#devil triggerred 9000
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pipelinelaserraygun · 4 months ago
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DON'T blame the karens, the 🐠🐟🐟 elite village idiots, because these are like FISH being shot in a barrel.
Blame 🗑️🤖 hal 9000 pelosi.
😈👺 Deep (state) down, ❤️ your heart tells you who the REAL gangsters ARE.
Nothing less than turning the WHOLE of 🌎 Creation (🆚) against the Creator of ALL.
The devil's 😈🔚 game is out.
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1000% MUST 👀 ⬆️ SEE, x2.
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Favorite 📺 TV show of mine, the one that (British version) put Gordon Ramsay on the map.
💩 "you're so full of shit you'd make a 'great' politician." ⬆️
Dune Prophecy starts 📴 PREACHY, ESSENTIALLY supporting 🎃💩 harris.
🫵🏽👁️👁️ SEE thru the 🐂💩.
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Examine 🔬🦈 the minutiae.
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"You wear 👿 ‘Queers for Palestine’ t-shirts & masks, two years after the pandemic ended. And you can't define a woman. I mean, ‘person who menstruates.’ You're the teachers' union education party, and you've turned schools and colleges into a JOKE. You just lost a crazy contest to an actual crazy person," Maher continued.
⚛️💣🔫 demo-🐀 RATS, "Only FOLLOWING orders", NOW want to 💥 TRIGGER nuclear warfare through two proxy groups of anti-Semitic nazi brethren: aZov in Ukraine, and hamas/hezbollah surrounding the Promised Land.
🕎✝️🛐 Father God, please CANCEL their intentions. Stamp OUT 🔥 lawlessness.
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rexismycopilot · 2 years ago
okay so bear with me on this idea bc it’s probably not gonna make sense but i really hope it does- so Anakins been staying home more often to test it out right? And one of the things he decides he’s gonna do is finally fix the finicky lock on the door of their laundry room. It locks from both the outside and inside but sometimes it gets sticky and obiwan is getting very tired of having almost been locked in, it’s also the kind of door that shuts on it’s own bc idk weight distribution and shit- anyway Obi’s at work and he’s working on the door with Artoo hanging out beside him. He’s got a screwdriver shoved under the door to keep it open bc the stand for it came off years ago according to Obi. Hes been making good progress until something gets stuck and he has to get up and sift through his toolbox for just the right thing. While he does, Artoo decides he’s very interested in that screwdriver sticking out from under the door. Anakins jot paying any attention bc hes too focused looking until he hears something clatter and turns only to realize too late that the door is swinging shut and Artoo is scampering out of the way into the hall leaving the door to slam shut with a deafening click of the lock and Anakins heart stops. Suddenly he’s 13 all over again getting shoved into the basement closet by Palpatine bc somehow something is his fault like it always is and now hes stuck in the dark room where the light doesn’t work, screaming his throat raw as Palpatine leaves the house and who knows when he’ll be back or when he’ll let Anakin out. He doesn’t even realize that hes banging on the door and screaming or choking on his tears. Distantly in his mind he knows he could probably somehow get the door open but hes too panicked to be able to and he can barely breathe in the stuffy room. He cries so hard he exhausts himself and he curls up on the floor sobbing and whimpering as Artoo scratches on the door from outside. It’s hours later when Obiwan gets home, calling out for Anakin until he see Artoo at his feet meowing insistently until Obiwan follows with a confused expression only to be led to the laundry room where Artoo paws and meows at the door. Obiwan frowns and unlocks the door after a bit of jiggling to find his darling boy curled up with tears down his face, hair in knots from where’s he’s pulled at it, and he’s still shaking. He manages to croak out obi’s name brokenly and Obi’s on him in seconds scooping him up and rushing him upstairs, after a long while Anakin explains what happened and Obiwan has never been more angry at a door or Artoo even though it’s not the kitties fault but he’s having a moment okay? Anyway this may have been me projecting my fear onto Anakin but OH WELL-
Locking people in closets is definitely a punishment that people have to endure. I just finished listening to Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking and that was apparently a punishment her mother had to endure. Which is pretty horrific, honestly.
ANYWAY. You were right that this is definitely an angsty ask. I have a feeling that once Anakin is out of the laundry room, he wants to comfort Artoo as well and Obi-Wan is just like "uh, he's the reason you were LOCKED IN THE CLOSET" But he's trying not to say that because you're right. He knows it's not Artoo's fault really, but Artoo put his boy into that situation and that is going to take some time to forgive.
Obi-Wan coming home to that! He would be so worried when he doesn't see Anakin right away and he's trying to get the door open 😭
Oh my heart...
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bloodfcst-a · 6 years ago
REPOST, don’t reblog.
