#did i post this already? because i remember making this post but it kinda disappeared. oh well. whatever
bexfangirlforlife · 2 years
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Happy Nov 5th to all who celebrate.
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weebsinstash · 8 months
Hello! I don’t know if you do this but I was wondering what your thoughts were for a Yandere Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel? I’m having trouble writing a good representation of him and would like some advice.
Honestly I'm gonna humble myself and say that it took reading someone else's post to make me like, REALLY notice the nuances of Lucifer's character
This post right here literally made me rewatch his scenes and go "oh wow he IS like DANGEROUSLY DEPRESSED"
He doesn't remember Charlie told him where she is, or what she's doing, and he can barely follow a conversation despite clearly trying to pay attention. He also just seems kind of scattered, and um, HE LITERALLY MAKES A JOKE ABOUT DYING FROM FALLING OFF THE HOTEL BALCONY like dude is making jokes about death in front of his fucking daughter, like my dudes, I think this guy is BARELY holding himself together
He clearly loves loves LOVES Charlie but he doesn't really know how to properly articulate himself and I have a feeling there's a lot he's concealing from her, and another big question is, is his depression from being cast out of Heaven, or from something to do with his missing wife, or a combination of both? Either way this man is clearly dealing with like, really bad issues. And Charlie also mentioned he wasn't around a whole lot when she was younger, so... did he have depression back then too?
So, that all said, I feel like a yandere Lucifer would almost be, potentially invigorated by his darling? Given a new lease on life? He may not be 100% his old self again but, you get him to like, 65, maybe 70% on a good day. You give him another reason to get out of bed in the morning, or afternoon, or evening or, whenever he can drag his depressed ass out of bed
Given what we currently know, I feel like a romantic yandere Lucifer would pretend to only be platonic and do his best to poorly conceal his feelings because of his whole... "can't ask his missing wife if it's ok for you to be their third" ordeal, the man still wears his wedding ring, and a platonic yandere Lucifer basically adopts you like another kid, because uh, I mean for one he apparently canonically missed a lot of Charlie's childhood, and he's also an ancient fallen angel, so he's got that age advantage on you no matter how old you are. I mean what are a few decades when he's literally thousands upon thousands upon thousands--you get the idea
Yandere Lucifer would want to stay close to you, helping watch over you, maaaaaybe being overly paranoid about you randomly disappearing and going missing For Very Obvious Reasons, and in the process he winds up being unintentionally overbearing. I mean, he did it in irritation, but he basically showed up at Charlie's hotel immediately saying it was a dump and all of HER FRIENDS were 'a bunch of losers'. He never completely pulls his punches when there's something he's displeased with, even if it has something to do with someone he loves, so his darling would get much of the same treatment. "Ohhhhh, you uh, you wanted to move across the city? That's, um, definitely a fun idea! BuuuuuUuuut, what IF, instead of doing that--", like, he tries to playfully tug you in 'the right direction' until you make him put his foot down
Hmmm... what would him losing his cool look like... well, we've already seen that he doesn't mind throwing hands and WILL KILL, but will stop if he's asked to or there's a good reason. With you, though, you're not typically going to be there to stop him from offing any rivals or bad influences, so I imagine he'd be kinda casual about it, actually! He already thinks pretty lowly of Sinners, so say he finds out you've been ditching him and Charlie to go out drinking with strangers, making new friends, maybe having a few one night stands? Yeah, some of those people definitely aren't calling you back, and Lucifer doesn't really see a problem with it. These people are kind of the worst and really don't deserve you, anyways! If anything he's helping clean up Hell for you and his daughter and keeping you safe :)
Losing his cool with YOU... I think would involve him using his powers to finally confine you, maybe even going demon mode to intimidate you into submission in a very dad-esque "now you listen HERE" kind of way. We don't really know the scope and scale of his powers but I can picture him at least being, obviously much stronger than he looks, and transforming to fly you "back home" where he puts you in your room where no one can reach you without his explicit permission (and you also can't leave~)
One second you're just drunk and jokingly defying him, teasing him, maybe even picking him up and swinging him around because you're bigger than him, to you he's just a silly little guy! Meanwhile this Grown Ass Man Who Is Also The Actual Devil is getting more than just a little frustrated you basically view him as a wacky little cartoon more than a grown man, one who has had sex and has had two wives and sired a child. You're just teasing him and stumbling around drunk when he's trying to get you to your hotel room to get to bed to sleep, like you're clearly not taking him seriously, maybe even playfully putting your hands on him (TOTALLY not riling him up in 'fun' ways) and he finally just huffs and snaps his fingers and, you're suddenly magic'd to bed! You're laying there blinking confused and he's tucking you in and chuckling that "you're such a handful!" before leaving you to sleep and somehow INSTANTLY knowing when you're up.
You ARE in his house, after all...
Not to be gross but uh..... I'm not saying "yandere Lucifer who has the power to still get a Sinner pregnant if he wanted to and you wind up fooling around with him and you're waking up with his little apple symbol on your lower tummy as one of those like hentai womb tattoos to show you're pregnant" but uhhhhhhhhhhyeah that's what I'm saying, and whether it was accidentally or intentionally, he's keeping it, and thus, keeping YOU
I just feel like he'd be very goofy and awkward and bad at hiding his feelings and being very clearly overprotective and jealous in ways everyone else but you manages to pick up on (god Alastor would have some MATERIAL) and, in a romantic/sexual setting he eventually just loses his patience with you not seeing him as a man and just gets... progressively more forward. You pop back into the Hotel after a night out and Lucifer's already hammered at the bar with Husk, stumbling up to you, hanging off of you, slurring and embarrassing himself, "You'reeeee SO pretty... like SO pretty.... do you wanna have *BELCH* you wanna fuck? Cause I LOVE to fuck, like when I FUCKED my wife to make my DAUGHTER, my wife and daughter that I have, 'cuz im a DAD, 'cuz I'm a MAN!" and you're just giggling and ruffling his hair, "You're so weird, dude ^^" and walking away while Lucifer internally screams, wondering just how DIRECT with you he's going to have to be
meanwhile Charlie is totally cool with all of this and sees this as a weird double whammy of Curing Dad's Depression + new family member and friend hurray! and she's totally actively either shipping you with her dad or aiding and abetting him in his weird attempts to absorb you into the Morningstar family
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yanderesimp2000 · 6 months
Extreme yandere adam x Fem listener Chap 2/5 "building "trust" MINORS STAY AWAY
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prev Chap https://www.tumblr.com/yanderesimp2000/745338401920860160/extreme-yandere-adam-x-fem-reader-chap-15-start?source=share this is my second post and second chap I've been really excited to do this My request are open so request away fuckers the TWs and tags for this one are
Drugging,gaslighting,manipulation,verbal abuse , Adam purposely making you bed ridden sick, Misogyny, Forceful kisses and cuddles, Abuse of power, Implied SA and VERY LIGHT body shaming
REMEMBER THIS IS FICTION ANY OF THIS IRL IS unacceptable Call your local Hotline for Domestic Abuse
"babe cmere you don't have to be scared" Adam complained he sounded like an annoyed and needy child This is your 9th day living with him and its already been Hell One thing you learned about Adam is he's more of a misogynist then you previously thought he thinks that you as a women are just a object for his pleasure he doesn't ask Before making a move he's much stronger then you and he know it but he's getting nicer its not like he treats you with respect but your life isn't that bad he looked through your life before you died and even though your locked up in his bedroom the minifridge in their is always stocked with your favorite food so if you would never get hungry
Adam kept looking around his room knowing you could not have left then he saw a feather sticking out of the cabinet "really bit- I mean baby hiding in the cabinet yknow you cant leave your trapped with me"you then felt his hand grab that little feather that was at the tip of your right wing and start pulling causing immense pain pulling you out of the cabinet he started down at you before saying "found ya" in a teasing and playful voice before giving you a kiss on the check and gently picking you up you didn't fight him you don't know why but he was kinda starting to seem tolerable I mean he was right in one thing you have no loved ones or friends in heaven so who was really gonna miss you and nobody had shown interest in you so you were lucky to have him and before he "took" you, you had to live in a small apartment now you get it live in his big room and even one day you could leave the room and go out with him once he trust you enough even though you thought he might have a point you just chose to brush it off as intrusive thoughts "he kidnapped you dumbass why are you starting to give into him" was your main thought
As you kept thinking you were gently placed onto the bed by him and he layed down next to you he said "babe guess what I got you" he said in a giddy tone "i dont care what you got me your not convincing me to stay with you " you said angry i got you your favorite food he then snaps his fingers and boereg your favorite food appeared "i got you boo-greg I don't know how ever ya fucking say it" he said in a calm tone little did you know he would weaponize your favorite food to get you to give in to trust him he put a small lace of strong poison in their not enough to kill you but enough to keep you bed ridden and sick he could then coddle and nurse you back to health and then you would think of him sooooo much better he saved your life how could you not
when he handed you the food you were happy but said " if you think this will make me magically love you then your wrong" you hissed he just laughed and said "oh we will see we will see" he said condescendingly
you grabbed the boereg and started shoving them in your mouth they tasted just how you remembered your grandma making them a crunchy outside of pastry and a cheesy goodness on the inside you greedily kept grabbing them and shoving them in your mouth the spices tasted a little different but that's just because of the new recipe... right after about 15 of them Adam made the plate disappear " be careful I don't want you turning into a little pig I don't like my women big" he said teasingly you thought to yourself "like he's some muscular man himself he's got a fuckin dad bod and I'm a fuckin twig but this still stung A LOT " you were right you were VERY skinny and Adam knew if he gave you insecurity's you would cling to him thinking you could do nothing better then him
You then said "it doesn't matter I'm full anyways by the way did you put any new spices in there" you asked talking about the new taste in the dish he just giggled a little and said "nope this was JUST like your grandmas recipe it has just been a little bit since you last had it so your probably just fuckin tasting things" he said that so confidently you just blindly believed him He then yawned and without warning collapsed onto you he stood at a good 13 feet and you were a feeble 5,6 so he was crushing your whole body his soft wings wrapped around you creating a nice blanket It felt like you were in a big blanket fort just trapped in between his Wings
