#dff episode 5
toastofthetrashfire · 8 months
Space and Framing in Episode 5 of DFF
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Non is introduced through a reflection. This represents both his future disappearance or death, but also his outsider status. He's on the outside, the other side of the door, only a reflection.
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Non's isolation is visually made clear as we see two contrasting hallways. The left is where Por and Jin come from. In the background you can see students milling about, life and people. On the right, Non is alone. Meanwhile Jin stands at the threshold about to cross over into Non's space.
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Por goes too, but he visually remains separated from Non's isolated space. Instead we start by seeing Non and Jin through a reflection, just as when Non is first introduced. This is an outsider's space, but this time Jin has entered it.
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Once again we get Non in an isolated space. It becomes noticeable too that he is often squared in, not just separated but boxed in. This can be seen in the previous shots as well. You can't see it from this screen shot but the road on the left has cars moving back and forth, so once again Non is placed outside and in contrast to life and society.
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And once again, Jin comes and moves into this space.
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As Non leaves, Jin is left split. His body remains in what was Non's space, but his shadow isn't quite contained. Perhaps this represents Jin's feelings for Non, and his desire to follow him. Or perhaps the way he is teetering between feelings and kindness for Non and his inability to fully stand up to his friends.
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Jin sinks back and fully enters the space, his shadow no longer hanging outside of it.
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Even at home, Non is boxed in. Perhaps signaling the way that his home life is separate from and invisible to his "friends" at school. Or perhaps the way that financial troubles and anxiety weigh on him like walls closing in.
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Jin uses the camera to watch Non. In doing so he perhaps intends to create an alternative space with just the two of them, or to join Non's world. But at the same time, there's a looming feeling as Jin boxes Non in. We know in retrospect that the camera leads to increasing problems for Non. But I'm also reminded of the Thai horror film Shutter. The film revolves around cameras (including Polaroid/instant photos which Jin uses earlier in the episode) but also a strong critique of the way bystanders can become complicit and even hurt victims the most when feelings are involved.
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As we start to get Tee's struggles we see him framed as a shadow. His circumstances and struggles remain in the dark where his friends don't know about them.
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And then a doorway. The pressure is on for him, the walls closing in.
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Top chooses to frame himself, using the camera to act out his fantasy of being a hero. Yet moments later this fantasy breaks, much like the camera. He relies on Tee to cover his butt. In the future he will be one of the first to run and abandon his friends. And of course, ultimately he ends up killing one of them.
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Jin comes to comfort Non after the camera "incident." They're boxed in together, contrasted from the dark world around them. Jin once again has entered Non's space. He stands further towards the light, trying to offer Non hope, and see him smile. And while this light reaches Non, parts of his body are still cast in shadow, representing his current and future struggles. As good as Jin's intentions are, he doesn't understand what poverty looks like and can't fully help Jin, even if his support casts some warm light on Non.
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Even at the end, as Non smiles and is cast in more light, his hands are still in shadow.
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Our next cut is to this shot. We're back to the two hallways, but from another outside angle. The space represents the way Non is being pushed into a corner.
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And of course, enter Tee who takes advantage of this. Notice how Non is placed with Tee slightly on one side of the visual divide. I can't say for sure which hallway this side maps to. So we either have Tee entering Non's space, this time in a clearly manipulative way, unlike Jin. Or we have Non being pulled into the space of Tee and his friends as he is being taken advantage of and placed out of his depth in the worst way.
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raelle-writing · 8 months
Jin and the Dichotomy of Cowardice and Bravery
Yes I know the title is esoteric, bear with me. I've been thinking a lot about how in episode one, Jin calls himself a coward when he's talking to Phee.
It's possible he was saying that just to get Phee to leave him alone, but honestly he seems to believe it. And he certainly has some avoidance tactics. Running off to the US and never coming back isn't the healthiest of coping mechanisms. And we still don't know exactly what he's running from. Phee? What happened to Non? His friends who don't seem to care much about him? All of the above?
It seems that Jin self-identifies as a coward, which is interesting because when he's put in stressful situations and danger, he acts in an extremely brave manner. He doesn't show any signs of hiding or running away when faced with danger.
When they find Por in the woods, Jin is one of the first people to go up and check on him, instead of pausing/freezing and freaking out like many of the others. He and Phee are the ones who wrangle the others to help Por, and find the saw.
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Throughout the next episodes, Jin is one of the ones trying to keep people on track. He seems relatively calm in the face of all of it, and focused on trying to get them out/get them help.
