#didn't like Will Halstead to start with but he grew on me
halsteadlover · 11 months
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Will Halstead x Female!Reader.
• Requested by @klovesreading: I was wondering if you could do a story where the reader is married to Will but is a detective with Jay and is really close with Jay. But one day a case goes bad and the reader gets shot and almost dies and just a lot of angst but the reader survives in the end!
• Warnings: mention of blood, drugs, gunshots, tiny bit of angst and swearing.
• Word count: 5018.
• A/N: this is my first Will Halstead fic and it’s ugly as fuck, I don’t like one bit how it turned out 😭 you can actually notice I didn’t want to write anything else but I know if I kept going it would’ve ended up being so much longer than this so here is this piece of shit. I hope you’ll like it anyway but please bear with me 😭 comment, like and reblog if you want. I love you all so much ❤️
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You, Will and Jay had been good friends for as long as you could remember.
The three of you grew up in the same neighborhood, your families being friends for a very long time. They were like big brothers to you or, at least, only one of them was.
You never managed to hide the crush you had on the redhead since you were a teenager, no one missed this detail – not even Jay who never wasted time teasing you about your crush on his brother – only Will seemed to not to see it.
You spent years of your adolescence and youth pining for him, trying to suppress your feelings knowing he didn't feel the same. You tried to move on, you had some boyfriends but it always ended the same way: you leaving them because you could never completely get Will out of your head. And as time passed you had resigned yourself to it, accepting you’d never be anything other than best friends.
There was a time when the three of you drifted apart, Will had gone to medical school, Jay had joined the army and left to go overseas and you spent a lot of time training to get in the police academy.
But fate really seemed to work in wonderful ways.
You thought you’d never reconnect with the Halstead brothers again but this was proven wrong when one day you met Jay at the police academy. You were a patrol cop with about two years of experience and he had just joined the Chicago PD after returning from his mission overseas.
And just like that you learned that Will had recently returned to Chicago and started working at Med's. It was as if time had never passed for the three of you, returning to having the deep bond that had united you since childhood.
But just as you thought your love for Will had somehow passed, it was enough for you to spend just a day with him to understand those deep feelings had never faded and that Will would forever be in your heart.
As time passed though, Will realized he was starting to look at you differently, continually craving your company. He didn't know when it happened or how it happened but he found himself inexorably losing his mind for you, in a way that shouldn't have happened with his best friend.
So for an amount of time you found yourselves lusting for each other from afar without either of you growing any balls and confessing your feelings.
The turning point came when the morning after spending a night at the bar and drinking too many shots and cocktails, you woke up in Will's bed with only a sheet covering your body. You were both too drunk the night before to remember what had happened but that blurry sexual encounter didn’t only happen once.
In fact after this rendezvous, it was as if a magnetic force attracted both of you and no matter how much you both fought it, one way or another you ended up having sex at one or the other's house.
Jay's teasing was pure torture as he could see from miles away that something really had happened between the two of you.
It was Will who confessed his love first, in the grip of emotions and no longer able to pretend you were just friends with benefits for even a second. You told him it took him a long time and that you loved him madly too, and the rest was history.
So here you were several years later, married to the love of your life and living the fairy tale you've always dreamed about.
“Babe please…” you sighed, eyes half closed as his lips worked their magic on that particular spot on your neck. You had to go to work but that seemed to take a backseat as your mind was completely dazzled by the hurricane that was your husband.
His arms wrapped around your hips and his hands went down to your ass, which they squeezed and groped without any shame. That made you sigh as you wrapped your arms around his neck, threading your fingers through his soft hair and pulling it lightly.
“Fuck,” he hissed, making him lose the last bit of control he had in his body and you grinned knowing how much he liked it when you pulled his hair. Before you could say or do anything, his lips had captured yours in a deep, passionate kiss as you took slow steps towards the bed
You both fell onto the mattress, bouncing slightly and you both let out a laugh before kissing again, him on top of you. It didn't take long for both of you to undress and throw all your clothes on the floor, losing yourself inexorably in each other.
Needless to say, you arrived at Intelligence incredibly late, thanking all the angels in heaven when you realized Voight hadn't arrived yet by the time you entered the unit.
“Why were you late?” Jay asked as soon as you arrived, handing you a cup of coffee he had set aside for you. He only had to look at you for his question to be answered, the stupid smile on your lips clearer than sunlight. “Actually never mind, don't answer. You're disgusting.“
“Hey! First of all you asked and second, go talk to your brother, he’s always so insatiable,” you replied with the sole purpose of annoying the younger Halstead. You succeeded in your aim when an expression of pure disgust and horror appeared on his face.
“You make me sick I don't want to know about you having sex with my brother for God's sake!” He exclaimed as you continued to laugh out loud.
You and Jay were now detectives and members of the Intelligence Unit for quite some time and as luck would have it, Voight even assigned you as partners. It was great to work with a friendly face, to have someone to deal with all the shit that humanity presented, to be there for each other when the other felt like everything was too hard to handle.
You and Jay continued to have a little banter but that little idyllic moment was interrupted when Voight entered the unit with Sergeant Platt and from their expressions you immediately understood they didn’t bring any good news.
Badly cut drug was circulating through the Chicago streets, causing numerous overdose victims, and there was pressure to get this case solved immediately.
Something told you this case would take much longer than necessary, so you took advantage of every free moment to text Will and update him on the evolution of the situation.
Will was afraid he’d be committed to Dr. Charles' psych ward sooner or later due to the stress your and Jay's job brought him.
He couldn't help but feel the anxiety eating his stomach up every time you told him you had some kind of field operation to do. It was a horrible feeling, having no idea what was going on out there, not being able to protect you or his brother if something horrible happened.
Every single day was a prayer. He prayed you both would come home safely, he prayed he could hug you both again at the end of each shift.
He tried not to give too much weight to his paranoid thoughts and convince himself it was only his sense of protection speaking. You and Jay were more than capable of defending yourselves even in dangerous situations, Will knew that, but that didn't make it any easier.
Many times he had wondered why neither you nor Jay had opted for a safer career, so he wouldn't risk a heart attack every time you left the house. You could’ve been teachers, or cooks, coaches, anything, but no, you both had to choose one of the most dangerous professions in the world. And so he didn't have to worry about his wife or just his brother's, but both.
His heart could only bear it to a certain extent.
And that day was no different when you texted him you and Jay were on your way to question a suspect.
Knowing you were in the district would calm him down a little since you were safe there, but knowing you were both out there with the risk of dying just around the corner was pure torture.
“How much you wanna bet he’ll run away as soon as he sees us?” You asked Jay as you got out of the car and walked towards the driveway of the house where the suspect was supposed to be. He wasn't directly involved with the drugs but, after the team started the investigations, you discovered he knew who was indeed involved and both you and Jay were determined to find out who that person was.
“Nah I pass, I know for sure this will happen so let’s just get ready to do some running,” he replied and you laughed before knocking twice loudly on the door.
“Chicago PD! Open up!” You exclaimed and you and Jay waited a few moments in which there was nothing but silence.
Jay moved away from the door and went to the window to check if there was actually anyone inside and you knocked again with two more loud thuds. “Open the door we just want to talk!”.
What happened was so quickly you wouldn't have been able to tell it if someone had asked you.
The suspect you were supposed to question – a guy in his mid-twenties – opened the door but you had your guard down so you couldn’t react as quickly as you wished. You saw him hold the gun and point it at you, you had tried as quickly as possible to take your gun from its holster but before you could do so a shot had already been fired and a bullet had already passed through your abdomen.
As you said, everything happened quickly.
The bullet shot immediately triggered Jay who quickly pulled out his gun and only then realized with pure horror you had been shot.
Before he could attempt to shoot the suspect, the bastard had already run away at the speed of light even if at that moment Jay didn't care.
He ran towards you and picking you up he dragged you away from the porch of that house, not wanting to run the risk that someone else might shot at you, and he carried you behind your car.
“Hey, hey, hey it's okay, don’t move. Everything's going to be okay, you hear me Y/n? You’ll be fine,” He tried to reassure you, to no avail as you had a bullet in your abdomen and were bleeding profusely, before immediately calling for help as panic coursed through his veins.
You were still shocked even as you lifted your head for the asphalt and saw your wound bleeding more than it should have. You tried to cover it with your hands but Jay did it for you, after taking a jacket he had in the car and pressing it to the wound.
“Shit,” you hissed. The pain was excruciating, even if the adrenaline helped to dull the sensation a little. A flood of emotions overwhelmed you, panic, fear, confusion. Your eyes looked around frantically as if to try to convince your mind you were still alive, that everything was going to be okay.
“Help is on the way Y/n, please hold on okay? You’ll be fine I’m sure,” Jay continued to babble, more to himself than to you.
“It-it hurts…” you stuttered, closing your eyes for a few moments as you felt your heart pounding in your chest.
“Hey, hey, hey, don't you dare fall asleep, just hang on for a minute. Please… Everything will be fine...“ he kept repeating.
But his voice began to reach your ears far away. That warm, burning sensation coursing through your abdomen was starting to fade and the weakness was instead starting to take over you. You were fighting so hard to try and stay awake, even though you were in that state you knew this didn’t mean anything good.
“Y/n!” Suddenly you heard Jay's voice and your eyes widened. You didn't even realize you had closed them.
“Jay can you believe…” you winched “Can you believe for just one second I will live?” You continued trying to smile seeing the way Jay was looking at you. You saw him so scared and worried for other few times in your life, and if it hadn't been for the bullet, you would probably have made fun of him.
“Of course you’l live Y/n, of course I believe it. Who will make my life a living hell if you're gone?”.
You giggled at those words. “L-look at my little brother-in-law worrying about me,” you whispered, as you got weaker with each second that passed. Your eyelids felt heavy, you were struggling to keep your eyes open, or even just to speak.
Your mind was racing, a thousand thoughts were invading it, which was in stark contrast to your physical state as you struggled to even lift your hands.
But the first thought was your husband, your beloved Will. How would he react? What would’ve he said? You hated the thought of not being the first to tell him, to comfort him knowing how worried he would be.
“No of course I’m not,” Jay replied, letting out a sound of mock disdain, making you smile weakly again. “I'm just worried about Will, I don’t care about you. I know he’s going to fucking kill me once he’ll find out.”
You tried to let out a laugh but a cough stopped it.
You fought for Will above all, because you refused to leave like this, to give up right when you were living the life of your dreams with the love you had wanted for so long. But in that moment, as your strength slowly left your body as quickly as your blood spread across the asphalt, you needed him so much.
You wanted Will, you wanted him to hold your hand, you wanted him to whisper it was going to be okay and you’d be fine in no time, you wanted him to hug you and make you forget all the pain and fear that was paralyzing you, you wanted to run a hand through his hair and tell him to calm down when he’d freak out.
And you really tried to resist.
But you were tired, so exhausted, you just wanted to be able to rest a little.