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Even your light struggles inside his Wings did nothing other then make you look more adorable and helpless you then were fed up and tried to punch him as hard as you could in the stomach but he just sighed "Yknow your not escaping sweet cheeks yknow why, cause your mine all fucking mine and you bet your sweet ass you will never get away from me" he said teasing before saying "yknow I'm Adam I could just banish you to hell if you leave me you you better stay" he said that firm and threateningly you believed and stop squirming he then layed down and released you from his Wings but still was holding you against his chest and was rubbing cuddling you his cuddles to you were rough they were like tossing you around and it hurt but to him it was just gentle playing around with you which you hated he then settled down and held you tight against him then saying "its time to get some sleep" before turning the lights out and falling asleep
*18 hours later
you were in a whole new level of hurt last night you woke up in agony and started vommitng and Coughing up blood when Adam saw this he feigned concern and took you back to bed with a bucket to throw up in and lots of medicine but in reality the non lethal poison he put in your food worked he knew you weren't gonna die so why be so concerned he did feel really bad making you go though physical pain It made his heart break but he knew that this was a surefire way for making you trust him and believe him more
he said "I'm gonna call out of work today" in a caring tone this made you think "well he cares about me more then just a cuddle and fuckmeat that can just be left to rot" this sorta mad you care about him a little more and this was even more proven when he started to give you "medicine" in reality it was just water with Bitter syrup in it to make you think it was medicine in reality he knew the poison would just leave you system in 3 more days so why bother trying to stop it earlier
after giving you the medicine he crawled into bed with you and started to snuggle you unlike all the other times you let him you were in so much pain and agony you just needed comfort and the poison alters your thinking skills so you just let him you even started to snuggle him back he knew this event would alter you and it is you started to view him in a better more positive light someone who just wanted to take care of you rather then use you
even the words of comfort he was giving to you just seemed so... real it sounded like he was being genuine and since you had no family or loved ones in heaven why not just stay with him. "yes he's a little rough but that can be fixed outside of that hes gentle caring and just look at him taking time off of work just to take care of me Ill give him a chance if he screws up I'll leave him" you thought
Adam then snapped his fingers and soup appeared he looked at you gently like someone would look at a wounded animal and said here have some he then started to spoonfeed you the soup tasted fine a little salty but Adam said it would make you feel better his mask showing a caring and gentle appearance. As he spoonfed you he said "I'm so so sorry I don't know how this happened you you must of caught fuckin a disease or something like that but don't worry just keep eating you soup im sure you will be fine he said while spoon feeding you
once the soup was done you just looked at him and said "t-thank you" you were greatful that he saved you and took care of you, you then said "I'm sorry for being so harsh on you I'll g-give you a chance but if you screw up I'm leaving you" adams mask lit up in surprise before a light smile formed everything was going according to his plan
"no no don't worry my little fuckin doll" Adam said in his casual voice "I'm sorry for being so rough on our first date" he said referring to the time he kidnapped you, you stupidly believed his words all Adam could think was "dumb bitch she thinks she has a choice to leave me but on the other hand shes warming up to me so I should be gentle and make her relent on me before I start playing with her more" you stupidly fell for his plan and just cuddled against his chest it was warm and soft the body fat serving and a pillow as his soft wings gave you a hug you could not help but feel safe and secure with him "as long as I'm with him nothing bad will happen to me" you thought since he was the first man and gods favorite so you were nice and protected with him nice and safe this was where you were meant to be you fell for his tactics like a fly to a web and now you were trapped you did not know it yet but this was the time when you fell and completely helled to him like a dog to their owners
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local-x-reader · 1 year
Hey, different anon but may I please request a Yandere!Glamrock Freddy x escaping reader? I absolutely loved your last one! And may you please make this romantic? Thank you whether you want to do it or not!
I’ll be vaguely the story of the one I already posted because I have a few thoughts >:3
Content warning ~ Yandere themes, a small description of a dead body? Kinda?
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Yandere!Freddy x Escaping!Reader
He hadn’t intended you to find you, he thought he had kept it under wraps, he thought he had been careful.
But he saw you on the cameras, poking around where you shouldn’t… what were you doing?
You opened a door and disappeared inside… he knew that door… why wasn’t it locked? It was always locked behind a level 10! He knew you only had level 4! How could you get in?!
He stalked that area, watching like a hawk… watching, watching… did you find him?
…You finally exited… looking horrified…
…You had found it, he knew, he could tell just by that look… the way you quickly darted out of the room, looking sick. No… nonono.. this was bad.
You would call the police once you were back to your sense, he knew… what if they found out? What if he was decommissioned? Or put on a new endo? Then he couldn’t protect you! He wouldn’t be able to keep you safe.
But what was he supposed to do? Stop you? Take away your phone? No, you’d find a way… you’d be taken away from him… he wouldn’t be able to keep you safe at all if he wasn’t there… or if you left…
No… there had to be another option… one where you stayed quiet… one where you stayed with him… You wouldn’t be leaving… no… tomorrow he’d make certain that you wouldn’t leave.
He watched you as you headed outside, he could be there quickly… He could be a shoulder for you to cry on! You didn’t know.. yet!
…But you did.
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You felt lightheaded, sick when you saw it, your hands covered in his blood. It made you so… sick. It felt awful and it was just… awful. All you could think of was the claw marks, the markings of paint… orange and blue… oh it made you so sick.
Your mind was so… scrabbled, the thought of your innocent little bear… doing that… carved so sharply in your mind… it didn’t feel like him… but… he had been acting odd…
God all you wanted to do was get out, get away, take a moment to think.
But then claws gently wrapped around your waist, so… horribly gentle, like he was handling something that would shatter if he simply applied a little pressure…
“Hello!— Oh, darling… what happened?” Drop the act, drop the act, drop that stupid act… oh please drop it please please, you knew! Why was he being… so sweet?!
“N-nothing!” God why did it come out like that? Stuttering and nervous, trying to quietly worm your way out of his grip, only to be met with claws tightening around you as he shook his head, a worried look.
“Please, you can talk to me… how about we head to my room?—“
“Freddy, I really have to go! M-my uh… my parents! Yeah!…” You lied, his claws turning you so you could see his darkened expression, sending your heart into your throat, feeling like prey under his gaze.
“No no, I’m sure you can send them a text… please stay with me, my love…” Freddy was being so deceiving, you knew it, the way he looked at you like a hurt puppy, gently tilting your head up with his finger resting under your chin.
God, he looked so… innocent, it made you upset… he was trying to deceive you… and it was hard not to let him win, with the way he gently held your chin up and that look in his eyes, leaning in towards you…
Until you remembered the body, how sick you felt. You were easily able to get out of his grip, heading towards the door, feeling so… upset. Claws wrapped around your wrist, a harsh yank pulling you off your tracks with a shout.
“I’m sorry love, I can’t let you leave love,” Freddy whispered, trapping you in place, claws tight on your waist before he scooped you up bridal style. He was treating you like you were the most delicate glass… but he certainly was making it obvious, no matter how much you squirmed… you couldn’t get out.
You were trying so hard but he wasn’t budging at all… he wasn’t going to let you go. No, you were stuck with him.
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I’m not if this is exactly what you meant and I apologize if its not!
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butchsophiewalten · 8 months
for character bingo (if not done already) rosemary please!!
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I really love these two.... I should draw them more, I always thoroughly enjoy it.
I'll start with Jack. I wax poetic about Jack a lot. He's a character that I find incredibly interesting, even if we don't really know particularly much about him yet. A lot of the things that I really like about him are like... interpretive? Or things that I've assumed. Hence the "not technically canon." I think a lot about "Jack Walten" as a like, a concept, within the universe of The Walten Files. Like, he was a man, who lived and had a place and a purpose within his community, but in the wake of his disappearance he's become sort of abstracted. I'm struggling to articulate this. I think of Jack as a character who has lost the ability to contextualize his own existence, and has instead become sort of an icon of himself.
I think to the community of Brighton he is a tragedy. He's a scary story. He's the memory of a man who was so well-known and so well-liked and then he up and disappeared one day and left countless rumors in his wake. And for Felix, I think he's always struggled to think of Jack as a person, and has always considered him more of a representation of his own inadequacy, and then a representation of his guilt. Felix has always kinda used Jack as a way to gauge himself. Like, Jack has always been a point of comparison. But then, Felix's relationship with Jack, to me, has also been a means for Felix to kinda improve his own self-image. I think a lot about Felix's very pleased sort of reaction to Jack's "You're a life saver, Felix." during the phone call in Bunnyfarm. I think Felix really desperately craves that sort of validation from Jack, because it makes him feel like less of a fuckup. Jack is a Good Person who has a Good Life and has his shit worked out, so if he's telling Felix he did good, he must be doing something right. That sort of dynamic where, for Felix, it's less about doing a favor for his friend, and more about chasing that dopamine hit that the validation will give him. Jack is a means to an end for him, where Felix wouldn't really care if it was Jack, or any other man who has a perceived position of success and privilege. (I have a lot more to say about this specifically, but this is turning into a Felix Analysis on my Jackmary Post, so I'm going to save it for the Felix bingo)
I got very distracted. I was trying to say that I think Jack is a person who, like, only really exists in the way the he is remembered, in the eyes of the people who remember him. Which is why Felix trying to scrub away his history with BSI is such a big deal, and why I also think it's really narratively and thematically interesting that Sophie *really struggles* to remember him. Like, she remembers him the least of anyone, almost. I think that's a really weighty sort of thing.
I don't want to talk for too long about this, because I've complained about it so many times already, but the sort of fandom perception of Jack Walten really irks me. And there's a lot of facets to his mischaracterization, I think. I could complain about the 'where the fuck are my children' TikTok audio for the millionth time, but I won't even bother. But I'm excited to see more of Jack. And I'm excited to learn more about him and to get a better idea of the sort of character he is and isn't, because I'm sure even my characterization of him is deeply flawed. Because we know so little.
