#did you spot the Little Mermaid refference?
By The Deep Sea
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but nature more.
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Character: Dante and Vergil
Synopsis: Have you ever wondered what would it be like if Eva have fallen for a handsome merman instead of handsome devil? Well, you don’t have to just wonder any longer.
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Demi-Merfolk are rare but very real supernatural beings. Demi-Merfolk are human-merfolk hybrids that are the product of a union between a human, and a mer in human form.  The only reason Demi-Mers are rare is because the odds are astronomical that a human and a merfolk would ever even meet.
Regrettably, the Merfolk race don’t approve of human-mermaid unions, and actively seek to take hybrids into custody. So it was quite an uproar when not just any Merfolk, but one of their nobility fell in love with a human. Their romance was unfortunately met with resistance from both humans and mermaids, and the two star-crossed lovers met a tragic fate.
Up until they were around seven years of age, Dante and Vergil were raised thinking they were normal human boys. They grew up with their mother in a coastal house on the edge of a cliff. It all changed when one night, their house was wrecked by a massive and powerful storm. The lightning was booming all around them, the water seeped through the walls and the windows were rattling with the force of the wind. They were all huddling in the safest corner of the house when there was a loud crash. Eva left to inspect the suspicious sound but before she left, she told her sons to stay together, no matter what. Shortly after she left, the storm suddenly stopped and the overwhelming noise was replaced with deafening silence. It felt like hours when Dante and Vergil untangled from each other’s tight embrace and left to look for their mother, only to find out there was no trace of her. Left in the world with no one except each other, the boys left for the only place that felt like home. The sea.
For a long time, the two Demi-human boys lived exclusively in the sea. Due to this, they have forsaken their human sides in the favour of a much wilder merfolk side. Do you know the phrase ‘raised by wolves'? Well, essentially, Dante and Vergil were raised by sharks. Hunting various kinds of fish for food, fighting other large fish over territory, and hiding from other merfolk in fear of repercussions from their kind. What’s fascinating, some of the sharks from their old shark flock remembers them and visits them when they’re in the area during their migration. Unlike in the original story, Dante and Vergil have a very different relationship due to being together the night their mother disappeared. The banter and goading are still here but they are very close, inseparable even. Speaking of their mother, Dante has never stopped looking for her, braving the vastness of the sea and even setting his feet on land from time to time. Vergil, on the other hand, believes their mother left them due to them being half-human outcasts. Dante is also more curious about the human world, so he made a few friends there. Vergil doesn’t feel this excited over humans, he visited the human world after their mother disappeared only once and that was harrowing enough. Oh, if only he knew… This also means that Dante is more in tune with his human side, whereas Vergil is more in touch with his merfolk side, hence why he discovered his transformation from human to mer sooner. 
Dante and Vergil can stay human for many days, weeks, months, or even years. If a merfolk gets wet when in human form, her legs will transform back into a tail. Speaking of mer transformation and Dante and Vergil’s overall appearance, even in human form, they have some distinctive features that differentiate them from normal people. First of all, their eyes are unnaturally bright, rich blue, almost cyan. When they are in human form, their eyes lose some of their lustre, so to the average bystanders, they just look like people with really bright blue eyes. The other distinctive feature is their scent. From a human perspective, we obviously can’t smell Merfolk underwater. However if one came ashore still in their mer form they’d give off a unique aroma. This includes a plethora of paranormal pheromones that exponentially attract any person who comes near.  When they take their human form the aroma and pheromones are less noticeable but still apparent.
Their mer form doesn’t look a bit like those cute pictures of cute guys and girls with the upper halves of a beautiful person and the lower half of a fish. Well, technically, they do, but it’s much more than that. They have pearly, glass-smooth skin with strange luminescence. This is an extra layer of skin to protect mer from extreme temperatures and extreme underwater pressure. This extra layer is still little visible in their human form when you look close enough.
Now get ready for some incorrect mermaid physiology facts! From several articles I read, the accurate side of a mermaid's tail, for them to be able to use it properly, is at least two or three feet longer than their legs if they were a human. Considering how tall the boys are, that means that the tail itself is 7 to 9 feet long, and that’s not including the fin. The tail doesn’t start at a hip but the crotch and ends in a huge, horizontal fin. A short dorsal fin runs down the length of their tails.
