#did the work for this week as well but he did that earlier this year so that cancels out i think
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I love your blue collar rafe and sahm reader 🥹🥹
What is their backstory? Like how did they meet etc
thank you bby!! let’s talk about their lore!
you met rafe when you were seventeen, the summer before senior year. he didn’t go to your school—you actually met him through a mutual friend at a bonfire one night. he was tall, tan, had dirt under his nails and the cockiest smile you’d ever seen. you teased him for wearing boots in the sand. he called you a smartass and grinned like he already knew he’d never let you go.
two weeks later, you were officially dating. only a week after that, he kissed you in his beat up pick up truck after a late-night drive, hands trembling, voice quiet when he said, “i know it’s early, like, really early, but i’m just gonna say it—‘cause i already know. i love you.” you said it back. because you knew too. knew he was going to be yours for the rest of time.
you were still just teenagers, but rafe talked about the future like it was already mapped out. he told you he wanted to work hard, build a life, make enough so you’d never have to worry about a thing. he said if you wanted to stay home with the kids someday, he’d make damn sure you could. and you wanted that. you wanted it all with him.
at nineteen, you found out you were pregnant. you cried—not out of fear—well, yes, out of fear, but also because everything felt so real all of a sudden. rafe was twenty and working full time already, and when you told him, he was speechless for a while. kept asking “you’re serious?!”. after he calmed down a bit more, he just wrapped his arms around you and said, “guess we’re startin’ our forever a little earlier than expected, baby.”
emmett was born later that year in october—tiny, loud, perfect. rafe was obsessed. he took so many photos of you holding him in your hospital bed and whispered, “he’s gonna be just like his daddy.” and you looked up at him with a soft smile, “i sure hope so.”
you got married a year later. it nothing fancy—just a small venue, close family and friends, a simple white dress and yet rafe still shed a couple tears when you walked in. your mom had offered to take emmett for the night, and you and rafe took advantage of the hotel suite you had alone.
when you were twenty-two and he was twenty-three, you planned for baby number two. you wanted a girl. you prayed for a girl. and you got wren. rafe built her nursery himself—painted the walls soft pink and white, put glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling so she’d never be afraid of the dark. she came out with a full head of hair and a death grip on rafe’s finger. he nearly cried harder than he did the first time.
“daddy’s girl,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “she’s gonna turn me soft.”
you weren’t planning on a third. but hunter came along two years later—another boy, wild from the womb, all lungs and messy hair just like his daddy’s. that pregnancy was harder. there were too many complications that you couldn’t bare to go through again. it also took a huge toll on your body and your mind. you told rafe you couldn’t do it again, not and still be the mother you wanted to be. he was quiet at first—maybe even a little disappointed. you knew he would’ve had ten kids if it meant hearing them call him dada. after a while, he nodded, kissed your temple, and whispered, “three’s perfect, baby. i got everything i ever wanted.”
present day, emmett’s six, just learning how to ride a bike and asking too many questions. wren’s four, clingy and sassy as ever. always attached to rafe’s hip like she was born to be there. hunter’s two, his baby fat starting to fade with crooked grins and mischief.
you stay home with them. you pack rafe’s lunch every morning, kiss him goodbye with his thermos in one hand and maverick, your golden retriever, wagging his tail as rafe gave him a kiss on the top of his head.
rafe comes home every night smelling like sweat, sawdust, and sunshine. he walks straight past the kids, past the chaos, and kisses you first—because you come first, always.
sometimes you catch him standing in the doorway, looking at all of it—your home, your babies, you in a messy bun and hunter on your hip—and he just smiles.
because this is everything he ever dreamed of.
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Twelve Days: The Next Step

Hello friends! This is based on a request for a check-in when Harry asks Y/N to move in with him! I feel like this take is very realistic! I hope you like it!
Warnings: Divorce, family drama, alcohol use
WC: 4.8K
It had been a couple months since your and your sister’s reality TV style confessional in front of your parents. When you looked back at it, it made you cringe just a little bit but that feeling soon faded when you remembered what had come out of it - a relationship with Harry. Thankfully, your parents had gotten used to you being the one with him rather quickly and when they saw how different the dynamic was between you two compared to him and Julie, it was so much easier for them to support it.
After things between her and Joe got better they went back to their normal routine and she was spending half her week and the weekends at his place. And that left space for you to come see Harry from Thursday to Sunday. However, now you’d always leave after breakfast because Julie usually returned Sunday afternoons.
You recall the first time she’d seen you there she had been extremely passive aggressive about it. It had been a bit childish in your opinion, really… But you both had sensed the shift in her attitude and while she went out to get some dinner for herself you told Harry that you were going to just pack up and leave after dinner with him. When you got to the bathroom you saw your skin care and make up bag all crammed onto Harry’s side of the countertop. Even your toothbrush! Which you distinctly remember you’d left in the holder with Harry’s! And well, as you suspected, your pajamas, earrings, and charger you’d left on what used to be her side were all dumped into your carry-on luggage that you’d left near the closet. That’s also when you realized that she had washed the pillowcase you’d used with her laundry.
You remember calling Harry up to see this and you both had a huge laughing fit over the pettiness of it all. They weren’t officially divorced yet at that time and you also figured it was hormones or nesting behaviors that made her more territorial than usual. But then you got a text the next morning about her still not feeling entirely comfortable with you seeing Harry and that she’d appreciate a bit more discretion on your part. It was a bit insane, but you and Harry often made jokes about her actions and the text now.
But this also meant that sometimes she would come a little earlier than usual though, just to get you out of there sooner. But joke was on her because you’d learned to just be packed up by Saturday night and bring your own pillow. She did have a point in washing the pillowcase each time, you couldn’t argue with that logic. But ultimately you bringing your own was more for your comfort.
Anyway, it was Wednesday night and you were backing up for the weekend with Harry when you got a call from him and quickly put it on speaker.
“Hi baby!” You greeted happily as you continued to fold your clothes and cute lingerie that you’d wear for him.
“Hi, love. How are you?”
“Good, it wasn’t too bad today. How was work?”
“Good as well! We’re gearing up for the end of the school year so lots of reading and grading.”
“I could help this weekend?” You suggested.
“Sold! And when we’re in the trenches of it don’t forget that you offered…” he quipped playfully and you giggled.
“Alright…” you assured him and then heard him sigh. “You nervous for tomorrow?” You asked. It was the divorce finalization hearing, finally!
“Not nervous…just want it to be over.” He clarified. “Just don’t want any surprises. My lawyer overheard her asking her attorney about finding any loopholes in the prenup we have.” He explained and you frowned. “The only protected assets there are my retirement savings and the house.” He explained. “I know that it’s airtight, you know? But I just hope she doesn’t try to drag this out longer if they feel like there’s anything to argue over there.”
“Well, she signed it and she cheated…”
“So did I… technically.” He added and a lump formed in your throat.
“Would you hate me if I told my parents? Shame isn’t always a bad thing…and maybe this time we just…use it against her.” You suggested.
“I just…” he paused for a moment and you waited as he thought on it. He sighed audibly after a few moments.
“It just wouldn’t be fair of her at all, Harry.” You reminded him.
“You know what? You’re right…she’s playing stupid games. There isn’t even an infidelity clause or anything! Asking her lawyer to look over it to find something just proves bad intent!”
“It does! I’ll call you right back!” You said and he chuckled and let you go.
That conversation with your mom had been quite dramatic. She could not believe Julie would do something like that after what she had pulled with Harry. And when you explained that they could argue it from an angle of Harry also being unfaithful because of his relationship with you, well that got your mom going. You were sidelined as she told your dad about this who you heard laugh incredulously about it and comment about the level of entitlement Julie was displaying. You didn’t feel too great about doing this to your own sister, but the fact of the matter was that what she was suggesting was a shitty thing to do to Harry. And well, despite being relieved that everyone knew about her situation now, she had pulled away a bit from your parents. It’s like your roles had been reversed and now they would dissect her actions and behaviors and problems like they once did your own, so you knew that they would definitely reprimand her about this and have her shut it down.
Maybe it was a good thing that the hearing was scheduled for a Thursday because regardless of what happened there, you’d be with Harry for the next few days. While you were optimistic about things going exactly as planned, there was still a slight chance that there’d be a delay if Julie’s lawyer felt that the prenup needed to be entered into evidence and revised by the court. You’d been thinking on it all morning and when you got a call from Harry around 3pm you were quick to answer.
“It’s done! It’s finally fucking done!” He cheered and you felt a laugh bubbling up in your throat and you just let the joy escape you that way before you did a few little jumps up and down in your client’s kitchen.
“Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!” You cheered. “We’re celebrating tonight!”
“We are! I think I can snag a reservation somewhere…”
“Let me! I have a friend who I’m pretty sure works at Barbeño as a host! I’m sure they could help us get in.” You said and he scoffed.
“You’re just telling me this now?”
“We just recently reconnected and I let him do laundry at my place when his complex’s laundry room was being redone! So I can ask for favors now.”
“Alright, love. You do what you need to do…within the bounds of reason, of course.”
“That goes without saying…” you mumbled and he chuckled. “Alright, I have to go, don’t want my chicken to get dry. But I’ll confirm if we got it in a bit, okay? And if not, I’ll make you something special.” You assured him.
“I love you.” He said and you smiled wide, feeling your heart flipping and thumping in your chest.
“I love you too. Talk soon.” You hummed before you hung up.
Thankfully, you’d gotten the reservation! So you’d have to pull out the nicer outfit you had planned for your Saturday night dinner but that was no problem. On the way to Harry’s he warned you that Julie had come by to pack up for the weekend but that she should be gone by the time you arrived. Just to kill a bit more time, you stopped to pick him up a bouquet of flowers and then headed to the house. You parked in the driveway, like always, and then hurried up to the front door with the flowers, you’d unload your stuff later…You rang the doorbell and perked up as you heard the locks turning.
“Congratulations to the hottest divorcee in Southern California!” You laughed as the door opened but then saw Julie standing there with a slightly judgmental look on her face. That didn’t dampen your spirits though.
“Celebrating a divorce? Classy.” She muttered and you shrugged.
“It actually is going to be very classy! And I’d say there’s plenty of cause to celebrate.” You said as you walked forward until she just had to let you inside. “I was imagining that if you were able to you’d be doing backflips so that you could be with the guy you’ve been wanting this entire time!” You added.
“It still sucks.” She said simply.
“I think what sucks for you is that I’m with Harry. Not that you’re divorced from him.” You pointed out and she rolled her eyes. “Look, I get that it’s…a little weird and this is definitely a unique situation but you can’t ice me out over something you wanted. And you were dragging it out and for what?” You asked simply as you headed to the kitchen to grab a vase for the flowers for Harry. Of course she followed you there.
“I don’t want Harry to be hurt.” She said and you smiled as you opened up the cabinet where you’d seen some vases before before straightening up again and setting it on the counter.
“Does he look hurt to you?” You asked before walking over to the drawer with the scissors and pulling them out to cut the stems of the arrangement down a bit. She didn’t respond and you sighed. “Look, I get that you don’t like me as a person, you never really have…but this petty back and forth shit? It’s getting ridiculous! It’s so immature, we can only laugh at it at this point…like it can’t be real life!” You exclaimed through a sardonic laugh and her features hardened further.
“While I’m flattered that you’re so invested in being weird and bitter towards me, I want you to know me being with Harry wasn’t intended to betray you! We love each other and want to be happy together! Just how I want you to be happy with your man and your baby! So whatever stick you have up your ass about me? Time to get it out, Jules. And focus on how great everything can be for you starting now!” You advised and she just stared at you for a few more seconds before she left through the garage.
You felt a little more satisfied after saying all that when you realized she’d only been waiting for you to arrive. You were feeling a little smug about what you’d said to her but beneath all of her offense, you hoped that she heard what you were saying. Never in a million years did you think that this is where you life would lead! Or that you could even have a relationship with a person of Harry’s caliber. In your mind, he was leaps and bounds away from where you were!
“Hey!” You heard him call and you glanced up from the spot on the counter you had honed in on as you got lost in your thoughts. “Why so pensive?” He asked through a smile as he approached. You could see he had just styled his hair, it was still looking a little damp.
“Oh, just Julie…I think she was waiting for me.” You explained and his brows creased as he came around the counter and reached for you. You put the scissors down let him pull you into his arms.
“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know she was gonna stick around. I had to hop in the shower and get ready for our reservation.” He mumbled before kissing the top of your head.
“That’s alright. I’m not really stuck on anything she said. More my own thoughts.” You assured him. And he reared back and grabbed your face gently instead before pecking your lips quickly.
“About?” He asked and you smiled.
“How you’re way out of my league.” You explained with a slight smile and his features turned down in confusion.
“Me? Out of your league?” He scoffed and you nodded. “That’s the craziest thing Iv’ve ever heard. You’re kind and smart. You’re an amazing friend, a hard worker. Not to mention you’re drop dead gorgeous.” He said as his eyes searched your own. “You’re perfect for me. And I love you for everything you are.” He hummed as he leaned lower and lower until your eyes were blinking closed until your lisp were meeting in a sweet and gentle kiss.
“Love you, baby.” You whispered.
“Now, were those for me?”
“Yeah. Just wanted to say congrats.” You hummed. “Let me fix this up and then we can go.” You assured him.
“Sure, baby. Did you unload your stuff?”
“Not yet.”
“I’ll go get your things from the car, okay?”
“Thank you!” You chirped as he grabbed your keys and headed out. After a few moments he was hurrying up the stairs to set your things down in the bedroom. When he returned you were just fitting the flowers into the vase with a proud smile.
“They’re lovely. Thank you.” Harry said with gratitude before smooching the side of your head.
“Of course. Now, let’s go. I’ll drive.”
“Sure? You already drove all the way here.” He reminded and you shrugged.
“Fine…” he hummed and you were glad he didn’t fight back too much. You wanted to treat him tonight because you knew that he’d been a bit stressed over this. You were already ten minutes out wen he turned to you with a sly smirk.
“Now I get to pay.”
“It’s going to even out!”
“We don’t need to even out. I just want this to be celebratory for you.” You reminded him.
“And I’d like to you to realize that this is celebratory for us.” He said and you briefly turned to him as you came to a stop at a red light. “This marks our new beginning officially.” He stated and you smiled.
“I quite like that.”
“Knew you would.” He chuckled as he reached for your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Baby!” You exclaimed through a terrified laugh as Harry nearly fell out of the car.
It had certainly been his mistake to make friends with the couple seated next to you and tell them that he had just gotten divorced today because he’d taken two shots of tequila before your dinner arrived. He was also drinking a rather stiff cocktail with mezcal and then before the couple had left they ordered you both a shot even though you’d already declined earlier since you were driving and had ordered the same cocktail as Harry. This led to Harry taking your shot for you and your lightweight boyfriend was drunk. Thankfully, Harry was a lovely drunk. He was sweet and flirty and very affectionate, but obviously he was not at full capacity.
“M’alright. M’fine.” He assured as he steadied himself on the car’s body as you hurried around to help him get up to the door.
“I know, you are for the most part.” You giggled as you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door. He clung to your body, planting sloppy kisses to your neck and shoulder as you tried to get the door open. And finally, you were both making your way into the dimly lit house. Harry kicked off his shoes and you also slid out of your heeled sandals and hooked your bag onto the coat hook by the door.
“We’re gonna have some sexy time now, aren't we?” He asked smugly.
“Ew… don’t say it like that!” You laughed and he sniggered.
“Okay then. Are you gonna be getting frisky with me?”
“Me with you? I think it’d be the other way around.” You pointed out as you pushed him along towards the staircase.
“How could I, I’m inebriated!” He pointed out as you carefully guided him up. “Though, I give you full permission to take advantage of me. I consent to anything and everything.” He said as he quickly glanced back with a smirk.
“Not how that works, but okay…” you mumbled through a giggle and he laughed as well.
“Well…can we make out and get a little handsy?” He asked and you giggled.
“Sure. We can do whatever you want. We just have to get you ready for bed though, okay?”
“Kay.” He hummed agreeably.
After a few minutes he was haphazardly washing his face. You could see that he was making an effort not to make a mess but he wasn’t too successful, which was leading to a lot of laughs and some light berating until finally, he was just leaning on the counter and waiting for you. You could feel his gaze penetrating into your as you finished up your skin care. It was making you feel so nervous and it was evident in the way you were struggling to twist the top back onto your moisturizer.
“Stop staring, you weirdo.” You giggled as your eyes locked briefly through the mirror.
“I simply can’t.” He shrugged.
“You’re giving me performance anxiety!” You said and he laughed and reached for your hip. You were just in your bra and sleep shorts. And he hooked his finger into the band lightly.
“Sorry, baby.” He hummed glancing at you through his lashes.
“Sure, sure…” You mumbled sarcastically and he grinned. “You should get changed.” You advised.
“I’m waiting for you for that.”
“Need help?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No, but want your help.” He said and you smiled.
“Okay, baby.” You assured him and when you finally finished he led you out into the bedroom.
You had to reach out to flick off the bathroom lights in passing to the bedroom and were finally in the dim lighting of his bedroom. He’d left his bedside lamp on before leaving, which you were more than grateful he had the foresight to do so that he didn’t stub his toe or hurt himself on something due to his drunken state. He stopped you and angled your face up before dipping down to kiss you. Your lips met in a slow and sweet kiss but it quickly started to get a little more heated. You giggled and let your hands land over his chest before sliding up a bit to reach for his first button. And from there you started to work your way down, sniggering are he peppered kisses all around your face. When both side of his shirt were parted you were about to reach up to help him get the material off his shoulders but he grabbed your hand and pressed it to his flexed abs and let you feel him out for a bit before guiding your hand up to his chest and stopping over his heart. Your eyes met and he smiled.
“My heart beats for you.” He hummed and you glanced away with a timid smile on your face. You felt your stomach flipping and your body tingling in a nearly uncomfortable way. Not because of him but because you didn’t know how to receive this much love from someone. This was the bare minimum! He wasn’t love bombing you or anything, just simply telling you but it felt like so much. “You know that, right?” He asked and you nodded before collecting yourself enough to look back into his eyes.
“I do. I just…it’s a lot to hear it.” You explained.
“Cringey is it?” He asked with a small but nonjudgmental smile.
“A little bit, to be honest. And not because of you! But more me and just what I’m used to, you know? Being with someone like you who is so forward about their feelings…I just haven’t really had that on a regular basis before.” He nodded in understanding despite his inebriated state.
“Is it too much?” He asked, “Because if it is…I can stop. Or like tone it down, you know?” He asked more seriously. You could see him fighting not to sway a bit or to have his speech be slurred for this more solemn moment and you smiled.
“I could get used to it.” You assured him, “I do like to hear it. W-would you like me be more vocal about that too?” You asked. “Or�� we can talk about this at another time when you’re not so drunk.” You suggested and he giggled.
“Maybe, yeah let’s postpone.” He mumbled and you sniggered and pressed yourself up to smooch his pretty, berry-toned lips.
“Well for now let me just say that I love you so much. I’m so fortunate to have you.” You said softly and his smiled widened before kissing you again.
When you’d finally gotten him all undressed you had cuddled up in bed, he was the little spoon this time around, face buried into your chest. And you were touching his hair and arms and back as he asked and guided while you yapped about random things over the soft sounds of the TV in the background until he brought your sister up.
“Sorry about earlier, with Julie.” He said and you tutted.
“S’not your fault, honey.” You assured.
“Might be. I ummm…I told her that I wanted her moved out completely by next week.” He explained.
“Oh… and she didn’t take it well.”
“Definitely not.” He huffed out a chuckle and you hummed, “Started spouting off about how it was you pressuring me to get her out of here while she and Joey figured out a new arrangement… it was an argument for sure.”
