#diamond grill security door
werribeeblindsau · 1 year
Modern Shutters and Blinds | Werribee Blinds
Modern shutters and blinds are a beautiful window dressing option that are both functional and stylish. These durable window treatments offer a high degree of light control and privacy, as well as UV protection to your furniture, artwork and flooring. They are available in a wide range of designs and materials, including hardy hardwoods like basswood or MDF, and premium poly finishes that are just as strong and durable as real wood. They also come in a large variety of colors, textures and slat sizes to suit your decor and home style.
Unlike curtains, which may fray or tear over time, shutters are made to last for decades if cared for properly. They are a smart investment that will add to the value of your home and help keep it cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Blinds typically last five to ten years, but shutters can easily last up to 50 years with proper maintenance.
The slats (louvres) of shutters can be adjusted to let in more or less sunlight as needed. In the hotter months, they can be opened to allow the natural sunlight and fresh outside air to enter your home and cool it down. Then, when the weather turns colder, they can be closed to retain the warmth and save energy costs.
Compared to fabric blinds, shutters are a lot easier to clean and maintain, as they can be wiped down with a damp cloth or sponge and are much more resistant to the retention of unpleasant odours from smoking, pets or cooking. They are also more insulating than blinds, so the louvres can be closed to reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency.
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brattonez · 2 years
Ja Ara E
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A/N: You find out Shuri is having a huge birthday bash at Wakanda’s most popular club and end up giving her the best gift of the night. Yes, this is smut. Black!Fem Reader (always and forever)
One of the biggest things you were curious about when you came to Wakanda was the social life. What were the young adults up to there? Parties? Secret hangouts? Clubs? You had seen some tourist say that the nightlife was amazing but you just had to see for yourself. So, here you were, roaming the streets of Wakanda at night. Passing various resturants and lounges. The atmosphere was extremely lively. Young people walking around laughing, talking, socializing. The music from the lounges echoed as you continued to walk on, taking everything in. The deeper down the strip you went, the more people began to appear. It was suddenly crowded and it seemed as if everyone was here for what looked like an event happening. You moved through the crowd for a closer look at what seemed to be a nightclub. It had to be at least 3 stories, with huge windows on each floor so the people in the club could be visible from the outside. You could see the neon lights flash and feel the bass from the music rumble the ground. There were people entering and exiting, dressed down in their best outfits. Mini dresses, designer clothes, jewelry you'd never seen before. What kind of event was happening here?
There was a security guard at the door. You walked over to him and was immediately met with his glare. "ID, please." He said, extending his hand out in front of you. You dug into your handbag and search for the card, suddenly buzzing with excitement. "Hey, is there some kind of event or something happening here tonight? Its really packed!" You spoke, still searching for the ID. The guard raised his brows as if the question you asked was odd. "Not just any event." He says as looks back into the club, smirking at dancing bodies.
"Its Princess Shuri's 22nd Birthday."
You found the ID and froze. The young people. The clothes. The music. Of course.
Why had you never thought that the Princess wouldn't be involved in the nightlife in her own country? How didn't you know that today was her birthday? How didn't you ever put two and two together? "Ma'am?" The guard silences your inner thoughts and gives you back your ID, granting you entry. You gave him a smile and made your way inside. The music was blaring. You could feel it in your bones. Everyone was either dancing, drinking, or taking pictures. You hadn't even noticed how hard you were smiling. Gravitating towards a near wall you watched in amazement at the scenery in front of you. It was like something out of a movie. The way everyone just seemed to be having a good time. After a few minutes of observing, you ventured over to the bar and ordered you a drink. The bartender was in the process of charging you when someone stopped them from your right side.
"Its on me."
You snapped your head over and was immediately met with a bright smile. The smile was gleaming through the dimly lit room and for a second, you could spot a shiny, silver bottom grill peeking through. The person sported a black suit with silver accent all through it. A diamond studded cuban link chain hung from their neck and multiple rings on their fingers. Panther rings. "No way..." You mumbled as you finally closed in on the person's face. Shuri took a step back leaning on the near counter. Her eyes went to floor, starting at your shoes and working their way up. Studying the way your dress hugged your hips and stopped at your thighs. Moving up to your chest, she took in the jewelry you had on. A necklace with heart charms on it, tinted to match the same color as your silver dress. Her eyes finally met with yours but not before making a stop to your cleavage. "Don't worry about it. Enjoy the party." She stated. You smiled and shook your head. "Princess....I-" The royal cut you off, taking hold of your hand. "Please, call me Shuri. I've told everyone here that the word Princess is forbidden for the whole evening." You chuckled, beginning to blush. You apologized quickly but she shrugged, brushing it off. "This club is crazy!" You say, taking a step closer to her. "Happy birthday by the way!" Smirking, she nodded. "Thank you, beautiful." You furrowed your brows for a slight second.
Was the Princess flirting with you?
She had paid for your drink and now here she was showering you with compliments. You hadn’t even noticed how close she was until she reached up to touch your necklace. Running her thumb over the heart charms, flickering her eyes up to you. “Shuri…?” Is all you could mutter, your body suddenly tense. Her fingertips lightly grazed your chest, immediately sending a chill up your spine. She smiled. “Is it your first time at this club?” She asked, taking a second to look at the large crowd on the dance floor. You nodded. “I didn’t even know it existed! I’ve been really interested in the Club scene here. Looks like y’all really know how to get down.” Shuri chuckled. “Yeah, I come here all the time. Back when I was underage, I sometimes had to use my royalty privileges but we’re gonna keep that on the hush.” She gave you a wink and you couldn’t even hide the redness on your cheeks. “What’s your name, love?” She asked, leading you over to an empty high top table. “You can call me Y/N.”
You responded, taking notice of the rings on her fingers. The shine from the Panthers gleaming in the low neon lights. Rising up, you squinted at her chain, watching it swing whenever she would make the slightest move. You admired her sharp jawline and how it clenched everytime she looked around, the duality it took to look that good and still be on high alert for anything dangerous in the area. Your eyes finally landed on her mouth, focusing in on the bottom grill...again. "What?" Shuri hindered. You leaned down, trying to get a closer look at them. "Your grill...it looks good." She leaned down and met your face inches away. "Thank you. I got it done a couple of days ago strictly for tonight." You just nodded slowly, starting to lose focus on what she was saying due to be so interested in the mouth jewerly. Not catching Shuri taking hold of your hands again and asking if you wanted to go somewhere more private. "Y/N?" She pondered, bringing you back to reality. You snapped back and looked up, finally. "You down?" Nodding quickly, both of you got up from the table in a hurry.  Shuri leading you through a crowd swiftly, dapping some folks up while moving forward. You couldn't believe this was actually happening, but there was barely time to process it. Before you knew it, you and the Princess were alone together in a secluded room away from the party. A VIP lounge of some sort with a big couch, tables, and its own small bar. The music from the club was slightly muffled but still loud enough to hear. Shuri sat down on the couch and slouched. Her legs slightly spread, one arm hanging off the arm of the couch, the other in her lap. She eyed you up and down, drinking you in from her view before motioning over to her.
"Come here, lovely."
