Uhhhh... Starkid(Hatchfield specificly), for the ask?
:D yay
Favourite Female: probably alice or becky but there are so many great women in hatchetfield agshkjdg
Favourite Male: McNamara definitely
3 Other Favourite Characters: Frank, Bill, Lex
3 OTPs: well paulkins obviously, mcnamander, and uhh i guess lexthan :)
Notp: tedgens, barnroe
Funniest character: AAAAH u cant do this to me ask game... but yeah i think ted
Prettiest character: alice 
Most Annoying Character: sherman?
Most badass character: O_O like all of them but i guess emma, becky or tom
Character I’d like as my BFF: tim and hannah both seem cool tbh xD so the fosters + ethan, i guess
Female Character I’d Marry: ...alice.
Male Character I’d Marry: hhh uhh tom? he seems like a good husband ghfjdkg idk man
Character I hate/dislike/least like: oof there arent really any like characters that i dislike. bc like even sherman is sorta chaotic and funny. hmm. OH SAM
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