#diabolik lovers cry count
Diabolik Lovers — A systematic review (sort of) of all the times the Diaboys cried in HDB, MB, DF, LE and CL
So, this (long) post is exactly what it says — it’s a count of all the times the Diabolik Lovers characters cry. Except Yui because she’s in every route and that would’ve made this a lot harder. It is excluding VC and LP as they are not story games and I don’t think they’d be crying over anything worth noting down.
I came up with this idea when I started my third year pharmacology dissertation which is a systematic review. The data extraction for this involves screening large numbers of papers for certain data, and I came up with the idea of doing this for the DL games and how many times the characters cry, since I was interested to see who cries the most (besides Kanato, obviously. I knew he’d come out on top by a long way before I even started.)
In order to do this properly, I needed an inclusion and exclusion criteria. Things to exclude are times other characters cried in the individual routes. I identified crying moments by Ctrl+F “cry” / “tears” / “cried” / “sob” / “snif” so there’s a chance something will be missed, especially since some CGs which show crying don't describe the crying in the text. Sometimes it wasn’t clear if they were crying or if it was just implied, in which cases I checked the walkthrough if there was one to try and hear it and it was only included if I could hear something like crying. I also recorded a brief reason for why they were crying. It took a while at first but once I got into it, it was easy.
This list will contain mentions of all canon themes + spoilers. Thank you to all the translators who contributed to the game translations on Tumblr. Any excluded routes/parts due to lack of TL are listed. Here is the masterlist I used.
Here is a link to a Google docs file containing all the times they cried. And now I’m going to talk about what this data represents and the best way to interpret it!
So, we could take these numbers at face value. Below is the breakdown of the raw data (data before any analysis).
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There’s obviously some bigger criers than others and to very little surprise Kanato is top. So let’s simplify this data and rank it.
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Now, we could take this as the final rankings and I guess if you were counting who cries the most times overall, that’s your ranking. However, is this really a reliable way of ranking them?
It’s not, because each character is in a different number of games each. The Sakamaki’s are in 5 games, the Mukami’s are in 4, the Tsukinami’s are in 3, and Kino is only in two. So is it fair to compare say, Shin’s 1 cry in 3 games to Subaru’s 2 cries in 5 games? How do we know Shin wouldn’t have had a couple more cries if he’d been in more games?
On top of that, because of people’s routes not being translated fully, I may not have included some cries. For example, only 1/6 of Yuma’s LE is translated, so Yuma’s cry count is across 3.15 games, whereas Ruki for example has complete translations and therefore we’ve searched through all routes.
So let’s average that, and get “average cries per game”
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In the real world of statistics, this data is pretty useless because each character cries different amounts of times. And I can’t really work any more averages such as which game includes the most cries per character because the data range is so large. Kanato skews the data massively, especially when Kanato and Subaru are both Sakamaki’s and Kanato has 31 cries (probably more, actually. I definitely missed some of them with the search terms) and Subaru only has 2.
But, here’s the new order.
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In general, this order is best for comparing each character since it takes into account the different amount of content for each character. So, this is order is what I’ll be using to talk about it.
Again, Kanato having the most cries is really not surprising here. 6 cries per game is roughly one cry every 5 stories – with that said, excluding CL which he goes a bit loopy in (and it doesn’t help that he loses his memories), Kanato’s cries do go down from 8 per game in HDB to 4 in DF and LE each. So, does he get his shit together a bit? Maybe!
Now, Laito did surprise me with how many cries he had actually. He’s a bit of a cry baby, huh? With that said, it’s interesting how averaging out the games puts Azusa in our number 2 spot. I want to hug Azusa, a lot of his cries were really sad ;;
Kou doesn’t surprise me a lot either because he’s pretty unstable. But it did surprise me when I averaged out the games and Ruki kicked Shu out of the number 5 spot? Ruki comes off a lot as much more composed so it’s surprising to know he’s actually a bit of a softie when it comes to showing his feelings.
Shu has on average 1 cry per game which is pretty decent — actually listening to a lot of Shu’s cries are pretty gut wrenching because when he does cry, it’s for about 5 minutes straight.
After that, everyone has less than 1 cry per game. Reiji and Ayato seem to be pretty tough when it comes to crying, although the CGs where they do cry make me really sad.
Subaru having such a low cry count actually makes me pretty damn sad? There’s so many moments with Subaru where he so very close to crying and a couple of times I think it’s implied that he was or is going to be crying alone. But I wish he cried more y’know? He’s hurting a ton in a lot of these games and he should let it out ;;
Honestly what shocked me the most was that Shin actually cries once? Because holy shit, I was not expecting that to be honest. And with Carla and Kino… well, I’m not surprised at all.
That’s pretty much all I have to say here. I wrote this out instead of revising for my actual statistics exam on Tuesday. Don’t take this too seriously - I explained it's limitations and such in my discussion - and feel free to ask any questions <3
To top it all off, have some CGs of everyone crying.
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And some Yui cries :) 
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Diaboy Yandere Quiz Results
So if you haven't taken my "which one of the diabolik lovers boys would go yandere for you?" quiz, you might want to do that before reading the rest of this post. If you have taken the quiz and are curious as to what the other results are like but don't want to retake said quiz 14 times, then this post is for you! Below the cut are the yandere!diaboy x reader drabbles for every diaboy + Karl that I wrote for the quiz.
Quick warning: These drabbles feature dark content including themes of imprisonment, torture, blackmail and stalking.
Combined these results have a total word count of 3.4k :') If you enjoy them, let me know which one is your favourite!
You’re crying again. You’re not being loud about it but from where you’re currently splayed half on top of him—the heat of you warming his bones in lieu of the fireplace he refuses to light—it would be impossible for him not to notice the faint trembling of your body and the growing wet patch on his shoulder. There isn’t any point in saying much when you’re like this, which is somewhat ironic when you’re the only person he’d even consider putting the effort in for. Instead he shifts slightly, moving his arm over you so you’re more securely held against him while the other slips out one of his earbuds and places it into your ear instead. He’s not stupid, he knew what dragging you to the other side of the world—far away from everything you’d ever known—would do to you, but if he’s honest with himself he’d do it again in a heartbeat. It was your own fault, in a way, for making him care, for making the fear when he saw the way Reiji looked at you sharp enough to cut through the numbness he’d lived with for so long. Yes, it was you who’d sought him out in the first place, so no matter how miserable you might be now, you only had yourself to blame.
The tea in your cup is poisoned. You’re sure of it, even without the faint bitterness tainting the delicate aroma, you can tell from the look in Reiji’s eyes alone—you’ve seen it often enough. The question is what concoction he’s prepared for you this time; whether he’s decided he’d rather you be numb and pliant or feverish with want. Still, you do not break your composure, remaining the image of grace as you lift the cup to your mouth. The tight corset your captor has forced upon is not nearly as constricting as the way he watches you, his own cup left ignored on the table. Months ago you’d have scoffed at the idea of someone willing drinking poisoned tea, but now you are aware the consequences if you do not will be far worse than whatever toxins he’s prepared for you. He won’t kill you, you don’t think, not when the way he looks at you can only be described as obsessive. You used to think it came from his desire to mold you into his ideal of a perfect partner, but now you’re not so sure. Sometimes, when you catch him watching you while you’re supposed to be asleep, you wonder if just maybe he simply wants you. A pity for him then, that no matter how many restraints he binds you with or drugs he pours down your throat, you will ensure your heart remains forever out of his reach.
Blood always tastes at its best when the person being drunk from enjoys it. It’s something Ayato figured out after the old bastard let them loose in the human world, the occasional sacrificial bride being ferried in to keep them from causing enough trouble to attract unwanted attention. But no blood has ever tasted as sweet as yours when you’re pinned down beneath him, whimpering in the ecstasy of having your lifeblood drained away and mixing with his. He draws away only briefly to take note of your expression, eyes screwed up with tears of pleasure brewing at the corners. You look amazing like this, even better than you had in the cute little cheerleading outfit you’d worn to school sports games, back before he’d had his first taste of you. You’d screamed the first time, your usual bright enthusiasm falling off your features as you’d realized what he was. And yet you’d still come to your practice the very next day, a brightly coloured band-aid on your neck to hide the marks. When he’d come back for a second bite, you’d only struggled a little—enough to keep things interesting, but not so much that you could fool him into thinking you were actually trying to get away. No, you want to be here, he’s certain of it, and he’s generous enough to keep you.
You’re alone again today. Sitting perfectly still, empty bento box in your lap, eyes shut as you listen to a soft melodic tune through your headphones. You look lovely like this, the moonlight filtering through the window painting the planes of your face a silvery hue. It's only the fact you look so peaceful—almost like one of his wax dolls—that keeps Kanato from tearing your headphones away. He will, once he's had enough of watching you like this, and he knows from your previous encounters that the wide-eyed expression you’ll make is almost as good as the one you wear now. The still healing marks from his fangs peek out from the collar of your white school shirt and the corner of his lips twist. You’ve not told any of your schoolmates of any of your encounters, he’s certain of it from how closely he’s been watching you. If anything, you’ve isolated yourself even further than you already were, only briefly exchanging pleasantries in that barely there voice of yours he’s grown so fond of. The air stirs faintly, a gentle breeze through a cracked open window, and you open your eyes. The fear is immediate as you take in his face, close enough to yours that you should have been able to feel his breath—if he had any need to breathe. He does now, to take in the scent of your terror, and it is oh so very sweet.
Laito has broken so many mortal things, he’s long since lost count. He can’t even remember what all of them looked like, but he does remember the expressions on their faces in their final moments—fervent devotion, desperation and sometimes just pure madness. You, however, he’s had for months, and yet the light has yet to fade from your eyes despite his very best efforts. Sometimes you even look at him with pity—likely due to what you’ve put together of his history from the scraps of it scattered over the manor—though those days have grown less frequently since he made your move to his room a permanent affair. Now when you look at him, it’s mostly filled with a hatred that burns brighter than any emotion he’s ever had from his other lovers. It’s intoxicating, more so than even your blood. Laito’s not sure when exactly he stopped wanting anyone else to see it—or when he stopped wanting anything else for that matter. He thinks you feel the same way, that you’d like nothing more than to see him dead, enough that it keeps the spark inside of you burning bright. You’d confessed to believing in love once in the early days and he’d laughed at you for it. Even now the memory makes him scoff, for the love you spoke of that day could never possibly compare to this.
You get the impression you’re being watched. It’s subtle at first, a small movement at the corner of your eye that vanishes as soon as you turn towards it. A faint prickle on the back of your neck every so often when you walk through the hallway. It doesn’t take long for things to escalate, until you can no longer shake the feeling of eyes on you almost everywhere you go. You think there’s something else going on too, the underclassman who you could have sworn had a crush on you now refuses to so much as look at you and he’d gone running like the devil himself was on his tail when you’d tried to approach him. Other people around you have started behaving weirdly too, a strange hush following you wherever you go, your fellow students going out of their way to avoid jostling you when you have move classrooms between lessons. There is one constant in all of this, and you’re starting to wonder if he might somehow be responsible for it. Subaru Sakamaki, despite the prestige of his father’s name, has the air of someone who’s had a difficult life. You’d decided to make an effort to be kind to him when you’d first noticed it, not necessarily going out of your way to hunt him down, but to grant him a little more patience and understanding than you might normally. He’s currently the only person who hasn’t started acting like you’ve contracted some horrible contagious disease, but you do catch him looking at you strangely sometimes. The moment he notices and immediately turns away are the few occasions you no longer feel watched. His expression in those moments is a bit like someone caught between wanting something but feeling conflicted over whether or not they should have it. And for some reason, the thought that he may eventually make up his mind fills you with nothing but dread.
You’re being difficult again. It’s not that Ruki had believed you were past this stage—far from it in fact—but he had thought the punishment you’d received in your last session with him might have at least served as a temporary reminder to not push his limits again so soon. He knows the wounds have yet to properly heal from the faint trace of your blood that blossoms in the air whenever you move in a way that strains the skin of your back—and yet still you insist on running your mouth. Ruki regards you coldly for a moment. Back when he’d first met you, he might have mistaken the look on your face for defiance, but now he takes note of how brightly your eyes shine, the faint tremble of your lower lip. You’re lashing out because you’re afraid, like a cornered animal that hasn’t yet learnt not to bite the hand that feeds. He closes his book and places it to the side, not missing the way you try to hide your flinch as he stands up. There need to be consequences for this type of behaviour, there’s no point in putting this much effort into your training if not, but rather feeling annoyed, Ruki finds himself almost pleased at the prospect. For as much as your insolence grinds, there’s something about the way your tough façade breaks almost as soon as he gets started—and in the way you fall apart under his hands with the sting of antiseptic that follows. You cling to him sometimes, half delirious with pain, and it’s those moments he finds he savours the most.
Kou chuckles as you cling onto his arm, still unused to the heels he’d forced you into before you left the mansion. It’s honestly pretty cute, although not as cute as the way you keep glancing around anxiously, convinced that at any moment now his fans will appear around the corner and start baying for your blood. That same fear, however, is the only reason you’re here in the first place—his demand in return for not posting staged pictures of the two of you tangled together online. You’re actually doing pretty well all things considered, you even manage to flash him a wobbling smile when he tells you about the café he’s taking you to. Kou can’t quite decide what he likes most about about your little arrangement—that you’ve gotten good enough at acting that he can almost pretend you’re on a date with him because you want to be, or that the scent of your fear in the air tells him is doesn’t really matter because he has you right in the palm of his hand. 
Yuma’s used to people being intimidated by him. If not for his stature, and it usually is, then the way he speaks is often enough to set those around him slightly on edge. Not you though. No, the first time you meet, you look him dead in the eye without a hint of any sort of fear in your face. It’s not a judging look either, more of an assessment, that you realize he is used to being one of the biggest people in the room but that will carry no weight with you. It feels more like a challenge than anything else, and he feels the tips of one of fangs peek out from where the corner of his lip curls into a smirk. You never show fear when you look at him in any of your subsequent meetings either, even when you really should—like now, when he’s keeping your hands secured above your head with only the sheer weight of him. You're not stupid enough to put up a real fight, not when you can already feel the strain on your bones from his grip, but you are stubborn. And the defiance in your face even when you’re pinned helplessly just makes your blood taste all the sweeter for it.
It had been an accident, the first time you’d pushed him down the stairs. You’d been in a rush, running late to one of your classes, when you’d tripped over your own feet, the hand you threw out to steady yourself slamming into the back of someone you hadn’t realized was there. All you could do was watch with a look of horror as the figure lost their balance and fell right down the otherwise abandoned stairwell. Perhaps you should have registered there was something wrong then, when instead of crying or getting angry at you or having any sort of normal response to being shoved down a set of stairs, Azusa—as you’d later come to find out his name was—had simply sat up and stared up at you like you were some kind of god. The second time you’d pushed Azusa down the stairs was less of an accident. He hadn’t left you alone after the first unfortunate incident and no amount of apologizing or promises it wouldn’t happen again were enough to get rid of him. One day, he’d managed to corner you after the ring of the final bell, standing so close you could feel an eerie coldness emanating from his body, and you felt the final threads of your patience snap. In truth, you hadn’t registered how close you were to those wretched stairs—too focused on the primitive part of your brain that screamed to get away from the strange boy—and thus, the quick short shove you gave him was enough to send him tumbling a second time. You’d stood there, frozen, as he slowly sat up, a rivulet of blood trailing down his face from where he must have knocked his head on the way down. And yet the injury was not the most appalling part of the scene. No, that right was reserved for the look of pure adoration in his eyes, directed straight at you.
You’re too kind for your own good. It’s something Carla’s become painfully aware of over the months he’s known you. At first he’d believed you were simply frightened by him, acting on his wishes to avoid his wrath as so many others had done in the past. But he’s familiar with the scent of your fear now and it is not fear you feel when you check on him after hearing the Endzeit-induced coughs from his room or when you make dishes with cured ham for him after he let slip that he was fond of it. It is a weakness, he thinks, but one he could perhaps tolerate if simply reserved for him. It is not however, anyone who crosses your path is greeted with your good nature and it eats at Carla’s insides far more than the disease rotting his blood. He is the Founder King, he should be able to have what he wants. And he will have you, all of you, so that no one else ever will.
