Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
caligulasAquarium [CA]began trollingcarcinoGeneticist [CG]
CA: fuck this just isnt CA: it isnt wwhat i wwanted CA: i wwish you’d log back in just for a second CA: evven if its just to tell me i told you so CA: kar wwhat the fuck am i doin
caligulasAquarium [CA] ceased trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG]
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lettersofsky · 5 years
The Truest of Miracles Exists When Our Domestic Duties Blend into Unity
Week Two of Conciliatory Theme Month for @diamondsandclubsmonth ! A Hot Date Fucking domestic fluffy goodness yes. You can tell where I am with things right now can’t you? XD
Homestuck Gamzee Makara, Horuss Zahhak | <> gamruss Earth-C AU, Pale Ship, Moiralligence, Fluff, Domestic, 
Gamzee was seated on one of the washing machines they and Horuss were using to go about their business, the Indigo deciding that Gamzee needed assistance with the task of laundry and inviting them along as he did his own load. Gamzee was using it as an excuse to mix their things in with Horuss’ and Horuss’ in with theirs in return to mix their smells together in a manner that was both pleasing and easier than sprawling across piles of the other troll’s clothing.
Horuss was standing in front of his own washing machine, fiddling with the basket he had set down on top of it, which was all kinds of appealing to Gamzee to look at; big, solid ponybro getting himself into flusterment over asking them to do this domestic task with him. More than a little cute if you were to ask them.
“How long ya got on yours?” Gamzee asked, leaning forward to rest their claws against Horuss’ skin just to touch the other troll.
Horuss’ gaze dropped to Gamzee’s claws on his skin, throat bobbing as he swallowed heavily and purposefully pressed into the touch. “Aneighter ten or so minutes are remaneing.” He said, raising his eyes, hidden behind goggles to keep them safe from the harshest of cruel light, to meet Gamzee’s own. “Why? Is there something else that you need to be attending to? I am so sorry to be keeping you – “
“Nah,” Gamzee cut him off with a firm, sharp word, halting his ramblings before the Indigo could get into the swing of things. “Just wondering s’all, ain’t got no place better ta be than here than you.”
“I strongly doubt that that is true, Gamzee.” Horuss tried to say, turning to face them more fully, earnest and as confident sounding as he ever was, so easy to believe if Gamzee wasn’t being all too aware of the truth of things in the world. “You hoof a number of things that you could be doing instead of being here with me.”
“I don’t be thinkin so,” Gamzee hummed again, shifting over towards Horuss until they could curl into him, claws to either side of Horuss’ face, tangled in his hair, making the Indigo look up at them. “I think that we’re gonna be havin us a nice chill time here and then something good ta eat when we get back ta yours, yeah?”
“I would enjoy that greatly,” there’s a small, shaky smile on Horuss’ face and Gamzee ain’t even going to pretend they don’t want to just lean forward and kiss him chaste and gentle, so they do. Horuss startled but relaxed against them quickly, one of his hands falling ever so motherfuckin gently to Gamzee’s arm.
Gamzee thrilled softly at the touch, leaning further forward into the other troll, trusting that Horuss would catch them if they should need it.
They pull away before such a thing would be necessary, no need to make anyone around them uncomfortable with public displays of pale affection in the local skin-covering-cleaning facility.
“So,” Gamzee mused, voice a low purr and causing a flush of deep blue to bloom across Horuss’ nose and cheeks in front of them, which they motherfuckin delighted in. “Whattaya thinkin of for dinner? I know some real motherfuckin lovely vegetable stir fry recipes that I think you’ll be all kinds a enjoyin.”
“You… you wish to cook for us both tonight?” Horuss sounded more than a little motherfuckin surprised and a bit like he’d been thrown into the motherfuckin deep end of existence. Thrown off and a little bit vulnerable and in need of someone to look out for and protect him and Gamzee was more than motherfuckin ready to be that troll for the other.
“Yeah I am,” Gamzee promised leaning forward to press his forehead to Horuss’ own, meeting wide eyed behind tinted lenses, a wide, impish smile on his features. “Wantin to get all up an in your personal spaces ta be makin ya something ta eat, ya know?”
