#die story wird auf deutsch sein ich habe das hier nur aus gewohnheit (und weil englische ask) auf englisch geschrieben
birdylion · 1 year
AU asks: Hörk SM AU & Pferdehof AU bc I will literally never stop thinking about them!
For this ask game.
These are both Tatort Saarbrücken fanfiction WIPs.
Pferdehof AU
This story is set in the summer before the all-defining shovel incident. Leo has to take care of his sister's horse while she's sick, and of course takes Adam with him. Leo discovers that he might be attracted to guys, Adam has the horse girl adventure we all used to dream about, in which he befriends the most notoriously difficult horse in the stable and learns some self worth.
written in collaboration with @shakespearerants
Here's some background headcanons for the story that didn't make it into the story so far, but are in the back of my head when I write it:
For this story, Leo comes from a rather bourgeois home: a family of academics, mother teaches at the uni, children are supposed to get a good education and go to uni as well.
Both parents work a lot and aren't available most of the time. There's a grandfather who takes care of Leo and Caro.
I imagine that adult Leo won't have a close relationship with his parents; his grandfather probably dies some time between this and the first episode.
I remember from the Spatort Audiopsie that the school they used for filming the flashback schoolyard scene in DfL was the Ludwigsgymnasium and I used that as a headcanon for this story's version of Leo and Adam. The Ludwigsgymnasium focuses on classical languages (Latin, ancient Greek). I headcanon that Leo goes there because his parents are academics in the humanities and approve of this profile. He doesn't live in this part of town and has to take the bus to get there.
Meanwhile, Adam does go there because he lives close, even though his father would rather send him to the Rotenbühl Gymnasium (which has a focus on sport), but that's too far away / not practical, so … well, Roland has to make up for this lack in education by "helping" with Adam's "training".
Adam absolutely speaks dialect. His parents speak it, he learned it, and he had to take care to learn high standard German in school. Leo's family doesn't speak dialect at home, even though both his parents speak it. But being academics, they went away for their studies and for work, so they trained themselves out of it and that stuck. Even now that they've been back in Saarland for at least almost two decades, they both speak standard high German at home and that's what the kids learned as a first language. They both learned speaking dialect in kindergarten and primary school though. In Gymnasium, both Adam and Leo speak standard high German, so they speak it with each other too even though they both know how to speak the dialect.
Caro's foster horse / shared horse (Reitbeteiligung) is in a stable in the region Bliesgau, so their grandfather always drives her there after school. Now that she's sick and he takes care of her, he can't drive Leo to the stable, which is why he and Adam have to take the bike. This is the landscape in which their summer adventure takes place:
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inspired by @shakespearerants and @evolutionsbedingt
This started out as a spanking kink PWP. It is still "PWP" … if we change the definition to "porn with plot" and define plot as "character development". Basically, after the events of Die Kälte der Erde, Leo and Adam have very much under-negociated but mutually wanted kinky sex in which Leo spanks Adam.
Headcanons and background for this story (and its related stories, as this is growing into a series in which they pine after each other and learn to communicate):
Leo is very repressed and doesn't dwell on his desires. He wears an armor of "should" and "must" and acts how he's supposed to be, and fails to recognise that this is not all he wants to be and do.
As an older teenager and young twenty-something, he used to be fascinated with BDSM and regularly attended meetings of the German BDSM youth association (SMJG). He correctly identified that there was something in it that spoke to him, and even took part in a workshop or two.
I hc him as hetero-leaning bisexual, but when Adam disappeared, he shoved down any feelings and desires he might have had for him (consciously or not, I haven't decided for this story). That in combination with period-typical (early 2000s) casual homophobia means that he mostly ignored his attraction to men in his teens and early 20s.
That also means his experiences in the BDSM community were through a very hetero lense. He was interested, fascinated even, and he didn't dislike it - just, he never found his place in the community, never found a kink he could claim was his. He liked trying things out, so he's not exactly inexperienced, but also when he had kinky sex, it wasn't due to his own desires, but out of an desire to make his partners happy. His own happiness never factored into it, and so there wasn't anything he could say he desired. He acted very much as a service top, and eventually stopped going there because apparently (so he thought) he just wasn't that much into it. Well.
For this story, Adam was unhappy in Berlin. He had superficial acquaintances and was never alone, but he was still lonely and didn't have truly close connections. There was nothing holding him there, and the more he noticed that, the more he idealised the connection he used to have with Leo in their youth. So when the opportunity arose, he didn't hesitate to move, because there was nothing that was hard to leave behind.
I do imagine that he used to have a pretty active sex life in Berlin. Meanwhile his first few months in Saarbrücken are the longest dry spell since he started having sex. He already knows that he likes it rough, but I hc that it always stayed rather vanilla in practice.
I didn't set out to do it, but the way I'm writing him, this story features an aro-spec Adam.
When he was in Berlin and hadn't set foot into Saarbrücken in 1.5 decades, it was easy to think that everything was well now, that his past didn't still haunt him. He genuinely thought that he had dealt with it. Perhaps even that he would be glad to be back - because Saarbrücken has Leo. But coming back there just brought everything up again that he had buried but not dealt with.
Apparently unpopular headcanon, but my interpretation of the films and especially my headcanon for this story is that when Adam came back to Saarbrücken, he and Leo were not instantly 100% in sync. The beginnings of it are there, but there's no stability in it. Adam's sudden reappearance throws Leo off track, and Adam doesn't deal well with being back in Saarbrücken, trauma-wise. So they have to find each other again.
In the early days, I imagine the following between them: familiarity, insecurity, erotic tension, uncertainty, cautiousness, curiosity. They're pretty good at instantaneous nonverbal communication, but never talk about the big questions, so the tension rises until it all comes crashing down in the PWP after KdE.
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