dfdkrc · 2 years
The gang heads to a drive-in movie, where KITT and Lightning McQueen make sure to park next to each other while the humans sit on their roofs*
Lightning: How exciting! A drive-in movie theater.
KITT: Is that sarcasm? I can't tell if that's sarcasm.
Lightning: It’s not. I love movies! Even more so when my best friend is here to enjoy them with me.
KITT: Really?
Lightning: My female best friend. My car best friend counts, too.
Jughead Jones: Hey, Elsa, can I sit with you and Lightning?
Elsa Frost: Sure, but there’s limited space on his roof.
Archie Andrews: I want to sit with Elsa, too!
Michael Knight: What movie are we watchin’?
Elsa: The latest Pixar flick. I hope that was okay.
Michael: That’s more than okay.
Ten: What, are we the hero car here? Everyone seems to want a spot with Lightning.
Elsa: Are you surprised?
Arnie Cunningham: Hey, I have Christine here if some of you want to spread out.
Betty Cooper: Yeah, I'll sit over there. If Lightning and KITT have too many places filled up, the old vintage Buick is the next best thing!
Veronica Lodge: Damn, B. We are part of the best gang ever!
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asexual-hugger · 1 year
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DFDKRC fandom all the way. Thanks, Elsa, for a legacy! ❤️
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dfdkrc · 2 years
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dfdkrc · 2 years
Hey, guys, DFDKRC here. I know it’s been a while since I uploaded anything to this blog. I've been on a hiatus from writing new stories/scenes lately due to hunting for a full-time job. I have not forgotten about this blog, don't worry. I'm slowly going through more writing, although I haven't had a whole lot of ideas lately. I want to keep things interesting for everyone, so just to let you know: I am trying my best. :) My goal in mind was to write more often once I found a steadier, better job than what I have now, since then I can plan my writing time around my work day. I'm continuing to get inspiration from different sources so I can keep my writing up. I'm still writing here and there, it’s just very infrequent at the moment. I will keep adding stuff here as much as I can. You’re awesome for putting up with me. xoxo
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Elsa Frost is greeted with the surprising visit of her Deathsong Siren dragon, Garff, whom she hasn’t seen in months, perched on Lightning McQueen’s trunk, along with his mysterious friend, the Blue Dragon*
Elsa: Garff! Buddy, I haven't seen you in forever! What are you doing here?
Garff: Rrrrrrrr...
Lightning: I was just as surprised as you the second I saw him fly in. For a moment I thought he was going to snatch me up in his claws.
Elsa: It's so good to see you again, Garff! And your friend...where have you been hanging out these days?
Garff: Mmmrrrr.
Elsa: You've been staying with your friends?
Garff: Hhhhfff! *nods excitedly*
Elsa: How wonderful! I'm so glad you've made connections, buddy. I am. But you know I do miss you.
Garff: Rrrrr. *he rubs his head against her affectionately*
Lightning: Yeah, pal, you don't come by here much anymore. It feels like you've missed out on a lot. You're not neglecting your favorite human, are you?
Garff: Mmmm. *lowers his head guiltily*
Elsa: No matter. You're here now. You and your friends are always welcome here. And I never did catch your blue buddy’s friend’s name.
Blue Dragon: Hfff.
Elsa: I remember you. You showed up that night I went over to talk to Dominic Hunter about officiating his wedding. Don't be a stranger, okay?
Blue Dragon: Grff. Grff.
Elsa: Yeah. I mean you.
Lightning: Elsa, since our dragon friends are visiting for the time being, maybe they'd like to join us for a drive. When was the last time you stretched your wings, Garffiljorg? And coming over here doesn't count.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Lightning McQueen and KITT become props in FLAG’s annual fall fundraiser, finding themselves covered in dry grass and old paint and parked in front of a run-down shack*
KITT: Ugh. I can't believe I agreed to this!
Lightning: You look great, KITT.
KITT: I look like a haystack with wheels. I've never been so humiliated.
