#did you guys now tame impala is just one guy
hauntingblue · 10 months
Dua lipa released an extended version of houdini today...
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
pairing: regulus black x female reader
warnings: cursing, fluff, mr no nose
summary: you and reggie being the entertainment in voldemorts cult
a/n: this was funnier in my head, i kinda butchered the idea but oh well, hope you enjoy it !
song: mind mischief - tame impala
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You and Regulus were at a Death Eater meeting. You sat next to each other, as always.
Your hands were under the table as the two of you played rock, paper, scissors.
Lucius was next to you and he watched you hit your thigh, annoyed when you lost.
Voldemort hits his wand on the table twice, waiting for you two to stop.
Caught up in the game, since you had gotten four ties in a row, you both hadn't heard him.
It wasn't until you felt both your heads being slapped in the back did you realize the Dark Lord was waiting on you two.
"If you two are done with your filthy muggle game, I was just about to mention..."
You and Regulus rested your heads on the table, eyes fluttering shut as you two tune out the boring voice of Voldemort.
You were soon awoken by a bang on the table.
"I hope you two enjoyed your beauty sleep," he glares.
"We did," you and Regulus say in union, then high five each other
You glance around the room and notice that everyone else has already gone.
"You two can be excused from this behavior if you teach me how to play that game, but you two mustn't tell a single soul," Voldemort whispers.
You look at each other, a grin making its way to both your faces. You glance back at Voldemort before nodding your heads.
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This was the second meeting this week.
You two had been arguing about random stuff, getting things thrown at the two of you as you ran around shouting at one another.
You were sitting at the meeting, thinking about things that you are better at than Reg.
You suddenly feel a tug on your hair.
"The hell?"
"What?" Regulus shrugs. You turn your head back to the people at the table, but you feel another tug.
"Can you fucking not," you whisper harshly.
"Can you fucking not," he mimics you in a high pitch voice.
You kick his leg with your heel and he lets out a hiss of pain.
Voldemort slaps his hands onto the table, making you both jump.
"Stop this foolishness, now," he orders you two.
"Not until you get a manicure," you roll your eyes and cross your arms.
"I'm sorry?" Voldemort asks as Regulus covers his laugh with his hand.
"A manicure, you know... to fix your nails," you say as you look at the people around the table. Most of them are either scared for you, or just shaking their heads.
You feel another tug on your hair, this time harder.
"Ow! Regulus, what the fuck," you hold your head.
"Enough!" Voldemort shouts.
"He's just mad he has no hair for someone to pull," Reggie whispers in your ear.
"Make one more comment on the topic of my baldness-"
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Sat next to Regulus, you two were gossiping about the Death Eaters.
Not everything you were discussing was true, but they were things you heard.
For example, Regulus heard some muggleborn girls laughing about how Lucius looks like something they call a "Barbie".
After you two found out what it was, you couldn't get that picture out of your head.
You two giggling like children while pointing at Lucius and whispering to each other.
"Are you both done laughing at me," Lucius stares at you both with a bored face.
"Whatever do you mean, Lucy."
"First, don't call me that. Second, you know exactly what I mean!"
"We really don't."
"Fine," you huff, "we were just comparing your looks you a Barbie Doll," you explain.
"A what?" Voldemort and Lucius asks.
"Let me show you," you take out your wand and conjure a Barbie.
Regulus takes it and holds it out to them.
To everyone's surprise, Voldemort himself starts laughing.
He points his finger back and for between the doll and Lucius as he laughs.
"You guys are right! He does indeed look like Barbara!"
"Same thing."
"Not you too, My Lord," Lucious runs a hand over his face.
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"Who the fuck did this!"
"Uh, oh," you and Reg sigh. You figured that after the conversation with hair at one of the recent meetings, Voldemort would want some.
But you two decided that was too nice for your liking. So you decided on clown hair.
Voldemort comes rushing into the living room, where everyone was on the couches.
Gasps of horror filled the room as people stared at the bright rainbow hair.
"You two," Voldemort snarls.
"You," you both grin.
"What have you done to my head!"
"We thought you could use some hair," you smile innocently at him.
"You call this rubbish hair?!"
"Hey! We think it suits you!" Regulus exclaims as you nod in agreement.
"Get it off of me, this instant!"
He starts speed walking to you, you two tried so hard not to laugh at the sight, that your eyes started watering.
He is almost where you guys are sat when you two stand up and start sprinting out of the room.
"Gotta go!" Reg shouts as you rush out into the hall.
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causenessus · 4 months
new grounds
part 0.10. TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE . . . 2.3.2024
PLAYING IN THE CAFE . . . yes i'm changing by tame impala
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things were a little quiet after what had happened.
when she first walked into the cafe, she hadn’t seen him and had headed straight for the back. she came back out wearing an apron and almost ran into him.
this happened on a regular basis; the doorway was right around a corner so no one could see if anyone was coming from the other direction. but today was different.
normally–or at least when they had still been at a no-talking-give-each-other-dirty-looks (it was just her giving him dirty looks, his normal face just effortlessly looks angry and mean)-“i hate you” (one-sided, just her hating him because she was convinced he hated her) stage–whenever they almost ran into each other he just kept moving. in the beginning, she would have mumbled a sorry either mumbled a sorry or would have kept on walking as well.
but today, when she walked out of the back, when he saw her he stopped. it surprised her and she stopped too. he had looked at her for a second before she thought she saw his face turn slightly pink and he rushed past her.
the first thought in her mind was immediately that he had stopped because of how she looked today and that made her face warm as well. she tried to focus on taking orders instead, but everything in her was distracted by something else. she was picking at her fingers, her heart was beating fast enough that she could hear it in her ears that had also warmed, and she was absentmindedly repeating back orders and cashing people out. he hadn’t come back to start on any of the orders yet and it was messing with her.
she wanted to see him again, just to confirm what she was thinking. had he stopped because of her or just because he was surprised to see her? but she needed to calm down too before he saw her like this, red-faced and shaking. 
then suddenly he was next to her beginning another order and her thoughts only raced more. she felt like a little school girl the way just his presence could make her a nervous wreck.
how did she feel about him? god, what was wrong with her?
maybe she needed to leave and take a break in the back too. something stupid felt like it was on the verge of blurting out of her mouth. 
she called the order she had just finished, praying to god she had at least made the right drink before she walked into the back again, throwing open the door to the cooler and walking in.
she was pretty sure there was a camera in here but who was going to check it? no one, she hoped. she paced back and forth, letting her face cool down before she came back out. 
when she did, the order screen was empty and he was there, leaning against a counter looking at the floor. he looked up and it took everything in her not to let her heart race and turn her face bright red again. 
“oh. hi,” he said, standing a little straighter.
she tried to act normal, making her way to stand next to him against the same counter. her response was small and quiet, “hi.”
he was racking his brain trying to find something to talk about. he always failed at conversations after the initial greeting. she was looking towards the floor now too, biting her lip as she played with her fingers. “uh…” he started and she looked up, giving her full attention to whatever he was saying. what was he saying? “...that show was really good. the one you guys did last week.”
that brought a smile to her face and he felt himself mirror it. if she was happy, he was happy.
“really? you liked it? i know it was kind of a really weird show but i thought it was pretty funny at the same time. i think i did see you in the audience, actually. you kept looking at the ceiling...were you okay?” she asked, her head tilting a little as she thought about the memory.
“oh, i didn’t know you guys could see that,” he felt a little embarrassed just thinking about it. he probably looked so stupid looking up rather than what was right in front of him the whole show. “i just thought whoever was doing the lighting was doing a good job. that was one of the first shows i’ve ever been to but i realized how much the colors were influencing how we felt so i kept looking up to see what color they would change to next.” he had averted his eyes initially, focusing on a spot on the floor as he tried to explain his thoughts but he looked back at her as he continued, “what was your job again? i feel like you’ve said it somewhere before but i can’t remember.”
maybe he was just bad at reading people’s faces but she almost looked like she was about to cry. but it seemed like they'd be happy tears. she was pouting with her brows furrowed like he had said the sweetest thing on earth, “do you really mean that?”
he blinked, slightly confused by the question, “yeah. why else would i keep looking at the ceiling?"
she could have hugged him on the spot. if keiji had said something like that she would have been screaming and throwing himself into his arms but she tried to contain herself. “sorry," she began, placing a hand on the back of her neck and looking away, "i just say that because i was the lighting designer and board operator, so that means a lot. it’s in my twitter description so you may have read that there.”
that clicked in his memory once she mentioned her twitter description. “you’re right, that’s where i remember seeing that. well,” her eyes slowly looked back up at him and he tried to give her a small smile, “you did a good job.”
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they’re putting up chairs when he decides to ask.
“hey,” he starts, to grab her attention. she looks over from the table she just placed a chair over, “we live around the same area, do you want to walk home together again?” sometimes he’s surprised at his own boldness, if he can even call it that. in reality, he just focuses his entire being on what he wants to say and takes it one word at a time.
“if you’re okay waiting for a second, sure,” she answers, “i just have to bring the mugs back from the dishwasher and then i’ll be good.”
“yeah i can wait,” he responds. he's so focused on talking to her he barely keeps himself from saying what's going through his mind. that he could wait for her forever and that this is nothing. but that sounds stupid and sappy so he lifts up another chair instead while she disappears into the back.
once she’s grabbed her bag, she finds him waiting by the door, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket that’s been zipped all the way up. the collar slightly hides his face, making him look even grumpier than usual.
he follows her outside the door before they walk side by side. it feels easier to talk to him today than the last time they walked together, “you know, i didn’t take you as the type to come see a play anyway. did bokuto make you guys come? i saw his tweet, and technically keiji and i did ask him to try to get people to come. he knows a lot more people than us.”
he could stop her and tell her right now. he could tell her no, he actually came because he wanted to see her and what she was passionate about. then he could explain that his friends had actually placed bets on how long it would take for him to ask them to come with him only for him to defy all of their expectations and it was actually only thanks to one of them asking that they went. maybe she would find that funny.
