louisblue02 · 2 months
I feel like as a community we disregard the fact that Toki canonically offered to suck Skwisgaar’s dick to avoid getting kicked out of the band and he was just mildly annoyed by it??? like??? with Knubbler in the room too????
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sampersandman · 5 months
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[MetalInsider] a couple of the times recently Brendon has talked about the themes of Masculinity. I may add on to this as I recall stuff, because there is actually depth to the stupid dick jokes throughout the show and the movie, it’s just happens that he’s explicitly acknowledged that more recently
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where he’s basically talking about the scene where Nathan reconciles with the band and apologizes to Abigail, he’s literally reconnecting with them and consummating the relationship. But this theme is present in A LOT of the show, like I can’t stress enough how many times a dick joke doubles as some metaphor for their characterization. For instance, “Black Fire Upon Us” (the episode) has the alternate title “Dethrelease” because it followed Dethrecord, where they’ve finished it and now they’re trying to release the thing, But it’s also called Dethrelease because half of the episode is spent on the band (minus toki) trying to suck their own dicks. They’re interrupted by Toki being hurt and they talk to each other about how they’re not supposed to care about each other, go back to trying to suck themselves off (unsuccessfully) and throwing a release party (celebration of themselves) which gets cut short because mordhaus is attacked by the people who want revenge on Dethklok for how they’ve been hurt by the band’s selfishness. At that point they’re finally forced to be selfless but it’s too little too late and their manager is dead, and they can’t get their release. Going Downklok follows the same logic, with “going down” taking on 3 meanings. That scene in the movie becomes the final answer to it.
idk it’s just sad that there’s like 0 people around who actually want to talk about it because I’m pretty fascinated by the whole thing but I feel weird talking about this lol
especially for how long he’s been addressing it,
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October 2009 November 2009
Like he reflected on it in that month’s time and came back with that answer haha, but it stuck. back to another recent interview;
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I’ve considered it a lot and I think that with the movie there’s an overarching theme for all the characters where they have to confront their relationship with masculinity and what they consider femininity, in addition to what they literally call “gay” throughout the series (emotional investment and sincerity). In the show, their relationship with women and femininity is represented by their respective mothers. And in the movie, in order to finally mature, they have to embrace their “feminine sides” so to speak. Which is more or less the point of this line:
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toomanythoughts2 · 22 days
Every time I think I'm making Skwisgaar too obsessed with Toki, I remember "Performanceklok" and "Dethfam" and "Religionklok" and "Dethclown" and "Dethrace" and "Dethlessons" and "Dethkids" and "Dethrecord" and "Dethzazz" and "Diversityklok" and "Prankklok" and "Bookklok" and "Dethcamp" and "Doomstar Requirm" and "Army of the Doomstar".
And then I'm like...I'm not making him obsessed ENOUGH!
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notenuffbees · 11 months
I have many responsibilities in my personal and professional life, so naturally I used my valuable time to create this rating of every single one of Dick Knubbler's outfits. I know next to nothing about fashion, so naturally I'm the most qualified person to make this list. Bold fashion choices and wrong opinions under the cut. Let me know what you think!
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"Pre-Accident" Outfit. Appears in Dethwater. What an iconic look to start the series with. Songgu Kwon's concept art that's available online has Knubbler in a traditional suit, so I wonder when they made the switch to this style jacket. It's a shame he never wore this exact outfit ever again. Maybe it doesn't go with his robotic eyes? Do you think Dick had to get a whole new wardrobe after his eyes exploded since he stopped being blue eyed? And what do you think happened to his collection of different shaded glasses? 9/10
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"Award Show " Outfit. Appears in Dethwater. It's a suit. Boring. And it's just the same color scheme as the first outfit? Extra points for the bowtie and the pocket square. I just realized while making this list that he's not wearing shades in this outfit. 6/10
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"Prison" Outfit. Appears in Dethwater If there was any justice in the Metalocalypse universe, Knubbler would have spent the rest of the series in this outfit in a jail cell. Not much else to say about this one. I like the red-rimmed glasses. 3/10
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"Disco" Outfit. Appears in Dethwater.
Hideous. The bell bottoms, the clashing colors, the star patterns, whatever the hell kind of dance moves he's trying to pull off. Absolutely iconic. I would rank this outfit higher if it didn't physically hurt my eyes to look at it. 6/10
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"Magazine" Outfit. Appears in Dethwater.
It's the same as the "Pre-Accident" Outfit, just with a green turtleneck. For some reason I don't like this outfit nearly as much. Maybe because the green matches the eyes? But aren't you supposed to match colors in fashion? I don't know. Again, I'm probably the last person in the world that should be judging clothes.
