#did i project my issues with school onto poor gavi??? yeah maybe whatre you a cop
liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers reacting to a younger player calling them dad (long as hell version)
anon requested it n so it shall be!! ngl for some a the teams i simply googled "youngest player on INSERTTEAMHERE." ive never written formal fic for football so i apologize for this being iffy n also for the SHITTON of innacuracies theres bound to be. oh n also that everyone talks like a twenty year old american college student
"Thanks, dad," Warren said nonchalantly as Leo helped him up off the ground. He had stumbled a little and fell during the last part of training.
Leo only narrowed his eyes a little in response. Dad?
Poor Warren clasped a hand over his mouth, seemingly mortified. "I'm so sorry," he said, chuckling even though he didn't look like he found anything funny. "I guess I just- And then- Yeah I'll, uh, get going now." He scampered away not once looking back.
Leo got to thinking as me made his way back to the locker room. He's used to being called that; he has children of his own. But he's never considered a teammate of his as his own child. Sure, he was helpful, a mentor maybe, but fatherly wasn't how he would describe his behavior with his younger teammates.
There was only one thing to do, obviously. Ask a younger teammate.
When he got to the locker room he approached Neymar, who didn't notice him at first.
His friend's face brightened upon noticing Leo was there. "Yeah, what's up?" he asked, before taking a swig of water.
"Do you see me as a father figure?"
In response, Leo was met with Neymar choking and coughing. "NO, GOD NO-" he stopped to cough again and catch his breath. "WHAT GAVE YOU THAT IDEA?"
"Nothing, jeez, calm down."
"Woah, not like that, you could hurt yourself," Neymar told Bitshiabu. He was doing an new training excercise incorrectly, and the last thing PSG needed was a good player pulling or straining something.
Neymar took a minute to show him how to do it properly. "Thanks, dad," the seventeen year old said sarcastically. Despite the snark, he appreciated the help.
Neymar just laughed in response, but for the rest of traning the thought kept bouncing around in the back of his head. 'Dad? I was acting like a dad? Some of them see me as old enough to be their father?'
Well, he was a father, but that was different. His teammates were much older than Davi.
Oh, gosh, was he getting old?
Later in training, when he saw Leo, he grabbed the poor man by the shoulders without so much as a hello. "Leo. Do you think I'm getting old?"
In classic Leo fashion, he looked like he'd rather be anywhere than here, interacting with someone. "Well, technically we all are... You're older now than you were yesterday, so I guess you are get-"
Neymar let out an exasperated sigh, unhappy with that answer.
His next victim was Sergio, who's phone conversation he interrupted to ask him the question of the day.
"Do you think I'm getting old?"
"You interrupted my conversation with Lukita to ask me if-"
Damn. Neymar was gonna have to get hammered tonight. To prove he still has it in him.
"What about you, Milly? Any fun weekend plans?" Andy asked. Some of the team were talking about the plans they had for the free weekend they had coming up.
"You bet; I have a date with my new book and chamomile tea."
This earned him a few eye rolls, most noticably from Trent. "Aw, that's so boring! Robbo and I are hitting this new club Saturday night, aren't we, mate?" he reached across the kitchen island to fist bump his friend. "Surely you've got something more fun in mind."
"I might fire up the grill if the weather allows..." Milly started. "Oh, and I should probably get my car checked out; it's been making this weird noise."
"Yeah yeah, we get it, dad, you're boring."
Milly didn't hesitate. "I am nowhere near old enough to be your dad," he said with his typical snark.
"You do act like it though..." the previously quiet Alisson chimed in, peering at his friends from over his coffee mug.
"And you're no spring chicken either," Milly remarked, which shut the goalkeeper up. "Will you lot ever get bored of the 'James is old' joke?"
"Aw, don't be like that, mate," Andy said with a hearty laugh, putting an arm around Milly's neck and ruffling his hair. "You know it's just because we love you!"
Milly sighed. Yeah, he did know, he supposed.
"I mean," Alvarez said between passes. "You're practically his dad."
Kevin rolled his eyes for what was probably the third time during that conversation.
"Ah, shove it, you know I'm not that old."
"It's not about age," his younger teammate responds, accepting the ball Kevin passed to him. "You're always like... I dunno, dadish."
Kevin just gave Alvarez an absolutely bewildered look. "...Are you actually saying these words?"
"I'm serious, mate! You're always, y'know, taking him out for ice cream after training, making sure he gets home safe, whatever that means-"
Kevin brought up a hand to rub his temple. "Oh my gosh, I don't see him as my kid. Can't I just be nice?"
"Shove off," Kevin said playfully.
An amused grin crossed Alvarez's face. "Speak of the devil."
Kevin turned to see Erling walking up to the pair.
"Hey guys!" Erling said with a polite wave, and Alvarez waved back.
"You need anything?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah, actually," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you think you can give me a ride home after training? Jack drove me but he had to leave early."
"Of course, no problem," he replied without hesitation, and clapped a hand on Erling's shoulder for seemingly no reason.
Erling nodded happily in response. "Thank you, dad!" he said with a bright smile, before walking away as if what he said was completely normal.
It was taking everything Alvarez had in him to not start rolling on the ground with laughter. "What was that about not being his dad?"
It was actually Luka who started it.
Everyone entered the locker room very happy, fresh off a 44th minute goal from Rodrygo that had earned them the lead. The young player received hugs and claps on the back from pretty much every player. The attention was well deserved; the goal was a beauty, after all.
One of the last players to congratulate him was Luka. "Good job, hijo!" he said, hugging his teammate. "You were brilliant out there!"
"Gracias, papa," Rodrygo said, casual, even though he had never called him that before. "But it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't set me up for it!"
