#diabolik rp
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founderportraits · 2 months ago
You're left ear is massive btw like it's genuinely huge lol
"... I'm going to make sure all that's left of you is a red smear on the ground."
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subarus-gentle-butterfly · 2 years ago
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Miu has appeared! What to do?
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□ Ask to leave
◇ Violate
○ Pet
☆ Kiss on the lips
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komoriyui-chan · 5 months ago
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He looks unusually non-threatening here (*´ω`*)
Ah I'm so glad that the brothers don't have social media, I'd be in trouble otherwise!
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h3llh0ound · 3 months ago
“What the fuck is his skin care routine”
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notririe · 1 month ago
Shuu, if you had to choose not listening to classical music or not sleeping for a whole year which one will you choose??
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“Haah…what an impossible question.”
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“I’d rather die. A year without any of the two might as well be hell.”
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“However, I could make do without music…Fufu, considering there’s other types that suit my interests.”
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fedora-pervert · 12 days ago
Do you have any major turn-offs? Like appearance or personality wise?
Nothing really appearance-wise, though I do have preferences. For example I would prefer someone more feminine, whether guy or girl. Doesn’t have to be OVERLY feminine, mind you, just at least somewhat in touch with their softer side.
As for personality, I’ve said it before but women who sleep around and are extremely promiscuous. Little hypocritical, I’m aware, but not really my problem, fufu~
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deartory · 5 months ago
[ GIF PACK ] 49 gifs of Lorenzo Zurzolo in Diabolik: Who Are You? (2023) free on ko-fi ♡ Each gif was made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes, so please do not repost the content elsewhere or claim it as your own. You can edit them for personal use.
268 x 151
content warnings include: blood.
You can support me by liking, reblogging, or consider buying me a ko-fi !
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the-only-takoyaki-king · 5 months ago
Does shu know you have a thing for his man? 🤨🤨
His man? WAIT DO YOU MEAN YUMA- @notririe
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diabolik-boys · 4 months ago
Azusa's special day...
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"Oh... It's my... birthday... I didn't even notice. My brothers must be... preparing something for me again. I always forget when... my birthday is... until they give me something."
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"No, no... My birthday shouldn't be... special. I don't... deserve it. Please, it's alright... I don't need anything. I'm happy... just having you look at me. I know that... Ruki might cook something for me... maybe something spicy. And my brothers... probably bought me something..."
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"Having you here... is enough. Thank you for being here..."
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callingsubaru · 5 months ago
u didn't hear this from me but I heard ayato talking shit...
bro said u were emo and started singing a falling in reverse song I think u need to put him in check
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“Eh!? That damned idiot, Ayato! He doesn’t know what he’s talking about…”
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founderportraits · 2 months ago
How come you never shapeshift even though you can?
"... Because I am Disabled and surprisingly, that disables me from certain activities."
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subarus-gentle-butterfly · 9 days ago
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Art by me! @seaoflove07 @subaruwu @apostleanddeath saw it first♡
A/N: wrote this all myself while on my phone! Not exactly proofread, and might be slightly out of character, but I wanted to add a small drabble/one-shot with my babies to fit the scene anyways!
"....Y-You're staring, Subaru-kun... Are you still... um... unsatisfied?"
Of course, Miu means the several bites he's given her already, the seemingly insatiable hunger that comes with being the vampire he is. But with her timidness, the shy flush of her cheeks, it comes out sounding much more loaded than the simple ask of whether he's still thirsty or not.
It makes Subaru huff in a laugh, a small smirk etching its way onto his unnaturally handsome features that Miu couldn't help but stare at herself.
"Am I not allowed to... admire what's mine?" The words lacked their typical harshness, his tone having softened over the years of knowing the young woman seated on his lap, what felt like a lifetime of learning how to be loved by a creature as small and lovely as Miu and try to reciprocate that precious love to the best of his ability in return. "Idiot..."
His woman was truly a sight to behold, the plush of the curves and added happy weight he loved so much, the scars and stretch marks that she herself hated but he held so dear to his unbeating heart, the smudged mix of her lip tint and the blood from her bitten lips on her chin— and most of all that innocent puppy-like look she had on her freckled face, the one that made the vampire think things that were far from innocent.
Not that innocence exactly mattered here in this intimate moment, the warm glow of Miu's bedside lamp in an otherwise dark bedroom illuminating their bodies perfectly, Miu perched on his lap in nothing but her pretty blue undergarments, one hand on the back of his neck, the other gripping onto the collar of his unbuttoned dress shirt and shoulder for balance...
Heh. As if he would let her fall.
The way she squirmed in his lap made his fingers squeeze her bottom with a posessive firmness, the warmth of her mortal body, flushed and embarrassed, felt so soothing against the coolness of his own, the contrast as stark as night and day but not unwelcome in the least. Her warmth was truly one of his favorite things about her, and being able to see every inch of her freckled, scarred skin up close like this made it even better.
"I... I'm... your idiot," the girl mumbles, wanting nothing more than to avert her gaze, but unable to tear her eyes away from his heated scarlet glare. She was right. Having grown used to his insult that no longer really held any weight, she was his entirely. Completely and utterly his. There wasn't any room for any other man in her heart the same way he filled the space.
Her words made his smirk widen, an amused hum leaving his throat. "Damn right."
