#diamond halo earrings for girls
divourdiamonds · 6 months
Bespoke your Halo Earrings for women in Hatton Garden. Choose the shape, size, and setting of your stones to create a unique Diamond Stud, Drop Earring London, UK.
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diamondsluvore · 1 year
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This article provides essential tips on selecting the best quality and style of Diamond Earrings for you. Learn about the 4Cs of diamond quality, choosing a style that fits your personality and lifestyle, considering the metal type, and checking for certification.
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mydiamonic · 2 years
Find exclusive pair of diamond halo earrings styles for women at My Diamonic. Buy gold fashion earrings made for girls to everyday wear. Also available timeless earrings.
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multifan2022 · 2 years
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*So this was orignally gonna be a one and done.. But its gotten to be longer than I thought and I have so many ideas for it.. so heres part 1.. Hope you all like it.. thank you to @callsign-dragonbaron for all your writing. You really inspired me to write this piece.*
Life in the Navy wasn't always easy, it was stressful and sometimes the days were extremely long. Some of the people made you want to spoon your eyes out. Having been in the military for almost 20 years though had its advantages, plus you out ranked most of the people your age. But you had worked so hard, for so long plowing the competition out of your way to your new rank of Captain. It felt almost impossible, between being married and having a beautiful little girl at home. Sometimes doing the hours you needed to do felt impossible. But when your husband came to you and told you about the promotion and he swore he had nothing to do with it, lets just say it led to an amazing night. 
With all your accomplishments you really weren't surprised when you were offered a permanent spot in Fightertown. But when you were told about the top secret uranium mission, you were shocked to hear that they needed you to fly it, not teach it. It really only took a few days to realize why your husband was being extra attentive towards you. Why when you decided to not go to the Hard Deck and opted to stay home and watch a movie with your daughter you swore you heard him sigh in relief. As you watched Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell, Aka you absent AF father, walk down the aisle you almost laughed when his steps faltered. 
It was clear by his face that your file had not been in his hand, he did not know you were here. Hell you wouldn't be surprised if he didnt even know you were in the Navy. It had been just over 20 years since you had spoken. Thanks to Iceman and some of the others from their day, you had never been stationed together, never flown together. It should've hurt that your stepfather was more involved in your life than your actual one but you were so used to it that it didn't even matter anymore. You almost laughed again when you saw there was another very unhappy face amongst the crowd. 
The chocolate brown eyes of your childhood love met yours and softened. Bradley knew that as hard as this was for him, it had to be ten times harder for you. While you guys hadn't really stayed in contact, you hadn't really fallen apart either. You were (unknowingly) still his emergency contact, the one and only person who would be handed a flag if something happened to him. Your father had chosen to protect him over you, chased him and his career around and didn't even know where you lived. It had been the thing that pushed you away from him. In his eyes what cost him his chance with you, his chance to start a family, his chance at love. That was only confirmed when you raised your hand to tuck a stray hair behind your ear and a large ring caught his attention. 
He thought it was weird when he got to base and was informed by Warlock that if he was married, he would be allowed to wear his wedding band. He thought maybe it was something new the Navy was trying out, but now he saw it for what it was. If he had to guess, you were married to someone high ranking, someone who wanted it known that you were taken. It was smart, because seeing the size of the ring and knowing that orders were slightly changed at the last minute would allow just about anyone to put two and two together. 
Except maybe Hangman.. 
You watched as his eyes flicked to your hand, which you then pulled down and tucked into your other. A large 3.29 carat pear cut diamond was surrounded by 76 small round cut diamonds that covered the halo and shank of your engagement ring. A smaller eternity style wedding band sat just below it, with 14 round cut diamonds totalling 1.67 carats. It was hefty and you were not the least bit surprised when your husband told you he changed things around so you could wear it. He had spent months picking it out, begging your friends to ask weird little questions here and there like. 
What kind of diamond cut do you like?
What style?
What type of metal?
Covered shank or plain metal?
Big or small?
He was a meticulous man, your husband, and while your ring was a little bigger than what you had originally thought you loved it. Sure it had cost him over a month's worth of his Vice Admiral pay, but what did he care? Beau would buy you and your daughter the world if he could. Making sure you could wear your wedding ring, the only symbol of his love and dedication that you could carry, was a top priority to him. Even more so when you had decided to hyphenate your name so you could still go by Mitchell on assignments like this. 
