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sohn-der-felder · 3 months ago
opener for @devilish-family-dramas
It was another boring day for Michael, a groan escaping his throat from the horrible night's rest he had just gotten. It had been his weekend off... had. But he knew he would have to take on more shifts than that due to no one wanting to be security at the godforsaken pizzeria he currently was doing said work at.
He couldn't blame anyone though, and was actually more than happy to handle this himself. It was family business after all and he needed to finish what his father started. He couldn't stand knowing there was something going on in this godforsaken family and he would get to the bottom of it. Michael knew his father wasn't a good man, no, not after the bite. And he knew it was his own fault; every waking second that even followed into his dreams. It was like a constantly looping nightmare that wouldn't let him go. But it was just another day. Another day of getting closer to the truth. Another day to finally pin down where his own father had gone.
Sliding out of bed he rubbed his red eyes; quite puffy from another crying session with his own reflection being an antagonist. After years of trying to come to terms with it all he could never find himself being able to recognize his own face. It's not that it looked replaced or different but more so like he couldn't see it at all. A distorted blur of what could vaguely be described as him but he couldn't grasp it anymore; he no longer understood what he looked like because he no longer understood who he was. It didn't matter anymore though, like many things, as his main objective was far more important to his sanity than a simply reflection. Then again he barely looked at his own nowadays because of the obvious guilt that swam into his sunken eyes.
Michael was but a husk of the once rowdy boy he used to be. A hollow thing that had one mission and one mission only; the one thing that could bring him peace.
Though it wasn't quite the hour to be moping about on it, he thought to himself, sliding on his uniform for the day. His shift had changed to the dayshift as per the request of the irritating recording of his so-called boss, and so of course he obliged. He didn't mind it much at all since he knew that at least for one of his shifts, out of the previous many, he would be able to sit around like nothing was going to come around and shove him in a suit.
He shuddered at the thought of the previous nights causing him so much terror - but he knew it would all be worth it in the long run.
Leaving his apartment after getting ready he would make his way to work; opting into walking since it saved him money and it wasn't that far away. He was quite lucky being able to find a place to stay where he did and at such a decent price too - despite some glaring issues - but he couldn't complain. It could be worse. It could always be worse.
Arriving to the pizzeria at the early hours of the morning he approached the front doors, yawning and reaching into his pocket for the building's keys. Inserting a key he would find himself pushing the door open a little with the force.
This was no good, not good at all. Anxiously he removed the key from the lock and put the jumble of them he had back into his back pocket and poke his head in. "H...Hello?" Michael would meekly call out into the quiet and dark pizzeria. The only light he could use right now was that of the rising sun; but it wasn't quite enough to be able to see any possible dangers. "Is anyone in here? If you are you need to leave, I don't wanna have to call the police this early in the morning."
The sudden change in his usual schedule was nothing, but a vastly different change in his day-to-day life meant far more than a simple shift change. This may mean genuine danger, this may mean an intruder; he just couldn't know what was going on. So he simply, and slowly, opened the door a bit more as he continued to call out. "If... If you show yourself now I won't call the cops. Please don't make my job harder than it has to be."
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infernal-thorns · 4 months ago
@devilish-family-dramas continuing from here
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[🔥] "Well of course I'm scared, I want to live!" The last thing Blaze wanted was for her beloved boyfriend to come back home only to find her in a pool of her own blood. And that was probably the best case scenario.
"I ain't risking shit!"
Now, normally, she would have no issues with fighting supernatural entities (she is one herself, after all) but...after a deep breath...
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"They're ghosts my guy, dead people, spirits. Have you tried punching a ghost?" She hadn't, but she was not betting on finding out first hand.
"They may not be immortal but they're pretty hard to get rid of. It's gonna take a lot more than just a shotgun or holy water to get em' done when worse comes to shove."
"So unless you've got an ace up your sleeve, it's still a hard "hell no" from me"
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hivemuse · 4 months ago
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green eyes scan the surrounding area. Samuel sat at the edge of a small building. legs dangling over the edge as he continued to people watch. it wasn't hard to miss him, even greeting people who approached him, questioning him or recognizing him and setting up small talk before heading on their way.
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his eyes land on a new individual. someone he's certain isn't from around here. " yo ... you down there .. " he calls out.
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bearratic · 4 months ago
//with Max 👀 Just working on the starter... They haven't communicated yet, but I'm afraid it's going to be something with something 💀✨
Oh yeah I think these two would cause absolute chaos.
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tomorrowiisclosed · 4 days ago
Starter for @devilish-family-dramas
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"A tail! Tail! You have a tail!"
It probably wasn't every day that the glitter covered robot could just run at people at full speeds, especially without her big sister escorting her, but unfortunately for this stranger it was a one in a million chance.
She, without waiting for an answer, reaches out to try and grab it.
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"Is it real? Cosplay? Are you from H-E-Double hockey sticks? Can I feel? How did you get one? Can I get one? Big Sis says I'm not allowed to talk to strangers so can you tell me your name? What's your favourite colour? Do you like snails?"
It just doesn't stop.
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drengar · 2 months ago
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send me   “ 😂 “    and my muse will tell yours the worst — or best, depends on how you view it — pun / dad-joke they know | Accepting @devilish-family-dramas asked: 😂 
"What do you call a parrot that flew away?"