Gamzee was all kinds a pleased to earn that little noise of wonderment from the Indigo, smile stretching wider as they threaded their claws into long, dark hair, feeling Horuss lean into their touch easily. Theirs, theirs now, theirs to tuck themselves into all the spaces of his life and stay there and keep it.
“I’ll show you motherfucking ‘oh’,” Gamzee couldn’t help but tease the Indigo, tugging him closer as Horuss chuckled at them, a breathless sound that they were going to ingrain deep into their pumper. The machines under them beeped loudly and ceased their washing noises, alerting them both to the fact that the first machine was finished with it’s load. “Come on now, budge up else I’ll have to be motherfuckin climbing over ya ta get off.”
Horuss’ face darkens and he sputters a moment at Gamzee’s phrasing, ducking his face even as his hands dropped to Gamzee’s hips in an unexpected gesture and he just… lifted them. Up into the air. Like it was that easy.
Held securely in Horuss’ arms, Gamzee blinked at the Indigo, shifting a little bit in his hold with a pleased chirp. “Motherfucker showin off at me.”
“Hush,” Horuss huffed turning to gently place Gamzee back onto the ground, ensuring they had their legs under them before he let them go. “None of that now, you… you cheeky colt.”
“A cheeky motherfuckin colt now,” Gamzee cackled, stepping forward to join Horuss in taking their combined laundry out of the first of the machines.
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quinns-art-box · 5 years
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for @diamondsandclubsmonth week 2!!
earth c prom ft. jade and the boys
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Pairing: Sollux Captor/Aradia Medigo
Rating: G
Summary: Aradia brings Troll Taco Bell and convinces Sollux to socialize.
It's @diamondsandclubsmonth again! This time I offer some arasol. About damn time I wrote them proper.
For the prompt: snacks
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Here we go!
September 1 - 7: Memento
September 8-14: Arts & Crafts
September15 - 21: Burning Bridges
September 22 - 28: Missed Opportunity
September 29 - 30: Free Space
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lettersofsky · 5 years
Steps Towards Contentment and Betterment Do Not Need Be Taken Alone
Week Four of Concilliatory Theme Month for @diamondsandclubsmonth ! This week was a Free Space so I just did a small little thing
Homestuck Gamzee Makara, Horuss Zahhak | <> gamruss Earth-C AU, Pale Ship, Moiralligence, Fluff
“Who is this little companion?”
Gamzee froze, looking back over their shoulder to the Indigo they’d sat down on their couch while they searched out their first aid kit from wherever they’d left it last. Horuss had his hand cradled to his chest, holding a cloth that was steadily staining the same deep blue as the Zahhak’s blood, and on his knee stood a small, curious dark colour baby meowbeast, sniffing at the new presence within her home.
They swallowed, turning away from the sight and focusing back on their search, forcing their voice to be steady when they answered him.
“She’s uh, she’s mine. Roxy found some abandoned and was giving ‘em homes so I uh, I took one.”
“Are you sure that you are stable to be looking after another living being?” Gamzee stiffened at the innocent question, keeping their gaze focused forward instead of turning to Horuss again. “It can be hard work to look after aneighther individual at the best of times and…”
“And I ain’t ever known them best a times, yeah.” They sighed, standing from their crouch as they finally found the first aid kit Horuss himself had insisted that they keep somewhere in their apartment at all times. They returned to the entryblock they’d left Horuss, sitting themselves next to him and gently shooing away the little meowbeast that started to try to scramble over Horuss to get at them. “Go on, little sis. Got things ta be getting my motherfuckin focus on.”
“She does neigh seem like she really cares about what you hoof to stay,” Horuss chuckled softly, watching the baby mewobeast completely ignore Gamzee’s words to climb into their lap, meowing up at them loudly. Horuss’ face shifted suddenly, turning serious and solemn, “I do neigh mean to come across as doubting you, I simply do neigh want you to do something that you come to regret.”
“I motherfuckin know,” they reached out to take Horuss’ arm, huffing as they pulled the stained cloth away to reveal the long, jagged cut along the Indigo’s arm, deep though not bleeding as much as it had been when the wound had been made. Really the complex they were living in should have been better with their regulations in regards to bare wiring and sharp edges on the metal fencing that surrounded it but Horuss had already told them that he didn’t want to make any fuss out of the issue so there was no need to worry about it.
