#did grian come from brian
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wickerfox ¡ 1 year ago
× Who's Hoodie
× Is it in the same time setting as MH
× Did it start the same way as a dumb school film project?
× From what I understood Scar takes the role of Tim, is bro a chainsmoker too LMFAO.
× Is Grian canonically gay too
× Would it be a wild correct guess that Amy is Lizzie and Alex is Joel since yk based from obvious plot points?
(before I start, placing this disclaimer here at the top since I have friends who don't frequent mcyt and might get confused, but when I talk abt this au I'm specifically talking abt the characters, not the content creators themselves. Anyway)
Jay- Grian, it made the most sense in my head, but I actually flip flopped on this so many times bc he also works so well as Tim or Alex, but at some point I went "wait it's an au, we can see how the story changes with Grian as the protag" so Grian's the protag now
Tim/Masky- Scar, I'm a transparent desert duo enjoyer and had a similar flip flop with him as I did Grian bc he'd also work as Jay but I was halfway through that drawing and had a similar thought process to the one i had abt Grian
Brian/Hoodie- Jimmy, I wanted to keep the cast focused to life series and evo members and he made the most sense to me lore wise, especially with the idea that in this au he was one of the ones with the earliest exposure to The Watcher (bc I love Canary Curse symbolism)
Alex- This one was the toughest choice bc no matter what a fav is going to loose it. Good thing this based on the Life Series! As much as I Love the idea of Joel and Lizzie as Alex and Amy, I actually went with Martyn. Again, the character is pretty involved with the Watcher Lore so it made the most sense as the character that is arguably most effected by it. (Although for a brief moment I considered Mumbo Jumbo bc,,, how fucking funny would that be)
Jessica- Jessica's gotta be Pearl right? It makes the most sense for it to be Pearl, I don't even need reasoning for this it makes sense
Amy- So who's Amy then? Scott actually! He's not Martyn's boyfriend in this, he's just a really good friend of his who was super involved in the production. Also like in mh, he's Pearl's roommate.
Sarah- Ren. Can't have a life series au featuring desert duo and not have some renchanting. Who else would be one of the leading actors in Martyn's short film?
Seth- Big B, again Evo connection made sense to me, and depending on your own personal theory on who the third person running the totheark account is, both Big B and Ren have interesting implications, even if both their rolls are p minor in this au
With the cast out of the way other questions !!!
It's set in a kind of nebulous time frame that's probably a little closer to present day, but it does still start with a student film project. When asked Why Martyn chose to use tapes he says something about wanting a more authentic feel to the film but in reality he just thought using tapes was a cool idea and doesn't want to admit that it's kind of impractical now.
In this au Scar doesn't smoke, but instead I like the headcannon that he just has boxes of candy/bubblegum cigarettes on him at all times. He'll pull one out, pause, and offer one to someone and when they say no he's just like "Okay, your loss" and watch as they get all confused when he starts unwrapping it asdfghkgkdjhfjsh
Is Grian gay in this au? Whose to say. (Real answer tho, I'm a notorious Jam shipper and while I'm not an active shipper when it comes to hermitcraft or the life series, I don't really mind it so the relationship is left kind of ambiguous)
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not-so-daily-keralis ¡ 2 years ago
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A friend of mine let me know about this prompt by @shepscapades and I figured why not have some fun with it? Also because I’ve not drawn here in awhile and I missed drawing the lad. So this is my interpretation of red life Keralis, specifically hunting down Jimmy who is the reason in this scenario as to why he’s in his red life to begin with!
Bonus drabble below based on the drawing
“Mr. SoLiDaRiTy!~”
Dark ichor stained the ground as the tall, barely humanoid player dragged himself through the forest.
“HeRe BiRdIe BiRdIe BiRdIe! YoU dId A nO nO! yOu BrOkE mY sHeLl!”
It coughed as leaned a hand onto a tree, claws digging into the bark.
“CoMe OuT!~ i PrOmIsE tHaT i WoN’t BiTe!”
Jimmy curled up smaller on the other side of the tree, hands clasped firmly over his mouth. He dared not to make any sound or movement, especially as the dark ichor stained his wings.