 “yeah, he asked us if we wanted to come with him but i’m glad we did,” he settles for a small lie instead. that's probably better than explaining how nervous she makes him. 
“i’m glad you came too,” she said, facing him with that smile of hers.
if he was thankful for anything today, it was that he got to see her smile today, and that maybe he had been the reason for it.
tsukishima had given him the perfect advice. he wouldn't be able to suppress these feelings forever, but he would never be able to tell her if he didn't step out of his comfort zone. he had run away before, and he regretted it. he wasn't never going to do anything regarding her that he would regret ever again.
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my brain writes in whatever tense it wants so i apologize for going from past tense to present
sigmund freud was on cocaine in case you weren't aware. what a king
whenever yn can vague tweet she can and will because she knows she has a private account but she needs to get her feelings out to more than three people
(it's also her way of trying to give kageyama hints but he never gets them and needs tsukishima to explain everything to him)
yn did make more today but it may have also been due to how sweet she was with everyone at the register because she was giggling and kicking her feet over everything kags said to her <3
(i was going to go on a whole tangent about how the way we perceive ourselves changed doesn't mean something suddenly becomes true and so you all actually look good all the time but then i realized it counteracted like half of this chapter's plot so here's your reminder that you look hot today)
literally the only thing different about y/n today that made her feel prettier than usual was that she got more sleep and decided to wear eyeshadow
the coffee shop does usually get pretty good tips for their environment, coffee, and free entertainment for example:
on yachi-keiji days it's often creating new concotions
on yn-keiji days there are lots of giggles and messes
on yn-kags days it's a free rom-com drama happening in real time
yn-yachi days = gossip time
kags started tweeting about needing help and asthma because he was freaking out and was so embarrassed after he stopped when he saw y/n which is why he took so long in the back because he also went into the cooler to force himself to calm down
if anyone actually checked the security cameras they would have seen kags enter and go 🧍‍♂️ for like eight minutes and then 10 minutes later y/n come in and walk around in circles
someone passed yn and kags as they were walking home and thought they were a cute couple of a cold boy walking his sweet girlfriend home because yn was rambling about something the entire way home and he was just nodding along the entire time with adoration in his eyes
it's very important for kags to understand and listen to what other people are passionate about because he knows what it's like to have a passion and he thinks it's important to acknowledge what other people love as well and he learns/begins to understand a person based off of their passions <3
taglist: @ncitygreen @lvrlamp @cherrypieyourface @mimi3lover @lees-chaotic-brain @frootloopscos @0moonii @cr4yolaas @eggyrocks @pinkiscool @httpakkeiji @localgaytrainwreck @lunaviee @kitty-m30w @lixie-phoria @aliruuiz @corvid007 @iluv-ace @yvjitadori @k8nicole @ryeyeyer @thechaosoflonging @kettlepop @r0seandth0rns @rinheartshyunlix @lucky-chars (form to be added to taglist! <3)
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lvrcpid · 2 years
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this indicates a flashback. ‘kehe’ means no. previous || next
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“(y/n)..can we talk?” a voice called to you. the voice was familiar. you turned your head to meet eyes with lo’ak, tuk close behind him. your scrunched your face up slightly before pushing yourself up, making your way over to tsireya to let her know you would be gone for a few. the anger you harbored from the pervious days still lingering in your spirit.
the walk deeper into the forest was quiet. tuk had offered to hold your hand, afraid you were going to change your mind and walk away. of course you let her, the little girl essentially did nothing wrong. you couldn’t hold your family’s mess over her head, it just wasn’t fair.
you hadn’t realized it but you all had made it up to a waterfall, the sounds of the water filled your ears as you took in the scenery, the wish swimming around in the pond beneath it. you smiled a bit, you always liked fish, they represented innocence to you in a childish way.
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tuk had pulled you over to an area the rest of your siblings sitting and talking on the rocks nearby. once they heard your footsteps, their backs instantly straightened. you could feel the nervous energy fill the air, taking a long sigh as you dropped tuks hand slightly, a small noise coming from the girls mouth, the loss of warmth startling her.
‘what is this? some sort of intervention? you guys didn’t hear me the other day?-‘ you were cut off by kiri. ‘(y/n) just listen..please? i know you don’t want to hear what we have to say and i don’t blame you but at least hear us out’ she said, bringing you over to where they sat, sitting down next to you.
neteyam spoke up next, hesitance in his voice. ‘(y/n)..i’m sorry for calling you selfish- you’re totally right for how you feel and we’re so sorry it took us this long to see it’ your face scrunched up. you’ve been on this planet for 16 years. forgotten for 16 years. and it took them just now to realize they messed up? god they were impossible.
you shook your head before standing up, setting tuk back down silently as she tried to follow your action. ‘i’m gonna stop you right there. listen you-‘ you pointed a finger at them, your hard gaze instantly softening as you noticed their ears falling flat against their skulls. you took a deep breath before putting your hand down, sighing as you spoke again. ‘i appreciate the apology you guys but i cant forgive you all- not yet at least’
the sully kids looked disappointed at your words. they knew you weren’t going to forgive them just yet but it didn’t hurt to try. ‘i still love you guys, i always will and i will always be your big sibling..but i can’t be home right now’ you admitted, opening your arms and almost stumbling over as they all hugged you, feeling a few tears on your chest. ‘i love you guys alright? if you need anything..you know where to find me’ and with that, you left.
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your mind wandered as you made your way back to the festival. you didn’t know how long you’d been gone for. couldn’t have been less than 20 minutes right? while you were worried about that. you were also worried for your parents. you wanted to hate them. you wanted to rip them a new one all over again. you wanted to see them cry again. but a part of you felt bad for them.
‘mommy! daddy! look at what i did!’ you were currently showing your parents the butterfly that just landed on your nose. you wiggled around as it tickled you ever so slightly. you were around 4. granted the others were around, you parents still paid you some sort of attention.
jake had lo’ak on his hip, bouncing him as he nodded your way, smiling before rubbing a hand on your head ‘i see baby, you’re gonna be an animal whisperer when you grow up’. neytiri made her way over to you, gently grabbing the butterfly and putting it in your tiny hands. ‘you’re special..butterflies never get this close’ she said. your eyes twinkled as you bounced up and down, the butterfly flying away. ‘i’m special! i’m special!’. you were so happy at that moment. but that was truly the last time you were acknowledged like that. with love.
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you had stumbled back to the festival. you didn’t realize it but you were crying. overwhelming tears streamed down your face as rotxo ran up to you, worry covering his face. ‘(y/n)? what’s the matter why are you crying what happened?!’ he said, scanning your body for any cuts or bruises. you said nothing as you shrugged, the tears continuing to fall. his mouth went into a straight line as he put an arm around your shoulder, leaning into you as he lead you out of the festival.
rotxo being the sweetheart he is, took you “home” but made sure you were okay first, opting to stay with you just for a while longer. are you sure? i don’t mind staying with you-‘ ‘rotxo im okay i promise’ you put a warm hand on his cheek, thanking him for taking you home. the metkayina boy felt his face heat up, speechless as you ran into the mauri.
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‘ma jake we have to go get them! they’re our child!’ neytiri yelled, her voice booming against the walls. jake cringed a bit, nodding his head before sighing. ‘neytiri i understand but-‘ ‘kehe! they’re our child..they need to come home!’ neytiri is now in tears yet again, for the 5th time that day. she wanted to be alone, wallowing in her “misery” since the moment she opened her eyes.
jake felt sad as well, but he mostly felt guilty. the guilt slowly eating at him by the hour. he remembers the day you were born. you were his first baby. you were what made his day. how could he have ever forgotten you. jake felt stupid. like a damn idiot. his family was slowly falling apart and it was his fault.
after a few minutes of silence, jake took neytiri into his arms, hugging his mate tightly before speaking. ‘we’re going to bring them home okay? i’m going to bring them home’ his words were shaky, your outburst the day before did a number on his confidence and pride, he didn’t want a repeat of it. neither of them did. neytiri looked at her husband and nodded before wiping her tears, taking comfort in his hold.
while he held his wife, jake began to think of a plan to bring you home. they wanted to make things right with you. they loved you. yeah they didn’t show it worth a damn, but they did and they were going to make sure you knew.
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the sun rose upon the horizon bringing in a new day. you were up early as usual, tsireya and ao’nung dragging you by your “skinny tail” (in words of ao’nung) to the ocean. rotxo and a few of his friends decided to join you all, venturing out into the ocean you’ve seen a million times yet can’t get enough of.
rotxo made it a thing to take you further beyond the reef, showing you the beauties that you haven’t seen before. you didn’t notice, but the boy would catch himself staring at you, in-captured with you’re unwavering beauty.
your body emerged from the water, splashing around with your new found friends and “siblings”. after a while you all got hungry. breakfast should’ve been done by now so you all broke your separate ways, promising each other to meet back up later.
the three of you walked back into the mauri, your back turned as you faced the siblings, in the middle of a story. ‘so then i told her, i’m not doing it for you you’re just gonna have to-‘ you bumped into a hard chest. ao’nung and tsireya’s face dropped. you assumed it was tonowari so you turned around quick to apologize, only to be met with your father.
‘oh..hi’ you said, the air growing awkward. ‘(y/n) we want you to come home..’ he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. you only rolled your eyes and shrugged him off, ‘no thanks im fine here’
‘i wasn’t asking (y/n) i’m telling. you’re coming home’
you were taken aback. his face fell serious and the tone of his voice dropped. he was serious but you were still persistent. ‘no im not’ you shook your head, looking back to tonowari and ronal but to no avail, they couldn’t even lock eyes with you. ‘he is your father my child..he has say over this..’ ronal admitted. you were shocked, what happened to the stone faced tsahìk from a few days ago? just then tonowaris deep voice rang against your head.
