deviantartdramanow · 2 years
DevDrama a troll site lol. Calling out art thieves, pedo, harassers and scammers is now trolling. Do they think people like Nightflightversal, that impersonation account scamming people with adopts or that adopt scammer with multiple accounts all are innocent and should be allowed to get away with their various crimes? what's next they're gonna defend Brionnie19 art theft and scamming and tell her it's okay to steal people's OCs and art because she saw it and that's okay?
- Mod S
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Please block deviantartdramahub. It is a blog that was made by people who had been called for various behaviors over on devdrama and dA and it's full of ableist slurs aimed at devdramanow mod and others. Devdramanow has full info. And claims of that hub warnings scammers/thieves etc who got called out on devdramanow since hub are anti that blog, despite having solid evidence on those scammers+thieves
Mod: thank you for warning. Will block.
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gossipgrapevine · 2 years
They got called out years back on devdrama. But has there been any updates on stwawbwewymilk or what ever her name was who drew piss fetish of minors and people tried to defend her since trauma and trans. Last i saw was kiwifarm saying she defended pedos
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silernaart · 3 years
ATTENTION : do not interact with this person! Simply block and report!
https://www.deviantart.com/bronynattor127 https://www.deviantart.com/cutiemarkboy https://www.deviantart.com/inkmonster https://www.deviantart.com/inkmonstercreations https://www.deviantart.com/starponyman https://www.deviantart.com/the-ponependium https://www.deviantart.com/ponymanboy https://www.deviantart.com/zacrobb https://www.deviantart.com/the-ponyster https://www.deviantart.com/the-gangsterpony https://www.deviantart.com/the-gangsterbrony https://www.deviantart.com/the-hipsterbrony https://www.deviantart.com/the-hipsterpony https://www.deviantart.com/starponyman https://www.deviantart.com/silver-pony https://www.deviantart.com/starponyman *How many fucking alts do you need to evade? On discord known as bronynattor127#7956
Is harassing my minor friends with super creepy junk. He feeds on minor girls, so please be careful! And uses 6 other alts to block-evade them. Once blocked, he makes a new one. First, what kind of person asks a total stranger for their age? A creep indeed. Ask soon he found out I wasn’t a minor, he got scared and ignores me completely. Douchebag white knight : https://www.deviantart.com/softiesuns https://www.deviantart.com/firesparkmlp Stupid dumbass: https://imgur.com/e2vqiV2 Admitted all those alts are Brony's : https://imgur.com/g4yBMmN Oh! And Softie : Nobody cares what gender your ‘friend’ is. He’s still hunting and fetishes on minor girls, making him a creep ass pedophile. And you're supporting and block evading for that idiot makes you just as guilty. Do everyone a favor and shut up. People are behind screens, how are you supposed a guess someone’s gender? And another thing biatch : https://imgur.com/WRcFS99 This is non-valid proof. dA will surely laugh their asses off with your shitty ticket. This will only backfire in your ugly face. A 21-year-old idiot pedophiles block evading minors to annoy them and lies about his gender. He said first to me, he’s transgender, then said he’s a girl, then said he is a guy. So I got a new one for you : You're a monster.
Not only that. As soon when I said to him to stop annoying my minor friends. He said he would stop (but does not). And still continues to ask them gross questions AND their age. When I told him to stop fucking lying to me, he instantly blocked me. And now he decided to block-evade me as well. Typical, an act of guilt. So many proofs : https://archive.md/rEe0M https://archive.md/yD81h https://archive.md/0mNr1 https://archive.md/r5rSL https://archive.md/ZLljj https://archive.md/TcEaN https://archive.md/n3hDC https://archive.md/KfTWx https://archive.md/ZA52A https://archive.md/rEe0M https://archive.md/yD81h https://archive.md/0mNr1 https://archive.md/r5rSL https://archive.md/ZLljj https://archive.md/TcEaN https://archive.md/n3hDC https://archive.md/KfTWx https://archive.md/ZA52A https://archive.ph/VqCqK https://furrydrama.tumblr.com/post/671999208371388416/bronypendium-the-mlp-creeper https://www.deviantart.com/comments/4/70612683/4958271295 https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/901017565/4958454020 https://archive.md/X1o5Q https://sta.sh/21hi2n75jctg https://archive.is/TGKQu https://aristsagainstarttheft.tumblr.com/post/672211948299075584/have-you-met-the-biggest-pedophile-of-the-current https://sta.sh/219c8ckeet8j And even more : https://imgur.com/ChsBw22 https://imgur.com/AyDHLA3 https://imgur.com/RNws7Y7 https://imgur.com/AZVp1lX
so fake omg.
Fake call-outs:
again the misgender crap.
