silernaart · 2 years
ATTENTION : do not interact with this person! Simply block and report!
https://www.deviantart.com/bronynattor127 https://www.deviantart.com/cutiemarkboy https://www.deviantart.com/inkmonster https://www.deviantart.com/inkmonstercreations https://www.deviantart.com/starponyman https://www.deviantart.com/the-ponependium https://www.deviantart.com/ponymanboy https://www.deviantart.com/zacrobb https://www.deviantart.com/the-ponyster https://www.deviantart.com/the-gangsterpony https://www.deviantart.com/the-gangsterbrony https://www.deviantart.com/the-hipsterbrony https://www.deviantart.com/the-hipsterpony https://www.deviantart.com/starponyman https://www.deviantart.com/silver-pony https://www.deviantart.com/starponyman *How many fucking alts do you need to evade? On discord known as bronynattor127#7956
Is harassing my minor friends with super creepy junk. He feeds on minor girls, so please be careful! And uses 6 other alts to block-evade them. Once blocked, he makes a new one. First, what kind of person asks a total stranger for their age? A creep indeed. Ask soon he found out I wasn’t a minor, he got scared and ignores me completely. Douchebag white knight : https://www.deviantart.com/softiesuns https://www.deviantart.com/firesparkmlp Stupid dumbass: https://imgur.com/e2vqiV2 Admitted all those alts are Brony's : https://imgur.com/g4yBMmN Oh! And Softie : Nobody cares what gender your ‘friend’ is. He’s still hunting and fetishes on minor girls, making him a creep ass pedophile. And you're supporting and block evading for that idiot makes you just as guilty. Do everyone a favor and shut up. People are behind screens, how are you supposed a guess someone’s gender? And another thing biatch : https://imgur.com/WRcFS99 This is non-valid proof. dA will surely laugh their asses off with your shitty ticket. This will only backfire in your ugly face. A 21-year-old idiot pedophiles block evading minors to annoy them and lies about his gender. He said first to me, he’s transgender, then said he’s a girl, then said he is a guy. So I got a new one for you : You're a monster.
Not only that. As soon when I said to him to stop annoying my minor friends. He said he would stop (but does not). And still continues to ask them gross questions AND their age. When I told him to stop fucking lying to me, he instantly blocked me. And now he decided to block-evade me as well. Typical, an act of guilt. So many proofs : https://archive.md/rEe0M https://archive.md/yD81h https://archive.md/0mNr1 https://archive.md/r5rSL https://archive.md/ZLljj https://archive.md/TcEaN https://archive.md/n3hDC https://archive.md/KfTWx https://archive.md/ZA52A https://archive.md/rEe0M https://archive.md/yD81h https://archive.md/0mNr1 https://archive.md/r5rSL https://archive.md/ZLljj https://archive.md/TcEaN https://archive.md/n3hDC https://archive.md/KfTWx https://archive.md/ZA52A https://archive.ph/VqCqK https://furrydrama.tumblr.com/post/671999208371388416/bronypendium-the-mlp-creeper https://www.deviantart.com/comments/4/70612683/4958271295 https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/901017565/4958454020 https://archive.md/X1o5Q https://sta.sh/21hi2n75jctg https://archive.is/TGKQu https://aristsagainstarttheft.tumblr.com/post/672211948299075584/have-you-met-the-biggest-pedophile-of-the-current https://sta.sh/219c8ckeet8j And even more : https://imgur.com/ChsBw22 https://imgur.com/AyDHLA3 https://imgur.com/RNws7Y7 https://imgur.com/AZVp1lX
so fake omg.
Fake call-outs:
again the misgender crap.
Telling a minor girl that he loves her with all his heart. That's fucking disgusting! Asks random strangers including me how old I am. None of shitty business, gross fuck.
https://imgur.com/wrSfHm8 Proof of block/ban-evading : https://sta.sh/224bxqppdzcu https://imgur.com/yEJ5W4J https://furrydrama.tumblr.com/post/672271771147386880/well-well-well-new-brony-alt-caught-in-4k Again, do not interact with these people! Block and file a ticket! They tend to block, evade and cry murder that you blocked them for ‘no’ reason. The Brony moron fits perfectly on Kiwi Farms.
https://imgur.com/bsiUh4B laugh while you can Brony. Eventually, we are the ones who will laugh the loudest.
@deviantartdramanow @furrydrama @deviantartconfessions @aristsagainstarttheft @arthiefcallout
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silernaa · 5 years
Not my fault and problem that you are so blind and stupid. I got nothing to do with your ban on dA. That’s your own stupid fault. 
I’m NOT a supporter of Nads6969. I hate her guts.