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He's also the one most willing to help the newbies investigate the weird stuff happening, instead of shutting them out like a lot of the others from the original group. He's the one who stops Tee from destroying the tape, jumping into a fight without second thought.
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He's also the one who goes out first to lift the shirt off Deng's body, and then later goes back to cover it with a sheet when the others are unsettled by it.
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And throughout all of this, he's the one who comforts the others when they need it, and offers them physical reassurance when they're freaking out.
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He's also one of the ones Tan calls for when he comes back injured, and he's one of the ones Phee asks to come help him look for Top after he's gone missing. He's clearly someone the others see as a really steady presence, since he seems to be top of mind when things go to hell.
Jin is also not at all hesitant to go into the temple. He's the one Tan clings to, clearly afraid when they enter. He's freaked out when the ghost attacks him, but doesn't run. In fact he checks on Tan before the ghost swings the ax at him.
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He talks about being scared when he's in the coffin with Phee, but that's after he's already done so many brave things...
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All of this makes me wonder - why does Jin see himself as a coward? Is it because he didn't stand up to his friends more about Non? Is it because he's running from things with Phee? Is there something that happened in their past that makes Jin feel like a coward?
It's very interesting from the outside perspective, and makes me wonder even more about what happened in the past. Because we know something took away Jin's happy smile and turned him into someone much more dispassionate and snarky. But we still don't exactly know what.
We also don't know why, if Jin liked Non so much and didn't like how his friends treated him, Jin is still friends with all of the bullies. Maybe that's the core of why he thinks he's a coward.
I don't know if I have a concrete thought to complete this, I just find the dichotomy of how Jin sees himself, versus how he actually acts in the series. It's fascinating to see and adds a lot of depth to his character and I can't wait to see how he's developed further!
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syrena-del-mar · 8 months
A couple of hours ago I wondered what the other medications Non was using besides Lorazepam and on rewatch I realized that they did let us know a second medication Non is on! He's also prescribed Quetiapine Fumarate (Seroquel) which can be used to treat a whole list of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar, PTSD, but can also can be prescribed for insomnia and anxiety.
Also important to note that Lorazepam is usually a short-term medication (since it's a benzo), so it may be only prescribed to be taken during active panic attacks, while Seroquel can be used for everyday use to manage anxiety.
Now taking Lorazepam and Quetiapine at the same time? For a teen? Wild that he's even awake, because the combination can cause major drowsiness if he's taking them at the same time.
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hughungrybear · 8 months
Oof. Didn't Fluke said he knows about the "leaked videos"? And here is Jin telling Non that he is looking to sell some photos online and that might help Non pay for Por's broken camera.
I can now guess why Jin made the killer's list despite treating Non with decency in the past scenes. 😰
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Dead friend forever episode 5 made me have to take a break! Did anyone else have to take a break because they were shaking and crying? I was not expecting it to be that gut-wrenching like sad and awful, yes, but not a literal punch to my heart 💔 😢 Barcode truly shined in this episode and I will say it , I hope masked murderer doesn't stop his murdering anytime soon.
PSA don't condone murder but doesn't mean some people don't deserve for things to happen when they bully others ( 👀 I'm looking at you tee, top and por)
Also, what is it with Thai Bls ripping my heart out this past week #pitbabe the series
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nomerrynolife · 8 months
Aside from Non and Jin, I want to stab the rest of the boys eyes with a fork. Especially assholes Tee and Top.
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jenyifer · 8 months
Dead Friend Forever Ep 5
initial reaction
Omg the flash backs have begun!!! Barcode?! Precious sweet baby who I love and is extra chaotic on insta I have missed thee. What a sweetie.
Okay I’m gonna cut here for spoilers I guess but 🤷🏻‍♀️ let’s do the photo review
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Oh so the cult was made up by them too. It’s a set that would make more sense as to why there won’t be a direct road to the temple.