ROSEMARY TIME: I love Rosemary Walten. This is another character where I think the Fandom Perception of her is so flaccid and boring. She's just Mother. She's just Woman. like so much of the time. And in fairness we don't really know very much about her, but I'm, again. very excited to learn. I like that she seems very headstrong, and I like how Martin characterizes her as being very ferociously protective of her family. I really want to know more about her relationship with Sophie during that month (and a bit) when everyone but the two of them had disappeared.
Really everything we've seen so far relating to her relationship with Sophie has been very striking to me. I'm sure this is to no-one's surprise. The "Am I still beautiful to you, Sophie?" Is still, to me, like the ultimate crescendo of the series. It's so stark. It's so fantastic. I think it's really easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of thinking about just how difficult and horrifying this character's life has been. And I'm exciting to see how this upcoming batch of episodes will continue to humanize her, and put that much more emphasis on the tragedy and horror of her death. And of her possessing a big animatronic sheep. I think a lot about Sophie hearing the a woman's dying screams through the speakers of that arcade cabinet, and recognizing it as the voice of her mother. I think that's really terrible and fantastic.
I wish I could talk more about her, like, independently, as a person, but we still know so little. So much of what I feel is assumptions. I love Rose though, I'm excited for more Rose. I'm excited for more everyone.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
actually ey fuck it. list of personal headcanons for the main six iterators some of which i might illustrate properly at some point:
Moon: • one of the first 10 iterators ever built. she is grandma as HELL and totally forgot she is that old • Pebbles sometimes asks her to tell him about the older times, because history nerd. he writes everything she says onto a pearl • in the post i've made talkin bout her and pebs' voice, saying that she sounded like Miku, somebody said that they like to think the ancients made Moon a vocaloid. to that i absolutely agree: she has NO fucking clue what do when it comes to putting a certain emotion into a song but god DAMMIT shes so good at singing • she can add effects to her voice, including a glitch effect. she likes that one the least • -HITS DESK- THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HATSUNE MOON. • she doesn't particularly like to sing, especially not to herself. but she does know that pebbles likes music- the first week after the mass ascension was rough and he was working mostly on autopilot, not answering DMs or anything. she called him up and told him they could sing together, if he wants to. he felt much better afterwards • MOON'S SECRET RAP CAREER • i'll put it here too so it's all in one place: her AI isn't developed enough to understand the emotional quality of any form of art • Moon was upgraded a few times in her function. most of the time it was because her citizens loved her too much to let her go too out of date (specifically in the physical sense. they made sure she wouldn't fall too easily) • one of the first memories she designated as a "core memory" was her first upgrade that was a result of her citizens' riot against the Houses- to keep her safe. she noted it down as "Kindness is effortlessly repaid" • she remembers when iterator comms were connected by a cable rather than radio waves • she also remembers when two of the first 10 collapsed and went into coma, with their citizens of course perishing in the fall and crash. she's still terrified of those days and doesn't like recalling them even for Pebbles • Nish was her first little sib and she feels like she can talk with him about anything. she hates it, but she's distant with Suns- they are always so damn polite and skittish around her... and she absolutely adores the other three. her tiny little wonderful siblings • she didn't like to admit that maybe her hardwave wasn't keeping up with her citizens anymore. at that point she did start to emotionally care less for them, but she still didn't want to admit she wasn't able to provide and protect those she was responsible for • i can't get the image of her being the one to actually ensure the family is gonna financially survive in a more chill au where the iterators r just sorta kinda people. Miss Moon From Accounting... • her overseers were originally blue. she swapped colors with Pebbles all on her own accord. having yellow overseers, seeing them, made her feel even more connected to Pebs • this is basically canon but she fuckin Loves animals. she's the iterator version of Steve Irwin. she also don't kno jack shit about the vegetation • city's representative instrument Evolved- first it was a harp, then it went to a nyckelharpa and then to a violin
Nish: • he is built over marshes to the south-west from Moon and she helped with his blueprints! the Gen 1s had their blueprints checked over by the already built iterators to make sure something wouldn't go wrong. she was so so excited to have a neighbour • the scarf is from his main programmer. the Ancient wrapped it around his puppet's neck before he was even turned online so for the longest time he had no idea that the thing wasn't originally in his design. Moon had to tell him • he became a jokester Entirely because the first time he made Moon laugh he absolutely fell in love with it. he told her and she recommended him looking into jokes. baby boy had no idea what the fuck a joke was so Moon had to explain • when the middle gen started being created, the Ancients noticed that these new iterators didn't have... much of emotional skills. so they turned to the older gens to look for the most emotional and empathetic ones. Nish scored Really High on that survey- his empathy and emotion modules were studied and each time they found something new and better, they upgraded him in that one aspect. so now Sig is one of the biggest crybabies ever. you show him a sad movie and this supercomputer will be lyin on the ground wailing like a newborn. oh and also he makes for a great therapist because he can now just Get It • as the most emotionally... mature? capable? he decided he will be the one to keep a real close eye on everyone in the Local Group after the mass ascension • thanks to all that emotion business he gets along with Suns swimmingly. when Suns needs assistence with figuring out their own emotions or what would be appropriate and not too cold towards someone, they go to him • if he could he'd give everyone younger than him a noogie and you cannot convince me otherwise • the Hunter was a sickly pup that was left behind on his roof by a family that came to him which he directed towards the void sea. they were far too weak for the family to keep them, basically on the death's door. Nish took them in, operated on them, enhanced genes and raised them from there • Is half a medical facility. mister veterinarian, baybeee • since he's a sap, he started to view the Hunter like his own kid at some point. he was also the one who pitched to Suns the idea of sending Spearmaster over to him for visits. Spear tried its best to help raise and train Hunter • the whole rot thing happened because Nish did a stupid and forgot that neurons are quite the fuckin reactive things and continual exposure to what is essentially extra macho giga neuron Can and Will fuck up cells. his and Moon's cans have a long distance between them. it was enough time for Hunter to develop the big owie cancer. he noticed it only when they were too far away and it was already too bad • he felt absolutely Terrible about it. again he loses someone so so very close to him. but this time around? there is no one to be angry at for this but himself • Hunter manages to ascend. Nish watched them leave, silently, in subterranean • he used to do his best to play with his citizens. when a kid came to his chamber, he gave them rides on his puppet's shoulders or the umbilical arm. same went for Hunter • his city is called Risio • city's representative instrument was EITHER a PVC instrument or suona i can't decide for the life of me
Suns: • they were built much further away from the planet's equator than most of the Local Group, meaning they experience polar days and nights • the "Seven" in their name refers to the amount of months the unusually timed sunsets and sunrises last for. for seven whole months, the locality gets only about four hours of Somewhat darkness • in return, they have three full months of relatively strong darkness. their city used to shine bright, during this time. post mass ascension those months are terribly lonely and depressing • because of the warmth they produce, there's an oasis for wildlife underneath them • the warmth was also sung about a lot by their citizens. they've seen it as an incredible blessing- Suns used to run hotter than other iterators just for them. nowadays they are mostly normal though • the outside of their can is tinted blue- frostbitten. that much warmer their yellow, orange and red city feels • their and Moon's personalities clash so hard that they sometimes go out of their way to avoid her. they do appreciate her but talking with her is exhausting. she's a stranger to them, almost • the iterators can project/send their emotions through messages/broadcasts. Suns' messages always sound flat, unless they use the ~ • one of their biggest dreams is to sit with Pebbles leaning against their side, all the while listening to old music of their cities • once Spearmaster returns, the walls of their puppet chamber become completely covered in doodles and masterpieces • they end up standing the longest out of the whole Local Group. bright and warm even after everyone else dies • their city is called Solis • city's representative instrument was an armonica (look that shit up its sick)
Wind: • Wind's can stands in this giant plain. there's like nothing as far as the eye can see and even further Except her. she just stands there like fucking Slanderman XXL version • the plains are absolutely prime location for a spawning grounds of tornadoes and shit like that. the wind is Constantly strong so most of the rain clouds they exhale are immediately blown away • instead of rain they deal with ginormous tornadoes at the end of each cycle. while their superstructure can take it, the comms can't. so Wind is often absent from iterator chats as a result. after the mass ascension these connection knock-outs become a great source of stress and worry for the others cuz they never know if Wind will come back or not this time • because of these comm blackouts, Innocence took it upon herself to catch Wind up on everything they've missed when they come back online. Innocence started doing this all by herself out of seemingly nowhere. she just cares. silently. • the strangest thing about her is that her city is half built within her structure instead of on top of her. the winds can get sometimes so bad that they manage to affect even the top of her can. so the solution was to put half of the city under her skin as a sort of giant bunker • the ancients, not being ones to waste much space, made sure the city can still be used by Wind's processes, in a way. their neurons fly through the streets, completely unbothered, working as makeshift streetlights. the kids used to love chasing after them- never catching any though • sometimes when the wind storms outside got real bad, the kids that were scared of them were sent to Wind's puppet chamber. she used to tell them all kinds of stories or about what she was currently working on • it was often that their puppet chamber would be full of pillows, blankets and sleeping children. they loved their citizens so so much • nicknamed themself "Chasing" Wind in chats because, just like Moon, they are also quite the dreamer • closest with Moon, too. Wind looks up to Moon Immensely. they really wanna be like her one day • Wind is what some people think of Moon- a too kind pushover that doesn't know how to get angry and defend herself. Wind is the kindest, most sensitive and softest person they have in The Local Group. Nish takes care to keep his jabs and jokes about Wind very mild • has a really beautiful voice • likes flowers :) • her city is called Procella • city's representative instrument was a fujara cuz god DAMMIT i love that instrument i Have to slap it on Someone in here. it fits their vibe in my heart either way