And that was exactly how you let yourself slip into the darkness of oblivion, the last thought being Will's eyes.
“Y/n? Hey! Please don't play with me right now,” Jay shook your shoulders slightly when he realized you had closed your eyes. “I know you're joking, just wake up it’s not funny.”
But nothing, he didn't receive any response.
And after several attempts to wake you up he had to accept you had lost consciousness and you weren't joking at all.
He looked around waiting for the damn ambulance to arrive and when he finally saw it from afar, he thought it was a mirage, too good to be true.
Meanwhile Will was unaware of everything that was happening out there, that his world was collapsing on him without even realizing it.
“Your tests came back normal but we'll keep you here for observation for another couple of hours just to make sure everything is fine, and we'll keep you hydrated in the meantime, okay?”.
“Okay, thank you so much Dr. Halstead.”
Will gave the lady lying on the bed a smile before leaving her room and closing the door behind him. He sanitized his hands and walked over to the nurses' station where he took the patient's medical records, updating her tests and treatment.
He couldn't help but take his cell phone from his uniform pocket, noticing with disappointment there was no message from you. He let out a sigh, trying to stay calm and convince himself he was just overreacting even if anxiety was gripping his stomach.
He put down the patient’s chart he had just seen, playing with the ring on his ring finger while a nurse informed him of the arrival of another patient who was already waiting for him.
If only he had waited a few seconds longer, if only he hadn't immediately entered that room, he would’ve seen that the person who had just entered the emergency room, unconscious, was the very last person he would’ve ever wanted to see in those circumstances, the person whose safety he worried about night and day, one of the people he loved most in the world.
Jay couldn't reach you at the hospital right away since he was waiting for Voight's orders on what to do but nevertheless he didn't stop thinking about you for a second and hoping that you were still alive.
Will treated the patient who came to the hospital following a chainsaw accident while chopping wood. With the help of a nurse, he sutured and dressed the fairly deep cut on the patient's leg while in the next room Connor and the rest of the team worked to revive you from the cardiac arrest you had just fallen into.
It took about twenty minutes for him to finish treating the patient, who he recommended to return to check the wound and assigned medicines in case of infection or pain. When he left the room, he did again what he had done earlier: disinfect his hands and update the medical records.
“Woah, what happened in there?” Will asked one of the new nurses that had recently started working when his gaze fell on the now room.
He saw the state in which that room was, copious traces of blood stained the floor on which numerous bright red patches were scattered, soaked in the same blood of the victim he thought he didn't know. The defibrillator was nearby and positioned crookedly on its trolley indicating it had been used and Will hoped that whoever it was, had managed to survive.
“A gunshot victim, bad story. She went into cardiac arrest twice but they were able to revive her and Dr. Rhodes just took her to the OR,” explained the nurse who, being new, didn't know that said victim was his superior's wife.
Will nodded, looking away from the room for a second before handing her the patient’s medical record he had just seen and putting the pen back in his white coat’s pocket.
He took out his cell phone again, noting with equal disappointment that no message had arrived from you. He sighed again before putting it down and his gaze fell on that room again.
His gaze fell on the victim's objects which were in a transparent bag placed on one of the bedside tables next to the now absent bed. He didn't want to snoop but curiosity got the better of him and he thought maybe he could help track down the family.
His heart almost stopped when he recognized your clothes in that bag.
“What the fuck?” He whispered as his brain struggled to process what he was seeing. There was a police badge, among other items. Anxiety gripped his stomach in a vice, twisting it until he almost felt like he was going to throw up.
“No, no, no, no,” he babbled to himself as his eyes continued to scan the numbers on the badge again and again.
It was yours.
No, it couldn't be true, there had to be an explanation. There had to be a reason why your badge and clothes had to be there.
While his heart continued to beat voraciously in his chest, Will continued to look among those objects. There was also the gun and a cell phone, yours.
His hands began to shake as all of his worst nightmares seemed to come true. He couldn't believe it, he just couldn't, until the very end he hoped there had been some kind of misunderstanding, that it was definitely someone else but for some strange reason they had managed to take your gun, badge, cell phone and even your bloody clothes.
But it was when he saw the ring that he felt as if a train had hit him. There was no doubt it was your ring, a ring that was stained with your own blood.
Will felt as if the ground had slipped beneath his feet, for a moment so out of his mind everything seemed to happen in a blur.
He immediately ran out of that damned room, making space among his colleagues and passers-by and running like a madman towards the ORs. He looked crazy, but he didn't care, he didn't care to stop and apologize to the people he was clashing with, he just wanted to reach you.
This can't be true, please God.
He had to make sure, it couldn't really be happening.
He didn't even wash his hands before entering the OR, he simply took a surgical mask and placed it in front of his nose before entering where Connor was operating.
If Will had to describe how he felt, he would’ve said he felt like he was dying, that he felt the air stuck in his throat and his lungs collapsing. He felt his legs give way and had to lean on the doorframe leading to the OR to avoid falling on the floor.
It was you.
It was really you.
Unconscious and with a tube down your throat, but it was you.
“Why the fuck didn't anyone call me!” Will almost shouted, his hands shaking with fear and anger, holding back the desire to run to you and grab your hand since he wasn't sterile.
“Will, get out of here,” Connor replied, looking up from your open abdomen for just a second so he could look at his friend and the desperation he had on his face.
“How is she? Connor please tell me something,” the redhead begged as his eyes filled with tears.
“Will. Out. Now.”
“I'm not going anywhere until you tell me how you she is. She's my fucking wife, I'm her husband! I have to know!”.
“This is exactly why you can't stay here! I can't operate if you're here and I'm trying to save her fucking life so get out of my OR immediately!” Rhodes exclaimed loudly, feeling guilty for the tone he had used since Will was only worried about you, but thinking it was necessary. He looked up at one of the nurses and nodded at him at which he nodded back and walked over to Will, inviting him to come outside.
“Don't fucking touch me,” Will spat through gritted teeth, his eyes shining before walking out of the OR.
He slumped against the wall and slid down until he was sitting on the floor, legs bent and elbows resting on his knees while he had his hands on his face.
What the fuck happened?
It was unbelievable, he couldn't process it.
How did you go from making love that same morning to you having surgery a step from the death?
Where the fuck was Jay? Why wasn't he there?
Will let out a sob, praying with all his heart that at least his brother was okay. God only knew he wouldn't be able to survive if Jay got hurt too.
But when he heard Jay's voice calling him out, a wave of relief washed away some of the anguish that had been plaguing him. Will stood up and saw Jay running towards him. He hugged him, in tears, holding him so tight his bones almost broke.
“What the hell happened Jay? Where the fuck were you? Why didn’t you call me? You okay?” Will peppered him with questions, taking a look at his brother and noticing with horror the blood staining his shirt.
“I'm fine… I-I'm so sorry Will, this shouldn't have happened I…” Jay blathered, also scared to death even though he knew what he was feeling was nothing compared to how Will must’ve going through at that moment. He told him what had happened. “How is she?”.
Will shook his head, as if to tell him he didn't know, and collapsed, letting himself go into tears full of terror, fear, fright. Jay wrapped an arm around his shoulders and helped him sit down, trying in vain to comfort him.
What would he have done if you hadn't survived? How could he go on with his life if you weren't there?
He didn't even want to imagine it, he didn't want to find answers to these questions because there actually weren't any answers. Will couldn't be without you.
He had known you since they were only a few years old, he had grown up with you, he had laughed, he had cried, he had fun with you, he had confided to you his deepest secrets, his deepest fears, he couldn't even think of not being able to do all this anymore. He remembered your friendship with so much warmth and joy before falling in love with you without even realizing it.
You made him happy, you understood him, you were his best friend, his lover, his wife, his confidant. Loving you felt like winning the lottery, marrying you was the most beautiful gift life could ever give him, he couldn't even think that all this was hanging by just a thread.
What would he have done without your laugh, your horrible jokes, without your smile, your eyes, the warmth of your hugs? How was he going to survive?
No, no, no, she’s going to be fine. She will be okay.
You were strong, one of the strongest people he had ever met in his life, there was no difficulty you wouldn't have solved, there was no obstacle you wouldn't have overcome. If anyone could do this it was you, Will knew you were going to be okay.
He jumped up, no longer able to sit still. Time seemed to stand still, passing so slowly that every minute was pure agony.
“Shut up Jay!” Will exclaimed loudly, not caring about other people. Jay remained silent as he stood up as well, letting his brother vent. “Where the fuck were you! You were supposed to protect her why weren't you there?!”
Will was not thinking clearly anymore because of the anger, not anger directed towards Jay – he knew it wasn’t his fault but only of the bastard that pulled the trigger.
He approached Jay and pushed him but Jay didn't react, his heart actually clenched as he saw the suffering Will was going through. He would probably have reacted the same way if his wife was fighting between life and death.
“If anything happens to her Jay… Fuck!”.
Jay raised a hand and shook his head when one of the doctors passing by tried to intervene, telling him he had everything under control.
“She’ll be fine brother. C'mon, this is Y/n, we know her, there’s nothing that woman can’t do.”
“How do you know huh?!” Will exploded, running his hands through his hair in frustration and desperation.
“I just know Will, she’ll make it, I'm sure of it,” Jay replied more calmly, moving closer to his brother. This time he was the one to hug him although Will resisted for a while, telling him to let him go. Jay didn't do it, he continued to hug him and hold him until he gave up and returned the hug.
Will cried on Jay's shoulders for the longest time, praying with every fiber of his being and whoever was up there to make you survive, to make you okay.
“I just want her back…” he whispered, not sure if Jay had heard him.
Jay helped him sit back down. “And you’ll get her back, just have a little faith. She is so strong man, do you really think she’ll leave us like this? C’mon, she has to be here and annoy us for the rest of our lives.”
Will chuckled through his tears, his eyes so blurry he couldn't make out the objects in front of him. He and Jay sat in that waiting room, waiting for hours to hear from you as he kept desperately praying.
Will sat with his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees while he continued to move a leg obsessively.
He had always tried to calm the patients' families, never fully understanding how they must really feel. But now that he knew, he felt guilty for not trying harder.
Please stay with me baby. Please just hang on for a little bit, please fight for us.
He had never understood what it felt like to be completely useless, what it felt like to be unable to do anything for the person you loved most in the world, to be unable to do anything to prevent that person from suffering.
He had always sworn to protect you, to not let anything hurt you and he felt like a failure for not being able to do this. He wished that damned bullet had hit him, that it had been him on the operating table having to fight for his life.
At every slightest noise he jumped, hoping it was Connor bringing good news but when he finally actually saw him appear in front of him, he feared it was just a hallucination.
Connor approached Will and Jay who jumped to their feet as soon as they saw him arrive.
“How did it go? Is she okay? Please tell me he's okay, Connor,” Will stammered, his heart beating so fast he thought he was going to have a massive heart attack.
