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lands-of-fantasy · 11 months ago
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Krypton Season 2
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sprockyeahlegion · 1 year ago
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“If only”
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em-doods · 3 months ago
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Co-godparenting ✨
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shrimpyjackal · 5 days ago
Ya-hoo, first art-post in 2025 is... old sketch that ive finally finished
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This supposed to be a species swap day of november challenge, but ive changed it...and then i forgot abt Dev & here i am in 2025 Im glad ive took some rest , tho it was kinda werd- not draw something finished-
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mahkotakev · 4 months ago
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have anti cosmo and wanda for friday the 13th!!! its their dayy!! 🔥🔥
had a thought that maybe dev would find the day fun and cool so he tagged along 😎
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faceeeeee · 3 months ago
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And what if I said..
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knuckleblaster · 1 year ago
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astrolotte · 5 months ago
I find it so funny how Wanda very clearly just kinda hates Dev. Girl be mad at the system that gave your son a difficult godkid his first go around, not the 10 year old emotionally neglected child.
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self-indulgentmanic · 6 months ago
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Art request: this but with the ng trio or the shiin trio
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The sillies
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imninahchan · 6 months ago
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ˖˙ ᰋ ── dev!padre, heresia, profanação, sobrenatural?, diferença de idade legal, sexo sem proteção!, dirty talk, masturbação feminina e masculina, humping?. Não é meu intuito ofender nenhuma religião. Não revisado!
É o demônio na terra, Dev tem certeza. Mal consegue respirar, sela os lábios feito a própria san(t)idade dependesse disso, e o ar sobe quente pelas narinas, causa ruído, dor aos pulmões. Está febril, ou pelo menos é o que acredita ao constar os dedos das mãos trêmulos e as pernas vacilantes sobre o assoalho. Em contrapartida, o suor que escorre das têmporas, que se acumula no peito por baixo da camisa clerical o faz repensar seu estado de saúde.
Não apenas enfermo, deve estar enfeitiçado.
Junta as mãos no ar, em obséquio. A voz ecoa falha, recitando em latim o que julga ser o único antídoto contra o mal que o aflige.
Você solta um muxoxo, pendendo a cabeça de lado, ao observá-lo diante de si, entre as suas pernas abertas. “Ah, agora está implorando...”, sorri, é como se o veneno pudesse escorrer pelo canto da sua boca. Ergue um dos pezinhos descalços, subindo pela calça preta até chegar no cinto. Dev aperta os olhos, uma lágrima escapa por entre as pálpebras. “Eu gosto quando você implora”, você continua, calma, “não imagina o quão bonito está agora...”
Leva as mãos ao cinto, desafivela. O homem não cessa as preces, emenda uma liturgia atrás da outra, tentando conter o desespero, mas inerte em meio ao seu toque. Não quer dizer não, embora saiba que é o que deveria dizer. Por isso, roga. Culpado. Permitindo que a calça seja afrouxada no quadril; que, de dentro da peça íntima, a prova rígida, pulsante, da violação contra todos os seus votos seja exibida.
“Se não me quer tanto assim...”, você começa, perspicaz, “por que está tão duro, hm?”, toma o sexo na própria mão, a palma circulando por cima da cabecinha melada, inchadinha, “tão molhado...”, e Dev arqueja, os lábios tremendo. “Deve estar até doendo, meu amor...”, você junta o sobreolho, numa carinha sofrida, feito conseguisse sentir o que ele sente, “Não seja tão maldoso consigo mesmo. Só por um minutinho... Não vai deixar de ser santo se colocar só um pouquinho, vai?”
É o demônio, evidentemente. Apenas o maligno poderia tomar o corpo de uma garota doce como você era e transformar no inferno na terra. Tão mais jovem, na flor da juventude, oferecendo olhares sugestivos para o homem no púlpito. Assombrando os sonhos dele, ganhando na língua o cordeiro de deus, refletindo o pecado nos seus olhos. Aqui, nesse momento, natural da forma com que veio ao mundo, arreganhada sobre a mesa retangular, como um prato de comida para a última ceia.
Maldito ser vulnerável e pecador. Dev desmorona com as mãos na beirada do móvel, arfando, incapaz de reprimir os efeitos que a sua mão causa ao esfregar o pau teso. Mas mantem os olhos fechados, com medo, temendo, ao abri-los, dar de cara com o anjo caído, e não a sua face tão bela.
