dogoodweirdly · 2 years
STARTING NOW: Zimithrus1
Welcome to our latest paricipant, artist and writer @zimithrus1!
Goal: 12 hours!!!
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Charity: [Limbs for Life]
Stream Link: [Do Good Weirdly 2023 Zimi's Page]
For the first 6 hours I will be writing in a new fic of mine featuring Zack and Cloud: On the run, once caged experiments find their way into the light of day once more. With one catatonic and the other desperate to reclaim freedom, the group heads for former enemy territory to wipe the slate clean and start anew - in Wutai. Though they’ll have to make it there in one piece first. Shin-Ra will stop at nothing to reclaim their experiments, or kill them off trying.
Then the art will be various 7 themes sketches, doodles, and further progress on pieces I have yet to finish, streamed on the [The Do Good Weirdly Gather](Password- DoGood)
Come cheer her on, and check out our Directory (https://dogoodweirdly.carrd.co/#directory) to meet her fellow DGW creators!
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tabletochka500 · 4 months
Origin of Zimi The Killer 2024
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Original text: https://kripipasa.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8_%D0%A3%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%B9%D1%86%D0%B0_2024
Let's start with the fact that Zimi Evans is an ordinary girl. She was a happy child, she had parents and a black friend named Jane Miller, Zimi and Jane were not separated. Zimi was the best in the whole school because she studied very well. The girl's teachers set an example for other students. The girl was always “depressed” because of school, but Zimi did not want to be worse and lower than others. She will do a lot to get into the most expensive and rigorous college in all of America. This beauty dreamed of becoming a surgeon in the future, but for this she needs to study well. A child's first priority should always be learning, but not all nonsense!
One day, Zimi overheard a conversation in the school hallway about some kind of “Jeff the killer.” From that moment on, everything went awry. Zimi began to learn more and more about “Jeff” on the Internet, until the girl became fixated only on him. Jeff was a character in scary stories and computer games, but Zimi thought this maniac was real by nature - Zimi had a hard life. The girl began to partially see herself looking like Jeff in the mirror. Thanks to him, Zimi has recently developed inexplicable sensations similar to all the different feelings. One morning, Zimi decided to treat herself to a selfie, but the phone recognized another face next to Zimi, but there was no one there. The girl thought it was just a technical error. Zimi ran out of her bedroom, it's unclear why, or she was just scared of this moment, or something else incomprehensible happened in her head. Maybe imagination? 13-year-olds can make up a lot of things. The next morning, Zimi turned 14. Jane Miller invited her to celebrate her birthday at a disco, promising that her parents would not be there. Zimi was delighted, nothing could spoil this beautiful morning. In the evening, she remembered Jeff and decided to dress up like him for the disco, but she didn't have a white hoodie. She had to wear a pink hoodie. After all, she's going to a disco, not for a walk. Zimi was wearing a trendy black miniskirt, black silk stockings and black sneakers. All the way, Zimi felt the gaze on her, and the strange sensations appeared again. Then a man with a knife jumped out of nowhere, the girl did not see him because it was dark outside, she still had to save her skin. Zimi somehow coped with an inadequate man, she miraculously took the knife away from him and clumsily cut his throat. She thought she would just scare him, but things didn't go according to plan. The girl was in shock and did not know what to do with it. All she could think about was running home and hiding her bloody clothes and knife in her briefcase, and she tricked Jane into a phone conversation by claiming she had a headache. The girl didn't say anything to the Meme either, and the mother never bothered her daughter. Jane decided to visit her friend and support her. Apparently, Zimi didn't need it, she was frightening with her appearance, or she was still in shock, sitting in the room with her eyes wide open and slightly staggering like a psychopath. The girl did not delve into Jane's questions, because at that moment she wanted to be completely alone. Zimi asked her to leave a couple of times, but she wouldn't listen. Zimi went berserk and pushed Jane against the corner of the table in the room. This led to death, Jane died. The girl did not bother with the already dead corpse, but simply dragged it under her bed, after which she slightly opened the window so that there was no corpse smell.
Zimi tried to close the door of the room more often, she was so afraid of problems with her dead friend, because her dead body could not be removed alone. In the morning, rumors began to spread that Jane was not answering her phone, and her mother Rose was very worried. Jane's mom didn't sit idly by, she even asked Zimi's mother about Jane. The girl began to worry even more - this is the second murder in the account, and, of course, something needs to be done about it. In the evening, Zimi decided to talk about Jeff with her mother, but she did not take it seriously, since the conversation with her daughter was unpleasant. The woman didn't like horror movie characters. Who would have thought that a 14-year-old girl would become a psychomaniac. Late at night, the girl was dressed in the outfit she usually went to the disco in, but she wanted to stay in this outfit forever because it was covered in blood. The pink hoodie with the bloodstains was gorgeous. The inexplicable feeling grew more and more. The girl unknowingly bleached her face several times with cucumber juice, cosmetic fabric masks, tore her mouth from ear to ear with a knife, cut out an eyelid to make her eyes look bigger. It was like a nightmare. No. It was like hypnosis. She didn't care about anything at all. Zimi even dyed her beautiful long hair black. And the most terrible thing is that the girl did not even flinch, killing her parents by stabbing them in the chest with a sharp knife while they were sleepy. Before they died, they only heard one phrase: "Go to sleep."
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
Ako je možné, že aj po všetkom tom scrollovaní tvojho blogu stále nachádzam nové veci? Je chyba vo mne?
So, I just discovered (or re-discovered? I could swear I saw that art before) the holy grail au and I'm starving for more content. Is there anything you could spare me? 🥺
pravdepodobne je to len v tom obrovskom objeme vecí čo som za tie roky postla, tento blog mám od zimy 2020/2021 aj keď som ho poriadne začala používať len pred asi rokom
! english starts here ! warnings for: violence, abuse, torture and all the stuff related to prison arc and its aftereffects, nonconsensual drug use, overall fuckedupness
as of Holy Grail AU, I don't really know how much there is to share save for what has been already said. Aeri is no longer active in the fandom but at some point she mentioned to me privately that she would like to use some of the ideas from the AU in an original story (can't blame her, I do that a lot myself)
I went thru the tag and noticed that we only ever really talked about the first arc of the AU - it was going to be three arcs in total, with the first arc (Cotard's Solution) being centered around the happenings after Dream became Sam's puppet, combining multiple POVs to address what was happening on the SMP and Dream's day-to-day existence. tensions are rising all over and Sam greatly benefits from the death and destruction it brings with the Revive Book coming in handy to keep everyone wrapped around his finger, while Bad slowly grows more and more uneasy with how things are, only sticking around to make sure Dream is safe, or as close to it as he can get. Ant has little care or say in what happens, simply following orders in hopes of one day being on Sam's (or Dream's) good side so he can ask them to revive Red for him. the Syndicate catches wind of Sam's nefarious activities and his growing power, goes investigate and run into Bad who immediately seizes the opportunity and helps them get Dream out of the fortress, which Techno is more than happy to do.
the second arc (Kintsukuroi) then focused on Dream's recovery in the Arctic while the server slowly falls apart, as the Revive Book has gone missing and Sam's grip on power begins to slip. Dream has to slowly regain himself after spending months upon months drugged out of his mind, has to deal with the initial withdrawals and the constant anxiety and panic that all the time in inprisonment has brought him. Bad serves as Techno's informant on what is happening with Sam and Ant joins him soon enough, still hoping to benefit from the help. at some point, Kinoko residents catch wind of things happening in the Arctic and George and Sapnap find Dream hiding in there. both of them have since changed their attitude towards Dream, especially after Sam declared him dead months and months ago, so despite the lingering anger all they feel is relief at him being at least alive. Dream's mostly non-verbal and very cautious of everything and everyone around him. as time goes by and he's in a good enough shape to move around and be his own person, though more docile and way more weak than he used to be, everyone agrees on Dream moving to Kinoko to be with Sapnap and George where he spends his time tending to Karl's library. I don't remember as much of the political machinations that were running parallel to the recovery. some time after Dream's relocation, Quackity comes to Kinoko to speak to his fiancés and instead of finding Karl he runs into Dream. he recognises him almost immediately and draws a weapon and Dream bolts for the exit. a short scuffle follows but Dream manages to get away, making his way towards the dojo where he knows Sapnap is so he can get his help. when Sapnap comes out, Quackity demands Sapnap hands Dream over but Sapnap stands in Quackity's way. Quackity declares it a betrayal on both him and the whole SMP and says that if Sapnap won't cooperate he will have to take the revive book by force, thus starting the last arc of the story.
the third arc (Epitaph) then follows the ensuing conflict between Las Nevadas and Kinoko, which with the tensions across the entire server turns into a much bigger conflict than it initially seemed to be, everyone desperate for the revive book or disgusted by the truth of what happened to Dream behind closed doors and trying to help him get away from the abuse. George, Bad and the Syndicate immediately make plans to get Dream far away from the mainlands to avoid the conflict. Sam, upon learning part of the truth of what happened to his holy grail, drunk on power and paranoid out of his mind takes his anger out on Antfrost whom he discovered to have been involved with the "conspiracy" that took Dream away from him, locking him away in the fortress where he kept Dream earlier. a war breaks out, people die. this arc is the least fleshed out since it's the last part of the story that never was. a few of the key elements of the arc involved Bad freeing Ant and then burning down Sam's seat of power and Ant eventually getting his wish of reuniting with Red. during the conflict, Quackity ends up taking Sapnap's final life but is unable to cope with the guilt. Karl is the one to find Sapnap's body and he drags it thousands of blocks across the server to where Dream and George are hiding. Dream doesn't even have to be asked twice to revive his friend.
I don't remember what the ending was, or if we agreed on a definitive one at all. the story, despite being about the revive book, had Dream be mostly idle through its course and instead focused on the lengths people would go for the power of the book and the eventual destruction the thirst for power would cause.
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#8 - Adroit
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Most of the village cubs looked up to their older sisters, mothers or aunts, but for Zimi it was big brother Mirmir who had her undying admiration. He might've been a brother only in name rather than in blood - it was difficult to know which children happened to share a father, but it made no difference to her.
The way he climbed the trees with such ease, wandered the nearby woods without getting lost, and how he in his own, slightly aloof way tried to share his knowledge with someone small and clumsy such as her - everything about him was amazing, wonderful, and worthy of being someone the little Keeper child wanted to grow up to be. Big, strong and unconcerned about the world around him, like nothing could touch him.
Nothing except tradition, it seemed. No matter how many times her mother and aunts had tried to explain it to her, Zimi had not been able to understand why her beloved brother had had to leave - and why she hadn't been able to go with him. Being a girl, being of barely ten summers old, none of it mattered to her as she had cried and cried. And even now, over a decade later, she still didn't care to understand.
She would leave the village just like Mirmir did, and would see him once more. And she could only hope that he would be proud of the young woman she had grown up to be. Strong and brave, just like her big brother.
(( @ffxivaltstars​ ))
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lifeofbouyd · 5 years
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12 Years Anniversary
Fred: Yow, da gyal deh nice eno bwoy. Mi ago circle har enz an try get di digits.
He walked away, heading straight towards her. Walking as if he was going to collect a trophy. She was nice, really nice, that I must admit. She’s one of the nicest girls I had seen in a long time. Her hair was well done, her nails freshly painted or at least so they seemed. Her face, done to perfection and her dress, looked expensive. It swung a little above her ankles and rested perfectly on her body. Outlining her killer shape. She had a gold ring on her “wedding” finger and stainless steel on her pinky. I watched them greet each other and what actually caught my eyes was, how much of a lady she was. She seemed well groomed and too good for my liking. A “goody two shoes” was my first thought. Girls like these are normally either married, rich, or have a rich man taking care of them. I smelled trouble, yet there was so much desire. I felt like she was worth having. Not just for a night, but someone I’d be with for a while. They exchanged numbers as I pulled that fairytale thought from my mind. I hexed that shit. I was already in a sinking ship, no land in sight. I’d rather drown on my sinking ship that jumps across on her boat.
Fred: Yuh see how di genna work youth. Ago fuck that quick eno. Yuh zimi.
I humored him, knowing he normally never pulls through with these kinds of chicks. I’ve seen it one too many times to think differently. Fred was good when it comes to picking up girls, but he’s always had me as his role model. I was lucky when it came to women. Always getting the “better-looking ones”. Most of which turned out to be faces without priorities. I’ve had to learn the hard way that not all glitters is gold. Sometimes they’re not even gold filled. Days passed and I had forgotten about her. He didn’t mention her and I never remember to ask. I guess when you have your hands full it’s hard to keep up with likes. I spotted her one day staring at, and from the looks of it, she had been staring for a while. Taking in my presence as if she wanted me to say hi. I hadn’t heard him mention her I a while but I still didn’t want to take his link like that. I learned later that day that she had no interest in men. She considered them a total waste of her time and feels she’s better off with girls. Now I shared her view. I love girls just as much as she does. I’ve always had a Fetish for lesbian. Clean girly lesbians that is. I’d never fuck a butch even if she paid me to. I imagined all the things she’d do to me, and all the things I’d do to them. Mostly what I’d do to her. I still didn’t say hi for a while. I wanted to build the suspense between us and make the first conversation memorable. I planned it down to the very last second, every possible outcome, and I always walked away with her number. Again, I caught her watching me. Paying keen attention to me from head to toe. I got my convo together, but by the time I turned around again, she was gone. I argued with myself for a while until I accepted the fact that I was moving too slow. Again I forgot about her. Living my best life. Caught up chasing other chicks I was brave enough to start a conversation with.
Someone pats me in the shoulder.
Her: Hi, I’m Rachel. Wasn’t sure when you were gonna say hi, or if you ever would so I decided to be the first to say hi.
I took a few seconds to inhale her cologne and pay keen attention to her Weldon’s face, her pussy cheeks spreading over her pants crotch crease. Her breast sticking me in the face, her slippers which seemed she got it from House of Style or some other expensive women clothing outlet.
Her: 🙃 You can say hi you know. I won’t bite, at least not yet. I wanna get to know you first.
I froze. My palms got sweaty and heart heated like a fifty caliber gun. Well, she did say she wouldn’t bite me. At least not yet. Obviously, she was interested in getting to know me. But why me though? Of all the guys she could have, if all the guys that had been chasing her, why get to know me? I entertained her conversation and played it cool. Acting like I didn’t want her. Our conversations started off slow with basic texts and friendly flirting. Somehow she killed my urge by saying she Christian. I don’t mind dating Christians, but what I don’t like is someone consistently reminding me. She tried to get me to see eye to eye with her beliefs, but I just wasn’t ready to take that journey. I only plan on getting married and baptized once and I don’t intend to do it for the wrong reasons. We stopped talking for a while because I had decided not to chase her. It was more like respecting her religion and not trying to get between her legs. We went from 2:00 am calls to every other day texting. It became somewhat of a long distance relationship or friendship or whatever it was. I had accepted the fact that I wasn’t gonna have her, at least not as easy as I thought. In my mind, she would give me her number and I’d take her home and make her scream my name. But reality..... mmm. Reality is a bitch.
