#diabolik lovers versus iii
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┌── ≪  ✥ VERSUS II ✥  ≫ ──┐
〈01〉DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ (Vol.7: Ryuuto VS Shuu)
〈02〉DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Tower Records Tokuten Drama CD: "The Estranged Brothers’ Roundtable ~Deciding on the Smartest Odd-Brother-Out~"
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┌── ≪  ✥ VERSUS III ✥  ≫ ──┐
〈01〉DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅲ (Vol.7: Ryuuto VS Azusa)
〈02〉DIABOLIK LOVERS LUNATIC PARADE Imajin Tokuten Drama CD: "What Goes Around, Comes Around ~ The Head-Strong Should Respect Their Elders!"
〈02〉DIABOLIK LOVERS LUNATIC PARADE WonderGOO Tokuten Drama CD: "The Supernatural Hunting The Supernatural ★ Every Vampire For Himself"
└──── ≪   °♛°   ≫ ────┘
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DIABOLIK LOVERS VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol.Ⅲ Mini Drama “Carla VS Shin”
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Original title: 録り下ろしミニドラマ「カルラVSシン」
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol. III Mini Drama
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Morikawa Toshiyuki & Morikubo Shoutaro
Translator’s note: The Tsukinami brothers aren’t my go-to, so I wasn’t crazy about this CD, but I’m sure that all of you T bro stans will enjoy it. It takes place in the Dark Fate timeline, so the two of them are still keen on trying to ‘cleanse’ the MC. No cute fluffy moments in this one, just a lot of blood-sucking and Carla + Shin ganging up on you. :p
You try to head out of the manor. 
Carla: …You, where are you going? 
Carla approaches you as you try to explain.
Carla: For a walk, you say? Such a blatant lie. You are not allowed to leave the manor without my permission.
You ask Carla if there is a reason why he needs you here.
Carla: If I need you for anything? Is that not obvious? Your cleansing. There is nothing else I could need from you.
You try to escape. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Carla: …You sure have some nerve to try to make a run for it when I am standing right in front of you. I thought I had taught you plenty of times that there is no way for you to escape this place, but I suppose I have not made myself clear enough just yet. Very well. I shall continue to do so until it finally sinks in. Come with me.
Carla drags you away. 
Carla: Why are you looking at me like that? Are you frightened? ーー Now keep still. If you move, I will kill you.
You flinch.
Carla: Heh. Perfect. 
Carla: Did you not hear me when I told you to keep still? …Do not make a sound over every single little thing.
Carla: Is it a little easier for me to sink my fangs in your neck this way? I shall give to you momentarily. 
Carla bites you. 
*Gulp gulp* 
Carla: Hah…Per usual…
Carla: …Your blood is still tainted…I must cleanse it sooner rather than later, or else we could be in trouble. …Ugh. 
Carla: Oi, woman. I did not give you permission to fight back. Do you not understand what will happen to you if you do?
Carla: You should always remember how easy it is for me to snap that slender neck of yours in two. 
He continues sucking your blood. 
Carla: …Hah. Hmph. So you have finally stopped resisting? You should have done so from the very beginning. Good grief, you are such a handful. 
*Gulp gulp gulp* 
Carla: Mmh…Hah…
Carla: Stand. I did not give you permission to rest either. 
You remain on the floor.
Carla: ーー You should offer yourself to me exactly as I tell you to. I shall not take no as an answer. Hah…
Carla: …Hm. 
Carla: Che…So she has lost consciousness? Humans are even more weak and fragile and I thought, getting knocked out over such a short cleansing session. Hah. Ridiculous. 
Carla walks away as Shin walks by shortly after, noticing you on the floor.
Shin: Huh? That is…
Shin: Che…She still won’t wake up after carrying her all the way over here, huh? God. Just how much of her blood did Nii-san drink? 
Oh well…If she refuses to wake up, there’s only way one to do so, right? …Hah!
Shin throws you into the bath tub.
*Splash splash* 
Shin: Oh? How boring. You woke up right away. ーーOr rather, no need to panic that much, I only gave you a bath.
Shin: Hm? This place? It’s the bathroom. Nii-san sucked your blood earlier, didn’t he? You were laying on the floor in the hallway, so I carried you here. 
You nod in understanding.
Shin: Anyway, I didn’t think I’d find myself alone with you in the bathroom a second time. But you know…the walls here are the most soundproof…and I can cover up your scent as well, so it’s the perfect place. 
You frown.
Shin: I fail to see how I’m being ‘horrible’. I’m cleaning you, so you should be thankful instead. ーー Or rather, I don’t like how your entire body smells of Nii-san right now. Hah. He even left marks on your skin…Ahー It pisses me off. Say, why don’t you strip down for a second?
You blink in surprise. 
Shin: Did you not hear me? I told you to take off your clothes, right here, right now. 
You ask him why.
Shin: Haah!? Because they’d get in the way while I’m trying to cleanse you, duh!? Che…If you refuse to take them off yourself…I’ll strip you down instead!
You try to make a run for it.
*Splash splash*
Shin: Oi! Why are you trying to get away!? …Che, you sure have some nerve to try and escape me! ーー Seems like you’re in need of a punishment, rather than a cleansing. 
He corners you.
Shin: Hah! You look like a hot mess! If you had just listened to me, you wouldn’t have ended up soaked wet. See!? 
Shin: Ugh…
Shin: So, how is it to have someone force your face down the water? Hard to breathe? Look at you coughing, poor thing.
You shiver.
Shin: …Haah? What’s the problem? You’ve been shaking like a leaf this whole time. Are you cold? I mean, I guess you’re drenched in cold water. Or are you perhaps shivering in fear?  Either way, I’m not letting you go just yet, remember that very well. 
He takes in your scent.
Shin: …I guess a little water isn’t enough to get rid of the scent. In that case, I suppose I have no other choice but to do it myself. …Say, show me…where Nii-san bit you.
You refuse. 
Shin: Don’t fight back…! Ugh…
*Splash splash* 
Shin: Che…I was going to actually have some mercy on you, but if you want to get the rough treatment that badly, your wish is my command. …Come on, get up on your feet! How long are you going to stay here crouched down!? Ughーー!
Shin: Ughー!
Shin: Making me go through all this extra trouble…
Shin bites you.
Shin: ーー Hah! What are you screaming for? Did it really hurt that much just now? I guess it did. I’m making it painful on purpose after all. 
Shin: Nnh…Nn…Che…Your blood is as disgusting as ever…On top of that, your neck is covered in Nii-san’s mark, it’s making me gag. …Tsk. I’m more than capable of cleansing you myself without having to rely on Nii-san’s help! ーー Say, turn your back my way. I’ll suck from there next. 
You turn around.
Shin: Heh. Seems like Nii-san didn’t get to this place, as expected. I couldn’t have asked for more. 
Shin bites your back. 
Shin: Nn…Mmh…For the millionth time…Stop making a fuss. I need to make some progress here before Nii-san catches oーー
Carla approaches them.
Carla: You are making quite the fuss, Shin. 
Shin: …! Nii-san…!
Carla: What are you doing over there? 
Shin: Haha~ What do you mean? I’m cleansing her. I figured I’d lend you a hand.
Carla: Hooh. And you needed to put her in the bath for that?
Shin: Yeah. I figured that the water would help rinse off all dirt and speed up the cleansing procedure. 
Carla: Speed up the cleansing, you say? Heh. Sounds exactly like an excuse you would come up with. That being said, you appear to be quite flustered? 
Shin: …Good grief. Like you’re in any position to talk. You’re asking me all these questions, even though you’ve already got me figured out. It’s true that I want to aid in her cleansing…but you’re the last person I want to leave in charge of it.
Carla: Heh. Seems like you are no longer hiding your true intentions either. Cleansing her is my duty as the King of Founders. However…I suppose it is fine. I shall give you special permission to cleanse her alongside me tonight.
Shin: Hah. ‘Permission’, huh? Oh well, I guess I can roll with that for now. I understand, Nii-san. As you wish.
Carla: Hmph. 
Shin: You should rejoice. Nii-san and I will cleanse you together today. ーー Ah, don’t go fainting on us halfway through, okay? That’d be awfully dull. 
You frown.
Shin: Oh, also, don’t be having reckless thoughts about running away either. So, Nii-san, what should I do? 
Carla: Keep her restrained. 
Shin: Eeh? So I have to get inside the tub as well? 
Carla: Do you have an issue with that? 
Shin: Nah, not really. Yeah, yeah, just gotta get in, right? …There we go. 
Shin: Ahー! Cold! …I get why you are shivering now. …Haha!
He approaches you. 
