#diabolik texts
diabolikpersonals · 6 days
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because I'm extra proud of it, here's the microwaved azusa from stream
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fangsforiris · 3 months
What's the nicest thing shu did to his brothers ?
Hey anon!! Hope you’re doing well!!
I’d say the nicest thing Shuu’s ever done for his brothers is varied. With his natural apathetic approach towards everything in life— including his relationships with people— it’s hard to pinpoint when he’d find the room to care.
But here’s some examples that I can think of:
Subaru: Aiding Subaru to leave and escape after he had killed Karlheinz. Shuu stated that the others would attempt to kill Subaru for it, so leaving would be the best option. [During Subaru’s route— unsure of specific game.]
Kanato: Calming Kanato down after a tantrum/mental breakdown. [During A Sub Scenario with Kanato in Vandead Carnival.]
Lost Eden; When Shuu took the mantle of Vampire King and worked towards making amends, etc.
Shuu acknowledging Reiji and all that he did. [Unsure of specific game and route.]
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cryptid-pet · 2 months
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They do a summer one every year and THIS ??? HOLY SHIT
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otomehonyaku · 2 months
Diabolik Lovers Grand Edition Tokuten Special Booklet Short Stories ☽ Mukami ver. ☽ The Rainy School Night Mystery
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Original title: 雨降る夜の学校の怪 English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the scans (special thanks to @karleksmumskladdkaka!) Sakamaki ver. ☽ Year-End Pandemonium (coming soon)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This short story booklet was part of the limited edition release of Grand Edition! Keep reading below the cut for the second short story, featuring the Mukami brothers. I will translate the Sakamaki one at a later date!
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Droplets of rain tapped against the window panes and quickly converged into small streams, drawing curved lines on the glass on their way down. The rain had started the day before yesterday and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Maybe that might have been why, by the time the oppressive humidity began to make everyone feel uneasy…
“Hey, Kitten. I need to talk to you. Do you have a minute?”
With a smile bright enough to wipe away any worries caused by the weather, Mukami Kou—the idol with a household name—approached Komori Yui in a friendly manner. His presence caused a stir among the other students around them.
Yui grabbed Kou by the sleeve of his uniform jacket and quietly uttered, “Kou, we’ll stand out if we talk here…”
Yui was puzzled by Kou’s unusually good mood, but followed him to a spot that would keep them away from prying eyes.
“Kou… Did something happen?”
“I heard a very interesting rumour. I thought I’d ask you about it, too.”
“A rumour?”
“Yes! It’s a little strange for this time of year, but it’s about a ghost story. Apparently, most of the students and teachers are familiar with it. Have you heard about it?”
“No… What’s it about?”
As soon as he realised Yui was completely oblivious, Kou gleefully talked away.. 
“Apparently, when it’s very late on a night of endless rain, when most people have left the school… strange sounds start coming from one of the classrooms.” Kou lowered his voice in an attempt to stoke her fear. “Nobody knows exactly where the sounds are coming from. It could be an empty classroom, the art room… You can hear it from various places depending on the day.”
“And… it couldn’t just be a burglar?”
“That’s what I thought, too, but I haven’t heard anything about things going missing, and even if that were the case, wouldn’t the police have been involved already? There’s also rumours going around about it being the students’ own doing, but apparently there are scratch marks in the rooms where the sound came from. Like, in places higher up than the curtains, so people generally wouldn’t be able to reach that high.”
With the odds of it being a student prank getting smaller by the minute, Yui’s throat grew dry. She swallowed loudly.
There shouldn’t be any sounds coming from an unoccupied room. The first thing that came to Yui’s mind was an unscientific explanation—something she would rather not think about.
“So, you mean… it’s a ghost?”
“Yes, yes, exactly! People are saying it might be a ghost.”
“But couldn’t the sounds be coming from the building itself (1)? I heard that ‘strange sounds’ people hear inside their houses are usually just the rattling of the building.”
 “But that’s so boring, Kitten! Ghosts are way more interesting than rattling houses! Besides, people think it’s a ghost for good reason.”
“W-what reason…?!”
The way Kou purposefully explained it to her with such kindness, patience, and in such detail, made Yui shiver. A broad grin spread across the vampire’s face as he pulled Yui’s body closer while surveying their surroundings as if he was afraid of being caught, and started whispering into her ear.
