#diabolik lovers sub-scenarios
dixbolik-lovers · 2 years
can i get a senario where kou ayato kino getting a spanking them until they cry and beg
Ah, yes, the three attention-seeking brats. XD
. . .
You're quickly realizing that Kou is a baby about this.
He started out bratty— spitting insults, whining about every little hit, and kicking around just to make this harder for you.
By now, he's (badly) holding back sniffles and squirming weakly every time your hand comes down on his skin. You assume it has to hurt by now, even for a vampire, and all of his whimpering is a pretty good clue that your guess is right.
"Come on," Kou whines. "St-Stop it already—"
"That's not asking nicely," is your simple response. Another hit, this time to the sensitive under-curve where thigh meets ass, and Kou's voice breaks on a pained little yelp.
Still, he's not really telling you to stop, and you both know it. It'd be easy for him to get out of your lap if he wanted to— there's no reason why he has to just lie there and complain while you bully a more polite answer out of him.
You have the feeling he likes the attention, and the tears dripping down his flushed cheeks don't change that a bit.
Bent over the couch in his room, Ayato curses every time your hand comes down on his ass.
The punishment started with him spitting rude comments and cussing you out for daring to do this. Now, his voice breaks on every yelped protest, and his legs are shaking underneath him.
Despite his complaints, his face remains pouty and flushed.
"Are you ready to talk to me nicely?" you ask. When Ayato only responds with fuck off, you hit him a little harder. The crack of your hand against his red, stinging ass makes him wince— and not just from the pain.
You know he wants the attention. Having you dote on him, even if it's to deliver some much-needed discipline, does things to Ayato that you don't expect him to admit.
There's a reason why he's biting his lip and refusing to cooperate; he's not ready for this to be over, either.
It's not easy to deal with Kino. More often than not, he's dead-set on making as much of a problem of himself as possible.
Even when he's bent over your lap for a very deserved punishment, the sassy commentary knows no end. You'd almost think he wants you to keep going.
And yet, there's no mistaking the sniffles you're hearing.
"Can we be done with this yet?" you ask, exasperated, still hoping he'll apologize and spare himself the trouble.
"You're the one hitting me—!" Kino scoffs in response, only to cut himself off with a pitiful yelp when you smack his reddened ass hard enough to rock him forward in your lap, whining like a kicked puppy at the returning sting.
His heels kick as he squirms in your lap, muttering what has to be a smart-ass remark just quietly enough for you not to hear.
Apparently, this won't be over anytime soon.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Animate Tokuten Drama CD “I’m the Strongest! ~Subaru VS Yuma VS Ayato~“
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Original title: 最強はオレだ! ~スバルVSユーマ時々アヤト~」
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Animate Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Takashi Kondou & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Even though I have listened to this CD at least five times by now, it still remains hilarious. Definitely one of my favorites although I realize that I’m biased because of Subaru and Yuma. I also really enjoy the dynamic of Ayato with either one of them as well. He’s an A+ troll in this one and I live for it, haha. It also reminded me of the one sub-scenario in VC where Subaru and Yuma try to decide who is stronger by arm-wrestling, but it ends with a draw when the two of them break the table in the process. I guess Yuma has the physical advantage but Subaru is a pureblood Vampire so he has the edge there, balancing things out in the end. 
Yuma: …Fuckin’ shithead of a Teacher! Goin’ on forever with their stupid preachin’...!
Subaru: Exactly. And the fact I was in there gettin’ scolded alongside you is what pisses me off the most. 
Yuma: Aah!? That’s my line! ーー Haah…If Ruki finds out I got scolded by a teacher…
Subaru: Heh. Must be rough havin’ a ‘dad’ keepin’ you in check. I’m glad I don’t have to worry ‘bout that in my family. 
Yuma: Nah, you’ve got one of those too, don’t ya? Ya know, Mr. ‘Smarty Glasses’. 
Subaru: You’re talkin’ ‘bout Reiji? I mean, it’s definitely annoyin’ how he’ll always find somethin’ to complain ‘bout. 
Ayato runs into them. 
Ayato: …Hm? Now this is a duo you don’t see every day. What are you guys up to over there? 
Subaru: Che…Ayato, huh? 
Yuma: Why, ya ask? Can’t ya read? Look. 
Ayato: Hm? …’Student counselor’...? Pfft! Lame! Both of you got called in? What did you do this time? 
Subaru: Oi! Don’t make it sound like I’m a regular at this place! Haah…It wasn’t a big deal, really. 
Yuma: …Ah? Not a big deal, you say? Fuck off! ーー Oi, Ayato! You’re this dude’s big bro, aren’t ya? Then make sure to teach him some proper manners! Tell him that you’re not supposed to go ‘round kickin’ rocks into someone else’s garden!
Ayato: Haah…? The fuck…? 
Yuma: This fucker had the nerve to kick a rock right into the vegetable garden I had been secretly growin’ behind the school building!
Subaru: How many times do I have to tell you that’s not what happened!? Your stupid vegetable garden just happened to be right where the rock landed, that’s all! I had no idea it was even there after all. 
Yuma: I mean, I made sure to kick it into the opposite direction before it could hit the garden, but then it ended up breakin’ the glass of the principal’s office. 
Ayato: And that’s why you got called in? Somethin’ along the lines of ‘let’s not fight and try to get along?’ …Lame! Hahaha…
Subaru: Shut up!
Ayato: By the way, which one of you is stronger? 
Subaru: …!? What are you askin’ all of a sudden? 
Yuma: Which one of us is stronger? No point in askin’ that, is there? It’s obviously none other than myself!