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"A polygon!"
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summerxmelodies · 2 months ago
“Happy birthday! You know you're awesome! Here, this is for you. He'll keep you company on this day~”
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She's all smiles as she accepts the cutest moth plushie she's ever seen! "Thank you! He's adorable!" And she's already picked out a name. "Mortin, his name is Mortin," and he'll also now be granted the great honor of being snuggled while she sleeps.
"I love him! Thank you again," Melody grinned, utterly distracted by the fuzzy antenna.
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rei-kozuki · 4 months ago
🖊️ + ”I know we're from different factions and like... Screw diplomacy! Let's go get some sweet coffee!”
Her eyes narrowed a bit. This was... The little brat from 3SD or 3DS or however the organization was callled, no? Rei was about to just stick one of the cancer sticks she usually smoked into her mouth and blow him off, but...Sweet coffee? Usually, she drank black coffee but not even Rei Kozuki could resist the occasional sweet starbucks coffee (that one could barely call coffee anymore, honestly.) So, the journalist- no, in his eyes she was a mercenary- nodded. "Sure. Let´s go get that coffee then." His name was Maxim..17, if she recalled correctly. 17..Thinking about it made her a bit nostalgic. And she had a lot more to ask him. Interesting little critter.
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toranoya · 4 months ago
what about your portrayal attracted me to your blog
//Everything. Starting from you to your writing style. I have been watching you for a long time, I really enjoy reading your interactions... (,,>﹏<,,)✨ You write very beautifully, in my opinion. Your oos posts make me smile at times. I think I am still looking for the right time to start interacting with you... but yes, so far I will stay on your blog as a viewer and read for a long time to come. It's very cozy with you and with your blog, thank you for that! 💕
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Thank you so much for such kind feedback! It truly means a lot, especially knowing that you've been following along quietly for a while. I'm really touched that my writing and posts have resonated with you and that my blog feels like a cozy place for you. That’s one of the best things I could hope for! Take all the time you need to interact—I’ll be here whenever you're ready. Until then, I’m so glad to have you as a reader. Thank you again for your support, it truly brightened my day!
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oncforallxbroccoli · 4 months ago
”Getting the shoe a week before Halloween... Boy, you're cursed! I can sell you a recipe for how to keep yourself safe by the way!~“
//I'm sorry I jumped in, it just seemed funny 👀✨
Random Asks (always accepting)
"Wait? Cursed?!" What kind of a curse is it?" Izuku was now freaking out. What was he just cursed with. He had so many questions, and now he was also mumbling up a storm.
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moonlightrafe · 14 days ago
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summary: On a night out to forget his past, Aemond finds himself thinking of a future with you
pairing: Modern!Aemond x Stripper!Reader
word count: 2.2k
warnings: Explicit smut, alcohol consumption, sex work, reader is a single mom, semi-public, lactation kink, mommy kink (yaaay), handjobs, cum play 18+ MDNI
note: This is a repost 🙈so if it flops, it flops
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Aemond Targaryen was never a fan of strip clubs. He viewed them as not only a waste of time, but a waste of money. Spending ungodly amounts on overpriced, watered down drinks. Just for a girl who pretended to be attracted to him, could dance on him for a couple of hours. He always left feeling impure while glitter and the scent of cotton candy clung to his clothes. It just wasn’t his thing, he had better ways to spend his time.
And yet, he found himself on his way to one now, on a Tuesday night. With his heathen of a brother and his immature friends. What had become of him?
You’re on the opposite side of town, also getting ready for the evening. Hot steam and the scent of lavender invigorates your senses as you’ve just finished taking an ‘everything’ shower. You’re scrubbed to the bone, freshly exfoliated, shaved, and now lathering vanilla scented lotion onto your skin when your phone buzzes.
Aegon Targaryen.
Aegon was your typical rich, frat boy who frequented the club you worked at. Over the years he had become something more of a friend than a customer. He would sometimes bring you food, or weed, or a pack of cigarettes. He had even came to your defense when certain men would over step boundaries with you.
He was a good customer, gave a lot of money to the club – and to you. He wasn’t exactly your type but there was no denying he was attractive.
you workin tonight?
depends who’s asking 😈 jk … u know where to find me 💋
perfect. and not for me 😢 have a guy who needs a distraction. wear smth expensive!
oh? 👀🤨
money talks baby
It’s a rainy Tuesday night, you’re not sure why you agreed to pick up a shift in the first place. But you could use some extra cash, and your daughter is at her dad’s this week.
Even though the club you work at is one of the busiest in Kings Landing, you anticipate it to be an uneventful evening. Aegon coming in changes things, maybe you’ll have some sort of fun, and st the the very least someone to talk to.
It’s just you and two other girls working tonight. There are three men sat around the stage as Floris dances, and Sara is occupied with a private dance in the back. As you predicted, a pretty slow night. You have the bartender make you a drink, a dirty shirley. You sit and tap on the glass waiting for some action when Aegon finally shows up.
He has a decent sized group of guys with him, most of which seem to already be under the influence. In order to not appear desperate you wait for him Aegon to come to you.
“Lookin’ good, girl!” he calls, leaning in to hug you, “and you wore expensive perfume, that’s a good girl,” he flirts as he slides you a $50 bill and you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Is this for… your friend?”
