#detective Ethan oakes
snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
What good is a self-made OTP if I can't make them grope each other in a closet?
     Kai was sure he'd never get tired of the sight of Ethan frustrated, pale blue eyes hazy with lust.  Didn't mean he necessarily wanted to be groped in a coat closet with half of Portland's upper echelon milling about only a few feet away.
     Still.  He rested his arms on Ethan's shoulders, hands loosely clasped.  A boldness he didn't always feel crept over him and he cocked his head slightly, blood singing at the way Ethan's eyes never left his.  "Problem, officer?"
     Ethan scowled.  "Do you have any idea what you look like?"
     Kai fought a grin.  Instead, he blinked innocently.  "Why, whatever do you mean?" he teased.
     Ethan's fingers dug into his waist drawing a hiss.  He leaned in, resting his lips against Kai's jaw and growled, "They think you're Xerynn's."
     Kai did laugh then.  "Wh-what?"  Still snickering, he watched Ethan draw back, a very obvious pout on his face.  
     I love you, you idiot, he thought with affection, his own heart stuttering at the realization.  His humor softened and he cupped Ethan's cheek, dragging a thumb against his boyfriend's neatened beard.  "Who does?"
     Looking every inch a petulant giant, Ethan looked away.  "I kept hearing them say how . . . how surprised they were by Xerynn's new arm candy."  His throat worked as he frowned and looked steadily away from Kai.  "Like, like they thought you weren't good enough."
     Kai's heart overflowed in that moment.  He brought his other hand up to Ethan's face and forced the man to look at him, smiling at familiar want and affection in those eyes.  "Ethan, are you seriously angry that they didn't think I could get Xerynn?"
     "Maybe," he mumbled.
     You idiot, he chided, grinning.  He leaned close and kissed the tip of the man's nose.  "Frankly, they should be wondering if something's wrong with me mentally if they think I'm here with him because anyone he actually seems to want to pursue always has a few wires missing," he retorted.  Granted, he only had Jac as an example but it was a hefty example.
     Ethan's eyes flicked to Kai and away, but beneath Kai's fingers, the man's jaw no longer jumped.  
     "Ethan," he murmured.  Eyes swung back and locked on Kai this time.  His heart jittered at the heat there.  "Ethan," he repeated.  He kissed Ethan gently.  "Were you jealous?" he teased.
     He gasped when Ethan pinned him to the wall again, startled by the sudden movement.  He didn't fight when Ethan took Kai's wrists and held them above his head.  
     Of course you only need one hand you goddamn behemoth, he mused as Ethan drew his empty hand down his neck.  Thank fuck.  His eyes fell shut and he lifted his chin, shivering at the blunt scrape of fingernails along his skin.  By reflex, he widened his stance and whimpered when Ethan pressed close, letting Kai know just how affected he'd been.
     "You're mine, remember?" Ethan growled, leaning in to fasten his mouth to Kai's neck.  He dragged his teeth along Kai's skin, lips curling in response to Kai's startled yip.  "Wish I could mark you.  Wish I could show them you're mine."
     Kai squirmed, growing hard and flush at the want in Ethan's voice.  It was the same for him, though.  Everywhere they went eyes followed Ethan.  Lust trailed after the man like an unending river.  And while Kai knew Ethan would always be faithful, it didn't prevent the tiny doubts that would worm into his head when they were separated for long periods.
     "I am though," he whimpered.
     "Are you?"  Ethan's voice changed, darkening.  He huffed a puff of air across Kai's dampening skin.  "Are you mine?"  He let go of Kai's wrists but when his arms began to drop he growled, "Keep them there."
     Kai shut his eyes and nodded frantically.  The whine that came out when Ethan reached for his waist might have embarrassed him once but now, he only fidgeted, his imagination filling in the next steps.
     He shifted again as air passed along his now bare stomach, Ethan having yanked his dress shirt from out of his tux.  He bit his lip at the moan that burst in his throat when Ethan slid one hand down the back of his boxers, squeezing roughly.
     "This," Ethan hissed, fingers digging into Kai's ass, "is mine."
     "Yours," Kai gasped, hips bucking against Ethan, his dick already throbbing and seeking.  "Ethan, anyone ever tell you," he swallowed, opening his eyes to slits, a loopy grin slanting his mouth, "that you're kind of horny?"
     His boyfriend surged forward, knocking him to the wall as he brought their mouths together, a spark of pain rapidly fading under the welcome onslaught.
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ethanesimp · 3 years
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The Oak Tree - Ethan Torchio x GN! Reader  🌷 🥀 🌻 || UPDATES ARE FRIDAYS AT 7:30 AM CDT (most of the time)
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
Summary: Everyone at the Oakes Academy is aware of the rivalry that exists between two of the school’s best students, Ethan Torchio and Y/N L/N. What nobody knows is what a brilliant team they are when they’re at risk of their reputations being damaged and a killer’s on the loose.
Warnings: Description of blood, swearing, death and mentions of it, violence, mentions of injuries (This series is a murder mystery so every chapter will have its very specific warnings, please read with caution and if you wish to be removed from the taglist at any moment just let me know <3).
Chapter Zero: The Greenhouse
Chapter One: By The Oak Tree
Chapter Two: The Body
These resources are made with the intention of giving you extra material to help in the decisions you’ll be making throughout the story.
Google Drive
Detective Board
Map of The Oakes Academy  (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Disclaimer and Author's Note under the cut, please read!
Disclaimer: This work is purely fictional. It was not written with the intention of representing the personalities, ideals, and/or private lives of Ethan Torchio, any other Måneskin member, or the face claims used in the story. As I said, they are just face claims.
A/N: This fanfiction and whether it works or not depends highly on you, the reader. It helps loads whenever you take a second to reblog the chapters and even this masterlist if you wish :)
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askaceattorney · 7 years
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Dear jnv11,
Only one word comes to mind in that scenario:
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Poor Simon would hit a new record for the number of times he shouted that word in a single trial, and Ms. Oldbag might actually run out of breath before she’s done complaining.
Dear jnv11,
You kidding? The woman’s tough, but she’d have a heart attack in no more than five minutes. It’s been a decade since we’ve seen ’er, plus young samurai prosecutor who was suspected of killing his teacher?
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Dear anon,
I think what we’ll actually do is stop answering letters that involve real-world politicians altogether, or at least ones that defame them.  Just to be clear, the answers I came up with don’t reflect my actual opinion on Donald Trump.
Apologies to anyone who was hit the wrong way by those letters.  Make no mistake, I was very uncertain about whether or not I should even bother answering them, but the “answer everything you can” part of my mind eventually won over the “avoid political topics” part.  It was all in the spirit of comedy, but, as I should’ve expected, it became more hateful than funny, so I’d say I’ve learned my lesson now.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Ethan Starbright,
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Okay, I’m not sure why, but the utter randomness of that fact cracked me up for some reason.  Thanks for that.
Dear Ethan Starbright,
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.....I don’t get it.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear 55,
Glad to hear it!  The Ace Attorney series is good at revealing the plot at just the right pace to keep you guessing about who the culprit is and/or what the motive for their crime was, but it’s just as entertaining to see Phoenix and company find the truth for themselves, even if you already happen to know some of it yourself.
Plot-wise, my favorite game was Trials and Tribulations, mostly because of how cleverly it jumped from one timeline (and main character) to another.  Throughout the game, we get to learn more about the events of the past and how they relate to the present day situation -- Mia’s first encounter with Phoenix, Godot’s true identity and history, how Winston Payne lost his hair, and so on, and every tiny bit of it makes the game more intriguing.  My favorite part was Iris’s confession about what she did for Phoenix near the end.  I’d love to see Hollywood try and come up with anything as beautifully touching as that.
It’s been a little while since I listened to the soundtracks from any of the trilogy games, but I think my favorite one comes from the first game, since it’s the most memorable for me.  I sure didn’t expect to hear those kind of fast and engaging tunes in a game about a lawyer, did you?  The other soundtracks are great too, of course, but the songs from the first game (especially the cross-examination theme) are the most fun for me to remember.
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Dear Anonymous,
That’s actually happened a few times before.  I remember one letter were Maya claimed she’d never been out of the country even though PLvsAA is canon in this blog, and there was another where Apollo sounded skeptical about spirit channeling, even though he’d been born in the land of spirit mediums.  Chances are we’ll have to delete letters that point out contradictions like that, but we’ll try our best to answer them if possible.  There’s no way to tell what Capcom will come up with next, but that won’t stop us from making guesses about it in the meantime.
Dear Anonymous,
If something changes in the canon that isn’t reflected in a previous letter, it’s not important. Previous means not in the moment. Not in the moment means no one will notice unless they go far back enough. And if they comment on stuff that happened a while ago, they... no offence, kinda need a hobby.
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Dear Professor Oak,
Dear Professor Oak,
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Lachtigall,
Sorry to hear that, but hey, at least they picked a different character for the idea, so your letter will still get an answer.  We both answer whatever letters we find regardless of which character they’re written to, but in answer to your question about who answered that letter...
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Just kidding, it was me.
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Dear guquis,
That should be fine if you’re willing to wait that long.  Just make sure to indicate that in your letter.
Dear guquis,
if you want your letter to be on a specific date, specify it somehow. And also specify if you want that info blurred so it’s not obvious. It’ll be easier for us that way.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Ender,
It wasn’t intended to look scary in any way, but whatever floats your boat.  I thought she looked kind of cute like that, actually.
Dear Ender,
Trust me, neither of them are contenders in the scary contest anymore. Have you ever met Robert? THAT, sir, is scary.
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Dear SC,
ComEVENo, huh?  That almost sounds like a Native American name.
I’ve finally finished watching Hotel Dusk, but I’ll save my reaction to it for last so I can go into full detail under the cut.  That’s how much I enjoyed it.
My favorite cross-examination theme is from AJ, believe it or not.  I love how it starts out slow and mysterious, then picks up speed and volume when Apollo’s about to discover a big truth.  It’s also nice how the melody begins on the offbeat.  It almost makes me want to dance to it.
I hadn’t thought much about which cross-examination I like best, but I’d probably go with the final confrontation with Furio Tigre.  While bluffing is nothing new for Phoenix, it was fun watching him use the supposedly useless evidence that Gumshoe gave him to give his doppelganger a taste of his own medicine.  It was one of those moments where I had no idea what his strategy was until Furio opened his huge mouth.  After that, it became an “Ooooooh...” kind of moment.
I’d love to see that case ranking you’ve made.  Every case has its ups and downs, but it’s fun to explore just what it is about each one that makes it memorable and...odd.  Let’s be honest, they all have at least a tiny bit of oddness added in somewhere, am I right?
-Modthorne and Co-Mod
(Hotel Dusk spoilers below)
Oh, man..........oh, MAN!!
Seriously, I can’t remember the last time a game’s story left me this satisfied from beginning to end.  To be fair, I just watched a playthrough of it on YouTube, so I might have avoided some potential frustration by not playing it myself, but man...  I can tell the developers put some serious heart into that game.  The music was delightful, the characters were all very charming, the art and animation style were done in a clever way, and the plot...  Man, oh, man.
First of all, there’s the setup: Kyle’s goal in visiting Hotel Dusk (aside from getting a delivery) is established from the very beginning -- finding his former police partner and figuring out why he turned rogue and forced him to nearly kill him.  Oddly enough, he has no real proof that visiting the hotel will lead him any closer to finding him -- all he has is a hunch.
Then there’s the way he goes about gathering information.  Even as a retired cop, his detective instincts are still keen, and by snooping around the hotel (with some help from his “old buddy” Louis), solving a few puzzles, and asking the right people the right questions, he not only gains tidbits of information about Bradley, but also learns the secrets of the hotel’s residents, and how they and their stories are interconnected.  And boy, did some of those connections surprise me.
