#deuteros gemini
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W.I.P. New version of the first drawing I made of them <3
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1st Round - 12th Match
#fandom polls#tournament polls#queer polls#bracket tournament#gay polls#saint seiya#saint seiya the lost canvas#gemini defteros#gemini deuteros#balrog lune
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Gemini Saints ✨♊🌌
Who is your favorite?
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I did that out of boredom TwT

#Saint seiya#saint seiya the lost canvas#gold saints#Aries shion#Taurus hasgard#Gemini aspros#Gemini deuteros#cancer manigoldo#leo regulus#Virgo asmita#Libra dohko#scorpio kardia#sagittarius sisyphus#capricorn el cid#Aquarius degel#pisces albafica#Pegasus tenma#Unicorn yato#Crane yuzuriha#Lol#I don't know what I'm doing#I was bored ok#I should do my homework instead#I'm screwed lol
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A redraw of a drawing back in July 2021 (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)
The original drawing
#saint seiya#saint seiya lost canvas#lost canvas#gemini#gemini aspros#gemini deuteros#gemini defteros#aspros#defteros#deuteros#digitalart#firealpaca#chibi
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Yandere Deuteros
The Demon of Kanon Island watched as the bronze saint fought fiercely to regain his lost honor. Deuteros did not think that the punch he threw would break the mask worn by the Lynx saint.
When the mask broke, it revealed a beautiful warrior who shocked the saint of Gemini. But the law of the mask was harsh and cruel, the saint had only two choices: Love him or Kill him.
(Y/N) felt an immense fear when she felt her face uncovered, not because of the decision she had to make, but because she was not strong enough to fight the demon that plagued the inhabitants of the island, so she picked up her broken mask and fled. Deuteros, when he got over the surprise, tried to prevent her from escaping but he did not succeed.
In the minds of both saints, questions of different kinds were forming: Deuteros wondered why the young woman had not chosen to fight to the death, while in the mind of (Y/N) he began to investigate how to assassinate that demon of beautiful appearance.
Days passed, but Lynx's saint remained in Deuteros' thoughts. While it was her beauty that most impressed the young man, her cosmos also carried unpolished talent. She was a beautiful promise of a great saint, he could even say that she had the makings of a silver saint who could give a fight to a golden one.
At the Sanctuary, he (Y/N) trained fiercely in order to avenge his honor and recover him from the cruel humiliation of the mask. Sagitta Achilles watched with concern as the saint seemed to collapse at any moment, it was time for him to stop.
---(Y/N), that's enough --- Achilles spoke but the Lynx saint ignored him --- stop it, stop, you must rest --- his calm tone began to tinge with irritation and concern, however, Lynx (Y/N) remained steadfast --- Stop it! --- roared Achilles scaring the other saints around, including (Y/N), as he never raised his voice. Not even with Baldwin's and Pixan's nonsense.
--- I can't Achilles, I can't. That "demon" surpasses me in power --- (Y/N) sounded tired, frustrated and impotent. She knew that the saint of Sagitta understood her situation well, hell, Vulpecula Danann was a close friend of his (her face was a mystery even to the female saints) so she understood perfectly the law of the mask to outlandish points; but he cares for her... more than one comrade in arms would care for another.
--- (Y/N), please, I do not ask you to give up your fight, but to give your time to rest --- Achilles could resist no longer, he pulled the saint into a hug, making them both blush --- Please, don't be like the other idiots I care for --- the saint let out a loud laugh as Baldwin and Pixan witnessed the betrayal.
(Y/N) promised herself that when she had killed the man who humiliated her, she would show her face to Achilles since her affection was reciprocated. Of course, she would have to wait for him to leave on a mission since he would not let her complete her revenge.
Her chance came when Achilles would leave to deliver a message to Calais, France. Time enough to kill the demon of Kanon Island and return as if nothing had happened. Lynx (Y/N) relied too much on his new strength, a fatal mistake.
