#diabetes insipidus
kauveryblogs · 2 years
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weightalive · 2 months
Diabetes Insipidus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a rare disorder characterized by an imbalance in the body’s ability to regulate water, leading to excessive urination and intense thirst. This condition is distinct from diabetes mellitus, which affects blood sugar levels. What is Diabetes Insipidus? Diabetes insipidus is a condition where the kidneys are unable to conserve water, leading to the excretion of large…
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thefitindian · 10 months
Diabetes insipidus is a chronic ailment that should not be ignored or left untreated for long. Here’s a complete guide to know everything about the condition
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fkra4furniture · 1 year
Managing Diabetes Insipidus During Fasting
Managing Diabetes Insipidus: Tips and Strategies for Better Health Living with diabetes insipidus can be challenging, but with the right management strategies, you can improve your health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you effectively manage this condition: 1. Stay Hydrated Since diabetes insipidus causes excessive thirst and urination, it’s crucial to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of…
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timesofpharma · 1 year
Gestational Diabetes Insulin Resistance
What is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) ? When does gestational diabetes occur? Gestational Diabetes occurs when the body of a pregnant woman is not able to produce sufficient insulin to handle the increased blood glucose level. Beta Cells of Langerhans in the pancreas do not produce sufficient insulin. How glucose is used by our body Whatever we eat gets converted into glucose as it is the…
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biswas75 · 2 years
Intro To Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic medical condition in which the body is unable to properly regulate levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It is caused by a deficiency or inability to produce the hormone insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes is characterized by the body's inability to use insulin effectively. Diabetes can lead to serious health complications if left unchecked, including heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, and kidney damage. However, with proper management and treatment, people with diabetes can live long and healthy lives.
I. Introduction to diabetes
Definition of diabetes
Types of diabetes (type 1, type 2)
Causes and risk factors
II. Symptoms of diabetes
Increased thirst and urination
Hunger and fatigue
Blurred vision
Slow healing of cuts and wounds
Numbness or tingling in hands and feet
III. Diagnosis and testing for diabetes
Blood glucose test
A1C test
Oral glucose tolerance test
IV. Treatment and management of diabetes
Lifestyle changes (diet, exercise)
Medications (insulin, oral diabetes drugs)
Complications and how to prevent them (eye disease, kidney disease, heart disease)
V. Coping with diabetes
Living with a chronic illness
The importance of self-management and self-care
Support from healthcare providers and loved ones
VI. Conclusion: Living well with diabetes
The importance of proper management and treatment
The possibility of leading a long and healthy life with diabetes. 
More details here click https://tinyurl.com/4a8xs69k

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fitnessethics · 2 years
Is Sweet Smelling Poop A Sign Of Diabetes?
Is Sweet Smelling Poop A Sign Of Diabetes?
Diabetes, as we know it, is a condition caused by too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose level), due to an inability to produce, or to metabolize, sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin. There are different types of diabetes: type 2 diabetes (a condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar), type 1 diabetes (a condition in which the pancreas produces little or no…
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qdnurses · 2 years
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NCLEX Review: Diabetes Insipidus and SIADH in Just 20 Minutes!
Diabetes Insipidus (DI) and Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) are both water regulation illnesses that affect the body's secretion or activity of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). Antidiuretic hormone is not inhibited in SIADH, resulting in substantial electrolyte imbalances and water retention. Diabetes insipidus (DI) is characterized by either decreased Antidiuretic hormone production (central DI) or normal Antidiuretic hormone secretion.
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zisurru-main · 11 months
every time i see a post on here about hydration i learn fascinating things about how some of you live..if you are drinking gallons of water a day and pissing out a cup and a half of clear urine every 15 minutes maybe you don't need salt tablets or a new hydration schedule. maybe the solution is to drink less water
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Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Diabetes Insipidus 0813-1854-1450 bu Paska
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Free Ongkir, 0813-1854-1450 bu Paska, Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Diabetes Insipidus
Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Kesehatan
Sop Subarashi adalah minuman sehat yang mengandung peptida ikan salmon, Sardines Peptide, Vegan Peptide, dan beberapa bahan aktif lainnya. Sop Subarashi dapat membantu tubuh dalam memulihkan sel-sel yang rusak dan mengurangi risiko penyakit degeneratif.