“If YoU’rE aFrAiD tHaT i WiLl MaKe YoU oUt Of ThE gAmE fIrSt, I pRoMiSe I wOn’T!”
Jimmy chokes back a whimper as he looks up and sees the red life’s face peeking from around the tree, teeth stained red into a grin in that oozing black void where half his face should be.
“hElLo LiTtLe BiRdIe! I’vE fOuNd YoU!”
Jimmy stumbled as he walked back to his group, wings stiff. He blinks as a familiar figure appears, red sweater covered in patches.
“Did you do it?”
Jimmy blinks, slow to process the words.
“Yeah…. I did… It was as easy as you said it would be.”
Grian chuckles, a knowing glint in his eyes as he walks back into the base.
“Come along then, before the others notice.”
Jimmy grinned, teeth stained red. He wipes a bit of black ichor that flows from his lips, forcing the stiff wings down with a satisfying pop.
“Coming Brian!”
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wigglesforsquiggles ¡ 3 years ago
Hello I am here to rotate some ideas past you
The ideas are double life pairings I think would have gone super well
-pearl and etho: okay, so they’re both in Saturday night stabby stabby, so they know each other decently. They’re both super clever and not afraid to really tempt with fate. They aren’t afraid. I would fear them.
-pearl and grian: the sibling duo we needed tbh also they’d either be dead of their own stupidity or have killed everyone the second they hit red. I am craving more pearl and grian interactions all the time bc they’re besties
-unrelated to double life I kinda wanna see a pearl and doc rivalry in hermitcraft bc I think that would be interesting
-why is everything abt pearl
-more things should be abt pearl
more things SHOULD be abt pearl ur so correct dm. the pearl vs doc hc thing is so correct i would love to see them interact more. i think it would be so interesting!!
grian and pearl would be absolutely hilarious you can tell they gel well whenever they talk to each other. i think they'd also be quite formidable as a pair, make it to the end perhaps. i'm now imagining scott and scar as a pair bc of it and i am rotating it in my head
etho and pearl weren't paired together for the sake of the server. they'd be unstoppable or die instantly. i love ethos whole vibe and whatver pearls going on sepeaelt , so together it'd be quite the combo
thank u dm for rotating these ideas past me i enjoyed looking at them from many angles 10/10 shapes yup :D
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mawofthemagnetar ¡ 3 years ago
Grian sat in front of the washing machine, watching his diamonds spin in mesmerizing circles alongside suds and water. He had his chin on his fist, letting his wings fluff out happily.
The bell tinkled, and Keralis stepped in, a broad grin on his face as he led a skeptical Hypno and a trailing xB inside.
“Welcome to Keralis’s Money Laundering Service!” he said cheerfully, “We shine up your diamonds and make them all pretty! Did you know money is really dirty? All those hands touching it- so filthy! Two diamonds a cycle and you can polish them up and make them clean and shiny and healthy!”
xB looked around the place, giving a low whistle. Hypno was biting his lip, trying his damndest not to burst out laughing.
“Nice place. I like the ceiling.” xB said, craning his neck up to admire the beacon lamps dangling from a smattering of end rods. Keralis nodded eagerly.
“Yeah! Yeahyeahyeah! Now if you’ll come over here, I got a lot to show you…”
Hypno’s lip twitched as he looked around, watching Grian by his washing machine and doing his best to keep from bursting out laughing.
“Okay, so we got a little book nook if you wanna just read while you wait! But Brian says that watching them spin is half the fun so I don’t know if you’d actually wanna do that…” Keralis said, and xB nodded.
“Well, I think I’ll defer to Grian’s judgement on that one. He does seem to be having a good time.” xB said, glancing over his shoulder to an utterly mesmerized Grian, who just slurped his latte and continued pondering the machine.
“Where’d you even find these things anyway?” xB asked as Keralis led them past rows and rows of machines, and Keralis shrugged.
“Found them. Someone said they were for clothes. Who washes clothes? When they get dirty, you just stick them on the crafting table, uncraft, and recraft them! Good as new! So I had an idea to use their useless machines…” Keralis waved his hand and gestured for them to follow.
xB followed him to the back of the room where a tamed Pillager (wearing a nametag that said Cheryl) was manning the counter of a small cafĂŠ.