Shin: Gotcha. …Better behave, okay? …Nii-san, this should do, right? 
Carla: Yes. That will work just fine. ーー Oi, woman. Look over here. 
Heh. You look rather pathetic right now. Now then, surrender your body to me. We are continuing your cleansing. I sunk my fangs into your neck earlier, did I not? In that case…Let me move a bit lower this time. 
Carla: Your heart is beating rather quickly. Almost as if it is begging for my fangs.
*Splash splash* 
Carla: Very well. I shall bite you over here. 
Carla bites you. 
Carla: Hah…
Shin: ーー Woah there. Keep still. …Or rather, it’s up to you whether you want to move or not, but who knows what will happen if you make a bad move and Nii-san’s fangs stab you in the heart? 
Your face goes pale.
Shin: Ah…That’s not a bad expression you’re making right now. I can’t get enough of seeing your face twist in fear.
Carla: Nn…Hah…Oi, Shin. If you have the time to spout nonsense, at least make sure you are keeping her properly restrained. 
Shin: Yeah, yeah, I know.
Carla continues to suck your blood. 
*Gulp gulp*
Shin: Hehe. I mean, watching your face scrunch up in pain isn’t bad, but boredom’s starting to kick in.
Shin bites you as well. 
Shin: Nn…
Carla: Mm…Oi, Shin, what are you doing? I believe I told you to keep her pinned down? 
Shin: …Nnh, yeah, I know. I’m doing that, aren’t I? …But you know, I’m pretty sure that if both of us suck her blood, it’ll speed up the cleansing, so let me join in on the fun. Nn…
Carla: …Do as you please. However, do not make her faint. 
Shin: …Hah. Of course, I know that, Nii-san. 
Shin: Ah…Hah…
Carla: Hmph. ーー Oi, woman. Look at me. Hahn…
Carla: Hah…Who is the one bestowing pain upon you right now? 
You answer. 
Carla: Exactly. So do not dare react to anyone else’s fangs. 
Shin: Excuse me, Nii-san? You don’t have to go that far, do you? I’m right here as well, remember? 
You whimper.
Shin: What are you moaning for? Are you feeling good from both of us biting you?
You shake your head. 
Shin: You don’t sound very convincing while making an expression like that. I can’t believe you’re getting off from the pain…You might actually be insane. Hahaha!
Carla: Shin. Enough nonsense. Focus on the cleansing. 
Shin: Mmh. You’re right. Well then…Where to bite you next? Hah? This arm over here seems ideal. 
Shin: Ah, godー Why are wet clothes so difficult to take off? What a pain! 
Shin: Aah, my bad! I accidentally clawed at it, tearing it apart. Although now it’s much easier to bite you.
Carla: I doubt switching up the place will alter the taste in any way. It will taste just as foul as always. 
Shin: …Hah. You’re right. 
Shin: Hey, you. Why are you trying to take a break? 
Carla: Woman. Your cleansing has not ended yet. It is too early to rest.
Shin: Ahーah, it’s no use. She has fainted again. How many times has this happened today?
Carla: I suppose she did not last after all. Although that was to be expected
Shin: However, who knows when we’ll be done at this rate.
Carla: I do not mind. We simply have to keep on going until she is fully cleansed. 
Shin: Heh. I suppose you are right. 
Carla: Shin. Carry her to her bedroom. We will continue afterwards. 
Shin: Gotcha, Nii-san. 
*Splash splash*
Carla: Better brace yourself…for when you wake up again. 
Shin: Try to at least enjoy your dreams while they last. Hehe…Hahaha…Ahahaha!
ーー THE END ーー
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Master List
[7/142 total completed]
[1/31 complete]
Sakamaki Family
Karlheinz Sakamaki [wip]
Richard Sakamaki [wip]
Cordelia [wip]
Beatrix [wip]
Christa [wip]
Ririe (Shuu) Sakamaki [wip]
Reiji Sakamaki [wip]
Ayato Sakamaki [wip]
Kanato Sakamaki [wip]
Laito Sakamki [wip]
Subaru Sakamaki [wip]
Mukami Family
Ruki Mukami [wip]
Emilio (Kou) Mukami[wip]
Edgar (Yuma) Mukami [wip]
Azusa Mukami [wip]
Tsukinami Family
Giesbach [wip]
Krone [wip]
Felzein [completed]
Menae [wip]
Carla [wip]
Shin [wip]
Komori Family
Seiji Komori [wip]
Yui Komori [wip]
Other Characters
Burai [wip]
Zweig [wip]
Elberth [wip]
Yuuri [wip]
Count Walter [wip]
Reine de Aji [wip]
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Daibolik Lovers Media
[4/104 complete]
Games [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
Drama CDs [wip]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Limited V Edition
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS More Character Song
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade
015. DIABOLIK LOVERS Sadistic Songs
017. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood
018. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene
019. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition
022. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage
023. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die
024. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Bloodl
Manga [wip]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Fan-made Manga
Anime [completion in progress]
Diabolik Lovers (2013 • 2 seasons)
Official art/Merchandise
???. Chaos League Jewelry [complete]
???. Bloody Banquet (2024) [complete]
???. Merry Christmas (2014) [complete]
Music [wip]
001. BAD HOWLING-惡意共鳴-
002. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Scream
003. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST III-
004. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST Ⅱ-
005. Diabolik Lovers Bloody Songs -SUPER BEST-
006. Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Soundtrack CD
007. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
008. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.10 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
009. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
010. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.3 Ruki Mukami (character CD)
011. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.4 Kou Mukami (character CD)
012. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.5 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
013. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
014. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.7 Yuma Mukami (character CD)
015. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.8 Azusa Mukami (character CD)
016. Diabolik Lovers MORE CHARACTER SONG Vol.9 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
017. Diabolik Lovers MORE,BLOOD Original Soundtrack+Drama
018. Diabolik Lovers Original Soundtrack
019. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
020. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
021. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
022. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.4 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
023. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.5 Reiji Sakamaki (character CD)
024. Diabolik Lovers Sadistic Song Vol.6 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
025. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.1 Ayato VS Subaru
026. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.2 Ruki VS Azusa
027. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.3 Carla VS Shin
028. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.4 Reiji VS Kanato
029. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.5 Kou VS Yuma
030. Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Requiem (2) Bloody Night Vol.6 Shu VS Laito
031. Diabolik Lovers Vol.1 Ayato Sakamaki (character CD)
032. Diabolik Lovers Vol.2 Kanato Sakamaki (character CD)
034. Diabolik Lovers Vol.3 Laito Sakamaki (character CD)
035. Diabolik Lovers Vol.4 Subaru Sakamaki (character CD)
036. Diabolik Lovers Vol.5 Shu Sakamaki (character CD)
037. Fanatic of Night
038. Guilty×Guilty!!!
039. Kindan no 666
040. Kyūai Labyrinth
041. Midnight Pleasure
044. Unlimited Blood
Other [wip]
001. Official Tweets
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Voiced Interviews
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[2/7 complete]
Locations [wip]
Races [completed]
Endzeit [wip]
Fact/Vocabulary sheet [wip]
Timeline [wip]
Game guide
Richters writings
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46snowfox · 6 years
¡¿Quién publica traducciones cinco para las 3:00 am?! ¡Yo! ¡Prometí no dormir hasta acabarla y lo hice!
No olviden comentar que les pareció, yo ahora… me voy a dormir…
79 notes · View notes
vampirewhite · 7 years
34 notes · View notes
pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
I didn’t understand some sentences cough reiji
Reiji: It’s such a pity.
*Reiji raises his hand*
Ruki: What are you going to do? Reiji: If you don't hand over her over to me then I have no choice but to steal her from you. Reiji: Let's see how the power I inherit from Father is.
*Magic's sound*
Ruki: !! Ruki: *To her* Get away from here as much as you can
*She moves away*
Ruki: Are you planning to destroy this place? Reiji: *Laughs* That would be fine. You should just  receive this power you yearn for!
*Reiji attacks Ruki* *Yui runs to cover up/protect Ruki*
Ruki: !? You, Are you covering me?!? No, stop! Go back!! Reiji: !? Why-
*The magic hits Yui and she collapses*
Ruki: Hey! Why did this happen?... ...HEY! Reiji: *surprised* What a fool… … Why did she do something like that… …?
Español abajo
Reiji: Es una lástima.
*Reiji levanta su mano*
Ruki: Qué es lo que planeas hacer!? Reiji: Si no me la entregas [a Yui], entonces sólo me queda robarla de ti. Reiji: Veamos como es el poder que heredé de Padre.