Apapun gangguan kesehatan, minuman serbuk kesehatan dan produk Utsukushii Gold Solusinya, Mulai penyakit ringan bahkan sampai penyakit kritis produk AFC dapat membantu pemulihan, Terbukti sangat banyak testimoni kesembuhan setelah konsumsi produk AFC.
Untuk informasi dan pemesanan hubungi kami.
Kegunaan SOP Subarashi untuk Diabetes Insipidus
#KegunaanSOPSubarashiuntukDiabetes Insipidus
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digiitaldaydreams · 1 month
i hate having a rare ass disorder because it means no ones asked my burning questions like "does peeing more often make your drug tests turn up clean quicker" and "can i still die of water intoxication or have i become immune"
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nirvananaturopathy · 6 months
Explore the power of naturopathy at Nirvana Naturopathy! Our latest blog delves into naturopathic remedies and treatments for various health issues, including high cholesterol, weight loss, back pain, high blood pressure, diabetes insipidus, and stomach ulcers. Discover natural and holistic approaches to wellness.
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abysswatchers420 · 1 year
sometimes when i watch chubbyemu's medical monday vids i start getting anxious like "my god......what if this happened to me???" but i have ground myself with "i havent had a soda in 2 months"
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hydro-homies · 1 year
i hope you know that as someone with diabetes insipidus this blog is infinitely amusing to me i love it. water is the fucking best!!!!!!!! pouring out a glass of ice cold water right now
welcome to hydration homie
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cripplecharacters · 6 months
[large text: Mods]
[Large Text: Sasza]
Hi! My name is Sasza and I use he/him pronouns. I am a disabled artist who loves to write and draw characters like me! I am autistic, (mildly) intellectually disabled and have several physical conditions including-but-not-limited-to dyspraxia, severe hyperkyphosis, cranial nerve diseases (causing double vision, chronic pain and a facial difference among other things), and hypermobile joints. Sometimes I use a cane. I'm very passionate about accessibility and disability representation in all kinds of media - books, comics, video games, and any other kind of art that's out there!
[Large Text: Bert]
Hello! I'm Bert (previously Mason), and I use he/they pronouns. I am a writer who loves to write plays and fiction with characters like me and my friends. I am autistic and have ADHD, I have psychotic PTSD and a DID system. Physical health-wise I have migraines, fibromyalgia, and a lateral lisp. I love talking about representation and ways we can make a kinder and more inclusive space everywhere we go.
[large text: Sparrow]
Hi, I’m sparrow, they/he for me. I’m a disabled artist who makes a lot of disabled characters like myself and probably like a quarter of the world. I have autism and ADHD, among other brain things, as well as chronic pain in both my jaw and my knee and ankle. I also have POTS and some sort of sleep disorder. I am a sometimes cane user as well. I really enjoy research and thoughtful art that makes people feel seen. Aside from that, I am a huge fan of historical fiction and really enjoy fantasy as well.
[Large text: Rot]
My name is Rot, I use all pronouns including neo pronouns as well as any rot and insect themed nounself pronouns. I’m an artist who loves putting disability in my stories. I’m mostly undiagnosed due to medical neglect and have chronic fatigue, hypersomnia & chronic pain that ranges from mild to debilitating. My known disabilities are pots, ganglion cysts, nerve damage, tics, autism (level unknown), asthma, GERD, anxiety and psychosis. I have a metal implant, use a cane and am mostly verbal and use aac infrequently. I have experience with temporary palsy, needing carers (family members who stepped up, not hired carers) and being in a wheelchair, though I currently don't have any of those.
