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Indie Nemesis roleplay blog II Read rules before interacting II
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revengexgoddess · 7 years ago
The robot was standing idle under a mountain, looking over the shoreline. Ocean waves were clashing against jagged edges of rocky outcroppings. There were even some underwater caves where mysterious creatures dwelled that could survive without light. The mighty ball of fire called the Sun was rising, creating massively elongated shadows. Right now, Earth was relatively calm, there was no big Human or Kaiju war. Not many Kaiju to converse with, learn from... or to fight.
 Her spines breached the surface of the water as she pulled herself up onto the shore, her kill- a blue whale -hanging limp in her jaws. Her membranes pulsed softly in the light of the sun, her nostrils flaring as an odd metallic scent assaulted her senses.
 She reared up on her hind legs to get a better look at the glimmering thing in the distance, brown eyes narrowing in suspicion.
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
The gesture he presents to her is so painfully familiar and she is all too eager to respond, extending out her own clawed appendage to meet her host’s. 
It’s awkward and clumsy due to the size of her hands with four fingers- two smaller ones on the side, and two much larger ones fused together in the middle -but she tries her best.
His hand is warm and soft against her own rough, armored hide and the child inside of her can’t help but marvel at the fact.
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His greeting washes over her and soothes almost the rest of her anxieties and she responds by parting her jaws, a light trill emerging comfortably from the back of her throat.
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
In case anyone cares, I’m going to make a masterlist of all my Kaiju roleplay blogs. 
Legendary Godzilla & Shin Gojira - @destroyerxprotector​
Monster X/Keizer Ghidorah - @keizer-of-death
Eleking - @electricxbeast
Gamera & Irys - @guardianxdeath
Goldras & Silvergon - @goldenxsilver
SpaceGodzilla - @crystalstarchild
Nemesis - @revengexgoddess
Godzilla Jr - @kingsxson
Mothra, Battra & Mothra Leo - @divinexmoths
yup im trash
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
She relaxes slightly, thick strands of powerful, almost alien muscles visibly un-knotting themselves from beneath her armored exterior. While she is pleased that he no longer views her as a threat, she is also...curious. Since her awakening, she has only been met with hatred and violence. Meeting a being such as herself that does not attack her, and even expresses the same level of intelligence intrigues her greatly.
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Her mind draws back to the corpse, and again, that feeling of regret bubbles up inside of her stomach, churning the undigested remains inside.
For a moment, she feels sick.
But her senses, again, return to her quickly, and she bows her head, orange eyes watching the other giant calmly. She tilts her head as he gestures behind him, deeper into the fog of this massive land.
Ah...he wants her to follow him.
She complies with his request, bowing her head again with a gentle, almost friendly rumble from deep in her chest as she approaches him, tail swaying behind her.
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
her roar washes over him, fills his ears, at the same time that he can see the gelatinous flame ripple inside of the nodules along her neck- it’s aggression, pouring out of here, a threat to his reign, to his land, to destroy him and all his family died to keep alive, all his family died to make sure would find the throne, all his family’s land and all their rights, and he can’t tolerate it, so he reels back, preparing his own bellow.
his palms slam into his chest again, as they did before, once right, once left, and then he pounds over it with abandon, listening to the beating drum of sound the action creates, rolling out in a show of strength, of intimidation, of certain royalty over this place of his- he lurches forward, hunched, and unleashes all the air from his lungs in a lengthy, savage bellow of sound, tearing free of him to split the air, steam from his mouth in a cloud of breath before him, spat in rage.
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he wants her to either end this attack on his kingdom, and leave, or to show him fealty, to prove that she is not a threat to his kingship over this island that he and his family have ruled, have protected from the outside and things such as her, for generations upon generations- or else, he will be forced to fight once again, as he has many times.
he does not want to, but he declares to himself that he will win, no matter the scars that will remain on his hide after, for he is king, and he has a debt to his family to repay for their lives given to make him so- though he never asked, it is what it is, and so he stands and ends his roar, seething as his fists ball at his sides, ready for whatever may come.
The thick smell of testosterone fills her senses- the smell of an angry male. His bellow ripples through her armored skin, protective and territorial. The tone itself is able to make her take a few steps back. While she is driven by one main urge, one instinct, she is not foolish.
It would be a waste of her time to fight the territory’s owner, for he is not like the others. He does not wish to destroy everything. That much is clear.
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She lets out an indignant snort, hot breath that smells vaguely of the marine life that is her main diet, spurting forth from her nostrils. Her brown eyes flicker to what remains of her earlier meal. Perhaps it was an ally, or friend of him.
