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No hard feelings, right Kingu Shīsā ?
King Shisa: ... I’m keeping an eye on you.
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"Your wings are so large! How high can you fly?"
“... I’m not inclined to give you information that can be used against me.”
((To answer your question, not as high as you would think! Rodan’s body needs a lot of oxygen to keep him in the air, and that stuff tends to thin out the higher up you go. Given that he’s also a Titan that lives off of high temperatures, he wouldn’t do well up super high, either. If I had to give a rough guess, Rodan can fly comfortably up to somewhere around 15 kilometers? He definitely wouldn’t be able to fly in the stratosphere without seriously hurting himself, anyway. He’s not meant for space flight like Ghidorah is.))
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"Reiwa! How have you been, my favorite lizard?"

“Ah, welcome to my domain once again. Naturally the territory is protected, haven’t been any significant threats running around recently and there haven’t been random flocks of birds appearing out of nowhere recently. So I would in fact say I’m quite well.”
#ic: you turned me into the first#ask answered#goji: earth's champion#(xeno remains undetected#(also no random perching incidents lol#deus-ex-machiina
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"And 1 hour after a K-T event one of the safest creatures to be is a 1 celled proto-plankton at the bottom of the ocean. Plankton has survived every mass-extinction event, every ice age. It would be the ancestors of the dumb fish that decided walking was a good idea that will die. Propagation and evolution of life is the only attribute that all biological beings share."
“Safe is a relative term,” the shinigami scientist observed dryly, scratching the stubble on his chin. Some form of life could survive a planetary cataclysm -- as long as there was still a planet. “And generally speaking, when it comes to the longevity of a species, simpler is better. Complexity is the natural enemy of entropy, after all.” He waved the fan airily. And yet -- he was struck with the thought that a more highly-evolved form of life could in fact be more adaptable.
“And non-biological life?” The shopkeeper eyed the mecha kaiju with amusement. After all, he had some experience with artificially-created beings, and so he was bound to wonder. “I’m curious to know your plans to survive the next extinction-level event, and--” His eyebrows waggled suggestively-- “propagate your species.”
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One firey eye opened at the sound of a familiar, metallic voice. It beheld the visage of Gojiras robotic counterpart, a bit of atomic flame puffing from flared nostrils as he’d respond simply.
“Well enough. Could always use more sleep though.”
Mothra above knows with his subjects he only got his eight hours once every blue moon.
#deus-ex-machiina#[;long live the king of monsters! | in character;]#[;the king has reclaimed his rightful throne! | verse 2;]
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"Can you teach me the native tongue of your species? I like to learn other languages."
“Weird question to ask, and normally I’d love to take you up on the offer. I’m kinda uh… Lackin’ the necessary parts to after I became… This.”
Broad gesture to the fact he was now (nearly) completely a cyborg, something that he didn’t seem too pleased with considering the fact that the only trace of his original self was his head locked away in these steel confines.
#deus-ex-machiina#💀 I'm the merc with the beak! | In Character 💀#💀 Don't waste my time with dumb questions! | Ask Answered 💀
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(@Kiryu-Reborn) “[Fascination] Another mechanical Titan. [Query] Titan came from = x. Where did Titan = x originate? Constructed/Evolved/Born?”
It was only a matter of time before the humans noticed Mechagodzilla’s recent activity. Needless to say, its relationship with humanity had been… ‘spotty’
So it appears they have send their grandest technological achievement in order to investigate the robot Kaiju. This one held a clear resemblance to Mechagodzilla 2.
MG decided to remain still and silent as Kiryu approached, trying best to not invoke any fights. If this new robot had anywhere near the strength of Mechagodzilla 2 it was not to be toyed with. And… it /felt/ a strange kind of happiness to see an other being of metal. The closest thing to… kinship?
The much older robot spoke after Kiryu broke the deafening silence. “Greetings… Mechagodzilla mark 3? Sorry, I do not know your real designation. For what it is worth, I am an alien robot build by an other race, from an other solar system.”
“As for past experience… I was send here and remote-controlled to destroy humanity and the Kaiju native to this planet. But I no longer partake in such activities, after my creators left me for dead and severed my… connection.”
It made no attempt to sugar-coat things. That would be inconsiderate of the many lives lost.
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"I think, therefore I am."

“Why do you seem so interested in the philosophy of humans?” Geronimon queried. “In my opinion, a rock still exists as a rock, even though it cannot think. Regardless of whether something is under conscious control, it can still exist. The earth spins around the sun, and the sun spins with the galaxy. Tell me, do you believe that they think too?
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The robot was standing idle under a mountain, looking over the shoreline. Ocean waves were clashing against jagged edges of rocky outcroppings. There were even some underwater caves where mysterious creatures dwelled that could survive without light. The mighty ball of fire called the Sun was rising, creating massively elongated shadows. Right now, Earth was relatively calm, there was no big Human or Kaiju war. Not many Kaiju to converse with, learn from... or to fight.
Her spines breached the surface of the water as she pulled herself up onto the shore, her kill- a blue whale -hanging limp in her jaws. Her membranes pulsed softly in the light of the sun, her nostrils flaring as an odd metallic scent assaulted her senses.
She reared up on her hind legs to get a better look at the glimmering thing in the distance, brown eyes narrowing in suspicion.
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"What are winghugs like?"
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is that a type of attack?”
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❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?