They two fell silent as Gamzee started to clean and disinfect the wound, needing to ensure that Horuss wasn’t going to get sick because they’d wanted him to come into their space for once.
“I just,” Gamzee started slowly, keeping their gaze focused on the task at hand instead of meeting the eyes they knew where being directed towards themselves. “Nobody else was wantin her. And I didn’t wanna leave her when Roxy was thinking I needed somebody else to focus on outside a me own motherfuckin head, ya know? And I… yeah it’s been tough a times but I’m doing my all kinds a best and getting advice for looking afta her and I’m trying.”
“I know,” Horuss said, the hand not in Gamzee’s grasp rising to cup their cheek, thumb rubbing at the skin under their eye, nail too close for anyone else but a pale mate to be. “Just remember that I am here to provide assistance if need be.”
“I be all kinds a aware,” Gamzee huffed, pulling a roll of bandages out of the kit to start covering the wound. Neither of them bring up the little meowbeast curled up against Gamzee or the happy chest-rumblings she was making.
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lettersofsky · 5 years
There are Only Two People With Say Here and They Are Content
Week Three of Conciliatory Theme Month for @diamondsandclubsmonth ! Musical Theme Work has been more than hectic this week but I wanted to do a fic based around t.a.Tu’s All About Us.
Homestuck Gamzee Makara, Horuss Zahhak | <> gamruss Earth-C AU, Pale Ship, Moiralligence, Fluff, Hair-Braiding, 
Gamzee was sitting in front of Horuss upon the floor for one reason or other, nothing that Horuss could ever pretend to understand even if the clown had explained it to him a number of times in the past. The clown had dragged a low table over to the couch Horuss had been sitting on, and then dropped their face paint supplies on the supplies before retrieving their washing cloth, towel and a bowl of water.
Horuss’ brow had raised at the clown scurrying about his stable, gathering supplies and bringing them back almost like a barkbeast playing fetch with him without expecting anything to be thrown. Or like a barkbeast bringing Horuss all of their toys to show off.
He had been mare than surprised to see the clown sit down at his feet, forcing themselves between his knees and start to remove the old layer of face paint from their skin as easy as breathing.
Horuss was stiff for the first breath or two and then he released a deep breath, forcing himself to relax as he watched the clown at work, taking ashen white paint and dark grey from their skin with sure, easy movements.
He saw a strand of hair hanging in Gamzee’s face in the mirror and reacted before he was amare of his actions, claw reaching out to tuck the strand away before it could become too much of a nuisance to the troll concentrating on their work.
“There ya being,” Gamzee chuckled, the hand that wasn’t holding the wet cloth rising up to wrap around Horuss’ wrist as much as it was able to, clawed nails unable to meet around the thickness of it. “Best beloved of motherfuckers, gonna be helping me ta keep me hair outta me face?”
“I could braid it?” Horuss offered, feeling Gamzee’s breath hitch, the wet cloth falling away as the clown turned to look up at him. “If you would like?”
“Yeah,” Gamzee breathed, turning back to their mirror to let Horuss work.
There was silence between them as they both worked at their own separate tasks, Gamzee starting to reapply their face paint after they’d dried off.
Horuss decided to be the first to break it, determining that this was as good a time as any to bring up the particular topic weighing him down at the current point in time.
“Karkat contacted me today,” the reaction was instantaneous. Gamzee froze as they were applying the base coat of their paint, head tilting back at him, finned ear twitching. They remained silent though, letting Horuss talk as the words came to him. “He wanted to warn me away from our relationship again. He is, quite insistent that my trust in you is misplaced and that I should be made amare of it.”
“… He’s right ya know,” Horuss sighed as Gamzee spoke words he’d heard often from the clown. “Now don’t ya go sighing at me,” Gamzee carefully set down the brush they’d been using to paint white onto their skin in the pattern they always wore. “Ya shouldn’t be trustin me at all, ain’t knowin when I’ll be snapping and turnin on ya for no reason.”