Subaru: Aah!? Look who’s talkin’! I’m obviously the stronger one!
Yuma: Nah, it’s me.
Subaru: Are you deaf!? It’s me!
Ayato: Ahーah. We won’t get anywhere like this. How about Yours Truly decides which one of you is stronger? 
Yuma: Bring it on! But don’t ya dare show bias towards this Shut-in ‘cause he’s yer brother. 
Subaru: Who are you callin’ a Shut-in!? 
Ayato: Yeah, no worries. You really think I’d stand up for this guy? 
Yuma: True that.
Subaru: Tsk…You said you’ll decide, but how are you gonna do that? Should we fight or somethin’? 
Yuma: I won’t lose in a battle of fists. 
Ayato: Geez, you guys don’t get it at all. That’s not what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. We’re goin’ to determine your strength in various categories. 
Subaru: …!? It kind of pisses me off to hear Ayato say somethin’ intelligent for once…
Yuma: Yeah, gotta agree with ya there…
Ayato: Well, I guess that just shows the difference between us. Anyway, I’m gonna present a couple of ideas to you two. …First up is physique! What’s your height and weight? 
Subaru: My height is 178 cm and my weight is…67 kg.
Yuma: Wait, your height is 178 cm!? Hah! Midget!
Subaru: Midget!? …How tall are you then, huh!? 
Yuma: Me? My height is 190 cm. And I weigh 70 kg. 
Ayato: Eh!? Subaru…You’re a whole 12 cm shorter than this dude! Wow…Talk about lame!
Subaru: One sec…You’re 174 cm tall, aren’t you? You’re even shorter than I am!
Ayato: My stats don’t matter right now. …Well then, I guess Yuma wins this category. 
Yuma: How’s that? 
Subaru: …!! No, strength is defined solely by one’s physique. 
Yuma: Sounds like someone’s a sore loser.
Ayato: Anyway, we’re gonna test which one of you has the stronger mind next. 
Yuma: How are ya gonna determine that? 
Ayato: Good question. …How about this? Let’s say the two of you did somethin’ wrong. 
Subaru: Sure. 
Yuma: And? 
Ayato: Reiji or Ruki will be on your case when they find out, right? 
Subaru: …
Yuma: …
Ayato: Tell me how you’d react to them. 
Subaru: Ignore him. 
Yuma: Apologize. 
Ayato: Ahー Subaru gets this one. 
Yuma: Nah, that doesn’t make any sense! You’d ignore him, the fuck!? 
Subaru: You really think I’m gonna bother listenin’ to that guy’s lecture? Your route of apologizin’ is out of the question. 
Ayato: Yeah! I agree as well. There’s nobody in our family who actually takes Reiji’s scoldings seriously. 
Yuma: …I feel for the dude. 
Ayato: So? How come you’d choose to apologize? 
Yuma: Ya guys just don’t understand how terrifyin’ Ruki can be! …Aah, I’m gettin’ the shivers just from rememberin’...
Subaru: The fuck happened…?
Ayato: Anyway, Subaru wins this round. 
Yuma: Yeah, yeah, let him have the win. 
Subaru: Che…Why are you soundin’ so confident? Don’t be cryin’ ‘bout it later!
Ayato: Next…You’ll be pitted against each other based on how you wear your school uniform!
Yuma: How we wear our uniform? I don’t see how that’s related to determining our strength? 
Ayato: Nah, that’s not true. I mean, take a look at Subaru’s uniform!
Subaru: Hah…? 
Ayato: The fabric is all ripped up and he’s got some chains hangin’ from it as well. 
Subaru: Oi! Don’t make it sound like I’m the one who ripped it to shreds! It was handed to me in this state!
Yuma: I mean, I guess it looks ‘strong’ in more than one way. Hahaha....
Subaru: Don’t you dare laugh, Yuma!!
Ayato: On the other hand we’ve got Yuma’s uniform…
Yuma: Mine hasn’t been customized all that much. Ruki wouldn’t let me live it down if I added too many accessories to it. 
Subaru: Still, you’ve got quite a few buttons of your shirt open, don’t you? You need to button it all the way up. 
Yuma: Shut up, it’s just fine like this. I can barely breathe when it’s closed to the top. 
Ayato: Hmー 
Subaru: I really don’t see how this’ll tell anythin’ ‘bout our strength. Let’s just not. 
Ayato: I’m decidin’ the winner right now so shut up!
Yuma: You’re actually makin’ a choice? 
Ayato: I’ve made my decision. 
Subaru: Who is it? Who’s stronger? 
Ayato: Yours Truly!
Subaru: …
Yuma: …Hah? 
Subaru & Yuma: Haaah!? 
Ayato: Lookin’ at both of your get-ups made me realize, you see…Both of you look hella lame. 
Subaru: Fuck off! It was never ‘bout clothes in the first place, was it!? 
Yuma: And what do ya mean ‘lame’, haah!? 
Ayato: My uniform is the coolest of the bunch, in other words, I take this round!
Yuma: Hah! This is one fucked up competition!
Ayato: Well then, this is the final round. Right now it’s a draw with each of us havin’ one point after all. 
Subaru: Why are you participatin’ as well…? 
Ayato: For starters, check this out…!
Subaru: Wha…!? This is…!? 
Yuma: A picture of…the Sow!? 
Ayato: Heh! What do you think? 
Yuma: How did you…? 
Ayato: I stole it from a certain someone. 
Subaru: W-What are you…goin’ to do with this picture…? 
Ayato: It’s easy. I want you guys to confess your love towards the Chichinashi in this picture. 