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I found the mask man will take a different shape for each person who sees it? Didn’t grab screen shot but I think it was in the pitch meeting
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Awww Jin is being super sweet. But bad feels he is just a charismatic bully who is smart and sees Non as a useful tool for him getting to go overseas
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Okay so Tee is really being backed in a corner. Doesn’t particularly make sense why he’s so hateful to Non other than Jock mad. Maybe he knows he’s gay cause of non idk. It’s weird. But his plan to have Non take the blame so he can black mail him into opening an account is pretty smart
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I really don’t get why we are bashing Non. I guess he’s different. I was bullied too. Just didn’t get the same social queues. Teachers liked me because I’d do a good job then I’d get pushed into things once had a girl crunch a bag of chips then put it in my hair on the way to theater practice because I had gotten a bigger role than hers. But I guess she was afraid of something 🤷🏻‍♀️ people friends with that bully girl also didn’t like me but were more passive aggressive. Ugh I won’t go back to high school if you paid me.
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Maybe because he’s poorer than them? Idk but here we see that Fluke knows and like I guessed he was only really friends with Por. Idk how Top gets off on being righteous by killing peeps if he treated Non this way
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Jin is trying to help in these two cases I don’t see what he has to gain by standing up for Non and comforting him.
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Okay so other killers because as I noticed the masked man looks diff for each of the victims so we have Top kills Por.
Possibly Phee (he could be the heart I mean they were both in kinnporsche together so it would be good for ratings) kills Jin
New (Non’s brother who I assume is going to come back from America and find out what they did to his brother hence the uncle going to jail in the news paper) kills Tee? Or Top?
Fluke is going to kill someone too. Tee or Top
For killer number 5 maybe the Teacher that was sneaking looks at Non? Kills Fluke
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Ugh poor baby he is backed into a corner no where to go just wrong place wrong time.
What would I do?
Well…. Tee Id expose his uncle if I was him. Maybe get money as a reward or at least gov support for dad.
Non there is nothing he can do
Jin tell Non how shitty they are and to avoid them.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
Dead Friend Forever: Ep. 5
I want to talk briefly about today’s episode of Dead Friend Forever and how smart I think it is being as we had towards the midpoint of the show. I was worried that 12 episodes was going to be too long for a slasher show, and that still could be the case, however episode 5 and from teh looks of it episode 6 are backstory focused, allowing for some breathing room from the murder and chaos that is currently occuring. 
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An I for one think they are being really smart with it. I love how we have spent four episodes knowing very little information about the characters, we know something happened, we have every reason to be suspicious of everyone, but we have spent four episodes being allowed to establish our own impressions and relationships with each character. I have always hated Top (but attribute quite a lot of that towards not liking the actor), I liked Fluked in the first episode, and then he started turning creepy. I love White, Por has seemed like a rich asshole from the beginning, and I have been suspicious of but ultimately been enjoying and lowkey rooting for Tee primarily because of his relationship with White. 
But now I hate him. Oh I hate him so much. I had to sit here for an hour watching all of these boys, but especially Por, Top, and Tee exploit the fuck out of Non. Tee set Non up to make it look like he broke the camera and then preyed on Non’s poverty to rope him in to the money laundering(?) scheme. Which actually….this is probably cause I just listened to the ‘Tens and Chops’ episode of The Conversation and was reminded of the absolute target that was the abandoned opportunity to discuss class disparities…but Dead Friend Forever seems to be taking the consequences of fucking with poor people for your own amusement. 
Por, Top, and Tee exploit Non’s desire to join an in-group, and work him to the bone writing and re-writing, and re-writing, and re-writing, and re-writing the script, probably overusing his medication, getting no sleep, absolutely exhausting himself, and then the second they have what they need out of him, they are back to treating him like shit, leaving Jin to bridge the kindness gap and Fluke to remain quiet. Top breaks the camera, and Tee comes up with the plan to frame Non for it. 
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And it’s the thing I found interesting because we haven’t fully figured out why the boys hate Non so much, we can assume it’s just that they found a poor person to pick on, based on the nickname that he has. But Tee seems, to me, to have some additional layer of feeling on top of his general group think. Now, I found it interesting that Por is holding Non responsible for the damage to his camera, and demanding 200,000 bhat from Non an impossibly high sum of money for Non and his family and a stressor so large that Non almost kills himself over it. But Por isn’t actually the person the most directly responsible for causing that level of emotional distress, because Top and Tee set up the situation in the first place so Por wouldn’t find out that Top broke it. 
And Tee goes an additional step further, in his own desperation to maintain a steady cash flow for himself from his uncle, by exploiting the situation he caused with Non to get him to open a bank account that will assist Tee and his family in continuing their illegal business operations. Por is a rich asshole, Top is just an asshole, but Tee? Tee is a calculated asshole. I love what they are setting up with Fluke as well, because he saw Top break the camera, and was told to keep his mouth shut. He knows how unfair this entire situation is, he sees how distressed Non is, you know based on the fact that he literally flicks Top off because he doesn’t agree with what Top and Tee are doing, but he does not speak up. If Non had killed himself that evening, Fluke’s silence would have made him just as much of a contributor to the situation as Tee and Top for setting it up. 