“And of course we have drinks for while you wait!” he said brightly, “So, Princess, what are we ‘sinking? Good, hey? Great, even?”
xB scratched his beard, then reached into his inventory and slapped a diamond on the counter.
“I’ll take a large black.” He said, and Cheryl HRMPH’ED and set to making it.
Keralis grinned, eyes shining with delight.
“You love it! Oh, that’s great. I’m sure I’ll see you later then!” he said, and with that, Keralis skipped out of his shop.
Silence reigned for a few moments, only punctuated by a slurp as Grian sipped his drink.
Hypno smirked evilly, watching as the bell tinkled and Keralis stepped outside.
“I’m gonna tell him.”
“Hypno, don’t you dare.”
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redstonedust ¡ 3 years ago
u know i can assume where most of keralis' nicknames for other hemits probably come from. bdubs > bubs > bubbles. grian > brian. xisuma > shishwuma > shashwammy. i get it. but how the HELL did 'princess' start.
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ineffably-good ¡ 5 years ago
Faeted (2/15) - Good Omens AU
Summary:  Ezra fell is an English professor at a prestigious academy for boys. Crowley is the lord of the Unseelie court in the lands without sunrise or moonfall. Somehow fate will bring them together.
Read Chapter one here
Read it on AO3!
Chapter Two - Into The Woods
Monday morning came soon enough, and Ezra spent the morning preparing for the outing he was taking his afternoon literature class on. He’d reserved one of the school’s vans and was driving the twelve boys out for a ramble in the local hills to visit several key points mentioned in some of the recent readings. This term’s subject had been early British and Celtic mythology, and they’d covered everything from the Irish Ulster cycle with the great warrier king Cuchulain, to legends of the little people who supposedly predated the human occupation of the British Isles, to the great early versions of Arthurian legend. It was just the thing, he’d found, to stir the interest of early adolescents in literature, with their focus on heroic feats, dramatic battles, and of course, magic.
The twelve boys from his class piled into the van in a raucous explosion of noises and smells, and kept up lively conversations (consistently largely of insults, as far as Ezra could tell) as they visited an ancient cathedral built on the site of an old holy well from pre-Roman times. They stopped to examine a battle site that was supposed to have been involved in Arthurian legend, which the boys found quite a bit more fun than the church had been. He let them beat each other with stick swords while shouting out bits they remembered from Le Morte D’Arthur for a good half hour, and then he gathered them back into the van and made their way to an old conical hill that had a reputation as once having been the home of the little people, the fae themselves.
“This it, boys, last stop!” Ezra called as they pulled off onto the side of the road. “Bring your snacks and your notebooks – we’ll be walking for a little while to get to the site!”
Twelve gangly boys tumbled out of the van behind him, and he quickly arranged them into scouting format.
“You, Adam, take the compass,” Ezra said, “and Brian, you’ll carry the blanket. Wensleydale, you’ll be rear guard. Everyone ready? Off we go.”
After a few minutes of concerted hiking through light forest, they emerged into an open field covered in grass, with a large, round, flat-topped hill before them. An ancient, picturesque tree was its lone companion – a hawthorn, perhaps? There was a peaceful stillness to the site, broken only by birdsong.
Ezra gathered the boys and explained that this was a site worthy of respect, likely a burial site at a minimum, and that no one was to dig or pick up rocks or otherwise take or change anything at all about it. He met each of their eyes in turn to emphasize this closely. And with a few more dire warnings, he set them loose to explore while he laid out a blanket nearby and set out of a few of their provisions for their missing tea time.
A half hour later, Adam Young flopped down on the blanket beside him. Ezra smiled. Adam was one of his favorite students, mischievous but highly intelligent, always asking an unexpected question or surprising him with an unusual turn of phrase in a paper.
“Do you really think the fairies lived here, Professor Fell?” he asked.
“I don’t, really,” Ezra said, “although it’s lovely to think about. I think most of these hills are the remains of old ring forts, or perhaps burial mounds.”
“Why did they build these stories up around them, then?”
