#; ɢᴇɴ ▸ | riley | headcanon
forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@littlesilverplatinum has sent: -Bc I'm a slut for this theme: Write meta regarding religion/religous beliefs - all muses-
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on       [Always accepting, specify muse] 
// Guess I’ll have to answer to this across all of my other blogs as well JHBSDJHBSD
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// Agatha was born in a traditional family for her time- meaning religion was a big thing during her childhood, however she never truly developped any resemblance of faith. She was the odd one out of her siblings (she used to have other 5), instead of dedicating her time to the church/her faith- she actually dedicated it on her studies
Interestingly- it may have been this lack of faith in her life, that allowed her to study ghost types in a critical- analytical manner.
I like to imagine that a reason, for ghost types not being as well- researched as the other ones could have something to do with their existance likely clashing with religious beliefs. Making them into some kind of taboo in most regions, so there is a certain resistance to seeking them out as research subjects.
TLDNTR: Agatha’s contact with religion is pretty limited to her childhood- her time living in her parents’ household, once she left it- she abandoned it completely. Even to this day, she has never opted out of this decision.
Read more bc of the length.
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// Much like Agatha, he too was raised by religious parents. That as expected- didn’t take Blaine’s carreer interest too well, in his case- there was a huge intereference from his parents in an attempt to hold him back from it.
From trying to talk him out of it, to dragging him into religious cults- to try and convert him. Despite all of their attempts, Blaine succeeded in getting into college- and away from their grasp. Needless to say how becoming a scientist- was pretty much the death of his bond with his parents. There were attempts to try and amend things later on, but- they all flew past Blaine- who was way too keen on his studies/researches/trainning.
“As a scientist, I am not trying to find- nor explain God. I’m here to deny his existance.”
It’s safe to say how after his experience with his parents, he has become spiteful- of just about anyone who holds a religious belief (regardless of what it could be). In his eyes, they look ignorants- making fools of themselves- sheep in a herd. He looks down upon them all. Interestingly, the only ones who seem to be the exception to this are Pryce and mr.Fuji.
ALSO when the case of the Mewtwo project, was brought into the public’s knowledge- the religious crowd in Kanto were amongst the first ones to condemn the experiment solely off their beliefs.
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Pryce alongside his wife and children hold religious beliefs, they have faith. They were introduced since very early on their lives- and did the same thing to their kids.
Contrary to what people expect- his faith NEVER got in the way of his studies when he was going through the process of applying to the professor position. If anything, he cherished the fact he could comprehend/study their God’s creations.
Pryce’s faith serves AS A MAJOR inspiration for his artistic work, a few of his ice sculptures carry a heavy religious subject/them to them or depict a scene from their myths/religion’s story.
Don’t assume that his passion for his faith, makes him into some kind of radical religious man- he is incredibly level-headed. And isn’t shy to show how his faith, has influenced him in certain aspects.
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Team magma was some kind of cult- Tabitha’s faith was entirely poured onto Maxie, he acted and behaved just like a fanatic. Seeing their Leader fail miserably, was his wake up call.
Tabitha before joining the organization, he had a pretty empty head- his parents didn’t even bother to introduce him to a religion.
Even after this whole fiasco- Tabitha has never joined any cult/religion. He really doesn’t wish to return, to what he used to be.
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// Being part of a kalosian family, but born into Hoenn- a far away land from his parents’ homeland meant that there weren’t much- if any at all places where they could follow their faith.
Juan is the middle sibling- meaning that he and his younger sister, had literal no contact with religion. The same can’t be said for the older brother- who had some of it, very early on his life.
To an extent this was benefential for Juan- he never struggled with coming into terms with his own sexuality, and he could have a neutral look into art and performances when he was studying it.
Truly the only time in his life he had the most contact with it, was during his time in Kalos- when he was in college. Since then, his contact with it, has been kept to a minimun.
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 Palmer isn’t all that different from Pryce- as in he was introduced since very early on his life, he and his wife follow their religion- as much as they can. But he opted, to keep his son out of it- keeping his contact with it minimun.
He decided to leave it up for his son- if he is interested in it, then they will give him their teachings. But so far, it is pretty evident how Barry isn’t showing any interest to it anytime soon.