Lightning: You think you're the only one? I'm a shiny red race car. I'm built to speed down fast tracks in Riverdale, showing off my great paint job, not...this! Covered in dry grass and pretending to be abandoned. I'm too sophisticated for this!
KITT: Speaking of paint jobs, are you sure that dry grass isn't sticking to you?
Lightning: Yes! No! I hope not, because otherwise, The Doctor is gonna get a stern talking-to!
KITT: I feel like I've got plant material under my fenders. It's making me very uncomfortable.
Lightning: I know I do, and I shouldn't even feel it. I'm a car. Cars can't feel stuff!
KITT: That's where you're wrong, Lightning. You are so much more than a car. We are so much more than a car. Snow Queen, Michael, they treat us as if we're human, because to them, it feels like we're alive.
Lightning: Okay, Mr. Wise Sage, you got me there. Guess you really do have more life experience than I do. Sure, I'm alive. I've never felt more alive. I'm full of plant material acting as a prop for the Foundation’s haunted carnival. Whee.
KITT: I only agreed to do this because the Foundation was sponsoring it. And because Michael used his begging voice.
Lightning: Michael has a begging voice?
KITT: He said in so many different words that he thought I would be perfect as the old run-down scary car.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Archie Andrews has asked Elsa Frost out on a date at Pop’s Diner, and the disguised Girl of Ice goes on to planning mode with help from her loyal red race car*
Lightning McQueen: Holy Porsche! Look at you! (Elsa appears, wearing an ice-blue sparkly midi-dress) Got a hot date?
Elsa: Actually, I do. With Archie Andrews.
Lightning: Archie? Your redheaded friend from Riverdale? The one that’s head over heels crazy about you?
Elsa: Yeah. Although it’s fair to say that that whole gang’s kinda crazy about me.
Lightning: You make a valid point. Where are we driving tonight?
Elsa: Pop’s Diner. The ultimate Riverdale hangout spot. Archie asked me out for milkshakes.
Lightning: Milkshakes? You sure it’s just milkshakes? He’s not gonna sneak you in the kitchen and have a hot make-out session with you?
Elsa: Lightning McQueen! Really!
Lightning: Hey. The boy’s into you. Just thought I’d add my ‘two cents,’ as you humans say.
Elsa: I need you, bud.
Lightning: Of course you do. I'm your car.
Elsa: No, I mean, I need your side view mirror. I have to check my face.
Lightning: Allow me to assist. Your face looks perfectly fine. I hope you didn't put any makeup on it, because a complexion like that doesn't need a bunch of stuff to look beautiful. Take my sage advice, okay? Archie’s gonna love you just as much as I do.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Lightning McQueen’s quick reflexes and automatic computer system alert Elsa Frost of someone pointing a gun at her from the driver’s side window of their car*
Lightning: Holy Porsche! (His eyes go wide as he notices something in his side view mirror) Gun!
Elsa: What?
Lightning: Get down!
*Elsa’s Snow Senses tingle as she realizes the danger she’s in, and she ducks down just as a shot rings out*
Elsa: Really? Now? Someone has to shoot at me when I'm not even prepared for a counter-attack?
Lightning: That’s why I'm here. My job is to protect you at all costs. The Doctor swore by it.
Elsa: This is ridiculous. I'm a superhero, not some blubbering coward.
Lightning: Trust me.
*Another shot rings out, the bullet ricocheting harmlessly off of Lightning’s rear window*
Voice: I know you’re in there, Snow Queen! Your reign has come to an end!
Elsa: Bite me. Lightning, take over, bud.
Lightning: You got it, Elsa.
*He shifts to his automatic driving setting as Elsa removes her seatbelt and crawls into the backseat. There’s a flash of white light as she rolls her body towards the edge of the seat, and Snow Queen appears in her place*
Snow Queen: Are they still shooting?
Lightning: Badass. I know I've seen you transform dozens of times already, but it never stops surprising me. I don't know how you do it.
Snow Queen: Years and years of practice. We’ve got this, bud. Just keep driving.