[Large Text: Virus]
Hello! I go by Virus and I use She/Her but anyone can use any pronouns for me, have fun with it. I'm a writer—mostly fanfiction—who has been in fandom very long and used to be a classical musician. I have Hypermobile Ehler Danlos Syndrome along with it's fun co-morbidities (MCAS, POTS, Gastroparesis, Fibromyalgia, and Von Willebrandes). I also have Pan-Hypopituitarism which is the following: Adrenal Insufficiency, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Insipidus, Precocious Puberty, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Hyperprolactinemia/galactorrhea, as well as High Estrogen and Testosterone issues. I have Pituitary Dwarfism/Proportional Dwarfism, Myoclonic Epilepsy, and a Speech Disorder. I used to have a Port-a-cath, Picc-Lines, and a feeding tube, amongst many other things. Phew, now that that's over. I love every art form with a favour towards music, writing and the fiber arts. I love seeing representation no matter how big or small especially in medias that rep is often glossed over!
[Large Text: Rock]
Hi! I am Rock; any pronouns are okay. I am a writer, mainly of sci-fi and fantasy, and I love adding all sorts of disabled characters. I am hard of hearing (mild-moderate bilateral hearing loss) and have profound auditory processing disorder. I have scoliosis, POTS, and lower-body muscle weakness so I am a full-time mobility aid user. I am also intersex; I have several hormone deficiencies among other conditions as a result of my intersex variation. I am excited to join the mod team!
[Large Text: Aaron]
Hey, I'm Aaron, he/him. I'm a writer of fantasy, science fiction, dystopia, utopia, and historical, and I like writing incorporating casts of disabled characters into all of them and reworking magic, technology, and science to accommodate them. I have a TBI, a lot wrong with my speech, cognitive issues, slight developmental disability, myofascial pain syndrome, medium support needs autistic but fully verbal, OCD, multiple types of anxiety, PTSD, depression, severe ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, articulatory initiation anomia, medically significant migraines, a chronic headache, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue. I'm also visibly disabled (one of those people who looks autistic) and transmasc. And I can't wait to see what amazing things you guys come u with.
[Large Text: Zohar]
Hello everyone! I'm a new mod, and you can call me Zohar. I'm a writer of fantasy and sci-fi for the most part, and definitely prioritize disability, LGBT, and Indigenous representation in my work. I am Blind with a form of Albinism/strabismus/ptosis, along with some hearing loss. I am intersex/transgender with mixed gonadal dysgenesis (XO/XY Turner Syndrome) that goes hand in hand with GHD/pituitary dwarfism and affects my skeletal and hormonal health. I also have POTS and complex DID caused by RAMCOA and am comfortable answering asks about that. He or She pronouns is fine with me. I can't wait to help out here!
[Large Text: Icarus]
Hello all! My name is Icarus (He/Him). I'm a new mod here and a writer of original work (Primarily contemporary short fiction and cosmic horror) with some fanfiction on the side. I have been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, PTSD, Tourette's Syndrome along with several other mental and physical health conditions. I also had epilepsy, asthma, and a heart condition as a child but have since grown out of them. I am currently seeking a diagnosis for something causing a few different symptoms including chronic pain, mobility issues, sensitivity in my joints/bones, progressive vision loss (Currently to the point where I have very little to no peripheral vision), and dizziness/fainting episodes. I am a full time cane user at the advice of my physio. I am also a gay trans man and in full-time university studies.
[Large text: Jess]
Hey y'all! I'm Jess, and I use she/her. I'm 35, and I work full time behind the scenes in the grocery industry (in an office, designing shelf layouts!). I enjoy writing and reading slice-of-life stories mostly. I especially like exploring how certain magical elements can be parallels for disability. I also do art, including some 3D illusion chalk art. As for my disabilities: I have multiple sclerosis, and a few issues that have come from that, including severe permanent damage from optic neuritis. I was briefly 100% blind in my left eye, but a small amount of vision returned. The residual vision causes some hard-to-describe double vision, so I wear a completely opaque occlusive contact lens on my bad eye to help me see more clearly. I also had a period of time when I suffered from paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia, a rare movement disorder. I also have a body-focused repetitive behavior disorder (dermatillomania) and visible scars from that. I'm looking forward to being helpful!