“It was tough but she did well. The bullet had hit an artery and I managed to extract it but she lost a lot of blood and the next few hours will be delicate. But I'm pretty optimistic and she'll make a full recovery.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @mrspeacem1nusone, @halstead-severide-fan, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @klovesreading, @kmc1989
Will Halstead tag list: @rsquared31, @s1lverhand, @novabckly, @wnbweasley, @thebejeweledwatercat
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callsign-dexter · 7 months
Daddy to the Rescue
Request: hi
i was wondering if you could please write about Kelly Severide (chicago fire) having a daughter and maybe while he was at the station she is left with a babysitter but then he has to respond to a call at his house. maybe the reader is stuck so she and kelly are freaking out but he knows he has to stay calm for his daughter and once everyone is safe it is just a bunch of fluff.
totally your choice and maybe the reader is like 5 - 6 ish
Pairings: Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hospitals, buried alive, inaccurate medical talk
A/N: I know you said fluff but if you know me and my fics you know I have to throw in some angst in there. Hope you don't mind.
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When you came into Kelly’s life 6 years ago, he was shocked but it was to be expected especially with all the sleeping around he did. You had shown up on his doorstep in your car seat with a note pinned to the diaper bag. He didn't know what to do but when you opened your blue eyes, the ones you got from him, he knew that you were gonna stay and that was it. After first he was apprehensive about telling his team but he needed all the help he could get and the fears he thought he was gonna have of them bashing him and putting him down flew out the window. Afterall Firehouse 51 was a family and family looked out for one another. With him telling them about you means you just got a lot of really cool aunts and uncles and you are going to be really protected.
He was really pissed at your mother for just abandoning you but now you were with him safe and sound. You were the result of a drunken one-night stand, he didn’t even know you existed or that she was pregnant until you just showed up on his doorstep. He despised her and would have some words for her if he ever saw her and he hoped for her sake that he never saw her. 
You loved your dad dearly. When you had met him just when you were a few days old you grew close to him, then again, he was the only parent you had. You depended on him for everything and looked up to him for everything and you felt like you could come to him when something went wrong when you were growing up. You had changed his lifestyle for the good he had stopped drinking until he was blacked out and he stopped bringing random women home. He adored you and you adored him. Nothing could break that bond between you both. Everyone was shocked when they noticed how much his mood had brightened and he wasn’t such a hard ass. Kelly loved showing you off and when you found out his job, he just became your favorite person all over again. He was your hero. 
It was a Thursday morning and his alarm started to go off at 7:30 AM signaling him to get up and start getting ready for the day and his shift. Normally he would be getting you up to but since your school had been called off due to the heating and sickness going around you would be staying home. He didn’t have to go into work until 10 AM so he would have a little bit of time with you. 
Kelly took a shower and then got dressed in his uniform and brushed his teeth, next he moved out of his room and down the hall to check in on you. He slowly opened the door and smiled seeing that you were still sound asleep and snoring just slightly. He smiled and shook his head. He went into the kitchen and started some breakfast and coffee and then went and switched over the laundry and started getting ready for his 24 hr shift. He needed to call Kimber Halstead to tell her that he would need her. When he found you on his doorstep, he immediately started to look for a babysitter and when Jay and Will, his good friends, heard about this and met you they immediately got him in touch with their younger sister, who he was also good friends with. You and Kimber hit off and the rest was history and she became your babysitter and she only babysat you. She was going to school so it was the perfect opportunity for some extra cash and you were pretty easy to keep. He pulled out his phone as he pulled down a coffee cup and grabbed the pot and poured some coffee in it. He went to her contact and clicked on it and then the call icon, it rang twice before she answered.
“Kelly! What do I owe the pleasure of this call?” Kimber asked 
“Hello, Kimber. I need you to watch Y/N/N. Her school is closed due to some sickness and the heat is out.” He said and took a sip of his coffee.
“I would love to.” She said “Do you want me to come over now?” She asked 
“Please. I’m gonna have breakfast ready so you can eat here.” He said and he could hear her smile.
“That sounds good. I’ll be over in 5.” She said
“Great. I’ll see you soon.” Kelly said 
“See ya, Kelly.” She said and they hung up the phone. 
He put his phone on the counter and then his coffee cup and headed to your room. He opened the door and saw that you had turned over in your sleep and he walked over and knelt down by your bed. He watched you for a minute and then he was stroking your head. You groaned and but your nose scrunched up, a sign you were waking up. “Y/N/N. Sweetheart. It’s time to get up. Kimber will be here soon.” He said and you groaned but blinked your eyes open and cracked them.
“Daddy?” You asked and he smiled.
“Good morning, Sweetheart.” He said and you smiled and then wrapped your arms around him and he picked you up. He started to walk to the kitchen.
“What about school?” You asked, still confused and you laid your head on his shoulder.
“School is closed due to a heating issue and sickness going around.” He said and you nodded and then he sat you down on a chair. “Kimber will be here soon and breakfast is almost ready.” He said and you nodded. Normally he would be having you getting ready for school but since there wasn’t any, he would let it pass and Kimber would be getting you ready for the day. He had just got done mixing the pancake batter when there was a knock at the door and he knew it was Kimber. “You wanna get that?” He asked you and you smiled, you rarely got to open the door but he knew who it was because it was about that time when she said she was going to be there and the Ring notification he got on his phone. You quickly jumped up and ran to the door “Be careful!” He yelled out and listened to you open the door and let out a screech.
“KIMBER!” You yelled out and he heard a laugh from her.
“Hey, Sweetie.” She said “Your daddy know you answered the door?” She asked and he could just see you nod.
“Yes, he let me!” You said excitedly and she chuckled.
“Well, as long as he said it was ok.” She said and she was walking into the kitchen holding you.
“Hi, Kelly.” She said with a smile and he looked up.
“Hi. Breakfast is almost ready.” He said as he flipped the bacon and the pancake. 
“Y/N/N, you wanna help me get cups and drinks ready?” She said and you nodded wildly and they both laughed. You love helping out when you can. She walked over and got the glasses and handed them to you and they watched you carefully take them over to the table. Kimber got the milk and orange juice out as Kelly took the last of the pancakes and the bacon off and walked them over to the table. Everyone sat down and served themselves. 
“What do you girls have planned today?” Kelly asked and Kimber answered since your mouth was full.
“If it is warm enough, we’ll go play in the backyard and then maybe go out for lunch. Then just play it by ear.” She said and you nodded excitedly. 
“That sounds fun.” He said 
“It is, Daddy!” You said and he smiled. Breakfast was finished quickly and dishes were put in the dishwasher and Kelly had disappeared to grab his duffle and walked out and just stood in the doorway watching you and Kimber have the time of your life in the living room. You were the first one to notice him “Daddy!” You yelled out and quickly ran up to him and jumped into his arms and hugged you tightly. Kimber walked over and then took you from his arms.
“It’s time for daddy to leave. You be good for Kimber and do what she says.” He said and you nodded.
“I promise, Daddy.” You said and he smiled and leaned over to kiss your head and then pulled away and looked at Kimber.
“Don’t hesitate to call if something happens or you need me. If you can’t get ahold of me, you can call Jay and he’ll know how to get ahold of me.” Kelly said and she nodded.
“Don’t worry. I’ll call you if something happens and I also have Will if something medical comes up but I will let you know.” She said and he smiled and nodded. 
“I know you will. I trust you.” He said and then looked back at you. “Daddy loves you.” He said to you and kissed your head again.
“I love you too, Daddy.” You said and he smiled and then grabbed his keys by the front door and was out the door and heading into work.
“Alright, Little One. What do you want to do first?” She asked, looking at you. 
“Blanket fort!” You said excitedly and she laughed.
“You got it!” She said back. She sat you down and the both of you set out to find the materials you needed.
20 minutes later and the fort was ready to be used. Your imagination ran wild and Kimber was all for it. Movies were watched and crafts were made in that fort. During the 5th movie you had fallen asleep snuggled up against Kimber and she pulled out her phone and read through some college stuff she needed to read and every now and then checked in on you. She figured she would let you sleep for an hour and then have you get up and get your teeth brushed and dressed then you would go out for lunch and a walk in the park maybe stop in and see your dad. Then you both would come home and play some in the backyard.
Kelly was exhausted since he had gotten to work. It was nonstop calls; he hadn't even had a break to sit down and check on you and Kimber. Everyone had just gotten back and quickly got the trucks and ambulance done and then they were going to try and have a moment of peace. While everyone was preoccupied, he stepped away and pulled out his phone. He had a few new messages from Kimber and they were pictures of you smiling and goofing around, he smiled and saved them on his phone. One particular one, you were playing with bubbles and she captured the image through the bubble and you were smiling and just being yourself, he set it as his background on his phone when he unlocked it.
He was about to call and ask how you two were doing when he heard a familiar voice “Sylvie!” You yelled out and he smiled.
“Hey, Y/N. Looking for your dad?” She asked 
“Uh huh.” You said and he walked out into the garage and when you spotted him you ran straight to him and jumped into his arms. “Daddy!” You shouted and he laughed and hugged you gently but tightly back. 
“Hey, Sweetheart. I'm surprised to see you.” He said and you just hugged him tighter and everyone smiled glad to see him happy but continued on with working so you could have some time with him.
“She really wanted to see her daddy and I told her we could. It was on the way home from lunch and the park.” Kimber said he smiled and nodded and then sat you down.
“Did you have fun?” He asked
“Yes! We saw a bunch of dogs at the park and most of them were friendly and I got to pet them.” You said with so much brightness in your eyes. He smiled loving that look.
“That sounds like fun. Did you ask permission first?” He asked and you nodded.
“Of course, Daddy.” You said and he smiled. You and Kimber stayed there for a few minutes until it was time to go home and start getting your school work done. “Bye, Daddy. I love you.” You said and he smiled. He hugged and kissed the side of your head.
“I love you too. Be safe.” He said and you nodded and then he and Kimber said their goodbyes and he watched you walk out of the station almost skipping and he could tell you were laughing and smiling and that made him smile. 
You made it back home safely and Kimber let you dad know. She put her phone away and then turned to you “Ok, I want you to do your homework and then we can go outside and play.” She said in a serious tone and you nodded.
“Ok.” You said and then you went and got your backpack and started your work. While you were working, she was working on some of her college work, every now and then you would ask her for help and she helped you. You got what you needed done quickly and then you both were heading outside. Kimber had brought her school work outside so she could work and watch you at the same time. 
Every now and then you would come over and ask her to play and she did and then when you were done, she went back to work. Sometimes she would look up and smile at you having fun. “Y/N, come inside with me to get something to drink.” She said and you looked up from your position in the sand box and got up and headed inside with her. “Do you want a snack?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“Do we have any grapes and apples?” You asked and she smiled and nodded.