You walked over almost immediately, finding yourself standing in between her legs, looking down at her sultry gaze. "Shuri..." She smirked before patting her right thigh. "Wanna sit for me?" You turned around and softly lowered yourself down. "I hope I'm not too heavy or anything-" She hushed you quickly. "Darling, you're perfect. I just want to make sure you're comfortable." You smiled at her concerned, it was nice to know that even in the position you two were in, she still respected boundaries. You leaned back slightly, your back now against her chest, feeling the cold sensation of her chain and rings on your skin. Hooking your left arm around, you met her gaze.
"Aren't you afraid someone will find us?"
Shuri scoffs and rolls her eyes, her hands continuing their journey to your inner thighs. She stared as you begin to squirm in her lap. Gripping you harder to still you, she peppered a few light kisses on the nape of your neck.
"This is a private room. I'm Royalty. And I'm a grown woman. I don't give a shit."
Well that answers everything, you thought. "You love those privileges, huh?" You teased. With a light snicker, the birthday girl took hold of your chin, meeting her lips with yours. Her tongue swiping your bottom lip, parting it slightly. You sighed as you let her take charge, following her lead. You shifted, so now you were directly facing the Princess, her hands still on your thighs. Immediately resuming the hungry make out session, you grounded your hips against hers. Earning a small sound from her, her hands trailing its way to your bottom, squeezing it. Your hands found its way to her neck, kissing it while beginning to grind slowly. "Please..." You mumbled, your whole body vibrating with want. You wondered if she could the puddle forming in your panties during all of this. "Oh, Y/N...talk to me..." She uttered, suddenly gaining an obsession with your pleading voice. "Tell me what you want, babygirl."
You begin to move faster now, hoping she would catch the hint. "Touch me, please." Her highness obliged, her hands traveling under your dress to grip your ass. Slowly directing your hips back and forth against her. Friction beginning to course through your body, making you mewl loudly against her neck. "That's it, love. I want to hear you loud and clear." She encourages as she reaches for your panties, sliding her fingertips between the thin fabric. A gasp leaving both of you as she was immediately met with the ongoing mess she created. Your hands reached for the couch and rose, letting Shuri have more access to your center, slowly beginning to circle your hips. Using her thumb to circle your clit, she leaned up to your neck, licking and sucking slightly. "So wet for me. Bast, you're gushing." You were practically a moaning mess now. Not caring about who could possibly hear. "Shit." You moaned, throwing your head back in pleasure. Shuri choosing to slowly slide a finger in your folds. You yelped, shivering. The cold feeling from her rings sending you into a freezy. Oh fuck. "Yes..." You heard her whisper, concentrating on sending you over the edge. "Oh, Shuri." You exclaimed as she added a second finger. Bringing her free hand up to your chest, she pulled down the front of your dress, making your breasts spill out. Quickly taking one in her mouth, her fingers begin to speed up. Her eyes on you the whole time, watching as you started to lose control of you body, unraveling right on top of her. "Does it feel good?" She asked, kneading your nipples. You continued to grind down on her fingers, completely in bliss. "Yes." Is all you could respond as a white hot feeling begin to form in your gut.
Yes, yes, yes. You had experience with sexual encounters before but they were never like this. The risk of getting caught. The publicity of it all. The reality that you were literally with a woman of Royalty at the moment. It was all crashing down on you.
"Cum for me, Y/N."
Your nails dug into the couch and with a sharp inhale, your body seized. Moaning out as you leaned your forehead onto Shuri's, using one hand to hold the back of her head. Your hearing wasn't that great but you could hear her speaking softly. "You look so good like this. Cum for me, beautiful. That's it." Clasping her mouth to your other breasts, tugging slightly. Wave after wave went through you. Your back arched into her chest, a thin layer of sweat forming on your deep brown skin. Her fingers starting to slow down, letting you ride out your high. You laid your head on her shoulder and lightly kissed at her neck. “Shuri…I don’t even know where to begin…” You say, not sure where the two of you go after this. You reach for her blazer, beginning to unbutton it but she stops you. “No. Not right now.” She grabs you hands and kisses them. “I just want to enjoy my gift right now.”
The music was still blaring as the two of you beamed at each other. Talking about each other's lives and backgrounds. Time had went by and you had finally got yourself presentable again. Shuri adjusting herself as well, making sure you watch as she stuck her fingers in her mouth, licking them clean. "How's it feel to be the birthday girl, your Highness?" You prompted, earning a smile from her. She stood up and walked in front of you. Grasping your hips and pressing herself on you, she kissed you. Slowly and Passionately. Her tongue quickly making its way to yours, making you taste yourself. Her hands finding their place on your ass, she backed away. "It feels amazing." You cupped her jaw and smiled.
"C'mon, let's go dance." Before leading you back into the main floor.
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The Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost Ékleipsis Private Collection is a limited edition (25 world wide) that has been inspired by the seldom-seen wonder of a solar eclipse (the awe-inspiring moment when the Moon completely obscures the Sun).  
EXTERIOR: GOLDEN DARKNESS The mysterious, ethereal light cast by a total solar eclipse is captured in the Lyrical Copper exterior colour of the motor car. This stunning Bespoke finish incorporates powdered copper pigment, which appears darker until it catches the light when it produces a rich and dramatic iridescence. Mandarin adorns the inserts below the Pantheon Grille and brake callipers, recalling the intense pulses of sunlight witnessed as the eclipse progresses. The same Mandarin hue is used for the hand-painted coachline, which includes a delicate abstract representation of the transition from sunlight to darkness as the Moon approaches to cover the Sun.
ANIMATED STARLIGHT HEADLINER The Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost Ékleipsis features a fully Bespoke Starlight Headliner with a special animation that, like the eclipse that inspires it, gives those inside a true sense of awe and wonder. As the coach doors close and the engine is started, the ‘stars’ in the Starlight Headliner darken and a mesmerising sequence begins, replicating the totality of the solar eclipse, when the dark silhouette of the Moon completely obscures the bright light of the Sun. A circle of 940 ‘stars’ is formed, representing the bright corona of light around the lunar silhouette. This is surrounded by a further 192 illuminating ‘stars’, recreating the otherworldly spectacle of stars visible in the sky during daylight, which occurs only during a total solar eclipse.
The animation remains visible for precisely seven minutes and 31 seconds – the longest possible duration of a total solar eclipse. Once this time has elapsed, the full constellation of ‘stars’ in the night sky is restored. This highly technical feature required a year of painstaking development, in which the Bespoke Collective produced three complete prototypes to perfect the design and sequencing of the ‘stars’.
ILLUMINATED FASCIA AND ‘DIAMOND RING’ TIMEPIECE The illuminated fascia of Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost Ékleipsis is adorned with 1,846 laser-etched ‘stars’ in a symbolic timeline of a total eclipse. A single Bespoke designer had sole responsibility for adjusting the individual size and position of each ‘star’ to create the mesmeric effect; a delicate and exacting process that took over 100 hours to complete.
The composition culminates in a Bespoke timepiece, which incorporates a brilliant-cut 0.5-carat diamond, recalling the ‘Diamond Ring’ effect, when a single, dazzling point of light can be seen on the Moon’s outline in the split seconds just before and immediately after it obscures the Sun. The bezel geometry has been modified to accommodate the precious gem, as this is the first time in Rolls-Royce history that a gemstone has been integrated into the clock’s bezel. The assembly underwent rigorous adhesion tests, which included climatic cell cycling from -30°C to +90°C, to ensure the diamond is robustly secured. The timepiece is finished with an etching on its dark aluminium surround, revealing the bright metal underneath. This beautiful piece of contemporary craftsmanship is the result of over 14 design iterations.
