#deux moi
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sgiandubh · 7 months ago
Good morning. I wrote a while ago about my sister and a famous boyfriend, remember? Well, I've been wanting to come back here to talk about Deuxmoi for a while because I saw this gossip page has been taking action about SH. Well, I can say with conviction : this gossip site serves Hollyweird's purposes. They don't publish everything someone sends them. They sometimes post random things when they're out of content, but when they hit a nerve with someone in power they try to redeem themselves. This independent vibe from deuxmoi doesn't exist, they always have an agenda. Believe me.
Dear (returning) Sister Anon,
I remember your submission very well. And I totally believe you , since in fact, I wrote something just around those lines, not so long ago: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/756524589763477504/hello-i-have-a-new-drinking-game-suggestion-if?source=share
They even managed to seriously anger Taylor Swift's PR and then never really excused themselves. But that is not independence, of course - that is agendas at play. You are absolutely right.
Now you'll have to excuse me, but I will need my fitful daily dose of sleep, in order to catch up with the latest promo bit - unlike many, I am not a Horowitz fan. But I'll give him this: he has no fear when it comes to gently shaking the bullshit coconut tree and he definitely knows things.
You are welcome back anytime, Sister Anon. This brought a smile. Thank you for this 😘.
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blueribbonbaby · 1 month ago
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randomluck-ofthe-universe · 9 months ago
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.. I can’t decide if all this charade is more pathetic or more embarrassing.. maybe just ridiculous.
#momager is desperate 🤡🤣
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nancydrewwouldnever · 1 year ago
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Congrats on jumping that shark this fast, Deux Moi!
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silvyysthings · 9 months ago
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Dm wrong every time
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idontevenlistentomitski · 2 years ago
Anyone got any idea what Joe is doing with Tina fey?
Truly two worlds colliding hahahaha
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taylorvaughnsaidso · 8 months ago
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When I read this I remember elizabeth's an aquarius and think oh yes, this. this is exactly how I'd want my marriage to be like too 😂
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whatiwillsay · 1 month ago
FRESH CONTENT! pls enjoy me breaking down my gossip girl credentials i promise you will be BLOWN AWAY!!
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daziechane · 9 months ago
I'm the Crypt Keeper
Perusing Deux Moi for Sunday Spotted today and saw this:
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Please tell me that's a joke, that people know who Florence Welch is beyond her connection with Taylor Swift.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year ago
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This week in Swiftdom without context:
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sgiandubh · 8 months ago
Hello! I have a new drinking game suggestion! If you haven't listened to that podcast yet (the part about Outlander and Sam starts at 51:00) how about a sip every time she mentions her recommendations for watching the series, stressing that it's something scorching? Also, every time it is said that he is single and dates a lot, in addition to being 🔥 The segment lasts about three minutes, surely no one could get drunk in such a short amount of time!
Dear Drinking Game Anon,
Please forgive the delay - almost everybody, even the trolls, answered the salvo of Deux Moi (that is a bastardized translation of 'Me Too', I bet the farm) Anons and perhaps you found me wanting. Oh, well: I never gave three dried shits about being FIRST.
Not even #sorry for the length, Anon.
That podcast is some mighty BS you are kindly asking me to dissect for you. So I just listened to that S focused bit again, as I am writing the answer. Fasten your seat belts.
I mean, where the hell do I begin? Everything is so unlikeable and so cheap about that podcast, I could start wondering if *urv is not poor man's Deux Moi, if you see what I mean (she came in first, alas). No, they don't give a flying fuck about S, in fact both of them have no idea even who he is, since they are mispronouncing his name repeatedly and need to check Wikipedia for his basic trivia. Their cackle does not really bring anything new to the table and it has all the predictable bits: his fandom 'who thinks he is dating his costar' (zero about the Mommies, its most vocal part, who definitely think he doesn't - interesting, huh?), him being on Raya and 'obviously dating' (yeah, yeah, we've seen the results, Dubai Hooker and then 'No Toxic People' on top), OL being a 'historical fantasy series, like GoT' (Lord give me strength), but you know, chock a block filled with sex (😱🤣). So it all boils down to the girl being 'identified in DMs' (by who, I wonder? 'Always Hands On' *urv?) as a 'creative type'. The core of the debate was, in fact, whether it was or not a first date and what about the lack of drinks on that table - it never occurred to them Einsteins that was a dead giveaway of those pictures being totally staged, eh?
Nothing to write home about and I honestly fail to see where the fuck did those women notice the girl 'lovingly gazing' at S. At any rate, this is so artificial I could cry and it does sound like a quid pro quo type of favor Deux Moi did to PR. It actually gave me the same 'shoehorned in' feeling as C's Remarkable Weekend non-photos featured in that magazine, in 2019. The two 'gossip columnists' clearly didn't prepare anything at all about it and DGAF pretending to be plausible liars. One more time, it felt cheap and a desperate retcon of the Dubai Hooker Walk of Shame, plus the added insult to injury Alice Don't Panikian was.
But, as always, there's more to it. And at this point, I do wonder why and actually how on Earth nobody in this fandom ever thought to find out what the fuss was about Deux Moi, at all.