Your eyes met Beaus as your father took the podium, talking about this and that but you weren't really listening. You only tuned back in and looked at him long enough to hear “Today, we will start with what you think you know. It's time to show me what you're made of.” Unshockingly to you, he looked directly at Bradley, or Rooster, whatever. You can tell that he is basically challenging him with one look and you roll your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek as you look away. You know that no matter what you do in the sky it won't matter, you'll never be good enough in his eyes. 
Cyclone can see the pain you're trying desperately to hide, he knows better than anyone how much you don't want to care about the other Captain. He knows probably better than you how much you do, that you're in denial over your love for Maverick. He tried everything he could to get one of you off this mission. Begged Ice to not throw the two of you together for one of the most dangerous mission you would ever have to fly. Begged him to think about the repercussions of this man teaching both you and Rooster. But at the end of the day he was outmanned and outranked. 
He nods at you and winks as you walk by heading to the tarmac, brushing yourself against him just enough for him to feel it but not enough for anyone other than Warlock to see. The other man just rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles under his breath. Being the only other person here who knows about the union between you and Beau you don't have to be as careful around him. He would take your secrets to the grave if he needed to, he was like a brother to both you and Cyclone. He watched as Beaus' eyes followed you towards the door, and could see the tension in his shoulders and neck. 
Pete could see it too, as he turned and watched his daughter leave. It shocked and concerned him to find the Vice Admirals eyes on his daughter. Maybe she was just as much trouble as he was, maybe Cyclone didn't like her. Maybe she had, even without him, followed in his exact footsteps. He eyed over his superior officer as he jogged past calling his daughter's name. Surprised when she stopped and turned to him, arms crossed, that same ring catching his eye as it did Bradleys. His eyebrows pulled together as he spoke “You're married?” 
Scoffing you looked to the side, watching as Bradley approached and Hangman watched on. “20 years and that's the first thing you say to me? Should I pretend to be shocked? OR should I pretend that in 30 seconds when Bradshaw walks by that you're not going to be more interested in following him?” Both of you stood in tense silence as Bradley walked by, making eye contact with you before he pushed his aviators up and kept walking. You could immediately tell by the way Mavs eyes followed him what he wanted. Scoffing again you turn and shake your head making your way towards your jet to start preflight checks as your father once again.. Chases after Bradley. 
“Good morning Aviators, this is your Captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighter maneuvers, as briefed today's exercise is dogfighting. Guns only, no missiles, we do not go below the hard deck of 5,000 feet. Working as a team, you will try to shoot the other Captain Mitchell down or else.” Maverick looked up from his cockpit watching as you flew just low enough to not register on Fanboy and Payback or Roosters radar. Deep down he's proud. 
“Or else what Sir.” Payback laughs, causing you to grin and shake your head. You've known Payback and Fanboy for a while, they're cocky but in a fun way. Mav chuckles watching as you drop just a little lower “Or else she shoots back. If she shoots either one of you down, you both lose.” Back at Base Hangman is playing with a toy plane as he says “The Mitchells need an ego check.” Bob turns and looks at Phoenix before looking at Jake, “Do you know who Y/n is?” Jake shrugs saying something about how he doesnt care who she is before Bob speaks again. “Y/ns call sign in Valkyrie. Do any of you know what the Valkyrie do?” He turns and looks around at all the other aviators making jokes at your expense. Cyclone and Warlock are there too, silently thankful someone else is sticking up for you when they can't. 
When nobody speaks Bob laughs “They deliver dead warriors to Valhalla, the Norse version of paradise. Her callsign is a play on that.. She delivers men to heaven.. Or hell I guess you could say.. She's the only Aviator of our time to have 5 confirmed kills.. She is the best of the best. We are lucky to have her here, so shut and learn.” A newfound respect for the backseater grew within some of those present as they turned back to the radio, or screens. 
As those in the sky decide on the 200 push up rule, you're securing your oxygen mask and looking up waiting for the signal. “Fights on, let's turn and burn.” Pushing things into gear your body slams back as your jet picks up altitude and speed, turning at the last second to fly between the two jets. The only thing anyone can hear over the radio is you laughing and the three men squealing about how you scared them. “God I hope this isn't the best of the best boys.. Gonna need to get Nix and Bobert out here… Maybe give me some real competition. But I'll slow down.. Try not to get fired on the first day.” 
Beau shakes his head and wipes a hand over his face in exasperation. He loves you more than anything in the world, but in the air, as Valkyrie and not Y/n he could choke you. And not in the fun way you like, in the way that he wants to choke Maverick. There's a reason you're the best of the best, and it's your “Spicy” flying skills as you like to call them. But it still gives him anxiety and annoys the absolute hell out of him. 
