#detriot imagines
xthescarletbitch · 1 year
kara from detriot become human!! I have some brainrot!
Imagine being married to her and raising alice together as her mothers. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Friends to lovers and also slowburn!!!
It started as y/n taking care of kara and alice and over time y/n and kara falls in love!! It took them years to confess becuase it would ruin their relationship as friends and they both assumed the other loved them as a friend.
Alice considers you both as parents :D
Y/n can be human or an android. You can choose.
oh, my sweet anon. 🥹 thank you so much!!
i absolutely imagine that so much these days. i just know kara would be such a sweet and devoted wife. you try to do things around the house to help you both, but you know not to let her catch you. she is definitely the type to take over after you and insist you rest, but you have to humbly remind her that she is not expected to do anything, and that she deserves some rest too. regarding alice, i think she adores you even more than kara does, and that was one reason why kara let her guard down around you in the first place. alice holds a special place in her heart, and now you do too. definitely relishing in the fact that you would be such a happy family in canada post-uprising. ✨
friends to lovers slow burn!! the way to my fucking heart.
here’s a little writing about that prompt, where reader is a human… though if it’s liked, i could always expand on it and/or change reader to be an android. (damn, i haven’t written in a hot minute.)
imagine being alice’s babysitter to fill in the gaps left by kara’s absence.
one night, your gut told you to visit alice and check on her, and it was coincidentally the night that kara took alice from her father. you offered them a ride and a place to stay, knowing that you would have to plan another getaway since todd knew where you lived.
you took care of alice and kara that night. you made sure that alice was in the warmest clothes and feeling comfortable enough to rest, and that kara was in a new set of clothes herself. she was a little roughed up from her altercation with todd, but you took the time to help her clean and compose herself. she was surprised at the gesture and didn’t know what to make of her new feelings. becoming deviant and starting to feel something other than motherly love was a foreign concept in her current state. all she knew was that she liked the feeling felt around you. you showed her the humanity that she deserved.
kara fell for you even deeper as she saw what you were willing to go through to protect not only her but also her dear alice. as time went on, she started to understand more and more of what she was feeling, but she had no idea of how even to express it. did you only see her as a friend? likewise, you had your own doubts. you’ve witnessed androids being in love with each other, but never a love between an android and a human.
you and kara were good friends, but perhaps that’s all you were meant to be, right? maybe it was best to keep it to yourselves.
it took forever for a confession, but when it finally came, it was the most amazing feeling. it was after luther had taken alice to the park, leaving you and kara alone. in retrospect, maybe that was on purpose.
it was a chilly day, and for some mysterious reason, the thermostat was set to cool. you hugged yourself as you went down the stairs, shivering. there was fire crackling in the living room and dishes clattering in the kitchen.
you smiled at kara as you went to sit in front of the fire. she smiled back but then noticed your shivering. she dropped what she was doing to grab you a blanket and placed it around you gently. you thanked her and invited her to stay in front of the fire with you. both of you got to talking, and eventually, the talk led you to a confession of how you both felt about each other. after a bit of giggling and realising that this could really happen, you shared an intimate kiss in front of the romantic fireplace. her hands wrapped lovingly around yours, and you sat and enjoyed the moment, cuddling up to one another.
when luther and alice returned, they noticed the scene in front of them and smiled at each other. they knew what they were doing, and they were happy with the result. alice considered you and kara her parents, and luther just wanted to see his friends finally get together.
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theemporium · 1 year
So the octopus tradition started back in 1952 when two brothers, Pete and Jerry Cusimano, who owned a fish market, decided to throw an octopus onto the ice at Olympia Stadium, with the eight tentacles of the octopus symbolizing the eight wins it took to win the Stanley Cup at the time. the Detroit red wings went on to sweep the Toronto maple leafs and the Montreal canadiens en route to winning the cup
Since 1952, people have been throwing octopuses (octopi?) onto the ice whenever the red wings play in the playoffs. The octopuses are already dead when they’re thrown, and people have come up with a specific technique on how to throw them. During the 2008 stanley cup finals, in which the red wings defeated the Pittsburgh penguins, seafood wholesalers in Pittsburgh began requiring identification from customers who purchased octopuses, refusing to sell to buyers from Michigan. I think the nhl has been cracking down on this tradition because I haven’t heard of many instances of people doing it recently
oh my god😭THEY WOULD THROW AN OCTPUS ONTO THE ICE??? god imagine the import for octopus in detriot during hockey season…
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pluralalear · 11 months
post more often my beautiful poster I miss your warmth on this app everymorning I wake up and you're not real my soul is damp and empty sweet berry of mine I can't imagine a world without you and yet I am made to live in it everyday can you come back can you exist for me my sweet berry oh how I'll pray at your altar everyday for you to visit and let me see your funnyman tumblr comedy attempts I hage bought ads now in 100 countries just in an attempt to reach you my lovely berry come near come nigh the day you made this blog my heart was set alight and I haven't been the same since I have not slept nor eaten I only shower when you post sweet berry I miss you I miss you I miss you come back to me come back to me I have written your name on my walls in an attempt to copy detriot become human in hopes it would call to your soul I miss you everyday and I hope for your return sweet berry of my pits
can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person… I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless it’s spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my askbox would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
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useless-fanfictions · 2 years
Katsuki's Hero | Kinktober Day 2: Age Difference
CW: extreme age difference — Katsuki (15), Izuku (26)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Izuku Midoryia Fandom: My Hero Academia Rating: mature (part two will be explicit) Tags: Age Difference, inappropriate relationship Ao3 Link
Summary: The one where Katsuki is having relations with the hero of his dreams.
To say that Katsuki is a fan of the number three pro-hero Deku would be an understatement. The middle school student’s room was covered in green and white merchandise from the hero, his parents have seen every news interview the hero has done at least twice, and the blond’s friends couldn’t go a whole day without hearing about the hero.
So yeah, an understatement.
What they didn’t know, however, is how much being a super fan has paid off.
Katsuki slips his phone into his pocket with a sly grin and a faint blood blush staining the bridge of his nose. Thankfully, his parents weren’t really paying attention to him so they didn’t see his reaction to the latest text he’d gotten.
From <3<3<3: 5864 N. Bradel St. I’ll be there after my patrol, so come sometime after 3am
He didn’t need to respond because the person who sent the text wouldn’t even be able to see it until he was done working. A chill goes through Katsuki’s body as he thinks about being with someone who is old enough to have a career, not to mention them being a pro-hero.
Just that thought alone can get Katsuki hard in his pants, and he’s about to sit down for dinner with his parents so that isn’t for the best. So he shuffles his way to the bathroom to wash his hands and clear his head of his anticipation. It isn’t easy, but doable.
After dinner, he went up to his room for the night. He got together an outfit that he knew his company would like — black and red lacy panties, dark skinny jeans, a white cropped top that shows off his nipples, and a Deku limited-edition letterman jacket — and takes a shower for the night. His parents think he is just showering for school the next day, but if that were the case then Katsuki wouldn’t be taking the time to shave his ass.
By nine o'clock he was primped and primed, and as smooth as he was going to be. So he got in bed to catch a couple of hours before he’d be up for the rest of the night.
His alarm goes off quarter after two in the morning and that gives him enough time to brush his teeth, get dressed, and sneakily leave through the back door of his house so he doesn’t wake anyone up. Jumping over the back fence is a practiced trick, and then he is walking down the street towards the hotel his presence is requested.
On the walk, he reflects on how he is where he is now.
It started when he was attacked by this disgusting sludge monster about seven months ago. He’d been hospitalized before the end of his second year of middle school because of it and when he had come to he had no idea how he got out.
Obviously, he watched the reports and news coverage online as soon as he could see straight enough to look at a screen, and what he’d seen was unbelievable.
His hero, quite literally in this case, was the one and only Deku. Deku! His idol, his drive, his vision of what victory looks like. He had swooped in shortly after Katsuki’s body had gone lax (he’d passed out) and Detriot Smashed all of the goo away. Then he’d caught Katsuki’s falling body and…
And Katsuki will forever be grateful his mother wasn’t in the room when he’d first seen the way his body look dwarfed in one of Deku’s large scarred hands. All the hero needed was one arm to hold up Katsuki’s entire mass and it was doing things to little Katsuki.
Unfortunately, the stupid heart monitors had been hooked up and so he wouldn’t really be able to take care of his little problem until he was discharged.
And take care of it did he, oh boy. He caught himself going back to that one video of the catch — if he could, he’d thank that cameraman personally — and watching the delicate yet strong way that Izuku had held his body. God, it wasn’t difficult to imagine the way those strong and capable hands would fit on his waist in a different context (not that he hasn’t jerked off to Deku before this).