“Some students have already snuck into the building at night as a test of courage, and apparently they saw dark shadows along with the strange sounds they heard. If it had been only one or two students spreading the rumour, it wouldn’t be a very credible story, but when so many people have had the exact same encounter, it’s difficult to still call it a trick of the mind, right? There’s also some students who claim they saw arms wrapped in bandages emerge from the darkness, at the exact timing that the lightning struck outside.”
“Hm? What’s wrong, Kitten? You look a bit pale.”
“It’s because of your strange story…”
“Hehe! How cute. It’s going to be alright, Kitten. I’ll be by your side, after all.” Kou met Yui’s frightened eyes and shot her a sweet smile to put her at ease. “I’ll protect you. So… it has been a bit boring with all this rain lately. Shall we do some nightly exploration of the school for ourselves so we can figure out the truth behind the rumours?” 
“Come on, let’s go!”
“W-wait a minute! Where are we going?”
Kou, who would not have taken ‘no’ for an answer either way, grabbed Yui’s hand and hurried pulled her along, down the hall. He swiftly dodged the students who were already starting to head home at this hour.
“W-wait! Slow down…”
“But there’s no time like the present, right? Besides, if we don’t hurry, my fans will only try to pull me aside. Let’s go to the others quickly!”
Kou led her in the direction of a far-away third-year classroom.
When the two of them walked through the door, the other Mukami brothers were already there. Yuma was straddling a chair, Azusa lingered by the window, and Ruki stood leaning with his back against the wall, his arms crossed. 
“Hi, everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting. I brought our little Kitten!”
“You’re late, Kou. I was this close to goin’ home, even though you urged us to stay here ‘n wait.”
The discontent was plain on Yuma’s face. Kou muttered a half-serious apology to him and let go of Yui’s hand.
“Eve… did you run on your way here? You sound… out of breath…” Azusa tilted his head slightly to the side in concern for Yui.
“I’m okay, Azusa. Thank you.”
“Kou… If you need something from us, why gather us on campus?”
“Hehe. That’s because I need you all to be at school for this, ” Kou said, still beating around the bush.
Ruki glared daggers at his brother. Knowing he could not hold it off much longer, Kou decided to explain the situation.
“I was talking with Kitten about this earlier, but I heard an interesting story and I’d like you to know about it too! Have you heard the rumour that a ghost is haunting the school?”
“The one that’s making strange noises at night? I heard my classmates talkin’ ‘bout it.” Yuma clearly just wanted to know what mischief Kou was up to, making the blonde’s shoulders droop in disappointment.
“Oh, so you already know. Word certainly travels fast among the third-years.”
Ruki had a glaring suspicion about Kou’s intentions and decided to drive the point home before his brother could do it himself. “I suppose you weren’t going to ask us to look for the ghost with you, were you?”
“Hehe, bullseye!” Kou smiled broadly.
“Seriously? It’s just a rumour, though,” Yuma replied, sounding exasperated.
“How old are you? Don’t get so excited about this, Kou. Ghosts do not exist.” Ruki was referring to the fact that when someone dies and the moment their body perishes, a peculiar thing called the ‘soul’ perishes along with it. Ghosts were merely ridiculous fantasies; illusions invented by humans. Only ignorant children would be afraid of them… right?
However, Kou had already expected this reaction from Ruki and did not back down.
“Heh… I don’t think it’s good to decide that ghosts aren’t real without confirming anything ourselves. Right, Kitten?”
“Huh…? M-me?”
“Do you really believe this nonsense?” When Ruki turned to her, Yui instinctively straightened her spine.
“Not necessarily, but… It sounds a little scary, I think, but whether they’re actually real is another thing…”
“Kou, do you… really think the ghost… will appear? It might have just been… a trick of the mind, you know?”
“Of course I don’t believe the ghost actually exists.I don’t sense any other supernatural presences around here either, besides ourselves and the Sakamakis. Doesn’t that make you all the more interested in the hype around this ghost story?”
Ruki’s curiosity was piqued, if only a little, at Kou’s words. “Hm… You do have a point.”
It was easy to dismiss urban legends like this right away, but if there was a reality to this particular ghost story, that would change things.
“And what if people besides us are purposefully stirring up a ruckus at the academy? We can’t let that slide, right? So, I want to expose the truth behind these rumours! It won’t be fun if it’s just the four of us, though, so that’s why I brought Kitten with me.”