Telling a minor girl that he loves her with all his heart. That's fucking disgusting! Asks random strangers including me how old I am. None of shitty business, gross fuck.
https://imgur.com/wrSfHm8 Proof of block/ban-evading : https://sta.sh/224bxqppdzcu https://imgur.com/yEJ5W4J https://furrydrama.tumblr.com/post/672271771147386880/well-well-well-new-brony-alt-caught-in-4k Again, do not interact with these people! Block and file a ticket! They tend to block, evade and cry murder that you blocked them for ‘no’ reason. The Brony moron fits perfectly on Kiwi Farms.
https://imgur.com/bsiUh4B laugh while you can Brony. Eventually, we are the ones who will laugh the loudest.
@deviantartdramanow @furrydrama @deviantartconfessions @aristsagainstarttheft @arthiefcallout
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dramaticaldramav2 · 2 years
Reposting WITH OUT PERMISSION AND CREDIT IS STEALING https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/908945922/4975125339 https://archive.is/dQ69j it’s basic ass knowledge that reposting IS theft, when you don’t got permission or credit. Copyright laws and DMCA action can be taken on repost https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/908945922/4975214127 https://archive.is/aHmD8 Over 40 and don’t know HOW GOOGLE WORKS Google is a search engine the images on it appear belong to people on websites. Google does not repost the images. It’s searches different websites and links back EVEN google tells you this Also Schools don’t teach us to watermark. It should be basic sense to not take things of google and repost them. Watermarking is because people like you who know zero about posting online or the internet Not against dA terms of service https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/908945922/4975151281 https://archive.is/vwPoU Did he read the same TOS as everyone else. It’s right there under copyright. No reposting without permission etc YOu steal bases and from hasbro Says the guy who makes MLP music and a MLP novel and steals art for his guitar picks https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/910409065/4975189809 https://archive.is/LaKzj You’re a kid i am an adult Insults and slurs at a minor. Must be great bullying a minor https://archive.is/yO3HI https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c76203b5-1688-4990-b922-82e636cf3a6a/df2184p-83521601-357d-4908-87d8-7fca7eefd2c4.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2M3NjIwM2I1LTE2ODgtNDk5MC1iOTIyLTgyZTYzNmNmM2E2YVwvZGYyMTg0cC04MzUyMTYwMS0zNTdkLTQ5MDgtODdkOC03ZmNhN2VlZmQyYzQuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.YK3juHcY4FprKaWwN0xgTq4uXUEscMF7rnqV669OQDA Doubt reasoning can work with this guy. After all he can’t handle people not liking his music or novel and well the kiwifarm and horse-news post shows what happens when you don’t bow down to him Though if anyone would like to try let us know how that goes *Horsenews/kiwifarm stuff can be found on devDrama or artist against art theft
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As predicted lied "her friend" and hid the comment https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/922711893/4997354648 They also now added their watermark to it https://www.deviantart.com/hanakahiroshi/art/Hanaka-cat-or-his-name-is-Yuharu-922711893 (Refer to previous post archives on devdrama) This thief needs to be spammed into oblivion 
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gossipgrapevine · 2 years
As predicted lied "her friend" and hid the comment https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/922711893/4997354648 They also now added their watermark to it https://www.deviantart.com/hanakahiroshi/art/Hanaka-cat-or-his-name-is-Yuharu-922711893 (Refer to previous post archives on devdrama) This thief needs to be spammed into oblivion 
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deviantartdramanow · 2 years
Seeing those people calling this great blog bad and other dumb stuff. Devdrama calls out plenty of thieves, LGBTphobes, pedos and other sorts of nasty WITH proof. Yikes just because you're mad you got called out here, doesn't mean this blog is a bad place or going down hill. There is plenty of decent callouts. Plus uhh did they miss the word "drama" i mean what do you expect on a drama blog? Out of context or false? then show proof to show these folks are wrong. Evidence trumps proofless words
thanks queen
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a 20 year old user with the behavior and brain of a 2 year old.
- Steals art, traces. Lies about it of course.
- Feeds on 10 year old kids
- RPG’s with the most disgusting crap
- Sends children to defend her because she has no backbone.
- Death threats people, claims to be talking to god (lol) .
- Yells murder over nothing and is way dramatic.
- Everyone  who is ’against’ her are liars and ‘Goopy kitten’ wannebee’s.
- Ban/block evades. Old account on dA Taliashelton2000.
- Lies about having mental illnesses such as autism , claims to have broken all bones. If that’s true, how the fuck can she typ all that shit?
- Claims that people killed her and want to kill her.
https://www.deviantart.com/princessskyler/journal/Callout-Warning-TallTherify29-888122043 https://www.deviantart.com/sonicxjones/journal/ART-THEIF-838831988
She uses a cringe af app to attack minors in her videos with, having them killed, beat up, and put in jail for laughs and lies to her followers about her age on youtube when really she is 20 years old.
These children have no idea what they are doing or who they are dealing with. Most of them are below 13 years of age.
Proof of age : 
More callouts : 
Of course dA isn’t doing anything despite that she got reported so many times. 