*sonido de magia*
Ruki: !! Ruki: *a ella* Alejate lo más que puedas
*Ella se aleja*
Ruki: Acaso planeas destruir este lugar? Reiji: *Risa* Eso estaría bien. Sólo deberías recibir esta fuerza la cual tanto amas!
*Reiji lo ataca* *Yui corre para cubrir a Ruki*
Ruki: !? Tú, acaso estas cubriendome!? No, detente! Retrocede! Reiji: !? Por qué-
*la magia le pega a Yui y esta de desmaya*
Ruki: Oí! Por qué sucedió esto… OÍ! Reiji: *sorprendido* Que tonta… … por qué hizo algo así… …
642 notes · View notes
Diabolik Lovers Survey 2020 Results
This year I got 138 responses in total, which is close to double the number I got in 2019 (74 responses) so a big thank you to all of you for taking part and for those who helped to promote it! Now onto the results:
Question 1. Who is your favorite DL character?
1. Subaru Sakamaki (18 votes) (3rd in CL poll, joint 4th in 2019 survey) 2. Shu Sakamaki (16 votes) (1st in CL poll, 1st in 2019 survey) 3. Ruki Mukami (13 votes) (4th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 4. Laito Sakamaki (12 votes) (8th in CL poll, 10th in 2019 survey) 5. Ayato Sakamaki (11 votes) (2nd in CL poll, 3rd in 2019 survey) 6. Reiji Sakamaki (10 votes) (9th in CL poll, 2nd in 2019 survey) 6. Carla Tsukinami (10 votes) (11th in CL poll, 4th in 2019 survey) 6. Kanato Sakamaki (10 votes) (6th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 9. Azusa Mukami  (8 votes) (12th in CL poll, 13th in 2019 survey) 9. Yui Komori (8 votes) (7th in CL poll, no votes in 2019 survey) 11. Yuma Mukami (7 votes) (10th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 12. Shin Tsukinami (6 votes) (14th in CL poll, joint 11th in 2019 survey) 13. Kino (3 votes) (13th in CL poll, joint 11th in 2019 survey) 14. Kou Mukami (1 vote) (5th in CL poll, joint 6th in 2019 survey) 14. Richter (1 votes) (did not feature in CL poll, no votes in 2019 survey)
Note: 3 people said they didn’t have a favorite character and 1 person skipped the question. Karlheinz, Beatrix, Cordelia, Christa and Yuri were all available options but they did not receive any votes. I’ve included where they came in the CL poll (the most recent official popularity poll) to show how the results compare. Below you can also see how the voting breaks down compared to the 2019 survey.
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While I was a little surprised that Subaru managed to dethrone Shu as the fandom’s overall favorite, I was not surprised by him, Shu, Ruki and Ayato all featuring in the top 5 considering their rankings in the CL poll. Laito also managed to sneak his way in there but considering that he was the winner of the 2018 survey, that wasn’t much of a surprise to me either.
The thing that I really don’t understand is what on Earth happened with Kou. Up until 24 hours before the survey closed, he didn’t have a single vote (lone Kou fan, thank you for stepping up), despite doing pretty well in the CL poll and the 2019 survey. If anyone has any theories on where all the Kou fans have gone then let me know because I am baffled.
Anyway, onto the rest of the survey, because this post is extremely long, I’ve put the rest below the cut.
Question 2. Who is your least favorite diaboy?
1. Kanato Sakamaki (42 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 2. No least favorite (15 votes) (2nd option in 2019 survey) 3. Kino (14 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 4. Ruki Mukami (12 votes) (joint 6th in 2019 survey) 5. Ayato Sakamaki (10 votes) (4th in 2019 survey) 6. Carla Tsukinami  (9 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 7. Reiji Sakamaki (7 votes) (joint 6th in 2019 survey) 8. Shin Tsukinami (6 votes) (joint 6th in the 2019 survey) 8. Azusa Mukami (6 votes) (joint 10th in 2019 survey) 10. Shu Sakamaki (5 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 11. Kou Mukami (3 votes) (5th in 2019 survey) 11. Laito Sakamaki (3 votes) (9th in 2019 survey) 11. Yuma Mukami (3 votes) (joint 10th in 2019 survey) 14. Subaru Sakamaki (2 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey)
Note: I discounted one vote for Subaru on this question, as the participant had also voted for him as their favorite character so I assumed they misunderstood this question.
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Every single year I’ve done this, Kanato has come first in this category by a massive margin and (while I will admit he’s my own least favorite) I am still no closer to understanding why he gets so many votes. If anyone does have any theories then do let me know.
Other than that, Kino’s placement certainly isn’t a surprise given his place in the 2019 survey and that he was the villain in all of the other characters LE routes, which I suspect has not endeared him to many. I do find it interesting that Ruki and Ayato (who did well in the popularity poll) were also in the top 5 for this question. 
I also wasn’t expecting Shu, golden boy of the fandom, to actually rank higher than some of the other characters in this question and to only have one less vote than Shin (who is considerably less popular and did some fairly deplorable things in the other character’s DF routes). 
Question 3. What is your favorite type of DL media?
1. The games 60 votes (1st in 2019 survey) 2. The drama CDs 46 votes (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. The character songs 9 votes (3rd in 2019 survey) 3. The merch (e.g. plushies, badges, straps etc) 9 votes (4th in 2019 survey) 5. The anime 8 votes (5th in 2019 survey) 5. The manga 6 votes (6th in 2019 survey)
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I don’t really think there’s much to comment on with this one, the results are pretty similar to last year and given that the drama CDs and the games collectively provide most of the story content for DL, it’s not at all surprising that they’re the fan favorites.
Question 4. If you have played and/or read translations for the games, which is your favorite?
1. Dark Fate (39 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 2. Haunted Dark Bridal (27 votes) (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. More Blood (13 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 4. Vandead Carnival  (10 votes) (7th in 2019 survey)  5. Lost Eden 8 votes (5th in 2019 survey) 6. Chaos Lineage 8 votes (4th in 2019 survey) 7. Lunatic Parade 6 votes (6th in 2019 survey) Note: 20 people said they had not played the games or read translations of them.
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DF, HDB and MB all remain as the top 3 games of franchise. I was a bit surprised to see VC jump up so much though, although I know some more translations for it have been posted recently, and a game being translated will always help to boost it’s popularity within the fandom.
Question 5. If you have listened to and/or read translations of the drama CDs, which set of CDs includes your favorite?
1. Bonus CDs (19 votes) (4th in 2019 survey) 2. Para-Selene (18 votes) (2nd in 2019 survey) 3. Bloody Bouquet (14 votes) (1st in 2019 survey) 4. Zero (13 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 5. The original do-s vampire CDs (11 votes) (3rd in 2019 survey) 6. More Blood do-s vampire (8 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 7. Verus II (7 votes) (joint 5th in 2019 survey) 8. More, More Blood (6 votes) (not an option in the 2019 survey) 9. Dark Fate (4 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 9. Born To Die (4 votes) (joint 9th in 2019 survey) 11. Verus I (3 votes) (joint 9th in 2019 survey) 12. Eternal Blood (2 votes) (no votes in 2019 survey) 13. Versus III  (1 vote) (joint 8th in 2019 survey) 13. Versus IV (1 vote) (no votes in 2019 survey) 13. Chaos Lineage  (1 vote) (joint 8th in 2019 survey) Note: the Lost Eden CDs (joint 8th in the 2019 survey) did not receive any votes and 26 people said they had not listened to or read translations of the drama CDs, 6 more than those who had not played or read translations of the games. 
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I was pretty surprised to see the Bloody Bouquet CDs bumped down to third place considering that they won far and away in the 2018 and 2019 surveys, especially with the Zero CDs coming so close behind them. Para-Selene (my own personal favorite set of drama CDs) is still a fan favorite, and while I know many people enjoy the bonus CDs, I certainly wasn’t expecting to see them take the top spot.
In terms of other things to note, I do find it interesting that the Eternal Blood CDs (which feature the Mukamis) are less popular than the Born To Die CDs (which feature the Tsukinamis and Kino), considering that in this survey, the Mukami brothers got more votes combined than the Tsukinamis + Kino, and I’m pretty sure all of the Eternal Blood CDs have been translated, while to my knowledge, no English translations exist for the BTD CDs (although you can find a summary of Shin’s on this blog), so I would have expected this to be the other way around.
Question 6. How long have you been interested in DL?
1. More than 4 years but less than 6 years (55 votes)  2. More than 2 years but less than 4 years (26 votes)  3. More than 6 years but less than 8 years (15 votes)  4. Up to six months (9 votes)  5. Over 8 years (7 votes) 6. More than 6 months but less than 1 year (6 votes) 7. Less than 1 month (2 votes) Note: 6 people said they couldn’t remember how long they’d been interested in DL for.