Maigo feels guilt
But it is only there for a second. She bows her head, but does not fully submit to the so called king of this land, trying to express that she isn’t willing to engage in combat. Her membranes calm in response, their bright glow dulling ever so slightly. 
But there is no respect in the action. She does not know this creature. What has he done to earn her loyalty and friendly ties?
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
This thing is different then anything she has encountered before. She had battled creatures covered in scales, slime, metal, and even her own pure blooded kin. But this beast was new.
It had fur instead of scales, fingers instead of claws, and vaguely resembled the humans that would scatter at her feet.
When she was little her mother and father took her to the zoo. She loved all the animals, especially the gorilla pen because they looked so much like her, but so different and they seemed so smart and it was a good day and 
h e  k i l l e d  h e r 
Nemesis shook her head from side to side, shaking away the foggy, human thoughts that lingered about in her brain and returned her full attention to the new Kaiju. It hit its fists against its chest, an action she was not fully familiar with, but still sensed the aggression in the action.
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In response, she opened her jaws and let out a loud roar of her own, a warning to the stranger to stay back while the fluid within her membranes swirled like orange storms of rage.
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
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there’s something else in his territory- he knows it immediately, knows it by the shift in the scent of the sea, by the salt cutting through the thick, fresh fog rolling off of his lake on the interior of the island, by the brisk and bitter blade of scent that reaches his nostrils when he flares them and sucks the air deep into his lungs, not even laboring, which tells him something very specific.
the newcomer is not hiding, is not trying to keep themselves from his notice, is not designed to do so like most things on his island are, and so he knows, further, that this thing is not from his kingdom, is not one of his subjects, but another, a more distant beast, and a strange one at that, smelling of a certain nostril-burning heat, like the fire the little ones threaten him with, the gelatinous, hot residues- he does not like it, doesn’t want to have something like this here any longer than he must, and so he rises and begins lumbering towards it through the thick mist hanging over his land, an oddity of today alongside this arrival.
he takes care to stalk as quietly but as quickly as possible towards them, though he is quite aware that he will not be able to hide himself once he grows much nearer than he already is, what with his size making the ground shake and the flesh crash against the rock and soil thunderously as though the sky has parted for the bolts of lightning he sees in the worst of the storms, in the distance, many times, too- the surrounding protection of thick clouds not often broken by invaders, and yet.
and yet, something is here, so he goes, swiftly, to meet it, and make quickly certain of his kingdom’s safety, and his throne’s, too.
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Blood runs down the length of her slimy tongue and down the back of her throat as her jagged teeth pierce the delicate flesh of some smaller creature- she doesn’t know what exactly, some kind of cow or buffalo or something, but doesn’t dwell on the thought, for she has food.
And then she smells it.
It’s the owner of the territory, that is absolutely clear to her. Its smell stains every piece of this hidden land, but she can sense it getting stronger as she breathes in the misty air. Her brown eyes flicker behind her as she swallows the rest of her meal, followed by her entire head. That’s where it’s coming from. The Goddess freezes, waiting for this new entity to come to her. It doesn’t radiate with that dark energy that the most sinful of humans have, the energy that draws her to them, for divine retribution. For justice. Therefore, she has no reason to attack whatever lurks in the foggy forest, but she will not hesitate to defend herself if the beast proves violent.
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
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NEMESIS. Jeremy Robinson & Matt Frank’s epic Kaiju. #dopepope #Mattfrank #dragon #jeremyrobinson #sculpture #Godzilla #Nemesis #zBrush #3D #model #art #king #ゴジラ #giant #illustration #playstation #xBox #monster #creature #fanart #character #movies #scifi #daikaiju #Kaiju #dope #concept #nemesisproject #commissionsopen
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revengexgoddess · 8 years ago
[Starter for @kongofskulls :) ]
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Her spines breach the water, large, salty droplets sliding down her form as she fully pushes herself out of the water and onto the land. She is hungry, though she is not controlled by the mindless need to eat, as she had been when she was younger and anything alive would do.
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Her membranous sacks pulsate and glow in the dim golden light of the setting sun, silhouetting her massive, armored hide as she stalks forward into the trees. This place smells of meat, food she can use, and of something...bigger. It reminds her of other beings she has battled before, but it smells so...different. 
This is not her territory and the human part of the Goddess is wary of this trespassing. But the stubborn, alien side of the Kaiju refuses to flee, bolder, and more...primal then Maigo continues forward, crushing trees beneath her feet as she prepares to hunt.
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