“Hush,” Horuss grumbled, tugging lightly on Gamzee’s hair and causing the troll to tilt their head back until they were looking up at him. “I do neigh want to hear anything like that about you or about our relationship again. Understeed?”
“Unda-steed indeed,” Gamzee rumbled, eyes half-lidded and directed up towards Horuss. “Hearing ya all kinds a loud and clear, bro.”
“Good,” Horuss paused a moment before leaning down to press his mouth to Gamzee’s exposed throat, gentle and chaste, simply a pressing of lips onto the fluttering of a pulse beneath the skin. He lifted his head again, pressing a kiss to his moirail’s mouth before he straightened himself out again. “Now, I believe it is better to ignore him and what he has to hay about us as he has neigh idea what he is talking about.”
Gamzee hummed, returning their attention to reapplying their face paint, starting to fill out the broad expanse of their cheek with white.
“You’re all kinds a serious about this,” Gamzee mused as they were brushing the final bits of the white coat into place, deepening and darking it so it was as even as it could be considering the scars that marred their visage. “Ain’t real been motherfuckin expected you to feel like that about us.”
“Why would I neigh?” Horuss questioning, tying off Gamzee’s hair into a neat, contained braid of thick, curling hair, leaning forward to nuzzle the top of their head, chest rumbling with a deep purr that Gamzee repeated back at him, large wild meow-beast meeting the echoing of machinery engines. “No one but us has any place to hay anything about our moirallegiance. They hoof neigh place here.”
They really did neigh and Horuss was neigh going to allow anyone to think otherwise.
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lettersofsky · 5 years
There’s a Beginning Here, If Only You Were Brave Enough To Grasp It
Week One of Conciliatory Theme Month for @diamondsandclubsmonth ! Flirtations/Beginnings I’m definitely using this as an excuse to play around with some pale gamruss between working on other things yes I am.
Homestuck Gamzee Makara, Horuss Zahhak | <> gamruss Earth-C AU, Pale Ship, Moiralligence, Fluff, Small bit of background angst?
Horuss… had not meant to pale flirt with the Alternian Makara, he really, truly had not meant to it had just… it had just occurred without his conscious thought or effort. He was not even truly sure how it had happened, he had just…
Horuss did not even know how to start to explain what he had done to imply to the other purpleblood that he had been seeking out their attention and regards in a pale manner, he had just done so apparently.
It had not truly been his intention to fuss and worry over the other purpleblood in the manner he had upon meeting them for the first time, but Gamzee had just been so thin, so skinny and messy that Horuss had just… He just had to fuss over them.
Kurloz had brought Gamzee along to their friend group’s regular meet-up, something about wanting to get the other clown out more without exposing them to their Alternian counterparts for one reason or another and Horuss, had immediately taken to the young clown and tried to get them to eat literally everything he reasonably could. No one had really stopped Horuss, or brought the actions to his attention, not even Gamzee themself, so he had just continued with the behaviour for the rest of the night.
Thinking back on his own behaviour upon that first meeting; trying to feed Gamzee and tidy them up even the slightest amount, and the wide-eyed acceptance Gamzee had reacted to it all with. He had come on so strong, far too strong for a first meeting with someone and it was only natural that Gamzee had assumed he had pale intentions towards them.
Really Horuss was lucky that the purpleblood had not taken offense to his forwardness, he might not have been so lucky with other trolls. And Gamzee was more than within their rights to respond to them however they wished.
And if however they wished was to pale flirt with him in return then who was Horuss to stop them?
It, was not as if he was particularly unhappy about being the recipient of such intentions. It was nice to experience being on the receiving end of messages meant only for conversation and checking in on him, informing him that Gamzee had been thinking about him and just wanted to speak with him for a little while, wanted to converse and learn about Horuss and his interests and share theirs in return.
It was nice.
It should not have been nice, but it was. Horuss knew what the other Makara had done, what they were capable of and with all the warnings he’d been given about Gamzee, he was aware that allowing the pale flirtations to occur and continue might not have been in his best interest.
terminallyCAPRICIOUS started trolling clandestineTECHNICIAN
TC: yO :o) TC: HoW YoU DoInG ToDaY PoNyBrO?
