Continued from here
"Whoa! What the heck? W-who are you? W-where did you come from?" The squirrel asked nervously. She looked up at the strange being in confusion, and unease. Something about him didn't sit well with her.
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Unmasking Batman (A closed rp with @darkknightofgotham )
After so many attempts Andy felt like she coming close to figuring out who Batman really was. Of course it was hard to figure out, considering he never stuck around for the press. And any photos of him were destroyed. But Andy knew she had to play it smart and careful. After her many run ins with his enemies, mainly with The Joker, anytime she finished her possible leads she'd burn them in her fire place thoroughly. Leaving no traces of her activity.
And she always made sure no one could see her, pulling the curtains closed and going into one of her more spacious closets. But so far her attempts had been fruitless. That is until she read an online news article from her phone about a charity event with Bruce Wayne being a special guest. "Bruce sure has it all. Money, successful businesses, respect. His father would be really proud of him. Maybe Batman has Bruce make up those gadgets for him"
She laughed at her own little joke, but it got her to think. The high tech gear, the BatMobile. It would take a ton of money to build it all. Grabbing a piece of scrap paper, she cut it into the shape of Batman's mask and used a black sharpie to make it the spitting image before holding over Bruce's head in the photo.
She let out a soft gasp when she saw it was a perfect fit. Realizing the break through, she quickly lit her fire place and threw the tiny mask into the flames. Thankfully her curtains were already closed. "I...I can't believe it. No no, I'm just being stupid. Or...am I? But just in case, not a word. Keep it cool, and just act like everything's normal. But if he were to find out...he'd probably be mad at me. But I was just curious is all. And I would never tell anyone. Why did I have to press my luck?"
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"what i'm doing with rodents like you, sneaking around and sticking their noses into other people's affairs without asking? oh... why... can't you guess, my dear?"
The squirrel woman shivered against the cold stone wall she was chained to, but also from Jafar as he spoke to her. "L-look I made a mistake. J-just please let me go."
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A Chaotic Mission (Closed rp with @rangespacer )
It happened in a matter of seconds. Some kind of tear in space followed by a blinding flash of light. And suddenly a new planet had appeared out of thin air. Right on the edge of the Gamma quadrent. Commander Nebula sent for Buzz to meet him in the briefing room. The commander knew there was no better Space ranger to send on this assignment.
If there was a possible threat on that Planet, he knew Buzz would be able to take it down. He kept his eyes on this mysterious planet as he waited for Buzz to arrive. Even running a scan on it to see if there were any life forms on it. However, the scanner would malfunction. Wondering if it was a bug in the system, he scanned Capitol Planet as a test. It worked just fine on Capitol Planet, but yet this new planet could be scanned. Nebula didn't like that at all.
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Closed rp with @helluva-blitzo
The sinner was out enjoying her coffee when she noticed a familiar imp face. With a double take, she knew her eyes were not playing tricks on her. It was actually Blitz, the man who started his own assisination business. "Excuse me sir! Are you really Blitz? The founder of I.M.P.?"
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(animatedanimalkingdom) The Mysterious Beyond was not for the faint of heart. It was rife with danger, especially where carnivores dwelled. These carnivores, called "sharpteeth" by their prey, often made their homes near where other animals passed by. There, they would pick out stragglers from passing herds, including wandering young, slow elders, or the sick. To say that one needed to be cautious would be an understatement.
Learning about the mysterious beyond after she had helped repair the gap in the wall, she warned her people about the dangers. The young ones of Sugar Rush knew from her stern voice and look, that what she said was law. But even though they were confided to the great valley, the fallen kingdom (now known as sweet minds) still learned how to adapt to their new home. Building new lives and even befriending the dinosuars. Of course Andy was still their leader, as she was no stranger to quickly adapting to new lands. With permission from the inhabitants, they set up a new village at the base of the now abandoned castle.
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Closed rp with @trencri
It was an intense chase for Duckburg's famous freelance detective. She was in hot pursuit of a gang of crooks who had just robbed the art museum. Using the front end of her car, she was able to knock their getaway car into a spin. Resulting in a crash near the train yard. The two of the passengers were knocked out cold from the collision, and the other three scrambled out. The yellow squirrel was quick and hopped out of her own car and gave chase. "Get back here now!"
"Not a chance rat!" The two guys and girl used the trains to their advantage and went in random directions to ambush the detective. Of course she was still in pursuit of the leader, who ended up being cornered by the crime fighter. She pulled a small glowing bottle from her pocket and threw it at the crook. Vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped themselves around him, effectively tying him up.
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The Jungles of India are not for the faint of heart. From the deadly King Cobra to the fearsome Bengal Tiger, there is no shortage of danger. Which made it all the more terrifying when you got lost in the Jungle.
Luckily for Andy, she was able to quickly adapt to her new environment. And while she was still learning the ways of the jungle, she knew just enough in order to survive. And on one brilliant and sunny afternoon, she was hanging around the river bed searching for food.
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Closed rp with @pick-and-shovel-laborer
Andy had texted Scrooge to let him know she had landed a live interview with the local news channel. The subject was about her first year on earth, and she gave him the channel number and the time when it would start, so he could watch with his family.
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[dustxstatic][Sir Pentious] "I am here to speak with the Potions Master!"
