#did I draw marth?
ayumitsuu · 10 months
LIGHT BLUE is Finn! 🩵 sweet blue boyyyyyyy 🥰🥰🥰
I’m definitely biased for the next two colors. Praying for everyone to indulge me 🙏
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Close-up 🩵
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inventanimate · 8 months
tagged by @scorporia to answer 15 questions and tag 15 ppl (i did not tag 15), thank you!! :3
Are you named after anyone? my primary chosen name is from Marth from Fire Emblem
When was the last time you cried? last week when i finished the main story of Nier Automata
Do you have kids? only a cat
What sports do you play/have played? i don't sport
Do you use sarcasm often? yes, LOL
What's the first thing you notice about someone? face details, i think?
Eye color? blue :( i wish i had brown
Any talents? drawing, i guess!
Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies ftw!!
Where were you born? the black hole of dimension 112 (the USA)
Hobbies? art, various crafts, music hoarding, HTML/CSS, gaming, and overall goofin' off with technology
Any pets? one (1) Cat(tm). her name is Arina
Height? jerma height. 5'4
Favorite school subject? economics
Dream job? i want to get paid to recommend weird music to people tagging: @sysagainstcis @sun-almighty-wukong @plush-size-cutie @greatcurve @fakeosirian @glubpy @superchat @smsnsa @punkdogs @gustofwinduhdance @maryaustria
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thecrenellations · 1 year
"How many souls on this earth call you Francis?"
In 60 years of the Lymond Chronicles, I'd bet that many others have compiled this exact thing, but here is a list of who calls Lymond by his first name! Marthe draws our attention to the question near the end of Pawn in Frankincense, but it's clear throughout the series how deliberately Dunnett chooses what to call the characters in narration and dialogue - the choice can reflect who Francis Crawford (for example) is to others as well as to himself, at any moment. I love it, and Meaningful Naming is a feature of most of my favorite stories.
Characters are listed with the book in which they first call him Francis in dialogue. Italics indicate they call him that when he isn't present. If they directly Francis him later, they’ve been added to the list for that book, too.
I've also noted to whom he's just Francis in the narration - it's always someone who thinks of him like that, and it always makes me feel a lot.
If you notice something I left out, or if you know where to find similar analysis, let me know! Let us all be scholars of Francis.
Lists below! Plus some thoughts and quantitative stuff. (many, many spoilers)
The Game of Kings
Sybilla Semple (see, I have to decide what to call all of these characters, too!)
Margaret Lennox
Christian Stewart (to Sybilla, and I'm sure she called him Francis in their childhood)
Richard Crawford 
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard
Queens’ Play
Tom Erskine
Jenny Fleming
Margaret Erskine
Oonagh O’Dwyer
Phelim O’LiamRoe
George Douglas
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard, Margaret Erskine
The Disorderly Knights
Will Scott
Kate Somerville 
Graham Reid Malett
Adam Blacklock
Janet Beaton
Jerott Blyth (I'm also sure Jerott called him Francis in the old days, but he doesn't return to it until the scene with Evangelista Donati at Midculter)
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard, Tom, Kate, Sybilla
Pawn in Frankincense
Jerott Blyth
Dame de Doubtance 
Francis in narration from the POV of: Jerott
The Ringed Castle
Alec Guthrie
the Abbess/Sybilla's sister
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard
Philippa Somerville
Marguerite de St. Andre
Catherine d’Albon (to Philippa)
Nicholas Applegarth (also to Philippa)
Danny Hislop
Fergie Hoddim
Piero Strozzi
Francis in narration from the POV of: Jerott, Philippa, Richard, Sybilla, Adam
Richard's monopoly on the narration Francises in the first two books kills me, I love it. The first, of course, is "God, Francis had screamed."
As a reader, I started calling him Francis, sometimes, somewhere in the middle of Queen's Play and stopped overthinking it by the beginning of the next book.
I didn't count, but I'd bet that Jerott says and thinks it the most. He's there more than probable runners-up Gabriel (shut up, Gabriel) and Richard (ily Richard) are, and Philippa goes on her own ... journey before thinking of him that way and allowing herself to think of him that way.
Adam is unique for making the list in his first book, specifically not calling Lymond Francis in The Ringed Castle, and then putting himself back on the list through address and narration in Checkmate. But that's The Ringed Castle for you 😬. And their entire relationship - there's a chapter or so in which Adam's narration calls him de Sevigny.
Who even calls him Francis in RC? Just Alec, Richard, and Margaret, I think. ("Do you call her Slata or Baba?" Thank you, Philippa.)
I would teach myself tarocco and play for at least a few hours to learn when Will started calling him Francis. Also the Erskines! They're all so genuinely close in the years after Game of Kings.
Notable Absences
Güzel - well, that feels meaningful. They were together for years. If she did, we didn't see, and I would also believe that she didn't.
Archie - will he ever? Who can say. Either way, he's the best. Also, see here.
Mariotta - I bet she does, after the first book, we just haven't been there.
Fergie, probably?
Piero Strozzi - Francesco? My petit François? I don't remember any Francises, though!
Ivan (and others?) - I'm not counting Frangike, either
Robin Stewart - I mean, I'm sure he would have if he'd known his boyfriend's real name before ... all of that went down.
Diccon Chancellor - probably not? I'd also put this down to the Ringed Castle state of mind. As meaningful as their friendship was, it makes sense for the book to continue to distance the reader, at the very least, in that way.
Does Francis call himself Francis?
He doesn't, really! He's never that from his own point of view, but we do see him sign a few letters with his first name. These are to:
Kate (Pawn in Frankincense)
Catherine d'Albon (Checkmate)
Philippa (Checkmate)
All of this is not to say that “Francis” represents who he truly is; it certainly shows intimacy and usually vulnerability, but I feel that Lymond and Francis Crawford can be just as definitive when deployed, and that Lymond has a certain neutrality. There's also something really interesting that happens when the characters are stripped of names and become just "he" or "she," from their own perspective or others.
And then we get things like "Mistress Philippa's decorative husband," which really deserve their own list.
"How many souls on this earth call you Francis? Three? Or perhaps four?"
18 of the 25 Francis-ers on my list are living at the end of the series, and when Marthe, who is not one of them, asks that question at the end of PiF, it's 12 (out of 18 total).
18 out of 25 is a 72% survival rate! Great!
2 of the 18 are pretty awful (Margaret Lennox and the Abbess)
4 of the 18 live in France, which he's currently exiled from
1 of the 18 lives in Ireland, but I think they should still hang out!
2 of the 18 may be departing for Malta, apparently
7 of the 18 are people he probably sees or keeps in touch with regularly, 9 if I count Janet Beaton and Margaret Erskine, because I like them and they're not very far away.
As much as I wish that many of the others hadn't died, I think he's doing pretty well.
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
For the drabble game 13. “Who did this?” with Mario & DK if this is okay? :) Otherwise you can also choose another character if you don't want to write DK. :)
(Set in Smash Ultimate Universe)
   Mutterings, whispers, exclamations of confusion surrounded two as they made their way down the street.      "You sure you don't wanna go to the infirmary?" The taller one asked.    The shorter one shook his head and let out a groan at the dizzy spell the action caused.      "Don't wanna make a scene." he muttered. Luigi looked around at the people who were watching them.      "I think it's too late for that." he said. Mario stumbled and Luigi caught him before he could fall. "C'mon, infirmary." he insisted. Giving in, the older brother let himself be led towards the bright white building with the giant red cross atop it.    It wasn't much later that he found himself laying back on a hospital bed as Luigi fussed with the stiff, over-bleached pillow behind his head. The fussing stopped as someone knocked on the glass door before entering. A Toad in a doctor's coat walked in, holding a clipboard and papers.      "You've gotten into quite a mess here, Mario." the doctor's tone was like a parent scolding a child. "Broken arm, multiple bruises and lacerations, severe sprain to the right ankle."    He peered over his glasses. "You do know fighting outside of a match is against the rules, right?"      "Not like I started it." Mario grumbled back.      "Then who did?" the doctor questioned without missing a beat. Mario refused to answer, instead looking away. Luigi sighed. "He won't tell me, either, doc."    Shaking his head, the doctor turned away. "Fine. I'll have someone come in and patch you up the rest of the way. And no matches for a week, you need to stay off that ankle."