*She settles back into the driver’s seat and glances in her sideview mirror. Another car is driving very close to hers, and she can see movement in the front seat*
Lightning: Yeah, we've got this. We've totally got this.
*The click of a gun draws his attention back*
Snow Queen: No, you don't.
Voice: I see you, Ice Bitch!
Snow Queen: The feeling’s mutual, friend.
*BANG! The bullet streaks towards her, and she throws up her left hand. Ice magic flies out and meets the bullet in midair, freezing it in a stream of ice*
Voice: No! You have no authority to do that!
Snow Queen: Oh, pal, I believe I just did. Hit the accelerator, Lightning.
Lightning: Gladly.
*The gas pedal pushes against the floor on its own, and Snow Queen buckles herself back in the driver’s seat as Lightning propels forward. A screaming, raging girl sticks her head out the window of the other car*
Sister of Rose fangirl: You’re gonna pay for that, you bitch! On behalf of our Queen, Rose Tyler, I'm gonna end you!
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Racing garage, where Lightning McQueen is parked during off hours, and Veronica Lodge volunteers her services in a face off against the villainous Rose Tyler*
Veronica: What do you think you're doing?
Rose: Ahh!
*Rose is halfway to Lightning’s garage when Veronica speaks, and she rears her hand away*
Veronica: That’s Snow Queen’s property. Back off, unless you want to lose a hand to lasers.
Rose: Who the bloody hell are you? How did you get down here? You're not a racer! You don't have access to these sheds!
Veronica: Actually...I do. (She holds up something) I happen to have a pass. Courtesy of the Girl of Ice herself, and the fact that I own the shed in which Lightning is parked. (She points upwards, where the words LODGE RACING OF RIVERDALE is seen in large letters)
Rose: Please. As if you own anything! I'm Rose Tyler! I can take anything I wish!
Veronica: No. You see, unlike you, I use my resources to help those I care about, and the last time I checked, you didn't live in Riverdale. I did. I know my way around this race track more than you'd like to believe, and it looks like you aren't the only rich girl in this town.
Rose: You’re rich, huh? You think owning some pathetic racing garage makes you rich? Makes you helpful? I can have my fangirls down here with just one message, and they could tear this place to pieces, with Snow Queen’s precious race car inside! How I’d LOVE to see the look on Snow Queen’s face as her beautiful car burns from the inside out. Without it, she has no way of winning anything! One can't race without a race car! Whatever The Doctor has made for her is MINE! He met ME first!
Veronica: ‘He met ME first.’ So because you were the all-time glorious first traveling companion of our dear Doctor, that makes you entitled to everything? Lightning McQueen was built, by The Doctor, specifically for Snow Queen. You are out of the limelight, Rose. Deal with it. You are ancient history. The Doctor wants nothing to do with you anymore, not since his wife Elsa Frost showed him the truth about you. You lay one slimy hand on my friend’s car, you’re gonna lose an eye, if not by Lightning, then by me.
Rose: You dare challenge ME? I'm Rose Freaking Tyler! I am superior! You know nothing about me! You are just as bad as Snow Queen! She’s manipulated you! She’s using you! When will you people ever see that?? SNOW QUEEN IS A MENACE AND A DANGER TO THIS COMMUNITY! She must be stopped, and if you won’t join my ranks and help me, then I will bring all of you down! I will destroy this whole damn CITY if I have to! Snow Queen must DIE!
Veronica: I’d think twice before making threats to destroy this place. The entire town of Riverdale stands behind the Girl of Ice. You and your fangirls want to cause chaos? Then we will gladly defend what’s ours. Snow Queen has friends behind her. You just have a cult of immature 14-year-old fangirls whom you manipulated with your powers of persuasion to join you in what? Killing Britain’s most powerful superhero because you claim she ‘stole’ your boyfriend? You honestly need to get a life.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Elsa Frost lies on her stomach in the grass, reading a book, and Lightning McQueen sits parked next to her*
Elsa: What do you want to do, bud? Got any ebooks tucked in that computer system of yours?
Lightning: Why would I use something so mundane? Cars don't read.