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It seems the majority of us have been here for years (truly, there is no escaping diahell) but it was nice to see so many newcomers to the fandom take part this year, especially as we haven’t really had that much new content. 
I mentioned this in the 2019 survey results post but I do wonder whether the release of the MB anime (a little over 5 years ago), may have some correlation with a large chunk of the fandom (or at least the portion that took part in this survey) being into the series for between 4-6 years.
Question 7. If you answered the survey I did last year, have any of your choices changed since then?
Note: Multiple options could be selected here.
My favorite character has changed: 21 votes
My least favorite diaboy has changed: 17 votes
My favorite DL game has changed: 9 votes
My favorite drama CD has changed: 18 votes
There were definitely more changes this year compared to last year (although given the much larger sample size, that’s to be expected), but it does seem most are fairly firm in their favorites. 
Question 8. If you purchased one of the More, More Blood CDs, which version did you get? 
Deluxe edition: 7 votes (5.22%)
Regular edition: 4 votes (2.99%)
Deluxe edition from Animate: 7 votes (5.22%)
Deluxe edition from Stellaworth: 2 votes (1.49%)
Deluxe edition of the same CD from Animate & Stellaworth: 3 votes (2.24%)
Multiple MMB CDs (some regular, some deluxe): 5 votes (3.73%)
Did not buy any of the MMB CDs: 106 votes (79.10%)
Note: 4 people skipped this question.
I mostly asked this question because I was curious as to how many people bought the deluxe edition versus the normal edition, especially as after listening to Shin’s (and from the comments I saw online) I feel like you really need the bonus CD you get with the deluxe edition to nicely wrap up the story.
I was sort of expecting most people to go for the deluxe edition, as I think if you’re ordering your favorite's CD, you’re going to want the maximum content with them possible, even if it does come with a bigger price tag.
As for why so many people went for the Animate bonus over the Stellaworth bonus, I imagine this was because Animate has an international online store (although I think whether you can actually get the bonus drama CDs from them is variable) while Stellaworth only ships in Japan, which means if you order from them, you have to use a proxy service which really hikes up the price.
Question 9. Out of the following things released within the last year, which has been your favorite?
1. 4-panel More, More Blood comics (28 votes) 1. Winter of Lovers merch (28 votes) 3. More, More Blood CDs (24 votes) 4. Masquerade Jewel merch (18 votes) 5. My Melody collaboration merch (15 votes) 6. Other (14 votes) 7. Merch from Rejet 2020 Fes (10 votes) Note: 1 person skipped this question.
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I thought for sure the More, More Blood CDs would win this one but I seriously underestimated just how popular the More, More Blood comics and merch lines were. I suppose given that the bonus drama CDs came first in the Drama CD category and the MMB comics are much in the same vein (as in they both contain humorous content), it isn’t that much of a surprise, especially as the comics are posted online and are therefore much more accessible to international fans than the drama CDs.
As for the merch lines, Winter of Lovers is the most recently released set, so it may be possible that this is partially responsible for it’s popularity (i.e. it’s the merch line freshest in people’s minds).
Question 10. Which of the upcoming DL releases are you the most excited for?
1. Young Blood manga (64 votes) 2. Daylight CDs (25 votes) 3. Releases that have yet to be announced (20 votes) 4. Count Off (9th anniversary song) (7 votes) Note: 22 people went for the “Can’t choose/ Not excited for any of these” option.
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The Young Blood manga won here by a massive margin, which is pretty interesting considering that the DL manga ranked lowest in question 3. That being said though I suspect this manga will be more popular than the others as it should give us more of the boys’ backstories.
I’ve seen several people hoping for the unannounced release (that we should find out more about April) to be a new game. Personally I’m not super convinced that’s going to be the case as new game announcements tend to be done at Otomate party (as was the case with CL in 2018), which is scheduled for July. However, I do admit that I think a new game would be a really good way to celebrate DL’s tenth anniversary (which is coming up December next year), so I don’t think it’s completely outside of the realms of possibility that we may get another game at some point. 
Either way I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in April.
And that’s it for the 2020 survey. Again, thanks to everyone who took part, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the results, was there anything that surprised you?
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risukadarlin · 3 years
[diabolik lovers] versus iii vol. vi: kanato vs azusa english translation masterpost
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kanato was my first favourite dialovers character lol. if it weren't for his more blood route i probably wouldn’t have fallen in love with azusa so quickly so thanks to him for that x please enjoy!
i do not own kanato or azusa or the rights to the cd!
40 notes · View notes
Ayato Versus Laito 
Shu Versus Reiji
Subaru Versus Kanato
47 notes · View notes
s-e-kwan · 7 years
Who else thinks Subaru and Kou are “frenemies“?
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64 notes · View notes
everything-laito · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers VERSUS III Vol.2 Laito VS Shin
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5 Track 6
If any of the links don’t work let me know! (this time the links have both the translation and audio together which is pretty handy!)
9 notes · View notes
fruit-of-infidelity · 3 years
༒ The Ryuuto Sakamaki Collection ༒
Important Note:
While all content is inspired by Rejet’s Diabolik Lovers, a lot of time, effort and money went into the creation of this collection of original OC game content, Drama CDs, songs and manga & artwork. You do NOT have my permission to reuse my original content for your own OC/work, or to repost elsewhere.
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┌────  ≪  ✥  GAMES ✥   ≫  ────┐
〈01〉Haunted Dark Bridal
〈03〉Vandead Carnival
〈04〉Dark Fate
〈05〉Lunatic Parade
〈06〉Lost Eden
〈07〉Chaos Lineage
└─────── ≪  °♛°  ≫ ───────┘
┌──── ≪ ✥ DRAMA CDS ✥ ≫ ────┐
〈01〉Do-S Kyuuketsu (Blood-Sucking)
〈02〉VERSUS I [Collection]
〈03〉Haunted Dark Bridal Character Song Mini Drama [Collection]
〈04〉Haunted Dark Bridal ⎯⎯⎯ "Limited V Edition” [Collection]
〈05〉More,Blood [Collection]
〈06〉More,Blood ⎯⎯⎯ "Limited V Edition” [Collection]
〈07〉VERSUS II & III [Collection]
〈08〉Vandead Carnival [Collection]
〈09〉Dark Fate [Collection]
〈10〉BLOODY BOUQUET [Collection]
〈11〉VERSUS SONG (Mini Drama)
〈12〉Lunatic Parade [Collection]
〈13〉Sadistic Song (Mini Drama)
〈14〉Lost Eden [Collection]
〈15〉Para-Selene [Collection]
〈16〉"Grand Edition” [Collection]
〈17〉ZERO [Collection]
〈18〉Chaos Lineage [Collection]
〈19〉MORE, MORE BLOOD [Collection]
〈20〉ZERO [Collection]
〈21〉DAYLIGHT [Collection]
└─────── ≪  °♛°  ≫ ───────┘
┌────  ≪  ✥  MANGAS  ✥  ≫  ────┐                      & SHORT STORIES
〈01〉Haunted Dark Bridal ⎯⎯⎯ Character Interview
〈02〉Official “Anime” Fan-Book [Collection]
〈03〉More,Blood Official Visual Fan-Book Short Story
〈04〉DARK FATE Official Visual Fan-Book Short Stories [Collection]
〈05〉VANDEAD CARNIVAL Official Visual Fan-Book [Collection]
〈06〉BLOODY BOUQUET Short Story
〈07〉DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary [Collection]
〈08〉DAYLIGHT 4-Koma Shorts [Collection]
〈09〉Young Blood
└─────── ≪  °♛°  ≫ ───────┘
┌───  ≪ ✥  SONGS (TBA)  ✥  ≫  ───┐
〈01〉Haunted Dark Bridal ⎯⎯⎯ Character Song [ “” ]
〈02〉More,Blood ⎯⎯⎯ Character Song [ “” ]
〈03〉VERSUS [Collection]
〈04〉Bloody Songs, Super Best [ “” ]
〈05〉Gin no Bara
〈06〉Sadistic Song [ “” ]
└─────── ≪  °♛°  ≫ ───────┘
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16 notes · View notes
DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅲ Animate Tokuten Drama CD ”Agricultural Management, the Vampire Way! ~When Disaster Strikes, a Storm Whips Up~”
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Original title: ヴァンパイア的農村経営! ~災いは嵐と共に~
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS III Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Morikubo Shoutari & Tomoaki Maeno
Translator’s note: Classic Ryoutei Academy coming up with the weirdest classes and assignments for their students. No wonder Karlheinz sponsors the school because the principal is just as bonkers as he is. Anyway, it was interesting to see characters like Reiji, Laito and Carla having to do physical labor out on the field. Meanwhile Yuma is just completely in his element. This assignment was made for him after all. I won’t spoil how the CD ends, but let’s all press F in the chat for our Diaboys.