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favourite things:
season: summer. colour: dark blue, like navy. pie: key lime. fruit: passionfruit. ice cream flavour: french vanilla. also cookies & creme. breakfast food: crepes. alcoholic drink: sex on the beach. soda flavour: strawberry ramune. scent: freesia. flowers: lotus. animal: kitties. movie: mulan. tv show: ... i don’t have a particular one in mind, but i can say yufi would prefer chinese historical dramas like the king’s woman / tribes and empires / nirvana in fire compared to like....... korean dramas like boys over flowers, goblin, my love from another star. but action stuff like iris? she’d be into it. book: definitely enjoyed the empowerment of the sailor moon manga. superhero: what do you mean catwoman & talia al ghul don’t count? then she’d pick raven. fairy tale:  anything regarding guanyin. genre of music: soft pop...  genre of movies: action. genre of books: poetry.
pick one:
hot or cold juice or soda tv or movie movie or book late night talk shows or reality tv twitter or instagram trees or flowers philosophy or psychology ocean or lake water park or amusement park cats or dogs fresh water or sparkling water sugar or honey cookies or candy bath or shower morning or night running or walking piercings or tattoos frozen yogurt or ice cream vanilla or chocolate caramel or butterscotch art or music t-shirt or button down text or call ghosts or aliens
have they ever:
ridden a motorcycle: yes! she owns one, but her dad doesn’t really care for that... it’s her preferred method of transport. she also has muscle cars & jeeps for offroading. stolen something: most definitely. eaten an entire pizza by themselves: only the small personal ones that are like 7″ or smaller. made a prank call: she’ll dial it, come up with the idea, but won’t execute. broken a bone: you’d be surprised? she is baby.... not yet. fallen asleep during a concert or movie: never a concert, but most definitely a film, if she’s exhausted but her friends want her to watch. walked out of a movie because it was so bad: no. she would just refuse to go. been on the phone with someone for longer than 2 hours: no. at that rate y’all should just do chores or hang out together. dined & dashed: never. she gives her team big tips. held a gun: bang bang bang pull my devil trigger. yes. ding dong ditched: never!! in her neighborhood? a bad choice. gone skinny dipping: definitely. cried during a movie: nah. smuggled food into a movie: not really smuggling if you show it off and it’s not challenged, right? lied to get a job: for her covert locations, yes. practiced lines in from of a mirror: nah. she’s confident about her words. her looks? sometimes she questions those.  tried to see how many marshmallows they can stuff in their mouth at once: probably vs tida & majima. been kicked out of somewhere: only bc majima tbh. been on a blind date: her dad thinks this is the ideal way to go. he’s a dumbass. ghosted someone: she warns folks she can and will disappear at anytime. if they hold on to her after that warning, it’s their loss. bragged about something they haven’t done: why would she lie when she’s actually had an incredible life? she could brag about the things she has done. said i love you without meaning it: no. gotten in a fight: most definitely. fallen asleep on a bus: no. doesn’t typically take them,  as she prefers walking, taking her motorbike, or... being chauffeured. thanks, pops.
how do they take their tea or coffee: adds nothing to her tea, unless she craves a tea latte ( which in that case, she prefers earl grey or lavender with a touch of honey ). her coffee is typically iced-- a sweet treat to share with james, especially when they have gossip to dish or a necessary vent session. what is their ideal date: one where the attention is one-on-one and there’s no reference to her work or her title. she wants to be seen as an individual, for her own particular positives and not the connections she has or what she can do for someone. what are some of their guilty pleasures: sweets, shiny things like jewels and crystals, excessively cute things. catch her in sanrio or with her gudetama. longest they’ve stayed up for: three days. no rest for the wicked. she also doesn’t like to stop until the job is done. biggest purchase: that she’s personally made? mm, she doesn’t often make purchases for herself, more for her friends or for private services. things are typically bought for her. occasionally she’ll rent out an entire venue for her and her friends, like an arcade or a dance club.  greatest talent: spice level > 9000.  strange habits: perhaps that she’s very interested in the aesthetics & harmony of even basic things. she’s also quite health conscious, despite indulging in sweets from time to time. not that she doesn’t snack, but you’d find her with edamame vs potato chips, for example, or sparkling water to soda.  first job: working as an assistant in a dojo. can they do a handstand: yes. she’s a very athletic and flexible and strong little thing. can they cook: yes. in fact, most of her friends would probably starve or survive only on junk food if she didn’t. it wasn’t considered a necessity to learn, given the dynamics of her household. but she studied under her personal chefs because she enjoys the artistry of it. do they believe in the paranormal: most definitely. she swings buddhist / animist. do they have allergies: outright stupidity. she had to get some immunity to handle tida & majima. she loves them but... unbelievable levels of dumb sometimes. do they believe in love in first sight: never. have any special talents: she’s one of those people who relish in like, twisting cherry stems with her tongue. wiggling her eyebrows. winking with both eyes. making her muscles pop. hyper flexibility. doing stupid amounts of flips. learning things fairly easily and quickly. the annoying kind of special talent.
tagged by: @sharkapologlst offered it to me as a gift & now i bless u tagging: @garrotejima @0xa00001 since i directly referenced y’all. anyone else interested, too. 
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theultimateegghead-blog · 6 years ago
30 FOLLOWER 5 PART SPECIAL! TOP 50 HARDEST BOSSES I HAVE FOUGHT.                                    Part 1 – bosses 50 - 41
Hello everyone! Today is a happy day! I have 30 followers now! As a sign of appreciation, I will be doing this special 5-part series. 50 bosses that proved to be quite a challenge. Now for some rules… This list in my opinion. Some bosses on this list were difficult when I was a child but may not be hard now…Those examples are more towards the 50-40 and 40-30 section. I will try to limit one boss per game, however be prepared for an exception later on. This list may contain spoilers so read with caution. I will include all games in the boss description and in the tags, feel free to skip one if you don’t want spoilers. Finally here is a little guide for my decision making process…
50 – 41 – Might have been hard the first time I fought them, but are now significantly easier.
40 – 31 – Tough then and still provide a challenge now but are still easier to fight when compared to the first fight.
30 – 21 – Hard then, still tough now but not as much. Overall manageable, but they might get a victory or two over me.