Elsa: You do.
Lightning: Okay, fair enough. I do. But only when necessary. What about you? What has you busy over there?
Elsa: Just one of the most addictive books ever. (Her phone goes off with a FaceTime notification, and she turns on her side to face Lightning) Looks like duty calls.
Lightning: I've got it. (He activates his FaceTime app, and Michael Knight appears on the screen) Michael.
Michael: Lightning. Is that you?
Lightning: It is. Elsa and I are here.
Elsa: Michael. What's going on?
Michael: A lot. I called because we need FLAG’s famous Girl of Ice on the case. Black Rose hit another one. Her fangirls are out of control.
Elsa: Yeah? Tell us something we don't know.
Michael: I know. They always are, but this time, they've started attacking the racing arenas. I think they're trying to keep you and Lightning from participating in future racing events. They know how good you two are. You've won the World Grand Prix four years in a row, not to mention every race that's ever passed through anywhere since The Doctor put Lightning together. You two are the Dream Team and everyone who knows racing inside and out knows it.
Lightning: You’d better believe it. Which racing arenas have they attacked? And how?
Michael: They’re heading for the training track in Riverdale as we speak.
Elsa: You mean the one that we raced on for the World Grand Prix Racing Trials?
Michael: That’s the one. I thought I'd give you a heads up. Black Rose has heightened her evildoings. It's gone from bad to worse. I wouldn't be surprised if she's already taken control of Riverdale itself.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
Team Snow Queen takes to the sands in the wildest desert race ever. Michael is driving KITT with Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge in the backseat, and Elsa Frost drives Lightning McQueen with Ten in the front seat and Archie Andrews and Jughead Jones in the back.
Elsa Frost: Everybody get your seatbelts on. We’re going full throttle.
Archie Andrews: Woohoo!
Lightning McQueen: Miss Frost, I am begging you, do not get sand up inside my axles. I don't think I can take the humiliation.
Ten: Don’t worry too much about it, Lightning. I can always polish you up again.
Elsa: Did you just get a cleaning, bud?
Lightning: I got my axles REFINED, thank you very much, and I prefer to keep them that way.
Michael Knight: Hey, you guys over there! Less chitchat, more racing! Are you ready to eat some desert storm?
KITT: Oh, brother. I should have known Michael would be in his element here.
Betty Cooper: I'm ready to go, boys! This is the first time I've ever seen KITT up close! You've got a swell car, Mr. Knight, although I do like Lightning McQueen just as much.
Michael: It's all right, Betty. The compliment is enough.
*Elsa revs Lightning’s engine, and he gives off a smooth sound*
Elsa: Hey, Doc, did you modify his engine, too?
Michael: See you on the other side, party poopers! (He laughs gleefully as KITT streaks forward in a puff of sand)
KITT: Michael, a warning would have sufficed! My wheels are not meant for sandy terrain!
Michael: Come on, it’s just this one time, buddy!
KITT: That’s what you say every time.
Elsa: Ooh, boys, he’s got it bad! But not for long! (She presses down on the accelerator, and Lightning streaks forward after KITT) Sand rules the world!
Jughead Jones: (rolling down the side window and sticking his head out) Woooooooooo! I'm the king of the world!!!!!
Veronica Lodge: (calling out from KITT’s side window) I'd say it’s too early for that, Jug! We still have a lead on you!
Archie: Step on it, Elsa! Show ‘em Lightning McQueen isn't just some rookie race car!
Lightning: Oh, you want to see a rookie race car, Mr. Andrews? You want to see a rookie race car? Try this one on for size! (He guides Elsa’s steering with slight aggression)
Jughead: Yeah, that’s what I'm talkin’ about! The power of manual and automatic steering! Dude, Lightning, you are SMOKIN’!
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dfdkrc · 2 years
Elsa Frost awakens in the middle of the night to voices outside her open window. She sits up in bed and looks outside, her eyes scanning the ground below. In the darkness, she can barely make out Lightning McQueen’s profile.
Elsa: Lightning? What are you doing out of your shed?
