#did a lazy cat costume for halloween and a little girl on the street dressed as sonic said she liked it
pcktknife · 10 months
compliments from lil kids is really one of the most important things we have in this world
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bookish-artist · 9 months
I just found your blog and loving it! Could you maybe answer all those questions since I'm new here? 🙏🏼
Well welcome! And of course I can, thank you for asking so nicely mon ami ❤️
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed, always
2: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotel?
No my hair is picky
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Um well they're tucked in at the end, not on the sides
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No not my vibe of decor
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes way too much tbh
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
No I'm not really a coupon user
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Probably a bear. I feel like a single creature is easier to get away from than a swarm, if escape is plausible
8: Do you have freckles?
I do not
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Cutting me off/talking over me.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No never
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
Occasionally yes
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I chew my pens *sometimes* but not my pencils
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your song of the week?
Loud - The Home Team
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course!
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Oh yeah
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
Talladega Nights, can't stand it
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Probably on my family's land
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Depends on the restaurant I get them from, different places have different favorites lol
25: What is your favorite food?
Mexican, specifically enchiladas
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Oh gods.. Pride and Prejudice, any of the Winnie the Pooh movies, old school Disney, Phantom of the Opera, there's just so so many lol
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My fwb 😆
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Sure why not?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Hmm, probably in elementary school. We did that write a soldier program and that's the last vivid memory I have of writing a letter
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
No, I always have at least a quarter in there
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey, cheese, lettuce, mayo, jalapenos
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Sunny side up egg on an everything bagel with orange juice, maybe some bacon
36: What is your usual bedtime?
Between 11:30-12
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
My first costume ever was a hershey kiss! Then I was a power ranger, pirate, Belle, witch, cat, dog, wolf, red riding hood, Ghost face, pumpkin king, angel, devil, fairy.. I've done a little bit of everything 😅
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Um sign of the rat I think? '96 baby ✌🏼
40: Are you horny?
At this very moment?? No lol
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not currently no, eyeballing a couple
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
Legos, duh
43: Are you stubborn?
Me? Stubborn? Never 🙄
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
Ew neither
45: Ever watch soap operas?
No not really my thing. Unless you count k dramas
46: Are you afraid of heights?
I don't love them, but they're not a fear
47: Do you sing in the car?
Full on karaoke show
48: Do you sing in the shower?
Karaoke show part 2
49: Do you dance in the car?
Way way too often 😂
50: Ever used a gun?
Yes, I'm a good shot too 😏
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Probably my uncle's wedding like 10+ years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Absolutely not, I love them! One of my favorite genres ever
53: Is Christmas stressful?
When you wait until the very last minute like I did yes 😮‍💨
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I have not actually, I'll have to add that to the list
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I'm not a big pie person
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Marine biologist, ballerina, librarian
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Frequently, it's a little unsettling actually
59: Take a vitamin daily?
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
Also sometimes lol
62: What do you wear to bed?
Either sweatpants and a tee or just a tee
63: First concert?
Panic at the Disco!
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Well I'm allergic to nuts and I don't eat sunflower seeds, sooo 😂
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
No never
69: Ever take dance lessons?
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I don't really care honestly, as long as they can help pay bills and have some ambition in life in gemeral
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Yes 😇
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Of course
74: Own any record albums?
Not yet!
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert? Ghost, Bad Omens, Hozier, BTS
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Panic at the disco back on 2016
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea
81: Tea or coffee?
Coffee, iced, extra milk extra sugar please thanks
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles are god tier
83: Can you swim well?
Well enough
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Ehh that could use some work
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
DJ for sure
87: Ever won a contest?
Not that I remember
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
Not yet
89: Which are better black or green olives?
Don't make me choose
90: Can you knit or crochet?
No but I want to learn to crochet
91: Best room for a fireplace?
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
Single af
94: Who was your HS crush?
He was one of my best friends senior year and nothing ever happened :/ come to find out he almost kissed me one day bc he liked me so much but he never did 🤦🏼‍♀️
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
98: Whats your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Hope this gives you some insight! If you wanna know more you're always welcome to ask 😊
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (05) | OT7 Halloween edition!
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future), College!au, Interactive!au, Halloween!au
Word Count: 20k UNEDITED
A/N: First things first thank you so much to everyone who patiently waited and sent me nice messages. You guys helped my not so confident ass going hehe :’) also, thank you Ali and Lily for being and unconditional support, even if this piece is a mess. You guys make me feel embraced and secure! Like I said, it’s not perfect and it’s more like a comedy based on the sad life of emo Jungkook  or something than a proper halloween/suspense story, but I tried and had fun in the process! That’s what counts to me. I hope you all like it and also, I’ll be waiting for asks and conspiracy theories on the discord chat hehehe Happy -first part of- Halloween, fam! Love you all very very much. 🖤🎃
P/S: It was hard to insert so many people into one chapter but! to the one’s that didn’t show that much, don’t worry, part 2 coming out soon and you will definitely show more there hehehe and I can assure you guys part two will be even more chaotic. 
The Characters • Day 3 • Day 4 • Day 5
USC’s haunting night, which came to an end with a shocking reveal, began with nothing more than an exciting buzz that hovered in the air.
The students were now filling up the campus streets with contagious laughter and thrill. A few lamp poles were shining through this dark afternoon in the fall of 2019, orange pumpkins adorning the entrances of the old buildings, three leaves and skeletons that happened to be hanged around were dancing in the howling wind. It was Halloween night, it was time to trick and be tricked, it was time to pretend to be someone you were not while dancing the night away… you could tell by the way all houses were being left in the dark, that every student residing here waited anxiously for this chance of playing pretend.
A built up silhouette wrapped up in a tight red suit, walked in a fast pace towards the Fluor Tower, nobody to be seen down the gloomy streets since the party was located in the opposite direction. The unforgiving wind made walking a little worse for the boy, his breathing against the mask he was wearing began to feel heavier and warmer but there was no way he would take it off now. His friends needed to see him in full costume, he kept thinking. The boy beneath the mask was Jungkook Jeon. His friends, known to most of the university as the Y Group, were all gathered at Deo and Hyori’s dorm room, waiting for him.
Hyori was the one suggesting the disguise Jungkook was now wearing. A week before this, the boy was still indecisive about what to wear and in one rainy afternoon, while they all ate a cheesy pizza and the rain tumbled endlessly against the window, she suggested him to dress like Spiderman with an obvious glance sent through the other end of the table.
Once he was almost reaching the girls building, he started hearing euphoric chattering close by. Hoseok’s laughter impossible to mistake by somebody else’s.
“I can’t believe he actually did it!” Jungkook heard Hoseok say and immediately the idea of hiding behind a tree and pulling a prank on his friends crossed his mind. That was exactly what he did “That guy is crazy to say at least!” laughter filled the chilly air.
“I never doubted he wasn’t” Hyori added sharply.
“Where’s Jungkook though? Didn’t he say he was like- 5 minutes from here?” The boy’s attention was now fully focused on Deo “I’m going to die if we stay here any longer waiting” the sound of her shoe tapping nervously onto the floor didn’t go unnoticed by the hidden spidey.
“Want my jacket?” Jimin offered “He did say he was a few minutes away? Maybe he met someone?”
“Jungkook is more anti social than I am, I doubt he stopped by with someone-” Hyori started but was quickly interrupted.
“HEY! No I’m not!” he let out by impulse making the group snap their heads towards the direction of the sound. Hoseok’s hands fled to grab Deo’s arm who was near him, his eyes almost popping out. Both girls unable to form a sound, too caught up in the moment.
“Fuck-” Jungkook cursed under his breath once he realized what he did.
“Aaaaish!” Jimin said out loud; adrenaline running through his veins, although he would never admit he got a little scared for a second there.
“Are you serious dude??” Deo said once she saw someone coming from behind a tree, ready to throw some hands at whoever it was. She was dressed like Cher Horowitz from Clueless, the movie, one that Jungkook himself had seen countless times once he was younger. He remember turning on the tv on Sunday afternoons and seeing the actress face over and over again. Deo did a great job, he thought.
“It’s spider man now” he started walking towards his friends, arms coming to the front of him to mimic the superhero spider web shooting action “How do I look?”
“Ya, this guy will never change” Hoseok laughed it out “I was really scared, you- you dumbass” he finished making the younger laugh. Hoseok wasn’t far behind, and the character he had chosen a month before, was on everyone’s opinion, the perfect choice for him. Ace Ventura was spirited and loud in every way Hoseok could be. His clothes were probably arranged by his sister, she loved to dress up her younger brother and Hoseok didn’t mind at all, and his hair… Wow, his hair!
“Imagine if it went like I had planned it to” Jungkook chuckled and reached back to tug into his mask and pull it off. His heavy huff louder now, hair completely messy.
“I could punch you in the face I swear to God!” Deo started but the corners of her mouth were already pulling up.
“Can we go now? After this I feel like somebody else will be lurking in the dark-”
“Eyyyy- It’s halloween but we’re not in a horror movie” Jimin glanced at Hyori feeling creeped out. Of course Jimin wouldn’t waste the opportunity to look cool and laid back this Halloween, and Deo excelled herself making his hair look like Johnny Depp’s in Cry Baby. Hyori on the other hand, decided her costume by fumbling through her whole closet. I’ll go with the easiest but still remarkably costume, she said, and that’s how Ashley Spinelli turned out to be her choice.
“She has a point. Everybody will try to scare us tonight and I’m not ready”
“Let’s just go!” Jimin said pulling Deo and Hyori’s arm at the same time and Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh at how much of scaredy-cats his friends were.
“Wait!!!” Hyori heard Hoseok saying loudly right behind her, and once she turned around to smile at him, vision a little blocked by her mustard beanie, she couldn’t help the goosebumps that went through her body. Something feels eerie, maybe it’s just the fact that we are alone in a dark street, she thought. And shrugging off that feeling, she marched alongside her friends to the party she put most effort so far.
Doing his best to keep his posture straight while sitting in bed, Yoongi was feeling rather sleepy having Carolina toy with his hair, the girl trying her best to style it just like Naruto’s. He had been feeling a little lazy the past few weeks but he knew there was zero to no chance of him escaping halloween night, specially because his friends digged the fact they could just dress like some weirdos and pull pranks all night long. If he said he wasn’t going, for sure they would do something stupid and hey, he wasn’t one for refusing free liquor either.
“Why is your hair so damn straight?!” he heard Carolina complain for the thousand time. He said nothing, just kept his eyes closed and opened a cheeky smile. A month before his group started talking about this night - mostly the girl and Taehyung who were already fantasizing about what to wear. Namjoon and Jin quickly followed the lead making jokes on who was similar to what character and what not. Once they inquired him on who would he be for this night he just said the first thing that came to his mind. First because it was an easy costume since it was basically one piece of clothing and also because he wasn’t creative enough to remember anything else, as far as he knew Naruto was the only other guy he would like to be if he had to choose.
“Are you still doing his hair?” Jin came into Carolina’s bedroom with an indignant tone and before she could even answer he was already adding more to his little playful rant “Ya, you need to help me out with the makeup! Namjoon made it look like I had a hole instead of an eye-”
“I’m sorry if I’m no make up artist!!!” they all heard Namjoon say out loud; Yoongi could perfectly picture him sat down on the couch too entertained with his cellphone to even glance up while responding Jin’s comment about his poor artistic abilities.
“Ya” Jin turned around to look at Namjoon; voice deep but in a playful tone “You don’t need to be a makeup artist to know this looks terrible”
“Take those baby wipes over there” Carolina pointed a little package over her desk “And go clean that mess! I’ll do your makeup once I finish Yoongs” she continued spraying hairspray non stop while combing the hair of a now intoxicated boy, who kept coughing like he was really dying.
“I told you not to open your mouth!!” she said more laughing than scolding Yoongi.
“Im- Argh- Impossible!” the taste on his mouth was horrible and for a second he panicked over dying the most ridiculous death. It didn’t help the fact that Jin passed by laughing hysterically only to cough the same way he did once he got closer to the dangerous cloud of spray hovering over Yoongi’s head.
“You should be given permission of the state to use something as toxic as this” Jin said getting out quickly making Carolina laugh and shush him with her famous ‘Go away’. He directed himself to their bathroom to try and remove the damage Namjoon had made on his eye. Jin usually liked a lot what he saw on the mirror, and today wasn’t any different. His hair was combed with gel, he had a nice suit on and personally he thought he did a nice job on gluing Thing - family addams member, or hand, into his suit right shoulder. Gomez Addams was who he chose to be tonight, a classy and fun character, very appropriate for him as Namjoon had pointed out.
“Tcharamm! Howl arrived!”
“Woaah Taehyung, nice job!”
“You like it??”
“What’s going on with that cape?”
“Leave his cape alone, Yoongi, he did good”
“Thank you!”
Jin let out a chuckle, his friends were always nagging one another, not that he wouldn’t do the same with them but normally he would play the mom figure and try do ease the situations.
He looked at himself in the mirror one more time after throwing the used baby wipe in the trash and pushing the bathroom door he made his way to the living room.
“Lady Joker I hope you’re ready for me cause I’m all clean and I’m impatient as well” heads turned to Jin, Taehyung’s previous pout face becoming an excited one now after seeing him.
“Woah!!! Jin! You look just like him!!!”
“You mean handsome?” Jin stated the obvious with his hands on his hips.
“Yes…?” Taehyung replied with a weird confused face making them laugh.
“Lady Joker here is ready, so is everyone else now…” Carolina spared a glance to everyone in the room “… I think. It’s just you now, c’mon” she started pushing Jin back to the bathroom.
“That’s cause he has the easiest character of all” Jin went backwards while Carolina still pushed him; his finger pointed out to Namjoon.
“Being Milo Thatcher requires great effort, like having a brain for example” Namjoon concluded.
“I hope that’s not you calling me dumb” Jin answered back, the sound of it a little muffled since Carolina was closing the bathroom door to avoid any bickering.
“Yeap. He was” Yoongi said quietly; he was sat on the arm of the couch Namjoon was in, his arms crossed and his hair was fully up.
“So! Do you guys think I look good with long hair??” Taehyung said after a minute of entire silence making both boys look at him while he wiggled his head to make his fake hair flow.
After the bathroom door was closed, Jin sat on the faucet while Carolina opened every drawer looking after her black eye shadow and that’s when she heard Jin say “He was calling me dumb wasn’t he? He’ll see. Just- Wow the disrespect” and the way he said it was more than enough for the girl to crack a laughter right on his face.
Differently from the chilly outside, the party at Tau Kappa Epsilon was burning hot. The frat committee had pulled a great amount of money and effort this year and everyone that had been to the Halloween party last year could say so the minute they set foot on the entrance. For starters, this year for you to get inside you needed to know the password, which was strategically leaked on the USC gossip blog a week before this.
“Did you find it yet?” Holly asked; she had her arms crossed, the wind too harsh and although she was wearing a red hoodie and a pair of yellow trousers because she was dressed as Winnie the Pooh she couldn’t help but feel cold since she and her group were still outside.
“God, why in all days today had to be this windy?!” Tori said with frustration, tightening her grip on the coat she was wearing “If I hadn’t brought this coat I would be hard as ice right now, I’m telling you” she chuckled, her chin trembling a little since she was feeling cold, the coat doing nothing for her uncovered legs. She had decided with Deo they would go as iconic characters from the 90’s, and of course she chose Vivian Ward from Pretty Woman.  
“Ok I think I got it!”
“You did??” Holly that was a little distracted looking around exclaimed in surprise and quickly scooched up towards Silvia who had been glued on her phone scrolling through USC gossip page to find the code.
“Yeah, I think I did! Look-” Silvia showed them the phone; she was dressed as Simon of Alvin and the chipmunks, her glasses sliding on her nose bridge non-stop while she looked down too focused.
“Nice job, Silvy!”
“Now I only need to wait for Esme and Tessa… I’m sure they are almost here, I mean I called them half an hour ago and they were already on their way” Silvia said looking at her phone again, checking if she had any unread messages.
“I’m sure we can go inside and they meet us there? We could send them a text with the-”
“HEY GIRLS!!” the three of them heard and their attention flew to the newcomers.
“Nina!” Holly exclaimed excited.
“You look amazing guys! Oh my God, I’m so excited for tonight!” Nina said making Cecilia laugh besides her; Nina was dressed as Poison Ivy, her new red hair contrasting greatly with her green outfit. She had some ivy plants complementing her costume and it looked absolutely stunning.
“That’s actually right, she came all the way here talking about it” Cecilia joked; she had chosen to dress up like a sexy racer this year, keeping it simple but hot.
“And you look a bomb as well!” Tori said, giving both girls a quick hug. “Now chop chop girls! Otherwise we’ll get all ruined in this bad wind”
“I’ll send Tessa and Esme a text with the code then- Let’s get going, I’m kind of freezing as well and regretting being a chipmunk without proper pants” Silvia said making them laugh.
