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heresthedealok · 1 year ago
Watch Max Baker Jr. in the Devil's Daughter music video with Jessie Jane!!
Here's a video from the outlaw rock 'n' roll band "Shotgun Rebellion" years back. They released a music video called "Devil's Daughter," featuring "Jessie Jane" as the character "Devil's Daughter" and Max Baker Jr. in the role of the holy priest. Clark Deal and 3130studios.com directed the video. Shot on location in Oklahoma City and sponsored by dbsticks.com. All rights are reserved under Twelve Gauge Records 2017. 
 WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysVlSbseuKU
#jessiejane, #cindytaylor, #Maxbakerjr #maxbaker #heresthedealpodcast #oklahoma #okc #musicvideo #ShotgunRebellion #DevilsDaughter #clarkdeal #3130studios #TwelveGaugeRecords
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finilia · 3 years ago
I can't take it anymore!
Yohan loves playing with Gaon's niplples, whenever yohan hugs him Yohan starts playing with Gaon's nipples. Even during sex Yohan relentlessly gives his ardent attention to Gaon's nipples. even when they are alone in his office , he opens Gaon's shirt and goes on sucking , biting and nibbling on his already sensitive nipples. Gaon can't even wear shirts and tshirts without feeling horny just by the caress of his clothing.
'From now on , you are not allowed to touch my chest , especially my nipples!' The moment Gaon declared this to Yohan , Yohan felt the world ending for him. Yohan lost his grip on a very expensive ceramic piece he was cleaning. It broke with a loud dramatic clatter.
'Gaon-ah, darling, my honey sugar pumpkin. Why are you taking the most precious time pass from me! Gaon-ah please don't do this to me!' Yohan grabbed Gaon shirt to from the front , the caress made Gaon moan. Feeling angry with being so horny, he puts some distance.
'And no sex from now on!!'
Part 2 coming up!!!
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the-princess-of-darknesss · 5 years ago
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unheardm · 2 years ago
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Here's an update on Devil or Angel - Love-Hate relationship (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1297856950-devil-or-angel-love-hate-relationship?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=blueranger12&wp_originator=h3i7wA38yt352uvIYJnV%2BuxuloI597mcWh4DvbMxBr%2Bi9fNdge5t6xGXlYDEfffynDJbNUEfsjJf2m2ALyHi7ef%2BX3ZR9M90MgjX5cWjsIMyhz%2FML4m1khZamkzKt7Yu How do events that happen in one person's life change their entire life? In this story, you will read about two girls who became best friends after a small clash, and how their lives changed. Angel, a girl with a beautiful name and a devilish yet caring personality, comes to a new school after beating a few boys on the street. With a record for fighting and picking fights with people and rough behaviour towards everyone, she struggles to cope with her new surroundings and make new friends. But despite her challenges, she excels academically and has an undiscovered talent that is yet to be revealed. Moon is a simple, introverted girl who manages to make friends with Angel, despite their differences. As they navigate the ups and downs of high school over the course of three years, Moon and Denial help Angel discover her undiscovered talent. Along the way, they face challenges and triumphs, and their friendship grows stronger. This story is narrated by Moon, one of the two girls, as she reflects on the events of their high school years and the impact they had on her life.
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conscious-coach · 7 years ago
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Never Mind The Bollocks #nevermindthebollocks #tshirtdesign #fashionbrand #punkstyle #womensmokers #smokinggirl #rebel #alternativefashion #nihilist #devilsdaughter #fuckit #sexpistols #lifesadrag #style #wearone
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chapterswelove · 5 years ago
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#stepbacksaturdays Happy Saturday! I’ll be starting book 5 of the Ravenels series by Lisa Kleypas today and this is the story I have been wanting to read since I started the series. And also, love the #stepback • • • • #devilsdaughter #ravenelsseries #lisakleypass #theravenelsmeetthewallflowers #historicalromance #romance #avonbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CEM2neIAB-x/?igshid=1szkjwlmwybo5
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misstoddynho · 5 years ago
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#resenhadobabado Uma Herdeira Apaixonada - @lisakleypas (@editoraarqueiro) ⠀ 💓Mesmo após dois anos da perda do marido, Phoebe ainda é um pouco relutante em seguir em frente sem o marido. Com dois filhos pequenos e uma propriedade para administrar, ela sabe que em algum momento terá que se casar novamente; menos por obrigação da sociedade e mais pela figura paterna que deseja que os filhos tenham. Phoebe é uma mulher cheia de vida, gentil e de alma solidária. Por isso não poderia existir alguém para ela, a não ser Weston Ravenel. ⠀ 💓Apesar de muito ter largado a vida de libertino, West ainda se julga por todas as suas ações do passado. Mas, desde o início da série, sabemos que ele é um homem honrado e trabalhador, que se esconde por baixo de comentários autodepreciativos. Mas desde o início, eu sabia que quando ele encontrasse a mulher certa, a amaria de corpo e alma, sendo bastante dedicado e carinhoso. ⠀ 💓A atração de Phoebe e West é quase que momentânea. Sem querer os dois possuem uma química