“I-I’m not going! Walking around the empty building at night sounds scary enough already, let alone when an actual ghost shows up…”
If the Mukami brothers could barely even make sense of the situation, didn’t that mean there was an actual chance a ghost was haunting the premises? When Yui thought of it like that, a chill ran down her spine.
“Heh, sounds fun!” Yuma put a hand on the back of the chair he’d been straddling and stood up with great vigour. “If she’s coming, I’m in, too!”
Yui was taken aback by his enthusiasm. “Yuma?!”
“I knew you’d come around, Yuma! Hey, Ruki. Please join us!”
“Alright. I do not care for ghosts, but I agree that we have to find out who’s causing all this trouble.”
“Right? Azusa, you’re coming too, aren’t you…? Azusa? Hello—?
Even as Kou’s eyes intently watched Azusa’s puzzled expression, the younger brother still didn’t answer. He raised a hand to his mouth as if in deep thought. Thinking it strange, Yui instinctively called out.
“Huh? Ah, I’m sorry… If you’re all going… then I will join you.”
“Great, that settles it! Let’s wait here for a bit until the school empties out.”
“H-hold on a second… Don’t I get a say in this?”
“Your opinion does not matter. Were you thinking of going home all by yourself, then?” Ruki said.
“Oh…” Met with four stares that left little room for protest, Yui reluctantly went along with their plans.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Several hours passed.
By the time all lights in the academy had been turned off and the emergency exit signs were the only source of light in the halls, the five began their search. The building had fallen completely silent. Only their footsteps and the distant sound of the rain outside could be heard.
Kou pulled Yui along by her hand and walked slightly ahead of the others.
“Hey, Kou… I don’t like going first.”
“Because it’ll be even scarier if something appears…”
“It’s okay, really! You can lag behind if you want, but something might creep up behind you.”
“L-like what?”
“Who knows? But I’m right in front of you and Ruki and the others are right behind you. Don’t you think this is the safest position for you to be in?
Though Kou encouraged Yui to move to whatever position she wanted, she felt unable to do so. She decided to quietly follow behind Kou. They had been walking around the school for a little while now, but had not noticed anything out of the ordinary yet. 
Fed up with their aimlessly walking around, Yuma began to complain. “Hey, Kou. Nothing’s happened so far.”
“You’re too impatient, Yuma. We haven’t even been walking around for that long.”
“I feel no other presences nearby, nor have I heard that particular ‘sound’ you were talking about. Do you think it’s wary of us?” Ruki whispered, frowning as he surveyed his surroundings.
“Hey… If this really is a ghost’s doing, what do we even do? It probably won’t worship us or anything…”
Ignoring Yui’s worries completely, Yuma clutched his stomach and could not keep from bursting into laughter. “Pff, haha! You dummy. Why’d it worship us?”
“Because—isn’t that what they say about ghosts? That they worship people?
“Then they’d only worship you.”
“They only worship people, right?”
Yui tilted her head to the side, not quite understanding what Yuma was saying right away, but Ruki filled her in.
“Because we are vampires, after all. Besides, I don’t understand why you would be afraid of something as abstract as ghosts.”
“But… You never know! They might worship vampires too!”
While Yui desperately clung to her theory, Azusa and Kou decided to rub salt in the wound. 
“I think… we’re stronger than ghosts, though...”
“I know, right? I think they’d be repulsed rather than worship us.”
“Ah…” With nobody agreeing with her, Yui felt her position becoming more and more vulnerable. On top of being forced into this situation, she was the only one who was actually scared. 
Kou watched her intently, an almost reproachful expression on his face. “Oh, this won’t do. Even if you pout at me that way, I’ll just think you’re cute. But hey, I’ll protect you whatever happens, so stay calm, alright?” He winked at her in a way only an experienced idol could.
When Yui thought about it, being surrounded by four vampires—former humans, but still—probably was the safest position for her to be in, oddly enough. There was no way vampires would lose to an intangible ghost.
However, precisely because they were dealing with something intangible made it difficult for Yui to suppress her nerves. She desperately fought to keep the fear from overtaking.
The five walked around for a little while longer, Yui securely in the middle, but nothing happened.
“This is weird… Maybe it really is wary of us, like Ruki said. I wonder if it doesn’t like being ganged up on by a large group of people.”
“How about we split up then?”
“Right! If we go in small groups, the ghost might be more motivated to come out.”
“What…?! I don’t like the idea of splitting up.”
“We’re not asking for your opinion. That said, you would be in trouble if we left you alone, so… Yuma?”