“Não pode lutar contra o seu desejo”, você sussurra. A boca chega perto da bochecha suada, a língua de serpente aponta entre os dentes enquanto continua alimentando a alma frágil, “Pecado de verdade é se privar dele. Fingir que não é a sua vontade meter em mim pra caralho, igual a porra de um animal, até eu não conseguir levantar as costas dessa mesa, com a buceta doendo.”
Ele solta o ar dos pulmões. Sente os músculos tencionando, os dedos doloridos de tanto apertar a madeira.
“Não quer saber como é quentinho meter em mim?”, você adocica o tom, manhosa. Arreda o quadril mais pra beirada, o suficiente para a cabecinha do pau dele resvalar na vulva banhada a sacrilégio. “Hm?”, resmunga numa falsa ingenuidade, quando é você mesma quem começa a arrastar a glande pra cima e para baixo. Subindo até o seu pontinho, descendo até a portinha para o paraíso. “Hmmm, vai ser tão bom”, geme, obscena. O quadril rebola, os lábios adotam um sorriso ladino. “Olha pra mim”, e tal qual um feitiço, Dev não pode evitar separar as pálpebras.
Os olhinhos brilham. Pretos como a imensidão estrelada, de pupilas dilatadas e marejando em meio aos cílios umedecidos. “Prometo que vou te deixar socar mesmo se parecer muito pra mim”, você murmura, “mesmo que pareça que não vai caber, eu aguento. Eu quero você. Quero a sua porra vazando de dentro de mim”, sutilmente vai escorregando a cabecinha pela vulva, “Quero me sentir quente. Cheia. Santa”, o encaixa direitinho, “se existe mesmo tanto mal dentro de mim, como você diz”, encara os lábios entreabertos, vacilantes, “me fode até eu ficar boazinha que nem você de novo.”
E é quando empurra, por fim, um pouquinho dele em ti, que o homem reage à tentação. Pega no seu pescoço, ríspido, apesar de ainda bambo. Por trás do clérgima, busca a cruz divina. Um último — quiçá único — ato de resistência e excomunhão do perverso.
Você não se assusta, é somente madeira e corda de cera. Então, se atreve a sorrir. “Não pode fugir de mim”, diz, “Com o tempo, vai ser pior de ignorar... Dias inteiros pensando em mim, noites sem dormir. Descendo as mãozinhas pra dentro da calça, se punhetando com a imagem do meu corpo abertinho pra você. Mordendo os lábios pra não gemer igual uma puta quando goza todinho na cueca.”
Você quer isso, a sua voz se expressa tão melódica que parece ecoar na mente dele. Dev descola, aos poucos, o olhar do seu para ir rastejando do seu busto abaixo. Os seios de bicos durinhos e apetitosos como um fruto proibido em dobro. Vem, você chama, encoraja. Os olhos seguem o trajeto das costelas ao ventre — ah, o sacro ventre. Quer se aprofundar ali dentro, corromper, semear. Vem. Ao se deparar com a buceta molhadinha, tão suculenta, a visão turva, um chiar nubla os ouvidos. Não vê, não raciocina. Mas ainda te escuta. Vem.
E ele vai.
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videogamepolls · 6 months ago
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Requested by anon
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lands-of-fantasy · 11 months ago
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Krypton Season 1
Character Portraits
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conspicuous-clown-car · 1 month ago
what a morning,,,
here's a rant about the pressure community
I've been kinda lurking on pressure twitter for the past few weeks while all this shit went down and i just gotta say... jesus fuck.
I practically had a heart attack as soon as i opened my phone when i woke up and saw zeal was trying to sell pressure. Considering how he changed his profile last night to a strictly corporate one and then this? It seemed like a really hasty decision, and something serious was going on with him.
And yknow what, with all the hate being directed at him right now i don't blame him one fucking bit. I'd probably end up doing the same thing if i was in his shoes. Being autistic as well, i would just want to completely distance myself from this overwhelming bullshit. I think that's why he started to distance himself from the community in the first place (which unfortunately is kinda what led to some issues getting overlooked).
The tweet was deleted and pressure isn't for sale anymore thank GOD, but I'm honestly more worried about the actual people behind pressure than the game itself.
I agree that there's issues they need to fix, but its not an entirely black and white situation, and its pretty fucking complicated. With the sheer amount of people in the community its crazy to expect them to handle and manage everything themself, especially since they blew up in popularity in such a short amount of time, how the hell would they know how to deal with this???
Yes, there are certain things they need to actually address and take responsibility for that they sort of haven't, but attacking them to where it gets to this point isn't the fucking answer.