The decoration this year was incredibly well done, full of big killer statues, things hanged and detailed paintings on the wall, most probably TKE (Tau Kappa Epsilon) had once again contacted the art students to help with that. Hoseok had already jumped out of his feet ten times at least, too scared of the large Pennywise face he had come across a few times and the many spider webs hanging above everyone’s heads.
“I thought it was you!” Amber laughed when she came besides Hoseok and he jumped in fear… Again. “How are you doing Mister…?”
“Ace Ventura! And ooof- Amber!” He gasped first because he had been scared and now because she was looking really good.
“Hey! You came! Are you alright love? You seem a little startled.” Amber was so happy to see the boy that she talked way too fast making him stare at her with endearing eyes “It’s been a while.”
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss this party for the world! But that Pennywise…” he said pointing at the wall painting, a frown crossing his face “Not cool at all.” he chuckled while turning to her again, his glance lowering a bit now to see her costume more attentively. Amber was wearing a playboy bunny costume, a dress like version of it.
“It’s ok, it’s just a painting. Besides if it wasn’t just a painting, I’d always protect you. Well… I would try.” she giggled making him follow “And tonight will be so much fun, I haven’t really celebrated Halloween in years!”
“I see you already have a drink so now just enjoy the night!” Hoseok said cheekly.
“I do!” she stated quickly looking down, where she had a drink in hands “You should grab one soon too.”
“Jimin went to grab some drinks for us. I’m waiting for mine.” he winked “But what are you most afraid of then? If not Pennywise”
“Probably just… Uh… Spirits” she said finally with a tiny shivering “The unknown too. Maybe just being alone. My fears are very strange.”
“Oh spirits are a no for me too! I try not to believe they exist but I have a fertile imagination!” he said with a panicked face and Amber made a quick note on how cute he could be.
“You look really good by the way… Like I know you aren’t in a sexy outfit, but you look happy and just… You know… You just look great.”
“Thanks Amber! I tried hard to find the clothes to match the movie! But you look great too…“ he offered his heart smile, his eyes genuinely matching his soft expressions.
While Hoseok kept talking to Amber, his friends were close by still waiting for Jimin to come back with something to drink. They had arrived for a while now, but since the place wasn’t that crowded yet, Jungkook managed to find a spot for Deo to sit a little. The girl had been complaining about her shoes choice for some time now but he himself felt like sitting, so that’s what he did. He sat and kept fumbling with his phone while Deo rambled with him (things that he was certainly not listening) and Hyori kept scanning the place after Jimin.
“I hope this party doesn’t suck.” Deo commented a little bored while looking the ambience.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s no one here. My feet already hurt. Jungkook took the only seat available and is staring at his phone with a grin on his dumb face.”
“We got here super early, relax! And just take the damn shoes off, you’re going to in a couple of hours so might as well do it now.” Hyori grinned at her “Is Jack coming?”
“I think so? I didn’t talk to him today yet but he should be here. We bought his costume like- last week so…” Deo wondered; she was answering Hyori but her head was turned at Jungkook’s direction, trying to pry on what he was doing.
“The love birds that text all day didn’t talk today?”
“He texted me this morning but we were dealing with the outfits so I… kinda forgot to text him back? He’s probably just making one of his ‘imma take longer to answer’ games” Deo looked back at her again to roll her eyes.
“Don’t sweat it, he’ll be around.” the older girl patted her shoulder with a warm smile to wrap that convo up.
“So… you’re just gonna ignore the fact that JK is laughing at his phone?”
“We teased him enough about him wanting to be spiderman…” Hyori bit down a smile, exchanging her glance to the boy in question, still entertained and completely absented of what was going on around him.
“True…” Deo concluded but then turned around to do exactly the opposite with what she had just agreed with “Hey dork.” she called and poked him, making him lift his head towards them “Yeah you. What are you doing?”
“Texting.” he said simply.
“Who?” Hyori questioned.
“Have you ever heard of neighbor number?”
“You have one?!” Deo asked the boy while coming closer and feeling a lot more excited.
“Everyone has one.” he rolled his eyes.
“What is that?!”
“It’s the person whose phone number is either the before or after yours. Like, your’s 55 and their’s 56.” Jungkook explained to Hyori but he locked his phone trying to hide his previous conversation.
“Oh… and that’s cool because?”
“Because!!!” Deo exclaimed turning around to look at Hyori.
“It’s just like meeting someone online guys.”
“Oh don’t be an old lady. You’re a recess punk tonight!” Deo retorted making Hyori do a funny face as a response while trying to pry at Jungkook’s phone as well.
“You’re not looking at my texts.” he said defensively while hiding the phone against his chest once more.
“Oh c'mon JK.”
“I’m not keeping your phone in my bag then. Good luck spidey.” Deo teased.
A while ago Jimin had departed quickly from his friends to go fetch something to drink, but on his way he stopped by with many people. He got used to being popular in some way, he didn’t mind the attention at all… What he did mind was the constant people who tried to fake being friends with him just to get “famous”. He was now walking furiously towards the bar, the last conversation with some random guy he thought that was being genuinely nice to him stuck on his head. A small bump followed, his mind too distracted to actually pay attention at his surroundings and the frown that was before on his face quickly disappeared.
“Wow Jean! Sick costume!” he said once the girl in question turned around surprised to see the one that bumped on her was actually a familiar face.
“Really Jimin? Thank you” Jean was dressed as Mikasa from Attack on Titan, an anime Jimin had seen and liked a lot. “I think you look handsome in your costume” she finished with a cute smile while blushing a little.
“I tried my best to look like Cry Baby but Johnny Depp will always win.” he showed his cute laughter while saying it and Jean quickly retorted.
“Don’t say things like that. I think you just being yourself is handsome and a win for everyone including you” as soon as she said it and he was about to smile at her again thankful, the bartender came by and Jimin was quick to tell him his orders. He looked back to see if Jean wanted something but he noticed she was already served. The guy that was attending him, poured a glass of whiskey to Jimin and went to fetch some beers. While he went inside to fetch it Jimin turned again to Jean.
"You came with friends?”
“I did! I’m meeting Holly here!”
“Oh~ she’s Deo’s friend! I didn’t know you two knew each other! Small world huh?” he winked and raised his glass to take a sip of it making Jean laugh.
“Yes, we do. We talk time to time whenever I have time. She is really nice.” she said and Jimin hummed in agreement.
"So, who or what scares you most?”
“What scares me most is bugs especially cockroaches… oh yeah also rats. What about you? Are you scared of anyone or something?”
“I’m trying to keep a brave face tonight so I can’t tell you!” he cutely joked putting his finger to his lips and doing a slight ‘shush’ motion “But it was nice seeing you Jean~ I have to bring these drinks to the sober ones before they fall asleep” he said while pointing with his head towards the beer bottles the bartender had just brought.
“Have fun at the party. Don’t be reckless or get yourself in trouble!” she said loudly when Jimin started walking away with all those drinks in hands, trying to make way, only to turn back again and smile foolish at her and then winking again.
On his way towards his group he spotted Hoseok a little closer than the rest and he moved fast to get the help of the older boy. Jimin was hardly managing to hold all those bottles plus his cup.
“So do I! I overthink way too much.” he heard Amber say enthusiastically to Hoseok and for a moment he felt really sorry to be barging into the conversation.
“Hey guys! Sorry! Help me-” he said quickly and Hoseok took two bottles off his hands. “Oof! I thought I was going to let everything fall” he laughed at his own moment of clumsiness.
“It’s alright! I’ll help you take this to them” Hoseok trailed off and then looked at Amber once again, she still had a smile on her face, their talk before being way too cheerful for her to lose it. “It was really good seeing you!”
“It was good seeing you too. I hope we can hang out again soon, I’ve missed seeing you.”
“Keep that beautiful smile on your face Amber~ I’ll see you around tonight yeah?”
“I will! Thank you! You enjoy it too, and keep safe, ok? Don’t drink too much and drink plenty of water. I’ll see you later on in the party. I’ll probably stay until pretty late.”
“Can’t promise I won’t drink much but I’ll try to stay away from the zombies! Be safe sweetheart~” and there he went, him and Jimin towards their group of friends.
“Where’s Yoongi?” Carolina questioned while looking over Jin’s shoulders; her voice louder than expected as the raging song played in the party.
“I don’t know?” Jin looked around too trying to spot Yoongi’s hair among all those costumes “He left quite a while ago… And I doubt he will be able to bring us all something to drink”
The five of them had arrived and the party was already hectic. Yoongi had offered to go to the bar fetch something to drink since he was in the need of something to keep him relaxed and more loose in the middle of all those people. The rest of them stayed in a corner next to the entrance, the less crowded space they could find, but now a lot of time had passed and Carolina was starting to feel anxious.
“Ok, you guys stay here and I’ll go help him out”
“You’re going alone in this sea of people??” Taehyung asked her, whom was already ready to walk away.
“I’ll be fine Tae, just stay here with Nam and Jin. If anything happens I have my phone with me and I can call you. Yoongi is the one without his”
“We’ll wait here. Namjoon won’t be leaving anyways since he’s socializing for what it feels like an hour now” Jin joked looking at the other boy talking enthusiastically to some people from his book club. Carolina spared a glance and smiled at him, and then in a blink of an eye she was already being engulfed by the many costumed students.
She tried her best to make space and go towards the bar, where she was hoping to find Yoongi, but the task was getting complicated. It didn’t help that people were already tipsy and some really drunk. Carolina was starting to feel a little claustrophobic and way too pissed at the people who were pushing and also pulling her. When she was about to shout at some random guy that was trying to make her dance with him, she felt her arm being pulled and her head snapped quickly thinking she had finally reached Yoongi, but no. Someone in an all black costume and a weird baby face mask was pulling her out of there.
At first she offered no resistance, glad she was going to get out of that tumultuous crowd. But after a few seconds of the mysterious person pulling her towards what it seemed like the bathroom area, she pulled back her arm making the person look back.
“Who are you?!” She questioned seeing that the person went for her arm again but she was quick to flinch it’s grasp. “This is not funny!” still, no reaction. She analysed the person standing in front of her; someone taller than her, definitely a male but not a short one. “Ben?” she tried “Dude this is getting creepier.” the man did nothing but to offer his hand to her gently. And although Carolina was feeling a little creeped out she was also starting to get curious about who the costumed guy in front of her might be. So she took his hand, and he took her to the bathroom area.
“Ben if this is you I swear-“ she started but the man she thought was Ben just opened the bathroom door and pushed her inside, locking the door quickly. He himself never entering the space with her.
Carolina bumped hard against something “FUCKING ASSHOLE!!” she exclaimed mad.
“I said the same but he didn’t opened the door… Until now that is” Yoongi’s voice now filling her ears and she turned back in a snap. Turns out the thing she went against was Yoongi and not a wall like she was expecting.
“Yoongs? What are you doing here?”
“I myself don’t know…” he answered returning the hug she gave him.
“Ok! I think I have a plan!” someone said making both of them get out of their transe.
“Oh yeah, Carol this is Sarah. She was already here when I got… here” Yoongi explained simply.
“Umm… I would say nice to meet you but due to the circumstances I think-“
“I perfectly understand and share the feeling!” Sarah quickly interrupted the other girl “Also either we wait for him to open the door again and I don’t know put our foot in the middle of the breach or we stay stuck here”
“Doesn’t seem like a bad plan but I won’t volunteer my foot for the cause”
“Why the hell are we even here???” Carolina questioned “Is it the new trend locking people in the bathroom to socialise or something?” and as soon as she finished it a cell phone started ringing. They all exchanged glances.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t even bring my phone” Yoongi said.
“Well it’s not mine!”
“I think…” Sarah trailed off while going towards the faucet, there was something behind it “Oh” and she retrieved a bag. The sound of the ringtone died and she looked at Yoongi and Carolina who were focused on the paper bag. Not even a second passed and the cell phone started to ring again.
“Oh just give me this” Carolina snatched the bag from Sarah’s hands and quickly opened it, a burner phone now visible and she picked it up. “Who’s this? What? Why would I be enjoying being locked inside a bathroom you weirdo??”
“Who is it?!” Sarah questioned and Carolina lifted a hand for her to wait.
“What game? What are you talking about?” Carolina questioned further “A paper?”
“What is this? This is a stupid prank” Yoongi rambled.
“What- Hey!!!” Carolina exclaimed taking the phone out of her ear and looking at it extremely angry “Asshole!!!”
“What happened?”
“This motherfucker said that the rules were on a paper inside this bathroom and then hanged up!”
“Are you serious now? I just wanted a drink” Yoongi sighed and started pacing around.
“What now?”
“Oh! I have my cellphone!!!” Carolina realised quickly reaching for her pocket of her nurse suit “I’ll call Jin and he can come here an- Fuck.”
“What?!” Sarah exclaimed again and Yoongi glanced at them.
“No reception” Carolina said blankly “I fucking hate this party.” she placed her phone inside her pocket once again and crouched down near the bathroom wall, her hand fast to pick up her pen kept inside the same pocket and started doodling on the wall. The neon light in the bathroom making her feel nauseous.
“I’ll start searching then!” Sarah sighed; the girl was dressed as comfortably as she could. Her costume being Violet Beauregard from Charlie and the chocolate fabric and she mentally thanked herself for choosing something so comfy.
“Are you seriously vandalising the bathroom?” Yoongi asked Carolina; he was leaned against the sink, his arms crossed.
“I don’t think writing on the wall ‘Babyface sucks’ is going to solve the problem”
“Well I’m unsatisfied with Babyface service! He just pushed me and locked me inside the bathroom! Ugh- I bet it was that fucking asshole…” Carolina started doodling near the words she had just written.
“What asshole? Everyone for you is an asshole”
“Well- That’s a good point. But Jimin. I bet it was Jimin. He must be trying to pay me back ever since-“
“You mean Jimin Park?!” Sarah asked while fumbling through the cabinets that the bathroom had.
“Yeah he-“
“I FOUND IT!!!!” Sarah exclaimed excited and showing them the paper.
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“Umm… I guess we are a team?” Sarah looked at them expectantly “And I didn’t brought my phone so…”
“I was going to say no but then I saw the 6.000 cash prize so”
“2000 each Yoongi, not 6000!” Sarah corrected him.
“Still. Carolina?” he looked at the girl in question “I could really use the money to-“
“I know.” she said serious “So we better win this. And I guess I’m the only one with a phone which only unlocks with my fingerprint so I guess it’s fine to leave it behind…” she reluctantly put her phone inside the bag “Also Sarah, if we’re doing this-“
“Yeah?” the girl asked.
“Yoongi already knows me but um… I’m kind of extremely competitive so if I happen to loose my shit-“
“Oh it’s ok! Totally get it!”
“She will lose it. Just saying” Yoongi brushed it off.
“I will”
“OK PLAYERS HERE WE COME!” Sarah instantly became another person and both Yoongi and Carolina exchanged glances a little surprised “OPEN THE DOOR!”
“I can’t actually believe we got stuck in a tiny broom closet for 15 minutes just to find a damn paper!” Tori let out laughing; her breathing heavy.
“In my defense my moves were restricted to just being able to lift my arms up” Jason retorted, his face a little red from the lack of air in the confinement.
“That’s true! I was feeling trapped between you-“
“Guys shut up!” Jungkook finally said something; the paper with the rules still in his hands “We have to focus now, I ain’t losing this game”
“Jeez! Ok, ok! We’ll focus” Jason put his hands up in defeat.
“I could really use those speakers bro, I want this prize” Jungkook sighed trying to apologise.
Somehow in the middle of the party Jungkook realised he was left behind with Hyori, both of them clueless of where their friends had gone to. So he eased her mind by saying he was going to look after them quickly. Hyori at the time nodded and kept looking around without leaving their previous spot.
Jungkook went to the bar hopping to find Jimin there but his friend was nowhere to be found. He wandered off to the bathrooms but two of them were locked and the other one was empty. He tried to scream Deo and Hoseok names in hopes that one of them were inside but due to the loud music it was useless. Not shortly after a person passed by and seeing he was fumbling with the door lock, that same person approached him and asked what he was doing. “I’m looking for my friends” was what he simply answered so the mysterious being asked what were they dressed like and after a brief description of their costumes Jungkook was pointed towards a long and gloomy corridor. He didn’t hesitate on going and that’s how he ended up opening the dark broom closet and being pushed inside. To his surprise, Tori and Jason were already there, their breathing too heavy and Jungkook kept thinking he had interrupted something else, but his thoughts were quickly brushed away when a cell phone started ringing.
“To get those speakers you first need to win the prize, Kook, and to do that you’ll need to find those damn three hidden bags” Tori pointed out making him come back to the moment; her arms crossed over her chest.
“Things that scare me most…” Jason wondered.
“AH! The decorations!!!” Jungkook’s face lit up “They must be near the decorations!”