Their tails are structured similarly to sharks. Thick, powerful long tails with pectoral fins under their belly, the dorsal fin on their back, the second dorsal fin in the place where the back of their thighs would be, and ending in a big caudal fin. The shape of the caudal fin is different for each twin. Dante’s caudal fin has the shape of a great white shark and Vergil’s is shaped like a tiger shark. Instead of scales, they have dense and rough skin just like that of a shark with small, bioluminescent spots here and there glowing either neon red or blue, depending on the brother. They have the same gradient on their forearms, upper back, and sides of their face. Speaking of arms, they have webbed fingers. Pointy ears, pointy teeth, pointy pupils, everything in their face is pointy. Understandably, Dante’s tail and other parts are colored in shades of burgundy red while Vergil’s in navy blues.
Merfolk are considerably stronger than a muscular grown man due to living at such great depths. Humans are generally powerless when attacked by merfolk. However, their upper body strength is nothing compared to the power of their tails which, with a few hits, can break a metal door or break through a wall of ice. One hit from a mermaid's tail fin can knock out a military frogman. Merfolk have enhanced healing abilities and are immune to all normal and supernatural diseases and cannot get injured easily nor is killing them an easy feat. They can breathe underwater of course, but unlike full-blooded merfolk, they have to float to the surface once in a while. They can also adapt like migrating sea creatures so they can thrive in any aquatic environment. They can swim at a speed of 600 km/h. Like a dolphin, their fins can propel them high out of the water. Dante and Vergil can call and communicate with aquatic creatures telepathically. This is also how they communicate with each other underwater.
Mermaids have limited power over all liquids. They could even be used to pull ambient moisture out of the air to form water, withstanding great water pressure, or even raise water to send it to foes in the form of tidal waves, whirlpools, water geysers, orbs, and water surges, or any other form they wish. Anger enhances this power and when enraged, mermaids can destroy entire coastal settlements and fleets with the forces of wind and water. As well as controlling natural disasters, merfolk can prevent them. They can mould water like clay and make it form any shape they desire, in the boys case they often use sword-shaped water jet streams. They can grant humans the ability to breathe underwater and charm ships so that they never sink.
Just as a mirror shows reflections, the weather mirrors a guy’s emotions, particularly anger or frustration. Merpeople can control the weather and summon storms which can range in severity from a shower of rain to terrible tempests, typhoons, and hurricanes capable of destroying entire coastlines.
Their heritage comes not only with a plethora of powers, but weaknesses as well. Such as dehydration, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight, or sensitivity to sound. Merpeople have the same range of hearing as dolphins and whales. Sounds that can harm cetaceans will harm merfolk. Depending on the strength of the sound, artificial sonar can knock a mermaid out cold.
Despite choosing to live under the sea (darling it’s better…), they live near the shoreline of Redgrave seaport. Keeping the city and its sailors safe from storms and various sea monsters. Vergil cleans the seabed from trash accompanied by his constant mumbling about human scum. Dante messes around with locals and tourists alike and it's thanks to his pranks that the city has rumoured redgrave sea monster sightings and became a tourist attraction, as well as hotspot for paranormal investigators. Vergil jet-propelled his ass for it and hoped that Dante would get the hint and stop his risky behaviour. Oh, boy, was he wrong. Thanks to the city's supernatural reputation, he now has even more people to mess with and brags to the handful of people he knows about being a ‘celebrity’. Despite his sulky attitude, Vergil keeps a dutiful watch over his territory as his brother does like in some baywatch episode: mythical edition. In his mind, humans are weak and frail creatures that need someone stronger to look after them. At least in this universe, he put his megalomaniacal tendencies to a good use.
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shlutnutt · 3 years
never really wrote a michael langdon smut so here we go.
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warnings: overstimulation, mommy kink, edging, pegging, slapping, sadism, handcuffing, dominant reader, submissive michael !
"Y/L/N, you're up next." called out the announcer, patting off some glitter off of his navy blue vest. "Remember, let your hands run free and smile, smile wide." he continued, annoying you immensely as you already had more than enough experience when it came up to the modeling industry.
Walking sassyly, shaking your hips more than usual you realize you set yourself up for a challenge as you gazed over to the crowd and well, the judges. Allowing your well fitted mermaid-style dress to move freely you hold onto the sprouted ends cautiously as you walked down the velvet steps, towards the judges. Aware of how fabulous you looked in that instant your confidence only grew more as you modeled the wine-colored dress going along with some crystal-clear heels.