“Everything is to her…”
“Yeah. She doesn’t like the house he’s renting, says it’s too small. Which it’s about the same…he has two bedrooms and I have three here. But both spares are used as office spaces here. So when she’s here I’m banished to the couch!”
“In your own home…” you tutted.
“Exactly!” He defended. “Now that everything is done-done I don’t see the need for her to keep inserting herself in here. You didn’t want me, you know? And now you don’t want to leave? Like I know it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you.”
“Yeah, it is… she said she wanted me to be happy. And I am! With you! I know she’s petty and shows up unannounced on Sundays because she wants you to feel uncomfortable. And I don’t like that one bit, baby. That makes me very unhappy.”
“I’m used to her petty things though, so they don’t get to me as much, H. But thank you for sticking up for me. S’very sweet of you.” You assured him before sponging a gentle kiss to his temple and he nuzzled further against your chest before kissing over your sternum.
“Of course, my love.” He hummed against you before you both fell silent for a little bit and then he reared back from you and you peered down at him as best as you could.
“What is it? Are you gonna be sick?” You asked with concern, ready to spring out of the bed and grab him a garbage can.
“No!” He chuckled and you laughed as he gave your hip a playful pinch.
“Then what is it? ”
“I’ve been thinking about taking the next step of…moving in with me?” He said inquisitively.
“And it doesn’t have to be now! Maybe a couples months from now or even closer to the end of summer.” He explained and you felt your pulse decrease upon hearing this. “I’d like to take some time to spruce things up a bit first to something more my taste or ours even!” He explained to you. “What do you think of that?” He asked.
“Honestly, I do feel a little nervous about it! Just because you know? Not because of you or anything, it’s just a new milestone, you know?”
“Yeah, I get what you mean.”
“And you’re ready for that?” You asked.
“I am. Are you?”
“Well, I’m also thinking of those statistics about couples who cohabitate and how that leads to greater dissatisfaction in couples who are…in it for the long-term, you know?”
“You mean marriage.” He clarified and you hummed.
“And like…I want this to work.” You confessed. “Like I don’t…know where this will go…” you trailed off. You wanted to say that you wanted to marry him in the future but you couldn’t bring yourself to admit that to him just yet. “And I’m just scared to jump the gun a bit, you know? I mean, you’ve just divorced! I don’t want you to feel pressured to speed through that. I know that the dynamic wasn’t great with you guys in the end but that’s still something that you have to heal from, you know? And I understand that you’re still in a place where…it’s hard…” you trailed off, “Yeah, I just don’t want to get in the way of that.” You rambled a bit. Suddenly, Harry was pressing himself up and using his elbow to prop himself up.
“You seem to be thinking and feeling on my behalf a lot.” He pointed out with a very faint smile as his eyes met yours despite the darker lighting. “If you’re not ready for that, it’s okay, baby. You can say so. That’s why we’re talking about it.” He added and you glanced to the TV for a few seconds before finally looking back to him.
“I’m just scared.” You confessed.
“Scared of what, love?”
“Of how much I feel for you?” You said with a questioning tone and then glanced away again and he chuckled as you shivered a bit. “Ughh, there are just a lot of feelings happening!” You explained nervously.
“Do you need a bin?” He asked jokingly and you laughed nervously before looking into his eyes again.
“M’alright… just feeling is hard.” You said more quietly and he nodded. “Like I know you. I know you’d never hurt me intentionally. Like the chances are low, but never zero, you know? And like…” you sighed, “I’m scared of how much I already love you and I know it can only get worse!” You explained through nervous giggle and he chuckled. “You know what I meant.”
“I do, baby.” He assured you. “And I need to be honest with you about something. I think the things you’re saying about me needing to heal and such? You’re just projecting.” You sighed and smiled a bit.
“Yeah…a bit.” You confessed.
“I have my plan for healing. Redoing the house, that’s part of it. I think I’ve moved through a lot of the stages of grieving my marriage. I sat with it for so long, even did some of it in couples therapy. And now that it’s officially over I just feel like a weight was lifted off, you know? And I can now move forward.”
“Yeah, I get that.” You whispered.
“Obviously, I see a future with you and want that so badly. But I also get that the timing needs to be right for the both of us. I’m very patient.” He said and you smiled.
“Are you still drunk?” You asked and he chuckled.
“Yeah, a bit.” He confessed and you sniggered. “But I mean everything I’m saying to you. Been thinking about it over the last few weeks, with all this coming and going.”
“I know, me too.” You hummed. “I see a future with you too and I would like to move in with you eventually.” You smiled.
“Good. I know that it’s also your work and clientele you need to think about. So yeah, nothing rushed. We can take our time with it, work up to it. I just want to share everything with you.”
“Yeah, baby.” Harry assured you.
“Well, I definitely will give the timeline a bit more thought. What you initially said, about the end of the summer? I feel that's pretty realistic.” You smiled.
“Yeah?” He grinned and you nodded quickly.
“I do have one request of you.” You said and he hummed.
“Redo your bedroom first.”
“Oh definitely! And you’re gonna help me pick a new mattress since we’re gonna be getting some major use out of it.” He smirked and you giggled. “I’m serious! You’ve gotta do this with me, baby!” He insisted and you nodded.
“Okay, H.” You agreed through a chuckle.
“Deal?” He asked and you smiled.
“Deal.” You agreed.
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also I think it’s time for a little Elly Lore Update because I feel like I mention so many people on here and y’all need to understand who I’m taking about when you attend the virtual sleepovers 😌
#SO. other main characters in this story:#♦️ my bestie (a.k.a. Best Friend Number One) — I’ve known her for basically ever and NO ONE annoys me like her but also we’re#too close and too important in each other’s lives to ever break up (Alexa play “Stuck With You” by Huey Lewis)#♦️ bestie number two — my Secret Keeper and probable future maid of honor. the only one of us with a boyfriend#♦️ my (honorary) little sister (a.k.a. the 13-year-old) — a girl wise beyond her years but also. yk. thirteen. I always have a blast with h#♦️ my mom and dad — self explanatory#supporting cast members:#♦️ bestie number two’s older sister — a dear friend of mine as well who is engaged to be married but is doing so in Colombia#meaning I can’t go and I’ve been inconsolable about it for weeks#♦️ bestie number two’s boyfriend — literally one of the chillest guys I know. he’s also the younger brother of her big sister’s fiancé#♦️ twinkling watermelon bestie: my other Secret Keeper and my kdrama buddy. we especially bonded over TWM#♦️ Coworker Elizabeth — the lady I work with who I used to think disliked me but now always feeds me when I’m there :)))#mmmm I think that’s it for recurring characters. then there’s the Love Interests:#♦️ The Ex Crush (a.k.a. donut boy) — my first crush who I didn’t see for years after first meeting him and then met again last year#and had dinner with his family but he didn’t really talk to me and then I saw him again earlier this week and he ignored me completely#♦️ Big Dramatic Crush — my last Big crush who I liked for two years and suffered over tremendously. he’s not really important anymore#but I do use him as a reference point often enough. there’s Before Him and there’s After Him#♦️ Three-Day Crush — what it says on the tin. a guy I liked for three days just a bit after moving on from Big Crush#and then it ended horrifically and gave me a deep fear of ever developing another crush EVER#♦️ flan boy — the boy who thawed my heart more than a year after the saga of Three-Day Crush by showing kindness and a smidge of interest#but then apparently didn’t have That kind of interest in me so I decided to move on#and lucky I did because now my bestie (who knew him first and used to ship me with him) has fallen for him herself#and yep! that’s the main cast here on whenthegoldrays.com#hope you enjoyed this lore update that no one asked for 🩷#elly's posts
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guy im working on a project with: so yeah you'll do the poster and i'll work on these calculations for next week yeah?
sir the poster is due tomorrow what the hell
#shoutout to that one time he said he was too sick to come to a meeting while sitting a table away from me cheers mate lol#lmao he keeps missing meetings and i gotta explain what he did even tho i have no clue#its a draft of the poster but still#feels like im doing this by myself :(#did the work for this week as well but he did that earlier this year so that cancels out i think#bro is so lucky my spine is literally nonexistent istg#not turtles#vent post#<- ig?????????
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You don't have to answer this publicly (or at all) if it's too personal or if I'm just totally off-base, but I'm also agreeing with your mom that this job doesn't sound like it's worth it. To be honest, seeing all of the pain this job has been causing for you really hurts. No job or company is worth your health, any aspect of your health, and quitting may feel like you've let "them" win, but it's more like retreating from a battle so you can win the war, that "war" being the entire rest of your life so that you don't work yourself to death. You don't necessarily have to quit right now if it would risk your financial security or if you need access to health insurance or something- but try interviewing for other jobs and just see what else is out there. (And if retaliatory termination is a potential concern, don't tell anyone at the current place until your new job is secured.)
I think you've also mentioned that you're trying to move out of your parents' house. I don't know if you've lived on your own before, but even though it's great and I wouldn't trade it for anything, it's a whole other ballgame in terms of stress, and I wouldn't want to be stuck with a job that's killing me while also trying to support myself. I would feel trapped, because quitting could mean not being able to afford bills and losing health insurance. Find a new job, and rest and recuperate from this one while you're still being supported.
before all the ranty stuff i do just wanna say i appreciate your message and care, I know I don't really talk to many people 1-on-1 these days, and it's rare that I reach out to those who do offer for me to vent (and I love all of you for that, too) and i know i'm difficult to deal with when it comes to these things cause i just keep fighting people's truly heartfelt advice...but again, I truly, deeply, appreciate this 💜💜💜
i'm just gonna go ahead and answer publicly since i feel like i've been a public mess these last few weeks (well ok. to be fair. i've been a public mess ever since i joined tumblr lbr and more so when i was like. reactivated in 2018/2019, to the point where i once deleted at the climax of one of the worst meltdowns of my life) even though i really never wanted to mix my personal shit with fandom cause the last time i did, i feel like i ruined a lot of good things including not even being able to look at the character who brought me more joy than anything ever in my life for almost a year without having this gut wrenching heartbreak that i only just recently got over, not to mention all the friendships ruined, feeling i abandoned everyone, the drive for creativity i lost and just being a general piece of shit and putting anger and blame where it doesn't belong--cause all of that was just my fault. which i'm scared i'm just going through another loop and i'll just ruin everything all over again (and to be clear, i say this not to fish for compliments or validation but to just be brutally honest about how almost traumatic things were for me in these past few years, i still occasionally have nightmares about fandom life)
anyway. vent-filled answer below and then hopefully i'll just go back to the ilkka/remedy loving posts 😅
yeah my thing about quitting...because i know, i know the grass could be greener on the other side but...it could be worse and I think that's my fear. I've been in this job for 9 years this month and have gone through so fucking much, have outlasted problematic people before and just have such a strong bond with my manager and two peers that also report into her that we all often say if one of us quit, we'd probably all walk out together (i think we are legit trauma bonded and while there's still times that i feel idk left out? cause they do still meet up without me occasionally and def talk about me in ways of 'how do we help her' cause they've told me before lol but in these past few months i finally feel part of that team though i'm definitely the weakest link). and not only that but I have a good standing relationship with all the other departments (which honestly is saying something and is credited to a lot of problematic people leaving, and even improved a relationship with someone who was driving me to want to quit many times) and managers and feel quite honestly supported by pretty much everyone...except maybe like. two people
and right now the biggest stressor--well two stressors, are those two employese of mine that idk, things could maybe get better depending how tomorrow goes...i've admitted to my boss that people in general is my biggest struggle and i was strong enough to let her deliver a tough message to the team and I say that was strong of me because so many times i worry that like, i'm a failure at this job, i'm not enough, i'm not respected, so any chance i can get to flex my authority it's like i want to do it just so I can prove i'm capable of the job cause something i've held on to ever since i was promoted to supervisor (and by promoted i mean I applied for the job, it wasn't handed to me though everyone kinda knew i deserved it and would get it) was my dad making a pretty sexist comment that women can't be in positions of power, so like, that's part of i think why i'm so reluctant to give up even though i did melt down last year to my boss that i don't think i could continue down the leadership path, I recently told her how stressful these two employees have been (she saw the insubordination from the one dude cause it was literally posted in our team chat...and that other person i'm stressed about even put a little heart emoji on his very disrespectful and unhelpful comments towards me that he claims were not meant that way but like. dude. c'mon.)
and then that sucks cause like. admittedly they are good workers when they put in effort but i think they've been taking advantage of me in a way, and this is really my fault to begin with because as a trainer I've been trying to like. not overwhelm new people so I tend to take some of the stuff they should do and just do it myself cause it's easier, and now we're trying to set that boundary and it seems to be upsetting everyone, and it really started last year cause they both said i'm putting training responsibilities onto them which is a bit of a grey thing cause maybe yeah in some ways i would let them show new people something but then they took that to HR and was like "I want more money" and that opened the whole can of worms of me not doing my job (which, to be fair to myself, i was training people literally three months into working myself and i think the fact that i never complained about it, showed competency, etc led me to becoming a lead and then the supervisor i am today). not saying it's right but that's def where the problems began, and their attitude and attendance and the call offs i've had to deal with just...are not helping esp since our company had to lay off a few people including one of our own (who was going to retire anyway and really is getting a better benefits package from it...though...she just got sent to the hospital after being non responsive yesterday and that's a whole other can of worms I don't want to get into right now) but anyway. like i'm hoping i can fix things with these two but my like. trauma of bad employees is telling me they'll quit, or just get worse and then i fire them and it's GOD JUST SO CONFLICTING. cause they're going through shit, they do have some valid points and concerns but at the same time it's like...they just don't care that i'm failing at my job (and HR has been helpful yet not...like she suggested i ask them how i can be a better supervisor to them which i feel like insinuates that she agrees i'm not a good supervisor even though i'm truly trying to keep our department together and make sure the right stuff gets done while also making sure they get their breaks even if i don't, pick up after them, do the things they can't, etc...try to bring treats for morale, give gifts on holidays...though i guess i suck when it comes to idk. birthdays and maternity leaves apparently) and i think the real problem is i want to be liked, they probably don't like me, and that should be okay. i'm clearly not an easy person to deal with i'm like one of those hard to woo npcs in video games lmao
but i do understand what literally everybody is telling me except my own boss (and maybe she's just scared of the idea of losing me...i know she was scared of me quitting before, and i've been open and honest with her about my own feelings about it without crying to her saying i'm a failiure cause i don't want to fish for compliments or validation even though i think that's what i desperately need....i rated myself "mostly successful" for last year and ngl it kinda stung she jjust sorta...agreed with me but it's the truth, i was melting down maybe not as bad as this year but uhm. still bad.) which is to take time off or quit altogether and i'm willing to compromise and just consider the time off but even that i'm still like. don't feel like it's fair, i have all but one vacation day already used/planned and like. how do i have to get the justification for the leave?
though i'm not gonna lie. i'm fucking scared. so many people have started warning me about my health now and that dr's appointment i had went better than i thought--i'm no longer diabetic (but still close to it), i did lose weight from before....but i've been having so much heartburn (and i'm trying to stop caffiene), headaches that might be migraines (which i'm getting meds for), so many panic attacks, trouble sleeping, depression....i know something's gotta change more than what i'm already trying to do in drinking less (which admittedly. not being as good on), eating better, exercising (which isn't happening lol). my mom gave me the second talk this week that she doesn't like seeing me come home crying every day
and financially? yeah honestly feasible for me to quit for a year if i just stay at home and maybe cancel some of those things you always tend to pay for but never fully use, but just want it to be there and available and i have so much saved up....i know it's going to probably change my life for the better when i do move out of this hellhole but i am scared of that stress too...some of my cousins offered for me to rent their house (which of course my mom shuts down any idea of renting cause she feels it's not worth it and i just hate that she gets that way and seems like she'd rather i quit my job than move out lmao) and i know i say every year this is the year i leave but....i have a feeling this is the year i don't. and same with work.
#this was admittedly one of the better feeling days i've had minus a bit of a panic attack earlier#as well as the dr's appointment that LMAO was supposed to be next week oops#and well ok the curveball at the end of work cause one of the two troublesome employees went to HR#(not the insubordinate guy though he went to her for something else unrelated)#and i'm not saying it's bad for employees to go to HR at all it just#i feel like a piece of shit already now i just worry i'm gonna get fired ya know???#(which is unjustified cause my boss would set me straight like she did last year if she even got an inkling i wasn't doing my job)#(and if you were just given the clairvoyance of my life at this place you'd agree they'd be crazy to fire me...at least so i'm told)
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worked an hour extra bc they have no respect for my half day but I knew they were gonna do that so whatever..... at least I'm omw home now
#they told me i only had 4 samples so it would be fine for me to book a half day and internally i rolled my eyes bc ik it wouldnt be 4#and lo and behold i get in at 7:30 and theyve put 9 samples in the schedule for me. called it#actually its an hour and a half extra i worked i forgot i start earlier now. well whatever ive removed next weeks scheduled overtime from#the calendar bc ive worked more than enough this week to cover the hours. idc if they expect me to stay ill just walk out#unless they agree! to pay me back the time!#a bit jealous of my friend bc theyre giving him shift bonus for fucking around with his hours so much. altho tbf he has it way worse#and i cant get the bonus anyway even if they did fuck me around that much bc my depts pay isnt calculated as shift hours#god and get this just before i left someone put a FOUR HOUR LONG MEETING in my calendar for next tues#my brother in christ i will be leaving at 3 like it says on my outlook i am not staying 2 bloody hrs longer to sit in a room with u pricks#im gonna ask on mon if i can just start 2-3hrs later on tues bc ik itll run over and im not staying from 7:30-6pm are u fucking kidding me#I DONT WORK SHIFT HOURS. I SHOULDNT BE IN FOR LONGER THAN 8 HOURS EVER#alsoooooo my boss put a thing in my calendar for monday that takes DAYS plus requires me to bring in shit from outside work#but she didnt specify the process or mention it to me so idek what i need to bring. well thats mondays problem#okay work rant over now i dont have to think abt it for 2 whole days.....tgif 😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨😮💨#im just feeling shite bc ive started ovulating today too which i can specifically tell bc of the sharp fucking pain i get from it#bc my lymph nodes fucking hate it i dont know whats wrong with meeeeee lalallaalala#cant wait for my period to start in two weeks at least ill probably have to call in sick so i wont have to go into work 😍#this is the shite part of my cycle itll get worse and worse until my period and then once that ordeals over ill get a week of not being#in pain so just holding out for that i guess.#WHATEVERRRRR. im going to download severance and go buy chocolate. and then watch a romance movie with a miserable ending#maybe even 2 movies. and then go to bed at like 8pm probably this week has been a million years long 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#.diaries
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"you what?"
ᥫ᭡Theodore Nott x F!Readerᥫ᭡
summary: accidentally drinking a lust potion, you asked your best friend Theo for help.
warning: smut, cursing, unprotected sex, size kink maybe? cream pie.
word count: 2.4k
18+only; minors don’t interact
Navigation; masterlist; request rules

“You what?” Theo’s eyes widened, you wanted him to do what? He wasn’t sure if this was a dream or not but if it was he didn’t want to wake up
Earlier that day , you had accidentally drank a lust potion.
How, you might ask?
Well the boys (Enzo/ Mattheo) thought it would be funny to prank Draco by giving him a lust potion as payback for pranking them earlier that week
At lunch the 2 boys were there first, taking their usual spots they slip the potion to a bottle of Draco's favorite drink and placing it on the spot were Draco usually sits
One by one the group gets to the table ,leaving you and Draco left.
Soon both of you walk in, but you seem to be in a rush
“Sorry guys I can’t stay and chat, I have to get back to studying, i’m just here to get some food to eat while studying” grabbing random things and the only drink you see left, you quickly stuff it in your purse
“Wait y/n!” Enzo saying frantically, giving Matt a worried look
You look up at Enzo as you start to zip up your bag. “Yeah?”