She is famous on Devdrama now
Because she is beyond stupid. You can find so much evidence there. https://youtu.be/lsORDRqu9ig?t=455
This bitch needs to go. ASAP.
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deviantartdramanow · 2 years
Tall now blaming DevDrama for her actions. Everything dev drama posts came from other people on dA. Every thing that was revealed came from different folks on dA
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deviantartdramanow · 2 years
no one ships Tall and RDD. Where the heck that come from???? Did they misread people calling out these two were doing inappropriate RPS. not to mention DevDrama does not call out innocent people, Unless you think scammers like that impersonator or people like request harassers like Crimsoncolt and pedo/zoophile thieves such as Nightflightversal are innocent. Probably thinks that racist ban evader OrganTrader is also innocent
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Art and character thief Brionnie19
Stolen https://www.deviantart.com/brionnie19/art/Dancer-in-to-a-bat-888714739 Original https://www.deviantart.com/galeemlightseraphim/art/9DancerWizardJewels-girl-closed-864193268 Owner https://www.deviantart.com/peaches122898 Current icon and banner is also stolen Proof https://www.deviantart.com/sugarsong14/art/They-stole-from-me-898883971 https://www.deviantart.com/blitzeclipse/journal/Warning-For-Art-Character-Thief-899357951
She even admits many time she stole people's OCs because she like them and harrassed creators in an attempt to force them to give it to her. Her and her white knights believe these people who rightfully own and payed are haters. White knights clearly enables her toxic behavior and theft.
All the white knight and her should be block for safety 
Proof of other toxic behavior can be seen on devdrama 
Including public hate list and also assuming someone is a hater when she got rightfully banned from TH. Steal OCs on TH get banned, not a hard concept to understand. Also scamming people. 
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Do these people know Satanist does not equal evil. Christian doesn't equal good. One can simply google temple of satan and find they fought against child abuse in schools. They fight for women's right over their body. They teach respect for all life. Satanism is not like the movies. No one is choosing Satan over Christianity as well. They just called out one Christian for harassment and a few for being LGBTQphobic and bigots. I think that the same that hit devDrama earlier
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More from EroticEdits
More transphobia. 
Warning mentions of gunning down transexuals
God what a gross excuse of a person. Gee i wonder why people hate Terfs and radical feminists. No wonder people think current  feminism is a joke and it's seen as a hate movement https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/863340077/4889082504 https://archive.is/5jMbh If you said the same thing and aimed it at these radical feminist bigots they'll have the biggest fit. Yet they seem to believe being female give them the right to be complete pile of shit towards others. Makes you wonder about these sorts of people. They're less human and way worse then the so called evil trans and males Then again this post probably would offend them. Judging by the last batch of TERFs that was called out on devdrama and confessions. Anyone against them are automatically evil men or must be contaminated by dick women including virgins and asexuals.
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Block evading stalker
Hikari-kiyoko-tenshi. Aka stalker, spreader of underage sexual content involving Yugi and thief (there's plenty on devdrama about her). Also defender and friends with a pedo who had the hots for an actor as a child and even admitted to finding kids sexy and defendsher thieving friends as well
Is now block evading and fooling no one
Same type of post Same style of writing. Seriously her writting style is so distinctive Same guilt trippy bs Instant Hikari defense.  Not suspicious at all https://www.deviantart.com/lillian-angel15 https://archive.is/OZCRq Oh look same watch list Yeah good job fooling no one Even more proof HER OC IS NAMED LILIAN https://www.deviantart.com/hikari-kiyoko-tenshi/art/Rip-My-Yugioh-MMD-Oc-s-birthday-TKOG-and-thanks-847115799 https://archive.is/mYfmk Same stolen post https://www.deviantart.com/hikari-kiyoko-tenshi/art/What-I-really-have-everyone-793918201 https://archive.is/EHux7 https://www.deviantart.com/lillian-angel15/art/Have-this-Trust-Issues-855083910 https://archive.is/ssv03 Same style of "i'll be back, i have mental issues, indefinate hiatus" https://www.deviantart.com/lillian-angel15/posts https://archive.is/Cjrsn Compared to https://archive.is/tkVK1  i have the same thing as Hikari self insert i mean OC Must have the same brain as well because you type the exact same Oh wait it because you are the same person. Good job fooling no one https://www.deviantart.com/lillian-angel15/status-update/21310424 https://archive.is/JKykR Congrats Hikari your gonna get yourself banned for evading  on all your accounts. Stalking https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/837496694/4873779056 https://archive.is/EUaDP
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Softcoreworks isn't the only one. Eaokhan will do so as well. If you check devdrama Eaokhan won't hesitate to send death threats and telling people to kill themselves either (claims it fine because it protecting women spaces from trans and men) Not to mention the false callout she done in the past claiming certain users are tracers yet go to the defense Softcore's art theft
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