert Broken Inside - Broken Iris Murder (feat. Minx, Chilled) - Boyinaband Why Do You Love Me - Charlotte Lawrence Follow You Home - Nickelback Love To See You Cry - Enrique Iglesias Impressed - Natalie Imbruglia Die For You - Megan McCauley Your Kind (Speak to Me) - Danger Radio Tyrant - The Bravery Violent Games - Polica Toxicated Love - NEO Nemeses (feat. John Roderick) - Jonathan Coulton Miserable - Lit Running From My Shadow - The Velvet Teaparty Barricade - Stars Trouble (Stripped) - Halsey Brutal Hearts - Bedouin Soundclash Desire - Meg Myers Sticks And Stones - The Pierces Just the Girl - The Click Five Himerus and Eros - The Spill Canvas Blood - In This Moment I'm Insane - Myah Marie Fiction (Dreams In Digital) - Orgy Whore - In This Moment Monster - Ryan Adames Foundations - Kate Nash Only When I Lose Myself - Depeche Mode Hatchet - Archive The Beginning of the Twist - The Futureheads Change - Deftones Trust Me - Marc Senter Love Me Hate Kiss Me Kill Me (Scndl Remix) - Fukkk Offf Big Bad Handsome Man - Imelda May The Mighty Fall - Fall Out Boy My Obsession - Cinema Bizarre Stitches - Orgy Miss Kiss Kiss Bang - Alex Swings Oscar Sings! Sweet Dreams - Beyonce Fuel To The Fire - The Maine Closer (Nine Inch Nails Cover) - Niki Barr Band Clueless - Orla Gartland Devil Woman - Cliff Richard Hatefuck - Motionless In White I Love You But I Donât Like You - Molly Moore Overpower Thee - AUF dER MAUR Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me - All Time Low Post Blue - Placebo Genghis Khan - Miike Snow Poison - Alice Cooper I Know I'm A Wolf - Young Heretics Little Toy Gun - honeyhoney I Miss the Misery - Halestorm Dirty Sticky Floors (radio mix) - Dave Gahan Clarity - Zedd I Get A Kick Out Of You - Frank Sinatra I Hate Myself for Loving You - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Die for You - Otherwise Labyrinth - Oomph! Black Black Heart - David Usher I Want to Destroy Something Beautiful - Josh Woodward I'm a Priest - Daniel Lavoie You Need Me - SWANS Afraid of the Dark - Phildel Virus - Ryan Adames I Wanna Be Your Dog (remix) - Emilie Simon Hello Goodbye - The Beatles Sarcasm (Album Version) - Get Scared Use Me - Hinder Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars Pretty When You Cry - VAST Tainted Love - Soft Cell Scream - Avenged Sevenfold Think About It - Danger Radio Gallery Piece - Of Montreal Bang Bang Bang Bang - Sohodolls Little Girls - Say Anything I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace Love Runs Out - OneRepublic Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins Hit Me Like a Man - The Pretty Reckless Bang Bang (feat. Adam Levine) - K'naan Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp Addicted - Kelly Clarkson Whiplash - FEMM Paralyzer - Finger Eleven Crime - Temposhark Misery Loves Company - Emilie Autumn It Was Good for You Too - Marian Call Price Of Company - The White Tie Affair Burn! - Kobra And The Lotus I Love My Lawyer - Ofelia K I Want Blood - empires (I Always Kill) The Things I Love (ft. The Real Tuesday Weld) - Claudia Brucken Misery (Cutmore Radio) - Maroon 5 Fire and Ice - Pat Benatar I Lust You - Neon Neon Pistol Whipped - Marilyn Manson Bitches Brew - Crosses A Formidable Marinade - Mikelangelo And The Black Sea Gentlemen Control - Puddle of Mudd Scary Love - Skye Sweetnam Loveyouhateyou - Sad Robot Untangle Me - Snow Ghosts A Little Taste - Skyler Stonestreet E.V.O.L - Marina and the Diamonds  (You're the) Devil in Disguise - Elvis Presley Shut Up & Kiss - Me Orianthi Cool for Chaos - Nostalghia Oyeme - Enrique Iglesias I Hate You - Sick Puppies GirlShapedLoveDrug - Gomez You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk - Pet Shop