‘we’re sorry (y/n) but you must go home..’
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tags 🏷️: @23victoria @avtprint @bucky12345 @boilingpots @Marcswife21 @elegantkidfansoul @itsyogurl @stars4deku @stvpidscvpid @uniltsatirey @urdeadpoet @annamarieisbae @graysonmalik2550 @blueberryfailureclinic @jordan-network @newjeansbonnie @stickyfictioninwriting @fanboyluvr @zatarias-pandora @jjkclub b @elvyshiarieko @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @adaiasafira @scarletrosesposts @spicycloudsalad @vane28282 @nuttyrebelflower @aemondmyl0ve @msbimb0 @neteyamforlife @gamorxa @sharni07 @thegooberboy @theesexystallion @nanaitesully @destinylb @fandom-garbage @dakotali @1ntefly @sicklscream @osumarusjade @rosemaryblossoms @malfoylaufeysonweasleybarnes @zatarias-pandora @mac-the-oregonian @dreamergirljen @laylasbunbunny @n39ro-chann @nikqdn @ayanies @muthamergya @historygeekqueen @jihyowl @justthingzsblog @yukichan67 @your-girl-mj @ok-boke @ecliipsedpoet @kthehoeforfictionalmen
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raffe156 · 2 years
Escape to the country part 4
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Pairing - Price X MC (Tank) F!reader
Summary - This one broke me a little bit close to 6K but hope you love it strap in! 
For Luke I had this image of Henry cavill in my head sorry if he's not your cup of tea.
You can read the other parts here
A/N - I really appreciate all the recent feedback and asks! Please keep em coming! It only spurs me on haha feel free to reblog 💖
Here's some of the songs I listened to while writing this and what I think goes well with reading:
Mt. Joy - “Dirty Love”
Foster the people - “Lambs wool”
Tame Impala - “Eventually”
Beach house - “Space song”
Steve Lacy -”Dark red” (Of course)
Lorde - “Ribs” (This one is more for Tank & Kyle)
Phantogram - “Black out days”
Maneskin - “The Loneliest”
Young the Giant - “My way”
Sufjan Stevens - “Fourth of July” (Had to get the depression just right)
Warnings for the whole storyline - Under 18+ DNI,  angst, Smut, Language, mutual pining, alcohol,fluff, Age gap Relationship feelings, Price (39) reader (Tank, 25) 
Tags: @irnbru32 @shuttlelauncher81 @mildlyhopeless @mentallynot-here​ @deadbranch @soapyghost
I know I had more tag request but for some reason it wont let me tag you guys!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters Only Tank & Luke
You were sat at the kitchen table listening to Kyle talk about how he had had the best night's sleep of his life, you, on the other hand, had spent the last remaining hours lying awake unable to close your eyes as when you did your mind was filled with the images of Price and her, tangled up in his sheets, bodies crashed together, him whispering how she feels so good under him, how he wants her and she of course wants him. His grunts and groans, Images of them just being together in the house, walking around like she owned the place, cuddled up together in front of the fire…just like he had done with you…She must have been round more recently than Price had initially said for her underwear to be under his bed, he had said she came when it wasn’t even liveable so that now of course you knew wasn't true, you tormented yourself for the rest of the night wondering when she had come to ‘visit’ him.
“Take it you didn't get much sleep last night, I can tell by your face…I’ve seen that look before”
“What look?”
“The one on your face right now, you look like shit, sorry but you do Tank, what’s up?”
“Thanks…I'm just super tired, couldn't really sleep last night, unfamiliar you know me”
“I do an that’s why I call bullshit…something else is wrong…did something happen last night after I went to bed? I noticed you weren’t behind me when I went up”
You shifted in your seat, god dammit he did know you, knew you very well, but you couldn’t tell him the reason you had been up all night was because your Captain had shagged the Irish Doctor and you were jealous, well not jealous upset that he had lied…but yeh jealous because you had these messed up feelings that you couldn't make sense of and felt or at least had an indication that he felt the same way? Instead You looked at him giving him a weak smile.
“No nothing happened ha ha I came up not long after you, like I said just unfamiliar setting that’s all, but I could do with a coffee please if your making one”
Kyle could see right through you, but he thought best not to push and hoped that given time you would tell him what was going on in that head of yours, he only wanted to help.
“Fair enough, I did see that Cap got us that shitty cold brew stuff that we love so much? Want one of them? Perk you up a bit you miserable cow?”
His grin made you smile a genuine one. Even when he didn't have a clue what was going on her knew how to help.
“Yeh go on then, I’ll need it for this walk today…and just today in general”
“Oh yeh nature hike and a pub dinner didn't he say? Wonder if he’s even up?” Kyle glanced over at the clock on the wall 9:30am it wasn't like Price to stay in past 6, maybe off-duty Price was different?
“Wanna go wake him up? Ill make you a brew to take up to him?”
“Erm no you go wake him up, I got him in bed you can get him out of it…” you stopped realising that you had just dropped yourself in it.
“I'm sorry what? You got him in bed did you just say?” Kyle was on you like a rash. His face puzzled but intrigued. You shooed him away and put your hand out for your drink that he was withholding from you now for answers.
“Gods sake Kyle give me the coffee, I came down for a herbal tea because I couldn't sleep and he was down here drunk as a skunk so I helped him up to bed that’s all” you were getting tetchy now and Kyle could tell he’d touched a nerve.
“Oh ok, hey if you hadn’t he would of ended up sleeping down here I bet haha”
“Yeh I would have done and had a bad back to show for it! Thanks again for that Kid” Price walked into the kitchen as he passed you he rubbed your back with his hand. The heat you got from his touch would have made you smile normally, but this time it caused your body to flinch forward. The movement went unnoticed by Price as he made his way over to the kettle to pour himself a brew.
“Weathers just right for a walk today, couple hours out then we can come back get showered and changed and go to the local gastro pub for dinner how does that sound?” Price smiled at you both, but he lingered on you for a minute longer, his eyes bright, blue and hopeful. You returned it with a smile. You couldn’t help it, all you saw was her perched on the counter with a glass of wine as he cooked. Maybe you should just go home…
Price glanced back at you trailing behind him and Kyle, your head somewhere else entirely. His stomach a mixture of butterflies and knots since this morning when he had woken up remembering how you had found him downstairs drunk, how you had been stood with just a T-shirt on, his T-shirt you had kept it, he thought about how it would smell like you now and how he wanted it back, or better yet wanted you two to share it.
If you hadn’t of stopped him last night he would have told you how he felt, how he had been feeling for some time and that maybe, just maybe you would be willing to give him a chance, and you would figure the rest out later, but this morning you seemed off somehow. Maybe you were just tired he knew how you could be with new places.
You noticed Price looking back at you every so often, each time you gave him a weak smile or just pretended you hadn’t clocked his looks. How long were you going to keep this up for? You didn’t have the right to be jealous, but the thoughts were swirling inside you making you stomach churn, he was going to want to talk to you at some point either about last night or just your shitty attitude in general.
“You ok back there, not going to fast for you are we?” Price stopped just a few feet ahead of you. His eyes giving you a secret “what's the matter” look as Kyle walked ahead to greet the herd of highland cows that had gather along the cobble wall.
“Im fine really, just tired couldn’t get back to sleep last night” you weren’t exactly lying. You glanced up at him finally making eye contact, he looked worried as though he had done something wrong, and he hadn’t, not really he had lied to you but it wasn’t really your business to know either he didn't owe you an explanation you just expected one and that was wrong of you, but you couldn't get the image of it out of your head every time you glanced at him there she was draped on his arm, nuzzled into his chest, face in the crook of his neck. Had he also given her this waterproof jacket to or even walked this same trail, what little trinket did he have in his room for her? It was bubbling up now spitting up an out you opened your mouth to speak but it was interrupted by a loud whistle, you both snapped round to see the herd of cows all marching away from the wall, but as they parted you noticed a tall man walking over to greet Kyle on the other side.
“Alright Pricey!” he waved over at you both his eyes giving you the once over before flashing a set of perfect white teeth.  Price gave a little huff at the interaction walking over to the wall. You followed close behind. Pricey?
“Alright Luke mate, how’s things?” Price nodded his head at the man. As you got a closer look at him he seemed to forget Price had even spoke and instead watched as you walked around Price to stand near Kyle who was halfway over the wall stroking a baby cow.
“Yeh…good keeping these lots happy is busy work but the best kind” Luke nodded back to the herd of about 20 cows.
“I’ve been meaning to speak to you actually about the dead oak that’s round the back of the houses, I’ve got a mate who can get it moved for us I meant to knock on yesterday but seen you had guests…” His words trailed off as he glanced at you again giving you a wink. He was a brave one you thought. Price puffed his chest out once again. He was obviously irritated by the situation. Did Luke live next door to price?
“Yeh I'll get it sorted, give me you mates number ill give him a ring when I get chance got my hands full with these two this weekend”
You waved as you introduced yourself, giving Kyle a kick to do the same.
“Didn’t know you had Kids Pricey” Luke looked you and Kyle over, he must be joking right? You peered over at Price who was giving Luke that eye-crinkling smile but the patronizing one that was only reserved for when you had fucked up big time.
“Hahaha no not my kids, Luke I’m not that old, workmates, both city slickers coming to spend some time in the fresh outdoors!” You could see Price edging his way back from the wall. You would be lying if you didn't think Luke was handsome, he was a slightly bigger build than Price, dark brown hair from what you could see under his beanie hat and a big beard, his eyes a pale blue. What were you doing? You were staring and Luke noticed. He gave you a cheeky wink again causing your face to blush slightly and a smirk to tug at the corner of your mouth. Price cleared his throat.