“Why yes, we do! I want you to drink something you’ve been running around a lot, don't want you dehydrated.” She said and you nodded and drank some water and ate something and then she brought the rest out with you both. You resumed your position back into the sandbox not seeing that it had sunken in. You were too busy playing to notice that you were starting to sink into the ground. You continued on playing and then you felt a huge drop and that freaked you out.
“Kimber.” You said scared and she looked up and her eyes bugged out.
“Hold on, Sweetie. I’m coming.” She said and hurried over as the chair tipped backwards. 
“I’m scared. I want daddy.” You said beginning to panic.
“It’s ok Y/N/N. We’re going to get you out.” She said and she motioned you to grab her hands and you did but when she began to pull you yelped out in pain and she stopped and you slipped in further and that made you panic and panicking only made you sink deeper. “Don’t panic. It’ll only make it worse. I’m gonna call 911. Ok?” She asked and you nodded your head.
“911 what’s your emergency?” The 911 operator asked.
“Hi, my name is Kimber Halstead and I’m babysitting Y/N Severide at 251 Spiral Lane and she is stuck in a sandbox.” Kimber said
“How old is Y/N?” They asked
“She’s 6. I tried to pull her out but she just sank further down. She then began panicking and sank further.” She said 
“It sounds like she is in a sinkhole. Keep her calm and don’t make her panic, it’ll just make her sink further.” They said
“Kimber, I can’t breathe.” You said 
“Did she just say she can’t breathe?” They asked
“Yes.” Kimber said
“Ok, keep her calm and I have dispatched the nearest first responders.” They said
“Thank you.” Kimber said and turned to look at you.
“Did you hear that? Daddy is coming to the rescue.” Kimber said, trying to keep you calm.
Kelly, Otis, Stella, Sylvie, Gabby, and Herrmann had all sat down to relax and watch some TV and grab something to eat when the bell went off and they groaned but then Kelly turned rigid.
“Engine 51, Truck 81, Rescue Squad 3, Ambulance 61.  6 year old female stuck in a sinkhole, having trouble breathing. Location 251 Spiral Lane.” 
Everyone looked over at Kelly and they instantly knew who it was and they were quick to grab their gear and get into their vehicles and rush over there. Kelly was silent as he got in “Kelly.” Joe began but Kelly wasn’t hearing him; he was worried about his child.
“She’s going to be ok. We’re 2 minutes out.” Capp said but that didn’t make him feel any better. 
True to Capp’s word they arrived at Kelly’s house and he was the first one out. Everyone quickly got their stuff and they followed him through the back gate knowing this path all too well. He left the gate wide open and when he saw you, he wanted to grab you and pull you out and hold you but he needed to stay calm for you. He was quick to come over and when you saw him you cried out to him. “Daddy!” You yelled out and you struggled to reach him but you sank further.
“No, Baby. It’s ok. I’m here.” He said and knelt down and took in his surroundings. He looked at Kimber “What happened?” He asked.
“She was perfectly fine playing in it earlier and then I had her come in and eat and drink something. Then we came back out and she resumed her playing and then she said my name and I looked up from doing some school work and she was sinking.” She said and he nodded, he wasn't mad.
“Daddy, I can’t breathe.” You said and he turned his attention back to you and then to Gabby who was bringing over oxygen. 
“Gabby is going to be something over your nose and mouth to help.” He said and you nodded and looked at Gabby and she smiled.
“Hi, Y/N/N.” She said 
“Hi.” You wheezed out. 
“I’m just gonna put this over your nose and mouth.” She said and you nodded and she did so and air rushed into you.
“Ok, Severide hold her up and watch her. Capp and Cruz start digging. Gabby and Sylvie monitor her vitals. Everyone else start helping out.” Boden said and everyone nodded and got to work. As they were working something happened and you started to slip in further.
“Daddy?” You wheezed out and he soothed you.
“It’s ok, Sweetheart. You’ll be out soon.” He said and you nodded but you started to become light headed.
“I don’t feel good.” You said and then about that time your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you passed out. 
“Woah. Ok. Can we go faster?” Sylvie asked and everyone started working faster. 16 minutes later they got you out and onto the stretcher and quickly loaded into the Ambulance as Kelly and Kimber followed. 
“Kelly, I’m so sorry.” Kimber said and he shook his head.
“No need to apologize. Accidents happen.” He said and she nodded, still feeling guilty. 
“I’m going to meet you up there.” She said and he nodded and then got into the back of the ambulance and nobody argued because you were his kid. They were quick to get going to Med. Kelly heard Sylvie and Gabby talking but he tuned them out and wasn’t listening to him too concerned about you. 
They made it to Med in no time and they were quick to get you out and into the ER. Will was the one that was going to be taking care of you. “How long has she been out?” He asked.
“Around 20 minutes now.” Kelly answered and he nodded and helped transfer you to a bed. Will started trying to arouse you but nothing was working. He took a listen to you and heard some crackling in your lungs and grew concerned.
“I want to admit it. Get her some x-rays and get a line started on her.” Will said and Kelly nodded and that is what they did. With you being unconscious and that concerned everyone. X-rays were taken and it turned out that you had broken some ribs from being stuck in the sand and that caused enough pressure to crack some ribs. When they moved you into the room Will looked over at Kelly “I want to monitor until she wakes up and if she does let me know.” He said an IV line had already been started. Will left the room and that just left Kelly alone with you. He sat there looking at you and then he looked down at his phone and saw his lock screen, it was you and him, he was holding you and you had been looking back over his shoulder smiling at the camera when you were 4 and Stella had taken the picture, she smiled at it. He texted everyone an update and they had come in and saw him but they needed back to work. Kimber came and stayed the longest but Kelly sent her home and promised her an update and because she was so shaken up that she needed rest. Will was in and out checking on you but nothing had changed. 
It was beginning into the night and he had drifted off to sleep still in uniform. He may have been asleep for about 20 minutes until he heard rustling around and he slowly woke to find you awake and groaning in pain. “Daddy?” You asked groggily and he was quick to get up.
“Sweetheart.” He said and leaned over you “I’m gonna get Will. Ok?” He asked and you nodded and he did just that and Will had come in. 
“Hey there, Mini Kelly.” He said and that made everyone smile. Usually, Will was the only one to call you that. “How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Hurts to breathe.” You said and he nodded.
“That’s understandable. You broke some ribs.” He said and you nodded and then turned to address you and your father “I want to keep her overnight just for observation since she was unconscious.” He said and Kelly nodded. You tuned them out since they were using words you didn’t understand and then Will was smiling at you “I’ll see you later on.” He said and you smiled at him.
“Bye, Uncle Will.” You said and he chuckled and left. “Daddy?” You asked and he looked at you.
“Hmmm?” He asked
“Do we have to get rid of the sandbox?” You asked and he smiled sadly.
“Yea we do, Sweetheart.” He said and you nodded.
“Ok. Love you.” You said and he smiled and then you yawned.
“I love you too. Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said as he leaned over and kissed your forehead and you fell back to sleep. He stayed up for the rest of the night and updated everyone. He vowed to himself that the next day he had off he was going to take out that sandbox and fill that hole. He was going to protect you no matter what. Afterall you were his daughter, his life, and his pride of joy. 
You were just glad that your daddy came to your rescue.
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I have a request if you would,Ethan Choi met and spent time with Connor Rhodes when he was on leave between deployments. They didn't stay in contact for years until Rhodes got rolled with the patient on season 1. This is the backstory, and you write what you think and feel should happen next.
I love this one :)
Requested?: Yes!!
Ethan Choi & Connor Rhodes
I kinda want to write a sequel for this (and maybe a prequel?) so let me know if you would like to read that!
The breakroom was silent during the night except for the TV playing a zoo soap in the background. Dr. Choi sat on the couch, resting his eyes for a few minutes. After this wild day, he needed a few minutes before he got paged again.
Connor entered the room and headed over to the coffee maker. Ethan looked up at him and observed him for a few seconds. The young surgeon definitly made an impression when he entered the ED this morning, performing CPR half-sitting on a patient and his arms covered in blood up to his shoulders.
"You have to push both buttons simultaniously." Ethan said from the couch as he spotted the younger doctor struggeling to get the coffee maker going. Connor looked up, looking at the other doctor sitting on the couch. "Right. Okay. Thanks."
"Yeah, the machine is a little shitty." Ethan got up and took a cup from the cupboard. "Its just what we get in the ED."
As the other man leaned against the counter, Connor studied him from the side. "Are you from Chicago?" He asked. Ethan nodded. "Yeah. Born here and came back after military deployment."
"I think we know eachother." Connor said suddenly, before he took a long sip from his coffee. Ethan looked up and scanned the other man in front of him. "Really?"
"Yeah. We met a few years ago. You were on leave from deployment and i came into that diner after a dinner with my father that went downhill." Ethan nodded slowly while the memory crept back into his mind.
"Oh my god, yes, i remember. We drank too much coffee together and i cried to you about my girlfriend." Ethan said with a sheepish smirk. Connor chuckled and nodded. "Have you figured yourselves out?" Ethan rolled his eyes. "We broke up years ago. Nothing left to save." Connor nodded empathetically.
"But you grew a few inches ever since, right? You were tiny back then." He said smiling. Connor chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I was not tiny. But yeah, the last growth spurt hit me shortly after. I never thought we would meet again."
"Me neither. Look at us, we indeed both became doctors. Thats not too shabby." Ethan said with a half-serious smirk. The other man nodded and laughed.
"Can i ask: how did the military treat you?" Connor asked as he finally stopped grinning. Ethan shrugged. "It's the military. It is what it is." Connor nodded slowly but decided to drop the topic. Not something you ask during the first meet-again. He sat back down on the couch, while Ethan started filling his cup with coffee.
"Did you get rid of your dad?" Connor leaned his head against the backrest and groaned. "He is living and his assistent is calling me every three months."
"The infamous Cornelius Rhodes cant even call his own son himself?And you still came back to Chicago?" Ethan asked with a frown. "Yeah. I dont know. Probably should have settled down in Saudi-Arabia as a plastic surgeon and make a ton of money." Connor laughed half-heartedly. "But i started to miss this place."
"Hair transplantation and nose jobs for the rest of your life?" Ethan headed over to the couch and nudged Connor teasingly. "You didnt become a trauma surgeon to listen to people crying about balding, did you?" Connor sighed. "Probably not."
"Come on, heads up. Chicago has more to offer then your dad. And the hospital staff is very nice." Ethan said encouraging. "Yeah, i havent gotten around much yet. But the staff seems very nice. Although i think i annoyed Dr. Halstead already." Connor sighed.
Ethan smiled at him. " That's just Dr. Halstead, he is always a little skeptical with new colleagues. But maybe i could invite you out on a drink after work?" He suggested. "The Molly's is down the street, thats were all the med staff normally goes for a drink."
Connor thought for a moment but nodded and a faint smile crept up on his face. "Sounds good, i would love that. And i would love to catch up with you."