20 – 11 – Hard then and still tough now. While I will not struggle as much as my first fight, they will still provide a tough challenge.
10 – 1 – Very hard then and very hard now. These bosses are so difficult that no matter how many times I fight them they still manage to be a huge challenge.
Now without further ado, lets get started.
NUMBER 50 General Tsao (Sly 3)
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General Tsao is one of the villains from Sly 3. He serves as a menace to former foe Panda King. He intends to marry the Panda King’s daughter, and her consent is blatantly ignored. After sabotaging his base and pestering him in the shadows, Sly and this chicken finally clash. This fight has two stages, stage one is manageable enough. Armed with his sawblade shield and fire balls, he attacks from the top of Bamboo sticks. Avoiding him is easy and he often leads himself open, its once the battle takes to the ground things heat up… On the ground, he attacks relentlessly and often retaliates to combos. He can summon various magical entities to track you down such as zombie hands that are very fast. He has quite a bit of health as well. This is made worse during one of the challenges which require beating him with only half your health. Also, did I mention he is horribly sexist? Because he is.
Hardest thing about this boss – His zombie hand attack can really be a nuisance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 49 Jaguar Chase (The Emperor’s new Groove) 
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My first button masher. This boss was a huge roadblock for me when I was a child. The premise is simple, outrun the Jaguars, avoid obstacles and reach the end. The problem was the button mashing, my little hands got tired so fast and I could never beat it! My grandfather wound up beating this level with me! He did the button mashing and I steered the character around the obstacles. While this boss is not nearly as hard today, it still brings back memories of frustration and relief when I beat it. It can be a challenge to try to get all the coins in one run though….
Hardest part about this boss – MY POOR BABY HANDS! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 48 The Cyberdemon (Doom)
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The infamous Cyberdemon from Doom. First appearing in the Tower of Babel level, then later in the THY FLESH CONSUME episode. Along with some appearances in DOOM 2. The Cyberdemon is a powerful foe armed with a rocket launcher. Its roar is frightening, and its stature is intimidating. While a simple boss with only one attack, that said attack packs a punch. It is fought in a large arena dotted with giant pillars that can be used as cover. The best weapons against this guy is either the plasma rifle, the rocket launcher or the BFG 9000 if you have it. It wanders around and shoots rockets, it only takes about 2 direct hits to do you in, so strafing is key. Once I figured out how to avoid its rocket it became less of a challenge. He can take punishment though, so the fight might be long. The one in the final episode is much worse, simply due to his position on the map and since the map is particularly long, so a death there sets you back pretty far.
Hardest thing about this boss – Its tough when he somehow manages to get into small enclosed spaces, causing the player to take a risk in hitting him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 47 Skorge (Gears of War 2)
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When people think of hard bosses in the Gears of War series, most fingers point to general RAAM. However, I never really had that much of a problem with RAAM even on higher difficulties. Skorge is the cream of the locust crop in my opinion. The high priest of the locust hoard and main general of the army after RAAM’s death. Skorge is aggressive and mobile, he starts the fight by trying to crush you with pillars in the palace of the Locust. Not to mention a swarm of tickers blowing up at your feet and the fact he drops grenades from the ceiling. His weapon of choice in this fight is a double ended chainsaw staff, which is as awesome as it sounds, and dual handguns. After destroying his staff, Skorge retreats and mounts his Hydra and a chase begins. The battle kicks it up here as he tries to knock you out of the sky. Eventually his Hydra is killed, and he is impaled on his pet’s tooth.
Hardest part of this boss – The chase, it is easy to die on the final part. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 46 The Field Marshal (Halo Reach)
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The Field Marshal is a special unique elite that appears throughout the campaign of Halo Reach. He is often accompanied by two Zealots at almost all times. First appearing early in the game, the Field Marshal attacks Noble team with his two companions, while he escapes his companions are killed. He then appears briefly and kills a member of the team “Kat” with a sniper rifle. In the end of the game, when it is up to the player to man a large cannon to ensure the Pillar of Autumn escapes, the Field Marshal and his companions block the way. The companions are tough on their own, but the Marshal can be a royal pain in the butt with his fuel rod cannon and his plasma blade. Once his shield goes down, he makes a mad rush for you with his sword, if he gets you he can easily one shot you. There is no prime strategy, just be extra careful and fight him like any other elite.
Hardest thing about this boss – His fuel rod cannon is a nightmare on higher difficulty levels, and he is quite trigger happy with it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 45 Mask of Infamy (The Binding of Isaac)
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Much of the binding of Isaac relies on good skill and a bit of RNG (random-number-generator, a more realistic way of saying ‘luck’) when it comes to items. The Mask of Infamy’s difficulty depends on your items, stats and skills. The boss starts with two parts, the titular mask and a floating heart. The Heart is the target and the mask damages you on contact. After the heart is destroyed, the mask gets faster and it can only be damaged on its back. This can be tricky as it always tries its best to remain facing you…
Hardest thing about this boss – Trying to finish it off after destroying the heart. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 44 Final Bowser (Super Mario 64)
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After a long star filled journey, its time to take on Bowser for the third and final time. Way up in the sky, Bowser’s final stand begins. The overgrown turtle has some tricks up his shell. He breaths both red and blue fire, the blue fire splits into parts and bounces around. He can create shockwaves as well. The method of beating him is the same, throw him into the bombs around his stage. There is a catch this time, Bowser breaks the stage into a star shape which can make throwing him tough. He needs three blasting in order to stay down.