“Anyway best be off, doing the waterfall walk then heading to the hound for an early Dinner” Price placed his hand on your shoulder and ever so gently started to push you.
“Oh no worries might join you for a drink later eh? You can tell me all about the big city…” there was that smile again. He had a look of arrogance, but he wore it well you thought.
“Yeh might see you there…if not ill be round later for that mate of yours number” Price was now steering you away from the nice man, the stranger with the cheeky grin. Luke whistled his cows again still looking at you as you walked away Price firmly at your back. If Price could have his Irish Doctor, why couldn’t you have your country Farmer?
The walk had taken longer than expected, so Price decided that it was best to just head straight to the Pub it was a short 10min walk, you secretly thought it was so you didn't run into Luke again.
You walked into the old Tudor building it was cosy the smell of wet pine and slightly stale beer filled your nose. The door frames were warped and Price and Kyle had to duck under most of them. As the waitress guided you to your table everyone let on to John and the pair of you two asking how he was and how he’d been keeping causing you to have to stop every few meters. When you finally got seated you were greeted by yet another woman who was overly friendly with Price and gave you the cold shoulder. She was probably a pleasant-looking woman when she was younger but the years and the cigarettes hadn’t been kind to her, skinny and blonde with too much red lipstick on. She spoke to Price as if they were old lovers. Oh great another one you thought.
“Well its good to see you John, really it is, we should do lunch sometime do you still have my number?” She stroked his arm handing him a business card. Kyle gave you a look and you had to bite your lip to stop from laughing.
“Yeh Tracey was lovely seeing you too, take care” Price waved her on.
“Old flame eh boss?” Kyle was pretending to browse the menu while shooting you a grin. Price shook his head a slight smile creeping on his face.
“Yeh you could say that, but way back when we were kids” Price looked over the business card.
“I'm sure she married actually…”
You had all finished your meals and were now sat out in the main room of the pub, An old fella named Tommy was singing country road on the karaoke trying to get people up on the small stage with him. Price had been asked 3 times to sing, You told Kyle you would pay good money to witness that. You had all had a few drinks by now and you were feeling a little better the vodka had numbed the images and you could look Price in the eyes not for long but it made the atmosphere less tense. Price had noticed you had relaxed he still couldn't think what had changed overnight he had rattled his brain the entire hike he hadn’t said anything had he? Had he come on too strong did you know what he was going to say last night and stopped him to save yourself and him the embarrassment of turning him down, he did think deep down he was being an old fool. You were a bright young 24 year old why on earth would you want to be getting about with a nearly 40-year-old man but he couldn’t help but hope?
He watched you sing along you and Kyle shoulder-to-shoulder arms around each other. Not only did you light up the room you lit up something in him and he wasn't ready to give up on just yet. He decided he was going to have chat with you tomorrow morning, but for tonight he would just enjoy you here with him.
Just as Price was about to get another round in, he watched as your attention turned to the door your best smile on your face. He turned to see Luke walking over to the table his eyes trained on you as if the place was empty. Price felt his scalp prickle with anger, but surely he didn't have anything to worry about, you weren’t easily flattered with a flash smile and smooth words you weren't like other women. He stood up to greet Luke with a handshake, a firm handshake maybe a bit too firm as it caused Luke to break his eye contact with you and pat him on the shoulder.
“Easy there Pricey, don't know your own strength nearly crushed my hand! How are you Kyle mate” Luke reached out his hand to shake Kyles, who still had his arm around your shoulder singing, Kyle was a lightweight.
“He’s a little bit drunk” you shouted over the current singer, now , mumbling away to UB40’s “Red red wine”
“I can see that haha and what about you, you want another one?” He flashed that cheeky smile again.
“Go on then Vodka lime soda please” You downed your current one.
“Adda girl, wanna come to the bar you can help me back with the rest?”
You nodded, you didn't need to ask Kyle what he wanted you knew his choice of drink off by heart, Price would have another Whisky. Without even looking back you followed Luke to the bar. He smelt of fresh-cut grass and aftershave, it lingered around you. Standing at the bar he placed his hand on the other side of you enclosing you against it his chest pressed to your back, he was a bold one you thought, but you didn't mind, you could see Price looking over in the mirror behind the bar, he looked pissed off, but the pang of guilt didn't last long as Luke was now in your ear trying to talk to you over the load music you felt his cheek brush against yours his beard tickled your earlobe.
“So what is your do? you don’t look like a lorry driver?” Lorry driver? Oh was this what Price told people he did?
“Ohh no I'm not, I work in logistics back at the depot” you smirked. Logistics? Not far off well it was way off but it was nice to pretend haha if only he knew.  
“Ohh so your the brains of the operation nice” His face a few inches from yours, you the brains of the operation? Price would be holding his sides laughing if he had heard that. The barmaid came over to take your order, she obviously had a thing for Luke as she was giving you the dirtiest look imaginable. But you couldn't blame her he was handsome. Your drinks came and you both made your back to the table. Kyle was now up on stage singing Neil Diamond's “Sweet Caroline” you gave him a wolf whistle.
“GO ON KYLE!!” Luke shouted above the crowd as they all joined in for the chorus. Price had a faint smile on his face but as he looked over at you it soon faded. Luke had made himself comfortable with you too comfortable for Price’s liking. As you handed him his whisky he tried to make eye contact with you and give you a ‘want me to get rid of him’ look, but as soon as he took his glass you turned your attention back to Luke and whatever he was saying that was making you giggle. His arm around the back of our chair leaning in that little bit too close, Price could feel his jaw clenching and turned his focus on Kyle who now had half the pub up singing with him. Even over the commotion, he could still hear you and Luke laughing, he could snap his neck he thought, it would be easy he’d done it before.
“So is there a Mr Tank” Luke cocked his eyebrow at you, you squinted your eyes at him smiling.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing, but no there isn’t, is there a Mrs. Highland cow?” You took a large swig of your drink nearly downing it. His eyes lit up.
“No there isn’t a Mrs highland cow, there was but we broke up about a year ago, she wanted to go live in the city and I wanted to stay here, thought I was going to marry her as well but things happen yah know” he looked down into his pint almost sad. You felt a slight pang in your heart for him. Loving something but having to let it go.
“The city isn’t all it's cracked up to be, not spent much time down here but I like it…could see myself living down here…” you meant it, you really liked the quiet and in your line of work you needed that escape. Price felt that telltale flutter in his chest at your words, you liked it down here and he was happy and willing to give you a home he thought.
“Well you’ve always got a room at mine whenever you want” Price gave your thigh a squeeze followed by a wink.
“I Don’t think Dr. O'Brien would appreciate us having sleepovers do you John?” You couldn't hide the snarl as the words left your mouth. Price’s face was a mixture of confusion and anger where had that come from?
Kyle and his backing singers were now onto their 3rd song of the night Kc & the sunshine band ‘Give it up’. Luke didn't have a clue what was going but could feel the tension like static in the air before a storm, so before the thunder rolled in he intervened.
“Hey come keep me company while I have a smoke…I’m dying to know more about the logistics of HGV driving” He tugged on your arm. You shot Price a look as you stood up, Luke draped his arm around you steering you out the back. Your blood was rushing through your body.
You weren't a little toy he could keep on a shelf to play with when he felt like it.
You were brought back round by the cold dusk air biting at your cheeks, you had forgot to bring your jacket out with you, but as if he had read your mind Luke opened his coat offering you shelter. He gave you a smirk at he lit his cigarette up with his other hand.
“Either get in here with me or you go back into whatever the fuck that was and get your coat? Your choice”
You didn't fancy heading back in so thought fuck it, and tried to wrap your arms around him he was broad and your hands couldn't quite reach so you opted for one clinging to the back of his jumper and the other resting on his chest and as you tucked yourself in he closed his coat over you both your face just popping out you could feel the sting of tears but blinked them away and instead basked in the calm warmth Luke was providing.
After a few moments Luke looked down at you.
“You ok in there? Warm enough?”
You nodded, this guy was a stranger not a few hours ago and now you were bundled up in his coat pressed against him, but you didn't care. Luke cleared his throat.
“It's not my place, but what’s the deal with you and Price? You guys have history or something?” He took another drag of his cigarette. History you and Price? Haha where could you even start? You had known him since you were 16, had been hand selected by him, fought side by side, been in dire situations and come out somewhat intact, you had taken a bullet for him he had kept your head above water. He reminded you that what you did mattered “We get dirty and the world stays clean” he had told you and Kyle that an you had both believed him. What you and Price were couldn’t be confined to just one sentence, so you didn't try.
“You could say that, but that's all it is history” you peered up at Luke his grey-blue eyes side-eyeing you.
“What?” You felt the slight flutter of butterflies. Luke didn't answer, instead he flicked his cigarette out and cupped your face pulling you up into a deep kiss, you opened your mouth allowing his ashtray-tasting tongue to explore your mouth. You could feel his heart beating fast under your hand as he tightened his other arm around you pulling you in closer. With one movement he had you trapped between the wall and his body trailing kisses down your neck. He smelt of cigarette smoke, beer and cut grass, it was different to Price’s cigars, whisky and smoked cedar but you didn't mind that.
“Tell me to stop…” he whispered softly kissing your jaw. You didn't want him to so you stayed silent, you looped your hands around his neck and jumped wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands automatically grabbing your arse. You continued your kiss, you could feel him getting hard through his jeans. Just as you both took a moment to catch your breath you heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path. It was probably one of the regulars coming out for a smoke. Luke put you down but cloaked you with his coat. Your warm breath mingled together in a cloud in the cold air. Luke gave you a cheeky smile his thumb stroking your cheek. He looked to see if the stranger had wandered back round to the front of the pub so you could continue, but his smile dropped. You heard the familiar gravelly voice of Your Captain.
“We’re heading back now Tank, Kyles had one too many” Your heart sank as he spoke you could hear the anger in his voice.