Lucky for me, I saw her one evening when I was buying dinner at a famous Chinese food place. I offered to pay for her food however, she ended up paying for mine. Trying to show she’s independent I guess. We sat and chat for a while which made me realize we had a lot in common. She braced her body against mine for the first time when she was leaving. She whispered in my ear, “This could be all yours if you’re a good boy.” She sent chills down my spine and made my dick rock hard. She ran her hand across the front of my pants and smiled. I didn’t know if it was a good or a bad smile but I’m sure I could drill a wall with my shaft. I walked her to her stand where she laid a wet “chups” on my forehead. You know that trickling feeling you get when electricity runs through your body? That’s the effect she had on me. We sext all night, building curiosity between us two. She told me how she wanted to make me cum all over her and sanctify her with my rod. Now, I don’t like to count my eggs before they hatch, but I considered it a done deal. A few days passed and the fetish became a relationship. One I’ll always remember. The funny thing about it is, I had no plans whatsoever to be in any form of ships. But I was too far out in the sea by the time I realized what I had gotten into. To be honest, I really didn’t mind. Everything seemed ok. She said there was no husband, no boyfriend, no girlfriend or anyone of that nature, and she never gave me a reason to doubt her. Before I knew it I was in love. Head over heels kind of love. Shit. I wanted to run but I couldn’t. She had me hooked on her like a coke headed drunky. We moved from occasional hugging and texting to kissing and phone sex. I knew girls were horny but damn, she had no stop in her. It would seem she hadn’t been eating for a while and was just trying to take all she could get. I was down for that.
I invited her over one weekend with intentions of fixing her business. I cleaned the place from floor to ceiling and made it smell like a five-star resort. I even did a fancy spread on the bed to sell the look. White fluffy carpet on the floor and breathtaking scented candles lit on the wall. I loaded an Amazon video for her to watch while I took a shower. I came out in nothing but my towel on, trying to look super sexy for her. I popped us a bottle of Grey Goose and made my deluxe mix with a bottle of Rosè. A sweet, lingering, sparkling mix. Halfway between the first glass, she was already half naked, making herself at home. She turned the movie off and started playing sex songs. I watched her stretch and touched her toes before whining out her bra and underwear. Squeezing her nipples and biting her lips. Now I’ve seen a lot of fat pussy in my life, but she had something different. “Too bad you don’t eat”, she said with a smirk on her face. But even I did, I’m sure I’d suffocate somewhere there 😂. She pulled the towel off and reached for my dick. She gently stroked it as she ran her tongue up and down my leg. I couldn’t help but hold her head each time she moved. The sensation was unbearable. She then sat on top and slid her pussy back and forth the length of my cock, causing her to get super wet. Less than a minute or two she had already cum. “No condom, no love”, she said. Sliding her self back and forth on my dick. I slid my hand in the pillowcase and pulled out three packs of condoms. Scented, glow in the dark and ribbed. I slipped a ribbed on and made her ride herself to another orgasm before flipping her over on her back. I pulled her to the edge of the bed and beat her clit with my shaft. That shit made her squirt. Her pussy was gushing cum and I hadn’t even started beating it up yet. I slid my way inside her and stroked her slow and deep. Holding her neck with one hand while I held her leg with the other. Her eyes rolled back, she screamed my name, she vibrated, and vibrated, and vibrated again. All this cumin made her weak. I had her lap her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck. Standing upright, I held her waist and pulled her back and forth the length of my shaft, causing her to squirt like a broken wipe. She released her hand from around my neck and almost hit the floor. All that fun had made her weak. I braced her against the wall, high enough to give her the full length of my dick. I kissed and fucked and sucked her nipples until she begged me to cum. I spread her legs wide and struck her like lightning until I exploded. Again, she flooded me. Squirting so much the floor was soaked. She was so tired she fell asleep the moment I put her back on the bed. She was knocked the fuck out.
I had to drive her home that night. She was too tired to even bathe herself. We fucked several times after that and had many picnic dates which made me want her even more. Who does a picnic and have sex in the bushes? Before I knew what hit me we were inseparable. Living the life. #Relationshipgoals #Happylife #Bae. I had given in, putting my heart on the line. Expecting hers in return. I had it, I’m sure I did. God knows I had it. But like everything else in my life, that got fucked too. I remember being home one weekend, watching a movie and texting some chicks when my phone rang. A random 876 number. I don’t normally answer numbers I don’t know, but this person was calling a number very few people have. It must be pretty important. What if it’s work? What if it’s an x I haven’t seen in a while and would love to bang again. I missed the first call. I figured if it was important they’d call again. My other Jamaican number started ringing. To my surprise, it was the same number. Obviously, this person wanted something so I answered. I stayed mute and so did the caller. The call ran for like two minutes before the caller said hello.
Caller: Bouyd.... Hello, is this Bouyd?
Me: Who dis?
Caller: You don’t know me but I know you. I’m calling to warn you before you get too deep and something happens to you.
Me: What? Warn me? From who? Who’s this?
Caller: I’m Craig, Rachel’s man.
Me: Which Rachel?
Caller: The someone you tucked last week and dropped off after eleven.
Me: 😳🙄🤭😏🤤. I chuckled to myself for a few before responding. Oh, that Rachel, I know her pretty well. I see you know a lot.
Caller: Yes. I watched you follow her in and squeezed her ass at the door before leaving. I could have knocked you out but I chose not to.
Me: 😂🤣😳🤔 now this is serious. How could he possibly know this? Was he actually there? I bet this is a prank call. Breda, wa yuh want? Mi nuh run certain joke eno bad man. Talk fast or walk fast eno.
Caller: A loud mouth won’t help you son.
I hissed my teeth and ended the call. Who does he think he is? Calling me so late at night to talk about rubbish. At the same time, I was worried. He spoke facts. He knew exactly what I did. I did see a white car parked across the street that night that wasn’t normally there. He messaged me on WhatsApp to answer my phone. Like wtf? How did he even get my WhatsApp number? He called again and I answered. He explained who he was and how he fits in the big picture. He made me tea how long he’s been paying attention to my movements. He knew when we fucked, where we fucked, where we went on dates and even some stuff I’ve only told her. What stood out to me most was when he said, “I could have hurt you so many times but I chose not to because I figured she played you well. He sent me pictures to prove his speech and gave me very detailed information that he had acquired about over a few weeks. I didn’t know what to do. “Now that you know, it’s up to you to decide what you do from here.” He said good night and hung up.
Leaving me in suspense. A million questions ran through my messages be. How could she do this to me? How did a twelve years relationship fit in our four months of dating? Is that even possible? She never slipped up, she never gave me a reason to doubt her. She made me believe that I could have someone for me, myself and I. She made me open up and let her in. Shit 😔. Did I shit in a fucking church or something? Don’t I deserve to be happy without hiccups too. Sigh 😔. Where did I go wrong? Did I fall for her too quickly, did I put my basket where I can’t reach it, is this karma, did I hurt someone who God wants me to repent for? What do I say to her? Should I stay with her, is it safe. I thought with both my heads as I wanted to ensure I made the right decision. I loved her and I love fucking her, but is it worth my life? Would she die for me? What would she do if she was in my shoes? Do I even mention this to her? Sigh 😔. I stayed all night wondering if he had followed me home and was outside waiting for me to act us to ambush me 🤔. She called me several times but I didn’t answer. Could it be a test? What if he was using her phone to call me to see if I would answer? What if she was calling me to say it was a prank? I grew paranoid. He told me to be patient until I see her and I will see that everything he told me was true. So said so done. The new hair do courtesy of, the brand new phone and the marks on her neck. I wanted it to be a joke, I wanted her not to show up the way he said she would. I swallowed my heart that day. Tears ran down my cheeks and I couldn’t stop crying. Why was I crying though? It’s not like it’s first I’ve fucked a nigga’s chick. What was so special about her that I didn’t want to share? Then it hit me, it’s simply because I had fallen in love with an illusion she created. She had created me a photoshop life in 3D. I told her what happened and I told her how I felt. Shit, I even had the guts to say it was over.
She tried for weeks to explain that they were no longer together but I was beyond her white lies. She sent sexy pictures to make me miss fucking her, which I actually did. But I just couldn’t see past what happened. I guess I felt like I was cheated out the chance to choose to date her while she had someone. I would have felt a lot better if she had told me this from the start. I wouldn’t have had my expectations so high. She taught me a lesson that will part me through life. A woman knows what she wants and she knows just how to get it. Women don’t get caught cheating unless they want to get caught, and a woman will create the life she thinks you want to live.i could have lost my life, #Dead. To top it off she said I was ungrateful. She had put her life in jeopardy to be with me and I repaid her by breaking up with her and taking his side. But if she did that to him, what would she do to me? He had the house, the money, the car and I had nothing but a good old dick. I guess that’s what she wasn’t at home.
Life isn’t always about what you can offer. Everybody want vanity, but if they ain’t getting the amount of attention, sex or fun that they’re looking for; “bun” will be your best friend.
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ruckystarnes · 7 years
AUTHOR: RuckyStarnes
SUMMARY:   Reader is about to close up shop when she has one last patron come in
WARNINGS:  flirting and some russian talk
PAIRINGS: Bucky Barnes x RussianEthnicity! Reader
WORDS: 1,306
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Y/N dragged the rag across the table swiftly, wiping up the crumbs and spilt coffee that the patron left behind. She pushed the chair back in and rearranged the advertising tent in the middle with the vase that held a gerber daisy. She was ready to close up early since she only had two customers in the last hour alone. Maybe could finally catch up on the book work that she have been too busy to do. The bell rang, signaling her that someone had just walked into the quaint coffee shop she owned, and inwardly groaned. There's no closing early tonight. She walked briskly towards the counter as she saw the gentleman look in the case at the array of desserts she had stocked from the bakery next door. Mr. Zayns was an artist with his ingredients.
"Evening," she smiled as she placed the rag in the designated bucket and washed her hands in the sink. She threw the paper towel away, turning her head towards him. "What can I get you?" she smiled.
"Um, can you give me a minute," he said softly.
"Let me know when you're ready." She never liked to crowd a patron, especially a new one. She busied herself with the menial tasks as she waited for him to decide, sneaking a glance at him occasionally. He was handsome in a rugged way: scruff that was more than a shadow but less to constitute as a beard, dark brown locks that had a slight wave to them that hit his shoulders and were tucked behind his ears so he could wear the black baseball cap, the same hat that hid his eyes that she could tell were light. Blue, or maybe they were gray?
Her second glance noticed he wore leather gloves on both hands with a dark red Henley under a black leather jacket and dark jeans. Her eyes shifted out the window and saw a motorcycle parked on the street, making his attire in the middle of summer not that alarming.
"Excuse me," his voice interrupted her thoughts, making her gasp softly, her cheeks burning. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
Y/N shook her head and waved her hand to brush his apology off. "It's fine. I lose myself in thought all the time," she said as she walked over to him, "What can I get you sweetie?"
The man raised his brow to her. "You call everyone sweetie?" he asked, the corner of his mouth shifted as if he was going to smile, but he stopped himself. She could tell by the look on his face that he disliked it, causing Y/N to blush even more.
"Yes, actually," she responded. She could feel the heat in her cheeks, but the way he looked at her, her whole body was warm. She cleared her throat; her mouth becoming parched all of sudden. "So what would it be?"
He looked in the case, his finger pointing to the item. "I'll take one of those cranberry orange scones," he said, his eyes squinted a bit as he read the tag of the bakery, "and a coffee."
Y/N nodded. "Here or on the go?" she asked as she rang up the items, her eyes refusing to look at him.
"Here, if you don't mind," he answered, "I know you probably would want to close early." He handed her a twenty and she got his change.
Y/N smiled and shook her head. "No worries," she assured him, "take your time. No rush." She retrieved the scone and put it on a plate and handed it to him.
"Spasibo, krasivyy," he said with a smile, causing Y/N to stare at him, shocked.
"Ty govorish' po-russki?" she asked, a small smile forming on her lips. The man blushed, and nodded his head, almost embarrassed by it.
"Yeah, but I don't use it, so I'm a little rusty." He seemed to laugh at that he was losing the skill.
"My grandparents were from Chekhov, you?" She saw his eyes darken a bit causing her to be confused.
"More like an exchange student," he replied quietly, taking the cup and plate. "It sticks with you. You don't sounds like you're Russian." He started towards a small table in the back corner, taking the seat facing the café.
Y/N grabbed the rag and moved to the next table that needed to be cleaned. "Mom and my aunt moved here in May of '86, just before I was born. Russian was still my first language."
"Your father didn't come with?" His eyes were fixed on her, the cup between his hands.
She bit her lip and sighed, it wasn't something she didn't know much about. "He worked in Chernobyl. Started there just weeks before the incident. I don't know much more than."
"Prosti." He took a sip of his coffee, his eyes looked like they were full of remorse and regret.
"Eto v proshlom. Nichego ne delat', no dvigat'sya dal'she," she responded with a smile. She picked up a chair and turned it over on the table. It was actually nice to speak her language outside of her home for once that wasn’t needed to just translate for an elder at a hospital or nursing home.
"Vy znayete , vy na samom dele krasivo,” he said, his cheeks tinged pink. He removed his ball cap and ran a gloved had through his hair. He looked down at the bakery in front of him, taking a glove off his right hand and setting it on the table. He broke a piece off and plopped it into his mouth, chewing with his eyes on the table.
"I vy stol' zhe krasivyy," she smiled, putting another chair up on the table. "You flirt better in Russian or are you pretty equal in English?" His eyes snapped up at her and she smiled more.
"Depends on if English is going to work on you, or you prefer hearing it in your native tongue." He gave her a smirk, his blue eyes sparkled as she laughed, putting up another chair.
“Never had a guy flirt with me in Russian before.”
"Then you need it in Russian," he laughed, leaning back in his chair and sipped his coffee. "Kto-nibud' kogda-nibud' govoril vam, chto vashi glaza siniye, kak more v seredine zimy."
Y/N fumbled the chair she had in her hand, her cheeks burning red with embarrassment. "Net," she muttered, putting the chair up.
"Vy vyglyadite velikolepno, kogda vy krasneyete.” He took another piece of the scone and put it in his mouth.
"Net." She could feel her neck getting warm as well.
"Poprosite kogo-nibud' prosheptat' gryaznyye veshchi na ukho?"
"Not in Russian," she responded without thinking. She smirked at him, his eyes raked over her body. "Though, you hear it once, you've heard it all." She walked back to the counter, swaying her hips more than was necessary.
"Russkiy zharche," he teased. Her heart leapt at the smile he gave her, but she fought to control the little composure she had left.
"I wouldn't doubt it, but I don't trakhayus’ strangers," she responded.
"I'm James. Friends call me Bucky," he responded with a smile. "So I'm not a stranger anymore."
"Y/N." She shook her head with a smile. "Still not going to trakhayus’ you."
"Why not?" His brow furrowed and she had to laugh.
"You look like a lost little puppy with that look. And I don't until the second date."
"Well, this can be considered the first date, and Saturday can be the second one."
"You're very sure of yourself, aren't you."
"Never disappointed anyone."
Y/N chewed her lip, thinking about her answer. She sighed in mock defeat and conceded. "Fine, Mario's on 13th, Saturday at noon. "YA budu khotet', chtoby uvidet' vse, chto," she motioned to his whole self, "pri yestestvennom osveshchenii."