Shin knows you like him, at least, he’s nearly certain of it. Because despite the hell he’d put you through after you first met, you’d still ended up hanging around him. The once fear-filled look on face whenever you saw him slowly becoming resigned until, at some point, your gaze had started to turn heated. For Shin’s part, you’d only been a bit of idle amusement at first, someone to terrorize whenever the frustration of his and Carla’s situation got to be too much. Eventually, however, your interactions had gone from being a way to pass the time to something he looked forward to; a wolf anticipating a meal. It was the first time he’d noticed the look of want in your eyes that he’d started to feel the same. So then why? If you want him, why does he never quite feel like he has you? His initial conclusion had been that it was something to do with Carla, that you were trying to pull one over on him to cosy up to the Founder King. But no amount of stalking from you from the shadows or checking on your scent every time he saw you had revealed that anything was going on between the two of you. If anything, you actively avoid his brother—Shin’s only ever seen you in the same room together when he himself is present. Perhaps you’re still hung up on how your relationship started, some part of you yet to forgive him for all the things he did to you. Or maybe, you’re doing it on purpose. After all, you’ve seen enough of his wolf form to know that when something runs away, there’s always an instinctive drive to chase.
Kino makes it seem like a coincidence when he runs into you outside of the local games arcade. You have no need to know he’d seen your social media post featuring a photo of a popular new café, the one opposite the shop he’d lingered in, waiting to stage this particular encounter. He’s done it a couple of times now—pulling at the strings attached to you to arrange these chance meetings. A couple of months ago he could never have imagined putting this much effort into a single human, especially one who wasn’t the Vampire Lord’s chosen Eve, but now it's turned into a game of sorts—to what degree can he entangle you in this web before you start to notice. It’s going well so far, you think him a simple classmate who’s a regular in the area—you’ve even given him your ID for a couple of the games you have on your phone. Tonight’s looking to be a lot of fun too. In just a couple of minutes, the friend you’d been hanging out with will get a call from their mother who should have just received a selection of pictures showing her precious darling skipping the cram school she paid oh so much money for. The friend will likely get called home—a shame, Kino will say, with a smile on his lips, but there’s no reason he and you can’t still have some fun before the night is over.
Under any other circumstances, the scene before you would have had you swooning. A meal not out of place in a Michelin star restaurant laid out beautifully before you on top of an intricately carved antique table with possibly the most handsome man you’d ever laid eyes on seated at the opposite end to you, swirling a glass full of a rich, red liquid. The view out of the floor to ceiling windows is spectacular, a sky full of stars and a view of the forest and various small towns far below. Except these are not other circumstances, and the man who sits, watching you carefully as you cut into your food is none other than the Vampire King himself—and you are quite certain that it’s not wine that sits in his cup. The view is no comfort either, not when you know you are looking out over the demon world, a place that you’re sure would be quite hostile to you if not for the protection of the man keeping you here. Not that you’d gotten any real chance to see it save for the view from the castle you hadn’t left once in the months since you’d arrived here. You tell if the complete lack of any sort of guard makes you feel better or worse, on one hand at least you’re not followed everywhere, but on the other hand, the fact Karlheinz is powerful enough to keep you here without them makes the odds of escape seem slim. 
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa [VAMPIRE ENDING]
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ー The scene starts in front of the Sakamaki Castle
*Rumble rumble*
Azusa: Why...Why do all the people I wish to protect disappear...!? 
Kanato: Che...How am I supposed to know!? It’s not my fault!!
Azusa: ...I’ve had enough of it...! ...Stop getting in my way!!
*Rumble rumble* 
Kanato: ーー Uwah!?
ー Kanato collapses
Kanato: Ugh...
Azusa: ...Fufu. Hahaha. I’ve finally got you cornered...
Kanato: Kuh...
Azusa: Kanato-san...This is...the endーー 
ー Azusa hears Ruki’s voice in the back of his mind
Ruki: ( ーー Don’t do it, Azusa! )
Azusa: ーー !?
( Where is his voice coming from...? As if it echoes directly inside my head... )
Ruki: ( ーー Cut it out. You’ve done more than enough. You don’t need to get any more blood on your hands. )
( Remember who you truly are, Azusa. You’ve always been a younger brother we could be proud of, aren’t you? )
Azusa: ...I am...to all of you...? 
ー A flashback ensues
Yuma: Kou and I are really grateful to have ya in our lives, ya know.
Kou: Exactly! Thank you for always being there for us!
Azusa: ...Uu...
Ruki: ...Of course, I am thankful to you as well, Azusa.
Azusa: ...You too, Ruki...?
Ruki: Yes. ...While it’s true that there might be some things you can’t do anymore because of your arm.
And I realize this greatly bothers you as well.
However, you are still indespensable to me.
I rarely ever voice this out loud, but I count on you.
If you hadn’t been there for me as my little brother, I doubt I would have been able to make it this far.
Azusa: ...Ruki...
ー The flashback ends
Azusa: ...Ah...Aah...Right...I...
I don’t...actually want to do this, do I...?
It’s just...I wanted to keep everyone safe from any risk, that’s all...
Ruki: ( ...Yes, exactly. Remember everything that has happened up till now, Azusa. )
( Take a look at Eve. She is the one you want to protect more than anyone else, no? )
Azusa: Eve...? ...Yui-san...?
I...Hold could I do such a thing to her...ーー
ー Azusa falls to his knees
Kanato: Azusa!?
Azusa: Uu...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry.
Not just to Eve...But to you too, Kanato-san...I’m sorry...
...What have I done...?
Kanato: ...
I was pushed away by Azusa-kun,
and after that...
What exactly happened to me, I wonder? 
Everything faded to black, I’m not quite sure myself. 
All I know is that I could constantly hear Azusa-kun’s sad cries,
echoing inside my head.
I have to go see him right now. 
That desire welled up inside of me.
And then. 
I wish I could tell him straight-up,
that everything will be just fine... ーー
ー Yui opens her eyes
Yui: Ugh...Nn...
Yuma: Oi! Are ya alright!?
Kou: M-neko-chan!? Thank god...You woke up.
Yui: ...Where is Azusa-kun...?
Kou: If you’re looking for Azusa-kun...He’s over there. But he hasn’t been acting like himself this whole time...
Yui: ( Azusa-kun is looking at the ground while crying...? )
( I have...to go to him. )
ー She slowly gets up
Yuma: Wait, are ya sure ya should be gettin’ up all so quickly!?
Yui: Y-Yeah...I’m fine.
You two take care of Ruki-kun, okay...?
ー She stumbles over to Azusa
Azusa: ...Hic...I’m so sorry...All of you...
Eve...Ruki...Kanato-san...Kino-san, you too...
I...What on earth have I gone...Uu...?
Kanato: ...Ah god, could you shut up already?
How many more times do I need to tell you? I don’t know how the others feel, but we’re good.
I’ll even forgive you for standing up to me and trying to kill me. 
So could you stop crying already? It’s annoying.
Azusa: Uu...Uu...But...
Yui: ( ...Ugh... )
Azusa: Eve...?
ー She embraces him
Yui: Don’t worry, Azusa-kun. Everything...will be okay now.
Azusa: B-But...
Yui: ...It’s fine. I’ll forgive you in everyone’s place.
So please dry your tears? I’ll be with you forever...
Azusa: ...
...Yui-san...I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...
ーー The fight came to an end.
Ultimately, with Kino-kun showing up,
both in in front of Kanato-san,
as well as the Kings from the other clans who came to witness the execution,
the situation at the Demon World calmed down.
It was all his fault. 
As soon as the word about this spread,
Ruki-kun and the others were no longer framed as traitors.
I wonder why exactly,
Kino-kun decided to join hands with the Church to get rid of all Demons,
despite being a Vampire himself.
What we discovered while looking into him,
is that he was somehow related,
to Karlheinz-san.
I am sure that it must have been feelings of resentment,
from the fact that he was never acknowledged as his son,
which pushed Kino-kun to do all those things.
If perhaps Kino-kun,
also had someone he shared a strong bond with like the Mukami’s do,
then perhaps all of those horrible events which went down,
would have never happened at all.
Ruki-kun was somehow saved,
and was promoted,
to be Eden’s very own caretaker. 
Azusa-kun and I,
are living here in Eden with the others.
ーー And then.
While I and his brothers were there to witness the event,
Azusa-kun once again gave up his own arm.
Because none other than himself,
wanted to do so.
ーー He shall keep his family safe with his heart.
It would appear,
that those words Ruki-kun spoke to him back then,
have been deeply engraved inside his memory.
ー The scene shifts to the hallway at Eden
Yui: ...
( ...We’ve been through so much. )
( I honestly didn’t think Azusa-kun would decide for himself that he no longer needs his left arm... )
( But...Azusa-kun finally understood. That there’s something he’s capable of. )
Ruki: ...Oi, what are you daydreaming about?
Yui: ...! Ah, my bad...
Yuma: God, you’re as much of a doofus as ever.
Kou: Oh come on, don’t be so harsh on her. We’re nervous as well.
Yuma: ...
Come on, you’re gonna hand this to him, won’t ya? Hold it already.
Yui: ...Are you sure? We chose it all together, didn’t we...? 
Kou: Of course?
You’re the one Azusa-kun loves the most, so I’m sure he’ll be even happier to receive it from you!
Yui: O-Okay...!
*Knock knock* 
Yui: ーー Azusa-kun, I’m coming in, okay?
ー They enter his room
Yui: Azusa-kun, do you have a minute?
Azusa: S-Sure...?
...What’s wrong? You’re all here...
Yui: ...Well, actually...ーー
Yui: Here, for you. It’s a present from all of us.
Azusa: Eh...?
Kou: We picked it out together. Come on, open it!
Yuma: There’s somethin’ really important inside, so don’t ya dare drop it, ‘kay?
Azusa: O-Okay...?
ー Azusa rips open the present
Azusa: ...Eh...?
...Hey. Is this...!?
Ruki: ...It’s a prosthetic arm made especially for you.
You’ve done so much for us up till now. ...So consider it our way to thank you. 
Azusa: ...!
T...Thank you so much. But are you sure...I can have something so wonderful...?
Kou: Ahー God. How many times do we have to tell you? You don’t need to deserve everything in life.
Next time you say that, we might just take this present back, do you understand?
Azusa: ...Y-You can’t do that...
Yuma: Then go ahead and try puttin’ it on. It’d be a shame to leave it in its box forever, no?
Yui: Right. Try attaching it right away?
Azusa: Y-Yeah...!
*Rustle rustle*
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“This time for sure, I’ll grow stronger so I can protect you...Eve, I love you.”
“You’re the only person, I won’t let anyone else have. You are my very own Eve...So I’ll never let go of this hand.”
Azusa: ...Ah...!
...Hey, look. Does it suit me?
Yui: ...Yeah. It’s a perfect fit, Azusa-kun.
Yuma: It doesn’t have any special powers or anythin’, but I’m sure ya prefer this one, don’t ya?
Azusa: Yeah...This is perfect.
After all, to me...It’s a wonderful present, which shows how deeply connected we all are, more than anything else ever could...
Thank you...Everyone. ...Thank you, Ruki.
To you in particular, Ruki...I can’t express my gratitude enough...
When I had lost all hope...I could hear your voice. That’s how I managed to snap back to my senses...
Ruki: Didn’t I tell you? You’re always there to save me.
That’s why...It only makes sense I’d also be there when my younger brother is in a pinch. 
Azusa: ...Yeah.
I’ve got all of you protecting me...Looking after me, don’t I? 
Yui: You do, Azusa-kun. 
Azusa: Hey...Yui-san?
Yui: Hm...?
Azusa: No matter what happens...My love for you will never change...
But...I’m not as powerful as Kanato-san...and I don’t have any money either...
So even if you stay by my side...You won’t be able to wear pretty dresses, and I might not be able to treat you to delicious food either...
But will you stay by my side regardless...?
Yui: Fufu, of course I will.
I honestly could care less about pretty clothes or yummy food.
What is most important to me...is you, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: ...Thank you.
I promise to keep my mind strong... keep you and the others safe from here on out...
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Azusa: So from here on out...Please remain by my side, okay? ...Nn.
ーー THE END ーー
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animeloverinsignia · 2 years
Who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic), talk about them!
Thanks for the question! This might be a bit long so I'll probably talk about them another time but here ya go.
For my top ten favorite characters in no order are Fuegoleon, Yami and Vanessa all tied for my number one favorite spot,
Julius (honestly he's such a good and interesting character, but when I first started watching Black clover I knewww he reminded me of someone and sounded familiar. I realized he shares the same voice actor as Minato Namikaze so that just made it better because to me they're really similar. Toshiyuki Morikawa, their voice actor also voices: Kimimaro (Naruto) ,August Ruthven (Vanitas no Carte), Kagaya Ubuyashikis from (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Carla Tsukinami (Diabolik Lovers), Dante (Devil May Cry), Ugo (Magi).
Mereoleona, Gaja, Asta, Zora, Mimosa, Secre, Lumiere, Finral, Loropechika and Charmy.
(I know this is more than ten so you can call some of them honorable mentions I guess)
Vermilions (they're my favorite family members, literally love them so much, each of their dynamics, the tough love and gentle love they have for one another. Especially that fight with Fuegoleon and Mereoleona against the elves, and the way they just have so much respect for each other I-)
Would love to see them have more interaction with Mimosa. Imagine Mereoleona training Mimosa or Fuegoleon and then Leopold and Mimosa just being teenagers having fun on an adventure.
Would love to see more of Rebecca and her siblings.
Asta and Yuno and their siblings from the church. They're such good brothers and too adorable.
Gauche's love for Marie is kind of endearing thought it's extreme.
Fuegoleon and Nozel (literally love this rivalry and friendship so much. Did y'all see Nozel when Fuegoleon was hurt? This man was ready to throw hands with no warnings. They reminded me of Kakashi and Guy's rivalry even though the characters are so different)
Noelle and Vanessa ( the positive and supportive bond they have just is so wholesome.)
Julius and Yami (low-key reminds me of Minato and Kakashi)
Finral and Vanessa
Magna and Luck
Asta and Yuno
Lumiere and Licht
Would love to see Vanessa and Dominante have more interactions or even add in Dorothy.
Low-key feel like I got cheated with not getting to see Julius and Lumiere gush about magic together.
Would love to see Vanessa and Zora and Fuegoleon. Any two combination of them. I feel like Zora would begrudgingly be like 'Mmm he's alright', when he gets to personally interact with and gains respect for Fuegoleon who's a royal.
Or imagine Zora and Gaja being quiet friends that don't need to talk but understand each other. Or Gaja acting like an older brother figure to him and sighing while pinching the bridge of his nose after watching Zora prank someone.
Listennnn I need to see Julius and Zora interact.
"So this is the Novachrono he talked about." Zora sweatdrops as he watches the man forsake his Wizard King responsibilities.
Romantic or ones I'd think would be interesting to see:
Yami and Vanessa. To be honest when I first started watching Black clover Yami and Charlotte were the first pair I shipped. Now I've kinda switched.
But anyway, I'll post my further thoughts of that in another post.
Continuing, I'd love to see some more interactions between:
Nero and Lumiere (well we know what happened but still, some flashbacks would be appreciated)
Gray and Gauche (imagine Gauche slowly but surely breaking down his walls and getting defensive about Gray and she gradually breaks out of her shell)
Mars and Fana
Gaja and Loropechika ( Y'alll when she broke down, I wanted to personally hug her)
Honestly this was mainly a rough draft so I might expand some more on my thoughts about these at a later time. This is probably more than asked for but at least you're getting some insight into my thoughts I guess. I'm just realizing I wasn't even counting when talking about the relationships. Charl...
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tetsunabouquet · 5 months
Tetsuna's Followers Milentstone Event: The Q&A
Alright, I just checked my follower count and saw I achieved a 202! Thank you so much! I always do a q&a after I hit a certain number of followers so people can get to ask me questions about me if you're curious to get to know me better. I decided to update the list of questions from my previous events. Per usual, any questions asked previously have been replaced with other ones, and so are any questions I answered in other ask games/posts. On top of that usual shtick, I added 20 questions, including ones related to my fanfic projects! 