"Up to you now, people! Round of applause for Y/N, and this beautiful wine laced mermaid-style gown dress, accompanied by a pair of Steve Madden Lipa clear heeled sandals and one of our most precious layered 4K gold necklaces!" the crowd shouted and cheered for you, feeling like the absolute star of the fashion show an unrecognizable man catches your eye.
His ethereal beauty had you staring gawkly, whilst he scrolled through his phone completely unaware, of your amusing gaze on him. He was wearing a black long-sleeved turtle neck along black dress pants and black dress shoes, his hair was magically curled and his eyes appeared to be a graceful green.
Despite the fact the man had caught your attention in between loud cheers, you felt oddly attracted to him. Not only his beauty attracted you, but his sensitve aura did also. "Y/N?" one of the three evil judges had questioned, reffering to your zoning out of the attention you were bringing onto the stage. Immediately responding, you notice the judges scribbling nonsense on their note pads, as you felt a glare on you coming from a familiar direction.
Turning your head completely to where you felt the energy coming from you catch yourself holding eye contact with the man, him now resting his hands in a waiting manner on his folded lap, following his every gesture it didn't take long for you to realize that the man was indeed, a submissive.
"Misses Green, up next!" yelled the announcer, his irritating voice soon generate your escaping. Walking down the dressing room hallway, you can't contain yourself from exploring the outfits a bit, hearing a soft "Hey.." come from behind you.
The voice shy and angelic, you turn around nervously thinking it was one of the eager makeup artists who'd love to rush people out of the hallways. But, you were wrong, insanely wrong. It was the beautiful man you spotted in the crowd, he only stood infront of you shlyly bringing his hand out for a handshake in which you accept in, almost immediately.
"Im Michael.. Michael Langdon." he introduced himself, giving you an adorable smile. Unable to leave him hanging you do the same. "Im Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N."
"Why'd you introduce yourself exactly the same way I did, Y/N?" fooled around Michael, giving your shoulder a slight push. "Because I can, problem?" you tease only to produce a needy facial expression to oppress on his angelic-like face, sending dominant chills down your spine.
"You want there to be a problem, dont you?" you continue to tease, now massaging your soft hands up and down his muscular chest, rubbing his clothed nipples along the way you accelerate his breathing, knowing all he wanted was for you to peg him and throw him against a desk as you slap his ass repeatedly until he begged for you to stop.
"T-touch me please, Y/N.." whimpered Michael against your touch, nervously looking around for unwanted witnesses. Domination taking full control over your body you look up at him with puppy eyes and order him to call you mommy.
"Mommy?.. I can call you mommy?" jumped Michael excitedly, in which it seemed like he wasn't really able to refer to anyone with that name. "Yes, baby." you reassure now pulling him into your changing room two doors to your left.
Watching Michael in visible panic as he sat down on your metal chair, made you giggle in thrill, knowing you were capable of doing whatever you pleased to the beauty infront of you. "Take off your pants for me, baby boy." you instruct following his every move as he hesitated a little to follow your commands.
"Obey." you pressure, him nodding now inconspicuously getting up to unbuckle his dress pants, pulling them down anxiously. "Good boy." you praised before taking off your dress surprisingly, for him to admire your beauty as much as you admired his, member creating a tent in his boxers, as he bit his lip vigorously, eyes not once leaving your unclothed breasts.
"M-mommy I- please.." panted Michael in between pathetic stutters attempting to ask for your consent for him to ravage your breasts. You clicked your tongue dodging his hand, which tried to swing over your hard nipples desperately.
"Bad boy, Michael. Good boys listen to mommy's instructions. Might need to punish you." you state, producing a murmured complain to fall out of his lips, his eyes not once leaving yours.
Picking up the thrown belt, you harshly adjust it onto Michaels' hands placing them behind the metal folding chair, the belt being replaced by a pair of handcuffs, of course. Not wasting anymore left giving time you rush to pull down his boxers, which were damp in precum. "Needy, hm?" you tease once again as you grip his dripping tip running two fingers around it, not breaking the intensive eye contact you held.
"Mommy please!" pleeded Langdon, with teary eyes, unable to keep his orgasm from releasing any longer. "You can cum when I tell you to, honey." you leaned in for a whisper, your right hand squeezing the leftover precum out of his tip while your left massaged his balls, getting closer and closer to his tightness. His tip now becoming slightly purple from overstimulation, you near your left hand right above his tightness, leaning in to moist it up. The man whimpered loudly to the feeling, soon nearly screaming to your index finger pushing pass his tiny hole swiftly.
