#diamond heart
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Cutesy Valewie sprite animations 💕
✨Wishlist Magical Warrior Diamond Heart on Steam✨Learn more here
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mostly-magical-polls · 13 days ago
Best Magical Girl Squad - R1
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variouspolltournaments · 3 months ago
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Anti-Propaganda is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote for something and not give reasons to vote against something.
Hiyoko Tosaka: human girl dating birds. extremely strong. the way she speaks is also hilarious. i love her.
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mintycitrus · 1 year ago
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diamond heart from @magicalwarriordiamondheart ♡
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bi4pan-polls · 2 years ago
Poll: Round 2 #1
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[ Image ID. AN image of Hunter and Willow from the Owl House finale. It is after a timeskip where they are both older. Hunter is on the left of the screen and Willow on the right, the two of them are holding hands as they slide down a hill. they are both smiling. Hunter has white skin and short blonde hair. He is wearing a carving apron over blown pants and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He has a scar across his face. Willow has light skin and short blueish hair, with a green image in her hir. She is wearing a yellow tang top and black shirts with green lines o it, and a kneepad on her right knee. She has glasses. and an image of Diamond Heart and Amethyst Heart from Magic Warrior Diamond Heart edited next to each other. Amethyst heart is on the left of the screen. She has black skin and long purple hair, and i s wearing a purple dress with leggings that are black with pink hearts. She has a giant mallet and Diamond Heart is on the right, She has brown skin and long pink hair in pigtails. She has a pink dress and a big sword, where the blade is pink . END ID]
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dreamypyon · 1 year ago
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themeatiscatfood · 11 months ago
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do you have a diamond heart?
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every-character-ever-poll · 2 years ago
DIAMOND HEART - Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
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cla-oh · 11 days ago
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Rockin' Robin & Glacier for y'all 😔🤌✨
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jessicanjpa · 2 years ago
(A sad little snippet from 1950 in which Edward sheepishly asks Alice if she's seen anyone special in his future. In this scene, he's taking her ring shopping since she and Jasper just got married. Feeling unusually wistful in this chapter, he's even dug the heart-shaped diamond out of his mother's jewelry box and brought it along.)
"This one for me, and this one for J—for my fiancée," Alice announced, handing two rings to the jeweler. He went into the back to resize them.
"It's all right to say his name," I said in amusement.
I didn't want you to get crabby again.
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "I didn't mean it."
"I know," she said lightly. "But I really am trying to learn. I just never spent much time interacting with humans, that's all."
"Why not? You seem to like being around them, even more than the rest of us do."
She shrugged. "I didn't want to miss anything, you know? Between Jasper and the rest of you, my visions kept me pretty busy most of the time. Especially when you were all in different places, or traveling. I just sort of lived through all of you. And besides, I look too young to sign up for anything by myself, like school or an apartment or a job."
I nodded, my hand slipping into my pocket. I took out the diamond heart, rubbing my thumb over it thoughtfully. All those years alone with her visions… surely she had seen something, if there was anything to see. I opened my mouth to ask, but shut it again. It felt I was intruding on something. What if Alice could literally find her and see what she was doing right now, like she had been able to find the rest of us before? Would that be wrong, or would it be wonderful? Even if I wasn't destined to meet up with her soon, as it had been with Alice and Jasper, maybe I could at least hear her voice, catch a glimpse of her profile. How would she feel, someday, if she found out that I had been… watching her?
Alice gently took the diamond out of my hand, turning it around and around in her own. "Well?"
"Well, what?"
Are you going to ask me or not? You've been changing your mind back and forth all day.
I looked down at the diamond, grateful she had taken the decision from me… and disappointed, because I already had my answer. I finally lifted my eyes, watching her face carefully. "I'm guessing from your lack of enthusiasm that you don't have much to tell me."
"Nothing. I'm sorry."
I sighed, leaning my elbows back against the glass counter. It was a harder blow than I had expected. I hadn't even thought to hope for this twenty-four hours ago, but now it felt like a part of me was being taken away. "Have you…" I began, feeling suddenly very foolish. "Have you tried? I mean, I know there wasn't anyone with me in the Family Portrait, but have you looked, you know, on purpose?"