Hardest thing about this boss – The final throw, where he is very aggressive, and the platform is oddly shaped. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 43 Carnage (Ultimate Spiderman)
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Carnage is one of the final bosses in Ultimate Spider Man and is fought by Venom. Carnage is tough, he jumps around and has attacks that cover a wide area. His fight covers three stages and they progressively get harder. The first stage is a one on one fight, Carnage leaves himself open a lot but retaliates often. Once his health goes down he retreats and starts to feed, restoring health. Venom must give chase, and this is where the challenge really begins. The player must balance feeding and restoring health while fighting carnage and waves of security goons. The third stage is like this as well, only in a huge room. This boss fight is an endurance test, and with Carnage’s speed and ferocity, he can be quite the challenge during the first run. Venom’s health is constantly depleting by the way.
Hardest thing about this boss – Having to balance your healing priority and keeping him from healing himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 42 Wounded Vader (Star Wars the Force Unleashed)
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The secret alternate final boss of the Force unleashed game. Despite being critically wounded, Vader is one of the hardest bosses in the game, even harder than the Emperor. He has plenty of health and a near infinite amount of force power at his disposal. He is a master at lightsaber combat, so attacking him head on is quite the challenge. The best way to damage him is to counter him, these can be tough and require quite a bit of focus. If you don’t counter him you will be in for a long fight. Eventually you will have to finish him off with a quick time event.
Hardest thing about this boss – The fact that he rarely puts his guard down. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NUMBER 41 The Yellow Devil (Mega Man)
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The infamous yellow devil. Often regarded as the hardest boss in the original Mega Man, the yellow devil is known for pushing players to the edge. Its pattern is simple but punishing, it has two methods of attack and a very small weak spot. It reveals its’ eye and shoots at Mega Man before breaking apart and sliding across the screen. These parts are indestructible and will hurt if you hit them. The only option to retaliate is to shoot it in the eye and then avoid the onslaught before shooting it again. This battle can take time and be frustrating. There is a glitch that can be exploited to defeat it, and I admit I used this glitch the first time I beat the Yellow Devil, but since then I have beaten it properly. This evil robot has made several appearances in other games, including smash bros.
Hardest thing about this boss – Its assembly attack, while the pattern does not change, it is still difficult to dodge.
This is just part 1! We still have 40 more bosses to go! Is there a boss that gives you a hard time? Tell me in the comments of this post! Thank you all for helping me reach 30 followers! In the grand scale of things it is not a lot but I never thought id make it to 20! Thank you all again! 
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fardell24b · 6 years ago
Rise of Weirdness - Part 65
April 23, 2434:
Arab League forces launch peacekeeping forces into Belgrade and Sarajevo, to halt anti-Muslim violence,...
May 28, 2434:
Transformed activist Caecilius Claudius is exiled by the authorities of the Imperium of Nova Roma led by Emperor Hadrian II, earning interstellar condemnation,...
June 15, 2434:
Syrian Zombie Disaster; djinns, ghosts, and zombies form an violent congress of events, causing a massive zombie uprising in Aleppo, sparking civil unrest and panic in the region,....
October 24, 2434:
Iranian leaders announce major territorial concessions from Russia, fueling political tensions in the region,...
June 11, 2435:
In one of the largest hijackings "Lahad Datu" and "Badaadinta Badah" pirates seize control of the luxury vessel Kuala Lumpur in the Antila Pass, near Beta Rigel, fueling civil unrest and panic in the region,.
March 6, 2436:
In an embarrassment to the American government; Mexico conducts "police actions" against criminal syndicates in San Antonio, Texas,....
April 7, 2436:
In a major blow to Texan pride, Mexican forces seize control of Austin, with little to any resistance from local forces,.... Mermaids launch their first attacks against the flooded city of Copenhagen, Denmark, fueling international attention and concern,....
May 17, 2438:
James Jung of Singapore helps to promote the Earthly martial arts to the Offworlder states of Greater Cetus and New Mars,....
May 25, 2438:
Djinn swarm throughout the Bosporous Straits, causing violent mass possessions, civil unrest and riots, sparking tensions across the region, …
June 27, 2439:
Christ for Everyone religious order loses power across Luna in political elections, shaping the religious direction of Luna and the rest of the solar system,...
February 6, 2438:
Golem/droid leader Helen Eight after discovering that human settlers led by Gary Bowen intended to steal land under questionable means to the Earth government,....
August 29, 2442:
Cannabis from Earth, is considered a highly addictive substance, that is highly sought after by many races including the Trealiz, fueling tensions between Earth and Offworlder states,...
July 17, 2445:
Werewolves launch an armed insurrection against the Earth government at Devil's River, Texas,
June 15, 2447:
Golem/droid Droid-Force janissary force led by General One is disbanded by the Earth government in San Francisco,...
December 31, 2437:
Earth government officials bans gambling in (insert place here), angering Offworlder leaders,...
August 14, 2448:
Transport vessel Polaris Bound reports nearly being destroyed after encountering a creature dubbed Space-Kraken in the vacuum of space in the Ort Cloud of Aldebaran, shocking local residents,.....
February 9, 2449:
After years without elections, Dioclitian Augustus proclaims a Imperium of Nova Roma as a republic,...
May 29, 2455:
Riots erupt in Lauranne, State of Aphrodite, triggered by growing food and energy shortages, Archoness Petrina Jameson blames Earth government corruption,.