1 What's your favorite movie? 2 Do you prefer pizza or a burger? 3 What inspires you? 4 Summer or winter? 5 What's your favorite color? 6 Favorite Hyperdimension Neptunia character? 7 What's the last thing you've eaten? 8 Do you have a favorite shampoo brand?  9 Your first kiss? 10 Which popular musician do you find overrated? 11 Do you look more like your mom or your dad? 12 Which friendship dynamic from the Seirin basketball team do you think is underrated? 13 Would you ever want to get married? 14 What do you think is the most underrated ship in the Shadowhunter Chronicles? 15 Do you believe in true love?  16 What is an animal you dream of owning? 17 Do you get angry easily? 18 What are your fears? 19 Which KNB characters would you like to go to karaoke with? 20 What is your favorite fantasy creature? 21 Are you related to a celebrity? 22 Which of your cats is the laziest? 23 Have you ever walked outside completely in the nude? 24 What's your favorite memory? 25 Your number one Vampire Knight husbando? 26 What's something you enjoy learning about? 27 Do you believe in aliens? 28 What's your favorite flower? 29 Favorite neon color? 30 Do you like lemon (as in the fruit flavor)? 31 Who was your first same-sex crush and the beginning of your bisexual experience? 32 If you could own a planet, which would you claim and why? 33 What animal do you look like the most? 34 Which events from Basic Instinct and what you have written of Can’t Stop Falling In Love With You so far, were inspired by your own background? 35 How do you think you'll die? 36 Do you consider yourself romantic? 37 Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? 38 Do you smoke? 39 What’s one of your struggles (neurodivergent related)? 40 Who has the better soundtrack, Shaman King, Hyperdimension Neptunia or KNB? 41 What's your favorite non-animated show? 42 Do you have a dark side? 43 Which ElfQuest character is your favorite? 44 Do you enjoy going to the beach? 45 If you were stuck on an abandoned island, which character from the Shadowhunter Chronicles would you want to be your support buddy? 46 Can any of your cats do tricks? 47 Favorite Shaman King scene? 48 Which Dutch celebrity annoys you the most? 49 What's a pet peeve of yours? 50 What is a trend in pop lyrics you hate? 51 Your favorite Mukami brother? 52 Least favorite tea? 53 Aside from your haunted home, are there any other supernatural phenomena you’ve experienced? 54 You mentioned having 4 cats and that your mom has two, did you grow up with many pets? 55 What do you think is one of the most harmful books in children’s literature? 56 What’s an icky moment from elementary school you’ll never forget? 57 Which scene in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise never fails to make you cry? 58 Favorite Diabolik Lovers crackship? 59 Cringiest female protagonist in the Shadowhunterverse? 60 What’s a random funny fact about your household? 61 Could you tell us the name for TWP book 2? 62 If you were a character in Shaman King, what would your theme song be? 63 How long is your hair? 64 Which TVD character do you think doesn’t deserve the hate? 65 Least favorite AOT ship? 66 What is the Miraculous Ladybug episode you hate the most?⁰ 67 Which clubs did you join when you were in secondary school? 68 What is a book series you enjoy reading for satire purposes? 69 Underrated YA series? 70 Wild card (ask me any question)
0 notes
ashhh-14 · 3 years
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✥ Yuma x Reader [Last Part]
Character's Origin- Diabolik Lovers
Characters- Yuma Mukami, Kou Mukami
Warning- Emotional distress
Genre- ❖->❃
Format- S-oneshot
Word Count- 977
Full series
A/n- And here ends the journey of the series 'Yours'! Requests are still open. Please feel free to request anything you'd like♡
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"Does it hurt a lot love? "
"Happy Birthday (Y/n) "
"I made you your favorite. "
"Promise you'll never leave me? "
" Don't leave me. Angel. "
You woke up with a start and sat up. Only one word came out of your mouth before you dashed out of the door.
You ran down the hallway, memories of your past flashing through your mind as silent tears, tears of regret made their way down the face.
'It's clear now. It's not blurry anymore. I have to find him right.'
Suddenly, you saw Kou walking down the hallway, in his own little world but came to a halt after seeing you running form.
"(Y/n)- Chan! Where are you going in such a hurry? "
His voice was cheerful. That is until his gaze fell down on your tear stained cheeks.
"W-What happened? Why are you crying?" Worry written all over his face, he started stepping towards you.
' I don't have time for this. '
"Where's Yuma? " You looked like a mess right now. Tear stained face, bed headed hair, left in such a hurry that you even forgot to put your slippers on and your ragged breath from all the running didn't help either to improve your looks. But you could care any less about looks right now. All that is running through your mind right now is getting to Yuma as soon as possible.
"Huh? " Kou was definitely taken by surprise at your question because the last thing he expected was for you to ask about him. With your lost memories no less.
" I asked where's Yuma, Kou-Kun!? " The desperation was written clearly all over your face and as soon as Kou came out from his shock, he answered, "H-He's in his garden."
Not waiting to hear his queries any further, you quickly made your way towards the gardens.
Whereas a still shock-struck Kou just realised, " Did they just call him Yuma? "
You finally reached the garden. You stopped, catching your breath and slowly started making your way towards it's entrance. Your tears have dried long ago and as your field of vision of the gardens increased with each step you took.
Your heart practically cried out in pain with just a look of him. There he was, standing in the middle of the gardens in all his glory. Anyone would look at him and say that he's completely fine but with just a look at him right now, you could feel the pain and sadness emitting from him. Specially when you now remembered everything. Remembered the memories together. Remembered him.
He noticed someone staring at him as his eyes tore away from the night sky, meeting your gaze.
Your every ounce of patience and self control to handle your emotions and to not just jump right at him broke the moment your name fell upon his lips.
"(Y/n) "
And there you went, right by his side, hugging his tall frame as your mouth could mumble nothing except for just one phrase.
"I'm sorry."
"(Y/n)? What's wrong? What happened? "
Yuma was confused and worried at the same time seeing you in a state like this.
" I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry to put you in so much pain and suffering. You didn't deserve this. You-"
"Shhh.. Calm down. Calm down and look at me. " He gently cupped your face, making you look up at him, your eyes showing nothing but regret.
You tried to calm your breathing and looked up at him.
"Now tell me what happened. And don't panic. " His voice was as gente as a feather. Just how you remembered. It's always been like this.
You were only able to whisper as the past memories engulfed you.
" I remember. "
"Huh? "
" I remember everything. I remember you. I remember everything we have been through. I remember each and everything that I have been missing till now. Forgive me for being so late. " A bitter smile adored your lips as just one thought ran through your mind.
' How can I forget you for so long? '
Yuma couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. It's means the wait was worth it? You remember everything? You remember him? It would be an understatement to say that Yuma was feeling happy right now.
"Say something. You're scaring me. " Your eyes wide with worry as Yuma just asked one thing.
"Say my name once? "
There it was. The oh-so-familier feeling of butterflies in your belly as Yuma smashed his lips onto yours, both your eyes fluttering shut.
Yuma pulled away, just long enough to whisper, " I love you Angel. "
A year later
A couple stood at the mansion's balcony, cool breeze hitting their skin as their lips parted, a string joining the two.
You took the glass of wine which was sitting on the railing, taking a sip and placing it down while Yuma just watched you with a look of pure adoration and gentleness.
"Yuma?" You asked, looking at him with just as loving look in your eyes as his.
He just hummed, too caught up in looking at you to form a sentence.
"Are you sure that I'm what you want?" He took a step forward, pulling you closer towards his form by your waist.
You tilted your head to the side, a playful look in your eyes. "You won't leave me right? " He just laughed airily, " Of course not Angel. "
"Thennnnn... " You dragged out your words, " Kiss me? "
He complied, " Gladly. " Before gently placing his lips onto yours. Your lips moved in sink, no lust, nothing. Just pure love and affection.
He pulled away, the most beautiful smile you've ever seen adoring his lips as he placed his forehead against yours.
"I'm Yours "
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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Written by Yours Truly
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
You are a melody: lyric-based prompts (Event) (CLOSED)
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"If you were to look back Would you remember it too? The hit song which was always playing In those days." -Kimi wa Melody, AKB48
Hello! I'm Mel, or Melody, and I'm a new writing blog! I put my playlists on shuffle and took some lyrics from the songs I got to make this prompt list event!
How will this event work?
Simple! Send in an ask with the prompt number + a character of any of the fandoms I write for (+ any small extra details if you want)! (for example: number 4 + xiao + gn reader + romantic + fluff)
Fandoms I write for: Genshin Impact, Ensemble Stars, Idolish7, Diabolik Lovers.
A single character per ask! You can request multiple times, but please do it in different asks!
I'll write small scenarios based on the prompts!
This event will probably be open until july 9! Might extend it for a bit or finish it a bit before, it all depends on how many requests for it I get!
**Please read the rules for requesting on my pinned post!!!
Here are the prompts!!
"Long for love even if it hurts every time." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"You pity me, but I pity you more for pitying me." Lovesick Girls - BLACKPINK
"Who will listen to the sound from the bottom of my heart after the end of the world?" 那幕 (Falling Down) - THE8
"The lonely moments just get lonelier the longer you're in love." House of Memories - Panic! at the disco
"Look, the crescent moon is beautiful." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"In this fleeting moment, even if it goes against my fate, today again I pray for you." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Even if we're far apart, I'll keep singing for you with all my love." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"I wish you happiness." Unbalance Shadow - ZOOL
"Just be yourself, what are you so worried about?" HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"There may be no end to our journey of dreams, so let's take a break for today." HOME;RUN - SEVENTEEN
"Happiness has a tiny sorrow to it, wherein we always realize for the first time that it was happiness once we part with it." Happily Ever After - Shoko Nakagawa
"You're like a continuous, honey-like damage to me." Good to Me - SEVENTEEN
"If a second life that's different from now came to me, would I be by your side? Would you be by my side?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"I hope we remember each other even in our next life." Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"Being forgotten is a common thing. Why are those common occurrences rather difficult for me?" Second Life - SEVENTEEN
"It feels like time stopped. Oh, that would be my first death I've been always afraid of." Black Swan - BTS
"Every little moment becomes an eternity." Black Swan - BTS
"I still can't believe I took it all for granted." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"No matter what road I take, they will always lead back to you." Crossroads - GFRIEND
"You've always stayed by my side, didn't you?" Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"There's no need for tears, because you're not alone." Hitorijanai - SEVENTEEN
"What does it mean to be 'yourself'?" Kado wo magaru - Hirate Yurina
"Open up the time where only the two of us can exist." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"If we could see each other with sincerity instead of with eyes, then us meeting on the 13th month will come true." Lilili Yabbay - SEVENTEEN
"Don't apologize, don't worry, don't be afraid, now, stop crying." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"To you, who had a hard day today, I'll tell you: I'm here. You've done well. I love you. Let me hug you." Hug - SEVENTEEN
"Every reason and path is beautiful because of you." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"If we pass the turning point at the end of the road, I will protect you so you won't be worn out anymore." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"Whatever happens to us, let's meet again." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"A shiny light will come in to light up the darkness." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"By sharing the warmth, we can find the way again. No need to be afraid." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"The warmth and warm smiles at the end of the road will protect us from the time quickly passing by us." Us, again - SEVENTEEN
"I despise being ashamed of feeling inferior." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The most sorrowful things is that encounters are regarded as a waste." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"All the crows in the world are black, but they are not heartless." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is neither inferior or superior, crows can fly bravely for love too." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"The happiest thing is no more than a word of comfort." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Giving up, but I'm still willing to keep company." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Fate becomes a burden, sacrificng myself for your safety." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Love is poignant, once destroyed, it will hurt." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Sprinting towards the fire for you, absolutely in love, yet really exhausting." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"Give yourself a chance, to prove that you're actually really beautiful as well." 乌鸦 (Crow) - JUN
"You should have some good news to share, but you haven’t said very much. It makes me feel like I’m to blame for not stopping you back then." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Someday I planned to sweep my memories under the rug. But now I’m seeing you off to your boyfriend’s house." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"As long as the new guy you found is someone kinder than me, there’s nothing I can do. I guess I’ll have to give up." 11gatsu no anklet - AKB48
"Times with you, Just going down the drain. Now I know, they're never coming back." Koigokoro (English Version) - Da-ICE
"I never said I love you, keeping that pain in my heart." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I wonder if you’re humming it, that melody from days long past." Kimi wa melody - AKB48
"I've never been in love before, so you gotta go easy on me." Count on You - Big Time Rush
"I'm glad I've met you. I love you." When the first love ends - Ryo (supercell) ft. Hatsune Miku
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
Hiya, Devin here! I loved getting your asks and getting to know other people better, so I'll be returning the favor. Why is Akudama Drive the main focus of your blog? Who is your favorite Akudama Drive character? Do you write for other fandoms? And what inspired you to write in the first place? Ohhhh, and what are your pronouns if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to answer all of my questions, I'm just curious. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day! :D
YOU'RE SO SWEET OMG I could probably go on and on about Akudama Drive— so this might be long-! I'll highlight the main points as I could absolutely never expect anyone to read through all this nonsense!
The reason it's the focus of my blog is...for a few reasons— I love this anime and I've watched many before Akudama Drive, but it's the first one to make me feel as though I love all of the characters, no matter what. Yes, I absolutely despised Doctor, but in the end I found that I loved that I despised her. It's also a very underrated anime, and it had some content, just not a lot.
Secondly, I'm actually quite a reserved person online, I've roleplayed with others, but usually they approached me! I've never written fanfiction before this blog. It was a long 8 months after me having seen Akudama Drive before I even decided to actually make this blog— I've always loved writing and so I found myself making headcanons for Akudama Drive randomly. Eventually it dawned on me, why not share? Even if no one sees it, someone MIGHT and it'll be a win-win. They get content for an anime that's deprived and I get to write for an anime I love!
My favorite Akudama Drive character is Cutthroat! I'm sure that's obvious though— I tend to like the characters with a very skewed sense of love, along with feminine or childish characteristics....they also tend to be quite the knife wielders like Azusa, Yuri, Juuzou..., But after having made this account, Courier is another character I GREATLY respect. I love him so very much and because so many of my mutuals would request for me to write for him, I grew to fall in love with him despite me overlooking him a little. I still liked him previously for the role he played in the anime though. I was even crying the entire last episode for him... The chase as well because I felt as though what he was doing was something he didn't have to do, yet he did anyways..? It touched me a lot. I also still cry over Swindlers death and I can't hear her voice without feeling some type of way... Okay I'm getting off topic— IM SORRY but Swindler is also another favorite...along with Hacker—
I have also written for other fandom's if you count roleplay! I've roleplayed as Azusa, Kanato, Laito, and Ruki from Diabolik Lovers.....I've even dabbled as Armin at one point from Attack on Titan— And I think I've contemplated writing for Kuroshitsuji....I may have actually and just forgot—
What inspired me to write! Here I'd like to thank my teachers— No, I'm kidding...well they sort of inspired me to continue by telling me I was good at it from a young age, but from then on it's mostly my own ideas. I'm not very talented at a lot of creative things, but writing is something I can sort of do and it's a huge way for me to process my interests or emotions into something. Which is why my content may seem dark. I love horror, but I think it can fit with the theme of Akudama Drive so it doesn't stand out too terribly as idk....making dark fanfiction about My Little Pony would...
And my pronouns are she/her!! Maybe I'll share here that my name is also Chloe!
Again Devin, you're SO SWEET— OMG 😭 Thank you SO much for asking me anything at all, it really means a lot and I'm so happy to find others who also enjoy this anime!
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komori--shoma · 3 years
Shoma Umi Komori.
(I'm sorry if my english is shitty-)
❛A sad soul can kill faster than bacteria.❜
—𝐽𝑜𝒉𝑛 𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑘
⟅☙⟆ Universe ⟅☙⟆
Diabolik Lovers. I plan, however, to take her out of the universe and make her a character of her own. Or maybe I'll just drop it and do both. Who knows?
⟅☙⟆ Full Name ⟅☙⟆
Shoma Umi Komori.
"Shoma" is a Japanese name that means "Woman who seeks the truth, who is not conformist at all."  Her second name, "Umi", is also a Japanese name that means "ocean".
⟅☙⟆ Kanji ⟅☙⟆
シ ョ マ
⟅☙⟆ Nickname ⟅☙⟆
Despite being initially confused by these, as she was not used to it, she was given the nickname "Engel" (which means "Angel" in German) by a family quite close to her.  The nickname was given by the mother and head of the family, since in the eyes of that woman, Shoma is an angel.
Seiji, who was the adoptive father of the girl, called the young woman "Astertea", which is quite a "peculiar" name in the bible.
Yui, with whom she is no longer in contact with Shoma, used to call her "Sho" or "Shomi" affectionately.
⟅☙⟆ Age ⟅☙⟆
She is eighteen years old, although she looks a bit younger.
⟅☙⟆ Gender ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Sexual Orientation ⟅☙⟆
She doesn't know yet. Doesn't really bothers her to know.
⟅☙⟆ Height ⟅☙⟆
160 cm.
⟅☙⟆ Weight ⟅☙⟆
She used to weigh 35 kg., But now she is a proud 64.5 kg.
⟅☙⟆ Blood type ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Status ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Race ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Birthday ⟅☙⟆
June 20th.
⟅☙⟆ Sign ⟅☙⟆
⟅☙⟆ Favorite Color ⟅☙⟆
Light blue and night blue.
⟅☙⟆ Appearance ⟅☙⟆
There is a great before and after in her appearance, and even though she is not shown in her story (at the end of the card), there was the occasional change in her future.
The girl has oculocutaneous albinism, so her skin and hair are snow-white.  Her hair, due to a small "situation", was long, straight and lifeless.  Her hair almost touched her waist, and she basically managed to cover her view.  She is now a cute short hairstyle down to the nape of hers, wavy and neat.
Her skin is very pale and fragile, although now she is somewhat better, before she was simply rough and damaged.  She has several deep burns and scars on this one as well.