"Can I-I C-Cum Mommy, please.. I'll do anything.." insisted Langdon, as you yet again refused, speeding up your fingering onto him as you pumped his shaft. He only cried, boosting your pleasure onto him producing his warm liquids to spit out to your breasts...
You slapped him across his right cheek, hard for his disobedience.
"Oh, what am I gonna do with you, Langdon."
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i dont know if i should make a part II, we'll see how much people like this lolz
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troubleblurose-blog · 7 years
My Dumbass 5SOS Experiance // Part Uno
I know exactly what you’re thinking. I know, because well, I am one of you. The 5SOSFam that is; I made it sound like we’re our own separate alien race. But look at the people we stan... It makes a little too much sense, doesn’t it? Not even a paragraph in, and I’m already unraveling a conspiracy theory like Shane Dawson. You know him- “You look so fucking something, in my underwear while she wearing them! There’s my poop stain, on her butt.” Yeah, that funny motherfucker. 
You’re probably thinking- ‘Oh, just another fan who really wants the same thing I do.’
I’m not gonna pretend, or lie to make my situation seem special. You’re fucking right, that is exactly who I am. We all have our bumps in the road, after all, we’re all human. Or aliens, I don’t really know anymore. It’s not only science that has gone too far at this point, I am now a contributing factor to the random things that make you question what the fuck this world is becoming.
I’m not about to level with you, or give you a sob story. It could seem that way, but every detail I write is a detail I wouldn’t ever erase. Every problem I’ve encountered, or dumb ass decision I’ve written is something that made me the well rounded person I am today. These are past events, though I am currently handling some of the debris of them. I’m still coping with illness, and things like that. When I write these events, just know, while they are awful I am used to them. That sounds bad, but I don’t know any different. They do hurt greatly at times, but that’s just building more character and strength in the end. 
-Trigger/Graphic Event Warning-
Let’s start out simple and #relatable; I struggle(d) with:
Bi-Polar Depression (Mood swings between extremely jolly, and devastatingly upset.) 
Anxiety (Having a hard time staying composed in times of little stress, or in many social situations.) 
Insomnia (Getting little to no sleep/getting no well-rested sleep at night.) 
Self-Harm (Hurting yourself in ways such as eating disorders, or various forms of mutilation.)
Suicide (Trying to end your own life.)
Those are the things this is somewhat covering, but by no means are they the point I’m trying to make. They aren’t what make up me, and they aren’t what make up this letter. 
To understand the substance of the seemingly overused words on your screen, you need to know a bit about who I am first. Otherwise this could seem like every generic fanfiction. You know what I’m talking about. Eyes are always called orbs. Every meeting involves someone spilling something on someone else. Dicks are always refferred to as members. Calum is usually an asshole with a tragic life story. Mikey is usually a bad boy; who gets a soft spot for the main girl for some unknown reason. Ashton is either super sweet in his old dad way, or a complete arrogant prick. Luke, well he always bounces between popular and nerdy often. Have I made my point?
I’m gonna get relatable again when I say, there isn’t a lot I’m good at. When I am good at something, it has no use in my daily life. I can’t divide fractions, but I can hit every note in guitar hero. I can’t socially interact, but I can make bomb-ass Turkey Bacon Cojacks. I don’t know where all the states are, but I can rap Migrane. My skills are only useful to me, basically. My point being, I was practically useless in class. When I was staying home from school on the normal, from avoiding my problems and lack of motivation, I felt so useless. Like as useless as a newspaper is to a teenager. 
We all have some activity that makes us feel important, though. To Donald Trump, it’s putting down anyone who isn’t a straight white male. To Bo Burnham, it’s making people laugh with his odd perspective and unique means of comedy. Me? It’s always been when I’m on stage. I love hearing my voice being amplified to bring together people from all walks of life. When I’m writing lyrics, I feel like every syllable can make a difference in someone’s life. There’s just something thrilling about worrying you’ll sing the wrong lyric, and doing so because you were worrying about it. 