“Ok…I’ll be right behind you” your voice a low mumble. He must of heard as you could hear his footsteps walking away and back round to where he must of left Kyle. You dared to peek over Lukes coat seeing Price helping Kyle walk up the road.
“Where’s Tank, can’t leave her here Boss we come as a 3 pack!” Kyle was now clearly in distress trying to turn back around to find you, it tugged at your heart, but your were frozen to the spot.
“She’s alright lad, she's alright she’ll find her way back home” Price was rubbing kyles shoulder calming him down, pulling him back in the right direction. Luke looked down at you, his hand now on the back of your neck he pulled you into him for a hug and you let it happen, his slowing heart rate soothing you, you felt the prickle of tears forming and did you best to keep them at bay but one escaped causing you to sniffle.
“Let’s go have another drink eh? Getting cold out here” He kissed your cheek and lead you back inside.
You walked with Luke back home, he did after all live next door to Price. Luke made you laugh even though you didn't feel like it, it was nice.
“So do you run the farm by yourself?” You walked tucked into him you hand finding a loop on his coat to cling to.
“No I run it with my 4 brothers, so always someone to cover for me if I want to take some time off” He cocked his eyebrow at you, the hint didn't go unnoticed.
“Thought you didn't like the city?” You rolled your eyes dramatically.
“Never said I didn't like it, and besides think I have a reason to visit it more now” he pulled you in closer to him. You didn't mind the idea. Maybe this made more sense?
“An what reason would that be Luke?” You stopped just round the corner from the houses. Looking up at him a little smirk on your face. He answered you with a firm but gentle kiss.
“Good reason” you mumbled against his lips. You continued walking back to the houses, you glanced at Price’s house only the porch light was lit, the feeling of dread was slowly returning. Maybe he had gone to bed. Not that you owed him an explanation just as he didn't owe you one. You looked back at Luke he gave you that cheeky grin.
Would he still like you if he knew what you really did, would he still want to kiss you knowing what you had done. What about the scars that littered your body how would you explain them, you didn't have to with Price he understood he had ones to match yours. Would Luke understand? Would he kiss them and tell you he still thought you were beautiful? What about when you woke howling like a wounded animal in the night like you sometimes did, Price knew to handle you with care. Would Luke? When your bad temper flared would he know your bark was worse than you bite? Price knew it was. Stop it. Luke wasn't him but he was nice and you hoped he would understand all your shortcomings.
“Can I tempt you back to mine for a nightcap?” He looped his arms around your waist pulling you to him leaning against the wall like two teenagers. You thought about it, but didn't want to give him the wrong idea.
“Not tonight, but…” Luke stopped you.
“It’s ok I understand but can I at least get your number? Planning a trip to the city soon and need a tour guide” He flashed his perfect white teeth at you as he handed you his phone to put your number in. You did and gave him your direct line.
He lifted you chin up to face him, kissing you once again. He walked you to the door then broke away to return to his.
“Good night, city girl”
“Good night Luke”
You walked into the kitchen you needed a drink of water the butterflies had turned to lead weights inside your stomach.
“Have fun did we, he's a nice lad Luke?” Price’s voice made you jump, he was stood by the back door only the counter spotlights were on.
“I did actually,hows Kyle?” You tried your best to keep your voice level, even though your stomach was a pit of lava churning away.
“Oh he's fine nothing a good kip won't sort out, he's made a few friends tonight, but he's not the only one is he?”
“What's that supposed to mean John?”
“Nothing, how's that going to work out anyway? You going to tell him what you really do? Or are you just going to let him think you work in logistics?”
“I don't know JOHN! how does the Irish Doctor feel about what you do? Helen is that her name? Did you talk about it when she was here last? Bit of war criminal pillow talk? Bet she would love to hear about some of the things I’ve witnessed you do!” you were shouting now the anger crawling to the surface. Price was silent for a moment, his mouth upturned his brow furrowed.
“What are you on about? You mentioned her earlier in the pub what has she got to do with any of this Tank?”
“Really? You gonna continue to play dumb? You fucking dickhead!”
Price had made his way over to you in two strides, he was right in your face now.
“What are you on about!” The anger in his voice rattle your bones. But you stood your ground.
“I found her knickers John, under your fucking bed the other night! You said she came when the house wasn't even finished! It looks fucking finished to me! You had the cheek to lie to my face in this very kitchen and here, you stood here saying you had something to get off your chest, well get it off your fucking chest now JOHN!” You were raging. His heart plummeted. It all made sense now, he didn't want you to find out like that.
“…it was a one-time thing she was here, we were drunk…it didn't mean anything…like I said she talks too much…” He placed his hand on your shoulder. You shrugged it off. He could see the hurt in your eyes your lip starting to quiver.
“You know what it doesn’t matter you don't owe me an explanation…you know what never mind how Me and Luke would work, or you an Helen…how would this even work? Me and you? Tell me John…”
He looked you dead in the eye, he was starting to think he didn't know either, maybe he had been fooling himself. He knew what he had to do.
“You know what…It wouldn’t work, would it…” he hung his head, he couldn't meet your eyes. He felt hopeless. You were better off with someone else. Deep down you wanted him to tell you it would work, that you could make it work, but his expression had changed, you didn’t recognise him. No you did he wasnt John anymore he was Captain Price, your Captain all sense of familiarity gone just like that…
“I'm sorry if I’ve acted in anyway inappropriately this weekend, but just so we are clear our relationship will be strictly professional from now on” He glanced out the window, he was fighting to keep his heart from shattering. He wished he hadn’t looked at you when he did the light was draining from you like a dying star collapsing in on itself, he had caused that.
If only there was another way to do this, it felt like murder to put you through this, He had promised to never hurt you, but here he was slowly choking out the fire you had both started. It was better this way…not for him but for you he had to believe that or else he would cling to the hope and drag you down with him. Really he wanted you to kick and scream call him stupid and that it would work that you could make it work, but he knew you needed better, no you deserved better.
Inside you were screaming ‘Don’t do this to me please John” but all you could muster was
“Ok I understand, I'll get the train back in the morning. Tell Kyle I said goodbye…”
“You don't have to get the train back, I'll drive you…”
“No it's ok, I'm going to head to bed…Night John…sweet dreams”
“Night kid…sweet dreams..”
As you walked up the stairs and out of earshot, Price allowed himself to crumble slamming his fist onto the countertop.
Had he just made the biggest mistake, he wouldn't know as by the morning you were gone just like you said leaving a note under the Little tank in your room that read:
“Thanks again for a nice weekend John, yours always, Tank”
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nahahha · 1 year
(because i believe because I have good taste)
Benadryl Dreams by Soccer Mommy
You can't convince me to NOT think that he sometimes look at Reo and smile when he doesn't look at him.
I live for whipped Seishiro.
Very calm n soft.
Shouldve been me by Mitski
He is legitimately jealous of Isagi.
He put him to shame in front of everyone AND his brother.
I know that feeling, and it's also the same feeling in this music (#iemosad).
Borderline by Tame Impala
Because the man on the field isN'T the same little guy off it.
I mean, he can't get away from Blue Lock now, he's stuck.
I actually... Don't like Isagi, at all, i don't even know why i gave him a song. Bitch.
Fucking Boyfriend by the bird and the bee
Because there is ''bee'' in the singers name.
I just think that he could listen to it while thinking to his lover(s).
Bloody witch by Bloodwitch
Looks like an incantation.
Kaiser comes straight from hell.
Anyways thanks you ''i'm not ok with this'' and f Netflix.
Pop Music by Lilac Boy
I mean..
We don't know what religion he's part of but if he was into hellenism, he would certainly be a Aphrodite person.
Him fixing his makeup while vibing on this song.
Clownfucker by James Roach w Toby Fox
Even the autor admit it, he is a fucking clown.
I was hesitating with GHOST by nelward.
This song is... bouncy and goofy. Like him.
I don't understand why people hate this poor baby.
I'm not appart of the Homestuck fandom sorry (askip la musique en fesait partit) but i'm vibing.
Ramen Waitress by High Sunn
As Gin Gagamaru
I can see him sing with ''la-la-la-la-la''
This boy love to eat.
And I love this boy.
IFHY by Tyler The Creator w Phrarrell
Do I really have to explain this one ?
Passive-agressive little silly guy hihi. (i'm too)
That new dude with an attitude IS Yoichi.
Alice is Michael.
Stalking w his ''Emperor'' on Isagi in the canon so he could do it alone on Kaiser
''God chosen emperor'' falls from the Sky.
I have too much to say.
(and I'm sorry if it's a red flag but it really is one of my favorite Tyler songs and i really love Alexis too)
I Love My Boyfriend by Princess Chelsea
Because the singer has a ''princess'' in their nickname.
It could be his voice.
Very calm, Listen to this in a field of flowers or while taking a walk>>>. (I only leave home to go to school, pls befriend me)
Elvis by Noble Son
Did you listen to the song ?
It's so cute and sweet.
I'm diying.
I can imagine him singing the littles ''wu-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh'' ARHHH.
Money, Money, Money by ABBA
Because he is broke (but not as much as Lorenzo homeless ass).
If only he had won.. Looks like big sister has to sell your little brother (idk what i'm saying but bro is going to the Deep web).
666 by Loverboyrando
Because he is the devil in disguise.
I love it and I love this song, it's just logic.
Kiss my ass. (Sorry but i like to be random.. anyway, he is too sooo-)
Baby Tonight by Black Polish
Just him being rejected by someone for his "scary" look and bad fashion sense.
I personally think that that person is Hyoma.
The third verse is post WildCard.
I.. really love him now. I mean, he isa bit more interesting, now i want to see his little sister react.
Mary by Alex G
Mary is Yo.
That's all i have to say.