Yuma: Aah!? It’s kinda creepy to do that when it’s just us three dudes ‘round, don’t you think? Why not just actually bring her here instead? 
Subaru: Yeah! Exactly! Where is she right now? 
Yuma: She’s probably in her classroom, no? I’ll go call her real quick. 
Ayato: Ah, you can’t do that. 
Yuma: And why not!? 
Ayato: She’ll end up findin’ out where I got this picture. 
Yuma: Ah? The fuck? 
Subaru: Find out…? Ayato, where did you get this picture? It’s not from Laito? 
Ayato: Idiot. Who knows what kind of pictures that guy would pull out. I took this one…directly from her own room. If she finds out I’m usin’ it for this, it’ll only complicate things even further.
Yuma: Ahー I guess it can’t be helped then…
Subaru: ‘It can’t be helped’...!? Don’t you think there’s other things we should point out here!? 
Ayato: Anyway, we’re gonna settle things with this round. Whoever takes the win can have this picture. 
Yuma: For real…!? 
Subaru: …!!
Ayato: What do you say? I bet you’re feelin’ a little more up for it now, huh? 
Subaru: W-Who…would even want such an ugly photo!? Hah!
Yuma: ‘Kay. I guess Subaru’s droppin’ out of the competition then. 
Subaru: Wha…!? I-I bet you don’t want this picture either, do you!? 
Yuma: Nah, I want it. I was just lookin’ for somethin’ I could pin to the face of my scarecrow. 
Ayato: Fuck off! Don’t be usin’ the picture which took me blood, sweat and tears to obtain for somethin’ like that! I’ll keep it in that case!
Subaru: H-Hold up…! You were never part of this competition in the first place, were you!? So I guess I have no other choice…but to take it instead. 
Ayato: What’s that? You really can’t be honest with yourself, can you, Subaru? If you want it that badly, then just honestly say so. 
Subaru: …!? I don’t really…
Yuma: Then why bother participatin’...? 
Subaru: Che…Shut up!! I’m in, end of the story!
Ayato: ‘Kay! Now you’re talkin’! You can go first then, Subaru. 
Subaru: Ah!? Me!? 
Yuma: Exactly. You seem rarin’ to go, so I’ll let ya go first.
Subaru: N-No…I…
Ayato: Here you go. Give it your best shot while lookin’ at the picture. 
Subaru: Umh…Well…
Yuma: Oi, hurry up! We haven’t got all day!
Subaru: …Ugh…Ahー You know…Well…You’re alwaysーー 
Ayato: Oh! Is that Chichinashi walkin’ over there? 
Subaru: Wah!? T-This is…It’s not what you think…!!
Subaru quickly rips up the picture. 
Ayato: Haha, just kiddin’...!
Subaru: …Hah!? 
Ayato: The fuck…Subaru, you lil’ shit! Why did you rip the picture apart!? 
Subaru: N-Not my fault! Maybe if you didn’t say that stupid shit!
Yuma: Oi…What are we gonna do ‘bout this? I’m pretty sure even the Sow will get mad if she finds out ‘bout this? 
Ayato: Not my problem! Subaru’s the one who shred it to pieces!
Subaru: But you’re the one brought it out, right!?
Yuma: Ah, shut up! You’re the one at fault here, Subaru. This means I’m the winner, right? 
Subaru: Hell no! We should have never tried to determine strength through this kind of shitty competition anyway!
Yuma: Heck yeah. A man’s true strength is defined by how he performs in battle after all. 
Yuma cracks his knuckles. 
Subaru: Fine by me. …You’re on!
Yuma: Take this!! 
Ayato: Ahーahー I can’t believe they’ve started fightin’ in the middle of the hallway like that. Not my problem! …So, who was stronger in the end? 
Yuma: Hah! That’s all you’ve got!?
Subaru: Shut up!!
Ayato: Haah…In the end, the strongest guy has to be Yours Truly! Well then, guess I’ll dip before one of the teachers gets here. 
Ayato walks away.
ーー THE END ーー
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darlingmusette · 5 months
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💤 introduction + requests ! 💫 🌀
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💤 you all can call me mimi !! he she. some of my content will be NSFW, so minors dni, or do, I honestly don't care.
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╭────────── ☆ · ⊹ 🌀 ⊹ · ☆ ─╮
💤 ! requests ;; my requests are currently open ! i would appreciate it if you requested !
⭐️ ! rules ;; i do have quite the busy life outside of tumblr so it might take me a while to get to certain requests. i beg of you to be patient with me !
╰─ ☆ · ⊹ 🔮 ⊹ · ☆ ──────────╯
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⊹ * . 🫐 YES ! content i will write for !
ଓ ꙳ i will write dubcon, but nothing further. i will write for almost any kind of kinks but if it is something that makes me especially uncomfortable, i will refuse your request. dom/sub reader, dom/sub character, character x reader x character, smut, fluff, angst. male/female/gn reader, head cannons, short stories, one-shots, scenarios, and platonic or romantic relationships. (will also write for most tropes such as enemies to lovers, forbidden love, love triangle, friends to lovers, etc !)
⊹ * . 🫐 NO ! content i won’t write for !
ଓ ꙳ i under no circumstance will write any kind rape/noncon. incest (will possibly write for step siblings depending on request), character x character, anything to do with being pregent (breeding kinks fine but actually being pregnant is not).
💎 ଓ · ˚₊ ⊱ fandoms i write for ! ➹
twst, tbhk, black butler, br0kencolours, obey me, nu carnival, sds, ror, diabolik lovers, ranfren, genshin, hsr, black clover, hxh, blue period, glitter force/pretty cure, etc !