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kitweewoos · 2 years
Moodboard prompt! The other mousestead with pining Jay? Hurt me lol
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Mouse isn't one for romance, always taking men home to bed just for the night, but there's something special about Will Halstead. Once he's clean, he bumps into his best friend's brother at Molly's where he's taken up a side job. Will is bright, and warm, and when their hands brush, it feels like an electric shock. Will stays late at the bar, long after the last patron had stumbled out, listening to Mouse talk about his day, and offering his own anecdotes. He didn't expect anything from Will, just a friendship that grew with each long chat, except that Will pushed his phone across the counter and said, "gimme your number. I want to send you something." It was a meme and Mouse cackled, and it felt good to laugh with someone like that. They texted often, and repeatedly, and some nights, Will would call Mouse when he wasn't working so they could talk all night. They fell asleep on the phone, and woke up to say good morning before they finally hung up.
"I know you're not a big relationship person, but would you go on a date with me?" Will asks, and Mouse grins because of course, if there's anyone he'll break his rule for, it's a Halstead. Their date was a disaster, Mouse spilling a drink into Will's lap from nerves and Will accidentally bashed his head into Mouse's when they leaned into kiss goodnight, but it was the best disaster Mouse could have hoped for. He wanted another, and another, and he got them, because Will laughed when he did, and pulled him in correctly for the best kiss in the world.
On the other side, Jay Halstead has to watch his best friend, the man he's been in love with since they were soldiers side by side in the desert, fall in love with someone else, and even worse, his own brother. He stares and watches as they go on dates, and hold hands at Molly's, and lean into one another when they're watching the game together, and they kiss in front of Jay as if it's not breaking his heart with each one. He loves the way Mouse's face lights up, and he loves the way Mouse laughs, and he loves the way Mouse is happy. He just wishes that he was the one making Mouse smile like that. He wants to hold Mouse's hand and kiss his cheek and wake up next to him in the morning. The day he finds out that Mouse is not only in a relationship but in a relationship with his brother, Jay is going to tell Mouse about his feelings, and hopefully take him out for tea and dessert.
"Hey, I wanted to talk to you," he starts, but Mouse cuts him off.
"Actually, before you say anything, I need to tell you something, because, uhm - I'm dating Will, and have been for a couple weeks now. He's been nervous to tell you, and I told him I would handle it before he got out of work today, because we're meeting up at Molly's, and I didn't want to spring it on you when you see us together."
"You, you're dating my brother?"
"Yeah, I hope that's okay, because I really like him, a lot, and I can see a future with him, and you know that's not something I really do with anyone."
Jay has to sit back, and watch as they fall so grossly and blissfully in love, and pretend that he was happy for them, that he wasn't dying inside waiting for something that couldn't happen, wouldn't happen. He paints on a smile, and he pretends he's happy, and he lives each day knowing his heart belongs to someone who will never love him back.
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falconwhitaker · 2 years
Good things about Chicago Med (as of Season 3): – There is a canonically autistic character who is a fully grown adult, a successful cardiac surgeon, Black, and openly Jewish (he wears a kippah and strictly observes the Sabbath to the point of not using light switches or elevator buttons). Dr Latham rocks.
– At one point, a non-autistic character says he envies Dr Latham his autism. It was in the context of being able to make difficult decisions in a crisis situation without letting emotions get in the way, but it still felt weirdly affirming to me. Just. The idea of a neurotypical being jealous of my neurotype rather than afraid of it.
– One of the main characters has a transgender sister who is played by a transgender woman.
Bad things about Chicago Med (as of Season 3): – The only canon autistic rep we have in the show is somebody very emotionally repressed who has been described as being like a robot, and he is undergoing magnetic therapy to make him more neurotypical. Which feels a bit... eh. Also the use of Asperger's, but this was from like half a decade ago when the term was in more use.
– Not a single main or secondary character appears to be queer. Aside from some patients who have been gay and the aforementioned transgender sister, this show is aggressively cis and heterosexual in a "Are the straights okay? No, they are not okay!" kinda way.
Changes I would make: – Have Dr Reese be autistic as well. She's very autistic-coded to me while also making emotional connections with other people in a way that Dr Latham doesn't, and that would broaden the representation a bit.
– Make Dr Rhodes gay or bi and give him a crush on Dr Halstead. I don't think Dr Halstead would reciprocate (he is Incredibly Straight) but having some gay pining would've made his constant pining and little-boy-pulling-a-girl's-pigtails behaviour over Dr Manning more bearable.
–Give Dr Rhodes a trans man as a love interest. I could be wrong, but I think there are fewer transmasculine representations in the popular media than transfeminine and it'd be nice to add something to the pile.
– Add a non-binary recurring character from another department in the hospital (an oncologist or a neurologist or something) who uses they/them pronouns without it being a huge deal.
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d3a7h · 2 years
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜.
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader
Part 1. | This is a series :D
Warnings: Language, Guns/Shooting, Blood, Mentions of abuse, Violence, Mentions of drugs. Teen preg.
Word count: 2140
𝚈/N,𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢
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The moment your mother and father decided to have unprotected sex was the day your life would end up beginning well nine months later anyway. Neither of your parents were ready for a kid, your father was charged with two counts of first-degree murder two weeks after finding out your mom was pregnant. Even when she knew she was pregnant she used, she started to use triple of whatever she could get her hands on hoping it would kill the thing growing inside of her. It didn't work.
The thought of you being taken and her going to jail led her to give birth to you in her living room. You grew up with her bringing around random men and always being on something. She had the great idea of selling you off to these men when one of them announced his interest in you.
Having you finally seemed to be a good thing in her eyes, it got her money that she could use to buy more stuff. You grew up not remembering anything from previous days, the same vicious cycle. It was too much.
Now being eight years old your mother gave you a new job, she stumbled out of her room tripping over stuff that was all over her floor. She made her way to you before bending down to your height, she ruffled your hair before making sure you were paying attention to her.
"I need you to go to an apartment for me, you know how men come here sometimes? Would you be such a good girl for mommy and go help?" She coaxed you into saying yes before explaing how to get to his apartment, she pushed you out of the door with a small backpack. You repeated the directions to yourself as you looked down at your feet taking small steps not wanting to go but not wanting to upset mother.
Once you got to the apartment you knocked a few times on the door. A man opened the door letting you inside, he led you further into his apartment and you couldn't help but drown your mind in happy thoughts. You never liked when these things would happen but you didnt know how to get out.
I sat in a room with two older men, one shirtless and the other staring me down. I heard the door being kicked in before a voice yelled out, 'Chicago PD.' This caused the two to scramble, one telling me to keep quiet. The other one walked out of the room, I was unsure of what he was going to try to do.
Multiple gun shots went off causing me to jump, the guy pointed a gun at me and I closed my eyes out of fear.
I wanted to cry, I wanted to plead, I didn't want to be shot. I couldn't muster up tears how was I supposed to talk him out of not shooting me. As soon as he saw the other man's body drop in front of the doorway he put a bullet in mine before running to the window and jumping out of it. I let out a scream as I inhaled sharply, tears flooding my eyes, I felt a hand be placed on me which caused me to kick and scream not knowing who it was and because it hurt.
"Hey hey, my name's Alvin, I am a cop, and I have to put pressure until the ambulance gets here." "I can't go, my mom, please." I begged him but he didn't give in, "You need to, I can't let you go home just yet." I started to see white and black dots, my eyes getting so much heavier than they had been a few seconds ago. "Hey kid, stay with me, hey, you can't stop fighting yet. Stay strong." I heard him say but I couldn't do it, I shut my eyes.
I woke up to beeping surrounding me. I quickly opened my eyes, but just as quickly shut them again regretting that decision as the lights blinded me. I felt pain radiating through my body and I tried to groan, but no sound came out. After a few minutes of laying there trying to gather my thoughts I slowly opened my eyes blinking quickly as I tried to adjust to the bright light. I groaned again this time hearing the sound successfully come out. I turned my head to look around the room. I was welcomed by the sight of a guy I did not know, it was oddly comforting though.
"Hi" I croaked out and he gave me a soft smile sitting up in his seat. "Hey little one, my name's Hank, what's yours?" I shook my head, "Momma said I can't say nothing to no cops," I told him and he nodded his head. "Well, then how am I supposed to get you back to your momma when you are all better?" "Drop me off in the neighborhood you found me in, I'll make sure I get home, I'm always walking around there." "You shouldn't be at such a young age." "Not telling a cop no more, please leave." He nodded and placed a card on the table beside me.
Deep down I really didn't want him to leave, hell he was the only one who showed up for me to wake up, but he was a cop, momma would rip me a new one if I talked to him.
Later that day I snuck out of my bed, it hurt so much but I had to get back to my mother, I found a stack of clothes that fit me and changed into them putting the gown on the bed. I saw the card he put down and shrugged grabbing it and stuffing it into my boot. I snuck out of the window as careful as I could and sort of ran off through the woods. I could barley breath, my chest hurt so much, I know I shouldnt have gotten out of that bed but I was so scared of my mother I didnt care. I knew my way around most of Chicago, it was my home, and I walked around a lot. I soon got back to my home and walked inside being met with a slap from my mother.
"You let my money walk away and you come back late! How dare you?!" My mom yelled at me and I stood up straight making sure I didn't look at her. She hated how much I looked like my father. "I got shot, momma," I stated simply before walking past her and to my room. I heard my mother groan from the living room before a crash. I heard the fridge door open and slam close knowing she was drinking. I slid into my covers and drifted to sleep.
𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚕𝚍
A man I did not know got me pregnant at age thirteen. A man who bought time to sleep with me from my own mother got me pregnant. Why was I not surprised? Korren, my son, was now three, I thought I was going to hate him when he was born because I didn't like how he was made. That turned out to be an entire lie, I loved Korren with my entire heart, that little guy was everything I ever wanted.
And yet my mom still gave him away to the alleged father. Told me I have to worry about getting her money, not a kid. How sweet of her.
"You have a job, here." My mom gave me a piece of paper before she fell onto the couch falling asleep. I rolled my eyes and got up from the floor where I had been sitting, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the door. I opened the paper and like every other time, it was an address. I took a deep breath and began walking; I walked everywhere, no matter how far it was.
As I was walking I saw the 21 district station, I stood there for a second wishing I could make it there but I knew I couldn't. I hoisted my bag up before walking again, picking up the pace as I reached the house. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer, a man opened the door and asked for my name. "Hayley." I showed him the paper of his address and he let me in. He handed me a stack of cash and I put it in my bag. I put my bag down and turned to him telling him he could do whatever he wanted to me now. If he went over his time he had to pay extra.
After a few hours I climbed out of his bed, the man was asleep now. I grabbed money from his bedside table and left his room stuffing it in my bag. I picked it up and walked out of his house quickly walking back the way I came, I reached the station again and saw a kid standing there looking up at it.
I walked around him but I guess I caught his eye, he caught up to my side. "I am Jay, I have never seen you around before." "I am not telling you my name, I don't live around here, came to do a job, bye now," I said before turning down an alley between buildings and taking a shortcut.