The young woman, despite not having very good eyesight, has beautiful eyes of a light blue color, somewhat grayish.
She has a mark on her right leg in the shape of a fox with several stars on it.  It's a pretty special symbol, but she keeps it covered most of the time.
She usually did not wear clothes other than bandages to cover herself, although she still finds old clothes to wear, even though she was a little too big.  Now, she got used to wearing light clothes that cover most of her body;  like jeans, leggings, or long dresses with something underneath.  She doesn't really like to wear short or see-through clothes.
⟅☙⟆ Personality ⟅☙⟆
Many think that she simply doesn't have any kind of emotion. Shoma never shows any kind of expression in public, she is shown with her face up and with a look so cold that she makes it true to her appearance. The young woman is too serious, and depending on the person, it is very difficult to get her out of her typical attitude.
Sho is an elegant little girl, and full of grace despite all her troubles. She will never be friendly enough in front of someone (again, it depends on the person), but she will also not feel uncomfortable or unwelcome unless that is the goal of the little one. Shoma knows that she is able to erase someone from the earth fas if she wishes, but she doesn't abuse that thought, you just have to be careful not to make her angry or touch her too much.  It could be a big mistake.
Still, well ...
She is always alert, so it is very easy for her to get nervous or anxious most of the time.
She can also happen that she cannot do something right (she finds it very difficult to concentrate / think on several occasions, as well as sometimes she finds it difficult to understand what happens around her, etc).  Still, it is something that doesn't happen as much as before, after leaving the aforementioned situation in which she found herself.
She is easily frustrated, and this happens when she recognizes that she has trouble thinking.  It's very easy for her to cry or tear up in frustration (she doesn't do it in public, she refuses to do it, but that only makes it worse).  Also, her coping strategy is simply not talking about her emotions and keeping a straight face all the time.
Still, and even though she very reluctantly accepted help, Sho is willing to change and improve (even if she has to go through hell first).  She has shown to be too cunning for her age and to behave as if she were an adult, and even though she is slowly trying to behave according to her age, she is very difficult for her as well.
Anyway, Shoma can also be a girl who listens to others and is willing to do it regardless of the situation, and she is always there to be a shoulder on which one can cry.  She also tends to have fun when she feels calm around her, being one of the few moments when she feels and acts like a young little girl.
⟅☙⟆ Relatives ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Seiji Komori: Adoptive father.  Currently dead.
⟣ Yui Komori: Adoptive sister.  Currently alive.
⟅☙⟆ Favorite Food ⟅☙⟆
She doesn't have a single specific favorite food, but she definitely likes sweet and simple foods, like grated applesauce and banana, or a fruit salad.
⟅☙⟆ Hoobies ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Shoma likes to make paintings with her hands.  She serves to entertain him and clear her mind.
⟣ She also likes to make crowns with different types of flowers, even some bracelets and necklaces.
⟣ She has a certain fascination for mathematics and literature, so it is normal to see her do either of the two when she is bored.  The problem is when she has a hard time doing a difficult exercise.
⟣ She Likes to play decorating and decision-making video games. She likes to decorate and combine, so it is normal for her as a hobby to do the odd combination in video games, or in a room.
⟣ It may not count as a hobby, but Shoma loves to watch an episode of a series that she likes or a movie many times to imitate the lines, as if it were some kind of dubbing attempt.
⟅☙⟆ Occupation ⟅☙⟆
None, she doesn't consider herself a student, even if she studies at home.
⟅☙⟆ Relationships ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Seiji Komori, adoptive father.
She did not have a good relationship with him no matter how hard she tried at the time.  It was too obvious the favoritism that he had with Yui, and how she always stayed in the shadow of the blonde.  Despite trying to be like Yui, he could never have any kind of acceptance with her father.
⟣ Yui Komori, adoptive sister.
He adored her with her soul. Yui was Shoma's heroine, and she always tried to follow her example despite her unruly attitude as a child.  The elder Komori was Shoma's world, and he simply wanted to be with her all the time.
Things have changed now. She can't even look at her. The disgust and hatred that he has for that now young woman is simply immense. And believe it when I say she tries; she tries too hard to forget so many things that caused this feeling, but she just can't.
⟣ Yvonne Beauchene, the right hand.
Shoma's only trusted person alongside her family.  Yvonne was Shoma's guardian from the day he arrived at the church, although she had some problems because of it, and that is the reason why she had to leave, but surely nothing bad could happen, right?
⟅☙⟆ Likes ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Despite not having tasted it in recent years, she liked (and still remembers the taste of it, so she still likes) Yvonne's orange tarts a lot.  She used to do them when Seiji was not at home for her, Yui and Shoma.
⟣ She loves music, especially the one that doesn't have any type of letter and is only a beautiful and hypnotizing melody. Her favorite, and also Yvonne's, is "The Vampire Masquerade", which is the melody which Yvonne met her husband.
⟣ Regarding the above, she usually daydreams many times with music in the background and she likes that (because the real world sucks and it is her only way out of the stress and anxiety that she feels most of the time). She sometimes even draws or paints those scenarios that are formed in her head.
⟣ As said before, she likes to play decorating and decision-making video games.  Also, despite having the face of wanting some horror games (these make her heart race and sometimes she has panic attacks), she prefers Animal Crossing by a lot.
⟣ Loves snakes (which are not poisonous), cats and dogs.  Snakes are very good company, and cats and dogs are responsible for keeping her calm.
⟅☙⟆ Dislikes ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Despite having been seen surviving based on it, she does not like meat very much.  Of course, she can bear it, she even likes some (very few) meat dishes !, but there are certain types of meat that remind him too much of ... well, her own meat.
⟣ Obviously, she can't stand going to churches or things related to religion.  She gets too anxious and nervous.
⟣ Her body and mind literally rejects any kind of physical affection if she doesn't know the person very well or doesn't trust them. It's no surprise, considering her personality.  Very few people are lucky enough to even put a hand on her shoulder and not get hurt (Shoma doesn't do it on purpose).
⟅☙⟆ Fears and Phobias ⟅☙⟆
⟣ Somniphobia: fear of sleeping.
Oneirophobia, somniphobia, clinophobia or hypnophobia is an irrational and excessive fear of the act of sleeping.  People who suffer from it enter a state of panic caused by the fear that while they are sleeping something terrible will happen to them, such as the possibility of stopping breathing or that they will never wake up, even knowing that there is no threat, but  they stay awake, presenting insomnia.  Some people who have this phobia associate going to bed with death.
In some cases, panic is unleashed by the belief that the dreams that will be had when sleeping are actually delusions and these will favor falling into a state of permanent madness.  This type of phobia generates a great deal of stress and significant physical and mental deterioration, so it is not uncommon for many people to end up suffering from hallucinations, a fact that further aggravates this type of phobia: fear of sleeping.
Shoma cannot sleep because various things used to happen during these.  She remembers well once a nun (then she disappeared without a trace) entered her room and hanged her, almost killing her if it weren't for Yui screaming for help.
⟣ Theophobia: fear of religion.
Theophobia is the fear or aversion to religion or the gods, and being more common among people who are raised in an environment of iron religiosity.  Theophobia can express itself as fear, aversion, anger, or other negative emotion towards religious practices.  In some cases, the theophobic representation can categorize the deity as an arbitrary totalitarian dictator or, conversely, as unworthy of worship.
It is common among people who suffer from theophobia to avoid religious texts, houses of worship (churches, mosques, synagogues ...) and even the parishioners of a religion.
The young woman lived in a church for years and was not treated as "a daughter of God", but as "an aberration of satan" by her father and certain nuns.  She causes him so much fear that, if there really is a god, she has abandoned her for "not being worthy".  Many things together caused this irrational fear of religion in general.
⟣ Hafephobia: fear of being touched.
Hafephobia is a specific phobic disorder (unlike agoraphobia or social phobia) that causes great suffering in the person who suffers from it.
It is an irrational fear of great intensity that manifests itself when the individual suffering from the phobia comes into physical contact with other people and is touched.  It produces a series of cognitive, physiological or behavioral responses, among which extreme anxiety and the attempt to avoid the feared stimulus to reduce the unpleasant sensation stand out.
Shoma, of course, is working on this and for now she's doing very well, but if she's some stranger, she isn't going to allow herself to be touched or touched by another individual. She is so afraid that every touch will turn into a blow or something to harm her.
⟣ Atazagoraphobia: fear of forgetting.
Atazagoraphobia is the excessive fear of forgetting, which includes both the fear of forgetting and the fear of being forgotten or replaced by others.  Despite the fact that it is a common sensation, atazagoraphobia has been little described in scientific language.  In fact, it has been more pointed out by philosophers and writers who speak of atazagoraphobia as the fear of eternal anonymity.
Shoma was literally forgotten or ignored from a young age, and she doesn't want to go through it again. She doesn't want to feel so cold again that she can't breathe properly or move. She can't, she doesn't want to...
⟅☙⟆ Headcannon Voice ⟅☙⟆
Mia Rodríguez.
⟅☙⟆ Skills ⟅☙⟆
⟣ She is impressively good with knives and razors.  She usually uses them for cooking.
⟣ Literally she can imitate many voices, even male ones.  She uses it to make jokes or for some plan (to get some dessert) that she has in mind.
⟣ She is becoming more and more independent, and that is why she is getting very good at cooking.  She even manages to focus on that rather than other things.
⟅☙⟆ Extra ⟅☙⟆
⟣ She has undiagnosed “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”.
⟣ She tends to bite her arm or bite her nails if she is very anxious.
⟣ It is difficult for her to accept some changes in her life, but she manages to adapt step by step.
⟣ She likes to play with Yvonne's family, August, her husband, being Shoma's favorite.
⟣ She is considerably innocent of the world around her, but at the same time, she isn't.  She is aware that the world revolves around that filthy green paper, and she is very clever with it.  She knows that her "condition" and her situation may be a weak point, but it is for that reason that she is also careful who she hangs out with.
⟅☙⟆ History ⟅☙⟆
Shoma arrived at the doors of the Komori family church on May 22, 2001, with only a note that said "My name is Shoma, Mom and Dad can no longer take care of me," just three weeks after I was born. She was greeted by one of the local sisters, a favorite of the owner and leader of that church, Seiji Komori. The latter named was not on that cold night, with the snow falling slowly in that beautiful place, so the same sister took care of the girl in his absence.
A girl with blond hair and pink eyes like the petals of a cherry tree approached said sister, curious by the cries that began to be heard.  Seeing her up close, and seeing that beautiful celestial gaze, the seven-year-old girl took the girl in her arms (with the permission of her sister), and did not leave her during that night until the next day. It was no surprise to the sister that her crying stopped as soon as the young Komori began to gently cradle her in her arms.
Still, from the moment Seiji arrived, he knew that something was wrong with the girl, that she was "not human", and that he probably knew whose "gift" it was.  Shoma was unwelcome, and he couldn't show her that in public, not with Yui close to her. Also, the plan deviated. No, he isn't supposed to have two daughters, and she is supposed to be just one more orphan, but the young blonde girl already called her "Shoma Umi Komori", and that could be ... Something dangerous for him.  Obviously, the orders for Shoma to come to his office were not long in coming as soon as he was two years old.
What Shoma saw in her supposed father's room was sealed in her mind, and nothing else. Every time Shoma was called to her father's office, her heart raced because she knew something bad was going to happen.  Every time that happened it was because she Shoma found out more and more that she was going to happen to every sixteen, maybe seventeen-year-old on certain dates. It was because Shoma knew too much about her, and if he couldn't make her forget everything she had seen, then she would silence her to her grave.  Every time Shoma gained courage and told Yui, she was scolded for inventing such things, and she would see her father again for "breaking her promise" to him.
The only one who managed to believe her is the same sister who received her the day Shoma arrived there, although that same sister would get a serious face everytime Sho told her that, she never had to see her father when she told Yvonne.
But, one day, Seiji went a bit far with the punishments, and let the fury just blind him, even if he didn't even regret it afterwards.  Seeing Shoma talk to someone... Important, once this man left the church it just infuriated him. That man's smile when he stopped talking to her and saw him in the eye was not good news at all.  That night, everyone heard the screams of a three-year-old girl resound throughout the establishment, and she was found in the middle of the hall with a desperate Seiji, saying that she had been playing with a poker and that she tripped, with it smacking part of her face.
Shoma began to startle every time someone moved near her, every time someone placed her hand on some part of her body, or when they called her, or when they approached her. She didn't separate from Yui or the sister she trusted so much, and even though it started to be annoying for Yui as she grew older, there were very few times when she was really rude to Shoma due to the fatigue of having her on her back every day three seconds, but they just didn't help Shoma with her fear of being alone, either with Seiji, or with certain nuns. The sister who had her trust steadfastly refused to leave her alone if she wasn't with Yui, although it was only because she slipped out of sight once.
Things escalated to the worse on December 12, 2006, at exactly a quarter past two in the morning.  It was precisely an exhausting day for the girl, because the nun who was taking care of her and her sister had to leave due to family problems, or so they told her.
The albino-haired girl couldn't sleep due to some nightmares, even though she had become very habitual.  The young woman began to hear murmurs and footsteps outside the room that she shared with Yui, and she could make out her father's voice.  She could make out her desperate tone from her ... And, strangely, anger.
Carefully, she got out of her bed without making any noise, but following a little voice in her head, she took the camera that belonged to the blonde that was a gift from her only trusted caregiver, and opened  slowly the door.  Her father had locked himself in her office, and she could hear someone else's voice.  On tiptoe, he approached the door ajar, and looked behind it.  Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the body of one of the older girls on the ground, tied up and with blood pouring from her head.  That memory is somewhat blurry, but it remembers very well various parts of the conversation between her father and a man with long hair.  She took photos, and to her surprise, they did not have flash, and the photos came out perfectly ... That woman had many strange objects.
Once she finished, she turned, intending to leave, but one of the nuns spotted her, yelling to warn Seiji. Shoma wasted no time running and closing in on her sister's room, which she was awakened by her scream. Shoma told her everything quickly, leaving the photos to hide them, and the little girl didn't hesitate long to jump out the window (it was not the first time that she did that out of boredom), and she ran away from there.  Still, the nun had gone ahead, and it wasn't long to be just a few steps away from her with her father's poker, part of them burning. 
She remembers her sister with hatred seeing it all in horror and just standing there with the camera in her hands, shaking, to simply turn and turn her back on him.
In the blink of an eye, she was dragged by her hair by her "father" and other nuns, and before she had a chance to run away, the girl was thrown into the basement, away from other people, away from Yui, away from  everyone.  She tried to get out, scream, but no one ever came.
Nobody, nobody at all...
And here ends her story.  The young woman, thanks to her curiosity, sealed her fate.  She was destined to die in that place, even if she didn't want that, alone and starving, not knowing if Yui or someone would remember her...
But they say that there is always someone who takes care of us somewhere, right?  Even if she has no hope... Maybe there really is someone, even without her knowing it.
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dialoversotaka · 4 years
【Diabolik Lovers】 lyrics: 「Count Off 」
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Hey guys!!! I’m back, finally! (not like, definitively though, I’m probably just gonna toss this out and disappear again for months haha) anyway, I come with more lyrics! This time, it’s 9th anniversary’s “Count Off”! Man, let me tell you, that was a tough one... i understood the deep meaning of it, but i can’t really explain it... also, I’m not sure everything’s correct... I feel like I lost my mojo after all this time haha... anyway, I got the kanji from Iwasaki-san’s twitter thanks to @vampiretsuki​ and the rest thanks to my bro @akumacaron​ for finding it! Well, tell me if you see any mistakes! Enjoy! :3 lil’ joke though: towards the end, i was like :*“shut this moon” intesifies* hahaha
Kino (キノ) - Maeno Tomoaki (前野 智昭)
「目覚めた時。。。 君が、いなかった。」
「も う一度、眠ろう。」
Shut This Moonー
逆流する感じ Hollow (Hollow)
Shut This Moonー
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
体中の火が逆中する兆(きざ)し Hollow (Hollow)
Shut This Moonー
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
笑顔になれるさ  きっと、ねぇ
「My Scar... 」
「死こそ... 知る。」
「 Death Knows Everything. 」
Hollow, hollow, hollow
夢を見てる  冬のままに流れた (Brand new night)
僕らは (Waiting for day)
*sucking sounds*
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
Shut this Moon, Shut This Moon
Shut This Moon, SHUT THIS MOON
“Mezameta toki… kimi ga inakatta.”
“Mou ichido, nemurou.”
