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#didyousayhorrorchallenge Day1: Whats your favorite scary Movie? I love #thetexaschainsawmassacre.. #photochallenge #octoberchallenge #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #horror #bookchallenge #leatherface (hier: Bregenz)
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October Book Challenge: We Have Such Sights To Show You #takeabooksightseeing #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #bookaddict #bookstagram #bookinstagram #didyousayhorrorchallenge
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Day 6 #didyousayhorrorchallenge - #DNF Now I love reading #StephenKing but this was the one book I tried reading and never finished. I am currently rereading/reading everyone one of his books in chronological order and this book is fast approaching. I have set a goal of (4) books per month so I should hit this one in November. #DanseMacabre #SKUniverse #KingNerd #sk_fans #ConstantReader #bookstagram #HorrorFiction #ReadingGoals
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October Book Challenge: We Just Cut Up Our Girlfriend With A Chainsaw #favcouple #alecandmagnus #booklover #booknerd #bookworm #bookaddict #bookstagram #bookinstagram #didyousayhorrorchallenge
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“I want to change my punctuation. I long for exclamation marks, but I'm drowning in ellipses.” ―Isaac Marion, Warm Bodies 🖤 . . • #grimdragon @the_infinite_book_dragon @grimdark_dad . . • Zombies/ Resurrected #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all @jobis89 @ab_reads . . • #octinbooks17 @bookisglee . . • #hauntedtales17 @caseyrosereads @deertales . . • #sammyreadsoctober17 @sammyreadsbooks . . • #didyousayhorrorchallenge @jessicamap @kingandcoffee . . @isaacmarion @carrieryanwrites . . #zombae #zombieready #warmbodies #theforestofhandsandteeth #horrornerd #horrorhound #zombiebook #fallleaves #autumnaesthetic #bookandleaves #bookish #bookstagram #booknerdigans #libraryofinstagram #readordie #booklover #epicreads #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookdragon #booknerd #booklove #readersofinstagram #instabook #bookquote
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“A house is never still in darkness to those who listen intently; there is a whispering in distant chambers, an unearthly hand presses the snib of the window, the latch rises. Ghosts were created when the first man woke in the night.” —J.M. Barrie 🖤😱🕯✨. . • Sweater Weather: Current read outside #grimdragon @grimdark_dad @the_infinite_book_dragon . . • #circleofbookishfriends @sadie_reads_them_all @ab_reads @jobis89 . . • #octinbooks17 @bookisglee . . • #BookishNoir #HauntedTales17 @caseyrosereads @deertales . . • #allthebooksoct @thereaderbee @loriimagination . . • #didyousayhorrorchallenge @jessicamap @kingandcoffee . . • #thereadersbooknook @chan_marie25 @0hfortheloveofbooks @brittreads @gowsy33 . . • #lilfallvibes @lisa_lostinlit @lostinlit_becca . . #thehauntedlibrary @thebritishlibrary_ #thebritishlibrary #tanyakirk #classicghoststories #ghoststories #bookandleaves #fallleaves #fallreading #octoberbookchallenge #autumnaesthetic #bookish #bookstagram #booknerdigans #libraryofinstagram #readordie #booklover #epicreads #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookdragon #booknerd #booklove #readersofinstagram #instabook
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Day 3 #didyousayhorrorchallenge "They'reHere - Ghosts #AnneRice #Violins #ReadingIsDope #bookstagram
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Day 2 #didyousayhorrorchallenge - Fav Monster #Alien or #Monster I go with the latter. Ever since the first movie I have felt this is one of the most iconic movie monsters. #RidleyScott #Xenomorph #H.R.Giger
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This 2nd challenge maybe a little more difficult for me but I'm going to give it a whirl. Day 1 #didyousayhorrorchallenge hosted by @kingandcoffee and @jessicamap Favorite Scary Movie For me it has to be #TheOmen I saw this movie when I was a pre-teen and it just gave me the chills. #Damien #HorrorFlick
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#didyousayhorrorchallenge (hier: Dornbirn)
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“Alone. Yes, that’s the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn’t hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym…” ―Stephen King, 'Salem's Lot . . • #grimdragon @grimdark_dad @the_infinite_book_dragon . . • Horror Classic Status #circleofbookishfriends @ab_reads @jobis89 @sadie_reads_them_all . . • #octinbooks17 @bookisglee . . • #hauntedtales17 @caseyrosereads @deertales . . • #didyousayhorrorchallenge @jessicamap @kingandcoffee . . • #sombracorpbookstagramchallenge @_dandelo__ @firexxlily . . • #thereadersbooknook @brittreads @chan_marie25 @0hfortheloveofbooks @gowsy33 . . • #FallFeels #lilfallvibes @lisa_lostinlit @lostinlit_becca . . #constantreader #stephenking #stephenkingbooks #salemslot ##stephenkingrules #saiking #sk_fans #stephenkingfans #horrornerd #horrorhound #horrorbooks #autumnaesthetic #fallleaves #bookish #bookstagram #booknerdigans #libraryofinstagram #readordie #booklover #epicreads #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookdragon #booknerd #booklove #readersofinstagram #instabook
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"A spell has been broken. Trees had begun to change from Earth-green to Martian-red and Sun-yellow, and they were throwing their leaves down in multi-colored carpets as though preparing for the entrance of some grand royalty." —J. W. Ocker, A Season with the Witch 🖤🖤🖤. . • #SundayinSalem . . • #didyousayhorrorchallenge @jessicamap @kingandcoffee . . • #lilfallvibes @lisa_lostinlit @lostinlit_becca . . #aseasonwiththewitch #jwocker #salemwitchtrials #salemmassachusetts #halloweenreads #witchyreads #witchstagram #occult #octoberbookchallenge #octoberreads #bookish #bookstagram #booknerdigans #libraryofinstagram #readordie #booklover #epicreads #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookdragon #booknerd #booklove #readersofinstagram #instabook
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