[I was brutally cut, just here, Anon, by the worst power outage in our neighborhood for ages - heat does that to old, clunky European capitals. Sorry for that.]
Deux Moi came out of obscurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people were locked down at home, bored and depressed. It markets itself as a gossip column with a twist, almost never checks facts and apparently has no problem being seen by many as a neo Hollywood Dumpster Diver of sorts. To counter all sorts of possible legal problems, it launched itself and prospered because of the mandatory 'Anon pls' opening to each and every submission. It allows them to never feel or take any responsibility for the content it posts. The reason she can do this is the US Supreme Court's 1964 decision New York Times vs. Sullivan, which allowed media (including gossip sites) more liberty in expressing their opinions. It only sanctions actual malice in doing so, which simply means that if you hate Steven Cree (random example) and publicly comment he is a talentless bore, there is nothing he or his PR can do about it. But if you publicly comment that Steven Cree is a pedophile or a drug addict (OTT made-up stuff inserted here on purpose) and you fail to prove it with facts, well - that is actual malice all the way. You'd better pawn your silver spurs and sell your first born, because they will come to get you and won't do it with grace. In fact, as recently as 2022, the US Supreme Court refused to revise its doctrine on this particular point of law, further linking it to the US Constitution's First Amendment, that deals with free speech and strongly protects it:
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[more on this, here: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/27/politics/supreme-court-new-york-times-sullivan/index.html - make no mistake, this is a very high profile political decision, for obvious reasons; therefore, I shall not further comment, you make up your own mind about it, according to your own creed. But I know what I think, and what I think is the analogy was promoted by a very conservative Supreme Court].
Deux Moi will never be that sophisticated, but that does not mean it was never above any possible threats & scandal. Its public image heavily relies on the mystique of an incognito mastermind, who, like the Mahdi, Shia Islam's Hidden Twelfth Imam, walks this Earth and sees/knows everything. From there to eternity, victimization is never far away:
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[full article, here: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a43620663/deux-moi-identity-dark-side/ - I don't believe a single word of what the person shares, just so you know; for many reasons].
I mean, she is no Louella Parsons, no Hedda Hopper, hell - not even Liz Smith. And funny she mentions Taylor Swift (who I like more and more by the day, hahaha), who went for her via her PR, recently, in quite a clear fashion:
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Wow, mother of all dragons: ' a marriage ceremony in the UK', that 'wasn't (...) legal (...) and wasn't made official'. Excuse me? RINGS A FUCKING BELL IN OUR OWN BACKYARD? Hell yes, rings a fucking steamer foghorn. Anyways, Tree Paine was not amused at all and the excuses were paltry, to say the least:
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Sorry for the long quote, Anon, but I found Glamour's piece very enlightening, for once:
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[our Spanish mafia girls could read the whole article here: https://www.glamour.com/story/taylor-swifts-publicist-tree-paine-thinks-deux-moi-needs-a-reality-check]
I still wonder why this 2021 'Anon pls' was never disputed and at least partially proven true:
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Even better, check out this Reddit thread, just to see what The Casuals commented:
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[whole thread, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/nzx8mw/ok_i_am_dying_to_know_who_this_is_about/]
I wouldn't describe this as people being exactly 'shocked'. Interesting reactions, at any rate, and not a Stan in view.
Go figure, indeed.
I hope this answers your ask, Anon. It took me a long while to write, due to unforeseen reasons, but I certainly did it with pleasure and two or three well-placed grins.
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missathlete31 · 7 months ago
want to add my input in but. glen has been very popular/hitting it boy status post twisters!!! the people love him and whenever someone breaks through so people are always going to look for some sort of gossip and capitalize on that. especially since a lot of people submitting to deuxmoi and deuxmoi herself do so to be the one ‘with the scoop’ even if it’s not true. it’s really all for engagement and clicks!!! unfortunately it happens to everyone who’s popular atm.. since glen is on break until he starts filming (and he usually goes quiet then), some other guy will be in the hot seat soon enough and the cycle continues. alas, it’s just the way the rumor mill works but i don’t think a few people capitalizing over getting clicks by spreading false news about sydney or girls he may or may not be flirting with at a party is anything worth handwringing over lol. i know it’s easy to catastrophize (i do it too sometimes) but the general population’s attention span is veryyy short so
I’ll be the first to say I’m overly sensitive to the deux moi Glen issues because I feel like this tag got SUPER TOXIC last time with the Sydney and cheating rumors so I’m a big catastrophizer (is that a word, no, but I’m making it one lol)
But anon you are correct- it is a sign that he is making it and getting popular so I should think of it in a good way!
I’ll try to tone it down though because I know most people either don’t care or don’t want to deal with the rumor mill on here
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randomluck-ofthe-universe · 9 months ago
... Is the timmy and Kylie sighting confirmed?
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#bye 🤡🤡
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nancydrewwouldnever · 1 year ago
DM got pics of Chris like this previously?
The only pic I can think of was a fan encounter sent in early in Pandemic year.
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silvyysthings · 1 year ago
T and K are soooo in lurve...but can't be bothered to share a hotel room. Or even a hotel. Give me a break, DM.😂
Their desperation is arrived at worrying levels 😂 deux moi is embarassing
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