“We were actually saving that for Draco, um- were having practice later and that’s his favorite”
“Omg I’m so sorry! Here-“ as your opening you bag Draco comes behind you , going to sit down
“I actually got my own drink, y/n can have it” Dracos says while pulling out his drink from his bag,
Enzo’s and Mattheos’s eye widen.
“I- um, but we got it for you” Matt says with a bit of a shaky voice
“Its fine, I don’t need it” as he waves his drink showing the 2 boys
“Omg thank you Draco, I really have to go now guys see you later” you say as you're walking away before the boys have a chance to take away the drink.
Both Enzo and Matt try to call you back but you’re already gone, both freaking out inside. praying you don't find out what they did.
While studying in your dorm you couldn’t focus for more than 10 seconds. Thinking you might just be tired from all the studying you took a break. Getting up from your desk you head towards your bed. Laying in your bed you start to space out
At first it was all innocent thoughts, school, weekend plans but then they started to shift The only thing you could think of was pleasure. Thinking of a certain boy made your cunt throb, making your body hot
Your hand slowly creeps down to your shorts. Slowly playing with yourself imagining it was Theo’s fingers rubbing circles on your clit.
“Oh god Theo” you moaned
but no matter how good it felt you couldn’t reach your climax. You were so needy and nothing was working. The rising heat from your body only made things more uncomfortable.
“God what is wrong with me, and why is it so hot” getting up from your bed you walk towards your desk, trying to find your drink, in hopes of it cooling you down . You picked up the bottle and before you can finish the drink you saw something written on the bottom of the bottle
“Payback- Enzo and Mattheo”
Your eyes widened with confusion.
Then you remembered how the drink was meant for Draco.
everything started to make sense
This is why you were like this
You couldn’t even be mad at them, Your mind was clouded with the urge to get any satisfaction you could. all you wanted was any sort of pleasure but nothing was good enough. it started to get painful and a sudden thought popped in your head. Theo
he’d help right? He was really the only one you can go to.
Your heart was racing at just the thought of Theo agreeing to help you out, being best friends all these years you had developed a crush on him, of course you never acted on it because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship
Pacing back and forth your room, you finally decide to ask him for help. Nervously picking up your phone, you open Theo’s contact.
“Hey Bella, what’s up?”
The nickname itself making you get butterflies.
“Um- I need a favor, can you come over?”
“Of course, i'll be over in a few”
“Okay see you” hanging up the phone, your thoughts begin to consume you
What if he says no?
What if he laughs at your face and runs off
What if…
What if he says yes…
Before you can continue, there was a knock on your door. That must be him. Slowly walking to your door, palms sweaty, you turn your door knob
“Hey, what did you need help with?” Theo goes in to give you a hug
Hugging him back, your nose is infused with his cologne
God why does he always smell so good
He lets go and looks at you closely, he moves a strain of hair behind your ear to have a better look at you. His eyebrows frown, noticing your face is flustered and incredibly warm.
“Are you okay? Your face is warm” resting his hand on your cheek
“Yeah, um actually funny story-“ Quickly leading him to sit on the edge of your bed, holding his hands as you begin to explain
“Please just hear me out. I know it's odd ,but I have no one to go to,- just please-“ falling to your knees, begging.
“Hey hey, breathe. You know I'm here if you need anything. Now tell me, what’s up?” Theo's eyes looking at you with worry.
“Please I- I need you to fuck me” you blur out
That was the last thing Theo thought would come out of your mouth.
You wanted him to what???
He was speechless, absolutely at a loss of words. jaw wide open
“Please, I'm sorry for asking you for this, I know it’s a lot and we’re best friends. But please I can’t take it anymore. I accidentally drank something that wasn’t meant to me and it had this effect on me. I’ve tried everything but nothing is working. I need your help please” your face heating up from embarrassment . I mean you only ever had the biggest crush on your best friend for years, but what you didn’t know was that so did Theo.
Theo had dreamt of the day he got to be with you.
How’d he spend hours pleasuring himself of the thought of you under him, on top of him and how good you’d take him in your mouth. God, was he hard the second you asked him to help you out.
How could he say no?
Without another thought he picked you up from the floor. Sitting down back on your bed while you straddled his lap.
Looking into your eyes, moving a piece of your hair behind your ear, resting his hand on your cheek, he leaded in.
Your soft lips on his, both whimpering into the intense kiss. Licking your bottom lip asking for access. You gladly gave it to him.
Slowly rocking your hips on his clothed boner, trying to find any friction to satisfy you.
Slowly laying you down your bed, taking off your clothes until you were left in nothing but your matching black lace set.
“Don’t worry Bella, i’ll take good care of you” Theo whispers as he starts to leave a trail of kisses down your body
“Theo please~” you pleaded, needing to feel something, anything.
“poor thing, you’ve must of been so uncomfortable for such a long time, don’t worry i’m here now”
He stopped to look at your lying body, face all flustered, messy hair.
“God you’re so beautiful” he wasn’t lying, he’d always thought you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. Always jealous of your ex boyfriends because they got to be with you. But now it was his turn and he was going to give you the best you’d ever gotten, he was going to ruin every other guy you’ve been with.
Slowly pulling your panties off, dick throbbing at the sight of your wet glistening pussy. Trying to ignore his throbbing cock and focus on you, he gives you a sweet smile.
“You're soaking wet, so ready for me” leaving little kisses around your pussy, teasing. finally burying his face between your legs, painfully slow licks as he takes it in, savoring every moment.
As soon as you felt his tongue, you became a whimpering mess.
“Theo~ oh my god yes” moving your hand to his hair, giving it a little tug.
Theo couldn’t hold it in anymore, he started to devour you. eating you out as if he’d never get this opportunity ever again
“You taste so fucken good” he groaned against your dripping core. The vibrations sending you waves of pleasure
“More please, Theo! oh my god~” it felt so good, his tongue making you feel things you’ve never felt before with anyone else
“So polite, even when your so needy” Theo smirked as he sees how much of a mess you were for him
He starts so pump one of his fingering into you while eating you out. Soon enough you felt the feeling you were craving for
“M-so close, fuck Theo i’m so close”
He stops what he’s doing, getting up grasping on his zipper and undoing the button. Tugging his jeans and boxers off.
“Theo? Why’d you stop? I was so close” you looked at him with teary eyes. you were so close, god why did he stop
“Sorry princess, I wanna be in you, want you cum on my cock” godddd was he hot
His cock strung out his pants hitting his stomach , you were lost for words. In no world was Theodore Nott small, he was big- huge even. you’ve never taken anything close to his size.
Theo noticed your starring
“Like what you see?” A smile tugged the corner of his lips
“Don’t worry you can take it, I know you can”
You nodded at his works
He lined himself up to your pussy, tracing himself up and down, teasing you.
“You have no idea how long i've been wanting to do this for”
“Fuck ,Theo please, please fuck me” you whined
“Anything for you, love”
he slowly pushed himself into you. You both let out a loud moan.
“fuck, your so tight” Theo was out of breath.
You felt so good around him that he never wanted this moment to end.
“fuck Theo your big” you said panting
“You think you can take more?”
“There’s more??” Looking at Theo with a disbelief face
He chuckled “i’m only have way”
“Don’t worry you can handle it, can’t you baby?”
“Mhm- yes yes, I can take it”
Pushing the reset of himself into you. bottoming you out. heavily breathing, getting comfortable with the feeling of him stretching you out.
“good girl ,You’re doing so well for me, are you ready?”
“Yes! fuck-please move, please” you begged
Brining your legs above his shoulders and laying them there. Gripping your ankles to keep you steady as he started to thrust into you. Both a moaning mess
“Fuck fuck fuckkk, Theo-” your eyes roll back, arching your back.
“You feel so good Bella, oh god-“ panting
“Your squeezing me tight- fuck”
One of his hands moving to your waist. fucking you harder now, unable to stop. His cock was so fucking good, hitting your g-spot every time.
“Fuck Theo just like that, don’t stop, don’t stop please!” Your hands holding onto your bed sheets as he rocks his hips.
“You like that huh? You like it when your best friend is pounding into you, god you look so beautiful, taking all of me like a good girl” he groans while leaving kisses on your ankle.
Your walls clenching at his words
He groaned again as he felt your cunt throb at his praise.
“Oh you like being called a good girl don’t you?” letting go of your ankle to grip your jaw to make you look at him.
“Who's a good girl are you?” Theo says as he speeds up his thrusts
Looking at him with half lidded eyes “Yours, all yours!!~“ you moan
“That’s right all mine, no one can ever make you feel this good, isn’t that right love?”
“Mhm only you, ah~ i'm so close”
“Cum for me baby, come all over my cock”
You were absolute bliss, god you’ve never seen fucked this good, yeah you’ve had other hookups but nothing can compared to this, to Theo
You moaned loudly, shutting your eyes as you reached your orgasm “im- im cumming!!” Your body shaking from the overwhelming feeling
The way your walls clenched from cumming made Theo on the verge of spilling. He continues to thrust into you through your first orgasm. He didn’t expect you make such a mess all over his dick, your cum spilling out of you as he thrusts into you
You felt Theo twitch inside of you, knowing he’s close you moved his hand from your waist to your breasts.
“Mmm so soft…” Theo whispered. leaning down, putting his tongue on your nipple, swirling it around. “Mmm Theo that feels good” throwing your head back from a little act. Theo was soon approaching his climax.
“Fuckk- can I cum inside of you? please oh god I can’t hold it anymore, please? Fuck-” Theo begged as he tried to hold it in, waiting for you response
“Yes!! fuck Theo cum inside me” you practically screamed as you felt you stomach tighten.
He let out a loud moan as he spilled his cum inside of you. You screamed as you felt his warm cum spilling in you, triggering your second orgasm.
Theo’s thrusts became sloppy, riding out both your highs. He pulled out and laid beside you. Dizzy and breathless, taking a moment to catch your breath. Finally when you both got steady, you look up at Theo
“Thank you Theo, really”
“No need to thank me Bella, you can come to me for anything anytime” smiling at you.
crawling onto his lap you whispered into his ear “stay the night? I don’t think the drink has worn off just yet~”
This was going to be a long night for Theo.
ᥫ᭡reblog's & comment's are appreciatedᥫ᭡
a/n: Thank you for reading my first ever fic!! a special mention to @leona-hawthorne for being an angel and giving me feedback on my first rough draft. It helped a lot:)!! another honorable mention to @nottsangel!! Im that anon who mentioned writing their first story, hope you like it^-^ thank you both, your blogs have inspired me to start writing. xoxo
©lov3notts ,do not copy, translate or claim any of my writing or works as your own.
#theodore nott#theo nott#theo nott smut#bsf!theo#theodore nott smut#slytherin boys smut#slytherin#theo nott x fem!reader#theo nott x reader#theodore nott x reader#theodore nott imagine#slytherin boys#theo nott fic#theodore nott fic#theo nott one shot#theodore nott oneshot
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⭒˚‧ ⭒ཐིཋྀ "Only nice girls get treats." ཐིཋྀ⭒ ‧˚⭒
♡ warnings: caleb x fem!reader, (18+ mdni), reader is insecure, fingering, dirty talk, pussy eating, begging, crying, dumbification, heavy praise, denial, spit, finger sucking, hair pulling, pussy slapping, mirror
♡ a/n: little treat for the middle of the week. been working on this one for a while so it got a little long,, so sorry. finished this instead of writing my research paper,, butttttt i love writing for caleb so i hope u enjoy xx
You're taking a lot longer than usual to get ready. Nothing seems to be fitting right, every outfit looking worse than the last. Maybe you should just stay home tonight, or maybe, you Caleb needs to remind you just how beautiful his girl is.
“Hey, did you need me to iron something for you? I was gonna’ do my shirt, so—” You listened, turning towards the bathroom door as the honeyed voice came to a halt. There he was, leaning against the wooden door frame, muscled torso on full display, dog tag draped around his neck and glistening in the dim lighting, a white collared dress shirt draped over his shoulder. His pants were held up by a fine leather belt that hung loosely around his hips, the buckle undone. The smell of his cologne wrapped around you, notes of cedarwood and lavender softly calming your otherwise hectic state. The bathroom was a mess, makeup brushes strewn about on the marble countertop, clothes and bras and panties thrown in the corner, heels that didn't match were all over the floor, making for a minefield of a space that you'd been moving around for the last two hours.
“No, I’m good. Thanks.” His brow furrowed at the abnormally dry response, violet eyes studying you as you frantically hurried around the small space, makeup and hair both half done. The dress that he’d seen you in only five minutes earlier was balled up near a pile of purses on the tiled floor now, your skin only covered by a matching black lace set. He was almost drooling at the sight, opting to bite his full bottom lip to keep himself from doing so.
“Everything okay, baby?” His tone was cautious, testing the temperature of the water. You didn’t bother to meet his gaze, too busy wracking your brain to put together a different outfit—or maybe you needed to change your hair? Should you even bother going at all? Maybe you should suddenly pretend to have a stomachache.
“I’m fine, just rushed.” Another short answer.
“There’s no rush, sugar. They can’t start without us after all.” You gave him a soft laugh, brushing off the comment, but he was right. This night was about him after all—a ceremony awarding him for his accomplishments with the fleet this past year. He’d been going over his speech with you tirelessly every day for the last week, picking apart every line one by one until it was perfect. This was Caleb’s night, so why were you the one feeling so much pressure?
“Hey, look at me for a second.” You did, eyes meeting his in the mirror as you ran another coat of red lipstick over your bottom lip, suddenly questioning the color.
“You can tell me if something's wrong ya’ know. We don’t have to go.” You shook your head in dismissal, breaking the eye contact that was quickly making something well up in your chest, tears stinging in the corner of your eyes against your will.
“Of course we have to go, Caleb. I’m going—I want to go, I’m just trying to hurry up.”
“What was wrong with the last dress? Or the four before that?” He wasn’t teasing but genuinely asking you as he searched for your attention in the mirror again, to no avail. A single tear fell from your eye, effortlessly ruining your makeup, a line of foundation erased as you tried not to let anymore escape.
“They just weren’t right. Nothing is fitting right for some reason.” He wasted no time moving over to you, shirt falling to the floor in the process, but he didn’t care. His eyes were locked on you, noticing the way your face slowly crumpled, head hanging as if there was a thousand-pound weight holding you down.
“Don’t cry, baby. Hey, hey, shh…” His arms wrapped around you, toned chest pressing into your back, the warmth of his skin inescapable as he held you as tightly as he could. Your body gently shook against him as you let the tears fall freely now, the thought of ruining Caleb’s night making your heart even heavier.
“You could wear a burlap sack and you’d still be the most beautiful thing in any room, you know that, right? Why are you being so mean to my pretty girl, hm?” His soft palm snaked it’s way across your chest and neck, cupping your wet cheek, sticking your skin to his. He gently guiding your chin up, your reflection staring back at his now.
“Tell me what you didn’t like about the pink dress.” You subconsciously shrunk against him at the question, the visual of your bare skin against him, only covered by the thin pieces of fabric sending shivers down your spine. The little hairs on the back of your neck stood up, ears growing hot—you were so vulnerable like this.
“Be honest with me this time. Please,” he said, voice thick and syrupy like molasses, almost like he was begging as he craned his head down, resting his chin in the crook of your neck and pressing a feather-light kiss to your face.
“My- my shoulders…they looked too wide in it.” His eyes grew big at the confession before they shifted down in the mirror, locking onto your shoulders. He left another kiss on your cheek, then your jaw, next your neck, trailing them across your collar bone before his full lips finally lingered against the back of your shoulder. Your head slowly fell again, before you heard his voice,
“Don’t look away, sugar.” You watched his slender fingers graze across your skin, faintly dancing over your shoulder blades along with his lips which were still peppering kissing over your frame. Your breath hitched at the sight of his body against yours, his tall and muscular physique towering over you, making you look so fragile in his grasp.
“What was wrong with the red outfit, hm? I think I liked that one the best.” Your eyes rolled at the question which Caleb caught in the mirror. You hated the way you looked in the red dress. The outfit accentuating every curve, the short length hugging your thighs just a little too tightly. You felt so… naked in that dress—every flaw you’d seen in the mirror on full display in that gown.
“My body just doesn’t look good in it.”
“Your body looks amazing in anything. If I didn’t think I’d want to break the bones of any man that looked, I’d suggest you go just like this.” His eyes were not the same when they met yours this time. They were dark, pupils enlarged, darkening his irises. He looked hungry at the sight of you, like a vampire that hadn’t fed in weeks. His lips watered at the thought of devouring you, getting to see sweat glistening on your bare chest, nipples hardened under his rough fingertips, back arched as he pressed himself into you. The thing he loved the most though was your faces, your bottom lip almost bleeding from how hard your teeth grinded against it as you tried to silence your moans, tears welling up at the corners of your eyes that were desperate to escape once he hit just the right spot inside of your soft walls. Your face and body were the things he dreamed about in his sleep, but they were also what would keep him up at night while you were away. They were the things that made him fist his cock, eyes shut tight as he pictured the artwork known as his girl. He was ravenous for you—always, so why couldn’t you see what he did? Why didn’t the lamb understand what made the lion so hungry for it; what made him hunt day and night just for a taste.
You couldn’t help but notice the way his clothed cock hardened against you. He didn’t grind into you like you wanted, his focus instead on getting his fingers on every inch of you. Your gaze fell again, embarrassment heating your cheeks at the sight of his digits languidly sliding underneath the cups of your bra.
“I won’t tell you again. Look up.” You did. You core grew wetter, dampening the fabric of your panties at the contact.
“You know…” His free hand ghosted over your spine, causing you to shiver at his touch as he unclasped your bra, freeing your flesh. A small moan escaped his lips at the reveal, his fingers quickly found your breasts, large hands cupping them, much to his enjoyment.
“I’d kill anyone who talked bad about you. I would never let anyone speak about my girl the way that you do.” A harsh pinch to your nipple forced your chest to push out towards the mirror, your perfect French manicure gripping the edge of the marble countertop. The sight was absolutely sinful.
“So why do you think that you should be the exception, huh? Do you think you’re above the rules?” Caleb rolled your sensitive nipples between his fingers, reveling in the way you writhed beneath his touch.
“No…” You whined, head slowly falling forward at the sensation, you body going limp against his.
“No? Apologize then.” His voice was harsh suddenly, as you felt your muscles give way, gaze being forced back to the mirror against your will as he used his evol against you. He did say he wouldn’t ask again, instead, he would make you look.
“I-I’m sorry,” It was barely audible, strained out between your soft moans as you pushed your ass against the man behind you, unabashedly wanted to feel some sort of friction between your thighs.
“No no no, not to me. Apologize to my baby, hm? Look at her and say you’re sorry for being mean.” You tried to turn your head away at the humiliating request, but it was no use, you were practically immobilized between his arms. You looked at yourself in the mirror, body laid bare, chest heaving, ass grinding against Caleb like a bitch in heat.
“I’m sorry for being mean.”
“Aww how nice. See I knew you could be sweet. You always listen so well, my obedient pretty girl.” His right hand left your chest feeling cold as his middle and index fingers found themselves pressed against your lips.
“Get 'em wet for me, baby. Go ahead, it’s okay.” So you listen—you let your lips part, sucking his fingers between them, running your tongue in circles around his knuckles as he slides them in and out of your mouth. “Fuck… you look so good.”
“You want my fingers somewhere else? Been grinding this pussy against me like you need something. Do you want me to make you feel good, hm? Will that make my pretty girl stop crying?” He was mocking you, reveling in the way you squirmed against him as he pressed your hips into the counter.
“Caleb… please,” You said, words muffled by his thick fingers pushing down against your tongue, your saliva dripping halfway down his arm at this point.
“But you’re so mean, baby. Only nice girls get treats. Are you gonna be nice from now on? Gonna' treat my pretty girl better?” He watched as your reflection nodded up and down, pretty little eyes closed tightly, nose scrunched up like a bunny. He was in awe at this sight—he almost wanted to give you your reward without making you work for it...almost.