Shut this moon -
Miageta tsuki kara ichijiku no mi ga ze, koboreta 
Koe wo hariagete 
Nodomoto ni tsumekonda 
Karada-chū no chi ga 
Gyakuryū suru kanji hollow (hollow)
Tsugihagi ja imi ga nai 
Wasureyou to suru tabi ni omoidashite 
Kimi no iki wa sugu soko 
Shut this moon - 
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
Sutendogarasu wo kowarou yo, ne
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
Daremoga hirefusu made, ima 
Kowareta sora kara 
Kanashimi no me o sodateta 
Ame o ayashitara tsuchikure ni modorunda 
Karada-chu no hi ga 
Gyaku naka suru kizashi hollow (hollow) 
Ikarete ja shōganai 
Shinjiyou to suru tabi ni uragirarete 
Boku no yoru wa naiteru 
Shut this moon -
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
Dare mo ajiwatta koto ga nai, ne 
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
Egao ni nareru sa, kitto ne 
“My scar...”
“Shi koso... shiru.”
“Death knows everything.”
Hollow, hollow, hollow 
Yume o miteru fuyu no mama ni 
Nagareta (brand new night) 
Bokura wa (waiting for day) 
Iho no hito kimi ga warau 
*sucking sounds*
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
Yakusoku no ji made ikou yo, ne 
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
Atarashī yoake he to, ima
Shut this Moon, Shut This Moon
Shut This Moon, SHUT THIS MOON
"The moment I woke up... you weren’t there.”
"Let’s sleep once again.”
Shut this moon -
A fig fell out
Of the moon I looked up at
Raising up the voice 
That was stuck in my throat
It feels like all the blood in my body
Is flowing backwards and I’m hollow (hollow)
There is no point in patching it up
Every time I try to forget, I end up remembering
Your breath is right there
Shut this moon -
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
Hey, let’s break the stained glass
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
Until everyone bows down, now
From the broken sky,
Buds of sadness sprouted
After the rain calms down, 
It returns to the soil
The fire inside me is showing 
Signs of going into a frenzy, hollow (hollow)
I can’t help but go mad
Every time I trusted, I was betrayed
I cry in my nights
Shut this moon - 
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
No one has tasted it, you know?
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
I’m sure you can smile, right?
“My scar... “
"Death... surely knows it.”
"Death knows everything.”
Hollow, hollow, hollow
Dreaming, a brand new night flowed as Winter 
We are waiting for the day
An immoral person, you’re laughing 
*sucking sounds*
(One) LOVE (Two) LOST
(Three) NIGHT (Four) FAKE
(Five) NAME (Six) RAIN
Let’s go to the promised land, shall we?
(Three) LIGHT (Four) MAKE
(Five) GAME (Six) PAIN
Now, to a new dawn
Shut this moon, shut this moon
Shut this moon, SHUT THIS MOON
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I don't even remember Reiji crying in dark fate but its been a while since I played. Do you remember over what or what part? I believe you I just want to know
// DL LE spoilers
like i said in the original post, i made a complete list of when and why they all cry, and where those numbers come from. it's here. i'll explain it under the cut.
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this scene is in Lost Eden Maniac Epilogue, after Reiji gave Yui to the vibora clan. this post here records and translates specifically the part where he cries.
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cognitivefunk · 4 years
Yaaay, I finally finished this request for @maryiii006  I’m sorry it took a couple weeks, I hit a writer’s block so I hope it’s ok~~ Title: Only Look at Me Fandom: Diabolik Lovers Pairing: Shu Sakamaki x Yui Komori Rating: Explicit (smut) Warnings: One sided-affection (side character), smut, oral sex, character death but it’s very ‘read between the lines’/off screen if you will Word Count: 3,350
It had been a little over a month since the two of them had moved out to the countryside. Shu decided it would be best to live in quiet surroundings alongside Yui, unburdened by his brothers or by the noise pollution of busy city life. Ever since he had opened his heart to her, he wanted nothing more than to be by her side, and for her to be by his. Just the thought of being apart got under his skin. It was all the better to do so under the refuge of nature, with the sound of the steam by their modest house and the soothing sounds of nature being their only company.
Be that as it may, Yui wanted something to busy herself with, as they embarked on their life together. She was flustered at the thought of being alone with the vampire at first, since it would be like they were living as a married couple. She wondered if perhaps one day that would be possible, for them to have a little ceremony, but she was happy to be with him regardless. And so began a new chapter of uncharted territory for the pair.
Yui kept to a nocturnal schedule for Shu’s sake, and picked up an evening shift at a small rural clinic. She mentored under the doctor there as an assistant, alongside another girl similar in age by the name of Aoife. She never explicitly asked, but the red haired, freckled woman seemed similar in age to Yui. The doctor was a strange man with dark hair and bags under his grey eyes that never seemed to lighten. He wore thick framed glasses that distracted from the tired features of his face. The man wasn’t particularly old, but the constant lack of sleep defined his face.
Yui organized the glass jars of various herbs and medical tools. The clinic had more of an apothecary vibe than a modern medical office. “Yui, could you brew another pot of coffee please?” a rich baritone voice asked from behind the younger woman and she stood up, brushing her skirt as she did so. “Sure thing!” she responded cheerfully. Most of her tasks at the clinic involved cleaning, organizing, and brewing the coffee since she had no real medical training. Aoife typically handled a lot of the patient intake information but she was running late, leaving Yui alone with the doctor for a few hours.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the clinic, which gave the woman a sense of comfort. She poured a mug and brought it over to where the doctor, who was sitting in his chair going over some paperwork. He lifted his eyes toward her when she handed him the mug and took it into his hands, intentionally grazing his fingers over hers and letting them linger for a moment too long. Yui retracted her hands and turned to busy herself with more work but the man reached out to grab her by the wrist.
“Yui…why don’t you help me with some of this work?” he spoke low, pulling her closer to him, moving his hand to place firmly on her hip. “I don’t really know how to do any of that, maybe you should wait until Aoife comes back?” Yui offered, trying to maintain politeness despite her discomfort. She figured the doctor was just being friendly; at least that’s what she was hoping for.
“You’re right,” he stated, setting his glasses on the table beside them. He stood, his hand still on Yui’s hip as he guided her to the exam table and prompted her to sit on the piece of equipment. “Paperwork is Aoife’s job after all,” there was an unnerving cheerfulness in his voice as he spoke, “Instead, I’ll teach you how to do a proper examination instead.” He circled around the young woman, loosening the tie around his neck slightly before lightly brushing his fingers across her exposed thigh. The blonde gulped nervously, but went along with his whim for the time being, still giving him the benefit of the doubt, despite her growing suspicions on the situation.
“Let’s start with a physical,” the doctor turned around, grabbing a wooden tongue suppressor from one of the glass jars beside the metal table. “Say ‘aaaah’,” he ordered, and Yui opened her mouth widely, sticking her tongue out as she followed his order. “Good girl,” he muttered, pressing the stick against her tongue and peering into her mouth. A small smirk spread across his face before he pressed the suppressor further back against her tongue, causing her to gag and pull away. He tsked and tossed the wooden stick into the waste bin beside them. “We’ll have to work on that gag reflex of yours, it’s far too sensitive,” he replied cryptically when Yui gave him a questioning look. “But your mouth is nice and healthy. A lovely color, in fact…”
“Thank you?” Yui wasn’t sure how to respond to that statement, and goosebumps were starting to prick against her skin. Something didn’t feel quite right, and she found herself glancing over at the clock, wondering if her female partner would arrive soon. Her shift was ending soon and she wanted to go home. The older man’s hands were on her neck, feeling around her jaw and lymph nodes at first, but his fingers soon started to caress her throat, gliding up to swipe a thumb over her lower lip. “You’re very beautiful, Yui.”
The blonde swallowed hard, eliciting a look of excitement on the doctor’s face, as he felt the motion of her throat under his fingers. “I, I think I should go for today sir.” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to come back, knowing that the man was interested in her. She wondered how Shu would react if he knew what had happened here. She knew he would be able to smell his scent on her skin.
The doctor leaned forward, intending to capture her lips for his own, but Yui turned her head when she saw him moving toward her, causing his lips to brush against her hair before he tightened his grip on her. “Don’t play coy with me, I know you want this,” he spoke against her ear and she shut her eyes tightly, murmuring a soft, “No,” before bracing herself for his retaliation when suddenly she felt him move away from her abruptly and a pained cry reached her ears.
“Hey, dirtbag, get your hands off of her,” Shu had shoved the man to the ground, situating himself in front of Yui, shielding her from the doctor as he got to his feet. “Yui, who is this?” the man asked, eyeing the vampire with suspicion as he prepared himself to square off with Shu, unaware of the power difference the two of them truly had.
“This is Shu, he’s my uh—“
“Yui is my betrothed,” the blonde vampire said coolly, “I came to bring her home since she was running late. To think she was wrapped up in something like this…” there was an obvious annoyance in his voice as he glanced back at her. A blush crossed her cheeks at the word betrothed, and a smile started to spread across Shu’s face, but his gaze was soon back on the other man, as the doctor had attempted to take a swing at him. Shu caught his arm with ease, twisting it so that his shoulder joint dislocated, earning another pained cry from the assailant.
“Yui, do you really want to be with such a ruffian? I could provide a happy life for you,” the doctor attempted to reason with her, but she recoiled, frowning at the man as he worked on replacing his shoulder back to its rightful place. A nasty snarl distorted his features at her silent denial of his advances and he grabbed a scalpel from the drawer next to his desk.  
“Close your eyes Yui,” the vampire growled out, and she shut her eyes immediately, instinctively covering her ears in the process. “Please don’t kill him,” she pleaded with Shu, but didn’t dare open her eyes. She could still hear the muffled groan as Shu brought his foot down on the doctor’s gut before he leaned down to grab him by the throat.
“Don’t you ever touch her again, do you hear me? She’s mine. Consider yourself lucky she’s even here right now, or I wouldn’t hesitate to end your miserable existence,” his words were dangerous as Shu held the doctor in the air by his throat, letting him claw at his hand in an attempt to escape his grasp. He kept his jaw clenched, as he peered into the man’s eyes, his pupils constricted like that of a predator. His self-control was waning, as he contemplated ending the man’s life then and there when the ring of the door caught his attention. Glancing behind his shoulder, he met the gaze of a young woman as he stood in the middle of the clinic still holding the doctor by his neck.
Emerald eyes took in the situation before her. Aoife looked to the right, seeing Yui sitting on the examination table with her eyes closed and her hands over her ears. Then to the left, where the doctor was quickly losing breath, judging by the blue that was beginning to tint his fingertips and the edges of his face. The scalpel had fallen to the floor in the scuffle. She smiled at the vampire serenely, “I think you should take Yui home. It’s time for my shift, so I’ll clean up this mess.” Her words were gentle, but there was a palpable energy that rolled off of her, signifying the weight of her words. .Shu dropped the man to the floor, watching him gasp for air for a moment before he turned to pick up Yui from the table and walk out of the clinic. “Tch, it’s not worth my time.”
He held her bridal style, walking in silence as he walked down the path toward their home. He was glad they were a distance away when he heard the curdled scream of the doctor followed by a nearly deafening silence. Yui had opened her eyes when she felt his arms wrap around her, and she held onto his neck, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Thank you, Shu…” she said softly, still quite shaken from the event. He didn’t reply right away, however, his jaw only clenched in response. Once they made it back to the house, he set her down on the bed and looked her over, making sure she was alright before speaking.
“Why didn’t you fight back?” he asked, a pained expression scrunched his eyebrows, and he leaned his forehead against hers, his intense gaze peering into hers. “I don’t know, I just froze,” Yui responded, and Shu searched her eyes for any sign of dishonesty before he sighed and kissed the side of her jaw, leaving a trail of kisses over her skin. “I was scared and thought someone would walk in and he would stop.”
“Then I’m glad I came in when I did,” he spoke gently, but there was still an edge of anger in his gaze. “So you really didn’t like him, right?” There was a pleading look in his eyes, as he searched her face. “Of course not, I just didn’t know how to handle the situation. You saw him, he grabbed a knife,” she reasoned, shivering at the thought.
“Don’t think about him. I’m tired of it already.” Yui bit her lip, fidgeting her hands together in her lap. “I’ll erase him from your skin,” he murmured, running his hands over the places where the doctor had caressed Yui, followed by his lips. He worked his way down her neck, then back up to her lips. Yui sighed into the kiss, relaxing into her beloved’s touch. Her eyes fluttered shut, but then Shu pulled back. “Don’t close your eyes this time,” he pressed his lips against hers once more, pulling away only to speak. “Look only at me, Yui. I won’t let anyone else touch you.”
Yui kept her eyes open, her pink irises glittered with emotion as she kissed Shu back, feeling slightly awkward staring into his eyes as they kissed. His fingers found their way to her lap, interlacing his fingers with hers as he deepened the kiss. His tongue ran along her lower lip, asking for entrance, which was granted when she tilted her head and parted her lips. She let him explore her, tasting her sweetness on his tongue.
“Nnn,” she moaned into the kiss, which was far more intense than usual due to the fervent eye contact. She could see the lust burning in his eyes, replacing the anxiety that was there before. “Look only at me…” he repeated again, his gaze piercing into hers in a standoff between cerulean and rose. “I don’t want you to look at any other men, Yui. I don’t want to let you out of my sight ever again,” he cupped Yui’s cheek after freeing his hand from hers, his cool touch leaving a trail of heat where her body yearned for him.
“If you feel that way, I can resign so I can be closer to you,” Yui answered his unspoken question; she could tell he was truly worried for her wellbeing. But he was also acting jealous over the misunderstanding from the one-sided affection of the doctor. She gently tucked a piece of hair behind Shu’s ear and cupped his cheek in return.
“Did you really mean it? When you said…betrothed?” she asked, remembering the way he protected her earlier that night. A blush darkened on her cheeks, and she waited for his response as her heartbeat quickened in her chest. Shu looked taken back for a moment, but he swiftly recovered with a soft smile. “It is,” he paused, suddenly looking bashful. “If you want it to be, that is…”
A sudden bloom of love burst through Yui’s chest, filling her with excitement. “Of course!” she closed her eyes to smile, overwhelmed with happiness in that moment. “Hey, I told you to look at me,” the vampire teased, holding her close to his body. “I want to see your face, your eyes, all of you…I guess I’ll just have to punish you.”
Yui was about to question what he meant by that when she felt his fangs sink into her neck. “Aaah, Shu!!” she exclaimed, grabbing onto his shoulder while he drank from her. He groaned against her neck, moving his hands to undo her blouse, pushing the offending fabric off of her shoulders before pulling back enough to speak. “You’re sweeter than usual today,” he breathed against her skin, trailing down to her breast, undoing her bra and tossing it to the side. He sunk his fangs into the supple mound, eliciting a low moan from the woman.
Shu chuckled against her breast, using his tongue to flick over the sensitive flesh while he rolled a nipple between his index finger and thumb, pinching and pulling while he looked up at her. He had a sinful look on his face, and it made Yui clench subconsciously, arousal stirring in her belly. “Shu..” her fingers wound into his hair, pulling gently on his messy locks. He let go of her breast with an almost animalistic moan, his eyes wild with lust as he pushed her back against the bed.
He slid down her body, pulling her skirt down, along with her underwear, grinning up at her from his place settled between her legs. “Keep your eyes on me, Yui. I want you to watch me while I do this to you. Hm? Pull on my hair if you need to, but keep your eyes on me. That’s it,” he spoke in his rich honeyed voice, descending onto her core with his mouth. Yui trembled under him, using both of her hands to hold onto his head by tangling her fingers into his hair. Her gaze wavered, but she did her best to keep eye contact whilst he pleasured her. His tongue lapped up the length of her wet heat, settling to circle around her swelling bud as she tugged his hair, eliciting several groans from him.
His piercing blue gaze never wavered from hers as he worked his magic on her pussy, using his fingers to spread her open, gaining more access to her heat. She cried out as he tongue fucked her, her lips trembling as desire threatened to swallow her whole. “Shu, I need you now. Please, please, please,” she started to beg, her legs shaking next to his head as he lifted his body to mount his lover.
“You want me?” he teased, rubbing his length up and down her aching pussy, waiting for her to say something in response. “Shu!!” she cried out, hands shooting up to cover her face. “Ah, ah, none of that,” he swatted her hands away, tilting her chin toward him with his free hand. “Tell me that you want me,” he breathed, chuckling at the cute way she blushed and tried to avert her gaze.
“Please, I want you so much Shu. I want you inside me, I want you to take me—“ she was cut off as he sank into her heat, their moans mixing together as they joined as one. “Yui…you’re always so tight,” he spoke through gritted teeth, hissing at the tight heat that surrounded him. “I love you so much,” he leaned down onto his forearms, giving him access to kiss her trembling lips as he buried himself inside of her.
“I love you too, Shu,” she spoke between kisses, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He shifted to use one hand to angle her hips up before driving back into her at a deeper position. “Fuck…Yui.” He watched her face as she started to come undone, her shyness melting into lust as her face relaxed into their shared pleasure. She kissed him, watching the way his eyebrows knit together, the way he hissed and groaned when he thrust his hips against hers.