Most of the teams were already out of their confinements by now. Some a little hazy and confused, some fully determined to win the prize. What student wouldn’t want to win 2.000 dollars in a night just by playing a Halloween game? It was easy money! And that was exactly what Aashna kept thinking.
When she left her dorm to go to the party that night she would have never expected to be going home again with that large amount of money, and there was nothing that she loved more than to play games, in fact she liked to think that she was good at them.
She got a little confused at first, when she lost herself from Sana and Cara, especially because she had left her phone back into the dorms and due to that she had no way to contact the girls. While she kept waiting for Sana to get ready hours ago, she used it so much that it discharged and it was totally useless to take it. But now, here she was, running around with two other girls she had never seen before trying to get to those bags before anyone else would.
“Guys look!” Nina pointed towards three dark things on the floor near a tree in the backyard of TKE. A few people transiting from one house to the other were passing by but none of them were paying attention to the girls.
“Are those the bags??” Esme asked a little behind from the other two. She was dressed like Theodore from Alvin and the chipmunks and although she was looking adorable her legs were freezing.
The backyard was the last place any rational person would want to go. It was windy today, and not the kind that feels like a nice summer breeze, it was the kind that made you feel the presence of a storm coming. The fact that the place wasn’t illuminated properly didn’t help either. Team 6 could barely see if those things on the floor were the bags they needed or not.
“I can’t believe we found them!” Aashna said coming closer and once she grabbed a loop of one of the bags a grotesque nun showed up behind the tree. Slowly it made it’s way towards the girls. “Holy-“ Aashna took a step back startled, the bag she had taken was now dropped onto the grassy floor.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Esme that had just being able to catch up with both of them sprinted back the moment she saw the dark presence, going back to where she had came. She didn’t even took a second glance.
The nun kept slowly walking forward. Aashna at the same time walked back. It’s yellow eyes focused on her and her breathing started to match her heart race. Her chest going up and down really fast.
“Push it, Khaleesi!!!” Nina shouted at her making her snap out of the transe. Both of them could hear a faint scream in the back but it was being blocked by their own heartbeats drumming on their ears. Adrenaline kicking in. Nina kept shouting ‘Khaleesi’ at Aashna, the fearful creature making her forget her teammate’s real name.
On the confusion of it, Aashna did in fact push back the nun, but the result wasn’t the expected. It didn’t move. Not even an inch.
“I GOT IT!! RUN!!!!” Nina passed by her with one bag on her back and two on her hands; her costume making it easier for her to sprint, contrary to Aashna’s.
The girl didn’t think twice. The moment the scary image before her started to lurk forward again, she stumbled two steps back and turned around to run. A hand grabbed her arm making her come to a halt. Aashna screamed and yanked her arm back. Free at last she ran towards Nina and Esme. Her mind not functioning properly. She could see her teammates shouting and making exaggerated moves for her to go to them but she could hear nothing. It was like a slow motion scene of her worst nightmare.
Hoseok thought he had been scared enough since he got to the party but now he was more than terrified. He was walking with Cole and Asa, two guys he had just met due to a bad joke and he couldn’t help being alert all the time. Cole was leading both him and Asa and they were looking for the so called bags inside the TKE frat house.
“I’m sure they hid it here, I mean- it’s just the perfect place, not a lot of people will come inside the house when there’s an actual party going on” he heard Cole’s voice more clearly now, the loud music sounded distant; the boy was still facing forward, leading them into a big hallway.
“Yeah but it said it was near what we fear most?” Asa pondered while looking attentive to a photo hanged on the wall “I don’t know about you guys but I’m not afraid of a frat house… As much gross as they can be” he frowned seeing one guy almost naked on that same photo.
The corridor they were now in was narrow so they lined up, Cole going in the front and Asa in the back. The wall on their left had some pictures of the boys of TKE while the wall on their right was mainly filled with big windows. That didn’t mean the place was lighten up, the whole house was dark. Things were visible due to the windows, the boys could see each other’s figures and what surrounded them because of the moonlight, but other than that there was no other form of light.
“Uoooh uoh what was that?!” Hoseok freaked out and fumbled back making Cole giggle.
“It’s just a glimpse of a light dude” Asa calmed him down while catching him and pulling him forward gently.
“I- I think I’m afraid of the dark” Hoseok admitted.
“It’s ok”
“And I’m afraid of being alone” Cole said sarcastically “So that’s why this is the perfect place to hide the bags because it’s both dark and has zero people in it. Genius ain’t I?” and he turned back to face the other two.
Hoseok’s face went pale. Asa’s blue eyes became big. Cole felt a puff of air into his neck and he tensed.
“For the first time in my life I just hope I’m ugly and that’s the reason you guys are doing those faces” he said; his body frozen and his mind in denial, he didn’t want to turn back.
“Boo” something grunted right behind him making his body tremble. Hoseok screamed and fell back into Asa who screamed as well and fumbled backwards, his eyes never leaving the amorphous creature upon them. His big hands clumsily trying to find support on the walls. Hoseok that fell on his butt quickly got up only to turn around just to stumble onto Asa once again.
Cole finally turned back and for a second he wished he didn’t. His voice stuck on his throat, eyes fixed on the sinister scarecrow right in front of him.
“G-Givee meee yourrr heeaaart” the creature grunted once more. Cole finally got a grip of himself and pushed the haunting scarecrow back, running right past him.
“ASA!! THE BAGS!” he screamt after stumbling on something and realising it was what they were looking for.
“FORGET THE BAAAAGS! AAAAH” Asa’s voice was trembling and between trying to help Hoseok who kept falling and running away from the creature who was going after the two he managed to scream back at Cole “FUCK YOU GO AWAY!!!”
“I got this, I got this” Cole kept mumbling to himself while scanning the place. He had very few options. The scarecrow had it’s back turned to him but the corridor was too narrow for him to pass by it without something happening. So he looked at the window right onto his left and let his body take the lead.
Cole’s hands were shaking a bit due to the heat of the moment. He fiddled with the window lock for a little but once he unlocked it a huge smile opened on his face.
“I- Wait a sec! I got this!!!!” he answered while quickly glancing at his teammates and then back at the task in front of him. The window was a little rusty but he managed to open it fully so he threw both bags down. “GUYS! JUST RUN! MEET ME DOWN ON THE LAWN”
“COLE WHAT?!” Asa who was pushing continually the scarecrow back asked. Hoseok was glued to the wall screaming nonstop.
“JUST RUN AWAY! I’LL JUMP” Once he said this the scarecrow turned back. Cole was already sitting in the window. “GO! NOW!” he reassured his teammates again and Asa took the lead grabbing Hoseok by his shirt and running as fast as he could. The dreadful creature fastened it’s pace towards Cole. The boy smiled before jumping.
“Did we really need to choose the dark basement as our place to search?” Jin asked while he looked to the stairs that led to the dim place over Sana’s shoulders. His hands were gripping her arms and keeping her in place as a shield. “I feel like there’s definitely something there but it’s not the bags.” he laughed nervously.
“Yeah… I don’t feel like this is a good idea, Jeremy” Sana pondered, her eyes on the same spot Jin’s were.
“Fine then, you two stay here and I’ll go.”
“Great plan!” Jin offered him a quick thumbs up and his hands were back on Sana’s arm making the girl sigh but also let out a small giggle.
“It’s not a great plan” she said making Jeremy retrieve his foot of the first step to look back at her “If something happens to you, it’s only me and Jin”
“Not offended”
“Guys this is a Halloween game” Jeremy said laughing at their faces “The scariest shit that can happen is someone yelling at our ears and that’s it”
“Fine then, go” she brushed off. Jeremy rolled his eyes and turned front again, the darkened stairs making everything creepier. A second passed and he didn’t move. Another one and nothing. “So… Are you going or…?” Sana looked from him to the stairs again.
“I’m going! I’m going! It’s just- dark that’s all. I have no flashlight and I was trying to get my eyes used to it and-”
“You know there’s a light switch right there right?” Jin pointed to the wall next to them.
“Wha- Jin!!!!” Sana turned back giving him a soft slap “You could’ve told us that sooner!”
“Well sorry! I didn’t think he would go into the dark!”
While both of them kept quirreling Jeremy flicked the light switch in a flash tired of losing time, after all he had a game to win. But as soon as the lights were turned on two things came on focus, the bags near the third step and Freddy Krueger right at the bottom starting to climb up to get to them.
“Run-” Jeremy said lowly still paralysed watching the killer move himself “RUN!!!” that’s when Jin and Sana stopped arguing and looked back at him and what was going on. As soon as Freddy entered Jin’s vision, the boy screamt and started running backwards, looking every direction he could too afraid that more frightening creatures would appear. His loud voice echoing without coming to a stop.
Jeremy quickly pulled the bags towards him and turned around to run, passing one bag fast to Sana who was even faster to turn around and run towards the first floor as well but not before taking a box of washing powder left near the washing machine she passed by and throwing it back to hit the burnt face that tormented her so much.
Acute clinking sounds filled the air along with tree leaves dancing in the maddening wind. Jungkook and his team were sat on the porch of a neighbour house of TKE, the bags already retrieved and now alight right in front of each of them.
Tori kept trying to align her hair strands that kept swinging in front of her face while Jason kept fumbling with a walkie talkie he had just found on his own backpack. Inside each backpack they found a piece of paper with the same clue written on it, a little flashlight, a map of the campus, a walkie talkie and an almost realistic human finger with a tag on it that said one point for you player!
“This wind is making me stressed!” Tori let out with a sigh. Jason spared her a glance but kept pushing the buttons without really knowing what they did.
“That guy dressed as Chucky was pretty heavy” Jason mused “Don’t you think, bro?” he looked over Jungkook who was really quiet while reading over and over again the clue he found inside the backpack with furrowed eyebrows, deep in thoughts.
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“Don’t you think bro??” Jason tried again.
“Lost much, Kook?” Tori laughed.
“What are we supposed to do with this information?” Jungkook asked frustrated to his team “Wet blue? What is that?? There’s no such color”
“I’m sure we still have time, man, don’t stress it” Jason tried to cheer him up “I’m sure we were the first ones finding the bags plus we each have one point finger” he laughed while holding his gifted finger up.
“Yeah” he sighed “You’re probably right” Jungkook swept his bangs back. By now he was sure his hair was a mess, but he didn’t care much.
“Umm..” Tori began, her eyes following the movement of something way ahead of them “Not trying to break the lovely moment but I guess we are second place”
“We what?” Jungkook lifted his eyes from the paper he wouldn’t stop reading to see where Tori’s eyes were focused at and to his despair Yoongi and Carolina, alongside some blonde girl, were walking in a fast pace towards somewhere. They all had a backpack and the blonde girl was explaining something to them in a enthusiastic way. Jungkook tried his best to overhear what they were talking about, shushing Jason when he tried to say something along the lines of ‘don’t worry bro, we still got this’.
“Are you sure that’s the place?” he heard Yoongi ask lazily “I ain’t walking all the way over there for nothing”
“It’s there Yoongs, just stop being a grandpa, do you want the two thousand or not?” Carolina joked and Jungkook instantly got up.
“HEY!” Jungkook shouted “YOONGI”
“Kook what are you doing?” Tori asked alarmed.
“You heard this?”
“I think it was someone calling your name” the blonde girl said to Yoongi while looking around.
“YOONGI!! HERE!” Jungkook stepped forward.
“Who’s there?” Jungkook saw Yoongi stop and squint his eyes in his direction, he knew the older guy had a bad vision. “Ya, who’s that?” Yoongi asked Carolina who had the same expression on her face.
“It’s spiderman” the blonde one said and Carolina immediately commented “Uh nice butt” since the boy was turned to the side trying to fetch his walkie talkie to talk to Yoongi, and as soon as he heard the comment he turned around and walked forward a little further.
“Nevermind” Carolina said again and crossed her arms “WHAT DO YOU WANT VIRGIN BOY?!”
“It’s Jungkook?”
“BRO ARE YOU PLAYING THE GAME?” Jungkook shouted trying to ignore Carolina. A hard gust of wind hit them suddenly, the boy’s hands coming up to protect his eyes.
“WE DO VIRGIN BOY BUT WE AIN’T TELLING” he saw Carolina shut Yoongi’s mouth without need with one of her hands and answered for him while laughing. Jungkook knew this because although he was trying to ask Yoongi the answer, he lived with the guy and knew him well enough to know that he could be a snake sometimes. “GO FIND YOUR BRAIN QUICKLY BEFORE YOU RUN OUT OF TIME”
“YOU- YOU’RE A BITCH!” Jungkook grunted in frustration.
“AND MUCH MORE!” her laughter echoing in the silent street and she coldly turned around with the blonde girl, both of them walking away. Yoongi did the same but before he shouted an apology “SORRY JUNGKOOKIE, GOOD LUCK!”
“Well that sucks” Jason stated bluntly coming near Jungkook, Tori right behind him.
Jungkook kept staring at their figures slowly disappearing in the distance, and something inside of him started boiling. His body was starting to get cold and his brain was completely blank due to his frustration.
A static noise broke the tension and Jason got startled by his own walkie talkie, Tori came rushed towards him as well as Jungkook - who spared one last glance at the horizon, Yoongi long gone.
“Hello players, this is your game master” a modified voice came out of the piece of machinery Jason was holding.
“Thank God! We need a hint!” Tori exclaimed, her right hand coming to her chest in a sign of relief.
“Beware of who may be watching you…” the voice said and as quick as it came it went away. The three of them still looking at the walkie talkie in hopes to hear anything else but nothing. Nothing came. Just the howling wind that was serving as a background song for their night.
“It’s.. It’s that it?” Jungkook asked indignant.
“It sounded like that guy- What’s the name?” Jason asked Tori rather excited “The Scream dude! The voice was exactly the same”
“TKE is definitely excelling themselves this year”
Hours ago Silvia thought she was up for a hell of a good night with her friends, even if the weather wasn’t helping at all, and now here she was, chasing the correct number painted on a tree located on the McCarthy Quad park. At least that was what Hyori and Namjoon had concluded from the clue they had been given to and she didn’t dare to refute.
Silvia was running fast but Hyori was running faster and the wind was pushing them back, difficulting their bodies movements. She heard someone shout a little further and coming to a halt she turned to see Namjoon pointing towards a big sycamore tree.
“Hyori!!!” she looked back to shout at the girl that went ahead “Hyori!!! He found it!” Silvia’s hair was all over her face and for a moment she could hardly see one foot ahead.
Something cold touched her skin while she tried to tame her wild curls, and when she looked up startled she saw Hyori’s smile. Both girls ran towards Namjoon who currently fought a battle with the zipper of his backpack trying to put away the clue inside it.
“What are you doing?” Hyori questioned him chuckling once they approached the spot. The boy glanced at them with a furious expression.
“I broke the zipper of my bag”
“Let me see it” Silvia took the still light bag only to conclude he indeed had broken it. She started then to try and find a solution to his problem.
“Ok so this is it” Hyori said looking around; the lantern she had in her right hand illuminating the red number painted on the tree. “And I’m guessing we’ll have to digg now” she pointed then her flashlight to the shovels pilled next to it.
“I’ll start then” Namjoon took one in his hands and started digging; he had no clue of what he was doing.
“Ok, let’s do this-” Silvia was going to put Namjoon’s backpack on the side but the other girl interrupted her with a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Let’s take turns!” Hyori said with a gentle smile; her small voice a little louder now to be heard in such a terrible weather. “Me and Namjoon will digg while you come up with a solution to that” she chuckled.
“Got it!”
The boy wasn’t paying much attention now, his eyes strained onto the ground and he tried his best to not make a mess out of it. He could be clumsy at times - most of the times if he had to be honest, but he was trying his best to do the job properly and not disappoint both of his teammates. Hyori on the other hand got a little distracted once she saw another group of three a little further away from them. They seemed to be looking at a map. The only thing she could see was their flashlight pointed to the piece of paper and their silhouettes.
Hyori normally wasn’t that great at distinguishing people, she was bad with faces and all, but she would be damned if she didn’t recognize her own best friend even if she was from far away.
While her gaze was upon Deo and what her group might be, one of the tall silhouettes turned it’s head to the side, right at her direction. The flashlight wasn’t illuminating properly, but Hyori could see it was two boys that surrounded her friend.
“Are you going to digg too or…?” Namjoon asked huffing.
“Yeah… Just a sec…” she answered still too focused on Deo’s group. When her roommate illuminated the higher corner of a map she had in hands, the ray of light flashed Jack’s face and she could see his squinted eyes trying to look at her as well. “Jack!” Hyori said out loud but the howling wind muffled her voice.
The next thing she saw was Jack pointing towards his back and leading both Deo and the other tall guy further away from her. Is he really that competitive? Hyori thought. She held her glance at them for a few more seconds before Namjoon say something.  
“I- I think” he gasped “I think we have the wrong spot”
“It’s still shallow Namjoon” Silvia pointed out laughing.