"Aw, aren't you the sweetest," said Luka, smiling proudly as he ruffled up Rodrygo's short hair beyond repair.
Rodrygo reached up in a futile attempt to fix his hair, and even though it wasn't said out loud, he got the feeling that he could call Luka that anytime he wanted.
Training had long since ended, and everyone was in the locker room, gathering their belongings and talking amongst themselves.
Luis and Kauan had been making small talk, with Luis telling his youngest teammate about some of his exploits and giving him some pointers.
"Y'know," Kauan eventually said. "You kinda remind me of my dad!"
Luis immediately burst into laughter, but it was out of genuine joy rather than condescension.
"Oh yeah?" he asked, not bothering to wait for an answer. "I'm not that old, kiddo. Now would your dad do THIS?"
Before his teammate could respond, Luis had taken Kauan into a light, non-painful chokehold n given him the strongest noogie he could muster, sending Kauan into a fit of giggling.
When Luis had mercy on the kid and let him go, Kauan needed a minute to catch his breath and compose himself.
Kuan gave Luis a sly grin. "Y'know, my dad does that to me all the time!"
It wasn't Gavi's day. Or his week, and it wasn't shaping out to be his month, for that matter.
He didn't know what was wrong; he just wasn't playing like his normal self these past few games. But the crushing blow was this game in particular, when he was subbed off in the first half due to his performance.
The atmosphere in the locker room after the game was still positive, however, as they had won. But Gavi wasn't participating in the celebrating and joking. He had changed and was just sitting by his locker, just... thinking. He hated sulking like this. He felt like he was being dramatic. Maybe he should go.
He didn't notice someone had approached him until he heard his voice.
"Gavi?" Robert asked, voice laced with concern. "What're you doing here all by yourself?"
The younger player just shrugged, blinking away tears that definitely weren't forming.
"May I?" Robert asked, gesturing to the spot next to Gavi on the bench.
Gavi just muttered a quiet "yeah," and Robert sat closely next to him.
Robert took a good look at Gavi, and for a moment he was reminded of his girls.
"You don't seem to be too happy with yourself," the man said.
"Can you blame me?" Gavi asked, trying not to sound sarcastic.
"Well, I understand. But I don't think you should be so hard on yourself," he put an arm around the young player. "You're talented, Gavi, and you're only going to get better from here. You just had a few rough weeks; it's not permanent. And I'm saying that because I really believe it." He smiled warmly at the young man.
Gavi would be lying if he said he didn't feel just a little bit better. He found himself resting his head on the other's shoulder.
"Thank you, dad. I mean- shit, I-"
Robert just chuckled in response. "It's ok, really, I'm honored," he said, holding the other just a little tighter.
"Hey, dad? Do you-" Vini shut his mouth quickly after he realized what he had just said.
Sergio was on him before the young player could even apologize. "I'm sorry?" he asked, feeling kind enough to at least give the young player a chance to explain himself.
"I don't know, I guess I just got my wires crossed, or something-"
"I thought so. Just don't let it happen again," Sergio said, sounding less angry and more just... irritated. And with that, he left.
Much later in the day, Sergio found himself at Luka's place eating dinner with his teammate, as was pretty much tradition after training.
"Y'know," the team captain said between bites of what Luka made him. "Those kids of ours are really improving. I mean, they were always talented but, y'know..."
Luka just smiled and kept his thoughts to himself. He knew if he made mention of Sergio referring to the young players as their kids, he'd deny it faster than you could say Madrid.
"Don't overwork yourself, Cole, I don't want you getting hurt," Pep said to the young player. It was Cole's first training back after recovering from an injury, so he was prone to hurting himself again.
"Sure thing, dad," Cole said sarcastically.
Pep simply blinked at the young man. He had been managing a long time and had been called many things by all his players over the years. But this was definitely a first for "dad."
After a few seconds of silence, Cole could tell that his attempt at a joke was not well received. He simply stared at the man staring back at him, waiting for whatever stupid prize awaited, and kind of hoping he would just die right now.
Cole's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Hm?"
"Uh... don't you think that's too exerting? You just said I should take it e-"
And without another word, Cole took off running. It wasn't until three laps in that he realized he never asked how many of these things he should do.
"We've won our last five matches," Darwin said.
"And it's raining outside, so traning will be, uh... Not as good," chimed in Harvey.
"And we promise to train extra hard tomorrow! Don't we, lads?" Cody asked, turning to his teammates, who nodded furiously in response.
"I still don't know if you can afford to miss it; training every day is important," Jurgen told the boys. There was a new movie out that the boys wanted to forego traning to go and see. Rather than sending one person to him to be The Negotiator, the boys thought it was better to approach him with their request all at once.
"But papaaaaaa!!" damn near all of the teammates chimed at once.
Jurgen clenched his expensive-ass teeth. These boys always knew how to get to him. He loved being reminded that they loved him and saw them as a father, as someone to be trusted and depended upon. He couldn't even remember when they started calling him that.
He loud out a long, overly-dramatic sigh.
In return, he received a chorus of cheers. An onlooker would think these boys just watched their teammate win them a penalty shootout.
In no time at all he was swarmed with hugs and "thank you, papa"s from too many of the boys to count.
The boys all stopped at the door when they saw their gaffer wasn't following them.
"Aren't you coming?" Alisson asked, eyes kind and welcoming.
"Do you want me to?" questioned Jurgen, looking at his boys' faces for signs of approval. Most of them just rolled their eyes at the suggestion that they didn't want him to join them.
Alisson approached him, took him by the arm, and dragged him to the door himself, Jurgen laughing while following him.
"Of course we do, papa."
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