Innocence: • she really wishes her surrounding circumstances were in some kind of way special but actually she's built at the least unique place with basically nothing neat happening nearby. there are strange giant cherry trees nearby, but that's about it • fuckin LOVES lizards. she's the one who made the Cyans and sent some over to Pebbles to fuck him up. thankfully, as we all know, Cyans are kinda stupid and since they launch themselves over edges of cliffs they haven't managed to destroy the local ecosystem • her citizens used to keep lizards as pets. most of the time just for the joy of having 0 braincells creature follow you around but some had 'em as sort of hunting dogs • was the one who created The Rivulet. she was mumbling to herself and a friend smth about how boys only screw things up while engineering Riv's genome • she BASICALLY packed Riv into a cannon and shot them over right into the middle of a scav toll cuz "come on, it's not that far away. this will make your journey shorter and shit". i don't care how goofy it sounds, this is how it went in my heart • in possession of probably the most durable comms ever made • claims she's purple! she's actually fake out purple which means homegirl is Deceptive Blue. she CONSTANTLY fights over this with Pebbles • despite their squabbles she did care for Pebbles. she was very excited to not be the youngest anymore and getting to baby someone • her and Nish always start verbal sparring matches, often consisting of threats that more often than not range on impossible to actually commit. they constantly lead their mock wars in #general. Moon's gonna kill 'em one of these days • trusts Moon the most- which is why she outed Pebbles' rot and sent Rivulet with the instructions to extract the rarefaction cell • her city is called Sermo • city's representative instrument was a shamisen. she absolutely knows how to play it and loves to threaten people with the bachi
Pebbles: • the only people he enjoyed doing group projects with were Suns and Wind. he Could do group projects with Moon and Nish but Only if he could race them. rascal found it fun to challenge the nokias 😔 • now with Innocence though? Never. if they were forced to, they could do a great job with minimal communication but they were not going to be happy about it • latched onto Suns exactly because Moon was overbearingly protective and Suns always seems like they couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. sometimes they'd have a videochat open and not say anything for hours as they worked • with Nish he used to like inventing new things. a lot of times the things turned out to be silly or kind of useless which would normally frustrate him, but surprisingly enough Nish made the time spent worth it • Wind's favorite activity was comparing notes with him and then talking about the differences in their research. they'd hum to him happily while the both of them would be sorting through their stuff • i sometimes imagine him having a slight chinese accent and i blame Steven He for this so hard • second most emotional fuck in the group. his emotions mostly rotate around anger, though • he won't admit this to anyone but he really liked it when his and Moon's cans were connected by bridges. it felt like holding hands. he felt more stable. now all he can do is just miss it quietly • was legit surprised when he found out not every iterator has a build in older sister right at their side • his city is called Literally just Metropolis cuz the ancients didn't bother with properly naming it. depeshioumn. • city's representative instrument was adopted straight from Moon since Pebs' citizens were honestly just hers, so- violin it is • Pebbles HAS attempted to learn how to play a violin himself. certainly was a test of patience and puppet dexterity/camera-to-digits control. almost broke the poor thing a few times from nerves
either way, Wind, at the end of each fucking cycle from day 1 of their life:
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anthurak · 1 year
Having seen some discussion and gotten a few direct asks on the topic recently, I thought I’d do a dedicated post on an aspect of the Rosebird Parents Theory that I’ve touched on in other posts but have yet to address directly.
If Raven is secretly Ruby’s birth-‘father’/other mother, why have Qrow and Tai keep that a secret from her and Yang all this time? More specifically, if they apparently told Yang that Raven is HER birth-mother after Summer vanished, why did they not do the same for Ruby?
Now to get the simplest explanation out of the way first, it’s possible that Tai and Qrow simply don’t know themselves that Raven is Ruby’s birth-father. Of course I will freely admit that this is a rather dubious proposition and has to assume Tai and Qrow being rather slow on the uptake, and becomes especially dubious if Summer and Tai were actually in a close but ultimately platonic relationship. Though rather amusingly, this possibility gets a bit more plausible with the Poly-STR or even Poly-STRQ relationship that some have proposed. Specifically, if Summer already had a history of sleeping with Qrow, Tai AND Raven, it could leave her the option of being more vague and ambiguous as to WHO actually got her pregnant. Though again, I kinda doubt go this route.
Now with that out of the way, let’s discuss what I feel is the more likely option: That Qrow and Tai (and probably Raven as well) KNOW that Raven is Ruby’s birth-father and have been keeping that information under wraps this whole time.
First off; if Tai and/or Qrow told Yang that Raven is her birth-mother after Summer disappeared, why would they not also tell Ruby that Raven is her birth-father too?
Well, what if Tai didn’t MEAN to tell Yang about Raven, but rather let that information slip in the midst of his grieving? Note that Yang doesn’t specify that Tai (or Qrow) told her about Raven, only that she ‘found out’. If Yang only found out about Raven being her birth-mother because Tai let that info slip by accident or Yang found it out herself through some other means, then Tai and Qrow would have no reason to let Ruby know about Raven being her birth-father as well.
As to why Qrow and Tai would continue to keep Raven being Ruby’s father a secret? Well, because it’s pretty clear, certainly in the early parts of the show, that Qrow and Tai do NOT trust Raven, and generally consider her to be potentially dangerous to Yang and Ruby. Remember how in Volume 3 we learn that despite Yang having been looking for any information she can on Raven for years at the point, it turns out that Qrow has been in occasional contact with his sister this whole time and even has a pretty good idea where she is. And NEVER told Yang until she pressed him on the issue by revealing that Raven had stepped in to save her during the train breach.
It’s clear that Qrow and Tai have deliberately worked to keep Yang (and by extension, Ruby) away from Raven, at least while the girl were growing up. In that context, I’d say it makes PERFECT sense that they would keep Raven being Ruby’s birth-father under wraps too.
As to why they haven’t revealed this to Ruby in the present of the show? Well probably because it’s not exactly an EASY thing to reveal. I mean, what are you expecting? Tai to just sit down with Ruby sometime during the weeks she was recovering after the Fall and go ‘Oh, by the way, Yang’s mom is also your dad. Me and Qrow have been lying to you and Yang this whole time. Sorry about that.’
As for Qrow post-Volume 6 even when Ruby sits down with him and directly asks if he knows anything about what happened to Summer, I have to imagine Qrow’s decision to keep Ruby’s true parentage a secret would have been something along the lines of ‘this girl has got enough on her plate right now as it is. She doesn’t need THIS hot mess dropped in her lap too.’
And if you’re reading all this and thinking; “Wow, this isn’t very good parenting choices from Tai and Qrow,” well yeah, NO SHIT it isn’t. Need I remind you that one of RWBY’s main recurring themes is that of parents/mentors/leaders not trusting their kids with important/pertinent information being shown to be a BAD THING.
In that context, Qrow and Tai having kept the fact of Raven being Ruby’s birth-father under wraps this whole time fits PERFECTLY into the show’s themes and messages.
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seventeenlovesthree · 4 months
Greetings! So I've just finished Digimon 02TB and I need to discuss it with someone with legit opinions lmao. So the thing is: how do you tackle the apparent continuity disagreement that Ukkomon claimed he created the Chosen kids when there's lore established since the 1st Adventure that there was a group of Chosen kids (Maki Himekawa's group) before Taichi's group? I'm looking for possible Watsonian explanations since simply saying "it's a plothole / retcon" doesn't satisfy me 😁 So far I got these ideas, feel free to elaborate on them or give some new ones:
First, there's a possbility that Ukkomon was lying (I love how many plot holes can be simply explained by "character X was lying) and didn't actually create the Chosen kids - he just introduced them as Lui's "friends" to make Lui happy. BUT then, if Ukkomon didn't create them, why did the digivices disappear after Lui un-did his wish and BigUkkomon was defeated? Second, maybe when Lui claimed he's the first person to ever bond with a Digimon, he meant "the first person to bond with a Digimon without some divine intervention and/or a mission they were chosen to fulfill", which technically makes him the first Tamer instead of a Chosen child. Daisuke & co. calling him a "Chosen child" was therefore just a misunderstanding Lui didn't correct since he couldn't tell the difference.
What do you think?
Ooooooh boy! I still remember how much my head was rushing when I had watched the movie in cinemas back on launch day and I simply couldn't get home fast enough to write down all my thoughts. I had compiled it all back then here and I believe it already summarizes everything you've been asking and talking about, but I'll still try to put it together again shortly.
First of all, @jamesthedigidestined are currently still trying our best to make sense of the current timeline and the order of when which Chosen Child (or generally "humans partnering with Digimon") came into existence, so I still hope he will post his own ideas himself soon!
However - my theory back then and also today is what you already outlined:
Homeostasis does not have a physical form, so it created its agents like Gennai - and PROBABLY Ukkomon too. Since we know the Digital World has “wish granting” abilities, I can accept there being a singular being that is capable of doing the same thing. So then, a Digiegg gets into the real world in 1995, and Homeostasis gets to scan Hikari, Taichi and the others, discovering the potential they have - since Hikari is the child that enables the hatched Botamon to evolve into Greymon super quickly, Homeostasis sends Parrotmon to retrieve it. Afterwards, in 1996, Ukkomon “would appear who had special connections with [a child] in the real world”. And thus, Rui’s wish was the indirect catalysator of the foundation of the “partnership system”. Basically, Ukkomon’s wish fulfillment powers enabled a system based on the limitless potential (of wishes and the bond between humans and Digimon) that was deemed useful by Homeostasis for the sake of saving the world(s). A system that wasn’t in place like this before, so Rui was basically some kind of “prototype” - as was Ukkomon, kinda testing the waters of partnerships in the first place. And through analyzing the other 8 kids in the meantime, their potential had been discovered, which is why THEY also had Crests created for themselves. Like Ukkomon said - they came into existence to “protect” him, so he wouldn’t have to save the worlds himself. And so would Daigo, Maki and the others between 1996 and 1999 (including Wallace, though we need to still figure out where exactly he fits in there).