That wasn't the only time I would meet jay, a few weeks later I was found in his neighborhood. I was walking around randomly this time, I had gotten around here early so the man wasn't home for me. Jay saw me and approached me, "Stalking me now?" He asked and I tilted my head. "Wouldnt it be you stalking me?" I asked and crossing my arms.
"You are in my neighborhood, so I don't think so," he said and I rolled my eyes. "I am doing a job, so therefore I am not stalking, I was told to come here. That house." I pointed and he furrowed his brows, "He's. Wait what job?" "What's it to you?" "He's a weird guy." "I get money and my mom doesn't get mad so I don't get a choice." "How much?" "This guy, in particular, is paying two hundred for two hours, why?" "I'll get you the money, come with me?" "Promise me money?" "Promise."
I was sitting on his bed with him a few feet in front of me in a chair, he faced me and began to speak. "Please tell me your name. I want to get to know you." Something about those words and his face made me want to tell him everything.
Over the months it seemed that I did in fact tell him everything, everything that I could remember.
He convinced me to go to the cops about it.
I rummaged through my closet and found a small box, I opened it and found Hank's card. It was in my boot from the day I got shot, I never wore those shoes after that day, I couldn't. I quickly folded it put it in my bra and stood back up kicking the stuff back into the closet.
My mom opened the door throwing a piece of paper at me before going into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes before grabbing the paper and walking out of the apartment, I took a deep breath before walking downstairs.
I felt my feet hit the concrete after the stairs and I took off running, I didn't stop until I got into Jay's neighborhood, I saw his house and shook my head not slowing down. I opened the district's doors climbed the stairs and saw the desk at the front. I felt fear take over, and I backed up, I couldn't do it.
"Are you okay?" I heard someone's voice causing me to jump slightly as I looked over, almost snapping my neck at how fast I looked. "Oh uh, no." "Let's bring you to Trudy, she's harmless, especially with younger people, I promise."
He brought me towards the desk, "Sergeant, hello. I found her at the stairs, she said she wasn't okay, thought she would want to talk to you out of anyone."
He walked off as soon as she dismissed him and held out her hand to me, I took it shaking her hand. "I am Trudy, you are?" "Y/N." "Nice to meet you, Y/N. How may I help you?"
I let go of her hand reached into my shirt and pulled out the card placing it on her desk. She saw the name and she just nodded, she grabbed a phone calling the number. He showed up not too long after, I was surprised he even cared about me, a random sixteen-year-old he hasn’t seen in eight years. But now this meant you had to trust him, that was going to be hard.
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killianglyndon · 4 years
Someone You Care ch5
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Warnings: mild curses, case mentioned, typical svu stuff, hurt/comfort?
Word count: 2k+
Series masterlist
It had been months since you and Rafael disclosed. Things had been great for the two of you, you grew closer to each other. Since both of your jobs were demanding, you always ended up in his place or sometimes he ended up in yours. So, Rafael had asked if you like to move in with him, and you obviously said yes to his offer.
“It’s been a long week.” You sighed as you shrugged off your jacket. “It is.” Rafael said and helped you hang up your jacket. You walked into Rafa...no you and Rafael’s living room to sit down on the couch. You smiled to yourself when you thought of this, you and Rafael’s home. Rafael caught your smile while walking toward the couch and sat down next to you. He loosened up the tie and unbuttoned a few buttons before throwing his arm behind your shoulder.
“What are you smiling for?” He asked softly. “Nothing, I’m just happy. You know? Us coming home together and snuggling on the couch.” You smiled. Rafael beamed to your words, “I’m happy too.” Rafael leaned closer to peck a kiss on your forehead. Ring Ring. You grabbed your phone and checked who was calling, “It’s Jay.” You said to Rafael before answering.
“Hey, Jay.”
“Hey, (y/n).”
“What’s wrong? Something happened?”
“No. No. It’s just that we’re going to have a Thanksgiving dinner party next month. And we miss you a lot, so I just want to know if you like to come? Maybe you can bring your hotshot lawyer boyfriend?”
“I would love to, but I have to check with Lieutenant Benson first. It has been a little crazy here.”
“Same here.” Jay laughed
“I’ll let you know soon, okay?”
“Okay, take care.”
“You too, Jay.”
“So… you remember Halstead?” You asked. “Yeah, a detective from Intelligence. Right?” You nodded. “He asked if we wanted to have Thanksgiving dinner with them. And they wanted to meet you.” “You know they met me before right?” Rafael joked. “I know. But they still want to meet you. Since you’re my boyfriend now.” You chuckled. “I’ll ask the D.A’s office. I got plenty of vacation time. I think we can definitely spend Thanksgiving in Chicago.” Rafael said and used his hand to stroke your hair. “Thank you.” You smiled and snuggled into his chest. “There’s no need, (y/n). I know how much they mean to you. And I want to meet your friends as your boyfriend too.” Rafael wrapped his arms around you and trailed small circles on your back.
SVU had been working on Gary Munson’s case non-stop. You felt sick about this, a correctional officer used his power to sexually assault female inmates. The investigation was certainly not easy since many of Munson’s victims who Rafael and the squad helped to make bail later refused to testify. Thankfully, Liv and Chief Dodds managed to talk to Charisse and had her help put Munson away. The squad successfully arrested Munson.
It had been days since the squad put Munson away, but he made bail of course. And Rafael had not been like him recently, whenever you said or asked him something, he just gave you a short answer. Rafael seemed distant...and it had been bothering you a lot. Maybe it was work? It had been a lot of things going on lately.
Two of you were lying on the bed, Rafael turned his back on you. You leaned to him and asked, “Rafi, is everything okay?” “Yeah.” “What’s wrong? You know you can talk to me right?” “Everything is fine, (y/n).” Rafael snapped. “D… did I do something wrong?” “Just drop it, please.” “Fine. I’ll go to sleep in the guest room.” You murmured, got up from the bed, and walked out of the bedroom. Rafael tried to say something to make you stay, but nothing came out of his mouth. And you had already walked out of the bedroom.
Why wouldn’t he talk to you? Was he tired of you? Did you do something wrong? Or were you not good enough for him? Millions of thoughts came through your head, you felt hot tears rolled down your cheeks. You cried for hours until you were too tired and drifted into sleep.
And Rafael didn't exactly have a good night's sleep. Instead, he didn’t have any sleep at all, knowing you were crying in the other room. He felt wretched, but he had to do this. He had to protect you from this.
You woke up earlier than usual, you hardly had decent sleep last night. You decided to leave for work before Rafael woke up, you just didn’t want to face him last night. It was just too much.
You walked into the bullpen and were greeted by your partner, Sonny. “Morning, (y/n).” “Morning.” You murmured. You sat down in your chair and put your bag down. “Everything okay?” Sonny asked. “Yeah.” You replied hastily. Sonny could tell that something was wrong, but he decided not to push it. Sonny definitely saw your reddish and puffy eyes from crying last night. Your hair was a little messy, it was obviously you had a shitty night yesterday.
“Want some cannolis?” Sonny gestured. “Thanks.” You grabbed one. You knew Sonny was trying to cheer you up, you two had been partners for more than a year. He was your partner and a friend you could pour your heart out.
A few hours later, Rafael came into the precinct.
You eyed him walking in the bullpen, and you tried to avoid any eye contact with him. He walked into Liv’s office without saying anything to you. Rafael usually would have given you a kiss or gave you a squeeze on your shoulder. But he didn’t. Sonny definitely noticed this too. Thankfully, Liv had sent you and Sonny to interview some people for the case. You were kind of relieved that you didn’t have to face Rafael, yet, you felt powerless cause you didn’t know what to do.
You and Sonny were sitting in the car, “Okay, something definitely wrong with you and Barba. Want to talk about it?” “I…” You tried to say something but nothing came out.“Hey, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk. I’m here whenever you’re ready.” Sonny said. “No. I want to talk.” “Okay.” You took a deep breath before starting, “So, uh...this might sound stupid but Rafael is being distant recently. I mean I tried to ask him what’s going on, but he just shut me down. I don’t know what’s going on, Sonny. Was he...going to break up with me..?” Sonny gave you an assuring grip on your arm, “I don’t think he’s going to break up with you, (y/n). Barba is so in love with you, ya know? Maybe something happened to him and he’s not ready to talk.” “I really don’t know, Sonny…”
Rafael was miserable without you, but he thought he was doing the right thing. The threat started a few weeks ago, at first, Rafael didn’t think it was a big deal. Being an A.D.A, he got threatened all the time. But, last week, a letter with photos of you and Rafael together was sent to him. He was horrified upon seeing that, he had to protect you. He had to. But how? Rafael thought if he distanced himself from you, you would walk away. And you would be safe, he recalled the other night when he snapped at you. God, he felt so terrible about it, it broke his heart to hear you sobbing in the other room. But, maybe you would walk away, and you would be safe, right?
The other night, Rafael went home and found you weren’t there. He had tried to push you away, and now you were really gone. But wait, where would you go…? Your old place had rented out to someone else a few weeks ago. “Shit.” He cursed. Then he checked his phone to see if you had texted him, no new messages from you. You didn’t text him. He saw Carisi‘s name pop up on his phone, so he picked it up.
“Counselor, (y/n) crashes at my place tonight. Don’t worry, I tried to ask her to text you, but she was out as soon as she hit the bed.”
“Thanks, Carisi.”
“But I really think you should talk to her whatever is going on between you. She was really upset.”
“I…I can’t…”
“Ya did something wrong?”
“No. I mean not exactly…”
“Not trying to intrude but ya really need to talk to her soon. Figure it out, Will ya?”
“I will. Night Carisi.”
Rafael certainly did some thinking after his conversation with Carisi. Rafael didn’t realize how much pain he would cause you when he tried to push you away, he thought you would be safe at least. Truth be told, you were both miserable without each other. Rafael lay in the shared bed of yours, it felt empty without you beside him. Your sweet floral scents were still there, but it just didn’t feel right without your presence.
Rafael must make this right, so he had asked Liv if she could meet up at his office this morning. Liv was always a great friend of Rafael’s and if anyone could help him, it would be her.
Liv was sitting on his office’s couch, and Rafael took out some files for her. “When did this start?” Liv asked as she kept checking out the files. “A few weeks ago, but I didn’t think it was a big deal. I mean I got threats all the time. I guess it’s the perks of being an A.D.A.” Rafael chuckled bitterly. “But then a letter with (y/n) and I’s photos were sent to me… I assumed whoever it was had been following us for weeks.” “You know you are friends with a bunch of cops right?” Liv asked and put down the files. “I know… I just thought if I push her away, and she’ll be safe…” “That’s...that’s… Rafael… I’ll look into this with the squad, okay? In the meantime, talk to (y/n), okay? She’s not doing great…” Liv sighed.“I will…thanks…” Rafael replied. Liv stood up and walked towards the door, “We’ll get him...” Liv said before leaving. Rafael rubbed his face with his hands, trying to get himself together.
