dogoodweirdly · 2 years
Do Good Weirdly: New Year's 2023
This Saturday, January 7th, at 7pm in their local times, fanartists and fan authors from all sorts of fandoms will be live-streaming their work STRAIGHT to you to raise funds for causes they believe in! From supporting LGBTQIA+ alliances to helping fund prosthetics for amputees, our creators are supporting all sorts of causes, and our fandoms range from FFVII to TGCF--Banana Fish to Dream SMP!
Whatever you love, join us either as a viewer or a creator, and do what you love for good! Weirdly! Learn more or sign up to join us at our Carrd above!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
“I’m the founder of this event, and I still don’t know what I’m doing!”
Entering into her fifth Do Good Weirdly, Boomchick is entering the ring with a new TGCF (Heaven Official’s Blessing) fanfiction for the ages! Writing to support Athens Pride, her local Pride and Queer Collective, she’s planning to start at 7pm EST this Saturday, January 7th, and continue writing straight through the night ending at 7am! Last Do Good Weirdly, she completed a 20k fic in those 12 hours—who knows how this year will go?
Find her works at Ao3 to get a preview of what you’re in for!
Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
“Hey everyone! I'm back from a slump of not having very much writing energy at all last year. Crisis Core Reunion has reignited my love for my favorite blorbos and I'm hoping to kick off the year by writing something really good!”
A warm welcome back to friend of Do Good Weirdly SephyAthredon! Joining us to write for Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, Sephy will be starting up at 12pm Mountain Time, and streaming her work on a new AU: 
   “Shortly after Angeal's death, Infantrymen are reported going missing around ShinRa and one of the missing ones is Cloud Strife. His best friend Zack Fair tries to get to the bottom of it and finds out that he's being held within ShinRa's science department, but he's going to need some help to bust him out.  That's where Sephiroth comes in. Genesis and Angeal have long deserted ShinRa and he's been entertaining the idea of doing the same. Zack's proposed mission to rescue Cloud may just provide just the opportunity he's been looking for."
Not only does her story sound intriguing, she’ll be using the writing stream to raise funds for Starlight Gaming, a charity that brings gaming to sick kids!
Learn more about Sephy and see more of her work by visiting her on Tumblr @sephyathredon-writing!
Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
“I hope everyone's 2023 is full of warmth and happiness! I'm prepared to go into the year with more art ideas and more writing inspiration! 💚”
Do Good Weirdly is proud to welcome Zimithrus back to this New Year’s event! Planning to stream starting this Saturday the 7th at 7pm CST and aiming for a 12 hour run, she has some big plans! In her own words: “For the first 6 hours I will be writing in a new fic of mine of Zack and Cloud being on the run, but instead of heading back to Midgar, they head for Wutai instead! And the art will be various 7 themes sketches, doodles, and further progress on pieces I have yet to finish!”
Her work won’t just be for fun—she’ll be raising funds through her stream for local Oklahoma nonprofit Limbs for Life, dedicated to helping people obtain prosthetic limbs!
Learn more about Zimithrus and see more of her work by visiting her on Tumblr @zimithrus1 or Ao3!
Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
“2nd time with DGW, published novelist, fanartist and writer”
Returning for a second time to Do Good Weirdly, Chaos is back to attempt another overnight creation extravaganza! Bouncing between drawing and writing for both Banana Fish fandom AND Original works, he’ll be streaming this Saturday the 7th from 8pm EST until hopefully 7am! Their hard work and creativity will not only astound and entertain you, but also be in service of raising funds for the organization ChildSafe(https://www.childsafe-sa.org/), an organization helping children recover from abuse.
Learn more about Chaos and see more of their work at @chaoslynx on Tumblr, or on Twitter, Instagram, or Ao3!
Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
“Be gay do Crime i am so sorry for anything i create.”
Entering his second Do Good Weirdly, JustMars is returning to create their FIRST work for Archive of Our Own, and to create multi-fandom drawings on whiteboard fox for fun! Bringing Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, Outsiders SMP, Genshin, and Dialtown as their fandoms, they’ll be creating until they physically cannot continue! Catch them streaming this Saturday from 7pm EST on to support [Free Rice], [Trevor Project], [Stop AAPI Hate]
Find his previous works here on Tumblr @shroommars to get a preview of what you’re in for!
Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
STARTING NOW: chaos101!
You can tune in now to watch artist and author @chaoslynx's addition to the event! [Twitter] | [Instagram] | [Ao3]
Goal: 12 hours!!!
Fandom: Banana Fish & Original Works
Charity: [Childsafe]
Stream Link: [Chaos's DoGoodWeirdly Twitch Stream]
I'll be bouncing around between drawing and writing for Banana Fish and original works all night!
Come cheer them on, and check out our Directory to meet his fellow DGW creators!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
Now joining the fun is incredible author @up-sideand-down! [Ao3 @ Up_sideand_down]
Goal: 12 Hours!