But here’s what I loved most about the gameplay (and the entire game) -- in order to get the information he needs out of people, he first has to break them down to the point where they not only can’t hide the truth, but they realize how useless it is to keep lying to themselves.  In fact, Kyle said it perfectly himself during one of these confrontations:
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Whether it’s pressuring a pretend author to admit to his plagiarism, telling the spoiled son of a lawyer how dangerous his revenge scheme is, or convincing a drunk father to appreciate what he still has -- namely, his daughter -- Kyle just won’t put up with lies, even if he has to sound like the rudest person on Earth to dispel every last one of them...and he doesn’t even need the help of a Magatama!
Like every game, of course, this one isn’t without its faults -- the interactive parts are short, there’s very little challenge in picking the right dialogue options (usually just whichever is less annoying), and the language, while not terrible, could’ve been left out -- but the charm of the story and its characters more than makes up for it.  Speaking of the story, it seems I was a little off on most of the predictions I made, but at least I was right about Melissa.  She didn’t disappoint at being adorable one bit.
Oh, and one more thing -- if anyone reading this feels like playing or watching this game, which I highly recommend, be prepared for your jaw to drop at the very end.  It’s that incredible.
And with that, my gushing about this game is over.  Thank you for suggesting it, SC!
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
DIGITAL VELOCITY by Reily Garrett: Release Spotlight
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The deadliest weapons are the ones we never see.
Keyboard prodigy, Lexi Donovan has risen from teenage orphan of the streets to complete independence with little help along the way. When a pervert threatens her friend, she sends an anonymous message to police, leading to a firefight that leaves a cop wounded.
Detective Ethan McAllister’s well-ordered life turned upside down the day an obscure text message led to a sexual predator’s identity and arrest. Since then, Callouston PD’s finest can’t trace the elusive hacker. The latest tip leads him to a brutal mutilation and a riddle  indicating the identity of the next murder victim.
The dark net houses a playground for the morally depleted and criminally insane. When Lexi discovers the killer’s digital betting arena, she finds herself centered in a cyber stalker’s crosshairs, a psychopath bearing equal talent.
Street life strengthened Lexi while toughening her protective shell, but nothing could shield her from the shrewd detective forging a path to her heart.
“Digital Velocity is a fast-paced romantic suspense thriller that sophisticatedly weaves drama, excitement, grit, raw emotions and mystery. Garrett takes her readers on a journey where suspense and romance are taken up several notches as she unfolds and reveals the identity of a murderer that is on the loose. With her vivid prose, Garrett entices readers to see the bond that is brewing between Detective Ethan McAllister and his unlikely informant.” Michelle Tan, RT Book Reviews
  Buy Online: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo
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I move frequently—but gain no distance.
I am warm, moist, and dark but give no comfort.
I can stretch and shrink, giving or taking at will, bringing both pain and pleasure with each.
  “If God wanted you to tie the knot, he’d give you a near-death experience to better appreciate life, along with a craving for procreation. Then he’d smother your soul with the essence of venison, squirrel, frog legs, taters, or beer, to attract a likely counterpart from the sticks. No, wait. The latter has already happened, hasn’t it? Sorry.” Ethan narrowly kept his balance on the green-slicked, handmade bricks leading up the two-story, mauve-colored Victorian. If his 210-pound mass ended up sprawled on the steps, no doubt the picture would be splashed all over the precinct by noon with various unsavory captions.
“Maybe you should try it. The stick up your ass has to cause at least minor discomfort.” Larrick’s early-morning snark was a common greeting.
“Hey, I’m a normal guy.” Ethan glared over his shoulder.
Larrick snorted.
“Still wet from our early-morning storm. Watch your step, it’s slippery.” Scanning the myriad amorphous shadows lurking in the wood line, realization struck that he and his partner were sitting ducks if a sniper perched among the loblolly pine and oak trees lining the front and side yards.
Larrick’s reply came in equal measure of soft tones. “Either that or a large flock of birds dropped in recently to help her redecorate. Great detective work.”
“Bird droppings are—”
“Sought after for facials. Especially the Japanese Nightingale shit.” Larrick grinned.
“Only you would know that.” Ethan adjusted his tie, an acknowledgment of the apprehension filling his mind.
 “Are we whispering because your paranoid gut can’t assimilate food well enough to distinguish indigestion from an outside threat? This woman lives alone, gonna think we’re a couple of perverts and liable to shoot us.”
“Word has it she’s a pacifist.”
“Fine. You’re one to talk about signs—dragging my ass to a stranger’s house at this ungodly morning hour. I love knocking on a stranger’s door and asking, ‘Lady, are you all right? We’re police detectives who received an anonymous tip that you might have a hangnail. Perhaps we could lend you a pair of nail clippers…’ then ask if she needs the gutters cleaned.” Derision and humor warred for dominance in Larrick’s tone, yet his sharp gaze continually scanned the perimeter in consideration of his partner’s unarticulated hunch. Yin and yang, they fit together, a clean-cut detective and his partner whose hair length had passed regulation specs weeks ago.
 “You know this isn’t the first tip we’ve gotten, not to mention the fact that the other leads were solid and led to arrests. And while we’re at it, why don’t you step to the side? Standard police procedure when approaching an unknown situation.” Ethan turned sideways, standing by the door with his hand poised to knock on the solid oak. He hesitated. Moisture coated his palms, a rare occurrence. Scrutinizing the interior through the narrow sidelights yielded nothing more than expected. Elegantly upholstered furniture, gleaming hardwood floors, and delicate bric-a-brac adorning the thick mantle and each side table completed the sophisticated picture. “Don’t see any problem. Maybe she’s fallen and can’t get to a phone.”
“You expected an old lady brandishing her curling iron? As for leads, I get mine from three-dimensional people while you get yours from a bunch of ones and zeroes. Why can’t our IT department trace your anonymous texts further than the loony bin? Though that’s probably appropriate since your secret admirer’s last present consisted of a flower basket bigger than my TV along with fur-lined cuffs. I’ve never laughed so hard I pissed myself. I thought that was hogwash, a myth made up by old ladies.” Larrick leaned over the iron railing to peer through the window. “Can’t see squat, bottom sill’s too high.”
“As my partner, you’re supposed to have my back, not stab me in the back. You didn’t have to broadcast it through the whole department by hanging the cuffs from the sprinkler system with a bunch of roses twined in them. Now my brothers won’t let up, and I’ve been subscribed to every kinky magazine known to the publishing world. You think I should know why some whacko chose me for their personal marionette?” Ethan suppressed a shudder before his partner gained more verbal ammunition. If his suspicions were correct, his informant was in fact a beautiful enigma with waist-length, chestnut hair and an emerald gaze capable of melting steel.
“Maybe because you were the youngest to make detective? Rising star, golden boy, and all that shit.”
“No. Probably afraid your redneck ways would rub off on them, or maybe because I’m the biggest sap.” Ethan’s gut rumbled, more of a warning sign from a well-heeled intuition than hunger. “Larrick, this doesn’t feel right.” Behind him, the slide of metal on leather let him know his partner just palmed his Glock. Three years of working together circumvented the formality of dissecting gut reactions.
A creak of leather sole betrayed Larrick’s backtracking to scrutinize the surroundings. “Side windows are lower. I’ll take a look.”
“Hood of her BMW is cold. Didn’t go anywhere recently.” Larrick’s harsh whisper halted a nearby squirrel scampering up a tree, its head cocked to one side while studying the strange human interlopers.
Sunshine warmed the first spring buds on the low shrubbery bordering the walkway to complete the idyllic setting. Nothing but peace and serenity, yet Ethan’s heart hammered against his ribcage like an aggressive punk drummer. With his partner disappearing around the corner, he again scanned the perimeter while the morning’s corrupted equanimity formed a sour wad in his chest. A lazy March breeze combed its cool fingers through his short hair while the deep foreboding received with the initial text message blossomed into multiple horrific scenarios, leaving one of them a corpse, their life’s essence forming macabre shapes on gleaming hardwood floors.
“I see bare feet beyond the kitchen island. Toes up. Probably female.” Larrick’s disembodied whisper just provided probable cause. “Backup?”
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About Reily Garrett
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Reily Garrett is a West Coast girl transplanted to the East Coast. Past employments as an ICU nurse, private investigator, and military police officer has given her a host of different environments to add a real world feel to her writing. Though her kids are her life, writing is her life after. The one enjoyed…after the kids are in bed or after they’re in school and the house is quiet. This is the time she kicks back with laptop, surrounded by her shepherds, to give her imagination free rein. In life, hobbies can come and go according to our physical abilities, but you can always enjoy a good book. Life isn’t perfect, but your imagination can be. Relax, whether it’s in front of a fire or in your own personal dungeon. Take pleasure in a mental pause as you root for your favorite hero/heroine and bask in their accomplishments, then share your opinions over a coffee with your best friend (even if he’s four legged). Life is short. Cherish your time.
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DIGITAL VELOCITY by Reily Garrett: Release Spotlight was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
Enjoy the filthy smut between two dumb-dumbs.
     Kai fidgeted, silently thankful that his boss was a clothes horse and rich.  Had he had to decide on what to wear for this event, it likely would have been off a discount rack and ill-fitting at best.  Instead, Xerynn had ordered him to his personal tailor, seeing to it that Kai's tux was perfectly cut and that his shoes were Italian.
     He looked down, arching his toes up, wondering if he'd ever worn anything so shiny in the past.  
     Probably when I had to go to church that one time.  It hadn't been a fun time for anyone considering he'd been almost six and wailed the entire time.
     Xerynn cleared his throat, tapping his cane against the pavement.  "I would advise against focusing on your feet, Mr. Walker."
     He sighed and folded his arms over his chest as he straightened.  At Xerynn's raised brow, he reluctantly dropped his arms.  "Why in the world do you want me here?  Won't I be a stain on your rep?"
     The god's brow twitched.  With his free hand, he took Kai's elbow, drawing him toward the Melody.  "There is little you can do to mar my reputation, Mr. Walker," he admonished.  "You afford yourself more importance than you retain."
     "I think you just insulted me," Kai muttered, allowing himself to be led up the stairs to the main room.  Which, honestly, was par for the course these days.  Very little Xerynn said to him ruffled his feathers anymore.  The retorts were largely reflex.
      Still holding Kai's elbow, Xerynn led him into the main space, opulently decorated with cream and silver, the small waist high tables scattered about the room, Portland's elite already congregating, with glasses of alcohol in hand.  Waiters wandered with laden trays, pausing here and there and voices created a susurrus of continued noise.  Had it been more crowded they might have entered undetected but Kai doubted it.  Xerynn drew attention wherever he went, coaxed by his very nature if not his striking looks.  Little wonder then that more than one set of eyes turned their way as they entered, some appraising and others critical.
      Kai wanted to bolt.  He usually entered rooms unnoticed.  Being near someone like Xerynn was akin to being pinned under a spotlight.  He swallowed and trailed after Xerynn, his skin crawling as the gazes followed them both.
     Xerynn glanced back once and smirked.  "Worry not.  I only need you to be seen."
     Confusing.  "Why?" he prodded.  "Isn't it better if people don't know who I am?"
     The god lifted Kai's chin with the head of his cane.  "You appear to be my guest.  My very nervous, naive guest."  He raised his brows and replaced the cold metal with an equally cold hand.  "There is nothing those of power enjoy more than attempting to use what they see as a weakness."
     Understanding dawned and Kai ground his teeth.  "You want them thinking you and I -"
     Xerynn grinned then, stroking Kai's bottom lip with his thumb.  "Ah, you can catch on when prompted."