“Tally! Tally! Tally! Valkyries coming in break left!” Fanboy yells at his watches, you're jet speed at them. Just like that the fights are on, you spend the next few hours doing what you do best. Men and women are on the ground doing push up after push up while you continue to knock them out of the sky. Mavericks proud, Cyclones proud and also kinda turned on. But you just feel like you can breathe, even with your fathers voice pitching in every once in a while. Up here you're in your element. At least you were until Hangman starts talking shit about Bob. “Ah no I got it.. Baby on board.” You can hear him laugh, and even though you have to admit the man has a beautiful smile, you still want to punch him. Instead you opt for scaring the shit out of him and speeding between their jets. “Greetings Aviators fights on.. Oh and Hangman.. This is for making fun of Bobert.” 
Later after many.. Many flights.. Its you against Hangman and Rooster.. They do alright, but never good enough, finally Mav calls it quits and the two pull up beside you. The suns already setting when you hear Hangman's voice again. “So Val, mind if I ask you a personal question?” You can see Rooster shaking his head but you answer anyways “Would it matter if I did?” He chuckles then hits you right in the center of your chest. “What's up with you and Maverick? You fly, he flies.. Shouldn't you be like.. Super tight? Does he care more about Bradshaw than you? You got a daddy issue I should know about?” 
You sigh and can envision your husband's fists clenching at the comment. Knowing that you do.. In fact, do have some daddy issues. Him being 20 years your senior proves that. But you just laugh the comment off and watch the setting sun, “You should probably be more worried about where's he at, don't worry about me. I'm good.. Very good.” As you raise one hand to flip him off he speaks again, “Bet if it was him you were fighting up here, you wouldn't be so good..” Rooster watched as you turned back and looked straight ahead causing Hangman to laugh before you spoke. “What happens or has happened between myself and Captain Mitchell is none of your concern Lieutenant. But for the sake of comradery, I'll tell you I'm pretty confident I could outdo him too..”  
Just then Mavericks plane slides out from under all of you, you had a feeling he was there since he was being so quiet, you just genuinely didn't care. When he inverts over your plane the two of you stay locked in a staring contest as the other two just watch on. When he speaks, you feel your heart rate speed up, your blood boil as memories of all the times he walked away flash through your mind. All the times he was there for Bradley and not you, all the unanswered phone calls or emails. The turbulence threw meeting Beau, he wasn't at your wedding nor does he even know you have a child. 
“Come on, let's get this over with.” That's all it takes from his mouth to have you almost foaming at the mouth. 38 years of anger and abandonment pain flooding to the surface and coming out in the sky. Back at base, Warlock turns and looks at Cyclone whose face is flushing as he intently watches the screens in front of him. He can see his wife's face as it becomes a dark red color, can see the fire he loves so much blaze in her eyes as he prays she won't take the bait. But, being who you are, you do. “Fights on!” Jerking your plane the opposite way of Mavericks you both start to spiral downwards, barely hearing Hangman's comment about your and your fathers drama being on a Skywalker level. 
Keeping your eyes locked on your father you can feel yourself getting more and more pissed every time he opens his mouth. “All right you put us here, how are you gonna get yourself out?” You laugh harshly and breathlessly as the g`s hold you back in your seat. “I did put us here, Sir. This is just one Mitchell ego fighting the other to see who's best. Feel free to bail out anytime.” You can feel the physical strain this is taking on you, and you can hear it in Pete's voice when he speaks. “How low you wanna go, Sweetheart?” 
Shaking your head, trying to clear away the memories of him calling you that as a child you reply with so much venom in your voice that those hearing it on base wince. “I can go as low as you can, Dad. And that's saying something!” The planes speed around each other, faster and faster towards the ground with no sign of pulling up from either of you. Mav tries not to think about the last time he heard you call him that. It was a voicemail, the one saying that you missed him, begging him to just answer the phone or text you. Anything, just something to let you know that he actually cared. He pushes aside the guilt, and anger he has towards himself to try and make his point. “The past is the past, for both of us!” 
Cyclone can see tears slipping down your face as he watches the screen. All he wants to do is wipe them away, kiss your forehead and hold you until you feel better. He wants to take you home to your daughter who will make you laugh and remind you that you're not just Mavericks abandoned daughter anymore. His hand unconsciously reaches for a mic as your voice rings. “You'd like to believe that wouldn't you! Absolve yourself of all the guilt that is probably eating away at you! I won't tell you that it's ok you left! I won't pretend like you didnt destroy me Maverick! This is all on you!” 