Deuteros felt a warmth in his heart when he saw again the saint he had dreamed of so much these last weeks. But also a tremendous rage with unjustified jealousy. (Y/N) was not the only saint who wanted to "defeat" the demon of Kanon Island. That was how he got more information from the saint, from (Y/N), and from her "love" with the saint of Sagitta.
No, he would not be alone again and he did not want to waste time in a fight to the death knowing that she could escape. When the two saw each other they both knew what to do; when the young woman confidently approached to attack, Deuteros easily dodged her and summoned the volcano to cause a distraction.
When she (Y/N) fell into the trap, Deuteros knocked her out. It would be a long road for her to love him, but he was a patient being.
He could wait
#yandere lost canvas#yandere knights of the zodiac#yandere cdz#yandere saint seiya#yandere gemini deuteros#yandere saint seiya x reader#saint seiya x reader
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Como la dualidad del bien y el mal en un ser humano.
Llevando la existencia de esas dos personas en un conflicto.
Así como al inicio de los tiempos.
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Deuteros... The Survivor
---->By Penguin Degel
#gold saints#saint seiya#saint seiya gold saints#sanctuary#saint seiya the lost canvas#saint seiya hades#gemini aspros#Gemini deuteros#Athena sasha#libra dohko#doko#aries shion#shion pope
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“And we say we protect who we love, right?”
(( Yeah I’m back (^∇^)
It’s been like a whole year I haven’t respond to your asks and I’m really sorry 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
It’s a traditional drawing because I broke my tablet sooooo I think the next asks will also be on paper (´・ω・`); ))
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Aspros y Defteros ♊
#Saint seiya#The lost canvas#gemini saint#gemini gold saint#Aspros#Defteros#Deuteros#fanart#SSfanart
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💙 💙 Fan art dedicated to the little Aspros and Deuteros 💙 💙
#Aspros#gemini aspros#Deuteros#defteros#gemini#chilhood#brothers#Twins#fanart#Saint seiya#saint seiya fanart#myfanart#FRINI Fanart#night
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Aspros doesn’t deserve a brother so good and pure as Defteros.
#defteros#aspros#gemini defteros#gemini aspros#deuteros#gemini deuteros#saint seiya#the lost canvas#lost canvas#knights of the zodiac#cavaleiros do zodiaco#os cavaleiros do zodiaco#meus
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I don’t know if I want to laugh, or to cry… ‧⁺◟( ಥ ·̫ ಥ )
#saint seiya#saint seiya lost canvas#lost canvas#gemini#gemini deuteros#gemini defteros#deuteros#defteros#why… just why… ;-;#no thoughts just food
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Yandere Deuteros
El Demonio de la Isla Kanon observaba como el santo de bronce luchaba feroz para recuperar su honor perdido. Deuteros no pensó que el puñetazo que había lanzado rompería las mascara que portaba la santo de Lynx.
Al romperse la máscara, esta revelo a una bella guerrera que conmociono al santo de Géminis. Pero la ley de la mascara era dura y cruel, la santo solo tenía dos opciones: Amarlo o Matarlo.
(Y/N) sintió un pavor inmenso al sentir su rostro descubierto, no por la decisión que debía tomar, sino porque no era la suficientemente fuerte para combatir al demonio que asolaba a los habitantes de la isla por lo tanto recogió su mascara rota y emprendió la huida. Deuteros, cuando se compuso de la sorpresa, trato de evitar que esta escapara mas no lo logro.
En la mente de ambos santos se formaban preguntas de distinta índole: en la Deuteros se preguntaba el por que la joven no había escogido combatir hasta la muerte mientras que en la de (Y/N) empezaba a indagar el como asesinar a ese demonio de bello aspecto.
Los días pasaron, pero la santo de Lynx seguía en los pensamientos de Deuteros. Si bien fue su belleza lo que mas le impacto al joven, su cosmos también portaba talento aun no pulido. Era una bella promesa de un gran santo, incluso podría decir que tenia material para ser un santo de plata que podía dar pelea a uno dorado.