Yuma looked puzzled when Ruki called his name. “Huh? What, Ruki?”
“Keep her company. If one of us goes with her, we’ll be able to swiftly deal with any unforeseen situations.”
“Yeah, true… Alright, Kou. We’re switchin’.”
Kou complied with Yuma’s demand, though the displeasure was clear on his face. The blonde might have rebelled against this change if Yuma had been the one to ask, but Ruki’s orders, on the other hand, were simply to be followed.
“Ah, what a shame. I was looking forward to holding hands with Kitten for a little longer.”
Kou reluctantly let go of Yui’s hand and surrendered his spot to Yuma.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After that, Yui and Yuma split up from the rest of the group and began exploring the school anew.
It’s so quiet when it’s just the two of us walking around… Not feeling brave enough to speak up, Yui kept quiet and followed Yuma. I hope we can meet up with the others soon… If the ghost comes out now, I wonder if we’ll make it to them if we run.
“Hey, Sow… Why’re you shufflin’ behind me the entire time? Go out in front.”
“What?! N-no! I can’t!”
“There ain’t no way in hell that ghost is real, so no need to be such a scaredy-cat. You’re only makin’ yourself look more like an idiot.”
“I-I don’t care if I look like an idiot…! Some things are meant to be feared!”
“Ha! There ya go again… If I wanna leave , I’ll leave!”  As if to get the irritation out of his system, Yuma banged his fist against the wall beside him. 
Yui’s eyes snapped shut for a brief moment, but she did not flinch when she returned Yuma’s gaze, his face suddenly much closer than before.
“But what?”
“Don’t you think… if vampires exist, then ghosts might exist too?”
“Hm… Sounds pretty funny comin’ from you, but nah, they don’t exist.” One corner of Yuma’s mouth curved upwards into a mocking grin. He let out a laugh. He seemed pretty convinced that ghosts were not a thing of this world.
A clattering sound suddenly came from one of the classrooms. It startled Yui, making her tremble. “That wasn’t… in my head, was it?”
A lick of ice-cold fear slid down Yui’s spine. She quickly hid behind Yuma.
“You… Why’re you hiding? You’ve got some guts usin’ me as a shield.”
“B-but…” She could not find the words to speak—she was simply too scared. She crouched in on herself behind Yuma in an effort to hide.
The sound seemed to have come from the empty, unused classroom near them. It was pitch-black. Nobody seemed to be inside.
“I’m gonna go look.”
“What?! W-wait, Yuma!”
Yuma ignored Yui’s pleas and opened the door to the classroom. He thoroughly inspected the room, but still, there was not a soul in sight. As though expecting someone to be hiding, Yuma set foot into the classroom.
“Y-Yuma, don’t! It’s dangerous!”
“Ha! You’re scared shitless, aren’t ya? Just wait here. I’ll only have a quick look inside.”
The only thing coming in from outside was the sound of the rain. Not even a sliver of moonlight fell into the room. The ominous darkness gradually swallowed Yuma’s form whole as he walked farther away.
Oh no… If something comes out at me, I’ll…
Yui’s heart hammered against her ribcage, and just when her eyes inadvertently fluttered closed—she felt something brushing up against her leg. Goosebumps rose on her skin. She couldn’t keep her voice from leaking.
Yuma rushed back when he heard her cry out, but still found no traces of anything lurking in the shadows close to where Yui was standing, nor in the deserted classroom. 
“Damn, don’t scream like that! I thought somethin’ happened!” 
“B-but… something… touched my leg…”
“What?! What the hell was it?”
In the end, the two never figured out what it could have been. The sky, still clouded with heavy rain, slowly started to become brighter.
“Shit. It’s close to mornin’ already. Hey, Sow? We should get back to Ruki ‘n the others. We’re done for today.”
“For today? You don’t mean…” A heavy sense of dread fell upon Yui, but she did not need to finish her sentence. 
The anxious look on her face made Yuma’s lips curl up into a sadistic smile.
“We’ll be back for round two tomorrow.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next night, Yui was accompanied by Azusa on their rounds through the school hallways. Yui kept a tight grip on Azusa’s left arm and had no intention of letting him go.
“Eve… If you hold on to me like that… it’s a bit difficult to move…”
“Oh! I-I’m sorry, Azusa! I’m still not quite used to this…”
“Ah… What is it…?”
Yui was even more unsettled by Azusa’s restlessness. He’s been lost in thought the entire time, she thought. 