As he got ready to leave a booming voice was heard in the hall. "Where is he?! They said he was hurt!"      "Hoo boy." Luigi leaned out the doorway. "In here, DK." he called. Pushing past the hospital staff the ape nearly burst into the little room.      "Where's Mar-" he stopped, his anger freezing to fear when he saw the beaten figure in the bed. "The hell..." he breathed as he went over. "Mario, what happened? Did Wario do this?!" his voice rose with his fury.    Mario cringed as he shifted. He glanced at his little brother. "Give us a bit?" his request was acknowledged with a nod and Luigi slipped out, closing the door behind him. If anyone could get the truth out of Mario, Donkey Kong knew how.      "It wasn't Wario." Mario groaned, slumping back as he gave up on trying to find a more comfortable position.      "Who did this?" his friend's voice was low, fury boiling beneath the soft tone.      "It's my fault, they started bad mouthin' Weege an'-"      "Don't give me that!" DK snapped. "You don't get to blame yourself! Who did this?"
   The sleek metal shone, the blade singing through the air as the tall figure practiced in the open ground outside the arena. Other fighters gave him a wide berth, not wanting to provoke his wrath. He was so caught up in his practice that he didn't sense the figure that was glaring at him. It hit him as a rare surprise then as the blade was knocked out of his hands and he was pinned down, large fingers wrapping around his neck as Donkey Kong snarled.      "W-What is the meaning of this?" Sephiroth found his voice shaking from the tension on his throat.       "You, you hurt Mario! He's in the infirmary because of you!" DK made sure his voice was loud and clear, drawing the attention of those around them. It worked. Other fighters began to gather.      "You teased him, you knew he'd fight you if you talked crap about his brother!" DK continued.      "Fighting outside an arena battle?" Peach uttered.      "That's low, even for a villain." Wario snorted. Others began to gather, murmurs growing louder.      "Teasing someone so they'd fight, bad sportsmanship, I say." Marth added. There was agreement and Ryu stepped forward.      "Sounds like we need to teach our friend here we don't tolerate bullying. How bout it, Hero?"    A nod from the nearby Dragon Quest fighter and he motioned to the arena. Everyone backed up as a tall, imposing figure stepped forward and reaching out, grabbed Sephiroth by the collar, easily lifting him as DK moved away.      "Play dirty in your home world, little man. Not here." Ganondorf's eyes narrowed as he spoke and he swung around to the crowd, holding Sephiroth up high. "I say we teach this newcomer the rules, all who wish to join, meet in the arena!"    His declaration was met with cheers as some fighters followed him. All the while the Gerudo King kept a tight hold on his target, dragging him along.
   DK watched as the fighters left, Ryu making sure to grab Sephiroth's Masamune, giving DK a wink as he did.      "I'll make sure he gets this back, after a few rounds without it."    Left stunned by the actions of the others, the Prince of the Jungle Kingdom wandered over to a bench, feeling lost. A soft voice drew him from his thoughts.      "Mr. Donkey Kong?" He looked beside him to see a yellow dog watching him with concern. "Are you all right?"      "Yeah, thanks, Isabelle."      "And Mr. Mario?" she had a habit of using titles like 'mister' and 'sir' out of respect, a trait many fighters found endearing, DK included.      "He needs some time, but he'll be okay, I think."      "That's good." she began towards the arena and he held out his hand.      "Wait, where're you goin'?" She giggled as she looked back at him. "To help out! I'm very good at teaching people things." she said, a glint in her eyes.
Thank you so much, this was a blast to write! Been wanting to do something in the Smash universe for a while now.
Prompt list here
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knighteclipsed · 19 days
happy anniversary!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Template originally by Neffi!
Name: Kano!! (i often stylize it as 'kano!!' bc lowercase and exclamations cool)
Pronouns: they/it/he (but really, so long as it isn't 'she/her' and it isn't unclear who is being referred to, i don't really care what i'm called 😂)
Birthday (no year): May 6th!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I've got Haitian heritage, but I was born and raised in Georgia of USA! Timezone is still TOAST✨
(more under the cut,)
How long is your roleplay experience? As long as my TOA experience pretty much :joy: (So, uh, basically just over 2 years HAHA) I did do some roleplay on like. Amino when I was 11. but i didn't really enjoy it or do it much willingly haha
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? My sister was super baller (she would do Minecraft roleplay on her computer) :sungals:✨
How were you introduced to TOA? Dewa's Dimitri art showed up in Tumblr's Dimitri hashtag!! I scrolled through the blog, saw it was a roleplay one, and my Instagram-pilled mind thought she had stolen someone else's art :crylaugh: (I, uh, quickly realized while trying to confirm that the art style was consistent and the subject matter was too niche [thinking of Dimitri dancing with someone at the Ethereal Ball], so whoever this 'mun' person was must've just been really good haha) Over the course of roughly 4 or so months, I learned how narrative rp worked, encountered some of the other blogs in TOA and even followed the masterlist itself! I ended up joining when I saw the previous Linhardt had just been booted for inactivity fdnsjkfnsd
Do you have any pets? Nope! I do have a plant though. I named her Vyse (yes, after the Valorant agent HER PETALS LOOK LIKE VYSE'S METAL FLOWERS) 💞
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Spring! Winter is much too cold for my taste, and summer is good but certainly pushes my tolerance for heat haha. My birthday's in spring though, which tiebroke between it and autumn haha.
What is your IRL occupation? I'm a college student! (The job search is real.....)
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Writing. Reading. Roleplay 😂 (Offering actual info: I love programming! I draw a lot. I like making/listening to music. Love and light <3)
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Baldur's Gate 3 GWAHAHA. (i have a lot of unfinished saves on other games tho: Hades(? made it out several times tho), Triangle Strategy, and the first Ori fnjkdjskf)
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: i don't. pokemon. i did once use Mew (the discord bot) tho and i really liked my Wartortle :] i also have a giant holographic Espeon card and the eeveelutions are unsurprisingly my bias GWAHAHA Honestly tho my answers are probably the same as last year--dragon and dark. Squirtle, Wartortle, Gible fndsjkf
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) I shared my programming endeavors last year! Also some math stuff so--I play a shit ton of D&D. I've got three regular campaigns going on; might be four if my workload isn't too much :weary: I DM one of those games and am a PC in the other two--the fourth would also be a game I DM, which is why I'm working with my schedule to solve this fdnsjkfn
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Played Smash Brawl on the Wii, was suggested by Kai (WHO WRITES KLIFF RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) to play more characters than just Sheik, and while he was wrong to suggest Ike, he was right about Marth. Later I followed him to Fire Emblem Heroes, then Sacred Stones, and then Three Houses--that's when I properly became an FE fan haha.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Finished (in order): Three Houses, Sacred Stones, Engage Started (in order): Shadows of Valentia, Awakening demo, Binding Blade in Japanese, Binding Blade in English, SOV again, Genealogy of the Holy War, Awakening (the full game), also Shadow Dragon in English--that's it i think :joy:
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First was Sacred Stones! My first finished was Three Houses tho haha. Favorite is one of those two or Engage idk GWAHAHA
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! I think Valter successfully stole first place, then Dimitri, Amber, Diamant, and then Linhardt or Selena (FE8) fndsjkf
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Dimitri! I picked his allegiance in FEH as a joke (I wanted someone to ask and myself to respond 'he's pretty :]' bc imo it'd be MAD FUNNY but then we got 3H for real and I ended up liking him a lot GWAHAH)
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Dimitri. Diamant. no one else i don't think but maybe if I ever play Fates something might happen with Kaze 😂
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: N/A - Fates: haven't played but it would probably be Kaze - Three Houses: Dimitri; Yuri is the next on my list but if we aren't looking at my completionist ass he'd be competing with a Dimitri rerun 😂 - Engage: Diamant! And probably Diamant again haha
Favorite Fire Emblem class? idfk i told someone Mortal Savant recently. it might be Wyvern Knight tho they're scrunkly :softsmile:
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Either a sword user or a mage! I would be playable, and I'd be strong in magic stats while pretty weak physically. (Imagine a swordmaster like that fgndjsfnsdf) No idea what class specifically but I'd probably be unpromoted on recruit!