Currently he isn’t as religious as he used to be, which isn’t a good thing in his eyes- he really wished he had the time to dedicate some time to his faith.
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Religion for Riley, is an interesting case. In both households he was raised in- arceusism has ALWAYS been present- especially in his mother’s. Who would “use” it, as some kind of shield from what Riley was.
She really was affected, after his father left her before their child was even born. She saw Riley, as some form of God’s punishment for her sins. After he was taken away from her, she went on to try and become a nun at a church- in an attempt to redeem herself.
At his adoptive family- things were a whole lot tamer, they weren’t as driven by their faith as his mother was. For the most part he ignored religion, for the exception of the subject of rebirth- something that compliments his belief of being related to Sir. Aaron.
The belief of being the legendary knight’s rebirth, is definetely fed by all the stories within the arceusism. He uses them in some distorted way, to support his idea.
His interpretation is the only correct one, he won’t even give a care about others. Try to deny it, and you’re bound to find yourself trapped in a nonsensical argument- clearly nothing more than just RIley’s projections of what he deems to be right/the truth.
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Brendan has never followed any religion- but travelling the world, has given him the chance to get a taste of what is out there! He is most definetely intrigued by it, and finds them to be fascinating.
His mother wanted him to be introduced to it, when they still were living in Johto- however her plans didn’t come into fruition due to them moving into Hoenn sometime later. It frustrated her, but at the same time, never mopped about it.
If anything, now that her son is exploring the world- she can’t help but be thrilled by his fascination to the religions found throughout the regions.
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When Rowan set out to go through his evolutions research, he NEVER had any goal to go against the arceusism’s views of the world and creation. Because for the longest time, he used to be a believer/follower of it- however it was his interaction with people that drove him out of his faith.
But look and behold- he managed to put out something, that basically goes against the principle of the World’s creation. Because of it, he was shunned out of the cult- and to this day there is a huge resistance to accepting his thesis/work.
A newly wed couple, is gifted a pokemon egg- as a sign of their union by the church. This is how Rowan came to obtain a Togepi, who later evolved into his Togekiss- which was gifted to them by his parents.
Thankfully- not having his religious belief around, it meant less one thing he had to be concerned/stressed about when he came to have his affair with Richard.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
Writober day 9 - Blood
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// Please note that Riley isn’t open at all about being an aura user, so no one knows this detail about him.
So I’ve briefly touched on the fact that thanks to Riley’s powers, he heals himself at a very fast pace. Even the deepest/most serious wounds- they all heal up at a matter of minutes. This is why- he has no scars on his body to speak of.
It doesn’t matter how much blood he has lost, Riley always seems to just brush it off.
Don’t mistake him with an immortal- he can get himself killed, but what I am trying to say is he has a higher chance of surviving to most things.
He doesn’t use these powers just on himself, he uses it to heal his pokemon as well- most times right in the middle of a battle. He straight up cheats, and it isn’t something that people are aware nor notice at all.
Most people who battle him- simply describe how resistent his pokemon seem to be.
This is why it is uncommon for him to carry any medicines or potions for his pokemon with himself.
The process of healing: He channels the other’s aura, concentrating the energy over his hands’ palms- allowing him to just run over the area with it. It doesn’t give any visual hints to most humans of what he is doing (he doesn’t shine, nor his pokemon), and it is a process that takes about a second or so. Truly it looks like he heals them with just a gentle swipe of his hands. The only ones who may be capable of seeing it, are other aura users just like him.
The very first instance of this happening: While Riley was under his mother’s care, no matter how badly she bruised- burnt him with her cigars- he would simply heal up pretty fast. On one hand it helped him to endure the woman, but as a consequence- it only served as further fuel for her to continue with her abuse, and the big reason as to why it took so long for people to realise what was happening.
From there- once Riley became aware of what he can do, he immediately became intrigued by it and started toying and experimenting with how far- he could go. And it is something that to this day, he is still experimenting on himself- and on a few occasions on his pokemon as well.
And by experimenting I mean- inflicting injuries on himself on purpose. It is a morbid fascination and curiosity that he has developed about himself. This is also why he doesn’t care at all, what his partners will do to him- it will all just vanish.