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♱ . *⊹ ︴🩵 ⊱ extra !
ଓ ꙳ main master-list (currently nothing)
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♱ 💤 ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳˡᵃⁿᵈ ! copyright warning! — DO NOT steal, copy, edit, run my works through a.i, repost or translate my posts without explicit permission from me !
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Laito Sakamaki Sub-Scenarios– (Kanato)
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Place: Glimmer Main Street /グリンマーストリート表通り
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Kanato: ~ ♪
Yui: Ah, Kanato kun. Looks like your are holding a yummy ice-cream.
Kanato: Fufuh, it’s very popular in the Demon World.
Laito: Hee...then, you gotta eat before it gets melt.
Kanato: I’d would simply do that even if you didn’t tell me. Well then...let’s ea一
*Ice-cream falls*
Yui: (Ah...His ice-cream had dropped...)
Kanato: ...Uhuh. Whyyy...I didn’t even take a single bite...uuh...uuh...*crying*
Yui: You okay, Kanato kun? The store is just right ahead, so what about buying a new one...?
Kanato: Are you telling to wait up again in that long line...That’s right! You go there instead of me!
Yui: Eeh?
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Laito: Hey, hey~, Don’t drag Bitch-chan into these.
Come on, calm down Kanato kun. This younger brother will solve the problems of the big brother, you know?
That being said, leave it to me.
Yui: (What Laito kun is planning to do...?)
Laito: My familiars, come here right now. Time for some work.
Yui: (Waah. The familiars are bringing a ice-creams towards Kanato kun one after another.)
(But, where did they bring that from...)
Laito: Get started Kanato kun. You can have as much as you want  ♪
Kanato: Really!?
Laito: Yup, there’re so many, so eat these without any hesitant.
Kanato: ...mn...
Fufuh...so excellent taste...
Laito: Kanato kun, you can still eat right? I’m gonna bring more so wait here.
Yui: (They’re coming carrying the ice-creams again...!)
Kanato: mnn...nnmm....
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These bunches of ice-creams...it’s the first I ever see it...mnn...
Laito: It’s good that you’re happy~ But, there’re still so many left  ♪
Kanato: ...Mnn...nmm...
...I’m full. Laito, you can stop.
Yui: (...Huh? His face color looks a bit pale, and also he’s shievering...is he okay?)
Laito: Eeeh~? You are not eating at all. You don’t have to hesitate though.
Kanato: It’s not like I’m not hesitating or something.
Laito: But, there are still so many left, it’ll be a waste if you don’t finish these....Oh yeah, got ya!
Which flavor you want next? I am going to feed you. Say, aaa~
Kanato: Eek...kh, N- nooo...! It’s enough!
Laito: Oops, you can’t run away. Bitch- chan, can you pin him down?
Yui: Eh, pin him down!?
(He’s refusing it so much...Laito kun, what’re you trying to do)
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Laito: I’m trying so hard for my big-brother as your little brother, yeah? You’re pleased, right?
This is why, let me do my best more?
Kanato: Ghh...I was glad at the beginning...But right now, I am not happy even just a little bit...kh!
Laito: Oh come on, it’s unfair to lie.
Here, you must listen to your little brother properly. Big brother Kanato?
*Laito holds Kanato*
Yui: (Ah...he grabbed Kanato kun’s arm so tightly...)
Kanato: Heek...! Let go of my hand!
Laito: Hey, big brother. Open your mouth widely...fufufuh...
Kanato: Mmm~~~!!
Yui: (Uuh, his smile was creepy...maybe Kanato kun won’t be able to finish eating the ice-creams at the end.)
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therealkoumukami · 3 years
Kou, what is the hardest part of being an Idol in your personal opinion?
Probably how much work that I have to do as an idol, especially since I’m a star within the industry. Even though I’m a vampire and don’t get tired or sick as easily as humans do, it still can wear on a person. 
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And I have to admit, the constant attention from my fangirls gets a bit annoying from time to time...
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: ENG / ESP, Laito Sakamaki (+Reiji Sub scenario)
Another surprise! This will be just for the sub scenarios, but the lovely @violet-sin and I translated all of his missing sub scenarios in English and Spanish! I hope ya’all are enjoying this little collaboration we made, enjoy! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
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--- English ( @kyouxa )
Place: Glimmer Main Street — Tart • Tatan
Laito: Yes, Bitch-chan. Ahh.
Yui: But, everyone is watching... it‘s embarrassing, can we please stop?
Laito: Uhh, what are you talking about now?
If you say such a thing, you might ruin the amazing mood, do you really want that?
Yui: Uhh... alright.
Laito: Now, open your mouth if you understood it. Ahh ♪
Yui: Yes... Ahh...
Laito: Nfu ♪ How is it? Isn’t it delicious?
Yui: ... Yup.
Laito: Then, this time Bitch-chan is the one who is going to feed me. Let’s go.
Yui: (What should I do ... we are seen by so many people. It’s way too embarrassing)
Reiji: Oya, you guys. I did not expected to meet you in such a place.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san. Hello
(Ah, that may have saved me...)
*Laito backs off*
Laito: What is it Reiji. Don't just disturb our precious love-love time like that.
Reiji: Haa ... you really do not care about what exactly you do.
However, as a member of the Sakamaki family, you shall be more careful not to do extraordinary acts in such places.
Laito: Yes, Yes.
Reiji: Good grief ... If I do not keep an eye on you, I will be constantly worried about what you will do.
Yui: Then... would Reiji-san like to have a cup of tea with us together?