Ezra thought for a minute. “The fairy legends, as I interpret them, are representative of a loss of innocence as the world moved from nomadic into more settled lifestyles, with the coming of farming and larger settlements,” he said. “I think civilizations codify their losses into stories, and stories hold that grief for them for the things they can no longer remember.”
Adam looked thoughtfully at the landscape around them, then grinned. “Would be wicked cool, though, if it were real, wouldn’t it?”
Ezra smiled. “I suppose it would,” he said, just as an enormous clap of thunder pealed overhead.
A moment later, a torrential rain began to fall. The boys near him pulled their blazers up over their heads and ran squealing into cover under the nearby trees at the edge of the clearing, and Ezra quickly made his way up to the top of the hill to make sure everyone was off of it. He paused in shock for a moment to watch an enormous bolt of lightning strike much too close by for comfort, then quickly spiraled counterclockwise down the sides of the tor until he reached the bottom and headed off to follow the voices of the boys into the woods.
Oddly enough, he couldn’t seem to locate them, despite hearing their voices seemingly just up ahead. The air around him had gotten significantly darker with the coming cloud cover, and it was difficult to see under the thick branches. The rain and the odd quality of light gave everything a slightly greenish cast.
“Boys!” he called, beating a little deeper into the woods. “Adam! Everyone, please stay together!”
“Professor Fell!” he heard someone call from worryingly far off. “Where are you?”
A branch hit him in the face as he turned towards where he thought the sound came from. “Here!” he called. “I’m here! Please stop where you are and stick together.”
He heard no further sounds, but continued to move forward towards the last direction he had heard the boys from. Rain dripped down off the leaves of the trees and ran unpleasantly down his neck. He stopped to pull his tweed coat a little closer around himself, then took a few more steps before realizing he had no real sense of the direction in which he was traveling.
He turned in a slow circle and looked around him, but he saw absolutely nothing but trees. Strange, he thought. I don’t remember the woods being quite this deep here.
A branch cracked behind him and he whirled to find himself eye to eye with a large horse.
A horse. With a rider.
A rider who happened to be a beautiful woman with long, flowing brown hair, dressed in a green gown with golden accents. Her horse was decorated with flowers and bells and appeared unusually tall and glossy. She looked like nothing so much as the living embodiment of Spencer’s faerie queen.
“Greetings, fellow traveler,” she said in melodious tones.
Ah, Ezra thought, of course. It’s a prank. The boys have decided to prank me with an actual, genuine fairy encounter of my very own. How very droll of them. He suspected Anathema had had a hand in this as well. The boys wouldn’t have achieved this level of detail on their own. He took a peek around to see if he was being filmed on one of the boys’ infernal phones, but he couldn’t see anyone. He decided to play along, just in case.
“Why hello, fair lady,” he said with exquisite politeness, offering her a smile. “I seem to be lost. Have you seen my students?”
She studied him for a moment. “I have not,” she said gravely, “but I can offer you assistance if you’d like.”
He had to give her credit, she was taking her role very seriously. “Did Anathema put you up to this?” he asked sotto voce. “I must say, you look wonderful. The detailing on your gown is exquisite! Where did you source your materials?”
The woman looked perplexed. “What nonsense you speak,” she said. “Do you require assistance? The woods can be treacherous in such a storm and you appear to be far from home.”
“I’d be most appreciative,” he said, “if you could help guide me back to the clearing.”
“Very well,” she said, leaning over and offering a hand, clearly indicating that she expected him to climb up on the horse beside her.
“Oh no, I couldn’t,” he replied, taken aback. “Horses and I – well we don’t really get along. I’ll just walk beside you, if that’s all right.”
She laughed in surprise, and gently guided her horse around to face to the west, then offered Ezra the reins to hold. They set off at a gentle pace, the horse leading the two of them through the woods for longer than seemed reasonable and Ezra walking at the side of the lady until they began to see more light between the branches. Finally they emerged into the clearing where he’d been before, at the base of the hill.
He glanced around quickly but saw none of the boys he was hoping to find. Instead, he saw a half dozen people, similarly attired in old-fashioned outfits of green and gold, many with equally fine mounts. Four were men and two were women; all of them were so attractive it nearly hurt to look at them.