PANORAMIC SUNSET INTERIOR At totality of a solar eclipse, there is a moment when a golden twilight surrounds those viewing the eclipse, giving the illusion of a 360-degree sunset. In Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost Ékleipsis, the beauty of this rarely observed phenomenon is captured in bi-coloured seats with a unique perforated artwork, made of over 200,000 individual perforations.
The bold Mandarin leather is tinted in a black shade that is then perforated to reveal the brighter contrasting colour beneath, creating a visual effect with extraordinary depth and subtlety. Using computational design tools, the Bespoke Collective developed a unique pattern, which was then manually refined over seven trials and iterations.
Bespoke finishing touches include illuminated treadplates, umbrellas with Mandarin piping concealed in the coach doors, and a unique indoor motor car cover bearing the Private Collection’s wordmark.
All 25 examples of the Rolls-Royce Black Badge Ghost Ékleipsis Private Collection have been allocated to clients around the world.
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mi-rae07 · 1 year
Park Seonghwa : Him And I (Part 1/3)
Pairing : Park Seonghwa (Ateez) and named character (Kim Soohyun)
Synopsis : Park Seonghwa is a criminal, a casino owner who does things the law does not allow him to. Kim Soohyun is a police officer who’s lived her entire life obeying laws and rules, molding herself into a dignified, respectable woman. What happens when a criminal meets a police officer? Who wins the chase? 
A/n : basically inspired by Propaganda by ATEEZ.
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Minhyun : are you sure you want this, ma'am? We can always send someone else-
Soohyun : minhyun-ah, do you think I reached this position of mine by sending someone else to do this things that I'm supposed to do?
Except minhyun didn't understand why someone who was at the highest rank of police, had to go to this man's casino in order to talk to him. This sort of a job was for someone who was of lower rank than even Minhyun.
Minhyun : of course not, but this is park seonghwa we're talking about, ma’am.
Soohyun : someone like him, deserves someone like me to deal with him. Is this his casino?
Minhyun looked up at the rich expanse of a casino in front of him, the neon lights almost blinding his eyes as people dressed in luxurious clothes went in and came out of it.
Minhyun : yeah, yes this is it.
Soohyun sighed and nodded as she stepped in, the distant loud music suddenly blasting through her ears as the two security guards looked at her with wide eyes.
??? : Kim Soohyun.
Of course they were shocked.
Soohyun : let us in.
The guards eyes held even more shock as it landed on minhyun who was standing right behind soohyun, his eyes hostile and cold.
??? : you're not allowed in here.
Soohyun : it's a casino, make sense. You haven't even asked for my reservation name.
??? : there is no reservation under either of your names-
Soohyun : who said it was under our names?
??? : our boss-
Soohyun : call him, then. Tell him I'm here.
One of the guard slowly took his phone out and called the boss, his eyes still trained on soohyun.
??? : boss, Kim soohyun is here to meet you. And she has choi minhyun with her. Should we let them in?
Soohyun did not hear what was said on the other side, but she was sure of his answer.
??? : okay, boss.
And soon enough the guards had stepped aside, letting both soohyun and minhyun in. soohyun smiled at the guards and stepped in as they bowed, a small look of fear still in their eyes.
Soohyun looked around the casino as soon as she was in, the sight of money, drinks, rich people and their craziness, all hitting her like a truck. This casino was one of the richest, most sought after casino there was in Korea. The amount of income this one casino itself could bring to it's owner was immense, let alone the other casinos this man owned all around the globe.
But that wasn't the problem here, the problem was something else. And it was dire enough that soohyun herself needed to step in to stop it from happening again.
Minhyun : he sits there, in the VVIP area on top of the stairs.
Soohyun hummed as the both of them walked towards it, none of the people recognizing either of them in all the chaos. Soohyun turned to face minhyun as they reached close to the steps, his eyes confused.
Soohyun : stay here, I'll deal with the rest.
Minhyun : what? Ma'am, you can’t actually just go alone-
Soohyun : it is an order, officer. Stand back.
Minhyun lowered his head before nodding, knowing there was no point in arguing now. Soohyun sighed before walking towards the bottom of the staircase, her eyes still trained above. She was just about to climb up when the door to the VVIP room opened, a man stepping out of it. The man being park seonghwa. He was exactly as anyone would expect him to be, fur jacket, expensive clothes underneath it, jewels all over his fingers, ear, neck, and even a diamond nose piercing, and his shoes as shiny as it could get. And as he gave her a small cocky smile, the grills in his teeth were visible to her. 
He was every bit of the casino owner he was, and was soohyun liking it.
Seonghwa : I'm afraid you're not the first police officer stepping in here in order to close my casinos, officer.
Soohyun : mm. first of my rank though, I'm sure.
Seonghwa : that you are. Never have I had a commissioner general stepping in here before. Didn't know I was such an important figure.
Soohyun : well, the more deaths you cause, the more important you become to the police.
Seonghwa : are you accusing me of murder?
Soohyun : multiple, yes.
Seonghwa chuckled, bringing his cigarette closer to his lips before taking a puff of it and blowing it out. Soohyun sat straight against the sofa opposite seonghwa's, the music in the VVIP room lowered for the both of them to talk in comfort. Soohyun could still see minhyun eyeing them through the glass wall, his eyes waiting for any move against his senior.
Soohyun knew seonghwa wouldn't do anything against her at such a circumstance.
Seonghwa : boyfriend?
Soohyun : does it matter?
Seonghwa : hmm. How does it feel being a lady officer at such high ranks, officer?
Soohyun : do you think I came here to sit and discuss about the patriarchal society, mr park?
Seonghwa rolled his eyes before muttering
Seonghwa : such a boomer.
Soohyun kept her composure, it was what she was taught ever since a young age. Her entire family were police officers, and if anything she knew how to maintain her image. Seonghwa seemed to get that.
Seonghwa : okay, tell me what you accuse me for this time. Whose deaths are we talking about, officer.
Soohyun : the hundreds of people that come in here every single day. You poison their drinks, causing them long term sickness that then, slowly kill them. It's been going on for years now, but only now has it come to our notice. As it is only now that these poisons are affecting people at large.
Seonghwa : uh, you're talking about the drinks that these people ask for, and pay with their own money?
Soohyun : tell them those drinks are poisoned, tell them what drinking those liquids could cost them, and then we'll see whether they'll order it any more.
Seonghwa's eyes turned hostile. He took another puff of his smoke before saying
Seonghwa : and who said we poison the drinks, again? Do you have proof?
Soohyun : yes, there is proof.
Seonghwa : then why are we here? Why aren't you already arresting me?
Soohyun : because the proofs are dead, mr park. We are unable to find this poison in the patient's blood after they die and when they are alive, neither the patient nor anyone else know the fact that there is deadly poison in their body. And because even if I do arrest you, with the amount of money you have, bail would be too easy for you.
Seonghwa chuckled, that sounding almost as if he was proud of himself. And that only caused soohyun more anger.
Seonghwa : then why the hell are you here, officer.