“I’m so, ahhn, close,” she moaned against him, writhing her hips against his, their rhythm becoming sloppier with their impending climax on the horizon. “Me too, let’s finish together ok?” He sat back on his legs for better leverage, and Yui wrapped her legs tighter around his waist as he gripped her hips, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. Their cries of pleasure filled the room alongside the creaking of the bed as they reached orgasm one after the other. Yui’s legs collapsed to the bed whilst Shu continued a few shallow thrusts, emptying his seed into her waiting womb.
Shu finally pulled out, lying down beside Yui before pulling her into his arms, cradling her head against his chest and placing soft kisses onto her hair. “I don’t ever want to be apart. I never want to see you in that position ever again. I never want to be in a position where I can’t protect you, Yui.”
He pet her hair as he spoke, her breathing slowing against his chest as she relaxed into him. She reached up to hold the side of his face once again, “I’m not going anywhere, Shu. I love you, and I want to be with you always. We’ll figure it out together, so don’t worry ok? You saved me today, and that’s all that matters to me right now.”
Shu let out a hum of agreement, tightening his grip on her before letting out a yawn. They could hear the early sounds of morning as the birds outside chirped outside the window. “Nn, damn. I’m so tired, let’s sleep for a while, just like this ok?” he nuzzled his face against her soft hair, relaxing his arms around her as she cuddled closer to his chest, wrapping one arm around his waist, allowing them to fall asleep wrapped up in one another.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Reiji Ecstasy [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in an abandoned building
Kino: ...In other words, the Vampire King unfortunately has not accepted our deal.
Moreso, he even refused to show up himself and sent some of his underlings to deliver the message instead. 
Seiji: ...!
Seiji: I suppose there’s no point in trying to threaten savage monsters. 
Kino: Hahー... Oh come on, calm down. For now, I believe the Sakamaki brothers might still prove to be useful to us in one way or another. 
So I suggest we keep them alive for now...and I’ll keep an eye on them. 
Seiji: Do as you please. ...So, how is my daughter doing? 
Kino: Seems like she was sent to the Vibora clan.
Seiji: Come again?
Kino: According to the Ravens’ investigation, the Vibora want to form an alliance with the Vampires. 
However, it’d be risky to have Eve be in the hands of the Vampire King who already possesses an immense amount of power, no?
Therefore, they offered a trade-off in which Eve would be handed over to the Vibora in return. 
Seiji: ...I see. In that case...
ー Seiji gets up
Kino: ...You’re going straight away?
Seiji: You’ll lend me a hand as well, won’t you? 
Kino: ...As you wish. 
ー The scene shifts to the big hall in Eden
Yuma: Oi, oi...This shit is still goin’ on? Won’t somethin’ bad happen if this continues? 
Ruki: ...Haah. I thought it was only a matter of time until it would stop, but I suppose we are putting the cart before the horse. 
In other words, allowing Sakamaki Reiji to run rampant any longer is not ideal.
Yuma: Hahー All these fuckers just keep on doin’ as they pelase...Like where the heck did Kou and Azusa run off to!?
They don’t even bother to send a Familiar to keep us updated...Let’s just hope they’re not doin’ anythin’ stupid. 
Ruki: Yes. I am afraid of that as well. ...Hm?
*Flap flap*
Ruki: Speak of the devil, let’s hope...? 
*Flap flap flap*
Yuma: ...Haah? The Vibora’s castle...is under attack? By who!? And they’ve been nearly completely defeated? 
Ruki: Did the information about their alliance with the Vampire clan get leaked somehow? In which case, it could be the Wolf or Adler Clan...
Yuma: Anyway, shouldn’t we be worried ‘bout her? For example, she could be caught up in this mess as we speak...
Ruki: It is highly likely that the opponent will use the situation to their advantage and that she has fallen victim to this.  Either they dragged her away, or alternatively...
ー Reiji approaches them
Reiji: What I heard just now...Is it the truth?
Ruki: ...As long as the Familiars aren’t lying to us. 
Reiji: Kuh...
ー He walks away
Yuma: Oi, where are ya goin’? Don’t tell me you’re gonna get her back now?
Reiji: ...
Yuma: Oi, Ruki. Aren’t ya gonna stop him? 
Ruki: ...No. I do not need to say anything. 
Reiji: ...I suppose you will laugh at what a fool I am. 
‘He calls those who let emotions sway their decisions fools, yet look at him now’...that is how I feel as well. 
Ruki: ...What I want is a righteous head to this castle, no God or ‘Adam’. 
Reiji: ...But would that not go against Father’s will?
Ruki: I strongly believe that he was one of a kind...and that the World is better off without such an individual. 
Reiji: What do you mean?
Ruki: Someone who does not allow himself to open up to anyone, and keeps their feelings neutral at all times...It’s simply tragic, don’t you think?
Now that I have discovered the true face of those who are considered ‘God’, I doubt I could ever...serve such an individual again.
In that case, I would much rather side with someone like you who follows their heart, rather than take orders from a God whose mindset is a mystery to me.
Reiji: ...Thank you very much. 
ー Reiji leaves
Yuma: ...I don’t really understand any of this but I’ll get goin’ as well. 
Pretty sure that Eden will continue to cry if we stay here and do nothin’. 
Ruki: Yes...I’m counting on you. 
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Reiji: Let us keep our distance for now and scout out the situation. 
Yuma: Ahー ...They’re seriously gettin’ their ass kicked. 
Reiji: It appears that they have been relentlessly attacking the building...Hm?
ー They hear footsteps in the vicinity
Yuma: That’s...Oi, do ya smell that too?
Reiji: Yes. It’s a human’s scent. However, why would a human be over here...?
Yuma: Look at him boastin’ that gun...This guy screams trouble. 
Reiji: That’s a Rosary...
Could it be that the Church are the ones responsible for taking down the Vibora’s Castle? 
Yuma: Haah? Can humans even pull that off?
Reiji: The Church is working together with a mysterious individual who goes by the name of Kino. 
Yuma: Yeah...We met him in person over in the human world, but this Kino dude is a Vampire, ya know?
Reiji: A Vampire? ...What could his reasoning be?
Yuma: Beats me. He did strike me as kind of an outcast tho? 
Reiji: ...Well, I suppose it does not matter. In which case, is it possible that Kino has taken her to the human world? 
Yuma: Heeh? Wouldn’t that be for the best? I mean, it’s safer than bein’ over here at least, no?
Reiji: Do you truly think that? A woman who has ties with demonic beings would be considered a witch in the human world. 
Witches have been oppressed and shunned since the olden days.
And at present...I have no doubt that she would be considered one. 
Yuma: ...That sounds like trouble. 
Reiji: We have no time to waste. 
Yuma: Fuck! Let’s hurry to the human world for now.
*Flap flap flap*
Yuma: Hm? That’s Ruki’s Familiar...?
Kou and Azusa are over at our house in the human world!? The fuck’s goin’ on!?
Reiji: ...Let us make haste!
Yuma: Hah!? Oi!
Reiji: We will find Yui there as well! I am positive that Azusa has...!
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom in the Mukami manor
Yui: ( I wonder...What’s going down in the Demon World right now? )
( I wouldn’t be surprised if trouble arose because I ran away from the Vibora’s castle. )
( ...I willingly escaped to the human world, yet I can’t stop thinking about it...I really shouldn’t. )
( I wonder what I exactly want to do? )
ー Kou and Azusa burst into the room
Kou: M-neko-chan, are you here?
Yui: Yeah. Is something wrong? 
Azusa: The gate in the underground opened...And we’re pretty sure someone will come through it. 
Yui: Eeh!?
Kou: It could be the Vibora in pursuit of you. So hide for now! 
Yui: ( That’s easier said than done... )
Azusa: We have no time...Can you get underneath the bed...?
Yui: S-Sure!
ー She hides underneath the bed
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: We’ll definitely keep you safe, no matter who the opponent may be!
Azusa: Rest assured, Eve...!
Reiji: Yui! Are you there!?
Yui: ( Eh...? Could it be...!? )
ー Yui crawls from underneath the bed
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: ...So this is where you’ve been.
ー Reiji embraces her
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“It is that kind heart of yours, willing to trust, forgive and accept me no matter what I may have done, which has saved me so many times....”
“I was once again reminded...of just how vital of a role you play in my life. ...I love you.”
Reiji: Thank god...
Yui: Why...?
( Did he come to get me perhaps...? )
Reiji: I’m so glad knowing you’re safe...
Yui: ...Why...!? 
( Why were you so cold? Why did you leave me behind? Why did you come looking for me? )
( And why, are you holding me in your arms? )
( So many feelings are welling up inside of me at once...! )
Reiji: Aren’t you going to scorn me for what I did?
Yui: ...I figured you must have surely had a reason for what you did. 
Reiji: ...You truly are so...!
Yui: ...May I ask for that reason? 
Reiji: ...I am sure that anything I could say at this point will only sound like I’m making excuses for myself.
Yui: That’s fine. ...Please share your thoughts with me. 
Reiji: ...
While it is but a hypothesis, I believe I have come to a conclusion as to how I can control these powers. 
To achieve said goal, it was necessary for me to give up on all of my feelings and attain the status of an emotionless, indifferent God.
Yui: Eh...?
Reiji: In other words, I thought that leaving you...was the right path for me to take. 
I was convinced that as long as I did not cut our ties, even by force if necessary, I would never be able to free myself of all emotion...So I acted upon that.
However, that was a mistake on my part. There was just no way...I would ever be able to cope with it. 
I have come to realize...That there is something much more important to me than these powers...And that something, is you.
Yui: Reiji-san...
Reiji: I truly am sorry. Not once in my life have I thought of myself as so utterly stupid as I do right now.
I must have surely hurt you...by pushing you away and toying with your feelings. 
Yui: ( ...He’s drenched in sweat. This isn’t like him. )
( He must have desperately rushed over here...All for my sake. I can assume that, right...? )
( In that case, I... )
Reiji: ...Could you please forgive me for what I’ve done? 
Yui: Of course...!
Reiji: ...Yui. 
Reiji: I will never let you go again. ...I promise, I will never give you up...
ー He kisses her
Reiji: ...
Yui: Nn...
Reiji: ...Nnh...
Yui: ( ...Hold up, could it be...? )
Kou: Ahーah. They’re really rubbing it in our faces, huh? 
Yuma: Get a room already...
Azusa: Eve...She looks so happy...
Yui: !
Yui: ( Everyone was looking...! )
Reiji: ...You lot, perhaps you could show some respect and not stand there watching? 
Yuma: Nah. We don’t want any shit to happen at our house, so we’ll make sure to keep an eye on ya two.
Kou: Exactly! I’m pretty sure Ruki-kun will lose it if something happens. 
Azusa: Right...Was Ruki angry...? 
Yuma: Yeah. I was as well, obviously. But honestly, we were relieved when we got the message from the Familiar. 
Kou: Sorry for acting without permission. 
Yuma: Under normal circumstances I’d give ya two a good ‘ol scoldin’ but this time it was actually the best possible outcome. 
Kou: Huh? Really? 
Reiji: Yes. The Vibora’s castle is currently on the brink of being completely annihilated. 
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: While their reasonings are not clear yet...It appears that the Church has wiped out the Vibora Clan. 
Yui: No way...
Yuma: Ya would have been in deep shit if ya were at the castle still. Ya can bet yer ass that they would have taken ya with them. 
Azusa: I see...Thank god, really...
Reiji: While I am in no position to say this, thank you very much. 
Azusa: Don’t mention it. ...We knew that you love Eve. 
Yui: A-Azusa-kun, you don’t need to...
Reiji: ...I owe you one. Well then, about the matter at hand.
Yuma: Yeah, what are we gonna do? I mean, I guess she’s safe as long as she’s here at our place...
Reiji: I think it is safe to assume that the Church caught rumor of her being at the Vibora castle and therefore decided to launch an attack to steal her away.
However, once they discover that Yui is not at the castle, they will most likely assume that she is with us and begin to fervently search through the Demon World.
Therefore, I do believe that it is in our best interest to remain here for now. 
Kou: Makes sense. But I’m worried about Ruki-kun. Will he be alright by himself at Eden...?
Yuma: For now, let’s send a Familiar his way to update him on the situation.
Azusa: Yeah...We don’t know what will happen to the Sakamaki’s either.
Yuma: Good point. If they don’t get their hands on Eve soon, who knows what they’ll do to them? 
Reiji: Yes. At the same time, a fairly troublesome ‘card’ seems to be in their hands. 
However...I will no longer hesitate. I will choose what I personally believe to be the correct path. 
Translation notes
(1) The ‘Ravens’ is the name of a group of Ghouls led by Kino. I’m sure they show up in other routes and might be explained in more detail there, but this is my first playthrough of the game as well, so for now I have very little information on them myself. 
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House of the Damned Chapter One: BLOOD AFFAIR
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Summary: Lust is neither love nor passion, it is but a starving beast driven mad by thirst and unyielding desire. A natural hunger akin to flame. As a daughter of the Church, a trial of purity is thrust upon you when a series of events leads you to live in a manor with six vampire brothers who are eager to possess you and claim their birthright as the strongest of the bat clan descended from Vlad.
Pairing: Taemin X Female Reader, SuperM X Female Reader
Genre: Vampire romance, Diabolik Lovers Crossover
Word Count: 7.2k+
Warning: Use of foul language and scenes with non consensual circumstances  
Authors Note: Most dialogue in this story is from the Diabolik Lovers game Haunted Dark Bridal Translated by maichiruhanabira and used with permission. It is not all my original work and will follow the DL game story with some extended or altered scenes. For original content read my other works, this work will be a side project since I am a fan of the game. If you are unfamiliar with Diabolik Lovers then I hope you enjoy surprise aspects of the plot. 
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“Once beloved of mine, I never possessed you and yet you still haunt me.
Your absence stirs a great longing within me unquenchable by time.
Should fate take you from me again and into the shadow of another man’s arms I shall end this cruel existence. 
I curse destined prophecy, I curse you in your winter’s grave.
Heartless temptress, mistress divine, your crimson kiss is now a distant shadow dancing across hot desert sands.”
You woke from your strange dream and the alluring voice that accompanied it in a haze as the car bumped along the uneven roads leading you deeper into the middle of nowhere. Since landing on the soil of Emberwater you’d asked residents of the small town for directions to Hawthorn Hill and every time they’d waved you away saying that the estate had been vacant for years or that the place was haunted. Finally, you’d found one old woman who’d been a little too willing to help at last. Her eyes had been glossed over and you realized then that she was blind. She’d told you that her son would be happy to drive you to the estate free of charge to which you graciously accepted.
You hadn’t placed much stock in the townfolk’s superstitions until you saw the manor from your window at last. This may be a mistake indeed. What could Father be thinking sending me off to stay in a place like this? Is this really where my relatives live?
You still remembered the look on your father’s face just two days before as he hurriedly packed not only his bags but yours as well, stuffing things here and there frantically as if he was running away from someone. 
“I don’t understand why I can’t go with you to Europe, Father? What will happen to the church when you leave? You’ve only just come back from your last overseas trip, please don’t leave me again!” You could feel the tears forming in your eyes and you wiped them away angrily.
“Honey, don’t cry we’ve been over this.” His voice was surprisingly stern and it unsettled you further. He was always so gentle with you and his behavior now really set you on edge. “While I’m gone I’ll be passing on Church affairs to pastor Remiel. This job is simply one I cannot decline, they have requested that I go personally and in the meantime, you will be off at a nice private school and staying with distant relations of mine, the family is an old companion of the Church.”
“Which relations?” You asked.
“I haven’t told you about them since we are rather estranged, they are quite aristocratic but they will take care of you.” He said, running a hand through his graying hair and looking more tired than ever. “It’s painful for me to leave you as well but please try to understand my position. I go where the Lord tells me and you my daughter know better than to go against his will.” 
He came closer then and kissed your forehead. His eyes fell to the delicate silver crucifix embedded with pink sapphires that lay around your neck. He’d given it to you at birth, ‘a prized Church heirloom made of blessed silver’ he’d said when you had asked him long ago if it had belonged to your dead mother. “Finish packing, you leave tomorrow night.” He said, before giving you a final hug and walking out the front door with his suitcase.
As you approached this pompous estate now, you were half-filled with awe and more than a little bit of hesitation. You thanked the old woman’s son for driving you so far and started walking up the path, duffel bag in hand. The manor was quite large and elegant in the way that a royal castle would be you supposed if the castle was one from a horror movie or gothic novel. Vines with small orange roses covered the yellow-painted brick in a pleasing fashion but you couldn’t shake the eerie atmosphere and dark windows that seemed to send a chill throughout your body. 