“Not a friend,” he states proudly, a devilish grin on his face, “my brother.“
You look past Aegon to the group of guys he sauntered in with, and then you spot him. A tall, lean guy with hair the same shade as Aegon’s; except his is much shorter, and styled neatly. He’s aimlessly scrolling his phone, barely looking around. You notice he has a pack of Marlboro Menthols in his hand. With a cool demeanor and a jawline chiseled to perfection by the Gods themselves, you are in for it.
He resembles Aegon for sure, though he is much more handsome.
“Gods, there’s two of you,” you groan jokingly.
“Actually, there’s four of us,” Aegon corrects, “but one’s sixteen and the other is a girl, our sister.”
Aegon hardly ever spoke of his family and when he did it was never in detail. All you knew was that they were toxic, full of drama, lacking love, and filthy rich.
“That’s right. Well, what do I need to know about this one?”
“That’s Aemond. Go easy on him, he’s a major nerd, hates all things fun, and the club isn’t really his scene — total opposite of me,” he notes, “but he’s been hung up on this older woman and I need him to get under someone else to get over it.”
You raise your eyebrows at him a second time, unsure of what you’re getting yourself into.
“What can I say? We’re a complicated bunch, but it’s nothing you can’t handle, right princess?”
You giggle at the pet name and he grins before he smacks you hard on the ass.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
You glance over in Aemond’s direction again, now he sips on an old fashioned and his expression remains unreadable.
You decide to head to the back to quickly freshen yourself up. You’ll need to mentally prepare yourself before sinking your paws into Aegon’s sexy-as-hell brother. You brush out your curls, pick away any dried mascara from below your eyelids and generously apply more perfume. Baccarat 540, it was expensive, thank you very much.
You take a large sip of your own drink before you saunter your way back out front and over to the table where he sits.
"Hey! You look like you could use a friend" you purr, “can I offer you a dance?"
Aemond looks over to Aegon who is giving him a thumbs up before looking at you. His eye scans your body.
"Um, yeah,” he finally responds, swallowing thickly, “yeah, you can.”
This time he smiles as he checks you out.
"You wanna go somewhere more private?" you offer in a whisper, motioning to one of the closed off rooms, "ya know away from prying eyes?"
"Sure," he replies and your perfectly manicured fingers wrap around his wrist, dragging him to one of the rooms. Once you’re alone, tucked away behind the velvet curtain, he takes it upon himself to take a seat on the leather couch.
“So how does this work?" he questions nonchalantly, taking a large sip of his old fashioned.
“You’ve never gotten a private dance before?” you ask him and he shakes his head as he swallows.
“Oh, well, I’m flattered,” you giggle, taking a seat next to him, feeling him out.
“Well, while we’re in here,” you say as you place your palm on his leg, “I’m all yours,” you smile.
“All mine, huh?”
“That’s right,” you soon come realize that Aemond isn’t even sure what he wants. You take a large sip of your drink, finishing it off in one gulp.
You slowly straddle Aemond’s lap, refusing to break eye contact as you move your body to the rhythm of the song the booms through the speakers. Your palms glide over his lean chest, teasing and tantalizing as you continue to sway your hips. Aemond keeps a firm grip on the couch, his hands not leaving his sides. You reach down and take them in yours.
“You can touch me, I promise you won’t break me,” you encourage, guiding his hands up your body.
His hands run up and down your stomach, causing a fire to ignite in your belly. His touch is more gentle than what you’re used to. He uses his thumbs to swipe over the sheer fabric of your bra against your nipples. You gasp under his touch but he quickly removes his hands from you, yet you feel his cock grow harder underneath you.
“Is something wrong?” you ask, your hands flying to your breasts, instantly feeling two damp spots there. Fuck.
It’s something you know is inevitable, but it doesn’t make it any less awkward. All of your regulars are already aware of your situation, but with someone new and unsuspecting, it’s an uncomfortable conversation. You’d found a lot of men are actually turned on by it, but there is always that chance that the current one won’t be.
“I – I’m so sorry. I don’t usually confide this, erm, Aegon knows… I have a one year old who’s still breastfeeding.”
Aemond appears to be at a loss for words. You need to get up before he can reject you himself.
“Let me just—” He stares at you intently as you’re about to remove yourself from his lap. He is definitely caught off guard by your confession, but not in the negative way that you think.
“That’s no problem,” he says huskily as he composes himself, “you stay right here.” His gaze is piercing as he keeps his hands firm on your hips, the cool metal of his rings digs into your flesh as he holds you in place in his lap.
“Alright, if you’re sure,” you mutter back to him, feeling relieved.
“Oh, I’m sure,” he tells you, the bulge in his pants evidently harder than it was earlier.
You study him carefully, there is a hunger in his eye that wasn’t there before, even moments ago. It’s as if his entire demeanor has changed. You figure you can use this to your advantage.
“I don’t usually do this, but I’m making an exception,” you tell him as you reach behind your back to unclasp your bra, letting it fall to the dirty floor.
“Because I’m Aegon’s brother?” he asks.
“No, because …. I want to.”
It was true, you didn’t normally get this intimate with customers, but something about Aemond was drawing you in.