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And from my perspective, it looks like they are setting up a potential predatory plotline between the evening tutoring teacher and Non. And if that were to be seen through, it would be Por, whose desire to control every aspect of Non’s life while he worked on the script, who would have some culpability of putting Non in to the situation, considering he paid for Non to attend the classes. I have not gone back yet, but I do plan to do so, to watch Episode 1 with the new information and insight I have in to these characters from today’s episode. But I know @ginnymoonbeam has actually gone back to watch the first episode and found the dynamics between characters so much more distinct with the new information. I love  that. I love that this show is setting up a situation where there is something important to be gained from rewatching the show. I have no idea if this show will stick the landing, I still am not quite sure how they are going to swing 7 more episodes of it, I think the writing could be stronger. BUT so far they have structured their show and especially today’s episode very wisely.
Anyway, props to this show for making me change my min in a single episode because now I am sitting happily aboard the Fuck Them Kids train. Murder that og friend group with an axe. Let Por bleed out from the tree branch. Let Top get possessed. Don't care, they deserve it.
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rainbowcolored7 · 8 months
Finally catching up on dff and I'm starting to see why all the bitches needed to die. Non, baby, if you're killing them, I am your wing man, I am your fall guy. Take em out baby I'll hold your flower.
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blmpff · 8 months
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it's nice to have a confirmation that they're supposed to look different, and it's not a continuity error because the show has multiple masks, all with various details
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eg: yes ketchup blood - no ketchup blood
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toastofthetrashfire · 8 months
My Running Thoughts on DFF (Episode 5)
It's interesting to see their early motivations and varying levels of investment in this project
We also are getting insight into who is a follower or not. Cause from what Por said to convince Tee, it seems like Jin wants to do the project but not if Tee doesn't
Interesting that we first see non as a reflection as if he is a ghost or not fully present
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Awww he's so awkward. Interesting that they play his entrance kind of creepy awkward
Clearly there's something between him and Jin sparking. Does that mean Phee is non? Or will he be a target? So much to speculate on, I got to be patient
And clearly these guys are assholes at least Top and Por, geeze guys
Jin seems like the only nice one here, waiting for that shoe to drop, cause he seems like a follower maybe
Oh what a cool shot with the 2 hallways. One side with people the other where Non is alone. Like his reflection, he's separated socially. And Jin is crossing that threshold
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Oh and they're pulling in the use of reflection again. This time Jin is with Non but separated from Por
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Jin seems to know a lot about Non's interests. I mean he was reading a book but does Jin know this stuff from rumors or is he already observing him
Por is taking on a weird level of authority and acting like he's doing this for Non and his benefit
Okay how conscious is Jin of the fact that he is flirting?
Oh another catholic school eh? Shadow parallels, hello. But it does fit the fact that this is pulling on Western slasher horror.
I really want to know what the writing on the board says, especially since we get the contrast of Por vs Non writing something
Okay so even the Janta cult stuff came from Non so like clearly its not necessarily based in legends about the forest near Por's cabin. That does make me less inclined to think the cult stuff is part of a supernatural component (though I do still think there is some element of the supernatural).
Por clearly trying to fight for leadership and control by harassing Non over the ending and physical copies. And here goes Top. Aww Jin's at least standing up for him a little, but maybe fight back a bit more
Oh and Non's so resigned telling them to call him whatever, I'm adopting him immediately and all these other boys are on my shit list
Okay what's Tee's deal? They lingered on him a bit too long
Noticeable that Fluke isn't actively bullying but being a bystander
Another shot of Non very boxed in and isolated with life and motion outside that (cars this case)
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And Jin crosses into that space again. Even the first shot of non as a reflection was boxed in the door frame .
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Oh it's the same spot as earlier but from a different angle, love that
Awww Jin's little half wave after non turned, boy is crushing
And now Jin is alone in the boxed in space.
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Over to Non's house, there're 2 kids in the photos so maybe the killer is Non's sibling? Ah an older brother, New living on his own and struggling. But clearly Non is poor compared to these other boys
Wait I need to go back and see what Fluke said about Tee's dad, cause what if he's a debt collector and somehow related to Non's family's issues with money
Wait did New actually go abroad and is struggling or are they lying to Non?