He has most definetely scared a few people, who walked in on him while he was in the middle of healing up.
Obviously there are limitations to this ability: The most obvious one being that, he can’t regrow any limb/tooth/organ.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@bobosmith01 has sent: Who the gays and notgays (tm). who doesn't care lol
Bombard my muse with questions! Anything you would like to know about them, ask!         [Accepting, specify muse]
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// Agatha and Pryce are straight!
She never questioned herself, nor had any doubts about it. A few highlights of her “list” include: Rowan (around the time they were colleagues- got a little too intimate from each other) and Drake (passing by sailor from a distant land).
Pryce has been tied to his current wife, since very early on. It was one of those arranged marriage scenarios- where things actually turned out fine!
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//Palmer is heteroflexible.
Mainly attracted to women- he has been chasing after ladies the majority of his life. However, it is possible for him to develop an attraction to another man- it just is something he really isn’t aware of.
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// Blaine and Rowan are closeted homosexuals.
Blaine never felt any attraction towards anyone, it is not like he even had the time to waste with it anyway- science and his job always took priority over just about anything else.
Rowan for the longest time saw himself attracted to women (at least he assumed it was), but later in his life he would “find out” this other side of his. Which he didn’t take so well- at all, it may feel more natural to him- he may even feel better but the whole thing just doesn’t sit well with him.
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// Bisexuals but still prefers the ladies over men’s company.
Brendan still is too young to be spending his time thinking on his sexuality- who he is going to date and whatnot. He will only come into terms about it much later! As such his attraction to men? Will take even longer to experience anything of that sort.
Juan has no interest at all in forming a serious relationship with men, he will only have flings with them here and there. They are far more sporadic, than compared to what he had with women.
Tabitha has had experience with men, during his time as Team magma’s admin. But it is evident, he isn’t as keen on them as he can get with women.
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// Bisexual, bastardwantsasugardaddy preys upon the desperation of rich older guys (he finds them to be easier to manipulate).
Riley’s case is...A complicated matter, he has always been using it to take advantage of others. This goes as early as his teen years, while still studying in high school. Riley has always gone after the attention of older partners, as he tries to find himself the perfect position/place for him to maintain or get to the image he desires.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@roleplayersoul has sent: 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫 idk just everyone i guess fuck me up fa
For every 💫 I get, I’ll give you a headcanon about muse’s FUTURE! {Accepting, specify muse]
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// Agatha will progressively keep isolating herself from the rest of the world, at her current age she just can’t take anymore the kind of harrassment she receives from the modern world. Who shuns, humiliates, bashes at those who made their livings at the so called “dark age” of their history. She will continue hating Oak, only rarely being visitted by Lance or Morty (who has earned her trust).
Read more bc of the length!
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// Blaine unfortunately doesn’t get to live much after the B2/W2 events, he passes away at the age of 65- very close to the conclusion of his gym’s rebuilding. The early death is due to all the years of being exposed to harmful and dangerous substances, he will die while working and will only be found days later when people are starting to question about his whereabouts.
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// Pryce eventually retires from his gym leaders duties, dedicating the rest of his life to his family and his art. Unfortunately he doesn’t find anyone to train in the art of ice sculpting, but near the end of his life he decides to donate his guides, books and materials to a museum so the knowledge about this form of craft doesn’t disappear. He lives long enough to see his oldest granddaughter starting her pokemon journey, I’d say he would be around his 70 and up for it!
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// When Barry turns 20 (10 years after the DPPt events), he will apply himself for a position at the Battle frontier. His son will go on to take his role at the Johto region and start his own division/team there, leaving Palmer to only look after the Sinnoh region. With Barry living in Johto, his wife is capable of moving to the Battle area in order to stay close to her husband.
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// Juan’s son Ceasar is still trying to get him to sign the papers of his paternity, by now Wallace has stepped down from the champion position because Brendan is now the one in charge- instead he became an elite four member (replacing Drake due to his age) [either that or he has moved on to the contest scene completely- cutting his ties with the League]. Not much has changed for Juan, in relation to the League, but in the contest scene- unfortunately his popularity has dwindled due to new and fresh people joining in the scene. There is still a cult following for him, but it is safe to assume his priority has shifted away from the contest. Now he is branching out to movies (thanks to the pokestar studios) and the pokemon musicals in the Unova region.