Ezra revised his opinion for the moment – this was undoubtedly too elaborate for a prank. Perhaps what he had chanced upon instead were role playing enthusiasts out for a day in the woods? He knew some of Anathema’s friends partook in this peculiar hobby, often dressing up in costume and spending a day or two acting out some elaborate fantasy storyline out in the countryside. Never one to laugh at another’s hobby, Ezra was inclined to respect the thoroughness with which these particular people hewed to their chosen personas. They were tip to toe the exact image you would think of for the fae.
“Lady Griane!” one of the menfolk cried. “We feared for you when you did not return immediately.”
His companion, a tall, broad-shouldered man with odd violet eyes, looked Ezra over thoroughly. “But we see now what detained you,” he said with a smirk.
“I have found a lost traveler,” the woman said, dismounting gracefully. “He asked for our assistance.”
“Hello,” Ezra said politely. “You all look quite lovely in your costumes. What game are you playing today?”
The purple eyed fellow eyed him in distaste. “My Queen, this one is clearly of inferior intellect. Perhaps you should return him to the bush you found him under.”
Griane made a shushing gesture with one hand, and the purple-eyed man fell silent. “I have taken him under my protection. Although I do admit he speaks an unusual amount of nonsense.” She laughed musically, and her companions echoed it.
One of the other women moved forward. She held a pouch in her hands, and smiled at Ezra with brilliant white teeth. She had dark skin and a smattering of what looked like a golden-ink tattoo across her left temple and onto her cheekbone. “I am Uriel,” she said. “Would you like refreshment?”
She reached into the pouch and pulled out a small cake and a flagon of what appeared to be wine. The scent of the pastry wafted through the air enticingly, making Ezra realize that he was quite extraordinarily hungry.
The entire woods seemed to still, as if the trees themselves were watching him closely to see what he would do.
Ezra looked from Uriel to his host, Griane; they both looked back at him with pleasant, expectant faces. He felt a brief tingle in the back of his mind, as if there was something he should be worried about, but he felt hot and thirsty and tired and could not, for the life of him, summon the energy to worry about what that might be. A group of role players was offering him what appeared to be a very nice snack. He liked snacks. He liked little cakes. He especially liked wine.
What, he thought, could be the harm?
“Why thank you, Uriel,” he said politely, reaching out to take the offered cake. He brought it to his lips and took a small bite and was rewarded with an explosion of effervescent flavor upon his tongue that made him close his eyes and moan. When he heard quiet laughter, he opened his eyes again, feeling somewhat embarrassed, but Uriel moved to his side and met his gaze kindly.
“Have a drink as well,” she said, offering him the flagon. “Being lost in the woods is thirsty work.”
“Er, thank you, my dear,” he said, taking it from her and bringing it to his lips.
The wine, he thought, almost burned with its goodness. It was the best wine he had ever tasted. It was light and golden and rich and playful all at once, tripping its way down his throat. As it reached his stomach, he was filled with an immense sense of peacefulness, making him feel as if nothing could ever be wrong again in his world. His arm which held the flagon dropped to his side of its own volition, and he felt someone removing the flagon from him without rousing himself enough to care.
“Pardon me,” he mumbled, as his knees folded, “but it seems I simply must sit down for a moment.”
“It’s no trouble, Ezra,” he heard Grian say, as gentle hands helped him to the ground. “Sleep now; you’ve chosen well.”
Ezra cracked one eye open and saw the faces leaning over him filtered through an odd greenish cast of light, almost as if it were suddenly twilight, and he struggled for just a moment before giving in to the deep pull of sleep.
“Cake,” he heard the purple-eyed one say in a disgusted tone. “He didn’t even pause. Imagine if we’d offered him an entire feast.”
Ezra slept.