There was something familiar about the voice that came from outside her door. But she brushed it off to the side and opened it. And behind the door was none other than the squirrel herself. Andy looked up to see the snake mechanical genius himself. "YOU?!"
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"So you are a detective i see. Intresting. "Vox said looking at Andy ,with a huge smile plastered in his t.v screen.
Andy was taken a tad off guard when Vox approached her. Aside from Alastor, Vox was the first overlord to approach her. "W-well I was in life. No real need for detectives in hell. Did you need something sir?" She asked politely.
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Encounters of the Electric Kind
(Closed rp with @soul-heart-and-beyond )
Andy had just returned to her vacation home in St. Canard after a jog around the park. She flipped onto her couch to rest for a few minutes before going into her kitchen to make a nice fruit smoothie. As she gathered her ingredients however she drank some water to replenish her hydration. It wasn't until she had put her ice, fruit and yogurt in that she would come to find out it was busted. She pushed the right speed setting for it, but nothing happened.
The squirrel proceeded to hit a couple more buttons to see what was wrong, but eventually it gave out a loud unpleasant sputter before giving off a huge spark before finally dying with small streams of smoke pouring out of the cracks in the plastic. "Are you for real? Now I have to head out to get a new blender," she said in an agitated tone. It wasn't like the squirrel was short on money. She just felt like staying home. She grabbed her keys, wallet and phone before heading out to the nearest electronics store. It didn't take long for her to find a good parking space and heading in.
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Closed RP with @showtimeclown
After Loo Loo Land had been rebuilt after the fire the large crowds slowly began to show back up to the theme park. Including a new face. A yellow squirrel demoness came waling through the main gate and looked around the park.
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Angel the Babysitter
A closed rp with @yoursinfulangel
Andy was busy working on a new recipe for a potion. It had taken her a good hour to get to where she was in her experiment. She stopped working for a few seconds to get a drink of her coffee, when Patch came walking in and rubbed against her leg with a purr. Andy chuckled and bent forward to pet his little head, before straightening up and getting back to work.
Patch decided he wanted to watch her work, so he proceeded to try and climb the bookcases and chests to get to an empty shelf over the pot. However, being a small kitten, it was a hard task and there was a pretty far jump from the bookcase to the shelf. The kitten was hanging from the shelf, and he couldn't hold on for long. And when he did, he would fall into the potion. Andy saw this and dove to get him down safely. But as a result, she hit the pot and the potion went flying, completely soaking the squirrel. At first nothing seemed to happen, that is until she began to feel weird and started to glow a bright pink.
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Closed rp with @multixdisaster
Andy stopped by the hotel one afternoon and went up to Angel's room. She stopped in front of the door and knocked nervously on it. "Keep it together Andy. It's not like a date or anything. Just ask him if he wants to hang out. Simple as that," she said to herself.
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Not so new muse: Andy Squirrel
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Name: Andy Squirrel
Age: 27
Weight: 125 lbs.
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a fun loving squirrel who lives to help other people. But she does take her job as a detective seriously.
Favorite food: Anything that’s healthy, mainly fruits and vegetables.
Food allergies: Any and all types of nuts.
Ability: Can brew potions left and right, but it’s more of a hobby to her.
Weakness: Worrying her fears will get the better of her, and that fear is failing as a hero.
Favorite Book: Every book she’s ever read.
Andy Squirrel lived with her parents on a farm, until one day when she came home from the nearby meadow with an arm full of flowers for her parents. She found the house was empty. There was a sign of a struggle, but being only five she thought her parents had accidentally made a mess and forgot to clean it up.
She decided to stay home until her parents came back. After a while though the food was starting to run out. She took whatever money she had in her little piggy bank to try and buy more. However, a couple of older kids tried to take the money from her while she was shopping. That’s when Sonic the Hedgehog showed up and helped her.
After explaining how long her parents were missing, Sonic decided to care of the young squirrel. So he took her to Knothole where she would be safe. As the years passed she began to learn how to brew potions. When she was old enough she was included in a group known as the Freedom Fighters. The Freedom Fighters were a group of animals from Knothole who would do whatever they could to bring the tyrant known as Dr. Robotnik down and save Mobius.
While out on a mission to steal spare parts from Robotnik, to build new weapons for the Freedom Fighters, Andy comes across her parents again only to find out that they were Robotized. After they managed to escape the compound, Andy began working on a potion that would hopefully reverse the roboticization. A few days later the Freedom Fighters returned to the compound for more parts. She once again encountered her parents and tried to turn them back to normal using her new potion. Sadly it failed and she had to fight them off to protect her friends.
After failing to restore her parents she knew it was best to accept her fate as an orphan. However on another mission to rescue Robotnik’s prisoner’s and bring them back to Knothole, Robotnik had sent a message to Andy as she stood by as a look out. He said that if she were to go with his robot guards then he would return her parents back to normal. She willingly goes with the robots only to find out it was a trap as she was placed into a Roboticizer. Sonic comes to her aide as the machine began to warm up. Using one of super rings, he was able to do serious damage to the machine, but to everyone's surprise it was still operational. Instead of turning her into a robot however, she was instead beamed to earth to live out the remainder of her life. There she came across an arcade game named Sugar Rush, and after helping King Candy with his Cybug error code, he adopted her and she became royalty. Later on bringing the game into the real world for everyone to experience.
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