July 5, 2453:
Larry Neverton discovers deposits of "Orichalcum" crystal in the asteroid belt of Pi-3 Orionis System, fueling concerns by Golem/droid leaders led by Helen Eight that human settlers will attempt to overthrow their government,....
June 28, 2454:
Johannes Volta of New Florence devises the basic laws of magic, as one of the greatest scholars since Stephen Hawking,...
February 20, 2456:
Tralitz alien species announces the abolition of slavery and organ trade of human beings, although racism and violence continues to persist against the human species,...
July 1, 2458:
Singularity Movement (a.k.a. "Darwinist Underground" is formed in Cambridge, England with the call to "express technological singularity" as a "macro-biological movement”
March 26, 2459:
Earth and Commonwealth of Interstellar States government and military officials report seeing a "rogue planet" near Mercury, fueling civil unrest across the solar system,
November 6, 2460:
Trealitz alien race threatens the destruction of the Centauri homeworld in an effort to create an interstellar gate to Large Magellanic Cloud,...
March 17, 2461:
Vespasian Aurelius is proclaimed emperor of the Imperium of Nova Roma, sparking international attention,
December 14, 2463:
Werewolf Manuel Blanco of Ceuta, Spain launches an armed insurrection, claiming solidarity with the State of Aphrodite,....
March 21, 2464:
Followers of Islamic fundamentalist cleric Bilal al-Badie disappear after preaching of a "Great Rapture" event in Georgetown, Guyana,...
October 14, 2467:
Japanese officials proclaim the end of the Imperial Court in Tokyo, sparking political and sectarian instability in the region,...
December 9, 2467:
"Collapse" of the "Restoration" Shinto government in Tokyo, sparking international attention across the Pacific Rim,
April 13, 2468:
British Prime Minister Edward Simmons commits suicide upon hearing of Ethiopian peacekeeping forces being deployed into London, sparking international attention,....
July 1, 2468
A majority of Humanity, whether Bland or Transformed, lives more than 9000 light years from Sol/Arbol.
December 4, 2469:
Parliament of Religions is established in Mumbai, India, led by faith leaders including Pope Francis III, the 30th Dalai Lama and Emperor Mishu, in an effort to reduce the threat of sectarian violence across human-inhabited space,....
December 8, 2469:
Council of Lucinda; Aphrodite leaders led by Madison Allen gathers leaders of all pagan denominations at Lucinda...
June 12, 2470:
Earth's government reports that due to war, depression, et. Al, the economy accounts for 9.2% of Human-occupied space,...
July 18, 2470:
Religious leader Charis Rose Ballingal of Duaspiritism proclaims infallibility at Alderamin City, Alderamin VI, further fueling political and sectarian divisions across human-inhabited space,.
Aphrodite leaders including Susan Albertson proclaim the "maternal infallibility" of its leaders at Harriet, Aphrodite,...
October 16, 2470:
Mermaids demand autonomy and represenation in the Earth government, appearing in Vancouver to Victoria, fueling Human-Transformed tensions,...
July 8, 2476:
Secret Treaty of Salvatore; The planet Salvatore and its people are divided between the Offworlder states of New Aphrodite, Republic of Vulpes and the Dwarven Republic of Novogrod, based on the possible outcome of several revolutions, sparking international attention and concern
January 11, 2479:
Human settlers led by Lana Neverton launch an armed offensive against the Golem/droid government of Helen Eight, calling for Earth government support; the offer of military aid is quickly rejected,....
July 14, 2480:
Prometheus Disaster; The collision of two artificial suns colliding in the Oort Cloud disrupts mystical energies across the outer solar system, triggering a humanitarian crisis,..
June 8, 2481:
Mermaids seize control of the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania, fueling Human-Transformed tensions across the Continent,.
April 13 2486:
"Reggie-13" leads an armed insurrection against Earth government stationed at Mount Doom, under the command of General Satya Pal,...
April 30, 2485:
Scientists in Damascus, Syria demonstrate that cannabis-infused potions serve as an immunity to djinn, sparking international attention,
October 24, 2485:
A Promise of a Rainbow alien VR experience by Vel'cha M'rton, helps to publicize and promote the plight of human beings across inhabited spaceespecially Star Gypsies, granting them a more positive light,
December 14, 2488:
Violet Ball establishes the Commonwealth Martial Arts Academy, considered one of the most important schools in inhabited space,....
April 26, 2490:
Local officials report dragons in Tombstone, Arizona, fueling tensions across North America,
October 24, 2491:
Treatise of Damascus; Islamic clerics led by Abdul Kalam Azad calls for greater acceptance of Transformed, while attempting to reject Offworlder philosophies,.
October 31, 2494:
Ford Affair; Defense Minister Jonathan B. Ford of Saint Thomas, Missouri is exposed as a Golem/droid, fueling accusations of being a spy for Aphrodite or Crichton,
April 8, 2495:
"Aragon-29" bombs the Legislature at Gryffindor, demanding an end to "Human Occupation" fueling anti-Earth sentiment in the region,...
September 17, 2495:
Ethiopian troops are deployed as peacekeeping forces into Italy, fueling ethnic and sectarian concerns across Western Europe,....
October 2, 2497:
Canudos Zombie Uprising; Zombies launch a violent uprising in Canudos, Brazil; the zombies are slowed down by decay and by the problem of tropical heat, sparking international attention,....
March 23, 2498:
"Willow-57" and "Harry-96" are implicated in acts of terrorism against human settlements, and are subsequently executed at Sitchin Rock.
