#devos iz au
lovelyrockstar · 3 months
should i make a separate blog for my au or osmethign
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lovelyrockstar · 4 months
okay to get this straight this is like a small fic thingy that I just wanted to write. and i haven't written like this in like a long time and i just suddenly! got the urge to! soooo, uh yeah . enjoy this if u can
oh!!! btw!!!! taken place in crash landing in my au!!
☆ - zaan
☆ - diz
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it's 4:37 AM. zaan is fixing buzz, her sir unit, as diz continues to bother her..as he's done for about an hour, almost two.
" ...... "
" hey, zaan.. "
" boy, what?! this the 50 millionth time you've said that! "
" know what would be amazing right now? "
" if i'd get this damn piece to go in. "
diz laughed.
" if i was an invader, like you. "
" tuh. invader my butt. only thing you could do is clean. get me the uhh, the e- "
" HEY! "
" SHH! shut up yelling like that! "
" eminem is showing there's an irken signal here! "
"...i'm sorry? "
" irken! signal! here! on earth! said eminem."
eminem? what a ridiculous name. that's a rapper name. diz had learned about earth things more than zaan did.
" okay, FIRST of all, i done told you we not naming the ship "Eminem". "
" shit! "
diz began giggling as he said that.
" and watch that mouth. "
" but YOU curse! why can't iiii curse?! "
" i don't want you cursing anymore. ever since we learned how these uhhh.. "
" humans. "
" how these humans curse, you've been laughing everytime "shit" is said. you said irken signal? "
" uh-huh. "
irken signals? that couldn't be good. at least for zaan. now she's pissed.
" ....watch buzz. don't do nothing stupid. "
zaan handed the broken sir unit over to diz and "got into" her disguise. she rushed out of the unknown garage belonging to some random human that they were in. it's weird how they haven't been caught yet, despite the fact it's been nearly 2 hours.
zaan went in a nearby bush and crouched. she had looked at her wrist.
" computer. where is this irken signal at? "
" indiana? "
" alright, thank you. that's all i needed to know. wait. how..far away is indianapolis? from here? "
" actually, you know what, nevermind. i don't need to know that, "
zaan didn't want to feel more anxious and angry than she already was.
" ..the voot cruiser should be fast enough, thank you. "
was it really though? not anymore. not after it had a terrible accident on T.E, or as others call it, TE-2. see, zaan was worried. what if she was going to die? what if wherever this irken was, they were going to kill her? she'd have to see for herself. zaan shook her head and headed back to the garage.
zaan came back to buzz up and working and diz smiling at her.
" how the hell.. "
" i fixed them! "
and diz was right. he DID fix buzz..
" how..did you fix them?.. "
" here, i'll show you. "
diz demonstrated how he repaired the sir unit step by step, zaan was impressed. she hadn't expected diz to know about mechanics and all that, despite him being "stupid" in zaans eyes.
" see? call them! "
" buzz! "
no response. zaan looked at diz.
" ...uhhh.. maybe..try again? "
" you better not had done something stupid, "
zaan called buzz's name once more. no response.
" you know what? let them be. they probably sleep. "
" are you sure? "
" yes. they will be fine. "
and zaan was right. buzz would eventually wake up in the next 3 hours, and zaan would have to do the finishing touches of fixing the ship, and they would head to indiana until it was fixed.
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woohoo fic over!! i will might give u guys an entire fic of my au...........
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lovelyrockstar · 4 months
there's a fic coming ur way
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lovelyrockstar · 4 months
hello this is my invader zim au
no its not done yet!
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