*Thud thud* 
Subaru: …Ugh…Arghー Fuck! …Why am I here ploughin’ some damn field!? 
Laito: Ugh…That’s…my…line…! Ugh…! 
Laito: Haah~ …Ahー God! I’m tired! 
Laito tosses his hoe away.
Reiji: Hey, you two! No sleeping on the job! You have barely made any progress! …Laito, grab hold of that hoe at once!
Laito: Eeeh~? 
Reiji: Don’t ‘eeeh~?’ me! This is part of a special class, so I shall ensure that all of you take it seriously! 
Subaru: Che…I don’t give a damn if it’s for school or not…I can’t believe we’re forced to do this crap! Haah…I should have just skipped. 
Reiji: Subaru…I shall not allow for that. Did you not hear me earlier? This assignment has to be done all together as a team!
Laito: If we can submit a stellar report on our task afterwards, the school will give us some kind of reward, right? Not just any reward either, but we get to choose anything we want with nothing off-limits. However, the one condition is that each member of a team contributes.
Reiji: Yes, exactly. And there just happens to be a silverware set which I have been dying to get my hands on. Therefore, I must get an excellent grade at all costs!
Subaru: Ahー What a load of crap. …Anyway, they must be out of their minds if they think that this is a job for human labor. Don’t they have some kind of big or impressive machine which can get it done instead!? 
Reiji: This is part of class. What makes you think there would be a tractor available to us? The whole point of the exercise is to get it done through our own strength!
*Clap clap* 
Reiji: Well then, now grab hold of those hoes! As long as I am here to keep an eye on things, I shall not allow anyone to slack off!
Subaru: Che…Fuck off…
Laito: Aah~ …I’m really sick of this. I would have dipped a long time ago if it wasn’t for Bitch-chan being here as well. 
Subaru: Anyway, Reiji! If you’re that stuck up ‘bout everyone doin’ their part, then why don’t you go and call over all those fuckers who aren’t here right now!? 
Reiji: Hm…? Now that you mention it…I have not seen those three in a while. …Excuse me, you! Have you seen Yuma and the others, perhaps? 
You explain. 
Reiji: Ahー So Yuma and Azusa have gone fetch some fertilizer. 
Yuma: Oi, you guys! 
Reiji: If you speak of the Devil…
Yuma: We got the fertilizer. 
He puts the bag down on the floor. 
Yuma: There ya go. This should do the trick, right? 
Azusa: Phew…Yuma…Where should I put my bag…? 
Yuma: Ah. You can just throw it onto the pile over here. …Thanks, Azusa. 
Azusa: Oh no…It was no big deal.
Yuma: I don’t like havin’ to work together with these fuckers, but I guess I have no other choice if I wanna get my hands on that sweet reward. …So, how much of the area have you plowed so far?
Yuma takes a look. 
Yuma: Aah!? You’ve barely made any progress!
Subaru: Oh shut up! The soil’s too damn hard, it’s no easy feat!
Laito: Yeah, exactly! My hands are so tired…
Yuma: God, you’re all such a bunch of weaklings…All you’ve done is some plowin’ and you’re already exhausted? Did you think agriculture was easy or somethin’!? 
You apologize.
Yuma: Nah, you don’t need to say sorry. From what I can tell, the area you and Mr. Know-It-All did has made the most progress. 
Azusa: Eve…Good work…
Reiji: Fufu…While I would never resort to doing physical labor under normal circumstances, my silverware is at stake this time. I am taking this very seriously. 
He turns towards his brothers.
Reiji: Laito, Subaru. How about the two of you step up your game as well and start taking this seriously? 
Laito: That’s easy for you to say…But this kind of work isn’t exactly my cup of tea. I mean, there’s bugs and such crawling around on the field as well, right?
Subaru: I mean, there’s only so much the four of us can accomplish, right? Look at how much ground we have to cover!
Azusa: Four? …Huh…? Now that you mention it…What happened to Carla-san? 
Reiji: We actually haven’t seen him in a while now. I assumed that he went with you two to go get fertilizer but…It seems like that wasn’t the case. 
Yuma: Yeah. It was only Azusa and I. 
Laito: Eeh~? Then maybe he’s sleeping on the job somewhere!? (imitates Carla’s tone) ‘Fieldwork is not the kind of job a respectable Founder such as myself would ever resort to’
Subaru: Haah!? That’s not fair, is it!? 
You mention something about a sound in the distance. 
Azusa: Eh? Eve…? What’s wrong? …You hear something? 
Azusa focuses on the sound. 
Azusa: You’re right. I can hear it too.
Reiji: What could it be? It sounds like the engine of some kind of machine? 
Yuma: …!! Shh, be quiet for a sec! …Ah! This is the sound of a tractor’s motor!
Laito: Hey…It seems to be steadily getting closer to us…!? 
Azusa: Ah! Eve! Watch out!
ー A tractor arrives. 
Carla: …Ugh. 
Carla: You lot! Why are you here together, doing nothing? 
Subaru: …Excuse me!? That’s what I’d like to ask! Where did you get that thing!? …Actually, Reiji! Didn’t you tell us earlier that a tractor is off-limits because this is part of a class assignment!? 
Reiji: Yes…I was under that assumption. 
Carla: Hmph. I pulled some strings to have this one arranged especially for me. 
He steps towards the group. 
Carla: I do not care that this is part of a special extracurricular activity. Under normal circumstances, a Founder such as myself would never resort to this sort of work. However, I shall make an exception this one time. I have decided that for the sake of getting a new ham stand, I am willing to dirty my very own hands!
Yuma: Your very own hands, you say? You’re usin’ a tractor tho.
Laito: Heeh…I didn’t think even Carla would be so desperate for the reward. 
Azusa: It’s unusual…for Carla-san to be this motivated…
Carla: You may run your mouths all you want. This is all to secure a high score and a new ham holder…You lot! Now that you are in my team, I shall not allow any of you to slack off. Get your tasks done without fail! Do you understand? 
Yuma: I mean, that was always my intention. It’s honestly like a dream come true to be able to work on the field as part of a school assignment. 
Azusa: I’ll try…my best too…
Reiji: It should go without saying that I shall do the same. I never slack off when it comes to school, no matter what the assignment may be!
Carla: Woman, what about you? 
You agree to doing your best as well. 
Carla: …Fufu. Well said. Allow me to praise you. …That leaves just you two. Hurry up and prove to me that you are prepared to face this challenge. 
Subaru: Che…Big words comin’ from the guy who showed up late. Pisses me off…
Subaru: Hah…But constantly bein’ nagged to work is annoyin’ too…Haahー Fine. Guess I have no other choice, so I’ll do it.
Laito: Hmm~ Well, I suppose I’ll do what I can without dirtying my clothes. 
Reiji: Well then, let us first divide the tasks. There’d be no point in having all five of us plow the field.
Yuma: Damn right. I mean, now that we have a tractor to work with, we can leave that task up to Carla. 
Azusa: What else…needs to be done…? 
Yuma: Ah, next would be creating ridges by raising the earth. Then plant the seeds and water them. Just like that.
Laito: The ridges are made with the help of an animal, right? I want to do that then. I’d like to avoid having to touch the soil directly if possible. 
Azusa: Then…I’d like to…be in the team planting the seeds…There’s a specific kind of vegetable I want to grow…
Yuma: In that case, feel free to use the fertilizer we carried here earlier. I got a really good kind. 
Azusa: Mmh…Thank you. 
Carla: I have something I want to grow as well. 
Reiji: In which case, I shall join Laito in creating the ridges. I am curious whether I will be able to elevate them to a new level. 
Carla: ーー Subaru. What shall you do? Hurry up and make up your mind. 
Subaru: Huh? …Ahー I…
Laito: Don’t you think Subaru should join the two guys planting seeds? He seems like the kind of guy who likes digging around the dirt. 
Subaru: Haah!? What kind of image do you have of me!? 
Yuma: That’s settled then. Well then…If we want to balance things out, I suppose I’d go into the ridges team. I mean, fine by me.
You ask what you should do. 
Reiji: You…Can we ask you to alternate between both groups and assist where you can?
ー You nod. 
Yuma: ‘Kay! Now hold out yer hands, mates!
Azusa: My hand…? Like this…? 
Reiji: Would this do? 