“Answer me, baby. C’mon, be good for me… please,” His words were strained, like he was getting off just as much as you were without him even being touched. It made your knees buckle a little beneath you, forcing your limp fingers to grip around his forearm, desperately searching for some stability.
“Yes yes I’ll be nice. I promise. Just touch me please.” With that, he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, your spit glistening around his digits as they traveled slowly down your body, leaving you painted in your own wetness.
“You have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen, you know that?” He pressed a soft kiss to your neck as his wet fingers slid beneath the waistband of your panties.
“Fuck this pussy’s so wet already. I can feel your little clit’s already excited, she’s so swollen. Aw, does it hurt, baby?” His muscled thigh forced its way between your legs, spreading them wider as his fingers lightly toyed with your most sensitive spot, soaked fingers rubbing on each side of your clit. Your hole clenched around nothing, juices spilling out against the fabric, desperately wanting to be filled—hungry.
“Look so pretty when you don’t get what you want though. Maybe this is all you should get, huh? After all, mean girls shouldn’t be rewarded, should they?” You squirmed even more at his words, trying to force his fingers to move faster or press against you harder—something. Caleb was having none of it though, his big hand gripping your waist, pinning you still. Whines fell from between your lips at the denial.
“Didn’t you just say you would be good? Were you lying to me again or does this messy hole between your legs make it so you can’t think straight? Don’t tell me my fingers barely touching you makes you this dumb, sugar. That’s cute… but a little pathetic, don’t you think?” He sloppily kissed your skin between words, teeth nipping against the flesh, tongue lapping at your wounds only to bite into you again.
“I guess you can’t think. Is that it? You need me to tell you what to do, hm?” You nodded uncontrollably, that heavy weight moving your muscles against your will once again.
“My pretty girl with the sloppy cunt. Say it.” His thumb found your clit now, hovering over it, just barely touching the aching button… but it wasn’t enough. It wouldn’t be enough until you did what he told you to.
“Caleb please…”
“No more whining. If you’re not saying what I told you to then you shouldn’t be speaking at all. Say you’re my pretty girl.” He freed your waist, certain that you wouldn’t disobey when he had you like this—so pliable. His hand made it’s way to your half-undone hair now, gripping it, as he pushed your face closer to the mirror, your body bent over the sink, reflection painfully close.
You said it… but not the way he wanted you to. Your eyes were on him, words barely audible, attitude palpable through the statement. Without warning the warmth of his fingers on your cunt was quickly gone as he slipped his fingers out of your panties to deliver a swift slap to your clit over the fabric. You screamed out at the painful sensation, which only resulted in another smack against your cunt.
“Do it the right way. Look at my girl while you tell her she’s pretty and mean it.” You looked at your reflection, chest bare, sweat staining your skin, hair messy from the way Caleb’s fingers gripped it forcing you not to look away. Your eyes were glazed over, lipstick smudged onto your chin—you were a mess, but you said it.
“I- I’m your pretty girl.” Not even a second passed after the words left your lips before Caleb slid the crotch of your panties to the side, fingers pressing all the way against you now. His middle finger, still wet from the impromptu blowjob you’d given it, made it’s way into your tight hole inch by inch.
“See what happens when you’re not a fucking brat? Don’t you know that only good girls get what they want?” You nodded, your head feeling fuzzy as his thick finger forced itself between your walls, its length allowing him to brush against your g-spot with hardly any effort.
“Say it again.” You did, looking yourself in the eyes once more.
“That’s right. You’re my pretty girl who listens so well. My god you are fucking prefect.” You were rewarded with another finger amongst the praise, but he hadn’t touched your clit again. He knew that the second he did, you would fall apart in his arms. He just wasn’t quite done playing with you yet.
“Aw my baby gets so fucking dumb when her holes get filled. How cute… you having trouble with your words again? What is it, sugar? Come on, tell me, you can do it.” His lips were so close to your ear as he spoke, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine. His tone was sweet, slightly higher in pitch, as if he were calling out for a stray dog to come eat a treat out of his palm. The condescending sound made you whine out once again, just like a puppy would.
“Aww am I not giving you what you want? Am I being mean to you?” His fingers quickened as he watched you pant, your palms flattened out against the mirror as he rocked you back and forth against his hand.
“Caleb please touch me.”
“I’m already touching you silly girl? What is it, did you want a kiss?” The thought of getting to feel his lips on yours as his fingers fucked harder into you, his tongue lapping at yours, brought more tears to your eyes.
“Yes. Please ‘wanna kiss so bad.” He pushed your head closer to your reflection, until your lips were only a millimeter from the mirror,
“Go on then. Give her a kiss—such a pretty girl deserves a kiss.” His cock ached in his pants against you as he watched it—the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen so desperate for his fingers that she was kissing herself in the mirror just because he’d said so.
“Goood girl. Good job being so sweet. Tell her you’re sorry again for hurting her feelings.” His thumb finally nudged against your clit again, slowly rubbing small little circles around it. The stimulation made you cry once more as he found just the right rhythm to keep you on the edge as apologies flowed from your lips.
“You must be getting close, beautiful. This little pussy is grippin’ on my fingers so tight. She doesn’t wanna let me go. Do you need to cum, baby?”
“Yes yes wanna cum so bad for you.”
“Aw I know I know. It’s okay. I’ll stop being mean to you since you’ve been so sweet. Tell me where you wanna cum, sugar.” The question only made you squeeze him tighter, your sloppy hole clenching and spasming around his fingers and you pressed your lips to the mirror once more, leaving little red kiss marks all over the reflection of your face. Your hips free now, you pushed into his cock again, grinding against the fabric of his pants, leaving an even bigger wet spot than before.
“No no no, you can’t have my cock. This is about you, just wanna make you feel good, yeah?” You whined louder at the denial, your voice trembling as you shook from your sobs.
“Don’t cry anymore, baby. I’ll do you one better yeah?” He pulled his fingers out of you slowly, despite the fight your hole tried to put up in keeping him inside. His hand’s grip on your hair was gone, but not before he used it to force you to turn towards him for the first time. He lowered himself to his knees, rough hands gently grabbing your thigh as he placed it over his shoulder.
“You are a fucking goddess,” he whispered as he brought his mouth between your legs, placing tiny kisses on the inside of your thighs. “Shouldn’t I pay my respects?” He wasted no more time getting his tongue on your cunt, pushing your lips apart as he savored your juices in his mouth. Your fingers tangled into his hair now, pushing your hips into his face as he gripped your thigh even tighter making you moan out at the mix of pain and pleasure. You were already so close, the feeling of Caleb suckling on your puffy clit, the rhythm just how he knew you liked it, made you beg to cum once more in no time.
“So fucking gorgeous, grinding on my tongue. Go on, say it one more time for me. Say you’re my pretty girl. Say you’ll never be mean to yourself again and I’ll let you cum for me.” He looked up at you as the words spilled out of your mouth just like he said, the look on your face intoxicating as you screamed out his name.
“Gooood girl you can cum for me. C'mon pretty girl, cum in my mouth, it’s okay. You earned it.” He held you still, tongue continuing to harass your poor little clit as you writhed above him. Your legs gave out, quivering as he continued to lick up the mess you’d made.
“Don’t worry, baby. I got you. Keep cumming for me, let it all out,” he said, voice sweet once again as he steadied you with his hands and you rode out the rest of your orgasm.
“You did so good. I’m so proud of you.” He pressed one more kiss to your clit, as you finished coming down, your body finally feeling steady in his arms. He stood up, towering over you once again, face wet with your juices as he held your fingers between his. His other hand cupped your face, thumb softly wiping away your tears.
“I love you more than anything and I want you to know that you have nothing to be insecure about. Even if you’re not feeling your best, you can always talk to me and I’ll remind you of just how beautiful you are. Okay?” You nodded, looking up at him with big eyes, your heart hurting in your chest from how full it felt in that moment.
“I love you, Caleb.”
“I can tell because you let me ruin your makeup when we only have…” He glanced over at my phone on the countertop, “thirty minutes before the car gets here.”
“Thirty minutes?” You shouted out, pushing against Caleb’s chest.
“You’ll be fine. I’ll make them wait,” he said, reaching down to pick up the white dress shirt that had been previously discarded onto the floor.
“And hey, put on that red dress. I’ll need something pretty to look at while everyone else is droning on about how great I am.” You rolled your eyes, letting out a laugh that perfectly harmonized with his as you threw the balled up dress towards him.
“Now you’ll have to iron them both.” He hummed in acceptance, violet irises glimmering at the sight of you.
“Anything for you, gorgeous.”
#love and deepspace#l&ds#l&ds caleb#l&ds x reader#l&ds x you#lads caleb#lads smut#lnds#lnds caleb#love and deepspace smut#lads x reader#love and deepspace fic#lads x you#love and deepspace x reader#caleb x mc#caleb smut#caleb x you#caleb x reader#lnds smut
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winter weight (nanami ver)

Synopsis: nanami has gained some weight this winter, it seems you don't mind.
based on this fanfic I wrote for Toji which was based on this fanart! thank you @lil-sis for requesting more nanami :,)
You had known Nanami Kento for years before you were romantically involved. He had never made an inappropriate comment, always treated you with the utmost respect, and was all-around, the truest form of a gentleman.
For a time, you locked away your feelings for the kind man, sure he could never see you in that way, but little did you know, the man in question hid from your gaze, not because he did not want to see you, but in fear that you would see him. See him for what he was: a man, obsessed.
You had been with Ken for nine months now and he was everything you could want and more. He was communicative, thoughtful, and romantic. He looked at you in a way nobody had before. Likewise, for you, those nine months passed with comfortable ease.
This was your first winter together, and with the changing of the seasons you learned day by day that the man you knew was your life partner. The both of you were homebodies in a sense, however, with the chilly air and light snowfall this week, you were even more keen on a night in together.
You raced around the house, lighting candles, simmering mulling spices on the stove, and laying out blankets for the two of you. The house felt even cozier knowing that Ken was coming to join you.
He had spent the afternoon with his parents and was coming over after having dinner, he told you to eat without him and you had just finished cleaning your plate when you received a text,
"I am on my way now, sweetheart, is there anything you would like from the store?"
Ken was like this, domestic in the way that made you want to bounce around the room. You thought for a moment before deciding you would probably need more eggs. Earlier this week the two of you had planned a movie night, the next morning you were both hoping to bake cookies together while playing board games or taking turns reading to one another.
You informed him of the need for eggs and he told you he would be just a few more minutes. During that time you scrolled through the choices of movies, picking a few for the two of you to choose from.
Despite being together longer than the gestational period for a baby human, you still received butterflies in your stomach at the thought of his arrival. Knowing he was nearly home, you bounded to the kitchen and faced the door, the room smelled delicious, the only thing missing was his presence, and perhaps another layer of clothing.
Even so, you could hear his footsteps approach and knew that the two of you would share a blanket and body heat in no time.
When the man finally opened the door he was smiling shyly, a red dusting across his face from the cold. He wore a long winter coat, and in his arms were a bouquet of flowers and a wrapped gift.
You rushed to greet him, taking the day bag from his arm,
"Oh! Ken, they're beautiful!" You stood on tiptoe as he bent his knee and you kissed his cold cheek. "Goodness, you're freezing! Come in please!"
"Hello, my love." He smiled more broadly now, wrapping his free arm around you, "This if from my parents, but they told me not to let you open it until the holidays."
A warmth ran through you, the Nanami's were all too kind. Kento set the flowers on the counter and stepped toward the coat rack by the door to retire his shoes and jacket.
In the motion it took for him to pull the sleeves off his broad shoulders, you took him in. Leaning on the kitchen counter you allowed yourself to stare at him. His dress shirt was tight on his arms, and his suit pants clung to his thighs. You took a step toward him again.
"I almost don't want you to change, you look so handsome in your work clothes."
"Well, I've certainly put on some weight. These pants hardly fit now." he looks increasingly uncomfortable, not to be in your presence but to show that he was dressed in such a tailored fashion.
"Ken, my dear, you look incredible." You contain the desire to squeeze his thigh by walking to the bedroom and bringing out a pair of sweats and a cotton shirt.
"Although you are a delight to see this way, I'll let you get comfortable." You smile and pinch his bicep.
"Thank you, dear, I don't believe I've ever been so heavy. It's all the good restaurants you introduce me to, perhaps I should get back into the gym." He had grabbed the soft clothes you picked for him and walked into the bedroom to change.
"You're the one bringing me to all those good restaurants so you can't just blame me." You smile from outside the door.
"I'm just grateful you're with me" He laughs, pulling the shirt over his head.
"Ugh!" You exclaim, "Of course, Ken, don't say something so ridiculous." He laughs but you are still caught on what he said earlier. "And don't start going to the gym, you look great, very chewable."
He pops out from behind the door and looks down at you, amused. "I'm not sure how to feel about that descriptor, but if you still like me with extra weight, then I suppose I can remain comfortable."
"Still like you?" You gasp offended, "Ken, I grow more attracted to you every day, I don't care how tight your clothes are, in fact, it's a good look."
He gives you a mischievous face, "Go sit on the couch, pick a movie, stop trying to seduce me."
You laugh, incredulous, "I'm not trying anything, I'm only speaking the truth." You shrug, bounding to the couch and crawling beneath the blanket. Ken brings two mugs of cider before joining you.
That night you lay on his chest, watching a cheesy romance, the both of you laughing at the silly main character. You tilt your head up, to watch his face, your eyes catching the beginning of a few grey hairs dispersed in his blonde hair. You gently run your hand through his undercut.
In that moment, in his arms, as comfortable as you've ever been, you are sure, he is the man you will grow old with.
#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#kento nanami#jujutsu kaisen nanami#jjk nanami#jujutsu nanami#nanami kento#kento nanami x reader#kento fluff#nanami kento x reader#nanami x reader#nanami fluff#kento nanami fluff#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen fluff#nanami fanfic#kento nanami fanfiction#nanami x you#nanami x y/n#kento x reader#kento x y/n#kento x you#nanami kento fluff#nanamin#kento nanami x you#kento nanami x y/n#jjk comfort#jujutsu kaisen comfort
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accepting it- c.leclerc

summary: charles has been a bit too distant during your pregnancy, and what max said about his own child brought some ugly truths to the surface, hurting you in the process. charles realises his mistake, but it's just too late for you to believe him.
pairing: husband! charles leclerc x fem! pregnant! wife! reader
The quiet unlocking of the door was what had woken you, Charles was sure of it. He hadn’t wanted to, mostly because he knew he’d say something stupid and piss you off. He wouldn’t mean to, but he would. That’s what the start of the season was, that’s what becoming a father was, that’s what the stress did to him.
“Hey handsome,” you smiled sleepily from the coach, all bundled up in blankets as some random Netflix series played on the screen.
“Hey beautiful,” he exhaled harshly, then turned to you, (fake) smiling. “You alright?”
You nodded. “Just tired,” you yawned. “Want to head to bed?”
He nodded with a groan. “Yes, please.”
He helped you up off the couch and it hit him how close you were to giving birth. You were in the third trimester, heavily pregnant with a slightly complicated pregnancy. He grimaced when he saw you grabbing your back in pain.
“Alright?” he asked as you winced.
You took a deep breath and continued on to your bedroom. “Fine,” you said through gritted teeth, the pain easing.
He led you over to your side of the bed and helped you lie down. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and turned out the lights, ready to sink into his side of the bed after his exhausting day.
He woke up to the sound of vomiting. It wasn’t usual to hear, but it had gotten less frequent as the pregnancy went on. “You alright baby?” he called out.
His question was met with more vomiting. He huffed as he pulled himself out of bed and walked to the bathroom, looking at you hunched over the toilet. He frowned and knelt beside you, holding your hair. After another few minutes the vomiting stopped and you looked up at him, exhausted and sick.
“Feels any better?” he asked. You shook your head and he frowned again, pulling you into his chest. He smoothed a hand through your hair as you leant against him, trying to calm yourself down. “It’s alright,” he soothed. “You’re alright.”
Brunch was going to be hell on earth for both of you, but you still both dressed up and got in the car, pretending to be excited about the family luncheon.
“Can you believe Max said he wouldn’t miss a race for the birth of his baby?” you scoffed, scrolling through your phone as Charles drove to his mother’s house. “Poor Kelly.”
Charles gulped beside you. He’d been dreading this conversation for weeks, unsure when to have it. It’s not that he didn’t want to be there for the birth of his child, he did, badly, but he couldn’t throw away championship points for anything. He’d make an exception if it was a sprint race, but other than that… he couldn’t chance it. “Well, he has a good reason to,” he shrugged nervously.
You turned your head to him, shock painting your features. “Are you joking right now?”
Charles shrugged. “Not really. He’s the World Champion and he needs to stay on top this year, especially if it’s his last year, which he’s thinking it might be. I understand where he’s coming from.”
You were both quiet for a minute, taking in what he’d said.
“So what about us?” you asked in a small voice.
“You’re due on a non-race week,” he shrugged. “We just hope she doesn’t come earlier than that.”
He didn’t dare look over at you, scared of what he might see. He knew this was selfish, but he couldn’t piss away his chance at being champion, not when he’d worked his entire life for it, not when his parents, family, and friends gave up so much.
“Oh,” you breathed out, trying to stop yourself from crying. “Alright then.”
The rest of the car ride was silent, you watched the streets of Monaco whip by you as Charles drove up to his mother’s house, and you thought. Thought about giving birth alone. Thought about how Charles had promised you he’d be there. Thought about how shitty it felt to be second to his job. You wiped your unshed tears away before you walked inside.
When you walked inside, Pascale instantly knew something was wrong. Charlotte immediately took you away to chat together, and Lorenzo was too busy giving out to Arthur about breaking up with Jade to notice, but Pascale noticed. She saw the way Charles watched you from across the room, trying desperately to catch your eye, to gauge your reaction, something.
She pulled him aside. “What’s wrong?”
He sighed. “Maman, it’s nothing-”
“What did you say to your wife?” he demanded. He looked down, ashamed. He knew he was in the wrong, but he still felt justified, though that justification was slowly dwindling.
“We were talking about how Max wouldn’t miss a race for his baby, and I said I’d do the same,” he admitted.
“Excuse me?” Lorenzo inserted himself in the conversation. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Arthur was even looking at him in disgust, Arthur. “Charles, that’s not right-”
“You don’t get to talk, alright?” he shot at his younger brother, who quietened out of shock. “And what else am I supposed to do? Every single year in Formula One I feel the championship falling away from me! Y/n understands-”
“She shouldn’t have to,” Pascale interjected. “Do you want that little girl? The one your wife has been carrying without complaint for 8 months?”
Charles nodded vigorously. “Of course I do-!”
“So you should be there for the woman who’s carrying her! She has been pregnant basically on her own for the past 8 months, either you were racing, or training, or enjoying your break - which meant doing extreme sports that she cannot do! That woman loves you too much to see how you’ve been treating her, and it’s sad, Charles. She does everything for you, and you’re even entertaining the idea of not being there for her while she goes through possibly one of the most painful experiences of her life? Are you insane?” she argued, shocked at her own son's selfishness. “If you cannot see that the woman you love is more important than a race win, you should really just let Y/n go and find a man that actually loves her. Not one who is more focused on his personal goals than the goals of his family. Your father and I raised you to be a racer, yes, but first and foremost we raised you to be a good person. And being a good person means being a good husband and father to your family, which is just starting.”
Charles stood there for a moment in silence, ashamed of his behaviour. “You’re right.”
“I know I am,” she scoffed. “Go make it right with Y/n, now.”
Charles scurried off to find you in the garden with Charlotte, she had her arms around you as you explained everything that had happened, how distant Charles had been, what he’d said about the birth, everything. Charlotte sent him a particularly withering look as he stepped out into the sun, and he knew he deserved it.