Soohyun : because I need you to stop. You need to stop poisoning their drinks, mr park.
Seonghwa : are you begging me right now?
Soohyun : I am commanding you, not begging. Stop, killing people. It does you no good.
Soohyun knew this was stupid, but it had to be done.
Seonghwa : actually, it does. Not that I need to explain it to you, of course.
Soohyun : we're talking about people's lives here, mr park. This is not your ground to play.
Seonghwa smiled. He stood up and walked towards soohyun while inhaling his cigarette once again, his eyes trained on her. He bent down to come face-to-face with her, blowing the smoke out millimeters away from her face before whispering
Seonghwa : look around, officer. This is my ground to play.
Soohyun kept her eyes cold and straight, she tried not to think about how close seonghwa was against her, and how she could feel his hot breath against her lips.
Seonghwa : or find me evidence, try. And once you have enough evidence against me
Seonghwa booped soohyun's nose before whispering
Seonghwa : I'm all yours.
Soohyun grunted as she punched the bag again, another bead of sweat running down her forehead and mixing in with the rest that were all over her body.
"Look around officer. This is my ground to play"
Soohyun punched the bag again, this time, harder. It wasn't that she felt nothing, it was that she kept it inside herself until she was all alone. Which was when she would take her emotions all out and organize them in the right manner, just as her mother had taught her to.
"I'm all yours"
Again, she punched the bag. This time even harder. She hated him, she hated park seonghwa.
His lips, his eyes, his voice, him, him.
Soohyun groaned as she gave a final punch to the bag, the bag falling off of the hook as it fell on the floor with a thud. And right then the door to her boxing room opened, revealing minhyun, who eyed her sweaty, panting figure. She was beautiful, and she was powerful even in her looks. And maybe if minhyun didn't already have someone he found more beautiful, he would've been smitten for soohyun. But to minhyun, she was only a senior whom he respected with all his heart.
Minhyun : is…this a wrong time?
Soohyun let out a breath, picking up the bag as she said
Soohyun : there is no bad time for a police officer. Come in, minhyun.
Minhyun sighed and stepped inside the room, walking towards soohyun who had now put the bag back in it's hook.
Minhyun : I have news on the sample of the drink we had sent to the lab in order to test for poison.
Ah, the real reason why soohyun and minhyun had gone up there. Soohyun wasn't so stupid, she knew talking to seonghwa about removing poison from his drinks were as useless as trying to find sense in his reasonings. But it was a way to distract him, who would usually keep an eye out for anything suspicious. But when someone like soohyun talked to someone like seonghwa in private, all his security would be focused only on that.
And that was exactly what soohyun had wanted, so the other pair of officer who had been sent to secretly steal a bottle of beer from the bar would find the otherwise hard task, easy enough.
Soohyun : and?
Minhyun : I'm afraid we are unable to find the poison in the drink.
Soohyun turned to face minhyun, her face twisted in a frown.
Soohyun : what do you mean you're unable to find the poison.
Minhyun : because it is not a poison, ma'am. It's a virus. Or so we believe. That is why it is so hard to find evidence of it even after the person's died. The virus doesn't become active in alcoholic contents, it is…almost dead, in that situation. But once it enters the human body, it causes huge damage. Slowly, but surely. It is undetectable and has no symptoms of it's own. But once the damage is done, and the person dies, the virus dies along with it.
Soohyun let out a frustrated breath, looking away. He had overthrown her again, fuck it.
Minhyun : but we cannot prove all this in court, as it is all only suspicions. If we need to capture park seonghwa, we would need to ask him first-hand whether he could provide us a sample of the virus himself, ma'am. I'm afraid there is no other way.
Seonghwa walked through the alleyway, his one hand in his pocket and the other holding his cigarette. His mind kept going back to the lady he had seen a week ago, and he hated it. Kim Soohyun, commissioner general of the Korean police, someone he was supposed to steer clear of at all times. But he still remembered the first thing he had thought when he saw her standing below the steps, with a figure that reeked authority and power, eyes that held confidence and determination, and with a voice that could command or enchant anyone. It had been "shit".
Kim Soohyun was the epitome of what his mother had once described as Athena, goddess of war and wisdom.
Seonghwa had never met someone like her, someone who could keep their eyes trained right on his eyes even when his lips were inches away from theirs. He had thought it impossible, but here was a lady who challenged his own might with hers.
Seonghwa paused on his tracks as he heard footsteps behind him, that stopping right as his did. Seonghwa smirked, taking another puff of his cigarette before saying out loud
Seonghwa : come out, guys. Did you really think I was that deaf?
Seonghwa smiled as 10 other men came out from hidden corners of the alleyway, each of them holding a knife in their hand. Seonghwa chuckled before taking one last puff of his smoke, it would be needed.
Seonghwa : I wonder who's sent you people this time.
Seonghwa flicked the cigarette away from him with a finger, rolling his shirt sleeves up before saying
Seonghwa : come on then, do what you came here for.
And seonghwa spent the next few minutes or so trying to dodge attacks and planting some himself, thoroughly enjoying himself through the whole thing. He knew these men were of no match to him, but seeing them tire themselves out over and over, and then knocking them out clean, it was all very satisfying.
That was all until he had gotten a deep cut to his stomach, and then the pain had gotten to him. Inflicting pain upon someone else was something he enjoyed, but when that was given back to him, it was not pretty. But he fought through it, over and over again. Until he started to lose focus.
There were only three men left, and he had been currently battling two when one from the behind suddenly threw a knife at him. And seonghwa registered it too late to move aside, it would be a kill-shot. But suddenly the knife was caught by someone, that someone twisting it's edge as she threw it right back at the man who had thrown it, the knife hitting his chest as the man fell down, dead.
Seonghwa : seriously? Did you just kill him?
Soohyun walked forward and pulled one of the man away from seonghwa, taking his own knife before stabbing it right into his heart. Before the man could cough up blood, soohyun threw him away from her, kicking the last man with her heel hard enough for it's edge to cut right into his stomach, making the man fall down with a loud groan.
Soohyun : I am not a doctor, I'm a soldier.
Soohyun stepped away from seonghwa as he let out a shaky breath, holding his wounded stomach while trying to maintain his breathing pace.
Seonghwa : were you stalking me, officer?
Soohyun : you think I have the time to be doing that?
Seonghwa : as part of the case, sweetheart.
He hadn't changed one bit. Soohyun rolled her eyes and looked away before saying
Soohyun : if you don't want to die, get yourself to some hospital.
Soohyun was about to turn around when seonghwa suddenly said
Seonghwa : are you seriously going to leave a wounded man alone?
Soohyun : if that wounded man is the reason for so many people's deaths, yes sure.
Soohyun turned around, about to walk away this time. That was until she felt seonghwa hold her wrist, the blood in his hand smearing onto hers as he said
Seonghwa : are you really going to let me die?
Soohyun : mr park.
Seonghwa : are you really going to let your seonghwa die?
Soohyun quickly caught seonghwa as his legs gave way under him, a smile on his face as soohyun lowered the both of them to the floor slowly. Soohyun gripped seonghwa's wound, applying pressure onto it to stop him from bleeding too much. Seonghwa looked up at soohyun before saying
Seonghwa : I knew you'd do this.
Soohyun : shut up.
Seonghwa : you've always loved me.