Aemond’s eye widens as you reveal your glistening nipples to him. You squeeze at your breast lightly, grinding yourself into him, and he rewards you with a moan. your thumb around your nipple, gathering some of your milk onto it before rubbing it along Aemond’s lower lip. He eagerly accepts it into his mouth, sucking it harshly, nipping at your fingertip.
“You like that?”
“Mhm,” he groans against you, releasing your thumb before leaning forward into you. He smells good, expensive cologne and nicotine. His lips find their way to your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. His fingers ghost down your body, leaving a trail of heat in their wake. You arch into him, wanting more.
He continues to move at an agonizingly slow pace, taking his time with you as his lips make their way from your throat down to your chest. Your breath hitches once his tongue finally comes in contact with your nipple, lapping at the droplets of milk there. He takes your flesh into his mouth, gently suckling, careful not to apply too much pressure.
Your mind is going hazy as arousal leaks from your core, you grind down harder on him.
Aemond continues to suckle at your breast, his tongue swirling around the sensitive bud as he drinks from you with ease. His eyes are closed, his mind completely lost to the sensation of you in his mouth. Your body trembles against him and he feels it, your small whimpers and moans sending waves urging him on.
He pulls away slowly, and you wince at the loss of contact. His lips leave a trail of wet kisses across your skin as he looks up at you with glassy eyes.
You lean back, positioning yourself so that you have access to the button of Aemond’s jeans.
“Can I?” you ask.
He nods his head eagerly, unbuttoning them for you and yanking the zipper down with quickness.
You wrap your hand around his length, tugging gently as your free hand flies to the back of his head, pulling at the hair at the nape of his neck.
You lean down to cup and squeeze his balls as he sucks at your right breast.
“Fuck, M-mommy,” he moans.
Your eyes widen at his choice of words but they stir something in you.
“You wanna be a good boy and cum for mommy baby?”
“Yes! I’m — I’m good,” he stutters, rutting himself up into your palm.
Your hand works quicker as he finds himself back at your chest. Drinking from you like a man starved.
A few more languid pumps of his cock and he’s shooting thick, pearly ropes into your hand. You move your hand down lower to cup and squeeze at his balls for a moment before bringing it back to your mouth, licking away the salty remnants as Aemond shoves his cock back into his pants.
As if right on schedule, the timer you set on your phone to keep track of the time goes off.
“Well, looks like our time’s up,” you say with a frown.
“Looks like it,” he replies and the air swells with tension.
You turn to leave to give him a moment to find his composure, get himself together but he yanks at your wrist.
“Wait! Let me take you out!” he blurts out at you, “on a date, a real one. Please.”
You lean up to wipe a smudge of your lipgloss from the corner of his mouth.
“This was paid for, ya know?” You say empathetically and his eye darkens.
Great. You’ve offended him.
“I know that,” he says sternly, “Just, I want to take you out. Please. Just one date.”
“One date,” you repeat.
“Yes,” he assures, his good eye gleaming.
You give Aemond your phone number and you let him add his to your phone.
“I will text you,” he assured before he goes to exit the room. You follow him out and watch as he makes his way back to Aegon who is bright eyed and clapping at his brother.
You make eye contact with Aegon and he mouths something to you that you are unable to decipher.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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infernal-thorns · 4 months ago
❛ you say beetlejuice three times. and i’ll say candyman five times. then we get them to fight. ❜
For Blaze 🥺✨
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[🔥] "Or...how about we don't do that?" Now Blaze can't really call herself the sharpest coal in the barbeque but even she knew how bad of an idea that was.
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"I mean let's be real, what's stopping them from killing us first once they pop out? Or after the fact once one takes out the other?"
"And I dunno about you but I am not in the mood to be in tomorrows obituary section." She was pretty damn good at keeping herself alive after all...
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strayrockette · 6 months ago
My Sunshine Girl: A Healing Home
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Masterlist❤️Previous Part
Summary: Having Benny around changes things for the better.
Themes: Family drama, underlying grief, and finding comfort in your favorite person
A/n: I didn't realize I was writing in first person and by the time I noticed I was already too deep in the process 🤷‍♀️LMK if you wanna be part of a taglist for this series, or for all my works!!
The weeks following the fight at the bar were a blur of quiet days and slow healing. Benny had told me to stay home until the bruises and scrapes faded, though he never really explained why I needed to lay low or how he planned to smooth things over with the cops. I didn’t press him on it. I trusted him enough to just listen, even if the silence that came with being cooped up sometimes felt too heavy to bear.
I called my uncle to let him know I was taking a few weeks off, spinning some story about needing to clear out the attic and sort through old boxes that had been collecting dust since my childhood. It wasn’t a lie, exactly; the attic had been long overdue for a cleanout. But what I hadn’t expected was how many old memories would come flooding back during those quiet weeks at home.
Some days, the house felt haunted by the past—pictures of my mom tucked away in forgotten corners, trinkets from a time when life felt simpler. I’d find my old pookie bear, the one my ma had made me, and all at once, the grief would hit me hard, like no time had passed at all. I’d crumble under the weight of it, tears streaming down my face, and Benny would be right there, no questions asked. He didn’t pry when I broke down, didn’t push for explanations. He just wrapped his arms around me, letting me cry it out until the storm passed.
He was my buffer, my anchor, the one constant in a sea of emotions I wasn’t always prepared to deal with. And even on the hardest days, he made it easier just by being there.