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// Tabitha has finally truly moved on from his Team magma admin past! He is living his life, nevermore running into nor hearing anything from his former comrades nor enemies. In fact, he even started to land at a few works/projects in the pokestar studios- not really as the main star but serving as the background people (You know- the ones who take part in the large crowds for movies, etc.). He may not get any recognition, but it is safe to see how things have turned out the best for him. Also he has had his own fair share of runs into Team plasma members, and in all cases he always fought against them.
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// Eventually Riley finds himself an even richer and way more influential partner for him, he never gets to spread nor make it known that ‘he is sir. Aaron’s reincarnation’ but he can live with that- since he is enjoying a rich and luxurious life all off the other’s expense. Of course, he doesn’t just leave just like that- he firstly leaves Byron into shambles as the guy was truly and madly in love with him. As well as effectively destroying Roark and his father’s relationship.
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// Brendan officially becomes Hoenn’s champion, after an extensive training and preparation provided by Wallace. Meanwhile, his photographer career takes off- thanks to Juan’s help of showcasing his work in his family’s museum. He, alongside all the other children protags are taking over, the roles they were promised all those years ago (Ethan in the Johto/Kanto region, Dawn in Sinnoh and Nathan in Unova). His life has just begun.
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// Rowan’s life research on evolutions has been fully completed, and has been accepted worldwidely. As well as cataloguing the gender differences in the pokemon species- with those out of the way, he is still acting on the duty of handing out starters all while preparing Lucas to take over his position as Sinnoh’s professor. Once he retires he will have to learn to accept himself, and try to enjoy his sunset years in peace- by then Oak has likely stepped down from his position as well so they are bound to get back at being closer to one and the other.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
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// Okay so I feel like I should have made this announcement a little sooner, when I picked Riley up:
Due to the involvement of Byron and Roark in his development and story (they are VERY important pieces to him), I won’t be interacting with other’s muses of these characters.
I am not okay nor comfortable with throwing these curveballs at people, and this is a problem on my part for not realising it sooner at his conceptualization stage.
Especially because, I’m well aware how Riley’s story just may make others uncomfortable. (it heavily touches on toxic relationships with LARGE age gaps).
So, unless we have plotted- discussed & agreed on it.
Riley won’t be interacting with other Roarks nor Byrons.
I hope you guys understand!
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
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// So here is a brief worldbuilding headcanon in regards to Seasonal cycles for the regions:
For Hoenn region (and maybe Alola to an extent) matches with the south hemisphere’s one, as in the order of the seasons go by. It’s interesting to note that Hoenn doesn’t really have a time period of lower temperatures, rather their Winter season is usually called by a drought season (or very sparse rain).
Summer: Dec - Feb
Autumn: Mar - May
Winter: June - Aug
Spring: Sep - Nov
In Sinnoh’s case Winter tends to last about 6 months meanwhile the others are extremely brief:
Summer: June - July
Autumn: Aug
Winter: Sep - Feb
Spring: Mar - May
Meanwhile the rest tends to follow the north hemisphere’s cycle:
Summer: June - Aug
Autumn: Sep - Nov
Winter: Dec - Feb
Spring: Mar - May
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@tm27s has sent: 'Tell me' @ all of them alskdjf
Send 'Tell me' for my muse to confess to an ill deed they have committed in the past         [Accepting,specify muse]
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“You would be surprised to know how many people I had to step on, in order to get to where I used to be- even my family wasn’t an exception to it. Do I regret it? Not even in the slightest...”
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“You may see it like an ill deed, but I see it as a necessary task. In order for me to make fast progress in my studies, I used to heavily rely on pokemon as my test subjects. Seeing where we currently find ourselves at, it’s safe to assume I don’t regret the things I did for progress.”
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“Sure, I could be more reliable for my co-workers. Show myself to be the Leader we all need... But what’s that good for, if my retirement will soon arrive?”