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jinlian · 7 years
i told @accioharo that i was going to make a post about the fate/au @yuurvic and i came up with so hi i’m gonna do that now 
the katsukis are a small, old family of mages but their practices are dying out, mostly due to the fact that they’ve been simply uninterested in the cutthroat, ambitious world of magecraft. yuuri’s the current crest-holder, the successor, and he’s aware that he’s probably going to be the last katsuki to learn their craft. in all honestly, no one really minds. they’re happy with their quiet town and their family inn and none of the bids for power and control.
still, yuuri’s always had some sort of fascination with his magic. he does go to study at the clock tower. his family has always specialized in minor elemental magic: drawing water from the air, cooling, heating, shifting currents and reading tides. yuuri finds some beauty in this and power in this. he loves it. he loves working the magic and feeling things move at his fingertips. 
except there’s no... point to this. not at the clock tower. yuuri is good, he is, but he can tell that he clearly doesn’t fit in the same world of magecraft and after a few years doesn’t know where he can go from there. and he feels bad about it, because he left his family and spent all the time and resources to study with the mages’ association, and he still can’t find a way to make it seem as though all of that was worth it. he’s not going to have a life among them. he’s not going to revive katsuki magic and bring respect to the name. he’s just... there. and he’s losing inspiration. 
so yuuri decides that he’s going to give up magic and return to japan--except he’s going to go out in one final, last run with all the magic he knows and loves. he’s going to show that it wasn’t a waste, his studying magic. he’s going to prove that he belonged there among the mages. (he doesn’t want to stop. he wants to be a mage forever, but he doesn’t see any purpose in continuing. not in the world he knows) yuuri doesn’t even really know what comes over him when he makes the decision, what makes him possibly believe that he has a chance, but he can’t imagine making another choice: yuuri decides to participate in the next holy grail war.
it should be mentioned that yuuri has a favorite folk tale.
there are some creative liberties taken with this folk tale to make it work, but yuuri has collections of books and novels about the kingdom of opona, about the white tsar who loved his people and was beloved by them right back yet still lived a lonely life in his castle. although he had everything and ruled justly, his heart was always searching for something he never found. the lonely king left his castle one day, alone with his faithful hound, and was swept up in a fearsome blizzard that raged across the land. they were never found.
...well, of course. until a young mage with a collection of books and portraits scattered around his room and his bedside table draws a summoning circle and calls forth a heroic spirit to help him win the holy grail.
victor is classed as a rider and he appears with makkachin. fate is pretty loose with the rules, but he qualifies as a rider due to his sled dog (who can change sizes as a summon and actually carry people on his back because fuck it why not), his ability to ice skate in various versions of his legend, and uh @swoerdfuecker has helpfully reminded me that it’s fate/ canon that there’s a rider class servant who’s a rider bc she rides dick duskfjgsd and i’m not saying this is a reason but victor’s gay
anyway he can fight with a sword and stuff in most fights, but his noble phantasm is an anti-army reality marble: khvatka zimy/winter’s grasp (open to re-translation LOL i don’t speak russian) or the curtainfall of the lost king. it’s a recreation of the night he died, thanks to @swoerdfuecker for this
reality marble that recreates the blizzard rider died in. magic in the ice and snow distorts a servant's perception of their surroundings and the presence of rider himself. rider also gains superiority and advantage in combat, and near complete control over the battlefield and its weather, but is also at greater risk of injury. by commanding the force of nature that killed him, he must embrace it as well: the longer the reality marble is active, the lower his defence/constitution becomes. separating him from makkachin forcibly dispells the magecraft, as the night of his death must include his hound as well.
he turns out he also becomes warmer if his master is near??? wao who would have guessed
anyway yuuri doesn’t think he’s the best mage but he’s driven to win anyway and it turns out that victor finds what he was looking for his whole life and they both realize they want to wish to stay together. and because angst and sad endings are definitely not allowed in any victuuri anything, their love purifies the grail of angra mainyu and there’s no corruption and they get their wish and get to live happily ever after together the end
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vconfess · 13 years
` 98. So can you take off that brown shirt…?
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If just for tonight, or the rest our lives I will take my time to show you how you’re always on my mind So can you take off that brown shirt So I can get to know you better
--- oh the way by promise of redemption
no to witam. muszę Wam powiedzieć, że lody karmelowo-jagodowo-pomarańczowe ze zmielonymi OREO, kakaem, sopelkami z czekolady i bitą śmietaną to COŚ WSPANIAŁEGO. także tak. trochę się zmieniło. oficjalnie mogę Wam powiedzieć, że już wybrałam. i wszystko powinno być na dobrej drodze, bo to jest dwustronne i na razie spoko. jedynym problemem jest to, że będę musiała czekać, żeby go zobaczyć aż 2 tygodnie, co cienko widzę, ale… może dam radę. MUSZĘ DAĆ (; dzisiaj było dość ciepło, szkoda, że nie planowałam z nikim wychodzić. dla mnie to rąbany śnieg mógłby się już stopić i zapanować co najmniej 10 stopni. nienawidzę zimy, naprawdę ta pora roku mnie strasznie wnerwia. i denerwuje mnie jak ktoś dotyka moich włosów. taka schiza, trochę chore c: dostałam od Marty piękną bluzkę z wilkiem, którego nazwałam Grayson ♥ i ogólnie w środę miałam taką schizę, że byłam na granicy samouwielbienia, naprawdę. włosy mi się układały i w ogóle, a jak przymierzyłam bluzkę to już w ogóle wyglądałam nie najgorzej c: coś pięknego. dzisiaj za dużo bliźniaczych godzin xd żeby tu chodziło o tego, co myślę (; lubię limp bizkit. przy rollin’ i my way dostaję odjazdu. wypożyczyłam sobie książki i wszystkie wcześniej czytałam. ale nareszcie poczytam sobie „bezsenność we dwoje„, a tę książkę bardzo kocham ♥ jak ja będę za nim tęsknić, oł oł.
życzę nice evening, spadam zajmować się TYM i OWYM (;
- Marshal
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byakurenbreak · 7 years
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Those who have known me for long enough already know how much I ADORE Vocaloid and the amazing Portal 2 fanfic, Blue Sky by the very talented @waffleguppies (read it here if you haven’t already!) So I decided to make a little playlist of Vocaloid songs that fit certain parts of the story. Feel free to have a listen, and perhaps drown in the feels with me!
Song list below the cut!
1. EZFG feat. VY1 - Cyber Thunder Cider - “There was no alternative. She needed her.”
2. SEDO Sounder feat. MAYU - I Can Only Hear the Sound of Tears - “That’s what I need. A proper conversation would be absolutely amazing right now.”
3. Neru feat. Kagamine Rin - Lost One’s Weeping -  "Do you know what I learned? Perspective. You taught me that no matter how bad things are, no matter how unfair life seems to be, no matter how small and pathetic you feel, there's always someone even smaller and more pathetic than you.”
4. Hario feat. Kasane Teto - Typewriter - “Chell returned her part of the ritual -  a smile and a covered crate of her own”
5. Kikuo feat. Hatsune Miku - Hikari Yo - “Just- please come and get me. Please. I am quite literally begging you. On my knees. Figure of speech, obviously, if I had knees, I'd be on them.”
6. DECO*27 feat. Gumi - Mozaik Role - “It’s you! It’s you, you came back!”
7. Giga-p x Crusher-p feat. Hatsune Miku and Gumi English - Hibikase x ECHO Mashup - “ The avatar the system had picked for him was in its- his- mid-thirties, thin, gangling, and not nearly as well-groomed as the presentation model. He had a face like a hare caught in the headlights of an articulated truck, all goggly eyes overmagnified behind thick-framed glasses, and his generous allocation of mouth was stretched in a wide grin.”
8. Denpol-P feat Hatsune Miku - Hitorinbo Envy -  "All I wanted to do was to make everything better for me!" He was almost shouting, now. Not really at her, so much- more at himself, at the part of himself that was unable to shut out the look in those hurt tired human eyes of hers. "And I did, I did it, I'm here, aren't I? I'm so close! I bloody deserve this!"
9. Nantoka-P feat. Hatsune Miku - Love Love Nightmare - “You’re not a good person, you know that, right? Good people don’t end up here.”
10. 164 feat. MAYU - Ama no Jaku - “Ever heard of ‘three strikes and you’re out’?”
11. Ryo feat. Hatsune Miku - Melt - “He stood up to get another fork, glanced absently over the partition in the direction of the photocopier- -and fell helplessly, hopelessly, in love.”
12. Giga-p feat. Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len - Childish War - “You bloody used me!”
13. Sasakure.UK feat. Kasane Teto - Nekosogi Matter Bop - “Soon as I get her working, you’ll find out. She’s going to put Eaden on the map.”
14. Honeyworks feat. Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len - Suki, Kirai  - “Nice straight corridor, no pits, no turrets, just lots of handy portal surfaces if we need ‘em.”
15. Junky feat. Kagamine Rin - Sweet Magic - “We... are making bread.”
16. Hachi feat. Gumi - Donut Hole - “Is... your holding my head going to help me remember?”
17. Yukke feat. Gumi - Transient Apple Salesgirl - “So yes, that’s basically what I’m asking. You, me, some sort of place that isn’t in here. Thoughts?”
18. EZFG feat. VY2 and VY1 - Hurting for a Very Hurtful Pain - “It’s not fair, it’s not FAIR! They told me I was- they- they gave me a sticker!”
19. Mitchie M feat. Hatsune Miku - Freely Tomorrow - “It’s perfect, Wheatley! You did it! IT WORKS! SHE WORKS!”
20. Agoaniki-P feat. Megurine Luka - Double Lariat - "Hey- ding, that's a thought; music, legs, since we're here and everything- would you- would you like to dance? With- with me?"
21. Jin feat. IA - Outer Science - "Be careful out there. This is not a standard test. I'm not kidding, there are a lot of potential hazards."
22. Kurosawa Madoka feat. Kagamine Rin - Giga Cartoon Witch - "Orange let out a high-pitched little screech of celebration and went into a quick, hippy sort of touch-up shuffle, making the cut-and-shut construction on its back clank and slosh. Blue twisted its torso in a stiff-jointed moonwalking shimmy. The two of them high-fived with a hard metal-on-metal clack, then jogged towards the single, blinking red light."
23. Creep-P feat. Hatsune Miku English - Cotton Candy - "You're not human."
24. Maki feat. Gumi - Flower of Blood - "I'm going to be honest. You're good at this. That's not a compliment, by the way, it's just a statistical observation."
25. DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku - Ghost Rule - "That's- that's fine by me, Fox." His voice might have been a little on the shaky side, small and quivery and not exactly the epitome of dauntless heroism he would have liked it to be, but at least it sounded sincere. "Do it."
26. Kurage-P feat. Yuzuki Yukari - Chururira Chururira Daddadda - "Hey, hey, whoah-whoah-whoah, keep your knickers on, who said anything about controlling your facility? Did I say I wanted to control your facility? No way, ha, nonono, that's aaall yours. Wouldn't touch it with a bargepole, if I'm honest. Not after that whole utter bloody shambles we ended up in last time, ohohoh, no, not if you paid me. Incidentally, that little corridor you've got her in down there, bit sort of stuffy, isn't it? Not exactly showing your full hand there, are you, in terms of interior design- ooh! I know! Why don't you give her a bit more breathing space?"
27. Cosmo@Bousou-P feat. Hatsune Miku - The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku - "...Give up. Alright? Do that for me? You're- you're safe, and- and I..."
28. Shikemoku feat. Gumi and Hatsune Miku - Hocus Pocus - "That's right! Some people are just... oh, boy, they're one in a million, they're so bright, so brilliant- you watch them doing what they were born for, and oh, they just light up like stars. They can take on the whole world. But they still need you by their side, just being good old you. Yes, sir! I'm always happy to help a helper."
29. Dios/Signal-P feat. Gumi - Aitai - "It was somewhere in the middle of this- right bang in the middle of their very first, gloriously fiddly, uncertain, awkward, amazing kiss- that the full meaning of what Chell had just, actually, said finally slammed into Wheatley's battered, overloaded mind. It was a toss-up as to which factor did it- the kiss or the words- but it was probably a combination of both."
30. Jimmy Thumb-P feat. Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Sasumi Zimi - Re_boot - Wheatley Stinks
31. Furukawa-P feat. Hatsune Miku - Alice - “ Somewhere else, somewhere else entirely- far beyond Her reach, miles beyond the range of Her vision- a young woman (barefoot, her dark hair escaping from a ponytail, her face both slightly mischievous and strikingly content) tugged her stumbling, uncomplaining, mad-grinning companion (ludicrously tall, really, and drowning in a rough-knit sky-blue sweater) along a long path worn in the knee-high cricket-humming meadowgrass.”
32. Nanou feat. Hatsune Miku - Hello/How Are You? - That’s a No, Then
33. Doriko feat. Hatsune Miku - Romeo and Cinderella - The Itch
34. DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku - Two Breaths Walking - The Kick
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its-lifestyle · 5 years
“Come on, Joshua, stop looking down! The girls want to see your face,” teases music teacher Edwin Nathaniel.
Guitarist Joshua Daniel Johnson smiles and shifts his gaze upwards momentarily, giving enough time for the photographer to take some shots.
The 25-year-old is jamming with his all-male quartet, and they’re belting out Chuck Berry’s Go Johnny Go at a studio in the Petaling Jaya-based Music Mart school in Selangor, run by Nathaniel.
In one corner of the room, Sharon Vyner is beaming with pride, seeing how her only child Johnson, is holding his own as band leader of Zimi J.
They are not your ordinary band, as its members have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Ilyas Faisal Wong, 23, Maxx Lim, 18, Wan Zareef Nuqman, 21, and Johnson are busy practising for an upcoming paid gig when suddenly, Johnson hollers frantically, “Stop! Stop!”
Vyner searched high and low for a kindergarten to accept her autistic son.
Surprised, we all pause, wondering what has triggered this outburst. He puts his hand into his pants pocket to bring out a handkerchief. “My sweat is coming down,” he says in a serious tone, dabbing his forehead.
Relief washes over us, and we smile. “Let’s take it again from this second verse. One, two, three, four!” commands Johnson, and the boys continue rehearsing.
Johnson was diagnosed with ASD at age four and only started speaking in full sentences at nine.
But he was already humming, singing and strumming an air guitar at the age of three.
“No kindergarten or music teacher would accept him because he was extremely hyper.
“A friend of mine owned a kindergarten and I made a pact to work for her for free if she would take Joshua. She agreed.
“I also bought him a guitar at 10 and he learnt it himself. It wasn’t until later that I sent him to Edwin for drum lessons, and was told Joshua was gifted,” shares Vyner, the director of academic studies and training at Vyner Music Centre, a school for children and adults with ASD.
Today, Johnson can play almost any instrument. Music has since become his refuge and he also sings, composes and teaches. In fact, Johnson won the Best Expression award at the Autistic Talent Gala 2017 in Hong Kong.
“And the mother is tone deaf!” declares Vyner, laughing.
Under Nathaniel’s guidance, Zimi J was formed three years ago, and the boys are slowly carving a name for themselves as a rock-and-roll outfit.
Rhythmic tool
Percussionist Nathaniel has a passion for special children and believes music is not only about hitting the right note or perfecting the lyrics.