I’m not gonna say this was always my passion; when I was younger I made a very motivational speech about wanting to be a mermaid. “I WILL be a mermaid, and I WILL live under the sea.” If you think that’s odd, I know of a kid who wanted to be a trash compactor. After I discovered I couldn’t grow a tail, and I ended up not being a fan of swimming in a casino, I wanted to preform. That’s been my dream since I can remember. I’ve always been pretty witty, like I’d have to leave my wit behind   before boarding a plane it’s so sharp. I learned I get more happiness when making others smile, than I do by making myself smile.
A stage is the one place I’m not useless, and being a musician is what I was born to do. I will look anyone in the eye and tell them I'm gonna be so famous one day, because that's exactly what I believe. I know I'm not where I want to be, so it's as simple as I'm gonna move. You need to remember that the only way you can fail is if you give up. It's pretty annoying how bad I am at that. I don't only try to achieve my goals, I try to over-achieve them. I live off my intuition, I'm definitely the ride-or-die type of person in EVERYTHING I do. Making a fool of myself? I'll record it so people can hold it against me for the rest of my life. Dissapointing my parents? Well I am going to Uni for music with no back up plan. Meet 5sos? Well... That's where this fiasco begins.
Welcome to the jungle my fellow fam.
Let’s go back to the first weekend of May 2017. Yes, I really did start this journey on a weekend in May. Yes, I really did it just so I can make that reference. Maybe I started a bit before that, but I committed to it on that first Saturday. At that time I had been in the fam for a couple of months, and  I did go through the phase when I couldn’t tell Lucifer and Ashtonio apart. I however didn’t assume Calcium was Asian, I assumed he was Hispanic. I mean have you seen the ‘Hey Everybody!’ video? That was rhetorical, of course you have. He walked dogs, he was practically Ceasar911! 
Well at this time I was still self-harming, I was still suicidal, and music is very influential to me. I tend to form bonds with songs because music tends to be my main comfort. Music has always been there when no one ever was. There's just such an intense bond for me, with listening and creating it. When I write I don't just think about lyrics, I can hear the chord progressions and melodies. Unfortunately I don't have enough experience with intstruments yet to share the finished product of my own music. 
With 5SOS however, that connection was a lot different. I  appreciate the artists always, though I never tend to feel anything more than that. I didn't feel that at all, I felt a boner. I'm kidding, I just really wanted to say that. Usually with musicians, since I am a fellow musican, I tend to idolize the ones who make music I enjoy. Yes, I know I'm stating the obvious. The thing is, after the whole initiation of binging keeks, interviews, funny moments, and the movie- I didn't once feel like they were above me in any way. Not even in a sexual dream  enduced by falling asleep to Aerosmith. No, that wasn't too specific of a scenario.
They just made me feel understood in a way no one has. Not just because I'm so proud about being a gigantic dork. We were in the same boat, we had the same oar, we wanted  to get to the same island that appearantly no one has heard of, we had the same belief that it exists, and the same thing  about not being satisfyed with any of the millions of already existing islands. That was quite the metaphor, hehe. It's chalked down to similar situations, interests, humor, personalities, and  impeccable music taste. It could also be that we are close in age, but then I'd be connected to millions of other people. That doesn't sound possible for me at the moment, but wait a couple years.
So I was chilling, laughing at Calcium crossing the border with his homie Mike, when I had the thought- What if I met them? In my mind, I thought there would be at least a year before they come to Illinois again, so I had time to save money. It became a goal for me, one I was quite sure would never happen. As we discussed, I'm an over achiever with all of my goals. So what did I do? Well it would be so easy to say I wrote each of them a letter. I can't do anything that simple, I'm far too creative for that simplicity. 
From then to now, in almost a years time, so much happened from there. I met one of my closest friends who happens to be an Aussie; all because of a 5sos meme post, and her lack of ability to use Instagram properly. My family fell apart, and I'm not keen on going into detail. Let's just say I've gotten to consider the 5SOSFam as my only real family. I love you guys, you're a wonderful group of humans with a trail mix variety of nuts. Thank you for existing, and for reading this far. 
Over the time I worked, I wrote and drafted maybe 500 different letters? As of late, I actually haven't gotten any letters finished. I made 4 bracelets, not a giant accomplishment. I'm 4/5 the way done with a poster I designed for Calcium. I made Lucas a fetus 5SOS wooden box, and a 5SOS money jar. I wrote Mikey a novel about him as a superhero, with a fan-art for it. That's kind of big actually cause I've never finished writing a longer story before. There's more things, but I don't want to get too technical with it.