     Kai swallowed the urge to gag.  "Why?" he asked again. 
     Xerynn dropped his hand, letting it drag along Kai's arm.  Strange how when Ethan would do such gentle touches, Kai's mind would shift into overdrive until he was nearly nonsensical.  Here, he only wanted to swat at the god and march off.  But, if there was one thing he'd learned in the last year, it was that Xerynn never did things on impulse.  And listening before reacting would serve him better when it came to the god of war.
     "You will mingle.  You will demure to the attentions of these people."  He leaned in and murmured, "and you will listen."
     Kai frowned.  "You do realize you're asking me to act like a spy.  Me."  He knew his own limitations and given his perpetual anxious state, he had to wonder if maybe Xerynn's mind had snapped.
     Xerynn patted his cheek, appearing all the while as an affectionate lover.  "Not words.  Chaos.  You will work."
     Ah.  He nearly laughed.  He would have chided Xerynn for such an overly complicated method until he glanced about the room.  Calculating eyes tracked Xerynn's every gesture.  This group wasn't like most, Kai could sense that easily.  While the room dripped with money, there was an aggressive undercurrent that left him shivering.
     "Who are they?" he asked, his voice soft.
     "You do not wish them to know your name."  Xerynn eyed him in warning.  "Say nothing to them.  Pretend you are ignorant of who I am beyond the firm.  Mingle and track.  There is something here that should not be."
      Kai nodded.  He could do that.  Besides, the sooner he could find whatever it was Xerynn was after, the sooner he could likely leave.  He glanced about the room again, startled to see Ethan and Chernov walk into the open space.  
      Xerynn followed his gaze and dipped his head toward Chernov who only flipped him off in response.
      "Why are they here?"
      "Similar reasons," Xerynn intoned.  He pinched Kai's chin, lifting his gaze.  "You seek Chaos for me.  They seek else."
      Yay, work party.  He slipped out of Xerynn's touch, careful not to appear as though he was in a hurry to do so.  He smoothed the front of his tux and swallowed, shutting his eyes for a moment.  Okay.  Chaos.  I can do Chaos.  He let out a breath and schooled his expression as best he could, stepping away from Xerynn.
      He wandered about the room, occasionally acknowledging a nod or a smile from the other guests.  For the most part, Kai appeared invisible to the other guests.  Without Xerynn at his elbow, he'd effectively disappeared in their eyes.  It didn't last long, however.  Eventually, an older man cornered him, and Kai did his best to not bristle at the aggression.
      The man's eyes were unfocused, and his glass half full; by Kai's guess he was likely already on his third.  He smiled politely, skin crawling at the fumes coming off the man.  Never let it be said that wealth makes you palatable, Kai groused.
      "So."  He took a swig from his glass.  "I see Xerynn's slumming these days."
      Oh, for fuck's sake, Kai thought.  He was a split second from shoving the man away when he recalled Xerynn's warnings.  Instead, he smiled innocently and murmured, "Mr. Warrgott is very kind."  Christ, Xerynn, you owe me for this, you dickhead.
      He jumped when the man clasped his chin, tilting his head as though examining a horse.  "You're cute though.  Bet you're fun."
      Nausea swarmed in Kai's gut.  He didn't necessarily care if anyone thought Xerynn was screwing him.  He knew differently.  But this man appeared willing to find out and that alone spiked Kai's flight response.  Before he could do anything, however, a hand latched on his wrist, rescuing him.
     Blank faced, Ethan pulled Kai to his side and stated firmly, "Mr. Warrgott sent me for you, Mr. Walker."
     He didn't fight the beaming smile at Ethan's interruption.  Ethan's eyes were hard but not for Kai, that much was clear.  He turned back to his companion and said brightly, "Sorry, must go." before happily following after Ethan.  To his shock, thought, Ethan didn't take him in the direction of Xerynn but rather down a smaller hallway where signs pointed to the coat check room.
      Ethan shoved him into the small room, turning to lock the door behind him as he did.  His shoulders were hunched, once hand splayed against the door as though he struggled to control himself.
      Kai smiled.  He's probably just as irritated about being here as I am.  "There a reason you're locking us in with coats?" he teased.
      His boyfriend turned them, the dark look from before still present.  Kai's smile faltered and he prodded, "Ethan?  You okay?"  He squawked when Ethan surged into him, hands on either side of Kai's face as he kissed him, desperate and nearly painful in its suddenness. 
      Oh.  Oh, I see.  He relaxed them, eagerly returning the kiss as Ethan walked them back until Kai was pressed to the wall between two racks of coats.  He circled Ethan's wrists with his hands, tugging until he got the man's attention.  He drew those familiar hands down, thumbs stroking the backs in tandem.
      "Feel better?" he grinned.  Ethan's shift toward impulsivity was an interesting thing to watch.  He'd been so closeted for the better part of his life that he rarely did things overt.  Those first few months they were together he acted more like a confused puppy, clearly wanting to jump all over Kai but unsure of how and when.  Jumping him in a closet, though, was new.
      The hot look from before had tempered but Ethan still clearly appeared annoyed.  It passed in a breath, shifting into a searing directness Kai was far more fond of.  He reached out and touched Kai's lips, almost reverent in his gentleness.  "He shouldn't have touched you."
      In the past, Kai would have been pissed at someone acting so possessive.  But with Ethan, Kai just reveled in it.  He would never provoke the man but neither could he deny the thrill at Ethan's frustration.  Kai was sure he'd never get tired of the sight, those familiar pale blue eyes hazy with lust and ire.  Didn't mean he necessarily wanted to be groped in a coat closet with half of Portland's upper echelon milling about only a few feet away.
     Still.  He rested his arms on Ethan's shoulders, hands loosely clasped.  A boldness he didn't always feel crept over him and he cocked his head slightly, blood singing at the way Ethan's eyes never left his.  "Problem, officer?"
     Ethan scowled.  "Do you have any idea what you look like?"
     Kai fought a grin.  Instead, he blinked innocently.  "Why, whatever do you mean?" he teased.
     Ethan's fingers dug into his waist drawing a hiss.  He leaned in, resting his lips against Kai's jaw and growled, "They think you're Xerynn's."
     Kai did laugh then.  "I-it's just a ploy," he protested.  "Xerynn wanted me working tonight.  Someone's got some Chaos-something-or-other and I need to find it."  Still snickering, he watched Ethan draw back, a very obvious pout on his face.  
     I love you, you idiot, he thought with affection, his own heart stuttering at the realization.  His humor softened and he cupped Ethan's cheek, dragging a thumb against his boyfriend's neatened beard.  "It's nothing to worry about."
     Looking every inch a petulant giant, Ethan looked away.  "I kept hearing them say how . . . how surprised they were by Xerynn's new arm candy."  His throat worked as he frowned and looked steadily away from Kai.  "Like, like they thought you weren't good enough."
     Kai's heart overflowed in that moment.  He brought his other hand up to Ethan's face and forced the man to look at him, smiling at familiar want and affection in those eyes.  "Ethan, are you seriously angry that they didn't think I could get Xerynn?"
     "Maybe," he mumbled.
     You idiot, he chided, grinning.  He leaned in and kissed Ethan gently.  "Frankly, they should be wondering if something's wrong with me mentally if they think I'm here with him because anyone he actually seems to want to pursue always has a few wires missing," he retorted.  Granted, he only had Jac as an example but it was a hefty example.
     Ethan's eyes flicked to Kai and away, but beneath Kai's fingers, the man's jaw no longer jumped.  
     "Ethan," he murmured.  Eyes swung back and locked on Kai this time.  His heart jittered at the heat there.  "Ethan," he repeated.  He leaned in kissing Ethan gently.  "Were you jealous?" he teased.
     He gasped when Ethan pinned him to the wall again, startled by the sudden movement.  He didn't fight when Ethan took Kai's wrists and pinned them above his head.  
     Of course you only need one hand you goddamn behemoth, he mused as Ethan drew his empty hand down his neck.  Thank fuck.  His eyes fell shut and he lifted his chin, shivering at the blunt scrape of fingernails along his skin.  By reflex, he widened his stance and whimpered when Ethan pressed close, letting Kai know just how affected he'd been.
     "You're mine, remember?" Ethan growled, leaning in to fasten his mouth to Kai's neck.  He dragged his teeth along Kai's skin, lips curling in response to Kai's startled yip.  "Wish I could leave a permanent mark on you.  Wish I could show them you're mine."
     Kai squirmed, growing hard and flush at the want in Ethan's voice.  It was the same for him, though.  Everywhere they went eyes followed Ethan.  Lust trailed after the man like an unending river.  And while Kai knew Ethan would always be faithful, it didn't prevent the tiny doubts that would worm into his head when they were separated for long periods.
     "I am though," he breathed.
     "Are you?"  Ethan's voice shifted, darkening.  He huffed a puff of air across Kai's dampening skin.  "Are you mine?"  He let go of Kai's wrists but when his arms began to drop he growled, "Keep them there."
     Kai shut his eyes and nodded frantically.  The whine that came out when Ethan reached for his waist might have embarrassed him once but now, he only fidgeted, his imagination filling in the next steps.
     He shifted again as air passed along his now bared stomach, Ethan having yanked his dress shirt from out of his trousers.  He bit his lip at the moan that burst in his throat when Ethan slid one hand down the back of his boxers, squeezing roughly.
     "This," Ethan hissed, fingers digging into Kai's ass, "is mine."
     "Yours," Kai gasped, hips bucking against Ethan, his dick already throbbing and seeking.  "Ethan, anyone ever tell you," he swallowed, opening his eyes to slits, a loopy grin slanting his mouth, "that you're kind of horny?"
     His boyfriend surged forward, knocking him to the wall as he brought their mouths together, a spark of pain rapidly fading under the welcome onslaught.  He would never tire of this.  Never tire of Ethan's want.  He never wanted to be without it.
     Ethan dropped his chin, dragging teeth along Kai's jaw.  "You have no idea how hot you look."  His voice thickened, ragged and strained.  "How I wanted to bend you over every surface."
     Kai scrunched his eyes shut, squirming under the filthy image.  He wasn't sure what it was that Ethan saw in him sometimes.  Ethan looked like he'd stepped out of a fashion magazine whereas Kai was lucky if his hair behaved for a day.  And yet, a man as drop-dead gorgeous as Ethan seemed utterly floored by Kai's very presence.  It was heady and Kai was fast growing addicted to the feeling.
     "Y-you'd get arrested," he teased.  "Chernov'd be pissed."  He could feel Ethan's responding pout on his skin.
     "Don't mention him when I'm trying to fuck you," he admonished.
     Kai opened his eyes halfway, feeling drunk.  Ethan's gaze was steady and hot.  "H-here?"
     Ethan's kiss was filthy, all tongue and sucking wet.  "Yes," he rasped.  "I want you.  Here.  Now.  Need you."  His fingers dug deeper into the soft flesh of his ass.  "Need to feel you."
     If he said no, Kai knew Ethan would relent.  He'd protest with his words only but let Kai lead them out.  Maybe take them home.  Maybe see if they could get an open room at a nearby hotel.
     Kai's heart thundered in his ears. He'd do anything I asked.  He'd never deny me.  That scared him more than his earlier realization about his feelings for the other man.  His hands dropped from the wall, draping over Ethan's shoulders again.  He swallowed and whispered, "I love you," before he could stop himself.
     Ethan blinked, eyes darting about Kai's face.  In a beat, he broke out into a grin.  His kiss was still eager, still desperate but sweeter somehow.  A steady press of skin and the tease of a familiar tongue.  "My heart is full of you," he murmured.  His mouth moved in soft sweeps before he rested his lips near Kai's ear.  "You paint my life in gold."