Hmm pills, so are we going with mental illness here? How very Trin. I mean they could be anything but still. Hopefully this is a good rep not a "the mentally I'll kid cracked" narrative
Oh someone with just a heart for a name in his phone, and they know he takes meds. A boyfriend? Crush? At least someone who cares about him most likely, who might want revenge (could it be one of our new boys?). It's clearly not Jin since he texts next.
And look at that face drop out of a smile. So at this point it might be one sided on Jin's part?
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Oh he's wearing a red bracelet I wonder if that'll come back at some point. His backpack is also red, so we could call that his color.
Jin half standing up to his friends and half letting them still kind of win.
Uh oh dragging him to cram school to bully him more uggg
God they're treating him like he's physically dirty. Which is a contrast with Jin who openly touches Non. Ooof brings back memories of kids doing this shit in middle school.
Jin just sort of nodding in encouragement, like dude you need new friends
Are they going to get pissed when he shows them up and not pay the class fee?
Oh I like the teacher telling Top he asked Non his name
Is this the teacher Jin saw in the temple? I'll have to go back and check.
Okay a slight change in tone, why cause he knows math? What the fuck are Por and Top up to?
Another boxy shot, lovely
Okay meds again, does that say diazepam? No it's lorazepam, which is used for anxiety
20 seconds into a call with Por(?) And non is asleep, can't blame him
Ugg okay yeah they decided to play nice for their own benefit
Interesting that only Non and Tee have stronger colors in this scene, especially the redish brown color, what's their connection going to be?
This cram teacher knows how to market his class, just plaster his face all over 😅
Mmm maybe don't offer him a ride this feels iffy and icky
Tee in a gambling house. Is this the family business?
Oh shit was the mule Non's brother and now they'll go after his parents. No, Tee will pick Non to open the account for his uncle
Okay Tee's actually in a bind too, his dad needs meds and he's basically working for his uncle. But maybe go do any other job. This does explain why he's so grumpy and stingy with where he spends his time and effort.
Wait so in the film each character will see the mask differently so does that mean there're 5 different masks? It certainly brings up similar questions and themes about perception in the present.
Non wasn't even in the pitching room, ooof
Polaroid photo, a Shutter reference? Jin, I'm watching you bystander boy!!!
Ditch these guys, Jin. And maybe stand your ground and don't agree to not invite Non. And there he goes silently folding.
Tee needs the money from the film and Por is clearly more interested in just getting the fancy camera, which the proceeds will largely go towards paying back
Jin putting Non in the camera box, I'm getting more Shutter flashbacks
A shadow and boxed in Tee now, he's feeling the pressure
Who just leaves that expensive of a camera unattended? I guess a rich boy
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Oh Top, parading as a hero and defender but literally one of the first ones to run. And then the one to kill one of said friends. And of course he breaks the camera and is too scared so he ropes Tee in to protect him
Guys maybe try taking the camera to a shop first, see how much a repair costs. Still might be a lost cause but better than just assuming you'll have to pay for an entirely new one
Fluke pfhdkfk the consumate bystander, he's bystandering so hard he jump scared Top lol. Interesting that he really hasn't talked much this whole flashback
Jin at least being a little smart and catching on that Tee is being suspicious.
Okay Fluke flipping Top off was great? But he's still not helping so still a dick
Oh no the heart person isn't there when Non needs him 💔
Oh shoot Non, please don't take that much. Sighs in relief
Aww Jin is trying to help but doesn't really get poverty huh
They're boxed in visually again but Non is sort of slipping out of the light
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Oh, this time Non finally smiles for Jin. Are the feelings starting to shift on Non's end?
And we're back to feeling cornered.
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Tee you realize that sounds as incredibly sketchy as it actually is
Is that a bruise or a birthmark on Tee's arm?
Well at least Tee isn't denying that it's not entirely legal, still lying about the risks though
Tee continues to be number 1 on my shit list, but Por and Top aren't far behind
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raelle-writing · 8 months
DFF episode 5 thoughts:
Rambling some thoughts about the DFF characters, spoilers possible so I'm putting a cut
Jin - I was surprised that it seems like Jin isn't one of the bullies, I thought for sure he would be. Unless he's REALLY good at hiding how manipulative he is, he seemed to genuinely like Non (as a friend, I think) and wanted to befriend him. Especially since he fought back to his friends when they shit-talked Non... but then the question comes up, why is he friends with them if they're nasty and he's not? And why was he surprised at the way they talked to Non? Is he new to the group? Why did they accept him?