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“I admit- I may focus a little too much on my job... It’s unfair to my family, isn’t it? But at the same time- I’m so caught up with the Frontier.”
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“Should I start writing a list? I guess the first one I can share is in regards to all the robberies I’ve done in the name of Team magma. Stealing important technology- retrieving date, and no one would stand in my way. This is how I became one of the admins- for Maxie... I was willingly doing anything for him.”
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“Oh darling... One of the first few men who I’ve slept with, was one of the judges from my first contest runs. Obviously this started after I was awarded the master rank ribbons, and I was declared the region’s top coordinator... That man craved me so badly. To which I obliged, I wouldn’t be stupid to pass on all the opportunities that pig could get me.”
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“How did ye think I got my very first ship all those years ago? Why- I betrayed my captain, I caused a mutiny against the guy and then claimed his place as soon as I was done throwing the guy into the sea.”
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“Back in my school- everybody feared me, both the children and the teachers alike... I had everyone in the palm of my hands. If they did anything, I would know... And the teachers? Let’s say... I could very easily threaten their careeers...”
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“Okay, okay! I admit! I may have trespassed into areas that I really wasn’t supposed to in the first place! I uh- may have found out Team magma’s hideout like this...”
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“Besides being an unfaithful husband? I suppose an ill deed that, I do regret to an extent is... Not saying anything when Agatha and Oak’s friendship ended... Maybe if I had tried to intervene... I wonder if I could’ve made a difference in the outcome...”
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
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// So I feel like I should clear up in regards to game mechanics that I take into consideration- to be believable in their world. I go with the idea that, what we experience in the games does not equal in regards to what the muses’ know of/are aware of. I think this is obvious to some, but it never hurts to bring these up.
This is just a list of things that I take into consideration, for their developments. I just want to clarify in regards to what I deem to be WAY too OOC to even be a thing to begin with. This means that if your muse ends up bringing these things up, my muses may not recognize or even understand what is even said to them.
I may add or remove stuff in the future if I see the need of.
IVs/EVs: there is no such thing as precisely knowing the pokemon’s status.
Glitches (Especifically MissingNo and the Bad eggs)
HMs: Aren’t exactly tutors like TMs, more so abilities that the pokemon already have within themselves.
These are self explenatory. There isn’t much to be said here.
Taken into a CERTAIN DEGREE:
Natures: They are all aware that raising two pokemon of the same specie, can lead into different results. The natures/personalities have been described, classified and studied. But there is no such thing as people being 100% sure, which aspect of the pokemon will be enhanced by what (e.g.: Pokemon with Adamant nature, have been observed to have a tendency to mostly rely on physical force rather than attacking from the distance).
Levels: This goes alongside IVs and EVs’ statement. There is no such thing as keeping track of a pokemon’s growth, at least not with numbers or some kind of grading system. A pokemon’s strength- superiority over the other, comes with their experiences gained through their lives (trainning, bond with their trainer, etc.).
Power Point: A pokemon running out of a move’s PP is simply described as a fatigue, that prevents them from using the attack. There is no such thing as precisely knowing how many times a move can be used in a battle, the trainer will have to take it from their own observations.
Hacked/illegal pokemon: They are essentially pokemon, that are forbidden from being used in battles that follows the pokemon League’s established laws. This is because these pokemon are found using attacks, and abilities that they don’t naturally- nor aren’t supposed to have with themselves. As the methods to usually obtain such results, are deemed unethical- with no respect taken into consideration to the pokemon’s well being.
Base stats: Species strengths, it isn’t something that has been precisely counted or kept track of. These are just a specie’s strong points, that people have observed and studied. They do use the classifications of Attack/defense/special attack/etc. although this is something mostly limited to those who study and research them.
Taken into consideration:
TMs: In current time they are reusable just like in gen V and onwards, prior to it they were single use only. The TMs are programmed to react/teach to species determined by its development teams, who worked alongside professors.
Shinies: The very rare odds of finding one, have to do with the fact that these pokemon don’t last much if at all in the wild. The shiny pendant is just a little luck trinket, assosciated with tales of making these pokemon show up more oftenly in the wild (even though that has been debunked).