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"Court" Outfit. Appears in Dethkomedy. Interesting color choices. This is why Knubbler's outfits are so great. You've got a basic suit-and-tie that becomes a fashion win/disaster with the lilac coat, black shirt, and pink striped tie. The stripes on the tie make it a little too busy for me though. 7/10
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"The Knubbler" Outfit. Appears in Dethkids, Dethrecord, Dethrelease/Black Fire Upon Us, Dethhealth, Doublebookedklok. Step away from your phone/computer for a second. Close your eyes. Take a few breaths. Then picture Dick Knubbler. What outfit is he wearing? I bet you pictured him in this. If you didn't, well then it's what Murderface pictured him wearing in his gay crisis fantasy. So yeah. There's a reason this outfit is the one they put him in over three seasons. Knubbler wore this style jacket before and since these episodes, but the plum really makes this version of the outfit shine. Absolutely perfect. No notes. 10/10
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"Recording on Water" Outfit. Appears in Dethvengeance, the cancelled Metalocalypse video game. Again, I love how Knubbler spices up a classic suit and tie with wild color choices. My personal preference for warm colors has me wishing the colors were a bit bolder than forest green and purple. But I gotta give love to any outfit with a pocket square. 7/10
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"White Dethmas" Outfit. Appears in Dethmas, Fertilityklok, and in issue 3 of the Dethklok comic book. This one's great. It takes a brave man to wear an all white outfit, and he pulls it off. My only issue is that it's kind of weird that he also wore it to Toki's birthday party which, according to the calendar in Fertilityklok, is late summer or early autumn. I assume they made this Dethmas outfit all white to go with the snow/winter/Christmas theme, but apparently Dick will just wear it whenever. 8/10
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"Christmas Special Host" Outfit. Appears in Dethmas. Perfectly average. Just a tuxedo. The red bowtie/pocket square with the green vest is a nice Christmas-y touch. Loses points for being so boring otherwise. 6/10
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"Nativity" Outfit. Appears in Dethmas. I don't know if I've ever been able to watch this clip all the way through without having to pause due to the secondhand embarrassment. Sometimes I think about how there exists a 30 second clip of this man screaming in agony as the blood vessels in his face swell and his eyeballs eventually explode, but this is the clip that makes me cringe myself inside out. I can barely look at this outfit long enough to rank it. The necklace is pretty cool though, even if I can't tell what the charm is supposed to be. It kind of looks like Facebones? Or the old DeviantArt mascot? I don't know. Let's just get the hell away from this picture. 2/10
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"Dealing with a Murderface Tantrum" Outfit. Appears in Dethsiduals The first of two suit-without-a-tie outfits. The purple and black go well together, and the pocket square makes another excellent appearance, although it pairs with the dress shirt this time rather than the ascot. Heh. Ascot. That's a funny word. 7/10
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"Season 4" Outfit. Appears in Writersklok, Goingdownklok, Breakupklok. I'm disappointed that he had so few outfits in season 4. That sours my opinion on this suit a little. But I love that there are three completely different colors with this outfit. Someone teach me how color coordination is done so I can understand why this outfit works.
And we've got another pocket square paired with the ascot! So I get to think about the word "ascot" again! 8/10
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"Flawless Disguise" Outfit. Appears in Writersklok. I love the running joke of a tracksuit and a baseball cap being the ultimate disguise in the Metalocalypse universe. Leave it to Knubbler to turn a tracksuit outfit into a capital L Look. I like that his baseball cap has a blue star on it like the pink shirt from the "Disco" Outfit, and that the suit itself is lavender like the "Court" Outfit. 8/10
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"Clergy" Outfit. Appears in Army of the Doomstar Another boring outfit compared to what he wears for most of the series. I wonder why they picked green for the color. Because that was the color of his robot pupils for most of the series? Because it's the same color as the nuclear seahorse from Dethwater? Because it makes him look more like Yoda? I'll give bonus points to this outfit since he was probably free-balling under that thing. Or should I take away points for that? Honestly my least favorite part of these robes is that Dick didn't get to die in a zazzier outfit. Hopefully in the Metalocalypse universe, ghosts can pick what outfit they wear when they haunt the shit out of the band. 6/10 And that's that! Please tell me how wrong my ratings are and where you would rate them instead. I need fashion lessons!