“Hard decks 5,000 ft guys your runnin outta room!” Hangman's words get ignored as you and your father just keep spinning. Hangmans shocked, Rooster is internally panicking as you ignore them. “Your strategy is about to run us into the ground, what's your move?” You can hear the panic in Mavericks' voice too, it's exactly what you wanted. What you needed, to feel superior over him in the very thing he left you for. “I can go as low as you Sir.” You say calmly, never even looking at your gages, you can hear everything beeping and telling you to pull up. When your eyes do flick down you see you're under 1,000 feet and dropping fast. 
Maverick finally bails out and pulls up just over 700 feet above the ground. Leaving you too pull up at just under 700, “Come on Valkyrie you got this, don't think just do.” In the wings Hangman and Rooster are cheering you on as you get a tone on your father. “You're out Maverick.. Shocker that you were the first one to bail huh? That feels pretty familiar.” Your words hit their intended target as Mavs head snaps to look at you but you're staring straight ahead. Pulling away faster than the rest to get to base, then go home.
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foralternateuniverses · 6 months
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The forces of evil:
There are four main branches, Heart, Spades, Clovers and Diamonds.
They create monsters and dark magical girls with the fake devil fruits created by Ceasar.
Rosinante as head of Hearts (with a circus theme, Buggy and the Charlottes belong to this branch), he's also, obv, a double agent.
Doflamingo is head of diamonds.
Mihawk used to belong to the spades.
Moria is head of clovers.
Rosinante, Buggy and Law live together.
The transformations:
Their jolly roger charms, which hang from their (flip) phones, are used for transformation.,
They all have to do this. They call 66, the charms falls as they pull their phones to their ears, saying "Calling! G! Double 6!"
The skull detaches from the base.
Ichiji - drags each diamond to where the clothes and accessories are, setting them like time bombs until they're all in their places and detonate together into light.
Niji - touches each lighting and as she does so they run through her like electric current and transform (individually).
Sanji - grabs the spiral's edge and drags it like a string around herself, slowly turning invisible, until she finishes and the spiral goes back to its original shape, turning invisible at the same time Stealth Black turns visible.
Yonji - turns the screw as it grows in size until it's so big it barely fits in her arms, she throws it above her and when it falls, she passes through the hole.
Sora - the halos "thorns" go out flying to her, landing and wrapping in light everywhere that changes, finally transforming when she puts the halo on her head.
Reiju and Zeff are artificial magical boys so they don't have charms, however, they have other means.
Reiju takes out a vial with a pink-purple liquid and drinks it to transform into Poison Pink.
Zeff eats a white pill to become Blinding White.
And the villains only need to take a bite of their fake devil fruits.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 1 year
Personal QSMP design hcs and interpretations (PART 1)
1. q!Quackity
ducktaur. predominantly golden yellow feathers and bright orange duck legs
partial heterochromia (dark brown with bits of bluish-grey)
his wear is different depending on which language he is maining at the moment
Eng!Q has an eyebrow scar, calloused hands, and some browning feathers. Wears religious jewelry and warm-colored clothes.
ESP!Q has ear piercings and blue-dyed feathers. Always has a clip-on tie and cool colored clothes.
Post-Tilin death, he either has their ribbon as a necktie (ESP) or belt (ENG)
has a pin of the QSMP logo always on his person
Brushes his feathers before teaching class
2. q!Jaiden
she is the cartoon character reflected by the mc skin, though is nonetheless perceived as human
she magical girl transforms into the vtuber fit whenever she wants to. Most of the time, it's to fight or to protect Bobby
she transforms using a magical brooch that resembles the emblem on her vtuber fit. she can add stuff on the brooch to alter her transformed appearance (like changing the bird wings to butterfly ones, or having a shiny rainbow mode)
she made a smaller, less powerful replica of her brooch for Bobby so he can get into armor much faster
she "draws" things out of her inventory with her fingers in the air (think the spellcasting of the witches in The Owl House, but with different symbols)
When Bobby died, her transformed look takes on a more dark and brooding appearance
3. q!Roier
he's not a spider hybrid but like, an actual Spiderman—literally got bit by a radioactive spider and everything
alternates between his superhero suit and a civilian fit. like jaiden, he transforms between fits superhero style
can fire webs from his hands, has slight spider sense, and also venomous saliva (so i beg of you, do not get head from this man)
wears natural makeup bc he likes to. he darkens it a little when he feels particularly vengeful (this is canon but yk)
the spiderman traits also apply to Melissa, whose dyed lingerie is literally weaved from spider webs
Post-Bobby death, he wears more blacks (both in civilian and superhero fits) and a lot more eyeliner
4. q!Bad
humanoid looking demon. resembles a void-like shadow in extreme emotional states
distinctly has a glowing halo. it has long horns growing out of it + a shadowy demon tail
has his mc skin's hoodie but sleeveless. collared shirts of any color is usually under that + beige khakis, white socks and various sneakers!