Boys Need You Like A Drug - Zeromancer Werewolf - Cat Power Bathwater - No Doubt Bad Dog - Neon Hitch Guns And Horses - Ellie Goulding Rev 22-20 - Puscifer Won't You Please Be Nice - Nellie McKay The Perfect Drug - Nine Inch Nails Until The Day I Die - Story of the Year Womanizer - Britney Spears Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations I Think I Love You David Cassidy Stalkers - Mindless Self Indulgence  Kill Me Every Time - Blue Stahli Preface - FKA twigs Every You Every Me - Placebo Want - Disturbed Spit It Out - IAMX Destroy Me - Mr Kitty My Sweet Prince - Placebo Psycho - Imelda May Monster - Meg Myers Figured You Out - Nickelback Suffocated Love - Tricky Satisfy Me One More Time - Frank Sinatra This Love - Maroon 5 Miss Jackson (feat. Lolo) - Panic! At The Disco Fire and Ice - Pat Benatar Every Other Time Lyte - Funky Ones How Do You Love Someone - Ashley Tisdale Poison - Gin Wigmore Bitter and Sick - One Two The Outsider - Marina & the Diamonds True Love (feat Lily Rose Cooper) - Pink Bad Boy - Cascada Irresistible - Temposhark Painkiller - The Queenstons Born to Die / Russian Roulette - Amazinglyjon Like Sugar - Matchbox Twenty Mad About You - Hooverphonic Stupify - Disturbed Problems - Mother Mother What Is Love - Haddaway Animal - The Cab Marionette - Antonia I Hate You But I Love You - Russian Red Carve A Name - Mother Mother Criminal - Britney Spears Danger - Hilary Duff Fell in Love w/an Android - Simon Curtis Demon Lover - RĂłisĂn Murphy Always - Saliva Too Close - Alex Clare Little of Your Time - Maroon 5 Sex and Violence - Scissor Sisters Electric Storm - Delta Goodrem Black widow - Susanne SundfĂžr Dangerous Kind - Rasmus You've Really Got a Hold on Me - The Miracles Over and Over - Three Days Grace Devour - Marilyn Manson Nature of Inviting - IAMX The Odd Couple - Weezer Hurt Me Harder - Zolita Terrible Love - The National Mad Love - Jojo Boomerang - Reliant K Bad News - Sleeper Agent I Was An Island (EP Version) - Allison Weiss Rock Bottom - Hailee Steinfeld Youâre the One That I Want - Lo Fang Poison - Rita Ora Kill For You - Skylar Grey ft Eminem Wouldn't Be Love - Ritual Hate Me - Nico Collins Irresistible - Fall Out Boy I Love You... I'll Kill You - Enigma
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Blooming: Chapter Ten
The Fourth Time
Planting seeds during a lull in the tournament, and a little destiny related introspection
Jaune tucked the little paper bag of seeds into his pocket and went to find Pyrrha, because sheâd had a meeting with the Headmaster earlier and hopefully it was done now. Even more hopefully it wasnât anything serious.
Luckily he didnât have to uproot the whole freaking school to find her, because that would be really pushing his luck with Goodwitch, even with how strangely understanding she was being. He found her under one of the Forever Fall trees that lined the courtyard, reading some thick book.
The kind bound in brown leather with golden letters for a title, and Jaune was pretty sure it was poetry, because Pyrrha was just like that.
Struck dumb for a moment at the sight of her sitting and looking so peaceful, with the leaves falling around her exactly the same shade as her hair, Jaune nearly forget what he was doing. She looked like a painting of a long revered hero, the kind that his mom would hang up from a yard sale and dust every day.
Once he remembered, he didnât hesitate to disturb her peace and accepted no objections, real or fake, as he tugged her from the ground and dragged her along. It was obvious that Pyrrha was more curious and endeared than she was upset about being denied her reading time. She hadnât really been focused enough to read anyway.