Perhaps it only looks this way at night? You thought hopefully. Just then a loud crash of thunder boomed, making you jump. It began to pour so heavily then that even though you ran the rest of the way to the overhang you were already wet. You lifted the heavy brass knocker and pounded on the door.
“Excuse me?” You yelled when there was no answer. The storm must have muffled any sounds you made. Or maybe the rumors were true about the manor being haunted and you should just leave. But surely father wouldn’t send me to a haunted manor. The Church would never wish one of its members to be associated with such an unholy place. 
Just then the door creaked open on its own and you wished for the thousandth time on your journey that your father had just taken you with him. But thinking rationally the door couldn’t have opened by itself, perhaps someone was hiding behind it?
“Excuse me!” You shouted again, even louder this time, “Is anyone home? My father pastor Gabriel, he must have told you I’d be arriving.” When there was still no answer you stepped into the manor and closed the heavy door behind you. No way could this door be unhinged by just the wind. You dropped your bag on the floor and entered the foyer. No one was there but the manor did seem lived in at least. You rubbed the cold away from your limbs as you explored deeper. 
The hall was clean but dim, lit only by a few candelabras that you passed as you walked into the living room. You marveled at the plush red carpet and sofas as well as the tall ceiling, there was a grand staircase as well but what really caught your eye was the roaring fireplace. You hurried to it and dried off as best you could. This is getting a bit freaky no one is here. 
You reached for your phone but another flash of lightning made you jump and it slid from your hands. In that single burst of light you could have sworn you saw the shadow of a person lounging on one of the sofas but perhaps it was just your mind playing tricks on you. You moved to grab your phone only to find you were not mistaken. There was a person laying on the sofa fast asleep. You must have missed him in the darkness but you’d been certain you were alone.
“U-um… E-excuse me?”  You said, hesitant to wake him. The boy continued sleeping so you went on a bit louder, “I’d like to speak to the owner?”
When he didn’t answer you again you moved to touch his pale hand only to find it incredibly cold. You moved closer and waved your hand in front of his nose and felt nothing. He was so still his chest didn’t even rise and fall. Is he dead! You thought with alarm, your heart began to race frantically and painfully. You knelt on the floor beside the sofa and clutched at your chest. These attacks were happening more and more frequently and you knew it was best for your health if you didn’t freak out. There was a ringing in your ears like a voice repeatedly calling out for help. You breathed in and out trying to slow your racing heart. 
You started to dial an ambulance for the boy when suddenly his eyes flashed open and his hand grabbed your wrist to stop you. You screamed loudly in surprise and tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. 
“Shut up.” He said, turning his steely gaze on you.
“Excuse me! Let go now!” You shouted and tried to pull away again. He tilted his head and looked at you from head to toe curiously.
“What’s with you squealing in my ear?” He said sitting up on the sofa. 
“But just a minute ago…” You said trailing off.
“Just a minute ago what?” He said with a small amused smile. “I was just sleeping comfortably in my own house. Is that a crime?
“J-just sleeping? But… I’m certain you were…”
“I was what?” The boy asked in a mocking tone, he leaned in closer. His eyes were a startling green and before you realized it he had pulled you by the waist onto the sofa and was towering over you, one hand gripping both of your wrists over your head against the pillows.
“Hey what are you doing! You said, wriggling beneath him, “Let go of me!”
“Damn, you’re noisy. It was you who suddenly broke into my house. What are you doing in a place like this?” He said, bringing his face closer to yours. “Are you a magnet for trouble? Is that it? A moth drawn to flame?” 
“No! I’m not, I was supposed to come he-.”
“I’m hungry,” He said resting a finger from his free hand over your lips to silence you. “There’s nothing like getting a feast right when you wake up,” he said with a laugh that made your stomach lurch. 
“Don’t touch me!” You said, trying to squirm away but his knees locked you down.
“You’re some pretty energetic prey aren’t you? Stop struggling, just be a little… quieter.” He said as he began to unbutton the collar of your blouse.
“Please, God help me!” You shouted.
Suddenly all the lights in the living room came on startling you both. You noticed the ornate chandelier above you for the first time, it’s flames twinkling and reflecting against the glasses of the man who had entered the living room. The boy above you narrowed his eyes, seemingly annoyed. 
“What is all this clamor? I hope you have a sensible reason for causing so much ruckus and disrupting my reading, Mark.”
“Ah, Ten, it’s you.” Mark said with a glare.
You used that moment to pull away from the strange boy and ran over to the man. 
“Please help me!” 
“Hm? And you are?” The man pushed up his glasses as he surveyed you with a look that seemed both annoyed and disgusted. You gave your name hesitantly, you weren’t sure if you preferred his gaze to the boy, Mark or not. From their features you could clearly tell they were related, they shared the same sparkle to their eyes and lint of the chin but on all other accounts, they appeared quite different.
 “Mark, how many times have I told you to keep your conquests to your private rooms.” Ten said.
“I Am not a conquest!” You said angrily. “I came here because my Father told me i’d be staying here from now on!” You said it as clearly and unwavering as you could, relieved that at least some of your confidence was coming back to you. 
“Is that so? I know nothing of these arrangements.” Ten said, narrowing his eyes, he looked to Mark for an explanation. “Mark, what is the meaning of this?”
“Like hell should I know! You didn’t say anything about that earlier, Breastless!”
“Well, you suddenly attacked me and told me to shut up, and… wait, ‘Breastless’?” 
“Yes, dummy, it’s 'cause you don’t have any tits,” Mark said with a smile. 
“How dare you!” You shouted, your face turning bright red. 
Ten cleared his throat, and ran a hand through his black hair, “Well, there clearly is some error and you were misinformed.” 
“Oh, what do we have here?” Said another voice. You looked across the room to find yet another attractive face. His hair was bright red, he was sitting on the banister of the grand staircase. His eyes were alight with mischief as he slid down the banister and embraced you.
“Hey!” You said startled.
“Is there really a cute human girl in our living room?” The red-haired boy said. He stood in front of you and brought your hand to his lips, tipping his black hat as he did so. “Hello, pleased to meet you, Little Bitch.” You gasped in surprise as he proceeded to lick your earlobe!
“Taeyong, really now. For a woman you’ve only just met, wouldn’t you say that was a bit insolent?” Ten said crossing his arms. 
“Aha Ten you’re as stiff as always. Isn’t this fine? I was just getting a quick taste of a delicious-looking girl.” Taeyong said, licking his lips. You glared at him, taking in the eyebrow piercing on the left side of his face. If it weren’t for the ornamentation and bright hair you would have said he looked almost innocent in appearance although his actions said otherwise. 
“Shit, I’ll kill you, bastard,” Mark said, stepping toward Taeyong. “Fucking spitting on Breastless before me!” 
Taeyong’s laugh was more of a giggle like the chiming of bells. When he’d finally stopped he said, “You’ve got to claim your food with spit before your barbaric brothers do, hmm? Otherwise, they’ll eat it all up. Isn’t that right, Baekhyun?”
Another boy just as pale as the rest walked up beside you from the shadows. His purple cotton-candy like hair gave him a youthful appearance, He looked to be as old as you but for some reason, he clutched a teddy bear in his hands. A creepy bear at that, you thought. It may have been cute once but it seemed worn out in places now and very discolored, it even had an eyepatch and you wondered if it was just for style like some pirate or had the bear really lost an eye? Baekhyun’s eyes themselves were filled with excitement as he came closer to you and said in a childlike voice, “Please let me have a lick too. Don’t move, okay?” He wasn’t really asking for permission you realized for in the next instant you felt his tongue along your ear, wet and ticklish.
You made an odd sort of squeaking noise as you tilted your head away from him. What was wrong with these boys.
“Mm.” Baekhyun said noisily, clutching his teddy tighter against his chest. “She’s sweet… It’s rare to find a tasty one amidst all those dirty humans, isn’t it?”
“What?” You said in an exasperated voice, you were tired and confused of this little game they all seemed to be playing with you. 
“Hey, what is a girl doing here anyway?” Baekhyun asked. 
 “Isn’t she tonight’s side dish?” Taeyong said, licking his lips again. 
 “Dumbasses. Don’t go thinking she’s your “side dish” 'cause she’s mine. After all, ‘Yours Truly’ found her first.” Mark said laughing again.  
 “Oh?” Ten said in an imperious tone as he looked at Mark. “That may be so, however you failed to taste her first.”
“Fuck you, Ten! Stop saying unnecessary things!”
“Pathetic.” Ten said, shaking his head. 
Listening to this banter was worse than the licking you thought and just when you had accepted that things couldn’t get worse for you yet another voice entered the scene. 
“Oi, Lucas, come on out!” Mark said. 
Lucas it seemed had just appeared into the living room you had no idea where he’d come from. It was all just further proof that you needed to get away from this house and fast. 
“No wonder I thought I smelled a human. It was you.” Lucas said, his voice was deep and every word was quite sharp. “My sleep was interrupted thanks to you and your stench.” He said, his glare directed on you. “What’s even going on?” 
When you didn’t respond Lucas yelled, “Speak, don’t ignore me!” His fist pounded against the coffee table and made you jump in surprise. 
“Ahh my little bro’s as hot-blooded as usual,” Taeyong said. 
“Shut up, you year-round slut!” Lucas shouted at Taeyong. “I don’t consider you my older brother at all.”
“This is making me mad. Baekhyun said in a considerably serious tone that set you more on edge than the child-like one. “If you don’t stop with this needless talking, I’ll mangle you, okay?”
“Heh. I’d like to see you try it, Lucas sneered. His blue hair was disheveled and dare you say it, mangy as if his rage had grown roots. What are you gonna do with that tiny body, pipsqueak?”
“Ugh… Look at that, Teddy.” Baekhyun said in an offended voice. “This guy will be our next prey.”
“Please be reasonable,” Ten told you sternly. As much as I try to be gentle with you, my patience can only last so long. I’d like to say they can cook and boil you as they see fit but I cannot tolerate letting my foolish younger brothers compete for you in my clean living room. Now, first of all, please tell us how you managed to stumble upon this place.”
“Well... That is… because I..” Your voice shook as you spoke. It seemed your brain was at last catching up to the mess you were in. 
“What’s this, Breastless? Are you trembling?” Mark asked.
“Aha… You really are cute like this,” Taeyong said drawing close again. “Now I’d really love to eat you.”
Mark laughed. “Your teeth are chattering. We really frighten you that much, huh.”
“O-of course I am frightened! I’m in such a strange place and I can’t understand any of you at all!” You said. 
“What don’t you understand? Mark asked. We’re easy to understand, aren’t we?” He said, looking at Taeyong.
“Well, the rest of us are probably not as easy to read as Mark, right?” Taeyong said, a teasing lilt in his voice.
“Now, now, please don’t interrupt. Ten said, rubbing his forehead. “This conversation is not progressing in the slightest. I truly will lose my temper if this doesn’t shape up.” He turned to you and said, “You aren’t so frightened that you cannot speak, yes? So hurry and explain your situation.” He said the words slowly as if you were dumb. “Unless you’d rather I strike you with my whip?”
“This is all some big mistake,” you said backing away. I’ll just excuse myself. I’m sorry for coming in so late and imposing.” If I don’t leave soon they may do something worse. They really don’t seem to be joking about enjoying my discomfort.
“Hold up.” Mark called out from across the room and in the next instant he was right beside you! It was as if he’d teleported. “You can’t just leave, stay here.”
“I agree,” Taeyong said immediately. “It’s ridiculously troublesome when this house only has men living in it. If Little Bitch stayed here well maybe it’d bring a little bit of elegance into our lives.” Taeyong gave you a charming smile that sent you into a panic.
“I refuse!” you said before bolting for the door. There was nothing else to do at this point but run. 
“Oi! Wait!” You heard Mark shout behind you. As if you’d stay here and be their plaything! Before now you would have said ghosts and haunted houses were just legends but after seeing Mark just ‘appear’ beside you and after all of those strange encounters in this sinister house, you believed that it was indeed haunted. You’d made it all the way to the foyer before you heard another voice. 
“You’re so fussy, it’s tiresome,” The voice whispered. As if from smoke a man appeared right in front of your path. 
“Are you also with those other people in the next room?” You asked, barely suppressing the desire to roll your eyes at yet another person? Phantom?  Blocking your path. 
“‘With those other people’...  Being told something like that is exceedingly upsetting.” He said, his voice was much more enjoyable to listen to than the others you thought. It was languid and reminded you of a lazy stream. Soothing and yet refined.
“Well? Are you?” You asked again. When he stepped into the light you saw that his light blue sweater matched the blue of his eyes; serene waters both stoic and cold. You shook your head to clear it, damn these beautiful faces were distracting.
  “If I had to describe my relationship with them,” He said finally, “I’d say we share an undesirable but inseparable link to one another. Are you the woman that guy was talking about?” He asked. 
“'That guy’?” You repeated confused.
“Oi, Taemin!” Oh no just what I need now.“You know something about her?” Mark said coming beside him.
“Maybe,” Taemin said.
“Don’t ‘maybe’ me. I would like a full explanation,” Mark demanded.
“That guy, he contacted me the other day. ‘A new housemate will be coming to live with you, so get along nicely with her’ or something along those lines,” Taemin said dismissively waving them all away with his hand. He pulled out a pair of headphones that were attached to the black choker around his neck and went to recline on a sofa.
“So then, Breastless is just another prospective bride from the Church.” Mark said.
“No wonder, this is bullcrap.” Lucas said huffily.
“She’s more of a sacrificial lamb than a bride.” Taeyong said, moving to nibble at your ear, when you tried to get away he whispered, “Isn’t that right, Little Bitch?” 
Ten cleared his throat. “It appears that this is not a mistake after all.”
“Y-you’re kidding!” You said, looking at Ten imploringly. 
“Stupid. What would be the use of lying to you?” Mark said.
“I’m not a bride! I’m not marrying anyone! I have no idea what you’re talking about but this is all very strange! My father is an official from the Church, and for them to send me here…”
 “Isn’t it fine, being sent here by the Church?” Taemin asked as he took in your shocked expression. 
“What about that is 'strange?’” Baekhyun asked in that child-like voice again. 
“That would mean my father knew all about you guys and you’re all so strange.”
“What about us is?” Mark asked.
“Well…” You tried to think of a way to say in the nicest possible way that they were creeps and your father would never want you near any of them but before you could utter a word Taemin said, “Because we’re vampires?”
“What! Vampires?” You exclaimed. 
“Ugh. He went and spoiled it.” Mark said, sounding completely annoyed once more. 
“Spoiled it? Wait, I don’t really understand what you’re saying,” You said and you prayed silently that this was just another nightmare and perhaps you’d gone to the hospital due to heart failure and this was all your imagination. 
“It’s just as Taemin said. We are part of the vampire species. The bat clan, descendants of Vlad.” Baekhyun stated seriously.
“That must be a lie! Vampires? That can’t be true…” Phantoms were one thing but you couldn’t handle this. 
“It’s rather inconsiderate for you to insist that we’re lying to you.” Ten said, “Mark has already said this, but there is no reason for us to lie to a lowly human.”
“But!” Your mind was racing now. Of course, the explanation did make sense. There was the shadow apparating, the flawless features, and the pale cold skin. The Lifeless body of before and their melodic voices. Yes, it all made sense. 
“Now, now, Little Bitch,” Taeyong said in that ever so charming way of his. “You just don’t want to admit it, right? That beings as superior as us exist?”
“I don’t care if she believes it or not, she’s still annoying and loud,” Lucas said.
Whatever they said, you needed to call your father and ask him yourself. You reached for your phone but found your pocket empty.
Mark held your phone out to you, “Oi, looking for this?” Mark said, waving it in the air above your head just out of reach. 
 “That’s mine! You yelled exasperated. “Please give it back to me!”
 “Or what?” Mark said with a laugh. He continued to wave it over your head.
“Come on! Enough!” You screamed. 
“What’s with that attitude? I kindly picked it up for you. Is that how you thank me? Mark said.
“Mark, hand me that.” Lucas said. 
“I said, hand it over,” Lucas reached over and grabbed the phone from Mark.
“Wait, what do you think you’re doing!” You scream but it was too late.
“I’m doing this!” Lucas said, before crushing your phone in his fist. 
“You’ve been so annoying ever since you got here,” Lucas said, letting the phone drop to the floor.
“You bastard!” You shouted. How would you call for help now?
“Now, now, Little Bitch,” Taeyong said. “From now on, you’re going to be friends with us creatures of the night. So there’s no need for boorish things like cell phones. Right?”
“Who do you guys think you are!” You said as you bent down to pick up the remains of your cell phone.
“So,” Baekhyun said as he stroked his Teddy bear, “Are you going to leave this place?” 
“That should be obvious.” You replied.
“Oh, I see. Well, that’s perfect, then.” Baekhyun said. 
“Perfect?” You asked wearily.