I think I have to say the thing that I put most my effort in was a large journal for Ashton. That's because it's filled with art, tumblr posts, and lyrics. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to all of those things. At this point it has some holes because I've drafted the entire 100 or 200 pages over at least 8 different times. Nothing in it is original to the day I started, I made so many mistakes early 2017 for myself and that journal. I was working on the journal when I decided to attempt suicide for the second time.
It's completely crazy, but I've been through a lot with that journal. All of that started with the smallest idea. From the time I started to right now, I've changed so fucking much. I know how to handle my illness, I'm clean of self-harm, I lost a family and gained a new one, I failed at dying and learned how to live, I made an amazing friend, I got closer with my already existing amazing friend, I got a drum-kit, I somehow became a good lyricist, I found my music sound, my singing voice matured unbelievably, I got and lost pets, I got and lost relationships, I'm now in Uni, I'm more independent... I'm finally at the point where I can believe it does in fact get better.
That seems crazy given I've gone through more in 2017-2018 than I did when I came out about my depression, but maybe that's because I know how to spin it. I know how to handle life. Now everytime I'm scared to do something, I do it. Cause that is how you live, that's how you write, that's how you learn. I wouldn't recognize myself. I've gone from broken, bullied, and suicidal to seeing the beauty in my missing pieces, realizing I deserve better, and actually getting out of bed.
I think it might be because of the journal... 
Hear me out, hear me out. I'm not saying it made me who I am, there's a difference between knowing and believing. Just like the difference between reading and comprehending. The difference between seeing and feeling. When I started that I could only talk the talk. Hell, when I started I had a case of putting them on a pedestal. It was never intentional, at the time I didn't even think I was worth anything. Now I see them as equals in most ways, cause when I see them be how they are I feel like I belong somewhere. I mean, I've always strayed from the majority just because I'd rather be myself and be disliked than be liked for being someone I'm not. I never saw the appeal in fitting in other than having someone to sit with at lunch. I didn't need to belong, even though it would have been nice to feel at home somewhere.
That's what I got when I found the dorks. I don't have to play a part to feel like I belong around them. I can be me, and still feel like I fit in. Not conformity, but genuine compatibility. Before them I was made fun of for being weird. I was made fun of for having my own style, for the song references no one understood, for how much I giggle. I was made fun of for my a many ambitious, none of which being realistic. But I still do all of these things. I still sing louder than everyone else. I still air drum and head bang to songs like Careless Whisper because it's really funny in contrast. I still play games, randomly balance objects on my head, dance in public because I don't give a shit about what people think when I'm having fun. 5SOS just helped me realize that girl who I wished I wasn't for most of my life, is actually the only person I'd ever want to be. Unless I could be Will Smith as Deadpool, then I immediately trash my last statement. 
This is gonna get a bit heavy for a moment, but during that last attempt, as I was losing life I was legit thinking about them. How messed up is that? My life was so shitty my dying thoughts were about four idiots from Sydney. But that's how it was, they were my coping skill. I couldn't hold onto life for me after that, so I held on for them. Not because they'd know the difference if I was gone, let's be real, they wouldn't. If they knew of me then maybe, but I was so low on life's food chain at that point. I held onto the idea of making this epic stuff, and handing it to them. 
I'm not even done with the journal!
I had a history of putting too much of myself into things and then being let down and loosing that part of me. So I don't do it, but it became something I did without realizing it. I don't know what I thought would happen. Maybe they'd like who I was, and would want to have a conversation. Maybe I'd be thrown into the fanfic life and get to hang out. Like a beach bonfire filled with laughter, various awesome people, classic rock, teasing, and knowing me, lots of dick jokes accompanying many innuendos. Maybe I'd end up in LA, and get signed to a rock label. I know I'm saying it like it's simple, trust me, I know all too well the effort it takes.
I gained some real maturity, and became even more well rounded. Though I was always the mature one who made a few mistakes here and there. That's one of the reasons I didn't fit in, I was like a 30 year old when I was 13. I'm not gonna say it wouldn't be cool to end up being their home diggle, but now I'm living for me. I saved myself, and they influenced me to. They leant me a helping hand. It would be epic to chill, or to collab on a song. Hell, if I got an opportunity to get signed to Hi or Hey I'd take it in a heartbeat. A small part of it is because I think the dorks are cool in their own odd way, but mostly because the company itself is an awesome fit for me. It produces the same sound I'd like to make, and it sends the same message-
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