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Blue Lions. long live King Dimitri 🙏✨
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons - probably Reason and Authority? Banes - Heavy Armor fndjkfn maybe Axes as well!! Budding Talent - Flying (the fear of heights go crazyyyy but i do love the thrill 🥺)
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) I'd be a Brodian sniveling about the cold 24/7 (affectionate)
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Separate letters! It's intuitive to me.
Current TOA muses: Valter and Selena (FE8)!
Past TOA muses? Linhardt as of last moon, Colm as of a year ago in two days!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Linhardt! And I could totally see him coming back, but he'd need a longgggg nap first fndjksnf
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) People with really strong emotions seems to be the trend? Even in the case of Linhardt and Selena (who are generally more muted in their expression), they have strong determinations; characters that are particularly tragic are also to my liking. (Also if their dialogue is scaaaaawy I'll probably end up liking them HAHA) Not really changed since last year haha.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Not really? Though I will say my ability to write Selena is kind of a miracle; I generally have a difficult time understanding femininity and womanhood, but maybe it's that Selena is trans that makes it a lot more intuitive to me dfnjksf Either way, she's a good bridge into woman writing I like her a lot :softsmile:
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) Last time I just wrote I like dialogue! With the question slightly rephrased--I like confrontational scenes a lot actually fndjskfnds I realize a lot of folks find confrontation difficult/stressful to navigate, but I am mildly insane and slurp that shit up onb!! Say something absolutely horrendous! Slam someone into a wall (or the floor or some furniture) GWAHAHA!! (For the sake of transparency: Don't actually just walk into my inbox and start fighting my muses. I value the narrative a lot and would rather it come from somewhere and not be Too much fndsjkfnd I talk about this on Valter's mun page especially.) I like when characters don't get along! It's interesting! I love conflict! The big downside to this being my favorite is that you have to be really careful to navigate people's boundaries, but I'm willing to sort that out--just chat with me!! I only bite friends!!
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Two answers for my present muses: for Valter, I want him to betray Maria (bc he's a fucking asshole and I want him to deal with the consequences of that fndsjkfns); for Selena, I'd really like a Glen here :oldplead: (this is not a scenario but genuinely if she found out Glen died actually she would be very sad!! get her with the emotions 🫵)
Favorite TOA-related memories? Nat and Dewa recognizing me as the Linhardt reserve just because I kept liking all of Dewa's stuff (including an arena thread with Nat's Linoan) 😭😭😭, Sirius rolling Valter as his liege in KKE, Colm getting dressed up by old ladies par Lloyd (Midsommar), Ree asking N if he was okay with writing body horror (Unscripted), Selena failing to kill "Vigarde" (AO), Valter and L'Arachel taking a million years to leave a burning classroom!!, Linhardt's Whole Friendship with Sophia, Linus slamming the Moonstone into a wall (and the floor), Valter getting chased by a giant Pikachu (Midsommar), Selena and Mlear :softsmile: (and by extension: Selena meeting Flear :crylaugh:), Valter beefing with EVERYONE (and also maybe stabbing Alfred? (he didn't)), Colm and Pelleas friendship 🥺, and the list goes on!
Present or past tense? Generally past tense? It changes mid-post a lot though; actions my muses are actively committing as present tense, but actions immediately past are generally. past. fndsjkfn It makes sense to me i prommy 🙏✨
Normal size text, small text, no preference? No preference! But I write in normal text unless asked to write otherwise; I don't take issue with the default size
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Chat y'all already know.
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egittae · 20 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Dewa/Dewba
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday (no year): October 2nd, same as Rua!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? France, CEST
How long is your roleplay experience? I always say 10+ because I sincerely have no idea anymore just A Long Time
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? My Little Pony OC roleplay with my DeviantArt friends in Join.me art streams
How were you introduced to TOA? An ex-member kept talking about it to me until one day I decided to give it a go!
Do you have any pets? Two cockatiels!
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Winter...I love winter. I love snow.
What is your IRL occupation? I'm a design + marketing master student with focus on the luxury industry! I'm also a freelance artist.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Sports, building scale models, drawing
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Pokemon, Metal Gear, Megaman
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Flying type. I love Cutiefly.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) My work was personally acknowledged by Hideo Kojima, and I was an advanced-level figure skater for 6 years doing public skating shows.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Marth and Ike in Super Smash Bros Brawl was my first exposition to FE 😔 THO what got me into FE was 3H
What Fire Emblem games have you played? :) FE Warriors: Three Hopes and FEH EZGNFXGN
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: Just 3H for all options
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Dimitri, Constance, Dedue, Idunn, Lambert
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Ingrid, actually! She was the first character in 3H who actually caught my eye, both because I find her design very pretty and because I liked the serious knight girl + pegasus rider combo.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Mycen. I won't elaborate.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? Three Houses Hopes: Ingrid
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Pegasus Knight!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? After a bizarre chat with some friends I realized that my full IRL name's meaning literally translates to "cavalier messenger angel of the fortress" so I guess I'm your good ol' Pegasus Knight recruit who's a light magic user
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) What I want? Blue Lions. Realistically? Church of Seiros, considering my track record with being under religious learning institutions.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boon: Flying, Authority Budding talent: Faith Banes: Gauntlets, Heavy Armor
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) What I want? Brodia. Realistically? I am brazilian. So I would be the brazilian equivalent of Elyos, aka Solm. Come to Solm.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Toe
Current TOA muses: Lambert and Sylvain!
Past TOA muses? Dimitri, Seteth, Hapi, Idunn, M!Byleth, Percy
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Dimitri! Honestly, right now nope! Not only he'd clash with the fact I'm already playing Lambert, but he's also receiving much well deserved love from another mun right now. I'm happy like this!
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) Anything that's from Fódlan, good people who have gone through hell and haven't even begun their road to recovery, lil weirdos.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Smart characters. Because I'm not smart. Also characters who are canonly very verbose and have very flowery language, I don't have the vocabulary to make it seem natural.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I have no idea honestly....whatever brings joy at the moment.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Lambert in his full kingly glory (softsmile), Sylvain showcasing his true, raw self to someone.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Byleth losing HP while fighting a fish with Arden's Frederick in order to impress fishermen, breaking his hand on a table, and then getting kicked in the nuts. All in the same event.
Present or past tense? I don't really keep track of this at all actually oops- past I suppose?
