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Jasper at the peak of his time with Maria in the newborn wars switches places with current post-breaking dawn Jasper, what happens?
Bonus ask:
Esme suddenly comes back to earth, what does she do now realizing the situation she’s in? Also post breaking dawn.
When he's really living the high life (e.g. not when he slowly starts to wonder if he can do more with his life)? Alright then.
Jasper in the Future
"The fuck is this" he's with this weird manic pixie who claims she's his wife and seems to control his every move, he feels like shit and has apparently been eating animals, there's a mutant toddler running around that some other kid made by fucking a human.
Jasper out.
He goes to join Peter and Charlotte who are... not sure how they feel that this is High on Murder Jasper rather than Sad Jasper.
Alice is devestated.
Maria when she hears the news immediately hits up Jasper with a recruitment offer again.
Jasper in the Past
Jasper books it out as fast as he can and starts immediately living on a diet of rats. Depending if Peter's there or not, he drags Peter out too (Peter having mixed feelings about this because, uh, he didn't expect this).
"We'll turn your future wife"
"I have a wife?"
Jasper then tells Peter he's from the future and he has to live off animals, meet his own wife ("you have a wife?") and go live with this crazy vampire doctor who travels the country.
Peter thinks Jasper's gone fucking insane, which is pretty much canon anyway. The only difference is that Jasper and Alice are now both weird.
Esme's a Person Again
The thing is I really can't imagine a 'suddenly' in this scenario. I don't think it could happen, I can't even picture it, so I'm going to cop out.
The most I can say is she'd try to make Bella and Edward be better parents to Renesmee, it doesn't go well.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#jasper whitlock#peter#the cullens#esme cullen#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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What if Edward developed reality altering powers like Ebony darkness blAh blah blah forget the rest.
My theory on My Immortal.
The thing is, at least from Edward's point of view, he wouldn't even notice the difference. Reality would shape itself to be exactly what Edward thinks it is, which means Bella would act the way he expects her to act, as would his family, as would humans.
It'd be reading Midnight Sun at face value and taking Edward's word for everything.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#edward cullen#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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Would things change at all if Jacob and the other rez kids also attended Forks?
They didn't and wouldn't.
La Push is far enough away from Forks that it's not the first choice to send kids to (and that's not even getting to reservation vs. not reservation politics). Not to mention that even if they were there, Billy is told beforehand the Cullens are coming and in terror/thinking he can't say no says "ok" and the tribe then prays that the Cullens will respect the treaty. It works out that the Cullens do but ah... Edward considered breaking it very seriously a few times. So glad you didn't do that, Edward.
Regardless, Forks, which is not in the treaty, would then be somewhere they'd absolutely pull everyone out of because the demons go to that school.
Remember they don't go to the Forks hospital anymore because Carlisle Cullen is in the building. People could die because of this decision, perhaps they did in canon, but to them it's not worth the risk of crossing paths with the vampire who could at the drop of a hat decide to eat the entire town of Forks and the entire reservation.
Even Jacob, who doesn't believe the superstitions, has been told them and abides them for the most part (granted he has little reason to seek out the Cullens or go to the hospital, and he does tell Bella things he knows he's not supposed to fairly easily, but we still get the feeling it's extremely ingrained in the res).
You do not fuck with the Cullens, go near them, even look at them.
Would Things Change?
I have to cop out, I'm sorry, this would just never happen.
If they had been in that school, they would leave, and Jacob would instead be telling Bella all about that awkward time where everyone from the rez transferred to a different school because the Cullens moved there.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#twilight quileute#billy black#jacob black#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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Would Twilight have turned out any differently had Edward been turned a little older than 17, let’s say 19 or 20?
Bella likely loses the Yandere Simulator.
Bella's noticeably into pretty boys, thinking Edward's on par with Rosalie on further reflection in the cafeteria. She also has a thing about age gaps and doesn't want to date someone too much younger (e.g. Jacob) and I imagine this would extend to someone too much physically older.