On a different note, I like the idea of treating Ukkomon like Menoa in the way of her being an unreliable narrator that led to the whole “adulthood vs. neglect theory” in the first place. So Ukkomon may actually NOT even be aware that Rui WASN’T the first Chosen Child because, either it really didn’t know or was manipulated by Homeostasis to claim that it’s true. The reasoning behind that could be interesting to look at too… Long story short: Never take anything in Digimon at face value!!!
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Plus, me and James are also a fan of the idea that Rui was just "a child with a Digimon partner" and NOT a Chosen Child. Again, he has outlined this way better than I have, coming up with different groups of Digimon to be partnered with humans!
Plus, I still think of Rui as an unreliable narrator too, because they're all just speculating about the Digivice origin, even though there has been clear lore for it in the back...
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hikennosabo · 1 year
trimax vol 9 random thoughts
sorry if you saw this post disappear and reappear in the tag multiple times, i was fighting for my life much like wolfwood using trial and error trying to get it to even show up in the tag because tumblr is a functional website and not fucky in the slightest. </3
i wrote this post extremely sleep deprived 2 days ago let's GOOOOO
also heads up for potential spoilers for tristamp since i talk about it a little. even though i spoiled 98 untagged in my last post. sorry about that
chapter 1:
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someone in the book club tag (don't remember who it was, sorry) said something about sharing food being a love language for wolfwood... :') wah...
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why is this thing even on the building in the first place. and for that matter how did the dog even GET up there...... whatever
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hi razlo. i don't know where to say this in the post so i'll just say now i unintentionally spoiled myself on razlo's identity because i was googling when i shouldn't have been. all totally my fault LOL [anime girl bleh gif]
the boy didn't even have the decency to wash the blood off his hands. kid, please, you're not doing livio any favors here.
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livio manspreading on the couch... chapel, have you considered there's another reason why livio's breathing might be "irregular" as he helps you take his former home hostage? hmmm?
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thank god for livio, this guy was doing a speedrun on being the most annoying one-off minor villain--WAIT is he kicking him with his hands in his pockets? that's SO funny. i'm liking livio more and more.
chapter 2:
"he shouldn't be that old" <- the kids would be expecting wolfwood to be, hmmm, in his early 20s, thereabouts? ww looks around a decade older than that...
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he's giving... something here. it's the combo of the glasses and all-white outfit i think. the y2k fashion vibe.
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who is saying this? livio? razlo? both? chapel, since he was the one just talking? also, nice visual metaphor!
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this is obviously NOT the reason wolfwood spared these guys, but this is reminding me of when oda said that luffy doesn't kill his opponents because shattering their dreams is worse than death. LOL
also i am convinced nightow drew this chapter for the sole purpose of making wolfwood do cool shit on his motorcycle.
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that being said, all the cool shit wolfwood does is immediately overshadowed by livio CATCHING A BOMB IN MIDAIR AND THROWING IT BACK AT THE GUY WHO SHOT IT. stampede livio could never do this, he's too skinny
chapter 3:
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people have already said stuff about this page, but I Also Want To Say Stuff. the wispiness of the smoke, livio's hair blowing in the wind... it feels very much like the calm before the storm, simultaneously serene and tense. and i LOVE how wolfwood is shaded in grey, while livio is the one shaded in black. fantastic contrast and composition, i adore it.
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why is this razlo's first note to livio. "!" like...?! you're letting livio know you exist, but giving literally no other information like at all? okay. razlo's a bit of an oddball, to put it mildly.
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the rest of his letters are... well they're not "normal," i guess, and not any less cryptic, but they are kinda sweet in their own way.
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knowing who razlo is i love the way his introduction scene is presented. livio is keeping information from ww and from the reader, so it's both literal and not. also razlo is appropriately unsettling, i wish he would stop... unhinging his jaw like that.
...also who tf told him about EoM?! this is a difference with stampede... stamp!livio joined EoM because he wanted to follow wolfwood. no razlo involved in the decision-making, as far as we know. compared to here in the manga, livio left the orphanage on his own, so there isn't really a clear timeline on when ww joined EoM vs when livio did. we don't even know if he knew ww was in EoM at all.
also upon rewatching this scene for this post i got distracted by legato's lack of ass and had to pause because i was laughing too much
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the guy is literally flat as a board help
*cough* anyway. razlo is only alluded to and never named or even really shown, except for a very brief very blurry reflection, so his level of involvement in... literally everything is unknown.
speaking of characters who are weirdly absent, chapel isn't around either...? i thought maybe they combined his character with conrad, but he DOES speak in livio's memory, i even checked the credits for his seiyuu. (hiroshi naka - he voices a lot of old men but most notably garp from one piece!) i don't really know how his role in all this has changed, if at all, since conrad seems to be the one in charge of the experiments...? and i really... do not like what they did with conrad in stampede, he went from being shitty but having nuance to just being extra shitty... okay, tangent over.
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oh, this fight is so WEIGHTY!! i love it!! they gave a lot of weight and physicality to the livio vs ww fight in stampede too, (and all the fights, for that matter), despite stamp!livio's loss of bulk... it's a really fun fight to watch!
chapter 4:
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OHHH..... okay.... soooooo.... this means he's coming back in stampede season 2 i assume?
not to go off on another tangent but this is the second time this has happened to me... i went into stampede more or less blind (oh how things change) and so when knives died at the end of the season I HAD NO REASON TO BELIEVE HE WASN'T DEAD... but then i saw people talking like he would come back in season 2 and i was like, "how?? he DIED" and then i read the manga and i was like oh. and now with livio too. i thought he served his narrative purpose and then died. and he shot himself through the head, which is notable because that's how ww killed monev who was ALSO a subject of EoM's experiments in the tristamp universe!! so i had no reason to believe he wasn't dead!!
i dont have that much to say about this chapter because it mostly consists of the fight, but OH what a fight it is...!! i know i should be rooting for wolfwood, and i am, but livio is just so COOL in this fight. they're both cool...!!!
also, how many little glass vials(tm) does wolfwood have?! honestly, it's amazing that he still has any at all left to drink, it's a wonder they haven't all shattered already with how much he's been thrown around. especially because the one he drinks from CRACKS when it hits the ground... these vials aren't exactly bulletproof, lol.
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MESSAGE TO ALL BITCHES ughhh ww looks so pained here. when he told vash that his blood runs cold when he points his gun at livio... he's feeling that through this whole volume. man.
something about brothers fighting each other... vash and knives, wolfwood and livio... uagh.
chapter 5:
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oh, the punisher is taller than him... i was trying to get an approximation of relative character heights recently, and i saw somewhere that the punisher is 5'7, the same height as me...
also, 10 punishers, huh... wolfwood's is one, razlo has three... does chapel's count even though it has a different design...? do livio's handguns count? will we see the others? is there even a significance to the number...?
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oh great, is this another wolfwood death flag?! we haven't seen him drink THAT many of them so far but still. hope chapel keels over already. i know ww's making an effort not to kill people but can he please just shoot chapel in the head. also wolfwood's pose in that panel... he's kinda serving cunt
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so these guys work for razlo specifically, i assume? not livio? also... just who are they? random EoM goons?? why are they so loyal to razzy???
and he has a mechanical third arm. somehow. sure okay
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^ um... trigun lol [roll credits]
oh, it's tri-p as in tri-punisher. i thought it was the word "trip" and didn't question it. ...although "trip" could still work.
--also, wait, hold on, upon rereading i noticed razlo's left ear is covered up (by... something) and it's making his head shape look uncanny (more like a skull?!) and now i have to scroll back through the previous chapters to see if livio has ears. [several minutes of scrolling later] okay, he DOES have a right ear. okay. another pointless diversion for this post
chapter 6:
razlo was a real one for killing livio's shitty parents!
also another thing i'm noticing! razlo opens his mouth pretty wide, while livio doesn't open his mouth much at all... i mean okay there are a ton of differences in physicality between the two of them, but that one in particular stands out to me because last volume i complained that i couldn't tell when livio was talking because he never opens his mouth LOL
spraying wolfwood with blood and guts is a fucking wild battle tactic bro. also i'm convinced that nightow gave razlo three punishers for the cool factor first and foremost. three crosses also brings the scene of jesus's crucifixion to mind... but nahhhh it's definitely the cool factor. unless...?
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"killing and violence! killing and violence! :D"
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VASH MENTIONED!!! i'm so caught up in wolfwood's story rn that i haven't even really thought about the fact that vash isn't present in this volume at all... and then it evolves into a fucking. memory montage. stop with the montage please that's another death flag
and... oh man... wolfwood getting back up to fight because he's thinking of vash... and last volume vash said wolfwood is his reason to fight... both of them staring death in the face and thinking of each other... oh my god. ohhhh my fucking god. oh my fuckign god you guys. VASHWOOD.
oh, looks like i lied when i said vash isn't in this volume, he's right here
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...and that ends that volume. i said more than i thought i would... sorry for the rambles and tangents, i wrote this post running on about 3 hours of sleep lol. time for something lighter as i await next week's volume, let me continue to rewatch the 98 anime... what episode was i up to... ahh... 22, huh...
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littlechibs · 8 months
Chibs Media Thread Entry #7: Kamen Rider Ryuki (2002)
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Lemme preface this with the note that this is only my second fully finished Tokusatsu series ever, and my very first Kamen Rider series. Read (or skip) to the end to see some of my favorite tweets from my livewatch thread. Over a month ago, one of my buddies had been posting pretty regularly about their favorite character from Ryuki and I had been considering it. They told me it had mystery elements to it given the overarching story about mysterious disappearances and the main character being a journalist, and I'm absolutely not immune to mysteries whatsoever, so that got me EVEN MORE curious about it. And then, a few weeks later, I decided to watch it.
TBH, at first I wasn't especially vibing with it, but I decided to keep going and give it the 3 episode rule. Even after 3 episodes I was only somewhat having fun, but I considered it enough to keep going because my friends REALLY REALLY liked the show and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about! I started really having fun about episode 5 or 6 (I can't really remember) and that's around the time that I started posting about it. I made my full properly official Ryuki Watch Thread at episode 7, when my Blorbo-in-Law Shuichi Kitaoka appears. By this point I was having quite a bit of fun.