Critical hits: Just an attack that lands on an weakspot at a pokemon’s body- it could be a scar, an wounded area,etc. It is pure luck.
Trading: Pokemon that need to be traded in order to evolve, actually take a lot longer to evolve by themselves in the wild or with a trainer by themselves. The process of trading is meant to quicken/shorten things up, something brought thanks to the technology’s advance.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@bobosmith01 has sent: Oh, here's a good one. If they were a Pokemon, what would they be? (May or may not be easy.)
// This kind of ask is my jam so...I will have to do it for all of my muses alright Bobo y_y
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// Morty: Gengar (-coughs- pokemonhybridAU -coughs-) OR Misdreavus (COUGHSmd!AuCOUGHS).
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// Barry: Trapinch.
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// Palmer: Flygon.
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// Lance: Dragonite.
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// Drake: Salamence.
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// Pryce: Dewgong or Delibird.
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// Blaine: Rotom- More precisely its heat form!
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// Agatha: Arbok or Mandibuzz.
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// Brendan: Sentret.
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// Tabitha: Mightyena or Houndoom.
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// Juan: Luvdisc or Kingdra.
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// Riley: Lucario or Absol.
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// Rowan: Bronzong or Noctowl.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
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// Also bc I need to put this out since it ties in to all of my Sinnoh moves, after having long discussions with @littlesilverplatinum and having them agreeing to it. I’ll be basing the region to a more slavic take on it, than japanese- following a similair worldbuilding as theirs!
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
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// RIley’s VA
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@bobosmith01 has sent: Dull maybe, but what is each one's favorite weather? Or weather(s)?
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// Rowan, Riley and Pryce’s is hailstorms/snowfall. These three are Winter lovers!
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// Brendan, Tabitha, Blaine and Juan’s is a bright harsh sunny day- even if in Juan’s specialty field it isn’t benefential for him nor his pokemon.
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// Palmer and Agatha appreciate a heavy and dense fog! Those that are almost impossible to see anything ahead of you.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
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// My aesthetic for masters is: Roark’s talk about Riley, actually being him showing his bittersweetness towards the guy. And describing him the most sarcastic way possible- without making his animosity too clear.
Although in his case- taking my take on Riley, I’d say it is justifiable.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@rivalcalem has sent: ✉ riley & brendan?
Send “✉” for a common headcanon for my muse that I disagree with!         [Accepting, specify muse]
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// I feel like this might be one of the bigger reasons why I opted to pick an emerald universe based Brendan, over his gen 6 counterpart.
But I really don’t like it when these young trainers- suddenly get their hands on Legendary pokemon.
I get it that in modern games, they try to establish how the protagonist should have an important bond with any of the mythical/legendaries out there.
I’m looking at you Unova, I love u but u started this trend.
But you know- in my eyes this is more of a game mechanic than something that would actually happen in their world? Because it honestly feels overkill- it makes these kids way too overpowered in a bad way.
I’m not saying I ignore all of the encounters/befriending legendaries out there, Suicune’s capture is crucial for Eusine’s arc over at my Morty. I also do take into consideration the fact that Dawn fell into the distortion world and met Giratina there- you could say I am picky about this subject.
IDK about you guys- but I prefer stories where the character managed to achieve their goals all by themselves, and they didn’t need to rely on a God/entity to help them throughout their journey.
Also you can’t tell me how locking up a mythical creature, won’t have any type of consequences in the environment/world’s stability/etc.
This is why my Brendan- although he assisted in stopping the fight between Groudon and Kyogre, he didn’t befriend any legendary in his journey. Latios/Latias is just a blurred picture on the TV. And he has 0 interest in seeking them out.
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// Here are a few headcanons I’ve talkedabout in the past so far:
Riley isn’t related to Sir. Aaron | Aura user =/= good person uwu | Roark and Riley AREN’T in good terms with each other
I feel like this might not be that big but still relevant to talk about:
The so-called stat trainer class, isn’t an official title recognised by the pokemon League.
Rather I see it as just a thing that trainers point out a similarity at Riley/Cheryl/Mira/Buck/Marley’s teams.