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the-daily-dab · 7 years
meremolf status drama
this time it is less intense on comment drama but it’s still a fun cringe read and little lighter than most meremolf comment chains
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comment section link: http://meremolf.deviantart.com/status/8847048
popular artist fauxll on twitter also vagued about them here:
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I saw Centrismistheway original post the one he claim he was threatened and deleted by the mods, He actually wasn't. He was threatening another user and the user said they can use self defense against him if he tried anything. And that was somehow a death threat. He is a trouble maker. Check out deviantartdrama he went by many names including diegothesabertooth. He a pedo supporter(under user imhotep) and thinks LGBTQ+ only cares about genitals
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turnbased · 8 years
About Yesterday
For those wondering and concerned, no, they did not have my legitimate IP address nor could they have done anything with it. I ran some tests, did some digging, literally using IP tracking websites on myself and found that the one they tried to say was mine was just some bullshit line of coding- and when I did search my ACTUAL IP address, for some reason it says I'm in Texas so I don't think I have anything to worry about. First my IP says California, then Texas- so I feel more at ease. The IP they DID try to say was mine is linked to a town that's 2 hours away from me so it obviously belongs to someone else.
On the topic of WHY they're doing this; they want me to refund them points that they willingly sent to me for a trade. The points were then used to buy a Cinnadog MYO slot and I traded them my Tranceling. The Tranceling mods later revoked their Tranceling and they came to me for a refund- to which I told them no. Even the Tranceling mods told me that I didn't have to refund them.
After this whole fiasco, I looked through the DeviantART Terms and Conditions for DeviantPOINTS. Turns out, they can't do anything about this as DeviantArt won't get involved. There are passages as such:
"DeviantART shall not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of DeviantPOINTS. Including but not limited to direct or indirect even incidental and consequential special exemplary or punitive damages"
"You specifically acknowledge that deviantART is not liable for any offensive or illegal conduct, including conduct by Third parties, and you expressly assume all of risks and responsibility for damages and losses arising from such conduct and uses or transfer of DeviantPOINTS."
and so on and so on. Not to mention they didn't give me actual United States currency and a fictional online currency system. I don't think there is anything they can do to me that is legal.
The user who's been harassing me is; ChillOutYuki/YukiCalmDown/HaruyoChan/Imfromtheuk/ChillOutShiromi/BoozeyNess/QuillPup/Iceheart2490/differentiable/starkitten471/CS-REVOLT-2017/Neptunix
yes, they have a lot of accounts- all of which I have blocked due to the fact they will not stop harassing me, threatening me, and literally telling me to kill myself over this whole fiasco. This person has even admitted to me that they're underaged (though I don't believe it, I still have screenshots to back up everything they said.) They made the Neptunix account to harass me again after I'd blocked the rest of their accounts, so from now on I'll be avoiding and suspicious messages and doing thorough checks on any new watchers to avoid them trying to do this again.
(Copied from; http://positive-viibes.deviantart.com/status/5751953 )
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deviantartrant · 9 years
Deviantart Rant
Feel free to get things off your chest and rant about things deviantart related. You can also send love to others too
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ezstick76 · 9 years
If you are being an asshole that made someone else leave a website cause of a journal they made that “offended” you and you say “delete this journal off this website right now, you are making it worse” to me, i will just say “why should I delete the journal when what you were doing were way more hurtful than the journal.”
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dramatic-bullshit · 10 years
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this person said they didnt care about ferguson
that they where getting annoyed by it their bf is a neo naz basically and said darren wilson was kind of hot
they promptly deleted them after being called out their tumblr blogs are redscoots and officer-policeman(theres gore pls be careful)  they are racist  redscoots/captianhomo used the excuse 'i have black friends' for what he said
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deviantartrant · 9 years
I'm totally excited for this blog!
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dramatic-bullshit · 10 years
Plus he has a crush on one of his real life siblings and once wrote a love poem or whatevs about her and that's just ugh. Combined with the pictures of his own sister on his profile ick
hes so gross holy shit why does luna like this dude so much
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dramatic-bullshit · 10 years
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yea they do
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dramatic-bullshit · 10 years
It's hard to tell with a lot of Boonythewolf's stuff, but there's a lot of it where he screws his own daughters, and on deviantart he has so many DA daughters and kids, it's really disturbing if he screws his fictional children who is to say he doesn't have private porn of his DA kids?
whos to say he doesnt jerk off to the thought
he is a 22 year old man, he is drawing pornographic art.who knows what goes on in his head tbh???
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dramatic-bullshit · 10 years
Well they aren't underaged in his sexual; art, he matures his fictional daughters up to 18 and then "makes them into women" but they are still his fictional daughters which are born from him screwing his cousin. Still incest and utterly gross.
ew??? /makes them into a women/
thats the most uncomfortable thing ive read imso, he has a daddy/incest 'kink' and luna allows this type of person to be her 'dad' hMMM ew
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