     Kai's breath caught, fingers clenching on Ethan's shoulders.  He turned then, meeting the other man's gaze.  The adoration there left him shaking.  Tears pricked his eyes and he shut them tight, struggling to contain them.  He whimpered at Ethan's mouth drifting sweetly over his shut lids.
     "Not fair," he whined.  It really wasn't.  Kai thought it a big step for him to even say those three words.  And here Ethan went and damn near spouted poetry.  You asshole, he lamented, his heart threatening to burst.
     Ethan's laughter was a low rumble in his chest.  "I lost to you so long ago, Kai.  It's only fair I score a point or two now and again."
     Kai sniffed, opening his eyes, a tear falling free as he did.  Ethan's thumb swept it away, his palm cradling Kai's cheek.  
     "Cheater," he grumped.
     Ethan grinned.  "Do I get a prize?"
     He shivered, watching as the lust from before returned, turning Ethan's pale eyes into molten pools.  He licked his lips, not missing Ethan's greedy tracking.  "I said I love you, doesn't that count?"  
     Ethan's hands dropped to his waist again, his left creeping back toward his ass.  "And I told you to keep your arms up:  strike one."
     "Oh, really?" Kai prodded, his heart kicking up.  He bit his lip, knowing it would wind up Ethan more.  "I didn't realize there were conditions."  He lifted his chin, brows following.  "Bad form, Ethan.  You're supposed to explain all the rules."
     He gasped when Ethan thrust his thigh up, pressing to Kai's still hard cock.  "Okay.  Rule number one:  arms up."  He jerked his chin toward Kai and repeated it until Kai responded.  "Good boy," he purred.
     Kai shivered, groin throbbing.  Ethan could be somewhat aggressive in bed but this was something altogether different.  And Kai wasn't about complain.  Given the endless pulse in his head and the pleasant press of their bodies, he only wanted more.
     Ethan's hand returned to his ass, squeezing rhythmically.  "Rule number two," he husked, using his right to undo Kai's bowtie, "you can't touch me."
     "You fucker," he groaned.  He loved touching Ethan.  Loved the feel of firm muscle under soft, fiery skin.  Loved the feel of sweat that gathered in his tousled hair.  
      Ethan clucked his tongue.  "No touching," he repeated, looking distinctly pleased with himself at Kai's torment.  
      "I'll get you back for that," he warned, meaning none of it.  In fact, given how turned on he was at the moment, this might be a scenario worth revisiting.  Ethan, you've ruined me, he admitted.
     Ignoring his threat, Ethan whispered, "And rule number three:  you can't make a sound."
     He glowered at that, blushing hard.  They both knew Kai was noisy in the bedroom.  In fact, Ethan seemed to think it a point of pride to see how loud he could get Kai to respond.  "You're kidding."
     Ethan dragged his thumb along Kai's swollen bottom lip.  "Punishment for letting other people look at you."  His eyes flicked from Kai's mouth to his eyes and back again.  "You make a sound, I stop."
     "You sure you want to commit to that?" Kai asked, knowing full well how lost Ethan could get in sex.  "Pretty sure your lower brain will take over if you try," he mocked.
     Kai yipped at Ethan's free hand clamping down on his groin, fingers finding the outline of his dick easily and squeezing.  "No sound," he taunted.  His grin was lazy and dangerous but his chest was rising and falling faster by the second.  
     Fuck it, Kai thought, biting his lip and nodding.
     "That's my boy," Ethan sighed, kissing him hard, pressing him to the wall, and letting Kai feel his ardor, hard and thick against his thigh.
     Kai shut his eyes, clenching his hands together to fight the urge to touch.  His arms trembled with need as Ethan's mouth moved, nipping and licking as he slowly undid his dress shirt, seemingly taking ages to unhook each button before finally exposing Kai's chest.
     He caught the rustle of fabric as Ethan knelt and bit harder on his lip at the urge to whimper when Ethan mouthed his belly.  The man was obsessed with the soft skin there.  Often getting Kai to come just from tender, never-ending ministrations.  He pressed his head to the wall, eyes screwed shut as he squirmed, wanting to watch but also knowing it would only make the torment worse.
     Ethan's tongue laved the skin above his belt and he murmured, "Nobody gets to touch you like this, do they?"
     Kai opened his mouth to answer but snapped it shut when Ethan nipped his stomach.  Instead, he pressed his lips tight and shook his head violently.
     "No one gets to see you like this.  See you unravel."
     His mouth dropped open as he began panting, struggling to keep his thoughts even.  Oh, you're such an asshole, he whined.  Still, he wanted it to keep going.  Straining to hear Ethan's next taunts.  His next commands.
     He pressed his lips tighter when the telltale burr of his zipper filled the coat closet.  Ethan's hands were sure and warm against his skin, drawing his boxers and trousers down and leaving them pooled at his ankles.  Until all that hid him from Ethan's appraising eyes was his dress shirt, open as it was.
     Christ, I'm naked in a coat closet with my boyfriend at an upscale event.  Am I a slut?  The thought almost made him giggle, giddy as he was.  Jac would approve.  It was a sign of how turned on he was that even thoughts of the rapacious assassin did nothing to dim the ache in his cock.  
     He cracked open an eye, immediately regretting it.  Ethan knelt at his feet, eyes blown wide with desire, tie loose and throat of his shirt open to reveal a flushed chest.  Ethan met his bleary gaze and held it as he turned his head just enough to press a filthy kiss to the inside of Kai's thigh, dragging his tongue upward with a flick.  His right hand splayed against the back of Kai's leg, lifting it slightly as he continued to nip and suck at bared skin.
     His arms began to fall but Kai snapped them back up when Ethan pulled up his left hand and held up a finger, wagging it back and forth slowly, one eyebrow raised.
     I will kill you.  I swear, I will kill you in messy ways.
     Ethan sucked a bruise into Kai's thigh, raising his left higher to splay his fingers along the crease of Kai's hip.  Kai bucked towards the warmth, wanting Ethan's hands on him elsewhere.  So close.  So very close.  His cock. twitched, throbbing under the soft touches, precome dribbling in response.
     Ethan's tongue dragged along his skin.  "Pretty," he murmured.
     Kai squinted at him, heaving.  He opened his mouth to chide Ethan but shut it just as quickly.  Instead, he only screwed his mouth up and rolled his eyes.
     His boyfriend chuckled, shifting closer.  "You're so pretty like this, Kai."  When Kai only shook his head, Ethan drew a finger along the underside of Kai's dick, the featherlight touch a shock, enough to draw a gasp.
    "Ah, ah," Ethan warned, dragging his finger in the opposite direction.  "Want to say something?"
     Kai shook his head harder, eyes squeezed shut.  Ethan continued his torment and Kai wanted to kick him, trembling at each light touch.  Desperate, Kai shifted his arm, pressing it to his mouth to muffle a groan.
     "I wonder if that's cheating," Ethan mused, leaning into to replace his finger with his tongue.  Kai's eyes snapped open at the first pass, his hips driving up for more.  He whimpered when Ethan pressed his ass back to the wall with an arm at his waist, eyes bright with humor at Kai's frustrated snort.
     He was immediately grateful for Ethan's pressure at his hips given how his legs buckled when the man swallowed Kai down.  He bit down on his sleeve, choking on the keen in his throat at the familiar, wet heat.  Brow twisted, his eyes cracked open and Kai regretted it instantly.
     Ethan watched him, blue eyes lit like fire, his red, spit-slick lips stretched over Kai's swollen cock as he bobbed up and down.  Shit, he wanted so badly to tangle his fingers in the man's blond-brown hair.  To tug on the damp strands.  
     He might actually be evil.  He's an evil man.
     He shuddered as Ethan pulled off with an audible pop, licking his lips.  The other man stroked Kai slow with one hand as he rose from his knees.  He worked Kai's dick even as he pressed his body against Kai's shaking form.
     "Turn around, baby," he murmured.
     Kai's eyes widened.  Dazed, he kept his mouth fastened to his arm as he turned, using the wall to brace himself given he doubted he'd be able to remain standing for much longer.  He let out a muffled whimper when Ethan's fingers dropped from his groin, struggling not to squirm.
     Intent on his torment, Ethan dragged his tongue along Kai's jaw.  There was a jangle of a belt and the shift of fabric and Kai jerked at the rigid, fiery flesh against his ass.  
     "I can't wait any longer," he husked.  "If we were home, I'd make you scream."  Kai took some solace to the fact that Ethan's voice was ragged now, strained with need.  "Love the way you sound when you beg," he rumbled, peppering Kai's neck with open kisses.
     Kai squeezed his eyes shut as two fingers prodded his ass.  A surprised giggle slipped out at the slick touch.  He craned his neck, meeting Ethan's eyes, amused at the man's typical horny preparation.
    Even with his cheeks flushed with arousal, Kai could see them brighten in a genuine blush.  He took a breath and finally unlatched his teeth from his sleeve.  Arching back, he bumped his nose against Ethan's, knowing it likely violated Ethan's self-imposed rules.
     To his surprise, Ethan pulled Kai's head back into a desperate kiss, even as he thrust his fingers deeper into Kai.  He mewled into the man's mouth, scraping his fingers against the wall in response.  Even in his haze, he had a heartbeat of clarity:  Ethan was about to fuck him against a wall in a coat check room, in downtown Portland.
     They weren't so far gone that he couldn't put a pause on it.  Get Ethan to take him home and give them proper privacy.  He could.  As if hearing his trepidation, Ethan pulled back just enough, his breath a soft whisper across Kai's bruised lips.
     Eyes so soft.  Even after all that had happened between them, Ethan still managed to gaze at him with nothing but trust and adoration.  
     What did I do in a past life to deserve you?
     This time, Kai leaned in, the position awkward and stiff, and whispered, "Fuck me."
     Ethan's hand slid into his hair, twisting curls as he growled.  "Fuck you so good," he grunted, thrusting into Kai with his fingers.  "Gotta be quiet, baby," he warned.  His voice was thick but teasing.  "Don't want to share your pretty voice."
     Kai glared but it lacked any impact given how flush his entire body was, the way he dug his fingers into the wall, wanting instead to feel flesh and muscle under him.  I hate you, he mouthed.
     Ethan licked the tip of his nose, unrepentant.  "Nuh uh; you love me."  He drew Kai's head back more, nearly painful as he fastened his mouth to Kai's and mumbled desperately, "I love you.  I can't exist without you."
     Kai trembled, once more shutting his eyes tight, as though blocking Ethan from view would stop the unending spill in his heart.  It wasn't fair.  Wasn't fair that Ethan could be this sexy and sweet.  His lips curled into a grin as he sucked Ethan's tongue, calling it a point when Ethan's grip tightened in his hair and his hand slipped out of his ass.
     Hurry hurry hurry, Kai pleaded, aching and empty.  Given their position and haste, he likely wasn't stretched as Ethan usually made him but Kai as beyond caring.  He only wanted to feel Ethan, the delicious burn of penetration, the pleasure that would chase it along his nerves.
     He cried out into Ethan's mouth as his boyfriend thrust into him, the initial invasion a surge of pain.  With a growl, Ethan tore his mouth from Kai's and pressed his lips to the back of Kai's neck, hands falling to his waist, fingers digging in.  Kai had barely a warning to brace himself before Ethan began slapping his hips forward, grunting desperately with each jerk.
     He bit his lip, wondering if they'd be functional by the end of the night.  Each stroke from Ethan left pleasure swirling in his body, a warmth that shivered like waves up and down his chest.  "Please, please," he begged, trying desperately to keep his voice down.