I like to think that Alex G would be Karasu, not because i ship them but because he is the only one to talk to him personally, like, not about football and read him deeper than his techniques. Or maybe I can't read and I don't understand the texts.
He is Real and I am Not.
WOMB by Melanie Martinez
The whole album is in his vibe, I think.
I have no arguments, I just see him dancing with his hands and turning to this music.
If it was part of the solar system, it would surely be the moon or mercury. Just saying
Get by, I'm not your mother.
This is the first time I've seen a character or medium have my birthday (September 6, don't forget). Plus it's one of my favorite works.When I found out, it brightened my day (+ he likes to braid his hair like me (I like doing twists) and his favorite animal is the shark like me, I was about to cry).
Twilight by bôa
I'm sure he hasn't recovered from his breakup.
Disappointment and hate can't go away so easily and I know it (I'm a poet, pls someone sign me up, i need money).
Because he is Pretty .
And he is a Monster.
Rin was and is still a kid.
I'm disapointed but not surprised by this event .
Pretty lashes tho
And he agreed to change his mind by accepting the u-20 match, maybe he will start to change (chapter 345, no clickbait).
Peur de la mort by Hunter
Yes, i'm French hihihi.
I just think that he is in this vibe.
Like , look at the lyricsss, it fit him!!
Anyways you CAN Say that he rap in his bedroom when he is alone. Even if he sound like a dying hippopotamus.
Thinks he's cool and mysterious when he's just one of those cringe bnha Cosplayer (no offense, I'm a fan too ok).
Don't Wanna Fall In Love by KYLE
Because this pretty boy has bitches that i don't AND he didn't really like them.
I could call him fuckboy but i don't because i have respect. peace.
He is at least a playboy (by canon)
If his Soundcloud rap was popping.
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caluski · 5 months
@moldavite tagged me to post my current music faves (thank u kalli a big fucking MWAH goes out to u in this gloomy april evening) so yay!!! i love posting spotify links of course... more belowww. trying so hard for everyone to only post things i havent shared before... trying!!
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obviously justice is on repeat - both incognito and saturnine, but im putting here incognito bc it does have the coolest intro and outro everrr like ouuughhhh like justice goes so fucking hard when they choose to have some retro synths................ actually have you listened to planisphere today? you should (talking to everyone)
i havent actually talked about my thoughts on khruangbins new album... which is obviously good but i simply didnt have the time to get into it :/ ive been hoping to give it a good listen, no skips no nothing, on a day off but work has been kicking my ass a bittt... anyway! Pon pón is fun. it came out as a single few weeks back and ive gotten really into it.... sooooo groovy
vampire by sholto is what some of you might recognize from love and food playlist? but ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkk its so good. i dont even know this guy and i didnt think much of it other than "yeah its cool" when i added it to my library. such a great and sinister feeling jazzy number.... AND WHEN THE SAX HITS!!!!!!!!! thats so good. please listen to vampire.
more radio pop!!!!! MORE MAINSTREAM KEVIN PARKER!!!!!!!! i do love tame impala's older/more niche sound just as much as i love him "selling out" (whatever, i will defend his minions and elvis tracks until i die and i will MEAN it) so i am STILL excited for this album even though the roll-out of singles has been consistently awful. but i guess dua lipa is a slow riser always (however long did it take her to peak on charts with 'dont start now'???). plus obviously DANNY!!!!!! YAY FOR DANNY!!!!!
its been a really good spring so far, with so many of my faves releasing music, and obviously that includes sebastian. i remember watching the runway show this was made for, but for some reason i didnt hear the whole track - maybe it was just highlights or something? i really love the synths in this one. its unusual for him to bring the choral singing in the start instead of the climax of the track, but its really well done (as always)! i wish, i wiiiiiiiiish there was something happening about the new album, too.
charli's really being weird recently about everything but goddddddd this slaps so good. im usually not that big on gesaffelstein but i do love ag cook so much. its going to be such a good clubbing record like literally.... its crazy she STILL gets labeled hyperpop. i also like club classics, but b2b is TRULY superior out of this double drop....
the beat of this one is just stuck in my head at all times. its cute! fun! perfect for spring. theyre soon to release their debut album, i need to remember to check it out. while its not SOTY material so far, its just cool and pleasant.
more dance sounds - i like this one a lot! really catchy. ive never really been into 1tbsp but yeahhhhh with this one, i get it.
ok i for sure posted this one before, but its ok bc it got like 0 or 1 likes or something. starwolf is a band im really hopeful for!!!! their 2020 album was pretty interesting, but its their three last singles that got my ears all perked up. some daytime disco vibes in them, and its really cool considering i was somewhat.... underwhelmed by poolside's last album. so, i feel good about starwolf now! fingers crossed for summer, as it would be a perrrrrrrfect record to replay over and over during hot sunny days.
and SUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHHHH a spring favorite for the end. kind of getting lost in this one.... number one song i keep thinking of during sweet sunny walks recently. unbelievably cute. 10000% recommend.
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tarot-by-e11e · 3 months
Hello!!! Elle✨
I am here to participate in your Intuitive game activity.
My initials - SHEY
My Favorite song(current fav) and Why -
"Patience" by Tame Impala
Its dreamy🫧music🎶 and thoughtful💭 lyrics📃 capture📸 the feeling🦋 of waiting⏳ and being patient🤌🏻creating🎨🖌️ a calming🌸 and reflective🪞 atmosphere🌿
My question - I'd love to get a general reading from you. Just whatever comes to your mind.
Thank you so much for patiently waiting for your turn in my ask game.
I do apologize I wasn't able to include your name last night, it was a technical issue on my end. Don't worry, I added you back into the list and officially closed the game.
So starting with your song, the songs sound so chill and relaxing and when I check the lyrics seems dreamy and sort of sad.
Now for your general reading, the question that comes to mind is, "What do SHEY's guides want to tell SHEY?" They requested to do this in channeled messages format.
I'll list it down in bullet form for easier read:
"Is SHEY just being curious or does SHEY really want to know what we have to tell her?"
"Should we tell her about that time SHEY felt so embarrassed in public but really, no one even noticed or remembered?"
"SHEY's really hard on herself on things that she chose be burdened with. It's not SHEY's issue nor is it SHEY's problem to solve, yet why is she overextending herself for people who don't value and respect her?"
"Come on, I know this is a general reading, but we're (your spirit guides) are practically just rambling here?? There's no telling when will we ever get to chance to speak up again."
"Then tell SHEY she's being an idiot for forcing herself to fit into other people's molds and expectations are her."
"Yoooooo calm down, you might scare SHEY away. Let's be nicer about this, shall we?"
"Okay, SHEY needs a wake-up call for her perfectionistic procrastinating self-sabotaging tendencies. She knows she's capable of anything, yet her unrealistic standards for herself, makes her resentful for her ideals and her current ability."
"Seriously, what part of "be nice do all of you (your spirit guides) not realize?! Keep it nice and sweet."
"Okay, she's so sweet, loving, and secretly caring that her kindness is mistaken for weakness. That's why SHEY's become a chronic people pleaser."
"What the flipping duck do you all (your spirit guides) not know about the simple meaning of being *nice*?!"
(the rest of your spirit guides) "Well.... we didn't use swear words... So that's nice..."
(the actually nice spirit guide flips a table) "Universe?! Why did you assign with thissss *looks at the rest of your spirit guides as if they were vermins*"
"Hehe, the strict one lost its cool!! Anyway SHEY, stop guilt tripping yourself for things not being in your control. So as much as you want to save someone from the consequences of their own stupidity, you can't. They did need to learn their lessons and they need a good old fashion psychic backhanded bissh slap towards the brick wall, for thinking they can get away with harming and abusing you."
*nods spiritual heads in unison* "SHEY needs to stop being a push over!!" *the rest of your guides* "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SHEY needs to do more self-care, that's beyond skincare" "oooohhh that's a good one".
"What else? oh! Don't give the so-called nice guy reformed player a chance.(this is future instance)"
"Is there anything else?" "Nope we all said what we need to say"
SHEY... your guides... they're wild and loud and cut throat.
Having to channel for all of them is giving a massive headache.
I'm sorry this is as far as I can pull for you.
Do let me know in your feedback how this resonates with you
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strangedisciple · 10 months
8 20 and 22 for the music ask game ?!? :]
im gonna do these out of order because i want to ramble :p
hmmm. i. kinda wanna show a load of them instead augh
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(in order: julian casablancas, justice, daft punk, the voidz, tame impala & the strokes!)
22. i just saw the prettiest motorcycle on the way to school tell me one song you’d blast on a motorcycle while driving one
hmmmmm.......... phantom but both parts because they're one song to me 👍👍
8. tell me about your favorite band. go on infodump for me.
oooooooo...... the tame impala hyperfixation is back so. very much going to talk about them!!!!! big ramble incoming so it goes under the readmore
anyways the studio albums are all just kevin parker with occasional assistance from his friends!!!! that's where the whole "oh did you know tame impala is just one guy" things come from. EXCEPT WHEN THEY PERFORM LIVE!! this is the live band (kevin is first on the left!)