Laito: Eh!? Hold on Bitch-chan, what are you talking about? Right now, isn’t it just time for the both of us?
Yui: (I know ... but, we keep doing this embarrassing things and I need an excuse for it!)
H-Hey! The store is pretty crowded right now... wouldn’t it better to have a companion?
Reiji: Although I am unwilling to sit together with the both of you ...
As you said, this crowd is really unavoidable.
*Reiji pulls Laitos chair*
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Reiji: Look Laito, change your seat real quick already.
Laito: Hold on! What are you doing?
Reiji: I am sorry. Could you please add the tea to this seat then.
Laito: Uhh! Because you’re Reiji, you'll usually get this seat! It’s impossible.
Reiji: Be quiet in this store! As soon as I finished drinking what I ordered, I will immediately leave this place.
Haa, good grief ... even if Laito will act like this forever, his behavior is unreasonable.
It at least seems as if you are able make any right decisions ... you may not need a few hundred more steps.
Yui: T-Thank you……
Laito: Haa, there is so much tension going on.
Reiji: Now, may we enjoy our tea together?
Laito: Hurry up with drinking and go somewhere else~
Reiji: I am sorry that I interrupted the two of you, I will leave as soon as I finished.
...Hmm? This is…! Ngh!
*Reiji stands up*
Yui: Ngh!! Reiji-san... ?
Laito: For you to suddenly get up like this, what happened to you?
Reiji: The temperature of this tea is unacceptable! Not at all suitable and the flavor is way too spoiled.
Even if the store is crowded, this kind of taste shall be a disgust to the other customers.
Yui: (Reiji-san’s voice now caught the attention of all the customers around us ...)
Reiji-san please calm down ...
Reiji: Do you think I can calm down anymore!? I will head to the kitchen for a moment right away.
*Reiji leaves*
Laito: Woahh... Hey hey, Bitch-chan.
Wouldn’t you say that Reiji got you in a way worse situation than I did~? Nfu ♪
Yui: (Surely ... but, every gaze I got was awkward. I need to leave this store as soon as possible ...)
--- Spanish ( @violet-sin )
Lugar: Calle principal de Glimmer - Tarta • Tatan
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Laito: Sí, Bitch-chan. Ahh.. 
Yui: Pero, todos están mirando ... Esto es vergonzoso, ¿podemos parar? 
Laito: Uhh, ¿de qué estás hablando ahora?
Si dices algo así, podrías arruinar el estado de ánimo, ¿realmente quieres eso?
Yui: Uhh ... Está bien.
Laito: Ahora, abre la boca si lo entendiste. Ahh ♪
Yui: Sí ... Ahh ...
Laito: Nfu ♪ ¿Qué tal? ¿No está delicioso?
Yui: ... Sí.
Laito: Entonces, esta vez Bitch-chan será quien me va a dar de comer. Vamos
Yui: (¿Qué debo hacer? ... Tanta gente nos está viendo. Es demasiado vergonzoso)
Reiji: Oye, muchachos. No esperaba veros en un lugar así.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san. Hola.
(Ah, eso puede haberme salvado ...)
*Laito retrocede*
Laito: ¿Qué pasa, Reiji? No molestes en nuestro precioso momento de amor-amor de esta manera.
Reiji: Haa ... Realmente no me importa lo que hagas exactamente
Sin embargo, como miembro de la familia Sakamaki, debes tener más cuidado de no hacer actos polémicos en esos lugares. 
Laito: Si, si.
Reiji: Dios mío ... Si no te vigilo, estaré constantemente preocupado por lo que harás
Yui: Entonces ... ¿Le gustaría a Reiji-san tomar una taza de té con nosotros juntos?
Laito: ¿Eh? Espera Bitch-chan, ¿de qué estás hablando? En este momento, ¿no es solo para los dos?
Yui: (Lo sé ... ¡pero seguimos haciendo estas cosas embarazosas y necesito una excusa para ello!)
¡H-Hey! La tienda está bastante llena ahora ... ¿No sería mejor tener un compañero?
Reiji: Aunque no estoy dispuesto a sentarme con los dos ...
Como dijiste, esta multitud es realmente inevitable
*Reiji mueve la silla de Laito*
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Reiji: Vamos Laito, cambia tu asiento ya. 
Laito: ¡Espera! ¿Qué estás haciendo? 
Reiji: Lo siento. ¿Podría agregar el té en este asiento entonces? 
Laito: ¡Uhh! Como eres Reiji, ¡generalmente tendrías este asiento! 
Reiji: ¡Cállate! Tan pronto como termine de beber lo que pedí, inmediatamente dejaré este lugar. 
Ja, qué pena ... Aunque Laito actuase así para siempre, tu comportamiento no es razonable.
Al menos parece que puedes tomar las decisiones correctas ... Es posible que no necesites unos cientos de pasos más.
Yui: G-Gracias ......
Laito: Haa, hay tanta tensión.
Reiji: Ahora, ¿podemos disfrutar nuestro té juntos?
Laito: Date prisa con beber e irte a otro lugar ~ 
Reiji: Lamento haberlos interrumpido a los dos, me iré tan pronto como termine.
... ¿Hmm? Esto es…! Ngh!
*Reiji se pone de pie* 
Yui: ¡Ngh! Reiji-san ...?
Laito: Si te has levantado así de repente, ¿qué pasó?
Reiji: ¡La temperatura de este té es inaceptable! No es del todo adecuado y el sabor está demasiado malo
Incluso si la tienda está abarrotada, esta clase de sabor será desagradable para los demás clientes.
Yui: (La voz de Reiji-san ahora llamó la atención de todos los clientes que nos rodean ...)