“Oh? Yeah… Sorry. I think I’m not doing a very good job” he said with both hands resting on his shovel, admiring the work he had done so far.
“Jack I’m pretty sure is that way” Deo pointed towards her back but her eyes were still trailed on the map she was carrying around. Jack’s hands never leaving her shoulder, pushing her forward. The girl was a little out of focus since her worst fear (clowns or just pennywise) got to chase after her earlier, that resulted on her eye mascara being smudged a little under her eyes due to crying. 
“It’s not baby, look” he pointed with his own flashlight to a trail marked on the map. “We were here and we need to go this way”
“He’s right… I think” Taehyung admitted against his will. From the second he met Jack he hated the guy. He was the typical jock that made stupid jokes and spoke nothing more than about himself. The guy was cocky and basically the complete opposite of Taehyung. And to say it wasn’t being hard to control the facial expressions he felt the need to do every time Jack spoke was a complete lie.
“You can’t even read the GPS on your car and you’re asking me to trust you with a map?” she looked over her boyfriend.
“Hold on a second-”
“Sorry to interrupt the love quarrel but the guy is right” Taehyung interrupted; he was walking behind the couple and that made Deo stop on her tracks to look back at him, Jack being obliged to stop as well. “We passed by those trees back there” Taehyung said carefree while pointing back “and their numbers were 4, 7, 9… If we are assuming this is like a house address numbers thing, then our tree is on that way” he finished his thinking pointing frontwards.
“Thank God someone that backs me up” Jack said with a bright smile and going back to push Deo forward and gently once again.
“Fine then, let’s see” the girl rolled her eyes but offered no resistance at being guided.
Somewhere near, in the chilly park that was already filled with autumn leaves everywhere, you could hear the sound of a shovel insistently hitting the earth while a heated chattering followed. Team 3 was finding hard to reach to an agreement. Emma kept digging by herself, it had been fifteen minutes since they found their tree but Jennifer refused to touch a single nail on a shovel. V alongside Emma had picked a shovel to dig as well but seeing Jennifer did nothing she stopped her work and started arguing with her.
“We are a team Jennifer!” V was now almost yelling; the vein on her neck popping due to such frustration. “You gotta help as well!”
“I’ll help in the next one” Jennifer rolled her eyes and kept playing with her nails. Her expression not even alterated.
“That’s what you said when me and Emma were trying to catch the bags, yours included! And when we were trying to figure out this riddle”  
“Stop being a dramatic bitch” Jennifer retorted now looking at Victoria’s eyes. “I said I will help on the next task”
“Leave her be, Victoria” Emma said with a huff. “I can do it, it’s-” another puff of air leaving her mouth “It’s alright”
Victoria grunted in frustration, her eyes never leaving Jennifer stare. “Forget it” she ended up saying and then went back to help Emma. “How deep do you think we have to dig?” she asked throwing the dirt she had just digged to the side.
“To be honest-” Emma started and stopped to kick her shovel deep into the soil “I hope not much more”
“Well I think you two will have to dig a whole more and faster if you want to finish this game until tonight”
“Shut up!” V snapped at Jennifer “No one asked your opinion, oh my God”
Jennifer just laughed in amusement, scenes like this were a regular thing on the volley practices. Both girls were from the same team although it didn’t look like not even a little not even at all.
“Did you felt that?” Emma asked V, trying to ignore the profound want and need of hitting Jennifer with her own shovel. The girl was just being too much ever since they got trapped together.
“Felt what?”
“That” Emma said again hitting her shovel on something harder than what it felt when digging earth and hearing a clink noise in return.
“Shit- We found it” Victoria exclaimed and quickly let her shovel fall by her side to start brushing the dirt aside with her own hands.
“Told ya’” Jack said. They had just found the tree marked as 22, the bright red impossible not to spot from a certain distance. They had been walking for ten minutes non-stop trying to check every tree they found on the way, to make sure they weren’t missing theirs. And turned out Taehyung was right about the whole address thing.
“Told ya” Deo mocked “Just grab the freaking shovel jock. Let’s put those muscles up to good use” she cheekily put her tongue out making Jack blow a kiss with a cocky smile. Taehyung decided not to stand by watching the scene so with a roll of his eyes he grabbed the first shovel he could see and started digging.
Dylan was completely stretched on the dirty floor of McCarthy Quad, although he was feeling his clothes getting damped due to the temperature he was just too exhausted to get up.
“So what do we do now?” Lindsay questioned; in one hand she had the little paper with their new clue and the other was resting on her hip. “You guys have any idea of where this might lead us?”
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“I have no clue” Ali who was dressed in a renaissance garb sat down next to Dylan; the air she huffed and puffed visible in the air due to the temperature drop. She and Dylan digged until they found a metal box, inside it another finger with the same tag one point for you player! and the clue.
For a few seconds the only thing hearable was the sound of Lindsay wiggling the pearls she was wearing around her neck to complete her flapper costume and the tapping of her impatient foot.
“Ok” Dylan said while shuffling himself to a sitting position. “As soon as we figure the place, cause I’m really assuming that note leads us to another location, I have a plan for us to go faster”
“Please do tell” Ali turned her face gently to the side to see him.
“No, no, first we need to find what is up with that location”
“Isn’t this talking about books though?” Lindsay said, her eyes trailed on the little note and her mind paying no attention to her teammates.
“Let me see it” Dylan asked with an extended hand to her and she handed him the clue. “Umm… You guys know we are right in the middle of two libraries right?” he asked looking from one to another.
Ali immediately looked at Lindsay with huge eyes. “Oh my God we are!”
“So, what was your plan to get us there quickly?” Lindsay asked excited.
“Oh nevermind, the buildings are right here, we don’t need that old bike over there” Dylan shrugged off.
“Were you seriously thinking on riding that thing?” Lindsay laughed. The old bike leant on a bench near where they were was rusty and seemed to be missing some pieces.
“You probably failed calculus because we are three and there’s no way you could ride a bike taken other two people in it”
“I said I had a plan, not that I had a good one!” he said jokingly while getting up and cleaning his hands on the side of his trousers. A static sound interrupted the girls laughter.
“Hey players, if I were you I’d run…”
“Bro the Halloween game this year is getting hella’ artistic” Dylan commented.
“Yeah, tell me about it! That horrendous version of Slash was really artistic”
“I spy with my little eyes…”
Lindsay glanced around a little spooked out, she didn’t know if it was her head painting scenarios over what she had just heard the so called game master saying or if she could really feel someone watching them. “Guys let’s just get out of here”
The third challenge was indeed in the libraries that surrounded the park the players had gone to like Dylan suspected. As soon as the teams got to the entrance they could spot the door open and everyone knew that it wasn’t supposed to be open at night. Most of them in fact hesitated to enter the dark place… Hyori for example went over the little clue a few more minutes before coming to terms that she would have really to trespass the property.
Screeching noises could be heard the moment you passed through the door, the aged wooden floor not helping to keep the secrecy of someone being there. The only thing team 10 could see was what their flashlight was illuminating.
“Oh my God what is that?!” Jae whispered alarmed, her body frozed up near a huge shelf full of books.
“Is that another player or…”
“If you say it’s that weirdo dressed as Scream again, Cecilia, I swear to God” Tessa was crouched near them, her hands on her head. When the girls were searching for their bags they encountered Scream. He looked like a statue, one of the many that were decorating the party that night, and they would never think it was actually a real person. Tessa that was in the front got a tremendous jumpscare and ended up falling.
“It doesn’t seem him” Jae that was still looking at the lurking presence a little forward said after looking back at them. “It’s mask is different”
“That one is a…” Cecilia tried to figure out. “A phantom of the opera?”
“Oh then we are ok” Tessa got up and started walking towards the person. “Hey! Psssst”
“Tessa!” both girls whispered in a loud manner.
“Hey you! I’m sorry-“
The costumed guy, dressed as what it seemed like phantom of the opera, said nothing but pointed her towards a door.
“Guys” Tessa called looking back. “I think we have to go that way!”
“Really?” Jae approached her, looking from the clue she had pointed with a flashlight and then the door. “Between poets and suspense…” she looked to the sides of the door. There were a two shelves next to it, one that said poetry and the other said suspense/thriller.
“Yeah, definitely here” she concluded.
“Let’s go then… I guess” Cecilia went to open the door, and once her hand was on the doorknob it opened up without her doing anything. “Jesu-“
“For some people Naruto is indeed Jesus” Yoongi chuckled opening the door fully now and walking past Cecilia and the other girls from team 10.
“TESSA!” Carolina exclaimed once the girl entered her sight. “You’re here too?”
“Just got here!” she went for a hug. “What did you do there?” Tessa pointed the door that was now being closed by a girl dressed as Violet from the charlie and the chocolate fabric.
“Friends are friends, business is business, Tess! Sorry!” Carolina smiled apologetic. “And good luck!!” she wished truly.
“Fiiiine” Tessa sighed. “Happy Halloween!” she smiled to her friend. “Let’s go, girls” and she opened the door again, this time going through it with Cecilia and Jae right behind her.
“I didn’t know you could make friends” Yoongi pointed out in a tone of joke; his arms crossed.
“I befriended you, after that everything else is super duper easy” she sticked her tongue out.
Yoongi laughed and then took out the little card he had hidden inside his pocket. “Tchaa!” he sighed “Another one for you two, I’m tired of thinking”
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“That sounds like a fun place to go” Sarah chuckled nervously.
Cara, Jimin and Holly had just entered a dark room they had been pointed out inside the library. Jimin mustered the courage he didn’t have and put on a brave face to go first while Cara and Holly followed, both of them tightening the grip on his leather jacket. The room was pitch dark and before going in they saw a sign saying they needed to leave their backpacks behind.
“Just stay close” Jimin whispered without a need while going inside. Not a peep could be heard.
“This room is freezing!” Cara commented while getting even closer to Jimin. “And my outfit isn’t helping”
“It’s ok, girl, I got your back” Holly immediately crouched to grab part of Cara’s dress to help her walk more freely. Her chosen outfit for tonight was Feyre from A court of thorns and roses and although she was looking beautiful until now her dress was making everything seem harder for her, specially running. Before she could thank Holly, the door they had just walked through which was also the only remaining source of light for them was shut close with a loud bang. The three of them jumping with the loud noise and an uncomfortable silence followed.
Jimin’s eyes were trying to adjust to the somber room, he blinked and tried his best to focus on some spot and try to see at least some silhouettes but he failed.
“Hello players, I hope you are up to play a game because I have some questions for you” a grotesque laughter came right after, the voice deep and clearly altered.
“Who’s there??” Jimin asked and chuckled nervously after he did it. He brought Holly and Cara closer to him, his hands firmly placed on the small of their backs.
“Who directed the film Halloween from 1978?” the grotesque voice asked them.
“Eeey- That isn’t fair!” Jimin complained. “How are we even supposed to know that?!” 
“Oh God, I don’t really know that one!” Holly said anxious. Cara just kept holding for dear life onto Jimin. 
A loud error noise was able to be hear making the three of them jump in fear, no one expecting the loud noise so close and loud. 
“Which film has as its main characters, Morticia and Gomez?”
“Oh! Oh! That’s easy!” Holly exclaimed. “It’s The Addams Family!”
“Thank God we have Holly” Cara said in relief. 
“WOUSH!! What was that?!” Jimin fumbled back taking the girls with him. 
“There was something touching my feet!”
“What is the word Hallowe’en an abbreviation of?”
“All Hallow’s Eve!!” Jimin and Holly yelled at the same time. Cara unable to form coherent thoughts on her head, the dark room was freaking her out. 
On a blacked out room right next to group 9, three girls were kneeled on the ground together. As soon as group 6 entered the room they started getting uncomfortable with not being able to see things and also about the lack of sound. 
Esme started crouching down, her defense mechanism being turn herself into a little ball, and of course Nina followed. Aashna stood up for a little while, she kept feeling the other two getting closer to her legs, but once a loud bang echoed the room she dropped to her knees in a matter of seconds.
“What was Dr. Frankenstein first name?”
“Victor! It was Victor!!!” Nina yelled, she wasn’t afraid but she would admit the room was getting weirder and weirder. 
“Yes!!” Esme celebrated when a xylophone acute sound soared on the room, they knew the answer was right. 
“Name all the killers that embodied Ghostface from Scream.”
“Oh fuck! That one is hard” Nina said more to herself than anything. 
“You know it?” Esme asked turning to Aashna. 
“Uh… Roman Bridger is one of them…?” Aashna started not feeling very secure of her answer. “Loomis? Ugh I don’t know!!” 
“It’s ok-” 
A loud error sound echoed startling them, that probably meant the answer was wrong, they thought. 
“Who were the targets of Jack the Ripper?”
“Prostitutes!” Dylan said. “That’s for sure!”
“You sure?” Ali questioned him, but he didn’t need to answer because the xylophone sound was heard. 
“Thank God! I just want to leave here!!!!” Lindsay was feeling agitated on this room, it was too eerie. 
“It’s ok, Linds! I’m sure it will be over soon” Dylan said softly trying to pull her closer. They had just met but he knew she was having a hard time being scared. 
“For what is Ted Bundy known?”
“Killing over 35 women!” Ali and Dylan said at the same time. 
“It was 35 right?” he questioned.
“Yes, I’m sure!” 
Another xylophone sound was heard. 
“Please tell me this was the last!!” 
“It’s almost babeee” Ali tried to cheer her up, her hand coming to Lindsay’s squeezing it a bit. 
“It’s dare time players” the game master finally said freaking them out. 
After answering the last question, there was a loud bang again and Deo immediately held the closest thing she found as some sort of comfort. She knew this was just a game but she couldn’t help feeling scared being in the dark.
“Lights on”
The girl had her eyes closed shut. Jack opened his and rubbed them. When he looked back he saw his girlfriend holding tight Taehyung who was standing still like nothing was happening while scanning the room. That was enough to make Jack insanely mad. 
“WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!” he exclaimed loudly making Taehyung look at him confused and Deo just opened her eyes surprised. 
“I-I thought it was you!” the girl said after looking at Taehyung’s face and realizing it was not her boyfriend there. Taehyung immediately let out a tsk. 
“ME?! I look nothing like that guy!” Jack pointed at the other boy furious. “Why are you still holding him?!” he asked when his girlfriend did nothing to move away. His anger making him explode and stride quickly until he could reach her arm to pull her away. 
“Hey!” Taehyung exclaimed; his eyebrows furrowed. “You’re going to hurt her” 
“I was not! And how could I see?! It was pitch black!” Deo defended herself. 
“You were with me in the dark before. You should know damn well how I feel to the touch”
A snort sound coming from Taehyung was heard. “Now that’s just pathetic”
“What?! That doesn’t even make sense!”
“You know what?!” Jack exclaimed furious “I don’t want to talk about this shit anymore” he went towards the left wall; hands placed on his hips. An awkward moment of tension followed.
“Oook” Taehyung said breaking the silence. “What’s up with this thing?” he approached a locker standing in the middle of the room. 
“Are you seriously going to be like that? Whatever..” Deo said, Jack having his back to her. And then looking over the locker where Taehyung now was she asked “How many digits?”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? Are you really pretend nothing happened??” Jack looked back at both at them but his frustration clearly directed at Deo. 
“Jack what the fuck! You said you didn’t want to talk about it, let’s not!” she answered, looking everywhere but him. 
“Not to be indelicate but- 2:31 minutes left according to that timer over there”
“Fuck off dude!!!” Jack yelled at him. 
“Yeah, same” he answered back. 
“Jack!” Deo reprehended him but he did nothing but to ignore her still pacing around the room. "Do you want me to just tell you the words on the walls?“ the girl asked Taehyung. 
“Could we maybe exchange? I’m not very good with this but I have big eyes so I can tell you the words!” Tae smiled cutely to her and she immediately walked over the locker. 
"Yup, sounds good to me." 
“I have big eyes so I can tell you the words” Jack mocked in a stupid tone. “Did I just disappeared is that it??”
"Fucking wish Pennywise was here” Deo said almost in a whisper way. Jack didn’t hear but Taehyung certainly did which made him chuckle loudly. 
“What is so funny, jackass?!”
“You’re the one named Jack not me” Tae scoffed; his eyes briefly on Jack before returning to the written walls again. 
“Guys the time!!!”
“Sorry!” Taehyung apologized and quickly read a few words before finding one with four digits. “Try rack” he said looking back at Deo.
“Oh shit!!”
“What?!” Taehyung asked nervous and Jack just stopped pacing to look at Deo expectant. 
“It’s right!”
“IT IS???!” Taehyung just couldn’t believe he found the word at his first attempt. A huge smile taking over his face. “My eyes worked!!!!”
“What does it has inside?” Jack asked without patience. 