Then another miracle happened. Well, Katsuki wasn’t really surprised when he thought about it because there were pretty intense rumors that Deku did this on the regular, but when it actually happened to Katsuki—
He’d been home for maybe a couple of days, actually went back to school that day after a four-day absence (which had been hell, thank him very much), and he gets home to a very cheerful mother greeting him at the door. Which was very unusual for quite a few reasons, so his hackles raised naturally.
And then he’d gone into their living room and actually saw Deku sitting on their loveseat! Deku! The pro-hero! In their house!
Katsuki had felt his stomach do constant flips that day while he remained chill and aloof on the outside. They talked for a while and Deku was telling them that he just wanted to check in and make sure Katsuki was okay after such a bad attack. It makes sense, Katsuki reasons with himself, for the hero to want to make sure those he saves are actually okay. He even tells them that the rumors are true and he usually does this.
However, the hand that he rests on Katsuki’s shoulder doesn’t feel normal. The way the older hero presses his thigh into Katsuki’s hip where they sit so very close together on that loveseat doesn’t seem very standard. It makes his heart beat kick up and his prick hard.
He has to let his mom lead the hero to their door once the time comes because all of the subtle touches from the last hour or so have Katsuki very physically reacting and he couldn’t stand up without it being obvious. So once the hero stands, towering over Katsuki easily, the blond teen pulls his legs up to his chest and watches quietly while they walk out of the room.
Then he feels the chunk of paper in the hood of his sweatshirt when he leans back, it must be while the hero had so adamantly been touching him up there. When the teenager unfolds the paper there is nothing except a cell phone number.
Katsuki hadn’t even lasted a couple of hours before he was hiding up in his room and texting the number for the first time. Deku had greeted him very politely and they continued talking for a while about anything.
Three days after that and Katsuki was sending him a picture of his body with less and less clothing.
He’d admit, Deku — Izuku, actually, he got permission to call the hero by his first name — was rather horny all of the time, but Katsuki would be caught dead before he complained.
Like tonight. This definitely wasn’t the first time that Katsuki has snuck out to meet the older hero so that they could have some alone time together. Deku typically patrolled in this half of the city and whenever he had a slow night like this, he’d be pent up and need Katsuki to help relax.
Katsuki has asked why they don’t just meet at Izuku’s house rather than at these random hotel rooms, but he said he didn’t want Katsuki to be seen by any paparazzi, which surprisingly made Katsuki feel really special. The older man wanted to keep Katsuki all to himself, it was romantic.
It didn’t take long to get up to the hotel’s front doors and he walked in and didn’t spare the front desk another look before walking right up to the elevators. Izuku had texted him what room he had gotten.
From Katsuki: omw now, where are you?
The response he got was almost immediate.
From <3<3<3: Up here waiting for you, so hurry it up ;)
Katsuki pocketed his phone and readjusted the waistband of his pants. He had sprung for a little bit of makeup as well — thin black eyeliners and a bit of mascara — because even though he won’t admit it, he loves to see the way the black smudges all around Katsuki’s eyes by the end of the night. So of course the teen wants to make himself as attractive as he can.
He knocks twice on the door once he walks up. What sounds like someone getting up off the bed, a slight groan because he knees are probably acting up, and then Izuku is opening up the door for him.
Katsuki watches his eyes dart around the hall behind him before opening the door enough to let the teen in. The blond doesn’t hesitate to walk right into Izuku’s chest.
“Hi,” he mumbles against the strong muscle there.
“Hey, baby,” Izuku shuts the door and his hand falls down to Katsuki’s perfectly slim waist. The feeling is so addicting for both of them.
Katsuki tilts his chin up for a kiss, something he is granted easily. He’ll never get over being able to just kiss and touch Izuku however much he wants, to feel those muscles and skin and scars underneath his fingertips is a fucking blessing. And Katsuki is so ready for tonight.
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9782f · 3 years
nines' mind: working sure is fun.
another nines: you know what else is fun?
different nines: killing your predecessor
other nines: that doesn't sound fun at all, nines.
different nines: well how would you know? all you do is work, nines!
another nines: I think nines' is right. we should branch out our hobbies, nines.
other nines: nines, connor stopped talking. he wants you to respond. say something stupid.
nines: I wasn't thinking about killing you.
connor: aw, thank you!
nines: nailed it.
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cyberlifebf · 5 years
Blue frosting (Connor x reader)
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Description: It’s Connor’s birthday and you wanted to do something small before the big party.
Note: This took me a century to do. It’s a request (one of many I’m working on) where Connor is more of a giver if you know what I mean. I also knew his birthday was coming up and wanted to be kinda creative.
Rating: M 
Words: 1265
(Female reader/she/her pronouns).
Enjoy! And Happy Birthday to the best boy 💙
"What’s this?” he raises his brows. A single blue cupcake sat on the counter of your kitchenette.
"Hank wanted to go drinking," you explain, with a small smile. “To celebrate your birthday..I figured beforehand we could do something of our own.”
Connor gave you a bewildered look, then glances back at the dessert with uncertainty. “You made this?”
"It was the only one that didn't burn," you shrug, offering it to him; it was rather pretty, he thought. He’d never had anything made for him before. It was almost perfect, a lopsided cloud of dark blue that sat atop short vanilla cake. “You can try it,” you raise a brow at his observing.
He then goes to lick it and you burst out in a laugh; accidentally getting the frosting on him. "You got blue frosting all over your lips," you laugh; Connor immediately perks up; going to wipe it away. You hold his wrist—"let me get it," you offer. “I’m sorry for laughing.” you set the cupcake down. “But that’s not how you eat a cupcake, Connor,”
Again he looked at you with a sense of question, he looked even more silly with dark blue frosting on his face. You go to grab a paper towel; but a better idea comes to mind.
You set the rack back on the semi cleaned counter and turn to him. His lips part as he's tries to speak, but your kiss renders him speechless. Your arms wrap around his shoulders as you pull him in; stepping backwards and stopping at the counter.
The kiss was sweet, you admired your handiwork with the choice of frosting—pairing it with Connor’s mouth was unexpected; but greatly appreciated.
You licked the sugar from his lips, he was still; a slight, raspy noise escapes him when you do this. And suddenly he grabs your waist, caging you against him; returning the kiss. You hold onto him as he sets you on the counter, and you mistakingly jab your hand into the delicate cupcake.
You whisper mid-kiss. Connor pulls back, seeing the blue mess all over your palm and wrist. Staining the white cuffs of your low neck shirt. "I'm sorry," you couldn't read the look on his face, the soft golden hue of the candles around you made him look just the slightest bit annoyed.
"Let me," he insists when you go to grab the rack of paper towels near the edge of the counter—he takes your hand, and licks the blue frosting from your middle finger; the feeling tickled but you didn't laugh, instead you prompted him to keep going. It was hot, only because it was him doing it.
 As strange as it was, Connor's way of doing things aroused you. More than it should.
 The blue stained his tongue and you could taste it as he kisses you again; sweetness overtook your senses, you moan into the kiss when he runs his hands over your chest; he slowly made his way under the fabric of your shirt and under the cups of your bra—his thumbs brush along your nipples, the sigh of approval kept him going.
"That feels nice.." you murmur against the kiss; his hands felt good, and you knew the feeling was mutual by the way he moaned against the kiss as he touched you.
 Without word, you watch him lower to his knees and you brace yourself, helping him undo your jeans. He was patient about it, while you scrambled about, it was equally frustrating and arousing, with how collected he was.
Finally your jeans were around your ankles, he kissed along your inner thigh, again, it tickled; so much so that you let out a breathy laugh. When he reached where you needed him most you held onto the edge of the sleek counter. Your nails dug the underneath of it as he gently kissed between your legs, your eyes screw shut immediately. Your legs beginning to tremble.
"Connor.." you moan, grabbing a fistful of his hair. Your heart pounding. The feeling was far from ticklish now as he ran his tongue along your sex. Instinctively your legs flutter. Your fingers curl, pulling on his hair and making him groan. The vibration of his voice made you almost melt right there.
 Connor had done this a select few times and knew what you liked and what made your heartbeat skyrocket. And he was very good at when to make you feel as if you were about to go over the edge.
 He liked how you called out for him, your voice in general made him stray from any sort of professionalism—"Don't stop," you grind up against his mouth; he peers up at you, your toes curl against your boots as he quickly licks his middle finger, then slowly slid it in.
 That was almost enough for you.
"Faster," you cry out, your body getting hotter by the second, you could feel yourself getting closer. Your nails raked the underneath of your counter's edge, the heels of your boots knocked against his back at the dual sensations.