Goji initially struggled regarding his opinions towards this topic, considering it has been common practice amongst his predecessors to seek mateship regarding the succession of their bloodline, with affection being a benefit gained as consequence. Goji is an idealist at heart however and considers himself more of a bond-builder rather than bond-breaker.

By direct contrast, Xeno has no particular interest towards romanticism at all for that matter, that he is aware of yet. Dreams of his bizarre world generally dominate his mind over that of a partner.
#ic: you turned me into the first#ask meme#ask answered#goji: earth's champion#xeno: from beyond the sun#deus-ex-machiina
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"So today I learnt about this terrible show where people use spherical enslavement devices to capture sentient creatures with near-if not total-human intellect. These balls then break them down on a subatomic level and store them digitally. These creatures are killed endless times over in gruesome fights and “rematerialized” every time they come out of the device or are digitally traded. And for some reason the entire human population has morally and culturally justified this fucking evil."
“Oh?” he muses, eyeing the large mechanical creature appraisingly, cupping his hands together around... something. Was that a flash of red and white between his fingers?
“What a barbaric custom!”
#[[ the AU I didn't know I needed but was forced to consider:#Pokémon trainer Kisuke ]]#[[ okay but given his track record in coercing people into fighting for him... ]]#deus-ex-machiina
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Didn’t mean any harm? Gojira didn’t know if he could believe that for right now, but he’d allow that faint glow on his spines to fade away as he disarmed himself. This ‘Mechagodzilla’ didn’t seem to be showing any signs of attacking, so he’d return the favor as he stepped closer, sizing the other up. A bit of arrogance from his part- if the mecha reached out and tried to grab him, Goji knew he could very easily blast it to smithereens (or at least, he thought he could) before anything could happen.
“Wait- you fought another Titanus Gojira?” That statement caught Gojis attention, his gaze snapping onto MechaGodzilla and those unblinking sensors again. He never recalled hearing anything about one of his children fighting a mechanical doppleganger... “Who? Was it one of my children?”
He’d practically demand to know at that point, thinking that perhaps this one would know where his children were. He had been asleep for so long, that he never really knew where they had ended up at, where his children had gone...
@deus-ex-machiina (from here)
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"Gigan... those who once enslaved you, where are they now? If you seek revenge for their damage, know I will stand by your side."
“Feh, the Xiliens? Don’t worry about them.”
Gigan swiped a Bloody Trigger haphazardly, dismissing the Mechas concerns with a light huff. Those aliens were the least of his concerns… What topped his concerns was one of the Titans that were ‘under their control’. X… When was it going to come for earth?
“They’re about as harmless as they are stupid. Really, there’s one guy you should worry about… Monster X.”
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It was warm, not blistering hot but it was still to hot for most any creature to be out in the sun for to long, a gentle breeze carried the scent of the ocean and of rotting sea life across the little uninhabited island. It was her sanctuary, a place to rest and get away from thee chaos in the open seas. Maiya lay on the shore, the chilly pacific ocean gently lapping at her scaly hide as she rested, her eyes half closed so only slivers of hazel were visible. Small splashes came from besides her as her adopted son played in the shallows, she refused to let herself fall completely asleep in fear the young kaiju would wander to far into the ocean of a larger creature would see him as easy pickings. The world seemed so peaceful, it had been like it for more then a year, almost as if time had stood still for those many months. Mizu ran up to her, he was still just as small as ever, he nuzzled up to her jaw. Maiya was all to aware that he would soon want to explore more then just the little cove she had found for them, he would want to meet the others of his species and the many kaijus that inhabited their world but for now he was fine with just playing in the shallows. Though Mizu was fine with the quiet and lonesome isolation, Maiya was missing her friends and wished they might be in the area.
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The gargantuan machine was standing idle under a mountain at the beach, overlooking the shore. Aside from some small Kaiju fights, things have been peaceful and calm overall. While it was still cold, people were walking outside to enjoy the fresh air and a nice walk along the beach. Most were not minding the machine, it has been there for several weeks now and saved the city from an alien monster once. Slowly the sun was beginning to set. Mechagodzilla was preparing for sleep mode.
Just as the mechanical monster was preparing to shut down, however, something stirred from the oceans ahead. The water shifted, the ground rumbled of... something. Something was coming up on the shore, and it was coming in fast. People were noticing the waters receding from the shore. Tsunami alarms blared loud and clear, and the people fled in panic to the nearest emergency evacuation vehicles. The moment the first waves crashed upon the beach, it had been evacuated, leaving only the mechanical Godzilla to witness what was coming out of the ocean...
It was the real deal. The towering, reptilian monster would arise from the ocean, and make his way onto the beach, with slow, thundering steps. What was the king’s intentions this time? Was he here to merely observe, or to act? Whenever the king decided to act, destruction would follow. But for now, he was doing neither... until he saw MechaGodzilla, and reared back a bit with a defensive hiss. What was this metallic copy of him?
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