I wouldn't blame any of the devs if they never touch the game again, the way the community has treated them and has completely blown things out of proportion is insane. I feel like the main issue is the discord server itself but that's just me. From what I've seen its mostly just the community self cannibalizing, attacking each other, sending death threats, and doxxing people over shit that literally doesn't matter at all.
I'm not one to really delve into fandom drama, but this whole issue with certain possessive Sebastian fans and those who took it upon themselves to attack those fans is the stupidest fucking conflict I've ever seen in any fandom. Especially when this stuff reaches the people who work on the games who have nothing to do with it.
I agree that this is something the devs need to talk about head on with full transparency, no matter their feelings on it, because a main problem I've seen with them is lack of community management.
But again, y'all are forgetting the devs are REAL FUCKING PEOPLE, people who are bound to make mistakes, and get overwhelmed, and not know how to deal with suddenly having a giant fanbase. Harassing them and sending death threats is going way too fucking far and wont solve anything, because clearly all its done is made things worse.
Also god forbid they have boundaries and don't want to see certain things in the discord server. I'm not gonna get into the specifics, but as a queer trans person I think some of y'all are reading too much into the things they don't allow, seriously.
Reminder, I'm saying all this as someone who self-ships with Sebastian, and who's not entirely thrilled about him being canonically married. BUT PRIORITIZING A FICTIONAL CHARACTER OVER REAL PEOPLE????? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YALL???
And to the people I've seen disappointed in zeal's response to all this on twitter, I'm with you, not seeing whats happening in the community doesn't mean these problems don't exist. But think about the shit he's going through, put yourself in his shoes and genuinely try to understand how fucking overwhelming this whole situation is, for him and the rest of the team. Especially after what's happened in the past 24 hours.
Tangent, but am i the only one who's seen a drastic change in the way fandom communities operate in the past few years? Like after lockdown fandom spaces have gotten more and more hostile, and people are just being so fucking mean to each other over the most trivial shit??? Listen I Get being chronically online, because i am, but at a certain point you just gotta log the fuck off and touch some grass, man. christ.
I really hope the devs take a break, they need it. I was excited about the update that was supposed to come out this month but I don't think it will now, and I honestly don't think we deserve it.
TL;DR: Pressure fandom, do better. Speaking from both points of view, no matter the various mistakes the dev team has made, the majority of this is on y'all.
And lastly, I'd honestly rather keep pressure exactly the way it is with no updates and no new stuff ever again than for it to turn into roblox slop like most of the games that are sold off on that platform.
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honestlyitsjustsam · 1 month ago
Before playing the game i thought the companions had specific romantic interests among themselves like shadowheart and karlach or astarion and wyll, so i thought any type of teasing would be between those couples only
when the group is painfully touch starved, emotionally traumatized and equal amount of horny they all want each other carnally its almost embarrassing
like Halsin would daydream of making Gale his wife while Gale would want Astarion to the level its against his morals then Astarion would need the taste of a hero like Wyll yet Wyll would fold for a queen like Karlach and Karlach would want nothing but to hold Shadowhearts waist then Shadowheart would burn with the desire to hatefuck Lae’zel and Lae’zel would like to use Halsin’s arms for both as training dummies and other dialobical actions
bg3 is a circle
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shrimpyjackal · 2 months ago
one little quick question for it: who are dev’s friends in this au? It is Jasmine and Winn or are they just the mean friends, basically just Hazel’s partners in crime? Or it would be trev because him and Dev’s friendship is one sided so in this au it wouldn’t be?
I love your art btw it’s so good 😭😭 make sure to take breaks when you need it and stay safe, healthy, and hydrated!!
i was taking so long only `cause.... I coudn `t choose what route to take, I had to get a consultation with my friend
Our gold girlie thinks that "Everyone is my friend, don `t be silly!" but in reality no they `re not girl you can `t talk to them without your tablet/phone in front of your face-
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But if we dive a bit fron Haze `s explanation
do any of yall remember "I WISH BEV WAS IN LOVE WITH ME!" from The best of luck? Our boy Trev is here to fill that gap instead of Bev
Haze thinks that Bev is her bestie- ...ofc she isn t, Hazel is a gem for talk shows, but outside of them she and Bev are not talking a t a l l
Hazel will never admit that she loves Jasmine s clarinet skills, she thinks that liking something many others like too is "unoriginal"
She envies Winn, because "They can wear such comfy clothes! A-and do activities! " in short: yes, Jasmine and Winn will be Devin`s friends
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burning-academia-if · 13 hours ago
Also hi I'm alive end of year dev log/wrap up coming in the next few days sorry its late this month!!
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