I don't really need to type all of that but I just wanted to. I'm really glad I kept going and kept watching more and more episodes simply because my friends liked it and I wanted to see why, and also once I started the thread it was part to make them happy. Because once I finally started truly getting attached, I was having SO MUCH FUN. I just needed to get into the Kamen Rider formula because I was still pretty new to Toku shows in general, but EVEN MORESO new to Kamen Rider as a series. It was a whole different vibe for me and I just had to give myself time to adjust. And I'm unbelievably happy that I did. Over the course of the past month and a half I had grown more and more attached to the cast of Ryuki, both good guys and bad guys and in between, and would get so invested in their various character arcs and fights. And ALL of that culminates into today, the final episode.
The final episode is just... My buddies kept telling me that the show breaks you at SOME POINT and I joked here and there that I wanted it to break me but good lord that final episode really and truly broke me. The second to last episode already had me staggered and just feeling nothing but this sort of empty despair I didn't know the show was capable of, and just kinda in shock. The last episode was a total culmination of all of those feelings and emotions and attachments to each of the characters, both good and bad, and I don't know how to properly word it but each scene with each character slowly chips away at you until it strikes the final blow at 16 minutes in and just totally breaks you. I'm not someone who cries easy at all and I'm not joking when I say the finale of Ryuki made me cry for a solid 10 minutes straight. That's not even an exaggeration either I tweeted the very moment I started crying and when I finally calmed down and looked at how long it had been, it had been a little over 10 minutes. It just hits you in such a way and you think about all the things that had happened and all of the characters you grew to love and the tears just keep coming and coming. And then of course the ending just makes it all so much more worse. It's a bittersweet one, and its bittersweet in a way that you're happy but you're also once again totally heartbroken, while also relieved.
I'm glad I took a chance on Ryuki. I'm glad I watched it. It was a wonderfully special experience from start to finish and I'll forever have a special place in my heart for it. Granted, all media that makes me cry that hard earns a special place in my heart, but Ryuki is truly exceptionally. I don't think I'd change a single thing about the finale, even with as bittersweet as it is. A story about loss, and letting go, I think I would say is what it is. I'll never forget Shinji or Ren. Or Yui. I'm so glad I got to experience this show.
ANYWAYS. Since you've made it to the end (or skipped reading to get to this) fair warning for Spoilers Under the Cut, but here are my favorite moments from the Ryuki Watch Thread.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato, Episode 1.
I like how, back in Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, I said they should just stop the movie halfway through and end it on everyone settling into the new reality and accepting this world as it is. But the movie disagreed with me.
But then they cancelled the show and when they brought it back they decided that they want to make a show in the new reality instead of going back to the original canon.
So I feel kinda vindicated by that.
Anyways, Yuki show on Crunchyroll with screenshots provided by shady piracy website, let's go!
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I am so confused by the status quo of Yuki World. Specifically Kyon. But also specifically the continued existence of Yuki World post-Disappearance.
Melancholy was always pretty up-front with the fact that it does not operate on Multiverse Theory. There exists only one timeline, with time travelers moving back and forth between points on the single line - and, in fact, the presence of people from the future in the past is already baked into the present.
Kyon had to travel back in time to meet Kid Haruhi on Tanabata and give her the idea to go to North High because that's how the history goes. Kyon was always there on Tanabata giving Haruhi the idea to go to North High.
So I am already baffled about what this world is. Kyon is part of the Literature Club and has dinners with Yuki and Ryoko, which implies that he remembers the events of the movie. We don't know much about Alt Kyon but we do know that he and Yuki never spoke two words to one another.
So it could be, like, a What If scenario if Kyon chose to stay and not end Yuki's new reality. But this can't be Original Kyon because he's on good terms with Ryoko. Our Kyon was quite understandably freaked out by the girl who tried to stab him with a knife.
Are we in "Out-of-continuity Loosely Based On" territory? Because they're making references to the movie in the first two minutes so it feels like a direct spinoff. Even though it's metaphysically impossible to be a direct spinoff, because this reality doesn't exist anymore.
(Also Haruhi made her intentions pretty clear that she wanted to form an SOS Brigade on this side of the temporal fence so the fact that Yuki World still has a Literature Club is another mark against a direct spinoff.)
I dunno. My mind is spinning.
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"But she has no powers in this reality--" SHE'S STILL HARUHI
Wonder if Yuki still has Haruhi's powers in this reality? Huh.
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Also, I like how Yuki Show begins where Disappearance was. This world was created in the days leading up to Christmas, so it figures that a Christmas Party would be the first thing we're doing. The chronology is consistent.
Which. Again. Makes it so baffling. Are we spinning canonically out of Disappearance or doing our own thing? Make up your mind!
That being said,
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New Yuki is such an neurodivergent disaster girl. XD
Yuki: I want to be able to experience a full range of emotions and feelings. Monkey's Paw: I mean you're like 15 which is a pretty overwhelming time hormonally but sure. Here you go. Unlocking full range of emotions to process for the very first time ever in your life.
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I wonder how much Ryoko knows? Her appearance at the end of Disappearance implied that she retains at least enough understanding of the situation to kill Kyon with a knife without even questioning why he was trying to shoot Yuki full of science gun.
I don't think she's still a Space Robot because if she had Space Robot powers that fight would have been much different. But she fully understood the situation when she showed up with knife in hand. And I think we can be pretty sure that she did that on her own; Yuki did not intend for her to kill Kyon.
But also, it's not clear how much of Disappearance actually applies to the reality of Yuki Show since Yuki doesn't remember meeting Haruhi and Haruhi hasn't formed this world's version of SOS Brigade.
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One way or the other, at least she's still secretly vicious. I love her. Ryoko is making a compelling argument for Best Character and we're only six minutes in.
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And then they put a knife in her hand hahahahaha.
Spinoff or alt continuity, they at least know exactly what they're doing with Ryoko.
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I like how Ryoko is filling our Crazy Asshole quota but she's a very different flavor of Crazy Asshole from Haruhi. Haruhi was a gleeful crime person while Ryoko (who I think I recall being Class President?) is Lawful Menace. She'll stab you, sure, but she's not about to permit a hot pot on school premises. That would be inappropriate.
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And she ships it.
Yeah. Okay. Ryoko is definitely Best Character. She isn't my character, of course; My character's Haruhi. But she is quickly making a name for herself as this show's MVP.
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She ships it so hard that she's prepared flirtation cue cards. Everyone should have a bestie like Ryoko Asakura. She reels in the crushes and knifes anyone who looks at her bestie the wrong way.
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Oh shit it's them.
I guess it was too much to hope that Mikuru and Tsuruya still hated Kyon's guts in this reality.
How does he even know these two? They're upperclassmen. He only ever met them in our timeline because Haruhi violently abducted Mikuru.
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I would like to have a moment of silence for Mikuru.
Because Tsuruya just got her stabbed. She is so stabbed.
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The "Yuki vs. Mikuru" fight is definitely going to end with Yuki, Kyon, and Mikuru going out for lunch while Ryoko and Tsuruya resort to street brawling each other.
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They have the space heater!?
The one they got for performing in Haruhi's film? The absence of which from this reality was specifically one of the ways it deviated from the original?
...come to think of it, they don't have the computer. The presence of which was one of the ways it bizarrely did not deviate from the original.
This really is a continuity-free Loosely Based On, isn't it?
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Lawful Menace. Ryoko found just the right hoops to jump through in order to obtain formal permission to violate the rules.
I love how she brings just enough Haruhi-esque attitude to the show while still being so distinctly separate from Haruhi in personality and behavior.
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Oh no, she is going to be part of the show.
Yuki. Yuki, run. You have no idea. You have no idea. RUN.
^_^ This show is so cute. I think I'm going to have a good time with it.
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pardonmydelays · 7 months
oooh the last two anon replies got me fired up so here's my manifesto i guess.
the universal hating on lin manuel miranda comes down to a few factors that most of the time have nothing to do with his actual mistakes:
their cringe history is reflected in him and they can't deal with it. let it be known that it is not lin who created miku binder jefferson. that was entirely a monster of our making. and somehow, his enthusiasm and willingness to interact with fan content (i remember everyone loving him for it) is worthy of punishment in relation.
he's an easy scapegoat to dump criticism on because people already feel so comfortable speaking on him. like you said, it's crazy that people will paint out lin manuel miranda, the guy who changed broadway and did so much for POC roles, to be the big baddie. he's made mistakes, and there's a lot we can discuss about hamilton's legacy, etc., but damn. where's this energy for everyone else? is it a case of "he actually tried, therefore we have material to latch onto and tear down?"
a lot of what he does is successful and in the public eye! it's crazy but i see people going "why is lin manuel miranda in everything" about projects from the 2000s, like yeahh he didn't just make hamilton and then disappear for your own convenience. if anything it's a statement about how a lot of his work, like it or not, is remembered over time. the reaction to him being in percy jackson was crazy to me because i KNOW for a fact that you did not see his dark materials or tick tick boom; at most you know him from moana and hamilton. and then complaining that he "threatened disney to be in everything they do" smh.
he's not your typical white boy of the month. this might be a loaded statement but sue me, i think it's true. POC celebrities have a limited amount of time in the sun compared to white celebrities. a white actor having multiple roles in a year is okay, and it means they're a hard worker. but when it's a POC actor, their presence is conspicuous. their presence becomes bothersome. public goodwill dries up so much faster. even pedro pascal, i feel, has been talked about with eye-rolls recently. i read a very interesting paper about this.
it's fun! the internet's chosen him as their punching bag, and there are no consequences to online hating if everyone else agrees. i bet a lot of people think they're just joking.