His hoodie has a small embroidered symbol of the Order Theoritas, hidden near the collar of the hood
his hair is long and usually tied loosely. wears glasses as well
sharp canines make him look a bit catty
his reaper get-up is well-sewn cursed cloth. wearing the fit makes his halo and tail larger, darker, and more shadowy
there's a block of diamond + an image of skeppy always on his person
He lets Dapper wear the ghost chat bell as a tail accessory
5. q!Spreen
werebear. He turns into a human during sunny daytimes, and is otherwise an anthromorphic bear-man.
black bear, like the mc skin
fashion sense however matches the CC; generally street-looking even with the bulk of armor
canines and claws glow when he's fighting someone in bear mode. he grows them out fighting during his human state
smells like cigarettes
6. q!Slime
a player equivalent to minecraft slime
prefers taking on a humanoid appearance, and has taken it long enough to master recolorization of said state. feels uncomfortable taking any other form as well
experiences pain when shifting (i mean that's also canon but yk)
behaves like a magma cube in extreme negative emotional states. will resemble one if you piss him off enough
he has no actual clothes, he shapeshifts the appearance of clothing. (q!Mariana has noticed, and he doesn't like to think too hard about it) his most external layer is armor and glasses.
he and q!Mariana have each a piece of Juanaflippa's shell on their person
7. q!Cellbit
human. well, not completely according to genetics but is more or less perceived as one.
The CC but wearing the blockman-cubito's fits
wears eyeliner to hide the eyebags. This doesnt work and only makes his eyes more expressive
a shadow looms the upper half of his face whenever he's being super weird and mysterious. It darkens when he's consciously about to do something really bad in a dramatic anime way; this is much more emphasized if he puts on his goggles
he paints his nails and the paint always trails. these glow sailor moon style when he comes into contact with the blood of any living creature
has a caffeine addiction
The chainsaw scars are deep enough that Cellbit doesn't like looking at himself when changing; he forces it though to remember why he's doing anything at all
Taught Richas how to draw the symbol for the Ordo Theoritas. He also has the symbol pressed into the leather of his gloves
8. q!Wilbur
humanoid man of unidentified species. perceived as human.
really is human looking, minus the pointy ears and prismatic irises
wears clear glasses. yellow sweater + sleeveless brown longcoat + grey jeans + black boots
has a black scarf and red beanie both made of wool and embroidered with gold threaded flowers.
always has a guitar on his person. since tallulah entered his life, he's let her put stickers and draw all over it.
They jam together when they can
may or may not have an enchanted singing voice
part 2
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arytha · 2 years
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Here's a Little Friend :3
[ID copied from ALT: A digital drawing of my OC Karil. Karil is a girl with large wings, posed resting most of her weight on one leg, with a book in her left hand and raising her right like she is readying to cast a spell. She has duo-toned black and bright pink shoulder length hair with a heart shaped clip right above her winged ear. Her sweater is orange and black in alternating large diamond patterns, and she wears grey slacks with two belts wrapped around her left leg. Black wings tipped in the same obnoxious pink as her hair frame her sides. Above her head is two bright concentric halos, the inner ring thick in width and the outer ring thing with dots of varying sides denoting planets gathered along it. End ID]
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soupzardous · 2 years
oh my gosh really!!! i remember, i think a few of mine were like, in love. it was so funny. thats so cool, we have our stuffies in common :0 - c.a.
Mine were absolutely in love. The first was Sparkle who got with Max, then Max also got with Glamour and Cookie. eventually Max’s best friend, Brownie also joined in. Ig they were polyamorous but I was five and just thought they were being silly. Cookie, Glamour, and Sparkle were actually best friends. A packaged deal. They came with me everywhere.
Then was Cocoa who I got for 49¢ in the grocery store clearance bin because I had strep and I required a new stuffed animal to feel better. Cocoa actually is the one I’m most attached to. Cocoa was married to Marshmallow, who I got as a Valentine’s Day gift from my parents. But they didn’t get married until a solid year after I got Marshmallow. They had kids and grandkids until Marshmallow cheated and ran away.
I also had Lapis who got married to Diamond and I remember that was a whole event. All the stuffed animals showed up. There was a big ceremony and reception.
