emile-hides · 4 years
Junkrat X Lynx Seventeen
I’m still caught on this apparently and I just can’t stop thinking about it.
This isn’t a fic this is just a run down of what happens in the scenario of Junkrat and Lynx17 kiss and Junkrat really likes it. But it’s long so it’s going under the cut.
Takes place in my Everyone is here AU (Name will continue to change)
So first, Lynx17 is absolute Overwatch Special Heroes Unit worthy. They’re recommended by chairman of Volskya Industries, and Overwatch needs more Omnics anyway.
They show up and there’s a welcome party because Tracer can’t contain her excitement with new friends.
They fit right into the 20-something’s friend group of D.Va, Lucio, Mei, Genji, and of course, Junkrat.
Jamie’s a little less Omnic hostile, sense Roadhog has had his therapy and is also calming down around Omnics. So he’s not as cut throat to Lynx, but the two have this obvious sass spitting tension around them.
And like the dumb 20-something’s the group is, they start playing Truth or Dare.
“I dare Jamison to kiss Lynx17″ Hana why are you like this.
“Kiss what?? Mate don’t even got any lips!”
“That sounds like an excuse. What? Scared you’ll like it, Ratman?” Lynx has no fear.
And neither does Junkrat and he refuses to step back from a challenge so yeah he kisses the bot and
Shit it’s good.
How can kissing metal be good?? Who knows. But he likes it. They both do.
Sparks zap between Lynx’s antenna, they reach out to grip onto Jamision.
The Junker pulls away, complains about having to get this taste off his lips, and sprints away as fast and he can with a beet red face
The rest of the group assures Lynx17 that Jamison just needed a chance to escape he likes you trust us we’ve all been there.
Next day, Junkrat still refusing to admit liking a bot pins Lynx to a wall in the hallway.
“I’m gonna kiss you again, and this time, it means nothin.”
“It meant something before?” Lynx stop.
Junkrat kisses Lynx again and it’s the same, but more.
More not because Lynx is against a wall, their hands quickly find themselves gripping Jamison’s shirt.
Jamie’s hands are on their waist. They’re closer now. Is Jamie grinding into their thigh? That’s new.
They’re both a mess. This is going on too long.
It’s cut to a halt when Jack Morrison comes around the corner and slams his hand on the wall, claiming the hallway is no place for PTA.
Gabe sips his coffee, knowing first hand the hall is the best place for rough make-out sessions. 
Junkrat scrambles off, leaving Lynx17 to slide down the wall in a scrapped pile of over exertion.
After some deep conversation with Roadhog, Junkrat builds up his courage to go about this new development in his life the same way he always does.
Ignore it.
Not ignore Lynx, no, but just. Ignore that they’re a bot. Treat ‘em just like his other crushes.
The next day he causally throws his arm around Lynx. By causally I mean stiffly because he’s still getting use to it.
The 20-something group can see the stiffness in Junkrat’s movements, and the confusion in Lynx’s antenna, but ignore it for now.
Junkrat’s always been an affectionate person. He falls in love hard and easy, and he tends to be clingy with people he likes. Lynx is no exeption, it just takes a while to get use to clinging to a bot.
Weeks pass and eventually Junkrat’s just as causal with Lynx as he is Lucio or Mei, possibly even as all over them as he is with Roadhog.
One day Jamie, Lucio, and Hana are all hanging out in Lynx’s room. They’d just finished fixing that old TV Junkrat found in the scrap yard and they all want to play on the Gamecube Hana bought.
Junkrat, sprawled out on Lynx’s bed, complains it’s stiff as hell.
Lynx says that’s because they don’t use it, dipshit, they “sleep” at their computer desk most the time. It’s just there encase a human ever spends the night.
Junkrat makes an off comment about breaking the bed in.
Hana jokes about how if anyone could break a bed it’s be Junkrat.
They stay late playing video games, but eventually Lucio drags Hana away because Junkrat’s been hung up on Lynx’s bed all day and Lucio has the braincell of this friend group.
Now, Junkrat’s had sex.
With Roadhog, a lot.
A few nights with Lucio as well.
But this. With Lynx. Was different.
Not different like he likes them better than Roadhog or Lucio or Mei.
But Different in a... We could do this again kinda way.
And they could.
If Junkrat hadn’t broken the bed frame bouncing on it the next morning.
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