And in that regard- I’d also like to point out that these 5 trainers? They only met each other at the Battle frontier. There is no actual friendship between them etc. It is just an odd coincidence that they happen to focus on a specific attribute of a pokemon, rather than their type.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@bobosmith01 has sent: What was their first Pokemon?
Long response under read more!
Important thing to note: For the elderly muses- pokeballs had YET to be created, or at least released to the public. So at the start, these pokemon were always hanging around them- besides cages... There really wasn’t an effective way to contain pokemon.
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// Agatha’s very first pokemon was a Zubat- the Golbat with herself, that has been nicknamed Tut. He wasn’t found in the wild, rather he was actually stolen from her college’s laboratory when she started her research on pokemon behaviors. She needed a pokemon with her, if she wanted to get closer/take a look at ghost types.
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// Blaine’s was a Ponyta, which currently is found as a Rapidash that has taken the ace role within his team. His family used to have a ranch, and they owned a Rapidash- which gave birth to two Ponytas. He kept one to himself, the other was working/serving for his father.
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// For Pryce it was a Swinub! He met/befriended it in the wild, when he started his ice sculpting lessons with his father. Later he would be gifted a pokeball, from Kurt’s family by his parents- so he could finally fully domesticate his pokemon partner. Currently this Swinub is the Piloswine who stays back at home with his wife’s Purugly, who they have had many offsprings with.
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// Palmer was amongst the very few trainers of his time, who had the chance to pick a starter pokemon for his adventure. As such, he picked Chimchar for that! Nowadays Infernape rarely sees any action, in fact he is kept in the Storage system where he anticipates for a day he will get to experience a battle just like in the old days with his trainer.
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// I’ve talked about this more extensively in the past, so I’ll keep this short: Poochyena was the very first pokemon he was handed to by his superiors when he first joined Team magma.
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// Juan is another one I’ve talked about in the past as well! Horsea (later nicknamed Leon) was his very first pokemon, it was gifted to him by his parents for entering college in the Kalos region. The water type was bought from a local fisherman.
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// Same thing here as well- Riolu (later nicknamed Ajax) was his very first pokemon, it was dropped out at his adoptive family’s daycare- the owner never came back for him. Riley was the only one who seemed to be able to soothe down, the pokemon who was attacking and harrassing others at the place.
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// Due to always being out in the sea, Drake was never truly capable of catching/capturing the majority of his pokemon. As such, he had to actually buy them from merchants. The very first pokemon he got his hands on was a Vibrava, which proved itself to be a little too much for him at first- at the time he had no knowledge how to raise them. He had yet to establish contact with the draconids. Currently the Vibrava is his now his Flygon, and is used mostly for travelling around the land, crossing deserts and is a part of his League challenge’s team.
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// Brendan picked Torchic as his starter from Prof. Birch! I’ve talked about his pokemon in the past.
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// Rowan’s very first pokemon was an Eevee, given to him by the relative who he was living with when he arrived at Kanto in order to start studying. Years later she evolved into Glaceon, during a field trip to Mt.Coronet’s foot for his research. Currently she is always brought alongside Rowan for demonstrations at schools for rookies- who have yet to get their trainer IDs.
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forgxtmxnot · 5 years
@bobosmith01 has sent: Riley seems to like to look stylish. Why? He does seem to seclude himself.
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// The first reason is for self appreciation- he always enjoys looking his best, even if he may find himself most of the time all by himself in an isolated piece of land.
Fun fact: Byron’s money is being used to buy him all of the stylish and expensive clothes- everything that suits his likes and standards. He refuses to accept anything less. This is all on top of the already expensive gifts he gives Riley.
The second being- “you never know when a good looking fella or a rich man will step into the island.”
Riley may be in a relationship with Byron, but that doesn’t mean he is a faithful partner. He has already cheated on him, with other people on countless occasions. When he isn’t in Iron island, he can be seen in Canalave and even Veilstone cities- always looking astonishingly handsome.
And when he locks eyes with someone- it is almost impossible to resist him.
Riley is a seductive man, and no one can truly tell him no.
However, it isn’t just about anyone he gives a chance to.
No- his favorite type are rich or influential, lonely middle aged men.
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