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I default to normal size.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Mila. And every time I open 3Hopes I get Annette flashbangs. But mostly Mila.
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s0ckh3adstudios · 6 months
Now I'm curious... assuming the humans come back after the true pacifist ending, where do Clover and Flo GO? Do they end up living with Martlet? Or would they end up with the Ketsukanes or Sunnysides? I can't imagine they'd return to the parents they had before given the uh. negative implications that part of their life has, at least from what we know about it because of clover. Would flo get to also partake in the found family clover got?
SO THIS IS ACTUALLY A REALLY INTERESTING ASK because.. Clover and Flo both sort of gathered their OWN people. Me personally with my own headcanons, I love thinking of Dad Starlo and Clover, though of course Martlet is also an option. Ceroba is.. not a caretaker option. Genuinely do not think she can mentally deal with all that right now especially with what happened between her and Clover.
Meanwhile, Flo has a total of one (1) people in their corner. Alexander. As much as they hate to admit it, and it would take them awhile to properly admit it, they care about Alexander a lot. They would want to stay with him.
And the problem with that this is that Clover and Flo want to stay with each other but have ultimately got different lives and people for them. Clover moreso, especially having been separated from Flo for like two years while Flo was with them previously before just dying.
UNLESS Alexander (and honestly Marth by association depending on the two's relationship. wink wink) was to become buddies with the UTY crew. Which honestly that's not too far-fetched to me because I feel like Alexander and Starlo could actually be great friends with their interests. I feel like this is possible LMAO
I think it would be cute if Flo (and maybe Alexander) got assimilated into the found family I think that would be really sweet. When all of Flo's baggage is unpacked that is HAHAGJKG everyone needs to like. understand what Flo did and just kinda. process that. BUT IMAGINING FLO INTERACTING WITH THEM IS CUTE I actually think Flo would really get along with the occasionally rough and rowdiness of the feisty five. They'd get annoyed with Martlet's chatting. Flo WOULD think Ceroba is cool if it weren't for. uh.
The History They Have With Her Family.
wow this post got long. ANYWAY HEHERJKG I'll have to draw some interactions sometime
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bentosandbox · 1 year
nice skin batch this time (SAGASWEEP☝☝☝☝☝☝)
(this is the most subjective petty nitpicky shit ever btw i suggest to stop reading here for your own sanity)
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Tempest is one of the most skin lines ever. You can see their personality through their clothes
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So why is this batch so 'my understanding of 'street' fashion is shoe + pinterest boards of Acronym jackets/anime illustrations' than anything you'd see first-hand on the street/actual street brand look books
(I like them anyways and will probably get Shalem's at least, not sure about pappyka's cause I dont have her 😔)
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nori gets a pass (like its good but i feel like test collection would fit better maybe) because he is a trendsetter fr lol
idk about fartooth's personality but you can dare I say see his 'born to draw product design forced to draw girls' soul rattling the bars of his cage so badly
i know their copywriting is just purely decorative but >trendsetter >sports 😭 ???? yj this is not your MARTHE line...speaking of which;
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What were they smoking here
The skin is fine, I like it even but MARTHE? (Writing 'the fabrics are made for aegir lmao' in the description is a fucking copout tbh)
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Marthe is like THE Terra Athleisure line why the fuck did they pull a Zima again she is NOT hitting the gym with that gigantic coat (Broca is kinda lacking in the drip department but at least he's clearly dressed for and in the gym)
All of this is nothing compared to Vitafield though
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notasapleasure · 8 months
Oh I realized I forgot to ask about Jerott/Marthe plans (I think I’ve seen what you’ve written but I’d love to hear abt the other ideas too!) and “AU of an AU” bc I wanna know how the townhouse stay goes!
I'll answer Au of an au separately :')
Ik I must have mentioned this a million times, but it always bears repeating :') the whole ethos of band AU Jerott/Marthe is summarised by the song Precious Things by Tori Amos:
So I ran faster But it caught me here Yes, my loyalties turned Like my ankle In the seventh grade Running after Billy Running after the rain
These precious things Let them bleed Let them wash away These precious things Let them break Their hold on me
He said "you're really an ugly girl But I like the way you play" And I died, but I thanked him Can you believe that? Sick, sick, holding on to his picture Dressing up every day I wanna smash the faces Of those beautiful boys Those Christian boys So, you can make me cum That doesn't make you Jesus
These precious things Let them bleed Let them wash away These precious things Let them break Their hold on me
I remember, yes In my peach party dress No one dared No one cared to tell me Where the pretty girls are Those demigods With their nine-inch nails And little fascist panties Tucked inside the heart Of every nice girl
These precious things Let them bleed Let them wash away These precious things Let them break Let them wash away These, these precious things Let them bleed, now Let them wash away These, these precious things Let them break Their hold on me
I also actually made a band AU playlist for them ages and ages ago, but some of those songs have since been repurposed to other characters' playlists and I think I'd rework it quite heavily now. Still, gives an idea of the vibes.
More answer and fic below the cut
Marthe gets saddled with minding Jerott while he finishes up his stint in rehab (Anemone on Ao3). She doesn't let on what she knows of where Francis has gone - nor who he's gone with - and Jerott's probably surprisingly tolerable while he's sober and chastened after all the drama of the road trip etc. They get to jamming together and do a few shows for pocket money, and probably bond over some obscure artists and songs they didn't think anyone else knew about/thought were cool in that day and age (mutual love of Nature Boy ftw haha yes I am aware of what I did there: 'the greatest thing you'll ever learn / is just to love / and be loved / in return').
Marthe, cynical about her chances of a solo career in the wake of Kiaya's departure, sees in Jerott a competant musician who she might bend to play her kind of music, to allow her to kind of ride on-his-coattails into the charts/European market (grudgingly admitting the need for a Man in the music industry, thanks for the 'lesson', Kiaya), from where she might find her own niche. They do have chemistry on stage at this point, playing covers together and challenging each other to play better than the other. I think that leads her to a moment of vulnerability where she makes a last gasp effort to convince herself she's bi, when it's really just that competence is a draw no matter who they are. But Jerott's still sober and he's so excited she's willing to tolerate him (oh thank god!! I was attracted to her and not Francis after all!!) that he's well behaved and keeps his mouth shut when told to (see excerpt below). He is also, as we have discussed, A Good Sex Haver, or at least is very much the kind of guy who gets off on giving good head (it's MY au and I'll do what I want to make elements of their marriage less grim ok??), so even if Marthe's not keen on piv she can live with the situation.
The marriage is something they both claim to go into with eyes wide open - knowing it suits her to have access to European residency (I am not looking up citizenship law for this ask, but Jerott probably has dual French/British if that's possible at the time) and knowing that he's obsessed with her(/Francis) while she's kind of indifferent/tolerating him. But of course he believes she'll come to love him anyway, and he believes he doesn't love Francis, and she believes he'll stay sober and meek and won't mind being teased about Francis when it's obvious that's who he'd rather be with.
They do some touring and it starts well - Fleetwood Mac energy, bouncing from love to hate depending on the kind of day they've had. They get a pretty good record contract, but they absolutely blow the recording of it. They have to *live* together for the first time, not on tour, but in a place near the studio, confined and at each other's throats. He starts drinking again. She won't compromise musically. It's a total flop - the lyrics are called outdated and garbled, the music is overproduced, stifled and jars from one track to the next. They play a few live shows where some of the tracks come into their own a bit, but the reviews put such a strain on them they pull their tour and fuck off to Europe, like living together in Jerott's ancestral homelands and sorting through Marthe's grandma's junk is somehow going to improve things.