It had been a week since you heard from Rafael, he didn’t even try to call or text you. Was it really the end? You had been crashing at Sonny’s place since the day you told Sonny about it. You were sitting on his couch and watching whatever show playing on the TV. Sonny had been a really good friend ever since you two had partnered up, he was always there for you whenever you need. You felt bad about crashing at his place for almost a week, but he had assured you that you could stay as long as you needed. Knock Knock. “Were you expecting someone?” You asked. “Uh...I will go get it.” Sonny said awkwardly before getting up from the couch and walked over to open the door.
Not too long, Sonny walked back to the living room with someone behind him. “Who is it?” You asked and turned your gaze to him. It was Rafael. “Hey… I was wondering if we could… talk?” Rafael asked. He looked almost a little timid. “Sure… ” You murmured. “I’ll give you two the room.” Sonny said before disappearing into his room. Rafael walked towards you and sat down next to you. “I… I’m sorry, mi amor.” Rafael whispered and put his hand on top of yours. “I was getting threats the past few weeks…” “Wait, what? Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked. “I get threats all the time, I didn’t think it was serious until… I got an envelope with our photos in it. Whoever has done this must follow us for a while.” Rafael said and looked away from you.
“I...you could have told me, Rafi. We’re in this together…” You murmured and tears were around your eyes’ corner. “I know… and I’m sorry Cariño… I really am.” Rafael trailed. You couldn’t hold your tears anymore, you just let them roll down your cheeks. Rafael pulled you into his arm and held you tight as if he was afraid to lose you. “I forgive you, Rafi.” You murmured into his chest. “I love you, Cariño.” Rafael kissed the top of your head. “I love you too.” You said as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. Rafael pulled away a little and leaned in to kiss you on your lips. It was a chaste and gentle kiss, all loving and soft then turned into passionate and breathless. You pulled away after you were all short of air, and you tilted your head and saw a red-faced Sonny Carisi standing in the hallway. “Jesus, Sonny. You were there all the time?” You asked. “What? No… I thought you two were having some problems, ya know? You became...uh quite…” Sonny said awkwardly. You chuckled into Rafael’s chest, “Never have seen two grownups kissing, Carisi?” Rafael teased. “What!? No! I guess you can take this and go home, (y/n)...” Sonny handed you your bag. “Yeah, yeah.” You grabbed the bag from him and walked to the door with Rafael. Sonny walked two of you out, “Hey, thank you, Sonny.” You said and gave him a hug. “No worries, (y/n).” You two pulled away and said goodbye before leaving.
That night, you slept in Rafael’s embrace with your head under his chin. You breathed into his scent, it felt right. It felt like home. It was a long week for both of you, so you passed out as soon as you were in his arms. Rafael didn’t fall asleep until he took in your sleeping form in his arms. Rafael swore to himself that he would never let you go again, ever.
Taglist: @ritajammer21 @averyhotchner
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d3a7h · 2 years
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜. 2
Pairing(s): Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Warning(s): Language (I think thats all.)
Word Count: 3034
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Moving in with Voight proved troublesome, having to trust not only him but his wife, son, and another girl he had taken in. It was hard, really hard, despite Justin being young he was the main one you trusted. At first anyway, Erin and you grew close, after the first year of living with your new family you both got sent to St. Ignatius, it was a school meant for you to start fresh, start good.
It was not fresh or good, the girls hated you two, they seemed to have no reason until they found out about things in your past. They started to bully you two and use it against you whenever they got the chance. Hank explained that if either of you were to get into a fight you would be expelled. Erin tolerated the bullying because she didn't want to disappoint him. You tried to until someone brought up Korren, you didn’t even know how they would have found out that information, but once your son's name exited her mouth you saw dark. You were on top of her punching her repeatedly with no intention to stop.
You got expelled for that, of course. Voight was upset, beyond upset. Erin, Jason, and Camille kept asking why you did it but you refused to talk. You were terrified of how they would react if you had a kid, let alone that you didn’t know who the father was or where the kid was. That thought tore you apart, not knowing if Korren was okay.
You convinced Voight to send you to the Police Academy as soon as you were ungrounded for being expelled. Your mother taught you to hate cops, you used to, until Voight and Alvin saved you when you were 8. You were forever grateful, you wanted to be able to follow in Voights steps and help other kids like you. You also needed a reason to keep going and it needed to be something that was not left in your hands. Police Academy seemed to be the only way for you.
You were ready as soon as you got into the Academy, you started training and studying in your room before you went in. You still study and train all the time, you love to push yourself and see how good you can be. It worked really well, you passed with flying marks. Top of your class and you made uniform all by age twenty two. Uniform is where you got a partner, that partner was Antonio Dawson. You both quickly became a great duo, trouble always found you two and if one of you wasn’t in some type of pain by the end of the shift something was wrong.
However, you did make it out of Uniform, you got a transfer into Narcotics. You didn’t like being in the unit, you thought it would have been a great opportunity. You were mistaken, they said you were on the team but your boss refused to let you work cases. You would always get stuck with the paperwork.
𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙾𝚕𝚍
𝟹 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝙽𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜
Two weeks, my unit has been working on a case, two weeks and they have nothing to show for it. I know more than they do but they refuse to listen to me. Like always I was sitting in the break room on the floor doing the paperwork for our last case when my boss walked in. “Flynn.” “Yes sir?” I said looking up at him, he handed me a transfer paper and a manila folder. “Intelligence is taking my case and you. You should get going.”
I couldn’t have been happier, I quickly got up from the floor grabbing the stuff from him. I saw Hank Voight on the paper and that made all of this ten times better. I quickly made my way to the district, as soon as I walked in it was like a wave of relief washed over me. “Is my handprint in yet Sarge?” I teased knowing I would get a reaction out of Trudy, she raised her head with a scowl but it was replaced with a glare as soon as she saw me. I smiled brightly laughing lightly, “Hello to you too Sarge, I missed you.” “I didn’t miss you, Flynn, yes your handprint it in. Good luck.”
I thanked her and went up the first few stairs getting to the gate, I placed my hand on the pad and it opened. I took a deep breath before going up the stairs seeing Voight sitting in his office. As soon as he saw me I waved and he got up coming out of his office, he hugged me and I hugged him back tightly. “Good to see you again.” “I see you accepted my transfer.” “Of course, as long as I am not treated like an assistant.” “You are one of us.”
He turned around to his team, “Everyone, welcome our new team member.” Everyone said welcome before Voight motioned for me to talk about the case. I stepped to the front of the room before putting things on the white board. 
"Hi everyone, I am Y/N. I am from Narcotics. They couldn't get anywhere with what we knew and they refused to let me on the case. There are two unrelated wire investigations. Surveillance followed three of the area cental's top-ranking gang targets to a house on Carpenter. " "We roll out in five." Hank told everyone before walking downstairs.
Erin came over to hug me, I hugged her back. "I missed you, Erin," I smiled brightly causing her to smile as well. "I missed you more Y/N. Glad you are with Intelligence." "Same, I will finally get case time, I won't just be doing files." Erin then walked downstairs followed by a guy. I then turned to say something to Antonio.
Another guy put his jacket on the chair of the desk across from Antonio, "Hey hey what are you doing?" "I need a desk." He said with a head tilt, very obviously confused at his question. "Not that one that was Willhite's desk I'll let everyone know when someone can use it."
He looked down and opened a drawer in his desk looking at a photo. I gave him a minute before I spoke.
"Guess ill use the floor until then," I joked and Antonio looked over at me before smiling. He walked over to me and I hugged him, we kissed each other's cheeks and pulled away. "I've missed you 'Tonio" I smiled brightly and he nodded, "I've missed you too, glad to finally have you in the unit." "Glad to finally be here, do you know how bad Narcotics was."
"I hate this but I guess you can have the desk." "I love you but I am not going to disrespect your grieving for a partner. I can wait till you're ready, I didn't have a desk in Narcotics either so I'm used to it." He shook his head knowing not to argue with me.
"Well hello, I am Adam," I heard from the other side of me. I turned my head to see the guy who Antonio just got upset with. I smiled holding out my hand to his, "Y/N, Y/N Flynn." He shook my hand before kissing the back of it, "As long as Antonio has no dibs on you I think this can be fun."
"Hands off Ruzek," Antonio said walking down the stairs, I chuckled lightly patting Adam's face and kissing his cheek before following behind Antonio.
"Flynn you're with Jay and Erin for this case." I nodded and got into the backseat, Jay took the passenger and Erin drove. All I could question was if he was my Jay, he kind of looked like he did when he was younger but ten years does stuff to people. I knew for a fact he did not recognize me.
I loved Jay, he was the only person there for me when I needed someone the most. He was the only reason I was out, away from my mother, he was everything to me. He still is everything to me, but I stopped getting letters from him when he was with the rangers. We never broke off what we had, so does he remember me? Does he even still love me?
"We got the main eye," Alvin spoke on his radio, this dragged me out of my thoughts. "We're set up to the north." Antonio radioed in, and Jay let them know we were at the south, we also had a partial view of the alley. Erin was taking pictures, and I kept my eye out for anyone or anything that seemed out of place.
"If anyone goes mobile from the house, we're in position for a takeaway," Antonio let us know before Hank told O and Ruzek to see if there was any movement inside.
"Guys," I tapped Jay's shoulder pointing at the guy in the yellow jacket walking in front of us. "Hold up. We got company" Erin informed the others over the radio.
Jay called out a gun and shots were fired into the guy from inside the house. We all got out of our cars after the gunshots stopped, running over to the house. We cleared the house but Ruzek had to shoot a guy to keep him from shooting one of us.
We found a big supply of insulin boxes, Antonio put together that the bullets were in the boxes.
Back at The District
"Do you not remember me?" I asked Jay as we walked back to the bullpen. "No why?" He asked quickly turning to me before his phone rang, he held up his finger and I gave him a thumbs up before walking ahead of him.
"This is Edward Jelko, the deceased street-level dealer. This is Peter Thomas Banfill, the offender, currently baking in a coma over at county. Jelko probably thought like we did that Banfill was sitting on something big, and went over there to rip him off." Hank explained to us before I spoke up, "The bullets, they are M995s, Teflon-Tipped, Kevlar-Penetrating Rounds. Ballistics has 'em linked to several recent homicides."
"And we found 100 of these at the scene, it's for type R insulin which is a Canadian designation." Erin said holding up the insulin boxes we found earlier, "And with any luck, our little surprise visit got the gun runners scrambling which means they're gonna make mistakes, okay? Eyes open." Hank said to us all before asking Erin and me to come to his office.