 Then he stopped. Your eyes fly open, wondering why the hell he'd do something so mean.
"Turn around," he says as he stood, grabbing your waist and sliding you off the counter. He was very slightly out of breath, his hair disheveled. But he kept good composure. “Go on,” he insists.
 You listen without thought, a jab of excitement shot through the pit of your stomach as he brushed his fingers along the nape of your neck, leaning in to pepper warm kisses; all the while he skillfully undid himself.
 Holding onto the blue stained counter top, you waited as he aligned himself. He held your hips, his thumbs gently pressing down as he moved forward.
 The sudden warmth surrounding him provoked a rough gasp, almost resembling a hiss as he slid into you. Your eyes flutter at the relief of having him; the near aching between your legs subsided only slightly. Leaving you wanting more.
 He kisses your shoulder, touching your body; making you shiver.
 It didn't take long for Connor to grow tired of the position, he flips you over; rough and gentle at the same time; quickly removing your boots and jeans. You were grateful for the low counter; giving your lover easy access.
"Faster," you pant, kissing his chin and neck, he held you close; obliging to your request. "You feel so good, Connor.." your voice came out in fragments, a knot began to form in the middle of your stomach with the force he drove into you.
 His kiss was sweet, the slightest remnants of sugar on them. Your nails trace the curve of the back of his head; deepening the kiss.
“I’m close,” he practically announces, your lips twitch in a smile as you wrap your legs around his waist; your back arches against the sleek counter, moving with his thrusts. Doing no good for his longevity.
The faces he made were always just as arousing as the act itself, his cheeks were a hot red; and he often cursed, and the he looked at you, almost mad, brows furrowed and jaw tight—you couldn’t resist frustrating him further.
“Fuck,” he groans as he came.
 He grabs your face and kisses you hard, he kept going, your hands slid under the opening of his coat and under his shirt so you could feel the bareness of his back. Your nails dig in as you reach your high next.
“That...was unexpected,” you say as you gather yourself. Mentally cursing as you notice the mess on not only your clothes, but counter as well. “I swear that wasn’t planned,” you could see the glimpse of smirk on his face as he fixes his tie; a new one, presumably given by Hank. It had little puppies on it upon closer inspection. You wondered how you didn’t notice it before.
“Unexpected or not, I still enjoyed it,” he fully smiles at you and winks.
“That’s all that matters,” you slide off the counter and kiss him. “Happy birthday,”
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spacemilkies · 5 years
serendipity || captain allen x reader
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for @thedevianthunterrk800 who unknowingly dragged me into the pits of hell dau. now i can’t play or watch footage without focusing in on this man. 
“I’m sorry, ma’am but no press are allowed on the premise without strict permission.”
The accusation nearly stuns you at first, before you realize in fact that you never quite shed your work clothing before venturing out. Not that it did much good now that you were caught red handed, you plucked your badge from you neck and offered a placating smile to the receptionist android.
“Sorry, I’m here on personal business not journalistic ventures.” As if to prove your point, you rose the hand clutching the bag of take out. “Just a wife bringing dinner to her husband.”
The android was quiet, her gaze giving you another look over. No doubt cross referencing your heart rate to your words. Perhaps had your husband not been employed at such a high risk job, a simple face recognition scan could have cleared you. But it seemed not even matrimony came with any real civil benefits. 
The android completed its assessment.
“I see. Please-”
“Hey, what are you doing here so late?”
A visible shudder of relief ripped across your skin as you whipped around. Appearing to be finishing up for the evening, Hank was looked about what you expected him to look first thing in the morning- ready to go home.
It’s easy to offer a smile in disguise of pity. “Figured if he wasn't going to make an effort for dinner, I could at least keep him from starving.”
“Yeah, is that why he’s so cranky? Missing one too many meals?”
Hank’s years of ‘facility’ comradery with your husband managed to bleed into a promising friendship of your own. It was a specific type of working relationship that only your hardened husband could achieve. Frankly most of his more social interactions were bridged by your efforts in some way or fashion. 
“Trying to keep him fed is a full time job.”
“Dealing with him period is a fucking career,” he muttered under his breath. Gratefully, Hank waved off the android. “Wife of the fucking SWAT captain, relax would you.”
“I honestly have no idea where he is but we all know his second wife is his desk.”
The obvious joke resonated differently with you than he likely intended for it to. In truth, your husband, his desk … and yourself had a bit of a polymourous relationship, to put it lightly. Not that you would embarrass David by bringing that up now. 
Maybe over drinks on night. 
Grateful for the unexpected intervention, you took advantage of the reprieve to escape through the security gates while you could. Waving to Hank, you bid him a good night.
“The fourth floor isn’t that big. He can’t hide forever.”
The few officers who did recognize you bid you a mix of greetings and farewells from those eager to return to their own families. As you climbed levels however, the gestures became more strict in the form of salutes and slim smiles that oozed stress. 
Rolling your eyes to the roof of the elevator, you began to pray that it wasn't a premonition of what to expect when you finally discovered your husband. You reminded yourself that you were merely there to deliver a meal, not stir up anything that could be settled at home. 
Your marriage worked this long because you respected those boundaries. The same ones that had been built without your knowledge back in university. 
By the relaxed posture of his assistant it was safe to assume he wasn’t in his office. Rachel confirmed as much with a quick wave.
“Captain Allen is in a meeting, ma’am.”
“Thats fine. Is his office open? Just dropping off dinner.”
She eyed the bag as if it was a saving grace. No doubt a prayer she’d made earlier in the day to try and aleve whatever symptoms were aggravating her boss’ nerves. 
If only it was so easy.
“I can get that for you.”
The panel in front of the door switches from red and blue, granting you access. You find yet another reason to send the young woman a nice gift basket. As if all the years of putting up with your husband didn’t earn her a vacation overseas.
Frankly, she might never look back.
“Thank you, Nancy.”
His office is as bleak and bland as the last time you’d entered it. Not even the wealth of his awards managing to permeate the walls. A few of the important credentials made the cut out of sheer necessity. You’d managed to break up the rest of the wall with two scenery photos. 
And that was it.
For someone who practically made his office his home, the lack of comfortably baffled you.
Placing the bags on the corner of his desk, you made yourself comfortable in his chair. Your job title aloe made snooping both enticing and forbidden. A thin lace of trust had been bestowed upon you given your connection to one of the largest media networks in the city. While your husband’s authority gave you more liberties than most it didn’t mean it couldnt be ripped away.
So against your journalist instinct, you kept your hands to yourself while you twiddled with a simple app on your phone. Fortunately, your husband didn’t keep you waiting long before you heard Nancy sharp cry of warning.
“Oh! Wait sir, your-”
You don’t know who is more surprised when you husband enters his office unaware. His shoulders stiffen briefly before he recognizes your silhouette by his desk, Nancy’s warning long forgotten. He looked like he was ready to chew out his next victim of the day and you could only snort in amusement. 
“Really, David.”
He’s wearing your favorite hoody of his- one you know come with a plethora of replacements but not a single is ever given to you despite your insistence. You’ve taken to wearing them briefly after laundry loads, while the house is to yourself. By the time he makes it home, its nestled comfortably in his drawer as if it was never touched. 
A secret compromise.
The door slides shut behind him as he approaches the desk. Affections pleasantly not forgotten as he leans down to peck at your cheek,“Its late, you didn't have to come by.”
“Well, I was hungry too. Figured you wouldn't want your food to get cold. Reheating meat will sometimes make it tough.”
David took the opportunity to peek into the paper bags, a hint of a smile triggering wider one for you when he recognized one of his favorites. You watched quietly as he unpacked the food, not missing how he arranged things carefully to keeps your safely confined while setting aside his own. 
It was an easier dismissal when you were expecting it. 
The hard edge of your neglected badge bit into your skin as you adjusted yourself against the desk, “Trying to get rid of me so soon, captain. I didn’t even get to opportunity to ask my questions yet.”
Unraveling the warmth of a freshly baked roll, your husband gave you an unamused grimace before taking a bite from the buttery loaf. 
“The SWAT team is not currently accepting any questions nor has any scheduled plans to council the press for ongoing operations.”
Your smile is as dangerous as your job implies, “So you guys are working on something top secret.”
“Would be home if it wasn’t.”
That was a lie and you both knew it. David would always find something to keep him occupied in his career. It had built him up and functioned as his stability. You were mere crutches on the sidelines waiting until you were needed.
As simple as it would be to challenge the claim, you thought better of it. Instead you continued to eat up time, relaxed comfortably in his chair while your husband was distracted with his meal. It seemed that his hunger had gotten to a point where he was reluctant to entertain anything that isn't satisfying his stomach. 