Jaune also refused to tell her what he was up to this time, aside from the fact that no, Nora was not in trouble. And no neither was he, seriously Pyrrha did you not trust him at all?
She did, but not when it came to not ending up neck-deep in chaos for more than ten seconds.
They took a detour to Professor Peachâs classroom closet, which Jaune knew well enough from having hid in it from Weissâs wrath once. And Weiss had thankfully waited for him outside because she was a classy lady who had something against walking headfirst into dusty old cobwebs.
Jaune made Pyrrha wait outside as well, even though he knew full well she wouldnât have the same hang ups. He was going to take any chance to extend this surprise that he could.
He eventually emerged with a gardening shovel and a watering can and refused to give Pyrrha either of them. Or tell her what they were for. Knowing Jauneâs reputation for seat-of-his-pants plans, he really hoped Pyrrha wasnât guessing the obvious, considering that was exactly the plan.
Filling the watering can was yet another adventure that involved Jaune accidentally getting both of their shoes soaked. Pyrrha repaid him by cutting off his string of apologies with a laugh and a spritz of water in his face.Â
Watering can momentarily abandoned and then promptly kicked over on accident, Jaune yelped and thoroughly botched his escape.
When Jaune finally flopped down with a refilled watering can on the ground where he wanted to plant, Pyrrha sat next to him. Much more gracefully, he had to admit, but without any hesitation. âJaune, what-â
âWeâre gonna plant some flowers!â Jaune cut in excitedly, tugging the packet of seeds out from his pocket. It was a bit of a hassle honestly, because admittedly, he probably shouldâve done that when he was still standing up.
He showed the packet to Pyrrha, who took it from his hand and just stared at it in silence for a while. A smile slowly spread on her lips until she shook her head very, very fondly, and Jaune was positively beaming.
âOh, Jaune,â Pyrrha laughed, shaking her head a couple more times.Â
And maybe she sounded a little choked up, she wasnât sure, but she felt choked up because gods damn it. Gods damn it, this idiot. This absolute wonderful idiot, who was really honestly wasnât that dumb, because he was truly too smart for his own good.Â
And so, so kind. And for some stupid reason he insisted on spending all that kindness on Pyrrha of all people. And she just didnât know how to handle that sometimes, that he really cared about her and not the Invincible Girl. She didnât know how to show how much he meant to her, how to accept his kindness, how to give any of it back.
So she just dropped her head onto Jauneâs shoulder, nuzzling her forehead against him forcefully, until she felt Jaune stop tensing and his head come to a rest atop hers. And then they just sat there.Â
Her face was pushed into the cloth of his sweatshirt, and she was smiling and mumbling something that she hoped was an incredibly well thought out thank you. The packet of lily seeds was still clutched tightly in her hands.
In that moment she loved Jaune so much she felt like she forgot how to breath, discipline be damned.
They ended up getting mud on their clothes and even some on their faces and definitely much, much more on their hands. Dirt black crescents were under their nails and Pyrrhaâs sweater was splotched with soil.
But it was fine, because it was fun. Pyrrha was terrible at gardening, not having much experience, but Jaune tried his best to draw on every last thing he remembered from his childhood. And lilies were resilient little creatures anyway, so it was fine.
And once they were done, the once pristine flower bed was torn up and muddy but the watering can was empty. And then empty again after an extra round of water, because they planted a lot of seeds.Â
They stayed sitting there on the ground side by side, the sun warm on their skin and their dirt-covered hands intertwined. This time Jaune was the one to drop his head onto Pyrrhaâs shoulder, and from the way he leaned into her, the way his thumb traced back and forth against the back of her hand, she wondered if somehow he knew that she was suddenly feeling a tired, sad kind of dread.
Planting flowers was great until you started wondering if youâd ever see them sprout.
Lilies were resilient creatures, not unlike her, and she knew that. It wasnât the weather or the quality of the seed that she was worried about. It was time. The time that she might not have much left of, anymore. After her meeting with the Headmaster, and the rest of them, and the Maidens, and the magic, she didnât know how much time she had left.