So that's when things start to come apart, even though they're ostensibly working on a second record together they're not touring and they're working from a home studio, so their world is quite limited and Marthe branches out and finds French friends while Jerott obsessively follows the music news and write great long epistles to Francis.
In terms of the fic I mentioned, the idea was trying to write the highs (well, moderate peaks) and lows of their relationship through sex. I never got very far with the first one (below) but the idea was that 1) leaves Marthe mildly impressed, 2) a bit uncertain of how this might evolve, but still happy enough, 3) he says 'Francis' when he comes, but he's sober and just very tired so she elects to ignore it for now, 4) starting to get bored with this, the tour is tiiiring, 5) studio life doesn't suit them, he's not sober, and when he says 'Francis' this time she's absolutely calling him on it.
I did still intend to write a version of this fic set between the Baron Morgan/Aga Morat stuff and Checkmate, but I only wrote one scene between them, which you've read :)
Others haven't though! So I'll post it beneath the excerpt from the unfinished bit. It makes reference to her suspicion that it's only a matter of time before he calls her 'Francis' and alludes to a less-than-happy occasion on which GRM pulled his hair, not like he's ready to talk about that with Marthe...uh...ever? I imagined it set sometime during their tour, before they get bogged down trying to record their album. It's more them, I think - Marthe eternally shadowed by a kind of self-loathing and resentment of Jerott that's never going to go away.
Draft 1
She's pleasantly surprised pre-wedding
No, that won't work, but keep doing it if you have to
He says 'Francis' when he shouldn't
So you can make me come it doesn't make you Jesus
She calls him out on saying Francis, he clearly had no idea he'd said it
By the end of the encore, laughing and waving into what seemed a physical wall of noise, Jerott knew he had never been happier in his life. The crowd wasn't the biggest he had played to, the set had been rough and ready, but there was a spark on that stage that even Marthe could no longer deny. She stepped up to stand by his side and raise her own arms, and she smiled across at Jerott: a small, wry little thing, but a smile that contained genuine pride.
In the motel corridor, Jerott stopped at her shoulder, each of them facing opposite directions. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, her long, white neck held tall and straight, her smile something that even now she fought, but that made her cornflower blue eyes sparkle.
"That was pretty good, right?" He offered his most bashful, winning grin in return, lowering his chin and gaze.
Marthe snorted. "Yeah," she admitted though. "Yeah it was. You can play, I'll give you that."
He raised his brows and tried not to laugh or blush - he knew he could play, he'd never needed to hear it from her. But she was looking at him still, in a strange and calculating manner that made him feel weighted to the spot. Her eyes narrowed, sweat-smudged kohl hemming in their vibrant colour, and she bit her lip.
He didn't notice her hand move until it began to slide around his, neat and warm, her fingers following the sensitive contours of his palm.
Jerott sucked in a breath and his hand tightened reflexively on hers. At the pressure, Marthe's expression flickered, the corners of her mouth moving with something tight and resigned and her nostrils flaring. But she didn't try to withdraw.
She said nothing, and he saw blooms of colour, like peonies, cover the pale skin of her chest and throat. Her pulse flickered in the pronounced v of tendons between her collarbones and Jerott ached to press his mouth to it and feel her life, separate and strange beneath his lips.
Marthe tugged his hand until he took a step sideways, and the lengths of their arms were aligned: his bare brown skin against her rumpled shirt and white skin, long black hairs mingling with the fine blonde ones covering her forearm. Her face was only inches from his. It was smooth as polished marble, distinguished here and there by traces of the complexities of her existence: fine echoes of all her frowns and smiles in the lines that could not be seen when he stood back. And he had never known her eyes so wide, her mouth part with such softness.
Jerott felt his heart jolt at the expression on her face. He had imagined it so many times, in so many places, and it could never have compared to the way she looked now: sultry and confident, gently, wryly amused, and - finally - interested in what she saw in return?
"You think I can play?" He murmured, leaning into her gravity, his smile smooth and his eyes steady.
She grinned, but it made the hairs on his arms stand on end: a sense of danger gathering. "Don't," Marthe said, her voice crisp and firm.
He raised his eyebrows and broadened his sweetest smile. With an unsteady breath he lowered his face still closer to hers.
Marthe snorted, blue fire dancing in her eyes, the dimples in her cheeks sinking deeper. "I said don't!" She repeated, but her grin crept into her voice. "Don't pull that smooth shit with me, you got your compliment."
Jerott laughed silently and looked down, his eyes hovering on her lips as he contemplated saying another foolish thing.
She must have seen the idiocy on the tip of his tongue and pre-empted it: "Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up," she raked the last syllable over her vocal chords, drawling , chuckling, edging nearer herself until her nose brushed against his. Her mascara-coated lashes lowered until the last moment.
Jerott met her eyes as their lips touched: blue like an open sky, blue like denim and fresh water. Her mouth was soft and hot, closed over his own parched mouth as she tested the feel of him, her open eyes seeking out the response she elicited.
He tried to hold her stare, but her lips moved against his, her teeth met his lower lip with gentle, teasing pressure, and he gasped and his eyes fell shut. His free hand came up to her shoulder, which was warm beneath the shirt she had shrugged on over her sweat-dark tank top, the perfect fit against his palm.
Draft 2
He'd proven himself, to Marthe's great surprise, an enthusiastic and generous lover. No inheritor to Gaultier's bored, unimaginative humping was Jerott Blyth; he'd go down on her at the drop of a hat, and he'd do it well; backstage, back alleys, motel rooms - wherever he could get his hands on her while they were both still buzzing with the adrenaline of the set they'd played.
Marthe wasn't sure if it made it easier or harder when he was above her in a motel bed then, taking what he assumed would be given freely in exchange for his own efforts. She did try, for the first few times, to work out if she might like it when it was a handsome young man between her legs instead of her dry, detached professor. But though she entertained the idea of being someone, something else, it wasn't long before she knew it just wasn't for her - neither in the sense of something given, nor in the sense of appealing to her tastes.
But he wasn't Gaultier, she wasn't his pet, and he could play. Their sets were electric, furious, wild in a way Marthe had never had the freedom to be publicly before. And afterwards he wanted to - and could - make her cum like no one she'd met since the girlfriend she'd had back in halls, and after that she was able to simply lie there and wait for him to finish without even feeling much of anything.
Gaultier had developed a habit of working on his compositions while he fucked her - eyes closed, mentally picturing the stave as he hummed and muttered notes to himself. Jerott, on the other hand, was gentleman enough to admire her with his eyes, his hands, his tongue. To never forget a condom the way Gaulter had from time to time – because he could, too. Above all, he was very eager to tell her she was beautiful.
Marthe didn't need to be told that. But it was better than being used as a dissociative tool for someone's artistic process.
It seemed kinder, then, to maintain an air of curiosity, of interest. In order to do so, she made a bet with herself - with the money she was earning from this tour, she'd buy herself a new guitar if he slipped and called her Francis while deep in the throes. If he didn't, she'd do something sensible with the money. Put it in savings or something.
Maybe she was thinking of the guitar when, one night in Seattle, she sat up to take the foil packet from his hands and open it herself. He looked at her searchingly, dark eyes she found difficult to read scanning her expression for ulterior motives.
Marthe tossed the loose tendrils of her tied-back hair over her shoulder and tore the packet open with her teeth, aware of the weight of his stare, aware of his breath coming more heavily.
She rolled the condom on, thinking abstractedly of community sex ed workshops on the college lawn. For good measure, she gave his cock a couple of firm strokes, and he gasped, his brows raising.
Ok, that's plenty, Marthe sat back with an expression she imagined was closer to being a seductive smile than a grimace. She didn't want him to think she was going to do...that, every time.