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Metalocalypse #37: “Dethrecord” | September 1, 2008 - 12:00AM | S02E17
Fairly simple episode about Dethklok experiencing crunchtime. The deadline for their new album is approaching fast, and the world may unravel if they are not successful. So we see little vignettes of the band attempting to record, experiencing setbacks, etc.
Everyone has a little spotlight here and there, each member performing their parts and it usually going wrong to some degree. Pickles gets annoyed that the band demands perfection on his drum tracks while the rest of the band enjoy French toast. Skwisgaar has to be airborne to record is guitar parts because it’s the only way they can stop an annoying buzz coming through. Nathan Explosion does something.
I was pretty underwhelmed with this episode at first. It was pretty by-the-numbers, and nothing felt too heavy stakes-wise. The humor was just okay. The best subplot in the episode wound up being Toki and Murderface’s. They are shut out of the song-writing process, so they go off and record their own song about “takin’ it easy”. As they nervously play it for the rest of the band, hoping for them to okay it’s inclusion on the record, we get a weird music video that seems to express Toki and Murderface’s warped concept of “takin’ it easy”, which somehow includes a lot of apocalyptic imagery. The scene ends with the band bickering, and Toki threatening to throw a basket of warm towels onto Murderface. This was the funniest scene in the episode by far, and it made the whole thing worth it.
They are clearly ramping up to the next episode, which is another one of their thirty minuters that they are FREAKING OBSESSED with making. But this one feels less like a good standalone episode of the show as much as it’s just an advertisement for the season finale. 
would you have sex with virginia madsen if she flew out you and a buddy out to an all-inclusive resort
I have a question: is virginia madsen a woman with a vagina. and an the buddy be my dad
lol ur definitely not easy pussy bro, never been more sure of my life
MMmmmm maybe you wanna ask virginia mastatdon about that
ACAB includes CORBS
That's why it's good when they get blasted! SEE IT'S A GOOD SKETCH
where's your favorite place to unwind that is not your home?you don't have to get too specific if you need to protect your location/idenity.
Very obvious: the video store. Or library, or thrift store or any place that has books or movies to browse. Legit was having a meltdown while I was driving the other day because I got too pissed off by mistake, and I pulled over and went into a thrift store and bought a Denls Leary DVD for a dollar and it immediately relaxed me. Also: seeing old movies at the theater, it's nice! Thank you for the NICE question
CORBS is astounding! Maybe the best summer camp piece of media ever.
MEAN. You are being mean about me calling M*A*S*H a summer camp movie on my letterboxd. It was even remade as Meatballs years later.
I think the ground just shook, and everywhere you look, all you see is CORBS
The scene in Billion Dollar Movie where Erik is jacketting off in bed next to Tim but then it cuts to a wideshot and the bed's legs collapse, momentarily jostling them in a brief freefall to the floor
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i think my FAVORITE favorites would have to be dethrecord/dethrelease, rehabklok doublebookedklok and dethcamp. unbeatable
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I have some lore observations like the fact that the planets for each member is revealed in dethrecord which i didn't realise before but mainly my thoughts are like. actually I can't write that that's too embarrassing
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ask-toki-wartooth · 5 months
season 2 episode 1 dethrecord, 9 mins 32 secs in
//what did you mean by this op..
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robinsnest2111 · 3 years
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Him 🥰
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waitingforseason5 · 3 years
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louisblue02 · 2 months
something that has always confused me about DethRecord is when Murderface and Toki show the rest of Dethklok their song and Murderface says the name is “Takin’ it Easy” Pickles is the first to sort of… judge that he used an apostrophe instead of “ing”? As if he wasn’t in a band called “Snakes N’ Barrels?” Using an apostrophe instead of “and”? Pickles stop projecting you little diva smh
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the unreleased brutality
A collection of some non-Dethklok Metalocalypse songs by MaceofSpace, published November 16th, 2013.
Listen on 8tracks + Clickable tracklist below
01. "a song for toki," by Juliette Sarmangsadandle & Toki Wartooth (feat. Pickles the Drummer), from the episode "Dethkids."
02. "CFO Rap," by Charles Offdensen, Season 4 DVD extra.
03. "Rehab Song (Short Version)," by Pickles the Drummer, from the episode "Rehabklok."
04. "Self-Help Song (With Love)," by Toki Wartooth, from the episode "Diversityklok."
05. "I'm No Man (I'ms a God,)" by Skwisgaar Skwigelf, from the episode "Fatherklok."
06. "Why Is Stuff So Hard?," by William Murderface, from the episode "Dethsiduals."
07. "Dory McLean," by Zazz Blammymatazz, from the episode "Dethzazz."