"What would I look for? I can't tell my visions to skip ahead to Edward's Wedding Day. It doesn't work like that."
"I know that," I said quietly. "But what if you just looked into my future, as far as you could? Just to see?"
"It doesn't work like that," she repeated, her eyes softening with pity. "You don't have a future. You have hundreds, and at the same time you have none. Almost nothing solid is there to see, yet, and at the same time, there are so many possibilities it all blurs together. A vision gets formed as decisions are made, both by you and by the people that affect your future—all the way from Carlisle, whose job decides where we'll live next, to the person who's going to invent whatever gadget you'll be fiddling with in twenty years."
"It's not always like that," I said impatiently. "You saw Esme, and Emmett and Rosalie, long before Carlisle decided to turn them. You saw yourself with Jasper long before either of you made any decisions that would bring you together."
"That's different. Being with Jasper was always my destiny. And being in the family was always our destiny."
"How is this any different? If she…" My throat tightened, and the ache in my chest deepened as I felt my hope begin to die. "If she was destined to be your sister, just like Rosalie was, wouldn't there be a way for you to see her? Through your own future, if not mine?"
"It doesn't—"
"Stop saying that!" I hissed, my chest aching harder. "Could you just try, please?" I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm sorry. I know it's not as cut and dried as all that. I'm just… I have to know, if I can. So… please, just try, all right?"
Alice sighed, closing her eyes. I latched fully onto her mind and we flew forward in time together. Almost immediately the pictures began to blur, to dance around wildly until there were so many colors that everything faded to white. Sorry, that's not going to work. She backed up, going more slowly. We saw picture after picture of me, doing the things I always did: playing the piano, hunting, studying, walking in the streets of nameless towns, driving a car. Then I was driving a different car. I was studying in a classroom with an unknown mountain range visible out the window, though the mountain range blinked and changed shape three times. I was in another car now, inserting some kind of gray rectangle into the radio. I was playing another piano. I was reading a book. I was sitting at a desk, typing on what looked like a television and a typewriter glued together. I was wrestling with Emmett. I was sitting in class, and everyone's clothes looked wrong. I was playing yet another piano. Alice seemed to be focusing on my left hand, especially in the piano visions. It was always empty.
It ended the same way as before. No matter how hard Alice tried to keep a grip on the visions, they eventually swirled together in a bland mush of possible futures. She started over again, but our eyes opened when we heard the clerk's footsteps coming toward us.
"There we are," he said cheerfully, brandishing the rings. Alice tried hers on and declared it a perfect fit. I tried on Jasper's, which was just a bit loose, as it should be. I frowned down at the sight; I had never worn any kind of ring before. And just now, I had distinctly seen my hand continue to be ringless for any number of decades. I jerked the ring back off, giving it to Alice with a curt nod of approval. It was silly to think that the ring was mocking me, but that was what it felt like.
Alice held the diamond heart out to the clerk. "And we'd like to see about getting this set in a necklace," she told him. His eyes were just beginning to widen when I snatched the diamond out of her hand, shoving it back into my pocket.
Alice frowned. "I thought you—"
"Forget it."
"It doesn't mean anything," Alice insisted as we drove home. She played with her new rings, fascinated by the light reflecting off the diamond. "Maybe she wasn't in the Portrait because she wasn't born yet. The others already were. It doesn't mean she won't come."
"I know," I said stiffly, staring out at the road ahead. "I know that."
"And besides," she added, "most people don't have visions. They just have hope, you know? You just have to believe it'll happen. Of course it'll happen. Someday." Someone as wonderful as you… it has to happen. I know it will.
I nodded, refusing to turn and look at the pity in her eyes. Someday. It was no more than I had had before.
Why, then, did it suddenly feel like less?
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It's Magical Girl Monday!
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mostly-magical-polls · 6 days ago
Best Magical Girl Squad - R2
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music-catalogue · 8 months ago
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ahiruartist · 9 months ago
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"I will take this with me"
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bi4pan-polls · 1 year ago
Poll: Round 4 #1
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Image ID in Alt text*
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dreamypyon · 1 year ago
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She's real....
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