Pushing aside some of her ombre locks, Subaru leans up to steal a kiss, one that Miu is more than happy to reciprocate, finding it hard to keep talking in her flustered state. Even after all this time, he didn't even have to do anything special to render her a total nervous mess, complete putty in his hands. The breeze that wafted from the open window did nothing to cool the feverish warmth creeping up her neck.
Maybe that was the power of love? She couldn't be sure, even now. All she knew was that there would be absolutely nowhere else Miu would rather be than in his cool embrace, just her and her man alone.
Miu pulls away from his kiss just by a few centimeters, half-lidded blue eyes peering into his narrowed ruby ones, a question clouding them, urging her to speak.
"Happy Valentine's day... Subaru."
Full credit to @subarus-gentle-butterfly / @sillypeeg 2025. Please do not repost or claim as your own.
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i-love-my-sons · 4 months ago
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I am Tougo Sakamaki. I see that this app has been getting quite some popularity, and due to high demand, as well as some talking with my advisors, we have agreed to grant you all with my online presence.
However, due to the very nature of the interweb, I believe some guidelines and rules are a must. So let's get on with it then shall we?
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Blog Rules-
Admin will only post in character unless stated otherwise, if a response comes off as insensitive or offensive, it is not a direct reflection of admin's opinion or feelings.
Karl's character is very much unknown to us, the fandom, and therefore not a lot of direct facts can be gathered, but rather I can observe what his personality is like, so take everything with a grain of salt.
On the topic of his character, any questions that he alone might know that has not been explicitly stated in the franchise, will always be a headcanon and not canon to any of the Diabolik Lovers material.
Be Respectful, I don't think I need to clarify this though.
Karl is a VILLAIN, like the majority of the cast is. I am in no way excusing, defending or even promoting his actions.
Semi nsfw asks are completely fine, but I will not do explicit roleplay scenes.
OC asks and rps are extremely encouraged and welcomed.
I can answer or reject any ask I see fit, I don't believe I need to explain myself 24/7, but that's just a general rule of thumb in case I get weird asks. All you regular people have nothing to worry about so feel free to be in my inbox any and all the time.
To be cringe is to be free.
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founderportraits · 2 months ago
"Well, I suggest you do read it all, it's pertinent information as to why I summoned you and you Alone here." He had not expected Kino to arrive with some young woman clasped to his side; but then again it has always been quite hard to pin down what he would do.
The woman seemed quite odd, but perhaps that is more the fact that she has manged to survive with Kino for a while rather than any actual oddness on her own behalf.
He pointedly ignored her questions, they have too much at stake to entertain trivial flights of fancy from someone who shouldn't shouldn't be here.
"It is about Hans Trapp, I have everything gathered I just need another for the ritual, and as you can see my brother is not to be found, so unless you would like to become an only child yourself, I suggest we collaborate our efforts." Carla's words were clipped and precise, if Kino knows anything about governing a community, he will understand the gravity of this... predicament.
Carla was walking calmly towards the door, mere moments ago being elbows deep in entrails of the beast he's how carrying with little struggle despite the circumstances.
If he had Known that this year he was going to have to deal with, Him; Then he wouldn't have let Shin go off by himself to Europe for whatever reasons he gave.
Now with very little options, Carla had to get his hands dirty; this was the final beast he needed for the preparation of the ritual that needed to be acquired before the sun reached the middle of the sky.
The door, old and wooden, polish and steel mottled with age and decay, let out a piercing screech as he lightly pushed the door open with the toe of his boot, and for a moment, every noise from the forest around him, stood still.
A rusted cage stood in the middle of the dimly lit mausoleum, a crow in the middle, huddled towards itself for warmth.
Carla placed the Kill upon the tomb, with the others before swiftly walking towards the cage, throwing the door open and grabbing the creature by its throat.
"Let us hope that he will actually come for you, with how high of a regard you apparently hold one another." He sneered it out, throwing the crow unceremoniously back into the cage; the letter having been taken by one of his familiars just an hour before.
And with that, the beast approaches.
"What a gross place to hold your little party."
The familiar voice bounced off the walls in disgust, echoing as Kino's footsteps emerged from the dark. Letter in hand, he raised his arm and waved it nonchalently above his head, tossing it aside with a flick of his wrist.
"You seriously expect me to read all that?" 
With his other hand, he gripped the wrist of his most recent object of interest, pulling her along.
"How's about a trade? You break apart that birdcage and I'll break apart these scissors I brought to neuter you with. Sound good, o-mighty king of the forest?"
His tone carried a jeer to it, but the underlying annoyance rang through as clear and as calm as a church bell. If Carla had called upon him yet again, then there had to be good reason. The two weren't exactly best buddies, and he hadn't brought his mutt of a brother along from the looks of it.
Yawning loudly, he gestured at the wolf corpse that lay partly on the ground, mostly on Carla's clothes.
"Finally decided to become an only child?"
Wishful thinking, of course.
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h3llh0ound · 2 months ago
“Goodnight to everyone except Laito”
“Goodnight to everyone except those who spell their name L-A-I-T-O”
“Goodnight to everyone except those who have the letter L A I T O in their name”
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meanwhilebackatthemanor · 11 days ago
Is it true that Laito is good at photography???
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"Actually, yes I am! It's been a hobby of mine for... I want to say the last 100 years."
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"I just love taking photos of anything that I can find attractive. Nfu~ Yes, meaning you too~"
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