08. "Toki's Love Song (I am Toki)," by Toki Wartooth, from the episode "Fertilityklok."
09. "Takin' It Easy," by Planet Piss (feat. Toki Wartooth), from the episode "Dethrecord."
10. "Cat Song (Hamburger Time)," by Toki Wartooth (feat. Nathan Explosion, William Murderface, and Skwisgaar Skwigelf), from the episode "Dethhealth."
11. "Changes (Titty Fish)," by William Murderface, from the episode "Cleanzo."
12. "Pentuplement Gum (Advertisment)," sung by Dethklok, from the episode "Tributeklok."
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monstroso · 2 years
William Murderface
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my boy!!!!!
a little known fact about me is Murderface might be my favorite Dethklok band member. it doesn't happen so much anymore but when people do fanart and leave him out of the lineup i get so upset. draw ugly guys!!
My NOTP for them: ??
I feel like I don't really have one? I think anyone trying to work out Murderface ships in this fandom is doing something interesting, and there's enough interpersonal drama there for each relationship that I think you could make something worthwhile if you were actually invested. The only ones I might be iffy on is Charles/Murderface or Abigail/Murderface if only because they have like. Standards.
My BROTP for them: Toki
Some of the best episodes (imo!!) are the ones where Murderface and Toki get sidelined and and have to do their own thing for a while sans the actual competent members of the band. Dethrecord's b-plot (Takin' It Easy) and Dethsiduals (the Get Thee Hence episode) are both some of my favorite moments on the show, and I think they work because when Toki's being a wet napkin it forces Murderface to take charge and actually Do Tasks. That said, just because Toki and Murderface are bros, doesn't mean they work well together, and I love to see that fallout as well.
My OTP for them: It's Gotta Be Dick.
I mean, it's gotta be Dick, right? Actually on my most recent rewatch I gained a lot of appreciation for Dick Knubbler and just how crucial he is to Dethklok, but that's an essay for another time. Right now, we're talking about Willie! I love that he calls him Willie. I also love that to date he's the only person who has actually gotten a William Murderface disaster project off the ground. Not really successfully, mind, but the Christmas Special did actually happen! So that's something! I love that Dick isn't afraid of William, I love that he's so confident in his ability to sell seashells to beachgoers that it doesn't even register that he's probably better off spending his energy on a project that might actually get people excited and turn a profit instead of Unsuccessful Murderface Fiasco #832. Really solid foundation for something interesting here.
My second choice pairing for them: Skwisgaar
Okay hear me out, hear me out!! Here's a guy. Who will sleep with anything. Here's another guy who can't get laid to save his life. You see where I'm going with this, yeah? I'm joking but like. Also. There's tension there because of the attractiveness and skill gap. They're also (I'd argue) the two guys in the band most likely to be anything other than straight. I really think an enterprising individual could make a very convincing case here.
My fluffy pairing for them & My angsty pairing for them 
I'll just put these two together since my answer kind of covers both of them and is also really boring. Murderface isn't, like, the kind of guy with a lot of depth of character, and these questions assume I'm going to really Dig Deep and get really Invested in making these relationships the kind of thing that makes you have emotions. His backstory is arguably the least fleshed-out in the band and it doesn't actually tie much into the mythos of the prophecy and all that. He's just a really unfortunate joke character with a lot of self-esteem issues who surrounds himself with people who exacerbate those issues. To make his relationships angsty or fluffy would require more from him than I think the narrative can really give.
My favorite poly ship for them
I really wish I had more poly ships so this question doesn't make me look like an intolerant jackass. I love poly ships but only in very specific cases! William Murderface is not one of those cases lmao.
My weirdest pairing for them: Magnus
I have, in my drafts at this very moment, an unfinished Magnus/Murderface fic that will never see god's light that I am unreasonably proud of. Trash heaps deserve one another.
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fishklok · 4 years
Metalocalypse Emetophobia Watch Guide: Season 2
Season 1
all terms are censored (i.e. “v*”) and time stamps are included.
i’m only going off of my copies of the episodes, but the time stamps may not be 100% accurate for everyone, so general scene warnings are given too.
this is just a guide for emeto content. other bodily functions, gore, or other sensitive topics were not accounted for.
safe episodes: Dethdoubles, Cleanzo, Dethcarraldo, Dethrace, Revengencers, Klokblocked, Dethdad, Dethrecord
gray area (i.e. no on-screen v*, but approach with caution if you’re particularly sensitive): Dethlessons, Dethgov
explicit episodes: Dethecution, Dethvengeance, Dethfashion (ED warning for this one too), Dethwedding, PR Pickles, Dethsources, Snakes N’ Barrels II, Dethrelease
Episode 1 - Dethecution:
Repeat of Cardinal Ravenwood v* up his intestines from s1e20
Scene starts when Salacia tells him to be blind
Scene is safe at 0:45 when a doctor is asking Crozier if he’s alright.