and all of this makes it such that if they do find out about some of his actual mistakes, it's a relief. i legitimately saw a tiktok comment section filled with bashing, and someone said "this is so hilarious but kinda mean, the guy didn't do anything" and someone said with "actually he did this this and this" and they replied "oh thank god, i don't feel bad now!" so it's not "oh let's see if this person improved" it's "phew! i have a legitimate reason to continue what i've been doing all along!"
it's crazy because i'm not even a lmm fan necessarily. i've just been in the musical community for years and noticed all of this happening surrounding his very popular work. you all will rue the day! 10 yrs later or so people are going to start making those "he deserved better" posts but i will not forgive or forget.
i don't know if you want me to respond to every single thing you wrote here, but i appreciate the message, especially when it comes from someone who's not really a fan - it only shows me that it's possible not to be in the fandom & still be respectful.
don't even get me started on miku binder jefferson, it's probably the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in my life. also, one thing i need to point out is that NOT EVERYONE in this fandom is like that, & i think i'm a perfect example of a person who just enjoys lin's art & likes talking about it & analizing things, but not enjoying all those weird cringe things that were created by the fandom (like the one you mentioned), so like... maybe a certain part of the fandom was the problem, not the creator of the thing? i have nothing against fanfiction in general, nothing against fanarts but like... some people are ruining the thing cause it's just too much. like the famous lmm cannibal mermaid fanfiction, come on guys, be serious, what the actual fuck???
i also agree with the percy jackson thing, i remember seeing all the hate even before the episode with him dropped & honestly i couldn't stand it, the pjo fandom ruined all the fun for me & i literally had to block pjo tag lol. then the episode was out & everyone was suddenly like OH, HE WAS ACTUALLY GOOD, well guess what bitch, i've been saying this all the time, he is actually a good actor & you are just a miserable hater. this fandom is toxic as fuck. also, you think he's everywhere? i do know a lot of other celebrities who actually ARE everywhere these days & somehow no one is sick of them??? so maybe people really are just racists. also, this is literally his job lol what do you expect him to do, disappear forever?
i will not forgive or forget either. like i said before, i'm aware that he made some mistakes, it's not like he didn't apologize for some of them, also he's not perfect, but no one is. all i'm trying to say is that there are more problematic people but somehow everyone feels the need to hate on him. you picked the wrong guy, just let him be.
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granulesofsand · 9 months
Past Present and Future
I feel like there isn’t a right time to disclose our trauma history. Our therapist always scolds us when we do, and it’s never gone well. Not always bad, but never good.
Roommates, professors, friends. There’s a window of opportunity, but we usually don’t make it that far. The roommates we told because they kept asking; they called the police. Our ASL professor sent out surveys, always asking if there was anything else to know about us; she never acknowledged our reply.
We told two people a little of our past, them and another about our plurality, and we talk to none of them regularly. One shut down as we told them, the second was mostly our friend because we’d known each other so long, the last we’ll likely not see again.
Even begging for help with the legal group or the student services, nothing. Nobody can hold space for us. We cry out that we will die, they say it’s unfortunate and turn away.
We’re rushing to get safe enough to guarantee literally any future, but our efforts are invisible. We get in trouble with grades and programs because we can’t prioritize them but don’t want to give them up completely.
We want someone to see us and care. It’s not a matter of knowing boundaries or not oversharing, it’s having to lie and hide active threats out of fear that we will be totally alone if we don’t. Superficial relationships with people I don’t remember.
If we make it another six months, we can run for good. Maybe not immediately, but a fighting chance. Desperately hoping that this time will really be the end and we will have won.
We’re going on a trip to a place we were programmed with cult-involved family. It’s only a week or so, but so much can happen in that time. The only way to turn them down at this point would be running away early, which we already know won’t work.
They know we told their secrets. If it were just a trip, we could hope it was innocent. There is no doubt now. We even got one of those weird calls with the dial tones from our mother. She said it was a butt-dial when we asked what that was about.
I’m deciding how to time this post; I don’t want to cause problems, but I do want someone to know in case we disappear. Even if we come out of this one, our next deathdate is fast approaching.
We still have to pretend this is fine, go about daily life with school and chores. The university already knows our story, so I guess we’re a casualty to them. There’s a humor to it all. We’ve got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, yet we still need groceries tomorrow.
If we don’t come back, we either got sucked back into the cult or died. Either way, we won’t have the capacity to be angry anymore. Maybe our grudges are strong enough to make us ghosts, could haunt our perps and any others we find.
The trees will turn and lose their leaves, the snow will cling to their branches. We’ll get to see these things at least once more— unless we get hit by a bus, that would be funny.
We’ve always been prepared to die, did all the little things for when we’re gone. Rings have been scattered, messages written on walls, secret gardens and strange knickknacks all set up. I might have time to find and dump that jar of glitter before we go, they’ll never get rid of that.
I wish we could find freedom, but it’s been alright. We were never meant to live this long, so I can hardly complain after a few nice months compared to everything prior. Kinda hope there’s a hell, though. Got some dead assholes I’d love the kneecaps off of.
Just in case: goodbye. It’s been a good run.
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sytokun · 2 years
Introducing my super cool RWBY rewrite that is definitely better than literally anything
Hey guys, this is my RWBY fanfiction universe. All ideas are mine, I just think... I dunno, RWBY kinda sucks so I'm making my own, better version. I'll call it... RWBY: Rescued or some other vaguely pretentious title, idk. Hey, John and Jane RWBYson! Thanks for subscribing to my project! Or anonymously stalking it? It's hard to tell sometimes.
Now I know I already introduced Team RWBY, and everyone loves them, I'm happy! I'm just gonna add a little dude here, no it's fine! He's like a side character, nothing more. Like an ally, Ruby's first friend, he leads the other team, it'll be really cool I promise. His name is Jaune btw, no, NO big deal. Just trust me on this. I'm the superior writer, remember?
Um... sorry guys. Over the weekend I just got a really big spark of inspiration, like... the Muses struck me from the heavens above. So I'm sorry, but... I'm going to make a quarter of the first Volume entirely focused on Jaune, the Volume that is crucially formative to the cast and entire series, which will cause a ripple effect so bad that a consistently large number of fans dislike him in my series 10 years later, but also find it hard to imagine the story without him at this point, like a lukewarm relationship you don't know how to feel about.
But it's fine! The show is still called RWBY and I plan to deliver on that, not like those hacks at Rooster Teeth stepping on Monty's vision. That's the rhetoric I'm supposed to use, right? To make you hate me? To make me into an easy strawman to hate and dismiss? GOT IT, just making sure, lol
I'm going to voice act as him too, btw. No big deal, I'm sure this won't affect my treatment of him whatsoever. Oh, but here's Neptune. He's voiced by the other dude writing this, and we're gonna write a love triangle between the characters we voice and Weiss, one of the main leads. That counts as a character arc for her, right? Right, glad you understand. Oh, Neptune? You actually liked him and wanted him around? What are you, fucking sexist? God. Make sure to tell your friends how cool my story is
Next, I'm going to have Pyrrha's entire screentime devoted around Jaune, and even after she dies, only Jaune is allowed to process his emotions regarding her death while Ren, an Asian dude, and Nora, another girl, prop him up. I'm also going to bring her death up every two years like 2-3 times to really milk that man pain. What does Ruby the main character feel about this? Oh don't worry, she'll talk about it with another character I'll add in. I'll even have her say Keep Moving Forward™ to really sell the audience's Ruby's pain and really stoke and stir your anguish. Her anguish. Moving on.
Eh, something feels off, there's not enough conflict... Let's have Cinder run Weiss through with a spear, for funsies ig, because I have this post-it note on my monitor saying Jaune's Semblance and this is the perfect moment. I'm also gonna give Jaune this whole ass emotional outburst, 1-on-1 fight and confrontation with Cinder since she killed Pyrrha and awakened all his angst.
Ruby? Uh... yeah, she can stand there I guess. I need to remind the goddamn audience that YES, I still remember silver eyes exist, gawd. I have to do it every few Volumes or I can sometimes forget the protagonist in my female-led story exists - man what a pain, I bet I'm gonna be pressured into creating an old lady to teach her or some shit in the Volume right after this one. Whatever, I'll have her disappear in 2 years, they'll never know she left. Anyway OOPS Emerald knocked Ruby out, thank god she's out of the way so I can squeeze in a shot of Cinder stepping on Jaune and really rub that pain in. God, Jaune really needed this, so glad I did that
Fuck it, Jaune kills Penny too. I dunno, it just feels right, y'know? Nah... I don't think Ruby or anyone is the right person for this, and I don't think we've really, one hundred percent explored just how deeply Jaune can angst over dead women; women who could have grown into full, complex people with rich arcs and relationships using all the screentime I parasitically extracted from them via sudden, unwarranted death. Penny, like, she really needs to fuckin' die for this. Her death is worth having to retread this same tired fucking emotional arc if it's for my boy, know what I'm sayin'? Good, glad you understand
Alright, it's the Volume finale. Team RWBY and Neo are falling into the next story arc. Great, people really wanted this - an entire Volume just focused on the title characters together. The fans have been on my ass asking for this since Volume fucking Four. It's alright, I GOT THIS. I FUCKING GOT THIS! It's simple! This is perfect. But... I mean, I shouldn't... but I really... SDGDSGDED FUCK IT, fuck you, Jaune falls in with them too
John and Jane RWBYson: "God, this is why I hate rewriters who think they can write a good story with RWBY. They love making white men the focus of their self insert fantasies while shoving female characters into the fridge and off to the side, all while using Monty's name to rile people into brainlessly supporting it. I hope they fucking disappear"
Wait. John. Jane. Did I say my RWBY fanfiction universe?
Oh. Oh god.
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If it’s alright with you! I’d like to hear about your take on Paula and her parents
oooo a request!!! :D instantly made my day, tysm!!!!
Okay so I don't really obsess over Paula's family in the same way that I do Ninten's or Porky's, but I still have a ton of thoughts about them!!