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anyways. tame impala has 4 studio albums and an ep, and a few non-album singles!! there's the tame impala ep (2008), sundown syndrome/remember me (2009), innerspeaker (2010), lonerism (2012), currents (2015) and the slow rush (2020)!!!!
out of all of his releases so far well. i couldn't pick a favourite but i love love love innerspeaker & the tame impala ep!!
one of the things i find most interesting is the tours, because of the range of songs they actually play!! i love that they do actually play songs from all of their albums, and that they play basically my favourite tame impala song ever as an outro before the encore (its. runway houses city clouds)
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The Prow - Voivod [my father introduced me to this song it’s absolute perfection PLUS apparently they’re a group from where i live which just boosts them even higher in my brain]
What Once Was - Her’s [i love this song it’s really comforting to me. It’s relaxing and has a great beat! Plus the title paired with the group’s name is absolute muah! It’s not groovy or anything but i like it like that. Magnificent lyrics too!]
flutter - julie [this song has some kind of comforting effect on me and it has a good groovy beat! So it’s like it’s not a calm song yet it has a calming vibe. I listen to this when I’m overwhelmed/stimulated or anxious]
Lights Out - Mindless Self Indulgence [that song just scratches an itch in my brain plus it’s groovy! I love it a lot, quite addictive if you ask me]
New Person, Same Old Mistakes - Tame Impala [there’s something about the instruments and the way they all sound with each other that just makes me wanna listen to it in repeat]
Tocka - Molchat Doma [listen. The title is in russian, but i’m too lazy to add the russian keyboard so you guys just deal with it now. Also this song has a great beat and it makes me feel comfortable for some reason]
Awikatchikaën - Les Cowboys Fringants [don’t be intimidated by the incomprehensible french, it’s really good! The rythm is great the beat is awesome, the melody is fantastic! Also, unless you’re from Quebec, you won’t understand what they’re saying anyways! Half of the song is quebec slang and the other half is straight up gibberish, so just give it a shot!]
How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths [absolute banger. Relatable. 10/10. I love.]
My Blood - Twenty One Pilots [one of my fav songs from them. It’s quite a nostalgic one to me, it reminds me a bit of my childhood.]
Gallowdance - Lebanon Hanover [this is a comfort song to me, i love it so much! The voice of the singer brings out something and makes the song better, i really adore this]
Jigolo Har Megiddo - Ghost [AHHH. This song makes me feel things. The way it sounds is *chef’s kiss*]
This Charming Man - The Smiths [The Smiths is one of my favorite artists and this song. THIS SONG. Idk it feels nostalgic. It’s SO good! I have a hard time not crying to that song for some reason tho]
Back to the Old House -The Smiths [i would rather not gooooo~ back to the old houseeeee~]
Genesis - Grimes [the intro sends shivers down my back. It is absolutely gorgeous. A masterpiece. The echo in the voice? Magnificent. I need to consume that song. It’s not a want it’s a need at this point AAH]
First Love/Late Spring - Mitski [DON’T @ ME IT MAKES ME CRY BUT ITS REALLY GOOD!!! It manages to get out of me emotions i did not know i held. I love it so so so much]
Smile Boyo - Vundabar [now while their other song - Alien Blues - IS more popular, i like this one a lot better. The lyrics are the most relatable ones i’ve found yet, and it’s brilliantly shared]
The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes [this song. This song brings me so much comfort it’s almost physical. It reminds me a lot of my Harry Potter phase for some reason, and it also reminds me of the Covid, but only the good parts! Overall this might be one of the most comforting songs i’ve told you guys about yet]
Alien Blues - Vundabar [the lyrics are SO relatable, great beat overall but not enough vocals in my opinion which is why it’s not as good as Smile Boyo to me]
Looking Out For You - Joy Again [it reminds me of some darker times of my life and it makes me feel proud for having gotten over all that mush]
Money - The Drums [WOW. The lyrics, the music, the voice, the instruments, it’s all so perfect to one another]
The Attack of the Dead Men - Sabaton [it sounds like they’re speaking Russian but it’s actually English. Very addictive beat, they have some kind of chorus and it sounds so good]
Fraccion - Soen [another song my dad introduced me to. I especially love the end and the fact the whole song kinda builds up to the end while still being original and unique but in a good way]
Custer - Slipknot [listen. This song manages to scratch an itch in my brain i’m not even aware of better than any other]
Fallait y aller - Loud [this singer went to the same highschool as me so this makes me appreciate the song even more. Great moral tbh. It’s well written, it’s fun to listen to, i really really love it]
Toutes les Femmes Savent Danser - Loud [one if not his best song. It sounds fantastic, has a great moral, a deeper meaning than what it seems and it’s a masterpiece to the ears]
BLUE - Tïesto, Stevie Appleton [i found this song by accident and i would not stop listening to it. It’s quite addictive, the beat is great, i love it sm]
She’s Kerosene - The Interrupters [my dad showed it to me. It’s such a danceable song plus it’s not hard to remember]
Blood // Water - grandson [my dad introduced me to this song too it makes me really nostalgic cause it reminds me of my Danplan era. The saddest thing in all of the drama around these youtubers is that i didn’t get to watch them for longer than 2 months before the group broke while i was still hyperfixated on them]
On leur a Fait Croire - Alex Nevsky [again, a song from where i live, immediate boost. It’s an overall really good songs, but i especially like it because it reminds me of my uncle. And my uncle has been out of my life for personal reasons for about a year now which makes me really sad.]
Shine - Younger Brother [and yet another song my dad showed me! It’s really nice and has that kind of feel you don’t just get with every songs. Great buildup, nice vocals, i love.]
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princemick-archive · 2 years
you're sitting alone at a bar. someone sits down next to you. it's mick schumacher. you stare resolutely ahead. you both sit in silence for a few minutes. suddenly he turns to you and says "did you know tame impala is actually just one guy-"
u turn to him and open your mouth to responds but he starts talking aboout why ferrari actually didn't deserve the 2019 penalty.
you let him buy you a drink and slowly back away because right now he's talking about how michael was so right for crashing during qualifying a-
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
music anon, hello again! i ADORE that your sister was/is such a positive influence in your life. mine too! sad about the brothers though... not to be a prying cliche but it sounds like you had a big family who were into southern/american music? country isnt really a popular thing here in the uk but i can see it being a staple for life in the midwest/southern states of the us. i really hope these memories arent connected to anything bad re: your sexuality :(
your partner being into old folk rock tho... james taylor? joni mitchell? if so, i appreciate him even more than i already do for making you so happy hehe
'Chill in attitude. High strung soul.' - you ARE will byerrrrrrrrssssss <333
yeah s4 did music so well. i cant wait for s5. i really wanna know more of mike's taste in music. it would add so much to the byler lore. is he a retro synth guy like the spotify playlists suggest??? i really feel like he is a synth nerd <3 we already know dustin loves weird al lmao!!! and please do example a lofi song you hate if you can think of one, i'm curious
Shout out to sisters!! I love mine so much - she got me into fandom stuff, too. The quintessential cool nerd, but I never quite managed the cool part like she did haha. And hmm. Yeah. Complicated relationships re: family. The 'rents are mostly cool now. I love my sister and I'm close with one brother. I don't speak to the others much. 🙄 I think that says what it needs to.
And 💙 is just so ahhhh. He's gotten me into his old man music and I'm honestly glad for it. So, spot on. He's such a wallflower and I am ridiculous and I think our musical tastes being so opposite is cool since it's allowed us to branch out together. I'm so into CSNY and Fleetwood Mac now from him. And I'm proud I got that man to absolutely vibe with Dua Lipa since she's a big faaaave 😊
I am DESPERATE for anything more about Mike. I need to know if those spotify lists were accurate, who made and approved them??? New wave and synth is great for Mike! It's got such good queer undertones while still being a little dorky and nerdy?
Ok, I pulled up some playlists and artists I consider the sound style of music that's popular right now that I'm not about: Bille Eilish, Cigarettes After Sex, Glass Animals, Tame Impala, Sufjan Stevens, this or this. I think lofi is a specific type of music actually, and I'm just not into the softly sung, sounds like you'd play it over a slow mo video of a car driving up the PCH, a lot of people probably like listening to it high but I've tried that and it's even worse, kinda music vibes. Hahaha. Something is very wrong with me.
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girlreviews · 6 months
Review #382: Currents, Tame Impala
Yet another album coming up on ten years old that forces me to reckon with the fact that I too am also almost ten years older than when it came out. They took five years to put out another! By the time they did that we were in the throes of a pandemic. So a lot happened. I had a lot of different haircuts. A lot.
It’s another breakup album. It came out the year I got married. I’m now divorced. It’s been pretty interesting revisiting this record, because my ex-husband and I were super into it. Everyone was, at least everyone who liked alternative music and wore flannel and tiny hats. Whatever iteration of hipster was hanging around East Nashville in 2015, they were playing it in every bougie coffee shop and thrift store. So it fell out of favor for me after a while, I got a little sick of it.
I had actually just seen them live a few years prior, right before moving Stateside. In Australia of all places, where they are from! At a festival called Groovin’ the Moo, in Canberra. I was there on a WILD ride, with a guy I met in London at a NYE party at the Ukrainian embassy (????) through a mutual friend who was dating my bestie. He and I hit it off, stayed up all night doing drugs, talking mad shit, and having a great time. Mans is moving back to Australia in three days. Oh well. Never mind. Nope, four months later I’m there visiting him. This was quite literally bananas, but really fucking fun — also a fucking disaster. It was like we were falling in love, getting together and breaking up all at the same time. The absolute fucking antics we get up to on this trip. We are invited to a house party, and are so drunk before arriving we accidentally break into THE WRONG house trying to attend. We wake up one morning in our room with the bed completely wonky, two legs snapped on it, potato chips absolutely fucking everywhere, all over the bed, floor, surfaces, and there’s just a pug dog snuffling around eating them all. Do not know whose dog it was to this day. Attend this festival, remember absolutely nothing about it other than seeing Tame Impala, return to the UK with a gnarly sunburn, a powerpuff girls pillow bought as a forget-me-not and a plastic frog table marker stolen from a pizza joint. If it doesn’t sound romantic, it’s because it shouldn’t. But we were in LOVE! It was a fucking disaster and it ended quite badly and I arrived in America a broken hollow shell of a woman. This honestly cracks me up. This is exactly the kind of bullshit you’re supposed to pull in your twenties, everyone. And Tame Impala is the exact right soundtrack for it, psychedelic pop rock weirdness. It was their prior album Lonerism that scored that particular moment, with the most prominent track for me being appropriately titled It Feels Like We Only Go Backwards. Teehee.