Dill Pickle, one of Cocoa and Marshmallow’s kids, also got married to their best friend named Pablo. Pablo was the son of Nacho. He was a single father. Although later on Nacho did get married to Pinky the Penguin, but Pinky the Penguin left him for Halo. (Halo ended up having an affair with Lime but it didn’t last long since Lime was married to Camila. They decided it was best to end things and stay loyal to their partners. Pinky the Penguin eventually did find out, but thanks to what is technically considered abuse (the church made them do it) they stayed together.)
Dill Pickle and Pablo were actually spies. They sometimes teamed with Isabella, Sparkle, Chico, and Max. Idk why but I was convinced chihuahuas were the best spies. That’s why all the spies were chihuahuas. It probably had something to do with my obsession with the Beverly Hills Chihuahuas movies.
Btw, the Cookie, Glamour, and Sparkle trio had so much drama with Lapis, Jewel, Dr. Pepper/Soda, and Diamond. It was because Glamour was a cheetah and so were Lapis, Jewel, and Dr. Pepper/Soda. Diamond just supported her wife. Diamond was a gray cat. But they were mad at Glamour because she was a cat and she hung out with Cookie and Sparkle who were dogs. Which was a heinous crime in their opinions. There was a whole fight between them.
Sparkle actually got mauled in the face by a dog I was fostering when I was 13 and I was so distraught. She’s missing her nose, her left eye is severely scratched, one ear is partially torn, and stuffing peeks out of the holes in her face. But I coped by saying it was caused in the fight between her and the cats.
There was also this unicorn I got as a gift for being so brave and playing with the other kids at a kids club thing my mom made me try out when I was in second grade. My dad gave her to me at child pick up. Her name was Rainbow. I had two other unicorns I got after that named Glitz and Lucky. The unicorns were pretentious as fuck and had some cult thing going on. Only magical animals were allowed to join. The cool thing about the unicorns was that they had the power to magically switch between being a boy and girl. I thought that was very cool when I came up with it.
Later on Cocoa actually became like. I guess the respected leader of a bunch of the stuffed animals. He was kinda like a father figure to them. He would give them advice and help them solve problems. He was ordained so he could also marry people. And he was the President. He was everything honestly. At one point I’m pretty sure he tried to fall back in love with Marshmallow but it didn’t work out well because she was always late to their dates, was clearly in it for the popularity, and not to mention her wandering eye.
Cocoa eventually found happiness though, when he met Nacho. He and Nacho were both heartbroken when they found each other and they learned how to love again together. They even had a son together named Nacho Jr. And yes. There was mpreg. I didn’t realize mpreg was like. A whole thing I just assumed that was how gay people had kids.
There’s more but this is what went down with my absolute favs. Sorry for infodumping so much I forgot how much I can talk abt this shit
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skydelldesign · 2 years
The 5 Most Precious Diamond Engagement Ring Styles You Might Like
Are you planning to propose to the love of your life? This is going to be a significant memory in both of your lives. Therefore, there is more pressure; you must take care of all the details and plan for the perfect engagement ring.
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Each bride dreams of having unique and special Diamond Engagement Rings on their finger. If you know your bride the best, then follow the article and choose the ideal engagement ring for her.
Top 5 Precious Diamond Engagement Ring Styles:
●      Solitaire Diamond Rings
Solitaire Engagement Rings are noise as one of the most common kinds of engagement rings. They are single-stone engagement rings. This is a popular favorite for most brides. It is both clan and shares at the same time.
If you have a bride who is classy but likes to flash her possessions, then this ring is the perfect fit for her. However, depending on your budget, there will be several choices that will be presented to you.
●      Pave Setting
This is a perfect fit for the bride who likes sparkle too much. These Vintage Engagement Rings scream luxury. You can also further customize this ring design according to your liking and preference to make it extra special for your bride.
●      Three stone Ring
This is a special way to propose to your bride. You can entirely customize this Antique Diamond Engagement Rings and make changes to the ring according to your preference. Add extra gemstones according to your style preference.
●      Halo Ring
The entire setup on their earring is made in such a way that the center stone is the center of attraction. This helps to amplify the attraction of the entire ring.  
●      Bezel Setting
This is the second most popular kind of engagement ring among brides. This kind of ring has quite a modern look to itself. Tiffany Engagement Rings are quite popular in this particular setup. This is quite a classic style and will stay on trend forever.
Finishing Lines
Your bride is special and unique; therefore, she deserves Unique Engagement Rings. Every girl dreams of having the perfect engagement ring of her choice. The extra effort that you take to make her feel special will surely woo her. Therefore, make sure to pick a Timeless Engagement Rings, that suits your bride's personality.