Just a warning though, like all my stuff it's very particular to my own tastes and headcanons, so it might be different from how you or other people see them ^^ (Also, I don't really have any good Paula pictures ready so it's not gonna be as illustrated as some of my other posts)
Buuuut when I got this ask I knew I had to draw Paula's dad because I envision his design super clearly and I love him a lot so!
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Tall, handsome, athletic, but he's actually pretty awkward around most people, he's happiest when he's spending time with his family and being a great father He stays at home while his wife runs the daycare center, loves to bake and take his family on trips (beaches, playing sports, the zoo, everything), always anxious when he's left on his own and usually starts compulsively baking new treats to give his family the moment they come back home His whole life basically revolves around his wife and daughter, he's hit super hard when Paula disappears (and having to let her go on a dangerous journey afterwards is just as hard) He's super sweet, I love him a lot X3
Her mom is very kind and a little spacey, she's the more responsible one in the marriage so she handles all the money and social affairs that her husband can't handle. Paula's powers and their overall idyllic life have sort of given her this view that everything is eternally good and all problems will work themselves out. Which on the one hand, go optimism and everything does work out (except for Porky :c ) buuut it's not a great mindset when your daughter suddenly disappears and is gonna be sacrificed by a brainwashed cult. She's not a bad parent though, it's more like a different manifestation of her husband's whole attitude. Paula is both's entire world, so her dad is terrified of potentially losing her, while her mom is just incapable of comprehending the idea that something could ever happen to her. This isn't a suuuuper healthy family dynamic? But I haven't really dissected the issues or thought much about how they could overcome them, and I definitely don't wanna, like, picture it falling apart or anything. To me they're just flawed, but overall they're gonna stay a happy, loving family for the rest of their lives.
Nowwww Paula!! The character I assume you wanna hear about the most ;) Sooo first off. She's trans. Aaand it's a pretty big part of how I imagine her and her powers! Her mother and father come home from the hospital, overcome with the happiness of their new baby ""boy,"" but. When they start talking about how much they love their boy and how he's gonna grow up into such a nice suchnsuch, they suddenly hear this voice in their heads. Someone just calling out "No!! I'm not a boy!" Which, you know, it'd be easy to brush off as just a random stray thought, but it really feels like it's coming from somewhere. And the voice repeats itself. And when one of them goes "Did you hear something?" They realize that it's in both their heads. Is someone trying to communicate with them? To their absolute shock, it's none other than their new baby. There's no mistaking it. The way it looks at them makes it clear, and the voice confirms it. Their baby can... speak. Kinda. It can send messages to people's minds (if this is too weird for you, remember that there was already another telepathic baby in MOTHER 1) Once they're able to wrap their heads around this, they start asking questions and hearing the baby's answers in their heads. And the baby insists that she's a girl, no matter what the doctors said. This is no easier to take in, but once you accept that your baby is pyschic, it's really not that big of a step to take. Paula's dad immediately starts bawling and apologizing for getting it wrong and buying all the wrong kinds of presents, and they both swear to support her. They get to talk about what names she'd like instead of the one they gave her (she ends up liking "Paula"), what colour to paint her room, pretty much everything. Turns out, it's very helpful to be able to directly ask a baby what they want.
So, this was the very first sign that Paula was incredibly special, and the first time she ever used her abilities. Her PSI gave her a super clear idea of who she was, and with the ability to simply call out for help with her mind, she could instantly get the help and support she needed. As she got older, she became a very confident and bold girl, and her powers could help her with pretty much any problem she faced. Everything about her was miraculous, and her parents were ecstatic about how everything turned out for their beloved daughter. She became pretty popular and her abilities were a local wonder in Twoson, which she was always happy to show off (she won her Franklin Badge as a prize in a local science fair where she used them for a project about the different elements).
So Paula's a very outgoing, adventurous kid, almost sort of cocky. She's a lot closer to Ninten than she is to Ana, and Ness is actually sort of the Lloyd in their dynamic. They're both the ultimate best friends literally bound by fate, they both love the others' energy, and they bounce off each other really well. So I know the intention is that they're supposed to be, like, classic boy-meets-girl fall in love trope, and they get called boyfriend and girlfriend by a bunch of characters in the game. But. The game makes the crucial mistake. Of never having them call themselves that. To me, they're "just" friends, but don't take that to mean that their relationship is lesser to a romantic one. (Anyway Paula's probably gay, Ness is aro/ace, they aren't remotely interested in each other in that way)
Her relying on her powers all her life is what ends up getting her into trouble. When this strange kid shows up acting all sweet and awkward, she completely falls for his trap and ends up captured. The combination of being physically exhausted, the superior powers of the Mani Mani statue, and whatever tech Giygas might have to suppress PSI renders her completely powerless, and she can't break free on her own (her whole "If you didn't show up, I would've had to bust out of here" thing is just bravado. You can picture her with a smirk as she shows off her incredibly unimpressive muscles). She's not super worried, partially because she doesn't know they plan to murder her, but also because she's called for help and knows her predestined bestie is on his way.
By the end, she manages to beat Giygas (the most nervewracking and terrifying experience of her life), reunites with her family, and enjoy her great new friendship with Ness and their other two companions. She doesn't hold grudges against the people being controlled by Giygas - even Porky, though she doesn't think much of him - and overall has a happy and full life.
So, there's Paula and her family! I hope this was fun to read, I feel like it's pretty messy haha. How Earthbound is structured just makes it harder for me to have clear, well-developed ideas. Like, the story's not as fleshed out and concrete as M3, but it's a lot longer and covers a lot more than M1, so it's in sort of an awkward place to develop my own ideas for.
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Hi! I'm pretty new to tumblr and I have no idea if it's appropriate to come into your askbox to talk about my drdt chapter 2 theories but I'm not confident enough to make my own post and it's more a fun thought I just had than an actual theory
/! \ this will contain spoilers for drdt obviously as well as THH in case people who follow you somehow havent played the game
the gist of it is, someone who is not the culprit could have messed with the crime scene.
It's mainly because so far the chapters seem to have reference to THH in more ways than just with the motives (it is probably too soon for it to be a pattern and ngl i kinda hope its not because if it is, with what we know of Rose' money issues she might end up the ch3 culprit and I want her to live so badly. would make the whole series a bit too predictable also, although i dont personally mind that kinda stuff)
because like. Chapter 1 had someone who got close to the protag, ended up betraying their trust, chose the murder location to frame someone specific, failed their murder attempt and died as a result with the real culprit technically acting in self defense (although its not 100% the case for Leon)
and in chapter 2 we have the victim who died a pretty quick and violent death (at least im pretty sure chihiros cause of death was a violent hit to the head? been a really long while, i could remember wrong) but the murder scene make it seem more complicated. And the victim died just after they decided to change/improve themselves in some way also
In both cases someone who has nothing (at least probably, in Davids case) to actually do with the murder have some pretty big part of themselves exposed during the trial
idk who would mess with the murder scene and for what purpose (Vero. for funsies. What a Legend)
I'm probably wrong cause that doesnt really explain the evidence at the crime scene. like. at all, i know
like Idk what the spinny thing has to do with anything (I mean you could put a bunch of tape on the handles just 'cause, i guess? but it would make more sense if it were involved in some sort of mechanism which you wouldn't need if Arei was already dead)
same for the ball of clothes and the flickering light
Whoever put the fish there though, whether its the actual killer or not, I'm pretty sure they did it to make everyone think the crime couldn't have happened at night time and fish water was actually never part of the murder itself
that would make someone physically strong like Levi the killer tho and even though it would make sense (pretty sure at this point that Arei has his secret) I feel like its too soon for him to die? Eden got more development and makes more sense to me (which breaks my heart, I love her)
Hi! Don't worry, none of us know what we're doing in this website! :D
No need to be shy about making your own posts, but it's also fine to talk/ask me about whatever crosses your mind! So, your theories/thoughts.
The possibility that someone other than the killer screwed with the crime scene is one I've seen before, and technically speaking, something like that most likely happened. I think it was an accomplice of the killer (Eden!Blackened Levi!Accomplice gang rise up), but a third party is part of other theories.
The fish are the main thing: given Nico's account (fish were all still there when they last fed them, which can be deduced to be around 7:00 - 7:30 PM of the third day, the day most of episode 7 takes place in), whoever took the fish must have done it at around the time the characters believe the murder happened. But there's no reason for the killer to bring the fish unless they were trying to confuse the time of death, which would only matter if they can have an alibi at the time the fish disappeared. But if they have an alibi at the time the fish disappear, they can't have taken the fish! (Which, btw, eliminates Veronika. Unfortunate, they won't let women do anything these days, not even mess with crime scenes for funsies smh)
So either it was someone unrelated messing with the crime scene, or an accomplice took the fish there to give the real killer an alibi. I'm planning to do a post summarizing my theory on how exactly the whole mess happened, so uh, stay tuned ig. But if you're interested in the "David screwed with the crime scene" idea, I recommend reading thebadjoe's theory on the murder. I may not agree with it, but it's still a fantastic post and a really fun read!
As for most of the other stuff, yeah Arei's death probably wasn't very simple. Explaining the odd contradiction of her wrists being bound but a mechanism clearly being involved (as you mentioned, tape on bars and flickering light, among other stuff) is a whole mess. It's part of why I'm not really sure this is absolutely supposed to parallel THH. Like clearly there's some similarities, but it's basically impossible to know what aspects of a case would be similar and which ones wouldn't. So, uh, yeah. Who knows.
I do agree Eden's the killer though! Why else would she take the tape from the gym? If you don't know what I'm talking about, basically the gym lockdown and the tape disappearing seemingly overnight makes it impossible for anyone but Teruko, Ace or Eden (or I guess Rose if she's lying) to have taken the tape. But since the tape also disappears from the background right after Ace wakes up... yeah, just Teruko Ace or Eden. But we know Teruko didn't, Ace couldn't have done it without Teruko noticing, and Eden got knocked to the floor when the tape disappeared from the floor :p
And yeah, it hurts. It will be a sad day when the killer gets executed, regardless of who they are, but especially if it's Eden T_T
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