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quaranmine ¡ 3 years ago
for some reason ao3 decided to be rovinphobic today and doesnt let me comment on htbahb properly? so i thought id just paste the comment here :o
when i saw u talking abt this fic on tumblr and when you started uploading the first few chapters, i was so so excited for this story. cant believe i hit a reading slum exactly as you uploaded most of it </3 but! im back now and i immediately went back to binge read this over the last two days, it has been so much fun :D first of all, yeah the concept is genius obviously. season 8 really dumped the wildest things on all of us and just expected us to be normal abt it huh. really glad somebody picked up the souleating storyline again, it had soo much fun potential and yeah you hit all of it. the themes?? and narratives?? in this story?? have been driving me insane theyre so good. going from what it means to be human to is this really me if im always wearing a facade to my identity not as a human or watcher but as a hermit sososososososo good. i have developed all the feeling for the way you portray mumbos and grians relationship like. yeah. yeah they really are that close huh. of course they end up soulmates with the most unfortunate timing possible. of course they do. i dont think ive ever felt as soft as when reading the preening scenes. ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS TOO THO like skyduo!!!!!!!!! siblinghood is real they invented it. impulse scar everyone!! adored scar taking jellie to the void with him bc ofc. ofc he would. and the scene with jimmy ooo he really is Your Guy huh. "Jimmy held his secrets so close to his chest that people never even knew he had them" ough ough ough ough ough my man my boy my lad. i think having read the listerner!jimmy fic before that also added soso much. grian really saw the dream smp and said no thank u <3 and i think that was very correct of him BUT YEAH overall? amazing writing epic characterizations so many little lines that made me stop and just rethink how i think abt these characters haha. i am afraid i must plagiarize all of your ideas in my brian 😔 ur watcher concepts are simply too good to not be canon I HOPE U HAVE A GREAT TIME WRITING THE SEQUEL I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT
ROVINNNN MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED <3333333 first things first thank you so much for this ask i have read it over and over and i love it <333 also i would have replied to it the day you sent it but you send it like. just a few hours before i got on a plane to go to canada so i ended up a Bit Distracted and did not answer so so sorry
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE THEMES!!! i go a bit insane everytime anyone comments on them because it is by far my favorite thing that i did with the fic, which was explore that concept of humanity/inhumanity/self-identity.
mumbo and grian's relationship...they make me ill! they make me ill. it's like...idk as much as LOVE desert duo, when it comes to my own writing i seem to just write mumbo and grian over and over again. they're just so. yeah. <3 im glad you like the preening scenes there will likely be more of them. it's just such an easily intimate type of scene you know? and the fact that grian up until this point has most done it alone (minus pearl helping sometimes), which is pretty uncomfortable and tedius when he can't easily reach his own back. and im so glad you appreciate scar taking jellie into the void he would never abandon her <3 it was one of my fave funny/lighthearted parts of the series
SLDFKJSLFJSFKFSF YEAH. YEAH JIMMY IS MY GUY. in a fic about grian and mumbo i manage to still insert jimmy solidarity brainrot into it. he'll be in the sequel too--not in any major role but i promise you he will There at some point because empires minorly factors into it. I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LOVED THAT LINE. i know that i say every line someone quotes is my favorite but that might actually be one of my favorites in the whole fic. the Lonesome Dreams backstory for jimmy was in the works for a long time before I ever wrote the fic, since i came up with that before i even came up with htbahb. so I absolutely intended everything from that fic to be implicated in that line <3 also you're right, i think lonesome dreams does add to it. i may or may not put it in the series, but lonesome dreams is also planned to work with other series as well, so idk
AND YESSS THE DSMP REFERENCE i had a lot of fun with it. i chose blue and gold for the door because it reminded me of l'manberg uniforms and was less obvious than green for dream. i also like my other slight dsmp-adjacent throwaway in mcc too, where when mumbo joins the server tommy comments in chat about seeing him as a father figure (mcc19 does take place after that one collab video...just sayin')
thank you for this review i loved every second of reading it <3333 i hereby give u and other authors permission to take my headcanons and ideas. if u like directly copy/reference a bunch of things, i'd like a shoutout but otherwise i dont care because i dont own ideas and anything anyone writes is likely to be different anyway because it's their brain you know? so def feel free to use anything here <3
i am having a great time writing the sequel!! i actually have an update (not...chapter update. status update) to post no it later this week :eyes: because i finally reached a point where i can make proper progress on it. aka i was able to work out a lot of details and planning and am in the midst of writing it as fast as i can
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