Soohyun : seonghwa, shut your mouth.
Seonghwa : even when you left me years ago, even when you watched me build those casinos from scrap and even when you came to talk to me a week ago, I knew it.
Soohyun : fucking bastard.
Seonghwa chuckled as he laid one of his hand against her cheek, his blood staining her skin as he whispered hazily
Seonghwa : all for you, my love.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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1 | The Ill-Fated Heist
Pairing: Naoto Tachibana x Fem!Reader
Shameless Masterlist
Dressed in all black, you blend in well with the darkness as you crouch on top of your target building. You pull the ski mask over your head, your heart pounding with anticipation and adrenaline. You're pretty confident in your skills, knowing that you're well-known for heists that leave law enforcement rather baffled each time. Tonight will be no different. Your target is a high-security vault, rumored to temporarily be housing the Cullinan Diamond.
Hooking yourself into your harness, you prepare to enter through the top of the building. With cautious steps, you move towards the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the city lights twinkling below. Moonlight casts an ethereal glow, illuminating your path as you prepare to make your entrance. Carefully, you locate a ventilation shaft, its metal grate serving as your gateway into the building.
With nimble fingers, you remove the screws that hold the grate in place. The sound is barely a whisper in the night air as you lift it, revealing a dark opening that leads into the building's ventilation system. Taking a deep breath, you lower yourself into the narrow shaft, your body contorting to fit the tight space.
Inside the ventilation system, you move with calculated steps, relying on your knowledge of the building's layout to guide you. You navigate through the maze of ducts and vents, the faint hum of the air conditioning masking your presence. The thrill of the heist courses through your veins, each twist and turn bringing you closer to your target.
After what feels like an eternity, you spot a grill that leads directly above the target area—the vault. You carefully remove the screws, making sure to stay absolutely silent, and slide the grill aside. TThe room is dark, but you can see the soft glow of the vault's security keypad.
But then you notice something else. There are red laser beams crisscrossing the room, barriers you have to get past without touching. You're going to have to be really careful to move around them without setting off any alarms. It takes a lot of concentration and skill, but you manage to do it.
When you finally reach the other side of the lasers, you feel relieved. You take off your mask and walk towards the vault. Your plan is to unlock the case around the diamond and take it. But as you approach, something catches your eye—the diamond itself. It's so beautiful, shining brightly.
You can't resist. You reach out to touch the case that's protecting the diamond, and suddenly, a loud beeping noise fills the room. The sound echos through your body, causing you to fall to the ground, clutching your ears in pain. As you look down, you see blood staining your hands, the intensity of the noise is causing your ears to bleed. Panic sets in as you realize the gravity of the situation.
"Shit, this isn't good," you mutter through the haze of the pain. Your focus shifts to the keypad, hoping to regain control and complete the mission. However, in the chaos and disorientation, you mistakenly type the wrong code. Frustration and urgency surge within you as you realize that time is running out.
With no other choice, you decide to leave without the diamond. Just as you turn around to escape, the door opens and you see the police standing there. You know you're caught.
A handsome man with serious grey eyes, dressed in a stylish suit, approaches you. It's Naoto Tachibana, a familiar face from your elementary school days. Memories of your mothers' friendship with Mrs. Tachibana flood back, reminding you of the times when they would insist you attend Naoto's birthday parties. But despite those occasions, you and Naoto were never really friends.
Feeling a mix of emotions, you can't help but feel frustrated that Naoto is the one assigned to arrest you. He maintains a stern expression as he announces your arrest, surrounded by other police officers. Perhaps he doesn't remember you.
"For what," you scoff, knowing there's absolutely no way out of this.
Naoto's gaze remains fixed on you as he grabs your arm, firmly pushing you against a wall. He proceeds to conduct a thorough search, making sure you don't have any weapons or stolen items. The sound of handcuffs clicking signifies the restraint being placed around your wrists.
"If you wanted to cop a feel you should've just said so," you snap. But still, he locks you into the handcuffs. "Fuck you," you then add, nearly spitting on him.
The tension hangs in the air, but Naoto remains composed. "If you keep resisting arrest I'll have to force you to cooperate," he explains harshly. Then, with a strong grip on your arm, he pulls you away from the wall, determined to take you into custody.
The next thing you know, you're sitting alone in the interrogation room, your hands cuffed to the table. Your stomach growls, and you let out a groan. Suddenly, Naoto enters the room and places a sandwich in front of you. Your eyes light up, but the cuffs prevent you from reaching it. 
"So you do remember me," you grumble, sitting back in your chair again.
Naoto's expression stays serious as he speaks, "You have the right to remain silent, Y/N. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." 
Despite his official tone, you can't help but ask "Okay, well can I at least have the sandwich you brought in?" 
"That depends on your cooperation," he sighs as he sits down across from you. "Why'd you break into the jewelry store?"
"Isn't that just a stupid cop way of getting me to admit I did break in?" you reply in a sarcastic tone.
"I already know you broke in, Y/N. I saw you. But explaining it could help you in court," he answers you.
"Jesus," you roll your eyes. "Go to hell."
Naoto's eyes narrow as he looks at you. "So where did things go so poorly for you, Y/N? Was it when your father went to jail? Is that what's influencing your shitty choices."
"Fuck you! You know damn well my dad was a drunk but he didn't deserve all that jailtime he got!" you shout, which causes Naoto to scoff and shake his head.
"It's going to be a long time before you get that sandwich if you continue at this pace," he reminds you, emphasizing the importance of cooperating with him.
"Then I guess we'll be here all night. Wouldn't be our first sleepover together," you smirk at him. 
Shameless Masterlist
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renaultsindia · 2 months
Unveiling India’s Top 5 Seven-Seater Cars!
In India, buying seven-seater cars isn’t as simple as it may seem. We aren’t necessarily referring to affordability but the choices available! Lately, many automakers, domestic and international, have ventured into India’s seven-seater car market. As a result, consumers have more choices to look at than ever. So, what options do you have when it comes to seven-seater cars in India? Let’s look at the top five.
Note: The features mentioned below may vary with the variant chosen. We recommend visiting the respective vehicle’s website for the latest information.
Renault Triber
Considered one of India’s safest seven-seater cars, Triber is one of Renault’s milestone products that redefines class with every inch of its design.
The vehicle offers class-leading features, including spacious interiors designed ergonomically to deliver optimal comfort, 20.32 cm touchscreen mediaNAV with Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM, 100+ seating combinations, up to 625-litres of boot space, 17.78 cm TFT instrument cluster, steering wheel mounted controls for handsfree access and much more.
Renault Triber also has numerous security features, including a traction control system, electronic stability program, hill start assist, and tyre pressure monitoring system. Besides, it has earned a 4-star rating for adult occupant safety and a 3-star rating for child occupant safety by GNCAP.