But it wasn’t all sadness. Sometimes, between the dusting and sorting, we’d stumble onto something that would break the tension and remind me that joy still had a place in this old house. Like the day Benny found my middle school diary—tucked away in a box of yearbooks and scribbled notes, full of awkward confessions and childhood crushes. I was mortified, scrambling to snatch it out of his hands as he held it above his head, flipping through the pages with a devilish grin.
“Number one: Mr. O’Connell, your eighth-grade math teacher? Really?” Benny read aloud, his tone dripping with mock horror as I jumped, trying and failing to grab the diary back.
“Oh my god, Benny, stop!” I begged, my face burning as I reached up, but he just laughed, lifting the diary higher, making a game out of it.
“You had a thing for math, huh? Or just guys with glasses?”
I groaned, mortified but unable to keep the smile off my face. “Give it back! I swear, I’ll—”
Benny kept reading, amused at my futile attempts. I shoved a nearby box over, using it as a makeshift step stool, only for it to collapse under me, sending me tumbling to the floor. The crash echoed through the attic, and for a second, everything went silent before Benny’s laughter broke the tension, deep and infectious.
I looked up, sprawled on the floor, and started laughing too, the kind of uncontrollable, belly-aching laughter that leaves you breathless and teary-eyed for all the right reasons. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d laughed like that in this house.
We spent the rest of the day making new memories, each corner of the attic becoming less about the past and more about the here and now. Benny helped me pack away the old pain and fill the empty spaces with something lighter, something new. The house felt different by the end of those weeks, less like a museum of all the hurt I’d carried and more like a home that was ours.
Every time I looked at a corner that used to be filled with sadness, I felt gratitude instead—a quiet, blooming joy that wrapped itself around my heart. I wasn’t forgetting my mom or the pain we’d both gone through, but I was finding a way to make room for happiness too.
The midday sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting warm, golden light across the countertops as I moved around the stove. The smell of homemade tomato soup filled the air, mingling with the buttery aroma of the grilled cheese I was making for lunch. I knew Benny was supposed to be out the door over an hour ago, but here he was, his arms snug around my waist and his head resting comfortably on my shoulder. I could feel the soft, steady rhythm of his breathing against my back, his presence grounding me in a way that made the entire world feel right.
“Weren’t you supposed to leave an hour ago?” I whispered with a giggle as he kissed the sensitive spot on my neck, his lips lingering just long enough to make my skin tingle.
Benny hummed, his voice low and lazy, full of that warmth that always sent shivers down my spine. “You’re holding me hostage,” he murmured, nuzzling into my neck like he had all the time in the world.
I scoffed, flipping the sandwich in the pan, the bread sizzling as it turned a perfect golden brown. “I hope that’s not what you’re tellin’ the boys,” I teased, trying to keep the smile off my face as his kisses grew more persistent, more playful.
“They’d believe it,” he said, his lips brushing against my skin as he grinned. “You were a sight of fear for them that night.”
I nudged him gently, still caught off guard by the way he made me feel so seen, so known. “No way they fear me,” I said, laughing at the absurdity of it. The idea of those big, greasy, tattooed men being scared of someone like me was ridiculous. I was a lot of things, but intimidating wasn’t one of them—not to them, at least.
Benny chuckled softly, his voice a warm rumble that I felt all the way to my bones. “You were a force,” he said, and I could hear the pride mixed with amusement in his tone. “Five women tried to pull you off, and you broke through them—teeth, nails, and limbs flying everywhere. Like a little monkey.”
I gasped, feigning offense as I pushed him back playfully, though his hold on me didn’t loosen. “Rude!” I scolded, my cheeks warming as I turned the sandwich again, trying to focus on the task at hand despite the way his words made my heart race.
Benny laughed, the sound deep and peaceful, wrapping around me like a favorite song. “I never want to think about that night ever again,” I sighed, shaking my head at the memory. I’d gone to the bar looking for some fun, but it had turned into anything but that. “Eat your grilled cheese and leave me alone, Benny Cross. You’ve made enough rude comments for one day.”
He dipped lower, his lips brushing my cheek, then my jaw, peppering soft kisses along my skin until I was practically squirming from the attention. “I’m waiting,” he murmured, his voice smooth as honey, and I knew he was enjoying every second of this.
“Your plate was already made,” I said, my tone dripping with disbelief as I tried to keep my composure. I pointed to the counter where his sandwich and soup were sitting, perfectly plated and ready to eat. “Right there.”
“For you,” he whispered against my ear, his hands roaming my sides in a slow, soft caress that sent jolts of pleasure through me. He was relentless, every touch deliberate, every kiss a gentle tease that made it hard to think straight.
I bit down on the wave of heat that spread through me, refusing to give in completely. “If I hear someone make a comment about me keepin’ you hostage the next time I’m at the bar, I swear I’m chucking an 8-ball at ‘em,” I warned, trying to sound stern, but my voice came out breathless, betraying the effect he had on me.
Benny grinned, his lips brushing my ear as he whispered, “Let ‘em talk, Sunshine. You’ve got nothing to prove.” His hands continued their slow exploration, skimming over my hips and up my back, a mix of comfort and desire that made my knees weak. “Besides, I like being held hostage by you.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound light and free, bubbling up from somewhere deep inside me. “Yeah, well, you better behave,” I said, turning just enough to look at him, catching the mischievous glint in his eyes. “Or I might just let you go.”