“Hey, Azusa? Is something wrong…? You haven’t seen the… g-ghost, have you?”
“Huh? Oh, no… I haven’t.”
“Ah… That’s a relief.”
“Are you… really that scared? Then… here.”
Azusa came to a halt and pulled Yui into a hug with his other arm, gently patting her back as he whispered into her ear. “Eve… I’m here with you. Even if something comes after you… I’ll protect you. But… are you maybe worried… that it’s just me…?”
“No, not at all… Thank you. I think I might be a little less scared now.”
“I’m glad… to make myself useful.” Azusa smiled softly, but then his gaze quickly shifted to the window.
He really is worried about something… I wonder what’s gotten into him…
Once again, the night ended without them coming any closer to finding the source of the strange sound.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Along came the third night of exploring the academy.
Carefully calculating when the building would empty out, the five once again split up and made their rounds. The never-ending rain had abated into a drizzle for a brief moment, but before long, it was pouring once again. The weather showed no signs of letting up.
“It really won’t stop raining. It would be nice to be able to see the moon, though…”
The night sky was covered by heavy rain clouds. Yui had been looking out of the window while she was walking down the hall, but in the meantime, Ruki—who had been right next to her only a moment earlier—had already put several steps in between them. Yui half-ran to catch up to him.
“You seem awfully careless today. Have you already overcome your fear of ghosts?” 
“N-not exactly, but… This is the third day already, so it’s getting a little… Ah!”
Maybe Yui’s attention slipped because she was relieved to walk beside Ruki again, as she suddenly stumbled and nearly fell over. Ruki immediately extended his arms, swiftly catching Yui and keeping her from falling.
“T-thank you…”
“If you let down your guard like that, bad things will happen—like this, for example.”
The ominous tone of Ruki’s voice caught Yui’s attention. She tilted her face upwards to look at him.
Ruki looked pointedly somewhere behind her, nodding in the same direction as if to urge her to do the same. Yui’s hands were braced on his upper arms as he held her, and her grip only tightened at the thought of something being at her back.
“I-is something there?” 
Yui was hit by an indescribable wave of anxiety. Her breath involuntarily caught in her throat, but she bolstered her resolve and gingerly looked over her shoulder. 
There was nothing but the long, dark, gloomy hallway stretching out behind her.
“N-nothing’s there, right? Wait, were you… Huh…?”
“You said you’d gotten used to it, right? I figured I’d test you. It seems like you don’t have your fear under control just yet, though.”
Yui’s cheeks flushed bright red. Had Ruki really been toying with her, even though he knew she was scared?
“That’s not fair…! You can’t just play with me like that… I’ve gotten a little more used to walking through the dark hallways, but you know I’m scared of ghosts…!”
Yui crouched down on the ground, her face between her knees, both mortified and scared beyond her wits. Any regular male student might have been worried, might have tried to calm her down, but Ruki showed no signs of showing her such kindness.
“Don’t make a fuss. How long are you going to sit like that? If you don’t feel like moving, I’ll leave you here.” Quickly dismissing Yui’s worries, Ruki did not bother to cast her another glance and began walking away.
“Oh… W-wait up!”
Not knowing where to direct her fear and frustration with being ignored, Yui’s head was full of chaos. Still, she would not be able to bear being left alone like this, and so she hurried back to Ruki.
Yui felt herself grow stiff while she walked behind him. Just then, a strange sound reached her ears.
“...Did you hear that?”
“It came from that classroom. Do you want to check it out?”
It was a different sound from the one she had heard with Yuma the day before yesterday. This one clearly sounded like someone was rummaging around… and it kept going.
“There’s definitely someone here.”
Ruki opened the door to the classroom with great force.
The moonlight did not quite reach the room because of the heavy rain—it was darker than the hallway had been—and the unoccupied desks and chairs were nothing but eerie silhouettes. 
When Yui’s eyes had gotten used to the darkness, though, she saw someone standing there with her back to her—someone familiar. Recognition struck her.
“Huh… Azusa?” The words just slipped out.
At Yui’s surprised voice, Azusa slowly turned around to face them. He looked just as surprised to see them. “Eve… Ruki…” 
“Azusa? What are you doing here?” Ruki took a step forward and had barely finished speaking…
And then, it happened.
“Found you—!”
Yui looked in the direction of the voice reverberating through the hallway, she spotted Kou running towards them. Their eyes met. Kou raised his voice as if he’d known all along how this would end.