Renault Triber price starts at ₹ 5.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Toyota Rumion
Another trustworthy car on our list of top seven-seater cars in India is Toyota Rumion. The vehicle is one of the most revered seven-seaters with a range of features and unmatched reliability. Some features of Rumion premium grille with chrome finish on the front bumper, smartphone connectivity, plush dual tone seat fabric, ample luggage space, and row roof mounted AC with speed control. A few security features of this elegant seven-seater car include dual front airbags, seat side airbags, hill hold assist, ABS with EBD and brake assist and Heartect platform. Toyota Rumion ₹ 10.44 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Mahindra XUV 700
Massive, yet stylish enough to sweep you off your feet, Mahindra XUV 700 is a vehicle you cannot miss out on reviewing while talking about the top seven-seater cars in India. Mahindra XUV 700 is as loaded with features as it is with its stunning looks. Some striking ones include various ADAS-based ones, wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, 360-degree surround sound system, Adrenox Connect App, blind view monitoring, electronic stability control, and Smart Pilot Assist. Mahindra XUV 700 price starts at ₹ 13.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Kia Carens
With its phenomenal looks, Kia Carens redefines class and elegance! However, the vehicle isn’t merely about appearance. It is one loaded with numerous resonating features, including premium headlining, Kia signature Tiger Nose grille with silver surround accents, 31.7 cm (12.5”) full segment LCD cluster with advanced 10.6cm (4.2”) colour TFT MID, tilt type power steering adjustable drives seat, etc. 
Not to forget the seamless drives that Carens delivers through hill-start assist control, downhill brake control, ABS, electronic stability control, tyre pressure monitoring system, speed sensing door lock, seat belt reminders and many more safety features. Kia Carens price starts at ₹ 10.51 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Mahindra Scorpio
Mahindra Scorpio is another on our list of seven-seater cars in India. The vehicle follows the legacy of the old Scorpio that turned a hit across the country’s urban and rural segments. The new Mahindra Scorpio has undergone a significant facelift, giving it a sportier and more stylish appearance. 
Some features of Mahindra Scorpio include an intelligent cockpit, powerful rear AC, tall stacked LED tail lamps, rear camera, signature metallic Scorpio tail element and diamond alloy cut wheels. The vehicle also features two robust engine variants, including 2.0L 4-cylinder and 2.2L 4-cylinder. Mahindra Scorpio price starts at ₹ 13.61 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
We hope the above helps. Don’t forget to review a few others like Hyundai Alcazar, Mahindra Bolero, Toyota Innova Crysta and Toyota Fortuner if you have a much higher budget for the seven-seater you’ve always aspired to. If you are looking out for an economical seven-seater car with the latest features and performance that outscores many others in its range, Renault Triber can prove a prudent choice. The vehicle, which is now one of India’s most preferred seven-seaters, is the perfect choice for a seamless, safe, and spacious driving experience.
Visit us https://www.renault.co.in/cars/renault-triber.html 
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terracotta-retreat · 3 months
A Luxurious Retreat Awaits at Casa Terracotta and Casa Pennington
Nestled in the scenic beauty of Wimberley, Texas, Casa Terracotta and Casa Pennington offer an expansive retreat that redefines comfort and luxury. Perfect for families, friends, or a serene getaway, these properties provide the ultimate destination for relaxation and enjoyment.
 The Space
 Main House: Casa Terracotta
Step into an oasis of space and light in our open-concept living room. With high ceilings and an abundance of natural light, the living area features a generous couch, playful chairs, and a sleek flat screen smart TV. The seamless design creates an inviting atmosphere where comfort meets elegance.
The chef-inspired kitchen boasts high-end stainless steel appliances, featuring a professional-grade six-burner gas stove, an oven, a microwave, and a spacious refrigerator. The unique dining table is ideal for family meals, complemented by additional bar seating.
The versatile sunroom serves as a multi-functional space, offering a private workspace, a poker table, and a cozy sitting area with plush leather recliners and a Smart TV. Enjoy breathtaking views of the pool area, adding to the charm of this stunning retreat.
The master bedroom epitomizes luxury with a king-sized bed, a fold-out queen sleeper sofa, and a flat screen Smart TV. The en-suite bathroom boasts a spacious shower with multiple heads, a separate soaking jacuzzi tub, dual sinks, and a bidet. A smart TV and gas fireplace create a warm ambiance visible from both the bathroom and bedroom.
The second bedroom features a king-sized bed and a Smart TV, along with a convenient doggy door leading to a secure area for pets. The third bedroom includes a queen-sized bed and its own Smart TV, ensuring comfort and personalized spaces for all guests.
Casa Pennington
Casa Pennington presents a spacious studio-style suite with a king-sized bed and a comfortable sitting area, complete with a flat-screen Smart TV.
The kitchenette includes essential amenities, ensuring convenience for your culinary needs. The full bathroom with a shower ensures a comfortable stay.
 Outdoor Oasis
The outdoor area is a haven for both relaxation and entertainment. Guests can cool off in the pool, play a game of basketball, or sunbathe on the patio loungers. The main patio features a large sectional couch, perfect for watching weekend games on the 60-inch flat-screen TV. The state-of-the-art outdoor kitchen features a commercial-grade grill, a boiling frying pot, and a Red Diamond Kamodo smoker.
On cooler nights, light a fire or turn on the outdoor heaters to stay warm. The six-person hot tub is ideal for enjoying sunsets. The additional covered seating area, known as the Fish Camp, is perfect for al fresco dining and features a TV and dart boards. A spacious grass area invites guests to play cornhole, while kids can enjoy the hammock swing or play structure.
 Guest Access
This is a whole-home vacation rental managed by Cozi Vacation Rentals. Guests will have exclusive access to the entire property, ensuring privacy and a memorable stay.
 Additional Information
Please Note: Construction is located adjacent to the property.
 Pet Policy:
- Pet fee: $35 per pet, per night + tax (added after booking is confirmed).
- A signed pet waiver is required.
- Maximum of 2 pets, each weighing no more than 50 lbs.
- Damages or issues caused by pets will be charged to the credit card on file.
 Property Details
- Location: Wimberley, Texas, United States
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3
- Beds: 6
- Bathroom: Bath, bidet, luxury mini hotel soaps and shampoo, shower gel
- Bedroom and Laundry: Bed linen, dryer, washer, hangers, iron
- Entertainment: 55" HDTV with Roku, Bluetooth sound system, books, reading material, life-size games
- Family: Board games, outdoor playground
- Heating and Cooling: Central air conditioning, heating, indoor gas fireplace
- Home Safety: Carbon monoxide alarm, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, smoke alarm
- Internet and Office: Dedicated workspace, WiFi
- Kitchen and Dining: Stainless steel appliances, coffee maker, cooking basics, dining table, dishwasher, fridge, microwave, oven, toaster, wine glasses
- Outdoor: BBQ grill, firepit, hammock, outdoor furniture, patio, private back garden, sun loungers
- Parking: Free on-premises parking
- Facilities: Private hot tub, private outdoor pool, single level home
- Scenic Views: Courtyard view, pool view
- Services: Long-term stays allowed, pets allowed, self check-in, smart lock
Experience the ultimate retreat at Casa Terracotta and Casa Pennington. Your luxurious escape in Wimberley awaits!
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Robust Security Screen Doors Offered With an Extended Warranty
You are responsible for securing your property, and the best step you can take in this regard is getting security screen doors Melbourne installed. Contact this supplier of windows and door screens, where there is a wide range of security doors available as sliding and hinged options. You can choose from various cast grills, diamond grills and limited vision mesh for your privacy and convenience. This safety comes with an 11 years extended warranty on these screen doors.