March 25, 2498
A group of Golems and Droids flee Crighton, heading out of known space.
March 28, 2498
The General Assembly declares that the Ort Cloud had recovered from the Prometheus Disaster.
April 1, 2498
More Golems leave Chrighton, heading in a different direction to the other group.
April 24, 2498:
Arab League and Iranian forces clash with the Russian government, fueling fears of an escalating military and political crisis,.
Samoa Scandal; Samoa is bankrupted after a series of loans by the Earth government in San Francisco,...
June 15, 2500:
Earth's government reports that the economy has plunged to c. 2.0% of the overall Human-occupied space,...
July 1, 2500
A third group of Golem and/or droids flee from the Pi 3 Orionis System (in a third direction.)
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thomasroach · 6 years ago
Devil May Cry 5: All Blue Orb Fragment Locations Guide (Physical Perfection)
The post Devil May Cry 5: All Blue Orb Fragment Locations Guide (Physical Perfection) appeared first on Fextralife.
Devil May Cry 5: All Blue Orb Fragments and Orbs Guide. In this Guide we’ll show you where to get all blue Orbs in DMC 5. They are used to increase your Vitality, and there are a total of 6 Blue Orbs you can purchase, and 32 Blue Orb Fragments you can find (including the Secret Missions) in Devil May Cry 5. Please see our Secret Mission Guide for all information about those.
Devil May Cry 5: All Blue Orb Fragments & Orbs (Physical Perfection Trophy)
The first thing you want to do is purchase all Purple Orbs from Nico once her shop becomes available to you. These will increase in price with each purchased, starting at 1500, then 3000, 6000, 9000, 18000, and 40000. It is well worth having these, because it will speed up fights drastically, and make things much easier, particularly on harder difficulties.
Buying Blue Orbs from Nico or Divinity Statues is a great way to boost your Vitality. This helps you save precious Gold Orbs during tough boss battles.
Mission 1 Nero (#1)
In Mission 1, the Blue Orb Fragment is located immediately after the cut scene where you look down at the Red Empusa. After jumping down, follow it and you will see the Blue Orb Fragment. Jump up to it.
Mission 2 Qliphoth (#2 & #3)
After picking up the second Nidhogg Hatchling, some enemies will spawn in the room with you. Move over the grey rocky looking ground nearby and let the enemy strike it to break the floor. The Blue Orb Fragment is located here.
When you make your way to the third Nidhogg Hatchling out on the street, instead of picking it up, turn around and face the opposite direction. You will see a Devil Breaker up on a ledge, jump up and get it and then jump again to get this Blue Orb Fragment.
Mission 3 Flying Hunter (#4 & #5)
You’ll find your first Blue Orb Fragment after standing on a couple of Grim Grips and using your Wire Snatch. It’s between two white machinery housing structures, on one of the buildings you land on.
This Blue Orb Fragment is located in the stairwell in the sewers after breaking the Qliphoth roots, at the top of the stairwell is a Grim Grip that you can use to get into a hole in the ceiling. Inside is a Blue Orb Fragment.
Mission 4 V (#6 & #7)
Summon Nightmare during the enemy encounter after destroying the bridge to reveal the Blue Orb Fragment. Doing so will net you the Trophy “Backyard” as well. Once the enemies are gone, jump into the broken wall and grab the Blue Orb Fragment.  Make sure you grab the second Nidhogg Hatchling here as well.
The next Blue Orb Fragment is at the end of the street to the left of the white van. You will need to use a Nidhogg Hatchling to get to it.
Mission 5 The Devil Sword Sparda (#8)
There is a Blue Orb Fragment immediately after you face Gilgamesh’s leg for the second time. After defeating it, head down and under the platform you are on (will be on the left side), and you will find it by a burning barrel.
Mission 8 Demon King (#9 & #10)
After going through the second blood stream there will be a Divinity Statue. Equip a Gerbera Devil Breaker when there, and use it to get the Blue Orb Fragment just ahead. Jump, Gerbera, Jump again and Gerbera.
Head towards a blood doorway and kill the enemy behind it before going through to reveal a Blue Orb Fragment. You will not see the Blue Orb Fragment until you defeat this enemy.
Mission 9 Genesis (#11 & #12)
After a fight, you will come to a Blue Orb Fragment that is blocked by some roots. You will need to get close and summon Nightmare to destroy them, and then you can get it. There is a Secret Mission in this same room.
At some point you will need to drop down a hole in the floor. In the same room as the hole you fell down, there is a door you can jump out on to some rocky platforms to get a Blue Orb Fragment.
Mission 10 Awaken (#13)
In the second room where you have to defeat the enemies before the jagged teeth door closes. After defeating the enemies in time, head through the teeth door, up the ramp and jump to get a Blue Orb Fragment.
Mission 11 Reason (#14)
Destroy the second Qliphoth Roots in the bottom area to reveal a Blue Orb Fragment nearby.
Mission 12 Yamato (#15)
When you will restore the second blood flow a door will open where where the blood came from. After going through this door, immediately jump up on your right to find a Blue Orb Fragment.
Mission 14 Diverging Point: V (#16)
After going into the other dimension go right, you will need to get Griffon back by defeating a boss in order to get to the Blue Orb Fragment on the right of this area. Once you have him, jump up onto the adjacent rock formation, and then use Griffon to glide over.