Pyrrha could suddenly count on her fingers how many days she had left to live if things didnât go to plan. Or maybe if they did go to plan, because she still didnât know if the plan she was working off of matched up with theirs.
Jaune pressed his face into her hair then, saying things he wasnât sure she heard much less believed. âYouâre gonna be fine, kay? I donât know whatâs wrong⊠really, but Iâm here to help. Youâre gonna be fine.â A futile promise against her unknowable fate, but a promise he couldnât help but make over and over, hoping that one day he wouldn't have to.
âAnd you-â
She tugged her hand out of Jauneâs, but he wrapped the arm around her instead, and he immediately squeezed her closer as he felt her start to cry.Â
This weird sort of crying that sheâd undoubtedly learned at some point in her celebrity life. Her breaths steady and even but the rest of her shaking, with whines that got swallowed in her throat. She made up for her lack of sobs with endlessly flowing tears.Â
If she let herself cry normally, the mask she wore in public would shatter, and it occurred to Jaune for the hundredth time just how cruel that was.
âI really donât know whatâs wrong, but you can do this,â he reassured her, trying to keep the shake out of his voice because gods dammit he was trying to be the strong reliable one right now, voice donât you dare betray him. He pressed a kiss to her head and set his chin on top of it. Pyrrha could feel his voice rumbling in his chest.Â
âYouâre the strongest person Iâve ever met.â And Pyrrhaâs voice did hitch at that âI know you can do this.â
Pyrrha was scared, she was scared to die. But she was more scared to watch others die because she decided to make the wrong decision. She was scared to plunge headlong into this fight that wasnât supposed to start yet.
She didnât want to think about her upcoming decision, or the tournament fights that would precede it. And she really didnât want to think about after either, because who knew who she would even be on the other side, if she made it at all. With her foreseeable life possibly being barely more than a week, she didnât want to think about anything at all.
But then Jauneâs words made her think about training on the roof. And having to stop Nora from punching him awake in the middle of class after they trained too late. And this made her think of the way his expression then mirrored the affronted look heâd worn during their first bout of the tournament when theyâd teased him about the team attack names.Â
And for a moment, she almost laughed. But then her thoughts drifted forward to the vault, and the conversation there, and she was back to being terrified.
âAfter,â he started, and even despite all his effort he definitely one hundred percent sounded like he was crying. âAfter weâve won the tournamentâ And because that wasnât touching close enough to his actual question, he added, âWhat are you gonna do?â
He wished he was as focused on just winning as he tried to make himself sound. Wished that his entire world wasnât hanging on what Pyrrhaâs answer was.
âI havenât thought that far ahead yet,â Pyrrha admitted, nuzzling her head into his shoulder that was now soaked from her tears, and she wished that she could answer the question that she could hear hiding underneath the one heâd actually said. âNot much, anyway.â
Because she was scared to. Because this was the Destiny sheâd been striving for all this time. The only goal sheâd ever had, so what came after that?
Her life had been written like a script for her ever since she started training and felt how right her spear felt in her hands. So what would happen when the words on the page ran out? When the blank pages were held out in front of her, what would she write now that she had the power?
Pyrrha barely dared to hope that there would be a page for her to write on at all.
âI have,â Jaune said, and his chest wasnât hitching anymore, thank the gods. Pyrrha watched as his free hand picked at the muddy grass below them.
She willed the familiar nervous energy the motion held to calm her down. Pyrrha hummed. âAny ideas?â Because she didnât have any for once. Her book was quite possibly coming to a close, so any ideas he had of what to do to add new pages was welcome.
Jauneâs hand stilled, and he stayed quiet for a few breathâs time. Pyrrha didnât rush him. âAsk me when we get there.â
And when he pressed another kiss into her hair, Pyrrha wished that she could promise to do that.
#rwby#jaune arc#pyrrha nikos#arkos#glynda goodwitch#professor ozpin#weiss schnee#mine#my writing#blooming#chapter 10
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I hate it, when all the songs I've heard over the years get lost. Therefore I have now developed a few playlists.