We both looked at each other confused before doing as told, I closed the door behind us. "Justin's getting an early release. He's moved up to Friday night." "That's great!" I agreed with Erin. "Well, he's asking if you two can be there. It's no big deal if you can't." "Are you crazy? Of course, it's a big deal, he's getting out.” “We will be there.” Hank just nodded giving us a monotone yeah. “What?” I asked causing him to stand up and walk up to us, “Why do you look like somebody pissed in your coffee?” “Gettin’ out is always harder than gettin’ in.”
This seemed to upset Erin, Voight walked around us to the door. “Hank. Come on, Justin’s gonna need you around, okay? The tough love thing, it— it didn't work.” This upset Voight, he hated being told what was right and wrong. “Flynn, do me a favor. Tell Antonio ill be back in an hour.” He then walked out of his office, I shrugged looking at Erin before following him out.
Antonio and I were getting more info on the bullets, the others had gone to a scene that Burgess and Atwater got sent to by Erin. We finally got it and high-fived each other, I hugged Jin before following Antonio out of the room to our team. “These are what we're looking for, C7s. A variant used by the Candian Army, an Armory up there was robbed.” “3,000 rounds of Ammo and 50 C7s were stolen,” I added wanting to be able to say something. “Bigger market for sprayers down here.” O said and I nodded my head knowing he was right. “Victim's wife drove down with him. Halstead and Lindsay are bringing her in.” Antonio told Voight earning us a good.
I sat in the room with Erin and Jay as they talked to our victims wife until Antonio came in and asked me to come with him. A call came in about gunshots and so we were going to check it out, when we arrived and got into the room we had to get the rest of the team there. Hank looked around as soon as he got there, I was looking around to see if we could find anything else that could help us.
“Can you believe the velocity of these things?” Jay started catching all of our attention, I turned around to look at him. “Forensics traced one round that went through the tv, through the wall, ended up halfway through the engine block of an ice cream truck parked across the street.” Voight and Antonio looked at each other with the same look causing me to smile a bit before Voight spoke, “Seven homicides and counting.”
“Our widow is lying, her cell phone provider said she was never at BloomingDale’s. She spent the afternoon up in Edgewater.” This gave us reason to bring said widow into our interrogation room. Erin and I went in together, “We’re gonna get real honest real quick.”
Erin sat down and started to ask her questions, showing her pictures. I stood leaning against the wall, “Why are you doing this?” She asked, I rolled my eyes a bit crossing my arms. “You lied to us, you were not browsing BloomingDale’s you were in Edgewater.” She looked at us both as those words came out of my mouth. Surprised that we knew or that we checked maybe. “You and your husband had a nice run, right? You start off with something simple like X or Kush, and you got greedy, and you upgraded to gun-running, right? Am i in the ballpark? Which means you got George murdered and that makes you an accessory to his murder.” “So were gonna try this agan, only this time the truth.” Erin said firmly as she never took her eyes off the woman.
“I was visting a friend. An ex boyfriend” “If youre gonna lie, put some effort into it. For me.” “Call him, he’ll tell you.” I gave in sliding a notepad to her and a pen. She wrote down his name and number so I left the room to go call him. We then told the team about our findings, Erin told them about Mikey and I told them that her alibi was legit.
“Got a ping on Ganz’s phone, pulled all the numbers hes called in the last twenty four hours.” Jin told us as he walked in. “Employee of the week, Jin.” Jay clapped before he said that. Jin sucked in a breath before speaking again, “All the calls were to the same numbers, a call phone registered to a Lucky M Pawn and Loan in Gage Park.”
“Lucky M. I know that ding-dong. We’ll go talk to him. Come on.” O told us before he, Antonio, and I left. Antonio and I waited outside as he went in, “How's the wife and kids?” “Deigo got kidnapped, we got him back he's getting better I hope, It was mostly just mental stuff he had to overcome now. Eva and Laura are great. How was life without seeing my handsome face?” “Your lucky I can't lie to you, Narcotics wasn't fun. It was an up in pay for less everything. I never went on cases, I never got to get out there. I was just their assistant really.” He turned to me taking me in for a hug, I hugged him back slightly laughing. “It's good to have you back kid.” “Great to be back, we should get together like we used to. I mean yeah we aren't really young anymore but it would be nice to relive those days.” “It would be, my house this weekend?” “Deal.” O came out with a chainsaw in hand, Antonio looked confused but I couldn't help but snicker a little at how nonchalant he was. He told us he got a meet-up at two o’clock.
Alvin and Antonio went to the meet up, Mickey didn’t want both of them in the car so Antonio tried to say no and go back to his car but Alvin insisted and he went with him. This got us to the spot and we were now waiting for the word, christmas, as soon as O said it we rushed in with the long guns. It lead to a shootout, some ran, some got shot, and we cuffed Mickey; who tried to shoot O but Ruzek stopped him.
𝙰𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚓𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜
I stood next to Erin as we leaned on the car waiting for Jason to get out of the gates, he did a little skip before screaming freedom. We both hugged him, and he complimented Erin before he asked where Voight was. It disappointed him but he tried to flirt with Erin and kiss her, but she declined him fairly quickly before telling him to get in the car. “Does he not see us as sisters? Or am I delusional?” I asked and she just shook her head not wanting to think about it, I laughed before patting her shoulder getting in the backseat.
Jason spent the night at my apartment, I didn’t mind because I didn’t want him to meet up with his old friends. They weren’t good for him but he could not see that and I didn’t know how to help him. “Jason,” I said as I walked into the living room. “Yeah?” “Make better decisions okay? Better friends.” “My friends are good.” “Sure they are Jason, and you totally were not just in jail. Goodnight.” I ruffled his hair and walked back to my room.
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kitweewoos · 2 years
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Rhodestead + Mechanic!Will au
Growing up with Patrick Halstead as a father, Will always heard that in order to be a provider and more importantly, a man, you had to get right to work, and work hard, using your hands, getting dirty. Books and learning were for the rich, a privilege that they couldn't afford. You didn't need a degree to be a man; in fact, all that colleges were good for was feminizing men and turning them into queers. So, when it came time to make the choice, school or his father's garage in Canaryville, he chose the garage. He threw away his acceptance letters from Cornell, Columbia, NYU, and Berkeley, anywhere that wasn't Chicago, and got to work.
"Yeah, I'll absolutely start working full time now that I'm out of school. Thanks, Dad, for the opportunity."
Connor Rhodes grew up with the Dolan Rhodes mantel waiting before him, and the thought of working alongside his father at an endless, meaningless corporate job had always made Connor uncomfortable. Instead, as soon as he could, he fled Chicago and earned a bachelor's degree and then his MD, and learned exactly who he was outside of his family's expectations. And when he finally feels ready, he takes a job offer back home and returns to Chicago.
"I'm getting out of here, Carlotta. I can't stay here, and you know that. But I will miss you the most."
They meet at a bar that Will isn't supposed to be at, and they are immediately drawn to one another. Connor takes Will home, and they have a very good time. And they keep having a very good time, meeting up after work for drinks and kisses and orgasms, but Will can't take Connor home to meet his dad, not if he wants to keep the life he's built. Connor wants Will to be open about them, but he gets that maybe he isn't ready. He doesn't need to take Will home, though, because Cornelius Rhodes had made nothing better in his life. So, their casual hanging out just to end up naked in the back of Connor's car was enjoyable. When Connor's car breaks down, even though it's out of the way, he brings it to Will's garage because it feels only natural. They flirt, and Will smiles at him like he's pleased that he's there, and it feels good to be with him there.
"Come here, gorgeous. I need to get my hands all over that skin because you've been driving me crazy all night. Even the grease under your fingernails is getting me hot. Come here." "Only if I get to touch you back, Doctor." "Certainly with that attitude, you can."
And then, it all goes south. Someone tells Pat that Will was flirting with a customer, a male customer, and Pat knows. Pat has always known, but he hoped his son would not choose this lifestyle. When his wife had been alive, she had said that Will might just be curious about the boys in his school, but if it became more than a phase, they would talk to him about it afterward. But his wife had passed, and he was left to raise their two boys, and guide them to a good and worthwhile life. And he knows Will can't do that if he's distracted with some depraved man and his disgusting life. So, he confronts his son and places a choice in front of him.
"This is unacceptable, William, and if you want to stay in this family and have a place in the business, you will leave this frivolous phase behind before you burn in hell."
It kills Will to break up with Connor, to say he can't see him anymore. Connor promises that he can find another job, and that he didn't need his father if he couldn't accept him for who he was, and he could have a family with his brother and Connor if he wanted it. But Will just shakes his head and says he can't, and he hopes Connor finds someone who can give him exactly what he wants and needs.
"All I want is you, Will. No one else. We - please, don't leave. Please." "It's not that simple, Con. You know that."
Will walks away, and keeps walking, even if it hurts, even if it kills him. He doesn't see Connor for weeks, and his nights feel lonely, and his chest hurts every time he wants to text Connor to meet up for dinner. He was lonely, and scared, and he felt like he was just out of high school again, and he'd left the career path he'd been dreaming of for years, left before it had even started. One day at work, he scratches his arm on an engine, and he just wraps it up and keeps working. He doesn't have the greatest insurance, and he was sure his father would lose his mind if Will mentioned he need to go to the hospital, so it was fine. Everything was fine, until he runs into Connor.
"Will, are you okay? You're a little pale, well, paler than normal. And you look a little - you look like you're about to drop." "Yeah, I'm fine. It's - I cut myself a few days ago, and it still hurts, but -" "How bad?" "It's nothing. Look, I wanted to -" "Let me see it, Will."
His cut is infected, and bad, so Connor makes him go to his hospital so he could get it cleaned out and Will on antibiotics. He gets a forehead kiss, and some orange Jello (the best kind), and he gets to watch the way Connor works. He's never seen that before, and it's so attractive. And this is exactly what he had wanted to do, a decade before, when he was young and full of hope for the future. He had wanted to work in exactly this environment, saving lives, doing good for people.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have - I should have walked away the moment he gave me an ultimatum, because he's never going to change. I've given him years, a decade, actually, and he's never shown any signs of listening or changing his behavior. So, I should have just walked away, ran away even. I want this with you, if you'll still have me." "If you'll still have me, he says, as if I'm not head over fucking heels in love with you, Will. Yes, I still want you. And, you don't have to apologize. I'll be wherever you need me, right beside you, wherever you go."
Where he goes is to college, while working on the side at a coffee shop, and on to get his medical degree. He doesn't go to work at a hospital, though, but instead works at a medical lab with his knowledge of mechanics to improve the lives of amputees with advancements of prosthetics. And Connor is there at this side, just as promised, and his brother becomes his best friend and the only family he needs. He gets a happily ever after, and he gets the confidence to come out publicly, and accept himself as he is, despite what he had been raised to believe. He has a good life, a home, the love of his life, and at the end of it, he doesn't regret the path his life took. It took longer to get where he wanted, but holding Connor at night, working in the lab with his friends, hearing his brother's bright, unbothered laughter at the dinner table on family game nights, it was all worth the struggle.
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