Lightning’s voice: No. I will not do it. I absolutely refuse to betray my best friend. What did you think I was going to say???
Elsa strains to hear the conversation before she takes a step back and begins to spin in a clockwise direction. Her pajamas magically disappear, replaced by the familiar white pantsuit of the Girl of Ice. She slips her sparkling mask over her eyes and turns back to the window. Her super ears start picking up the commotion.
Snow Queen: What are you on about, Lightning? And who are you arguing with?
She leans out the window slightly. Lightning’s form is there, parked outside his garage, but there appears to be another car next to him, darker, almost blending in with the background.
Mystery voice: I suspected you would say no. That is why I came prepared.
Snow Queen: Hold up. That sounds like KARR! What is he doing here?
She reaches up and activates the Bluetooth speaker in her ear, facing Lightning.
Lightning: You don't intimidate me. I've been around long enough to know better. I'm different now. I'm not that newbie rookie race car that entered the world for the first time after I stepped out of the TARDIS, fully built. Snow Queen changed me. She made me better, and I will not let you or that manipulative snake Black Rose turn her over to your Dark Side cult!
KARR: You have no say in the matter. We will take Snow Queen, one way or the other. Black Rose will not be crossed. Whatever she wants, she gets.
Snow Queen: Oh, really? Lightning, can you hear me, bud?
Lightning: Snow Queen? Wh--how? I thought you were asleep! What are you doing up??
Snow Queen: Light sleeper. Super ears, remember? Listen. Don’t let KARR wipe your memory. He has a habit of doing that to any car he doesn’t like. I’m using a separate frequency where he can’t detect my presence.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
The gang hits the beach on a hot summer day, Michael driving KITT, Arnie Cunningham driving Christine, and the Winchester brothers in the Impala. Elsa Frost drives Lightning McQueen with Ten in the front seat. She wears a towel robe over her swimsuit.
Elsa Frost: I hope everyone is ready for this.
Ten: I am! Did you get in touch with our Riverdale friends?
Elsa: I did. They're going to meet us there.
*She pulls into the lot just behind the Winchesters and casually opens Lightning’s passenger door, stepping out on to the asphalt*
Arnie Cunningham: Hey, everyone!
Elsa: Hello, boys! (She grins and puts her sunglasses on)
Dean Winchester: Damn! Elsa, you look hot!
Elsa: Thanks, Dean.
Ten: You all don't start without us now.
Archie Andrews: Elsa! (He waves from a convertible parked a few places down)
Elsa: Archie! Guys! You're here!
Archie: We're here! Me, Jughead, Betty and Veronica. We couldn't pass up an invitation to the beach with the best hero ever!
Betty Cooper: Can someone get the cooler out of here?
Jughead Jones: I got it. Hey, Elsa! That's a nice getup you've got on.
Elsa: Thanks. I aim to please.
Archie: You've definitely pleased. I can't see the full view yet, but I'll imagine your swimsuit kicks ass. I can't wait to see you in it.
Elsa: You’ll have to wait just a bit longer, at least until we've unloaded. You need assistance, Mr. Jones? There's a superhero here just waiting to use her brute strength.
Jughead: Much appreciated, Miss Frost. Although I know you can lift it yourself easily, allow me to take one end for you.
Elsa: Got it. Is there anything else?
Veronica Lodge: We brought some extra towels and umbrellas. I wasn't sure what anyone else was bringing. This is gonna be so fun!
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dfdkrc · 2 years
Elsa Frost walks upstairs to the TARDIS lab and finds Ten surrounded by race car tires while Lightning McQueen sits propped up on his platform.
Elsa Frost: Morning, Doc.
Ten: Elsa! (He stumbles in surprise, almost losing his grip on the tires)
Elsa: Steady. (She quickly stabilizes it)
Ten: Thank you so much! Sorry; I was surprised. Are you here for Lightning?
Lightning McQueen: Is that my lovely driver I'm hearing?
Elsa: It is. What's going on? Why are there tires everywhere?
Ten: Well, actually...