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Charity: [The Innocence Project]
Stream Link: [DGW January 2023: Upside's Challenge.]
Trigger Warnings: Major Character Death, Murder, Hauntings
Summary: Aerith and Tifa are two roommates who have since come to terms with the fact that the house they bought is very much haunted. As they adapt to make room for their two invisible housemates, they unravel a story about murder, tragedy, and a love that surely went on after death.
Murder Most Foul
Trigger Warnings: Murder is mentioned often, but never actually occurs. Dark Humor. Probable mental instability on Cloud’s end. Stress and overwork.
Summary: It is universally known Sephiroth is the strictest and worst teacher Shinra has to offer. Cloud has the most unorthodox solution to the absolute hell of having Sephiroth as his SOLDIER Mentor: He's going to kill him.
Come cheer them on, and check out our Directory (https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/#directory) to meet their fellow DGW creators!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
To no one's surprise, @boomchickfanfiction is back here writing![Twitter] | [Ao3]
Goal: 12 hours!!!
Fandom: TGCF/Heaven Official’s Blessing
Charity: [Athens Pride!]
Stream Link: [Boom's DGW:New Year's 2023]
The Hand of God
Trigger Warnings: Dismemberment, but no death
Summary: After centuries of searching, Hua Cheng finally finds a trace of his god—a single disembodied hand, still very much alive.
Come cheer her on, and check out our Directory to meet her fellow DGW creators!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
“Happy 2023!”
OG Weird Do-gooder Upside has returned! Joining us this Saturday the 7th at 7pm CT and hoping to make it all the way to 7am, she’s bringing two fics to the event—both intense and intriguing FFVII AUs! Jumping between the two stories all night, they’ll be working to benefit The Innocent Project, a group committed to freeing those who are wrongfully imprisoned. Learn more about Upside and see more of their work by visiting her on Tumblr @up-sideand-down or Ao3!
Do Good Weirdly is a twice-yearly fandom event, celebrating passionate creators and raising funds for good causes! Learn more or sign up yourself here: https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/, or meet more of our participants in the DGW Directory!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
Joining in by drawing on our Gather, it's @darkj3!
Goal: 5 hours!
Fandom: Dragon Ball Z
Charity: [Must Love Cats Rescue]
Stream Link: [The Do Good Weirdly Gather] [Password- DoGood]
Totally winging it!
Come cheer them on, and check out our Directory to meet their fellow DGW creators!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
STARTING NOW: SephyAthredon
Our first writer @sephyathredon-writing is beginning her story NOW!
Goal: As long as possible!
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Charity: [Starlight Gaming]
Stream Link: [SephyAthredon’s 2023 Doc]) or [The Do Good Weirdly Gather] (Password- DoGood)
An AU Fic where, shortly after Angeal's death, Infantrymen are reported going missing around ShinRa and one of the missing ones is Cloud Strife. His best friend Zack Fair tries to get to the bottom of it and finds out that he's being held within ShinRa's science department, but he's going to need some help to bust him out. That's where Sephiroth comes in. Genesis and Angeal have long deserted ShinRa and he's been entertaining the idea of doing the same. Zack's proposed mission to rescue Cloud may just provide just the opportunity he's been looking for.
Come cheer her on, and check out our Directory to meet her fellow DGW creators!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
Tumblr media
In one week, something WEIRD is coming once more! https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
Friend of the event @oof-that-really-sucks-bro is doing an art stream as well! Make sure to give them some love! https://www.twitch.tv/oofthatreallysucksbro
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
STARTING NOW: Zimithrus1
Welcome to our latest paricipant, artist and writer @zimithrus1!
Goal: 12 hours!!!
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Charity: [Limbs for Life]
Stream Link: [Do Good Weirdly 2023 Zimi's Page]
For the first 6 hours I will be writing in a new fic of mine featuring Zack and Cloud: On the run, once caged experiments find their way into the light of day once more. With one catatonic and the other desperate to reclaim freedom, the group heads for former enemy territory to wipe the slate clean and start anew - in Wutai. Though they’ll have to make it there in one piece first. Shin-Ra will stop at nothing to reclaim their experiments, or kill them off trying.
Then the art will be various 7 themes sketches, doodles, and further progress on pieces I have yet to finish, streamed on the [The Do Good Weirdly Gather](Password- DoGood)
Come cheer her on, and check out our Directory (https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/#directory) to meet her fellow DGW creators!
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dogoodweirdly · 2 years
Hopping into the battle field, it's @shroommars, bringing art AND writing to the game!
Goal: As long as possible!
Fandom: Dream Smp, Hermitcraft, outsiders smp, genshin, dialtown
Charity: [Free Rice], [Trevor Project], [Stop AAPI Hate]
Stream Link: [Just_Mars DGW info]
Hopefully my first ao3 work, i'll also be doing random drawings on whiteboard fox lol
Come cheer him on, and check out our Directory to meet their fellow DGW creators!
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