#did I get them all............. there are still more 4 muses but okay KJSDNKNSD
forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@littlesilverplatinum has sent: -Bc I'm a slut for this theme: Write meta regarding religion/religous beliefs - all muses-
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on       [Always accepting, specify muse] 
// Guess I’ll have to answer to this across all of my other blogs as well JHBSDJHBSD
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// Agatha was born in a traditional family for her time- meaning religion was a big thing during her childhood, however she never truly developped any resemblance of faith. She was the odd one out of her siblings (she used to have other 5), instead of dedicating her time to the church/her faith- she actually dedicated it on her studies
Interestingly- it may have been this lack of faith in her life, that allowed her to study ghost types in a critical- analytical manner.
I like to imagine that a reason, for ghost types not being as well- researched as the other ones could have something to do with their existance likely clashing with religious beliefs. Making them into some kind of taboo in most regions, so there is a certain resistance to seeking them out as research subjects.
TLDNTR: Agatha’s contact with religion is pretty limited to her childhood- her time living in her parents’ household, once she left it- she abandoned it completely. Even to this day, she has never opted out of this decision.
Read more bc of the length.
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// Much like Agatha, he too was raised by religious parents. That as expected- didn’t take Blaine’s carreer interest too well, in his case- there was a huge intereference from his parents in an attempt to hold him back from it.
From trying to talk him out of it, to dragging him into religious cults- to try and convert him. Despite all of their attempts, Blaine succeeded in getting into college- and away from their grasp. Needless to say how becoming a scientist- was pretty much the death of his bond with his parents. There were attempts to try and amend things later on, but- they all flew past Blaine- who was way too keen on his studies/researches/trainning.
“As a scientist, I am not trying to find- nor explain God. I’m here to deny his existance.”
It’s safe to say how after his experience with his parents, he has become spiteful- of just about anyone who holds a religious belief (regardless of what it could be). In his eyes, they look ignorants- making fools of themselves- sheep in a herd. He looks down upon them all. Interestingly, the only ones who seem to be the exception to this are Pryce and mr.Fuji.
ALSO when the case of the Mewtwo project, was brought into the public’s knowledge- the religious crowd in Kanto were amongst the first ones to condemn the experiment solely off their beliefs.
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Pryce alongside his wife and children hold religious beliefs, they have faith. They were introduced since very early on their lives- and did the same thing to their kids.
Contrary to what people expect- his faith NEVER got in the way of his studies when he was going through the process of applying to the professor position. If anything, he cherished the fact he could comprehend/study their God’s creations.
Pryce’s faith serves AS A MAJOR inspiration for his artistic work, a few of his ice sculptures carry a heavy religious subject/them to them or depict a scene from their myths/religion’s story.
Don’t assume that his passion for his faith, makes him into some kind of radical religious man- he is incredibly level-headed. And isn’t shy to show how his faith, has influenced him in certain aspects.
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Team magma was some kind of cult- Tabitha’s faith was entirely poured onto Maxie, he acted and behaved just like a fanatic. Seeing their Leader fail miserably, was his wake up call.
Tabitha before joining the organization, he had a pretty empty head- his parents didn’t even bother to introduce him to a religion.
Even after this whole fiasco- Tabitha has never joined any cult/religion. He really doesn’t wish to return, to what he used to be.
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// Being part of a kalosian family, but born into Hoenn- a far away land from his parents’ homeland meant that there weren’t much- if any at all places where they could follow their faith.
Juan is the middle sibling- meaning that he and his younger sister, had literal no contact with religion. The same can’t be said for the older brother- who had some of it, very early on his life.
To an extent this was benefential for Juan- he never struggled with coming into terms with his own sexuality, and he could have a neutral look into art and performances when he was studying it.
Truly the only time in his life he had the most contact with it, was during his time in Kalos- when he was in college. Since then, his contact with it, has been kept to a minimun.
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 Palmer isn’t all that different from Pryce- as in he was introduced since very early on his life, he and his wife follow their religion- as much as they can. But he opted, to keep his son out of it- keeping his contact with it minimun.
He decided to leave it up for his son- if he is interested in it, then they will give him their teachings. But so far, it is pretty evident how Barry isn’t showing any interest to it anytime soon.
Currently he isn’t as religious as he used to be, which isn’t a good thing in his eyes- he really wished he had the time to dedicate some time to his faith.
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Religion for Riley, is an interesting case. In both households he was raised in- arceusism has ALWAYS been present- especially in his mother’s. Who would “use” it, as some kind of shield from what Riley was.
She really was affected, after his father left her before their child was even born. She saw Riley, as some form of God’s punishment for her sins. After he was taken away from her, she went on to try and become a nun at a church- in an attempt to redeem herself.
At his adoptive family- things were a whole lot tamer, they weren’t as driven by their faith as his mother was. For the most part he ignored religion, for the exception of the subject of rebirth- something that compliments his belief of being related to Sir. Aaron.
The belief of being the legendary knight’s rebirth, is definetely fed by all the stories within the arceusism. He uses them in some distorted way, to support his idea.
His interpretation is the only correct one, he won’t even give a care about others. Try to deny it, and you’re bound to find yourself trapped in a nonsensical argument- clearly nothing more than just RIley’s projections of what he deems to be right/the truth.
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Brendan has never followed any religion- but travelling the world, has given him the chance to get a taste of what is out there! He is most definetely intrigued by it, and finds them to be fascinating.
His mother wanted him to be introduced to it, when they still were living in Johto- however her plans didn’t come into fruition due to them moving into Hoenn sometime later. It frustrated her, but at the same time, never mopped about it.
If anything, now that her son is exploring the world- she can’t help but be thrilled by his fascination to the religions found throughout the regions.
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When Rowan set out to go through his evolutions research, he NEVER had any goal to go against the arceusism’s views of the world and creation. Because for the longest time, he used to be a believer/follower of it- however it was his interaction with people that drove him out of his faith.
But look and behold- he managed to put out something, that basically goes against the principle of the World’s creation. Because of it, he was shunned out of the cult- and to this day there is a huge resistance to accepting his thesis/work.
A newly wed couple, is gifted a pokemon egg- as a sign of their union by the church. This is how Rowan came to obtain a Togepi, who later evolved into his Togekiss- which was gifted to them by his parents.
Thankfully- not having his religious belief around, it meant less one thing he had to be concerned/stressed about when he came to have his affair with Richard.
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