“Strip was sold out, so I hope skirt is okay?” 
Your husband wasn’t huge on grilling like some of the neighbors in your area but he did appreciate a good steak. Sometimes if you were lucky, he would even surprise you with a nice dinner in the kitchen on the rare occasions he actual beat you home or the scarcer days off. 
Using his teeth, David fought the crackle of the plastic wrapped utensil set,” Smells good, baby. Thank you.”
His obvious appreciation warmed you enough to coax a bit of boldness out of you. Walking your fingertips closer to the bag, you tugged it closer. “The renovators called back. They can fit us in next weekend to resurface the shower.”
Your house wasn’t old but there had been some changes you’d promised yourself when you’d first moved it. Earlier in your marriage, you had hoped to make a couples project out of it. But as the years passed, you began to understand that if you didn't  get someone else on the job it wasn't going to get done. 
Carefully pulling your own box free, you kept your voice even as your poked through your meal. “I’m having my mom come meet them that Thursday so they can do a final walkthrough for a quote. I’ll be home for the other days.”
“You’re not worried she won't change your plans?”
Twirling your pasta around your fork, you gave his question a thoughtful pause. It had crossed your mind. Your home wasn’t the first thing she had tried to intervene in. But you had made your own wishes noted in the initial meeting. Having your mother there was just supervision at this point.
“Nah, I'll be there for all the real work. I really just need her to keep Kaius calm.”
Retired from service but certainly not an impression on his age, the eight year old shepard still took his training seriously at home. It made it difficult to let anyone into the house without one of you there to assure him it was okay. The task was still difficult for you without David’s overwhelming presence to settle the canine. 
Resting his hip against the corner of the desk, your husband became visibly more relaxed into the conversation as he balanced the bottom of his togo box on his hand. “I don’t mind if he comes to work. He should be fine in my office for a day.”
You shrugged,”It's all worked out.”
At most, you were expecting one human to supervise a few androids. As impersonal as it made the job, it certainly didnt put a damper on efficiency. You expected nothing less than the projected project. 
He surprised you by leaning in then to press a quick kiss to your lips, a sneaky swipe of tongue catching the splash of sauce previously unknown to you. When you look up, he was watching you with that analytical look.
“I know what you’re doing.”
Caught, you could only smile sheepishly as you pointed the fork in his direction. “This is nice, don’t ruin it.”
Humming thoughtfully, your husband eventually returned to his own meal. 
David finished well before fullness crept in for you, his own haste favoring time over taste. But he was getting his nutrition so you found it hard to complain. 
A few tedious comments came to mind but none of them felt strong enough to tether him to a conversation. Accepting the time you got gratefully, you began putting away the leftovers to take home. 
“I’m off tomorrow so you don’t need to tip toe. I’ll leave the light on above the stove.”
Sometimes you found it funny how much your friends raves about the life you must have being married to a SWAT captain. Overwhelmed by their own fantasies of rugged encounters and frantic passion. 
It was true on occasion. There were times  that the stress of the job encouraged his hands to be a little more rough. Or time constraints found you bent over something convenient with your panties jerked to the side. 
As thrilling as it was, the novelty wore off quicker than it did in literature. 
There wasn’t a day you weren’t thankful of how well your husband aged, you just wanted more opportunities to appreciate it. 
You rise from your seat, expecting a final kiss of gratitude before you went on your way. 
You hasn’t realized your eyes had slid closed until they were opening in confusion at the touch of his thumb against your cheek. Against your better judgement, you leaned into the brief show of affection, lips parting to accept the pad of his finger. 
You know it won’t lead to much but the small stirrings it causes is worth the brevity. You crave his closeness whether he’s away like any wife would. But loving David Allen takes the punch of out love and jackhammers a new meaning into it. 
“”Thank you.”
The sincerity of it pressures your heart and your eyes close voluntarily this time, just wishing he would meet your expectation.
There is a pause, the silence tarnished by your audible sigh. Part of it is drawn back in a sharp gasp when his nose bumps against your own, then his lips find yours. 
The kiss is slow and measured, familiar even as you dare to run your palms down his front. His stomach curls under your touch, the lean muscle jumping slightly as your fingers challenge the hem of his pants. 
Swallowing, you taunt further with another tug. Venerability paints itself a lovely shade against your skin, coating you in a rosy blush. This wasn’t your arriving plan. But years have taught you that planning ahead rarely went well with David.
Carefully, you reach up and thumb the curve of his lower lip and draw him even closer. Even breaths waft over your face. Measured well, despite the proposition offered before him. 
In a mess of tongue and teeth, you whisper his name and teeter his resolve in the same breath. 
It has been a very long time since he’s humored an excursion like this and you’re patting yourself on the back for taking the chance. 
His mouth teases the skin at the nape of your neck and you wonder how far he plans to take this. His nose brushes against your ear next, nuzzling just under the curve where he knows you like it best. 
Your shirt rides up as he rolls his body against you, his hands quick to tend to your warm skin. His thumb teases the underside of your bra and it’s difficult not to let your mind wander.
Chest rising and falling in erratic intervals, you finally put a voice behind your desires. 
“Will fuck me here?”
David breathes in sharply then and for a moment you’re worried he’ll pull back to he senses. Your heart flutters nervously, awaiting a curt dismissal. But then a knee nudges firmly between your thighs and you find yourself biting your cheek to contain your grin. 
He continues to mouth at your neck while his hands answer your question, quickly and efficiently working at your belt. The hand not holding you in place slips under the hem of your pants with practiced ease. 
It will have to be quick but part of the thrill is inherit in the act itself. You know you’re already wet before his fingers reach their destination, his thumb flicking against your clit as his fingers curl into your sticky wetness. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, kitten? That’s why you came so late at night. Hoping to bride me into a quick fuck for your troubles?”
Part of you wished that had been your intention. You would have tried a hell of a lot harder if you’d known he’d be this willing. 
Sorry, Nancy.
There was always something sinfully dangerous about being taken in his office. To think the place where the city puts most of its trust will be defiled by your marital affairs will never fail to get you in the mood. 
David catches you before you can get careless, moving the food a safe distance away from your body before pressing you firmer against the desk. He doesn’t pay much attention to your breast but the stimulation from being pressed into the desktop makes up for it. Nothing else matters however when he’s dragging down his pants and your own with hast movements and lining himself up. 
It’s a slow sink- deep as he allows you time to open up for him. 
The situation doesn’t allow for it to be drawn out much longer than that. The frivolous teasing prior had already eaten into your limited time of unsuspicion. Not to mention any concerning noises that might permeate the door.
David does the sound control for you, risking quiet grunts as he digs his grip into the curve of your hip. His pace is slow but firmly backed by his weight as he quite literally fucks the air right out of your lungs, thrust near hard enough to shake the desk. 
He lifts his hips slightly, just enough too prod for the right angle, hitting that same spot again and again as you grip desperately at his arms. You return the favor, stealing his groans as you kiss back as vehemently as his hips grind into you. It only takes one good strategic thrust to capsize you under your simmering climax.
You remember a time, fumbling in college when you had to remind him to be wary- to pull out. Even early in your marriage you’d been cautious. 
Now, it was welcomed. The fact of not trying to try bleeding into a kink to take off the edge of pending results. You’d decided mutually to accept a child if the possibility arose but you wouldn’t make an intentional effort. 
Nearing your forties now, it wasn’t a forgotten proposition but it hardly factored into your mindset. It’s no where near innocent as your ankles dig firmly into his lower back, drawing him closet and locking him in.
Your husband’s hips stuttered briefly as his fingers reassessed their grip before he resumed his pace with firmer thrusts. Each one bouncing off the round of your backside. The hand at the base of your spine keeps you anchored- not that you’d made any attempt to disagree with anything he was giving you. 
He seemed to reward you for that, a lazy thumb counting your vertebrae in its travels, eliciting a quivering pleasure.  
“Maybe this is the key, huh? You’re always so much more receptive when there is the potential for audience.” 
He knows and fuck, you miss that voice. The way it rumbles deep in his chest before tumbling out in timber. 
“Of course, I’d never let them see. But I’d be happy to show off the results, hmm?”
His hands slid to your flank before curling around to flatten against the plane of your belly. It stays there, stroking the pseudo curve implanted in his head. 
He encourages you to grind back into his quickening thrusts, the fingers at your hip dragging you back in assistance. Whining, you dip your chest and arch your back. Your actions echo your thoughts. Faster. More. Deeper. Please
“That's what you want, right? For me to fill you up, baby?”
God… you drool around the thought. Your words fumbling around gurgles as you attempt to collect yourself enough to stop moaning and properly respond. Blood rushed in your ears and floods down your body. Working yourself up from your toes, you flex them, pushing your weight to your feet and lifting. It offers you a better advantage to pushing back into each eager thrust. 