The Source URL: https://skydelldesign.wixsite.com/skydelldesign/post/the-5-most-precious-diamond-engagement-ring-styles-you-might-like
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divourdiamonds · 1 year
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By determining your budget, considering the 4 Cs, choosing a style, picking the right metal, and looking for Unique Diamond Earrings designs, you can find the perfect pair of earrings to sparkle like a star.
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diamondsluvore · 1 year
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From a professional meeting to a formal gathering, a pair of Diamond Earrings work well for almost every occasion. However, before you invest in a pair, you should be mindful of a few important things.
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mddiamonds · 5 months
Radiant Elegance: Halo Stud Earrings
Elevate your style with our exquisite Halo Stud Earrings, designed to add a touch of radiant elegance to any ensemble. Each stud features a dazzling halo of sparkling gemstones, encircling a central gem for a timeless and captivating look. Whether for everyday wear or special occasions, these earrings are sure to dazzle and delight, bringing a shimmering halo of beauty to your jewelry collection.
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omegaremix · 6 months
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Omega Radio for March 25, 2017; #135.
Pretty Morals “Not Going Back”
Cheatahs “Northern Exposure”
Harlem “Pissed”
Hunches, The “Godbye Christine”
Diamond Guts “The Worst Kind Of News”
Courtneys, The “Minnesota”
Dead Rabbits “All Your Little Lies”
Ages And Ages “No Nostalgia”
Giant Drag “Kevin Is Gay”
Yucky Duster “Construction Man”
Fake Palms “Holiday”
Port Juvee “Crimewave”
Vomitface “Sloppy Joes”
Autisti “The Dower”
Crystal Stilts “Darken The Door”
Grass Is Green “Nice Guy Of The Year Award”
Morning After Girls, The “Hi-Skies”
Liars “Grown Men Just Don’t Fall In The River, Like That”
Shock Cinema “Vitamin C”
Cende “End”
K9 Sniffles “Free Sniffs”
Julie Doiron & The Wrong Guys “Heartbeat / Swan Pond”
Night Beats “Sunday Mourning”
Leisure World “Legend Of The Mundane Existence”
Nikki Sudden “Back To The Coast” (live)
Sorority Noise “No Halo”
Earring “Black Chalk”
Slotface “Empire Records”
Mary Lynn Gloeckle “Space”Prissy Clerks “Bruise Or Be Bruised”
Moon Duo “Creepin’”
RMBLR “Name Game”
Dum Dum Girls “Jail La La” (version)
Deluxe rainbow broadcast full of garage, scuzz, indie, alternative, and grassroots bands.
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datainteg · 7 months
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: NEW 14K Gold Plated Round Diamond Drop Huggie Hoop Earrings.
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teenagepostpirate · 9 months
Affordable Moissanite Engagement Rings: The Smart Way to Get the Ring She's Always Wanted
Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but let's face it, their friendship comes with a hefty price tag. So, what if you could get the sparkle she dreams of without breaking the bank? Enter the world of affordable moissanite engagement rings – the smart way to make her heart skip a beat without emptying your wallet.
Dazzling Brilliance, Not Dazzling Debt: Why Moissanite Matters
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Forget the myth that brilliance has to burn a hole in your pocket. Moissanite, a stunning lab-created gemstone, outshines diamonds in affordability while holding its own in the sparkle department. This near-diamond doppelganger is almost as hard as its famous counterpart, boasting a fire and brilliance that will leave her speechless (and wondering if it's actually a diamond!).
But the magic of affordable moissanite engagement rings goes beyond mere cost-effectiveness. Here's what makes them the smarter choice for the love of your life:
Conflict-Free Commitment: Unlike diamonds, which can originate from conflict zones, moissanite is ethically sourced, ensuring your love story starts on a clean slate.
Eco-Conscious Choice: Lab-grown moissanite minimizes the environmental impact associated with diamond mining, making it the perfect option for the eco-conscious couple.
Enduring Sparkle: Rest assured, her ring will stay dazzling for years to come. Moissanite boasts exceptional durability, resisting scratches and chips to retain its captivating fire.
A Universe of Options: Forget the limitations of a single cut! Moissanite comes in a dazzling array of cuts, from timeless round brilliants to elegant ovals and modern cushion shapes, letting you find the perfect match for her unique style.
Affordable Moissanite Engagement Rings: Beyond the Ring
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Finding the perfect affordable moissanite engagement ring is just the beginning. To truly make her day sparkle, don't forget these finishing touches:
Presentation Perfection: Ditch the predictable box and get creative! A velvet pouch, a vintage jewelry box, or even a handcrafted wooden box personalized with your initials adds a touch of magic to the reveal.