“Grab it, Kitten!”
Yui followed Kou’s finger pointing ahead. A small, black shadow darted out in front of him. Kou had clearly ordered her to catch it, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it right away. While she stood there hesitating for a moment, the black shadow collided with her chest on its own.
Out of sheer reflex, Yui wrapped her arms around it immediately. It felt heavier than she’d thought, and softer to the touch. The unexpected sensation almost made her drop it, but she regained her posture and held it tightly.
“Nice catch, Kitten!”
Kou was out of breath, having run at full speed, as he pointed at the black lump in Yui’s arms. “That’s… the cause… of the ghost story… the source of the sounds… is that cat.”
Yui suddenly realised she was holding a black cat. Its tail pointed upwards, the fur fluffed up as it eyed Kou suspiciously. In an effort to calm down the evidently upset cat, she gently stroked its back. “It’s okay… Don’t be scared…”
“Wow… Have you seen the way it’s staring at me?” Kou breathed. 
“Isn’t that because you were chasing it?”
“I had to! Of course it’s going to run if someone tries to catch it.”
“Hey, hey! What’s with all the—what the fuck! What’s that black thing?”
Yuma burst into the room after having heard the commotion. Yui had only just managed to calm down the cat a little, but in response to Yuma’s voice, the black cat’s tail fluffed up again.
“Whoa, that’s a pretty rough-lookin’ cat… But wait, what’s a cat doing on campus?”
A nod from Ruki confirmed his brother’s unspoken suspicions. “If this cat is the cause of the ghost story going around, I wonder how it managed to sneak into the academy and cause such an upheaval.”
If the cat had snuck in while the students and teachers were on campus, it could not have gone unnoticed. The fact that nobody was aware of a cat on campus must mean that it had snuck in sometime late at night, when the school was already empty.
However, that still begged the question how it came in. The campus was built in such a way that it seemed unlikely for the cat to have come inside easily. If that was the case, maybe someone had purposefully lured the cat inside and hidden it from everyone…
How did this little one even get here…? Yui was at a loss as she stared at the black ball of fur in her arms, but the only response she got from it was a loud meow.
Azusa, who had been quiet up until now, suddenly joined the conversation. “I’m sorry… Actually, this cat… is here because I was… looking after it…” He apologetically raised his right hand.
“Huh? Azusa, you’ve been taking care of this cat…?”
“Yeah… I’ll talk you through what happened…” Azusa began explaining the origins of the ghost story and how the cat had infiltrated the school. “About a month ago… I found this cat in the school courtyard, but…”
Azusa’s story went something like this: one day, he had found a weakened black kitten. He had given it something to eat and soon began to look after it. Even after it had mostly recovered, the heavy rain continued to fall, and Azusa had felt the need to keep checking in on it out of sheer worry. 
As he suspected, the cat had fallen ill again after a while. Azusa had pitied the little black cat and made sure to gently stroke it and talk to it. Eventually, he brought it to this classroom so he could take better care of it.
“Oh, Azusa, you’re too kind,” Kou said, carefully approaching the cat so as to not startle it, and petted it. The cat seemed to have gotten a little more used to him. It was more docile now, allowing Kou’s gentle touch.
“That’s not… true… In the end, I only… ended up scaring the cat…”
“What do you mean?”
“When the cat became healthier… I got a little careless… After it escaped from this classroom where I’d been taking care of it… I lost track of where it went…”
“So that means this cat roamed the school at night, and the kids mistook the sounds it made for a ghost… and that led to the ghost story?”
Azusa nodded in response to Yuma’s question. “I think those sounds… must have been the cat running away or playing around… and when I couldn’t find it for a while… it must have been hiding somewhere… because it was scared…”
“Yeah, that’s fair… It’s pretty scary to be chased around, after all.”
Kou nodded exaggeratedly, but the brothers’ reactions were pretty mild overall, as though these kinds of things happened on the regular. Yui thought it strange, but tried to gloss over it by shooting Azusa one more question.
“The students were talking about an ‘arm wrapped in bandages’ poking out from the darkness… So that was…”
“Yeah… They must have seen… me. As soon as I heard the rumours about the ghost… and knowing about the cat, it just clicked… so, lately… I’ve been looking for it by myself…”
“Ha… so that’s it. That ghost story was brought to life just ‘cause of Azusa and this black cat.”
“Good grief… You certainly caused trouble.”