Rather than praise your efforts, your husband only returns your gesture by carding his fingers through your hair. Tightening. Shoving down. 
“Fuck, yes, Dav-“ You hiss when he knocks particularly hard against your cervix to which he mends with an apologetic kiss to the back of your head. His thrust slow marginally, just enough to regain control before he’s coaxing you again with a nip to the shell of your ear. 
“Tell me, kitten.”
You reach for something-not sure of what. Neither does he it seems, but his hand finds yours anyway to which you curl them both the fabric of your chest. 
“I want it all-please.”
He jerks you back-once...twice before suddenly you’re overwhelmed with the weight of him on top and the pressure of him inside. 
You lie there for a short time, uncomfortable, but too laced by exhaustion to do much else. The feeling of fatigue crept onto you both with out warning, using the disguise of passion to worm its way inside.
He’s not perfect. Neither yourself or this marriage. But where most had doomed you both to fail, mutual perseverance told the rest to go fuck themselves.
There wasn’t much else either of you could offer to the remaining hours of the night. With that resolve, your slow rhythmic strokes against your husband’s back came to a halt, slightly rousing him in the process.
“Mhmm, come home with me, yeah?”
He heaves a sigh but you know you have him. 
“Yeah. Let’s go home.”
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IMAGINE Conner experiencing flirty human emotions with you, his human friend, and having to explain to him what a wink is
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*so soft*
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barbiecarlo · 5 years
charlie has an a tonight holy shit just a casual hi we won that trade btw
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whispersforthevoid · 6 years
Quietly Devoured
Pairing: ruthless!Connor x reader
Word Count: 1k (ish?)
Summary: You, a detective and Connor’s partner, step between ruthless!Connor and an injured North and force him to make a choice
Warnings:  minor suggestive themes (it’s literally just kissing... for now?), machine/ruthless!Connor, bit angsty, (let me know if you think I missed something!)
((Could be continued or expanded on if anyone wants that!))
“Connor, please don’t,” You begged, holding your ground firmly between the deviant hunter and his prey. “She doesn’t deserve this. Let her go.” 
“Step aside, detective.” He was cold, but the LED on his temple shone yellow and his finger was hovering away from the trigger. Sounds of gunfire echoed in the distance. “I always accomplish my mission. Do not mistake my programmed kindness for empathy. I have told you before, I do not share your sentimental attachment to our bond. Move, or I will shoot.” “Please, Connor. Please. For me. I don’t think you want to hurt me.” You said as you took a timid step forwards, hands raised. Unarmed, human, his friend - would Connor be able to maintain that ruthlessness he was feared for when his own partner begged him to stop? You were almost certain that he wouldn’t. Almost. Behind you North shuffled back, thirium seeping from the wound in her leg. Simon had been right to trust this human after all. “Your friendship is nothing more than a tool in my mission, Y/N. This is your final warning. Get out of the way, or I will shoot you.” Connor narrowed his dark eyes, his hair ruffling gently in the wind as his finger did finally find the trigger. He looked impossibly soft under the flickering lampost light for something so cruel and violent. But you couldn’t give up on him. You could not believe he was empty inside, you had seen a warmth in him, a light. You had seen his smile when he pet Sumo, his anger when Gavin harassed him, frustration when the mission wasn’t progressing. There was more than a soulless machine behind those brown eyes and that perfect uniform. You stepped closer again, broken glass cracking loudly under your boots, so close that the nozzle of the gun pressed against your chest. Right over your heart. You could feel the cold metal through the thin material of your blouse. If Connor fired now there was no chance of survival. You weren’t sure you would want to survive if he did shoot, and that scared you to the core. Connor took a sharp breath in, and you felt the hesitant tremble in his hand as it shook through the gun. He met your gaze and you saw a flicker of vulnerability; he wasn’t ready to face this, to acknowledge his burgeoning humanity. He was scared. “Connor,” You whispered, reaching out to brush your fingertips across the back of his hand as he gripped the gun. The coldness of his synthetic skin under your touch served as a stark reminder of his machine status. Connor grimaced, but didn’t move. From this angle, the shadows fell hauntingly and a foreign monster dared you to run away with its downwards blank glare. His reply was ice as his mask of indifference tried to reclaim those handsome features that Cyberlife designed for his integration, “You should stop saying my name like that.”
But you had seen him now and you knew you could reach him. You couldn’t let him disappear into that facade for the hundredth time. You smiled gently, the cuts on your face stinging horribly.
Connor’s eyes widened and eyebrows rose when the last of the fear left your face as a calm fell over you, all while you looked up at him with softness only he received.
“Connor, please?” Your final plea jolted through Connor. His LED flashed a violent red and he swore, hissing angrily as he knocked your hand aside and tore the gun away to shoved it into his holster. Your heart soared. Connor was more than a killer machine, more than the tool he insisted he was. He could have killed you but he- He- He was kissing you. Roughly. Too roughly.
It was nothing like you had imagined it would be, and you certainly had imagined it; the moment Connor would finally break and kiss you. But there were no soft declarations, no warm sunny evening or quiet rainy morning, no mission victory.
There was only conflict and conquering - the reality of an entity like Connor. Your magical fairytale ending melted away with each harsh move of his lips.
He grabbed your left wrist in a painful grip and bent it behind your back with a deadly strength, the synthetic fingernails of his other hand scraping desperately over your scalp as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and gathered you to him with a cold fury. His body was hard against your softness; you were at constant opposition and perhaps, you thought, that was why you just couldn’t get enough.
Each spike and tingle of pain he pushed onto you was a claim, a reminder of his inhuman power. Like a warning, a red flag you definitely should have heeded months and months ago. Connor moved against you as if he was trying to devour your soul, cool lips hungry and insistent as he took and took and took until the rest of the world crumbled, all its fire turned to smoke under the avalanche that was RK800. “You’ve done it now,” He growled against your bruising lips with a heated breath, “You wanted this - me, to care. You’ll never be rid of me, Y/N. You’re all through my code and I won’t stop until I’m running through your viens, until every piece of you is mine.” Overwhelmed as he took your breath away with a scorching kiss that would rival the surface of the sun, you managed to wave to North with the hand pinned behind your back as Connor let himself get lost in you. The deviant took the cue, hauling herself up to stumble far away. Guilt would eat at her. She had seen men behave like that before, too many times and each she desperately wished she could forget.
Connor was going to destroy you.
AN: I have been thinking about posting some of my DBH writing for ages and I finally did! If you enjoyed this then please let know because I am terrified to post it. If anyone wants more or wants to make requests etc please do! I have a lot of other short pieces written and I’m working on some longer more narrative DBH wips, so they’re there if anyone wants them <3 Thank you so much for reading 
(also sorry if this is lowkey dark, I promise I can write fluff too)
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multi-lia · 6 years
Can i get a request where the reader is close with Markus and connor gets jealous and cant process his emotions right and he goes to hank and he’s like hahahaha connor what the fuck and connor gets angry and goes to the reader while he’s still trying to process what the hell is going on
Yay my first request!!!!
This will be gender neutral
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~You were one of the few humans who actually wanted to help the andriods
~You had connections to Jericho and frequently assisted andriods to getting across the border to Canada
~Your bizarre activity caught the attention of a few people, including the Detroit police
~They didn’t have enough sufficient evidence to charge you with anything, but they made sure to keep a close eye on you.
~When Hank heard that Connor and him were now also going to be put on staking out your residence every other day, he was less ecstatic to be put on “daycare duty” as he called it.
~But the first time Connor saw you, he couldn’t understand what he was feeling.
~Why was he feeling in the first place?
~When they got the initiative to start physically checking up on you weekly, Connor felt... excited
~Connor thought you looked... good... no beautiful!
~He really liked your voice, it was oddly calming, but held this captivating charm to it.
~and your bright smile didn’t help disregard how he was beginning to feel
~Nevertheless he tried not to think about it to heavily and never thought to talk about it with Hank
~It was when Connor discovered Jericho and decided to become deviant when he found his feelings for you were true
~You were surprised to see Connor there and didn’t fully trust him, but still offered your support
~Connor felt good to be in your company more, what he didn’t like was Markus taking up your time
~Markus was a great guy and it made sense that’d he’d stay in constant contact with you when you’re helping andriods cross the border, but....
~Was the touching... necessary? The holding hands, arm around the shoulder, forehead kisses, hugs that lasted for 15 seconds every time you saw each (Connor counted every time)
~Was all that necessary for a working relationship?