“Can I talk to my wife?” he asked, standing behind you.
“She’s busy right now Charles,” Charlotte scoffed. “I’m just trying to calm her down from crying. Come back later.”
His heart broke slightly, he knew you’d been taking the burden of the baby a lot more than he had (obviously), and he thought he was being gracious by not bringing it up. He thought he was doing the right thing by giving you space, but he was just subconsciously trying to ignore the fact that his life was going to change drastically and that he was scared. Still, he never thought he’d be the one to make you cry.
“Please,” he begged.
You gave Charlotte a nod, and she smiled at you sadly, then left you to talk. He took the seat she had been sitting in and placed a hand on your thigh. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m ruining the whole day.”
His heart actually broke then. He was being a dick, he was in the wrong, and you were apologising. What the actual fuck? He shook his head, squeezing your thigh. “No. If anyone ruined today, it was me. My selfishness has been ruining this entire pregnancy for you,” he admitted. “And I’m sorry.”
You stared up at him in shock.
“You’ve been doing this on your own since day one, and that’s my personal failing. I’m sorry that I was so… distant. I was busy getting in my own head about my career, when the most important thing was right in front of me. I’m sorry, and I hope you’ll forgive me,” he took your hand and squeezed, looking at the ground.
“Charles, I know what I signed up for when I married you,” you admitted, dropping his hand. “I know you’re ambitious, I know you want to win, and I know you won’t stop until you’re the best. Sometimes it just… gets to me that I’m not enough for you, that our family isn’t enough for you. It’s just… hard sometimes, alright? And if I’m being honest this is a bit too much too late. I know my place in your life, and I’ve accepted it. I just hope you prioritise our daughter more than you prioritise me,” you tearfully explained before getting up and going back inside.
Was that really the standard he’d set for the love of his life? Surely not? He had to fix this, and quick.
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The Sweetest Struggle
synopsis: up early with your toddler, Satoru endures the sweet struggle of letting you sleep in a little longer - much to his daughter's chagrin.
tags: MDNI, pure domestic bliss, fluff, satoru gojo loooves his wife and daughter, no plot just fluff <3
6:00 a.m. in the Gojo household, and despite the fact that the sun was only just barely winking upon the horizon, two voices could be heard above the slowly awakening crickets and early birds.
Uncoordinated clapping - palms only just barely meeting and with scarcely any force behind them - accompanied whispered words, stifled yawns, and breathless chuckles.
"Oh, c'mon, princess... you're just handing the applause out now, I didn't even do anything."
Satoru complained softly down to the child in his arms - his daughter, just shy of a year old - making no effort to hold back the smile that was tugging at the corners of his lips.
In response, she babbled happily, complete nonsense spilling from her lips as she squirmed with delight, gazing up at her father with wide, shining eyes - as if he had hung the moon and stars just for her.
He adored that look, not just because it made him feel like the luckiest man in the world, but because he was certain, beyond even a shadow of a doubt, that she had learned it from the way he looked at you.
And speaking of you -
The little one droned on, her baby babbles fading into that familiar word she was so very fond of using. Satoru couldn't really blame her though; not with the way your whole face lit up whenever you heard it. If he were in possession of such a power, he was certain he'd abuse it too.
"Yeah, yeah..."
He chuckled, rolling his eyes as he pinched at his daughter's soft, sleep-warmed cheek, trying to draw her attention away from the brief glimpse she had gotten of you still fast asleep in bed as he'd quietly shut the door on his way past after scooping her from her crib.
"Let my wife sleep, you precious little leech."
His tone was pure adoration even if his words teased.
After all, he'd be lying if he said he didn't get where his little girl was coming from.
The sight of you in bed that morning, all wrapped up in the thin covers you'd only recently swapped the winter set out for, hair mussed and expression oh so peaceful, had made it almost impossible to leave once he'd heard the telltale sound of shuffling coming from the monitor he'd moved from your bedside table to his the night before.
His baby girl was an early riser, after all, always up at the crack of dawn, bright-eyed and ready to go... much to her parents' exhaustion...
But there was no way he’d let you be the one to get up with her again for the sixth time that week — not after all those mornings he’d missed, slipping out to work before the sun had even shown its face.
Not to mention how small you’d looked in that big bed of yours, the one meant for two...
Yeah. He really couldn’t blame his daughter.
In fact, he probably wanted to wake you up even more than she did - he just had more self control...
"C'mon sweetheart."
He murmured, adjusting the 11-month-old on his hip as he started to prepare breakfast for her, eggs already out and on the counter, rice cooker humming beside them, and pan warming up on the stove.
"Lets make you something to eat, hmm? We can go see Mama after."
And when he looked down to check his little girl's reaction, only to be greeted by the sight of her adorable smile - the one she had inherited from you - he felt his heart swell with adoration.
So, if he just so happened to wake you up a little bit earlier than he'd planned...
Well, who could blame him?
After all, the little girl on his hip was far too persuasive to resist.
#jjk x you#satoru gojo x you#satoru gojo x reader#gojo x you#gojo x y/n#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader#gojo fluff#gojo x reader fluff
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lumberjack!logan howlett x fem!reader
cw: fluff! domesticity! soft!logan pregnancy
author's note: this was inspired by the kacey musgraves song! just wanted to write some fluff :)
divider credit: @/roseraris

within these cabin walls, time stood still. logan liked his life and the time machine he's built himself. you and him live in a 60's dream home.
during the weekdays, logan went to work at the lumberyard while you stayed at home and worked on your paintings. when the two of you moved in together years ago, logan got you to agree to quit your job and prioritize your talents since he could do triple the amount of work for a normal man, money would never be an issue.
on saturday's, the two of you would go into town and you would bring your art pieces to a shop downtown for them to sell. whatever money you made, you put back towards the supplies you needed because logan covered everything else.
"well, don't 'cha look like a dream" logan compliments as he watches you get ready in the mirror.
"thank you, sugar." you smile as he leans down to kiss your temple then down to your cheek.
"prettiest fuckin' thing i've ever seen." he mutters against your skin. "is this new?"
both your eyes fall to the satin powder blue slip dress that adorned your frame. he loved how it looked with your pretty white mary jane boots and the small bump blooming underneath the soft material of your dress.
"yeah, picked it up earlier this week." you reply, removing the curlers in your hair and teasing the hair pieces up high.
"love it." logan says, nibbling at your earlobe.
"logan..." you giggle, lightly shoving him away. "go get dressed so we can leave."
"yes, ma'am."
reluctantly, logan gets up and grabs the nice outfit you put together for him earlier. a fresh pair of denim jeans, a white shirt, and his brown leather jacket. as an anniversary present one year, you got logan a silver star-shaped belt buckle that matched the necklace he got for your birthday when you two first met. in the mirror, you watched him put it on.
"whatcha thinkin' about over there, sweetheart?" he smirks, looking up to find your eyes.
"dippin' you in honey."
"dirty. i like it."
"not like that, perv." you giggle. "just wanna be stuck to you forever."
"that's sweet," he says, walking over, bending down, and gently grabbing your chin to kiss you.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
once the two of you make it inside the tiny shop, logan brings in your painting while you greet the older ladies who own the building. all of them fawn over logan and your round tummy; telling you how lucky you are. something you never let yourself forget.
"you'll never believe what we picked up at the gala last weekend." one of the grey-haired women tells you.
"what did you two find?" you asked, always curious to their treasures.
"the hell kinda painting is this?" logan asks, looking sideways at one of the paintings on the wall.
the sight makes you laugh. no matter how long you two have been together, logan still struggles to see some of the beauty that you do in certain art pieces.
"i think the handsome lumberjack found it." the other lady winked as they guide you over to where logan stood. hanging upon the wall sat a velvet elvis painting.
"oh my!" you gasp.
ever since you were a little girl, you adored the painting that some would call 'tacky'.
"you like that, sweets?" he questions but you ignore it, stepping closer, running a finger along the golden frame.
"my grandma used to have one in her living room, it was her most prized possession –well, next to my grandpa."
behind you, logan could see the couple smiling to each other. too busy amazed by the painting to notice anything else around you.
“what a lucky find!” you marvel, turning around to face them.
“which is why we want you to have it.” one of them says while the other takes it down from the wall.
in shock, you shake your head insisting that you couldn’t allow them to give it away. they insist on you two taking it home, telling you to hang it somewhere nice. logan wasn’t exactly thrilled to have the painting in the home but he knew you adored it so he would never say a word out loud.
on the way home that night, you raved about the piece. logan loved hearing you talk about the things you were passionate about. he could listen to you explain color theory for hours. his own personal, prettier version of bob ross. when he brought in the painting, you told him exactly where you wanted to hang it in the living room.
“right there, baby.” you instruct him. “be careful.”
the man couldn’t be hurt if he tried but he found your warning cute. once it was hung up, you both step back to admire it. the art work did at least match the aesthetic of the house, logan could admit.
“i mean, its no mona lisa but i don’t mind it.” logan says, pulling you in to kiss your forehead.
“you know, i don’t really care for the mona lisa.” you admit with a shrug.
“mhm, don’t like that everyone fawns over it. i want character, creativity, and something unique."
"hm.." he hums, swaying you gently.
"this painting reminds me of you." your voice meek and muffled against his shirt.
"is that so?" he asks, looking down at you.
you nod. "i want something no one else has and something no one else will ever understand the way that i do. you're my favorite work of art, lo."
"i'm only a work of art because you carved and molded me with your beautiful mind." he says, trying to allow a tear to fall down his face.
logan couldn't believe the life he'd been gifted after all the shit he's dealt with in his lifetime. he didn't deserve this; he didn't deserve you. your kindness, your warmth, your talent, your body that carries the only other human he will ever love as much as you. he would never be able to repay you for this little life and slice of peace that you've gifted him.
#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x reader#logan howlett#james logan howlett#deadpool and wolverine#logan howlett smut#wolverine#wolverine smut#hugh jackman wolverine#wolverine angst#logan howlett angst#logan howlett imagine#logan howlett fanfiction#logan x reader#logan wolverine#old man logan#old man logan x reader#old man!logan#wolverine fluff#wolverine one shot#wolverine x oc#logan howlett fluff#hugh jackman#marvel cinematic universe#marvel#mcu#marvel mcu#x men#x men oc#x men comics
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No, because I absolutely love your writing. You write smut so good. So I was think could you write something with Lando where he's reader's sugar daddy and they fuck alot but Lando is down bad for her. (No lando with toher girls, though) With a happy ending, my queen. 🧎♀️
Thank you anon, I'm so glad you like my writing! And i hope you enjoy this. Remember, requests are always open.
Whats yours is mine, whats mine is yours
Warnings: heavy smut, swearing, p in v sex, unprotected sex, blowjobs, oral f receiving, fingering, anal.

Lando Norris.
The hot fuckboy you met last year at the Monaco race where you were one of the grid girls. The minute your eyes met before the race started, you knew how the night would end.
It was sweeter because Lando had won the race. He quickly found you as his media duties ended, pulling you into his drivers' room. No words were spoken at first, just intense gazes, both knowing what the other wanted.
What was supposed to be just a one time fuck had turned into 3, 7 and now 12 months of fucking.
You both weren't in the right space for a relationship, so never even mentioned such. You were just finishing uni, starting an internship in Monaco, still trying to make grounds meet, while Lando was in a different city every week, so it made no sense.
You were fine with what you thought was just a one night stand, but you couldn't see yourself fitting into Lando's lavish lifestyle. He tried many times to assure you that he would take care of all your needs, even help you while setting your life up in Monaco. It wasn't until the third time you saw each other that Lando and you made a pact - friends with benefits, though he would continue to help you.
To be honest, you weren't expecting much from him. The sex was incredible, and you'd take it anytime. But he often showered you with lush gifts and expensive items, dropping money into your account without thinking. Normally you'd be opposed to accepting such from people, but the man was an f1 driver, and you were having fun, so you allowed yourself to indulge in everything he had to offer.
You'd text or call here and there whenever he was away, and he'd invited you to a few races as well, so you could use each other as you pleased.
One thing you wouldn't admit to anyone, was how you were falling more and more for Lando each time you saw him recently. You didn't allow your thought or feelings to consume you because you knew he was probably fucking every other girl everywhere he traveled, not so much as even thinking of you.
What you didn't know though was how deep in Lando himself was. The minute he layed eyes on you, he knew he was done for. You were beautiful, had long, lush hair, skin so smooth he always kissed every corner of it, and curves so sexy he'd get hard just thinking of you. He wasn't generous to you because he pity-ed you - no. You deserved everything single beautiful thing on this planet, and he made it his mission to give it all to you. He'd give you the moon if he could. You also didn't know that he hasn't slept with anyone since your first night together. He'd tried, but no one was a good as you, and he found himself comparing them all to you - so before it would get as far as penetrative sex, he would already be walking out or pushing the girl through his door.
Lando wouldn't dare make his feeling known because it would be unfair to expect you to accept his job and his traveling. One year on and you were doing well for yourself - working a full time job, and growing with each step you take. He didn't want to take all of that away from you just for him.
Lando had texted you earlier that he was on the way home from Nice, telling you to go wait for him in his apartment.
While you were waiting for him in his room, you wondered if he'd bring other girls here on the nights you didn't spend together. Would he fuck them senseless as he did you, devour their pussy's like he was a starved man, and moan their name when he came as he did yours?
Your thoughts were interrupted when Lando suddenly walked through the bedroom door. You didn't realize how lost in thought you were that you missed hearing the front door open.
''Hey, you good?'' he asked, seeing your face contorted with confusion. ''Huh? Uh, yeah, sorry, thinking about work'' you lied.
You sat on your knees as he walked up to you and cupped your face, leaning down to lock his lips with yours in a feverish kiss.
His actions had you moaning already, which allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth as he slowly started removing your clothes.
Once you were left in just your panties he pulled back and stripped his own clothes.
You watching in anticipation as he finally took off his boxers, revealing his thick girth, swollen and standing tall.
He smirked, ''Like what you see?'' he asked. You licked your lips, ''So much'' you said, wasting no time in taking him into your hands and pumping him a few times.
It had been a while since you had seen each other so to finally feel your hands on the place he craved you the most, he was twitching uncontrollably in your hands.
''Someones' needy'' you chuckled as your thumb spread the pre-cum all over his tip, watching as his core muscles flexed with every movement.
Lando's breath increased and he couldn't take just your hands anymore. ''Fuck y/n, please'' he begged.
Normally you'd liked to have teased him a bit more, hear him beg a bit more, but honestly, you were just as desperate for him.
You finally leaned forward and took his tip into your mouth, sucking on it harshly as Lando held your head in his hands, guiding your movements.
He slid in as much as you could take, hitting the back of your throat which had you gagging around him.
''So pretty for me, taking me so well'' he whispered as he began to move, fucking himself into your pace at a raw pace.
You held onto his thighs tightly as Lando took full control, using you how he wanted because he knew how much it turned you on.
You already felt your core dripping wet, clenching achingly around nothing, so you crossed your legs and squeezed your thighs together.
The sounds you were making right now were borderline pornographic - Lando was throwing out moans and swear words like crazy, you were moaning and groaning at his relentless movements in and out of your mouth, and then there were the wet, slick and sloshy noises of his dick sliding through your spit which was now running out your mouth and messing your chin.
''Fuck baby, not gonna last long now, where do you want me?'' he asked, as always. When you didn't respond, he knew he was to finish in your mouth.
So he did - Lando's dick was throbbing uncontrollably as he came violently, shooting ropes of warm cum down your throat as his hold on your head tightened. ''Shit, how do you do that, fuck, yes'' he moaned.
''Hmm'' you hummed at the taste of him, slowly working him through his high as he slowly softened second by second.
You pulled off with a pop, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, breath heavy and lips swollen as you looked at Lando, who's eyes were still shut, his own breathing quick. ''Missed that so much'' he said, genuinely smiling down at you, releasing his tight hold of your head.
He now picked you up and off the bed, headed into the bathroom and placed you on the counter.
You hissed at the coldness as wrapped your legs around him and pulled him closer, kissing him with a sense of urgency and desperation, this time sliding your own tongue into his mouth and pulling at his hair.
Lando lowered his lips to your neck, sucking and biting at your sweet spot as you bit on your lower lip, trying to keep your body from trembling since he had barely touched you yet.
''Hmmm Lando, please'' you begged, not sure what for, though quickly releasing a breath when his mouth landed on your left nipple, tugging and pulling at it, showing it no mercy.
Your nails dug deep into his biceps when he rolled your other nipple between his fingers harshly.
When he pulled back to spread your legs open, your breath hitched at seeing a string of spit still connecting his mouth to your nipple, and he smirked too when he noticed it. It might have been a small thing, but it was so hot, and you couldn't help but pull him closer and kiss him again. You fought each other, teeth clashing and biting one another until he finally pushed you back to lean against the mirror.
''Need to taste you'' he mumbled, spreading your legs open again and licking his lips when he saw your glistening core, dripping down your thighs.
You latched your hands onto Lando's hair as he leaned down and licked your juices that had leaked out of your pussy, letting his mouth travel further to place you were eager for him to devour.
As he teased you, taking his time to get there, Lando noticed how your lips were twitching, clenching around nothing, begging for attention. He smirked again, ''I'm home baby, I'm gonna take care of you''
You tried not to think too deep at his words, he probably said that just because of how turned on he was, but something was telling you he meant something deeper, more meaningful.
Though your thoughts were cut off when he finally let his tongue run through your slick folds, slurping up your sticky juices before he found your clit and sucked on it roughly.
''Fuck me Lando'' you said as your legs were starting to close around his head but he stopped your movements by placing his strong hands on them, holding them down and in place.
''Oh I'm gonna fuck you, don't worry'' he said, spit and your wetness already making a mess on his face.
Lando suddenly thrust two fingers through your entrance causing your back to arch from the mirror, gasping for hair as he was already curling them at the right spongy spots, while his tongue still slaughtered your clit.
''Hmmm fuck, not gonna last long Lan'' you managed through your fuzzy brain, pulling at Lando's hair harder than before.
He sped up his movements, edging you on and within minutes you were a shuddering mess above him, releasing your cum straight into his mouth as he moaned at the taste of you, warm and salty.
''Shit Lando'' you said through gritted teeth and he slowed his fingers, eventually pulling them out and licking them clean, eyes darker than usual staring into yours.
It was what he did next though that had you already wet for more. He leaned forward and let your cum drip from his mouth into yours, then kissing you harshly as he lifted your ass off the counter and carried you back to his bedroom.
As he placed you back on the bed, hovering above you, you gave him access to your neck so you could try and catch your breath, get ready for what was to come next.
Your hands roamed his body, memorizing every outline of his muscles, before settling on his girth and sliding it through your folds a few times, lubing it up.
''Gonna be my whore and let me fill you up?'' he whispered, the nickname nothing new for you.
''Please, i need you'' you whined, getting impatient.
''Not gonna be able to walk tomorrow, yeah?''
''Give it to me'' you said, smiling eagerly.
And he did.
Lando slammed into your pussy with a force that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
He stayed still for a moment, allowing your body to accept the intrusion, until you nodded your head so he could start moving.
Lando pulled out completely before ramming into you again and again, showing you no mercy, the both of you moaning and on the edge of a high so delicious.
''So fucking tight, taking my big dick so well baby'' he murmured, leaning down to take a nipple into his mouth, biting it through his teeth and sending waves of pain and pleasure through your body.
''Lan, please, I'm close''
''I know angel, you can let it out'' he said, because he was trying to hard not to let himself cum before you, though he was shamelessly ready to do so the minute he started fucking you.
''Cum quickly so i can fill you up and fuck a baby into you'' he said, not thinking his words through. Both your eyes widened, but quickly got replaced when your body was suddenly shaking, your orgasm ripping through you violently.