With all questions answered, Yuma and Ruki looked even more exasperated than before.
“Azusa… Of all places to take care of a cat, you should not have done it at school. If you’d just taken it home, it wouldn’t have caused such a stir.” (2)
“I thought it might… bother you…”
“Well, that’s Azusa for you. But this wouldn’t have inconvenienced us at all! We’re brothers, right?” Kou said light-heartedly in an effort to cheer up Azusa, whose eyes were downcast.
“Of course. Don’t be so reserved, Azusa.”
Touched by the kindness of his brothers, Azusa smiled cheerily. “Yeah… Thank you, all of you…”
“So, uh… What do we do with the cat?” When Yui handed the cat over to Azusa, it began loudly purring in his arms.
“How about we bring it home with us?”
“I don’t mind either.”
The cat could suffer a grim fate if we leave it here like this and someone else finds it… What if it becomes weak again? What if it dies?
“Ruki… Would it be alright if we took it home?”
Everyone’s eyes naturally shifted to Ruki.
“We can’t decide that so easily. If the cat belongs to someone who lives somewhere around the campus, shouldn’t we return it to its home? Don’t they say that dogs tend to be attached to their masters, and cats are attached to their homes?”
Ruki had a point, but Kou was not yet convinced, especially seeing how Azusa felt for the cat he’d been taking care of for so long. “But look how attached it is to Azusa…”
“Thank you, Kou… I’m alright… The cat’s happiness is… the most important, after all…”
“Well, if Azusa’s fine with it, then I’m fine with it… Ah, I’m so tired from chasing the cat. Hey, Kitten. Can I lay my head in your lap (3) when we get home?”
The subject of the conversation shifted from the cat to something else so quickly that it almost gave Yui whiplash. 
When Yuma joined in as well, it became even more confusing. “Hey, Kou. You’re not the only one who’s tired! You don’t get to keep all the fun for yourself.”
“But I worked really hard, you know? Don’t you think I deserve to ask for a small reward?”
“I don’t. I ran pretty damn hard myself! Hell, I was the only one who actually ran.”
“What? How do you know? I definitely ran the hardest!”
“Nah, I did!”
“I’m telling you, I did!”
Kou and Yuma’s bickering escalated quickly, neither of them realising their fight was getting farther and farther away from the issue at hand.
“Christ, this is not worth fighting over.”
“But… it’s kind of fun, isn’t it?”
Ruki averted his eyes, clearly fed up with his brothers’ antics, while Azusa warmly watched over the two.
It would be nice if they forgot about the laying–his-head-in-my-lap thing, too… Yui thought. When her gaze flicked to the window, she noticed that the rain that had plagued the city, pouring incessantly for days on end, had let up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A little while later, the black cat left the campus, and the ghost story that had haunted the academy quickly receded into the students’ and teachers’ memories.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
家鳴(やな)り:Lit. the ‘rattling of a house,’ meaning things like creaking windows, the air vents, the sounds you sometimes hear when the walls or window panes expand due to moisture or heat, things like that.
Not a translation note but Ruki, sir, with your history of ‘taking care’ of cats, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea…
膝枕(ひざまくら): Lit. ‘knee/lap pillow,’ meaning to use someone’s lap as a pillow, laying your head in someone’s lap.
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diabolik-boys · 2 months
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"I don't believe anyone was expecting this, Nii-san... Perhaps we will be having too much fun. I'm getting a little bit too excited just thinking about it~"
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"Patience. I do not need you jeopardizing any of our plans by being too cocky. Good things come to those who wait. We have much preparation to do before we will announce ourselves."
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"Don't even bother. Screw waiting, my fangs are aching to bite into something, aren't yours by now? Come on, Nii-san. You can't lie to me. I'm ready to feast."
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"You are a bothersome brat. Fine. I shall announce that we are ready to come forward. But I am not going to reveal ourselves lightly. Be warned, this will not be an easy feat."
That's right, you're not hallucinating! The Tsukinamis are now coming to be apart of diabolik-boys permanently.
I have been debating on adding the Tsukinamis for a while now. And as I have reached over 1,000 followers, I know that a good number of you all like the Tsukinamis.
And so, to cater to my larger audience, I wish to add these two to my Diabolik boy roster.
What about Kino? Well, let's just say he will be for a future milestone.