En el Santuario, (Y/N) entrenaba feroz para poder vengar su honor y recuperarlo de la cruel humillación de la máscara. Sagitta Aquiles miraba con preocupación el cómo el santo parecía que en cualquier momento colapsaría, era momento de que parara.
---(Y/N), es suficiente --- habló Aquiles pero el santo de Lynx le ignoraba --- basta, para, debes descansar --- su tono calmado empezó a tintarse de irritación y preocupación, sin embargo, Lynx (Y/N) seguía firme --- ¡Para ya! --- rugió Aquiles asustando a los demás santos alrededor, incluyendo a (Y/N), ya que este nunca alzaba la voz. Ni siquiera con las tonterías de Baldwin ni Piíxan.
--- No puedo Aquiles, no puedo. Ese “demonio” me sobrepasa en poder --- (Y/N) sonaba cansada, frustrada e impotente. Ella sabia que el santo de Sagitta entendía bien su situación, demonios, Vulpecula Danann era una amiga cercana de el (su rostro era un misterio incluso para las santos femeninos) asi que entendía perfectamente la ley de la máscara a puntos extravagantes; pero el se preocupa por ella… mas de lo que un compañero de armas se preocuparía por otro.
--- (Y/N), por favor, no te pido que desistas en tu lucha, sino que de tes tu tiempo en descansar --- Aquiles no pudo resistir más, atrajo al santo con un abrazo, haciendo que ambos se sonrojaran --- Por favor, no seas como los otros idiotas que cuido --- la santo soltó una fuerte carcajada mientras que Baldwin y Piíxan presenciaban la traición.
(Y/N) se prometió que cuando le haya dado muerte a aquel hombre que la humillo, ella le mostraría su rostro a Aquiles puesto que su cariño era reciproco. Claro que ella tendría que esperar a que el salga a una misión ya que no la dejaría completar su venganza.
Su oportunidad llego cuando Aquiles se iría a entregar un mensaje a Calais, Francia. Tiempo suficiente para matar al demonio de la Isla Kanon y regresar como si nada hubiera pasado. Lynx (Y/N) confió demasiado en su nueva fuerza, un fatal error.
Deuteros sintió una calidez en su corazón cuando vio de nuevo a la santo con la que tanto había soñado estas últimas semanas. Pero también una rabia tremenda con unos celos injustificados. (Y/N) no era la única santo que quería “derrotar” al demonio de la Isla Kanon. Fue así como consiguió más información de la santo, de (Y/N), y de su “amor” con el santo de Sagitta.
No, no volvería a estar solo y tampoco quería perdería el tiempo en una lucha a muerte sabiendo que ella podría escapar. Cuando ambos se vieron mutuamente ambos ya sabían que hacerse; cuando la joven se acercaba con confianza para atacar, Deuteros le esquivo con facilidad e invoco al volcán para causar una distracción.
Cuando (Y/N) cayo en la trampa, Deuteros la noqueo. Sera un largo camino para que ella le amase, pero el era un ser paciente.
Él podría esperar
#yandere lost canvas#yandere knights of the zodiac#yandere cdz#yandere saint seiya#yandere gemini deuteros#saint seiya x reader
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Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas aesthetic: Gemini Aspros & Defteros
“Don't cry for the past now, brother mine Neither you nor I are free from blame Nothing can erase the things we did For the path we took was the same.
How can I expect to call you wrong? How can you be blamed for what we've done? Both of us were fools in our desires As we flew too close to the sun.
My dreams made me blind and mute I longed to return to that time I followed without a word My brother, the fault is mine.”
#saint seiya: the lost canvas#aesthetics#saint seiya#gemini#aspros#defteros#deuteros#gemini no aspros#gemini no defteros#gold saints#gold cloth#collage#anime#manga#otaku#bratja#full metal alchemist#song#music#shadows#brothers#twins
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#SaintSeiya #Aspros #Deuteros #Twins #LostCanvas #Geminis
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