Perhaps she was overthinking things, overestimating what he'd notice and what he'd expect. Jerott wasn't that complicated, after all - he reached for her and kissed her like there was only one thought on his mind, and Marthe let herself be brought close, kissed him back with the same sloppy urgency.
Then, impulsively, she moved closer still, lifting one leg and shifting to straddle him where he sat on the edge of the bed - he made a sound in the kiss that Marthe took to be surprise and pleasure, and she ground her hips against him, her body still wet from his tongue, from her own orgasm, slick against the rubber he wore.
Jerott moaned and Marthe gritted her teeth. She pushed him back to the mattress and lowered herself onto him, her eyes closed, her mind on the wares for sale at Eve's Garden. She had him half on the bed and half off, his lower legs dangling over the side, unable to brace himself easily against the floor - it gave her near total control of the rhythm, and she batted him back down again if he tried to sit up.
He didn't take much convincing, though he remained propped on his elbows for a time, gawping up at her. She could sense him watching, and cracked open her eyes to wince at his expression of ragged, lascivious desire - mouth loose and open, eyelids heavy, gaze blank. Marthe screwed her eyes shut again and sank herself as low as she could, upping the pace of her rolling hips.
Jerott at last admitted defeat, lay back and made a strangled sound of ecstasy, holding onto her thighs just above each knee with bruising strength in his hands.
She'd never done this with Gaultier - he didn't believe in a woman being on top, and besides, if she'd broken his hip or something, he wouldn't have hesitated to claim the medical bills on her insurance.
But there was, she found, far more pleasure to be had this way. There were no hot, grasping fingers or lips on her breasts, there was no sandpapery, rough cheek rubbing on the skin of her neck. She could keep her eyes closed and imagine herself wherever she needed to be to get off.
She began to believe that she might do so here, as well. She wielded her body with less deliberation, working herself to a sweat as she bucked her hips, her hands resting on the tops of her thighs, feeling her breasts swing heavily, the small, natural garland of fat on her belly and her flanks jogging with her movements. The bed and mattress shrieked and rattled beneath her, the sound like a crowd going wild for an encore.
Jerott let out a cry and Marthe was almost embarrassed to hear herself answer it, feeling fire crawl its way up inside her, flickering and crackling like a broken bulb at the edge of her vision.
Fearful he wouldn't last as long as she needed, she let herself lean forwards, one hand a fist, bracing herself against his chest, the other taking hold of a bunch of his black hair for good measure, fingers tangling against his sweaty scalp. She adjusted the angle of her hips accordingly and bit her lower lip, trying to keep her momentum going.
Beneath her, Jerott's body flinched.
"Fuck...!" he groaned. He gripped the wrist of the hand that was knotted in his hair but found that tugging it only tightened Marthe's hold. His other hand flailed for the bed clothes, grabbing at the sheets and relieving the pressure on Marthe's thigh so she could really move how she wanted to.
He didn't complain about her grip. On the contrary, his eyes were closed and his brow was furrowed with concentration. "Oh, god..." he said hoarsely as his head rolled on the covers.
It was never quite enough though - she didn't get further than eternally close before his body bucked beneath hers with a grunt. The way he craned his neck and turned his head against the mattress pulled her forward, jerked by the hand tangled in his hair, and her own concentration was lost as he came.
"Shit," Marthe barked breathlessly.
She tugged her hand free, noting that Jerott's hold was now on her hips, his thumbs softly caressing her skin, encouraging her own gentle rocking motion to continue as he finished, wringing every last drop of satisfaction out.
Marthe swept his hands away, rolled off him without preamble and sat beside his prone form with a sour taste rising to her tongue. Disappointment - she knew the flavour well. Stupid, to let herself get involved like that, to try and take something for herself. That wasn't what this was about.
It was about her career. Wasn't it always?
Marthe sighed and massaged her brow. Her grandmother would want to know when she was moving to Europe, when she was going to find a market she could really sell to. When she was going to make something of herself - or, failing that, make Francis Crawford make something of her. Whatever they really were to each other.
Her grandmother would have a great many questions when the tour finally came to an end in New York, but one thing Marthe's grandmother would be certain of was that the man currently lying next to her was second-best - and Marthe's grandmother would therefore judge him perfectly adequate to his task.
Jerott lay still for a moment beside her and then raised a hand and rubbed at the top of his sternum, at his throat like he had a pain there. He let out a cough and frowned at the ceiling, then sat up and slipped away to the ensuite.
Usually, when they were in the motel room, he couldn't wait to wrap his arms around her afterwards, to pin her close in his hold - where Marthe felt like a small bird gripped in a fist. He'd fall asleep and she'd lie there, smelling his tobacco, his whiskey, waiting until he was heavy and snoring and she could squirm free to lie comfortably on the other side of the bed.
Tonight though, he lingered in the bathroom, and Marthe felt chilled and exposed as she realised that, for once, she would quite like to have been held in his warm arms. It might have made her feel a little less silly about the whole relationship, just to follow through with the act a bit longer today. But he didn't seem in any hurry to come back to her. She lay naked on the rumpled bedsheets while he ran faucets and clattered about with mouthwash and water glasses.
Her head propped on one hand, the remote lying in front of her, Marthe glared at the tiny TV screen in the corner of the room and stabbed buttons on the remote with one-fingered vindictiveness. That was it, she'd decided. Penetrative sex had to be the worst joke ever told to womankind. She wouldn't bother getting her hopes up again about it.
Porcupines fucking on a nature documentary. Marthe accepted the funny side of it, and snorted.
Some lowest common denominator sitcom where the overworked woman was chewing out her lazy husband.
Pizza ad. Her stomach growled. Maybe she was being unfair. Maybe she was just hungry - she hadn't eaten since before soundcheck.
A familiar shade of rose pink caught her eye as the channels flickered, and she stopped her assault on the remote to frown at the screen.
"With revelations emerging about Rajneeshpuram daily, it's looking more and more like Graham Reid Malett's activities were standard across all the cult's sites."
It was a report into illegal activities at the main ashram in Oregon, but showed footage of the man who had styled himself Geetesh in custody and on trial for crimes committed at his own Nevada ashram. Marthe watched with a kind of fascinated disgust as the portentous voiceover barely scraped the surface of Reid Malett's wrong-doings.
"Fraud, invasion of privacy, coercion, and he presided over violent and sexual workshops in which willing participants..."
As she watched, Jerott emerged from the ensuite. He handed her one of the two water glasses he'd filled and paused by the bed, staring at the TV with an appalled expression.
"What the fuck are you watching?" he asked.
Marthe shrugged the shoulder that was uppermost and nodded at the bedside table, indicating that Jerott could leave the water there.
"You don't wanna know how Swami Graham is doing?"
He'd moved round to his side of the bed and she saw his face the way it was lit up by the screen: repulsed, furious, maybe even a bit scared?
Marthe thought she noticed his fingers tremble a little as he put his own glass down. He ran them through his hair and then his eyes fell on the remote.
"Switch it off."
She saw him reach for it and - because he wanted it, because he spoke commandingly and she'd let him have enough already, and more, that night - she snatched it away. "I'm watching!"
"Well don't! What do you even want to know that you haven't already seen with your own two eyes?" He gestured furiously, pointing two fingers at his own fierce features, and grabbed again for the remote.
"Hey!" Marthe wasn't above hollering when he laid a hand on her to stop her from protecting the device. "Don't touch me!"
Jerott had already retreated to stand by the bed again, maintaining a distance, his palms open at his sides, his expression one of vexed fury. "Please switch it off," he said carefully, but Marthe knew suppressed anger when she heard it.