Taking over a piece of paper from inside Deo said “A clue I think”
Aashna kept blinking trying to adjust her now recovered vision to the intense light. Nina and Esme seemed more recomposed than her since both of them were standing in the middle of the room inspecting a big and solitair red locker that also stood there. She observed that the walls were full of words and letters painted in red, her hand trailing slowly the gory word that gained her attention the most. Somber.
“I think we need to find the word that opens this” she heard Nina say but her eyes still on the marked walls.
“Yeah and we need to find it fast, look” Esme said and she turned around to see what the girl was talking about. Esme was pointing towards a timer placed on the top of the door they came in by. 2:40 it marked. And after blinking Aashna got to see one number less, the timer was decreasing.
“How are we supposed to know which word is it???” Aashna panicked.
“For starters I think it’s a four letter word since there’s only four spaces here” Nina pointed out going to the nearest wall to try and find something.
“I’ll insert every word I know then!”
“Try dark” Aashna said when she spotted the word right next to where her hand was leaning and then looked expectant at Esme to see the result.
Esme fumbled with the padlock a little and then looked back at Aashna “Nope, not that one”
“Lost!” Nina shouted from across the room.
The clicking sound of Esme fumbling with the locker could be heard, nothing else. It was followed by a long sigh. “Still a no!”
“Bone?” Aashna asked.
And when the answer was once again a no, Nina shouted again “Shot!”
“I’m starting to get really frustrated at this” Esme grunted. “No, still nothing” she sighed.
“Are we going to stay stuck here?”
“Just keep looking!”
“Ok, what about blue? It’s written there” Nina suggested. “There’s not even a clue or something?”
“I guess not…” Esme answered her while inserting the word on the padlock. “And it’s not blue either.
“This sucks!!!”
“I don’t see anymore words here with four letters only” Aashna said while reading everything she could. “Are you sure it’s a four letter word??”
“Pretty sure!” Esme answered leaving the locker and going to check the walls herself. “There’s only four spaces there.”
“I’ll try words I know then” Nina said walking towards the big red locker. “We still have time right?” she looked over the timer to see 0:43 marked on it. “Shit. Ok, what about home?” she said more to herself than anything else fumbling with the lock.
“That’s a five letter word” Esme chuckled making Aashna chuckle too.
“Love isn’t the answer after all…” Nina sighed moving onto the wall on her right. “Let me see if there’s something here”
“And the only door here is locked” Esme said turning the knob of the door and stating it didn’t open. “So yeah, we are probably screwed”
“What happens when the timer reaches zero though?” Nina questioned.
“ZERO! That’s it!” Aashna said excited looking from the timer to Esme who was quick to run towards the center of the room and insert the word on the padlock.
“Please, please” Aashna mumbled.
“IS IT?”
And with a heavy sigh Esme said “No”.
A loud and screeching sound of a siren echoed in the entire room making the girls press their hands to their ears to somehow muffle the noise. Nina even crouched on the floor and they got even more horrified when the door finally opened and a tall figure dressed like an intimidating and gory doctor entered with a catering trolly, three cups on top of it.
The siren stopped and the abrupt change made the girls head combust. “I guess it’s going to be trick instead of treat” the guttural voice echoed on the room once again and the girls knew right then they would have to drink from the cups.
“Choose your cup wisely players” a wicked laughter followed along with Aashna, Esme and Nina exchanging glances before picking up their glasses and gulping everything down.
On the room next door the timer was running fast but still no sign of the locker opening up.
“I still can’t believe Jungkook managed to open this thing” Jennifer kicked the locker lightly. Group 3 had previously met Group 2 on the entrance of the library, Jungkook, Tori and Jason were just leaving the place when the girls happened to be entering. They exchanged a few words since both V and Jennifer knew Jungkook and Jason from volley, and of course, Jungkook knew Jennifer from much more than volley but it was a brief meeting nonetheless.
“You don’t know if he actually did it” V retorted.
“Try the word host!” Emma said to Jennifer who rolled her eyes and fumbled grudgingly with the padlock.
“I’m guessing he did since he was walking away from here differently from us” Jennifer answered while doing the task she was in charged with.
“And it’s not host”
“What about Hope?” V asked.
“I’m sure it’s not going to be a cutesy word, hello? We are in a halloween game!” Jennifer answered without moving to do what V had asked her.
“Girl I swear-”
“Just try it out, Jennifer” Emma let out a long sigh.
“Fine” with another roll of eyes she turned around to fumble once more with the padlock.
V and Emma waited expectant. “Not Hope, as I clearly explained before, the answer is clearly nothing like a cute word.”
“Let me see then” Emma said walking slowly around the room again and reading carefully every word she could find.
“We tried that one already, pay attention bitch” Jennifer chuckled acidly.
“Girl you better watch out your back starting from tomorrow I swear, if I see you on the street-”
“Four? Try four” Emma ignored the heated argument, by now she was more than used to it.
“That would be such a stupid passcode” Jennifer said while inserting the word. “I will be so disappointed if that is actually- It isn’t! Thank God” she snorted.
“This bitch is dumb as hell.” V chuckled while nodding her head and turning around to check the walls once again. “She is actually thanking the lord for not being able to get out of here.”
“It’s what they say, aesthetics first” Emma let out almost in a whisper and it was totally unintended but V managed to hear and she cracked hard.
“Oh great, the time is up and you two are laughing like best-” Jennifer was saying but the loud siren interrupted her. She instantly fell backwards, bumping into the locker and slowly sliding down with her hands pressed firmly against the sides of her head.
Emma did the same, trying to protect herself from the madding noise while V stayed up trying to open the door by twisting the knob furiously. Until the door opened and she stumbled backwards seeing the eerie doctor coming in with a trolley and the three cups.
Carolina could feel her heartbeat drumming in her ears due to such excitement and thrill. Yoongi was the one decoding the clue they managed to get from inside the locker placed in the challenge of the library and they quickly came to the nearest graveyard around USC. Arriving there none of the three could see a single soul walking or completing the next challenge and both Carolina and Yoongi weren’t very keen on risking when they didn’t know the outcome. So thinking fast the girl suggested the other two for them to hide near the graveyard and wait for the next team, that way they could see what were they up to or at least know what they should and should not do.
Sarah was bundled up on her tracksuit just looking out with her lince eyes towards the foggy graveyard. Yoongi was crouched down right next to her looking comfortably, his hands near his mouth for warmth. If there was a thing he really hated was the cold. Carolina on the other hand had no coat, she was wearing only a nurse dress, her arms and legs were so numb that she stopped paying some mind to the harsh and cold wind.
“You look like a lunatic with that makeup” Yoongi whispered to her chuckling softly. His breathing creating a considerable breath vapor every time he talked or chuckled.
“Even when you’re serious you look like you’re laughing wickedly” Sarah whispered too with a satisfacted smile making Carolina open one herself.
“Why so serious?!” she looked at them jokingly with one eyebrow up and a creepy smile.
“Ya” Yoongi pushed her and she stumbled back since she was crouching to stay hidden. “That was creepy as fuck” he finished making Sarah laugh again.
“I almost fell and got dirt and mud on my white nurse… thing. What is this called?”
“It’s just a dress” Sarah laughed even more.
“This way we are going to ruin our plan, everyone can hear us”
“We got here first???” they heard someone exclaim from a distance. The three of them silent now and vigilant.
“Bro what did I tell you??? We didn’t open that stupid locker but we still got here first than anyone else!!”
“Who are those?” Yoongi whispered, his eyes squinted but he couldn’t see anything.
“I think… Jason?” Sarah whispered back.
“Not surprised he didn’t open the locker then” Carolina chuckled lowly.
“What do we do now? There’s nothing here”
“And that’s virgin boy”  Carolina added.
“How do you even know?”
“Confirmed, it’s him” Sarah answered her.
“His voice is annoying”
“Shit there’s more people coming”
As soon as team 8 heard that, they looked towards the direction the girl that was with Jungkook was looking to. Sarah, the only one with falcon eye vision in that group was reporting what she saw. To what she could see, there was not only one other group approaching but two. The first one she described as being three girls and Carolina quickly recognized one of them being Esme, her new front door neighbour. The other group as Sarah described had two girls and a guy. She tried her best to explain who Silvia was, saying she worked on the library and everything but Yoongi and Carolina never really paid much attention to their surroundings. Now, the guy… That one as soon as he came to both friends vision they recognized as their clumsy friend. He approached Jungkook and while doing so he stumbled on a grave and if it weren’t for the spidey senses that Jungkook conveniently had Namjoon would probably be on the floor right now.
The so familiar static sound surprised team 8 that was focused on the other groups interacting. “Should I take someone else to serve as company to your friend, players?” They heard the voice say followed by a muffled scream that left them in shock.
Sarah chuckled nervously. “They- They are really taking this game seriously” she let out a few more spaced laughter, her eyes going from Yoongi to Carolina, hoping that one of them could ease her mind that the pained scream she heard was nothing but a dumb joke of halloween.
Yoongi pressed the button to respond on the walkie talkie and a little beep could be heard. “Is this another riddle or clue? Over” and as soon as he said it he could hear himself faintly, the message being emitted from Carolina’s and Sarah’s walkie talkies still kept inside their own backpacks.
“Why are we receiving the message as well?” Sarah asked.
Another muffled and pained grunt could be heard again and their attention fell over the walkie talkie on Yoongi’s hand “Tik Tok players… Your friend doesn’t have much time, that I can guarantee you” Carolina looked from the piece of machinery in Yoongi’s hand to his eyes “Mhhmmm” someone screamed uncomfortably and visibly gagged. “Tik tok” and the beep sound made them know the message had come to an end.
“What is happening?” Sarah asked visibly disturbed. Carolina didn’t answer but her eyes moved towards the graveyard again, Namjoon was there looking at a map together with his team and her heart tightened. Where is Taehyung and Jin? she thought to herself.
“Yoongi there’s something wrong”
“What do you mean?” both him and Sarah said at the same time, their expressions worried.
“There’s only Namjoon there.” Carolina pointed out. “Where’s the other two?”
“Which two? What are we talking about?”
“I’m sure this is all a prank Carolina” Yoongi tried to ease her mind. “It’s halloween after all”
“I’m telling you-”
“Too slow” there it was the static noise again. “Happy haunting, players”
A loud scream was heard, Yoongi’s head snapped towards the sound and Sarah gasped at the vision. A bunch of grotesque and gross zombies appeared on the graveyard, and if they didn’t know zombies didn’t exist they would definitely think they were just now meeting the creatures.
Tori was being dragged towards a tiny grove behind the graveyard, she screamed and struggled to get away but the fetid creature had a tight grip on her. Jungkook tried to help but two of them came towards him and he had no choice but to run and on it’s way of doing so he took one down that was trying to catch Aashna. He grabbed her arm and forced her to run with him, dodging the grunting beasts but there were many of it. Aashna eventually couldn’t keep up with his pace and was grabbed by the waist being dragged away from the boy.
“I FOUND ONE!” they heard Jason scream, his arm up trying to show Jungkook the finger they had been receiving with every clue so far. “IT’S THE POINTS RIGHT??”
“KEEP LOOKING FOR THEM!!” the boy answered dodging another zombie.
Esme and Nina were running together, they were trying to leave the graveyard when Nina spotted a piece of paper tied to a finger. She swiftly snatched the finger and looked back to check on Esme, they had what they needed, now they just had to run as fast as they could to the front gates, Aashna already had been taken, they couldn’t afford being catched as well.
“Nina run!!!” Esme’s voice could be heard louder now after a little scream. Nina looked back to see the girl being held by two of the ill looking beings. “GO NINA!”
“We have to help” Sarah whispered to her teammates, they were still hiding.
“No no no, let’s wait” Yoongi tried.
“Yoongi something is not right here, why would they take people?”
“And this game master person said our friend needed company and our friend seemed in pain. I don’t think this is a bad joke guys…” Sarah was trembling.
The boy sighed and then looked front, he could see Namjoon hiding with both girls of his team, just like he was. But something definitely felt wrong. “We need to evaluate this better”
“There’s nothing to evaluate Yoongi. We have zero ways of communication right now” Carolina looked at him with pleading eyes. “We don’t have our phones, we only have walkie talkies that don’t let us talk to others apart from this fucking psycho and that was not a sick prank.” she paused offegant. “I know how editing works and so do you. That didn’t sound like a sound effect he browsed online, that sounded like a real fucking person and it’s either Jin or Tae”
“I- I think she’s right… I didn’t come with friends tonight so he was probably talking to you two. And it’s pretty weird that one of your close friends it’s there but the other two aren’t-”
“We don’t even know if they are in the game! As far as we know they can perfectly be partying right now” Yoongi reasoned.
“And why the hell did he choose me and you instead of Jin and Tae? No offense but those two are walking gamers. Me and you are just grandpas that do nothing but complain” she pleaded tugging his arm. “This thing is looking like the fucking Saw movie, Yoongs”
“Carolina-” he was going to say but Namjoon’s voice was heard loud and clear making the three of them look again at the chaotic scenery at their front.
A group of zombies were trying to take Hyori away but Namjoon pushed two of them freeing the girl. She quickly ran to stay behind him and everything seemed ok until the got to the other girl that was with him. He grabbed Silvia’s hand to pull her towards him, but two built up gory zombies dragged her in a flash.
“Silvia!!!” he yelled. Another one was coming towards him and Hyori again, but he took her hand in his and they both sprinted towards the entrance of the graveyard.
“Fuck.” Carolina said and before she could think properly she was getting up. “Stay here and when I say so you two sprint out of here, understood?” she looked back at Yoongi and Sarah.
“Hell no. What are you doing now?”
“I- I can come as well” Sarah offered.
“I said stay put.” she glanced at them with warning eyes and sprinted towards Namjoon.
A lot of the dead creatures had been gone by now, there was only ten of them remaining and most were focused on trying to catch both Jungkook and Jason. The fogg was making everything feel creepier and Carolina couldn’t help the goosebumps and bad feeling she was having even if her skin was already burning hot from the sprint she suddenly took.
“Namjoon!!” She screamed over the top of her lungs and her friend came to a halt, he was almost near the gates to leave, Hyori right behind him.
“You have the clue right??” she asked still sprinting; she could see three creatures walking fast to approach Namjoon and the girl.
“Yes! Are you alone?? What are you doing here??” he asked in a hurry while looking to his sides to see if there were any threats near.
“I’m with Yoongi!” Carolina was almost reaching him “There’s something wrong-” right at that moment she felt something grabbing her arm and she yanked it back, running faster. “There’s something wrong!!! Namjoon run!! The walkie talkies- We can’t communicate”
Two grunting creatures appeared behind Namjoon and Hyori, the girl screamed and stumbled back. “Hyori run!” he said grabbing the grimy arm of one of them and pushing the other with all his might.
“I won’t leave you!!”
“Mother-” Carolina came fast pushing hard one of the creatures due to the speed she was in. “Go you two! Find Jin and Tae!!!”
“What’s going on Carolina???” he asked in panic.
“Try the walkie talkies, Nam, there’s something wrong!!”
They started to aglomerate near the three of them and Namjoon just nodded and ran, taking Hyori’s hand once again and disappearing into the fog.
“WATCH OUT!” Carolina heard Jungkook’s voice near, he came running and pushing a zombie that was hunting down after her but he tripped and fell, the clue he had just found falling from his grip. The girl saw the opportunity and took it. She quickly grabbed the finger tied up with a clue that Jungkook just lost and started running, the object entering swiftly her pocket.
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“HEY! CAROLINA” he yelled after her, still on his knees.
“I’M SORRY!” she shouted back but he was being left behind. “YOU AND JASON CAN MANAGE FINDING ONE MORE!! I’M SORRY”
“AAAAH” she heard his scream and turned back to see two morbid silhouettes dragging him by his arms. “GET OFF OF ME”
“Ah shit” she cursed under her breath and sprinted towards Jungkook.
Group 5 had roamed for a while now trying to figure out what the next place could be. Deo kept saying it could only be the graveyard and none of the boys said the contrary, even if Jack kept saying he was convinced it was some place else. 
“Do you think this is the right place?” Deo shrugged, eyes shifting from one boy to the other, their eyes clued to their maps. The graveyard seemed empty. 
“Yup, seems right to me.” Taehyung said, nonchalant.
“And what now?” She asked again, the apprehensiveness tone in her voice visible.
“Nice! Seems like we are the firsts so let’s not waste more time and look for the next clue.”
“This is huge… It’s going to take us forever specially with this fog.” Taehyung sighed, squinting his eyes to try and see over the deep white cloak pairing in the air. Before Deo could open her mouth to complain about how creepy the game had become Jack pulled her to him, grabbing her hand and running backwards. 
“Watch out! Zombie!!”
Taehyung ran right besides them, the wet grass making it slippery for them to keep balance. They heard a scream not so far away and Taehyung’s supersonic ability of recognizing every sound possible made him look attentively towards his right while still running. 
“JIMINAH!!” He yelled; his voice sounding deep and hoarse, the wind carrying it away. 