Subaru: Oi, whatcha gonna do? 
Carla: …
Laito: Yeah, yeah. …Come on, you too, Bitch-chan. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Yuma: Exactly. Now we all put them on top of each other like this. 
Yuma: ‘Kay! You’ve all got yer hands stacked on top of each other, right? Agriculture is all ‘bout good team work. I want to hear a loud ‘yeah’ at my signal, ‘kay?
Subaru: Haah!? You really think I’m gonna do that lame shit!? 
Yuma: Ya guys! We’re gonna make a great field together!
Everyone: Yeah…!
You approach the group in charge of the ridges.
Reiji: Oh dear, you. Have you come to help out here first? Thank you very much. 
Yuma: Well then, Sow. Hold this rope and stand there. We’re gonna trace this line to make the ridges. 
Reiji: Well then, I suppose we should get started soon. …Ugh…Ugh…
*Thud thud* 
Reiji: Thanks to Carla softening up the soil with the tractor, the hoe digs right in. …Hah!...Hah!
*Thud thud* 
Yuma: I’ll even it out later, so for now ya can just make lil’ piles.
Laito: …As to be expected of Yuma-kun, it looks like you were made to hold one of those hoes in your hands. 
Yuma: Ya think so? Well, I do this at home all the time after all. 
Laito: Eeh~? Every day? I wouldn’t be able to keep up with that. Working on the field is not only exhausting but it gets you all dirty as well. I honestly fail to see what’s so fun about digging around the earth like this. …Say, you agree with me, don’t you, Bitch-chan? ーー I mean, maybe if there was a chance to dig up some kind of treasure. 
You suddenly scream out.
Laito: What’s wrong, Bitch-chan? Why the panic? 
You explain. 
Laito: Huh? Right at my feet? 
Laito: …Uwah! A-An earthworm…!
Reiji: Excuse me, Laito! Why are you fooling around? Take your job seriously!
Laito: I-I’m not fooling around…! More importantly, an earthworm popped up…!
Yuma: Ah? An earthworm? Now where is that lil’ bugger? 
Laito: O-Over there! At your feet! Uu…It’s wriggling around…I’m feeling sick to my stomach… 
Yuma: God, you’re makin’ way too much of a fuss over a lil’ earthworm. You should expect this much when out on the field, no? 
You step back.
Yuma: Ah…? Why are you pissin’ yer pants as well? Ya just grab them like this andー
Laito: Eek! Hey, Yuma-kun! Stay away from me…!!
Yuma: There ya go. 
He throws it away. 
Yuma: Happy now?
Laito: Phew…I thought I was going to have a heart attack. 
Reiji: Good grief…How pathetic, making such a fuss over a single bug. 
Yuma: My thoughts exactly…
Laito: You two just don’t understand! Just how disgusting those creepy crawlers truly are! Aah…Just the thought of them wriggling around gives me goosebumps…
Laito loses consciousness. 
Laito: Uu…Nn…
Reiji: Dear god. I cannot believe he passed out over something like this. I feel ashamed as his brother. Haah…
Reiji: Come on, you. Let us ignore Laito for now and get back to work. 
You seem worried.
Reiji: No need to be concerned. I am sure he will regain consciousness in no time. …Yuma, let us continue. 
Yuma: Yeah. …Come on, Sow. Hold the rope straight.
Yuma: Ugh…
Reiji: Ugh…
Yuma: Still, I didn’t think you’d join this team. Ya seem like the type of dude who wouldn’t wanna work up a sweat.
Reiji: Like I mentioned before, I would not usually resort to physical labor. I happen to be more skilled at using my brains rather than my muscles after all. However…I got a little curious. 
Yuma: Curious? 
Reiji: The vegetables you drop off at our place every so often…They far exceed the ones sold at any store in terms of flavor. I came to the conclusion if you managed to raise such high-quality products in a small vegetable garden, then what would we be capable of growing in our own garden? While we do grow a couple of herbs, we have never grown our own vegetables before. 
Yuma: Heh. Why not give it a try? I wouldn’t mind givin’ ya some pointers. From which fertilizer to choose to how to use the different tools involved, all of it. 
Reiji: Fufu…That sounds very promising. I would love to have you teach me someday. 
Yuma: Woah…We’ve made some great progress while talkin’. 
Reiji: Yes. It went smoother than I expected. Perhaps we can thank the guy who made a huge fuss and then proceeded to faint on us.
Laito: Uu…Uu…Earthworm…I can’t…~~~
Reiji: Haah…
Reiji: You, go ahead and call Subaru and the others. They can already start planting seeds in the ridges we’ve created so far.
You nod. 
Yuma: We’re countin’ on ya!
You run off.
You approach the other group. 
Azusa: Hm….Ah! Eve!
Subaru: Oh? Are Reiji and the others done already? 
ー You explain. 
Azusa: So we can start planting seeds? …Perfect timing…I just decided what I want to grow…
You show interest.
Azusa: Me? You seeーー I’ve decided to plant chili pepper seeds. Yuma arranged these for me. They’re from the Demon World so they should grow quicker…than normal ones…I’ll let you try some of them…once they’ve been harvested, okay? Fufu… 
ーー Speaking of which…Subaru-san, which seeds did you choose…?
Subaru: Ah? Me…Iーー …It doesn’t really matter, does it? Anyway, let’s go plant them already!
Azusa: Oh…Ah, yeah. Good idea. …Let’s go together, Eve. 
You walk back towards the field together. 
Azusa: …Ridges have already been made over here. Yuma and the others made them…Well then, I suppose we can plant the seeds here. 
Subaru: Hm? Oi, wait. Is that Carla over there? He seems to be crouched down…What is that guy up to? 
Azusa: Ah…You’re right. 
You approach Carla. 
Carla: …Hm? So you lot have come to plant your seeds as well? 
Subaru: ‘As well’, you say? So you planted something as well? 
Carla: Yes, I just finished planting almonds and cashews. 
Subaru: Hah? …By the way, what’s the pink thing sticking out from the ground? 
Carla: This…? Isn’t that obvious? It’s cured ham. 
Subaru: Haah!? What is that doin’ iside the soil!? 
Carla: I mean, the vegetables need proper fertilizer to be able to grow into their optimal form, correct? That is why I decided to bury ham of the finest quality alongside them!
Carla: I believe this will allow me to grow the finest of nuts. Fufu… ーー However, I have already planted plenty of them, yet none have sprouted so far. Is something still missing, perhaps? 
Subaru: No…Rather than somethin’ missin’…I think this is a whole different issue. 
Azusa: Ah! Carla-san…Did you already water them? 
Carla: Water? …No, not yet. Hah! I see. So water is the solution, huh? ーー Oi, Subaru! Go and get me water!
Subaru: Again, this makes no sense! Why do I have to do that!? Anyway, there’s no way they’ll grow like that!
Carla: Kuh…Excuse me? They will not?
You try to explain to Carla. 
Subaru: Haah…Just like she said, you have to start with the seeds or it won’t work. 
Carla: …! …No…I refuse to give up…I am positive they will grow…!
Azusa: Carla-san, please don’t feel down…Right! Why don’t we plant some chili pepper seeds together? 
Carla: Chili pepper, you say? Hah! Ridiculous…!
Azusa: Please don’t be like that. Come on? …Eve, you should join us as well. Let’s plant them together. …Here’s a shovel for you. 
You thank him. 
Azusa: Mmh. You’re welcome. Here’s yours, Subaru-san. 
Subaru: Ah…Yeah…
Azusa: Let’s see…I suppose we can plant them around here? 
*Rustle rustle* 
Azusa: First you create a small hole…
He pours the seeds inside. 
Azusa: And then you add the seeds before closing it up again…
*Rustle rustle* 
Carla: Hmph!
Subaru: Well…I guess this should do? 
They continue planting seeds. 
Azusa: Mmh! You’re all doing a great job! Now we just…
*Tap tap* 
Azusa: Please turn out delicious…
*Tap tap* 
Azusa: Please turn out delicious…
Carla: Haah…What has that guy been mumbling about this whole time? 
Subaru: For some reason, it comes off as really creepy when comin’ from you…
Azusa: Eh? I’m just doing what Yuma always does. When you plant sands…While praying for them to turn out delicious…They actually will, you see…?
Subaru: For real? 
You ask Subaru which vegetables he will grow.
Subaru: Ah? …L-Like I said, that’s none of your business, is it!? 
Azusa: But I’m curious as well…
You agree.
Subaru: …Ugh. …Haahー Fine…Cherry tomatoes. 