Reiji-san por favor cálmate ...
Reiji: ¿Crees que puedo calmarme? Iré a la cocina de inmediato.
*Reiji se va*
Laito: Woahh.. Hey, Bitch-chan
¿No dirías que Reiji te puso en una situación mucho peor que yo ~? Nfu ♪
Yui: (Seguramente ... Cada mirada que recibo es incómoda. Necesito salir de esta tienda lo antes posible ...)
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tournesolia · 5 years
Lunatic Parade Ayato Sub Scenario w/ Ruki Translation
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Place : Sugar house
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Yui : Wow, these sweets are amazing... ! They look like real gems ! It's so beautiful...
Ayato : Hmm, they may be pretty but it's still sweets. They disappear once you eat them
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Ruki : You're just a child who only pays attention to eating them and doesn't understand their beauty, Sakamaki Ayato
Ayato : Aah !? What's your problem !?
Yui : Ah ! So Ruki-kun comes here as well
Ruki : Yes. Actually, Yuma told me about this shore and I got curious. So I came here to see
Ayato : There's stores like this one everywhere. Is there something interesting or what ?
Ruki : Yes. It seems you can participate at a certain game when you choose your favorite sweets
Yui : A game... ?
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Ruki : Apparently, only one real gem is mixed with the goods in this confectionery
Yui : Eh !? Is that so ?
(But... I don't know at all which one is a real gem or a sweet...)
Ruki : And if you manage to find the real gem, you'll keep it
Ayato : What's that ? Looks like a treasure hunt, that sounds interesting !
Hey, breastless ! Since we're here, let's do it !
Yui : Okay... !
Sugar house clerk : Welcome. Are there three customers who want to participate at the game ?
Yui : Yes
Sugar house clerk : Then... Please choose one at a time from these
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Yui : (Eh... ? There are so many ! I can't distinguish them at all...)
Ruki : …
Ayato : What's the trouble, you two ?
Ruki : Be quiet... I lost my concentration
Yui : (Even Ruki-kun is struggling after all...)
Ruki : We're narrowed down to three choices... I can't distinguish them with their radiance...
Ayato : The Great Me's gonna find it in one shot
Ruki : What ? There's no way you can--
Ayato : Which-one-should-I-pick...
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Ruki : Hmph. There's no way you'll find it at random
Ayato : Alright ! The red one !
Red is Yours Truly's color, I'll definitely pick it !
Sugar house clerk : So you're choosing this one, correct ?
Ayato : Yep. There's no doubt !
Sugar house clerk : … Congratulations ! This is the real gem !
Ayato : Look at that ! As expected of the Great Me !
Yui : Ayato-kun, you're amazing !
(I can't believe it, he really found it...!)
Ruki : Heh... You just got lucky
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Ayato : Oh, shut up ! What matters is that I found it, lucky or not
And even if I tell you that, you'll just make excuses... Now let's go, breastless
Yui : Y-Yes !
*Ayato and Yui leave
Ruki : Sakamaki Ayato... Does he actually have something special ? … No, it's just my imagination
Sub scenario : End
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tabooneko · 6 years
Diabolik Lovers Vandead Carnival - Sakamaki Laito /sub scenario with: Ruki
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Ruki is so done with Laito xD
If you spot any mistakes, please let me know, so I can correct them. Thanks!
And please don’t repost!
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Place: Part de Fruit confectionery shop
Laito: Hey, hey! What are you doing, Ruki~? Ruki: Don't talk to me, when I'm thinking, Sakamaki Laito.            And you, since you've chosen Sakamaki Laito, be sure to watch him, so he won't bother other people. Yui: S-Sorry, Ruki-kun... Laito: Let's see... I'd take those macaroons!           They look delicious, so I recommend them. Ruki: I don't want them. Laito: What~ But they're so tasty. Ruki: ...Eh. *Ruki leaves* Yui: Ah, Ruki-kun...! Laito: ...Oh my. Ruki's behaviour is unbelievable. We're at the carnival after all, he should enjoy it. Yui: (Oh no. Laito-kun's is losing his good mood too.         Should we talk about something he likes...?)          B-By the way! What do you like about macaroons?          I just realized, I'd never asked about it! Laito: Probably color and luster. And this curvaceousness.            I love beautiful things after all ♪ Yui: I see! As expected of Laito-kun. Laito: Of course, your curvaceousness, skin's color and luster, and this nice feeling when I touch you,           I love them all. So feel assured. Nfu ♪ Yui: (Hm, is it really something I should feel assured about...?) Laito: But if you were to become a macaroon, I'd be totally happy to taste you! Yui: ... Laito: I'm just joking ♪ Yui: (Sometimes I don't know when you're joking and when you're serious, Laito-kun...)
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diavolosthots · 4 years
I know I said i wouldn't do rules but wow you guys need some guidance.
- first and foremost, there’s not much I wont do. You, as a reader, are OBLIGATED to avoid the topics/things that make you uncomfortable.
- don't send requests when requests are closed. Check the description if you're unsure. Or ask.
- Going off of that, tumblr eats a LOT of asks. If your asks, for whatever reason, never got answered, it’s either because tumblr eats them or they didn’t give me inspiration. If you’re unsure of which one happened, shoot me a message and I will tell you if I ever saw it or not. 
- Be clear and precise in what you want. Saying things like “I don’t care what brother or scenario, just make it nsfw” will get your request deleted. 
- Do not send in pregnancy/abortion/children etc... Requests. Breeding NSFW is fine, but not the process of pregnancy/giving birth/abortions/the boys with kids. However the boys AS kids or MC AS a child is fine.