“TAEHYUNGIE!!!” he heard back but he had no sight on Jimin. More screams could be heard and in one second of distraction Taehyung bumped into one Zombie. He fell back harshly but quickly getting up. That’s when he saw the piece of paper tied onto a finger and he thought no more, he clumsily ran towards it and grabbed it. 
“TAEHYUNGIE! THE ZOMBIES! BE CAREFUL” he heard Jimin’s voice once again and he looked towards the direction of it. 
“Jack!!!!” Deo’s voice sounded close to him. “Get awaaaaay!!” 
Taehyung ran as fast as he could and when he got near the girl she was trying to set herself free from the disgusting creature holding her by her waist. The boy glanced over to see Jack dodging two of them and he wasted no time in pushing the zombie that fought Deo. The creature stumbled back and Taehyung pulled her with him towards the entrance once again. 
“JACK!” she kept screaming back. 
“I GOT THE CLUE!!! RUN FASTER BRO” Taehyung yelled in hope the other guy could hear it. 
The desert streets of USC campus that normally had a peacefulness to them were now feeling intimidating. The big and old buildings had a menacing look to them now. Silvia had her arms crossed tight over her chest, the trees making noises that were scaring her and her body was trembling from head to toe. Her Simon glasses were long gone, she lost them while trying to get away from those zombies, her backpack still secure on her back though.
On her hands she had only her walkie talkie that seemed useless since she tried over and over again to talk to someone but obtained no answer in return. She wasn’t liking the feeling of having to wander around USC at night and alone…
Suddenly a screeching sound. “It’s easier to hunt a prey if it is found alone” and a sinister laughter followed. Silvia looked around, the feeling of being watched creeping her out. She fastened her pace and tried again.
Beep. “Hyori? Namjoon? It’s me Silvia! Please Answer! Over” she kept looking around and walking as fast as she could trying her best to stay in the middle of the street where some lamp posts were still on. The leaves being swayed away by the wind.
“Silvia???” she heard Hyori’s voice and quickly brought the walkie talkie towards her mouth.
“YES!!! IT’S ME”
“Where are you right now?? Over” Hyori asked, her voice seemed hurried.
“I’m-” Silvia looked around. “Near Webb Tower! Over”
“Ok, listen to me very carefully” Hyori started, her voice difficult to be heard due to the noises the machinery kept doing. “Me and Namjoon think there’s something wrong. Be careful! We are currently on our way to the cinema department, the next clue sends us there. We’ll wait for you in the entrance ok? Over”
“What do you mean something is wrong? But ok, I’ll be there! Over”
“We’ll explain once you’re with us again.” Hyori said. “But please be careful. Keep talking to us from five to five. Over!”
“Ok! On my way. Over” Silvia answered before tightening her grip on the walkie talkie and running down the street.
Holly had been separated from her group quite a while ago. The last thing she remembers being Jimin trying to protect her and Cara from some scary zombies who were trying to catch them. It all felt like a fun game of catch until one of them dragged her away towards the grove and tied her up, her eyesight being compromised since they put a sack on her head. She felt like she was being taken somewhere since she could feel she was inside of a car, she could also feel there were other people inside it with her but she didn’t know who since she had a gag on her mouth keeping her from asking questions.
When the car came to a halt for the third time, she was dragged again, this time they removed the rope she had on her hands and then all she could hear was the sound of the tires burning in the asphalt. She waited for a few seconds and since nothing happened she slowly took off the sack that was still on her head. Holly felt a little scared while doing so, she was afraid of what she might see, but it turned out to be nothing more than an empty and dark street.
Now here she was running towards the cinematic department since she was able to contact Jimin and Cara with the walkie talkie that she kept inside her backpack, and although she was feeling a little dizzy due to the alcoholic beverages she was forced to gulp down on the library (her team didn’t manage to open the locker up) and Jimin kindly offered to go pick her up, she was feeling more alive than ever, a little spooked too, but that was halloween and nothing could stop her now.
“It has been quite a while since she said she was on her way” Jimin said pacing around with his hands in his hips; eyes trailed onto the horizon, hoping Holly would emerge there somehow.
Jimin and Cara had arrived on the cinematic building half an hour ago. A big sign glued on the wall saying for the next challenge they needed all three present, and ever since he saw Holly being taken he started worrying over the girl.
“I’m sure she’ll be here soon, Holly is a brave girl, she’s fine” Cara was sat on the steps of the front stair. The wind softly blowing on her face.
“Yeah but it’s dark and-”
“Are you actually afraid of the dark Jimin Park?” Cara chuckled trying to release the tension the boy was feeling somehow. She knew he was feeling guilty over the fact he let Holly unguarded somehow because a group of people passed by him and he got distracted. And Cara was still curious about why he did such a surprised face but that was a question for another time.
“No but she might be!”
“I think she isn’t” Cara offered a smile. “Once she arrives here we ask her about it and see who wins, what do you think?”
“Yeah sure” he answered but his eyes were still full of worries; his lips caught up by his teeth and his body never facing anything but the horizon.
Inside the cinematic department the air was hazy and there was also an unintelligible sound echoing the halls. Group 7 was wandering the halls, Cole once again in the lead since he was a frequent passenger of this department. The lights were out, the three boys were finding their way while following the bloody arrows painted on the floor with their flashlights and as Cole was starting to think it was leading them towards the basement or the archive room as the cinema students would call it.
He wasn’t wrong. He came to a halt right at the door of it, the whole way there Hoseok standing really close to Asa both of them a little spooked out.
“Is this it?” Asa asked. “I was expecting something scarier, I have to be honest”
“I can’t handle anything scarier than this”
“Well, I guess it is a little scarier” Cole pointed the flashlight towards a paper glued on the door. “Look” his flashlight now illuminating the big black letters. “One stays here and the other two go down… in the dark. Wow, what a fun activity!” he looked at his teammates with a sarcastic smile.
“I’m not going down- No oh. Not a chance” Hoseok said, his eyes flickering with fear.
“Then you just have to go there” Cole pointed towards an open space full of small screens twitching and showing different perspectives of a long corridor. Asa kept looking from one to another, he himself wasn’t finding the decision an easy one to make.
“No way I’m staying over there alone! The place looks like a scenery of a horror movie”
“It’s either that or the dark”
“If you stay up you will have to lead us with the walkie talkie, that’s what the rules say… At least it’s a rather backlit place!” Asa presented him the options. “But if you’re scared of staying alone, you can always go down, you’ll be with one of us… but in the dark”
Hoseok’s eyes kept going from the glitching tv screens and the iron made door with the intimidating keep out sign on it.
“Hey guys!!” all of them looked back pointing their flashlights towards the newcomers. Hoseok letting out a few weird sounds, he was definitely the scaredy cat of the group.
“Wow!” Tessa chuckled; her hands serving as shield for her now blinding eyes. “Keep pointing that at me and I might actually become the moon”
“Sorry! We thought it was someone else” Asa clumsily apologised making the girls laugh.
“Ok so I think one of us has to stay outside guiding the other two since down there is basically pitch black and we can’t enter with our flashlights?” Cecilia said, she was reading the rules until now.
“Alone here??” Jae exclaimed. “Not a chance!”
“I’ll do it it’s ok, you guys go” Cecilia reassured them and moved towards the screens. Pressing the button speak of her walkie talkie she tested if it was working. “One, two, one two” beep.
“It’s working!” Tessa gave her a thumbs up.
“Ok, I’ll stay here! It’s ok, I’ll stay with her” Hoseok pointed towards Cecilia.
“Alright! Let’s move then” Cole replied and opened the heavy metal door with a screech.
Somewhere in the way team 7 and team 10 went separate ways, both Hoseok and Cecilia guiding their teams to opposite directions. The humid and pitch black corridors giving everyone the chills, and if that wasn’t scary enough the sound of water droplets falling into what seemed like buckets with water inside was the cherry on top of the cake.
Jae and Tessa were holding hands both of them completely blind in the dense and darkened place, they walked slowly, each with a walkie talkie in hands.
Beep. “Guys turn to your right” Cecilia voice was heard through the static noise. “Not now! Walk about four steps straight and then turn”
“Can you see something inside here with us???” Jae asked her; her voice quivering a little.
“I don’t think so. Over”
“Did we take four steps yet?” Tessa asked coming to a stop. Through the little screen upstairs, Cecilia could see them stopping, they were talking but she couldn’t hear them.
“I don’t think so… Did we?”
Beep. “Girls what are you doing? Turn right now” Cecilia ordered.
“Turn left or right? Over” Tessa asked completely lost. Not being able to see was messing with her sense of direction.
Beep. “Left! Over” and they immediately turned left but what came after was chaos.
Tessa screamed once she felt something going against her. And that something screamed even louder. Fearing something was happening Jae crouched on the floor, the only command her mind was able to give her body with the jumpscare.
“It’s us! Calm down, it’s ok!!” the girls heard a deep voice say making them even more scared. A continuous scream still echoing.
“US WHO???” Tessa shouted putting her hands close to her chest as a defense mechanism. “Don’t touch me!!” she let out in surprise when a hand brushed hers.
“It’s Jeremy! Jeremy from the volley team! And Jin!” the owner of the deep voice said trying to calm them down.
Beep. “Girls are you ok?” Cecilia asked worried. She saw the whole scene without a sound.
“YEAH AND JIN!!” Jin shouted; his hands kept wiggling, in his mind if he kept doing that no one would approach him and scare him. “WoOAh”
“Jin? Jin Kim?” Tessa asked, her hand coming to her heart to calm herself down.
“Who’s asking?” Jin answered turning abruptly to his side and then to the other. Eventually Jeremy had to place a hand on his shoulder to make him stop.
“It’s Tessa! From the cinema!”
“Who- What is happening?” Jae was still crouched down.
“Carolina’s friend! She was asking for you!!” Tessa answered Jin.
“She was?” Both Jin and Jeremy asked at the same time.
“When we were arriving here she and Yoongi were leaving and she asked me if I saw you! She looked very worried. She asked for Taehyung as well”
“I-I’ll try to catch up with her” Jin said. “Let’s go Jeremy, we already have the thing”
Beep. “Girls?” Cecilia asked again.
“We’re here!” Jae quickly answered. “Everything’s ok, we just bumped on Jeremy”
“Hey! And Jin!!!” Jin scolded.
Beep. “And Jin”
Beep. “You got it?” Sana’s voice was heard and that made Jeremy remember what he had come for.
“Tell her yes!”
Beep. “We got it! On our way. Over” Jeremy said.
Beep. “Let’s go then! We have a game to win people!!” Sana finished the message with a cute chuckle.
“Best of luck, girls” Jeremy said pulling Jin with him.
“The clue is on the floor!” Jin said quickly and winked and then laughed like a mad man over his own stupidity of winking if no one could actually see his face.
Beep. “Keep moving forward now! I see some things on the floor. Over” Cecilia told them and both of them quickly said their goodbyes to the boys and went on walking slowly and tugging at each other’s arms.
Jin and Jeremy kept walking forward this time, the latter on the front since Jin was a total basket case when it came to feeling scared.
“I think we’re almost out” Jeremy said lowly.
“Ya, how do you even know?!” Jin chuckled. “I can’t even see you!”
“I just know man”
“Back there I was so blind and afraid that it felt like I lost you for a second. I was screaming your name but I don’t even know if it was something decipherable”
Jeremy was about to answer, he turned back as if to face Jin to do so but the static noise of the walkie talkie interrupted him. “Boys! To your left now!” Sana said.
Beep. “Right now?”
Beep. “Yes, turn left Jer! Jin, place your hands into his shoulders, like a train that way I will guide him better and you will follow. Over”
“Ya how do I even know where he is…” Jin thought out loud; his hands coming forward to try and find Jeremy.
Beep. “A little forward!” Sana chuckled. “Up! Up! There you go!”
A few minutes had passed, the boys following Sana’s instructions until they reached the metal door once again. She was already there waiting for them but her voice sounded nothing like before.
“G-Guys we need to go” Sana said almost in tears. Jeremy quickly went towards her and gave her a side hug. Jin approaching her too but without knowing what to say or do.
“What happened?”
“The g-game master” she said pointing towards the screen room now completely empty, team 7 and 10 most probably long gone.
“What did he say?” Jeremy asked concerned. Jin’s face going from worried to confused in a small fraction of time.
“I-I” Sana tried but she was really struggling to say out loud what was bothering and disturbing her mind.
“Easy! Is ok” Jin gently rubbed her back. “Just tell us what is happening”
“The game master he- I think he is keeping someone captive” she blurted it out. Jeremy glanced over Jin who chuckled unsure about the whole situation.
“He probably has… It’s supposed to be a fun game after all” he told her gently. “We have a serial killer like Freddy chasing us and then we had the zombies… I mean, it’s scary but it’s the game-”
“No!” Sana interrupted him. “You guys are not understanding!!” she gasped and looked at them a little distressed. “He contacted me saying there was a traitor inside and I thought it was just another riddle but then- then I heard someone screaming for help!”
“Ya… That was just him trying to scary you” Jin shrugged and then looked at Jeremy who was lost in thoughts. “Right Jeremy?” Jin poked him.
“Yeah! Right”
“I’m telling you guys! It wasn’t for pretend, I swear!” Sana pleaded once again.
“Ok let’s do this” Jeremy paused; both Jin and Sana looking at him attentively. “Let’s go to wherever this next clue takes us and try to find other people? Let’s just finish this and see where this whole thing leads us, ok? It’s probably like Jin said, only a prank to scare you.” he finished. Sana wasn’t very convinced, she knew what she had heard, but she nodded and followed the two guys out of the cinematic department.
It took a good hour for Cole to find a way of getting out a room where someone trapped him, completely in the dark. Once he managed to break in the door he desperately yelled Asa’s name, his clothes were damped and he had to hold one of his arms (he injured it while trying to break the wooden door trapping him from the outside world). Asa who was almost losing hope, absolutely terrified, was quick to get up on his feet and yell back. It was a trick thing to try and find the other person in the dark, specially inside of what it felt like a cold and infinite labyrinth.
Asa pushed the metal door while offering some support to Cole that was visibly hurt and even the half light hurt their eyes when they passed through the way out.
“Hoseok??” Cole shouted. “Our walkie talkies jammed, man! Someone trapped us inside” they both walked towards the little screen room Hoseok was left in.
“Hobi?” Asa called.
The room was completely empty. No note, no walkie talkie, no backpack, no Hoseok.
“What the fuck?” Cole let out in a breathy way.
“He’s probably outside waiting for us dude, let’s just go there” Asa said and both turned around to get out.
“Oh! Asa!” Hyori’s voice shouted. Namjoon and Silvia right behind her as it seemed they had just arrived to complete the challenge.
“Hyo! Again!” Asa chuckled.
“Where’s Hobi?” she asked glancing over his shoulder.
“He’s probably outside!”
“What…?” Hyori asked weakly.
“What happened dude?” Namjoon pointed Cole’s arm with his chin.
“Me and Asa here were the one’s going down but we got trapped. I had to take a door down to get us out of there…” Cole answered. “Hoseok was supposed to be here but he’s probably outside”
“But there’s no one outside” Silvia stated confused.
“Where’s- Where’s Hobi?” Hyori was starting to panic. The way to the cinematic departement was spent by her and Namjoon talking about Carolina’s weird comments on the graveyard. They got genuinely spooked out and tried the walkie talkies, stating indeed there was something wrong with them. Now she was starting to think that wasn’t the only thing that was wrong.
The static noise that by now freaked everyone out interrupted Asa from saying whatever he was trying to say, his mouth opening and closing at Hyori’s question. “Tik tok players, find the last clue to save your buddy here- MHHnMPHHH HEL-” the beep cut the rest, but by the look on everyone’s faces, they knew it was help.
“Hobi-” Hyori gasped.
To be continued…
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i-writeandread-blog · 5 years
Halloween (originally a one shot) Chapter 1
This was published as a one shot through @echelonlab but I needed to make an edit to the characters name (as it was originally Cat, and we can’t have that, now can we? Lol) I will change the title once I can come up with something clever. I’m open to suggestions. Anyway, here’s the new updated version. Enjoy!
"Delilah, you have to come.  It's Jared Leto's party. You love him.  Just say yes.  I know it's last minute, but you can't turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity."  Angie pleaded with me.
My friend Angie had just moved to LA and somehow managed to get invited to Jared's Halloween party.  I couldn't figure out if she was just lucky or if somehow she stalked the right people.  She didn't care about Jared or his band, but she knows this is a dream come true for me.
"I can't figure out how you did it, Ang.  Of all the people, you get invited to my absolute favorite humans place.  But as much as I want to come, how could I? Flights are expensive when they're last minute and in case you didn't know, I'm not loaded with cash."  I proffered.