He pulled me closer, his grip firm but tender, holding me in place as he looked down at me with that lazy, cocky smile I’d grown to love. “You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried,” he said, his voice low and rough, filled with something deeper than just teasing. “I’m right where I wanna be.”
I leaned into him, letting the warmth of his body and the comfort of his words wrap around me like a blanket. His stubble tickled along my neck with each kiss he placed. I shivered and inched away from him with a giggle, "At least let me finish plating my dish."
He grumbled as he stepped away, grabbed his plate, and moved to sit at the table. I glanced over my shoulder and found him staring intently at me, his eyes dark and.. "Oh my gosh, Benny, are you pouting??" I squealed, "I'm so telling-"
My teasing quietened as a rapid knock broke our moment. The knock wasn’t just loud—it was aggressive, rattling the walls with an urgency that made my heart jump. Benny stood up from the table, his easy smile fading as the tension in the air thickened. I watched as he walked to the door, his shoulders squared and ready for whatever trouble was waiting on the other side. I barely heard the door open before a booming voice echoed,
“Where is she?”
Uncle Harold boomed, his voice filling every corner of the room. Benny instantly stepped in front of him, his stance protective and his jaw clenched tight. I could feel the anger radiating off Harold in waves, each word landing like a blow.
“You need to back off, Harold,” Benny said, his voice edged with warning as he kept his body between me and my uncle. “You can’t just come in here like this.”
But Harold was past listening. He shoved Benny aside, his eyes searching the room until they found me, just as I stepped around the corner from the kitchen. I froze, the intensity of his glare pinning me in place. Benny quickly moved to close the door behind Aunt Gina and stepped in front of me, blocking my uncle’s line of sight. His broad back was a shield between me and the onslaught of Harold’s rage.
“What’s going on?” I asked, my voice shaky but defiant. I tried to look around Benny, but he held his ground, his presence a firm line of defense.
Harold’s face was twisted with anger, his fists clenched as he pointed at me. “You’ve got this boy living in your mama’s house!” he shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. “And I’ve got Old Man Harry telling me you’ve got a bunch of Vandals vouching that you weren’t in a fight when six women described you in detail!”
The words hit like a slap, the sheer force of his anger pressing down on me, but as his accusations rang out, something inside me snapped.
Benny glanced back at me, his eyes searching mine, but he didn’t move from his spot in front of me. He was there, steady and unflinching, even as the storm raged on. “Harold, you need to calm down,” Benny said, his voice low and tense. “She doesn’t need this from you.”
I stepped around Benny, frustration boiling over. “DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF RIGHT NOW?” I yelled, my voice trembling with fury and years of bottled-up hurt. “You used to be a biker too! You still have your bike! You know what that life is like!”
“That’s different,” Uncle Harold snapped, his anger flaring again as he tried to reel himself back, but I wasn’t about to let him off that easy.
“No, it’s not!” I shot back, my voice breaking. “When you met Aunt Gigi, you’d just gotten out of jail! She still gave you a chance. She saw something in you that no one else did. How is it any different for me and Benny?”
Harold’s face tightened, his anger battling with the guilt that flickered briefly in his eyes. “It’s different because your mama made me promise,” he said, his voice straining, shaking with unspoken grief. “She made me promise that I’d protect you. I gave her my word that I’d be the father you needed.”
Pain gripped my chest, sharp and unforgiving. My throat tightened as I tried to hold back the emotions that threatened to swallow me whole. “Don’t bring her into this!” I shouted, my voice cracking under the weight of it all. The mention of my mom felt like a knife, twisting deep. The hurt was suffocating, choking me with memories of promises I never asked for.
Harold’s face contorted with pain and fury, his voice shaking as he continued. “You’re running around with this boy, getting into trouble, doing things you shouldn’t. You aren’t the little girl we raised.”
I took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady myself, but the grief and anger were a tidal wave, pulling me under. I tried to step around Benny, desperate to confront my uncle face-to-face, but Benny’s arm shot out, his hand gently tucking me behind him. His body was a shield, protecting me even when I was ready to charge headfirst into the fire.
“Harold, enough,” Benny said, his voice like steel, unyielding and protective. “You don’t get to judge her. You don’t get to make her feel small.”
I peeked around Benny, the tears burning in my eyes as I stared at my uncle. “You never knew me,” I said, my voice cracking with the raw truth I’d kept buried for years. “Because the little girl you raised was broken, scared and angry. You never saw that, did you? You never saw how hard it was to keep it together, how much I was hurting.”
The room was thick with tension, the air heavy with the weight of unspoken pain. Aunt Gina stepped closer, her face etched with sadness as she watched me unravel. “Sunny, we’re just trying to help,” she said softly, her voice a calm presence amidst the chaos. “We love you. We don’t want to see you get hurt.”
But I was too far gone, too tangled up in my own grief and anger to let the words soothe me. “I know you love me,” I said, my voice trembling as I fought to keep control. “But you don’t get to decide what’s best for me anymore. You don’t get to come in here and throw around all your guilt and promises like they’re weapons.”