- Don’t send Luke outside of anything platonic. That includes ‘grown-up’ headcanons/scenarios for him. 
- don't request an orgy with all 7 brothers, whether that's for obey me or DL/supernatual (if you want a threesome, I can do that.).
- please no poly either due to my inability to write more than 3-4 characters in a fic. Its hard to write for everyone at once and I will forget like... at least 2 characters.
- DO NOT (and i cant emphasize this enough) send in OC requests. I just don't feel like I could capture YOUR OC in the light they deserve. I am sorry bb.
- DO NOT send spoilers for obey me!!! I think it's safe to say that everything after lesson 20 is still a spoiler at this point.
- Do NOT send in AU requests 😩 I just honestly don't like them and they're somewhat hard to write for me.
- please don't send in weird kinks 💀 I'm NOT kinkshaming but the watersports request really got to me. I'll just tell you if I ever think a kink is not up my alley. Kinks that definitely won't be written are: Golden shower/watersports, foot fetish, vore, genital mutilation, feces, corpses, age play, bestiality for MC (if you want the brothers/undates, for example, @waltnut ’s level 4 design, that’s cool. The Paws and Claws event is also fine but pushing it so choose your words wisely). 
- please only ask for either the brothers or undateables at one time for headcanons OR up to 7 characters at a time. (I.e. you can mix it and say "yeah i want lucifer, mammon, satan, Belphegor, diavolo, simeon, and solomon") It's hard to do more than that in one singular post. For Diabolik Lovers, choose one of the sets of brothers (Sakamaki, Mukami, Tsukinami) or 7 characters. Same for Supernatural. 
- if you send in NSFW requests and do NOT SPECIFY THE GENDER it will automatically be female
- imma get a lot of hate for this but I’m NOT making Lucifer/Ruki Mukami a sub in a short fic/scenario. They'll die before they sub for anyone
- Due to personal preferences and being uncomfortable with the ship, I will NOT write DiaLuci fics. Threesomes with both involved are fine.
- I hold the right to deny a request if I can't envision it or straight up don't like it.
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience ❤
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dixbolik-lovers · 2 years
((NSFW)) Okay so idk if your brainrot will allow this but just- scenario of sub!Au Laito after being edged for like over a week, constantly kept right on the edge when his s/o decides to take him to a restaurant for dinner! :)) toys are involved and Laito has NEVER been quiet in his life but he’s trying his best and-omg I’ve had this bouncing around my head for like a week. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you admin!💕
Indeed, Laito has never been good at keeping quiet.
Normally, that's not a problem— the pervert moaning like a whore is expected. Just another part of his usual 'self'.
Right now, however, being able to contain his noises a little better would be nice. In the middle of a restaurant filled with unsuspecting humans, even he'd rather not have anyone notice his current predicament.
Predicament, as in, the fact that he's currently stifling all kinds of lewd noises thanks to the near-silent little vibrator tied just under the tip of his dick, and the thick plug inside of him.
The vibrator would have been bad enough, but the plug digs in at an absolutely terrible angle every time he so much as shifts in his seat— and Laito, for all of his past adventures, is not at all used to that type of stimulation.
With the buzzing on his dick, there's no way he can stay still. It's a losing battle, no matter how hard he tries to stay in control.
"Doing alright?" you ask with an innocent smile.
"O-Of course," is his attempt at a casual response. Still, his voice nearly breaks on the words. "I'm j-just— nnh—! J-Just fine."
He's barely touched his meal, though, and there's no hiding the deep, needy flush across his face. It's getting harder and harder to hold back the little whines that threaten to escape.
If you don't get out of here soon, he's going to come. In public, without a single touch. Despite the fact that he's supposed to be up for anything, Laito can't help but squirm nervously at the thought... which only nudges the plug in deeper.
Biting down on the inside of his mouth, he tries to think of anything but how close he's getting to that edge.
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Weekly Schedule [April 18th ~ April 24th]
Monday April 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Dark [09]
Afternoon -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Dark [10]
Tuesday April 19th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Dark [Epilogue]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #47 - Mixed in [Reiji・Laito]
Wednesday April 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Maniac [Prologue]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #48 - Transformation [Kou・Azusa]
Thursday April 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Maniac [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Maniac [02]
Friday April 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Maniac [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Carla Maniac [04]
Saturday April 23rd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Azusa Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Azusa Route ー Sub Scenario w/Reiji
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Azusa Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ruki
Sunday April 24th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Azusa Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Azusa Route ー Sub Scenario w/Carla
Evening - Diabolik Lovers VERSUS IV vol. 6: Animate Tokuten: "The Vampires got a Part-time Job!" [Laito ver.]
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sakyou · 7 years
Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade: Mukami Azusa (Sub scenario w/Laito)
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(I came here with Azusa-kun to get something to eat but...)
(In such a lovely shop i’m kind of nervous)
Laito: Oh oh~? In a place like this, are you two in the middle of having a pleasant meal together?
Azusa: un...do you want to eat with us Laito-san....?
Laito: Ah, i’m fine. I just happened to be passing by that’s all don’t mind me
Azusa: I see...
Laito: Look. That aside, if you don’t eat the food will get cold
Azusa: un....then, lets eat....
Yui: Yeah, you’re right.
Laito: Hold on! Azusa-kun, what are you doing!
Azusa: Eh....? I thought I would put the napkin around my neck...
Laito: You shouldn’t do that. Napkins should be folded in two and placed on your knees....here
Azusa: Is that so....I, didn’t know....thank you....
Azusa: Then, back to eating...