"Delilah, you get on a plane and you come and you meet your idol, I don't want to hear anymore excuses. Do you understand?" She isn't going to let me decline, if I don't show up she'll be mad enough to go months without talking to me. I have no choice. Scared as I am, I am going to LA and I can only hope I can be in the same room with Jared and not fangirl, faint, or make a complete fool of myself.
Three days later I found myself exiting LAX airport and into the most welcoming of weather and arms.  LA from what I could tell was going to be amazing at every vantage point.  Except maybe the few sketchy areas we drove past.  I was glad Angie's apartment was nowhere near those places.  My eyes were wide and I felt child-like taking it all in.
Angie had been an extra at the film studios back home and when she decided to take a chance and try for bigger things in LA, everyone, myself included, thought she was nuts.  But in the 5 months since she arrived she had already been cast in a tv pilot.  It was anyone's guess as to if it'd actually be picked up by a network, but she seemed to think it would.
Her apartment was the size of a shoebox, but it was in West Hollywood where she assured me was the "place to be."  We didn't stay there but to sleep, so it wasn't that cramped. The next two days we shopped for my Halloween costume and I finally found pieces that would make the perfect one, much to Angie's dismay.
"Today's the day! Are you excited?" Angie bounces on the bed.  "Go away. It's too early!" I begin throwing pillows at her head.  "Not a chance sweetheart, I didn't barter with the devil only to miss out on my favorite girl meeting her celebrity crush. Get. out. of. bed. now!" She is tenacious as ever.
I am nervous and anxious. Time feels like it will stand still, but I know it is just my imagination.
'What will I say to him if given the chance? How will I keep my cool? Will he even notice me?' A million questions and thoughts start running through my head.
"Oh for Heavens sake, get out of your head! Drink your coffee and start getting dressed. It's already 1 in the afternoon, thanks to your laziness. If I didn't know any better I would think you're trying to get out of going." Angie screamed. "I am not! I'm just scared. Look you go get ready and I will do the same." I say even though a part of what she said is right.
I lay out the tights, shorts, and vest of my costume on the couch as Angie showers. As soon as she is done, it's my turn. I work out all the kinks in my neck and let the water massage my tense muscles. I get out and begin the process of making myself into the silliest of characters.
"I don't get your costume.  It's so weird.  I don't think anyone will know what or who you are."  Angie says as she puts on her slutty Little Red Riding Hood outfit.  "Yes, but HE will know. That's all that matters.  Sorry I couldn't be cliché like you!" I joke. I put on my hat to finish the look and we leave.
We still have several hours before the party but she insists we go out already dressed.  We go to eat at a diner and then since we are in Hollywood I request some light sightseeing on Hollywood Blvd.  Some people stop and give me a puzzling look. I smile and offer no explanations. To my right I hear a child say "look mommy it's Robin Hood."  I have to laugh because I can see where they would think that's what I am.
Time rushes by and it's now 8'o clock so we make our way up into the winding streets of Hollywood Hills and to the Wonderland compound.  I get out of the car, blowing out a breath I am holding, grab my props and repeat a mantra in my head, 'I am here. This will change your life, let's do this!'
"Cmon. Let's go have some fun and meet some crazy rich celebrities!"  Angie grabs my arm and pulls. "Wait! I'm not ready!" The words rush out past my lips.
Angie is trying to get me moving by saying, "It's go time, the time is nigh, now or never."
"Do or die." I whisper.
"Huh? Yeah whatever. Let's just go in. If it becomes too much for you, just squeeze my arm and we will leave, okay?" I begin squeezing her arm. "Not now dork! Give it at least 20 minutes."
The music is louder the closer we get to the door, people are arriving in droves, but I don't recognize anyone yet. We walk in and follow everyone else towards what I think is where Jared recently did a private concert for radio winners.
I notice Jared instantly. He's standing in the shadows apparently aware of everyone around him, his eyes darting around, but he's talking with Jamie and Jordan and laughing. I look away feeling a pang of guilt for staring in the first place. I can't help but think he looks gorgeous in his Jon Snow getup.
Almost immediately I find myself separated from Angie. Panic starts to rise up and I try to calm myself with breathing in and out. I don't know anyone here aside from her. I turn toward the entrance we walked in from, then back to the other garage-like door which opens out to the pool. There's people everywhere. I look back to where Jared was, but he's not there anymore.
"Oh no no no." I blurt out. Then directly behind me I hear, "I'm the only Bart Cubbins in this house." It's Jared's unmistakable voice. I gulp.
I turn to find myself face to face with Jared. My breathing hitches in my throat.  He gives me a sly smile and licks his lips.  I'm fairly certain I am going to pass out.  He stands back and gives me a once over look.  "This is perfection! I don't know why I didn't think of this."
I curtsy and almost immediately regret it. "It was the only thing I could think of to wear once I found these hats at a costume shop.  But I could never try to be the real Bart Cubbins." I explain to him. "Oh I don't know about that! Looks pretty spot on to me.  I'm Jared." He offers his hand.
Of course he has to know that I'm aware of who he is, after-all it is his party, but even if there were questions as to whether or not I knew it was his party and in fact him, the mere fact that I am dressed as his favorite Dr. Seuss character should be a good indicator.
"I'm Delilah. It's nice to meet you Jared." I shake his hand.  "Delilah, how did you come to be at my party? I don't recognize you?"  I begin to freak out. 'Am I not meant to be here? I'm gonna kill Angie!' The look of panic must be evident on my face because Jared laughs and says, "don't worry, I'm not kicking you out or anything, just didn't know why I've never had the pleasure of meeting you before."
"Im umm..." My throat is dry and I look around to see where the drinks in people's hands are coming from.  Jared notices.  "How about I get you a drink and we go sit somewhere quieter where we can talk?"  As much as I'd like to take him up on his offer I wouldn't dare dream on acting upon it.  "No, I don't want to take you away from your party and your friends."  He shakes his head, not letting me say no.
He leans in close.  "I'll tell you a secret, half the people here I don't like.  The other half are either friends or employees who won't even miss me if I leave."  I can't believe what he is saying.  Under different circumstances I would miss him if he left the room.  "Come.  I'll give you the grand tour."  He takes my hand and leads me into the house.  I notice several eyes on me as we make our exit.  He really has no idea how wrong he is about being missed.  Or I'm wrong and the people staring are looking for gossip fodder.
We enter the kitchen and he asks if I would like something to eat.  I shake my head no.  I'd throw up instantly from all the bundled up nerves inside of me going crazy.  He hands me a glass and asks what I would like to drink.  I tell him water to which he replies, "you're at a party, live a little." I think about it for a second.  "You don't drink, and you're at a party."  He steps back closing the fridge. "Touché. But I think you need some lubrication, you're too stiff."  He emphasizes the words lubrication and stiff.  It almost makes it sound sexual.  "Okay, I'll have whatever you think I should have, you're the boss."  He quickly makes up a gin and tonic and hands it to me.  I swallow it down quickly.  The corners of his lips curl up.  "I'll have another please, less tonic though."  He makes the 2nd one and then guides me to the next room of the complex.
There are a few people scattered around but as if they know something I don't, they scurry off as soon as we walk into each room.  He points out the living room, some office space, and a bathroom.  Then we go back to the stairs and I follow him up watching his ass the entire time.
"I feel your eyes on me little girl, do you like what you see?"  I blush.  "Yeah, it's quite the view." I reply.  The alcohol has opened up my self confidence, otherwise I'd have never said that aloud.
He turns around quickly and looks me over once again, almost as if he's seeing me for the first time. Or maybe he is undressing me with his eyes. I can't handle it so I keep walking past him.
"Mmm, now I have a nice view." He states matter of fact once I'm in front of him. As soon as we both reach the top of the stairs he pushes me against the wall. He's much stronger than I think anyone gives him credit for. "What's going on inside of your head?" He asks while tilting his head this way and that. "You're quiet now, what happened to the bold little girl from 30 seconds ago?" I giggle. "Oh for fucks sake, it's just a number." But I'm still giggling. He releases me and opens a door to the right of us.
"This is a guest room." I peek in and see a bed and some artwork.  He closes the door and steps across the hallway. "This is my moms room when she comes." He points to a door but doesn't open it. And then he walks a few steps and opens another door and shows me the upstairs guest bathroom. Directly across from the bathroom door is another room and down the hall at the end is one more door. He opens the door next to the guest room and walks in.
"This is my bedroom. Come in, I'll show you the view." I walk in and see his bed made up in white linen. There's a door on one side of his bed leading to a closet which he opens. I see flashes of color everywhere I look and can tell most of it is designer, and almost all is Gucci.
"What's the other door down the hall lead to?" I ask since this appears to be our last stop. "Ohh that's just storage." I let it go because he clearly didn't want me to know what it could be, but I couldn't help but wonder why there was a light on in there. It was hardly visible through the crack in the door, maybe a lamp was on.
"Well, I'm impressed Jared. It's very nice. But why am I getting to see all of this?" I can't help but wonder how I became so lucky.
"You wear a costume to a party I am hosting-that only I would know what you are dressed as, and you didn't think my curiosity would be peaked?"
"I wore this yes because it was your party, but also because I didn't want to be like everyone else. I'm not made for wearing sexy nurse costumes." He starts laughing at my revelation. "Oh Delilah, you are most definitely made for sexy nurse or sexy anything costumes. You don't even realize how sexy you are. Even dressed this ridiculously." He reaches towards my head and takes the hat and wig off. He takes off the cape he is wearing and sits down on the bed.
"Sit down with me. I want to know more about you. Who is Delilah?" He slides back towards the headboard and pats the empty space next to him. I sit down but just on the edge, not sure how comfortable I should get, but he grabs me by the waist and guides me back. "So?"
"Well I lead a fairly boring existence, I don't want to disappoint you. Let's talk about something else." I can tell this wasn't the right answer so I continue, "okay well let's see. I am 32, I started an online store about two years ago selling homemade candles, incense, and soaps. Umm, I have a dog named Sorcia- you know from the movie Willow..." he nods. "I just bought a condo in Myrtle Beach, SC. Nothing special." Then I mumble almost inaudibly, "oh I also have a twin who I killed. Anyways, what about you."
Jared shakes his head and laughs. My face however remains deadpanned. "Wait that last bit... it's true?"
"Yeah, so anyway your turn." I try to change the subject.  I don't even know why I felt comfortable opening up and telling him that.
"Oh no, you don't get off that lightly.  What the fuck do you mean you killed your twin sister?"  He stands up and walks towards the window which overlooks the pool.  "Should I be worried, should I kick you out?"
"No, Jared. I'm not a psychopath, I'm not crazy, I don't even know why I told you."  I stand up and walk towards the door, but somehow even though he was further away he catches me and stops me.  His eyes are glaring at me and daring me to tell him more.  "Okay, I'll tell you the whole story.  You're gonna want to sit for this." He sits back down at the foot of the bed as I begin my story, pacing back and forth.
"Three years ago my twin Penelope was in an accident.  Somehow she survived but she was changed.  Like a switch in her brain had been triggered.  She became depressed and angry.  Then that turned into doing really odd things.  She'd offer people things, like for instance, my aunt had come over and she asked if she wanted ice cream... after she ate it my sister laughed and said she had poisoned it.  Or she'd bring people a book but the pages would be torn out.  Just really weird and vile things.  She just wasn't the same.  After months of doctors not knowing what was wrong and being tormented by her we thought it best to send her away.  Before we could she attacked me."  I show him the scar on my stomach where she had stabbed me.  His eyes go wide.  "She said I would never put her away, never separate us.  She intended I think to kill me and then herself.  I don't know how I overpowered her, but I did.  I got the knife and stabbed her several times.  I couldn't believe what I had done and I was so scared.  I had an anxiety attack and blacked out.  When I woke up there was so much blood.  Her body wasn't there, but when the cops came they said no one would survive that amount of blood loss.  They searched the woods and followed a trail of blood.  It ended at one point or another, but they never found her body.  They figured an animal must have found her and dragged her body away.  They thought maybe a bear.  Oh God, this is the worst thing I have ever done and no one here in LA apart from my friend downstairs knows this.  I'm so sorry Jared.  I'll leave now."  Jared rubs his hands up and down his thighs and shakes his head no.
"No, I don't want you to leave.  You're so brave.  Thanks for telling me.  We all have hidden skeletons in our closets.  You weren't charged with a crime, were you?"
"No, the police said it was in self defense."  I explained.
"You're hardly a murderer, Delilah.  You're a survivor and to me that is the hottest thing about you."  He stands up and closes the distance between us.  He stares into my eyes asking for permission and then crashes his lips on mine.  The room instantly goes from ice cold to boiling.  His hands are wrapped in my hair and he stops only long enough to take a breath, until we hear a noise.
It's coming from the room he said was just storage.  It sounded like something fell, maybe a box.  He laughs nervously and then leans forward to attack my lips again with his, but then there's another noise and it sounds like footsteps.  Annoyed he steps back and says, "hold on, someone from the party must have come upstairs.  Let me go tell them to fuck off and leave, okay?"  I agree and sit down on the bed.
He walks out.  I try to catch my breath.  I bring my fingers up to my lips and smile.  It was everything I'd have ever hoped and imagined.  My thoughts were broken when I heard a scream followed by Jared saying "what the hell is this? Who the hell are you?" And then another scream, a scuffle, and footsteps running towards his bedroom door.  The last thing I hear before the door opens is Jared yelling, "Delilah , run!"
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Oh boy, here we go. 
When you die, what do you want done with your remains? I’ve always said that I wanted to be mummified, but I suppose that’s not really my culture. The other thing I always said when I was a kid is that I wanted my head removed, and shrunken and sent to my best friend who absolutely does not want it. But more realistically speaking, I suppose I’d like to be planted with a tree. A cool tree. 
What is the weirdest thing you own? I don’t even know how to answer that. I own a lot of weird things. A small piece of the sidewalk from outside of what used to be Friendly’s. Chapstick that tastes like pickles (that I won’t try). A pepper shaker that was allegedly a murder weapon, although technically my step-mom owns that one. 
Have you ever played with a Ouija Board? Nope. If the ghosts/demons want to talk to me, they can find a more creative way. 
Do you believe in ghosts? Sometimes. I believe in possibilities. 
Have you ever had an encounter with things that go ‘bump in the night’? I mean, there was a while where I was very convinced my English teacher was an actual demon, but I have sense decided that she probably wasn’t. And there was that time I was absolutely entirely convinced that the aliens had landed outside and were now inside my house doing things. I heard a whoosh, and then a landing thud and then a door opening, and I was panicking in a whisper voice on the phone until 5 am when I finally heard them take off again so it was safe to go pee. But that was probably just paranoia. 
Do you have a Deja Vu story? Dude, i feel Deja Vu all the time. And then promptly forget about them.
Do you still trick-or-treat? I’m 24, I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to. 
Have you ever had a black cat cross you, and have a streak of bad luck afterwards? I have a black cat walk in front of me often, his name is Minuit and I love him. But no bad luck. Because a cat existing near me is automatically good luck. 
Least favorite thing about Halloween? The fact that I am always too lazy to actually do a good costume. 
Favorite Serial Killer? Like, objectively this is a weird question. I’ve always been partial to Aileen Wournos but I can’t really tell you why. I’m always interested in our local serial killer, Kendall Francois, who happened to work at the local middle school long before I ever went there. But like, he wasn’t interesting psychologically speaking. Just because I know a lot of people who knew him. 
Favorite thing to do in a Graveyard? Look at the names, and imagine the people. I love names. 
Favorite Halloween Movie? Halloweentown! And Twitches!
Favorite Ghost Story? Ooooh, this is a good question. I remember as a kid I really liked the stories of ghosts in the White House. Those are fun. 
Have you ever contacted a loved one from beyond the grave? Nope
Your biggest fear? I always struggle so much with this question, because there is only one thing I’m consistently afraid of and that’s the movie Cinderella. It’s the fucking cat. He’s terrifying. But my other fears kind of come and go. Like I used to be terrified of spiders, but now I pick them up and study them all the time. But other times, I’m still afraid of them and won’t go near them. Like, it comes and it goes. And I used to be afraid of the dark, but I’m mostly over that now. I used to be afraid of a lot of things. But now… I can never think of much. Heights. But only intermediate heights. Like the height of play ground equipment. Not the height of airplanes, that’s entirely fine. So really, the answer is the movie Cinderella. I’ve never made it all the way through. 
Favorite Pumpkin flavored food? Pumpkin muffins! And pumpkin hot chocolate from Starbucks. 
Candy corn or Popcorn Balls? candy corn
Trick, or Treat? both, at the same time
Best halloween you ever had? probably that time we dyed Steve’s head red by accident and then it rained and it looked like blood was dripping down, or the year I went trick or treating with that girl who may or may not be a soul sucking demon 
Do you go to Corn Mazes ? Not every year, but I had fun when I did. 
Haunted Houses? Honestly, I haven’t really been. And I would kind of like to, but at the same time, I have to be really careful because I’m not supposed to let my adrenaline levels get too high. 
