Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: ( ...I made it to the Demon World, but what should I do now...? )
( They always escorted me to their castle in the past, so I don’t know the way either... )
( Running away was the only thing on my mind, so I came here without giving it a second thought, but perhaps I made the wrong choice after all... )
ーー Guess I have no other choice but to proceed for now.
Yui: !?
( Don’t tell me Wolves have made it this far...!? )
ー She starts running
Yui: Haah, haah...
( ...Seems like they’re not coming after me...Thank god... )
Haah...I’m kind of tired...
( Perhaps I should find shelter somewhere and wait for the sun to rise...Then I’ll continue my search for the castle once it’s light ouーー )
( Ah, but...But if I recall correctly, the nights here last much longer than those in the human world... )
What now...?
( For now, I’ll find a safe space to rest. There’s no point in aimlessly running around... )
ー The scene shifts to a cave
Yui: Haah...What should I do next?
( I wonder if I should just head back? Even if I continue to wander around here... )
( However, that’s where those Wolves are... )
( It’s no use. I can’t come up with any good ideas while mentally exhausted... )
( ...I’ll rest up a little. )
Haah...I wonder what Laito-kun’s doing right now...?
ー Yui closes her eyes
???: Kukukuku...How lovely...Honestly...Why is a girl’s lonely expression just soーー
ーー irresistibly sexy, I wonder? I can’t get enough of it.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Nn...
Yui: Nn...Stop...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: It tickles...
( ーー Wait...!? )
( Something is...feeling me up...!? )
ー She opens her eyes
Yui: Kyaaaaah....!!!
???: Uwah...!?
Yui: ...!! Eh...!?
Laito: Owowow...How could you suddenly jump up like that, Bitch-chan...? You meanie...
Yui: L-Laito-kun...!?
Laito: I took a heavy blow right to the face as a result...
Yui: I...I’m sorry. Are you alright?
Laito: Uuu...I’m fine...
Yui: Haah, thank god...
Laito: I know I’ve only got myself to blame for trying to assault you in your sleep but...
Even so, your headbutt was nothing to scoff at.
Yui: ...Sorry. I was surprised when I felt something touch my body...
More importantly, when did you get here?
Laito: Eh? Quite some time ago?
Yui: Eh!? No way...You should have woken me up then.
Laito: I mean, that would have been a missed opportunity, no~?
Yui: A missed opportunity? Wait, how so?
Laito: This situation, obviously! Nfu~
Yui: ...!?
Laito: My cute Bitch-chan finds herself in unknown territory...
With nobody to come to her rescue, she has to spend a night full of insecurities all by herself.
Just the thought of that gives me the shivers! Don’t you feel the same?
Yui: I-I don’t...! I was really scared, you know...!?
Laito: Oh dear~? Are you mad at me?
Yui: W...Well...
( For as lonely as I felt by myself, seeing Laito-kun still be his usual self makes me feel extremely relieved. )
( I could never get upset at him... )
I’m not angry.
Laito: Fufu...Of course you aren’t~ You just love me after all.
Yui: ...How about you?
Laito: What about me?
Yui: ...Do you also...?
Laito: What’s this? You want to confirm it? I’ve said it plenty of times before, haven’t I?
Yui: Butーー
Laito: Nfu...You’re uncertain, aren’t you? ...I can tell...Nn.
Yui: ( Laito-kun... )
Laito: Of course ーー I love you. (1) A lot, okay?
Feeling reassured now? Nfu~
Yui: Yeah...Thank you.
Laito: Haah, I thought we were going to be apart for a while but...Our reunion came quicker than I expected...
Yui: I’m sorry for coming here on a whim. The Wolves made it to the manor...
Laito: Oh no, Bitch-chan. This is what you should say instead.
‘I missed you so much, I couldn’t stand being apart...So while I was thinking of you...
I subconsciously found myself opening the gate to the Demon World.’ ...Something like that?
ーー Say, tell me. I know we weren’t apart for long, but while you were by yourself...You thought of me, didn’t you?
Yui: Well, of course...
Laito: Did you let your imagination run wild during those times?
Yui: Well...
Laito: You didn’t?
Yui: ...I-I didn’t have the time to...
Laito: Really?
Yui: I don’t lie...
Laito: Fufu...Bitch-chan, no point in hiding it~
I can tell. The fact that your face is flushed as red as a strawberry right now proves my point.
You see...While feeling sad from noticing how my scent slowly faded from your own body.
Your feelings for me should have only grown stronger...
...Just like mine did...Haah...
ー He takes in her scent
Yui: Laito-kun, that tickles...
Laito: You don’t like it?
Yui: Uu...
Laito: Say, Bitch-chan? Should I not put myself at ease by taking in your scent like this?
Yui: ( He really sees right through me... )
Laito: Kukuku....A prisoner of love, you’re completely in my grasp, aren’t you?