Anyway, it’s a few years later, I have my shit together a bit now, I’m getting married or already am, and here comes Tame Impala with Currents. It seems like Kevin Parker maybe had some love adventure of his own and he’s gotta get it off his chest, he’s got some feelings. Here’s what I love about this record, and it’s gonna sound like I’m ripping on it, but I’m not. The lyrics, they’re really pretty… What word am I looking for here. They lack sophistication and depth. Man really just says what he would say to his bros when he’s trying to say how he feels about his relationship ending. They’re simple. They’re rudimentary. They’re clumsy. But they’re perfect. Are we poetic when we are messy in a breakup? Do I sound like I was poetic in any shape or form on potato chip pug hangover day? No. It is what it is. There were multiple different KINDS of potato chips, guys. It’s like we thought we were sowing potato chip seeds to grow a little garden. The pug got his head stuck in a bag for a hot second. You can’t make it what it isn’t. It’s a damn mess. But you CAN make the music and sound emote. And that he does, magically and wonderfully, carrying the lyrics. It works together so well. It’s a journey.
Let it Happen, first of all, I challenge you to run to this. It’s almost eight minutes and is great for keeping pace (I have mentioned my running playlists are wild and I’m not kidding). A friend pointed out to me this past weekend that something I tend to gravitate towards in songs — and they’re right — is ones that evolve and take you on a trip. The end of the song is unrecognizable from the beginning. I love that. This is one of those. It also just fucking slaps. Great start.
Eventually and Less I Know The Better are prime examples of the sonic mastery and lyrical lacking just sort of working. They’re also the most obvious breakup tracks and those simple words are what make it so god damn relatable:
“She said it’s not now or never
In ten years we’ll be together
I said better late than never
Just don’t let me wait forever
Don’t let me wait forever”
Past Life. FUCK, this song is so fucking good it’s so fucking DIFFERENT. Can’t even speak on it, just go stick it on and vibe your ass off, okay?
Disciples is my absolute favorite. For a few reasons. I also love me a short track. But this one is SO fun to sing, and it’s so chirpy and upbeat for a song that’s basically about telling someone you used to care for that they’re a shitty person now (“now it’s like the world owes you, walking around like everybody should know you”). By the way, have you ever done that, told someone you loved that you officially think they suck now? Interesting experience. Not sure whether I recommend it or not to be honest, maybe one of those things that you’ve gotta try on for yourself to see if it’s for you. But anyway, also there’s just some really great steering wheel slap moments of bass and percussion that make me want to DIE and ASCEND from this mortal plain to wherever this song was born from. I said what I said.
If not for Disciples, there’s no question that my favorite track would be ‘Cause I’m a Man. I still remember driving my friend Brittney home in my Lincoln LS, and she was like, you gotta hear the new Tame Impala track. I honestly was not impressed. But she was so animated, and made me listen over and over until I got it. This is a rare song for me, because even now I like it more with each listen. It’s not a surprise, since it’s about his own self reflection on how shitty men are, how they’re always just making sad little excuses for why they don’t measure up to women, and are always letting us down. He does a good job, he really does (“Cause I’m a man, woman, I’ll never be as strong as you”). But, throughout the song he makes these kind of lazy, semi-sexual “uh!” noises and they’re honestly hilarious. They just really add something. I can’t explain why. It’s sort of a nice touch of self depreciation that I truly appreciate.
It’s a one of a kind record, really. It was different from their previous, and their follow up didn’t match it. They have a new single out with Justice and I’m told it’s very good. I saw them again in 2022 at a festival in Barcelona, much less wild and drug fueled than my previous go around (I’m in my thirties now, who has the energy). The sound was bad and my feet hurt, BUT Kevin Parker did us all a solid and covered Last Nite by The Strokes which cheered us all up, because they got COVID and pulled out last minute. Ah well, Julian’s a creep anyhow and could never write something as self aware as Currents. He’s still hitting on teenage girls in his late forties. Kevin Parker, I better not find you pulling the same shit or I will be coming for you and it will be ugly.
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sunkingwrites · 1 year
For the music ask game 9, 10 & 19?
9: A song that makes you happy
This song gives me the weirdest happy tingles and whenever i'm in a bad bad funk, or i just need to-- FEEL!!! I put on my headphones and listen to waves - Tame Impala Remix by Miguel & Tame Impala (yeS THAT specific remix xD)
10: A song that makes you sad
ytcgvsahjc i have whiplash nooww- a song that is almost 100% sure to make me at least cry is Beige by half·alive, especially if i sing along- but it's sooo nice to sing :')
19: A song that makes you think about life
hhhhghjHJghj usually the songs that make me think think about life are the ones that make me crryyyy- i knoww i'm just a little baby :') BUT OKAY!! I'll Be Good by Jaymes Young was on loop numerouuss times in highschool when all I did was think about my own existence and write poetry (yess i was edgy, don't come attt mee- i'm a super sunshine guy now i SWEAR!!)
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sucuretcannelle · 2 years
|Prompt Anon|
I wouldn't blame her.
Nuh uh, she is! It's Alexi's birthday!
Oh shit happy birthday dude
Why do you sound more Scottish when you curse
Because he's a ginger
What?? Okay anyway see how distracted we are—
[*Borderline by Tame Impala randomly starts playing*]
I fuckin love Tame Impala man. Did you know it's just one guy—
[*Char's phone starts ringing*]
Hold up it's Aqui
[*She picks up the phone and puts her on speaker*]
Hey dude what's up?
Idk man you called me—
Hey whatever your name is do you listen to Tame Impala?
Sometimes. Anyway where's the goat lady?
I saw them in 8th of oregano
What the fuck is going on right now
Oh shit.
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pinkrubberducky · 2 years
LANY; a review
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Quarantine was a rough time for the majority of people. Unfortunately, that applies to me as well. I am not quite sure what I was going through, but I turned to music and have found some wonderful new bands and groups I still enjoy listening to. During the midst of quarantine, I was still at home living with my parents, as I was a sophomore in highschool. It was hard being cooped up like that, so I guess my automatic response was to look for something that expressed how I was feeling. I ended up finding a band named LANY, pronounced LANE- E. While these songs had more breakup-ish vibes, it did the trick and allowed me to get into my feels. Regardless, I was able to vibe with the music and thus, can confidently say I have a true album to cry listening to.
So how did this band form, who are they and where are they from? The band consisted formerly of Paul Jackson Klein, Les Priest and Jake Gross, though now is just currently Paul Klein and Jake Gross as the third member decided to leave around April 2022 to focus more on writing music. They started the band in 2014, after Paul flew to Nashville to meet up with his friends, not knowing that the other two band members would be his friends. They eventually made their own music as a new band and gained attraction basically overnight. At some point, I don’t really know when, if I am being honest, they signed with Interscope Records, which I think is owned by Universal Records. Pretty major artists have signed with them like MGK, JXDN, Billie Eilish, Gwen Steffani, Guns ‘N Roses, Eminem, Tame Impala and U2. Moral of the story, they got signed to a big recording label and their careers really took off from there.
Another cool thing about LANY is how they came up with their band name. As they said in an interview, they “knew they wanted a 4 letter name but all of the 4 letter words in the world were taken”. So they chose LANY as LA, as in Los Angeles and NY as in New York. They wanted something aesthetic and they got it for sure. Though the name can be confusing in how to pronounce it, I think we can all agree that it looks very pleasing.
I am going to try to explain the albums, though it won’t be in chronological order, it will be in order of how I rank them. In Malibu Nights, the album, there is more of a simple track underneath, if that makes sense- it sounds like piano keys and in some songs light drums and some sort of beat on top of that. To start off, the music has like a soft vibe to it which makes it easy to listen and their voices makes it easy to listen to lyrics. This album came out in 2018 and was about a breakup from one of the band members, Paul Klein and Dua Lipa. I really enjoy this album because it is so easy to soak up the emotional distress throughout the entire thing, which maybe for me makes it even better because I am truly an emotional person. It is an album worth listening to for sure.
The next album that I am going to talk about is also one I'd recommend as well. The album's name is mama’s boy and was released in 2020. The theme of this album is more along the lines of wanting to treat a girl right and letting whoever they wrote the song for know that they are a nice guy. I also really enjoy the vibes of the album, they’re simplistic and again, to me, help me sort through the lyrics. You should 100% listen to this album.
In addition to those two albums, I really enjoy their newly released live from the Forum album from 2022. It is quite literally an album of live songs from their tour, it is so, so cool to listen to. My first thoughts while listening were, wow, I really enjoy live music, maybe I should go to more concerts…. And I think that’s really good because that means 9 million of their monthly listeners can get a chance to hear what a concert is, maybe not completely feel the vibes of a concert, but definitely hear it.
I am going to be honest with you, I have not listened fully to gg bb xx, their album from 2021. I tried to listen to it on the car ride back from my cousin's house in Omaha, Nebraska,  but it just wasn’t doing it for me. Yes, I love the band but apparently not this album. This is similar to the fact that I have not listened to their other albums before Malibu Nights. I have listened to some of their older stuff just not the full albums, though I am thinking that maybe I should.  
All in all, I really enjoy LANY and I hope that they keep making music as well as they did with the albums I listened to. Listening to them gave me an outlet to express my emotions and feel things that I did not know needed to be felt. While they do not currently have any awards or nominations, I think they deserve recognition off vibes given around the songs. Though, now that I say that, I am thinking that maybe it is the memories that surrounded their songs that gave me an attachment to it, so could it be different for other people? Could people have other songs they enjoy purely because of experiences around them? I will let you decide that and in the meantime, listen to Malibu Nights (the song) live from the Forum on Spotify. I know not everyone enjoys sadder music but I hope you can at least appreciate the way that music can help people. Thank you for reading and enjoy your day.
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