Percussionist Nathaniel, who has a passion for teaching special children, uses rhythm as a therapeutic tool, and believes music is not only about hitting the right notes or perfecting the lyrics. “It flows right from your heart. Everything that comes from the heart is beautiful. “All these ‘special’ children … when they are with music, they are very calm and exhibit a normal spectrum. “Some don’t like certain sounds and will cover their ears in agony. “Others don’t like to be touched, so I sense their reaction first before deciding what approach to use,” says Nathaniel. For example, Johnson hates Latin American music, especially salsa. He had a meltdown when he was 15, and because this particular genre of music was playing in the background at that time, he associates salsa with that episode. “He’s very into rock and I’m trying to break him out of that genre,” reveals Nathaniel, who founded the Rise (rhythm, interaction, special, enablers) programme as an alternative method to teach children about focused listening, discipline, patience and teamwork. He adds, “I always get Joshua to lead the band and only come in to fine tune things. “There are also sessions where I give the opportunity for others to lead. “They have shown tremendous improvement in their self-esteem, confidence and music. “I’ve seen them develop from timid young boys to talented musicians. “Initially these kids would climb all over me until the parents told me to be more authoritative. “During drum circle sessions (a group of people playing hand-drums and percussion in a circle), some will even charge at you! But, when you stand your ground, they listen. “I start teaching them drums first because it is easy to pick up and good for their co-ordination skills. “It’s not true that drums or percussion are too loud for them.” The four members of the band met at a private school where Nathaniel used to teach and have established a close bond since. All are musically inclined, play more than one instrument and have passed different grades of exams conducted by Rockschool, a leading exam board in rock and pop music in Britain. When they’re not practising, the boys are in Vyner’s school, teaching other kids with ASD music or learning living skills such as cooking and baking. Of the lot, Vyner says Ilyas and Wan Zareef have the most patience. She says, “We have kids from four to 26 years of age and the school is set up in a house to acclimatise them to a home setting. “A new environment forces them out of their comfort zone and stimulates them. “For the younger ones, the school offers an early intervention programme, and for the older ones, they learn social interaction and other skills so that we can get job placements for them. “These children don’t know how to lie and cannot hide their feelings.”
For easy reading and cueing, Johnson rewrites the music notes for his band members
Holding court
Johnson is pretty eloquent and expresses himself well, though he hardly makes eye contact. Asked what his favourite genre of music is, he rattles off, “I like heavy metal, album-oriented rock, glam metal – my favourite band is Swedish rock band, Europe.” He plans to form a new band in 2021, using some of the existing Zimi J members. Looking at the floor, he says, “I’ll be the lead singer. I can’t hit the high notes yet so I’m going to train for the next two years. “I used to have stage fright before, but I’m better now. In two years, I’ll be ready. My ambition is to be a guitarist and composer.” So far, Johnson has written five songs, mostly about love. “It’s true, the theme is about love, but I don’t want people to be sick of my love songs so I might sing other people’s songs. “If possible, I also want to be an actor on (British soap opera) Coronation Street, but I’m waiting for my mother to take me for an audition,” he says, citing football and badminton as his other loves. To make things easier, Johnson painstakingly rewrites all music notes using regular letters, so that his band mates know when to cue their instruments in. He can detect wrong notes and other mistakes at lightning speed.
Ilyas teaching piano to a young boy at Vyner’s school. – SHARON VYNER
Cantopop lover
Ilyas considers himself a “super professional teacher” at Vyner’s school. If a child is naughty, refuses to learn or throws a tantrum, Ilyas gently coaxes him or her. “I like to be nice and normal to people, so I will tell the child, ‘Please don’t be like that.’ “Then I proceed to teach them the C chord on the piano,” says the diehard fan of Cantopop songs, especially ones sung by his favourite artiste, Jacky Cheung. Last year, his parents took him to Hong Kong to watch Cheung live in concert. Ilyas was over the moon. “It was wonderful to meet my idol and I was so inspired. Every Friday night, I train my voice in my room. “I want to be able to sing like him,” says Ilyas, who aspires to be a music teacher. We request that he sings us a Cheung number and he obliges. With his deep baritone voice, Ilyas is lost in his own world as he passionately renders a Cantonese song in almost perfect pitch. We applaud and he smiles shyly. He quickly says, “Thank you, but I still have to work on my voice.” “You want to be a music teacher?” I ask.
“Precisely!” Ilyas answers (that’s his favourite word). “I want to be a good one.”
Wan Zareef leading the drum circle at the Selangor and Federal Territory Association for the Mentally Handicapped.
Nathaniel, who also teaches music at the Selangor and Federal Territory Association for the Mentally Handicapped (SAMH), sometimes brings his special needs music students to accompany him in drum circle sessions there. He is currently training Wan Zareef to become a music teacher. We get a “preview” of his leadership and teaching skills at SAMH. With a stick in one hand, Wan Zareef commands attention. All eyes are on him as he raises the stick. He strikes the cowbell and the hall erupts with rhythms. The young man’s pleasant demeanour and soft-spoken way make him a hit with SAMH members. They look, listen and follow his instructions to a tee. Even the carers and other parents are full of praise for him. He never gets angry and is always smiling. “I started teaching here last year and enjoy it very much. It’s a lot of fun because they listen to me. “I eventually want to become a musician (bassist) and open a music school for all kinds of people,” says the eldest of three siblings. He loves cooking and baking, and lights up when talking about his favourite recipe. “I like making nasi goreng Thai for my family. We don’t have a maid so I do everything myself,” says Wan Zareef. For the next few days, however, cooking is furthest from his mind. He turns 21 on April 13 and is busy organising a party for 50 guests – single-handedly. Entertainment will be provided by Zimi J, of course.
from Family – Star2.com http://bit.ly/2U9IwkQ
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fmservers · 6 years
Thoughts on Xiaomi’s eighth anniversary and inaugural month as a public company
Hans Tung Contributor
Hans Tung is a managing partner at GGV Capital.
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Consumer internet startups go mainstream outside of Silicon Valley
Converging consumer values in China and the U.S. are creating millennials without borders
Zara Zhang Contributor
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Zara Zhang is an investment analyst with GGV Capital and a blogger about China, tech, and food.
On August 16, Xiaomi celebrated the seventh anniversary of the release of its first phone, and the eighth anniversary of MIUI’s launch. As an early investor in Xiaomi in spring 2010 and a former board member of the company, I attended Xiaomi’s IPO in Hong Kong on July 9. I felt nostalgic and grateful, and marveled at how much Xiaomi — which seemed like a crazy idea to many back in January 2010 — has achieved over the past eight years.
Xiaomi’s business model is not the easiest to appreciate if you have never tried its products. Its holistic value proposition doesn’t have an easy equivalent in the US. I frequently get asked questions about how the company works and what justifies its valuation for each round over the years. Here’s my take on the five most asked questions:
Why is Xiaomi an “Internet company”? Isn’t it just a manufacturer of cheap smartphones with really low margin?
At first glance Xiaomi may seem like a hardware company, which traditionally has lower gross margins. But if you look at the company as a whole and how it engages with users, it’s much more – it’s an Internet company.
It is true that around 70% of Xiaomi’s revenue comes from smartphones, 20% comes from connected devices and lifestyle products, and 10% comes from Internet services in 2017. Yet, you can actually think of smartphones as Xiaomi’s customer acquisition tool for its Internet services.
Once users get a taste of Xiaomi through its smartphones, they fall in love with the brand’s superb design, ease of usage, quality, and amazing price-to-performance ratio, and are more likely to buy a Xiaomi smart TV next, then Xiaomi’s smart home appliances, and finally use Xiaomi’s apps. Over time, Xiaomi’s Internet service revenue will grow more rapidly than most people think.
As of March 2018, Xiaomi already had 38 apps with more than 10 million monthly active users, and 18 apps with more than 50 million monthly active users, including the Mi App Store, Mi Browser, Mi Music, and Mi Video apps. Rather than paying search engines to acquire users, Xiaomi is essentially getting paid for acquiring users through selling its smartphones. This allows Xiaomi to have a negative CAC (customer acquisition cost) for its Internet services.
Another under-appreciated pillar of Xiaomi’s growth is its “ecosystem strategy.” Xiaomi strategically invests in many startups as well as the many Internet services providers they work with, both in China and outside of China. Companies in the Xiaomi ecosystem include SmartMi (air purifiers), Zimi (power banks), Huami (Mi bands), Chun Mi (rice cookers), and 80-plus more.
Thanks to these prolific investments, you can find a wide variety of products in any Xiaomi store, from scooters to ukeleles (see below). As a result, every time consumers visit a Xiaomi store, they can find something new, and the frequency of store visits is a lot higher than typical smartphone brands, even Apple. 
Xiaomi’s users are often loyal to the brand because there are so many great Xiaomi ecosystem products consumers can buy. Over 1.4 million users already own more than five connected Xiaomi products (excluding smartphones and laptops). The rising middle class in China and other emerging markets trust, embrace, and identify with the Xiaomi brand – similar to how Muji and Uniqlo from Japan are loved by consumers worldwide. Overtime, as more users become “Mi fans”, Xiaomi’s Internet service revenue will grow, but there is a lagging effect, which many public investors don’t fully appreciate yet.
In addition, Xiaomi also invests in Internet service providers. It then preloads their content into its own apps, or preloads their apps into its own phones and smart TVs. For example, within the Mi Video app, you can access content from top Chinese video platforms like iQiyi and Youku Tudou, because Xiaomi was an investor in these companies. Xiaomi shares advertising and subscription revenue with these platforms, allowing it to rapidly grow its revenue from Internet services, which have extremely high margins.
What key factors made you want to invest in Xiaomi? In your opinion, what was the biggest risk about this investment?
I have known CEO and founder LEI Jun for almost 10 years. We first met when he became an angel investor in early 2008. When Lei Jun first told me about his idea for Xiaomi in January 2010 in Beijing, I listened to his pitch (there wasn’t even a PowerPoint) and it took about 90 minutes before I decided to invest. He used five arguments to convince me.
In the next 10 years, smartphones will replace laptops as the dominant way people interact with technology.
He believed that listening to consumers’ feedback and iterating on products rapidly based on that feedback are essential for success, especially for building customer loyalty. This is a different approach from the one that Apple, HTC, Samsung, Motorola, Nokia, etc. had at that time. He wanted to build a phone that is Android-based but with a localized wraparound “MIUI” so that users will feel it’s an OS that listens to them and can grow with them.
Internet companies have high margins and therefore are less likely to fully commit to a low margin business like hardware. Think Google and Amazon.
Ensure the price of the hardware is as low as possible so the company can grow market share and users. Sell the phones online, direct-to-consumer, bypass the middlemen, and past the enormous cost savings to consumers. Overtime, the company will monetize on Internet services.
Build a world-class team that has a combination of overseas returnees and locals.
The team he assembled was the only one that had experience in four out of the five areas that I considered to be critical to the success for his “triathlon model”:
E-commerce (via his second startup Joyo.com, which was sold to Amazon in 2004),
Software (via Kingsoft, where he was the CEO)
Internet services such as online gaming (via Kingsoft, where he was the CEO).
Online brand building (via the startup Vancl, where he was an angel investor)
Smartphone design (this is the area where his initial team did not have direct experience, but I was confident that he would hire the best talents in smartphone design given his 1 million Sina Weibo fans in 2010)
No one else had all these skills under one roof. This is why I thought Xiaomi might have the chance to do something very special.
However, for anyone who passed on Xiaomi early, it was very a reasonable and logical decision. In the history of mobile phone companies around the world, no startup had ever been successful. Some even predicted that for Xiaomi to succeed, Motorola, Ericsson, and Nokia would all have to fail. In 2010, that seemed a crazy idea. But the rest is history. 
What do you think of Xiaomi’s international expansion strategy?
Xiaomi did a great job in recruiting Hugo Barra, who was formerly an executive at Google Android, to join them as Head of International in 2013. Hugo’s experience lent credibility to Xiaomi, as he became the international face of the company for the next three to four years. He also recruited several young executives and country managers, mostly in their late 20s or early 30s back then, many of whom were first-generation Chinese Americans or Western educated immigrants. These executives have helped Xiaomi become a global company, and they all have a bright future ahead of them with more responsibilities to come. It’s really important to hire the right head of international and country managers to make it work.
Conversely, when US companies go to China, it’s harder to hire young millennials to spearhead the China business because the Chinese Internet space is a lot more difficult to navigate. But as there are more and more Gen Z and millennial consumers in China, American and international companies can take more chances, recruit young entrepreneurs to join them, and form an advisory board of industry veterans and investors around their China initiative.
How can Xiaomi expand into the US, given Huawei and ZTE’s troubled relationship with the US government and the recent trade tensions between the US and China?
In my opinion, the US market is not an immediate priority for Xiaomi today. Emerging markets, which include India, Southeast Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe, and Latin America, represent much bigger and immediate opportunities.
Xiaomi is already in 74 countries today. In the first quarter of 2018, over 36% of Xiaomi’s revenue came from markets outside of China. According to IDC, in Q4 2017, Xiaomi was among the top five smartphone brands in terms of unit shipments in 15 countries, including India (No. 1), Indonesia (No. 2), Russia, Poland, Greece, and Israel. Xiaomi also has plans to double down on markets in Latin America such as Mexico.
Why is this significant? Allow me to share a historical lesson. When Yahoo! Invested in Alibaba (another GGV portfolio company) in 2005, the world had 1 billion Internet users. Now, the world has 3.5 billion Internet users. Over the last 13 years, Alibaba’s valuation increased 100 times from $5 billion to $500 billion. The fact that China was the fastest growing market for Internet users during this period, coupled with Alibaba’s amazing ability to execute, turned the company into a growth miracle. In the next 12-13 years, the world will most likely grow to 5 billion Internet users. The world’s next 1 billion Internet users that will come online in the next decade – via affordable but high-quality smartphones – are outside of the US. They are in the 74 countries that Xiaomi is already in today. Going forward, Xiaomi is very well-positioned to take advantage of the next phase of growth through selling hardware, software, and bundled Internet services, as well as by investing in partner companies in those countries.
What do you think of Xiaomi’s IPO price?
I think Xiaomi is undervalued at HK$17 per share. Xiaomi’s was the world’s largest tech IPO since Alibaba’s in 2014 and it has a relatively complicated business model, so it might take time for public investors to understand and appreciate. I believe Xiaomi will deliver performance that beats expectations going forward.
If you look at the IPO price of HK$17 a share, Xiaomi was valued using a revenue multiple of 10x for its Internet services (a discount to Alibaba and Tencent), and 2x for its hardware-related revenue (an average multiple for one of China’s favorite brands), based on the 2017 numbers. So there is still a lot of potential for upside both in terms of operational growth and multiple expansions. I remember when Facebook went public in 2012, its share was priced at $38 and its first day of trading ended at $38.23. Obviously, six years later, Facebook is now worth about five times its valuation at IPO. Similarly, there’s a lot of room for Xiaomi to grow. 
I’d like to give a shoutout to other major early investors in Xiaomi, including Richard Liu of Morningside Venture Capital, Tuck Koh of ShunWei Capital, and Yuri Milner, Shou Zi Chew (now Xiaomi’s CFO) of DST Global. Their continued support has been instrumental to Xiaomi’s success.