She narrowed her eyes. "Why? You're not gonna...let it all out, get all cathartic on me?"
His jaw clenched visibly.
"Personally, I think it's reassuring to see him cuffed and guarded," Marthe added, eyeing up the picture on the screen.
"...swapped his disciple's robes of pink for fetching penitentiary facility orange..."
Jerott said nothing, but took three long strides to the far wall and yanked the TV plug from the socket.
Marthe rolled her eyes and swept the remote off the bed so it clattered to the floor. "Oh, Mr Rock and Roll. Gonna throw it out the window, too?"
Jerott got into bed and yanked the sheet over his body without turning to face her. "Good night, Marthe," he snarled.
She stared at his back for a moment and then made a sound of exasperation and got up to brush her own teeth.
It wasn't like she'd wanted to watch the programme anyway, it was just that any talk of the Rajneeshees wound him up so much, even now. Marthe, of all people, could well understand another's bitterness about the wasted years of their life - but Jerott's bitterness was always special. He couldn't accept that anyone else might have regrets about any number of things, oh no - nothing compared to the victimhood of the boy who had run off to join a cult instead of going to med school, who had run off to med school instead of joining a band with a man he was clearly deeply, obliviously in love with. He was evidently the first guy on earth to find out he was attracted to a man and feel conflicted about it, the first person in the history of mankind to have his illusions shattered about someone he'd trusted.
Marthe brushed her teeth and hair angrily in the dark bathroom and got back into bed with a heavy landing on the mattress, with deliberately exaggerated kicking of the sheet, plumping of the pillow, and fidgeting until she was comfortable.
"Good night, Jerott. Good gig today. Sleep well."
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arcstral · 1 year
ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is. Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Soji
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday (no year): October 14
Where are you from? What is your time zone? United States. Both my parents are from South Korea. East coast resident (EST)
Roleplay experience: A little over 13 years of roleplay experience
Got any pets? One chinchilla affectionately dubbed Souji Man and a 'Shavanese' dog (short-haired Havanese) named Happy
Favorite time of year: Autumn
Some interests and things you like: The holy trinity of cosplaying, writing, and drawing
Some fun facts & trivia about you:
— I joined TOA during the peak of Covid quarantining in 2020 when there was a huge convention dry spell. The indie roleplay scene for Fire Emblem during this time was uneventful too. Having no productive outlet for cosplaying or writing, it lead me to join my first RP group which was (jazz hands) TOA
— My zodiac animal is a rabbit
— I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours clocked on Super Smash Bros from Brawl to Ultimate. You'll never guess who I main.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Final Fantasy XIV, Project Zomboid, Phasmophobia, Touken Ranbu, and Stardew Valley in order of frequency.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I like bug types; my favorite Pokemon is Scizor. While not Pokemon my favorite Digimon, Kabuterimon, is also a bug. Honorable mention goes to Greninja.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Saw Shadow Dragon in my local Gamestop one day and didn't buy it even though it stuck out to me with its somber and less colorful boxart. Next time I saw a Fire Emblem game in the store, i.e., Awakening, I bought and played it. The rest is history.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? If we're talking start-to-end I've played and finished FE1, FE3, FE7, FE9, FE11, FE12, Awakening, SOV, 3H, and Engage. The remaining games in the series I've played to either early or mid game.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: FE11 Shadow Dragon
Any Fire Emblem crushes? FE7 Rath was my first and only concrete FE crush. Marth was initially more of an aesthetic source of admiration though knowing his character better he likely exemplifies the ideal partner. Similar to Marth he's not really a crush, but right now I think a lot about Rafal, ironically less in the realm of looks or perfection and more at his attractive hot-and-cold personality.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Chrom - Fates: Kaden was my forecast - Three Houses: Dimitri - Engage: Alfred
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Dracoknight
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Archer. My first class in FFXIV was an archer and my FE tastes will reflect that too.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Marth. Need me a princely ghost boyfriend I mean advisor with a good head on his shoulders.
How did you find TOA? Through Fire Emblem roleplay related tags
Current TOA muses: Marth and Rafal
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Marth is my ride or die Fire Emblem character and that extends to him as a muse.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Besides Marth and Rafal I've also written Xane. Though there isn't a lot of data, my second muse slot historically (and presently) being reserved for dragons tickles me a lot.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Not really. My tastes are unexplainably versatile. I can favor the sweet and friendly golden boy type characters, or the less pristine and morally ambiguous "bad boy" types, and everything in-between. This isn't just true for TOA but also for characters from different series. My friends have a lot of trouble forecasting possible favorites for me because of it.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? Emotions. Conflict with those emotions. Mwahahahaha
Favorite TOA-related memory: The first few months into my TOA debut when everything was bright, fresh, and new. Meeting new friends and forging bonds with other characters was super fun and I still remember who was around me during that time. Farina (written by Maxie) is the closest muse to Marth in terms of when they joined TOA and who has stayed to this day.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? I tend to be very stable, loyal, and proactive in my delusions. If they're strong enough I pursue them, like Xane and Rafal. Rath would be among them if I ever replayed FE7 and if I determined having three muses wouldn't make my performance suffer over all.
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calvatier · 7 months
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Been a while since I last drew Marth,,,black and white cus I low-key dont rly like the past colour scheme i had of him,,,changed up his hair to have a little more curliness to it and thats abt it...such a troubled man
if I rly can't figure his palette out I genuinely might make him gray/B&w cus it wouldn't be out of the ordinary
Ive been a little brain stupid lately and I need to brush up on skull knowledge instead of doing what I always do without thinking...i realised I was doing that for this doodle and it got me feeling very uncomfy cus my brain couldn't connect some dots but I did remember and figure it out at the end so it's fine for neow...🤝
Making him fully black and white might be kinda fire tho...cus Carrion (his ex lover) is also purely black and white monochrome and it'd be rly cool
I think in lore Half-Orcs/Orcs have a range from greenish to brown to grey skin so I don't think it would go against any lore rules 🤝🤝
I wish he appears earlier in the story tho because he turns out to be a huge mentor figure for Amias and that's such a cute thing to draw...but too bad, for the sake of story, he only turns up around the middle-late part of the story,,,but I rly like how he's introduced because he has a reason to aid the party and similar goals..
Ordell seeks a tome from Melchior who is the master of Carrion. Marth wants to free Carrion. Melchior isnt a good guy so Ordell is urged by Amias that they shld take him down as he gets the time to help ppl.
As they travel abt to ask for info, they bump into Marth and he obviously wants to get involved cus this is his chance to finally take on his ex-lover's oppressor.
After the whole fight and allat, Carrion decides not to follow Marth BC they've already strsyed too far and their mindset has been changed completely,,,they eventually join the cult and dropped some clues to their decision which ultimately leads Marth to join the party in pursuit of the cult.
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prosaicpedagogy · 10 months
// Marth told me to draw his high pants so I did. I'm no pussy.
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lionsword · 2 years
Why Does Marth Call You Babygirl [Leif & Roy]]
As the most successful scammers of the group, “Marth” and “Roy” are your biggest targets. A chance encounter in a large town brings you face to face with the two, but things turn complicated when a crowd forms in support of the imposters. A gaggle of fans proudly support these “down-to-earth princes”, viciously defending them against your supposed slander. Try as you might, just one sensuous “babygirl” from Marth is enough to rally the crowd against you. The puffed-up “Roy” goes as far as to say they are undefeatable in their strength and purity of heart… but can they prove it? [Grants Sword +1] 
Roy was feeling a lot of things.