maravilhosa de se acompanhar, já que West quer ser mais que um caso para Phoebe, e ela está decidida a ter esse homem por inteiro e para sempre em sua vida. E isso só é bastante complementado com o modo como o Ravenel trata os dois filhos pequenos da viúva. Sério.. ovários e útero até coçam de tão fofa que é a relação dele com as crianças. ⠀ 💓É também pensando nos filhos de Phoebe que ele hesita em tentar um futuro com ela, visto que ele teme que as crianças sejam alvos de comentários sobre o passado do padrasto. A ligação entre West e Justin é bastante instantânea (Stephen é um nenê de dois anos, então não tem muita voz na questão). Desde as primeiras interações, percebe-se o quanto West realmente foi feito nessa vida para ter uma família e ser um grande pai. ⠀ 💓Agora só nos resta esperar chegar em terras brasileiras o livro da Cassandra. Chasing Cassandra é o livro que fecha essa série, estrelando Cassandra Ravenel (dã!) e Tom Severin. Estou bem curiosa em ver esse casal, visto que em toda série não lembro nem deles no mesmo recinto, mas com certeza Lisa não vai decepcionar. • • #editoraarqueiro #lisakleypas #umherdeiraapaixonada #devilsdaughter #ravenels (at São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-y9SQZAvcP/?igshid=1hzfovspdt51m
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v-royo · 6 years ago
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The Devil's Daughter; Claudia. This is an old sketch that I decided to finish. Have to do my research again of this woman since her body paint has been redone too. Lady belongs to @weeweesection . . #fanapprentice #fanart #thearcanamc #claudia #animestyle #vroyoart #notmyoc #thearcanagame #drawing #art #magician #devilsdaughter https://www.instagram.com/p/B1A047LAcTM/?igshid=6a146q4vkuho
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experiment-x-is-a-lie · 6 years ago
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The lights above had shattered, the glass littered around the pentagram that I was in the center of.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ “Oh my god!” I heard Lily shriek. “It worked!” She stood behind an alter with a large, old book and a box that contained bones, blood, and strong smelling herbs.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ “What worked? How am I alive?”⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Lily ran into my large circle and wrapped her arms around me. I couldn’t hug her back; shock was still rang through me like a cracked bell. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ “What happened?” I pushed her off of me. “Where am I?” ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ “Why did you eat a bullet, Markus?” ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #amwriting #newstuff #writerlife #immortal #cursed #devil #devilsdaughter #immortalassassian #writing #WIP #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writingcommunity #readersofinstagram #readersofig #sneakpeak #teaser #author #indieauthor #indieauthorsofinstagram (at Kulpsville, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzq8zjhAu8t/?igshid=1okz2sy6asnmc
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the-princess-of-darknesss · 5 years ago
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alxmarroquin · 6 years ago
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DEVIL'S 🐱 DAUGHTER . . . #feedthekitty #felineeyes #devilsdaughter #devil #diabolic #devilish #sorcery #demonic #hailsatan #cats #ohmycat #witchcraft #magical #mistyeyes #brujeria #hellskitty https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wIyx6nE-f/?igshid=aow7ig2crdxx
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crinolinedream · 6 years ago
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West! 😍

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anointed-ink · 5 years ago
What you want for cristmas Blenche and Noir ? 0w0
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thegothic-voguette · 8 years ago
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Devil's Daughter ++ #myself #devilsdaughter
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experiment-x-is-a-lie · 6 years ago
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The lights above had shattered, the glass littered around the pentagram that I was in the center of.⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ “Oh my god!” I heard Lily shriek. “It worked!” She stood behind an alter with a large, old book and a box that contained bones, blood, and strong smelling herbs.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣ “What worked? How am I alive?”⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ Lily ran into my large circle and wrapped her arms around me. I couldn’t hug her back; shock was still rang through me like a cracked bell. ⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ “What happened?” I pushed her off of me. “Where am I?” ⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ “Why did you eat a bullet, Markus?” ⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ #amwriting #newstuff #writerlife #immortal #cursed #devil #devilsdaughter #immortalassassian #writing #WIP #writersofinstagram #writersofig #writingcommunity #readersofinstagram #readersofig #sneakpeak #teaser #author #indieauthor #indieauthorsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BzqoCcXgmHu/?igshid=11c1zxdl34c1n
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bombay-boutique · 6 years ago
Hi miss! I wanna ask you something. How does kit Kat looks like when she was a child?
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