For more on our take on Xiaomi, listen to the latest episode of the 996 Podcast where we discussed Xiaomi’s IPO and an earlier episode of the podcast where we interviewed Xiaomi’s cofounder Lin Bin. You can find the show on Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify, or SoundCloud. Just search “996” wherever else you listen to podcasts. You can also watch Hans discussing Xiaomi on CNBC and Bloomberg, or read his previous TechCrunch article “Xiaomi on Its 5th Birthday. 
To reach Hans and Zara directly, join the 996 listeners’ community via WeChat/Slack at 996.ggvc.com/community
They also run a biweekly email newsletter on tech trends in China. Subscribe at 996.ggvc.com.
Via Jonathan Shieber https://techcrunch.com
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lexxikitty-blog1 · 6 years
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Destiny Abounds by Annathesa Nikola Darksbane and Shei Darksbane Series: Starlight Saga: #1 Read: February 2016 Rating: 3.75 Stars
To start with – if it hadn’t been for the fact that I had already read, and enjoyed, every other book written by this pair of authors (not including a short story, which I haven’t read yet), I probably wouldn’t have given this book here a third chance.  Yes, third.  First doesn’t really count – it was just a causal like look over the book after completing the second book by this pair.  Second one though – that one counts, it does.  Since I started, and then fled the book. I just . . ..  Well, that was longish ago.  Third time was this time so I’ll just relay that one.  
To a large extent, it probably would have been better if the book had started with any other character instead of the captains.  I hadn’t actually realized it until stumbling through it and getting to other points of view, but the first, the captain’s point of view is that way on purpose.  It’s off putting and annoying as hell though.  Part of the reason why I didn’t immediately ‘get it’ is all the ‘errors’.  Like the repeated use of words and phrases in, the supposedly, ‘non-point of view’ section.  As in times when the phrase ‘it was’ was repeated.  ‘The dog it was it was very large.’ (not an exact quote) or times when the word ‘the’ was oddly used.  Mostly, though, it was the very unnaturally disjointed flow of the captains sections. I literally had to read the first page about 12 times just to figure out what the bloody hell was being said.  It wasn’t that it involved difficult words, or the like, it was just so bloody weirdly worded.  Took me getting to other points of view and seeing how smoothly, for the most part, those sections were, then getting back to the captains and again encountering the rough disjointedness of the captains to finally realize that her sections were that way on purpose.  Once I realized that, everything began to become easier to read.
Right, so.  I probably would have noticed, hmm . . I’m fairly certain I would have noticed . . . the similarities between this book and ‘Firefly’ (the 2002 show that was on Fox briefly).  Well, at least vaguely.  For the most part, only one of the characters has something of a 1 for 1 match.  All the rest are vague.  To a large extent, from the little given on the TV show, and in this book, Inara Serra (the ‘companion’ on the show), and Kalah Sirrah appear to be roughly similar characters.  The rest, as noted, are mostly pushing puzzle pieces around, and pounded some pieces where they probably don’t really go.
Also on the ship, Branwen Hawke, Captain of Destiny Abounds, has some rough similarities with Captain Mal Reynolds of Firefly.  Well, both had military backgrounds that both were trying to put behind them.  Both captains of a starship.  And . . . that’s basically it in similarities.  Not really similar, eh?  Oh, and both using ships uncommon – though the Firefly was a cargo ship much outdated to the time Captain Mal flew it, while the Destiny Abounds being a rather technologically advanced spaceship.  
Prisoner 286 has some vague similarities to a combination of two Firefly characters - Jayne Cobb/River Tam character.   286 has some super advanced fighting skills that seem kind of magical, somewhat like River, has some vaguely anti-social tendencies somewhat like River (though more how, at times, River might suddenly go from looking like she’s sleeping to running around ripping things apart); but also has the ‘doesn’t give a shit’ vibe that Cobb has, is as talkative as Cobb is, and is something of a bully like Cobb.
I was thinking Zimi must match up with Dr. Simon Tam, from Firefly, but then I thought more about it and thought that I might just be going for ‘medic on Destiny Abounds’ and ‘doctor on Firefly’ as basis.  Like several others, Zimi appears to be a combined character.  Fitting some of Shepherd Books gibberish and . . . gibberish into her character, combined with the medical part from Dr. Simon Tam (though Simon was a top medical professional, while Zimi is more self-taught –still, Zimi is much more skilled than you’d expect for someone basically self-taught), and the fighting skills of Simon (somewhat ineffectual (at least during one fight), desiring to do the right thing but might accidentally shoot one of the crew while trying to shoot an invader; so unlike Shepherd Book, who gave off the vibe of a pacifist type, but actually had been a skilled intelligence officer at some point).
The pilot of Destiny Abounds, Merlo, has an obvious match-up with the pilot on Firefly, Wash.  Merlo, though, seems a lot more military than Wash (though both had/have military training).  I’d been thinking that Merlo might be some combo of Zoe Washburne and Wash Washburne, though only because Merlo seems to want to find the military option in every situation, while Zoe was always ready for the military option, though not necessarily leading with it.   Truth be told, other than having military training and being super good at piloting, there really isn’t that good of a match between Merlo and Wash (or Zoe).  I mean, Wash liters stuff like dinosaurs figurines all over the place, while Merlo has no use for debris.  They are barely similar. Just job title.
Also, somewhat obviously, the engineers on both ships vaguely match up.  Vaguely.  Kaylee is kind of socially awkward while being a brilliant engineer, like Mr. Leonard.  But Mr. Leonard seemed scared of his own shadow, while Kaylee seemed to be more of the socially awkward, rather roll around in grease fixing things than bouncing around a party type.  
And, right.  Quite frankly, there’s a big chance I’d not have tried to ‘smush’ the two things together. This book and Firefly, if I hadn’t seen it in reviews.   Hell, I could probably attempt to ‘mush’ any old show with the book.   Like, say, Stargate.  Branwen is kind of like Jack O’Neill – military veteran, kind of sits back watching the others do their thing, but ready to step in at a moment’s notice to take command.  And, um, Merlo . . . um . . is kind of like the early brash Major Carter before she got seasoned.  And . . . um .  . . Mr. Leonard is like Sgt. Harriman, there to keep things running, but is on the side, watching – Mr. Leonard because he’s really really shy and fragile like, and Gary Jones because he’s a bit player with a few lines of dialogue (though in 112 episodes) ….  Yeah, okay, I can’t match up Stargate with this book. Hehe.
Well, got distracted there with my little Firefly diversion.  There are at least 5 points of view shared in this book.  The main ones are Branwen Hawke, Merlo, Kala Sirrah Nazai, and Prisoner 286.  The fifth involves a few times that Mr. Leonard gets to pop his head up glance around, meerkat-like.  Hmms. There’s only one other passenger/crew member – Zimi Praff.  I can’t recall if Zimi has any time taking over things.
The plot, to a large extent, seems designed to show how each crew member ended up aboard the Destiny Abounds starship, including how the ship itself got its name (it opens the book nameless).  At first the ship consisted of Branwen as captain and Mr. Leonard as engineer.  However they ended up on or with the ship is not mentioned.
Branwen Hawke is the captain but doesn’t really know much about technology.  Apparently really old, but she dodges the age question as well as she can.  Everyone else, unless I’m forgetting something, get described as being ‘young’ – many seeming to be described as being around 17 years of age or thereabouts (not sure why the book ended up being overrun with kids, but . . . whatever; though these are mostly observations made by other people gazing upon the characters, not internal thoughts or overt conversation – the young age, I mean).  Mr. Leonard, as mentioned, is the engineer.  He gives off a vaguely ‘I’m actually a robot pretending to be a human’ vibe, but the hints that are dropped probably leads me in a different direction.  <spoiler>There is a super advanced civilization mentioned in the book on a planet. No one lives in this civilization except for children and either an A.I. or with A.I.’s.  The artificial intelligent critters guide and protect the children.  There is a relatively high likelihood, as expressed in the book, that the children are children because they had been regressed – had been adults but they themselves did something to themselves to move them back to the age of children – because of how fun it is to be a child with no responsibility, etc..  Well, the hints that are dropped seemed to indicate that Mr. Leonard might be somehow connected to that civilization. I might be reading into things, though so . . ..  Either a kid who wanted to ‘play’ and explore – and therefore allowed himself to grow to adult size, or an A.I. from this civilization.</spoiler>
Very quickly the ship adds a pilot – Merlo.  Quickly as in almost immediately after the book opens.  Merlo is a young woman who has spent most of her live being trained to be a pilot and is therefore super advanced in piloting.  She has also been trained in military matters.  Most other training, unless related to piloting, has either not occurred, or been of lesser importance.  Mostly not occurred.
The three member crew bump around the ‘clusters’ carrying things here and there until they reach a specific planet. On this planet they need to deliver some medicine.  While delivering the medicine they are attacked.  Injuries occur, etc. etc. (I don’t want to give everything away here), and they end up being worked on by a medic.  Named Zimi Praff.  Shortly thereafter Zimi joins the crew.
Meanwhile, as the ship has bounced around, Prisoner 286 and Sirrah have been having their own story unfold (as in, they are traveling down the same story path, while the ship crew is on a separate path).   Eventually 286 & Sirrah’s paths cross that of Destiny Abounds and they board as passengers.  Because Destiny Abounds is super quick.
And so, once everyone is on board the ship darts around speedily doing the business required by Kala Sirrah.  Much time in space occurs. Some on planet.  Battles occur, some relatively massive.  All planet side (a comment is made by Merlo while gazing upon, the as yet named Destiny Abounds, about how it looked like (a) a super advanced ship, (b) that had no obvious weapons; since that comment was made by Merlo who had no clue about that ship, or its capabilities, the question about whether or not the ship actually had weapons or not is still up in the air – weirdly).
Enjoyable book.  Sucked me in, spit me out, and now I write this, whatever this is, here.   Just like the other series I’ve read by this author pair, books and short stories are already named and mentioned to be releasing soon.  Soon was last year.  Something occurred which adversely impacted their writing plans, so I’ve no idea if this first book in a series will actually end up being an orphan book.  Three books and two short stories all got released in 2015 – normally I’d not make comments like I made except for the fact that they had made this website that seemed to be tracking their work and putting up blog posts.  Everything kind of froze, though, with no new information, and the progress bar on the writing locked at a certain number (19%?) for something like six or so months.  
Regardless, I look forward to further adventures in this series and in the Dakota Shepherd series.
Review Written: February 18 2016
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tutaj-smoki-blog · 7 years
Moje ulubione płyty 2017 #20 - #16
#20 James Holden & The Animal Spirits - The Animal Spirits
James Holden jest bohaterem najciekawszej chyba metamorfozy artystycznej tego roku - złote dziecko IDM przeistoczyło się w lidera etno-jazzowego, elektroniczno - akustycznego zespołu, którego szaleńcze improwizacje zarejestrowane zostały bez dubli na albumie „The Animal Spirits”. Od samego początku mamy tu do czynienia z porywającym rytuałem, którego elementy składowe - arabskie skale melodyczne, kraut-rock, minimalizm, uduchowiony jazz spod znaku Sandersa, rozgrywane przez modularny syntezator w centralnym punkcie świątyni i jazzowe instrumentarium, stapiają się w dźwiękową magmę spiritystycznego seansu. Imponuje tu przede wszystkim słyszalne przez cały czas porozumienie między muzykami, ten mityczny „szósty zmysł”, którego obecność, tak silnie wyczuwana intuicją, przydaje dziełu ekscytującej, pogańskiej świętości.
#19 Aquaserge - Laisse ça être
Główną cechą charakteryzującą Aquaserge jest francuskość, poczynając od nazwy zespołu, nieprzypadkowo sugerującą fascynację Gainsbourgiem, poprzez francuskojęzyczne teksty piosenek, na francuskiej piosence, z jej charakterystyczną, przekorną, domagającą się ubóstwienia naturą, wplecioną w avantpopowe i jazzowe formy kończąc. „Laisse ça être”, już w tytule swym, z francuska nawiązującym do Beatlesów, ustawia słuchacza w roli, którą francuska kultura lubi najbardziej - kiwającego z uznaniem głową admiratora, zawstydzonego nieznajomością języka Truffaut (ja jednocześnie wiem doskonale, że jest to jedyny język, którego na pewno nigdy nie zacznę się uczyć, ponieważ jest za trudny, choć raz już zacząłem i chyba nieźle mi szło, dawno, dawno temu). To właśnie ta cecha i związane z nią przyjemne asocjacje (francuskie kino lat 60. i 70., francuskie plaże i kawiarnie z tegoż kina znane, soundtrack do „Windą na szafot”, który, choć autorstwa Milesa Davisa, żyje przecież osobnym, francuskim życiem, wspominany już Serge Gainsbourg, a także Brigitte Fontaine z jej „Comme à la radio”, Laetitia Sadier, wreszcie, najbliższa muzyce Aquaserge, niemalże jej żywa patronka), sprawiają, że obcowanie z „Laisse ça être” sprawia wrażenie kontaktu z jakąś wyższą formą kultury, skondensowanym „ęą” wdzięcznie mrużącym oko, z wrodzonym poczuciem humoru, muzyką do marynarki i beretu, fajki i kieliszka wytrawnego wina. Ale to wszystko dodatki, wytworne produkty wyobraźni, a przecież i bez nich, podróż kolejką górską, którą muzycy Aquaserge nam tu serwują, mknącą „dookoła świata”, przez eleganckie aranże, napędzaną niepowstrzymanym groovem i niesioną w przestworza magią przeraźliwie zaraźliwych melodii zachwycałaby tak samo.
A może... może jednak nie?
#18 Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - The Kid
"The Kid" ponownie eksploruje znany z poprzednich wydawnictw Kaitlyn, new age'owy, baśniowy krajobraz, kreowany przy pomocy oldschoolowych syntezatorów, tak bardzo odpowiedni dla historii, która się tu rozgrywa - opowieści o cyklach życia, zanurzonej głęboko w ezoterycznej aurze (podoba mi się, jak niezależna kultura, być może zużywając ostatnie pokłady kopalniane artefaktów lat 80., być może otwierając się na hipisowskie dziedzictwo wcześniejszej dekady, dociera do tego fascynującego świata, skurczonego już przecież do rozmiarów tratwy, dryfującej na dalekich rubieżach dobrego smaku). Tu pozwolę sobie na małą dygresję. Czy chciałbym, aby ludzie znowu zaczęli czytać Ericha von Dänikena, w czasach, gdy czytają Jerzego Ziębę? Czy chciałbym, aby bohaterowie "Sagi o ludziach lodu" zajęli miejsce w wyobraźni młodzieży hołdującej powojennym partyzantom? Czy chciałbym, aby znów powstawały oddolne, religijne kulty, skoro duchowy rozwój człowieka pozostawiony został w rękach cynicznych specjalistów od "rozwoju osobistego"? Czy chciałbym, aby ci, którzy wrzucają dopalacze, zwrócili się raczej w stronę psychodelików? Czy chciałbym wreszcie, aby w miejsce seriali o superbohaterach pojawił się nowy "Robin of Sherwood"? O tak, tak, chciałbym tego, podobnie jak sympatyzowałbym z wszelakiej maści prawdziwym, niekomercyjnym pogaństwem, wróżbiarstwem, różdżkarstwem, z podobną nadzieją, z jaką oczekuję na dzień, w którym wrócą do produkcji magnetofony i walkmeny, i będę mógł znowu słuchać Georga Deutera z oryginalnej kasety, którą namiętnie odtwarzałem w podstawówce, przy czytaniu "Władcy pierścieni" (drugim soundtrackiem był "Down to the Moon" Andreasa Vollenweidera, piękny album, polecam). Jeżeli takie albumy, jak "The Kid", mają przywrócić światu utracone dzieciństwo, ciekawość świata, nie tylko tego, który można zobaczyć w promocji linii lotniczych, ale tego wewnętrznego, to jestem w stanie zawiesić niewiarę i samemu zwariować, współczesność nie zostawia mi zresztą większego wyboru, wybieram eskapizm.