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Laito: Ah, Stoooooop! Hold on! What are you doing this time!
Azusa: I thought I would take a drink of water....
Laito: In that case, why are you picking up the finger bowl?
Azusa: Eh? ....that’s because there’s water in this...?
Laito: Just because there’ water in it, doesn’t mean you drink from it!
Laito: That’s there for you to wash your fingers in. That’s why you definitely shouldn’t drink from it
Azusa: I see.....thank you for telling me, Laito-san...
Laito: Geez, i’m kind of worried
Laito: Is there anything else? Is there anything you don’t know how to use?
Laito: If you would like, i’ll show you right now
Azusa: Well, then...
(Laito-kun is the youngest of the triplets, and has a strong image as the youngest but)
(Surprisingly he has a side to him like a helpful big brother. He’s so kind)
Azusa: Thanks to Laito-san, after this it seems like we’ll be able to eat with proper manners...
Laito: Really? Then i’ll believe in your words it’s about time I leave
Laito: If there’s anything you don’t know then next time ask Bitch-chan to show you okay?
Laito: Reiji is usually saying all these things so she should know
Laito: Have fun and enjoy your meal. Well then, bye bye~
Azusa: un....goodbye....
*Laito leaves*
Azusa: Laito-san was really cool ne.....I should follow his example...
Yui: fufu, that’s right
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Azusa: un. First....I have to buy the same hat as Laito-san
Yui: Eh?
Azusa: From there, I have to call Eve Bitch-chan ne....
(Could it be, he plans to copy him from his appearance....?)
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Reiji Sakamaki Sub-Scenarios – (Carla)
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Place: Glimmer Street  Main Street / グリンマーストリート  表通り
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Reiji: This road around here is so dirty with food scraps.
Yui: Looks like people weren’t aware of it at all.
Reiji: It’s inexcusable. Let’s get the parade staff to clean these up.
Carla: You, what are you doing here by staring at the ground.
Yui: Carla San!
Reiji: There is a lot of trash here, so I thought to get the staff for cleaning.
Carla: Making fuss just for this simple thing means that you are a narrow minded man.
Reiji: Narrow minded? Me? Would you like to walk in a dirty place?
Carla: First of all, I am not a dwarfish who even cares about these trash. Just in case of emergency...I will just burn them using my magic.
Yui: Can you even do that?
Carla: Of course. ….Haah!
*Uses his magic*
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Yui: (Wonderful! The trash get erased in an instant)
(Because it was burned, there are some traces in the ground...)
Carla: Such a childish work.
Reiji: It was perfect. Come to think of it, I can make a use of his power.
Yui: Reiji San, what are you thinking about?
Reiji: No. I was just surprised that someone who is a founder also has to sweat for this work.
Carla: What?
Reiji: Here, look carefully. There are still some attached. Founders also failed huh?
Carla: It is not a failure. I didn’t want to waste my power so there was little trash left over there.
However, if you are saying that far, then I will clear everything up this time. Just look.
Yui: (Just now, they all get erased…)
Carla: How was it?
Reiji: Magnificent! As expected from first bloods.
With this, I got rescued from trouble by calling the staff to clean them up…*murmuring*
Yui: Did you say something?
Reiji: Not at all.
*People gathered*
Yui: Huh? For some reason...people are gathering…
Reiji: Why the hell are they gathering?
Yui: Ah! Reiji San, that’s….!
(No way, right! The burned traces that are left over for using his magic...now they are turning into bats!)
Reiji: I see…. So, they all gathered here to watch it.
Haah...if they summon here like this, it’s a problem. At this rate…
Reiji: You guys are smart at distinguishing rare things. Reality is, this person standing here is one of the best performers!
Carla: Oi, I am not something like….
Reiji: (Reiji San just announced to the people that Carla San is a performer…)
Carla: I am saying that, I am not a performer or something…
Yui: (Reiji San’s words make everyone even more surprised about Carla…)
*More crowd noise*
Carla: You absurd, get out of me…!
Reiji: It’s our chance, let’s escape.
Yui: Eh? Y-yes…
(Carla San, are you okay with this…)
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maimaiotome · 4 years
Ayato Sub-Scenario w. Ruki - English Translation Video
The Translation + script, video & graphic-editing as well as the subtitle timing was made by me. <3
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Thank you so much for the yawning prank.
It was on my mind ever since I read a sub Diabolik Lovers scenario like that.
And yep I was asking for separate.
No problem! I’m sorry I kinda lost motivation halfway through…
Diabolik? What’s that?
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ricecookie · 4 years
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greetings, and salutations.
this is an interaction blog: where you can interact with your favorite characters of all sorts of fandoms, in all sorts of aus. i will also answer whatever questions you may have in general. any other asks that concerns requests for scenarios and what not will simply be ignored. i do however, discuss concepts and reactions.
this blog will contain dark content such as, yandere, nsfw, non-con/dubcon elements, gaslighting, swearing, violence, and many more. i advise you to heed these warnings before scrolling through. it is not my responsibility, but yours.
ah, and anything nsfw, it will always be sub! reader, just my personal preference.
with all that being mentioned, this blog welcomes most asks. things that are not welcomed will just be deleted, sorry. fluff, or the total opposite. i’ll leave it to you. just be sure to mention if you’d like them as a yandere or not. i’ll write it off as yandere if i do not see any indications.
yours truly, seul.
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i will write for as of 030223
ace attorney
chainsaw man pt1
diabolik lovers
ensemble stars !!
genshin impact
hunter x hunter
kimetsu no yaiba
mystic messenger
persona 3-5
tokyo revengers
twisted wonderland
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