      "Naughty boy," Ethan retorted, driving hard into Kai.  "Weren't supposed to make a sound."  His thrusts slowed, becoming fewer but brutal, Kai's entire body jolting with each stroke.  
      Christ, Kai must look utterly debauched at this point.  He was gasping for air, sweat damp on his face and neck, pants pooled at his ankles, arching back as his boyfriend fucked into him, with long, violent strokes.  The idea drew out a broken, lewd moan and he dropped a hand to his cock, tugging hard as pleasure continued its relentless surge.
      He whined when Ethan stilled his hand.  A yelp choked his throat as Ethan thrust again, seating himself fully inside Kai before stopping.
      Panting, he glared at Ethan, struggling to move, to coax him to continue.  Ethan only grinned, squeezing Kai's hand around his cock.  He let go and pressed himself entirely to Kai's back, sliding both hands up, squeezing his chest possessively.
      "Such a naughty little boy," he purred, pulling nearly all the way out before snapping his hips forward.
      "Ethan!" he cried, belatedly sinking his teeth back into his arm.  
      Not that it mattered.  His impassioned cry was enough to unravel Ethan and he fucked into Kai in a frenzy, grunting in his ear as he rocked into his body with short, violent thrusts.  He didn't stop Kai from jerking on his cock this time, instead adding his own hand to the mix and tugging hard on abused skin.  Tears well in Kai's eyes, overcome by the sensations as Ethan continued to drive him insane.
      Sex with Ethan had never been anything less than exceptional.  But here, in this small room, locked away from prying eyes but still lacking privacy, it was as though it was the first night again.  Like Ethan wanted to make certain Kai never forgot how his body felt.  As though Ethan wanted to tattoo his pleasure so deep inside Kai he'd orgasm from memory alone.
      To Kai's relief and regret, however, It was over far too quickly.  His mouth fell open in a soundless cry as his dick pulsed, come splattering the wall in front of him.  He shivered at Ethan's satisfied groan, fingers painful on his hip as he held Kai still, pumping his release deep inside.
      Panting, Kai slumped against the wall, his heart rabbiting in his chest.  His nerves sang, sparking with each aftershock of pleasure that swept his skin.  He moaned when Ethan pulled out, his softening cock pulling free soft pop.  Kai shuddered, missing his presence already.  He grinned weakly at Ethan's soft kisses against the back of his neck.  With his cheek pressed to the wall, he eyed Ethan awkwardly.  "Feel better?" he rasped.  He certainly did.  He hadn't realized how tense this place had made him until Ethan had literally expunged it from his body.
    Ethan guided Kai around to face him, clearly ignoring their nakedness and the general mess they'd created.  He looped his arms around Kai's waist, burying his face in Kai's neck with a happy sigh.  "Always better after I get to touch you," he mused.  He patted Kai's bare ass, pinching it lightly.  "Even better when I can get inside you."
     Kai's face burst into flame.  "Ethan," he whined, "you didn't have to do that in a coat closet though!  Just because you get jealous over idiots."  He grumbled at the squeeze to his waist.  "You're ridiculous," he chided, still warm that Ethan wanted him so badly he'd willingly do something so brazen.
     The admonishment meant little given how Ethan only nuzzled into Kai's neck, sighing blissfully.  "Can we go home now?"
     He certainly wanted to, if only to clean up and not feel so inappropriate.  But, he had yet to do what was expected for the night.  "I still have to work," he protested.  And he still had no idea what it was he was looking for or where it might be.  
     Wait.  He frowned, glancing around the room, realizing there was something here.  Sensing Chaos was always a strange affair.  Occasionally it blared like a klaxon and other times, it took ages for Kai to pinpoint the source.  So no wonder he hadn't noted the strange undercurrent until now.  It thrummed in a low tone, only noticeable in the quiet that had enveloped them after sex.
     "Hang on."  He pushed Ethan away, hastily pulling his trousers back up and fastening the zipper.  His shirt hung open as he crept along the edge of the room, his senses pinging like radar.  He stopped beside a fur coat, noting the way the texture appeared to ripple, drifting from soft animal fur to a strange thickened material.  Under his fingers, the texture jittered from soft to the odd give, a sure sign of Chaos.  He dug into the pockets of the garment until he pulled out a silver letter opener.
      Chaos curled along the hilt of it, threads of magic that twisted and warped.  "It was never even out there!" he snapped.  Goddamn it.  It was a waste to even wander around the main room.  And Kai would never had had a reason to come in here had Ethan not - he froze.
      He turned to stare at Ethan who watched him, curious.  
      "Oh, that asshole!" he yelped.
      Kai squeezed his eyes shut, realizing that this had been Xerynn's goal.  "Oh, my god," he gasped, "I hate him so much."  He clapped his right hand over the hilt, wincing when the gateway in his palm stretched open to swallow the traces of Chaos easily.  Like cold oil, it spread along his arm, fading into the odd link he carried with the Chaos realm.  The familiar yet unwelcome feeling dispersed slowly, receding and leaving the room clear, the coat once more the warm sable it had started as.  Once done, he returned the letter opener to its place, wishing instead he could fling it in the face of a certain god.  
      "Kai?"  Ethan had come to his side and was rubbing his back, brow furrowed in concern.  "You all right?  Was it a bad one?"
      He turned to meet Ethan's calm, warm eyes.  He kissed Ethan softly and shook his head.  "It's fine.  Hardly anything."  He pulled his shirt closed, redoing the buttons.  "I think we can go now, though."  As he tucked his shirt back in, he scowled.  And I need to avoid even looking at Xerynn.  He still wasn't entirely certain of the breadth of Xerynn and Destiny's knowledge but given what had happened, he was sure he didn't want to confirm any of it.
      Ethan helped him redo his bowtie and with a soft pat to his head, led the way out of the coat room.  Thankfully, no one appeared to have realized the room was unusable for the short while they'd been inside.  Even so, Kai wanted very much to get the hell out before anyone else accosted him.  His job now complete, there wasn't even a reason for him to alert Xerynn.  Especially if this was what the god had intended in the first place.
     As they neared the door, he glanced to his right and stumbled to a stop when Xerynn lifted a glass in his direction.  At Kai's glare, the god only grinned, turning away in clear dismissal.
     I hate you.  He jumped when Ethan took his hand, lacing their fingers together.  He sighed then, his tension melting almost instantly.  He perched up on his toes and kissed Ethan, murmuring, "Take me home."
      Ethan grinned and looped his arm around Kai's shoulder, pulling him away from hollow wealth behind them and into the cool night air.  
     He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes for a moment.  The thickness of the gala behind them faded and Kai was once more reminded of how lucky he was to have met Ethan.  Hard to believe that working for a god would have led him here.  With a glance to the man at his side, he realized that all in all, he might actually need to thank Xerynn one day.  He shuddered at the idea, screwing up his face in distaste.
     I'd rather people think we fucked than do that, he admitted.  Instead, he squeezed Ethan's hand, smiling when the man lifted it and kissed the back of it.
     Still, he would carry the burden of knowing he owed such an insufferable person that great a debt to his grave if this was his reward.
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
This is a very spoilery scene so those of you in the know, heed that warning. XD
"Do you think you can forgive me?"
Perched on the concrete divider, hands clasped between his knees, Kai glanced to his right, taking in Ethan's question. It had been a punch the solar plexus. Hearing Ethan's dad spill everything. He thought he'd read guilt and dismay on Ethan's face but again, he'd been pretty convincing already. How hard would outrage be?
He sighed and shrugged, going back to watching the river. "I don't know," he breathed. He spared another look and frowned to find Ethan grinning.
"Why are you so happy to hear that?" Dammit, don't smile at me you asshole, I'm supposed to be angry. But Ethan's blue eyes were bright and warm. Like that first day. And his heart hadn't forgotten that yet. Nor had it forgotten how fitting a smile was on that handsome face.
"You didn't say no," Ethan pointed out.
Kai snorted and immediately clapped his hand over his mouth, scowling at Ethan's even wider grin. He let it drop and warned, "I didn't say yes, either."
Ethan's grin remained in place but his eyes dimmed as he reached out and grabbed Kai's hand, lifting it to his lips. He watched Kai as he pressed a warm kiss to the knuckles. "I'll take it as a chance."
Kai swallowed, his heart thudding. Maybe . . . maybe I'll let you try.
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snarkymonkeyprime · 10 months
Because I love when Kai teases Ethan. IMMENSELY.
     “But him?  Seriously?”
     Ethan shook his head, smiling ruefully.  “Kai, I didn’t go on there to have conversations.  I went on there to get laid.  That’s it.”
     Kai held his hand over his heart and gasped theatrically.  “You went on there for sex?!  My word!”
     “Kai,” Ethan warned.
     “Heavens to Betsy, whatever shall I do with this information?”
     “Kai,” he repeated, scowling.
     “Aww, my baby was a slut.”  He pinched Ethan’s cheek, coaxing a wan smile.  “There we go.  I like it better when you smile.”
     Ethan captured his hand, staring down while he stroked Kai’s fingers, his other hand still clutching his phone.  “Are you upset about this?”
     Kai furrowed his brow.  “Why would I be upset?”
     Ethan bounced his phone on his knee.  “Well, most people would be pissed to find out their significant other was, well, a fuckboy.”
     Kai grinned.  “Technically, you’re still a fuckboy.”  When Ethan glared at him, he reclaimed his hand and patted the man’s cheek.  “You’re just my fuckboy now.”
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
Creating your own OTP means you can abuse any and all romance tropes to your heart's content. And frankly, Kaithan is just fun to write.
     Ethan's hands slid around Kai's waist and soon after, Ethan's chin rested on his left shoulder.  He sighed, leaning back into that warm, familiar chest.  
     The other man turned just enough to press a slow kiss to Kai's neck.  "Hi," he rumbled.
     Kai patted his hands.  "Hi," he replied.  "You're getting touchy-feely."  He shifted and craned his neck back to meet Ethan's eyes.  "You do realize I'm working, right?"
     Ethan dropped a quick kiss to the tip of Kai's nose.  "What?  I can't hug my boyfriend?"
     Kai's eyes narrowed.  "Hugging from you usually leads to other things," he pointed out.  Not that he was complaining.  But, if he had to deal with a Chaos pool tonight, getting ramped up before hand wasn't in his rulebook.  Better it happen after when Kai needed to be grounded and forget whatever poison raced through his mind.
     Ethan nudged Kai's temple with his nose.  "I promise," he purred, "that I won't molest you until after you do your dirty work."
     "Uh huh."  Kai reached up and patted Ethan's cheek somewhat harder than necessary.  "Since you've been given permission to molest me on the reg, you rarely do it when it's convenient and always when I'm busy."  He jumped when Ethan's hand moved to capture his, shivering when lips touched his fingertips.
     "Your fault," Ethan pointed out.  "I like the way you feel and sound; be worse at that and I'll leave you alone."
     Kai jerked on his hand, trying to break loose and sighed in irritation when Ethan only latched on tighter.  "You're like a horny teenager; how's that possible?"
     Ethan's chest vibrated with smothered laughter.  "Mm.  Can't help it."  Ethan's other arm dropped from Kai's waist, hand sliding along Kai's inner thigh as it did.  "If you saw what I did when I'm sliding into you, maybe you'd understand," Ethan hissed.  
     Kai's eyes went wide, a pleasant shiver skating down his spine.  He elbowed Ethan at that and spun around, clapping his hand over Ethan's mouth.  "None of that!"
     Ethan's eyes crinkled as he reached up and pushed Kai's hand away.  He took that same hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.  "There's that, too."
     Confused, Kai's brow furrowed.  "That what?"  
     He stiffened when Ethan leaned in and whispered, "You're adorable when you're angry."