[All lists will be updated regularly if needed].
Playlist 2021: Virgin Black - Our Wings are Burning Virgin Black - Lamenting Kiss Uaral - Depression Thunderbolt - Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty This Cold Night - Black Cathedral The Darkstar Calling - From Wings Of Death Rammstein - Heirate mich Pop Will Eat Itself - Ich Bin Ein AuslĂ€nder Night Haze - You Cant Reach Me Forlorn Kingdom - Walking The Paths Of Old Forgotten Kingdoms - Crowned in Forlorn Darkness Explizit Einsam - Traum vom Leben Explizit Einsam - Dunkler Kristall Dismal Euphony - Shine for Me, Misery Dismal Euphony - An Autumn Leaf In The Circles Of Time Dismal Euphony - All Little Devils Devil Doll - The Sacrilege of Fatal Arms Devil Doll - Sacrilegium Sounds of Lemuria - Klavier Floodland - Seemann Nosferatu - Lucy is Red The Daughters of Bristol - The Leaving The Daughters of Bristol - Sweet Lies Midnight Caine - Eremia Malaise - Separation Erato - Sweet Killing Silenzium - Mein Herz brennt (Rammstein Cover) After Dusk - Strange Aeonsâ Signs After Dusk - The Seas Of Infinity Decoded Feedback - Red Cell Siva Six - Until Death Reunites Us Hate Of Shadows - Winter Place Shades Of Hell - Remediate the pain Zeromancer - Revengefuck Ludovico Technique - Becoming Numb Aesthetic Perfection - Love Like Lies Aesthetic Perfection - Dead Zone Unaverage Gang - Cold Steel KMFDM - Come on, Go off (Rotersand Mix) KMFDM - Help Us, Save Us, Take Us Away KMFDM - Make Your Stand Tiamat - Wildhoney Intro Skinny Puppy - Inquisition Skinny Puppy - Testure Seraphim System - Beast (Cygnosic Remix) Seraphim Shock - Upon A Time Seraphim Shock - Mollyâs Web Seraphim Shock - Anna Seraphim Shock - Bloodline Covenant - Last Dance Chaotic Rave System - Power Up Avarice In Audio - The Cassandra Komplex Avarice In Audio - Our Cold Hands Avarice In Audio - Lolita Express Avarice In Audio - Heartless Disaster Avarice In Audio - Crystal Tears Avarice In Audio - Lie To Me Project Christow - Hydra Project Christow - Hellraiser Project Christow - Hatred Through The Eyes Project Christow - Iceberg Men Project Christow - Ruby Of Men Project Christow - Luciferist Control Alt Deus - Shes Made Of Fire Deine Lakaien - Over And Done IAmTheShadow - Everything in this Nothingness Stahlnebel & Black Selket - Bloody Rain Arcana - We Rise Above Unsinn - Fly Away Stereomotion - Broken ASP - Possession Blutengel - Disobedience Blutengel - Damokles E Nomine - Der Ring der Nibelungen Nox Arcana - Night Wraiths Black Heaven - The Enemy In Ourselves Ice Ages - Forsaken Subliminal Code - Itâs A Lie Alienoxir - Rostro Perfecto Alienoxir - Honor Y Resistencia Alienoxir - Same Like You Say Just Words - Victimas Mr. Gasmask - Draaimolen Mr. Gasmask - Progress Trap Mr. Gasmask - Time Out Forever Mr. Gasmask - Chip Chapter The Cascades - Ihr werdet sein Orange Sector - I Hate You Mourning Mist - Ancient Ruins Mega Drive - I Am The Program Rammstein - Jeder lacht Lacrimosa - Der letzte Hilfeschrei Dark Lunacy - The Mystic Rail Neuzeitsyndrom - Sektor Ausgang CLANN - Requiem CLANN - Closer CLANN - Unseelie Diorama - Record Deal Spielbann - Hier kommt dein Tag Spielbann - Bruder Narr Das Werk - Schwarzes Horn Radiohead - Street Spirit Diorama - Kiss Of Knowledge Diorama - Champagne For All Diorama - Exit The Grey Diorama - Sad But True Diorama - Erase Me Project Pitchfork - Requiem Project Pitchfork - Souls Suicide Commando - Better Off Dead Wumpscut - Dort Lieber Herrscher Lacromosa - Kaleidoskop Lacrimosa - MondFeuer Lacrimosa - Requiem Lacrimosa - Ruin Noise Resistance - Send My Own World To The Crash Tanzende Kadaver - Nekromantik Engelsblut - Totenlicht Black Heaven - Weisse Lilie Playlist 2019 / 2021: Agalloch - Plateau Of The Ages Agalloch - Dark Matter Gods Lifelover - En SĂ„ng Om Dig Lifelover - I Love (To Hurt) You Lifelover - KĂ€rlek, Becksvart Melankoli UnderTheSkin - Cold Myuu - Scent Of Night Deadmau5 - Superliminal Rome - Querkraft Rammstein - Halt Rammstein - Nebel Rammstein - Spieluhr Robert Miles - Landscape Robert Miles - Red Zone Part 1 Robert Miles - In my dreams Robert Miles - In The Dawn Train 1996 Goethes Erben - Unbekannter Soldat Rammstein - Rosenrot Synthwave Instrumental Cover Nebular Spools - Ghosts Of Future Pasts Frown Upon Their Own Agonoize - I Just Want To Live Shining - Ren Djaula Angest Shining - Through Corridors of Oppression Shining -Han Som Lurar Inom Silencer - I Shall Lead, You Shall Follow Ellende - RĂŒckzug in die Innerlichkeit Ellende - Ballade auf den Tod Ellende - Aus der Ferne Teil II Ellende - It Is Always Something Interitus - Der Traum von menschenleerer Schönheit Interitus - Deborah X-RX - Die Hölle auf Erden X-RX - Activate the Machinez Blood Magick - Melancholy Of A Monster Blood Magick - No Escape Blood Magick - I Have Seen So Much Pain Moon Tooth - Trough Ash Atreyu - Cant Happen There Atreyu - Demonology And Heartache Atreyu - Slow Burn The Cascades - Hexen Einmaleins Wumpscut - Jesus Antichristus (Psycho Shop Remix) FLESH - Creep the line Playlist 2016 / 2018: Atrocity - Enigma Lacrimosa - TrĂ€nen Der Existenzlosigkeit In Death It Ends - Pomba Gira Nachtmahr - Chaos Nachtmahr - Wir sind die Toten Rammstein - FĂŒhre mich Rammstein - Gib mir deine Augen Rammstein - Halleluja Rammstein - Mein Teil Oomph! - Hast Du Geglaubt Epinephrin - Hasswelt A7ie - A Dream Within a Dream A7ie - Some Kind Of Hate A7ie - Mort Wumpscut - Cross Of Iron Nano Infect - Fall Asleep Seraphim Shock - After Dark Mr Gasmask - The Wooden Suit Engelsblut - DĂ€monenlied Engelsblut - Kalt Infekktion - Human Nature Grendel - Hate This Grendel - Timewave Zero Playlist 2013 / 2015: Linkin Park - By Myself Linkin Park - With You Linkin Park - Somwhere I Belong Kreator - Amokrun KMFDM - Megalomaniac KMFDM - Godlike KMFDM - Anarchy Slipknot - Surfacing Atreyu - No One Cares Shakira - She Wolf Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous Morning Mist - Rage Prypjat - Block 4 Rammstein - Bestrafe mich Rammstein - Rosenrot Wumpscut - War Wumpscut - Totmacher Wumpscut - Die in winter Reaper - Altum Silentium Soko Friedhof - Und ich breite meine Schwingen Robert Miles - Children Nine Inch Nails - Closer Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have iDOLEAST - Style Pink Floyd - High Hopes Wumpscut - Zerstörte TrĂ€ume Aesthetic Perfection - A Nice Place to Visit UnterART - Just You Wait Marilyn Manson - Evidence
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