Azusa: Cherry…tomatoes…
Subaru: What’s with that face!? Why do you seem so obviously surprised!? …They seemed the easiest to grow according to the manual so that’s why I chose them! Got a problem with that, huh!? 
Azusa: No…Not at all. Well then, here you go. 
Azusa: You can have this, okay? 
Subaru: …Ah. What is this? A name tag?
Azusa: Yeah…I also got this from Yuma but…You should give your plant a name and put that beside it.
Subaru: Let me see… ‘Subaru-san’s tomatoes’? Doesn’t it seem like a grave of some sorts now?
Azusa: Eh? You think so? 
Carla: Hmph! You enjoy crawling into a coffin as a hobby, do you not? This is barely any different. 
Subaru: …!? A-Are you makin’ fun of me!? 
Carla: I am not. I am simply stating the truth. 
Subaru: Like I saidーー 
The other group approaches them. 
Reiji: Oh dear, why the ruckus? 
Azusa: Ah…Reiji-san…Yuma and Laito-san as well…
Laito: Hey there, Bitch-chan~! Haven’t seen you since earlier. 
You ask if he’s alright now. 
Laito: Mmh! I’m back in tip-top shape! Although…I’d rather stay clear from soil for a while.
Yuma: Look, ya guys can fight all ya want, but have ya finished plantin’ the seeds yet?
You nod.
Yuma: Hah? That doesn’t sound very convincin’...But…Oh! They’re already sproutin’! I guess seeds from the Demon World really are on a different level! If they keep growin’ like this, we might just be able to harvest them tomorrow!
Laito: Then why don’t we take a break? The sky is looking gray as well…
Reiji: You are right. It has been cloudy for a while now. Well then, how about we go rest up inside that cabin for a bit?
You all start walking towards the cabin. 
A storm rages outside.
Laito: It’s really pouring down…
Azusa: There’s even thunder…
Reiji: I have to admit…The weather does make me rather worried about the seeds we planted earlier. They only just sprouted after all. 
Yuma: Yeah. Young sprouts aren’t well resistant to the rain or strong gusts of wind yet. Perhaps we should have put a few support pillars ‘round the plants to protect them. At this rate, they’ll end up gettin’ washed away by the rain. 
Subaru: Haah!? Then what ‘bout our assignment!? I’m not startin’ over from scratch again!
Carla: I agree. My new ham holder is at stake here. I shall not waste this opportunity. 
Reiji: Calm down, both of you. My silverware set depends on it as well, so I refuse to give up already. That being said, haste makes for waste, remember? 
Laito: But…I don’t think we have much time to waste? The storm’s really picking up outside. 
Subaru: …! Tsk…Oi, Yuma! How do those pillars work? 
Yuma: …!? Don’t tell me…You’re thinkin’ of goin’ out there in this weather!? 
Subaru: What other choice do I have!? I put in all that effort to plant those seeds!  It’d be such a shame…To let my tomatoes go to waste before even gettin’ a chance to harvest them. 
Azusa: But…If you were to step outside right now…Wouldn’t you put yourself at risk as well? 
Subaru: I don’t give a damn ‘bout that! …Somebody has to go, right!? Get out of my way! I’ll go…!
Yuma: Wait, Subaru! You won’t be able to do anythin’ by yourself! I’ll come with you. 
Azusa: Mmh. I’ll tag along as well. I want those chilli pepper seeds which we all planted together…To have a chance to grow…
Reiji: Haah…I suppose I have no other choice. I am not thrilled about having to go out during a rainstorm, but I shall come as well. 
You offer to join them as well. 
Reiji: No, you should wait here. It is dangerous outside after all. 
Yuma: Let’s get goin’ then…!
They run outside. 
Laito: Ahーah. They actually went outside. 
Carla: Hah! They can build a fort around it all they want, it will all be in vain if you do not tackle the root of the issue. 
You point out that the weather is the main problem. 
Carla: Yes. Exactly. In other words, this weather. 
Laito: Nfu~ That being said…There’s not much we can do about the weather, is there? 
Carla: No, I know a way. I could offset the storm with my magic. 
Laito: Eeh? You can do that? 
Carla: Who do you think I am? I am Tsukinami Carla, King of Founders! ーー Woman, step out of the way. I shall blow this storm away with my powers. Fufufu…Ahahaha! The ham holder is as good as mine!
Carla begins charging up an attack. 
Carla: Haah…
Laito: …Wow! This magic is impressive. I guess I should have expected as much from a Founder…? 
Carla: Aaaah!!!
Laito: Coff..coff…Bitch-chan…Are you alright? 
Carla: Hmph! That was a piece of cake for someone of my caliber. 
Yuma: Magic sure is somethin’ else! But I’m glad! Now our veggies are saーー Wait. Aaaaah…!!
Azusa: Oh…They had already sprouted as well…But now they’re all…gone. 
Subaru: …Oi! You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me!? How!? 
Reiji: Could it be…Was Carla’s attack simply too powerful…He ended up destroying the whole field in the process? 
Laito: Aahー
Carla: …A-Ahem…You should be grateful to me for getting rid of that terrible storm, at least.
Subaru: S…So in the end we’re back at square one anyway!? 
ーー THE END ーー
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46snowfox · 5 years
Revisando los pasados de los chicos en diabolik lovers me di cuenta de unas pocas cosas.
1 En HDB las únicas locaciones de la mansión que se ven en los recuerdos son la habitación de Laito y la habitación de Reiji.
2- Que la pista de baile, la escalera en espiral y el jardín son idénticos a los del castillo (anduve comparando con More Blood y Dark Fate).
3- Que en vista de que los versus II de los Sakamaki se desarrollan en el castillo, eso significa que en el castillo también hay un laberinto en el subsuelo, locación también utilizada en HDB durante algunos flashbacks de los chicos.
4- Que según el versus de Yuma y Shu, existen ciertas zonas que conectan al mundo humano con el vampiro (comprobado también con la historia del castillo embrujado en Vandead Carnival). Así que hay muchos más caminos que conectan los mundos, más allá del que existe en las casas de cada familia (aunque igual y Dark Fate ya lo hacía obvio).
5- Que según el punto anterior y que en el versus III existe un rayado que hicieron Yuma y Shu de pequeños cerca del castillo, se daría a entender que Shu se podría haber escapado al mundo humano por algún camino que conectara a este con el mundo demonio, así como Ayato se escapó al mundo humano donde conoció el takoyaki.
6- Que probablemente en el primer juego no se hayan creado demasiados escenarios y por eso se repitan algunos.
7- Que en More Blood se agregan dos locaciones icónicas del castillo, la sala de estar donde se ve principalmente a Ayato jugando y la habitación de Christa, que en realidad es más bien el diseño de habitación que tienen todas las habitaciones del castillo.
8- Que si existen caminos que conducen al mundo demonio, entonces nada le impide a Seiji haber usado uno para llegar al castillo a matar a Beatrix por orden de Reiji.
En un gran resumen, nada confirma al 100% que los vampiros hayan vivido una temporada en el mundo humano, podría contar el hecho de que la escena del asesinato de Cordelia en el anime sucede en la mansión, pero hablamos del mismo anime en donde los pasados de los chicos te los muestran de día cuando incluso en los flashbacks estos suceden de noche...
No sé, igual es una teoría y yo no tengo la voz de la razón, además en una de esas igual y me faltan puntos.
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jsuki · 7 years
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The 3rd compilation album from the DL music series! This one puts together all the versus songs, LP opening and endings, as well as 3 new songs + the remix version of "Bloody★Mayim★Mayim". If you're like me, who don't buy all of the individual characters' songs (I honestly doubt anyone would actually buy every single one...unless you have such equal love for every character (._.) ), then this album compilation is actually really good.
Also comes with a random character cover as per usual! I got Yuma this time... I guess it's super difficult to get your favourite member :'D
If anyone is willing to trade Ayato for Yuma, please drop me a DM! Within or outside of Singapore is both okay for me!!
You may purchase this album HERE.
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Diabolik Lovers Survey 2019 Results
Thank you to everyone who took part and helped to promote the survey. Overall there were 74 responses, which is only 3 less than last year and I was really happy about that. Without further ado, onto the results:
Question 1. Who is your favorite DL character?