When Lando felt your walls clench painfully around his dick, he went into overdrive, and before he could register what was happening, he was emptying his load into you, ropes of cum milking its way deep into you as it was his turn to be shaking above you.
''Fuck y/n, fuck'' he cooed, both your hearts racing, groaning at the intensity of the situation.
Lando let his weight fall on your body as you wrapped your arms around him tightly, letting him bury his head in your neck.
You shivered as you felt his hot breath fanning over your sweaty sides, the cool air of the night also causing goosebumps along the rest of yours and his body.
You stayed like that for a while, Lando softening still inside of you until he moved and pulled out, both of you hissing at the loss contact. He disappeared into the bathroom to get a towel to clean you up - he always did. Once that was done and you were dressed again you knew it was time to leave even though you didn't want to.
Lando, wearing just his boxers climbed into bed while you sat there awkwardly at the edge of his bed. You wished he'd want you to lie next to him, cuddling each other, but you quickly had to wipe that though out of your head.
''I guess..I'll see you around you said, grabbing your phone off his side table.
''Yeah, I'll call. In town for a bit'' he said, catching your hand and bringing to his lips for a quick kiss.
And with that you smiled and left.
You didn't hear from him for about a week, until the morning he was leaving for Monza.
''How quickly can you get to mine?'' was all he'd texted.
Before you could respond, he sent another one.
''Leaving for Monza in 45, come over for a quick 'un?''
''I'm on my way'' you replied.
He was standing in his foyer, waiting for you, and the minute you walked in he had you pressed against the shut door.
Lando wasted no time in bunching your work dress up and sliding your panties to the side, quickly thrusting two fingers into you as you cupped his face and kissed him roughly.
He bought your orgasm over you quickly, breath harsh on your neck as you trembled in his arms.
You both hadn't even said anything to each other, too lost in getting down to business.
Lando quickly unzipped his jeans and freed his hard cock from its constraints, pumped himself a few times before lining up at you entrance.
He held you by your hips against the door, pushing himself into you quickly, bottoming out, and this time gave you no chance to get used to him - instead he fucked into you hard and fast, the both of you moaning with each thrust as you looked at each other, lost in a wave of ecstasy.
''Lando, uh'' you moaned as you felt him deep within you, your walls clenching around him achingly.
''I know'' he said through breaths, bringing his thumb down to toy with your clit, which in turn sent you into another orgasmic bliss, your liquid gushing on to him like a tidal wave as your body was once again shaking in his arms.
''So good'' you managed to whisper as he increased his movements, chasing his high as he become clumsier and sloppier by the second.
Then he came hard and fast, filling you up with the warm sticky liquid as he chanted your name over and over, leaning down to kiss you, biting on you bottom lip as you both came down from you high.
This time there was no time to clean you up. He kissed you once more before rushing out, leaving you to clean yourself and lock up with the spare key you had, your heart clenching from wanting more.
Your phone buzzed, you saw he'd just put 3000 pounds into your account. That no more excited you though. Money and materialistic things were nothing compared to the life you wanted with all of him. But you still thanked him.
3 weeks later and you knew he was on summer break though he hasn't texted you. You convinced yourself he was probably still out of the country.
Another two weeks had passed with no contact. You missed him so much. You missed the sex, so much. Pleasuring yourself was not remotely close to how Lando made you feel.
Now a whole 5 weeks later and you were so tempted to message him, see where he was. You'd seen on social media that he had in fact been home during these weeks, but you held out because what if he didn't want to see you? What if he was done with you? You don't think you could handle the rejection if you heard the words from his mouth - so rather let it end without any words being spoken.
You'd just finished work and had stopped by a restaurant to get some takeout for dinner. While sitting and waiting for your order you heard his voice. You both looked at each other at the same time, his eyes widening when he saw you. He was with Martin Garrix, who rushed over to you and enveloped you in a big hug as Lando stood there awkwardly before he walked up to you. Martin left to go to the bathroom.
You tried to keep a neutral face, tried to keep the blush off your face. He looked so hot in his tank top and shorts, a necklace gracing his neck, and his lush curls which bounced off in different directions as he ran a hand through his hair.
''Hey'' he said, sliding a hand into his pocket.
You cleared your throat. ''Uh hey, wasn't sure you were back'' you said, pretending you hadn't known his every where-about for the summer.
''Yeah, just been busy'' he said.
It had never been this awkward before, the both of you just staring at each other, not knowing what to say, but a teasy blush on both your cheeks.
Not 10 minutes later and you were riding him in his Mclaren. If someone asked you how you ended up like this, you wouldn't know the answer. All you knew what how good it felt to finally be fucking him again. You were sat on top of him, dress bunched up to your waist, and his shorts half way down his legs as you rode him, hard and fast.
Lando's mouth were stuck on your boobs, showing your nipples no mercy, while you hands ran through his hair multiple times, pulling and tugging at it.
Luckily he was parked in a secluded area, but surely the people walking by could hear the two of you. But you didn't care. Your moans you obscene, while his just sounded sexy as hell, praising you through gritted teeth at how good you were for him, how he missed his slut.
You came at the same time, shuddering and shaking in each others arms as you rode out your highs, Lando finally cupping your face and kissing you like his life depended on it, like he was savoring the moment.
As you stopped moving, you allowed your body to slump forward onto him, trying to catch your breath as he lazily played with your hair.
''Sorry I didn't call sooner'' he said, tucking your hair behind your ears and kissing you gently.
''It's ok. Just don't wait this long. I've needed you, Lando''
''Oh, i can drop you some money now'' he said, moving to get his phone straight away.
It took you a minute to realize what was happening until your brain caught up.
''What?'- No, no, Lando that's now what i meant'' you said quickly.
''No?'' he asked.
You took a breath. ''I mean I've missed you. As in you! Physically'' you said, sending him a wink.
He couldn't keep his own smile in. ''Yeah?''
''Uh huh'' you said, kissing him again.
''Well then, I promise. I'll always tell you when I'm back in town''
''Thank you'' you said, pecking him once more before lifting yourself off him and putting your pantie right again.
Since then, Lando had actually texted you multiple times. He'd even called you. You'd had phone sex too. And as much as you were enjoying all this, you still wished for more.
The next time you saw he showed up unannounced at your house. You'd just been having a lazy Saturday night in, wearing just a robe and nothing else when your door bell rang.
You looked through the peephole and couldn't have opened the door faster. There stood a breathless Lando, eyes dark and intense.
You pulled him in. ''Hey, you okay? Why're you so out of breath? you asked, concern etched on your face.
''Because i ran here. Was forced into going on a date, was halfway through when i realized something''
Your heart clenched at hearing him say he was on a date, but you stood strong.
''What's that?'' you barely whispered.
''I want you. Only you. All of you'' he said, cupping your face, waiting for you to answer him.
''Dammit it y/n. I want you, all of you. I've wanted all of you since the first day we met''
''Lando'' you said raising your hands to rest on top of his, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes.
''I like you, so much, and I want to do life with you'' he whispered, his breath hot on your face.
''Fuck. I like you too Lando, too much. I-I-''
But before you could finish your sentence he crashed his lips to yours. Urgent and feverish, literally taking your breath away as you pulled him closer and moaned into his mouth.
He picked you up by your ass and carried you to your room, dropping you on the bed before hovering above you.
''You're mine now y/n, for as long as you'll have me'' he said, slowly stripping your robe off, eyes darkening even more when he saw you were wearing nothing underneath.
''Fucking hell'' he mumbled, his large calloused hands squeezes your boobs as his eyes stayed glue to them.
''Lando, more'' you begged, beginning to remove his belt and strip his own clothes off.
''Relax baby, we've got all the time'' he said, smirking at you.
Once he was finally left in just his boxers, you slid your hands past them, taking his thick dick and pumping him as his lips found yours again.
''Gonna make you feel good, yeah?'' he asked.
''Fuck, please. Fuck me''
Lando's fingers slid down and rolled through your folds harshly, pinching your clit, before letting 3 fingers enter you at once.
''Getting you ready for me, open for me'' he said, voice thick with his British accent.
He roughly thrust his fingers in and out of you, while his other hand rolled your left nipple between his fingers.
When he was done with your boobs, he moved his whole body down as his fingers still fucked your cunt, and this time he added his mouth into action.
Violently lapping and sucking at your core as if he was starved, while all you could do was let out a series of filthy moans, pulling at his hair.
''That's it baby, go on'' he said, praising you for how good you were doing for him.
Within minutes you were quivering, your orgasm washing through you as you came all over his face and fingers, not slowing his movements until you eventually came a second time, all but screaming his name.
''Lan'' you said between breaths, trying your best to let your brain catch up to what was happening. ''Fuck, so good. I-I, taste you. Need to taste you'' you said, already trying to get out his grip and onto your knees, through he stopped you.
''Later, need to fuck you first'' he said, sternly.
You didn't argue because you were also desperate to feel him fill you up.
Lando shred his boxers off and ran his cock through your folds a few times.
The action had you pussy trying to clench desperately around something.
Just as he was about to push in, he stopped, looking at you with a smirk.
''Wanna try something new?'' he asked.
''Uh huh'' you were quick to reply.
He got shy for literally a second, then his eyes went dark again.
''Anal?'' he asked softly.
Your breath hitched. It had been something you'd talked about but never got round to actually doing.
When he saw you got quiet, he quickly added ''Shit, we don't have to,'' trying to resume pushing his dick into you.
''What-fuck. Yes, I want to'' you said breathlessly.
''Please'' you said, already successfully shimmying out of his grasp and turning your body around, taking a hold of the headboard as you stuck your ass in the air.
Lando's hands gently ran all over your ass, squeezing your cheeks and giving you a few gentle slaps, just fun, nothing hectic.
''Gonna stretch you out a bit?''
''Ýeah. Do whatever, I'm yours'' you said, biting your lip in anticipation.
Lando leaned down and gave you a few fluttering kisses and his index finger toyed at your entrance for a bit.
He pulled away and reached it to your mouth, letting you suck it and coat it in your spit before he returned it to your hole and gently started to push in.
You held your breath, shut your eyes, not knowing what to expect.
''That's it baby, tell me if you want me to stop'' he said, pushing in some more.
''No, keep going''
Just as he was about half way in, he quickly popped his middle finger into his own mouth before letting that too slide through and into you.
Feeling both of his rough fingers had you moaning, gasping for air, as Lando started to thrust them in and out of you now.
''You're doing so good. How does it feel?''
''Weird. But so good. Fuck Lando'' you said through heavy breaths.
Not 5 minutes later and your cum was gushing out of you with no warning, your body shaking as you held on tight on to the headboard.
Lando leaned down and licked up everything he good, moaning at how good you tasted.
''Think you're ready for me?'' he asked, unable to keep a smirk off his face.
''Always'' you said, turning around for a quick kiss, also leaning down to give Lando's dick a few quick sucks, leaving as much spit as you could, before settling into position again.
Lando lined himself up, holding onto your waist with one hand as he slowly pushed in.
All air had left your lungs as you held your breath. Feeling him slide through you was unexplainable.
The stretch was sore, so bloody sore, but at the same time, just the though of it being Lando who was filling you up turned you on so much that your brain shut the pain out and replaced it with pleasure.
Once he was fully in, Lando stayed still for a couple of moments, the both of you speechless at the feeling, lost in your own dirty thoughts, until you moved forwards and backwards again.
''Fuck Lando, move, please'' you begged.
''Huh? -Fuck, sorr- sorry. Feels so fucking good i just blanked out for a moment'' he said, voice low and raspy.
He started moving, thrusting in and out of you, while you found you voice again and let out multiple lewd moans.
''Fucking hell, you're so good. So tight. I-I-I''m so lucky'' Lando mumbled.
You felt another orgasm approaching hard and fast, your movements slowing so Lando had to take full control now.
''Uh Lando, gonna cum''
''Go on, let it out, that's it baby'' he said, edging you on.
You bit you lip again as you felt your release, washing through your body which felt like jelly as Lando held you up and adored your whole being, praising you to end.
He pulled out completely and handled your body so you were now laying on your back, legs being spread and pushed up by his strong hands before he was thrusting his dick into you again, taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it as your nails dug deep into his back muscles, scratching at him, probably drawing blood.
''That's it baby. I know you have more in you'' he said, movements becoming faster and erratic.
You wrapped your legs around him as tight as you could, the new angle having him hit all the right spots in you as you nibbled on his ear.
Suddenly you were having another orgasm, shaking under him as he slowed his movements for a minute, riding you through the mix of pain and pleasure, and once you'd calmed down bit, he increased his pace again, eagerly hunting his own release now.
''Fuck Lando I can't. Too much'' you said, barely able to talk and keep your eyes open.
''One more baby, one more. Together, yeah?'' he said, knowing that although you were saying that, you probably didn't want him to stop.
''Hmm'' was all you could mumble out as Lando's movements were getting sloppy, his dick twitching against your walls, sending you into another orgasmic bliss, with him following you not long after.
You felt as he shot his cum deep within you, filling you up and painting your walls white and both your bodies were shuddering and shivering, fucked out to the core.
He let his weight fall on you, as he often did after amazing sex, and cuddled you as you held him as tight as you could.
The cool air on your sweaty skin had goosebumps raise on your skin again, your body quivering in his arms as he pulled back and locked lips with yours in a tender and loving kiss. Not rough and fast like most of the time.
''You're freezing, let's get you cleaned up'' he said, making his way to pull out of you.
The loss of contact had Lando groaning, and when you looked down at where you were joined moments ago, you stopped him from walking to the bathroom.
''I-Wait!'' you squealed, pulling him back to you.
''You good?'' he asked.
You didn't answer him though. Instead you leaned down and took his mighty girth into your mouth, letting your tongue swirl all around him, swallowing al the juices that coated his dick, before letting him free again.
''Now I'm good'' you said, smirking at him.
'''Fucking dirty menace'' he said, leaning down to give you one final rough kiss before disappearing into the bathroom.
Once you were all cleaned up and wearing one of Lando's hoodies that he'd left in your house last time, you both curled into bed, your legs thrown over his as your head rested on his chest.
You were talking about everything and nothing.
At one point, Lando looked down at you, smirking.
''So does this mean I'm your boyfriend?'' he cheekily asked.
You couldn't help the blush that formed on your cheeks.
''Yes, my love. My boyfriend.''
''Well, I love you, my girlfriend''
You breath hitched. Hearing the words you've been wanting to hear the day you first met made your heart swell with butterflies.
You leaned on your elbow as you cupped his face. ''I love you too'' you said, before kissing him, pouring every bit of the love you felt for him into it.
He kissed you back with the same passion, and with that you dozed off, excited for what was to come, now that you were finally together.

#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#f1#f1 smut#lando norris#lando smut#lando x reader#f1 fic#lando norris smut#ln#ln4#lnfour
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okay but imagine eren seen a video of his baby momma at the club singin sexy redd’s “ FUCK MY BABYDADDY ” 😭😭 he just brings their son or daughter to reader’s mom and goes back to reader’s house and tears them TF upppp.
i can just hear him saying “ fuck yo baby who?? oh aight. ”

I had to add rapper!Eren to this cause it's something I always wanted to write😋
Eren x Black Fem Reader, PLOT + SMUT
rapper Eren Yeager's longtime girlfriend of six years broke up with him after having his first child, Duke Yeager. Eren shared a post on instagram confirming their breakup but stated that the both of them remain in Duke’s life as co-parents. the reason why was unreleased so fans speculated that Eren must’ve cheated because why else would you willingly break up with the famous rapper. his management released a statement saying it was due to conflicting schedules but it was seen as damage control so no one believed it.
during the six years of the relationship, his management managed to keep your face out of the media. but with the way Eren was constantly posting snippets of you, fans soon discovered who you were after matching physical features, traits and location that were found on his story with the ones present on your small instagram.
you two quickly became the it couple, how the girl from nowhere pulled a famous rapper gave fans hope because they saw them reflected in you. a woman who didn’t have to undergo multiple surgeries to pull the industry's finest. but after the breakup, that image fell.
his management did their best to keep things under wraps to keep the media from tormenting you but it didn’t work. when you posted a picture of yourself postpartum your dms filled with hateful comments wondering why Eren had gotten with you in the first place. you knew it was just jealous fangirls but it still got to you, especially since you weren’t all that confident in your new body and still recovering from your pregnancy. your accounts went silent shortly after.
although the breakup was mutual, the reason why was deeper than scheduling conflicts. you needed someone who was able to be there physically, emotionally and mentally. it was hard for Eren to provide that due to his career path, always travelling the world with a packed schedule. you guys did your best to make it work but after Duke came into the world you just couldn’t handle it anymore.
Eren was a decent baby daddy and you guys co-parented well. you had full custody of him but when Eren was in town and would have time off you would send Duke over to him. Duke loved his daddy, always wanting to watch his concerts and interviews on the TV when he wasn’t there or free to facetime. Eren always made sure to send double what was asked for in child support to make sure you took care of yourself as well as his son.
that’s why when you reposted your friend’s story of you in the club all hell broke loose. people took it as a diss to your baby daddy, which it was, but not in the way they thought.
earlier that week you had dropped Duke off at Eren’s mansion. he had just flown back in from his world tour and finally had a few weeks off. despite being exhausted he called you up and asked if you could bring Duke over, wanting to spend as much time with his son as possible during his break. he sent over an uber black to pick the two of you up.
when Eren met you two at the door, Duke jumped into his arms smiling and giggling. it’s been a while since he’s seen his daddy in person. the sight made you awe. Eren turned to you and asked if you wanted to stay over so he could spend time with the two most important people in his life but sadly you declined. you didn’t want to interrupt their father and son bonding time.
Duke was almost a clone of Eren, he had his sharp green eyes, german nose and face shape. the only hints of you in him were his full lips, darker skin and coils. Duke was your little bundle of joy but he could be a handful at times. during the few times those two got to spend together Eren spoiled him rotten, whatever he wanted he got and it showed. whenever you told him no he would throw a tantrum saying how he wanted his daddy. you knew you were a good mother but hearing him say that when you were the one who took care of him every day hurt.
it was a friday night and Eren was at his crib chilling with Duke. he had his phone on do now disturb so his time with his family wouldn’t be interrupted. it was a shame you weren’t here to spend time with them. after having pizza, soda and ice cream for dinner the boys passed out on the couch after staying up past midnight watching movies.
his peace was soon interrupted by the constant buzz of his phone. it roused him from his sleep but Duke slept through it. after the third ring, he finally answered the phone. he was pissed that his manager was calling him knowing it was his time off but he figured it must be important for them to use emergency bypass to call.
“what’s going on?” his voice gruff from his slumber and irritation. he turned on his phone to see it flooded with notifications from instagram, snapchat, tiktok, twitter, messages, missed calls from his friends and one from his mom and his heart dropped to his stomach. he hadn't dropped anything new recently so he knew whatever was happening had to be bad.
“well… it’s about your baby mama… she uh…” his manager was at a loss for words. he didn't know the words to describe the situation to make it not seem as bad as the media was already making it out to be. he knew Eren would be pissed when he found out what happened and they didn't want to be on the end of it.
Eren was extremely protective of his family and friends. when he saw the hate you were receiving after you posted a picture of yourself postpartum he took to twitter immediately. he did not play when it came to you, together or not together. you were the mother of his child and you needed your respect. so he was wondering why you were playing in his face like this.
“well what is it?” he snapped, already losing his patience. “is she ok? is she hurt?” he shot upright from his resting position on the couch. he opened up the group chat between him, Armin, Connie, Onyankopon and Jean first. all that was sent was a blurry video followed by a bunch of skull and grave emojis.
he opened the video and immediately recognized the faces of a few of the girls in it as a few of your friends, Sasha, Mikasa and Historia at a club. Sasha, Connie’s model girlfriend was the one to record them singing along to a sexyy red song. he wondered what the video had to do with him until it panned to you. you stood out with your brightly dyed red hair styled in a what he recognized as a wash-and-go.
“fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy!” you were shouting the lyrics a little bit too passionately. you had your middle fingers stuck up to the camera showing off your glittery red acrylic nails. you were clearly wasted, drunk off of whatever drinks Sasha managed to shove down your throat.
“yes bitch!” your friends shouted as you turned around to shake your ass sticking out your tongue. you were wearing a ripped mesh dress. one of your friends reached out to pull down the back of your dress to prevent your ass from showing but the dress was already leaving very little to the imagination. the pregnancy did your body good, you were a bit on the skinny side before but now your hips had filled out, your ass and boobs swole and your skin finally cleared up. you were glowing.
“I’m a fine ass bitch, I ain’t in the in the house sad!” you were feeling yourself. it felt nice to get out of the house and away from Duke no matter how much you loved him. having to take care of a baby by yourself was tiring, no matter how much Eren supported you from afar you needed him there with you.
your friends were hyping you up and your mind grew hazy from both the alcohol and adrenaline. you were far too gone to realize what you said when you yelled “fuck Eren!” instead of the actual lyrics. the camera quickly panned to the floor before the video stopped.
Eren had to replay the video countless times to process what he had seen and heard. but he couldn’t believe it was you. never in the eight years he’s known you have you ever picked up the phone to send a dig at him through social media. no matter how tough the going got, it’s what he respected about you. you always wanted to talk problems through and try to make it work. Eren clenched his fist looking at you now.
Eren knows how baby mamas like you are seen and treated in the industry. he’s seen how they're constantly bashed and embarrassed by the fathers of their children and the media. Eren never wanted that for you, he wanted to give you a ring before he gave you a baby but accidents happen and here you both were. instead of calling him or stopping by to talk you wanted to show out for the fans and diss him. it was stupid of you, he knew you were better than this.
“so it’s “fuck Eren” is that right,” Eren laughed to himself throwing his head back on the couch. sure he couldn’t be there for you and Duke all the time like he wanted but at least he tried. he was a very busy man. but he did what he had to to make sure his mother, Duke and you could have a nice and cozy life. where Duke didn’t have to worry about if he was going to eat dinner that night. “bet.”
“sorry little man but I have to go get your mommy. you’re going to go to stay with your grandma tonight, ok?” he cooed to Duke, waking him up. Duke slowly woke up and was trying to rub the sleep out of his eye. Eren loved his son very much he was the reason he kept this stressful life up.
he enjoyed making music and performing but not during the days when he slept in the studio trying to find the perfect lyrics and beat or days where he hardly slept because he had to stay on his feet. it was a fast life and if he couldn’t keep up it would all come crashing down. and for you to make a dig at that knowing how he felt was fucked.
“Eren Yeager!” his manager shouted through the phone overhearing the whole thing. he needed Eren to keep a calm head and not do anything rash tonight. he didn’t need him sparking more outrage in the media or doing something that could potentially ruin the relationship you two had. “what are you going to do?”
“what else, I’m going to go fuck my baby mama,” before his manager could get another word out he hung up the phone.
“daddy said a bad word!”
“...don’t tell your mom and I’ll bring you to the studio with me.”
you wobbled into your apartment with a sheepish grin. it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulder tonight. it’s been a while since you went to the club and got so drunk that the world became a blur. you were slowly regaining memories of what happened that night and you couldn’t help but cringe knowing you would regret some of them in the morning. your phone died on your way home after you reposted Sasha’s story so you were oblivious to the buzz you had created.
when you went to unlock your door you found out that it was already open. you raised your brow but you brushed it off thinking you must’ve forgotten to lock it in your rush to leave the house. you knew the security for your building was tight, it was the main thing you were looking for when you were buying your apartment. it was a necessity since Duke was the son of a successful rapper.
when you and Eren had split you bought yourself a nice little two-bedroom apartment deep in the city. Eren offered to pay for it but you immediately declined, you didn’t want anything else of yours to get attached to him. during your relationship you saved up a lot of money since Eren had always offered to buy you whatever you wanted and spoiled you rotten just like he was doing with Duke. he fueled your shopping addiction only wanting his girlfriend to have the best of the best.
you had a little side hustle as an occasional hairstylist and nail artist for your friends and family with the occasional new client. Eren told you time and time again you didn’t need to work and that he would take care of everything. but you liked having your own source of income it made you feel independent plus you enjoyed your job.
being able to close on your dream apartment was a dream come true and it left you feeling satisfied. you loved how everything was within walking distance, there was a daycare down the street along with an elementary school for when Duke got older. there was a grocery store right around the corner with a few outlets and public transit ran just outside the building, it was perfect for a single mother like you.
“thought we were doing good with this co-parenting shit mama?” the second you opened the door you were greeted by a voice you knew better than your own. goosebumps covered your arms, ‘why is he here’ you thought.
“Eren?” you called out into the dark apartment. you felt the wall closest to the door for the switch and turned the light on. and there he was, Eren, your famous baby daddy. he turned his head to look at you from where he was seated on the couch. his eyes were extremely low, watching your every move. “are you ok? where's Duke?”
“with your mom,” Eren was having such a pleasant high, he felt so relaxed and calm in the dark room. he didn’t have the TV on and was just staring at the black screen. but the second the room lit up and you walked through the door with that tiny see-through dress on it dispersed. he narrowed his eyes down at you and you could tell you had just blown his high. his anger simmering underneath his calm demeanour.
“how’d you even get in?” you never gave Eren the key to your apartment. having already been split and you always dropped Duke off at his place there was no reason for him to have one.
“front desk gave me a key after I flashed a couple of stacks,” he replied nonchalantly, like it wasn’t a crime on both parts. you rolled your eyes, this was how Eren fixed all his problems, with money. you get that when he was growing up it was something he didn’t have but now that he had it was like all he knew how to do was throw it at people to make his problems disappear.
“well if Duke isn’t here then there’s no reason for you to be,” you don’t know what you did to warrant this visit but you didn’t want to be in his presence any longer. you liked to keep your contact with Eren as minimal as possible. plus you didn’t have the energy to deal with him tonight, you were tired. hoping he would get the hint it was time to leave you walked away and headed towards your bedroom, “please see yourself out. we can talk another day.”
“nah, 'cause it’s “fuck Eren” right?” he got up from the couch and followed you down the hall and into your room. the wooden floor creaking under his weight. you didn’t have to turn around to know he was towering over you, you could feel him breathing down your neck. you tried to move away from him but he gripped your waist with a firm grip underneath and pulled you against him. “you must’ve gone crazy going so long with my dick huh? that must be it, acting like you lost your damn mind.”
“Eren!” you pulled away to look back at him in shock. “what are you even talking about?”
“don’t play dumb with me mama, your ass is all over the shade room talking about “fuck my baby daddy” ” he took his phone out of his pocket to show you their newest post. it was a screenshot of a video but it was clearly you, it was the same outfit and hairstyle you had on right now. you swiped the image on his phone in disbelief and the video played, “fuck Eren! fuck my baby daddy! fuck my baby daddy!”
“oh my gosh! Eren, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I was drunk and got carried away,” you looked up at him from the phone. you could tell he was pissed, his eyes darkened after hearing what you said in the video for the hundredth time. you were horrified, you didn’t mean to air out your personal problems and make Eren seem like a bad father. you knew how the public blew things out of proportion.
“they say drunk words are sober thoughts,” Eren stated, shrugging his shoulders. “I know Duke be stressing you out ma, let me fix it,” he stared down at you with a little smirk. he licked his lips, obviously checking you out. it's been a while since he's seen your body exposed, you always show up to drop Duke off in oversized sweaters and shirts. just looking at you like this made his dick hard, “plus you owe me an apology.”
that’s how you found yourself face down ass up in your bedroom with the man you’d never thought would step foot in your new apartment. Eren was behind you standing at the edge of the bed, his black and grey nike tech sweater was thrown somewhere in your room leaving him in a white wife beater and his golden cuban link chain. his grey sweats were down so that just his dick was out.
“mm fuck Eren! please,” you cried out. no matter how deeply you arched or angled your hips you couldn’t get him to reach where you needed him the most. he knew that but he loved watching you struggle and the way your brown cheeks jiggled after coming into contact with his pelvis. you were a sight to see, one that he deeply missed.
“you can do better than that mama,” he raised his pierced brow watching you. Eren stood completely still behind you, you had your face buried in the sheets as you attempted to throw it back on him. you were still dressed in your mesh dress but he ripped your thong off. “I saw you in that video. you were shaking that shit so c’mon, fuck me back ma.”
your makeup was staining your sheets but you could care less right now. the feeling of Eren stretching out your practically virginal walls was dumbfounding. he didn’t bother to stretch you out believing that your body was already moulded to his shape. but it’s been about two years since you last had sex. your tight walls were struggling to accommodate his humongous size.
“ ’m trying,” the lack of stimulation on your sweet spots had you in tears. the stretch was pleasurable but it wasn’t enough, paired with the shallow thrusts. you so desperately craved more so you reached in between your legs to play with your clit. Eren groaned at the sight of you touching yourself, not to mention you began to clench around him.
“damn ma, now that’s what I’m talking about,” Eren gave your ass a harsh slap. you let out a little whine as you lost your rhythm because of it. but you soon found it again. your wetness was soaking his dick and you were basically twerking on his dick. Eren loved every second of it.
he took one of your ass cheeks and pulled it to the side with his tattooed hand, he watched himself go in and out of your brown folds. feeling the unsteady approach of his orgasm watching as you struggled to fuck yourself on him he decided to finally grant you mercy. he languidly began to thrust into you. “go ahead and nut on this dick mama.”
“o-okay” you stuttered out. you struggled to concentrate on stimulating your sensitive clit while bouncing back to meet Eren’s lazy thrusts. your fingers were covered in your own wetness while you rubbed little circles on your bud. each loop paired with the tip of his dick pressing against that spongy spot inside you brought you ever closer to your climax. “ ‘m so close!”
“let it out for me baby,” the pace became erratic, you guys’ release at its peak. sometimes his dick collided straight into your soft spot and sometimes it completely missed. but the feeling of him pummeling in and out of you had you convulsing around his dick. “keep squeezing around me like that and I'll put another baby in you, fuck.”
you let out broken whines as you struggled to continuously stimulate your bud. you were soaking wet that your fingers slipped around. “‘ren! ren!” you chanted, reaching out toward him with your slick-covered hand. Eren grabbed it and put it in his mouth. groaning deeply as he licked and sucked on your coated digits.
“don’t worry mama, I got you. let it out for me,” Eren leaned over your arched form and whispered in your ear. his husky sending shivers down your spine as he talked you through it. you listened to him feeling the wave of pleasure overwhelm you, the sensation in your stomach bursting.
“f-fuck, fuck!”
“shit,” when he felt himself about to burst he pulled out of your pussy's compelling grasp. he watched the lewd scene in front of him and used it to jerk off. he groaned out stroking his soaking dick. your pussy hole remained gaping after he pulled out and your liquids were spilling on your sheets. after a few strokes, he released all over your back onto your mesh dress staining it.
you plopped down onto your empty bed exhausted. the room filled with the sound of laboured breathing as you guys tried to catch your breath. the sound of Eren shuffling around could be heard soon after. your heart ached at the thought of him leaving you so soon but you closed your eyes, ‘it’s for the better’ you thought. you wanted a few moments of rest before you went to wash up.
but Eren wasn’t finished yet, he was shedding the remaining articles of his clothing leaving him naked. your eyes opened feeling the bed dip under the extra weight. before you could protest, Eren had already climbed on top of you, grabbing your legs and having them pushed over your head, “we’re not finished yet.”
this time Eren took the lead, he had ripped off your dress leaving you completely naked and exposed to his eyes. he had you folded over like a pretzel leaving you open for him. your legs were bent so far over your head you could see the top of your pussy and watch as Eren thrusted in and out of your overstimulated hole from above. the pleasure made you want to slither away but Eren’s strong hold kept you still.
“E-eren!” you were losing your mind from the stimulation. “too much! it’s too much!” you cried out. you reached out to push against his rock-hard abdomen. you didn’t want him to stop, not when you were so close to your second orgasm of the night but it was too much. he was being so rough with you. you didn’t think you had it in you after motherhood to be manhandled like this.
“nah, you can take it. you’re a big girl now, dissing me at the club with your friends. be glad I’m even fucking you since I’m such a “bad baby daddy.” Eren mocked you from above. he didn’t even flinch as you tried to push him away. he smiled down at you watching how easily you got fucked out. moans were no longer coming out your mouth, more like strangled sobs and whines that were being forced out after each deep thrust of his. the head of his dick battering your insides and abusing your soft spot left you tremoring underneath him.
“imsorryimsorry,” you babbled out. your mascara and eyeliner were running down your cheeks and your lipstick was smothered but you couldn’t look any prettier to Eren. he enjoyed watching as your tits bounce around. he brought his forest green eyes back up to you watching as you bit your quivering lip.
“how’d that song go again?” Eren sarcastically asked. with the number of times he replayed that video he had the lyrics, beat and rhythm all memorized. “something like this right?” pap! pap! pap! Eren changed the rhythm of his thrusts, the sound of his balls clapping against your ass and the squelching sounds of your pussy mimicked the bow bow bow of the song. he angled each thrust to deliver a particularly harsh hit to your g-spot.
without warning an intense feeling of pleasure erupted in your stomach. “imcuming!” you cried out. you could feel a liquid flow out from your pussy, completely drenching Eren’s dick. he quickly pulled out to watch you squirt, a sight he immensely missed. the translucent liquid gushed out of your hole soaking the sheets as well.
“you said fuck your baby who?” Eren smiled down at your fucked out face. you couldn’t even answer him with the overwhelming pleasure rendering all of your senses useless. your head was thrown back and your face furrowed, coming down from the high of your intense orgasm. “oh aight.”
I think I got a bit carried away🤭
#anime smut#aot smut#x black reader#aot x black reader#black reader smut#black y/n#aot#aot x reader#eren x black reader#eren smut#eren x black fem!reader#eren x reader#eren yeager smut#eren jeager smut#eren jeager x you#eren jeager x reader#eren jeager x y/n#attack on titan smut#rapper smut#attack on titan#attack on titan au#black coded reader#smut
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The Babysitter | Joel Miller x F!reader
hello :) first time writing/posting a pic in actual years (first time on this blog also). hope you enjoy. please leave some feed back!
pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader, no outbreak au! Sarah lives! slight age gap
summary: you baby sit for Joel and the two of you can't keep your hands off each other
warnings: slight age gap, dirty talk, babysitter kink, innocence kink, corruption kink, m!receiving oral, mentions of dicks... I think that's all
word count: 1.9
rating 18+
The sun had long faded in Austin, the only light in the Miller’s living room was coming from the floor lamp and the television, which was on but turned down low so you wouldn’t disturb Sarah. You had just put her to bed at Joel’s request. A short text sent to you earlier, knowing that you’d be babysitting a little longer than normal on Tuesday night.
Gonna be a late one. Sorry princess.
You’d simply given him a ‘thumbs up’, not really minding hanging out with your favorite 8 year old. Your afternoon had been wildly enjoyable with Sarah–she was way too mature for her age and it was probably inappropriate how much you considered her a friend, but whatever, you’ve had a stressful couple of weeks and she was one of the only bright spots. Well, her, and her incredibly attractive father that you sometimes hook up with.
Things with you and Joel were… how should you put it? Complicated?
You had started babysitting for Joel and Sarah during the first semester of your Master’s program at University of Texas, just a little over a year ago. You and Sarah fell into an easy routine–you would pick her up from school, help her with her homework, and give her some of the feminine energy she was surely missing with only having Joel and her Uncle Tommy around. And you really enjoyed it. You were never one for little kids, and at her age, you were certain she would be annoying as hell to deal with, but nope, Sarah Miller was intelligent and inquisitive, albeit a little headstrong. You admired her, and really respected Joel for doing his best practically on his own.
You and Joel also fell into an easy routine. One night of staying late and sharing beers led to you face down and ass up on his couch and having one of the best orgasms of your life. You both promised each other you would quit, not wanting to complicate anything since you and Sarah had such a close bond, but you quickly broke that promise, again and again and again.
After a few months of hooking up a couple nights a week, Joel told you he was seeing someone–Tess, an age appropriate mom from Sarah’s class and he wanted to pump the brakes on whatever it was the two of you were doing. You acquiesced, begrudgingly, but it was only a few weeks later that Joel said things didn’t work out and you ended up back in his bed, on his couch, and bent over the kitchen counter.
It wasn’t serious between the two of you. You had a lot going on with wrapping up the last semester of your Public Policy Master’s, and he was busy building his business and raising his daughter. But that doesn’t mean you would be opposed to something a little more serious developing. In fact, you were pretty sure you were in love with Joel. But he definitely didn’t need to know that.
You must’ve been completely zoned out as you didn’t hear Joel’s old pickup truck pull into his driveway before he entered his living room and called your name.
“Hey princess,” he said, that deep Texas drawl that made your insides melt flowing easily from his pouty lips. “How’s Sarah?”
“Perfect, as always.” You glanced up from the couch shooting a smile his way.
God, he loved your smile.
“She helped me make dinner and then we did her homework. I deep conditioned her hair, too,” you added. “You know, you gotta take her to a salon once in a while, Joel. You know, one that knows about black hair?” You had been bugging him that the 15-in-1 monstrosity he calls shampoo he and Tommy use would not work on Sarah’s curls.
Joel smirks to himself, absolutely loving the way you care about his daughter. “I’m workin’ on it, darlin’.”
A comfortable silence hits the room and Joel goes to his fridge to grab two beers. Your gaze is back on the TV, some old episode of Law & Order playing that barely has your attention.
“Where’s Tommy?” you ask, reaching for the beer without looking at him.
“Had a date.”
“Tommy Miller has a date? Now that is surprising.” You giggle as you take a sip of your beer. Joel tracks the way your throat looks as you swallow.
He takes his time to take in what you’re wearing. A sweater that tapers around your waist perfectly and a short black skirt. You look sexy, effortless. Joel realizes you always do. Like everything you wear is custom just for you.
“Is this how you dress for work, darlin’?” He lets his large fingers play with the edge of your skirt, barely grazing over your skin. “Kinda slutty,” he adds, smirking at your surprised face.
You school your features quickly and he knows he’s screwed by the sickeningly sweet smile that graces your face. You quickly place your beer on the coffee table in front of the couch and turn to face Joel. “Me? Slutty? No, Mr. Miller, I’m a good girl.”
Joel eyes you from head to toe so slowly that you feel little bursts of heat crawling over your skin. He frowns at you playfully, groaning exaggeratedly as he takes another draw from his beer. “Don’t know about that, princess. Good girls don’t wear slutty little skirts like this to work.” His hand slides up your skirt and grazes over the damp slit of your underwear before he tugs them down your legs. The low whistle he lets out sends a chill down your spine.
“And good girls definitely don’t wear tiny little panties like this to work.” He brings your thong to his nose, lewdly taking a deep inhale that only makes your wetness grow greater. “Dirty girl,” he sighs out. “Trying to seduce your boss?”
You moan at the sight of him, it was so debauched, so dirty, but it only made you more eager to fall into whatever role play this was.
“No, Mr. Miller, I would never try to seduce you. I promise I’m a good girl,” you plead. You watch as he absentmindedly toys with your damp thong, running his other hand over his growing bulge. You get an idea that’s going to drive Joel wild.
“Can I show you, Mr. Miller?” you ask, earning a quirked brow from Joel. “Can I show you just how good of a girl I am?”
Joel groans at how easily you fell into this dynamic tonight, not necessarily what he had planned when he came home. He spreads his legs and pats his thighs, “Yeah baby, show me how good you can be.”