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hey! so i hope this isn’t too creepy/nosey, but im a medical student and i was reading your possible fibromyalgia post and have a couple ideas lol. full important disclaimer that im only partly into my studies and im currently in the hypochondriac phase and also your summary was amazing but a real doc would ask way more questions, so please consult with an actual doc and take everything i say with a grain of salt! but like your symptoms aren’t nothing so i would def encourage finding a doc that you trust to do a proper exam and run some tests. also im operating under the assumption that you’re under 50 lol, bc if you’re over 50ish that’s a whole diff list of possible diagnoses.
so the thirst thing you’re talking about is often called polydipsia and is commonly associated with diabetes insipidus. that’s not the normal diabetes you think about, but happens when your body can’t regulate fluids in your body properly. id think of this if you’re also peeing a lot lol. your doc would have to do some kidney tests for that, which wouldn’t be part of the blood panel you mentioned. i’m a little skeptical that it’s hypokalemia bc that would’ve showed up on your blood test results. it could be transient electrolyte imbalances when you exercise so have one of those electrolyte packets when you exercise lol, bc it never hurts to try the easy solutions first, but chronic low potassium should’ve shown up? tho eating sweet potatoes has never hurt.
other things it could be is a lower motor neuron problem bc you mentioned twitches and muscle weakness which is typical for those. i def can’t say more without tests, but look into/get your doc to look into myasthenia gravis or LEMS and see if either of those fit. i think it’s possible bc these often also start with face/upper body symptoms, but would need way more questions/tests to know. it’s unlikely but could also be a glycogen storage disease called McArdle disease bc you describe a second wind thing when you exercise along with exercise intolerance. that’s super rare tho so it’s unlikely unless someone in your family has it/has similar symptoms.
also look into autoimmune stuff like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sjögrens disease. i have way less useful info on that bc we haven’t gotten to it in class yet lol, but sjögrens looks promising bc you often get dry mouth with it, and it often goes along with rheumatoid arthritis which could explain the joint stuff possibly.
it’s also totally possible this is fibromyalgia, but i would be cautious diagnosing it bc it often comes with fatigue and cognitive stuff which you didn’t mention. it’s also more of a pain thing, and doesn’t include your twitches/dry mouth. it’s def possible, and it was def something i thought of when i saw your symptoms, but personally i would want to rule out other stuff first bc fibromyalgia is pretty vague and often a diagnosis of exclusion when other things don’t fit.
sorry for overwhelming you!! i just saw your post and was like hmmm those symptoms sound like Something. again take my advice with a big grain of salt, but i do really think it’s worth asking your doc about it and getting tests done, bc even if there aren’t cures there are def treatments to help with a bunch of this stuff. it doesn’t sound urgent, but at least from your post your symptoms don’t sound like run of the mill aches and pains. hope you figure stuff out!!
The problem with 'muscles don't work right ouchy and I am also tired' is that it's a symptom for Absolutely Everything That Can Be Wrong With The Body. Is it cancer? Is it a terrible diet and sleep schedule? Who knows!
The doctor ran a diabetes test with the blood panel and it came up negative, but I don't know if that checks for weird kinds of diabetes. (Diabetes does not run in my family until we get very old.) That test was memorable because I have stupid fragile veins that freak out and collapse at the mere sight of a needle so I had to get stabbed nine times, they didn't manage to get the middle reading at all, and in the end they resorted to just stabbing my thumb with one of those diabetes home blood test thingies and manually squeezing my blood out into a tube drop by drop.
I looked up polydipsia and I don't think I have that. I think I just prefer my mouth to be wetter than my salival glands want it to be. 🤷‍♀️I think most of my problems are probably not related to any rare chronic disease, but just run-of-the-mill autism making it hard to look after myself or properly notice and process my physical condition and adapt accordingly. I don't eat enough fresh foods because it's hard to plan with the very short timeframe to prepare and eat them in. I'm uncoordinated and damage my body a lot through overwork or using muscles incorrectly because autism makes it hard to keep track of those things. My mouth feels dry and my skin feels itchy and my muscles feel sore because that's what being autistic feels like. My sleep schedule is garbage because my executive function is garbage and even once I do manage to get myself into the bed I can't just "go to sleep", I pass out when I'm ready to pass out.
I'm not saying it's impossible for anything else to be going on, but I think the known factor is the simplest explanation here. It's 2:30pm and I've been putting off breakfast for five hours. Every time I go into the kitchen I get distracted by housework instead. I am very hungry. This is not behaviour that is conducive to a well-functioning body.
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