CT: 8=D I am fairing quite well on this hay, thank you for your inquiry. CT: 8=D Hay I inquire as to how you are doing in return?
TC: oH HeLl yEaH PoNyBrO :oD TC: I’M DoIn aLl kInDs a gOoD ToDaY TC: MoThErFuCkEr wEnT An hAd tHeMsElF A GoOd aF DaY GeTtIn tHeIr bAkE On TC: mAkIn aLl kInDs a dOuGh XoD  
CT: 8=D So you are prospering in your current career choice then? CT: 8=D That is mare than good to hear, I am glad that things are working out well for you.
TC: aW BrO TC: YoU MaKiN A MoThErFuCkEr bLuSh yOu iS TC: AlL Up aN BeIn hApPy tHaT I’M DoIn gOoD FoR MySeLf TC: nEaR DoWnRiGhT ShAmEfUl yOu iS ;o)
CT: 8=D I suppose you could hay that, though I would neigh call concern towards you shameful by any meaning of the word, neigh at all in fact. CT: 8=D I am simply very glad to hear that you are doing well for yourself in the occupation you hoof chosen as worthy of your time. CT: 8=D I can only hope that it continues to treat you kindly as time continues to pass.
TC: PoNyBrO’S BeIn aLl kInDs a bLaTaNt wItH HiS AtTeNtIoNs iS He? ;o) TC: ‘NoUgH Ta wInD A MoThErFuCkEr’s pUmPeR Up fOr hE’S TaKiN IfFiN He wAs tHe kInD Ta bE TaKiN It ;o) TC: bUt a mOtHeRfUcKeR HaD A DiFfErEnT ReAsOnIn tA BeIn aLl uP An iN CoNtAcTiN WiTh yA
CT: 8=D Oh really?
TC: MoThErFuCk yEaH I DiD :oD TC: I WaS WaNtIn tA KnOw iF Ya’d bE CoOl wItH Me cOmIn tA ExIsT In yA HiVe a bIt TC: gOtS A ThInG I WaNnA Be gIvIn yA :o)
CT: 8=D A gift? CT: 8=D You did neigh need to acquire anything to gift to me, truly you did neigh.
TC: NaH I AlL Up aN WaNtEd tOo :oD TC: i tHiNk yA GoNnA Be aLl kInDs a eXcItEd tA SeE It! TC: I Be hOpIn sO At lEaSt XoD
CT: 8=D I am sure that whatever you hoof decided to gift me with I will enjoy it immensely.
TC: dAwW! TC: lOoK At tHiS PoNyBrO BeIn aLl kInD ToWaRdS Me TC: sTrAiGhT Up mIrAcLe yOu iS
CT: 8=D Now you are starting to approach acting foolishly.
TC: It’s bEiN AlL KiNdS A TrUe tHoUgH ;o)
CT: 8=D I shall see you soon enough Gamzee.
TC: Be sEeIn yA SoOn pOnYbRo :o)
terminallyCAPRICIOUS has ceased trolling clandestineTECHNICIAN
Horuss did not really care as to listen to anyone else’s warnings regarding the more dangerous of the Makaras. What he thought and his decisions did not really effect anyone but he himself and if he wanted to be the recipient of Gamzee’s pale attentions and give the clown his in return then he would.
This was not the first time he had had Gamzee within the space of his hive, nor did he believe it was going to be the last. He enjoyed having the other within his space, it felt good to have them there, to have them so wrapped up and surrounded by things that were wholly and completely Horuss’ was a very good feeling indeed. Especially when the clown decided to stay for dinner and let Horuss feed them with things he had earned and prepared himself, that was definitely an occurrence that inspired a number of pale feelings in his chest.
He had not had the courage to bring up the flirtations and intents with Gamzee, not face to face as he wanted to he just… was not quite ready to take that final step to tell Gamzee as to what he wanted with their… relationship. He believed that they were both more than aware of what they wanted from each other, that they were being more than blatant with their flirtations towards each other but neither of them were ready to actually talk about it.