     Kai punched Ethan in the chest, annoyed when the other man barely moved.  "Asshole."
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
@magic-ramen's fault. That is all.
In which Chernov proves why he's in charge.
     “I’m not that important, Ethan,” Kai had rasped, pale hand bright red as he pressed it against his thigh.  A wobbly grin.  “Shouldn’t be so upset.”
     *You’re important to me,* he’d thought, catching the other man just as his eyes had rolled up and his one functioning leg finally gave out.
     Ethan sat with his back to the wall, just outside Kai’s hospital room.  He could remember another time barely a year ago.  Kai had been stabbed then, too.  The report had been odd, though.  Related to the serial killer they’d been following but Chernov had been less than description about why both of them had been in Old Town.  All Ethan really knew was how pale Kai had been.
     Like now.
     Note to self, keep sharp objects out of his way.  He sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead. 
     He looked up to see a paper cup, steaming.  “Thanks,” he mumbled, sipping the bitter brew.  He winced as he burned his lip.  “What’re you doing here?”  He watched Chernov take the chair next to Ethan, the older detective clutching a twin to Ethan’s coffee.
     He inclined his head.  “Heard he did something stupid again.”
     Ethan forced a grin.  No, just some other asshole did something stupid and I didn’t get Kai out of the way in time.  “Missed all the vitals so he’s just under observation.”  He could feel Chernov’s eyes on him but refused to look over.  “I’m here waiting to take a statement.”
     You and that crush of yours are gonna get in a world of hurt if you’re not careful.  Ethan fought the squirm of memory at Chernov’s comment the other day.  It didn’t help that he was right.  Per usual.
     “I think I owe you an apology,” Chernov drawled, raising his cup. 
     Ethan glanced then and frowned.  “What?”
     Another jerk of the head toward the room.  “That crush jab.  I was wrong.”
     Oh.  Ethan’s shoulders twitched as he settled in his chair.  Before he could remark, however, Chernov continued.
     “Yeah, not a crush.”  He rested his cup against his lips and pinned Ethan with a stare.
     Ethan’s stomach dropped.
     “I was way off the mark.  You’re not just interested; you’ve already picked out rings for that dumbass.”  Chernov stood up and finished his coffee, crushing the cup and tossing it into the garbage can across from them.  He shrugged his coat higher up on his shoulders.  “So, yeah; read that one wrong for once.”
     Ethan stared at him as the detective walked off.  He groaned and let his head fall back, wincing at the thud against the wall. 
     “Dammit.”  He didn’t fear Chernov leaking it to anyone; he only dreaded the number of terrible hints and jokes he was about to endure.
     He leaned over, craning himself awkwardly to peek into Kai’s room.  The other man’s eyes were shut, brown hair more in disarray than usual.  But he had color.  And he was breathing.
     He sighed and straightened, sipping his coffee.  “Well, I’m fucked,” he admitted.
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
Extended version of the Kaithan reconciliation!
     Kai didn’t know the first thing about field dressing but Ethan walked him through what do to.  The wound was ugly but not fatal.  Ethan’s skin was split and bruised, blood seeping from where the bullet had sliced through skin into the muscle beneath.  He swiped more blood away, pulling a face.  “We should probably take you to a hospital,” he warned.
     Ethan shook his head.  “It’ll be fine.”  He fished in the box Jac had brought them, finding needle and surgical thread.  “I’ve done this before.”
     Kai’s eyes widened.  “Wait.  You’re gonna stitch yourself up?”  He stuck out his tongue and Ethan’s nod.  “What are you trying to prove you’re masculine or something?” he chided.
     Ethan smiled.  “I was a sniper in the army, remember?  I’ve had to stitch up soldiers and myself before.”
     “Oh.  Right.”  Kai sat back, his hands fisted on his thighs as he watched Ethan prep thread and needle.  He winced when the needle punctured the already abused skin.  “Ugh, god; I’m in pain just watching.”
     “Then don’t watch,” Ethan remarked, winking.
     I want to make sure you’re still here.  He licked his lips, eyes flicking from the stitching to the grimace on Ethan’s face.  You could have died.  His heart shuddered.  He could have easily lost Ethan tonight.  Even for all their conflict, the idea threatened his composure.  He shifted atop the bed, pushing closer.
     They sat quietly together, Kai watching like a hawk as Ethan pulled the skin tight.  He grunted, startling Kai.  
     “Can you tie it off?”
     Kai nodded and it took a couple tries before he managed to get a knot close enough to keep the wound close.  Still silent, he clipped the remaining thread and reached for the antiseptic, wiping the closed wound carefully to remove the remaining blood that now oozed.  
      “Thank you,” he murmured, glancing at Ethan.  “You saved my life.”  He laid the surgical pad against the wound, smoothing it down and patting it gently.  “There.  Now you’re less bloody.”
      Ethan retrieved his arm, cradling it.  “For now,” he joked.  He rubbed his elbow, looking at Kai all the while.  “You know I’d do it again.”
     “Do what?”
     “Step in the way.”
     Kai’s heart thudded as he met Ethan’s eyes.  Those warm blue eyes that he’d dreamed of since three months ago.  “Ha, ha,” he retorted lamely.  He stiffened at Ethan’s palm against his cheek, blinking at him.
     “That night,” he rasped.  “That night, I only wanted you.  I wasn’t there for a mission.  I was there for you.”
     He trembled, wary of believing it.  “Ethan,” he protested.  
     Ethan’s thumb stroked his skin.  “I can’t take back what happened.  I can’t change the how or why we met.  But I will spend the rest of my life proving myself to you if I have to.  Everything I do now is for you and only you.”  His thumb shifted, pressing to Kai’s bottom lip.  “Even if you never let me touch you again, I’ll -“
      Kai wrapped his arms around Ethan’s neck, pressing a desperate kiss to those oft remembered lips.  Ethan’s own arms responded, clutching him tight, fingers wrapped in his shirt.  He pulled back, breathing fast as his eyes flicked from Ethan’s mouth to his eyes and back again.
     “You’re a stupid, stupid man,” Kai husked.  His lips curled at Ethan’s grin.  He kissed him softly and murmured, “But, I think I might be stupider.”
      Ethan laughed into the kiss, squeezing Kai to his bare chest.  “Hm.  What was it you said?  At least I’m pretty?”
      Kai squirmed in his arms, ears burning.  “Maybe,” he admitted.  He didn’t try to break the embrace, however.  The anxiety that had been building in him since they’d escaped Ethan’s father’s compound began to unwind, and he sank into Ethan’s grip.  
      Ethan ducked his head, nuzzling Kai’s throat.  “I’ve missed you,” he sighed.  “I’ve missed this skin.”  His hand drifted down Kai’s back before slipping under his shirt to trace his spine.  “I thought, I might never get to touch you again.”
     Kai shivered, squirming.  “I was mad, not sadistic,” he retorted, gasping when Ethan’s hand slid past his waistband to squeeze his ass.  He pulled back and slapped him on the uninjured shoulder.  “You’re wounded!”
     Ethan grinned.  “You kissed me.”
     He reddened.  “Because you keep . . . I mean you sit there and . . .” he scowled.  “Asshole,” he muttered, smiling faintly when Ethan darted forward to kiss his cheek.
     Ethan burrowed into his arms again, resting his forehead in the crook of Kai’s neck.  “Yeah, but I’m your asshole.”
     Kai reached up and stroked Ethan’s neck, shutting his eyes as he rested his cheek on soft, sweat-dampened hair.  “Yeah,” he breathed.  He took a steadying breath.  
     “Wanna give me a get-well blow job?”
      Kai shoved at him, failing at hiding his grin.  “What did I say about pervy things?”
      Ethan grinned and kissed him, his tongue teasing at Kai’s lips.  “What’s pervy?” he teased.  “I’m just asking my boyfriend,” he murmured, kissing Kai, “to reward me,” he moved and his lips shifted along Kai’s jaw, “with his pretty lips around my cock.”  His teeth nipped the pulse at Kai’s throat and he yelped.
      He clapped a hand to his neck and shoved at Ethan’s face.  “Pervert,” he retorted.  He shivered as Ethan mouthed his fingers.  “D-did you mean that?”he asked, his voice thready.
      Ethan caught his eyes, pressing a brief kiss to each finger.  “About wanting a blow job?”
      Kai groaned, “No, you -“
      “Yes,” he breathed.  He kissed Kai’s palm.  “I’m whatever you want to call me, as long as it’s only me.”
      Kai shivered.  “Okay,” he whispered.  He hesitated and leaned in to whisper, “Lover it is.”
      Ethan’s smile was sweet and warm.  “I like that,” he murmured before pulling Kai into a hug.   
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
Spoilers!! But not really. If I talk to you on the reg you know this is a cornerstone moment for the book. : p
     Kai yelped when his arms were yanked behind him, zip ties pinching his arms together.  “The hell?”
     Ethan turned, confusion on his face until he looked behind Kai.  At that, his face paled.
     “Good job, Sir.”
     Kai froze.  What?  He stared at Ethan, hoping he’d heard wrong.  
     The man behind him yanked on Kai’s arm, making him hiss at the pain.  “Your dad just told us to expect him.  You’re quick.”
     The words jumbled like a foreign language in his ears.  He hadn’t heard that had he?  “Ethan?” he croaked.  
     But Ethan refused to look at him, instead taking Kai by the left bicep, pulling him away from the other man.  “I’ll take him,” Ethan stated, his tone flat.
     “Sir.”  The other man’s steps receded but Kai could only stare at Ethan.
     “Ethan,” he prodded.  Ethan’s fingers tightened on his arm.  “Ethan, fucking say something!” he snapped, unable to prevent the hysteria from shattering his voice.
      Ethan flinched, finally meeting Kai’s eyes.  He swallowed, his face still disturbingly pale.  “I . . . I was ordered to watch you.”
      Kai’s stomach fell.  He wanted to throw up.  It was all a lie?  He squeezed his eyes shut, recalling their night together just a day before.  “You fucker,” he rasped.
      He yelped when Ethan pulled him down a hallway, tucking him into an alcove.  He released Kai’s arm and pressed both palms to his face.  “No, no!  That wasn’t . . . the other day wasn’t part of it.  I swear!”
      Tears gathered but Kai refused to let them fall, refused to let Ethan rip his heart like this.  “Oh sure, I believe you,” he husked.
     “Kai, I swear!  I didn’t . . . he told me he just wanted information!  I don’t know anything about this!”
     For a moment, the panic in Ethan’s voice made him want to believe the other man.  Which was probably his intent.  He tried to jerk free from Ethan but with his arms pinioned, he did little more than wriggle violently.  “Don’t touch me,” he snapped.
     To his surprise, Ethan clapped a hand over his mouth.  He pressed Kai further into the alcove, glancing to his left and right.  After a moment, he tugged Kai forward, dragging him down the hall.
      Kai didn’t say anything, just stumbled after him, his mind reeling.  All this time.  All this time he’d been with Ethan, been falling for Ethan, was nothing but a lie.  He squeezed his eyes shut, a tear falling as he did.  I really do have shit luck, he lamented.
     He stumbled when he felt cold air on his face, blinking in confusion.  He jumped at the touch of cold metal on his wrists, further surprised when his arms fell free.  He turned, staring at Ethan as the man refolded his knife, tucking it into his back pocket.  
     “Run,” the man rasped.  
     “Ethan?”  Was this part of the plan?  Get Kai to think him his savior in order to pull more from him.  There are easier ways than trying to make something so stupidly elaborate, he admitted.
