#did I draw and render an entire hollow just to justify tagging them? WHAT NO HAHA
featherlouise · 9 months
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Also I am never drawing in that style again holy fuck I forgot how much I hate drawing lineless
Brief rundown of his backstory under the cut (bc it’s changed a fair amount)
(For context) The Order of the Old Flame (OOF) is a cult that originated from a small group of moths who left Hallownest when PK took over, they fled to a small village MILES away in a tundra, and over the course of a few thousand years, dug their claws into the very foundations of the kingdom that became of it.
Signs of their reverence of the Radiance are everywhere, but most notably architecture, which are emblazoned with suns and clouds and dream catchers (this will be important later)
Eóghan’s mother grew up in OOF, and is the older sister of the Seer (the leader, aka the one who’s seen as the most ‘in touch’ with the Radiance (all moths possess some type of dream magic, some stronger than others))
She met his father, a man living outside of the city in a small cottage with his mother
Etc etc they fell in love, had Eóghan, all was right with the world
Until OOF finds them, they have spies everywhere after all. The Seer and some OOF members resolve to eradicate the traitor and the one who has poisoned her mind, setting the cottage on fire in the middle of the night, with all but the old woman inside (who is staying in the city overnight, having been held back and forced to book a hotel)
Before setting the house alight, the Seer finds Eóghan, barely a year old, and decides to “save” him, raising him as her own.
Years later, miles away, a vessel destroys the dream goddess in her own realm, and the very foundations of the kingdom shake with her screams. The death of a god is something that every living being can feel, even if it’s just through a pervasive feeling of wrongness.
A disillusioned Eóghan takes the commotion as an opportunity to escape, almost being stopped by a dagger to the hand from his aunt, who is one of the most effected by Radi’s death, barely able to stay on her feet.
Eóghan manages to escape out into the cold, but with only a thin shirt, trousers and leather boots to protect from the cold, coupled with a steadily bleeding knife wound, he’s not long outside of the city before he collapses.
CONVENIENTLY on the road where a certain old lady is going into the city to sell some goods from her farm.
Long story short bc this is getting long!!! Old lady nurses him back to health, and he repays her by helping her round her farm. Eóghan is a VERY angry boy after realising that not only was his entire life and belief system built on a lie, but his auntie, basically his MOTHER, cares more about her faith than her son, would rather try to kill him than let him leave, or goddess forbid go with him. SO. Old lady teaches him how to be a healthy, mostly emotionally stable person!!!
A few years later, she passes away, but not before telling Eóghan that she would be so proud to have him as a grandson. He never does find out the truth. But as far as he’s concerned?? That’s his nana, blood relative or not.
Even more years later!! (Reminder that they meet about 8 years after Holly nerfs the Radiance) Hollow is kidnapped by a combination of PHFTT (PK’s killers in case u forgot) and OOF, and they manage to escape by the skin of their teeth, being injured and draining their magic in the process (they’re not difficult to kill, per say, but there are a LOT of them, and killing people is kinda hard when ur tied up with a concussion)
Eóghan, seeing this VERY interesting looking person passed out in the snow, decides “AGH fuck it!!” And takes them in
Queue meet cute!!! (meet ugly?? I wouldn’t class waking up in a strangers house after a near death experience a meet cute)
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