They would talk about it eventually, Horuss knew they would it was only a matter of time really, there was no need to rush either of them, none at all, they would get there at their own pace.
Gamzee arrived within the next hour, dressed in clean clothing that pleased Horuss quite a bit to see, a gift held within their hands and a small smile on their face, lips quirking more so when Horuss stepped back to invite them into his hive.
“It is good to see you,” he said as he closed his door behind Gamzee, secluding them both within the safety of his walls. “Feel free to make yourself at home.”
Gamzee nodded and moved with the confident assurance of someone who’d been in the space a number of times before and was comfortable in the space they were in, another thing that had pale starbursts firing off inside the base of his chest. Having someone else so comfortable and at ease within his space, watching Gamzee drop into the corner of the couch and immediately press their spine into it, churring a soft, content noise once they were comfortable.
Horuss blinked, shaking his head a little bit as he realized that he was staring at the clown, forcing himself to move forward and join Gamzee on the couch, attempting to settle on the opposite side of the purple blood in a near-instinctive motion before the clown gestures for him to sit closer, next to him on the piece of furniture. He swallowed once they were both seated and settled, looking down towards the fidgeting clown next to him, looking them over closely.
“You look good,” he said, watching Gamzee’s head snap up towards his, purple eyes blinking up at him curiously before they realized when Horuss had said and a flush of colour became just barely visible under their face paint. “You hoof been eating correctly, hoof you neigh? You certainly look like you hoof, which is mare than good because I GREATLY prefer when you look healthy and neigh like you are about to crumble into yourself at a marement’s notice.”
“Aw you motherfuckin smooth talker, you,” Gamzee said, head ducking and the half-formed fins on their ears fluttering slightly. “Know how ta get a motherfucker inta their pumper cavity, ain’t ya?”
“I suppose so,” Horuss chuckled lowly, raising a hand to muss through his long ponytail. “But you came around to gift me something, did you neigh?”
“Yeah,” Gamzee breathed, turning the plainly wrapped package in their hands for a few breaths before they handed it to Horuss, keeping their attention focused down instead of on Horuss himself. “I be hopin ya enjoy it.”
“Thank you,” Horuss took the package from Gamzee’s hands, carefully starting to unwrap it to reveal what was being held within.
The paper fell away to revealed a round metal tin, cool and smooth under Horuss’ hands. Opening the lid of the tin revealed a number of decorated biscuits in the shape of hoofbeasts, Horuss recognized each one’s colouring as hoofbeasts he’d shown the clown at previous points in time, either through trollian or in their day to day interactions.
“I…” he started, falling silent as he was unable to think of anything in particular to say in response to the gift.
“Do you… like ‘em?” Gamzee questioned softly, shifting closer to Horuss on the couch, a clawed hand reaching out to curl purposely around his wrist, a steady, comforting weight on his skin.
“I do,” he breathed, picking one of them up to inspect it closely, looking over the details in the frosting, the main, the hoofbeast’s face, so much little detail worked on just for him. “Thank you Gamzee.”
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Hey, so according to my calendar, this event is sadly over! If anyone did a work for diamonds and clubs month, and I didn’t pick it up, I deeply apologise! Please PM me directly, and I’ll make sure to put it on the event tumblr. As we all know, Tumblr’s search function is shit. Thank you to everyone who contributed, and thank you to everyone who wanted to! I had fun, and I hope other people enjoyed it too. - Z.
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Rating: G
Pairing: Ashen Nepeta Leijon/Terezi Pyrope/Vriska Serket
Summary: Nepeta has a plan. The Scourge Sisters are as difficult as expected.
For @diamondsandclubsmonth
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Rating: T
Ship: Cronus Ampora/Porrim Maryam
Summary: Porrim and Cronus get matching tattoos.
Additional Tags:
background dirkuu
background porrim/dirk pitch
Fluff and Humor
Comfort No Hurt
well sort of
tattoos do hurt after all
Cronus is in slight distress
Week 3 Music for @diamondsandclubsmonth
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Rating: T
Pairing: Mituna Captor/Meulin Leijon
Summary: Meulin and Mituna talk about Kurloz and try to heal.
Final piece for @diamondsandclubsmonth
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