The Spark That Complements: Earrings or a pendant necklace featuring matching moissanite stones create a coordinated ensemble that amplifies the brilliance of her ring.
Unforgettable Storytelling: Capture the moment with photos or a heartfelt video that documents your journey – from choosing the ring to the moment she says "yes." It's a memory you'll cherish forever.
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Finding the Perfect Affordable Moissanite Engagement Ring: A Sparkling Guide
With so much sparkle to choose from, navigating the world of affordable moissanite engagement rings can be exhilarating yet overwhelming. But fear not, lovebirds! Here's your roadmap to finding the ring that will sweep her off her feet:
The Cut that Captivates: From the classic brilliance of a round cut to the elongated elegance of an oval, choose a cut that complements her style and finger shape. Remember, the bigger the cut, the bolder the statement!
Clarity Counts: Just like diamonds, moissanite is graded for clarity. For an eye-clean stone that sparkles without distractions, aim for VVS (Very Very Slightly Included) or VS (Very Slightly Included) grades.
Color Conundrum: Moissanite naturally shimmers with a cool, near-colorless hue. However, it can also be found in warmer tones like champagne or cognac. Pick a color that complements her skin tone and jewelry preferences.
Carat Conundrum: Bigger isn't always better! Consider her lifestyle and preferences when choosing the carat weight. A smaller stone set in a stunning halo design can pack a big punch without straining your budget.
Setting the Stage for Sparkle: From the timeless elegance of a solitaire to the intricate beauty of a pave setting, the ring's setting plays a crucial role. Choose a setting that complements the chosen cut and enhances its brilliance, reflecting your love story in every detail.
More Than Affordability, It's Love
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Affordable moissanite engagement rings are more than just a budget-friendly alternative. They're a symbol of your commitment, your values, and your love for a future that sparkles bright. So, choose the ring that reflects your heart's song, a dazzling testament to a love story that shines even brighter than a diamond. A big diamond engagement ring is a classic symbol of luxury and commitment. A large diamond is sure to impress your partner and show them how much you care. However, it is important to note that the size of the diamond is not the only factor that determines the value of an engagement ring. The quality of the diamond, the setting, and the overall design are also important considerations.
Let her eyes reflect the sparkle of moissanite as you start your journey together, knowing you made the smart choice – a choice that not only saved you money but also embraced ethical practices and environmental consciousness. After all, true love, like a moissanite stone, is both brilliant and sustainable.
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mywifeleftme · 9 months
249: T. Rex // Electric Warrior
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Electric Warrior T. Rex 1971, Fly
Man cannot live on “Mambo Sun” alone. I’m contractually obligated to state clearly that I know consuming nothing but “Mambo Sun” is an example of disordered listening, despite its organic ingredients, smooth finish, delicious taste, mild psychedelic properties, and complete absence of saturated fats. Certainly, one should not perambulate down the street day after day with the song in your ears and your shoulders rolling louchely to its timeless beat. Life might get too good.
There are certain states of cool it’s only really possible to access if you’re kind of dumb. David Bowie obviously exceeded Marc Bolan’s artistic achievements by every conceivable metric, but he had too much taste and sophistication to fully enter the Electric Warrior Zone. To get there, you need to be both totally obsessed with your self-presentation and so absolutely high on your own supply that you will sing whatever Awesome Shit comes into your head without ever considering whether you’ll be clowned on for it—because if you’re truly in the Zone, you never will be. (You will also need to be an extremely sick guitar player, ideally conventionally handsome, on drugs but not yet drugged out, and have a good arsenal of yowls and sessy whispahs. But those parts are easy, anyone can do that.)
I have never read a Marc Bolan lyric that suggested he’d had a deep thought in his life, and reading anecdotes about him is like watching a unicorn grazing majestically in front of a giant sign that says DANGER: POISON GRASS. But man, the way he could toss off a phrase like “you’ve got a hubcap diamond star halo” that on its surface seems to make no earthly sense (I have a hunch he’s referring to the effect of sunlight on shiny steel depicted here) but sounds so perfectly sick—I want to see this dirty sweet girl, I want to be that dirty and sweet the way he sings it, like no other had before him, over a classic rock riff with his patented purr in its throat. On Electric Warrior (and its equally essential follow up The Slider), he unlocked a level of rock decadence that would occasionally be reached by other artists, but never exceeded. All hail the king of the thunder lizards.
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