~It became obvious to Connor that you and Markus were close, very close and he didn’t quite know how to feel about it
~He asked if you guys had romantic ties to one another to which both you and Markus said no
~So, why was Markus so goddamn close to you all the time?
~He could make you do things, Connor couldn’t, like laugh, smile, share about yourself, etc
~Connor couldn’t understand what the hell was going on, so he went to Hank
~“So, you know y/n, well they’re hanging around this guy and the guy isn’t suspicious or anything like that, but they’re like really close. They do things couples do... or at least I think couples do. I feel disturbed by it, I mean why are they so close to this guy instead of—”
~“Who? You?” Hank interrupts and immediately begins dying with laughter, “You’re joking right?”
~Connor is immediately put on defense and regrets even bringing it up to Hanks alcoholic ass
~“If all you’re gonna do is laugh at me then—.”
~“I can’t believe it an Android..in love?” Another burst of laughter from Hank, as he wipes the tears from his eyes and takes another sip of his whiskey. He sighs and puts his hand on Connor’s shoulder, “what you’re feeling is jealousy, you must be in love with y/n and fuck I don’t blame you, they’re a sweet one.”
~It was like the whole world went numb for Connor. Him?? In love?? With like a...human?? It was impossible right? Connor knew he was a deviant now, but we’re this emotions still possible?
~As soon as he’d met with Hank to talk, he left to talk to you.
~He went to your house to find Markus there... well that shouldn’t have been a surprise
~He asked for Markus to go into another room for both of you guys to talk privately
~You were confused as to why he wanted to talk? You weren’t necessarily very close to Connor as you were with Markus, but held no ill regards towards him.
~You couldn’t deny that Connor was attractive, he was very handsome and seemed to hold good intentions, but you knew he still wasn’t fully used to what he was feeling
~Connor couldn’t hold himself, he just immediately blurted out what he was feeling
~“So, IjustnoticedthatyouwerereallyclosetoMarkusandIfeltweirdsoiaskedsomeoneandtheysaidthatiloveyouanddoyouthinkthesame????”
~“Uh, what?”
~“I found that I’m jealous of your close relationship with Markus and I asked...a friend for advice and they said I’m in love with you...”
~You immediately crack a smile and try to stifle a giggle. You bring him in for a hug.
~“I think you’re really cute...” you kiss him on the cheek and tell him that you guys can work things out with each other.
~Connor is relieved to feel that you are willing to give him a chance and appreciates you’re attention now being on him, but...
~“So, you and Markus never...—?”
A/N: I hope this was okay, this is my first headcanon and hope you all like it!! 💕💕 please request more.
Requests are open ✨🌈
~Lia’s Work
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w0lfx · 6 years
Hold on
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Everything will be alright~
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heyheyloki · 3 years
All Because Of You
Summary: The reader goes to find Castiel before the angels get to him.
Castiel x M!Reader
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Castiel being human, losing his grace, was perhaps one of the most interesting yet hardest thing you had faced yet. Forget God. Forget Lucifer. Castiel human topped all of those for a simple reason. Now, it was incredibly hard to keep down your own human feelings that had stirred up for him a long time ago, and plus, yanno, all the Angels and Demons on the hunt for this one Angel who rebelled against Heaven and all that.
It's been a few days since you left the bunker to go look for Castiel. Sure, Dean and Sam weren't happy, but you knew you couldn't wait any longer for them. It's been weeks since Castiel went on the run and sitting around doing nothing but worrying about him was not good for your mind. You needed to see him, protect him, and make sure he was safe and by your side.
It took a three days to get to Detroit, the last place anyone saw Castiel or 'Clarence', as he called himself. You got the led from a group of homeless individuals that talked to Cas before he picked up a ride in on a truck that was heading to Detroit. This was probably the hardest part of the search. Lucky for you, growing up with the Winchester boys helped when it came to this kind of situation. Still, with all your skills, it was Detriot. A large city with many people, but the people may be your advantage.
"Excuse me," you hummed out to a man who was currently making burgers on the side of the road. The only thing that led you talking to him was Castiel's vessals love for red meat. Now that he was human, Jimmy was probably talking to him a lot more now. "Have you seen a dark haired, blue hair man around here? He would have probably acted a bit out of it?"
"Uh," the man thought for a moment. "Nah, sorry, no one really comes to mind."
"It's alright, thank you." You sighed, parting from the man and getting back on the move.
You took the rest of the day nonstop looking for Castiel with no leads whatsoever. Person after person either said they didn't remember someone like that, or saw so many people that day that it was impossible to even try to remember one man. This race against the clock was getting harder and harder, and frankly, it was getting irritating. All you wished for was Castiel to be safe. He could be hungry, or homeless--but safe was all you wanted cause in the end you knew you could fix both of this issues--all of his issues-- if you just found him.
As you were deep within your mind to try and make up a new way to find the fallen angel, the rain that touched your skin shoved you back into reality. Your eyes gazed as the raindrops that wet your skin before looking up at the dark clouds that surrounded you. A deep sigh filled with worry released from your lips before taking a few steps forwards. Perhaps those few steps were all you needed. Well, that and the rain. When you took those steps you heard a noise, one that would capture almost anyone’s attention. You paused, stood still before turning your head down an ally that seemed to be behind a restaurant.
Down the dark and rainy ally was a man who wrapped himself with this black hoodie he wore. His hair was soaked, not to mention his clothes, but that freezing cold look in his eyes broke your heart beyond anything you've felt before. The darkness obscured the man's face until you took a few steps down the ally. At first you were going to offer the man some food and direct him to a nearby shelter, but the minute he quickly shot his head up to see who was approaching him, everything changed. No matter how much time apart you have from him, you can never forget his face but you noticed that the first thing to go about a person was their voice. You thought that was the saddest thing to ever exist but when you heard it call out to you of all people, remembering his voice again was like seeing him for the first time all over again.
"[Name]?" Castiel croaked out.
You didn't speak but instead nodded to confirm it was you, and not a part of his imagination.
With the weather, you didn't waste any time to get both Castiel and you some shelter. A few minutes of pretending to be someone else and using another's money got you a relatively small but sufficient apartment for the time being.
When Castiel entered the apartment was dark given the time of day, but you quickly turned on the lights after you shut and locked the front door.
"Wow, it’s beautiful." Castiel commented as he looked around.
"It's an apartment that cost a 2,000 dollar deposit, it better be beautiful." You replied as you began to lock and shut all the entrances which included the windows as well.
Castiel kept his eyes on you as you did so, but when he noticed you were finished with your task he asked, "How did you find me?"
You turned to him and placed your hands into your pockets. "Oh, yanno, all my hunter skills went into work and here I am."
"Why aren't Sam and Dean with you?" He asked curiously.
You sighed at the question before taking a seat on the sofa that was provided with the apartment. "I didn't want to wait around. They thought it was dangerous, and it probably was but I don't know, I just couldn't stand being in that bunker wondering if you’re alive or dead."
Castiel's head went down for a moment, his own human mind now spinning with thoughts he wondered if he would ever have if he was still an angel.
"I apologize for worrying you." He suddenly said in more quiet tone. "That was never my intention."
"I know." You smiled before patting down the space next to you. "Come sit and lemme see what you got there."
Castiel's head went on a tilt before he remembered the wound he had on his left upper arm he got from fighting one of the many angels that were out on the hunt for him. The former angel complied with the request, mostly because of his trust and fondness of you.
When he sat down, you turned towards him and began to unbutton his white shirt after he took off the soaked hoodie. Castiel watched your attentively as you did so. The way your hands played with his shirt and the focus that was seeped deep into your eyes as you did so. Once his shirt was open, you gazed back up and into his eyes. He watched a faint smile, a comforting one, stretched across your lips before slipping the shirt off his shoulders and exposing his entire upper body.
Your eyes shot to the bloody rage he used around his arm, mostly just to stop the bleeding. Worry of an infection took place in your mind, but luckily that didn't seem to be the case.
"Look at you," you whispered. The words catching Castiel's attention quicker than ever before. "You're lucky this isn't infected."
"I suppose so." He replied under his breath as he continued to watch you, never once looking away.
You hovered your finger over the wound that was slanted across his bicep. The fact that it hadn't healed wedging itself into your mind making you say, "You really are human."
"Yes." Castiel said. "The whole experience has been very tiring."
You laughed at that, the chuckle that came from your chest making the former angel experience something that he hasn't before. Sure, he got chills from the cold or rain, but never from a simple laugh.
Next, you began to examine the wound. Overall, it seemed to be healing fine but you really wanted to clean up the dried blood that pooled around the actual cut. So, you grabbed a cotton pad and dabbed some rubbing alcohol on the surface.