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith otacza aranżacyjnym przepychem i new age'ową estetyką całkiem niewinne, wdzięczne, popowe melodie, wykorzystując ezoteryczne, syntezatorowe dziedzictwo w sposób podobny temu, w jaki Animal Collective dokonywali w ubiegłej dekadzie revivalu psychodelicznego folku lat 70. - mamy tu do czynienia z miękką rewolucją, której celem nie jest zniszczenie wziętej na cel struktury, ale wrzucenie jej z siłą torpedy w skonfudowaną teraźniejszość, wykorzystanie jej magicznych mocy do zdezorientowania świata - poprzez pozorny chaos przywracając mu Dobro. I jest to droga, którą sam pragnę podążać, jako słuchacz, jako człowiek stojący u progu wieku chrystusowego, być może też jako autor muzyki (jedno z osobistych marzeń na rok 2018), pozwalając sobie nareszcie na ucieczkę z cienia.
#17 Boliden - Surfaces
Barceloński producent, José Delgado, zabiera słuchaczy w zielone głębiny na rozkoszną podróż batyskafem napędzanym mięciutkim ambient-techno. Nieopodal, na plaży, trwa shoegaze'owy koncert, dźwięk niesie się poprzez fale i przenika głuchym echem do wnętrza podwodnego wehikułu. Tony pod powierzchnią przypominają obserwowane tu promienie światła, a im głębiej schodzimy, tym bezpieczniejsza i bardziej przyjazna staje się przestrzeńwokół.
Ostatnio słuchałem tej płyty zimą, niedługo po premierze, marząc o lecie, długich, słonecznych dniach. Wróciłem do niej przed paroma dniami, kolejnej zimy, pewien, że przyniesie mi, tu i teraz, wakacje marzeń, odtwarzane w niezliczonych powtórkach, pozwoli mi ponieść się temu, co piękne i pozostać, jak długo zechcę, w błogim odrętwieniu, we właściwym miejscu.
#16 Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light and Love Are Red Valleys of Blood
Starzeję się, zbliżam do śmierci, zmieniam zdanie w wielu kwestiach, o wielu nie chcę już rozmawiać, klimat się zmienia, "wszystko płynie" (heh), a Mark Kozelek pozostaje niezmiennie MOIM ULUBIONYM ARTYSTĄ. Dla niego, tylko dla niego, wsiadłem w tym roku w pociąg do Warszawy i chociaż koncert okazał się epicką porażką (to wina widowni, nie twoja, Marku) i tak nie wyobrażam sobie, by miało mnie tam zabraknąć (o pewnych przeszkodach, które prawie uniemożliwiły mi wyprawę na ten gig wspominać nie będę, napisałbym o tym maila Kozelkowi, on by to pewnie wykorzystał w piosence i wszyscy by się śmiali, poza mną). Wciąż mam ten swój wymarzony projekt, by idąc śladem Wiesława Weissa piszącego o "wszystkich utworach Pink Floyd", napisać o wszystkich utworach Marka Kozelka (mam nawet tytuł, który zainteresowałby niektórych wydawców krajowych: "But I'm pretty sure that my surname used to be 'Koziołek'", tu zabawna dygresja, nieistniejące już pisemko XL informowało w latach 90. na okładce, że "Iron Maiden ma polskie korzenie", z powodu dziadka Janicka Gersa xD). Byłaby to książka grubsza od najgrubszych książek Stephena Kinga, w kilku momentach, za sprawą opisywanego materiału, podobnie, jak powieści Kinga przerażająca, a chwilami łamiąca serca. Tak to już jest u Kozelka, że heroicznie lawiruje między grozą, melancholią, depresją, raz lepszym, raz gorszym dowcipem, buractwem i czułością, czyli wszystkim, co charakteryzuje też mnie, w czym odnajduję siebie w najlepszych i najgorszych momentach.
A co tam ciekawego u Marka w roku 2017? Będą ze cztery płyty (powiedzieć, że nie zwalnia tempa, to nic nie powiedzieć), z których jedna, ta najważniejsza, trafia na moją listę roczną. Cóż, "Benji" to nie jest, ale i tak dzieją się tu rzeczy, które fana, takiego jak ja, rzucą na kolana, a dla hejtera (choć to chyba za mocne słowo, a może nie, przecież jego naprawdę można nienawidzić xD) będą niewyobrażalnie okrutną torturą, ponieważ tu już nie ma żartów, ten, który nigdy nie cofał się przed niczym, tym razem jeszcze bardziej nie cofa się przed niczym. Ten album to definicja Kozelka, który jest Kozelkiem w najbardziej przerysowany sposób, przerażającą wersją siebie samego, pogrążającego się w, łagodnie rzecz ujmując, skomplikowanych meandrach własnej osobowości, typem, którego być może interesuje wiele aspektów współczesnego świata, ale cały ten świat kręci się wokół niego, gościem, który ma potrzebę opowiedzenia o wszystkim, co go spotyka, dając jednocześnie do zrozumienia, że nie obchodzi go, czy kogoś to w ogóle interesuje ("nie? to spierdalaj").
Zanim napiszę o każdej piosence Marka (a będę wtedy bardzo, bardzo starym człowiekiem), zostawię tu na razie próbkę tego, co się wyrabia na "Common as Light...", w postaci fragmentu tekstu (na youtubie nie ma niczego z tej płyty, więc i tak dorzucę tu link do całego albumu na spotify). Cóż, jeśli kochacie typa, to już to słyszeliście, jeśli go nienawidzicie, chyba lepiej dajcie sobie spokój. Jeśli nie znacie - dajcie sobie szansę, znajdziecie się w jednej z tych dwóch drużyn, oczywiście zapraszam do mojej.
1:04 AM, Vdara Hotel Room 14015, April 9, 2016 Our day started today with many kisses You were on your way out the door to Southern California 'til the fourteenth And I was on my way to Las Vegas, then to New Orleans When you said bye and closed my apartment door behind you A heavy feeling fell upon me, it hit me in a very real way That we'll live the rest of our lives together And that gives me so much happiness and comfort But it also hit me harder than ever before that one day we'll say goodbye for a final time Every day we get closer and closer to death I have no illusions of an afterlife And have no idea how much longer I have on this planet Or what my quality of life will be in five, ten, fifteen years Where will our final goodbye be? What condition will I be in? And how will your health be? Are we even sure we'll be in the same place when one of us has to go? I don't like goodbyes I've had enough last goodbyes with people to know that it's the most painful emotion in the world I don't want to live for eternity, life is filled with too much sorrow My mind keeps flashing to a woman I saw recently Of her and her son asleep in the car on the Tenderloin on a very hot day They were in a tow-away zone and looked to be completely passed out She had a big map open on her lap But I knocked on the door and though she couldn't speak to me she was okay My biggest hope in life is that you are beside me when I die I've lived many lifetimes in forty-nine years But the best time of my life is of my days and years spent with you I'm getting older and my stomach is bloated and feels off I burp too much, I'm that middle-aged guy with a gut that I never thought I'd be And here I am in Las Vegas Family men with bellies bigger than mine are walking around with Guns N' Roses t-shirts My elevator was shared with people who've arrived from the Philippines to see the Pacquiao fight How many more times will I fly to Las Vegas? I saw Pacquiao when he was rising In San Francisco in 2000 at Bill Graham Now he's thirty-seven and this might be his last fight My money is on Bradley to win by a decision That's why I'm here, to see what may be Manny's last fight, if in fact he does win I'm getting older and Las Vegas is as wild as ever But I'm tired and I hear the hum of a small refrigerator My mind and my eyes are fading Vdara Hotel, 1:03 PM, April 9th Meeting Tony in the lobby at 2:00 PM for lunch Just turned on CNN "Paris terror fugitive is hitman in Brussels bombing" I woke up at about 9:00 AM
Terrible nightmare that Caroline and I were being followed by this creepy lizard-y-looking plastic surgery guy I saw on the plane yesterday He was following us to a hotel But I was diplomatic, turned around, and told him we'd meet him on the balcony of some bar nearby When we arrived and talked to him, he started throwing insults at me And I knocked his drink out of his hand and into the street He stayed there unfazed Then I grabbed him by his neck, lifting him, pushing him almost, but not quite, over the balcony I told him to go fuck himself and to stay the fuck out of our lives He finally shut his stupid mouth And as we left, Caroline told me that I was good with dealing with creeps That was the end of the dream
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fenedhiss-blog · 7 years
Texas iSchool to Research White Residence Social media site Archives. NCEI puts a concern on interpreting as well as applying scientific understanding to our extensive variety of climate datasets. The PMF Program is centrally carried out by the PMF Program Office within OPM. The region is defined by a rich tradition of mythology that is much thought romantically in the Polish patriotic creative imagination. Tatra landscapes painted by Leon Wyczółkowski, Wojciech Weiss, Władysław Ślewiński, Jan Stanisławski as well as his trainees produced a certain Tatra impressive, which indicated referrals to the hidden (concealed) flexibility in the hills. Person Advancement Plan to develop as well as track Recent Grads' occupation planning, specialist advancement, and training activities. News brings the stunning content layouts and typography of print to the screen, with articles that reflect the design of their publications. However, companies need to guarantee that such activities simply supplement the underlying strategy which public notification of the Work Possibility Statement is readily available to everybody. An agency should think about choice eligibles in the highest possible preference group first. Costs Horn announced that he is backing San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond to become his successor on the San Diego Region Board of Supervisors, making an endorsement of a fellow Republican almost nine-months prior to the key election. The Tony-nominated Best Musical proceeds at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater. The agency needs to submit sufficient evidence to sustain its demand, consisting of proof that a practical accommodation is not feasible which the employee could not execute the essential features of the setting without jeopardizing the health and wellness of the individual or others.
Confronted with a West Wing that dealt with policymaking as a free-for-all, Head of state Donald Trump's chief of personnel, John Kelly, is instituting a system made use of by previous managements to limit inner competitors-- and making himself latest thing on the product that crosses the president's workdesk. The Podhale lies in the foothills of the Tatra series of the Carpathian mountains. It is working with the Eastside YMCA and Estate Care to evaluate individuals to elevate recognition concerning high blood pressure. Yes, an Intern NTE could be non-competitively transformed to the affordable service gave the task opportunity announcement made use of to load the Intern NTE placement specified the conversion capacity and all various other demands for conversion have actually been fulfilled. Taxi to the center of 20 zł. We advise, Łukasz and also Mikolaj from Wroclaw. Partager sur Facebook Tweeter Google+ 20 partages. La façon la plus rapide de partager le Tweet d'une autre personne avec vos abonnés se fait avec un Retweet. The tool has actually been utilized on the battlefield and in noncombatant healthcare facilities given that it released in 2014, aided by a $5 million grant from the United States Army. Attorney general Lisa Madigan's abrupt and unforeseen announcement that she wouldn't seek a fifth term has developed a possible top-tier contest for a major statewide office, and also candidates from both celebrations quickly started taking into consideration proposals. There are couple of councils, as well as especially their Health and wellness Departments, that can ever before be connected with having an abundance of sound judgment. The appeal of drowsy towns is being deteriorated by suburban-type buildings, as has additionally happened at Zakopane. A suggestion will certainly be sent to the e-mail address you provided. By clicking to run this downloaded data you accept the Microsoft Solution Contract as well as Personal privacy Declaration Installation relates to Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and also Safari. Meet agency-specific demands as specified in the Participant's Agreement, as well as. My biggest inquiry would be: When might we see it all picked up?" she asked, putting on a pink hat for color and also leaning on a rake on Kings Way. Great appartment, close to the gorgeous national forest. Turning Point Therapy Center and New Directions Healthcare hosted the Second yearly HOPE Rally to start healing month. Chief Cataloguer of the National Gallery in Krakow. The Internship Program is mainly provided by each working with firm. We'll additionally offer transparency over the status of sent content. Because of absence of appropriate consent validations, activating this vulnerability does not need any type of individual pairing, interaction or verification, so the targeted customer is completely uninformed of a continuous attack. Cascade Street between Raspberry and also Plum is closed at the Norfolk and Southern Railroad going across. Agencies offer OPM with information regarding their PMF chances and can publish PMF appointment possibilities for those who are Finalists on the PMF web site year-round. Orange goes across mark places where lightning was discovered (over Europe). If returning I would love to spend more time looking into the slopes nearer to Nowy Targ and also experimenting with the jacuzzi (we didn't have time), it looks fantastic. Jest to idealne miejsce na odpoczynek od zgiełku miasta, dogodna lokalizacja pozwala na szybki dojazd do stoków narciarskich w zimie oraz szlaków turystycznych latem. The PMF Program Office provides newly employed PMFs an opportunity to take part in its Positioning and also Training Program. If greater than one person is interested, the agency needs to use the selection procedures under 5 CFR part 302 - including the application of professionals' choice as well as pass over treatments. Checklists the years from those available which are submitted to the JRI-Poland database. Pokoje gościnne w Witowie na Podhalu obok Zakopanego - wypoczynek, wycieczki w góry, ogniska, bryczki, kuligi. It supports remote (also third-party) software installation on tools while keeping strong safety and security guarantees. In return you will certainly get a remarkable stay in the enchanting land. Breaking: The Town Voice is ending its regular print edition. We are talking a small amount of cigarette ash here - something which within secs would need a team of forensic scientists to locate it. More bird feathers and - allow's encounter it once again! Otherwise please wage your reservation without a code. . Points to Do in Nowy Targ, Poland - Nowy Targ Attractions. The background of ex-names is put together immediately from AIS signals as well as gives insight into vessel proprietor changes, charter name modifications and reflaggings. Uber its losses 14 percent in the 2nd quarter from a year earlier, as the ride-hailing giant grew reservations, journeys and also earnings. Mais le géant suédois a tout de même tenu à féliciter les Verts. Congratulations to Podhale Golf Club for its win in the ANNUAL MATCHPLAY with PAGC. Z kolei 4 października 1939 r. żołnierzom Wehrmachtu i armii słowackiej uroczyście wręczono odznaczenia słowackie za udział w wojnie z Polską20. Jest schowana w nieciekawym kącie i może to jest powód, dla którego bardziej się tu starają. Plusieurs décès liés à la prise de médicaments génériques à base de docétaxel ont éveillé les soupçons des autorités sanitaires. To the extent practicable, companies are motivated to perform outreach events making students and current graduates knowledgeable about the USAJOBS site and encourage them to look for settings when they become available. On devices running iOS 8 and also later versions, your personal data is positioned under the protection of your passcode. Lectures, courses, seminars as well as labs are kept in modern-day and also roomy rooms. The bus company that runs this course doesn't enable discount code usage. The progression of this job needs additional explanation; please get in touch with the Town Coordinator listed above. When a person decides out of place sharing, the end outcome need to be that zero data is transferred back to Disclose Mobile. In the second duration the PPWSZ Podhale Nowy Targ scored 4 even more goals (Dmitrii Paramonov, Ruslan Bashirov, Georgii Katin and Vladislav Kurbatov) as well as completed with the result 6:1. Diagenesis in the Podhale and also Orava Paleogene flysch basins as well as in the underlying Mesozoic