1 - Shu Sakamaki (11 votes) (1st in CL poll, joint 5th in 2018 survey) 2 - Reiji Sakamaki (9 votes) (9th in CL poll, 4th in 2018 survey) 3 - Ayato Sakamaki (7 votes) (2nd in CL poll, 7th in 2018 survey) 4 - Subaru Sakamaki (6 votes) (3rd in CL poll, joint 2nd in 2018 survey)    4 - Carla Tsukinami (6 votes) (11th in CL poll, joint 2nd in 2018 survey)    6 - Kanato Sakamaki (5 votes) (6th in CL poll, joint 8th in 2018 survey)   6 - Ruki Mukami (5 votes)  (4th in CL poll, 14th in 2018 survey) 6 - Kou Mukami (5 votes)  (5th in CL poll, joint 8th in 2018 survey) 6 - Yuma Mukami (5 votes)  (10th in CL poll, joint 12th in 2018 survey) 10 - Laito Sakamaki (4 votes)  (8th in CL poll, 1st in 2018 survey) 11 - Shin Tsukinami (3 votes)  (14th in CL poll, joint 5th in 2018 survey) 11 - Kino (3 votes)  (13th in CL poll, joint 12th in 2018 survey) 13 - Azusa Mukami (2 votes)  (12th in CL poll, joint 8th in 2018 survey) Note: 2 people said they didn’t have a favorite character and 1 person skipped the question. None of the other characters received any votes (including Yui, who came 7th in the CL poll, which was a bit of a surprise to me). Rejet didn’t give the exact number of votes for each character in the official CL poll, so I can’t compare the vote percentages, however we can look at them compared to last year’s survey.
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I was very surprised to see Laito drop so far down the ranking (although I was not surprised to see Shu take first place).
In terms of why these results are different to last time, while it’s true some people’s favorite character has changed, there have also been some newcomers to the fandom since my last survey.
The rest of the results are under the cut.
Question 2. Who is your least favorite diaboy?
1- Kanato Sakamaki 29 votes (1st in 2018 poll) 2- I do not have a least favorite diaboy 14 votes (2nd option in 2018 poll) 3- Kino 8 votes (5th in 2018 poll) 4- Ayato Sakamaki 5 votes (joint 9th in 2018 poll) 5- Kou Mukami 4 votes (joint 6th in 2018 poll)) 6- Reiji Sakamaki 3 votes (joint 9th in 2018 poll) 6- Ruki Mukami 3 votes (8th in 2018 poll) 6- Shin Tsukinami 3 votes (4th in 2018 poll) 9- Laito Sakamaki 2 votes  (joint 6th in 2018 poll) 10- Yuma Mukami 1 vote (no votes in 2018 poll) 10- Azusa Mukami 1 vote (no votes in 2018 poll) Subaru, Shuu (11th in 2018 survey) and Carla (3rd in 2018 survey) all received no votes and one person skipped this question.
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The results for this question weren’t too dissimilar to last time in terms that Kanato, by far, got the largest number of votes. I will admit he’s my least favorite but I do wonder why that’s true for so many people. It was nice to see the Tsukinami brothers receive fewer votes on this question compared to last time but I was a little surprised that Carla got none at all considering some of the things he does in DF.
Question 3. What is your favorite type of DL media?
1- The games 31 votes (1st in 2018 survey) 2- The drama CDs 23 votes (2nd in 2018 survey) 3- The character songs 9 votes (5th in 2018 survey) 4- The merch (e.g. plushies, badges, straps etc) 5 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 5- The anime 4 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 6- The manga 2 votes (5th in 2018 survey)
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As before, the games proved to be the most popular form of DL media, with the drama CDs taking second place.
Question 4. If you have played and/or read translations for the games, which is your favorite?
1- Dark Fate 19 votes (1st in 2018 survey) 2- Haunted Dark Bridal 17 votes (2nd in 2018 survey) 3- More Blood 13 votes (3rd in 2018 survey) 4- Chaos Lineage 5 votes  5- Lost Eden 4 votes (4th in 2018 survey) 6- Lunatic Parade 3 votes (5th in 2018 survey) 7- Vandead Carnival 1 vote (6th in 2018 survey) 13 people said that they hadn’t played/read translations for the games or didn’t know. I’ve excluded this data when making the pie chart as that’s what I did with the last survey.
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HDB and DF remain the most popular games. I was surprised to see CL do better than LE (although it’s possible that this is due to CL being released more recently). I will say from personal experience that although I’ve only just started playing CL (and have been avoiding spoilers for months so I have no idea what the rest of the game is like) that I’ve been having a lot of fun with it and while I enjoyed LE, it’s definitely true that some of the routes were better quality than others.
Question 5. If you have listened to and/or read translations of the drama CDs, which set of CDs includes your favorite?
1- Bloody Bouquet 15 votes (1st in 2018 survey) 2- Para-Selene 9 votes (2nd in 2018 survey) 3- The original do-S vampire CDs 8 votes (joint 9th in 2018 survey) 4- Bonus CDs 6 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 5- More Blood do-S Vampire CDs 4 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 5- Versus II 4 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 5- Zero 4 votes (joint 6th in 2018 survey) 8- Versus III 3 votes (joint 6th in 2018 survey) 8- Lost Eden 3 votes (no votes in 2018 survey) 9- Chaos Lineage 3 votes (13th in 2018 survey) 9- Versus I 1 vote (3.28%)  (joint 9th in 2018 survey) 9- Born to Die 1 vote (3.28%) The Dark Fate, Eternal Blood and Versus IV CDs did not receive any votes. 13 people said that they hadn’t listened to/read translations for the drama CDs or other. Again, I excluded this data when making the pie chart as that’s what I did last time.
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I was in no way surprised that the Bloody Bouquet CDs are still the fan favorite, with the Para-Selene CDs (my own personal favorite) coming in second. It seems the fandom still prefers the more emotional CDs. Given this trend, I suspect the Born to Die CDs would have done a lot better if they featured all of the boys.
Question 6. What would you most like to see if Rejet continues making new DL content?
1- Season 3 of the anime 28 votes (1st in 2018 survey) 2- Another game after Chaos Lineage 18 votes (2nd in 2018 survey) 3- More drama CDs 11 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 3- More character songs 11 votes (joint 3rd in 2018 survey) 5- I am not concerned with any new DL media 3 votes (5th in 2018 survey) 6- Other 2 votes (5th in 2018 survey) Note: 1 person skipped this question.
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This result is pretty much the same as before. Personally I’m not convinced we’ll ever get a third season of the anime but I would love to be proven wrong. We already know we’re getting some more drama CDs, with the first More, More Blood CD being released today (technically yesterday in Japan). I do wonder how much more DL media we’re going to get, as I’m not sure any other otome series has quite managed to have the same number of games DL has, but my experience in Japan has shown me that there certainly still seems to be a market for it.
Question 7. How long have you been interested in DL?
1- More than 4 years but less than 6 years 26 votes  2- More than 2 years but less than 4 years 25 votes  3- Over 6 years 11 votes  3- More than 1 year but less than 2 years 4 votes  5- More than 6 months but less than 1 year 3 votes 6- Up to 6 months 3 votes Note: 2 people said they couldn’t remember how long they’d been interested in DL for and no one who took part had been interested in DL for less than 1 month. 
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It seems most people have been interested in the series for between 2 - 6 years. I do wonder whether a number of people got into the series around the release of the More Blood anime (which was a little over 4 years ago), Regardless it seems that a lot of us have been in diahell for rather a long time.
Question 8. If you answered the survey I did last year, have any of your choices changed since then?
Note: Multiple options could be selected here and 5 people skipped this question.
- My favorite character has changed: 7 votes - My least favorite diaboy has changed: 9 votes - My favorite DL game has changed: 3 votes - My favorite drama CD has changed: 9 votes 41 people said none of these things had changed within the last year, while 5 people said they got into DL less than 1 year ago.
I mostly asked this question so that if there were any drastic changes between the results of this survey and last year’s, then I’d be able to tell whether it was because people’s opinions had changed or whether there were simply different people answering the questions. As one might expect, it seems to be a combination of the two.
Question 9. Out of the following things released within the last year, which has been your favorite?
1- Chaos Lineage 18 votes 2- The Death Parade merch/illustrations 13 votes 3- The remaining Zero CDs 8 votes 3- The Dark Wonderland merch/illustrations 8 votes 3- The Absolute Zero merch/illustrations 8 votes 6-  The Born to Die drama CDs 6 votes 6- The Blood Affair merch/illustrations 6 votes 8- I’m not interested in DL anymore so I haven’t kept up with new releases 4 votes 8- Other 3 votes
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I was very pleased to CL come out on top here given that it was the release Rejet must have invested the most time and money in. I will say I was surprised by just how many people said one the merch sets was their favorite release of the past year over CL or one of the drama CDs where the boys actually interact with you/Yui. 
And that’s all for my Diabolik Lovers 2019 survey. Thank you again to everyone who voted, if you want to check out my post on last year’s results, it can be found here. I’d be interested to know your thoughts on the results of this survey, was there anything that surprised you?
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