Flashback to Cardinal Ravenwood’s scene
Scene starts when the doctor states that Ravenwood died from a heart attack
Scene is safe at 1:21 when the doctor asks Crozier about the nightmares
Episode 2 - Dethlessons:
The Toki fetus thing in Skwisgaar’s nightmare sp*ws something
5:51-5:53 and 5:56-5:58
Not explicitly v*, but the visual and sound could be triggering
Monster in Skwisgaar’s nightmare makes a g*rgling sound
Episode 3 - Dethvengeance:
Murderface v* on himself
In the recording studio
Contains references to t* u*, onscreen v*, and explicit sounds
Scene is safe at 9:39 when Edgar and the Teenager are escaping the dungeon
Episode 4 - Dethdoubles: Safe
Episode 5 - Dethfashion:
V* mention (and b*limia warning) at 9:32-9:45
When the doctor is talking to Murderface
V* mention (and some sounds) at 9:59-10:09 when the band is eating in the closet.
ED warning for this episode in general.
Episode 6 - Cleanzo: Safe
Episode 7 - Dethwedding:
Toki v* on himself when he’s talking to a woman at the wedding.
Scene is safe at 7:54 when a wedding guest is telling Nathan and Murderface about his niece.
Body horror entity v* during the song.
That’s the only v*-like moment, but there’s a lot of sp*wing imagery during the song in general.
Episode 8 - PR Pickles:
Cult members v* during the song.
Scene is safe at 10:37 when the comet is shown approaching the base.
Episode 9 - Dethcarraldo: Safe
Episode 10 - Dethgov:
G*gging sounds at 0:37-40 when the teacher is dying on the floor.
Right before the intro.
Misophonia warning for the scene where Skwisgaar makes out with the old women.
No actual v* in episode
Episode 11 - Dethrace: Safe
Episode 12 - Revengencers: Safe
Episode 13 - Klokblocked: Safe
Episode 14 - Dethsources:
Murderface v* into a dumpster during the montage.
Last scene of the montage.
Scene is safe at 7:05 when Melmord meets with the band.
Episode 15 - Dethdad: Safe
Episode 16/17 - Snakes N’ Barrels II:
A hallucinated monster baby v* onto the Snakes N’ Barrels audience
10:14-10:17 / 21:36-21:39
Appears again at 11:06-11:09 / 22:28-22:31
The concert itself also contains a lot of scenes of glowing snakes coming out of people’s mouths
Episode 18 - Dethrecord: Safe
Episode 19/20 - Dethrelease:
Toki v* over himself at the record industry party.
After Charles tells Nathan, Pickles, and Skwisgaar to pace themselves.
3:14-3:18 / 14:30-14:34
Scene is safe when Murderface is talking to a woman at the party.
Toki v* again when he’s lying on the floor.
4:15-4:18 / 15:31-15:34
Safe when the scene shows Pickles and Skwisgaar talking.
Toki v* again again when Nathan is carrying him off the building.
8:36-8:40 / 19:52-19:56
Safe when the scene cuts back to Charles’ and the MMA’s chase scene
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Favorite mtl episodes?
HI sorry this took so long im really bad at remembering episode titles so i had to look up a list
quite a few, there aren't many episodes at all that are actually bad! probably like 3 or 4 i'd consider to be that way. but in particular i really like the entirety of s1, dethdoubles, dethgov, both snb episodes, dethrecord/dethrelease, dethhealth, dethmas, rehabklok, doublebookedklok, fanklok, dethcamp, breakupklok and church of the black klok ^_^
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cuttingpenisblackmetal · 10 months
also I'm having stupid thoughts about dethrecord
the fact that tokis first instinct when thinking swis is going to kick him out of the band for deleting the solos is to offer to suck his dick like... genuinely makes me wonder if toki did experience some sort of sexual exploitation while living on the streets. would also be why swis doesn't use it as a point of mockery and just jumps straight into trying to calm toki down and fix the problem (though that may have more to do with toki beating a dude almost to death in the previous episode lol)
idk, the fact that it takes place when toki is already coming undone, and the fact that he's been unhoused before, for his first instinctive attempt to avoid being kicked out being to make that particular offer... this kid :-(
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