However, I will not be answering asks with the Tsukinami brothers until I reopen my ask box, which not be until I answer my 77 asks currently in my ask box. Please be patient with me. 🙏
As for the event I have planned for the 1,000 follower milestone, I will have that be in according to adding the Tsukinami brothers. Please stay tuned, as I will post that event here soon, where you will get to interact with the Tsukinami brothers diabolik-boys style!
As always, much love. - Admin Azusa
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gagad · 11 months
Such a daddy 🤡
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I don't get it..why he gets hotter with every new rejet post....I mean, my finger burned when I touched the picture.
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Yui: Can you move, please, Ayato? You're blocking the view
Ayato: I am the view
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diacripticcomplex · 1 month
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Yui and Shu in a nutshell
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ninaichiharas · 3 months
I was like "why do I have 36 notes on here" and then I see my scan blew up xD
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Thank you very much!! I had to stitch this illustration together digitally since my book is still bound ^_^
I haven't been able to find this image at all online in good quality, so I'm glad everyone enjoys it.
Unfortunately my printer isn't working so I can't really scan anything and I'm sure other people have the scans of the rest of the book.
I'd like to share more scans in the future though, so I appreciate your support!
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therealaiko-yumei · 7 months
Lil edit coz why not(my editing phase is slowly coming back)
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flowermodd · 2 months
How on earth Cordelia's heart fit on baby Yui's body?!
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diabolikpersonals · 3 months
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Rejet is still hiring, so Iwa D posted this example photo from the production of the Vampire Lab series! It shows an early version of Ayato’s artwork and notes on the design of the blood bag.
The tweet says Rejet is hiring creators, producers, directors, planning and production managers, and event producers to work on new projects, sequels and developments of existing popular works, and related events.
Dialovers is an “existing popular work” of rejet’s, and he chose a dialovers photo to promote this ad, so am I allowed to get my hopes up…?!
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fangsforiris · 1 month
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Shū is for the ones who are quiet.
The ones that acknowledge sonder, and the complexities of life that carries out around them, even without knowing the thousands of nameless, faceless individuals that pass by.
Those who enjoy silence and find comfort in even the smallest of moments concerning pre-pubescent nostalgia. The things that are no longer found easily. Small moments missed due to Time’s cruel hand. Trinkets of life now left astray due to the baggage it carried and accumulated. In sorting favourites and misfortunes, decisions couldn’t be made.
The children of the night who yearn for a second chance, but will always be far too afraid to take the leap of faith. Instead, choosing to settle in discomfort. As comfortability in the uncomfortable is all they’ve ever known. It’s peaceful, calming. Something akin to a remedy. It’s home.
The ones who notice even the smallest of changes, from the twitches in the eyes, to the trembles of the index. They see all. But never will they comment on it, lest they bring up a fight. It’s much more preferable that way, to stay in the company of a friend-turned-foe instead of facing the music. They acknowledge it all. They know.
Shū is for the careful. Unable to speak with their voice caught up in their throat. Heavy hands connecting to an even heavier heart. Individuals who will only speak unless spoken to. Reserved, patient, those in wait. Especially when tested on a daily. Waiting becomes easier, with the practice of a few lifetimes along your belt, it ought to be. He’s for you. The ones who will never speak unless the lines been crossed.
Shū is anything if calculated. Concentrated in motions, the amount of space he’ll take up. If anything, he is the most aware of everything, everywhere, at once.
He will always belong to the sea. To the nameless, faceless people who roam the world yearning for another life. He’s for the lonely, the isolated.
Shū is sonder.
Sonder: The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.
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cryptid-pet · 24 days
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diabolik-boys · 3 months
it's my birthday!!
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It's my birthday! I am so thankful I get to share another year with everyone here on my little corner.
Thank you all so much for letting me reach a huge milestone of 1,000 followers. That is the best present I could receive from everyone here.
I hope to continue to make posts that you all enjoy this year, although I'm sorry I've gotten so busy I haven't been able to post as frequently as last year.
Thank you all again. I look forward to posting some this weekend! As always, much love. - Admin Azusa
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bodysntchrs4evr · 1 year
Pretty pretty pretty please I want Kou and Laito to be best friends.
I just want them to go to the mall together. I want them to buy cute clothes and matching phone charms that they wear together.
I want them to take silly pictures in a purikura. I want them to have endless photo albums of old Polaroids of them hanging out.
I want them to have to have sleepovers. Acting like teenage girls gossiping and giggling about their crushes. I want them to paint each others nails and do makeovers.
I just want them to be best friends please let them be best friends
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