"This may sting a bit," you warned Cas before gently patting it against the wound. You watched his face scrunch up a bit as he got used to the stinging sensation. Though, in the end it seemed like he took the pain rather well.
You smiled as you placed the pad on the table next you, your hands picking up some proper bandages before commenting, "You took that better than Dean. You getting used to being human?"
"Ah, it's all new to me. Hunger. Cold." He explained, his eyes meeting yours as he said, "This feeling of being alone."
You stared at Cas for a moment. Yes, he was still the same, and yet so much about him was different. He was learning how to understand human emotions, and after all this time it just took being human to truly get it. To you, it explained how truly complex human emotions were. Something about this Cas pained you in more than words could explain, and for some reason the desire to comfort him was absolutely overwhelming.
"You aren’t alone anymore." You said. Your mind focusing on one action, and one alone. You knew it would disappear until you acted on it, so, you carefully leaned in and gave the man a gentle kiss upon his cheek. The stubble he grew while away tickling your skin. When you backed up, you gave a kind smile and said, "I won't let you be alone, I promise."
Castiel remained silent, yet his eyes remained connected with yours until something clicked in his mind and they darted right down to your soft, vulnerable lips. He would be lying if he said he never studied them before, but right now the urge he wanted to act on for so long was stronger than ever. When he noticed you doing the same, something snapped. Castiel didn't waste any time to lean in and connect his lips with yours. At first, something told him not to rush or else you'd get scared away. So, he waited for you to make the next move and when he felt your lips sensually move against his, his next move was to do the same. At first, he really had no idea how to go about kissing and all he wanted to do was to impress you in the best way he could. So, he mimicked you, but if you had your eyes open and noticed his furrowed brows, you would instinctively tell he had absolutely no idea what was going on. All he knew was that with you, it felt better than he could have ever imagined.
Exploring your body was perhaps one of the best things he had gotten to experience as a human. Everything was so overwhelming in a way that he never would have dreamed. Though, perhaps the best thing about the entire thing was that it was with you. The way your squirmed underneath him, the sounds you made when he pleasured you, not to mention the way you made him feel was something he wouldn't trade up for the world to the point where he felt almost saddened when his body tired out on you.
Both of you laid on your backs, the sheets covering up to your abdomens, with this dazed looks in your eyes. Still, with that look something in your human mind wanted him to say something. Say anything.
You turned your head to him, his gaze still aimed up. "Well? Say something."
Castiel took in a deep breath, his eyes darting around as you noticed him try to think of something until he said, "There aren't words."
You stared at him before turning on your side, your body still facing him. "So, it was okay?"
This was the time Castiel turned to make eye contact with you. His injured arm raised, the palm of his hand against the back of his head. He stared at you for a moment before saying with a small smile, "Very much so."
You smiled a bit to yourself until you noticed his face go from happy to concerned, which prompted you to get a bit more serious for him. After all, you didn't want to make him feel embarrassed.
"Um.." he mumbled out. His eyes darting down and up again in a nervous fashion as he asked, "What I did, that was, uh.. correct?"
You couldn't help a large smile to snake itself across your lips as you nodded with a soft, "Very much so."
"Good," he said with a look that mirrored yours. And the smile he shined was almost designed to make you even more infatuated with him. And that laugh after--God that laugh--hearing it was everything to you.
You stared at him for a moment before calling his name. His head turning to you as your prompted yourself up and into his chest. He couldn't exactly make eye contact with you, but just having you right next to him, especially in this state, was more than he could ask for.
"Before, my promise? I'd like to add on to it." You suddenly said. The words confusing Castiel greatly, after all, the promise you made to him before was like music to his ears. What more could you say that could make him even more of a fool for a human like you?
"You don't have to." Cas said.
"But I want to." You cut him off and took a deep breath. You turned your head a bit, snuggling into him more and giving him a soft, loving kiss on his chest before saying, "I promise to protect you. To the end of the line because you mean more than family to me."
Castiel didn't waste anytime to take his arm around you, holding you closer if that was even possible. The words you spoke probably meant more to him than anything he's heard in his life. After all, with you, it was like you changed him from the inside out in ways that he never even imagined when he first met you.
"I promise as well, [Name]."
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fade-into-dawn · 2 years
listen.... imagining being friends with a detriot android and coming out to them and your name changes in their code like "talk to [deadname]" and then the system updates and says "talk to [chosen name]" 🥺
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cyberlifebf · 5 years
Us, Interrupted (Connor x reader) Pt. 1
Note: Instead of writing a 4k oneshot, I decided to make this into a small series of oneshots. So each scenario has its own segment.
This is the oneshot I mentioned where the reader can’t get any alone time with Connor. No matter what, something always interrupts you two.
Warning: This isn’t smutville (yet), but it’s definitely trailing down that path. Some oneshots will be more explicit than others. If smut offends you, then kindly find another fic to read.
Rating: M (for multiple reasons).
Tags: Romance, some humor, implied praise kink (can you guess who this is referring too?)
Note: Feedback is welcomed. If you have any suggestions or scenarios you wanna read, message me!
(Female reader/She/her pronouns) (gif creator unknown, if you know the creator let me know so I can credit!)
Words: 2051
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Description: Connor shows up unexpectedly at your dinner date, claiming he needs your help finding Hank for an urgent case. Things only go downhill from there after he mentions finding a conversation on your cellphone. All about him.
"You mentioned you work for the police department?"
The disbelief in his tone made you smirk against the wine glass. After a long drink, you set the glass down.
"I'm working my way up to becoming a detective," you explain; watching his lips drop in an impressed frown, then he smiles.
"What's it like?" the fair haired man asks, resting his stubbled chin along the palm of his hand as he rests his elbow along the tabletop. "After all that android crap,"
"I'd rather not get into the gory details over dinner," you tease.
"Alright," he returns to his half eaten steak, grabbing for the dirtied knife—eyeing you over the candle center of the tabletop. "What do you like to do for fun?"
Just as you move to speak, you're interrupted by what you assume to be your waiter. But the surprised expression across the table confuses you.
Your toes tense up against the material of your high heels at the sight of Connor. Standing at the table.
"(Y/n)," Connor addresses you, your eyes trail from Connor's to the still confused ones across the table. "Can I speak to you for just a moment?” he sounded somewhat distressed. Urgent even.
There was a pause, the chatter of distant voices, soft jazz and clattering kitchen utensils fill your senses until you reply, glaring up at the android. You smile in warning.
"Can it wait?" you ask through your teeth.
"It cannot," Connor didn't seem to catch onto your death staring, he was focused on the half bottle of wine and stranger sitting across from you—they share an awkward one sided smile before glancing to you once again.
"Will you excuse me?" you hastily stand. "I'll be just one minute,"
Your date only shrugged, relaxing back in the chair, giving Connor another friendly smile which faded into a confused squint as Connor ignored the gesture.
You guide Connor behind the large indoor fountain, hoping the running water and elevated jazz would drown out your next sentence.
"How did you find me?" you hiss. Connor's brows lower at your frantic tone.
"Your apartment was unlocked," Connor explains. Before you could scold him for the admitted forced entry, he continues.
"And..you forgot this," Connor's chest rises as he slides your cellphone from the front pocket of his coat—"that's how I was able to locate you,"
"You went through my phone!" you snatch it from his delicate grasp, heart pounding. A waiter passes by and you lower your tone, he gives you two a perplexed glance before going about his business and disappearing behind a small indoor garden of fake roses.
"I didn't mean to upset you." Connor sighs, his lips move to the side as he continues. "I need help finding Hank, he's turned off his cellphone," he pauses when you let out a snarky scoff. "And no one seems to know where he is,"
"You've checked all the bars?" you ask. Deciding not to chew him a new one this time, crossing your arms and drumming your fingers along your forearm, you wait for a reply.
Connor meets your gaze. “I need your help," he pleads. "There's an urgent case,"
"Call Fowler or something," you turn your back on the android—"I'm on a date, Connor,"
"Fowler won't be too happy if you don't assist Hank and I," Connor teases, you were on Fowler's good list; which wasn't believed possible, as told by Hank.
"May I remind you that you're on call?" Connor coyly adds.
"I can't believe you lost a grown ass man," you sit in the passenger seat of a taxi designated to all bars in the vicinity. "Remind me why I had to cancel on my date? Again?"
Connor took his eyes off the road. "You’re still a trainee, you need the experience.” Connor says. “And you’re always on call, in the case of an emergency.”
You cross your arms and legs, keeping the skirt of your dress level with your knees. It grew quiet, aside from the quiet lull of the radio—night was just taking full course of Detroit as you glance out the window; it was a rainy day, resulting in a gloomy evening.