You eagerly hop off the couch, taking a throw pillow with you and placing it on the ground and kneeling on it in between his legs. You let your hands rub across the tops of his thighs and give him a wide eyed look that he would almost call innocent if he didn’t know you better. You reach for the zipper of his jeans, grazing your fingers over his bulge before you pull his hard cock out and sigh dreamily. Joel definitely had the best looking dick you’ve ever seen.
Growing impatient at your slow pace, Joel grabs the back of your head and you instinctively stick your tongue out to lick at his tip. You groan at the heady taste of precum on the bulbous head. You slowly start to jerk him off, keeping your mouth only at his tip to tease him.
“You gonna show me how good little babysitter’s suck cock, princess?” he peers down at you, watching how your eyes flutter closed at his words.
You let out a needy whine. “Yes, Mr. Miller.”
You inhale deeply, making debauched eye contact with Joel before you take as much of him as you can down your throat. Joel was big–thick and long in a way that your friends swore you were exaggerating. You’ve taught yourself how to take him down your throat, proud that you were able to go from taking a meager 4 inches of him when you first started hooking up, to now being able to brush against his trimmed hair at the base.
You can taste the sweat from his work day on your tongue as you start to move up and down. Your cheeks hollow out to make a suction and drool is pooling from your mouth. You’re trying not to gag, but the sheer size of Joel makes it damn near impossible. He looks down at you, eyes filled with something a little more than lust as he watches you swallow his cock further into your throat. Spit bubbles are pooling at the side of your mouth and your eyes are glassy with unshed tears. He shuts his eyes tight trying to stave off his orgasm–wanting to enjoy you just a little while longer. You release him with a pop and jerk him off as you start sucking his balls.
“Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Miller?” you ask teasingly, voice already sounding a little hoarse from the exertion.
He looks back down at you, willing himself not to cum. He hums and nods the best he can, scared words will be too much for him.
You shift on your knees, readjusting as you gear yourself up to take him again. Joel thrusts slightly into your mouth, fitting perfectly and you moan around him, the vibrations making him twitch in the back of your throat. You push him deeper into your throat and Joel places his hand on the back of your head in a way that’s less forceful, and more caring. Like he’s just reassuring you that he’s there. He’s making little grunts and moans and you can’t help but drool a mix of your spit and his precum down onto his balls.
You look up at him and see his brown eyes softly looking back down at you. Way too sweet for what you’re doing.
You’re getting sloppier and sloppier, veering towards cock drunk as Joel tells you he’s about to cum.
“Where d’ya want me, baby,” he slurs, in his own fucked out state.
You can’t let up now with Joel being so close to finishing. You bare down, deep throating him to a point that nearly makes you gag, but you will yourself to power through it. Joel starts to thrust into your warm, wet mouth before he moans a little too loud and spills his cum down your throat.
He’s so deep you barely taste him, only letting yourself up when you feel him relax underneath you.
You both catch your breaths for a moment and after a while, Joel pulls you up from your underarms and sets you over his lap. You almost forgot you weren’t wearing any underwear as your now soaking heat is pressed over his wet cock. Even soft it’s firm and thick.
“Fuck, baby,” he breathes heavily. Brown eyes looking down into yours before he kisses you sloppily, tasting himself on your tongue.
You smile appreciatively, dropping your head to his shoulder and smelling the remnants of his cologne from earlier in the day. You’re insanely horny now but happy nonetheless that you made him this fucked out, feeling a surge of confidence at the thought.
“So,” you start, your smile breaking the warm silence between you two, “am I a good girl?”
Joel laughs, rubbing absent minded circles on your back. He thinks he loves you. “Yeah, princess, you’re the best damn girl around.”
**if you made it this far please leave a like, comment, reblog or a dm with some feedback! I want to get back into writing so this was just me dusting off the cobwebs... ty :)
Read more of their story
#joel miller x reader#Joel miller au#Joel miller x you#joel miller x f!reader#Joel miller#joel tlou#tlou fic#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal fanfiction
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late shift
fem!reader x bangchan
synopsis: you and your virgin coworker Chan share a bed.
warnings:🔞 !!! virgin!chan, whiny!chan, oral (m!rec), orgasm denial (m!rec), size kink if you squint, dom(ish) reader, praise, no protection, creampie, one bed trope, prob forgot some
wc: 3.77k
an: my first request! Thank you for submitting hope i did it justice lol also i lost the request i dont know where it went ;-; but i think i got everything you asked for
I used the line about ‘inviting someone back for ramen at your place’ synonymously with the term 'netflix and chill' I'm pretty sure that's the way the line is used in Korea. Correct me if I'm wrong lol. Anyways feedback appreciated :)) not proof read sorry! [m.list]
You've been at your current job for a few years and every other Friday you and your coworkers go out for a drink or dinner depending on how heavy the workload had been the previous weeks. This Friday was one of those times, only most of your coworkers had taken a work trip to help secure a big account. The office was basically empty around the end of the day now, only your office light and the office across the hall was on. Chan, the owner of the space in front of yours, could be seen typing on his computer through the glass, one of the few who had opted out of the trip to be able to leave earlier. Only both of you hadn't been leaving the office at reasonable times even if it had been promised. your days were still just as long only now you were picking up the other's work while they were gone. it was a shit deal but neither of you would complain, too shy to bring it up to your boss who did in fact keep his word on letting himself out early.
rubbing at your eyes you power off your laptop after looking at the time. if you didn't leave now to catch a streetcar you would have to walk home and you were too drained to do that. you start to pack up your things and across the way, you can see Chan doing the same, probably set to move when you did. he was always nice enough to wait every night until you got off to walk you to the stop sign to wait for your ride before he went across the street to catch a streetcar headed in the opposite direction. even without your other coworkers, he was always smiling at you from across the way waving as you left to head home.
As you slung your bag over your shoulder and headed to turn out the lights Chan was at the doorway giving a shy smile. “I'm a few seconds from collapsing on the floor and sleeping in my office,”
“me too,” you flip off the lights, “and I'm starving I don't even think I have anything in my fridge,”
Chan keeps pace with you as you make your way out of the building, reaching ahead of you to press the call elevator button “We could always keep the tradition going even if it's just the two of us, find a place for dinner?”
“I don't know, not a lot of places are open at this hour and I want to eat on the couch and pass out,” you say hopping in after Chan when the elevator arrives. The space is small enough to have your elbows touching. Chan pressed the button for the lobby, “We could eat ramen at your place?”
You are shocked to hear his suggestion and you assume he is too seeing at how he is bright red and stuttering, “No not like that- well kinda but just the food part- wait- I-,” he cuts himself off giving a flustered sigh, “I'm sorry i- we do not have to i'll just go home I'm sorry,” chan's rubbing at the back of his neck, ears red, eyes scrunched to avoid looking at anything at all because it would kill him to see your negative reaction. hell, it will kill him hearing you say no and push him away even if it was an innocent suggestion in the first place. he really didn't mean it that way he only wanted to hang out because he liked you and now he's gone and ruined that with a suggestion he didn't even fully intend to say in that way.
Your giggle fills the silent elevator and you bump your shoulder against his arm, “It's okay Channie, it's definitely a perfect idea, ramen sounds so good, anything warm will send me straight to bed,” You find it cute how flustered he gets around the topic of sex. drinks out with coworkers leading to his confession months ago that he was inexperienced in bed, the flush on his cheeks as he begged the others not to ask him dirty questions.
please you're joking Chan there is no way you haven't had sex yet! your defense of him that night only makes him like you more, who cares anyway? We should not be sharing bedroom talk with our coworkers. To know you are all kiss and tellers is an explanation enough as to why none of you get any when we go to bars. The conversation moved past Chan's Confession to laughs about how their coworkers had in fact picked up ladies from bars before. Chan had been thankful but the next morning when he remembered sharing he was a virgin in front of his crush was mortifying but you never brought it up again.
you didn't really care that Chan was a virgin, finding out didn't make you like him any less than you already did. even if Chan had been asking to go back to your place to have sex you don’t think you would have turned him down. for as long as you worked in the office across from him you couldn't help but think about asking him out just the two of you but you had witnessed Chan turn someone down before in the breakroom. The way he smiled so sweetly as he said he didn't really like to date coworkers made you try and push the image of the two of you together away. you were friends and inviting him over was something friends did.
“There is a convenience store across from my apartment, works out great,” you smile once you leave the elevator, “it won't be too late for you to head back home later?”
“no northbound street cars run another lap, unlike the southbound ones I should make the last one,” the two of you ride to your place with polite small talk, and when you get off you cross the street to the store to pick up your dinner.
It's the first time Chan has been in your small place, the one you haven't upgraded since you were in college because you didn't see the need for any more room but with Chan in the living room taking up most of the couch you wish you had. Both of you seated watching TV had your legs pressed together from the hip to the knee, his body heat overwhelmingly comfortable as you ate dinner.
Neither of you realized you were beginning to fade, eyelids heavy as you tried to blink away sleep. When you realized you had dozed off, the TV was playing a movie that neither of you had put on, your head resting on Chan as he slumped over the armrest of the couch. you pick up your phone to check the time, the movement waking Chan up, “oh no it's so late,” you yawn pulling yourself up, “The last streetcar left an hour ago,”
“shit,” Chan yawns, stretching out still in his button-up shirt, he had taken off his work coat when he came in but this was nothing he could sleep in.
“it's okay you can stay but I have nothing for you to wear,”
“I can walk it's okay-“
“You will not be walking all the way home. it's fine you can sleep in my bed I don't even think the couch is long enough for me to stretch out all the way,”
“Then where will you sleep?”
“the floor, it's okay,” you say waving him away to check to make sure your room is clean of clothes on the floor. you wave him over as he shakes his head, “No you're not sleeping on the floor in your own home, we can share I don't mind, or I'll Sleep on the floor,”
“Fine, we can share,” You're too tired to argue, too tired to think about the fact that Chan is standing in the doorway as you turn around and pull out your oversized sleepshirt, shedding your work top and bra off.
Chan is suddenly frozen fully awake watching you. He can only see your bare back turned to him, the image of your fingers unhooking your bra burned into his mind before you tug on the oversized shirt. but you're not done, the button of your work pants is undone, and at only sound in the room is the ripple of your zipper before you tug your pants down leaving you in your underwear. he cannot see them but he can see the outline through your white shirt, the black fabric hugging your ass as you pull the covers back to climb into the bed. “turn off the lights when you're ready,” your eyes already closed as you snuggle into the sheets. but Chan can't move. He is sure if you opened your eyes it would be very obvious that he was thinking about you lying in bed next to him almost naked. only two articles of fabric separating your completely naked form from him.
he swallows the lump in his throat unbuttoning his work shirt, when it's gone he starts on his pants even taking them off to leave him in his underwear is enough to make him sigh. the pressure on his cock releasing just a bit but not enough to make him go soft. He's cursing at his body for making it so obvious he wants you. You're so natural at this, not even caring that he's climbing in bed next to you and he's a complete mess as he edges in on the far side of the bed trying not to make any contact at all as he turns the lamp off.
in the dark, he tries to tell himself to calm down but it doesn't work, not when he can smell you on the sheets, when all he can think about is that if you touched yourself you would have to do it in this bed.
You're not even thinking about anything besides falling asleep. You can hear Chan trying to get comfortable next to you, tossing and turning, the dip in the bed from his weight making you slide closer to him. you're barely touching him but he's gone still next to you, without thinking you roll your hips to try and pull away not wanting to make him uncomfortable but it does the opposite because you slide closer to him your ass pressed against his very prominent erection.
if it wasn't for Chan's uneven breaths you would have thought he was asleep with how still and quiet he is. you wonder if you should pull away and ignore him, act like nothing was wrong, that you did not feel anything at all, and that you were asleep already and it was an accident. but the heat of him makes you wet, just the idea of rubbing back against him sends you into overdrive. you move your hips again to hear the soft whine Chan lets out, he's so close to your ear that it makes the sound amplified.
Chan reaches out, his palm wrapping around your hip and you brush against him again. His whine is louder, a weak, “I'm Sorry,” mixed in with the sound. Chan's hips bump forward looking for more friction but you can tell he's trying to hold himself back with how hard he's holding you. “it's okay,” you whisper grinding back into his strained thrusts.
“ill stop, I swear,” but he can't bring himself to listen to anything he says, the feel of your ass against him is so much better than when he ruts against his pillow at home. You're so warm, so firm, and he can't help himself. Chan's movements are jerky as he presses himself against you, the thin material of his underwear making him groan in annoyance.
“You don't have to stop,” you mutter, encouraging him with each roll of your hips against him. “if you want I can use my hands,”
The thought alone would have made Chan cum if he hadn't pulled himself away from you, rolling on his back and whining from denying himself.
you sit up next to him, watching him squeeze his eyes shut, hair a mess on his forehead before he runs his hands through it grabbing the strands and pulling at them. He's panting hard, the rise and fall of his chest catching your attention. You've never seen Chan shirtless, you didn't know that underneath the suit he wears he is completely ripped. Your mouth waters with the need to lick him up and down, to kiss him, if he let you suck him off it would be a very good night. “If you don't want me to use my hands I could use my mouth,” Chan whines again, a weak thrust of his hips into the air at your words. you lean down until your lips are next to his ear, “If you don't want my mouth I could let you use me in other ways,” he's fully humping the air now, fists made in the sheets.
“I don't- I've never…” he shakes his head finally opening his eyes. pupils were blown looking for you to understand, “I want to be good for you but I don't know how,”
“I can show you,” your lips brushing his as you whisper it, “only if you want me to,”
“I do!” he nods, “I want you, I've wanted you so fucking bad for too long,”
you kiss him and he could shatter at the seams from finally getting to taste you. Chan has made out with people before, he knows he's a good kisser, what he's worried about is everything else. but with your lips on him, he's a little less worried. breaking the kiss you move to straddle his abdomen, kissing down his jaw as he throws his head back. He can't control his thrusts anymore, searching for friction where you're purposefully not giving him. “patience Channie,” you say between nips at his neck, his whines in response but you shake your head. “I know you're needy but it will feel better with foreplay,”
he nods as you work down his collarbones, reaching his nipples as you slide down his body. you lick down his chest and abs, circling his navel and following a line down to his waistband. The cold air hits the line you've made down him and Chan moans at the feeling, goosebumps rising over his arms. He wants to touch you, peel your shirt away, and finally see more than just your bare back. almost as if you can read his thoughts you sit up placing your ass on his thighs before pulling off your shirt. nipples pebbling from the air, Chan's hands fisting the sheets so hard his knuckles are bloodless.
“If you're good next time I'll let you lick me the way I did for you,” Chan whines almost painfully before you lean down moving back until you are face to face with his clothed bulge. already a dark spot on the fabric from his precum. “Let me know if you're about to cum okay?”
Chan nods head lifting to watch as you lean forward and kiss over where he's straining in his underwear. his hips try to chase your mouth when you pull away and you tisk at him, “Patience Chan I shouldn't have to tell you twice,”
“I can't help it,” he moans, your fingers hooked into the elastic around his waist pulling the fabric down his legs, his cock heavily slapping against his stomach. every vein prominent, ruddy tip swollen and begging to be kissed. you gather the spit in your mouth before letting it drop down against his length. If you are going to fit it in you're going to have to take the time to stretch yourself out so it won't hurt. For now, you wrap your hand around him, giving him a few shallow pumps, his moans of approval the only sound in the room. you let Chan thrust into your hand when he doesn't like your pace but you completely pull away when he says, “I'm going to cum im-“ he whines so loud at missing his release, your lips on his thigh as you use your hands to hold his hips back from coming up off the mattress.
“no please, please I want to cum, please,” he begs, trying to rut in the air but you shake your head.
“You have to wait pretty boy, you can hold out a little more right?” but he doesn't get to answer when you lick up his shaft, tongue swirling around his tip.
Chan has never been so noisy in his life, he's never wanted, no needed, to cum so bad. when you fully take him into your mouth he sees spots in his vision, the coiling in his pelvis intensifying. he doesn't want to tell you but like you're sucking the words right out of him he whimpers, “cumming im-,” but it's ripped away from him again and he's on the verge of tears. he won't be able to last any longer not like this, when every brush of your fingers on him makes him twitch. he lets go of the death grips he has on the sheets pushing himself up be rolls the two of you over.
you're shocked as he pins you down, his face pressed into your neck whimpers tickling your skin. “please, can I cum inside you?” his cock is rubbing against your covered center, and he can feel that the fabric is wet with your arousal, knows he must be doing something right when your soft moans come every time he rubs against your clit.
you nod knowing you won't be able to say no to him, not when you want him this bad. “take my panties off,” Chan listened, not waiting a moment to follow your order. when they are gone he's stopped by the sight of you. laid out for him glistening, you reach down using two of your fingers to make a v pushing open more of yourself so he can see. Chan watches as you drag your fingers through your wetness, and whines as he watches you dip a finger into your entrance.“you listen so well Channie if you keep listening I'll let you taste me,”
chans weak in the knees at your words, he wants nothing more than to please you, to hear you say nice things to him over and over, to finally let him sink into your warm heat. “please,” it's so quiet you almost miss it.
“Grab your cock in your hand,” he does as you say, “then lean over me and run the length of you in my wetness kinda like you were doing before okay?” he nods and when he plants his hand next to your head he looks down to watch what he's doing. both of you moaning as he rubs against your clit, he could just stop here, he knows just this will make him cum without a second thought but you won't let him. “drag your tip down until it catches if you miss ill help you, okay?”
but Chan doesn't need your help, the head of his cock prodding your entrance, his hips jerking knowing he's so close to feeling all of you, “you're doing so good,” you hum brushing your fingers through his hair, “slowly push in I won't be able to take it all unless you go slow,”
Chan pushes in following your instructions. he's hardly in when he's shaking, you feel so fucking good, warm, and just right. he will never be able to imagine taking you while he's alone again, his hand won't cut it anymore, not after this.
his moan is guttural as he fully seats himself inside you, your hips meeting his. chans so deep you can swear he's touching your womb, your hands wrap around his shoulders, both of you catching your breath, “you have to move slow, warm me up a little before you can trust harder,” Chan nods but he doesn't know if he will be able to last long enough to make himself go any faster. Your warm walls feel so fucking good he could cum without moving at all, but he slowly pulls out before sinking back in. You're so wet it's easy to find a steady pace.
“Just like that Channie,” you moan and Chan whines at the praise, he wants to be perfect for you, as perfect as you've been for him and he can't control himself, his hips sinking hitting you deeper than you felt before.
you moan loudly as he brushes your gummy stop making you see stars, “your hand, use your hand on my clit,” you whimper and when Chan's fingers find the perfect spot he feels you clench around him. he gives a shocked moan not realizing you could feel any better, his orgasm so close he presses his fingers harder against you, your shocked gasp music to his ears. you didn't think you would cum seeing as it was his first time but you're right on the cusp when you hear his pants, “I'm going to cum, please, I need to cum, let me cum in you,” he begs eyes watching where the two of you connect.
“you've been so good to me,” your words making his stomach flex, balls tightening, and you can feel him twitch inside you, “cum for me Channie,”
he cries out as he finishes, hot ropes of cum spilling inside you making you follow right after him. The fluttering of your cunt makes him whine sinking in deeper letting his body weight fall on you as he pumps more cum deep inside you.
never has he cum so hard or this much, never did he think it would feel this amazing.
Chans is lying on top of you, both of you sweaty and panting. your fingers comb his hair back from his forehead, scratching his scalp until he's humming. you can feel his softening cock inside you, his hips twitching every once in a while. Neither of you moves, only enjoying the feel of each other. “Did you mean what you said?” Chan asks and you scrunch your brows. “what?”
“about next time? that there would be a next time.”
you giggle pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Yes if you're good there will be a next time,” but you can feel Chan twitch inside you already growing hard again.
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