Mission 15 Diverging Point: Nero (#17 & #18)
Past the Divinity Statue, is an area that gives you a tutorial about the Punch Line Devil Breaker, as well as a Blue Orb Fragment. In order to get to the fragment you need to use Punch Line and take the more difficult path. You need to get your Stylish rank up in order to make it to the top (as it extends the time you can ride the Punch Line) so kill a few enemies and then ride it up. B Rank was enough to get there.
In the room that has an Ice Caster enemy on a platform and some other enemies. After defeating them there will be a Grim Grip that you can use to go up to the right to find a Blue Orb Fragment. It’s past the Firebats.
Mission 16 Diverging Point: Dante (#19)
Across the platform that breaks, make your way down and you will come to a Blue Orb Fragment. Devil Trigger in Trickster form, and jump and dash and then jump again and hold “X” to glide across to the fragment.
Mission 18 Awakening (#20)
After defeating Shadow, head up the ledges to the left (where he runs to) and defeat the 3 Red Empusa there to reveal a Blue Orb Fragment. This is the last blue orb in DMC 5.
If you’re enjoying DMC5, make sure to check out our Devil May Cry 5 Review, the DMC5 Walkthrough, and our other DMC5 Guides: 10 Things you Should know,  Skills List, All DMC5 Weapons Guide, All Secret Mission Guide, All Blue Orb Locations, All Gold Orb Locations, All Purple Orb Locations and All DMC5 Enemies, All DMC5 Bosses.
The post Devil May Cry 5: All Blue Orb Fragment Locations Guide (Physical Perfection) appeared first on Fextralife.
Devil May Cry 5: All Blue Orb Fragment Locations Guide (Physical Perfection) published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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rexismycopilot · 2 years ago
HHHHH AAAAA THE BOYS TRYING BREATHPLAY IM SO HGFFFHF GOD I CANT WAIT- Anakin getting so anxious when Obiwan wraps a hand around his throat to start with and gently squeezes and he’s scared he’ll hate it but when Obiwan puts just a little bit more pressure his breath hitches and his eyes glaze over and he just lets out this moan with his teeth closing on his bottom lip as his toes curl and Obiwan just pops a boner so hard he thinks he might pass out ✋🏻😩🤚🏻
they are definitely going to try breathplay soon, but I don't want to give too much away about what's going to happen... 🤐🤫
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rexismycopilot · 3 years ago
okay i can’t remember if you’ve written an explanation for Anis scar in the Fifty Shades au bc i have goldfish brain but if you haven’t…maybe no good very bad Heart Palpatation gave it to him?
Ob: Who is he??
Ani: the man that gave me this *points to scar*
Obi: so he has chosen death-
Oooooo that's an interesting idea!!
I haven't explicitly mentioned his scar at all so... I am definitely not opposed to adding this in in some form or another. And it would definitely be something that Obi-Wan would punch someone about.
Oh, the wheels are a-turning, friend! Thank you!!!
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rexismycopilot · 2 years ago
(Okay, I could not for the life of me remember who sent in the closet trauma. usually I keep better track of these things and put asks in a spreadsheet, but I haven't been as good at that lately and I couldn't find the original ask and it was a whole thing so I'm really glad you sent this in so I can properly thank you!)
Poor Anakin!! 😭 He just needs some love!
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rexismycopilot · 2 years ago
me getting excited to see the boys try breathplay and then you hit me with the latest chapter- HOW COULD U ✋🏻😐🤚🏻 IF ANAKIN DOESNT GET SNUGGLES RIGHT NOW ISTG-
I felt so bad when you sent in your ask about breath play because I already knew what I was going to do and then... ooops. 😬😭
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rexismycopilot · 2 years ago
okay so i haven’t sent in a music rec before but i think you’d like this one! i’m not sure what ur music pref is but this one is just one of my favorites and it’s a good possessive obikin song that could work for fifty shades or a/b/o or hell the boys in canon
Tumblr media
Oh, I like that a lot!! I definitely see this as an obikin song! "Timely passing slips around, / Soon you'll take me from from sound" is a great line. I don't know, it's just really drawing me in...
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rexismycopilot · 2 years ago
Hi Rexy!!! I hope you’re well! I’ve been loving the new chapter it’s my birf day so it feels like a present for me!! 😭 I also wanted to see if you got my angsty closet ask..,,.😈
Oh my goodness!! Happy birthday!!! I hope you're doing something really fun today! :D
I looked through my inbox and I don't think I have your closet ask!! Tumblr sometimes eats asks and I don't see that one! Can you resend it? 😭😭😭 I'm so sorry!
I hope you have a great birthday! <3
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rexismycopilot · 3 years ago
Rex!!! I just read the new chapter for 50 shades and I had a thought/question! Would Anakin ever feel comfortable to slip into little space during a therapy session with Plo? Maybe even accidentally? Plo has that plush bunny but said it wasn’t for children so i’m wondering if he maybe works with age regressors/ddlg patients? I just think it would be really sweet if maybe Anakin had a day where he was kind of stuck in that small space on a day he just happens to have a session and Daddy Obiwan reassures him that’s it’s perfectly alright and he can tell Plo anything.
Hello, friend!!
Hmmm, I wonder if Anakin would ever feel comfortable enough with Plo to do that. I could definitely see him feeling a little more "little" in the sense that he's holding a plushy (something he probably never really had the luxury of owning and keeping) and that he gets to be in a place where he does feel safe and listened to.
I'm sure Plo has seen it all! If he's a kink friendly therapist, I imagine he's a minimum familiar with the community and I would think he's treated people who are in that lifestyle.