If Edward's old enough to lose the boy band look, Bella's likely not as into him, but more if he confesses to being physically 20 I imagine Bella gets very hung up on that and the fact that she's seventeen.
Yes, yes, they're both mature in spirit but... he's so old :/
Without Bella's interest at the level it's in in canon, and her push to become a vampire to be with Edward forever, Edward is only left the door saying "eat me, I'm delicious"
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#bella swan#edward cullen#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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Do think twilight would’ve been better if certain characters were fleshed out more and played bigger roles in the story? There’s a lot people that are just there for the sake of making other characters seem better or more interesting and there’s entire backstories and situations given to each of these characters that seem a lot more interesting too, like it seriously just comes across like Stephanie made these characters with so much potential just to make the world around Bella and Edward seem much more interesting but without ever actually doing anything with it. Look everyone Rosalie has a useless boyfriend because every Cullen but Edwards apparently needs to have a partner to be happy! Or Leah who is mean and can’t have babies compared to our uwu protagonist Bella, isn’t Bella so nice and fertile? There’s more examples but I’m gonna spare you the 10 billion extra paragraphs T-T
I mean, that's getting into the territory of "would Twilight be better if it was better", to which the answer is "yes?"
And ultimately, at the end of the day, we have to look at what Twilight's supposed to be about. Twilight is Bella and Edward's love story, the other characters are just there to support it. Period. To ask it to focus on the other characters is asking it to a) forget its own plot b) not be about what it's about. That might make for something better but it'd become fundamentally not Twilight.
For a better example given I just watched the film, it'd be like asking if in Fatal Attraction rather than focus on Michael Douglass and Glenn Close so much if we could focus on his lawyer friend who had a bit part. The story's not about lawyer friend with a bit part, interesting character sure but... it's not about him. This is how it goes in every story, not just Twilight, you're trying to convey a story and at the end of the day you have to ask yourself "should I focus on this thing that has nothing to do with the story I'm telling".
I guess this gets down to world building vs. character driven stories. Personally, I vastly prefer the latter, where if something is in the story it should absolutely be there for the purpose of fleshing out the characters we're supposed to focus on and serving the purpose of the story overall, to do otherwise is to make a video game where there's a lot of neat stuff going on and little side quests you can do to explore the world and the actual story itself is secondary to just going on little adventures.
Basically, to me, focusing overly much on characters who aren't Bella and Edward's love story kind of distracts from the whole purpose of the book. Sure, it might be better, but you're asking Twilight to not be what it's supposed to be about at all. If Twilight was about Rosalie or Leah then yes, it might very well be a better series, but then it would no longer be Twilight in any shape or form.
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If Bella can temporarily remove her gift and project it onto others, why can’t anyone else do the same? At least maybe Edward or Jasper could have some relief from their gifts if they were able to do this.
Because Bella is ridiculously powerful, the others are not.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#bella swan#edward cullen#jasper whitlock#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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Would there ever be a way for Renesmee as a grown adult (20 something probably) to be able to distance herself from the family and heal without something major happening? Is there anyone she’d stay in contact with at all?
Depends how the disaster goes down.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#renesmee cullen#the cullens#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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How would the Bella handle it if Renesmee disappeared or died?
Depends how and under what circumstances and what led up to this. Suddenly? Bella will blame the Volturi, they somehow murdered Renesmee and will be both grieving and working towards revenge.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#bella swan#renesmee cullen#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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Will For the Love of Alice bring about even more second hand embarrassment than the og fic? Maybe there’s no topping For Love a Woman but the suspense is killing me. I must know.
For the Love of Alice by me and @therealvinelle and also For the Love of a Woman by me and @therealvinelle
Depends on what you call secondhand embarrassment. Is poisoning your best friend after deciding to have an affair with her because your brother is useless and shagging your best friend's best friend embarrassing? If yes, then yes there will be a lot of secondhand embarrassment if not there will be a lot of typical Alice shenanigans.