Tee - This episode made me a bit more sympathetic to him but also made me dislike him more at the same time? Because on the one hand he's in a really awful position where his uncle his using leverage of withholding the money Tee needs to help his sick father, and threatening to cut them off if Tee doesn't help with his criminal enterprise. And at the same time, Tee was so nasty and manipulative to Non I still had a hard time sympathizing with him. I'm interested to see how he and White got together, and if things with his dad resolve.
Top - Hated him, but I wish we'd gotten more depth. He doesn't seem to be part of the core of the friend group. He's just a mouthy hanger-on that doesn't have much beyond that, but I'd imagine his home life isn't good either since that's the direction the show has gone for the rest of the bullies.
Por - I felt bad for him, ngl. He had Regina George running the school vibes, but then his home life is tense. His mom babies and spoils him but his dad seems to disapprove of his entire life, and only care about Por as far as it extends to the dad's image. In the preview for the next episode, we see Por getting hit by his dad. It makes sense to me why he became the bitchy bully popular kid, since he has money but not love.
Fluke - He seemed to be part of the core of the group but also really quiet? Like it seemed like Tee, Por, and Fluke were the original three friends and the core of the group since they were the ones to convince Tee. But beyond that scene, Fluke seems really quiet and reserved. He's also the one to show disapproval of Tee and Top bullying Non and blaming the camera breaking on him, but he doesn't say anything about it or back up Jin.
Non - I wonder about him. He was presented as an entirely innocent victim this episode - but is he? He's taking medication for mental health issues, clearly. What kind? It is possible that he eventually snaps and causes something bad to happen... he shows s*icidal tendencies this episode, so is it possible he goes all the way later because of some of the bad stuff that Tee dragged him into? Or maybe he snaps and tries to hurt someone? I don't know, I'm interested to see what happens next. Currently I feel bad for him and wish the others would leave him alone, but we'll see if that changes over upcoming episodes.
Keng - Creepy. I liked him up until he pushed a ride on Non even tho Non didn't look like he wanted it. Now I wonder if he spotted a lonely, isolated kid and easy target and is harassing him... he could be the ❤️ in Non's phone. Idk but I don't trust him.
Questions I still have:
How did Keng end up dead? IS he really dead?
How does Tee's uncle play into all of this, as well as the money laundering with Non?
Did Non commit s*icide, did someone kill him, or is he still alive?
How does the politics and money laundering play into the broader plot?
How did Non end up going along to the vacation home when Por clearly doesn't want him to be there?
How does the cult play into all of this, if it does?
Are the present boys being haunted, or is it hallucinations? If it's a haunting, why did Top try to kill Jin when Jin was the nice one to Non, unless something goes wrong later?
Does Non like Jin? Does Jin like Non back?
Who is ❤️ in Non's phone?
How does the group not know if Non is dead or alive? Did his family never report him missing? Do they think he's abroad? What's going on there?
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syrena-del-mar · 8 months
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So, one of the medications that Non is taking is 1mg of Lorazepam (Ativan). Usually it’s used to treating anxiety disorders and sleeping disorders
Some of the more serious side effects/withdrawals are hallucinations, delusions, and unusual mood changes.
Medication tampering isn’t an unheard of trope when it comes to slasher films. Did someone switch his meds to fuck with him? Were they drinking during the first time they went to Por’s vacation home? Alcohol and Lorazepam are two depressants that shouldn’t be mixed, since it can also cause hallucinations, delusions, blackouts, impaired memory and unusual moods.
Curious to see if they reveal the other medications Non has been taking.
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firelise · 20 days
i just also want to commend 4 minutes for not just having amazing cinematography and acting and writing, but probably the best showing and not telling of any QL i've seen. this is all i've wanted for so long just give me the puzzle pieces and trust me to put them together please. its so simple and well done.
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hughungrybear · 8 months
So, it's Por's mum who spoils him, not the dad who seems to care less about Por's extracurricular activities.
On the other hand, Top is undeniably the worst shithead in the group, Tee is basically a man out for himself, and Fluke stayed silent despite knowing everything.
Looking at these flashbacks, I'm all for team killer now lol.
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velvetshirtnumber3 · 9 months
Jin please tell me you didn't try to seduce Non for a short film contest
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