I think to build on your idea, it would be a really good thing to talk to Plo about Obi-Wan having a hard limit on age play and how they might have tried to explore it at one point, but when Obi-Wan called red on it, it really rocked Anakin in an unexpected way.
Your idea is super sweet! That could also be a big breakthrough for the two of them and their trust in each other as patient and therapist!
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rexismycopilot · 3 years ago
👉👈 I don’t mean to break your brain, my friend… just give a lil bit of angst? And comfort? 🥺
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rexismycopilot · 3 years ago
I think a little while ago I sent a promot about Anakin going so deep into subspace he stops responding and I just think it might pair really well with that devil’s subspace post just now 🍷🧀
AH! Yes!! You are so so right!!
Usually, when I'm looking at my next WIP, I look through the my prompts and mentally combine a few to see what might fit well together but you have done my work for me!
I totally agree that your prompt and the @devil-triggered-9000's prompt are a particularly good match! Thank you!! ❤️
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thomasroach · 6 years ago
Devil May Cry 5 All Skills & Costs
The post Devil May Cry 5 All Skills & Costs appeared first on Fextralife.
All DMC5 Skills List and their Red Orb Cost, showcasing each unlockable ability and how much you’ll have to farm. Some abilities are locked behind progression, so reference our Devil May Cry 5 Walkthrough to see when specific Weapons unlock. Some abilities are also locked behind Difficulties, so keep that in mind while playing.
This post contains skill spoilers!
All DMC5 Skill List & Cost
There are trophies for unlocking all abilities available for all 3 main characters of the game. The trophy requires players to unlock a special taunt that costs 3,000,000 Red Orbs, so do not fret about unlocking them all early and focus on the skills that benefit your gamestyle.
Nero Skills
Dante Skills
V Skills
Speed: 4500
Table Hopper: 3000
Table Hopper 2: 10000
Wire Snatch 2: 8000
Wire Snatch 3: 40000
Air Hike: 2000
Enemy Step: 45000
Get More Orbs: 50000
Ex Provocation: 3000000
Blue Rose
Color Up 2: 1800
Color Up 3: 35000
Red Queen
Streak: 800
Streak 2: 8000
Split: 1200
Red Queen Combo B: 2500
Red Queen Combo C: 5000
Red Queen Combo D: 8500
Roulette Spin: 7000
Shuffle: 8000
Payline: 15000
Hard Way: 20000
Calibur: 25000
Exceed 2: 3800
Exceed 3: 12000
Max-Act: 45000
Devil Breaker
Breaker Plus: 3000
Breaker Plus 2: 7000
Breaker Plus 3: 15000
Breaker Plus 4: 30000
Breaker Plus 5: 50000
Quickplay: 2500
Promotion: 20000
Enemy Step: 45000
Trigger Heart: 15000
Green Gainer: 18000
White Gainer: 18000
Get More Orbs: 50000
Ex Provocation: 3000000
Royal Fork: 50000
Blockade 2: 2500
Blockade 3: 15000
Round Robin 2: 2500
Round Robin 3: 15000
Flank Attack: 7500
Double Check: 5000
Double Check 2: 12000
Double Check 3: 40000
Griffon Vim: 8500
Griffon Vigor: 20000
Griffon Vigor 2: 45000
Shadow Combo B: 12000
Shadow Combo C: 3500
Breakthrough: 1200
Hedgehog: 5000
Hedgehog 2: 12000
Guillotine: 7500
Skewer: 35000
Shadow Vim: 8500
Shadow Vigor: 20000
Shadow Vigor 2: 45000
Nightmare Combo B: 9000
Domination: 50000
Speed: 4500
Air Hike: 20000
Trigger Heart: 15000
Enemy Step: 45000
Get More Orbs: 50000
Ex Provocation: 3000000
Stinger: 3500
Stinger 2: 8000
Million Stab: 4000
Bantam Revenge: 5000
Fly Dragon: 7000
Updraft: 3000
Rolling Blaze: 15000
Ignition 2: 10000
Ignition 3: 40000
Cross Line: 3500
Slipstream: 8000
Highside: 9000
Braking: 10000
Idling: 35000
King Cerberus
Revolver: 3500
Crystal: 8000
Ice Age: 35000
Long Revolver: 9000
Thunder Clap: 25000
Ebony & Ivory
Charge Shot: 2000
Charge Shot 2: 5000
Charge Shell: 2000
Charge Shell 2: 5000
Kalina Ann
High Explosive: 3000
Double Kalina Ann
Cascade: 5000
TS Style Level 2: 3500
TS Style Level 3: 10000
TS Style Level 4: 40000
SM Style Level 2: 4000
SM Style Level 3: 18000
GS Style Level 2: 3500
GS Style Level 3: 18000
RS Style Level 2: 3500
RS Style Level 3: 10000
Sin Devil Trigger
Sin Stinger: 9000
Sin Inferno: 18000
Demolition: 35000
The Luce: 40000
Quadruple S: 50000
If you’re enjoying DMC5, make sure to check out our Devil May Cry 5 Review, the DMC5 Walkthrough, and our other DMC5 Guides: 10 Things you Should know,  Skills List, All DMC5 Weapons Guide, All Secret Mission Guide, All Blue Orb Locations, All Gold Orb Locations, All Purple Orb Locations and All DMC5 Enemies, All DMC5 Bosses.
The post Devil May Cry 5 All Skills & Costs appeared first on Fextralife.
Devil May Cry 5 All Skills & Costs published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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