structural systems was examined by XRD measurement of the percent smectite in the combined- layer illite-smectite from shales and also K-Ar dating of the illite-smectite from bentonites, sustained by XRD quantitative mineral analysis, grain density, and porosity dimensions of the bulk shales. J. ŚRODOŃ, M. KOTARBA, A. BIROŇ, P. SUCH, N. CLAUER, A. WÓJTOWICZ. As CNet reported, it found that AccuWeather and Reveal can locate a customer within meters of their location utilizing their Wi-Fi and MAC address information. Lake County firemens went seeking a rogue python after a sobbing Astor resident informed them he had simply enjoyed a 9-foot one eat his pet cat. To finish producing your account, please click the web link we just sent out to. For consumers outside the United States, please call 1-404-728-8787. A big hole opened up behind Apopka Memorial Intermediate school Wednesday morning, and also authorities state it appears to have actually been triggered by Cyclone Irma. Podhale additionally participates in the annual Niagara-On-The-Lake trip with various other scouts. Volusia Area deputy sheriffs are investigating the death of prison inmate. The Broward Constable's Office arrested a professional replacement Wednesday, charging him of secretly tape-recording security video that showed a gunman shooting at passengers in January at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Flight terminal. The U.S. obtains high marks on Globe Economic Online forum index on human resources advancement, which can reduce bother with college's payment to an abilities space. Actually environment-friendly and describing 2 tunes used FALSE:: ERROR: UNSUPPORTED ENCODING mountains. The community is not a crucial place to see, but it offers a window onto the transforming globe of Polish society. The home is 2.5 kilometres offroad and also just a complete automobile as well as an experienced vehicle driver can arrive in the snow so we left our vehicle at Pawel's residence and he drove us to the home. Nevertheless, the working with firm needs to make sure that such requirements are mentioned in the company's Pathways MOU with OPM, the task chance news, and also the individual arrangement. Podhale is a part of the historical district of Lesser Poland ( Małopolska) with its resources in the Royal city of CRACOW. Right here on SofaScore livescore you could discover all MKS Cracovia Krakow vs MMKS Podhale previous outcomes arranged by their H2H matches. Have a critical recruitment technique based upon labor force planning for loading Pathways settings. Partager sur Facebook Tweeter Google+ 31 partages. Its mythology was brought there primarily by Polish settlers from the Lesser Poland region more north and also partially by Transylvanian inhabitants in the 14th-17th centuries throughout their migrations. We'll use the very same standards and standards for all user-generated content, and for the residential or commercial property reactions to that content. Equipments documents have to be serious about testing either on actual systems or simulations based upon traces from real systems. More than 1 million individuals last month claimed they would certainly suggest to their family and friends. Recommend house with all my heart, there can be a superb cut off from everyday life. Filters by content pictures, which excludes pictures with version releases. You MUST PREVENT COCCIDIA or NONE of your vaccinations will certainly work! This is the 150th yearly meeting for the 3rd area of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. This susceptability can also enable an assaulter to leakage security tricks from the targeted tool as well as be all ears on Bluetooth interactions, in an attack that very much appears like heartbleed. The church as well as parish of Ludzmierz was taken care of by the Cistercian Order till 1824. Cette vidéo contenait une piste sound protégée par des droits d'auteur. Daily weather report in Nowy Targ will aid you to stay clear of catching a cool if unexpectedly night becomes cold, gusty and stormy. It is my honest dream to offer God and Poland with the entire of my life, to carry my ready assistance to others, and also to obey the Precursor and Guide Legislation. Armis thinks much more vulnerabilities await discovery in the different platforms utilizing Bluetooth. This allows us to validate that our reviews come from genuine visitors like you. Beautiful fire place, actually podhale comfy bed linen, and awesome view. The news adheres to information Equifax had cannot successfully set up a patch for a security vulnerability hackers later utilized to swipe client details. The 650-year-old city is the historical funding of the highland area of Podhale 1, which stretches between the Gorce Mountains on the north, and also Tatra Mountains on the south. Marquis WILL NOT ELIMINATE COCCIDIA, only AVOID it from surge development as a result of STRESS AND ANXIETY. Individuals marched around the center to recognize people shed by suicide. A company may designate a Trainee NTE to a various setting, however initially the company has to provide minimal public alert (internal to the firm - not on USAJOBS) to similarly located agency Trainees who may additionally have an interest in the Trainee setting. The name Podhale essentially converts as „ below the hill glen" in English. It took place on U.S. Course 322 near Sugar Creek Drive in Sugarcreek Borough around 5:15 a.m. Suite Podhale provides holiday accommodation in the hills all year long. In the video clip, Hamilton actor, Moana recording artist, as well as Parks 101 ambassador Jordan Fisher leads you on a 360 tour of Channel Islands National forest The park rests a couple of miles off the coast of Santa Barbara, The golden state, and its 5 ecologically abundant islands are only accessible through boat or aircraft. In previous seasons the team played in the Second Department without the right to be advertised in Extraliga. By penetrating the tool, the attacker could identify which operating system his target is utilizing, and readjust his exploit accordingly. With great deals of help from Storm Irma, Ana D'Estrada built a shoulder-high wall surface of sticks and also twigs on the side of her residence in Winter Park. When an unranked checklist is made use of all qualified choice eligibles will be noted in order of preference standing (which will certainly constant of prospects eligible for 10-point experts' preference followed by candidates eligible for 5-point professionals' preference), followed by all various other certified applicants.
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We are the driving force behind the distribution of high quality I&R services and also the sole resource for standards, accreditations as well as accreditations for the neighborhood information and recommendation field. Nowy Targ is found by the main road from Krakow to Zakopane. Gartner reports that there are 8 billions attached or IoT gadgets on the planet today, most of which have Bluetooth. Ils estiment que la mesure va allonger les délais d'attente pour les people. An agency has to take into consideration the candidates in the greatest preference group initially. Nowy Targ is also popular for the manufacturing of hair layers, which could be purchased from any one of the furriers, in shops or service at the fair. Steelers fan Naila Foister is one of many who are glad that the months without football are over. Articles are maximized for both apple iphone as well as iPad, so you'll have an excellent analysis experience despite which gadget you're using. It commits maximum screen room to the content itself, with a very little toolbar that offers you full control with simply a few faucets. Declare your cost-free business web page to have your adjustments released immediately. The outcomes of mathematical modelling of warmth removal from the Podhale reservoir exist in the post as an initial action to the in-depth evaluation of mixed warmth and also power production through a binary power cycle. The instance versus an Erie man accuseded of fatally shooting an additional man inside of a west side bar, is now progressing. This susceptability is identical to the one discovered in the Android operating system, and also affects both systems considering that they shared the very same principals in executing some of the Bluetooth method. One of the School of Information's. own graduates has returned as the director of job development.
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The point of views revealed in contributions are those of clients as well as properties, and not of does decline responsibility or obligation for any reviews or actions. The BlueBorne attack vector could be used to carry out a large range of offenses, including remote code implementation as well as Man-in-The-Middle strikes. Ce fil est l'endroit où vous passerez la plupart de votre temperatures, accédant aux dernières actualités concernant de ce qui compte pour vous. A great place is added asset of elegant Villa Podhale. Choices of the Board were accepted as binding by all divisions and firms of the Federal Federal government. It was a gorgeous day to strike the web links at the Kahkwa Club for a little friendly competition in the yearly Erie Insurance policy Charity Obstacle Golf Event, specifically when there is a 13-thousand-dollar first reward on the line. Choice eligibles are detailed ahead of non-preference eligibles in the high quality group right into which they are placed. The life of an international partner country force participant was saved last month through MARSOC's initial operational use of freeze-dried international ally endured life-threatening injuries throughout an operation in the United States Central Command area of operations, needing battleground injury care implemented by MARSOC training as well as schedule of the new. There is additionally an extra little room for 2 children in the attic (included in the renting out cost). Near the ski lifts Nowy Targ Białka Tatrzańska, Bukowina Tatrzańska, Kluszkowce, Jurgów and also Zakopane. The company must offer each Fellow a minimum of 80 hrs of official interactive training each year, and should offer each Other with at least one 4-6 month development job during their 2-year fellowship. Is a network of leading companies worldwide of varied media, news, and also information services. Various other hemostatic" gadgets utilize a comparable approach to resolve surface wounds. When Monica Road as well as her infant son returned to the Orlando Fire Department terminal where the child was brought back to life, it was a delighted get-together Thursday early morning. Dog breeders have actually been using it in Europe for some time before we started using it in the UNITED STATE. Using this website, you agree to the Regards to Use and also Personal privacy Plan Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Structure, Inc A costs is progressing via Congress that would certainly make it unlawful for the head of state to unilaterally develop a U.S.-Russia cyber device without alerting Congress, reports Reuters In July, Trump tweeted that he and Russian head of state Vladimir Putin had actually personally discussed producing a bulletproof Cyber Protection system"- a thought that terrified the heck from practically every person in Congress. If you are sent a pup with it, they will PROVIDE IT to all your various other pet dogs and also pet cats. Zaktualizuj Internet Explorer lub pobierz inna najnowszą przeglądarkę i ciesz się serwisem eskaGo. The vulnerabilities divulged by Armis affect all devices running on Android, Linux, Windows, and also pre-version 10 of iphone operating systems, no matter the Bluetooth version in use. If returning I want to spend more time taking a look at the inclines nearer to Nowy Targ as well as trying out the hot tub (we really did not have time), it looks incredible. Jest to idealne miejsce na odpoczynek od zgiełku miasta, dogodna lokalizacja pozwala na szybki dojazd do stoków narciarskich w zimie oraz szlaków turystycznych latem. The PMF Program Workplace supplies newly employed PMFs a possibility to participate in its Orientation and also Training Program. If more than one person is interested, the firm should apply the option treatments under 5 CFR component 302 - consisting of the application of professionals' preference and also pass over procedures. Checklists the years from those podhale available which are uploaded to the JRI-Poland database. Pokoje gościnne w Witowie na Podhalu obok Zakopanego - wypoczynek, wycieczki w góry, ogniska, bryczki, kuligi. It supports remote (even third-party) software installment on gadgets while preserving solid safety warranties. In return you will get an unforgettable remain in the enchanting land. Breaking: The Village Voice is ending its once a week print version. We are talking a percentage of cigarette ash here - something which within seconds would certainly call for a group of forensic scientists to locate it. More bird plumes and also - allow's face it once more! Or else please wage your booking without a code. . Things to Do in Nowy Targ, Poland - Nowy Targ Attractions. The history of ex-names is put together immediately from AIS signals and also gives insight into vessel proprietor modifications, charter name changes as well as reflaggings. When guests stay at the building they take a look at how quiet the space is, just how friendly the personnel are and also extra. The Recent Grads Program is provided mainly by each hiring agency. The MIDS program draws in intelligent, imaginative information specialists that benefit leading firms in computer software, wellness, and also money treatment. belongs to The Priceline Group, the world leader in on-line travel & relevant solutions. MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ relate to play in Polish League. Using particular eligibility demands for entry right into your firm's Pathways Programs. He purchased a ring from the man who claimed he was from Florida and also shed everything in Cyclone Irma. The host family members is remarkable, service minded as well as online for your solution 24/7. Anita Earls, executive director of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, states 'it's entirely feasible' to attract maps that remedy the gerrymandered areas. In the inmost snow, they arranged a bon fire for us just outside the cabin for the evening and also warmed the water in the terrific outdoor barrel bath - which we recommend you utilize! Would suggest this area for those who involve trek in Tatry hills! Zapisz się na zajęcia lub przyjdź do klubu, a my wprowadzimy Cię w świat CrossFitu. You can also take a look on previous matches of your favored group and see suit stats and also much more. Fabulous place to stay, an ideal escape from the active life & great base to discover the region. The Federal Federal government values the payments made by trainees and also current grads of all ages and backgrounds. Le nom et le logo de sont des marques commerciales ou des marques déposées de, L.P. aux États-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. Statements: Bazylika jest otwarta cały dzień - od godz. Good home, great outdoors and also really pleasant hosts. Washington Reporter Kellie Meyer reports there's difference on the best ways to go about it. ACM TOPS publishes top notch research study leads to the fields of information and system security and also personal privacy. News from the National Gallery in Krakow straight to your e-mail. Nowy Targ 7 - 10 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Heavy rainfall (total 33mm), heaviest during Fri evening. A really wonderful, bright and also comfortable accommodation, near to the city. ile w skali całego frontu udział trzech słowackich dywizji nie wpływał na losy wojny, tyle na samym Podhalu i Sądecczyźnie było to wyraźne wsparcie oddziałów niemieckiej Armii gen. He has tasked deputy principals of personnel Rick Dearborn and Joe Hagin with bringing some order to the president's schedule, pushing them to plan occasions additionally beforehand and to include one public-facing occasion each day as well as one traveling occasion weekly, according to a senior White House aide. Furthermore, Bluetooth offers a wider attacker surface than Wi-fi, almost entirely undiscovered by the research study neighborhood and therefore contains even more susceptabilities. More than a dozen pets are left homeless after Storm Irma swept via Florida.