Edward and Jacob are still in the fic for what it's worth and while they've been mostly off screen this time around I am sure they'll do something.
#twilight#twilight renaissance#for the love of alice#for the love of a woman#meta#vinelle#therealvinelle#dewy39
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Have you or Vinelle seen the show Lucifer? Thoughts on it?
Never seen it. You, @therealvinelle?
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What’s your thoughts on hazbin hotel/ Helluvaboss?
Haven't seen it/read it/know what it is.
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The Cullens, and Eleazar are put in saw traps built specifically for vampires, they cannot escape or break out because everything around them is vampire strength proof. Who survives?
That's some confidence you have that I've seen any Saw movie. From what I understand uh whoever gets lucky gets to live, maybe, but probably not.
Depends how the Saw dude is feeling.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#the cullens#eleazar#meta#headcanon#opinion#dewy39
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Thoughts on Last of us 2?
Sorry, never played one or two.
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If Rosalie had been turned younger, say 15 maybe, how different would her dynamic with everyone be? Surely Edward wouldn’t be so harsh to her at least, Right?
"Surely, Edward wouldn't be so harsh to her at least, right?"
I will remind @dewy39 that Edward judges Jessica Stanley very harshly for the crime of having found Edward attractive and developing a mild crush on him. He not only finds this a personal failing on her fault, but an active character flaw. He has held that grudge for two years by the time canon starts, where Jessica is only 17, and was 15 when the Cullens first moved to Forks.
Or Mike Newton, whose crime is thinking Bella Swan is hot and being a plebian. For that, he deserves a violent death.
Edward absolutely can and does judge his teenage peers harshly all the time.
Her dynamic I imagine would be more or less the same though she might have even less self-confidence than she does in canon being younger/having had this awful thing happen to her when even younger.
#twilight#twilight meta#twilight headcanon#twilight renaissance#edward cullen#anti edward cullen#rosalie hale#meta#headcanon#opinion
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Could Jake/Tsu'tey have worked?
Also, I’d argue Jake would be gifted as a vampire (if the venom didn’t kill him or his family) his gift is being the main character, events out of his control transpire and land him exactly where he needs to be always. To me it seems unnatural how this happens (granted this is totally just lazy writing, but!! Ion it’d just be cool to interpret it this way.)
whether that be him wanting to burden another group of people with his presence for reasons, or his rival (Tsu’tey) dying so he can become the leader and get the girl, and for random weak sauce reasons that only come about towards the end of the story he’s forgiven for the atrocities he’s committed directly or indirectly, etc etc.
@dewy39 is arguing against the time I said Jake wouldn't have a gift as a Twilight vampire. And true, I suppose that could be a Twilight vampire gift.
As for Jake/Tsu'tey no, pretty much for what you list right here.
Tsu'tey was only ever able to see Jake as an interloper not to be trusted, an outsider who will surely betray them, and is also buttering up Tsu'tey's future bride.
Jake was already starting on a bad foot, hitting on Neyteri and being good at things like Banshee riding and what have you just made it all worse.
It's possible the pair could be on better terms, but it'd take a lot of work and a lot of circumstances to get there. And that's "better terms" not even shipping level, where Tsu'tey would have to contend with the fact that he's supposed to marry the chief's daughter and become the next chief. If he were so inclined to run off with Jake, which he is not, he would likely be cast out and certainly wouldn't be chief.
Add onto that that Jake doesn't seem to be the type to think of himself as gay or want to be seen as gay, and that Jake chafed at being doubted and suspected by this warrior, and that Jake is interested in Neyteri who Tsu'tey is supposed to marry and you have a recipe for disaster.
Like all ships, a good fic could change my mind and an author might be able to make it work, but I'm very doubtful.
#avatar#avatar meta#avatar headcanon#avatar shipping#jake sully#tsu'tey#meta#headcanon#opinion#shipping#jake/tsu'tey#anti jake/tsu'tey
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