Harold’s face fell, the anger draining away, leaving only the hollow ache of regret. His shoulders sagged, and for the first time, he looked at me not with fury, but with a kind of desperate sorrow. “I’m scared, Sunny,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m scared I’m failing her. Failing you. I don’t want to lose you.”
The admission hit me harder than any of his accusations. I could see the guilt and fear that mirrored my own, the weight of promises made in grief and love and uncertainty. But this wasn’t just about him, and it wasn’t about my mom. It was about me.
I took a shaky step forward, Benny’s hand still resting on my shoulder, grounding me. “You’re not failing me,” I said, my voice softening as the anger ebbed away, replaced by something gentler. “But you’ve got to let me live. You’ve got to trust me to make my own choices, even if they’re messy.”
Aunt Gina reached out, squeezing Harold’s arm, her touch a quiet anchor pulling him back. She looked at me, her eyes filled with a sadness that was heavy and old, and nodded slowly. “We just want you to be happy,” she said, her voice choked with the weight of everything left unsaid.
“I am happy,” I whispered, looking up at Benny, who watched me with those steady eyes that had been my rock through it all. “Because I’m finally living for me.”
Uncle Harolds expression softened, the lines of his face deepening as he looked at me, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his own failures. “Forgive me,” he murmured, his voice breaking with raw vulnerability. It wasn’t just an apology for tonight, but for everything—for every time he’d let his anger and grief overshadow his love for me.
Harold bowed his head, the pain etched deep into his features, and without another word, he turned away, his broad, hulking figure seeming smaller, more fragile as he walked toward the door. He moved slowly, like he was dragging the weight of the world behind him, every step heavy with the sorrow of a man who’d tried to do right but hadn’t always known how.
Aunt Gina lingered for a moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and quiet reassurance. She reached out, squeezing my arm gently, her touch warm and grounding. “We’re still here, Sunny,” she said softly, her voice laced with a kind of fierce love that made my chest ache. “No matter what, we’re still here for you.”
I nodded, feeling the sting of tears that I refused to let fall. “I know,” I whispered, my voice catching as I met her gaze. “Thank you.”
Gina gave me a soft, reassuring smile, the kind that spoke of years of shared memories, both good and bad. She glanced at Benny, her expression shifting to something like cautious hope, and then back at me, her eyes full of unspoken promises. She turned to follow Harold, her footsteps light but purposeful, and with one last look, she stepped through the door, closing it softly behind her.
With the door closed and my aunt and uncle finally gone, the weight of their words hung heavy in the air, settling deep into my bones. The playfulness of our earlier mood had completely vanished, replaced by something darker and more somber. I stood in the middle of the room, feeling lost, unsure of what to do with myself as the emotional turmoil that always seemed to follow me crept back in. I had thought I’d managed to escape it these past few weeks, hiding in the warmth of Benny’s company, but now it was back, clawing at me with a vengeance.
I sniffed, trying to swallow down the lump in my throat, the familiar sting of tears threatening to break free again. “I need a nap,” I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at Benny, my gaze fixed on the stairs as I rushed past him, desperate to get away, to hide from the flood of emotions crashing over me.
I stumbled into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me and collapsing onto the bed. I curled up into a tight ball, pulling the blankets around me as if they could shield me from everything swirling inside my head. My uncle’s voice echoed, relentless and unforgiving, each word like a dagger twisting deeper. ‘I promised your ma I’d take care of you.’ The guilt, the pressure, the overwhelming sense of being a disappointment—it all wrapped around me, suffocating and relentless.
I buried my face into the pillow, my chest tightening with each shaky breath as I tried to keep it together. But it was no use. The tears came anyway, hot and uncontrollable, spilling over as I silently sobbed into the fabric. The pain of my past, the weight of everyone’s expectations—it was too much. All the anger, the sadness, and the unresolved grief came rushing back, drowning me in a wave of emotions I didn’t know how to handle.
I didn’t hear Benny come in, but I felt the bed dip as he sat beside me, his presence a quiet, grounding force that I hadn’t realized I was desperate for. He didn’t say anything, didn’t ask me to talk or try to pry me open. He simply wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close, his body fitting around mine like a protective shield. I felt his head nestle into the crook of my neck, his breath warm and steady against my skin.
He didn’t let go, didn’t pull back when I tensed, just held me tighter, his arms firm and unyielding. Benny’s embrace was like an anchor, something solid and real in the middle of my storm. His touch was gentle, each stroke of his thumb against my shoulder a silent reassurance that I wasn’t alone, that I didn’t have to carry all of this by myself. I felt the trembling in my body start to ease, the frantic beating of my heart slowly matching the calm, even rhythm of his.
Benny’s presence was more than just comforting; it was life-saving. He grounded me in a way that nothing else could, pulling me back from the edge of my own despair. The panic, the guilt, all the things I kept locked away—they didn’t feel so unbearable with him there, holding me through it. I closed my eyes, letting myself sink into the warmth of his embrace, feeling the tension slowly begin to drain from my muscles.
He kissed my shoulder softly, his lips brushing against my skin in a gesture so gentle it almost broke me all over again. I felt the tears well up once more, but this time they were softer, less frantic, as if Benny’s presence was slowly unwinding the tight knot of pain inside me. I turned slightly, pressing my face into his chest, breathing him in—the scent of leather, smoke, and something uniquely his that always made me feel safe.