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rozerfedo · 1 year
Travel in Opulence: Rolls Royce Cullinan Chauffeur Service Guide
When it comes to luxury and opulence in the world of automobiles, few names evoke as much prestige and admiration as Rolls Royce. The Rolls Royce Cullinan, the epitome of luxury SUVs, stands as a symbol of unparalleled elegance, craftsmanship, and performance. For those seeking a travel experience like no other, a Rolls Royce Cullinan chauffeur service provides the ultimate journey in opulence and sophistication. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of Rolls Royce Cullinan chauffeur services, exploring the unique features of the vehicle, the benefits of hiring a chauffeur, and the unforgettable experiences that await passengers.
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Rolls Royce Cullinan: A Masterpiece of Luxury:
The Rolls Royce Cullinan, named after the world's largest diamond, is a masterpiece of luxury and engineering. Its distinctive design, handcrafted details, and advanced technology make it the pinnacle of automotive opulence. The imposing presence of the Cullinan commands attention, with its signature grille, iconic Spirit of Ecstasy hood ornament, and elegant lines that exude timeless beauty.
Inside the Cullinan's cabin, every detail is meticulously crafted to provide unrivaled comfort. Plush leather seats, sumptuous wood veneers, and exquisite metal accents create an ambiance of refined luxury. The integration of state-of-the-art infotainment and connectivity features ensures that passengers are not only traveling in style but also staying connected with the world.
Benefits of a Chauffeur Service:
Hiring a chauffeur service to accompany the Rolls Royce Cullinan elevates the travel experience to an entirely new level. A professional chauffeur adds an element of exclusivity and convenience, allowing passengers to focus on indulging in the journey rather than navigating the roads. Here are some key benefits of opting for a chauffeur service with the Rolls Royce Cullinan:
a. Personalized Service: Chauffeurs are trained to provide personalized attention to passengers, catering to their preferences and ensuring a seamless and tailored experience.
b. Local Knowledge: A knowledgeable chauffeur is well-versed in the city's best routes, attractions, and hidden gems, making the journey efficient and informative.
c. Safety and Reliability: Chauffeurs undergo rigorous training in defensive driving and safety protocols, ensuring a secure and dependable journey.
d. Stress-Free Travel: With a chauffeur at the helm, passengers can relax, unwind, and enjoy the journey without worrying about the hassles of driving and parking.
e. Business and Leisure: A Rolls Royce Cullinan chauffeur service is not only for leisurely excursions but also caters to business travelers who value comfort and sophistication during their trips.
Unforgettable Experiences:
Traveling in a Rolls Royce Cullinan with a chauffeur opens doors to unforgettable experiences that extend beyond mere transportation. Whether it's a special occasion, a business event, or a leisurely tour, the opulence of the Cullinan and the impeccable service of the chauffeur create cherished memories. Some of the unforgettable experiences that await passengers include:
a. Wedding Transportation: The Rolls Royce Cullinan is a popular choice for wedding transportation, adding a touch of elegance and grandeur to the special day.
b. Sightseeing and City Tours: Exploring a city with a chauffeur-guided tour in a Cullinan allows passengers to witness the most iconic landmarks and hidden gems in absolute luxury.
c. Airport Transfers: Arriving or departing from the airport in a Rolls Royce Cullinan makes for a stylish and memorable journey, setting the tone for the entire trip.
d. Business Meetings and Events: For corporate executives attending business meetings and events, the Cullinan chauffeur service ensures a sophisticated and comfortable travel experience.
e. Night on the Town: Whether it's a romantic date night or a night out with friends, the Rolls Royce Cullinan chauffeur service adds an element of luxury to any evening.
In conclusion, the Rolls Royce Cullinan chauffeur service guide presents an unparalleled opportunity to travel in opulence and sophistication. The Cullinan's status as a masterpiece of luxury, coupled with the benefits of a professional chauffeur, creates a travel experience that is truly unmatched. From weddings to city tours, airport transfers to business events, the Cullinan chauffeur service caters to a wide range of occasions, ensuring that each journey is unforgettable and cherished.
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shuttersmel · 2 years
How Much Do Security Doors Prices in Australia 2023?
Every one of us ought to do all in our power to keep our houses secure from intruders and the weather. As a result, we need a level of protection that is above and beyond the norm. Today, we will provide you with a wealth of information on security doors prices. And as such, you can easily calculate the total cost of these advanced safety measures.
There's a range of security doors to consider, from security screen doors to screen mesh and so on. Let's compare the costs and benefits to see which option is best for your household.
Security doors prices in 2023
As previously said, a wide variety of security door designs and security screen quality and strength are immediately available. The best approach to protecting your house and belongings without breaking the bank is using grill security doors. A diamond pattern spans the width of these aluminium doors.
Below is a rundown of security doors prices for top choices in Australia:
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1. Average security doors prices in 2023
The cost to have a steel door installed is around $1150, with 85% falling within that range. Depending on the mesh size, the more elaborate wrought iron and historical variants might cost up to $1600.
Professionals put in significant time and effort to guarantee the highest quality finish for each and every one of our steel door installations.
2. Security screens cost
Due to their purpose (to keep attackers out) and higher quality of construction compared to standard screens, security screens tend to be more costly. Several different kinds of screens enable outside air to enter the house without becoming unsightly.
Security doors cost more than regular doors and need expert installation. Prices for security doors may start at and go up to thousands of dollars ($450-$1100.)
Screen doors come in many types
There are many doors in this category that meet Australian standards. The following is a range of possible prices for a strong security screen to protect your home:
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1. Aluminium
A screen door made of aluminium costs around $250-$350. But it's probably just a fig leaf to keep the flies away. An Australian Standard compliant security door built from aluminium might cost upwards of $450.
2. Steel
Only $250 will get you a very inexpensive steel door. Yet, they are often constructed of flimsy steel and won't do the job. Prices for high-quality, bespoke steel doors typically begin at $650. They can become quite a bit more costly.
3. Stainless steel mesh
Prices for these begin at $800. However, for some of the more popular models, you should expect to pay well over $1000.
4. Perforated structural-grade aluminium sheet
The price of one of them is $650.
What characteristics should you prioritise when shopping for a security door?
1. The doors must meet Australian standards
Without proof that it complies with Australian Standard AS5039-2008, a security door is worthless. An installation requirement is also available (AS5040). The installation contractor should provide you with a written assurance that it will meet all applicable standards.
2. A robust door frame is a must
This is true irrespective of the kind of security door installed. Screen mesh, powder-coated solid doors, and stainless steel mesh all need a sturdy frame. Aluminium or steel may be used for the framework.
Professionals in the field agree that steel doors are the best security screens available. Corrosion resistance is guaranteed for an Australian Standard steel door.
The grille's receiver channel in the frame must be deep. Because of this, the edge cannot be pulled out of the frame without a lot of effort. Provide a solid connection between the frame's main body and the receiver channel.
The corners also need to be fortified. There might be hidden corner stakes on the inside of the door. Full welds in the corners, on the other hand, are more likely to withstand stress.
3. A solid infill
This is a critical factor to consider when you choose a security door. Steel, aluminium grille, structural-grade aluminium perforated sheet, or stainless steel mesh may be used for the infill. Some of the best infills for security doors are described here:
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Steel reinforcements
The most reliable security measure is a steel bar, pattern, or grille.