      A light began to flash over Ethan’s head and the man swore, his fingers squeezing Kai’s arm.  “Fuck, they’re fast.”  He turned back.  “Go straight.  You’ll find a trail that’s bordered by a rusted red fence.  Follow it until you cross a creek.  End of that is a car.”  He swallowed.  “I used to use that route to sneak out when in college.  Car should still work and get you off the property.”
     “Like I believe you!”
     Ethan flinched.  “I know,” he rasped.  “I have no right to ask it but if you ever trusted me, you need to trust me now.”
     Kai wanted to.  Christ, he wanted to.  His heart burned from what had just happened but as sirens kicked off, he had to wonder if there was truth to it all.  Ethan looked frantic and frightened.  He’d never seen the man look anything other than confident and flirty.
     He stepped back, away from Ethan and toward the path he mentioned.  But he froze as a loudspeaker cracked.
     “Ethan.  Return to my office immediately.  Bring the bridge with you.”
     Bridge?  Kai’s eyes widened.  They knew?  But, not even Ethan knew about that.  He’d been careful to keep all things Chaos to the bare minimum.  A sliver of hope stabbed his heart and he swallowed.
     “You have one minute to comply.  Instructions are to shoot on sight.”
     Ethan took a breath, shutting his eyes.  He met Kai’s look and took a deep breath.  “Okay.”  And then he was moving.
     Kai yelped, startled when Ethan bowled into him, nearly knocking him from his feet.  Expecting him to capture Kai again, he braced himself.  Instead of confining him, Ethan gripped Kai’s wrist and pulled him toward the trail he’d mentioned.  Behind them, Kai could make out shouts and new alarms.
     “If you think,” he gasped, “this’ll make me trust you -“
     Ethan’s hand squeezed his wrist.  “He won’t shoot you.”
     When the meaning settled, Kai’s blood ran cold.  “That was your father?” he gasped out.  Shoot to wound, obviously, but still.  What kind of man was Guinevere’s associate?  He grunted when he collided with Ethan’s broad back.
     The other man was breathing heavy as he tapped the fence he’d mentioned.  He glanced at Kai and swallowed.  “He hasn’t been my father since I was ten.  I’ve already proven a liability in the past.”  The grief there was heady and deep.
     He blinked and pulled his wrist free from Ethan’s grasp.  He shouldn’t trust Ethan.  Not now and not ever.  But he recognized the grief that lay under those words.  This time, he grabbed Ethan’s sleeve.  “Then come with me.  Don’t go back there.”
     Ethan’s laugh was dry and broken.  “What’s the point?  I’ve already fucked up everything that matters.”
     Not everything.  It wriggled, wounded and weak but far from dead.  That hope and bright love he’d started to feel after the night before.  Maybe I’m an idiot but I can’t let you go yet.  He twitched at the sounds of broken branches.  “Which way?” he whispered.
     The question brought him back and without a word, he ushered Kai to the right, keeping the fence on their left as they ran.  They stayed quiet as they ran, stumbling over undergrowth and more than once Kai nearly fell to his knees only to have Ethan pull him upright and push him on.  
     They splashed through the creek Ethan had mentioned and a few hundred feet later, Ethan stumbled to a stop, pulling at branches to reveal an old Buick under a tarp.  The door creaked as he opened it and he pulled the visor down, a set of keys falling into his hand.  “C’mon baby,” he cajoled, jamming it into the ignition.  The car coughed but didn’t catch.  “Fuck, fuck,” he muttered, trying again.  Just as he appeared ready to abandon the idea, the engine turned and the car came to life.
     “Thank fuck,” he breathed.  He gestured to Kai.  “Get in!”
     Kai didn’t question, rounding the car to the dive into the passenger side of the bench seat, even as Ethan threw the car into reverse.  Tires spun and caught, drawing them out of their hiding place.  Ethan grit his teeth and threw the car into gear and it lurched, hopping over dirt and rock to launch itself onto the old gravel road Kai hadn’t noticed in the dark.
     He didn’t come close to relaxing until the car reached a main road and Ethan threaded into the clustered traffic on I-5, hiding them from any pursuit for the moment.
     Kai wiped his face, unsurprised to see his hands shaking.  “You were sent to spy on me.”  He watched Ethan swallow.
     “Yes,” he rasped.
     “You lied to me.”
     “Yes,” his voice was quieter and pained.
     “You didn’t know I’d be there tonight, though,” he realized.
     Ethan glanced at him.  “I swear.”
     He recalled the shock on Ethan’s face.  So while Ethan had played him, it seemed someone else had been playing Ethan at the same time.  The hope sparked again, a warm wriggle of painful awareness.  “But, you still lied to me.”
     Ethan winced and only nodded.
     “What will they do to you now?”
     “I . . . I don’t know,” Ethan admitted.  He swallowed.  “I’ve tried to defy my dad in the past but it never lasted.  He found ways to get me back in line,” he admitted.  He glanced at Kai as headlights passed over them.  “He never told me he was after you.  He said he just wanted information on Xerynn, I swear it.”
     Kai sighed.  “Honestly, I believe you,” he admitted.  “The bridge he mentioned.  He ever explain that?”
     Ethan shook his head.  “I assume it’s to do with you but I have no idea what he meant.”
     “It’s me.  I mean, me in total.  I’m the bridge.  I can cross to Chaos.  Not for long but long enough.”  And it’s getting longer, much to my annoyance.  He had Adam to thank for that.  Little mad scientist.  He rubbed his eyes, suddenly tired.  “Which means Guinevere knows and she’s after me.”
     “Guinevere?  Why would she care about you?”
     “How much did they hide from you?” Kai asked, squinting.
     Ethan’s mouth dropped open but closed quickly.  After a bit he scowled.  “When I was ten, my mom was killed.  Guinevere was an associate of my dad’s; she ran a security firm at the time.  She said that Xerynn caused her death.  Dad basically enacted a vendetta that night.”
     Ah.  “Guinevere is Xerynn’s weapon.”
    The car lurched as Ethan reflexively hit the brake.  He mumbled an apology before resuming their speed.  “That’s not -“ he stopped, brow furrowed.
     “Xerynn’s the God of War; you know that, don’t you?”
     Oh, boy.  Kai sighed.  “Find somewhere we can stop.  I think we need to have a conversation.”
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
New laptop is a DREAM. In the meantime, here's a different scene. The full bore porny one will be later. :3
     Jac grinned, folding his arms and canting forward, bringing his face unfortunately closer to Kai’s.  
     Kai frowned but refused to move.  He would never understand how someone attractive as Jac could remain so odious and threatening.  No wonder Xerynn likes him so much.  Still frowning, he folded his own arms.  “What?”
     Jac leaned back and glanced toward Ethan.  “Lover’s quarrel?”
     He flinched at that.  “If it was, that’s none of your business,” Kai muttered.  The last thing he needed was for Jac to even have an inkling as to Kai’s personal life.  Though, in the same breath, it wouldn’t have surprised him to learn Jac knew everything.
     The grin grew sly.  “Ah.”  He turned then, facing Ethan.  “Did he find out what you are?”
     Kai’s eyes widened.  He focused on Ethan, startled to see the anger in the other man’s face.  What the hell?  Xerynn had said he saw no reason to reveal Ethan’s past to anyone else.  And while the god was a bastard, Kai knew he’d keep his word.  So, either Jac was spying or Kai was missing something important.
     “You heard him,” Ethan growled.  “It’s none of your business.”
     Jac pouted and reached out to drop a hand on Ethan’s shoulder.  “Ouch, Detective Oakes.  I thought we were all allies here.”  He clucked his tongue.  “Here I am just showing an interest and -“
    Kai jumped at the sudden movement as Ethan slapped Jac’s arm away.  The younger man’s face was still and cold.  “I have nothing to say to you,” he stated.  “And you need to say the fuck away from Kai.”
     Jac chuckled, glancing at Kai.  “That so?”  He hummed, stepping back.  “The question, however, is whether or not our Mr. Walker agrees with that statement.”  He stopped and cocked his head, pinning Kai with a stare.  “Well?  Is Mr. Oakes your white knight?”
     I’m regretting ever liking men, Kai lamented.  He rubbed his face and sighed.  “Jac, quit being an asshole.”  He dropped his hands.  “If you can.”  He faced Ethan then and shifted to hide the sudden shiver at the steady look he received.  “And Ethan, I can take care of myself.”
     “I know that, I just -“
     Kai shook his head and marched up, grabbing Ethan by the arm.  “Jac’s always a dick and nothing you say or do will change that.”  He glared at Jac’s amused snort.  “Jac, go bug Xerynn; I’m sure he’s got something more important for you.”
     Jac winked.  “Mm, usually.”
     Kai gagged and shivered as the man sauntered off.  “Christ, I need bleach.”  He focused on Ethan, unnerved to see the man’s jaw clenched as he watched Jac.  “Ethan.”
     The detective took a breath and focused on him, his muscles loosening as he did.
     “Ethan,” he repeated, patting the man’s arm.  “Thanks but, it’s not necessary.”
     “Does he do that to you often?”
     He swallowed the sigh, realizing Ethan wasn’t about to let this go.  He wagged a hand back and forth.  “Kind of?  He’s usually just a pervert.”
     A part of him was a little delighted at the outrage in the single word.  But it faded quickly under the recent events.  Kai held a finger under Ethan’s nose.  “Nope, you don’t get to get territorial.  You lied to me.”
     Ethan’s gaze dropped as he nodded.  “Right.  Sorry.”
     And stop being adorable; makes me want to forgive you.  He sighed.  
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
A continuation of yesterday's post. Takes place like a week later.
Kai pressed the button for the tenth floor, more than a little surprised to see Ethan follow him into the elevator.
"That night," Ethan began.
Kai's face reddened in the elevator's mirrored surface. That night. The aborted kiss? Granted, Dek's important call had been just that but Kai had relived that brief moment over and over for the last week. He cleared his throat, fidgeting. "Yeah?" he rasped.
"You mentioned what you did for Xerynn. Care to explain further?"
He sighed then. Right. "Is it really that interesting?" he replied, shoving his hands into his hoodie. Dammit. Asshole. Do you even remember?
"It is because you seemed reluctant to tell me about it." Ethan's smile appeared warm but Kai could read an edge in the words.
He frowned. "It's hard to explain."
Ethan reached over and hit the emergency stop, the elevator lurching to a halt, a dim red light bathing the interior. "Try me."
Ah. This is Detective Oakes then, Kai thought, disappointed. He sighed and leaned against the back of the elevator. "Fine. Basically, there are these, uh, infestations that I go and take care of." He lifted his eyebrows at Ethan. "Happy?"
Ethan's eyes narrowed. "You mentioned lost things. Infestations aren't lost things."
And of course you have a great memory for stupid shit. He let his head hit the elevator. "Sometimes it's a thing with an infestation. I go, check it out, remove it." He pulled his hands out and clapped them together before swinging his arms wide. "Happy now?" he retorted, not hiding his sarcasm.
"Is it because of something Xerynn's into? That why you won't tell me all of it?"
Kai wanted to kick Ethan in the shin. Instead, he took a deep breath before letting out an annoyed laugh. "I get it. I'm the last person to defend Xerynn in anything. But this is outside him. Has nothing to do with him, really. I can deal with it, he can't." Kai was genuinely irritated at having to steer Ethan away from Xerynn.
"I find that hard to believe," Ethan retorted. "Look, if it's something illegal, we can get you -"
Enough. Kai pushed away from the elevator and jabbed a finger in Ethan's chest. "If you can't trust what I say, then leave it; okay? Nothing I do is illegal. What I do is important." He startled himself with how much he believed that. He'd seen the effect of removing Chaos permanently. While he suffered briefly depending on the severity, it was worth it to see a space return whole. To see the malaise of Chaos vanish. He jabbed Ethan again. "Don't use me as an excuse to further your investigations into Xerynn." He dropped his hand and moved away, leaning against the wall again.