“I’ve got you,” Benny whispered, his voice low and hushed, like a secret meant only for me. His hand moved up to cup the back of my head, his fingers threading through my hair as he held me close. “You’re not alone. I’m right here.”
I squeezed my eyes shut, the words breaking through my defenses in a way that nothing else had. Benny didn’t try to fix me, didn’t pretend that he could make everything better, and that was exactly what I needed. He was just there, unconditionally, holding me as I broke down, no judgment, no expectations—just a quiet, unwavering support that made me feel like maybe I could keep going, even when everything felt impossible.
I pulled back just enough to look up at him, my eyes puffy and wet, but his gaze was soft and full of something that made my heart ache. I saw the way he looked at me—not with pity, but with an understanding that went deeper than words. He brushed his thumb across my cheek, wiping away the last of my tears, and I felt the flood of emotion rise up again, but this time it was different, warmer.
“I love you,” I whispered, the confession spilling out before I could second-guess it. It was raw and unguarded, the truth laid bare in the quiet space between us. For the first time, it didn’t feel scary to say. It felt right.
Benny’s face softened, and a smile tugged at his lips, gentle and filled with a quiet joy that made my heart flutter. He leaned in, pressing his forehead against mine, his eyes closing as he let the words sink in. “I love you, too,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “More than you know.”
I melted into him, my arms wrapping around his neck as he held me tighter, his embrace a sanctuary from the world outside. The chaos, the pain, my uncle’s harsh words—they all faded into the background, replaced by the steady, calming presence of Benny beside me. I buried my face against his chest, letting myself be small and vulnerable, knowing that with Benny, I didn’t have to be anything but myself.
Taglist: @storiesfromafan@aleemendoza2425-blog , @preciouslilmonster , @iamaslytherin0
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bearratic · 5 months ago
//If I may, if you want, sisjdjdkd 😖✨ I only have one muse so far... It'll probably be something black?? :0
[But of course you may 🖤.]
“Maxim huh? Cocky yet cheerful when you are the one talking I heard. I’m matching you with a true bird of death, the Chihuahuan Raven. Though they look ominous, deep down their song is higher pitched than the common raven. Bringing at least a little flair to the grave.”
About the size of a Crow, About the size of a Mallard or Herring Gull.
Black, White.
Fingered, Long.
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sea-owl · 8 months ago
Had a funny thought. You know, in Asian dramas, how sometimes important people just hide out in the family company as a low level, probably minium wage worker for one reason or another? Imagine Violet doing that, but the reason she's doing low-level work is that she can freely spouse hunt for her kids.
Violet technically never has to work a day in her life again if she so wished to. But Violet also has a mission to find the perfect spouse for each of her kids, and in her mind, she's gonna get better insight of potential partners as the janitor to Bridgerton Industries than as Lady Bridgerton. She'll get to learn intresting things that anyone would normally hide around her.
And meet some interesting people Violet did indeed! Like Simon, the young man who runs Hastings Inc., Bridgerton Industries' biggest partner company. He always greeted Violet with a warm smile. Or that nice vet, Dr. Kate Sharma! She was brought in alongside a trainer when the company started using therapy dogs. Her sweet boy Newton always happily ran up to Violet.
There's also the two lovley girls that regularly go to tea with Violet. Sophie, who works down in the company's childcare facility. Oh she's so good with the children. There's also Penelope, who works for Danbury Publishing but sometimes gets loaned out to Bridgerton Industries to help edit things like newsletters and important emails.
Oh, there's also that smart boy Phillip! It's adorable how he'll go on about plants, he even brings flowers he grew himself! He's the brains in his family's company while his brother runs the office politics. If Violet remembers correctly their company and Bridgerton Industries are teaming up to make Bridgerton Industries more environmentally healthy.
Then there are those two, some would say, devilish twins Michael and Michaela. Violet often sees them when their cousin comes to talk business with Anthony. Michael, that charmer always had a few words to make Violet blush. Though Michaela really isn't any better. Violet is and yet isn't surprised they're the heads of PR over in their family's company.
The last two Violet really likes are these two interns. Gareth, well, Violet isn't sure where he's interning. She knows it's either at Danbury Publishing or Hastings Inc., maybe both? She knows she sees him often enough with Lady Danbury and Simon, and knows he's in school to study archeology. Lucy is Kate's little intern who works more as an assistant while she's in school to studying for her degree. They'll happily chat with Violet if they see her around on one of their visits.
Violet just knows they're the ones for her children. Now, how to get them to see?
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drengar · 3 months ago
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random questions … sentence starters | Accepting @devilish-family-dramas asked: “Why do you think you can get away with this?” for Keigo
Was the kid for real? Well, he was a little surprised someone had caught him. Then again it wasn't about to stop Keigo from going through with his plan. This prank was going to be great and he couldn't think of doing it to anyone better than Mirko. Yeah, she'll be mad at him for a bit but he knew she would laugh about it later. After she tried to kick him into next week that was.
"Because Mirko is a dear friend and will eventually find this funny," Keigo answered honestly with a smirk. "Besides, she would do the same thing to me if our positions were reversed." Which was also true. He didn't think Rumi would pass up the chance to do something like this to him.
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