"While I was looking for clues on your whereabouts," Connor began, eyes trained on the empty road. "I saw a conversation, that you had." Connor looks at you. The wavering streetlights shone through the window and over the glass of his halved eyes.
"It was about me," he says, matter-of-factly.
You remember the brief text conversation between a friend not too long ago, involving none other than Connor. Your lips purse at the topic.
"You told a friend about what happened between us,"
"I did." you admit. "I'm sorry but.." you break the shared gaze as the van passes a strip of gas stations—"what does this have to do with the case?"
"We aren't at the scene yet," Connor says, watching as your eyes drift back his way.
"Okay, smartass," you smirk, seeing his mouth twitch at the obscure compliment; his eyes fixate on the way your lips move. "What about it?"
The hues of blue hit you from the bar's sign that seeped through the deep glass behind him; making his hands tense in his lap. The taxi comes to a halt.
"I wanna do it again," he says simply. Your jaw dares to drop, but you tense it. Letting him go on. "You said I made you feel good, right?"
"I also said it shouldn't happen again," you snap. Heart in your throat. Connor could see passed the initial embarrassment. Your heart rate soars as he deliberately smiles at you.
"Your temperature has risen just at the thought," Connor teases, he was right. Your entire body was warm and quite shaken.
"Connor you know I don't like it when you get in my head like that," your body began outweighing your better judgement; remembering the heated and encounter back at the office party.
Things between you and Connor had been tense since then. Awkward would be a staggering understatement.
"We're coworkers," you force out the rejection. "And this isn't professional,"
With that you open the car door, Connor follows behind as you make your way to the entrance of the rickety old bar.
Before you could touch the handle, Hank comes tumbling out. Apparently he was apart of a brawl; the timing was almost comedic.
After a frantic and brief explaining, the bar worker left the drunk detective in your hands.
“A murder-suicide you say?”
Hank questions, Connor drove as Hank sat in the passenger; holding onto a trash bag—“Christ can’t I get a goddamn weekend?”
“C’mon Lieutenant,” you sit in the back, behind Hank. “It’s your job,”
“Don’t remind me,”
The investigation was short lived. Not much came out of it expect some suspects; leaving it on going.
It’d been a couple days since, and you found it increasingly difficult; scanning through all the new cases on top of this one. It was grueling.
Your mind began to trace back to a few weeks ago. The office had a party, for all the success and expansion of the station. Granting a lower level place for more computers and investigating.
You could remember Connor offering you a drink of water, since he was against your growing interest in drinking.
The rest of the memory prickled your skin, your eyes went out of focus from the bright blue light before you; your trip down the often visited memory came to a halt when you heard the patter of footsteps.
The scent alone woke your system. You turn in your seat. The room was dark, but you could see the hint of a smile.
“Thanks Connor,” you say. Looking up at his now unreadable expression on his face—“what is it?”
“Your heartbeat,” Connor observes you as he hands over the white mug. “It’s rising quickly,”
“Thanks for the coffee.” you mumble, twirling back in your seat. He was still standing there, you could hear him adjusting his tie, waiting for something.
“Is there something I can help you with?” you exaggerate your words, glancing at your still computer screen.
“Only observing,”
“Can you observe elsewhere?” you turn to look over your shoulder. “You’re making me nervous,”
“Is that so?” Connor sounded surprised, but you knew he knew better.
Without word you stand. So abruptly that Connor steps back. “What do I have to do to get you off my ass?”
Connor straightened his posture as you closed your distance; glaring up at him—his eyes were slightly wide; you could see his lips twitch at your proximity. His eyes drifted from yours to your tight lined mouth.
“Is that why you’ve been acting so weird?” you interrogate, seeing how his eyes squint every so slightly—“fine, is this’ll get me alone.”
Grabbing the back of his neck, you kiss him. The feeling relieved something within you.
You sigh against the kiss. Connor’s mouth was still. Gradually he accepts and returns the gesture; and before his hands could reach for your waist, you pull away.
“There,” you mutter, seeing the dazed look in his eyes.
A breath catches in your throat when Connor grabs either side of your face and kisses you. Stumbling you back against the smooth and cool walling of your office.
He kissed you with fervor—like he’d anticipated this to happen again.
His lips were slightly aimless along yours. He wasn’t a natural; which was to be expected; he was initially programmed for law enforcement, not kissing. Or anything that came after that.
After a few kisses to your lips, Connor pulls away; blinking at you. “That was..” he whispers, smoothing back his hair and then adjusting his tie. “Inappropriate, I apologize. (Y/n),”
“If we get caught,” you yank him by the tie. “It’s your fault,”
Your mouth’s collide in an enraged fit.
Connor’s eyes were half closed; halfway shocked at your sudden eagerness, but he accepted. Reveling in your closeness, the warm scent of your perfume and the still lingering taste of spearmint on your tongue.
His heart raced at an undeniably fast pace, pressing up against your chest, you had his tie wrapped around your fist, caging him in. His nose brushes against yours as he finds the near perfect angle; the warmth of his tongue against your lips forced a wide smile on your behalf.
Connor moves from your lips, dizzying you with warm kisses along your neck; you tug on his tie, a form of praise that kept him going.
You arch up against him, as he pops the buttons along the front of your uniform; exposing the bored looking bra underneath—you wished you’d picked something more provocative.
“Don’t stop,” you demand breathlessly, Connor looks down at you with a half-lidded gaze.
You release the tie, your hands excitedly toy with the buttons of his white dress shirt; you undo enough to expose his smooth chest—before he interrupts you. Lifting your chin up with his index finger. He kisses you briefly before you sit him in the swivel chair, forcing it against your desk. Locking it there.
Connor held his composure as you straddle him, his mouth finding your neck again, kissing from your chin to your collarbones; his hands ride up your thighs, slowly lifting your pencil skirt till it was pooled around your waist.
“You can hardly wait, can you?” you tease, holding the back of his head as he kissed along the tops of your breasts. He pulls away; smirking up at you as he takes his right hand, sliding it under your skirt.
He watches your face loosen in a moan as he runs his middle and ring finger along the seam of your panties. You grind up against his hand; your heart racing against your ribcage. You take his face in your hands and brush your lips along his before giving him what he wanted.
“What’s going on down there?”
The sudden voice at the top of the stairs startled the two of you as you stumble about, fixing your clothes; and shushing to Connor—“just a late night!” you yell up, you could hear Gavin’s grumble in reply.
“Well Hank is passed out at his desk, and I’m not scooping his ass up this time!”
Feedback is appreciated! 💙
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bluekat12345 · 3 years
How did the Autobots meet their Pokemon? We're some of them starters before being taken in by the bots?
Sorry if this is confusing. When I got this ask, I started them in the world of Pokémon and each of them having their own journeys. Personally, I imagined them as humans, but anyone who reads this can decide if they’re humans or Cybertronians in that world.
Optimus: Squirtle would be his starter and he get his starter along with Sentinel and Elita. In his Academy days, He’d catch an Eevee, Axew, and Growlithe, which would eventually evolve. After the ‘incident’ and getting kicked out of the academy, he would temporarily retire from Pokémon training. But after meeting the others and coming to Detroit, he would regain the desire to battle and catch a Gligar and Rookidee, which would also evolve later on.
Bumblebee: His first pokemon would be a Weedle, and I imagine him saving it from a wild bird pokemon. He would get teased but he wouldn’t care, he would train that Weedle and evolve it with pride. During his Bootcamp days, he would get a male Combee and a Tyrogue, which would be able to evolve. After arriving to Detroit with the repair crew, and he would get and evolve an Eevee, a Blitzle, and a Yamper.
Prowl: During his delinquent days, he met and befriended a wild Froakie, which he would later catch. He also would’ve caught an Eevee and a Pawniard. After joining Yoketron’s Dojo, his Pokémon would evolve and he would obtain an Riolu, which would also evolve. Then joining the team and coming to Detroit and would’ve caught and evolved a Starly and a Deerling.
Ratchet: His starter would be a Magnemite. He would’ve obtained an Eevee, Happiny, and Oranguru as he was training to be a medic. And during the War, he’d get an Electrike and a Bronzor. All of his pokemon would be fully evolved by the time he joined the repair crew.
Bulkhead: He would start with a Hippopotas. During Bootcamp, he would an Eevee, but would hesitate to evolve it, wanting it to decide for itself what to evolve to. After joining the repair crew, he’d obtain and evolve a Drilbur, a Golett, and a Shieldon. After coming to Detriot, his Eevee would finally evolve and he would get a Smeargle when he gets interested in art.
Now I kinda want to do a TFA/Pokemon AU. I’m getting a lot of AUs. If I do go through with this, I might change how they obtained some of their Pokémon, just so you know.
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