Finally, he was face to face with his own imposter, a bulky redhead at the side of someone who only vaguely resembled King Marth. Blue hair and a voice with all the sensuality of the warmest notes to ever grace vocal chords were mandatory requirements to play Marth, but the trappings of Marth did not make a Marth. Yet, he watched as a crowd of mostly girls and a few dedicated boys swarmed the actors, a fan posse turned battalion.
So be it!
His hand flew to the hilt of the Binding Blade, the real Binding Blade at his side. Even his sword felt hot with wrath on his behalf.
“Enough of this! Long have we pursued you to set the record straight.” Roy’s declaration rang out, shoulders back and proud, eyes determined. “A lord is more than charisma and foreign terms of endearment that stir the hearts of young people. We are warriors. We hold our responsibility higher than personal gain or luxury. We fight for our people, not lead them astray. You have not been tried in battle as I have, and that sword at your side looks more like wood than metal to begin with. If you do not surrender, I’ll prove who is strong and pure of heart.”
The crowd seemed torn between booing Roy and cheering at the idea of bloodshed and drama. Roy grit his teeth, drawing his sword with a sweeping arc of flames.
The other roy (his name does not deserve capitalization) didn’t back down, glancing to the fake Marth and then to Roy. “Nice magic trick, but we will defeat you, with the bond of our friendship!”
Did he really talk like that? No matter. Roy turned to his companion, weapon at the ready.
“I apologize for asking you to assist in defending my own honor, but this is for King Marth as well.”
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verdictvelvet · 2 years
well i did not really have it in me to post much about it in advance or draw a thing about it tonight because sometimes it is like that. but worry not for FALCHION FRIDAY is upon us as i continue fe1 basically RIGHT NOW. last time marth reclaimed his homeland of altea, now the fate of the world (or at least our ability to beat the final boss efficiently) rests on his ability to get some gay little orbs to get a book to kill a wizard. fight on, marth!
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looneybafooneyyy · 1 year
This marth drawing I did WAY back in January or February *I can't remember*, this was my first attempt with this art style and then it kinda stuck with me, I still love this drawing he's so sparkle on its Wednesday in it. I need to go remake this one soon to see improvement 😇😇
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knighteclipsed · 1 year
ooc; TOA Anniversary Munday!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together. ily!!
tagging: (flutters my lashes)
Name: Kano!! IRLs also know me by Dimitri, but it is by no means restricted to there.
Pronouns: he/they/it
Birthday (no year): May 6th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Georgia kiddo wrow. est in actuality, european at heart (during breaks)
Roleplay experience: Did some stuff back in elem? But never really got into it until TOA, which I joined about a year ago, the day before the 3rd anniversary!
Got any pets? Nope. I'd like to have a cat someday though.
Favorite time of year: Spring time baybeeeeee. Birthday bias but it's also a nice medium between extremes :softsmile:
Some interests and things you like: Uh...... Fire Emblem? Also most things that go into video games (drawing, writing, composing/playing music, i love programming so much it's insane, etc. etc), I'm a little art kid :sparkles:. Oh also Spider-verse and Nimona.... :softsmile:
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I know my integer squares up the 22? Did I mention I love math? Studying game design at a technical school rn, and I know six programming languages atm (JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Java, C#, and Python). I also programmed a text-only GBA combat sim in Python earlier this year. Took a couple weeks and I did that instead of my Physics work :D
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? ...So here's the thing. (JKJKJK) Uh..... I like Triangle Strategy, Hades, I've been meaning to finish the original Ori :shrek_mmh:, and Omori went crazy but I'm not playing it again (it's best on a blind playthrough). I also really enjoyed Undertale! Don't have much else on my backlog tho haha
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: So I don't really Pokemon. BUT. I do love Squirtle and Wartortle and I had a Gible named Nom Nom in Pokemon Arceus. Favorite type though would probably be Dragon or Dark. lol
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Back when I was in 3rd grade, my mother gave me and my brothers a Wii with Super Smash Bros Brawl! I was a Sheik main but my brother got me to play some other characters, including Marth, Pit, and Ike. I didn't like Ike for his slowness but Marth and Pit were good for my style of play. I later followed him into Fire Emblem Heroes hell, and then later into emulating Sacred Stones! Didn't finish it until after Three Houses came out though. Finished Azure Moon in three weeks (including school).
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I've beaten Sacred Stones and Three Houses, most of Engage, roughly half of Valentia, the first few chapters of Genealogy, Shadow Dragon, and Binding, and the demo of Awakening. Also about half of Three Hopes but that doesn't count it's a Warriors game (also through most of Book 5 in FEH) :/
First Fire Emblem game: Sacred Stones! The first I finished was 3H though lol
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Sacred Stones I think. Altho it's definitely fist-fighting 3H still.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Dimitri is a solid one I think. Most of the Faerghus Four guys tho are... yeah. :woozy_face: Also mayyyyyyybe Diamant? I'm unsure tho FJDKNGKSFGN. The arospec-ness definitely kicking in :joy:
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: N/A - Fates: N/A - Three Houses: Dimitri hah - Engage: N/A
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Grrrrrrrr that's a hard one. Probably one of the magical ones, but (gestures at this muse) yk. Wyverns.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Either some sort of mage (probably Sage-leaning) or a wyvern class like Wyvern Knight. Mortal Savant is also very alluring.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions, no question. My energy is definitely more Deer tho lol
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd. Dude is scary LOL
How did you find TOA? Okay so while I was still relatively new to Tumblr, I was browsing tags and a previous Dimitri's posts (the art especially caught my attention it was incredible) were coming up under the Dimitri tag (the mun knows who they are). When I looked at the blog and saw it was dedicated to Dimitri, I got completely suspicious of it immediately :crylaugh: Ended up digging around though and saw the art style was consistent, and after I got past the drabble at the top I realized it was a roleplay blog, which. While I was still new, I was accustomed from Twitter to people being both god artists and god writers, so I figured it was just all by one person. Followed it for a few months (which I got exposed for when I reserved Linhardt but I still find that hilarious so it's fine), and eventually the August activity check popped up last year and I decided to join. Yay! (Never found out who 'mun' was tho :/ (this is a jest))
Current TOA muses: Linhardt, Colm, and Valter!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Also Linhardt! lol. While I don't expect to be dropping him soon (looks away), if I ever did, I have a feeling he'd be back eventually. Adore my little genderball.
Have you had any other TOA muses? Nope! Picked them up one after the other and have yet to drop any dnjgkfsn
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Hm...... Well I know I have a type, but it's hard to put into words haha. Anyone who makes me laugh I guess? And people who are super duper attached to their role in life (think knights and knight-adjacents like Selena and Glen). There's something going on in their noggins that is just so. (STARES) Also people who scare me with their in-game dialogue. (Valter, but TS Dimitri applies as well FNDJKNG.)
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I'm not really certain, but I know I have a LOT of fun whenever I craft dialogue. Me and my incapability to be quiet (endearing)
Favorite TOA-related memory: A close one would be two of the muns recognizing me when I submitted the Linhardt reserve, but I also get a kick out of Linhardt climbing a tree to escape a boar during Unscripted last year fnjsdkngsf. The birthday wishes back in May also made me explode (positive) EDIT: I FORGOT SIRIUS ROLLING VALTER FOR HIS LIEGE DURING KKE!!!!! THAT WAS HILARIOUSSSSSSSSS (so was patty's crush on valter. makes me cackle every time)
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? I might still make use of my Saleh blog. I have an idea I want to go for, but he isn't the biggest delusion right now. Neimi might also have a shot, but I don't expect to be doing anything for Lukas or Hubert any time soon. You all know who's coming next.
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