Do you own any human remains that aren’t your own? I do not. 
Have you ever smashed a pumpkin? Probably?
Do you like Apple Cider? God, yes. 
Do you live near any ‘spooky’ places? I’m 100% sure I do, but I don’t entirely know what they are. I mean, there’s a building across the street where the lights always flicker. And also, the road I grew up on is like dark and secluded and full of trees and old people and the perfect setting for a horror movie.
Do you ever get goosebumps? Mostly from being cold. 
Have you ever seen a dead body apart from a funeral? I saw one being taken out of one of the neighbors house and put into an unmarked van that I hope was the coroner’s But it was more the body back instead of the body. 
Have you ever broken into an abandoned house or building? Nah. 
Do you believe in Vampires? (not sparkly ones, kids) I don’t not believe in them. 
Your scariest memory? Tbh, that alien night I was talking about earlier was terrifying. But also, when my creepy stalker ex showed up outside my class and scared me out of my brain. That was the most anxiety inducing terrifying nonsense ever. That whole week. That whole damn semester. 
Ever heard white noise from a turned off tv or radio? Not that I know of. But tbh, I’m oblivious sometimes. 
Weirdest Coincidence? For awhile in high school, and even after, every single time something good happened to me, something of the same magnitude but bad would happen to one of my friends. 
Have you ever bobbed for apples? I think maybe when I was little?
Ever had your fortune told? Not really, no. 
Favorite skin disease? Ummm, this feels like a weird and ablest question. 
Do you see figures in your Peripheral vision? Nah, I see cats. Your brain naturally fills in gaps when you can’t see all the points, like a connect the dots. And it tries to put in things that are likely to be there. I have four cats. 
Have you ever seen someone die? Not the actual death, but this summer I watched my grandmother as she was getting very close to death, and if I had stayed another day or two, I would have seen it. I didn’t see the moment, but I saw the process of dying. 
Have you ever caught something large on fire? Just the oven. 
Favorite ‘fictional’ bad guy or monster that you wish was real? Tbh, I’m half temped to say Hannibal because I would love to have him in therapy to discuss that one comment he made about how eating people was going to make time travel happen that like no one ever talks about. But also, that would be a horrible idea. 
Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?  As usual, I believe in possibilities. 
Ever held a Seance? Nope. 
Ever made a potion of any sort?  that really depends on your definitions there. when I was little, I thought it would be cool to make potions like in Harry Potter and I would take a big “cauldron” and dump a shitload of water and spices and stuff in it 
Ever worn ‘funeral attire’ outside of a funeral? that depends again on defintions. like… the last funeral I went to I wore a purple bridesmaids dress. 
Have you ever made a blood pact? no
Have you ever worked a spell? no
Do you believe in curses? yes
Ever had an animal or pet see something that you can’t? mostly just the ghosts of bugs they think they can catch 
Have you ever gotten lost in the woods at night? Nah, but I did during the day once. I mean, we weren’t really lost. We knew where we were. We just couldn’t figure out how to get back to where we should be. 
Have you ever caught a photo of a ghost? Nah, yo uwouldn’t even be able to tell, my pictures are shit
Have you ever played Bloody Mary? nah, I don’t want to die
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batsysims · 7 years
I was tagged by @tickledsims ty ily!!
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? CLOSED when i was younger my little sister had a baby doll that would talk on its own at night and we called it the demon baby and hooooly shit
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? i dont take those bc my hair cant take cheap hair products but i do take the soaps!!
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? i put the mattress cover sheet thingy on my bed but i dont use an actual sheet :/
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? YES i love using office supplies i could spend all day at staples omg
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? no lol but il save the lil receipt coupons and find them in my wallet months after they expire
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? yep!! i love them its why im scared to use foundation i dont wanna lose em
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? i either smile or if my moms takin the pic il make a stupid face 
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? i have terrible road rage...... um........... i also hate it when men interrupt me i just walk away at that point 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? yeah i pretty much count everything
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? i dont think so??
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? i have an eating dance, a drinking dance, and a video game playing dance hahaa
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? yes ugh it annoys me but i cant stop
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? i think its a single? a single or a twin either way im miserable send help
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? ummm probably You by Weird Milk?? its the most recent song i added on spotify so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yeah def unless its one of those “real men wear pink shirts” like just.... stop
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? sometimes my sister makes me watch stevens universe?? il watch phineas and ferb too bc honestly who doesnt anime too but not always cartoon ones or w/e
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? 2001: A Space Odyssey and Daughters of the Dust come to mind
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? u kno where ;) no how big is the treasure?? if its a lil bit id put it in that drawer under the oven bc my family never uses that but if its BIG TREASURE id hide it in the backyard of the last house i lived in bc a. nobody lives there now and 2. its totally overrun with green bc of like two floods
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? water! only water ever
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? honey if theyre mcnuggets but other than that i use honey mustard!
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? honestly Inception is my feel-good movie
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? i was in girl scouts much longer than i ever wanted to be lmao WISH i coulda done BOY SCOUTS
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if cash is involved absolutely
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? no but i can watch
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? when i first got my license yea :( 15 yr olds are dum
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? twice! very good memories
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? the all star breakfast at waffle house yasssss
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? honestly like 9 since i always have to wake up at 7 in the am but il stay up til 11 if i can
37. ARE YOU LAZY? absolutely when have ACTIVE ppl done ANYTHING
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? i was usually a cat bc i never could find a costume i liked smh but when i was 2 i went as winnie the pooh lmao
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? just english but im tryna learn spanish and japanese and im fluent in french if a two year olds speech patterns can be considered as such
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? LEGOS lincoln logs are big with nostalgia thoooo
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? with dumb shit yeah but i usually just dont care enough abt stuff to deal
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? theyre both old idc
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? not really tbh i like the adrenaline
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? if im alone!! nobody deserves to hear that
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? when im in the drive thru haaaa
50. EVER USED A GUN? id like to go to a shooting range some time but ive never used one im also very anti gun so i probs would never buy one unless it was a cute lil glock i can handle well
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER? st patricks day it wasnt technically for me tho
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? not in general but when ppl start obsessing over a certain one for months on end abt a certain time period and certain performers and certain songs and certain people of history i start wanting ppl to die
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? my sisters obsessed with them so yea but never like. authentic polish potato pockets or anything just a frozen box of em
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? apple?? im not rly into pie tbh
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? ive wanted to go into law enforcement/criminology my whole life!! for a sec i wanted to be a firefighter, a journalist/writer/poet, and some sort of artist but u know how kids are
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? i tried to find that clip from malcolm in the middle for like ten mins but i couldnt yea
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? doesnt everyone tho?
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? no im a bad adult
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? im not rich!!
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? usually just my undies but when im living with other people il wear a soft shirt and my dc heroes pajama bottoms ayyy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? ive never been to one! i was gonna go see metallica in baltimore but i moved before i could smh
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? walmart sry targets cool but too much money!!! i go there for home things tho does kmart still exist
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? ADIDAS ive been trying to get a full adidas tracksuit for YEARS
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? fritos! i like the super hot cheetos tho
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Nope but they must be good im keepin @tickledsims response bc it made me laugh
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? when i was a lil babu i took ballet and gymnastics a lil later
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? i hope to never have a spouse  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? ive actually never even had a spelling bee im sure theyre a myth
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? nahhhhh
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? no but i had a roommate who did i fell in love
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yeah ok lol so one time when i was a sophomore my french teacher had to use a substitute teacher and hes the reason i believe in love at first sight im STILL in love with him wtf ive also had a bf haha im hilarious
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? i dont really do concerts so i couldnt say but i think matd would be fun!!
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? hot!!!!
81. TEA OR COFFEE? coffee!!!!!!
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? i dont rly like either but i prefer snickerdoodles over sugar
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i can only do that weird frog swim i forget what its called so no im shit at it
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? if im able to distract myself?? it also depends on the severity of what im waiting on i guess
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? probs a band i guess i dont rly think abt that kinda stuff sry
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? when i was four i won a coloring contest at the ice cream store
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i can knit but i cant crochet
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? fckn bathroom
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? not rly unless its a partnership longlasting romance stresses me out especially with financial responsibility etc
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? my high school boyfriend hahaaa h,,,,
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? nope! lmao i love her tho
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? red but i also like many others??? idk
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? ummm not rly?? im not close enough to anyone to miss them and those i am close to im able to hang with
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? god uhhh if you havent done it already and want to, @dreambot @nebula-simms @ellowynsims and @pixelbloom
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piracytheorist · 8 years
I decided to take a question meme and just answer all of the questions for myself and anyone who might be interested to learn more about me :) Long so under a cut.
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Uh... you mean my wardrobe doors? Closed, If you mean bathroom, also closed. If you mean my room's door, open.
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
If they're in a pretty package, sure. If not, I may not take them.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Out. If I do try to tuck them in, I'll kick them out without realizing it so it'll be a waste of time to tuck them in.
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Nope. But I've taken posters from events that have already taken place, because those are thrown away afterwards.
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Yes but I'm way too unorganized to actually use them, I always forget.
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I... never get coupons?
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
I know that to escape a bear you have to pretend you're dead. In the same article I read that it also showed how to survive a swarm of bees attack but I don't remember how that one went, so I guess a bear? At least it will probably kill you fast if it gets you...
8: Do you have freckles?
Yep, lots! And I'm proud of them :D
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
Yes, fully, with my cheekbones going up. Unless it's just a random photo a friend may take as I'm doing something random.
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Cars that ride by and have awful music at full volume.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
No, but most of the time I try to step on the tiles.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
We are a six-member family that used to do long-hour car rides, and I'm the youngest. OF COURSE I've peed in the woods. However, it's been almost ten years since the last time I had to do this.
13: What about pooping in the woods?
I think I remember doing it only once, and I must have been younger than 8.
14: Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I used to. Now I sometimes let a pencil rest between my teeth, if I'm bored, but I'm not actually chewing them much.
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
LOOOL the only people I've EVER slept with are: my mother, my sisters, and two or three friends, in a complete platonic manner.
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your Song of the week?
Sweet Child o' Mine by Guns n' Roses.
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
It's okay for everyone to wear anything they want. Sometimes I may be judging inside but that's my problem I need to solve.
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
I did binge-watch Avatar: the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, if that's what that's about, and I recently watched Moana.
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
Twilight - I literally cannot watch this thing, the whole filming is so repulsive to me.
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
If it's small and light, inside my pad packages - I've actually hid some banknotes in there once. If it's not, probably in my dirty laundry basket.
23: If you're a girl, bra size? If you're a guy, pants size?
80D in European system. If I'm correct, that's 36D in UK, USA and Canada. Yep, I have big boobs.
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Geez, we rarely even eat chicken nuggets - I prefer whole schnitzel pieces baked in the oven. But usually it's either ketchup or yogurt.
25: What is your favorite food?
Lol, lots. For now I'll go with pita gyro.
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Chocolat, Finding Nemo, Treasure Planet, The CS movie except from the nonCS parts, Shrek, Corpse Bride... I'm sure I'm missing a few.
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
Look, you're dealing with a grey asexual here, ok? I think it was my mother when she was going back home from visiting me at the beginning of this month.
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
No, though I wished my parents had sent me :(
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
About a month ago while playing D&D. My character was supposed to tell another character something but because it was personal and he didn't want the other characters to know, I slipped a letter to the player playing the character I wanted an interaction with, containing what my character would have told her.
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
No, I don't drive. Though once I called the police to give someone a ticket for parking on the sidewalk repeatedly.
33: Ever ran out of gas?
No, but once while I was with my father and we were going to Athens, the car stopped for some reason I can't recall and we had to wait for the track to mow us somewhere where it could be fixed.
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Sweet Onion Chicken Terriyaki from Subway.
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Pizza, cold from the previous night.
36: What is your usual bedtime?
Lol. That's not even a thing for me anymore.
37: Are you lazy?
Yeah but I think my psychology issues are making it way worse.
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
We don't have Halloween here, but we do celebrate Carnival. So off the top of my mind, I've dressed up as Snow White (reaaaaaly young), witch, hippie, cat, and then there was that time that I wore everything (shirt, trousers, coat, bag) with the back going on the front. I even brushed my hair to fall onto my face and wore a mask at the back side of my head. The only problem were the shoes -_- I also have a cheap pirate hat that I wear for fun, without a full costume.
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40: Are you horny?
Right now? No.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
What the hell are lincoln logs?
43: Are you stubborn?
Yeah but most of the time I keep it all in.
44: Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
Nah. Though OUAT has turned into a soap opera, hasn't it? To be honest I did watch Days of Our Lives at some point. And then sometimes my grandmother has Bold and the Beautiful, or The Young and the Restless, or maybe some Greek soap operas on when I visit.
46: Are you afraid of heights?
No, but it's not that I've tested it fully. I'd like to try bangee-jumping but I don't know how I may react.
47: Do you sing in the car?
I don't drive, but if I did I would sing.
48: Do you sing in the shower?
49: Do you dance in the car?
If I did drive, I would only dance while waiting for the light to go green.
50: Ever used a gun?
Only airguns while training shooting, but yes, lots of times.
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Two years ago, for my passport.
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes. Most of them. But then there is that fine line that I can't describe that if not crossed, the musical can be amazing for me. Galavant is an example.
53: Is Christmas stressful?
A little but because I'm around so many people and I need to spend some time alone to recharge my extroversion but I feel bad doing it when the time I have to spend with them is limited in the first place.
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I don't even know what this is, so no.
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
I think I'd go with peach. Though this kind of confectionary is not my favourite.
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Teacher, massage therapist, psychologist, architect...
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
So many times I think I should start writing down whenever I feel them so that I can see if the circumstances are ever the same.
59: Take a vitamin daily?
I try to remember to take a Vitamin C supplement ever day.
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
No because the climate here is humid af and the robe will never dry out. Otherwise I love them, sometimes even in summer.
62: What do you wear to bed?
Simple cotton pyjamas, and currently leg warmers as well because it's COLD. Never socks, though. My toes need to breathe.
63: First concert?
For non-wide known musicians, it must have been when I was 9, for two Cypriot singers who are very well known and loved in Greece. Widely known, Scorpions in 2009.
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
I think I did shop once from Wal-Mart when I was in NY, but I'm not sure. I've never been in any of the others.
65: Nike or Adidas?
Don't care. My requirements are that they're affordable and anatomical.
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
*regrets choosing this meme* Only Cheetos are available in Greece, so...
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Peanuts! Though sunflower seeds are great to pass your time nibbling on something cheap with very few calories.
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
I took a few months worth of argentine tango.
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Do I even picture a future spouse, is the question! Though I'd love for them to be into music and all.
71: Can you curl your tongue?
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I was touched by Inside Out and Tangled, but I guess this isn't happy exactly... I've also cried from laughter... but I don't think I've ever cried for pure happiness, like meeting relatives or friends I haven't seen in a while.
74: Own any record albums?
No but my mon has some old ones her late father had bought. One of them is Let it Be. We put it on the record player with my sister and danced around as if we were living back when it was first released.
75: Own a record player?
No, but I'd love to.
76: Regularly burn incense?
77: Ever been in love?
I've been infatuated, but it never progressed much (first time the dude wasn't interested, second time he had a girlfriend) so I didn't even get to know them well and I can't call what I had love.
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Colin O'Donoghue. 😍
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Muse in Athens last July. But after that I was in various other concerts of choirs and little bands here that you probably don't know of.
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot tea.
81: Tea or coffee?
Tea. Coffee causes me to tremble.
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
What the hell is a snickerdoodle? *Googles it* A biscuit? Why is it that against sugar... oh. Biscuits, then.
Wow this meme is very American isn't it.
83: Can you swim well?
I can float, move around and sink a little if I want to, but I'm not that good with it. I learnt swimming when I was 11 and I've only practiced about a few weeks per year, some years I didn't even practice at all.
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
I wouldn't say so.
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
Anything as long as it's not something I hate with the power of a thousand suns and it's not in super ultra full volume. Unfortunately for me, that's how Greek weddings almost always go.
87: Ever won a contest?
There was one singing contest I won when I was in a children's camp some 10 years ago, though not first place.
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
No, though if I ever did, I would do something to raise my upper eyelids.
89: Which are better black or green olives?
I'd say both. We have a black olive tree in our garden back in my hometown though, so I've eaten way more black than green olives.
90: Can you knit or crochet?
My grandma taught me knitting when I was little but I never bothered practicing. Now it's weird because it's such a trend even guys knit.
91: Best room for a fireplace?
In the center of a room, with a circular sofa around it.
92: Do you want to get married?
..... Eh.
93: If married, how long have you been married?
94: Who was your HS crush?
Who was my what?
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
... No, I'm not five anymore.
96: Do you have kids?
97: Do you want kids?
.... Eh.
98: What's your favorite color?
I like most colours, but I'd say my favourite hues are blue and purple.
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
My family, but mostly my sister and my baby nephew.
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