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Nashville Zoo meerkats Victoria as well as Calvin welcomed three dogs lately. Also in earlier times the number was an object of global prayer, not just in Podhale but also in the areas of Pieniny as well as Orawa and even in Slovakia. Discover more concerning contacting bet365 right here, either by telephone, email, article or chat. Change your traveling dates as well as check out attaching flights to find an even much better offer on your Nowy Targ flight! However some hope that this brand-new policymaking procedure will certainly provide legal victories that have actually so far been evasive-- especially since elderly strategist Steve Bannon, that was recognized for missing formal conferences to take his propositions straight to Trump, is out of the White Home. Initially built in a gothic design, it was later on fixed and reconstructed showcasing, to name a few, a baroque church item and paints, a rococo pulpit, and 18th-century organ and also belfry. Calmness and also quiet surroundings, a little range from Białka Tatrzańska, Nowy Targ as well as other traveler destinations. Gordonówka Apartments & Health spa is a luxury resort in the mountains! Its beginnings day to the 15th century, although regional tales define it as established in 1219. The study, carried out along with scientists from Gallup, is the latest in Within Greater Ed's series of surveys of key greater ed experts. Still no word from @instagram please renew my #davedavieskinks Instagram account/ bMR9pTX8yp. TAVARES-- When they became aware of the predicament of impaired individuals boiling in a nearby facility after shedding power in Hurricane Irma, former major league baseball celebrity Chet Lemon as well as his spouse, Gigi, opened their 162,000-square-foot leisure center as an emergency situation shelter. The cost and also lead times to raise a freeze vary, so it's finest to get in touch with the credit rating reporting company beforehand. While previous White House chief of team Reince Priebus functioned to systematize the policymaking procedure, White House aides say Priebus invested a lot of his time doing troubleshooting as well as never ever set up an alternative technique or managed to confine the flow of people and also paper via the Oval Workplace, which till recently worked as the social center of the White House. After One Decade from the last appearance, the Nowy Targ Arena, with capability for 3.500 spectators, will certainly host the finals of Polish Mug 2015 on 29-30 December 2015, featuring the best 4 groups after 2 rounds of the normal season. Millcreek managers voted today to award a contract to remodel its Golf and also Learning Fixate West 17th Street near the Erie International Airport. Fellows may remain to complete optional rotations outside of their agency at the discretion of their agency and following their firms' procedures and plans. With main education currently marked off, I really hope Amazon will soon broaden to fun electives like porcelains. Nonetheless, this susceptability still poses fantastic danger to any iphone device before variation 10, as it is does not require any type of interaction from the customers, or setup of any kind on the targeted gadget. The susceptability resides in the PAN profile of the Bluetooth stack, and enables the attacker to produce a harmful network user interface on the sufferer's tool, re-configure IP transmitting and compel the gadget to transfer all interaction through the harmful network user interface. It's a quiet effort making Trump comply with White House decision-making norms he's flouted without making him really feel shackled or out of the loop. The cause of Churkin's death has not yet been launched. Sofascore livescore offer you hockey livescore, tables, stats, fixutres and also results from NHL, SHL, KHL and also we also offer nationwide Finland hockey leagues, Sweden hockey leagues, Slovakia hockey leagues, Czech hockey leagues, league tables, objective scorers, thirds as well as final icehockey outcomes live. I see Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett was named as Britain's most effective woman, and the 29th most powerful woman in the world by the organisation magazine Forbes in its third annual checklist. CrossFit ® to ruchy funkcjonalne, które wykorzystujemy w codziennym życiu. Interns, Recent Grads, or PMFs that have finished all needs for conversion could be non-competitively converted to term or irreversible positions. On top of that, pupils working in agencies via third-party trainee companies might count up to 320 of the hours they work toward the 640 hour requirement.
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Advancing the cutting edge in IT in such applications as cyber security as well as biometrics, NIST accelerates the development and implementation of systems that are reliable, usable, interoperable, and protect; breakthroughs measurement science with technologies in maths, stats, and computer technology; and performs research study to create the standards as well as measurements facilities for emerging infotech and applications. They took pleasure in the remarkable minute at New Period Area before the Buffalo Expenses played the New York Jets. Nowy Targ has had an extremely turbulent newer background also, during the partition, Nowy Targ came from the Austrian federal government. Podhale is the level location between the Tatra Mountains and also the Gorce hills, and also its primary town is Nowy Targ, an old settlement that now works as an active industrial centre with few old homes to have endured the disturbance of history. A lorry, called a gray or silver Chevrolet Impala with front end damages, turned up around 7 a.m. at the Bates Crash building site in the 5100 block of Buffalo Road, investigators claimed. From the top of the hill, the Podhale landscape extend to the north with its mild fluctuates, whilst behind, the Tatra hills control the perspective, Poland's natural boundary to the south. Star Taylor Trensch will enter the title role after Ben Platt's separation. The new mobile laboratories allow pupils as well as educators connect to the net as well as accessibility their coursework from anywhere on university. Youngsters under 2 should either sit in laps or in seats. San Antonio Spurs Assistant Coach Becky Hammon remained in town Wednesday evening to talk with trainees at Penn State Behrend. Nowy Targ 1 - 3 Day Weather report Recap: Modest rainfall (total 10mm), heaviest on Sunlight morning. . Cassini studied Saturn and also its lots of moons for 13 efficient and also amazing years prior to finally plunging right into the ringed earth intentionally on Sept If coming again I wish to spend even more time taking a look at the inclines nearer to Nowy Targ and also checking out the hot tub (we really did not have time), it looks fantastic. Jest to idealne miejsce na odpoczynek od zgiełku miasta, dogodna lokalizacja pozwala na szybki dojazd do stoków narciarskich w zimie oraz szlaków turystycznych latem. The PMF Program Workplace gives recently hired PMFs a chance to join its Alignment as well as Training Program. If greater than one person is interested, the company has to apply the option treatments under 5 CFR component 302 - consisting of the application of veterans' choice as well as pass over procedures. Checklists the years from those offered which are posted to the JRI-Poland data source. Pokoje gościnne w Witowie na Podhalu obok Zakopanego - wypoczynek, wycieczki w góry, ogniska, bryczki, kuligi. It sustains remote (also third-party) software application installment on tools while keeping solid protection assurances. In return you will certainly get an extraordinary remain in the enchanting land. Damaging: The Town Voice is ending its once a week print edition. We are speaking a small amount of cigarette ash below - something which within secs would certainly call for a team of forensic scientists to discover it. More bird feathers and - let's face it once again! Otherwise please wage your reservation without a code. . Points to Do in Nowy Targ, Poland - Nowy Targ Attractions. The background of ex-names is put together automatically from AIS signals and provides insight right into vessel owner modifications, charter name changes and also reflaggings. Le Parlement Européen a tranché: les robotics auront bien des droits. Attractive modern-day while being really practical things is excellent for leisure. Avoid costs way too much time on the freeway by simply choosing the fastest bus. Podsumując był idealny i nie mógłbym znaleść nikogo lepszego. Tym razem miała to być granica pomiędzy Słowacją a niemieckim Generalnym Gubernatorstwem. The come to Lucchetti's Pizza on West 26th Street around 11:30 a.m. to find smoke pouring out of the rear of the building. Great place surrounded naturally, a very cozy cottage and also excellent hosts. VIDÉO - Le jeune homme don't le viol présumé lors de boy interpellation a déclenché plusieurs nuits de physical violences urbaines a pu retrouver ses proches. The Household Theme Park in Rabka - Rabkoland is the biggest theme park in Little Poland and an area for the entire family to appreciate. Captivating and also gorgeous residence with more than 80-year background. They likewise constructed solid connections with comparable Polish Scouting companies throughout the U.S. While Podhale still held solo occasions like getaways to Corning and Watkins Glen, receptions, and theatrical productions; they additionally held joint ventures like interior komineks" with scouts from Rochester, NY, as well as three Ontario cities: St. Catherine's, Hamilton, as well as Burlington. If you see something you such as or want to understand more about please contact the holiday accommodation directly as we do not take compensation and also we take the perspective that their very own website will have a lot more up to date details on just what they provide compared to if we were to include it below. If you're still having problem, check out Safari's support page You can also look near a area, address, or city instead. Integrated in 1932 and totally remodelled in 2014 cottage is the ideal combination of highland tradition with modern solutions. Orange had as numerous as 18 sanctuaries open at the height of the storm Sunday evening into Monday, and since Monday evening 300 people were still in three sanctuaries. In the discussion with host Rodney B. Murray, Chalex talks about the company's prepare for Chalkboard Learn and its discovering system, amid other subjects. The alleged offenses emerged throughout an investigation of sexual assaults on 3 females. It becomes part of the 150th session of the Pittsburgh-West Virginia annual seminar. After the withdrawal of SSA Wojas-Podhale Nowy Targ, team won promo playoffs and also obtained authorization to play in Extraliga in season 2010/11, proceeding the tradition of hockey Podhale Nowy Targ in the greatest league. This procedure does not stop the agency from filling a position if it has greater than one setting to fill from the exact same certificate, and also holds open a position that can be loaded by the individual against which a request has been submitted. A household ranch in the South Poland near the Tatras, in the Witów village in Podhale, located about 100 kilometres southern from Kraków and 12 kilometres from Zakopane. The accident took place around 1:15 p.m. at West 26th and also Chestnut in Erie. The Federal Profession Compensation will certainly permit Amazon to continue its $13.7 billion deal to get Whole Foods. Nowa Biała to jedyna spiska wieś na lewym brzegu rzeki Białki, a ta według geografów wyznacza granicę między Podhalem a Spiszem. This will certainly allow you making one of the most of your account with customization, plus obtain accessibility to commenting devices, special games, the possibility nowy targ to win amazing football rewards and much, much more. A good base for business trips to numerous intriguing areas. I connect great relevance to look after nature and also environmental lifestyle and healthy eating. In the semifinals Cracovia won 3-0 versus GKS Jastrzębie while Nowy Tag advanced beating 5-3 champion GKS Tychy. CIĄGLE ZMIENIANY TRENING, WYKONYWANY NA WYSOKIEJ INTENSYWNOŚCI Z WYKORZYSTANIEM RUCHÓW FUNKCJONALNYCH. The popular weather application and data monetization firm Reveal have issued a joint statement after safety and security researcher Will Strafach discovered evidence that AccuWeather was still sharing Wi-Fi MAC address information with Reveal even after users opted out of sharing area information using the application. Selon les premières constatations, les trois affaires n'ont aucun lien entre elles. Dameyon Massey, 19, was arraigned Tuesday early morning as well as required to prison on $100,000 bond. Maintain you from opening a brand-new account, requesting a task, leasing a home, or buying insurance. Sign up now to start receiving damaging news notifies on your desktop computer. The paints were produced by the Youthful Poland landscape musicians: Leon Wyczółkowski - author of one of the most lovely and most authentic paints and prints portraying the Tatra Mountains; Jan Stanisławski, that - amazed by these mountains - repeatedly returned to the Tatras and organized open air paint sessions for the pupils of his landscape course", and also Stanisław Gałek - Stanisławski's student and a musician praising the elegance of the Tatra Mountains, that belonged to the younger generation. Search categories such as News, National politics, Sports, Science & Modern technology, Arts & Amusement, Style & Design, as well as a lot more. Stay on this roadway until Rabka, where the road number 7 averts to the right, however you will keep going down the roadway number 47 in the direction of Zakopane. A bipartisan team of lawmakers sent a letter Wednesday to Attorney general Jeff Procedure revealing problem regarding a reported move by the Justice Department to stop cannabis research study. You could actually placed an attractive residence, stylized, even on old times. Twitter est peut-être en surcapacité ou rencontre momentanément un incident. Réservez cet hôtel et vous cumulerez des nuits après votre séjour. Poland is a nation with a big range of landscapes, an area where you can experience all 4 seasons. The Confederate statue on the UNC-Chapel Hillside school was a factor of friction as well as protest long prior to the Charlottesville rally on behalf of a statue of Robert E. Lee turned tragically terrible and also left 3 people dead, propelling the issue right into the nationwide spotlight. Penetrate right into leaks to the media, removes of intelligence area. As guided by the Exec order, OPM provided a final Pathways Rule to carry out these programs. Club is initially junior section of Podhale Nowy Targ. In the vicinity of the house is a grocery store open until late at night. Meantime, AccuWeather had already impaired the SDK, pending that update. A 17-year-old's hand was bitten by a shark on Saturday mid-day while surfing at New Smyrna beach, Volusia County Coastline Security authorities said.
As a result of its altitude, Nowy Targ is one of the coldest cities in Poland together with Suwałki and Zakopane Winter generally lasts from late November to very early April and in between 90 and also 110 days a year there is a snow cover. The 10-mile long challenge program began at Presque Island beach 11 and also features 30 manmade and also natural challenges. Tutti i nostri prodotti sono muniti della marcatura di conformità TUV Rheinland Polska. The system suggests the name of station showing up in links of a certain operator after entering the very first 3 characters. By spreading with the air, BlueBorne targets the weakest area in the networks' protection - and also the just one that no security procedure shields. Including 801,966 holiday leasings 120,185 locations in 227 regions as well as nations. The PMF Program Workplace funds numerous training chances for all Fellows that might count towards the training demands. These consist of the University of Business economics, the Krakow College of Technology and the Andrzej Frycz-Modrzewski Krakow Academy. As a pointer, each 5 CFR 362.303( a), public notification is needed prior to filling up placements in the Pathways Recent Grads Program. Some lawmakers, including Legislator Cory Booker of New Jersey, have revealed concern that the merging could adversely affect accessibility to grocery stores in bad areas where healthy choices are currently harder to come by. CZ. Intern's job will certainly be connected to the Intern's scholastic profession goals or field. Payments to are a representation of the devotion of our guests and also homes, so we treat them with the utmost respect. In Nowy Targ is a swimming pool, a great deal of restaurants, the local gallery plastic, Podhalańskie Gallery, historical churches. Nous utilisons des cookies put personnaliser le contenu, ajuster et mesurer les publicités et offrir une expérience plus sûre. Your house had whatever we needed for a comfortable remain. Live bet365 probabilities are readable in SofaScore's ice hockey livescore area. They put together a display screen inside the college where the ROTC trainees stood guard by a symbolic table the entire institution day. Creative Paper Wales, a company in Snowdonia, has won a? 20,000 Centuries Award for making greetings cards and also presents out of sheep droppings. Beynon-Davies 15 16 clarifies the multi-faceted idea of information in terms of signs as well as signal-sign systems. Football - Ligue Europa - MHD aime "donner de la force" aux joueurs et. Ile epizody rozpoczynające II wojnę - prowokację gliwicką, nalot na Wieluń, ostrzał Westerplatte - tkwią nam wszystkim w pamięci od szkolnych lat, tak opis pierwszego dni wojny i początku okupacji na Podhalu nie zadomowił się jakoś w zbiorowej świadomości mieszkańców pogranicza. Game warden discharges fired to cost-free bucks secured by the horns. A male has died adhering to injuries he suffered adhering to a crash including a steamroller in Fairview Territory Tuesday early morning. The four-legged and also two-legged alike strolled with each other for the 22nd year. Great, highly recommendable place for those who want to unwind effectively. Your home has a balcony and departure to the yard, where in summertime you could light a barbecue or fireplace. Time-in-grade restrictions only apply to motion to or within the competitive service. We do not supply a TELEVISION routine right here, if you would love to see this suit on TV you'll possibly discover it it on some even more preferred networks like iTV, BBC, Al Jazeera Sports, Skies Sports, Gol TELEVISION, Canal+, SportTV, FOX Soccer, Setanta, ESPN, and so on Pensjonat Podhale has actually rated visitors because Jun 6, 2017. Head of state apologizes for comparing costs to fake ones published by Wanderer. Vince Gill comments on Troy Gentry at the Grand Ole Opry Home. In addition, there will need to be more attention and also research study as new methods are making use of for customers and services alike. Whether negative or favorable, we'll publish every remark in full and also as swiftly as possible, offered the guidelines are satisfied. State Cops are considering a fatal over night accident including a motorcycle. The existing neighborhood time in Nowy Targ is 35 minutes in advance of noticeable solar time. Tennessee State Train Pole Reed talks about taking his group to play FAMU in the aftermath of Typhoon Irma. Uroczystość została połączona z wręczeniem odznaczeń żołnierzom wyróżnionym w walkach z Polakami. Suggestion: All of your saved areas can be discovered below in My Journeys. Séjour familial très reposant dans ce chalet en pleine nature, idéalement situé pour visiter la région.
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