ーー I don’t think I have to say this...But you have me in your grasp as well.
The truth is, I was worried you might just follow me here, so I’ve been keeping an eye on you.
Yui: Eh...!? T-Then...You’ve been watching me ever since I set foot inside this world...?
Laito: Exactly. I was watching over you.
I figured you’d come. You can no longer bear being away from me after all.
Yui: ...
Laito: Having trouble proving me wrong because I hit the nail on the head?
Yui: Yup.
Laito: ...Why the haphazard response?
I bet you want to try and defend your case, but you find it too much trouble, don’t you?
Yui: Uu...I-I mean, no matter what kind of response I give, I can’t talk my way out... (2)
Laito: Nfufu~ You seem to know me very well, Bitch-chan.
As to be expected of my Yui-chan~!
Yui: ( ...He seems very happy... )
( I guess I can take this as him genuinely accepting my feelings? )
( In that case, I’m happy too... )
Laito: Bitch-chan, are you listening?
Yui: Ah, yeah. I am.
Laito: Really? I hope soーー
Laito: Whoops...It’d be troublesome if those Wolves were to show up...
Come on. Let’s go.
Yui: Yeah!
( I really am glad Laito-kun came for me. Now I can rest assured, right? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ーー Wait...W-Why? We came back.
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly. That was my plan all along after all.
Yui: Is this...okay?
Laito: Hmー Let me think.
What if you’re attacked by those Wolves like Ayato-kun was...?
Laito: Well, I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it...?
Yui: Laito-kun!
Laito: Just kidding~ It was a joke.
But you know, I might just prefer being roughened up by those Wolves over having to stay at that castle.
ーー I’d rather not have to stay there for an extended period of time.
Yui: ...
Laito: Say, you feel the same way, don’t you? Rather than being stuck at that castle crawling with Vampires...
...you’d much rather indulge in some sweet private time with me here, don’t you?
ー He steps closer
Yui: ( He’s trying to beg the question. )
( I guess he really must not want to stay at that castle... )
Right. Let’s do that then?
Laito: Nfu~ You’re good at matching someone’s vibe, aren’t you? I don’t hate that, you know?
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Yes?
Yui: I like you.
Laito: Fufu... ーー So do I...Nn.
Yui: ...
Laito: Yui-chan...
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s room
Laito: ーー That being said, this place sure has known better times...The whole manor has been turned upside down...
I think Reiji would have a mental breakdown if he saw this. Nfu~
Yui: We have to try and tidy things up step by step, otherwise we won’t be able to properly live here.
Laito: Good point. However, I don’t dislike the thought of living in this mess of a manor.
Yui: Eeh!? W-What makes you say that!?
Laito: Just try imagining it! What it would feel like to ‘have some fun’ (3) in a room which has been turned upside down~ 
As you find yourself amidst not-so-ideal circumstances, you suddenly experience a strong desire for carnal pleasure and you eagerlyーー
Yui: S-Stop right there! I’ve heard enough!
Laito: Eeh? I was just about to get to the juicy part though?
Yui: M-More importantly, I wonder if those Wolves won’t come here anymore?
Laito: I’m sure we’ll be fine for a while. However, if we stay here too long, they might find us eventually.
Yui: Right...
Laito: So, I had a great idea.
All of the Vampires who live around this area have retreated back to the Demon World.
In other words, their manor is currently uninhabited, right? So why don’t we go live there?
Yui: You mean we could go to the manor of the Mukami’s, for example?
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly!
We stay here for a bit first, then go to the Mukami’s place after. Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind returning to your childhood home for a bit.
Yui: I see...If we go from one place to another, it’d be more difficult for them to track us down.
Laito: I think it’s an almost disgustingly good idea, if I may say so myself.
Yui: However, are we sure we can just invite ourselves in...?
Laito: It kind of gets me all excited! It’s like we’re eloping together. Nfufu~ 
Yui: ( He’s not listening at all. )
( We don’t know when the Wolves will make their move, so we have to stay on guard as long as we don’t know what exactly they’re after. )
( I can only pray life will be back to normal soon... )
Translation notes
(1) This might just be a stylistic choice, but when Laito says 愛してる or ‘aishiteru’, it isn’t written in kanji as it is in all other routes, but in Katakana. This is quite odd/uncommon because usually Katakana is used for foreign words or words borrowed from another language.
I’m sure there are other people who could do a better analysis of this, but I do think it’s written like this because Laito saying those words is also somewhat surreal in itself? So by writing the word in Katakana, it reflects that sense of ‘strangeness’. 
(2) Literally she says that she can’t escape his ‘pace’. 
(3) もつれ合う or ‘motsue-au’ literally means ‘to get entangled’. I mostly found it in context of tangled vines, etc. but I think we all know what Laito implies here. :p
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