He'd apparently been more lost in his head than he thought given how he jumped at Ethan's hand on his neck. "Wh-what?" He shivered when Ethan's thumb drifted over his lower lip.
"I'm sorry," the other man husked. He said nothing more as he tilted Kai's head back, slanting his mouth across Kai's.
Kai's eyes widened in surprise, his hands reaching up to grip back of Ethan's sleeves. He didn't hide the whimper when Ethan's tongue darted against his mouth. His lips parted and he moaned at the wet muscle invading.
Of course you're a great kisser. Why wouldn't you be? You look like a goddamn movie star, you asshole, Kai lamented, even as his legs wobbled, Ethan's left arm wrapping around his lower back as pressed his advantage. Kai's entire body lit up with fire at the feeling of the other man against him. His fingers tightened on Ethan's jacket, desperate to distract his mind from the blood rapidly pooling in his groin.
Ethan broke away, meeting Kai's eyes. To his relief, they were as hazy as Kai felt.
He swallowed, a new flush of warmth cascading over him as Ethan's eyes followed the motion. "Wh-what was that for?" he asked.
The other man remained quiet, his blue eyes tracking across Kai's face as though mapping every feature. "I like to finish what I start," he murmured. He stroked Kai's lip again. "We were interrupted before."
This time, Kai darted out from under Ethan, startling the man. He fixed his shirt, avoiding the detective's look. "Um, right. So." He cleared his throat and reached over, disabling the emergency button. The red light vanished and the elevator resumed it's ascent. He said nothing until the tenth floor, risking a look at Ethan when he did.
He shivered at the dark look in the man's eyes. The elevator door pinged open and Kai moved toward it. "I, uh, I have an appointment," he managed. He froze when Ethan moved, eyes widening.
To his surprise, Ethan only rested a hand on his shoulder before pressing a kiss to his temple. "Later then." He nudged Kai forward, off the elevator.
When the doors slid shut, Kai's legs crumpled and he hit the floor with a squawk. He touched his lips almost reverently, remembering quickly the feel of Ethan's mouth on him. He flailed and scrambled to his feet, glancing around and eternally grateful no one had seen his performance.
Staring at himself in the closed elevator doors, he straightened his shirt and smoothed his hair. "Okay. So that happened." He touched his lips again, ducking his head to hide the shy smile that erupted. He dropped his hands and scowled. "Right. Job. Fantasies later, job first." He shook his head. "Christ, I need to stop talking to myself. I sound insane."
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
No, seriously, core HHNF is the same but there's more of this now. A lot more.
Kai yawned and stretched his arms overhead, bumping them against the roof of his car. He dropped them back with a sigh and squirmed in his seat, ass fully dead from sitting for so long.
Beside him, Ethan chuckled, glancing once before resuming his watch. "First stakeout?"
He squirmed again. "I'm not a cop. I'm a . . . whatever the hell I am," he muttered. He smiled at Ethan's curious look. "Xerynn doesn't call me an investigator." I think he wants to call me a dumbass but that would ruin his vibe. He grinned. "Most of what he needs from me doesn't require subterfuge."
Ethan focused on him then, his expression curiously flat. "What does he need from you?"
Kai licked his lips, certain he'd imagined something in the other man's tone. "Uh, well. I, er, things get lost and I find them?"
Ethan's eyebrows lifted. He repeated the phrase, never looking away from Kai. "And what things does he need you to find?"
He swallowed then. Shit. This was bordering on what he knew he couldn't let Ethan know. At least, not let him know without breaking his brain in some manner. Chernov was easy. Chernov had met the freaking Baba Yaga so anything Kai said was usually met with a squint and a grunt. Ethan would likely think him insane and try to lock him up for his own safety.
God, how do these guys lie for a living? He looked away, unsettled by Ethan's focus. "He, uh, there are things that he knows about that I go and, er, research." He winced, grateful it was dark in the car and that he was looking to his left, away from Ethan. Good lord, you idiot. Please sound more suspicious, I dare you.
He flinched at the fingers on his neck, twisting back to stare at Ethan, mouth parting. The other man watched him, more curious than confrontational.
"Does he force you to work for him?" he asked, blue eyes bright even in the dark.
Not trusting his voice, Kai shook his head. He swallowed, aware that Ethan's fingers were still settled warmly on his skin. "N-no. I'm able, that is, it's something I can do that others can't." He swallowed again and went on. "Xerynn even implied that I'm free to leave if I want." Sort of. "But, if I can help in some way, I feel I should."
Kai nodded, inwardly dismayed when Ethan's fingers dropped away. "I know you don't like him. Hell, he's not my favorite either, but believe it or not, he has me doing something good." Shit, I wish I could explain this better without you thinking me insane. He glanced at Ethan, chewing his bottom lip. And I wish you'd touch me again. He flushed then, dropping his gaze.
He gasped when Ethan's hand cupped his cheek, lifting his face.
"You'd tell me if he was threatening you, right? Forcing you?"
Kai nearly laughed then, the giddy surrealism bubbling in his chest. Force? I mean, the God of War did say he'd turn me into meat dust if I didn't; does that count? "H-he's not," Kai rasped. His heart was so loud in his ears. Every pulse a thunderclap. He didn't fight when Ethan's hand moved, sliding to the back of his head, nudging him forward. "I . . . I c-can handle myself," he stammered.
Ethan's smile was dark and warmly wicked. "Can you?"
"Mmhmm." He felt dizzy. The car too closed up. The air too warm. And Ethan far too close. And yet, not close enough. He could just feel the puff of air from the other man's mouth, a whisper against his bitten lips.
"Hm." Ethan's eyes flicked around Kai's face. "I think I can handle you, too," he rumbled, leaning in.
Kai's eyes fell shut just as Ethan's lips brushed his. He yelped when his phone rang, lurching back and banging his head against the window. He clutched at his skull and whined. Flustered and startled, he rummaged for his phone and found DEK lighting up the screen.
"Oh, you asshole," he muttered. He glanced toward Ethan but the other man had resumed his earlier focus, staring out the window. But even in the dim light, Kai could see his chest rising and falling, his skin looking a bit darker.
He took a bit of relief in the image. Maybe it wasn't just him turned upside down. Dammit. He sighed and lifted the phone. "This better be good," he snapped.
A pause. "A deceased person laced with Chaos. Is that your definition of good?"
He shut his eyes. Shit. He looked to Ethan to find the man watching him. He sighed loudly, almost wanting to stomp his feet in frustration. "Yeah. That counts." Goddammit, I have the worst luck.
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snarkymonkeyprime · 1 year
A scene that will happen after some other stuff happens. :p
Kai rolled his lips inward, swallowing his grin as Ethan bounded ahead of him, reaching the wide glass door. "After yo-" he yelped when his shoulder slammed into the unmoving door.
Still hiding the amusement, Kai pointed at the etched metal sign above Ethan's hand. "Says pull, Ethan."
"I knew that," Ethan muttered, stepping back and yanking on the door as he did. He glowered at the shiny surface before turning back to Kai. "I was testing you."
"Looked more like you were testing the door's strength," Kai teased, finally letting out his grin as he walked past Ethan.
To his fond annoyance, Ethan pouted as he followed Kai inside. "You're so mean, Kai."
His grin fell into a warm smile. He reached up and patted Ethan on the cheek, his pulse quickening at the glow in the man's eyes. "You're lucky you're pretty, Ethan."
Wrong move. Ethan snatched his hand, grinning. "You think I'm pretty, then?"
Kai flushed and tried to reclaim his hand but Ethan only loomed over him, stroking his fingers. "Slip of the tongue!" His eyes widened.
Ethan's grin turned sultry and he raised Kai's hands to his lips. "Tongue, huh?"
Okay, that was enough. They did have a job to do. Though, Kai was struggling to remember what it was. With his free hand, he swatted Ethan on the top his head. "Stop that," he hissed. "We're in public!"
"And if we were in private?"
Christ, I might hate my life. He managed to wriggle his trapped hand free and shoved at Ethan, not remotely surprised to see the man barely move. Stupid muscular men and their stupid muscles. "Behave yourself." He held up a finger, scowling. "If you say another pervy thing, I'm not talking to you again."
Again that pretty pout. "Can I think it?"
Kai groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh, my god; I can't believe I'm actually missing Chernov right now."
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snarkymonkeyprime · 2 years
A wee Kaithan snippet. Domestic goodness.
     Kai decided, as he pulled into his driveway, that he hated all cars and wanted nothing more than to set fire to the next one he saw; which included the one he currently sat in.  He checked the dash clock:  two in the fucking morning.
     He yawned, his jaw popping, as he turned off the car.  Finally.  Xerynn wasn’t usually a stickler for Kai having to venture into the farther flung reaches of the Pacific Northwest but today, he’d been oddly adamant that Kai deal with some nonsense in Bellingham.  Which meant nearly twelve hours in the car round trip.
    I want to die, he thought, hauling himself out of the car.  He heard a brief beep of a horn and blinked. 
    “What the fuck?” he muttered, squinting.
     Ethan’s car slid into its spot beside Kai and the detective unfolded himself from the vehicle.  He leaned over the hood and folded his arms atop its surface, groaning as he dropped his face down.  “You too?” he murmured.
     Kai snickered, blinking wearily.  Then sobered when he realized what that meant.  He rubbed his chin, watching Ethan slump away from his car and head toward the door.  “Bad one tonight?”
     Ethan looked at him briefly over his shoulder, keys hanging from his hand.  “Yeah.  Bad one.”
     Kai’s own exhaustion forgotten, he slipped up behind Ethan and wrapped his arms around the taller man, squeezing as tight as he could.  “Sorry,” he muttered, into the man’s jacket.
     Ethan’s free hand squeezed one of Kai’s, silent. 
     Once the door opened, a chorus of chirps and yowls greeted them. 
     Kai winced.  “Gotta feed the babies,” he sighed.  He scowled at Ethan’s laugh.  “What?  They have no thumbs, Ethan.”
     Ethan was still grinning as he shrugged out of his coat and reached for Kai’s.  “Thank god for that.  You’d be living at the grocery store.”
     Kai yawned and dug through the cupboards, pulling out two cans of wet food.  In her usual, bizarre way, Soot perched on Moxie’s back, the other cat seemingly unaware of her passenger.  “Stop that,” he hissed.  Soot’s silver eyes blinked out of sync, her legs growing in length until Moxie slipped out from beneath her.  Kai glared at Soot until the cat remembered to realign her form to normal cat standards.
     “Bad girl,” he muttered.  Having finally fed the cats, he tottered to the living room and sat on the couch, sighing.  “I love you, couch,” he murmured, eyes hardly staying open.  Christ, he was tired.  He was honestly surprised he hadn’t dozed off while behind the wheel.  He smiled sleepily as Ethan kissed his temple, his welcome weight settling against him.
     “Couch loves you too, I’m sure,” the other man teased.
     Mumbling nonsense, Kai turned and wrapped and arms around Ethan again, burrowing into that familiar chest.  Ethan grunted but fell back against the arm of the couch, pulling Kai with him.  His fingers stroked Kai’s neck, soft and slow, tangling occasionally with the waves of his hair.
     “Sleepy,” he mumbled.
     “’s fine,” Ethan yawned.
     The last thing Kai noted was the additional weight of two sets of cat paws; one perched on his butt, the other flopping over his neck and Ethan’s hand.  He wiggled slightly, hoping to dislodge one or the other but gave up when both began purring.
     Happy family, he admitted, as he dozed off, the slow rise and fall of Ethan’s chest a well-loved lullaby.
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