Lightning: He's giving me the best quality racing tires he's got. I have to say that the majority of them didn't work well with my color scheme.
Ten: Say, maybe you can help. You have a good eye for patterns. Which tires do YOU think would suit Lightning? He's YOUR car, after all.
Elsa: You want MY opinion, or Snow Queen’s? Because I say that the red rims would look handsome on him, but if I were Snow Queen, I’d say the white rubber.
Ten: Hmmm...
Lightning: I like it!
Elsa: Or how about both? Red rims and white rubber? Think you can handle that?
Ten: Both is brilliant. Let's do both. Great job, Elsa. Now are you going to stand around in your everyday clothes or am I going to see that sparkly white pantsuit at some point?
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*KITT has his convertible setting on while he sits parked next to Lightning McQueen, and Rose Tyler comes along, attempting to stick her hand inside KITT*
Rose Tyler: Eek! (Squeals and draws her hand back quickly as a jolt of electricity passes over her)
KITT: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Rose: Who are you? You don't get to tell me what to do! I own you!
KITT: Oh, really? Because the last time I checked, I was property of the Foundation for Law and Government.
Rose: Why do you sound like that? KARR’s voice is much deeper. Don't tell me you're turning soft on us now. 
KITT: I wouldn't dream of it...Miss Tyler.
Michael Knight: (holding up a set of keys in his hand) Hey, KITT, ready to roll, buddy?
KITT: By all means. You came just in time, Michael. Miss Tyler here tried to sabotage me just now and mistook me for that awful prototype, KARR!
Rose: Hold up! You’re that guy from Snow Queen’s gang! Why are you hanging around with KARR?
Michael: KARR? This is KITT, his much nicer, less evil twin. Now if you'll excuse us, we have a mission to attend to.
Rose: Oh, no you don't! If that is KARR’s twin, he’s mine! You’re not going anywhere, either of you! Anything fancy and high-tech, it goes to me! Now move aside!
KITT: The manners on this one. Shall I shock you again?
Rose: You think I'm scared of you? If you’re the ‘nice’ prototype, I’d bet that you don't have it in you to fight me, am I right? Flippin’ fight me! You want to leave, then you go through me! This car is mine!
Michael: Oh, yeah? How are you gonna drive him when I got the keys? (He jiggles them in her face) KITT knows better than not to ride with strangers. Which reminds me: where IS KARR? I'm surprised he hasn't driven down here yet to pick you up. Shame. Thought the Knight Industries machines were more gentlemanly. Now step aside.
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dfdkrc · 2 years
*Passersby are shocked and uncertain when they spot Garff sticking his upper body out of Lightning McQueen’s open roof while Snow Queen, as her human alter ego, Elsa Frost, drives down the street, Michael and KITT right behind her*
Garff: (proudly gives out his siren call)
Elsa Frost: How are you doing up there, buddy?
Garff: Hmmm...
Elsa: That’s what I figured. You’re too majestic for people not to stare at you.
Michael Knight: Hey, Garff, if you ever get tired, you’re welcome to hitch a ride with us.
KITT: Ahem. I don’t know if I would feel comfortable with a giant beast taking over my entire backseat space, Michael. My upholstery is very fragile.
Michael: I’m sure Lightning’s is super invincible.
Elsa: Yeah, before anyone asks, he is a dragon!
KITT: Michael, why is a strange woman driving Lightning? Where’s Snow Queen?
Michael: I’m not sure, buddy. (He calls out to Elsa) Hey! Miss! Why are you driving Snow Queen’s car? Did she lend him to you?
Elsa: Not exactly. I can't discuss that out here. We'll have to find someplace private.
Lightning McQueen: (whispering) How does he not know that you're in disguise? Everyone knows that superheroes have alter egos!
Elsa: It’s okay, bud. The less people know, the better. I can't always walk around in my super suit all day. It gets uncomfortable real fast.
Lightning: I thought after all this time that at least your close inner circle of friends would realize that you have a life OUTSIDE of crime-fighting! (Up top, Garff yawns)
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