Stainless steel meshes
Aluminium or steel frames are infilled with woven stainless steel mesh to create stainless steel mesh doors. These doors provide privacy and protection without blocking your vision as traditional security doors do (imagine seeing through a flyscreen).
In most cases, aluminium grilles serve primarily as flyscreens. You can choose sturdy ones that provide the impression of security.
Aluminium sheets with perforations
Perforated sheets made of structural-grade aluminium are relatively new to the industry. They're a cheaper alternative to stainless steel mesh that looks just as good. Several experts in the field have compared their level of security to that of stainless steel mesh.
Consider quality over security doors prices
Now that you know about the prices that you can expect for security doors in Australia, let's see the importance of quality. Security screen doors are more affordable than solid doors for the reasons stated.
When used outside, an aluminium door is a great choice. When it comes to home security, knowing that every door in your house is triple-locked might help ease your mind. Comparatively, security screens are more affordable than solid doors.
A security door has to be sturdy and well-made. The whole point of spending money on a security door is to keep unwanted intruders out. So, these essential needs can't be met by a low-cost or low-quality door.
It would be quite upsetting to see a thief smash the security door that had been installed with just one simple kick. For this reason, you shouldn't put the cost of security doors ahead of the quality of the doors themselves.
A professional installer can recommend you the ideal door for your home.
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glass-repair · 2 years
Valuable Guide to Keep in Mind When Selecting Security Screen Doors
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Security doors will always be your defense in a home. They promise a way of safeguarding your home. They even provide a lot of benefits that no other security systems could offer. Before you buy security products, it’s recommended to review the guide below. It’s worse buying a door that is not a good fit. The best ones would always resist weather and would complement a great style. They must even have proof locking systems against thieves. Plus, they must follow the safety standards in Australia.
 So, follow this valuable guide when selecting security screen doors Brisbane.
 Check the Safety Standards
Based on the security door standards in Australia, AS5039-2008, and the standard for installation, AS5040, there should be a minimum requirement for security to follow. The country has strict standards so ensure doing research first. Make sure the doors won’t stop bugs around. They must be stronger enough in keeping out intruders from pests to bugs and human burglars.
 Frame by Yourself
Frames are regarded as the foundational structure in security screen doors Brisbane. So, you better obtain the needed frames as it is essential. Opt for steel or aluminum choice. Ask the provider if there’s an anti-corrosion feat seal in the doors, emphasizing the Australian standard.
 Find Out With the Tight Seals
Australia is a country known for hosting the craziest creepy crawlies. Thus, it is essential not to leave any possible gaps for the creatures. This is true since the warm weather is what the country is getting. Ensure to search for security doors alongside tight seals. The pro-mesh security doors also feature strong and stainless steel mesh type of screens. They are also found in different powdered colors in their coat.
 Try to Check on the Grilles
Grilles are often confused with the one in the deck. They feature in many various shapes. The most famous one is the diamond cut-out. This is so far the sturdiest of all to find in the market. This is because of their intimidating look and structure. So far, Australians have utilized diamond grilles for years. As compared to the grilles, the security screen doors Brisbane feature stainless steel type of infills. They bring additional security to the property. The Gridlock so far has its diamond grilles rated by most homeowners.
 Lock the Systems In
The lock systems have already evolved. The modern ones protect against unwelcoming guests. Opt for installing security doors featuring no locks. Or, you could choose the double, single, and triple locking systems. Each of them provides tested and trusted security. The systems that you choose is it double, single, or triple would rely much on the key preference. The number of keys you will deal with inside or outside must likewise be known.
 Customize Their Design
Make sure the security screen doors in Brisbane fit properly in the entrance. There are companies offering cutting and measurement. An experienced member of the team will visit your business or home in measuring the door frames. Thus, you will obtain a flawless and fit product each time.
 So, follow this valuable guide when selecting security screen doors in Brisbane!
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werribeeblindsau · 1 year
Modern Shutters and Blinds
Shutters and blinds are a timeless window dressing option that have a range of benefits. While they have been chosen as a safe and secure alternative to curtains, shades, and other window coverings for a long time now, there are new age alternatives that can also be used to meet all your functionality and design requirements.
Modern shutters and blinds come in various styles, designs and colours. They are an excellent value add to any home and can be made from a variety of materials such as vinyl, composite, or real wood.
They offer great air and light control and are available in a range of designs that are perfect for all spaces including small windows, large bays and curved windows. They have moveable slats which can be adjusted to suit your requirements.
Unlike other window treatments, shutters are very easy to clean. They can be simply wiped down with a damp cloth and there is no need to remove any fittings.
In the warmer months, they can keep a room cool and reduce your energy bills by helping to prevent heat loss. As well as this, they provide your home with privacy and help to deter insects that may want to enter your house.
These modern window treatments offer excellent protection against inclement weather and are a safe alternative to curtains, shades, and other window treatments that can get damaged by wind, rain, and even fire. They are also easy to maintain and will last for years to come.
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barriernetting · 2 years
If you have a swimming pool in your property in Melbourne
If you have a swimming pool in your property in Melbourne, you should consider about installing swimming pool fencing. Not only it is of paramount importance for the safety of yourself and your loved ones, especially kids and pets, but you could be breaking the norms if you do not have a pool fence installed around your swimming pool area else it can really be hazardous to them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowning has been the second-leading cause of death of children aged below 15 years in Australia and most of China plastic diamond mesh those drowning happen in residential swimming pools. So, we can say that pool fencing in Melbourne is a must-have for every home owner today as surrounding a swimming pool with a fence can lead to about 85% reduction in the risk of a pet and child drowning. 
4 ways in safeguarding your children and pets with pool fencing in Melbourne Always consider the following 5 things you can do to make sure that your fence protects your children and pets as given below: Always install your pool fence by an expert- If not properly installed, a high-quality fence will do little to keep your family safe. So, look for a reputed company in Melbourne that has extensive knowledge and several years of experience in pool fencing and also comes with the first recommendations from other property owners. Get your pool fence repaired in case of any damage- Want to keep your pool fence in a good working order? For that daily inspection is needed to detect any areas in need of any repairs. But if you find that your pool fence is ruined or cracked and needs immediate repairs, then without any hesitation, quickly call the company that had installed your fence. This is for the benefit of all. They should provide repair and maintenance services as well along installation services. 
Ensure that your pool fence entirely encloses the pool on all sides- While installing a pool fence at the backyard of your property; ensure that it completely encloses the pool without cutting off access to other areas of the backyard. No one will be hearing your lame excuses to keep the swimming pool fence gates open, unless it is emergency where you are accessing the swimming pool itself. Latch the doors and wrought iron pedestrian gates Melbourne leading to the pool -In addition to pool fencing Melbourne, it is very significant to control that can access the pool area through pool gates and doors. Even youngsters can be expert at opening doors and also gates of pool fences. Thus, ensure you have child-safety latches to keep children out of unsafe areas. Self-closing and self-locking gates provide an additional layer of security. We at Dandenong Wrought Iron and steel Fabricators Pty. Ltd, a manufacturer of wrought iron fences and gates as well as security grill doors Melbourne for the past 2 decades can help you with a wide range of products. If you are really interested in installing one at your backyard, please call us in the given number. We will be there at your doorstep in no time. Before buying one, first have a look at our pool fences and gates. 
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