“I’ve been very hungry for a little while now.” Baekhyun continued.
“So what?” You said, hoping to stall for time to escape and keep him talking.
“You really are a fool, aren’t you? It can only mean one thing when a vampire says he’s hungry and I do love a good chase.” And with that Baekhyun pushed you to the ground teddy bear and all. For such a small figure he had a lot of strength, most of it supernatural of course you realized. You tried to move from beneath him but he would not budge.
          “Your blood smells so tasty and sweet,” Baekhyun said giggling like a child. His fangs prodded at your neck and you shuddered as you felt the tips brush against your skin. “I’ll drink it all without leaving a single drop behind. Okay?” His self imposed stupor was all you needed as you took just that moment before he would feed on you to move your hand to your chest. 
“Stop!” You yelled, whipping your rosary out and using it as if it were a shield.
“Huh?” Was Baekhyun’s only reply. 
Meanwhile, Taeyong was just about rolling on the floor laughing. “Little Bitch… you’re amusing! You carry a rosary with you?” He said between giggles.
“She seems to believe in the more archaic methods. Ten said. “Quite foolish, I must say.”
“But, vampires shouldn’t be able to tolerate crucifixes, garlic, or holy water…” Your voice trailed off at the look on their faces. 
“What kind of fairy tale did you get that from? That’s stupid,” Mark said. 
“I don’t want to hear that from someone who looks like a fairy tale character!” You shouted back. 
“This is making me mad,” Baekhyun said again with a whine. He looked as if he was about to throw a tantrum. “My food is right in front of me but the dining table is getting chaotic. Why are you doing this?” He said.
“Your food! Don’t say terrible things like that! I’m a human being!”
“This is tiresome,” Taemin said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Baekhyun said that because humans are treats for us. Didn’t they lick you already?” Taemin said. 
“I can’t accept that vampires exist!” You said quite stubbornly. 
“Mm… That’s kind of sad. Little Bitch,” said Taeyong. “The only way to make you believe us is by doing this.” He leaned into your neck and you shouted, “I get it now, so just wait a minute!”
“Don’t wanna,” Taeyong said, running his tongue along your throat and collarbone.
“You say that, but… m-my blood is not that cheap!” You said, trying to work out a strategy that would buy you time. “Because I-I want to choose who… gets to drink my blood!”
“Heh?” Mark said in surprise. 
Perhaps I shouldn’t have said that but it was the only thing I could think to say. 
“That is quite displeasing. Ten said, pulling up his glasses again. “I have no clue what kind of blood you might have, but aren’t you behaving just like a high-class prostitute?”
“This is stupid. I’m out. You guys do whatever you want.” Lucas said with a huff.
“Oh!” Mark exclaimed. “A dropout already?”
“The human’s manners are deplorable,” Ten said, looking down at you. “It has been quite a while since I’ve had a woman this undisciplined.” 
“Lavender's blue, dilly dilly, lavender's green, When I am king, dilly dilly, you shall be queen.” Baekhyun sang the folk song in a hauntingly beautiful voice before saying in his serious tone, “Hey… Teddy. If she doesn’t pick me, let’s both cut her to pieces, okay?”
“This has gotten interesting,” Mark said with a smile. “Naturally, you’ll pick Your’s Truly, right? It should be obvious.”
 “Little Bitch, Taeyong murmured. “If you don’t pick me… you’ll definitely regret it later.”
“Whatever.” Taemin said with a tired sigh. “Just end this silly game already.” 
I only suggested this in the spur of the moment, but now… what should I do?
You looked at Taemin then, listening to his headphones again trying to block out Baekhyun and Taeyong’s chatter. He seemed safer than the rest; you didn’t quite know if that was the best word for him but when those blue eyes caught your stare you said, “I choose Taemin.”
“What a pain.” He whispered before closing his eyes.
Taemin seemed lazy compared to the others, somehow he felt more normal to you and yet, well what was normal for a vampire? 
“Ngh, why him? You’ve got terrible taste, Breastless!” Mark exclaimed.
“You know, he’s not usually motivated to do anything, and I do mean anything,” Taeyong said moving his hips suggestively.
“Quiet.” Taemin told him, to you he said. “Well, I don’t mind having a nice meal come to me without having to do anything. But,” He said, eyes narrowing. “If you want me to suck your blood you’ll have to offer your neck to me yourself.”
Your cheeks reddened. Right, normal. This will work out in my favor.
“Everyone listen up.” Taemin said, “If you want to touch her, well, go right ahead. But you can’t kill her.”
“Huh? We can’t? Why not?” Baekhyun asked. 
“Like I know,” Taemin replied. “That guy is the one who said it. ‘Treat your guest with respect’.”
“You really should have said so sooner!” You said.
“Too troublesome.” 
 “T-troublesome.”  You echoed. He really was very lazy, you realized. 
“What’s that bastard thinking? Why do we have to treat this lame human girl with respect?” Mark said. 
“There might be some meaning to it. Maybe that person is planning something,” Taeyong said.
“Like what?” Baekhyun asked him incredulously. What could such a plain girl have?”
“Who knows?” Taeyong said with a sigh. “I can’t ever understand what that guy is thinking at all.”
“You’ve lost me again.” You said, feeling confused once more.
“Shut up, Breastless. Mark said, “This is our family’s problem.”
Who was “that guy” was he the person with connections to the Church that Father told me about? 
“Anyway,” Taemin said, bringing them all back to the initial topic. “That’s why you can’t go so far you kill her. And you,” Taemin said, meeting your eyes once more. “Try not to be so loud; stay out of my way.”
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“The more I take, the more you fall captive to my will. When your body meets mine, this thirst, this depravity will it all fade? You are but a faint illusion on the horizon waiting for the midnight sun as you waltz further from me.”
You woke from the words of your nightmare to find yourself in an unfamiliar king sized bed and as all of the memories of yesterday night came crashing down on you at once, you wished you had just stayed asleep. Taeyong, Baekhyun, and Mark, had shown you to this extravagantly decorated room last night and you’d been so tired that as soon as they were gone you’d locked the door and fallen asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
 You turned on the nightlight at your bedside table now and opened the curtains to find it was dark outside. You realized you must have slept the entire day away and given all the excitement you’d gone through yesterday you weren’t surprised. Without your phone you couldn’t contact your father and tell him about the trouble you were in and you knew that waiting for him to seek you out would take weeks or maybe even months. He always lost touch with you when he was traveling overseas and it incensed you to no end. His actions really show how little he truly cares about my well-being.
Settling for being vampire food felt like giving up but as long as you stood your ground they couldn’t break your spirit so easily. They would eventually get what they wanted but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t put up one hell of a fight. 
Dear God, why have you given me this trial? This nightmare felt a lot like being thrown into a den of hungry lions you thought. Like some crazy test of purity.
“Hey,” Taemin said appearing in your bedroom out of nowhere.
You screamed and jumped into the bed ducking under the covers. 
“Annoying woman,” Taemin said. “Don’t jump on the bed. You’ll break the floor and then Ten will throw a fit if you destroy the house.” You felt the edge of the bed sink in and you carefully peeked at him from under the pink frilly comforter. Really why would anyone decorate a place this obnoxiously. Everywhere you looked you saw stuffed animals and expensive furniture and it made you wonder how many other girls had been a guest in this room. You shuddered and moved your attention to Taemin. His eyes were closed and he was listening to his headphones again. He’d swapped his blue sweater for a school uniform and this had your mind buzzing with questions. 
“Why are you wearing a school uniform? It’s nighttime already.”
“Classes start around now though.” He said, opening one eye to look at you.
Before you could ask him anything more the door swung open, even though you had been sure you locked it you supposed the lock was there more for your benefit than to really keep anyone out. 
“What are you two still doing here?” Ten demanded, crossing his arms and glaring down at both of you. He was also dressed in a school uniform but unlike Taemin who wore his blazer around his shoulders, Ten's blazer was buttoned down and without a wrinkle in sight.
“The nuisance has arrived.” Taemin said, closing his eyes again.
“Taemin, would you please get in the car.” Ten said again, “I won’t ask politely again. If you two humiliate us all for being late I will-”
“Yes, alright. We’re coming now.” Taemin said.
When Ten left Taemin got up and took out a folded school uniform he’d been carrying under his arm. “Here put this on quickly and meet us in the front. I’ve already enrolled you for classes so you don’t need to worry about it.” He turned and started walking for the door.
“Thank you,” you said. You were amazed he went through the trouble. He waved your thanks away with a hand and closed the door behind him.
You hurried to dress, fearing that if you weren't downstairs in the next few minutes you’d have more vampires barging in, this time as you changed. It made sense that vampires attended a night school though you really hadn’t thought about it till now.  
“Good evening, Little Bitch.” Taeyong said, greeting you at the front door with a lick to your cheek. You wiped it off with your sleeve and walked out the front door gasping when you took in the limousine parked in front. Well here’s to hoping that I will actually be able to study at this night school.  Your mind anxiously wondered how many students would also be inhuman. 
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The School corridor was thankfully filled with a lot of normal looking people. No horns or fangs were on display but of course that didn’t mean they weren’t around if the guys were anything to go by since their fangs weren’t always on display. You’d only attended one class so far and yet you were already worn out from the bickering the boys had engaged in during the car ride earlier. The only thing that even made the day bearable was that Taemin hadn't mentioned sucking your blood. Not even once. He hadn’t even acknowledged you existed beyond giving you the uniform. Perhaps he wasn’t interested in you at all and maybe if you stayed quiet he’d end up letting you go himself without you having to beg him. 
Just don’t make him mad, don’t get in his way, don’t look at his blue eyes…
“Hey you!” A girl shouted from across the corridor and you looked up.
“Yeah! you’re the girl who just transferred into our class today, right?” 
“Oh, yes I am. Nice to meet you.” You said.
“Yeah, likewise! My name is Ellisyn,” the girl said smiling. She was tall with long tawny brown hair that fell to her waist in ringlets. “You know… I saw you when you came to school, and…” She leaned in close to your ear conspiratorially, “I was wondering, how are you related to the Hawthorn brothers?”
“What!” Well, some things happened… And Tae-”
“Ahh, yes! What about Master Taemin?”
“Huh? Are you interested in Taemin?” You asked.
Ellisyn looked at you as if you were from another planet. “Of course I am! The six Hawthorn brothers are super popular here! I am the president of Master Taemin’s fanclub myself! 
“Oh I hadn’t reali-”
“I must inform you then that everyone calls Taemin the ‘Master of the Music Room’, he skips almost all of his classes to spend most of his time there. Also, he never talks to anyone that’s why I was so surprised when I saw you with him.” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Are you perhaps dating one of the Hawthorn brothers?”
No Ellisyn, i’m their prey and i’m being held in that creepy place against my will and you can keep your ‘Master of the Music Room.’  These were your first thoughts but of course you replied with: “No, no! It’s nothing like that, truly!” 
Ellisyn’s excitement deflated at this, “Really? Nothing?” She pouted, upset that she hadn’t come across some juicy piece of gossip. “Well, if anything does happen I promise I won’t tell anyone.”  Her forked tongue escaped her mouth with a slither as she said it and you tried to look unfazed. Not a normal human then. She waved goodbye and walked off down the hall. 
“I should try to steer clear of the music room.” You mumbled. 
“What’s wrong with the music room?” Taeyong said, startling you as he came from behind you. “You shouldn’t let the gorgon girl bother you, I’ll keep you safe.”
“Would you stop sneaking up on me! You screamed. “Make some noise next time!” 
“But the look of fear on your face is amusing, Little Bitch. Why would I go and do that?” Taeyong replied with a wink. 
You rolled your eyes, “What do you want Taeyong?” Just when you said it you regretted asking. 
“Instead of zoning out in the halls and talking to yourself, why don’t we have some fun together instead?” He said, eyes alight with mischief.
“Ah, no. I… I’m not free right now.”
“Then make some time to spare.” Taeyong said, stepping closer.
“I-I can’t. I still have my classes!” Ah damn it, you were stuttering again. God he unsettled you. 
“Who cares about classes? Wouldn’t it be much more important for you and me to learn about our bodies instead?” He said with a smile. 
You blushed and tried hiding it by opening one of your textbooks only to find yourself reading it upside down.
“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed. Here, come over here.” He pointed down a hallway. “There’s a less-crowded classroom this way-”
You bolted, running in the opposite direction and calling over your shoulder, “I’m busy!”
Hah… That was too close!” Thankfully I got away… This time. You leaned against a classroom door trying to catch your breath. Then you noticed where you’d gotten to while you were distracted running away, it was of course, the music room. Just my luck.
You could hear soft playing coming from inside. Curious beside yourself you opened the door quietly to find Taemin playing on the grand piano, his back facing you. When he was playing he seemed quite the opposite of lazy, he was rather vivacious. You came further into the room and watched his fingers as they spirited over keys. Even the muscles along his back seemed to move with him beneath his shirt to the rhythm, it was all so mesmerizing you hadn’t really noticed he’d stopped playing until he said, “What do you want?” 
“Did you hear me come in,” you asked, feeling a bit guilty to have disturbed him. 
“Of course I did, you are ever so noisy. Stop looking at me, you’re making a weird face.”
You blushed and moved to look around the room knowing full well he was talking about how you had been openly gaping at him. It was cruel really how angelic these monsters could appear. Without his fangs and imperious attitude he really would have been quite admirable.
“Did you need something?” He asked, going to lay on the floor.
“Nothing. I don’t need anything really.” Perhaps you should start some conversation or it would only get more awkward. “What’s the name of the song you were playing? It was beautifu-”
“Get out if you don’t need anything. You’re fatiguing. You really don’t have any importance to me and I hate small talk.” He said, closing his eyes.
Well that was rather unfair. “I wouldn’t be in your way at all if it wasn’t for you and your brothers.” Forget not angering him, you were angry now.
“My brothers all seem to be in a frenzy over possessing your body and blood, but don’t lump me in with them. If you’re trying to use your body to gain control or whatever of our family, then it’d be pointless coming after me. Eldest or not, I don’t even care about this household. Does that change your mind? Do you regret choosing me now?” Taemin said.
You didn’t know what to say to that. You were stunned, it was almost a book coming from a man who supposedly never spoke and one who never revealed his thoughts.
“I assure you, I’m not here to gain leverage or power or anything! I just want my freedom, just like you want yours it seems.”
“Don’t act like you know me and as for trusting your word, what good is it?” He said.
“Just because you can’t take anyone else's word in your family doesn’t mean you have to shovel all of your experiences on me!” You shouted.
“I’m tired of talking. He said, getting off the floor and walking to the door. “I’ve already said what I had to.”
He really liked slithering out of conversation and being the one with the last word didn’t he. 
You sat on the bench and moved your hand across the ivory keys. It’s best this way, I’ll have the best chance at escaping if he really doesn’t care about anything or anyone at all.
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yanderebabbles · 3 years
Fandoms and Rules and Commissions
Reblogs and Originals only
Minors DNI
Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Death Note
Bungou Stray Dogs
Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Yu-Gi-Oh (The original, with the pharoah)
Vampire Knight
Diabolik Lovers
Seven Deadly Sins
Video Games
Dragon Age
Persona 5
Far Cry (3, 4, 5 and Primal)
TV Shows
Peaky Blinders
Web comics/Manhwa/etc
Who Made Me a Princess
Trash of the Count’s Family
I do write on commission. My price is $1 per 100 words. Please pm me for your order.
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Now, Sakamaki, what's the embarrassing situation that happened with you (comic situations) everyone gets this kind of situation until reiji😂🌹 He mentioned that I once underwent a sports test and my colleague threw the ball away and had to bring the ball instead. I ran behind the ball and stumbled and fell on the mud. Everyone burst at me with laughter. Was I crying or laughing?😂😞🤧❤
Keith: This is my last free day before I start working 5 days a week again. I’m sure gonna miss my days of playing Diabolik lovers all day...
・.━━━━━━━━━━━━ † ━━━━━━━━━━━━.・
Shuu: I suppose people have laughed at me for sleeping in class? I don’t get it though, they’re the idiots for actually paying attention...
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Reiji: Don’t be mistaken. I don’t embarrass myself in front of people. But I suppose any situation where my brothers cause a scene is an embarrassment for the family name in general.
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Ayato: Yours truly doesn’t make a fool out of himself. Sometimes people have laughed at me in class when I get an obvious answer wrong, but... That stuff doesn’t interest me, got it!?
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Kanato: If I were to do something embarrassing in front of people, I would simply burn them down to ashes... That way, it’s like it never happened. Fufu.
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Laito: I don’t know if this counts as embarrassing, but people have seen me in various obscene positions with cute human girls... Fufu, I find that rather thrilling though~
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Subaru: Embarrassing...? Not really. I simply try to stay away from people. Any time I remember I’m related to those idiot triplets I feel truly ashamed though...
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